+++ /dev/null
-/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 2006 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
- * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
- * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this
- * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
- * implied warranty.
- */
-#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
-#import <ScreenSaver/ScreenSaver.h>
-@interface AppController : NSObject
- ScreenSaverView *saverView0;
- ScreenSaverView *saverView1;
+++ /dev/null
-/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 2006 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
- * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
- * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this
- * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
- * implied warranty.
- */
-/* This is just a test harness, really -- it makes a window with an
- XScreenSaverGLView in it and a Preferences button, because I don't want
- to have to debug these programs by installing them as screen savers
- first!
- */
-#import "AppController.h"
-#import "XScreenSaverGLView.h"
-@implementation AppController
-- (ScreenSaverView *) makeSaverView
- const char *var = "SCREENSAVER_MODULE";
- const char *s = getenv (var);
- if (!s || !*s) {
- NSAssert1 (0, @"set $%s to the name of the module to run", var);
- exit(1);
- }
- NSString *module = [NSString stringWithCString:s
- encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
- NSString *dir = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath]
- stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];
- NSString *name = [module stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"saver"];
- NSString *path = [dir stringByAppendingPathComponent:name];
- NSBundle *bundleToLoad = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:path];
- Class new_class = [bundleToLoad principalClass];
- NSAssert1 (new_class, @"unable to load \"%@\"", path);
- NSRect rect;
- rect.origin.x = rect.origin.y = 0;
- rect.size.width = 320;
- rect.size.height = 240;
- id instance = [[new_class alloc] initWithFrame:rect isPreview:YES];
- NSAssert1 (instance, @"unable to instantiate %@", new_class);
- return (ScreenSaverView *) instance;
-- (void) openPreferences: (int) which
- ScreenSaverView *sv = (which ? saverView1 : saverView0);
- NSAssert (sv, @"no saver view");
- NSWindow *prefs = [sv configureSheet];
- [NSApp beginSheet:prefs
- modalForWindow:[sv window]
- modalDelegate:self
- didEndSelector:@selector(preferencesClosed:returnCode:contextInfo:)
- contextInfo:nil];
- int code = [NSApp runModalForWindow:prefs];
- /* Restart the animation if the "OK" button was hit, but not if "Cancel".
- We have to restart *both* animations, because the xlockmore-style
- ones will blow up if one re-inits but the other doesn't.
- */
- if (code != NSCancelButton) {
- if (saverView0) [saverView0 stopAnimation];
- if (saverView1) [saverView1 stopAnimation];
- if (saverView0) [saverView0 startAnimation];
- if (saverView1) [saverView1 startAnimation];
- }
-- (void) openPreferences0: (NSObject *) button
- [self openPreferences:0];
-- (void) openPreferences1: (NSObject *) button
- [self openPreferences:1];
-- (void) preferencesClosed: (NSWindow *) sheet
- returnCode: (int) returnCode
- contextInfo: (void *) contextInfo
- [NSApp stopModalWithCode:returnCode];
-- (void) makeWindow: (ScreenSaverView *)sv which:(int)which
- NSRect rect;
- if (which)
- saverView1 = sv;
- else
- saverView0 = sv;
- // make a "Preferences" button
- //
- rect.origin.x = rect.origin.y = 0;
- rect.size.width = rect.size.height = 10;
- NSButton *pb = [[NSButton alloc] initWithFrame:rect];
- [pb setTitle:@"Preferences"];
- [pb setBezelStyle:NSRoundedBezelStyle];
- [pb sizeToFit];
- rect.origin.x = ([sv frame].size.width -
- [pb frame].size.width) / 2;
- [pb setFrameOrigin:rect.origin];
- // grab the click
- //
- [pb setTarget:self];
- if (which)
- [pb setAction:@selector(openPreferences1:)];
- else
- [pb setAction:@selector(openPreferences0:)];
- // make a box to wrap the saverView
- //
- rect = [sv frame];
- rect.origin.x = 0;
- rect.origin.y = [pb frame].origin.y + [pb frame].size.height;
- NSBox *gbox = [[NSBox alloc] initWithFrame:rect];
- rect.size.width = rect.size.height = 10;
- [gbox setContentViewMargins:rect.size];
- [gbox setTitlePosition:NSNoTitle];
- [gbox addSubview:sv];
- [gbox sizeToFit];
- // make a box to wrap the other two boxes
- //
- rect.origin.x = rect.origin.y = 0;
- rect.size.width = [gbox frame].size.width;
- rect.size.height = [gbox frame].size.height + [gbox frame].origin.y;
- NSBox *pbox = [[NSBox alloc] initWithFrame:rect];
- [pbox setTitlePosition:NSNoTitle];
- [pbox setBorderType:NSNoBorder];
- [pbox addSubview:gbox];
- [pbox addSubview:pb];
- [pbox sizeToFit];
- // and make a window to hold that.
- //
- NSScreen *screen = [NSScreen mainScreen];
- rect = [pbox frame];
- rect.origin.x = ([screen frame].size.width - rect.size.width) / 2;
- rect.origin.y = ([screen frame].size.height - rect.size.height) / 2;
- rect.origin.x += rect.size.width * (which ? 0.55 : -0.55);
- NSWindow *window = [[NSWindow alloc]
- initWithContentRect:rect
- styleMask:(NSTitledWindowMask |
- NSClosableWindowMask |
- NSMiniaturizableWindowMask |
- NSResizableWindowMask)
- backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered
- defer:YES
- screen:screen];
- [window setTitle:@"XScreenSaver"];
- [window setMinSize:[window frameRectForContentRect:rect].size];
- [[window contentView] addSubview:pbox];
- [sv setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable|NSViewHeightSizable];
- [pb setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMinXMargin|NSViewMaxXMargin];
- [gbox setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable|NSViewHeightSizable];
- [pbox setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable|NSViewHeightSizable];
- [window setFrameAutosaveName:(which
- ? @"SaverDebugWindow1"
- : @"SaverDebugWindow0")];
- [window setFrameUsingName:[window frameAutosaveName]];
- [window makeKeyAndOrderFront:window];
- [sv startAnimation];
-- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching: (NSNotification *) n
- [self makeWindow:[self makeSaverView] which:0];
- [self makeWindow:[self makeSaverView] which:1];
-/* When the window closes, exit (even if prefs still open.)
-- (BOOL) applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed: (NSApplication *) n
- return YES;
+++ /dev/null
- IBClasses = (
- {CLASS = AppController; LANGUAGE = ObjC; SUPERCLASS = NSObject; },
- {CLASS = FirstResponder; LANGUAGE = ObjC; SUPERCLASS = NSObject; },
- {CLASS = InvertedSlider; LANGUAGE = ObjC; SUPERCLASS = NSSlider; },
- {CLASS = PrefsReader; LANGUAGE = ObjC; SUPERCLASS = NSObject; }
- );
- IBVersion = 1;
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>IBDocumentLocation</key>
- <string>135 107 356 240 0 0 1680 1028 </string>
- <key>IBEditorPositions</key>
- <dict>
- <key>29</key>
- <string>132 353 321 44 0 0 1680 1028 </string>
- </dict>
- <key>IBFramework Version</key>
- <string>443.0</string>
- <key>IBOpenObjects</key>
- <array>
- <integer>29</integer>
- </array>
- <key>IBSystem Version</key>
- <string>8G32</string>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
+<plist version="1.0">
+ <key>IBClasses</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>CLASS</key>
+ <string>SaverTester</string>
+ <key>LANGUAGE</key>
+ <string>ObjC</string>
+ <key>SUPERCLASS</key>
+ <string>NSObject</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>CLASS</key>
+ <string>FirstResponder</string>
+ <key>LANGUAGE</key>
+ <string>ObjC</string>
+ <key>SUPERCLASS</key>
+ <string>NSObject</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>IBVersion</key>
+ <string>1</string>
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
+<plist version="1.0">
+ <key>IBFramework Version</key>
+ <string>670</string>
+ <key>IBLastKnownRelativeProjectPath</key>
+ <string>../../xscreensaver.xcodeproj</string>
+ <key>IBOldestOS</key>
+ <integer>5</integer>
+ <key>IBOpenObjects</key>
+ <array>
+ <integer>29</integer>
+ </array>
+ <key>IBSystem Version</key>
+ <string>9E17</string>
+ <key>targetFramework</key>
+ <string>IBCocoaFramework</string>
-/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 2006 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
!strcmp(name, "font") ||
!strcmp(name, "labelFont") || // grabclient.c
!strcmp(name, "titleFont") ||
+ !strcmp(name, "fpsFont") || // fps.c
+ !strcmp(name, "foreground") || // fps.c
!strcmp(name, "background")
NSLog(@"warning: no preference \"%s\" [string]", name);
return NULL;
-#if 0
- if (! [o isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
- NSAssert2(0, @"%s = \"%@\" but should have been an NSString", name, o);
- abort();
- }
if (! [o isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
NSLog(@"asked for %s as a string, but it is a %@", name, [o class]);
o = [(NSNumber *) o stringValue];
NSString *os = (NSString *) o;
- const char *result = [os cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
- return strdup (result);
+ char *result = strdup ([os cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);
+ // Kludge: if the string is surrounded with single-quotes, remove them.
+ // This happens when the .xml file says things like arg="-foo 'bar baz'"
+ if (result[0] == '\'' && result[strlen(result)-1] == '\'') {
+ result[strlen(result)-1] = 0;
+ strcpy (result, result+1);
+ }
+ return result;
!strcmp(name, "mono") ||
!strcmp(name, "count") ||
!strcmp(name, "ncolors") ||
+ !strcmp(name, "doFPS") || // fps.c
!strcmp(name, "eraseSeconds") // erase.c
NSLog(@"warning: no preference \"%s\" [float]", name);
- (int) getIntegerResource: (const char *) name
- return (int) [self getFloatResource:name];
+ // Sliders might store float values for integral resources; round them.
+ float v = [self getFloatResource:name];
+ int i = (int) (v + (v < 0 ? -0.5 : 0.5)); // ignore sign or -1 rounds to 0
+ // if (i != v) NSLog(@"%s: rounded %.3f to %d", name, v, i);
+ return i;
--- /dev/null
+/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
+ * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
+ * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+ * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this
+ * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
+ * implied warranty.
+ */
+#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
+#import <ScreenSaver/ScreenSaver.h>
+@interface SaverTester : NSObject
+ NSArray *saverNames;
+ NSArray *windows;
--- /dev/null
+/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
+ * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
+ * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+ * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this
+ * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
+ * implied warranty.
+ */
+/* This is just a test harness, really -- it makes a window with an
+ XScreenSaverGLView in it and a Preferences button, because I don't want
+ to have to debug these programs by installing them as screen savers
+ first!
+ */
+#import "SaverTester.h"
+#import "XScreenSaverGLView.h"
+@implementation SaverTester
+- (ScreenSaverView *) makeSaverView: (NSString *) module
+ NSString *dir = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath]
+ stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];
+ NSString *name = [module stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"saver"];
+ NSString *path = [dir stringByAppendingPathComponent:name];
+ NSBundle *bundleToLoad = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:path];
+ Class new_class = [bundleToLoad principalClass];
+ NSAssert1 (new_class, @"unable to load \"%@\"", path);
+ NSRect rect;
+ rect.origin.x = rect.origin.y = 0;
+ rect.size.width = 320;
+ rect.size.height = 240;
+ id instance = [[new_class alloc] initWithFrame:rect isPreview:YES];
+ NSAssert1 (instance, @"unable to instantiate %@", new_class);
+ return (ScreenSaverView *) instance;
+static ScreenSaverView *
+find_saverView_child (NSView *v)
+ NSArray *kids = [v subviews];
+ int nkids = [kids count];
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < nkids; i++) {
+ NSObject *kid = [kids objectAtIndex:i];
+ if ([kid isKindOfClass:[ScreenSaverView class]]) {
+ return (ScreenSaverView *) kid;
+ } else {
+ ScreenSaverView *sv = find_saverView_child ((NSView *) kid);
+ if (sv) return sv;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static ScreenSaverView *
+find_saverView (NSView *v)
+ while (1) {
+ NSView *p = [v superview];
+ if (p) v = p;
+ else break;
+ }
+ return find_saverView_child (v);
+- (void) openPreferences: (NSObject *) button
+ ScreenSaverView *sv = find_saverView ((NSView *) button);
+ NSAssert (sv, @"no saver view");
+ NSWindow *prefs = [sv configureSheet];
+ [NSApp beginSheet:prefs
+ modalForWindow:[sv window]
+ modalDelegate:self
+ didEndSelector:@selector(preferencesClosed:returnCode:contextInfo:)
+ contextInfo:nil];
+ int code = [NSApp runModalForWindow:prefs];
+ /* Restart the animation if the "OK" button was hit, but not if "Cancel".
+ We have to restart *both* animations, because the xlockmore-style
+ ones will blow up if one re-inits but the other doesn't.
+ */
+ if (code != NSCancelButton) {
+ [sv stopAnimation];
+ [sv startAnimation];
+ }
+- (void) preferencesClosed: (NSWindow *) sheet
+ returnCode: (int) returnCode
+ contextInfo: (void *) contextInfo
+ [NSApp stopModalWithCode:returnCode];
+- (void)selectedSaverDidChange:(NSDictionary *)change
+ NSUserDefaults *prefs = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
+ NSString *module = [prefs stringForKey:@"selectedSaverName"];
+ int i;
+ if (! module) return;
+ for (i = 0; i < [windows count]; i++) {
+ NSView *cv = [[windows objectAtIndex:i] contentView];
+ ScreenSaverView *old_view = find_saverView (cv);
+ NSView *sup = [old_view superview];
+ [old_view stopAnimation];
+ [old_view removeFromSuperview];
+ ScreenSaverView *new_view = [self makeSaverView:module];
+ [new_view setFrame: [old_view frame]];
+ [sup addSubview: new_view];
+ [new_view setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable|NSViewHeightSizable];
+ [new_view startAnimation];
+ }
+ NSUserDefaultsController *ctl =
+ [NSUserDefaultsController sharedUserDefaultsController];
+ [ctl save:self];
+- (NSArray *) listSaverBundleNames
+ NSString *dir = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath]
+ stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];
+ NSString *longest = 0;
+ NSArray *matches = 0;
+ NSArray *exts = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"saver", nil];
+ unsigned int n = [dir completePathIntoString: &longest
+ caseSensitive: NO
+ matchesIntoArray: &matches
+ filterTypes: exts];
+ if (n <= 0) {
+ NSLog (@"no .saver bundles found in \"%@/\"!", dir);
+ exit (1);
+ }
+ int i;
+ NSMutableArray *result = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: n+1];
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ [result addObject: [[[matches objectAtIndex: i] lastPathComponent]
+ stringByDeletingPathExtension]];
+ return result;
+- (NSPopUpButton *) makeMenu
+ NSRect rect;
+ rect.origin.x = rect.origin.y = 0;
+ rect.size.width = 10;
+ rect.size.height = 10;
+ NSPopUpButton *popup = [[NSPopUpButton alloc] initWithFrame:rect
+ pullsDown:NO];
+ int i;
+ float max_width = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < [saverNames count]; i++) {
+ NSString *name = [saverNames objectAtIndex:i];
+ [popup addItemWithTitle:name];
+ [[popup itemWithTitle:name] setRepresentedObject:name];
+ [popup sizeToFit];
+ NSRect r = [popup frame];
+ if (r.size.width > max_width) max_width = r.size.width;
+ }
+ // Bind the menu to preferences, and trigger a callback when an item
+ // is selected.
+ //
+ NSString *key = @"values.selectedSaverName";
+ NSUserDefaultsController *prefs =
+ [NSUserDefaultsController sharedUserDefaultsController];
+ [prefs addObserver:self
+ forKeyPath:key
+ options:nil
+ context:@selector(selectedSaverDidChange:)];
+ [popup bind:@"selectedObject"
+ toObject:prefs
+ withKeyPath:key
+ options:nil];
+ [prefs setAppliesImmediately:YES];
+ NSRect r = [popup frame];
+ r.size.width = max_width;
+ [popup setFrame:r];
+ return popup;
+/* This is called when the "selectedSaverName" pref changes, e.g.,
+ when a menu selection is made.
+ */
+- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath
+ ofObject:(id)object
+ change:(NSDictionary *)change
+ context:(void *)context
+ SEL dispatchSelector = (SEL)context;
+ if (dispatchSelector != NULL) {
+ [self performSelector:dispatchSelector withObject:change];
+ } else {
+ [super observeValueForKeyPath:keyPath
+ ofObject:object
+ change:change
+ context:context];
+ }
+- (NSWindow *) makeWindow
+ NSRect rect;
+ static int count = 0;
+ // make a "Preferences" button
+ //
+ rect.origin.x = rect.origin.y = 0;
+ rect.size.width = rect.size.height = 10;
+ NSButton *pb = [[NSButton alloc] initWithFrame:rect];
+ [pb setTitle:@"Preferences"];
+ [pb setBezelStyle:NSRoundedBezelStyle];
+ [pb sizeToFit];
+ NSRect sv_rect = rect;
+ sv_rect.size.width = 320;
+ sv_rect.size.height = 240;
+ ScreenSaverView *sv = [[ScreenSaverView alloc] // dummy placeholder
+ initWithFrame:sv_rect
+ isPreview:YES];
+ rect.origin.x = ([sv frame].size.width -
+ [pb frame].size.width) / 2;
+ [pb setFrameOrigin:rect.origin];
+ // grab the click
+ //
+ [pb setTarget:self];
+ [pb setAction:@selector(openPreferences:)];
+ // Make a saver selection menu
+ //
+ NSPopUpButton *menu = [self makeMenu];
+ rect.origin.x = 2;
+ rect.origin.y = 2;
+ [menu setFrameOrigin:rect.origin];
+ // make a box to wrap the saverView
+ //
+ rect = [sv frame];
+ rect.origin.x = 0;
+ rect.origin.y = [pb frame].origin.y + [pb frame].size.height;
+ NSBox *gbox = [[NSBox alloc] initWithFrame:rect];
+ rect.size.width = rect.size.height = 10;
+ [gbox setContentViewMargins:rect.size];
+ [gbox setTitlePosition:NSNoTitle];
+ [gbox addSubview:sv];
+ [gbox sizeToFit];
+ // make a box to wrap the other two boxes
+ //
+ rect.origin.x = rect.origin.y = 0;
+ rect.size.width = [gbox frame].size.width;
+ rect.size.height = [gbox frame].size.height + [gbox frame].origin.y;
+ NSBox *pbox = [[NSBox alloc] initWithFrame:rect];
+ [pbox setTitlePosition:NSNoTitle];
+ [pbox setBorderType:NSNoBorder];
+ [pbox addSubview:gbox];
+ [pbox addSubview:menu];
+ [pbox addSubview:pb];
+ [pbox sizeToFit];
+ // and make a window to hold that.
