This directory contains the macOS-specific code for building a Cocoa version of xscreensaver without using X11. ############################################################################ # # To set up your macOS and iOS development environment: # ############################################################################ Installation: - Install the latest Xcode from the App Store. Note: it is mind-bogglingly gigantic. - Install ImageMagick ("convert"). Either MacPorts or Homebrew are good choices for installing open source software on macOS. Make sure everything works: - Open "xscreensaver.xcodeproj" in Xcode. - Select "All Savers" on the "Scheme" menu in the upper left, to the right of the "Play / Pause" buttons. - ⌘B "Product / Build" - If there is an error about "No signing certificate" or "No account for team", this is because the project is configured to do code signing with my account instead of yours. - Select the "Signing & Capabilities" tab. - Replace the existing "Team ID" with your own. - Set "Signing Certificate" to "Apple Development" for Debug and Release. - Change "Bundle Identifier" from "org.jwz" to "org.YOURNAME". - If you get errors about curl being unable to download thumbnail images, you need to add to "Full Disk Access" in System Settings. - There might be a build error related to Sonar and ICMP. Click on the red error icon to see the error message and follow the instructions there to fix it. To build and test a macOS saver: - Select the saver you want on the "Scheme" menu in the upper left, to the right of the "Play / Pause" buttons. - Select "My Mac" from the "platform" menu to the right of that. - Press "Play". This will run the "SaverTester" app under the debugger. SaverTester is a testing framework that will load and run your selected ".saver" bundle in the same manner that "System Preferences" and "ScreenSaverEngine" would have. - To get the system's screen saver to use your debug builds, you can do something like this: ln -s ~/xscreensaver/OSX/build/Debug/*.saver ~/Library/Screen\ Savers/ To build and test an iOS saver: - Select "XScreenSaver-iOS" on the "Scheme" menu. - On the platform menu, select one of the iOS simulators. Press "Play". They take a while to start up the first time. - To install and test it on a physical iOS device, you will need to first pay Apple an additional $100 per year for an iOS developer account. There's no way to install iOS code onto a device that you already own without doing this, because Apple are evil. - If you have already installed the App Store version of XScreenSaver on your physical iOS device, you may need to delete it before you can install your own debug build. Building for older operating systems: Basically, you can't. For example, to produce code that is compatible with macOS 10.6, you would need to build using Xcode 5.0.2 or earlier. But you can't even *run* older versions of Xcode on newer versions of macOS. Apple's longstanding corporate policy of planned obsolescence means that they make it as difficult as possible for you to support anything that's more than two years old on desktop, or six months on mobile. ############################################################################ # # To add a new screen saver to the Xcode project: # ############################################################################ It is a ridiculously long list of steps! This list is here mostly for my benefit. I tried to automate some of this with Applescript but that appears to be impossible. 1: Duplicate a target (Dangerball for GL, or Attraction for X11). 2: Rename it, and drag it to the right spot in the list. 3: Delete the "DangerBall copy-Info.plist" file that got created. 4: Delete the dangerball.c and dangerball.xml files from Build Phases. 5: Delete the "DangerBall copy-Info.plist" from Build Settings. 6: Manage Schemes, rename "DangerBall Copy". 7: Move to the right place in the list. 8. Scheme / Profile / Info: Executable: Scheme / Run / Info: Executable: 9: Scheme / Run / Arguments: set SELECTED_SAVER environment variable. 10: File / Add Files / the new .c and .xml. Add To Targets: the new target, and "XScreenSaver-iOS" and "-tvOS". 11: Re-order the two files in the file list on the left. 12: The files might not have moved. This means Xcode is gonna crash soon. It will repair itself after. 13: In target "All Savers (OpenGL)" add the new target as Build Phases / Target Dependency. 14: In target "XScreenSaver-iOS", reorder new files in Build Phases / "Copy" and "Compile", since they showed up in a random place. 15: In target "XScreenSaver-iOS", add "-DUSE_GL" to the new file's options. 16: Put a 720p screen shot in ~/www/xscreensaver/screenshots/ 17: ln -s ../../src/xscreensaver/OSX/build/Debug/NEW.saver \ ~/Library/Screen\ Savers/ 18: git add xscreensaver.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/*.xcscheme 19: Create a man page from the XML with, and update 20: Upload a YouTube video: -record-animation 3600 -geom 1920x1080+128+64 ./ NAME