1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
3 <screensaver name="noseguy" _label="Noseguy">
8 <option id="program" _label="Get Text from Program"/>
9 <option id="file" _label="Get Text from File" arg-set="-mode file"/>
10 <option id="string" _label="Use Text Below" arg-set="-mode string"/>
13 <file id="program" _label="Text Program" arg="-program %"/>
14 <file id="file" _label="Text File" arg="-filename %"/>
15 <string id="string" _label="Text" arg="-text %"/>
17 <!-- #### -font [-*-new century schoolbook-*-r-*-*-*-180-*-*-*-*-*-*] -->
18 <!-- #### -text-foreground [?] -->
19 <!-- #### -text-background [?] -->
22 A little man with a big nose wanders around your screen saying things.
23 The things which he says are the output of a program or the contents
24 of a file or URL, as configured on the "Advanced" tab of the main
25 Screensaver Preferences window. By Dan Heller and Jamie Zawinski.