+ //
+ NSScreen *screen = [NSScreen mainScreen];
+ rect = [pbox frame];
+ rect.origin.x = ([screen frame].size.width - rect.size.width) / 2;
+ rect.origin.y = ([screen frame].size.height - rect.size.height) / 2;
+ rect.origin.x += rect.size.width * (count ? 0.55 : -0.55);
+ NSWindow *window = [[NSWindow alloc]
+ initWithContentRect:rect
+ styleMask:(NSTitledWindowMask |
+ NSClosableWindowMask |
+ NSMiniaturizableWindowMask |
+ NSResizableWindowMask)
+ backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered
+ defer:YES
+ screen:screen];
+ [window setTitle:@"XScreenSaver"];
+ [window setMinSize:[window frameRectForContentRect:rect].size];
+ [[window contentView] addSubview:pbox];
+ [sv setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable|NSViewHeightSizable];
+ [pb setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMinXMargin|NSViewMaxXMargin];
+ [menu setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMinXMargin|NSViewMaxXMargin];
+ [gbox setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable|NSViewHeightSizable];
+ [pbox setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable|NSViewHeightSizable];
+ char buf[100];
+ sprintf (buf, "SaverDebugWindow%d", count);
+ [window setFrameAutosaveName:
+ [NSString stringWithCString:buf encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
+ [window setFrameUsingName:[window frameAutosaveName]];
+ [window makeKeyAndOrderFront:window];
+ [sv startAnimation]; // this is the dummy saver
+ count++;
+ return window;
+- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching: (NSNotification *) notif
+ saverNames = [[self listSaverBundleNames] retain];
+ int i, n = 2;
+ NSMutableArray *w = [[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: n+1] retain];
+ windows = w;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ [w addObject: [self makeWindow]];
+ [self selectedSaverDidChange:nil];
+/* When the window closes, exit (even if prefs still open.)
+- (BOOL) applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed: (NSApplication *) n
+ return YES;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
+<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
+ <key>CFBundleIconFile</key>
+ <string>XScreenSaver</string>
- <string>5.06</string>
+ <string>5.07</string>
- <string>5.06</string>
+ <string>5.07</string>
- <string>MainMenu</string>
+ <string>SaverTester</string>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
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- <string>5.06</string>
+ <string>5.07</string>
- <string>5.06</string>
+ <string>5.07</string>
- <string>MainMenu</string>
+ <string>SaverTester</string>
-/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 2006 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
+ // If either the min or max field contains a decimal point, then this
+ // option may have a floating point value; otherwise, it is constrained
+ // to be an integer.
+ //
+ NSCharacterSet *dot =
+ [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"."];
+ BOOL float_p = ([low rangeOfCharacterFromSet:dot].location != NSNotFound ||
+ [high rangeOfCharacterFromSet:dot].location != NSNotFound);
if ([type isEqualToString:@"slider"]) {
NSRect rect;
rect.origin.x = rect.origin.y = 0;
rect.size.width = 150;
- rect.size.height = 20;
+ rect.size.height = 23; // apparent min height for slider with ticks...
NSSlider *slider;
if (cvt)
slider = [[InvertedSlider alloc] initWithFrame:rect];
[slider setMaxValue:[high doubleValue]];
[slider setMinValue:[low doubleValue]];
+ int range = [slider maxValue] - [slider minValue] + 1;
+ int range2 = range;
+ int max_ticks = 21;
+ while (range2 > max_ticks)
+ range2 /= 10;
+ // If we have elided ticks, leave it at the max number of ticks.
+ if (range != range2 && range2 < max_ticks)
+ range2 = max_ticks;
+ // If it's a float, always display the max number of ticks.
+ if (float_p && range2 < max_ticks)
+ range2 = max_ticks;
+ [slider setNumberOfTickMarks:range2];
+ [slider setAllowsTickMarkValuesOnly:
+ (range == range2 && // we are showing the actual number of ticks
+ !float_p)]; // and we want integer results
+ // #### Note: when the slider's range is large enough that we aren't
+ // showing all possible ticks, the slider's value is not constrained
+ // to be an integer, even though it should be...
+ // Maybe we need to use a value converter or something?
if (label) {
NSTextField *lab = make_label (label);
place_child (parent, lab, NO);
[step sizeToFit];
place_child (parent, step, YES);
rect = [step frame];
- rect.size.height = [txt frame].size.height;
rect.origin.x -= COLUMN_SPACING; // this one goes close
+ rect.origin.y += ([txt frame].size.height - rect.size.height) / 2;
[step setFrame:rect];
[step setMinValue:[low doubleValue]];
[step setIncrement:1.0];
+ NSNumberFormatter *fmt = [[[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init] autorelease];
+ [fmt setFormatterBehavior:NSNumberFormatterBehavior10_4];
+ [fmt setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle];
+ [fmt setMinimum:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:[low doubleValue]]];
+ [fmt setMaximum:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:[high doubleValue]]];
+ [fmt setMinimumFractionDigits: (float_p ? 1 : 0)];
+ [fmt setMaximumFractionDigits: (float_p ? 2 : 0)];
+ [fmt setGeneratesDecimalNumbers:float_p];
+ [[txt cell] setFormatter:fmt];
bind_switch_to_preferences (prefs, step, arg, opts);
bind_switch_to_preferences (prefs, txt, arg, opts);
+static char *
+anchorize (const char *url)
+ const char *wiki = "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/";
+ if (!strncmp (wiki, url, strlen(wiki))) {
+ char *anchor = (char *) malloc (strlen(url) * 3 + 10);
+ strcpy (anchor, "Wikipedia: \"");
+ const char *in = url + strlen(wiki);
+ char *out = anchor + strlen(anchor);
+ while (*in) {
+ if (*in == '_') {
+ *out++ = ' ';
+ } else if (*in == '#') {
+ *out++ = ':';
+ *out++ = ' ';
+ } else if (*in == '%') {
+ char hex[3];
+ hex[0] = in[1];
+ hex[1] = in[2];
+ hex[2] = 0;
+ int n = 0;
+ sscanf (hex, "%x", &n);
+ *out++ = (char) n;
+ in += 2;
+ } else {
+ *out++ = *in;
+ }
+ in++;
+ }
+ *out++ = '"';
+ *out = 0;
+ return anchor;
+ } else {
+ return strdup (url);
+ }
/* Converts any http: URLs in the given text field to clickable links.
static void
NSString *nsurl = [text substringWithRange:r2];
const char *url = [nsurl UTF8String];
- // Construct the RTF corresponding to <A HREF="url">url</A>
+ // If this is a Wikipedia URL, make the linked text be prettier.
+ //
+ char *anchor = anchorize(url);
+ // Construct the RTF corresponding to <A HREF="url">anchor</A>
const char *fmt = "{\\field{\\*\\fldinst{HYPERLINK \"%s\"}}%s}";
- char *rtf = malloc (strlen (fmt) + (strlen (url) * 2) + 10);
- sprintf (rtf, fmt, url, url);
+ char *rtf = malloc (strlen (fmt) + strlen(url) + strlen(anchor) + 10);
+ sprintf (rtf, fmt, url, anchor);
+ free (anchor);
NSData *rtfdata = [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:rtf length:strlen(rtf)];
// Insert the RTF into the NSText.
[nstext replaceCharactersInRange:r2 withRTF:rtfdata];
+ int L2 = [text length]; // might have changed
+ start.location -= (L - L2);
+ L = L2;
Display Text:
- (x) Computer Name and Time
+ (x) Computer name and time
( ) Text [__________________________]
( ) Text file [_________________] [Choose]
( ) URL [__________________________]
[matrix setAllowsEmptySelection:NO];
NSArrayController *cnames = [[NSArrayController alloc] initWithContent:nil];
- [cnames addObject:@"Computer Name and Time"];
+ [cnames addObject:@"Computer name and time"];
[cnames addObject:@"Text"];
[cnames addObject:@"File"];
[cnames addObject:@"URL"];
NSView *parent, NSXMLNode *node)
- [x] Grab Desktop Images
- [ ] Choose Random Image:
+ [x] Grab desktop images
+ [ ] Choose random image:
[__________________________] [Choose]
- <boolean id="grabDesktopImages" _label="Grab Desktop Images"
+ <boolean id="grabDesktopImages" _label="Grab desktop images"
- <boolean id="chooseRandomImages" _label="Grab Desktop Images"
+ <boolean id="chooseRandomImages" _label="Grab desktop images"
<file id="imageDirectory" _label="" arg-set="-image-directory %"/>
[node2 setAttributesAsDictionary:
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
@"grabDesktopImages", @"id",
- @"Grab Desktop Images", @"_label",
+ @"Grab desktop images", @"_label",
@"-no-grab-desktop", @"arg-unset",
make_checkbox (prefs, opts, parent, node2);
[node2 setAttributesAsDictionary:
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
@"chooseRandomImages", @"id",
- @"Choose Random Images", @"_label",
+ @"Choose random images", @"_label",
@"-choose-random-images", @"arg-set",
make_checkbox (prefs, opts, parent, node2);
[node2 setAttributesAsDictionary:
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
@"imageDirectory", @"id",
- @"Images Directory:", @"_label",
+ @"Images directory:", @"_label",
@"-image-directory %", @"arg",
make_file_selector (prefs, opts, parent, node2, YES, NO);
[pbox setTitlePosition:NSNoTitle];
[pbox setBorderType:NSBezelBorder];
+ // Enforce a max height on the dialog, so that it's obvious to me
+ // (on a big screen) when the dialog will fall off the bottom of
+ // a small screen (e.g., 1024x768 laptop with a huge bottom dock).
NSRect f = [panel frame];
- int screen_height = 800 - 64;
+ int screen_height = (768 // shortest "modern" Mac display
+ - 22 // menu bar
+ - 56 // System Preferences toolbar
+ - 140 // default magnified bottom dock icon
+ );
if (f.size.height > screen_height) {
NSLog(@"%@ height was %.0f; clipping to %d",
[panel class], f.size.height, screen_height);
-/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
-/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 2006 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
Display *xdpy;
Window xwindow;
void *xdata;
+ fps_state *fpst;
- (void) prepareContext;
{ "-choose-random-images", ".chooseRandomImages",XrmoptionNoArg, "True" },
{ "-no-choose-random-images",".chooseRandomImages",XrmoptionNoArg, "False"},
{ "-image-directory", ".imageDirectory", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-fps", ".doFPS", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" },
+ { "-no-fps", ".doFPS", XrmoptionNoArg, "False"},
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
static const char *default_defaults [] = {
+ ".doFPS: False",
".textMode: date",
// ".textLiteral: ",
// ".textFile: ",
[self lockFocus]; // in case something tries to draw from here
[self prepareContext];
+ /* I considered just not even calling the free callback at all...
+ But webcollage-cocoa needs it, to kill the inferior webcollage
+ processes (since the screen saver framework never generates a
+ SIGPIPE for them...) Instead, I turned off the free call in
+ xlockmore.c, which is where all of the bogus calls are anyway.
+ */
xsft->free_cb (xdpy, xwindow, xdata);
[self unlockFocus];
+static void
+screenhack_do_fps (Display *dpy, Window w, fps_state *fpst, void *closure)
+ fps_compute (fpst, 0);
+ fps_draw (fpst);
- (void) animateOneFrame
if (!initted_p) {
(void *(*) (Display *, Window, void *)) xsft->init_cb;
xdata = init_cb (xdpy, xwindow, xsft->setup_arg);
+ if (get_boolean_resource (xdpy, "doFPS", "DoFPS")) {
+ fpst = fps_init (xdpy, xwindow);
+ if (! xsft->fps_cb) xsft->fps_cb = screenhack_do_fps;
+ }
/* I don't understand why we have to do this *every frame*, but we do,
if (![self isPreview])
[NSCursor setHiddenUntilMouseMoves:YES];
+ if (fpst)
+ {
+ /* This is just a guess, but the -fps code wants to know how long
+ we were sleeping between frames.
+ */
+ unsigned long usecs = 1000000 * [self animationTimeInterval];
+ usecs -= 200; // caller apparently sleeps for slightly less sometimes...
+ fps_slept (fpst, usecs);
+ }
/* It turns out that [ScreenSaverView setAnimationTimeInterval] does nothing.
This is bad, because some of the screen hacks want to delay for long
periods (like 5 seconds or a minute!) between frames, and running them
unsigned long delay = xsft->draw_cb (xdpy, xwindow, xdata);
+ if (fpst) xsft->fps_cb (xdpy, xwindow, fpst, xdata);
XSync (xdpy, 0);
case KeyRelease:
NSString *nss = [e characters];
- const char *s = [nss cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
+ const char *s = [nss cStringUsingEncoding:NSISOLatin1StringEncoding];
xe.xkey.keycode = (s && *s ? *s : 0);
xe.xkey.state = state;
\f1\b0 \
by Jamie Zawinski \uc0\u8232 and many others\
-version 5.06 \uc0\u8232 16-Jul-2008\
+version 5.07 \uc0\u8232 10-Aug-2008\
{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/"}}{\fldrslt \cf2 \ul \ulc2 http://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/}}\
\cf0 \
Open the "Screen Savers" folder in your "Library" folder, and drag any unwanted savers into the trash.\
+If you've previously installed screen savers for "all users" instead of "current user", they might be in "/Library/Screen Savers/" or "/System/Library/Screen Savers/" instead.\
\f0\b \cf0 For More Information:\
CGRect wr = d->frame;
+ Assert ((w < 65535), "improbably large width");
+ Assert ((h < 65535), "improbably large height");
+ Assert ((src_x < 65535 && src_x > -65535), "improbably large src_x");
+ Assert ((src_y < 65535 && src_y > -65535), "improbably large src_y");
+ Assert ((dest_x < 65535 && dest_x > -65535), "improbably large dest_x");
+ Assert ((dest_y < 65535 && dest_y > -65535), "improbably large dest_y");
// Clip width and height to the bounds of the Drawable
if (dest_x + w > wr.size.width) {
int depth, ibpp, ibpl;
NSBitmapImageRep *bm = 0;
+ Assert ((width < 65535), "improbably large width");
+ Assert ((height < 65535), "improbably large height");
+ Assert ((x < 65535 && x > -65535), "improbably large x");
+ Assert ((y < 65535 && y > -65535), "improbably large y");
if (d->type == PIXMAP) {
depth = d->pixmap.depth;
ibpp = CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerPixel (d->cgc);
ibpl = [bm bytesPerRow];
data = [bm bitmapData];
Assert (data, "NSBitmapImageRep initWithFocusedViewRect failed");
- data += (y * ibpl) + (x * (ibpp/8));
+ // data points at (x,y) with ibpl rowstride. ignore x,y from now on.
+ data += (y * ibpl) + (x * (ibpp/8));
format = (depth == 1 ? XYPixmap : ZPixmap);
XImage *image = XCreateImage (dpy, 0, depth, format, 0, 0, width, height,
0, 0);
int xx, yy;
if (depth == 1) {
const unsigned char *iline = data;
- for (yy = y; yy < y+height; yy++) {
+ for (yy = 0; yy < height; yy++) {
const unsigned char *iline2 = iline;
- for (xx = x; xx < x+width; xx++) {
+ for (xx = 0; xx < width; xx++) {
iline2++; // ignore b or a
iline2++; // ignore g or r
Assert (ibpp == 24 || ibpp == 32, "weird obpp");
const unsigned char *iline = data;
unsigned char *oline = (unsigned char *) image->data;
- oline += (y * obpl);
- for (yy = y; yy < y+height; yy++) {
+ for (yy = 0; yy < height; yy++) {
const unsigned char *iline2 = iline;
unsigned char *oline2 = oline;
- for (xx = x; xx < x+width; xx++) {
+ for (xx = 0; xx < width; xx++) {
unsigned char a = (ibpp == 32 ? (*iline2++) : 0xFF);
unsigned char r = *iline2++;
(b << 0));
*((unsigned int *) oline2) = pixel;
oline2 += 4;
- }
+ }
oline += obpl;
iline += ibpl;
char **name_ret)
Assert (size > 0, "zero font size");
- const char *prefix = (fixed ? "Monaco" : (serif ? "Times" : "Helvetica"));
- const char *suffix = (bold && ital
- ? (serif ? "-BoldItalic" : "-BoldOblique")
- : (bold ? "-Bold" :
- ital ? (serif ? "-Italic" : "-Oblique") : ""));
- char *name = (char *) malloc (strlen(prefix) + strlen(suffix) + 1);
- strcpy (name, prefix);
- strcat (name, suffix);
+ const char *name;
+ if (fixed) {
+ //
+ // "Monaco" only exists in plain.
+ // "LucidaSansTypewriterStd" gets an AGL bad value error.
+ //
+ if (bold && ital) name = "Courier-BoldOblique";
+ else if (bold) name = "Courier-Bold";
+ else if (ital) name = "Courier-Oblique";
+ else name = "Courier";
+ } else if (serif) {
+ //
+ // "Georgia" looks better than "Times".
+ //
+ if (bold && ital) name = "Georgia-BoldItalic";
+ else if (bold) name = "Georgia-Bold";
+ else if (ital) name = "Georgia-Italic";
+ else name = "Georgia";
+ } else {
+ //
+ // "Geneva" only exists in plain.
+ // "LucidaSansStd-BoldItalic" gets an AGL bad value error.
+ // "Verdana" renders smoother than "Helvetica" for some reason.
+ //
+ if (bold && ital) name = "Verdana-BoldItalic";
+ else if (bold) name = "Verdana-Bold";
+ else if (ital) name = "Verdana-Italic";
+ else name = "Verdana";
+ }
NSString *nsname = [NSString stringWithCString:name
NSFont *f = [NSFont fontWithName:nsname size:size];
- if (f) {
- *name_ret = name;
- } else {
- free (name);
- }
+ if (f)
+ *name_ret = strdup(name);
return f;
static NSFont *
random_font (BOOL bold, BOOL ital, float size, char **name_ret)
- NSFontTraitMask mask = ((bold ? NSUnboldFontMask : NSBoldFontMask) |
- (ital ? NSUnitalicFontMask : NSItalicFontMask));
+ NSFontTraitMask mask = ((bold ? NSBoldFontMask : NSUnboldFontMask) |
+ (ital ? NSItalicFontMask : NSUnitalicFontMask));
NSArray *fonts = [[NSFontManager sharedFontManager]
if (!fonts) return 0;
use strict;
my $progname = $0; $progname =~ s@.*/@@g;
-my $version = q{ $Revision: 1.7 $ }; $version =~ s/^[^0-9]+([0-9.]+).*$/$1/;
+my $version = q{ $Revision: 1.9 $ }; $version =~ s/^[^0-9]+([0-9.]+).*$/$1/;
my $verbose = 1;
- my $cc = "\302\251"; # unicode "©"
- my $desc1 = ("$name, version $vers.\n\n" .
+ my $desc1 = ("$name, version $vers.\n\n" . # savername.xml
$desc . "\n" .
"\n" .
- "From the XScreenSaver collection:\n" .
+ "From the XScreenSaver collection: " .
"http://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/\n" .
"Copyright \251 $year by $authors.\n");
- my $desc2 = ("$name $vers,\n" .
- "$cc $year $authors.\n" .
+ my $desc2 = ("$name $vers,\n" . # Info.plist
+ "\302\251 $year $authors.\n" .
"From the XScreenSaver collection:\n" .
"http://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/\n" .
"\n" .
my $copyright = "$1";
$copyright =~ s/\b\d{4}-(\d{4})\b/$1/;
+ # Lose the Wikipedia URLs.
+ $info_str =~ s@http:.*\bwikipedia\b[^\s]+[ \t]*\n?@@gm;
+ $info_str =~ s/(\n\n)\n+/$1/gs;
+ $info_str =~ s/(^\s+|\s+$)//gs;
$plist = set_plist_key ($filename, $plist,
"NSHumanReadableCopyright", $copyright);
$plist = set_plist_key ($filename, $plist,
+Changes since 5.06: * Xinerama/RANDR tweaks for old-style multi-screen.
+ * Fixed the bouncing ball in `stairs'.
+ * `flipflop' can load images onto the tiles.
+ * Improved layout of the preferences dialogs: they
+ should all now be usable even on ridiculously tiny
+ laptop screens.
+ * MacOS preferences text fields now prevent you from
+ entering numbers that are out of range.
+ * Added "Reset to Defaults" button on X11.
+ * Added relevant Wikipedia links to many of the screen
+ saver descriptions.
+ * All hacks support the `-fps' option, not just GL ones.
+ * The `-fps' option now shows CPU load.
+ * Added bumpy skin and cel shading to `skytentacles'.
+ * Added the missing Utah Teapotahedron to `polyhedra'.
+ * `blitspin' works with color images on OSX now.
+ * Added transparency to `stonerview'.
Changes since 5.05: * Xinerama/RANDR fixes: this time for sure. It should
now work to add/remove monitors or resize screens at
any time.
hacks like "Flag". The XLockMore ones are the ones that begin with
"#ifdef STANDALONE" and #include "xlockmore.h".
- All of the OpenGL screen savers follow the XLockMore API.
+ But, all OpenGL screen savers have to follow the XLockMore API.
The XLockMore API is similar to the XScreenSaver API, in that you define
(roughly) the same set of functions, but the naming conventions are
- GL_KLUDGE="${tab} "
- GL_KLUDGE="-${tab} "
if test "$have_gle" = yes; then
- GLE_KLUDGE="${tab} "
- GLE_KLUDGE="-${tab} "
if test "$have_jpeg" = yes -a "$have_gdk_pixbuf" = yes; then
- GL_KLUDGE="${tab} "
- GL_KLUDGE="-${tab} "
if test "$have_gle" = yes; then
- GLE_KLUDGE="${tab} "
- GLE_KLUDGE="-${tab} "
if test "$have_jpeg" = yes -a "$have_gdk_pixbuf" = yes; then
$(INSTALL_DATA) $$src $$dir/$$dest ; \
else \
src="xscreensaver.pam.$$$$" ; \
- echo "grep '^#%\|^auth' $$src2 > $$src" ; \
- grep '^#%\|^auth' $$src2 > $$src ; \
+ echo "grep '^#%\|^auth\|^@include' $$src2 > $$src" ; \
+ grep '^#%\|^auth\|^@include' $$src2 > $$src ; \
echo $(INSTALL_DATA) $$src $$dir/$$dest ; \
$(INSTALL_DATA) $$src $$dir/$$dest ; \
echo rm -f $$src ; \
! a screen saver and locker for the X window system
! by Jamie Zawinski
-! version 5.06
-! 16-Jul-2008
+! version 5.07
+! 10-Aug-2008
! See "man xscreensaver" for more info. The latest version is always
! available at http://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/
! screen savers interactively.
*programs: \
- "Qix (solid)" qix -root -solid -segments 100 \n\
- "Qix (transparent)" qix -root -count 4 -solid -transparent \n\
- "Qix (linear)" qix -root -count 5 -solid -transparent \
- -linear -segments 250 -size 100 \n\
- \
- "Attraction (balls)" attraction -root -mode balls \n\
- "Attraction (lines)" attraction -root -mode lines -points 3 \
- -segments 200 \n\
-- "Attraction (splines)" attraction -root -mode splines -segments \
- 300 \n\
-- "Attraction (orbital)" attraction -root -mode lines -radius 300 \
- -orbit -vmult 0.5 \n\
- \
- pyro -root \n\
- rocks -root \n\
+- sphere -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: superquadrics -root \n\
+- worm -root \n\
+ attraction -root \n\
+ blitspin -root \n\
+ greynetic -root \n\
helix -root \n\
- pedal -root \n\
- rorschach -root \n\
hopalong -root \n\
- greynetic -root \n\
- imsmap -root \n\
- slidescreen -root \n\
- decayscreen -root \n\
- jigsaw -root \n\
- blitspin -root \n\
- slip -root \n\
- distort -root \n\
- spotlight -root \n\
- "Ripples (stir)" ripples -root -oily -light 2 -stir \n\
- "Ripples (desktop)" ripples -root -water -light 6 \n\
hypercube -root \n\
-- hyperball -root \n\
- halo -root \n\
+ imsmap -root \n\
maze -root \n\
noseguy -root \n\
+ pyro -root \n\
+ qix -root \n\
+ rocks -root \n\
+ rorschach -root \n\
+ decayscreen -root \n\
flame -root \n\
+ halo -root \n\
+ slidescreen -root \n\
- lmorph -root \n\
+ pedal -root \n\
+ bubbles -root \n\
+ bouboule -root \n\
+ braid -root \n\
+ coral -root \n\
deco -root \n\
- moire -root \n\
- moire2 -root \n\
- lightning -root \n\
- strange -root \n\
-- spiral -root \n\
- laser -root \n\
- grav -root \n\
drift -root \n\
- ifs -root \n\
- julia -root \n\
- penrose -root \n\
-- sierpinski -root \n\
- braid -root \n\
- galaxy -root \n\
- bouboule -root \n\
- swirl -root \n\
+ fadeplot -root \n\
flag -root \n\
- sphere -root \n\
forest -root \n\
+ galaxy -root \n\
+ goop -root \n\
+ grav -root \n\
+ ifs -root \n\
+ julia -root \n\
+ kaleidescope -root \n\
+- laser -root \n\
+- lightning -root \n\
- lisa -root \n\
- lissie -root \n\
- goop -root \n\
- starfish -root \n\
- munch -root \n\
- mismunch -root \n\
- fadeplot -root \n\
- coral -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: moebius -root \n\
+ moire -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: morph3d -root \n\
mountain -root \n\
- triangle -root \n\
-- worm -root \n\
+ munch -root \n\
+ penrose -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: pipes -root \n\
+ rd-bomb -root \n\
- rotor -root \n\
-- demon -root \n\
-- loop -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: rubik -root \n\
+- sierpinski -root \n\
+ slip -root \n\
+- spiral -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: sproingies -root \n\
+ starfish -root \n\
+ strange -root \n\
+ swirl -root \n\
+ triangle -root \n\
- vines -root \n\
- kaleidescope -root \n\
xjack -root \n\
xlyap -root \n\
- cynosure -root \n\
- flow -root \n\
- epicycle -root \n\
- interference -root \n\
- truchet -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: atlantis -root \n\
bsod -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: bubble3d -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: cage -root \n\
crystal -root \n\
+ cynosure -root \n\
discrete -root \n\
+ distort -root \n\
+ epicycle -root \n\
+ flow -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: glplanet -root \n\
+ interference -root \n\
+ jigsaw -root \n\
kumppa -root \n\
- rd-bomb -root \n\
- "RD-Bomb (mobile)" rd-bomb -root -speed 1 -size 0.1 \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: lament -root \n\
+ moire2 -root \n\
sonar -root \n\
- t3d -root \n\
- penetrate -root \n\
- deluxe -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: stairs -root \n\
+ truchet -root \n\
+- vidwhacker -root \n\
+ blaster -root \n\
+ bumps -root \n\
+ ccurve -root \n\
compass -root \n\
- squiral -root \n\
- xflame -root \n\
- wander -root \n\
- "Wander (spots)" wander -root -advance 0 -size 10 -circles \
- -length 10000 -reset 100000 \n\
- critical -root \n\
- phosphor -root \n\
- xmatrix -root \n\
+ deluxe -root \n\
+- demon -root \n\
+@GLE_KLUDGE@ GL: extrusion -root \n\
+- loop -root \n\
+ penetrate -root \n\
petri -root \n\
- "Petri 2" petri -root -minlifespeed 0.02 \
- -maxlifespeed 0.03 -minlifespan 1 \
- -maxlifespan 1 -instantdeathchan 0 \
- -minorchan 0 -anychan 0.3 \n\
+ phosphor -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: pulsar -root \n\
+ ripples -root \n\
shadebobs -root \n\
- ccurve -root \n\
- blaster -root \n\
- bumps -root \n\
- xanalogtv -root \n\
- xspirograph -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: sierpinski3d -root \n\
+ spotlight -root \n\
+ squiral -root \n\
+ t3d -root \n\
+ wander -root \n\
+- webcollage -root \n\
+ xflame -root \n\
+ xmatrix -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: gflux -root \n\
+- hyperball -root \n\
nerverot -root \n\
xrayswarm -root \n\
-- "Zoom (Fatbits)" zoom -root \n\
- "Zoom (Lenses)" zoom -root -lenses \n\
+ xspirograph -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: circuit -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: dangerball -root \n\
+- GL: dnalogo -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: engine -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: flipscreen3d -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: gltext -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: menger -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: molecule -root \n\
rotzoomer -root \n\
+ speedmine -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: starwars -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: stonerview -root \n\
+ vermiculate -root \n\
whirlwindwarp -root \n\
- whirlygig -root \n\
- speedmine -root \n\
- "SpeedWorm" speedmine -root -worm \n\
- vermiculate -root \n\
- twang -root \n\
- apollonian -root \n\
- euler2d -root \n\
- "Euler2d (dense)" euler2d -root -count 4000 -eulertail 400 \
- -ncolors 230 \n\
-- juggle -root \n\
- polyominoes -root \n\
-- thornbird -root \n\
- fluidballs -root \n\
- anemone -root \n\
- halftone -root \n\
- metaballs -root \n\
- eruption -root \n\
- popsquares -root \n\
- barcode -root \n\
- piecewise -root \n\
- cloudlife -root \n\
- fontglide -root \n\
+ whirlygig -root \n\
+ zoom -root \n\
+ anemone -root \n\
+ apollonian -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: boxed -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: cubenetic -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: endgame -root \n\
+ euler2d -root \n\
+ fluidballs -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: flurry -root \n\
+- GL: glblur -root \n\
+- GL: glforestfire -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: glsnake -root \n\
+ halftone -root \n\
+- juggle -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: lavalite -root \n\
+ polyominoes -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: queens -root \n\
+- GL: sballs -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: spheremonics -root \n\
+- thornbird -root \n\
+ twang -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: antspotlight -root \n\
apple2 -root \n\
- bubbles -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: atunnel -root \n\
+ barcode -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: blinkbox -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: blocktube -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: bouncingcow -root \n\
+ cloudlife -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: cubestorm -root \n\
+ eruption -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: flipflop -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: flyingtoasters -root \n\
+ fontglide -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: gleidescope -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: glknots -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: glmatrix -root \n\
+- GL: glslideshow -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: hypertorus -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: jigglypuff -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: klein -root \n\
+ metaballs -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: mirrorblob -root \n\
+ piecewise -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: polytopes -root \n\
pong -root \n\
- wormhole -root \n\
- pacman -root \n\
- fuzzyflakes -root \n\
+ popsquares -root \n\
+ xanalogtv -root \n\
+- abstractile -root \n\
anemotaxis -root \n\
+- GL: antinspect -root \n\
+ fireworkx -root \n\
+ fuzzyflakes -root \n\
+ interaggregate -root \n\
+ intermomentary -root \n\
memscroller -root \n\
+ mismunch -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: noof -root \n\
+ pacman -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: pinion -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: polyhedra -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: providence -root \n\
substrate -root \n\
- intermomentary -root \n\
- interaggregate -root \n\
- fireworkx -root \n\
- fiberlamp -root \n\
+ wormhole -root \n\
+- GL: antmaze -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: boing -root \n\
boxfit -root \n\
+- GL: carousel -root \n\
celtic -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: crackberg -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: cube21 -root \n\
+ fiberlamp -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: fliptext -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: glhanoi -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: juggler3d -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: tangram -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: timetunnel -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: glschool -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: topblock -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: cubicgrid -root \n\
cwaves -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: gears -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: glcells -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: lockward -root \n\
m6502 -root \n\
- abstractile -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: moebiusgears -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: voronoi -root \n\
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: hypnowheel -root \n\
- lcdscrub -root \n\
-- default-n: webcollage -root \n\
-- default-n: "WebCollage (whacked)" \
- webcollage -root -filter \
- 'vidwhacker -stdin -stdout' \n\
-- default-n: vidwhacker -root \n\
- \
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: gears -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: superquadrics -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: morph3d -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: cage -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: moebius -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: stairs -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: pipes -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: sproingies -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: rubik -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: atlantis -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: lament -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: bubble3d -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: glplanet -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: flurry -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: pulsar -root \n\
-- GL: "Pulsar (textures)" \
- pulsar -root -texture -mipmap \
- -texture_quality -light -fog \n\
-@GLE_KLUDGE@GL: extrusion -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: sierpinski3d -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: menger -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: gflux -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: "GFlux (grab)" gflux -root -mode grab \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: stonerview -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: starwars -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: gltext -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: "GLText (clock)" gltext -text "%A%n%d %b %Y%n%r" -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: molecule -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: dangerball -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: circuit -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: engine -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: flipscreen3d -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: glsnake -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: boxed -root \n\
-- GL: glforestfire -root \n\
-- GL: "GLForestFire (rain)" glforestfire -root -count 0 \n\
-- GL: sballs -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: cubenetic -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: spheremonics -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: lavalite -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: queens -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: endgame -root \n\
-- GL: glblur -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: atunnel -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: flyingtoasters -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: bouncingcow -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: jigglypuff -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: klein -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: hypertorus -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: glmatrix -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: cubestorm -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: glknots -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: blocktube -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: flipflop -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: antspotlight -root \n\
-- GL: glslideshow -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: polytopes -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: gleidescope -root \n\
-- GL: mirrorblob -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: "MirrorBlob (color only)" \
- mirrorblob -root -colour -no-texture \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: blinkbox -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: noof -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: polyhedra -root \n\
-- GL: antinspect -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: providence -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: "Pinion (large gears)" pinion -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: "Pinion (small gears)" pinion -root -size 0.2 -scroll 0.3 \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: boing -root -lighting -smooth \n\
-- GL: carousel -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: fliptext -root \n\
-- GL: antmaze -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: tangram -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: crackberg -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: glhanoi -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: cube21 -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: timetunnel -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: juggler3d -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: topblock -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: glschool -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: glcells -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: voronoi -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: moebiusgears -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: lockward -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: cubicgrid -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: hypnowheel -root \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: "Hypnowheel (dense)" hypnowheel -root -count 3 -layers 50 \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: "Hypnowheel (trifoil)" hypnowheel -root -count 3 -layers 2 -speed 9 -twist 9 -wander \n\
-@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: skytentacles -root \n\
- \
-- xdaliclock -root -font BUILTIN3 \n\
-- xplanet -vroot -wait 1 -timewarp 90000 \
- -label -origin moon \n\
-- xmountains -b -M -Z 0 -r 1 \n\
-- "XMountains (top)" xmountains -b -M -Z 0 -r 1 -m \n\
-- xaos -root -autopilot -nogui -delay 10000 \
- -maxframerate 30 \
- -incoloring -1 -outcoloring -1 \n\
-- xsnow -root \n\
-- goban -root \n\
-- electricsheep \n\
-- cosmos -root \n\
-- GL: sphereEversion --root \n\
-- GL: fireflies -root \n
+@GL_KLUDGE@ GL: skytentacles -root \n
-*hacks.imsmap.name: IMSmap
-*hacks.slidescreen.name: SlideScreen
-*hacks.decayscreen.name: DecayScreen
+*hacks.antinspect.name: AntInspect
+*hacks.antmaze.name: AntMaze
+*hacks.antspotlight.name: AntSpotlight
+*hacks.blinkbox.name: BlinkBox
*hacks.blitspin.name: BlitSpin
-*hacks.lmorph.name: LMorph
-*hacks.ifs.name: IFS
-*hacks.fadeplot.name: FadePlot
+*hacks.blocktube.name: BlockTube
+*hacks.bouncingcow.name: BouncingCow
+*hacks.boxfit.name: BoxFit
*hacks.bsod.name: BSOD
-*hacks.rd-bomb.name: RD-Bomb
-*hacks.t3d.name: T3D
-*hacks.shadebobs.name: ShadeBobs
-*hacks.ccurve.name: C Curve
-*hacks.xanalogtv.name: XAnalogTV
-*hacks.xspirograph.name: XSpiroGraph
-*hacks.nerverot.name: NerveRot
-*hacks.webcollage.name: WebCollage
-*hacks.vidwhacker.name: VidWhacker
-*hacks.morph3d.name: Morph3D
*hacks.bubble3d.name: Bubble3D
-*hacks.sierpinski3d.name: Sierpinski3D
-*hacks.gflux.name: GFlux
-*hacks.xrayswarm.name: XRaySwarm
-*hacks.whirlwindwarp.name: WhirlwindWarp
-*hacks.rotzoomer.name: RotZoomer
-*hacks.stonerview.name: StonerView
-*hacks.starwars.name: StarWars
+*hacks.ccurve.name: CCurve
+*hacks.cloudlife.name: CloudLife
+*hacks.cubestorm.name: CubeStorm
+*hacks.cubicgrid.name: CubicGrid
+*hacks.cwaves.name: CWaves
*hacks.dangerball.name: DangerBall
-*hacks.whirlygig.name: WhirlyGig
-*hacks.speedmine.name: SpeedMine
-*hacks.glforestfire.name: GLForestFire
-*hacks.sballs.name: SBalls
-*hacks.xdaliclock.name: XDaliClock
-*hacks.xplanetbg.name: XPlanet
-*hacks.xplanet.name: XPlanet
-*hacks.xaos.name: XaoS
-*hacks.xfishtank.name: XFishTank
-*hacks.electricsheep.name: ElectricSheep
-*hacks.sphereEversion.name: SphereEversion
+*hacks.decayscreen.name: DecayScreen
+*hacks.dnalogo.name: DNA Logo
+*hacks.euler2d.name: Euler2D
+*hacks.fadeplot.name: FadePlot
+*hacks.flipflop.name: FlipFlop
+*hacks.flipscreen3d.name: FlipScreen3D
+*hacks.fliptext.name: FlipText
*hacks.fluidballs.name: FluidBalls
*hacks.flyingtoasters.name: FlyingToasters
-*hacks.bouncingcow.name: BouncingCow
-*hacks.jigglypuff.name: JigglyPuff
-*hacks.hypertorus.name: HyperTorus
-*hacks.cubestorm.name: CubeStorm
-*hacks.blocktube.name: BlockTube
-*hacks.flipflop.name: FlipFlop
-*hacks.antspotlight.name: AntSpotlight
*hacks.fontglide.name: FontGlide
-*hacks.mirrorblob.name: MirrorBlob
-*hacks.blinkbox.name: BlinkBox
*hacks.fuzzyflakes.name: FuzzyFlakes
+*hacks.gflux.name: GFlux
+*hacks.gleidescope.name: Gleidescope
+*hacks.glforestfire.name: GLForestFire
+*hacks.hyperball.name: HyperBall
+*hacks.hypercube.name: HyperCube
+*hacks.ifs.name: IFS
+*hacks.imsmap.name: IMSMap
+*hacks.jigglypuff.name: JigglyPuff
+*hacks.juggler3d.name: Juggler3D
+*hacks.lcdscrub.name: LCDscrub
+*hacks.lmorph.name: LMorph
+*hacks.m6502.name: m6502
*hacks.memscroller.name: MemScroller
-*hacks.boxfit.name: BoxFit
-*hacks.fliptext.name: FlipText
-*hacks.glhanoi.name: GLHanoi
-*hacks.topblock.name: TopBlock
-*hacks.glschool.name: GLSchool
-*hacks.glcells.name: GLCells
+*hacks.metaballs.name: MetaBalls
+*hacks.mirrorblob.name: MirrorBlob
*hacks.moebiusgears.name: MoebiusGears
-*hacks.cubicgrid.name: CubicGrid
-*hacks.lcdscrub.name: LCDscrub
-*hacks.hypnowheel.name: HypnoWheel
+*hacks.morph3d.name: Morph3D
+*hacks.nerverot.name: NerveRot
+*hacks.noseguy.name: NoseGuy
+*hacks.popsquares.name: PopSquares
+*hacks.rd-bomb.name: RDbomb
+*hacks.rdbomb.name: RDbomb
+*hacks.rotzoomer.name: RotZoomer
+*hacks.sballs.name: SBalls
+*hacks.shadebobs.name: ShadeBobs
+*hacks.sierpinski3d.name: Sierpinski3D
*hacks.skytentacles.name: SkyTentacles
+*hacks.slidescreen.name: SlideScreen
+*hacks.speedmine.name: SpeedMine
+*hacks.starwars.name: StarWars
+*hacks.stonerview.name: StonerView
+*hacks.t3d.name: T3D
+*hacks.timetunnel.name: TimeTunnel
+*hacks.topblock.name: TopBlock
+*hacks.vidwhacker.name: VidWhacker
+*hacks.webcollage.name: WebCollage
+*hacks.whirlwindwarp.name: WhirlWindWarp
+*hacks.xanalogtv.name: XAnalogTV
+*hacks.xrayswarm.name: XRaySwarm
! obsolete, but still used by xscreensaver-demo-Xm.
*hacks.documentation.isInstalled: True
"*dateFormat: %d-%b-%y (%a); %I:%M %p",
"*installColormap: True",
"*programs: \
- \"Qix (solid)\" qix -root -solid -segments 100 \\n\
- \"Qix (transparent)\" qix -root -count 4 -solid -transparent \\n\
- \"Qix (linear)\" qix -root -count 5 -solid -transparent \
- -linear -segments 250 -size 100 \\n\
- \
- \"Attraction (balls)\" attraction -root -mode balls \\n\
- \"Attraction (lines)\" attraction -root -mode lines -points 3 \
- -segments 200 \\n\
-- \"Attraction (splines)\" attraction -root -mode splines -segments \
- 300 \\n\
-- \"Attraction (orbital)\" attraction -root -mode lines -radius 300 \
- -orbit -vmult 0.5 \\n\
- \
- pyro -root \\n\
- rocks -root \\n\
+- sphere -root \\n\
+ GL: superquadrics -root \\n\
+- worm -root \\n\
+ attraction -root \\n\
+ blitspin -root \\n\
+ greynetic -root \\n\
helix -root \\n\
- pedal -root \\n\
- rorschach -root \\n\
hopalong -root \\n\
- greynetic -root \\n\
- imsmap -root \\n\
- slidescreen -root \\n\
- decayscreen -root \\n\
- jigsaw -root \\n\
- blitspin -root \\n\
- slip -root \\n\
- distort -root \\n\
- spotlight -root \\n\
- \"Ripples (stir)\" ripples -root -oily -light 2 -stir \\n\
- \"Ripples (desktop)\" ripples -root -water -light 6 \\n\
hypercube -root \\n\
-- hyperball -root \\n\
- halo -root \\n\
+ imsmap -root \\n\
maze -root \\n\
noseguy -root \\n\
+ pyro -root \\n\
+ qix -root \\n\
+ rocks -root \\n\
+ rorschach -root \\n\
+ decayscreen -root \\n\
flame -root \\n\
+ halo -root \\n\
+ slidescreen -root \\n\
- lmorph -root \\n\
+ pedal -root \\n\
+ bubbles -root \\n\
+ bouboule -root \\n\
+ braid -root \\n\
+ coral -root \\n\
deco -root \\n\
- moire -root \\n\
- moire2 -root \\n\
- lightning -root \\n\
- strange -root \\n\
-- spiral -root \\n\
- laser -root \\n\
- grav -root \\n\
drift -root \\n\
- ifs -root \\n\
- julia -root \\n\
- penrose -root \\n\
-- sierpinski -root \\n\
- braid -root \\n\
- galaxy -root \\n\
- bouboule -root \\n\
- swirl -root \\n\
+ fadeplot -root \\n\
flag -root \\n\
- sphere -root \\n\
forest -root \\n\
+ galaxy -root \\n\
+ goop -root \\n\
+ grav -root \\n\
+ ifs -root \\n\
+ julia -root \\n\
+ kaleidescope -root \\n\
+- laser -root \\n\
+- lightning -root \\n\
- lisa -root \\n\
- lissie -root \\n\
- goop -root \\n\
- starfish -root \\n\
- munch -root \\n\
- mismunch -root \\n\
- fadeplot -root \\n\
- coral -root \\n\
+ GL: moebius -root \\n\
+ moire -root \\n\
+ GL: morph3d -root \\n\
mountain -root \\n\
- triangle -root \\n\
-- worm -root \\n\
+ munch -root \\n\
+ penrose -root \\n\
+ GL: pipes -root \\n\
+ rd-bomb -root \\n\
- rotor -root \\n\
-- demon -root \\n\
-- loop -root \\n\
+ GL: rubik -root \\n\
+- sierpinski -root \\n\
+ slip -root \\n\
+- spiral -root \\n\
+ GL: sproingies -root \\n\
+ starfish -root \\n\
+ strange -root \\n\
+ swirl -root \\n\
+ triangle -root \\n\
- vines -root \\n\
- kaleidescope -root \\n\
xjack -root \\n\
xlyap -root \\n\
- cynosure -root \\n\
- flow -root \\n\
- epicycle -root \\n\
- interference -root \\n\
- truchet -root \\n\
+ GL: atlantis -root \\n\
bsod -root \\n\
+ GL: bubble3d -root \\n\
+ GL: cage -root \\n\
crystal -root \\n\
+ cynosure -root \\n\
discrete -root \\n\
+ distort -root \\n\
+ epicycle -root \\n\
+ flow -root \\n\
+ GL: glplanet -root \\n\
+ interference -root \\n\
+ jigsaw -root \\n\
kumppa -root \\n\
- rd-bomb -root \\n\
- \"RD-Bomb (mobile)\" rd-bomb -root -speed 1 -size 0.1 \\n\
+ GL: lament -root \\n\
+ moire2 -root \\n\
sonar -root \\n\
- t3d -root \\n\
- penetrate -root \\n\
- deluxe -root \\n\
+ GL: stairs -root \\n\
+ truchet -root \\n\
+- vidwhacker -root \\n\
+ blaster -root \\n\
+ bumps -root \\n\
+ ccurve -root \\n\
compass -root \\n\
- squiral -root \\n\
- xflame -root \\n\
- wander -root \\n\
- \"Wander (spots)\" wander -root -advance 0 -size 10 -circles \
- -length 10000 -reset 100000 \\n\
- critical -root \\n\
- phosphor -root \\n\
- xmatrix -root \\n\
+ deluxe -root \\n\
+- demon -root \\n\
+- GL: extrusion -root \\n\
+- loop -root \\n\
+ penetrate -root \\n\
petri -root \\n\
- \"Petri 2\" petri -root -minlifespeed 0.02 \
- -maxlifespeed 0.03 -minlifespan 1 \
- -maxlifespan 1 -instantdeathchan 0 \
- -minorchan 0 -anychan 0.3 \\n\
+ phosphor -root \\n\
+ GL: pulsar -root \\n\
+ ripples -root \\n\
shadebobs -root \\n\
- ccurve -root \\n\
- blaster -root \\n\
- bumps -root \\n\
- xanalogtv -root \\n\
- xspirograph -root \\n\
+ GL: sierpinski3d -root \\n\
+ spotlight -root \\n\
+ squiral -root \\n\
+ t3d -root \\n\
+ wander -root \\n\
+- webcollage -root \\n\
+ xflame -root \\n\
+ xmatrix -root \\n\
+ GL: gflux -root \\n\
+- hyperball -root \\n\
nerverot -root \\n\
xrayswarm -root \\n\
-- \"Zoom (Fatbits)\" zoom -root \\n\
- \"Zoom (Lenses)\" zoom -root -lenses \\n\
+ xspirograph -root \\n\
+ GL: circuit -root \\n\
+ GL: dangerball -root \\n\
+- GL: dnalogo -root \\n\
+ GL: engine -root \\n\
+ GL: flipscreen3d -root \\n\
+ GL: gltext -root \\n\
+ GL: menger -root \\n\
+ GL: molecule -root \\n\
rotzoomer -root \\n\
+ speedmine -root \\n\
+ GL: starwars -root \\n\
+ GL: stonerview -root \\n\
+ vermiculate -root \\n\
whirlwindwarp -root \\n\
- whirlygig -root \\n\
- speedmine -root \\n\
- \"SpeedWorm\" speedmine -root -worm \\n\
- vermiculate -root \\n\
- twang -root \\n\
- apollonian -root \\n\
- euler2d -root \\n\
- \"Euler2d (dense)\" euler2d -root -count 4000 -eulertail 400 \
- -ncolors 230 \\n\
-- juggle -root \\n\
- polyominoes -root \\n\
-- thornbird -root \\n\
- fluidballs -root \\n\
- anemone -root \\n\
- halftone -root \\n\
- metaballs -root \\n\
- eruption -root \\n\
- popsquares -root \\n\
- barcode -root \\n\
- piecewise -root \\n\
- cloudlife -root \\n\
- fontglide -root \\n\
+ whirlygig -root \\n\
+ zoom -root \\n\
+ anemone -root \\n\
+ apollonian -root \\n\
+ GL: boxed -root \\n\
+ GL: cubenetic -root \\n\
+ GL: endgame -root \\n\
+ euler2d -root \\n\
+ fluidballs -root \\n\
+ GL: flurry -root \\n\
+- GL: glblur -root \\n\
+- GL: glforestfire -root \\n\
+ GL: glsnake -root \\n\
+ halftone -root \\n\
+- juggle -root \\n\
+ GL: lavalite -root \\n\
+ polyominoes -root \\n\
+ GL: queens -root \\n\
+- GL: sballs -root \\n\
+ GL: spheremonics -root \\n\
+- thornbird -root \\n\
+ twang -root \\n\
+ GL: antspotlight -root \\n\
apple2 -root \\n\
- bubbles -root \\n\
+ GL: atunnel -root \\n\
+ barcode -root \\n\
+ GL: blinkbox -root \\n\
+ GL: blocktube -root \\n\
+ GL: bouncingcow -root \\n\
+ cloudlife -root \\n\
+ GL: cubestorm -root \\n\
+ eruption -root \\n\
+ GL: flipflop -root \\n\
+ GL: flyingtoasters -root \\n\
+ fontglide -root \\n\
+ GL: gleidescope -root \\n\
+ GL: glknots -root \\n\
+ GL: glmatrix -root \\n\
+- GL: glslideshow -root \\n\
+ GL: hypertorus -root \\n\
+ GL: jigglypuff -root \\n\
+ GL: klein -root \\n\
+ metaballs -root \\n\
+ GL: mirrorblob -root \\n\
+ piecewise -root \\n\
+ GL: polytopes -root \\n\
pong -root \\n\
- wormhole -root \\n\
- pacman -root \\n\
- fuzzyflakes -root \\n\
+ popsquares -root \\n\
+ xanalogtv -root \\n\
+- abstractile -root \\n\
anemotaxis -root \\n\
+- GL: antinspect -root \\n\
+ fireworkx -root \\n\
+ fuzzyflakes -root \\n\
+ interaggregate -root \\n\
+ intermomentary -root \\n\
memscroller -root \\n\
+ mismunch -root \\n\
+ GL: noof -root \\n\
+ pacman -root \\n\
+ GL: pinion -root \\n\
+ GL: polyhedra -root \\n\
+ GL: providence -root \\n\
substrate -root \\n\
- intermomentary -root \\n\
- interaggregate -root \\n\
- fireworkx -root \\n\
- fiberlamp -root \\n\
+ wormhole -root \\n\
+- GL: antmaze -root \\n\
+ GL: boing -root \\n\
boxfit -root \\n\
+- GL: carousel -root \\n\
celtic -root \\n\
+ GL: crackberg -root \\n\
+ GL: cube21 -root \\n\
+ fiberlamp -root \\n\
+ GL: fliptext -root \\n\
+ GL: glhanoi -root \\n\
+ GL: juggler3d -root \\n\
+ GL: tangram -root \\n\
+ GL: timetunnel -root \\n\
+ GL: glschool -root \\n\
+ GL: topblock -root \\n\
+ GL: cubicgrid -root \\n\
cwaves -root \\n\
+ GL: gears -root \\n\
+ GL: glcells -root \\n\
+ GL: lockward -root \\n\
m6502 -root \\n\
- abstractile -root \\n\
+ GL: moebiusgears -root \\n\
+ GL: voronoi -root \\n\
+ GL: hypnowheel -root \\n\
- lcdscrub -root \\n\
-- default-n: webcollage -root \\n\
-- default-n: \"WebCollage (whacked)\" \
- webcollage -root -filter \
- 'vidwhacker -stdin -stdout' \\n\
-- default-n: vidwhacker -root \\n\
- \
- GL: gears -root \\n\
- GL: superquadrics -root \\n\
- GL: morph3d -root \\n\
- GL: cage -root \\n\
- GL: moebius -root \\n\
- GL: stairs -root \\n\
- GL: pipes -root \\n\
- GL: sproingies -root \\n\
- GL: rubik -root \\n\
- GL: atlantis -root \\n\
- GL: lament -root \\n\
- GL: bubble3d -root \\n\
- GL: glplanet -root \\n\
- GL: flurry -root \\n\
- GL: pulsar -root \\n\
-- GL: \"Pulsar (textures)\" \
- pulsar -root -texture -mipmap \
- -texture_quality -light -fog \\n\
-- GL: extrusion -root \\n\
- GL: sierpinski3d -root \\n\
- GL: menger -root \\n\
- GL: gflux -root \\n\
- GL: \"GFlux (grab)\" gflux -root -mode grab \\n\
- GL: stonerview -root \\n\
- GL: starwars -root \\n\
- GL: gltext -root \\n\
- GL: \"GLText (clock)\" gltext -text \"%A%n%d %b %Y%n%r\" -root \\n\
- GL: molecule -root \\n\
- GL: dangerball -root \\n\
- GL: circuit -root \\n\
- GL: engine -root \\n\
- GL: flipscreen3d -root \\n\
- GL: glsnake -root \\n\
- GL: boxed -root \\n\
-- GL: glforestfire -root \\n\
-- GL: \"GLForestFire (rain)\" glforestfire -root -count 0 \\n\
-- GL: sballs -root \\n\
- GL: cubenetic -root \\n\
- GL: spheremonics -root \\n\
- GL: lavalite -root \\n\
- GL: queens -root \\n\
- GL: endgame -root \\n\
-- GL: glblur -root \\n\
- GL: atunnel -root \\n\
- GL: flyingtoasters -root \\n\
- GL: bouncingcow -root \\n\
- GL: jigglypuff -root \\n\
- GL: klein -root \\n\
- GL: hypertorus -root \\n\
- GL: glmatrix -root \\n\
- GL: cubestorm -root \\n\
- GL: glknots -root \\n\
- GL: blocktube -root \\n\
- GL: flipflop -root \\n\
- GL: antspotlight -root \\n\
-- GL: glslideshow -root \\n\
- GL: polytopes -root \\n\
- GL: gleidescope -root \\n\
-- GL: mirrorblob -root \\n\
- GL: \"MirrorBlob (color only)\" \
- mirrorblob -root -colour -no-texture \\n\
- GL: blinkbox -root \\n\
- GL: noof -root \\n\
- GL: polyhedra -root \\n\
-- GL: antinspect -root \\n\
- GL: providence -root \\n\
- GL: \"Pinion (large gears)\" pinion -root \\n\
- GL: \"Pinion (small gears)\" pinion -root -size 0.2 -scroll 0.3 \\n\
- GL: boing -root -lighting -smooth \\n\
-- GL: carousel -root \\n\
- GL: fliptext -root \\n\
-- GL: antmaze -root \\n\
- GL: tangram -root \\n\
- GL: crackberg -root \\n\
- GL: glhanoi -root \\n\
- GL: cube21 -root \\n\
- GL: timetunnel -root \\n\
- GL: juggler3d -root \\n\
- GL: topblock -root \\n\
- GL: glschool -root \\n\
- GL: glcells -root \\n\
- GL: voronoi -root \\n\
- GL: moebiusgears -root \\n\
- GL: lockward -root \\n\
- GL: cubicgrid -root \\n\
- GL: hypnowheel -root \\n\
- GL: \"Hypnowheel (dense)\" hypnowheel -root -count 3 -layers 50 \\n\
- GL: \"Hypnowheel (trifoil)\" hypnowheel -root -count 3 -layers 2 -speed 9 -twist 9 -wander \\n\
- GL: skytentacles -root \\n\
- \
-- xdaliclock -root -font BUILTIN3 \\n\
-- xplanet -vroot -wait 1 -timewarp 90000 \
- -label -origin moon \\n\
-- xmountains -b -M -Z 0 -r 1 \\n\
-- \"XMountains (top)\" xmountains -b -M -Z 0 -r 1 -m \\n\
-- xaos -root -autopilot -nogui -delay 10000 \
- -maxframerate 30 \
- -incoloring -1 -outcoloring -1 \\n\
-- xsnow -root \\n\
-- goban -root \\n\
-- electricsheep \\n\
-- cosmos -root \\n\
-- GL: sphereEversion --root \\n\
-- GL: fireflies -root \\n",
+ GL: skytentacles -root \\n",
"XScreenSaver.pointerPollTime: 0:00:05",
"XScreenSaver.pointerHysteresis: 10",
"XScreenSaver.initialDelay: 0:00:00",
"*splash.body2.label: Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>",
"*splash.demo.label: Settings",
"*splash.help.label: Help",
-"*hacks.imsmap.name: IMSmap",
-"*hacks.slidescreen.name: SlideScreen",
-"*hacks.decayscreen.name: DecayScreen",
+"*hacks.antinspect.name: AntInspect",
+"*hacks.antmaze.name: AntMaze",
+"*hacks.antspotlight.name: AntSpotlight",
+"*hacks.blinkbox.name: BlinkBox",
"*hacks.blitspin.name: BlitSpin",
-"*hacks.lmorph.name: LMorph",
-"*hacks.ifs.name: IFS",
-"*hacks.fadeplot.name: FadePlot",
+"*hacks.blocktube.name: BlockTube",
+"*hacks.bouncingcow.name: BouncingCow",
+"*hacks.boxfit.name: BoxFit",
"*hacks.bsod.name: BSOD",
-"*hacks.rd-bomb.name: RD-Bomb",
-"*hacks.t3d.name: T3D",
-"*hacks.shadebobs.name: ShadeBobs",
-"*hacks.ccurve.name: C Curve",
-"*hacks.xanalogtv.name: XAnalogTV",
-"*hacks.xspirograph.name: XSpiroGraph",
-"*hacks.nerverot.name: NerveRot",
-"*hacks.webcollage.name: WebCollage",
-"*hacks.vidwhacker.name: VidWhacker",
-"*hacks.morph3d.name: Morph3D",
"*hacks.bubble3d.name: Bubble3D",
-"*hacks.sierpinski3d.name: Sierpinski3D",
-"*hacks.gflux.name: GFlux",
-"*hacks.xrayswarm.name: XRaySwarm",
-"*hacks.whirlwindwarp.name: WhirlwindWarp",
-"*hacks.rotzoomer.name: RotZoomer",
-"*hacks.stonerview.name: StonerView",
-"*hacks.starwars.name: StarWars",
+"*hacks.ccurve.name: CCurve",
+"*hacks.cloudlife.name: CloudLife",
+"*hacks.cubestorm.name: CubeStorm",
+"*hacks.cubicgrid.name: CubicGrid",
+"*hacks.cwaves.name: CWaves",
"*hacks.dangerball.name: DangerBall",
-"*hacks.whirlygig.name: WhirlyGig",
-"*hacks.speedmine.name: SpeedMine",
-"*hacks.glforestfire.name: GLForestFire",
-"*hacks.sballs.name: SBalls",
-"*hacks.xdaliclock.name: XDaliClock",
-"*hacks.xplanetbg.name: XPlanet",
-"*hacks.xplanet.name: XPlanet",
-"*hacks.xaos.name: XaoS",
-"*hacks.xfishtank.name: XFishTank",
-"*hacks.electricsheep.name: ElectricSheep",
-"*hacks.sphereEversion.name: SphereEversion",
+"*hacks.decayscreen.name: DecayScreen",
+"*hacks.dnalogo.name: DNA Logo",
+"*hacks.euler2d.name: Euler2D",
+"*hacks.fadeplot.name: FadePlot",
+"*hacks.flipflop.name: FlipFlop",
+"*hacks.flipscreen3d.name: FlipScreen3D",
+"*hacks.fliptext.name: FlipText",
"*hacks.fluidballs.name: FluidBalls",
"*hacks.flyingtoasters.name: FlyingToasters",
-"*hacks.bouncingcow.name: BouncingCow",
-"*hacks.jigglypuff.name: JigglyPuff",
-"*hacks.hypertorus.name: HyperTorus",
-"*hacks.cubestorm.name: CubeStorm",
-"*hacks.blocktube.name: BlockTube",
-"*hacks.flipflop.name: FlipFlop",
-"*hacks.antspotlight.name: AntSpotlight",
"*hacks.fontglide.name: FontGlide",
-"*hacks.mirrorblob.name: MirrorBlob",
-"*hacks.blinkbox.name: BlinkBox",
"*hacks.fuzzyflakes.name: FuzzyFlakes",
+"*hacks.gflux.name: GFlux",
+"*hacks.gleidescope.name: Gleidescope",
+"*hacks.glforestfire.name: GLForestFire",
+"*hacks.hyperball.name: HyperBall",
+"*hacks.hypercube.name: HyperCube",
+"*hacks.ifs.name: IFS",
+"*hacks.imsmap.name: IMSMap",
+"*hacks.jigglypuff.name: JigglyPuff",
+"*hacks.juggler3d.name: Juggler3D",
+"*hacks.lcdscrub.name: LCDscrub",
+"*hacks.lmorph.name: LMorph",
+"*hacks.m6502.name: m6502",
"*hacks.memscroller.name: MemScroller",
-"*hacks.boxfit.name: BoxFit",
-"*hacks.fliptext.name: FlipText",
-"*hacks.glhanoi.name: GLHanoi",
-"*hacks.topblock.name: TopBlock",
-"*hacks.glschool.name: GLSchool",
-"*hacks.glcells.name: GLCells",
+"*hacks.metaballs.name: MetaBalls",
+"*hacks.mirrorblob.name: MirrorBlob",
"*hacks.moebiusgears.name: MoebiusGears",
-"*hacks.cubicgrid.name: CubicGrid",
-"*hacks.lcdscrub.name: LCDscrub",
-"*hacks.hypnowheel.name: HypnoWheel",
+"*hacks.morph3d.name: Morph3D",
+"*hacks.nerverot.name: NerveRot",
+"*hacks.noseguy.name: NoseGuy",
+"*hacks.popsquares.name: PopSquares",
+"*hacks.rd-bomb.name: RDbomb",
+"*hacks.rdbomb.name: RDbomb",
+"*hacks.rotzoomer.name: RotZoomer",
+"*hacks.sballs.name: SBalls",
+"*hacks.shadebobs.name: ShadeBobs",
+"*hacks.sierpinski3d.name: Sierpinski3D",
"*hacks.skytentacles.name: SkyTentacles",
+"*hacks.slidescreen.name: SlideScreen",
+"*hacks.speedmine.name: SpeedMine",
+"*hacks.starwars.name: StarWars",
+"*hacks.stonerview.name: StonerView",
+"*hacks.t3d.name: T3D",
+"*hacks.timetunnel.name: TimeTunnel",
+"*hacks.topblock.name: TopBlock",
+"*hacks.vidwhacker.name: VidWhacker",
+"*hacks.webcollage.name: WebCollage",
+"*hacks.whirlwindwarp.name: WhirlWindWarp",
+"*hacks.xanalogtv.name: XAnalogTV",
+"*hacks.xrayswarm.name: XRaySwarm",
"*hacks.documentation.isInstalled: True",
/* demo-Gtk-conf.c --- implements the dynamic configuration dialogs.
- * xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 2001, 2003, 2004, 2006 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+ * xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
static gboolean debug_p = FALSE;
+#define MIN_SLIDER_WIDTH 150
+#define MIN_LABEL_WIDTH 70
typedef enum {
static parameter *make_select_option (const char *file, xmlNodePtr);
-static void make_parameter_widget (const char *filename,
- parameter *, GtkWidget *, int *);
+static void make_parameter_widget (const char *filename,
+ parameter *, GtkWidget *);
static void browse_button_cb (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data);
/* Helper for make_parameters()
static GList *
-make_parameters_1 (const char *filename, xmlNodePtr node,
- GtkWidget *parent, int *row)
+make_parameters_1 (const char *filename, xmlNodePtr node, GtkWidget *parent)
GList *list = 0;
: gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0));
GList *list2;
gtk_widget_show (box);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), box, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
- if (row)
- gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (parent), box, 0, 3, *row, *row + 1,
- 0, 0, 0, 0);
- else
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), box, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
- if (row)
- (*row)++;
- list2 = make_parameters_1 (filename, node->xmlChildrenNode, box, 0);
+ list2 = make_parameters_1 (filename, node->xmlChildrenNode, box);
if (list2)
list = g_list_concat (list, list2);
if (p)
list = g_list_append (list, p);
- make_parameter_widget (filename, p, parent, row);
+ make_parameter_widget (filename, p, parent);
static GList *
make_parameters (const char *filename, xmlNodePtr node, GtkWidget *parent)
- int row = 0;
for (; node; node = node->next)
if (node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE &&
!strcmp ((char *) node->name, "screensaver"))
- return make_parameters_1 (filename, node->xmlChildrenNode,
- parent, &row);
+ return make_parameters_1 (filename, node->xmlChildrenNode, parent);
return 0;
+static void
+set_widget_min_width (GtkWidget *w, int width)
+ GtkRequisition req;
+ gtk_widget_size_request (GTK_WIDGET (w), &req);
+ if (req.width < width)
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request (GTK_WIDGET (w), width, -1);
+/* If we're inside a vbox, we need to put an hbox in it, or labels appear
+ on top instead of to the left, and things stretch to the full width of
+ the window.
+ */
+static GtkWidget *
+insert_fake_hbox (GtkWidget *parent)
+ if (GTK_IS_VBOX (parent))
+ {
+ GtkWidget *hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 4);
+ gtk_widget_show (hbox);
+ return hbox;
+ }
+ return parent;
/* Given a `parameter' struct, allocates an appropriate GtkWidget for it,
and stores it in `p->widget'.
- `row' is used for keeping track of our position during table layout.
- `parent' must be a GtkTable or a GtkBox.
+ `parent' must be a GtkBox.
static void
-make_parameter_widget (const char *filename,
- parameter *p, GtkWidget *parent, int *row)
+make_parameter_widget (const char *filename, parameter *p, GtkWidget *parent)
const char *label = (char *) p->label;
if (p->widget) return;
case STRING:
+ parent = insert_fake_hbox (parent);
if (label)
GtkWidget *w = gtk_label_new (_(label));
gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (w), GTK_JUSTIFY_RIGHT);
gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (w), 1.0, 0.5);
+ set_widget_min_width (GTK_WIDGET (w), MIN_LABEL_WIDTH);
gtk_widget_show (w);
- if (row)
- gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (parent), w, 0, 1, *row, *row + 1,
- GTK_FILL, 0, 0, 0);
- else
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), w, FALSE, FALSE, 4);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), w, FALSE, FALSE, 4);
p->widget = gtk_entry_new ();
if (p->string)
gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (p->widget), (char *) p->string);
- if (row)
- gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (parent), p->widget, 1, 3,
- *row, *row + 1,
- GTK_FILL, 0, 0, 0);
- else
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), p->widget, FALSE, FALSE, 4);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), p->widget, FALSE, FALSE, 4);
gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (L), GTK_JUSTIFY_RIGHT);
gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (L), 1.0, 0.5);
+ set_widget_min_width (GTK_WIDGET (L), MIN_LABEL_WIDTH);
gtk_widget_show (L);
if (p->string)
gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (entry), (char *) p->string);
- if (row)
- {
- gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (parent), L, 0, 1,
- *row, *row + 1,
- GTK_FILL, 0, 0, 0);
- gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (parent), entry, 1, 2,
- *row, *row + 1,
- GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL, 0, 0, 0);
- gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (parent), button, 2, 3,
- *row, *row + 1,
- 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), L, FALSE, FALSE, 4);
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), entry, TRUE, TRUE, 4);
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), button, FALSE, FALSE, 4);
- }
+ parent = insert_fake_hbox (parent);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), L, FALSE, FALSE, 4);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), entry, TRUE, TRUE, 4);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), button, FALSE, FALSE, 4);
case SLIDER:
labelw = gtk_label_new (_(label));
gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (labelw), GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT);
gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (labelw), 0.0, 0.5);
+ set_widget_min_width (GTK_WIDGET (labelw), MIN_LABEL_WIDTH);
gtk_widget_show (labelw);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), labelw, FALSE, FALSE, 2);
- if (GTK_IS_VBOX (parent))
- {
- /* If we're inside a vbox, we need to put an hbox in it, to get
- the low/high labels to be to the left/right of the slider.
- */
- GtkWidget *hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 0);
- /* But if we have a label, put that above the slider's hbox. */
- if (labelw)
- {
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), labelw, FALSE, TRUE, 2);
- labelw = 0;
- }
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), hbox, TRUE, TRUE, 6);
- gtk_widget_show (hbox);
- parent = hbox;
- }
- if (labelw)
- {
- if (row)
- {
- gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (parent), labelw,
- 0, 3, *row, *row + 1,
- GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL, 0, 0, 0);
- (*row)++;
- }
- else
- {
- if (GTK_IS_HBOX (parent))
- {
- GtkWidget *box = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), box, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
- gtk_widget_show (box);
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), labelw, FALSE, TRUE, 4);
- parent = box;
- box = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 0);
- gtk_widget_show (box);
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), box, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
- parent = box;
- }
- else
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), labelw,
- FALSE, TRUE, 0);
- }
- }
+ /* Do this after 'labelw' so that it appears above, not to left. */
+ parent = insert_fake_hbox (parent);
if (p->low_label)
GtkWidget *w = gtk_label_new (_((char *) p->low_label));
gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (w), GTK_JUSTIFY_RIGHT);
gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (w), 1.0, 0.5);
+ set_widget_min_width (GTK_WIDGET (w), MIN_LABEL_WIDTH);
gtk_widget_show (w);
- if (row)
- gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (parent), w, 0, 1, *row, *row + 1,
- GTK_FILL, 0, 0, 0);
- else
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), w, FALSE, FALSE, 4);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), w, FALSE, FALSE, 4);
gtk_scale_set_value_pos (GTK_SCALE (scale), GTK_POS_BOTTOM);
gtk_scale_set_draw_value (GTK_SCALE (scale), debug_p);
gtk_scale_set_digits (GTK_SCALE (scale), (p->integer_p ? 0 : 2));
- if (row)
- gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (parent), scale, 1, 2,
- *row, *row + 1,
- GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL, 0, 0, 0);
- else
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), scale, TRUE, TRUE, 4);
+ set_widget_min_width (GTK_WIDGET (scale), MIN_SLIDER_WIDTH);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), scale, FALSE, FALSE, 4);
gtk_widget_show (scale);
GtkWidget *w = gtk_label_new (_((char *) p->high_label));
gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (w), GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT);
gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (w), 0.0, 0.5);
+ set_widget_min_width (GTK_WIDGET (w), MIN_LABEL_WIDTH);
gtk_widget_show (w);
- if (row)
- gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (parent), w, 2, 3, *row, *row + 1,
- GTK_FILL, 0, 0, 0);
- else
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), w, FALSE, FALSE, 4);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), w, FALSE, FALSE, 4);
p->widget = scale;
gtk_spin_button_set_numeric (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (spin), TRUE);
gtk_spin_button_set_snap_to_ticks (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (spin), TRUE);
gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON (spin), adj->value);
+ set_widget_min_width (GTK_WIDGET (spin), MIN_SPINBUTTON_WIDTH);
if (label)
GtkWidget *w = gtk_label_new (_(label));
gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (w), GTK_JUSTIFY_RIGHT);
gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (w), 1.0, 0.5);
+ set_widget_min_width (GTK_WIDGET (w), MIN_LABEL_WIDTH);
gtk_widget_show (w);
- if (row)
- gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (parent), w, 0, 1, *row, *row + 1,
- GTK_FILL, 0, 0, 0);
- else
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), w, TRUE, TRUE, 4);
+ parent = insert_fake_hbox (parent);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), w, FALSE, FALSE, 4);
gtk_widget_show (spin);
- if (row)
- {
- GtkWidget *hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 0);
- gtk_widget_show (hbox);
- gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (parent), hbox, 1, 3,
- *row, *row + 1,
- GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL, 0, 8, 0);
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), spin, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
- }
- else
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), spin, FALSE, FALSE, 4);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), spin, FALSE, FALSE, 4);
p->widget = spin;
p->widget = gtk_check_button_new_with_label (_(label));
- if (row)
- gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (parent), p->widget, 0, 3,
- *row, *row + 1,
- GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL, 0, 0, 0);
- else
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), p->widget, FALSE, FALSE, 4);
+ /* Let these stretch -- doesn't hurt.
+ parent = insert_fake_hbox (parent);
+ */
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), p->widget, FALSE, FALSE, 4);
case SELECT:
GtkWidget *menu = gtk_menu_new ();
GList *opts;
- if (label && row)
- {
- GtkWidget *w = gtk_label_new (_(label));
- gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (w), GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT);
- gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (w), 0.0, 0.5);
- gtk_widget_show (w);
- gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (parent), w, 0, 3, *row, *row + 1,
- GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL, 0, 0, 0);
- (*row)++;
- }
for (opts = p->options; opts; opts = opts->next)
parameter *s = (parameter *) opts->data;
gtk_option_menu_set_menu (GTK_OPTION_MENU (opt), menu);
p->widget = opt;
- if (row)
- gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (parent), p->widget, 0, 3,
- *row, *row + 1,
- GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL, 0, 0, 0);
- else
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), p->widget, TRUE, TRUE, 4);
+ parent = insert_fake_hbox (parent);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (parent), p->widget, FALSE, FALSE, 4);
gtk_widget_set_name (p->widget, (char *) p->id);
gtk_widget_show (p->widget);
- if (row)
- (*row)++;
All arguments will be properly quoted.
static char *
-parameters_to_cmd_line (GList *parms)
+parameters_to_cmd_line (GList *parms, gboolean default_p)
int L = g_list_length (parms);
int LL = 0;
char **strs = (char **) calloc (sizeof (*parms), L);
char *result;
char *out;
- int i;
+ int i, j;
- for (i = 0; parms; parms = parms->next, i++)
+ for (i = 0, j = 0; parms; parms = parms->next, i++)
- char *s = parameter_to_switch ((parameter *) parms->data);
- strs[i] = s;
- LL += (s ? strlen(s) : 0) + 1;
+ parameter *p = (parameter *) parms->data;
+ if (!default_p || p->type == COMMAND)
+ {
+ char *s = parameter_to_switch (p);
+ strs[j++] = s;
+ LL += (s ? strlen(s) : 0) + 1;
+ }
result = (char *) malloc (LL + 10);
out = result;
- for (i = 0; i < L; i++)
+ for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
if (strs[i])
strcpy (out, strs[i]);
else if (s[1] == ' ' || s[1] == '\t')
s++; /* next line is indented: leave newline */
+ else if (!strncmp(s+1, "http:", 5))
+ s++; /* next line begins a URL: leave newline */
s[0] = ' '; /* delete newline to un-fold this line */
char chars[1024];
xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt;
xmlDocPtr doc = 0;
- GtkWidget *table;
+ GtkWidget *vbox0;
GList *parms;
if (verbose_p)
/* Parsed the XML file. Now make some widgets. */
- table = gtk_table_new (1, 3, FALSE);
- gtk_table_set_row_spacings (GTK_TABLE (table), 4);
- gtk_table_set_col_spacings (GTK_TABLE (table), 4);
- gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (table), 8);
- gtk_widget_show (table);
+ vbox0 = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_show (vbox0);
- parms = make_parameters (file, doc->xmlRootNode, table);
+ parms = make_parameters (file, doc->xmlRootNode, vbox0);
sanity_check_parameters (file, parms);
xmlFreeDoc (doc);
if (arguments && *arguments)
parse_command_line_into_parameters (program, arguments, parms);
- data->widget = table;
+ data->widget = vbox0;
data->parameters = parms;
data->description = get_description (parms, verbose_p);
char *
-get_configurator_command_line (conf_data *data)
+get_configurator_command_line (conf_data *data, gboolean default_p)
- char *args = parameters_to_cmd_line (data->parameters);
+ char *args = parameters_to_cmd_line (data->parameters, default_p);
char *result = (char *) malloc (strlen (data->progname) +
strlen (args) + 2);
strcpy (result, data->progname);
/* demo-Gtk-conf.c --- implements the dynamic configuration dialogs.
- * xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+ * xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
} conf_data;
extern conf_data *load_configurator (const char *cmd_line, gboolean verbose_p);
-extern char *get_configurator_command_line (conf_data *);
+extern char *get_configurator_command_line (conf_data *, gboolean default_p);
extern void set_configurator_command_line (conf_data *, const char *cmd_line);
extern void free_conf_data (conf_data *);
settings_std_cb (GtkButton *button,
gpointer user_data);
+settings_reset_cb (GtkButton *button,
+ gpointer user_data);
settings_ok_cb (GtkButton *button,
gpointer user_data);
GtkWidget *dialog_hbuttonbox;
GtkWidget *adv_button;
GtkWidget *std_button;
+ GtkWidget *reset_button;
GtkWidget *ok_cancel_hbuttonbox;
GtkWidget *ok_button;
GtkWidget *cancel_button;
gtk_tooltips_set_tip (tooltips, std_button, _("Back to the graphical configuration options."), NULL);
+ reset_button = gtk_button_new_with_label (_("Reset to Defaults"));
+ gtk_widget_set_name (reset_button, "reset_button");
+ gtk_widget_ref (reset_button);
+ gtk_object_set_data_full (GTK_OBJECT (xscreensaver_settings_dialog), "reset_button", reset_button,
+ (GtkDestroyNotify) gtk_widget_unref);
+ gtk_widget_show (reset_button);
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog_hbuttonbox), reset_button);
+ gtk_tooltips_set_tip (tooltips, reset_button, _("Reset this screen saver to the default settings."), NULL);
ok_cancel_hbuttonbox = gtk_hbutton_box_new ();
gtk_widget_set_name (ok_cancel_hbuttonbox, "ok_cancel_hbuttonbox");
gtk_widget_ref (ok_cancel_hbuttonbox);
gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (std_button), "clicked",
GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (settings_std_cb),
+ gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (reset_button), "clicked",
+ GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (settings_reset_cb),
+ NULL);
gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (ok_button), "clicked",
GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (settings_ok_cb),
void settings_cb (GtkButton *, gpointer user_data);
void settings_adv_cb (GtkButton *, gpointer user_data);
void settings_std_cb (GtkButton *, gpointer user_data);
+void settings_reset_cb (GtkButton *, gpointer user_data);
void settings_switch_page_cb (GtkNotebook *, GtkNotebookPage *,
gint page_num, gpointer user_data);
void settings_cancel_cb (GtkButton *, gpointer user_data);
# ifdef HAVE_XML
GtkWidget *cmd = GTK_WIDGET (name_to_widget (s, "cmd_text"));
- char *cmd_line = get_configurator_command_line (s->cdata);
+ char *cmd_line = get_configurator_command_line (s->cdata, False);
gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (cmd), cmd_line);
gtk_entry_set_position (GTK_ENTRY (cmd), strlen (cmd_line));
free (cmd_line);
gtk_notebook_set_page (notebook, 0);
+settings_reset_cb (GtkButton *button, gpointer user_data)
+# ifdef HAVE_XML
+ state *s = global_state_kludge; /* I hate C so much... */
+ GtkWidget *cmd = GTK_WIDGET (name_to_widget (s, "cmd_text"));
+ char *cmd_line = get_configurator_command_line (s->cdata, True);
+ gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (cmd), cmd_line);
+ gtk_entry_set_position (GTK_ENTRY (cmd), strlen (cmd_line));
+ free (cmd_line);
+ populate_popup_window (s);
+# endif /* HAVE_XML */
settings_switch_page_cb (GtkNotebook *notebook, GtkNotebookPage *page,
gint page_num, gpointer user_data)
screenhack *hack;
char *pretty_name;
GtkFrame *frame1 = GTK_FRAME (name_to_widget (s, "preview_frame"));
- GtkFrame *frame2 = GTK_FRAME (name_to_widget (s, "doc_frame"));
+ GtkFrame *frame2 = GTK_FRAME (name_to_widget (s, "opt_frame"));
GtkEntry *cmd = GTK_ENTRY (name_to_widget (s, "cmd_text"));
GtkCombo *vis = GTK_COMBO (name_to_widget (s, "visual_combo"));
GtkWidget *list = GTK_WIDGET (name_to_widget (s, "list"));
return FALSE; /* do not re-execute timer */
+static int
+settings_timer (gpointer data)
+ settings_cb (0, 0);
+ return FALSE;
/* Call this when you think you might want a preview process running.
It will set a timer that will actually launch that program a second
#endif /* HAVE_CRAPPLET */
#endif /* 0 */
-const char *usage = "[--display dpy] [--prefs]"
+const char *usage = "[--display dpy] [--prefs | --settings]"
" [--crapplet]"
# endif
XtAppContext app;
state S, *s;
saver_preferences *p;
- Bool prefs = False;
+ Bool prefs_p = False;
+ Bool settings_p = False;
int i;
Display *dpy;
Widget toplevel_shell;
if (str[0] == '-' && str[1] == '-')
if (!strcmp (str, "-prefs"))
- prefs = True;
+ prefs_p = True;
+ else if (!strcmp (str, "-settings"))
+ settings_p = True;
else if (crapplet_p)
/* There are lots of random args that we don't care about when we're
started as a crapplet, so just ignore unknown args in that case. */
gtk_widget_set_sensitive (std, False);
std = GTK_WIDGET (name_to_widget (s, "adv_button"));
gtk_widget_hide (std);
+ std = GTK_WIDGET (name_to_widget (s, "reset_button"));
+ gtk_widget_hide (std);
page = 1;
# endif /* !HAVE_XML */
/* Handle the -prefs command-line argument. */
- if (prefs)
+ if (prefs_p)
GtkNotebook *notebook =
GTK_NOTEBOOK (name_to_widget (s, "notebook"));
gtk_timeout_add (60 * 1000, check_blanked_timer, s);
+ /* Handle the --settings command-line argument. */
+ if (settings_p)
+ gtk_timeout_add (500, settings_timer, 0);
/* Issue any warnings about the running xscreensaver daemon. */
if (! s->debug_p)
the_network_is_not_the_computer (s);
* to put seperate savers on those duplicated-or-overlapping
* monitors, xscreensaver just ignores them (which allows them to
* display duplicates or overlaps).
+ *
+ * 5a) Nvidia fucks it up:
+ *
+ * Nvidia drivers as of Aug 2008 running in "TwinView" mode
+ * apparently report correct screen geometry via Xinerama, but
+ * report one giant screen via RANDR. The response from the
+ * nvidia developers is, "we don't support RANDR, use Xinerama
+ * instead." Which is a seriously lame answer. So, xscreensaver
+ * has to query *both* extensions, and make a guess as to which
+ * is to be believed.
int enemy; /* which monitor it overlaps or duplicates */
+static Bool layouts_differ_p (monitor **a, monitor **b);
static void
free_monitors (monitor **monitors)
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < ScreenCount (dpy); i++)
- Screen *screen = ScreenOfDisplay (dpy, j);
+ Screen *screen = ScreenOfDisplay (dpy, i);
if (! new_randr_p) /* RANDR 1.0 */
SizeID size = -1;
Rotation rot = ~0;
XRRScreenSize *rrsizes;
- int nsizes;
+ int nsizes = 0;
size = XRRConfigCurrentConfiguration (rrc, &rot);
rrsizes = XRRConfigSizes (rrc, &nsizes);
- if (rot & (RR_Rotate_90|RR_Rotate_270))
+ if (nsizes <= 0) /* WTF? Shouldn't happen but does. */
+ {
+ m->width = DisplayWidth (dpy, i);
+ m->height = DisplayHeight (dpy, i);
+ }
+ else if (rot & (RR_Rotate_90|RR_Rotate_270))
m->width = rrsizes[size].height;
m->height = rrsizes[size].width;
+#if defined(HAVE_RANDR) && defined(HAVE_XINERAMA)
+/* From: Aaron Plattner <aplattner@nvidia.com>
+ Date: August 7, 2008 10:21:25 AM PDT
+ To: linux-bugs@nvidia.com
+ The NVIDIA X driver does not yet support RandR 1.2. The X server has
+ a compatibility layer in it that allows RandR 1.2 clients to talk to
+ RandR 1.1 drivers through an RandR 1.2 pseudo-output called "default".
+ This reports the total combined resolution of the TwinView display,
+ since it doesn't have any visibility into TwinView metamodes. There
+ is no way for the driver to prevent the server from turning on this
+ compatibility layer.
+ The intention is for X client applications to continue to use the
+ Xinerama extension to query the screen geometry. RandR 1.2 reports
+ its own Xinerama info for this purpose. I would recommend against
+ modifying xscreensaver to try to get this information from RandR.
+ */
+static monitor **
+randr_versus_xinerama_fight (Display *dpy, monitor **randr_monitors)
+ monitor **xinerama_monitors;
+ if (!randr_monitors)
+ return 0;
+ xinerama_monitors = xinerama_scan_monitors (dpy);
+ if (!xinerama_monitors)
+ return randr_monitors;
+ if (! layouts_differ_p (randr_monitors, xinerama_monitors))
+ {
+ free_monitors (xinerama_monitors);
+ return randr_monitors;
+ }
+ else if ( randr_monitors[0] && !randr_monitors[1] && /* 1 monitor */
+ xinerama_monitors[0] && xinerama_monitors[1]) /* >1 monitor */
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr,
+ "%s: WARNING: RANDR reports 1 screen but Xinerama\n"
+ "%s: reports multiple. Believing Xinerama.\n",
+ blurb(), blurb());
+ free_monitors (randr_monitors);
+ return xinerama_monitors;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr,
+ "%s: WARNING: RANDR and Xinerama report different\n"
+ "%s: screen layouts! Believing RANDR.\n",
+ blurb(), blurb());
+ free_monitors (xinerama_monitors);
+ return randr_monitors;
+ }
/* If DEBUG_MULTISCREEN is defined, then in "-debug" mode, xscreensaver
# ifdef HAVE_RANDR
if (! p->getviewport_full_of_lies_p)
if (! monitors) monitors = randr_scan_monitors (si->dpy);
-# endif
+ monitors = randr_versus_xinerama_fight (si->dpy, monitors);
+# endif
+# endif /* HAVE_RANDR */
# ifdef HAVE_XF86VMODE
if (! monitors) monitors = vidmode_scan_monitors (si->dpy);
# endif
-# ifdef HAVE_XF86VMODE
if (! monitors) monitors = xinerama_scan_monitors (si->dpy);
# endif
+static Bool
+plausible_aspect_ratio_p (monitor **monitors)
+ /* Modern wide-screen monitors come in the following aspect ratios:
+ One monitor: If you tack a 640x480 monitor
+ onto the right, the ratio is:
+ 16 x 9 --> 1.78
+ 852 x 480 --> 1.77 852+640 x 480 --> 3.11 "SD 480p"
+ 1280 x 720 --> 1.78 1280+640 x 720 --> 2.67 "HD 720p"
+ 1280 x 920 --> 1.39 1280+640 x 920 --> 2.09
+ 1366 x 768 --> 1.78 1366+640 x 768 --> 2.61 "HD 768p"
+ 1440 x 900 --> 1.60 1440+640 x 900 --> 2.31
+ 1680 x 1050 --> 1.60 1680+640 x 1050 --> 2.21
+ 1690 x 1050 --> 1.61 1690+640 x 1050 --> 2.22
+ 1920 x 1080 --> 1.78 1920+640 x 1080 --> 2.37 "HD 1080p"
+ 1920 x 1200 --> 1.60 1920+640 x 1200 --> 2.13
+ 2560 x 1600 --> 1.60 2560+640 x 1600 --> 2.00
+ So that implies that if we ever see an aspect ratio >= 2.0,
+ we can be pretty sure that the X server is lying to us, and
+ that's actually two monitors, not one.
+ */
+ if (monitors[0] && !monitors[1] && /* exactly 1 monitor */
+ monitors[0]->height &&
+ monitors[0]->width / (double) monitors[0]->height >= 1.9)
+ return False;
+ else
+ return True;
/* Mark the ones that overlap, etc.
static void
if (i != j &&
monitors[i]->sanity == S_SANE &&
monitors[j]->sanity == S_SANE &&
+ monitors[i]->screen == monitors[j]->screen &&
X2 >= X1 &&
Y2 >= Y1 &&
(X2+W2) <= (X1+W1) &&
if (monitors[i]->sanity != S_SANE) continue; /* already marked */
if (monitors[j]->sanity != S_SANE) continue;
+ if (monitors[i]->screen != monitors[j]->screen) continue;
if (monitors_overlap_p (monitors[i], monitors[j]))
- /* Finally, make sure all monitors are enclosed by their X screen.
+ /* Finally, make sure all monitors have sane positions and sizes.
Xinerama sometimes reports 1024x768 VPs at -1936862040, -1953705044.
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
- int sw = WidthOfScreen (monitors[i]->screen) * 2;
- int sh = HeightOfScreen (monitors[i]->screen) * 2;
if (monitors[i]->sanity != S_SANE) continue; /* already marked */
- if (X1 < 0 || Y1 < 0 ||
- W1 <= 0 || H1 <= 0 ||
- X1+W1 > sw || Y1+H1 > sh)
+ if (X1 < 0 || Y1 < 0 ||
+ W1 <= 0 || H1 <= 0 ||
+ X1+W1 >= 0x7FFF || Y1+H1 >= 0x7FFF)
monitors[i]->sanity = S_OFFSCREEN;
monitors[i]->enemy = 0;
int count = 0;
int good_count = 0;
int bad_count = 0;
+ int implausible_p = !plausible_aspect_ratio_p (monitors);
while (monitors[count])
if (monitors[count]->sanity == S_SANE)
+ if (implausible_p)
+ fprintf (stderr,
+ "%s: WARNING: single screen aspect ratio is %dx%d = %.2f\n"
+ "%s: probable X server bug in Xinerama/RANDR!\n",
+ blurb(), monitors[0]->width, monitors[0]->height,
+ monitors[0]->width / (double) monitors[0]->height,
+ blurb());
#define HeightOfScreen(s) 10240
#undef screen_number
-#define screen_number(s) (0)
+#define screen_number(s) ((int) s)
#include "screens.c" /* to get at static void check_monitor_sanity() */
case S_OVERLAP: return "OVR";
case S_OFFSCREEN: return "OFF";
case S_DISABLED: return "DIS";
+ default: abort(); break;
monitor *m = calloc (1, sizeof (monitor));
char c;
m->id = (testnum * 1000) + nscreens;
- if (4 != sscanf (token, "%dx%d+%d+%d%c",
- &m->width, &m->height, &m->x, &m->y, &c))
+ if (5 == sscanf (token, "%dx%d+%d+%d@%d%c",
+ &m->width, &m->height, &m->x, &m->y,
+ (int *) &m->screen, &c))
+ ;
+ else if (4 != sscanf (token, "%dx%d+%d+%d%c",
+ &m->width, &m->height, &m->x, &m->y, &c))
fprintf (stderr, "%s: unparsable geometry: %s\n", blurb(), token);
exit (1);
monitor *m = monitors[i];
if (out != result) *out++ = ',';
if (m->sanity == S_SANE)
- sprintf (out, "%dx%d+%d+%d", m->width, m->height, m->x, m->y);
+ {
+ sprintf (out, "%dx%d+%d+%d", m->width, m->height, m->x, m->y);
+ if (m->screen)
+ sprintf (out + strlen(out), "@%d", (int) m->screen);
+ }
strcpy (out, failstr (m->sanity));
out += strlen(out);
+ A("800x600+0+0,800x600+0+0@1,800x600+10+0@2");
+ B("1600x1200+0+0,1360x768+0+0,1600x1200+0+0@1,1360x768+0+0@1",
+ "1600x1200+0+0,ENC,1600x1200+0+0@1,ENC");
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<property name="use_markup">False</property>
<property name="justify">GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT</property>
<property name="yalign">0.5</property>
<property name="xpad">0</property>
<property name="ypad">0</property>
+ <property name="ellipsize">PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE</property>
+ <property name="width_chars">-1</property>
+ <property name="single_line_mode">False</property>
+ <property name="angle">0</property>
<property name="type">label_item</property>
<property name="padding">0</property>
- <property name="expand">True</property>
- <property name="fill">True</property>
+ <property name="expand">False</property>
+ <property name="fill">False</property>
# include "xmu.h"
#endif /* !HAVE_XMU */
+#include <X11/extensions/scrnsaver.h>
# include <X11/extensions/xidle.h>
+# include <X11/extensions/XSGIvc.h>
+# include <X11/extensions/readdisplay.h>
+# include <X11/extensions/XShm.h>
+# include <X11/extensions/dpms.h>
+# include <X11/extensions/Xdbe.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_XF86VMODE
+# include <X11/extensions/xf86vmode.h>
+#endif /* HAVE_XF86VMODE */
+# include <X11/extensions/xf86misc.h>
# include <X11/extensions/Xinerama.h>
#endif /* HAVE_XINERAMA */
+#ifdef HAVE_RANDR
+# include <X11/extensions/Xrandr.h>
+#endif /* HAVE_RANDR */
#include "xscreensaver.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "yarandom.h"
si->using_proc_interrupts = p->use_proc_interrupts;
- server_has_xidle_extension_p = query_xidle_extension (si);
+ {
+ int ev, er;
+ server_has_xidle_extension_p = XidleQueryExtension (si->dpy, &ev, &er);
+ }
- server_has_sgi_saver_extension_p = query_sgi_saver_extension (si);
+ server_has_sgi_saver_extension_p =
+ XScreenSaverQueryExtension (si->dpy,
+ &si->sgi_saver_ext_event_number,
+ &si->sgi_saver_ext_error_number);
- server_has_mit_saver_extension_p = query_mit_saver_extension (si);
+ server_has_mit_saver_extension_p =
+ XScreenSaverQueryExtension (si->dpy,
+ &si->mit_saver_ext_event_number,
+ &si->mit_saver_ext_error_number);
system_has_proc_interrupts_p = query_proc_interrupts_available (si, &piwhy);
- query_randr_extension (si);
+ if (XRRQueryExtension (si->dpy,
+ &si->randr_event_number, &si->randr_error_number))
+ {
+ int nscreens = ScreenCount (si->dpy); /* number of *real* screens */
+ int i;
+ if (p->verbose_p)
+ fprintf (stderr, "%s: selecting RANDR events\n", blurb());
+ for (i = 0; i < nscreens; i++)
+# ifdef RRScreenChangeNotifyMask /* randr.h 1.5, 2002/09/29 */
+ XRRSelectInput (si->dpy, RootWindow (si->dpy, i),
+ RRScreenChangeNotifyMask);
+# else /* !RRScreenChangeNotifyMask */ /* Xrandr.h 1.4, 2001/06/07 */
+ XRRScreenChangeSelectInput (si->dpy, RootWindow (si->dpy, i), True);
+# endif /* !RRScreenChangeNotifyMask */
+ }
+# endif /* HAVE_RANDR */
if (!system_has_proc_interrupts_p)
int i, j;
static struct {
- const char *name; const char *desc; Bool useful_p;
+ const char *name; const char *desc;
+ Bool useful_p;
+ Status (*version_fn) (Display *, int *majP, int *minP);
} exts[] = {
{ "SCREEN_SAVER", /* underscore */ "SGI Screen-Saver",
- True
+ True, 0
# else
- False
+ False, 0
# endif
}, { "SCREEN-SAVER", /* dash */ "SGI Screen-Saver",
- True
+ True, 0
# else
- False
+ False, 0
# endif
}, { "MIT-SCREEN-SAVER", "MIT Screen-Saver",
- True
+ True, XScreenSaverQueryVersion
# else
- False
+ False, 0
# endif
}, { "XIDLE", "XIdle",
- True
+ True, 0
# else
- False
+ False, 0
# endif
}, { "SGI-VIDEO-CONTROL", "SGI Video-Control",
- True
+ True, XSGIvcQueryVersion
# else
- False
+ False, 0
# endif
}, { "READDISPLAY", "SGI Read-Display",
- True
+ True, XReadDisplayQueryVersion
# else
- False
+ False, 0
# endif
}, { "MIT-SHM", "Shared Memory",
- True
+ True, (Status (*) (Display*,int*,int*)) XShmQueryVersion /* 4 args */
# else
- False
+ False, 0
# endif
}, { "DOUBLE-BUFFER", "Double-Buffering",
- True
+ True, XdbeQueryExtension
# else
- False
+ False, 0
# endif
}, { "DPMS", "Power Management",
- True
+ True, DPMSGetVersion
# else
- False
+ False, 0
# endif
}, { "GLX", "GLX",
# ifdef HAVE_GL
- True
+ True, 0
# else
- False
+ False, 0
# endif
}, { "XFree86-VidModeExtension", "XF86 Video-Mode",
# ifdef HAVE_XF86VMODE
- True
+ True, XF86VidModeQueryVersion
+# else
+ False, 0
+# endif
+ }, { "XC-VidModeExtension", "XC Video-Mode",
+# ifdef HAVE_XF86VMODE
+ True, XF86VidModeQueryVersion
+# else
+ False, 0
+# endif
+ }, { "XFree86-MISC", "XF86 Misc",
+ True, XF86MiscQueryVersion
# else
- False
+ False, 0
+# endif
+ }, { "XC-MISC", "XC Misc",
+ True, XF86MiscQueryVersion
+# else
+ False, 0
# endif
}, { "XINERAMA", "Xinerama",
- True
+ True, XineramaQueryVersion
# else
- False
+ False, 0
# endif
}, { "RANDR", "Resize-and-Rotate",
# ifdef HAVE_RANDR
- True
+ True, XRRQueryVersion
# else
- False
+ False, 0
# endif
}, { "DRI", "DRI",
- True
+ True, 0
}, { "Apple-DRI", "Apple-DRI (XDarwin)",
- True
+ True, 0
int op = 0, event = 0, error = 0;
char buf [255];
+ int maj = 0, min = 0;
+ int dummy1, dummy2, dummy3;
int j;
+ /* Most of the extension version functions take 3 args,
+ writing results into args 2 and 3, but some take more.
+ We only ever care about the first two results, but we
+ pass in three extra pointers just in case.
+ */
+ Status (*version_fn_2) (Display*,int*,int*,int*,int*,int*) =
+ (Status (*) (Display*,int*,int*,int*,int*,int*)) exts[i].version_fn;
if (!XQueryExtension (si->dpy, exts[i].name, &op, &event, &error))
sprintf (buf, "%s: ", blurb());
j = strlen (buf);
strcat (buf, exts[i].desc);
+ if (!version_fn_2)
+ ;
+ else if (version_fn_2 (si->dpy, &maj, &min, &dummy1, &dummy2, &dummy3))
+ sprintf (buf+strlen(buf), " (%d.%d)", maj, min);
+ else
+ strcat (buf, " (unavailable)");
if (!exts[i].useful_p)
strcat (buf, " (disabled at compile time)");
fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", buf);
extern void disable_builtin_screensaver (saver_info *, Bool unblank_screen_p);
extern Bool ensure_no_screensaver_running (Display *, Screen *);
-extern Bool query_mit_saver_extension (saver_info *);
-extern Bool query_sgi_saver_extension (saver_info *);
-extern Bool query_xidle_extension (saver_info *);
-#ifdef HAVE_RANDR
-extern Bool query_randr_extension (saver_info *);
extern Bool query_proc_interrupts_available (saver_info *, const char **why);
/* xset.c --- interacting with server extensions and the builtin screensaver.
- * xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1991-2005 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+ * xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1991-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
# include <X11/extensions/scrnsaver.h>
-query_mit_saver_extension (saver_info *si)
- return XScreenSaverQueryExtension (si->dpy,
- &si->mit_saver_ext_event_number,
- &si->mit_saver_ext_error_number);
static int
ignore_all_errors_ehandler (Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *error)
# include <X11/extensions/XScreenSaver.h>
-query_sgi_saver_extension (saver_info *si)
- return XScreenSaverQueryExtension (si->dpy,
- &si->sgi_saver_ext_event_number,
- &si->sgi_saver_ext_error_number);
static void
init_sgi_saver_extension (saver_info *si)
-/* XIDLE server extension hackery.
- */
-# include <X11/extensions/xidle.h>
-query_xidle_extension (saver_info *si)
- int event_number;
- int error_number;
- return XidleQueryExtension (si->dpy, &event_number, &error_number);
-/* Resize and Rotate server extension hackery.
- */
-#ifdef HAVE_RANDR
-# include <X11/extensions/Xrandr.h>
-query_randr_extension (saver_info *si)
- saver_preferences *p = &si->prefs;
- Bool ok = XRRQueryExtension (si->dpy,
- &si->randr_event_number,
- &si->randr_error_number);
- if (ok)
- {
- int nscreens = ScreenCount (si->dpy); /* number of *real* screens */
- int i;
- if (p->verbose_p)
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: selecting RANDR events\n", blurb());
- for (i = 0; i < nscreens; i++)
-# ifdef RRScreenChangeNotifyMask /* randr.h 1.5, 2002/09/29 */
- XRRSelectInput (si->dpy, RootWindow (si->dpy, i),
- RRScreenChangeNotifyMask);
-# else /* !RRScreenChangeNotifyMask */ /* Xrandr.h 1.4, 2001/06/07 */
- XRRScreenChangeSelectInput (si->dpy, RootWindow (si->dpy, i), True);
-# endif /* !RRScreenChangeNotifyMask */
- }
- return ok;
-#endif /* HAVE_RANDR */
/* Figuring out what the appropriate XSetScreenSaver() parameters are
maze.c moire.c noseguy.c pedal.c penrose.c pyro.c qix.c \
rocks.c rorschach.c screenhack.c sierpinski.c slidescreen.c \
slip.c sphere.c spiral.c strange.c swirl.c xlockmore.c \
- goop.c starfish.c munch.c fadeplot.c \
+ fps.c goop.c starfish.c munch.c fadeplot.c \
rd-bomb.c coral.c mountain.c triangle.c lissie.c worm.c \
rotor.c ant.c xjack.c xlyap.c jigsaw.c xscreensaver-sgigl.c \
cynosure.c moire2.c flow.c epicycle.c interference.c \
maze.o moire.o noseguy.o pedal.o penrose.o pyro.o qix.o \
rocks.o rorschach.o screenhack.o sierpinski.o slidescreen.o \
slip.o sphere.o spiral.o strange.o swirl.o xlockmore.o \
- goop.o starfish.o munch.o fadeplot.o \
+ fps.o goop.o starfish.o munch.o fadeplot.o \
rd-bomb.o coral.o mountain.o triangle.o lissie.o worm.o \
rotor.o ant.o xjack.o xlyap.o jigsaw.o xscreensaver-sgigl.o \
cynosure.o moire2.o flow.o epicycle.o interference.o \
interference truchet bsod crystal discrete distort kumppa \
demon loop t3d penetrate deluxe compass squiral xflame \
wander spotlight critical phosphor xmatrix petri shadebobs \
- xsublim ccurve blaster bumps ripples xspirograph \
+ ccurve blaster bumps ripples xspirograph \
nerverot xrayswarm hyperball zoom whirlwindwarp rotzoomer \
whirlygig speedmine vermiculate twang apollonian euler2d \
juggle polyominoes thornbird fluidballs anemone halftone \
JPEG_EXES = webcollage-helper
-HACK_OBJS_1 = $(UTILS_BIN)/resources.o $(UTILS_BIN)/visual.o \
+HACK_OBJS_1 = fps.o $(UTILS_BIN)/resources.o $(UTILS_BIN)/visual.o \
$(UTILS_BIN)/usleep.o $(UTILS_BIN)/yarandom.o @XMU_OBJS@
HACK_OBJS = screenhack.o $(HACK_OBJS_1)
XLOCK_OBJS = screenhack.o xlockmore.o $(COLOR_OBJS) $(HACK_OBJS_1)
-HDRS = screenhack.h screenhackI.h xlockmore.h xlockmoreI.h \
- automata.h bubbles.h bumps.h xpm-pixmap.h apple2.h \
- analogtv.h pacman.h pacman_ai.h pacman_level.h asm6502.h
+HDRS = screenhack.h screenhackI.h fps.h fpsI.h xlockmore.h \
+ xlockmoreI.h automata.h bubbles.h xpm-pixmap.h \
+ apple2.h analogtv.h pacman.h pacman_ai.h pacman_level.h \
+ asm6502.h
MEN = anemone.man apollonian.man attraction.man \
blaster.man blitspin.man bouboule.man braid.man bsod.man \
bubbles.man bumps.man ccurve.man compass.man coral.man \
STAR = *
EXTRAS = README Makefile.in xml2man.pl m6502.sh .gdbinit \
- euler2d.tex \
+ euler2d.tex check-configs.pl munge-ad.pl \
config/README \
config/$(STAR).xml \
config/$(STAR).dtd \
done ; \
- @badxml="" ; \
- for exe in $(EXES) $(SCRIPTS); do \
- if ! [ -f $(srcdir)/config/$$exe.xml \
- -o "$$exe" = webcollage-helper \
- -o "$$exe" = xsublim \
- -o "$$exe" = ljlatest ]; then \
- badxml="$$badxml $$exe" ; \
- fi ; \
- done ; \
- if [ -n "$$badxml" ]; then \
- echo "" ; \
- echo "Warning: The following programs have no configurators:" ; \
- echo "" ; \
- for m in $$badxml ; do \
- echo " $$m" ; \
- done ; \
- echo "" ; \
- fi
+ @echo "Validating XML..." ; \
+ cd $(srcdir) ; ./check-configs.pl $(EXES)
+ @echo "Updating hack list in XScreenSaver.ad.in..." ; \
+ cd $(srcdir) ; ./munge-ad.pl ../driver/XScreenSaver.ad.in
# Rules for generating the VMS makefiles on Unix, so that it doesn't have to
distdepend:: compile_axp.com compile_decc.com
distdepend:: link_axp.com link_decc.com
distdepend:: $(srcdir)/../setup.com
-distdepend:: check_men check_xml
+distdepend:: check_men validate_xml munge_ad_file
# Rules for noticing when the objects from the utils directory are out of
# DO NOT DELETE: updated by make distdepend
abstractile.o: ../config.h
+abstractile.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
abstractile.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
abstractile.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
abstractile.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
analogtv.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/xshm.h
analogtv.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
anemone.o: ../config.h
+anemone.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
anemone.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
anemone.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
anemone.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
anemone.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/xdbe.h
anemone.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
anemotaxis.o: ../config.h
+anemotaxis.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
anemotaxis.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
anemotaxis.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
anemotaxis.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
anemotaxis.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
ant.o: $(srcdir)/automata.h
ant.o: ../config.h
+ant.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
ant.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
ant.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
ant.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/erase.h
ant.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
ant.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
apollonian.o: ../config.h
+apollonian.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
apollonian.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
apollonian.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
apollonian.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/erase.h
apple2-main.o: $(srcdir)/analogtv.h
apple2-main.o: $(srcdir)/apple2.h
apple2-main.o: ../config.h
+apple2-main.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
apple2-main.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
apple2-main.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
apple2-main.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
apple2.o: $(srcdir)/analogtv.h
apple2.o: $(srcdir)/apple2.h
apple2.o: ../config.h
+apple2.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
apple2.o: $(srcdir)/images/apple2font.xbm
apple2.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
apple2.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
apple2.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
asm6502.o: $(srcdir)/asm6502.h
attraction.o: ../config.h
+attraction.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
attraction.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
attraction.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
attraction.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
attraction.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
attraction.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
barcode.o: ../config.h
+barcode.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
barcode.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
barcode.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
barcode.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
barcode.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
barcode.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
blaster.o: ../config.h
+blaster.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
blaster.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
blaster.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
blaster.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
blaster.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
blaster.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
blitspin.o: ../config.h
+blitspin.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
blitspin.o: $(srcdir)/images/som.xbm
blitspin.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
blitspin.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
blitspin.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
blitspin.o: $(srcdir)/xpm-pixmap.h
bouboule.o: ../config.h
+bouboule.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
bouboule.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
bouboule.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
bouboule.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
bouboule.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
bouboule.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
boxfit.o: ../config.h
+boxfit.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
boxfit.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
boxfit.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
boxfit.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
boxfit.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
boxfit.o: $(srcdir)/xpm-pixmap.h
braid.o: ../config.h
+braid.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
braid.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
braid.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
braid.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/erase.h
bsod.o: $(srcdir)/analogtv.h
bsod.o: $(srcdir)/apple2.h
bsod.o: ../config.h
+bsod.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
bsod.o: $(srcdir)/images/amiga.xpm
bsod.o: $(srcdir)/images/atari.xbm
bsod.o: $(srcdir)/images/atm.xbm
bubbles-default.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
bubbles.o: $(srcdir)/bubbles.h
bubbles.o: ../config.h
+bubbles.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
bubbles.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
bubbles.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
bubbles.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
bubbles.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
bubbles.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
bubbles.o: $(srcdir)/xpm-pixmap.h
-bumps.o: $(srcdir)/bumps.h
bumps.o: ../config.h
+bumps.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
bumps.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
bumps.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
bumps.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
bumps.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
bumps.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
ccurve.o: ../config.h
+ccurve.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
ccurve.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
ccurve.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
ccurve.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
ccurve.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
ccurve.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
celtic.o: ../config.h
+celtic.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
celtic.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
celtic.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
celtic.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
celtic.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
celtic.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
cloudlife.o: ../config.h
+cloudlife.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
cloudlife.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
cloudlife.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
cloudlife.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
cloudlife.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
cloudlife.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
compass.o: ../config.h
+compass.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
compass.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
compass.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
compass.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
compass.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/xdbe.h
compass.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
coral.o: ../config.h
+coral.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
coral.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
coral.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
coral.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
coral.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
coral.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
critical.o: ../config.h
+critical.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
critical.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
critical.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
critical.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
critical.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
critical.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
crystal.o: ../config.h
+crystal.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
crystal.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
crystal.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
crystal.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
crystal.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
crystal.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
cwaves.o: ../config.h
+cwaves.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
cwaves.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
cwaves.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
cwaves.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
cwaves.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
cwaves.o: $(srcdir)/xpm-pixmap.h
cynosure.o: ../config.h
+cynosure.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
cynosure.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
cynosure.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
cynosure.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
cynosure.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
cynosure.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
decayscreen.o: ../config.h
+decayscreen.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
decayscreen.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
decayscreen.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
decayscreen.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
decayscreen.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
decayscreen.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
deco.o: ../config.h
+deco.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
deco.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
deco.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
deco.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
deco.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
deco.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
deluxe.o: ../config.h
+deluxe.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
deluxe.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
deluxe.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
deluxe.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/alpha.h
deluxe.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
demon.o: $(srcdir)/automata.h
demon.o: ../config.h
+demon.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
demon.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
demon.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
demon.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
demon.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
demon.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
discrete.o: ../config.h
+discrete.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
discrete.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
discrete.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
discrete.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/erase.h
discrete.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
discrete.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
distort.o: ../config.h
+distort.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
distort.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
distort.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
distort.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
distort.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
distort.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
drift.o: ../config.h
+drift.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
drift.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
drift.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
drift.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/erase.h
drift.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
drift.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
epicycle.o: ../config.h
+epicycle.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
epicycle.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
epicycle.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
epicycle.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
epicycle.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
epicycle.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
eruption.o: ../config.h
+eruption.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
eruption.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
eruption.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
eruption.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
eruption.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
eruption.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
euler2d.o: ../config.h
+euler2d.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
euler2d.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
euler2d.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
euler2d.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
euler2d.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
euler2d.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
fadeplot.o: ../config.h
+fadeplot.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
fadeplot.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
fadeplot.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
fadeplot.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
fadeplot.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
fadeplot.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
fiberlamp.o: ../config.h
+fiberlamp.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
fiberlamp.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
fiberlamp.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
fiberlamp.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
fiberlamp.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
fiberlamp.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
fireworkx.o: ../config.h
+fireworkx.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
fireworkx.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
fireworkx.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
fireworkx.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
fireworkx.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
fireworkx.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
flag.o: ../config.h
+flag.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
flag.o: $(srcdir)/images/bob.xbm
flag.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
flag.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
flag.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
flag.o: $(srcdir)/xpm-pixmap.h
flame.o: ../config.h
+flame.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
flame.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
flame.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
flame.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
flame.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
flame.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
flow.o: ../config.h
+flow.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
flow.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
flow.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
flow.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
flow.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
flow.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
fluidballs.o: ../config.h
+fluidballs.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
fluidballs.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
fluidballs.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
fluidballs.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
fluidballs.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/xdbe.h
fluidballs.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
fontglide.o: ../config.h
+fontglide.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
fontglide.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
fontglide.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
fontglide.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
fontglide.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/xdbe.h
fontglide.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
forest.o: ../config.h
+forest.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
forest.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
forest.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
forest.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
forest.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
forest.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
forest.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
+fps.o: ../config.h
+fps.o: $(srcdir)/fpsI.h
+fps.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
+fps.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
+fps.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
+fps.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
+fps.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/hsv.h
+fps.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/resources.h
+fps.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/usleep.h
+fps.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
+fps.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
fuzzyflakes.o: ../config.h
+fuzzyflakes.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
fuzzyflakes.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
fuzzyflakes.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
fuzzyflakes.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
fuzzyflakes.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
fuzzyflakes.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
galaxy.o: ../config.h
+galaxy.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
galaxy.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
galaxy.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
galaxy.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
galaxy.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
galaxy.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
goop.o: ../config.h
+goop.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
goop.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
goop.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
goop.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/alpha.h
goop.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
goop.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
grav.o: ../config.h
+grav.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
grav.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
grav.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
grav.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
grav.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
grav.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
greynetic.o: ../config.h
+greynetic.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
greynetic.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
greynetic.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
greynetic.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
greynetic.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
greynetic.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
halftone.o: ../config.h
+halftone.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
halftone.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
halftone.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
halftone.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
halftone.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
halftone.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
halo.o: ../config.h
+halo.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
halo.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
halo.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
halo.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
halo.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
halo.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
helix.o: ../config.h
+helix.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
helix.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
helix.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
helix.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
helix.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
helix.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
hopalong.o: ../config.h
+hopalong.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
hopalong.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
hopalong.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
hopalong.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/erase.h
hopalong.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
hopalong.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
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+hyperball.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
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hyperball.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
hyperball.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
hyperball.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
hypercube.o: ../config.h
+hypercube.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
hypercube.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
hypercube.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
hypercube.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
hypercube.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
hypercube.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
ifs.o: ../config.h
+ifs.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
ifs.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
ifs.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
ifs.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
ifs.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
ifs.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
imsmap.o: ../config.h
+imsmap.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
imsmap.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
imsmap.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
imsmap.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
imsmap.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
imsmap.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
interaggregate.o: ../config.h
+interaggregate.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
interaggregate.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
interaggregate.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
interaggregate.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
interaggregate.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
interaggregate.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
interference.o: ../config.h
+interference.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
interference.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
interference.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
interference.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
interference.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/xdbe.h
interference.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
intermomentary.o: ../config.h
+intermomentary.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
intermomentary.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
intermomentary.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
intermomentary.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
intermomentary.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
intermomentary.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
jigsaw.o: ../config.h
+jigsaw.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
jigsaw.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
jigsaw.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
jigsaw.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
jigsaw.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
jigsaw.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
juggle.o: ../config.h
+juggle.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
juggle.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
juggle.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
juggle.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
juggle.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
juggle.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
julia.o: ../config.h
+julia.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
julia.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
julia.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
julia.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
julia.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
julia.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
kaleidescope.o: ../config.h
+kaleidescope.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
kaleidescope.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
kaleidescope.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
kaleidescope.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
kaleidescope.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
kaleidescope.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
kumppa.o: ../config.h
+kumppa.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
kumppa.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
kumppa.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
kumppa.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
kumppa.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/xdbe.h
kumppa.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
laser.o: ../config.h
+laser.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
laser.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
laser.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
laser.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
laser.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
laser.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
lcdscrub.o: ../config.h
+lcdscrub.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
lcdscrub.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
lcdscrub.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
lcdscrub.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
lcdscrub.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
lcdscrub.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
lightning.o: ../config.h
+lightning.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
lightning.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
lightning.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
lightning.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
lightning.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
lightning.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
lisa.o: ../config.h
+lisa.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
lisa.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
lisa.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
lisa.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
lisa.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
lisa.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
lissie.o: ../config.h
+lissie.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
lissie.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
lissie.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
lissie.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
lissie.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
lissie.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
lmorph.o: ../config.h
+lmorph.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
lmorph.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
lmorph.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
lmorph.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
lmorph.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
loop.o: $(srcdir)/automata.h
loop.o: ../config.h
+loop.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
loop.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
loop.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
loop.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
m6502.o: $(srcdir)/analogtv.h
m6502.o: $(srcdir)/asm6502.h
m6502.o: ../config.h
+m6502.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
m6502.o: m6502.h
m6502.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
m6502.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
m6502.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/xshm.h
m6502.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
maze.o: ../config.h
+maze.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
maze.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
maze.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
maze.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
maze.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
maze.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
memscroller.o: ../config.h
+memscroller.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
memscroller.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
memscroller.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
memscroller.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
memscroller.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
memscroller.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
metaballs.o: ../config.h
+metaballs.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
metaballs.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
metaballs.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
metaballs.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
metaballs.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
metaballs.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
mismunch.o: ../config.h
+mismunch.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
mismunch.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
mismunch.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
mismunch.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
mismunch.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
mismunch.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
moire2.o: ../config.h
+moire2.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
moire2.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
moire2.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
moire2.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
moire2.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/xdbe.h
moire2.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
moire.o: ../config.h
+moire.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
moire.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
moire.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
moire.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
moire.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
moire.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
mountain.o: ../config.h
+mountain.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
mountain.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
mountain.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
mountain.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
mountain.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
mountain.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
munch.o: ../config.h
+munch.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
munch.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
munch.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
munch.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
munch.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
munch.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
nerverot.o: ../config.h
+nerverot.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
nerverot.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
nerverot.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
nerverot.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
nerverot.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
nerverot.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
noseguy.o: ../config.h
+noseguy.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
noseguy.o: $(srcdir)/images/noseguy/nose-f1.xpm
noseguy.o: $(srcdir)/images/noseguy/nose-f2.xpm
noseguy.o: $(srcdir)/images/noseguy/nose-f3.xpm
noseguy.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
noseguy.o: $(srcdir)/xpm-pixmap.h
pacman_ai.o: ../config.h
+pacman_ai.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
pacman_ai.o: $(srcdir)/pacman_ai.h
pacman_ai.o: $(srcdir)/pacman.h
pacman_ai.o: $(srcdir)/pacman_level.h
pacman_ai.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
pacman_ai.o: $(srcdir)/xpm-pixmap.h
pacman_level.o: ../config.h
+pacman_level.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
pacman_level.o: $(srcdir)/pacman.h
pacman_level.o: $(srcdir)/pacman_level.h
pacman_level.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
pacman_level.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
pacman_level.o: $(srcdir)/xpm-pixmap.h
pacman.o: ../config.h
+pacman.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
pacman.o: $(srcdir)/images/pacman/eyes-d.xpm
pacman.o: $(srcdir)/images/pacman/eyes-l.xpm
pacman.o: $(srcdir)/images/pacman/eyes-r.xpm
pacman.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
pacman.o: $(srcdir)/xpm-pixmap.h
pedal.o: ../config.h
+pedal.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
pedal.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
pedal.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
pedal.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
pedal.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
pedal.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
penetrate.o: ../config.h
+penetrate.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
penetrate.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
penetrate.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
penetrate.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
penetrate.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
penetrate.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
penrose.o: ../config.h
+penrose.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
penrose.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
penrose.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
penrose.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
penrose.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
penrose.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
petri.o: ../config.h
+petri.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
petri.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
petri.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
petri.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
petri.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
petri.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
phosphor.o: ../config.h
+phosphor.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
phosphor.o: $(srcdir)/images/6x10font.xbm
phosphor.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
phosphor.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
phosphor.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
phosphor.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
piecewise.o: ../config.h
+piecewise.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
piecewise.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
piecewise.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
piecewise.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
piecewise.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/xdbe.h
piecewise.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
polyominoes.o: ../config.h
+polyominoes.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
polyominoes.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
polyominoes.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
polyominoes.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/erase.h
polyominoes.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
pong.o: $(srcdir)/analogtv.h
pong.o: ../config.h
+pong.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
pong.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
pong.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
pong.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
pong.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/xshm.h
pong.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
popsquares.o: ../config.h
+popsquares.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
popsquares.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
popsquares.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
popsquares.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
popsquares.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/xdbe.h
popsquares.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
pyro.o: ../config.h
+pyro.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
pyro.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
pyro.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
pyro.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
pyro.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
pyro.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
qix.o: ../config.h
+qix.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
qix.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
qix.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
qix.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/alpha.h
qix.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
qix.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
rd-bomb.o: ../config.h
+rd-bomb.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
rd-bomb.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
rd-bomb.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
rd-bomb.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
rd-bomb.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
rd-bomb.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
ripples.o: ../config.h
+ripples.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
ripples.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
ripples.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
ripples.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
ripples.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
ripples.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
rocks.o: ../config.h
+rocks.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
rocks.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
rocks.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
rocks.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
rocks.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
rocks.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
rorschach.o: ../config.h
+rorschach.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
rorschach.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
rorschach.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
rorschach.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
rorschach.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
rorschach.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
rotor.o: ../config.h
+rotor.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
rotor.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
rotor.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
rotor.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
rotor.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
rotor.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
rotzoomer.o: ../config.h
+rotzoomer.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
rotzoomer.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
rotzoomer.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
rotzoomer.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
rotzoomer.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
rotzoomer.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
screenhack.o: ../config.h
+screenhack.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
screenhack.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
screenhack.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
screenhack.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
screenhack.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/xmu.h
screenhack.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
shadebobs.o: ../config.h
+shadebobs.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
shadebobs.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
shadebobs.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
shadebobs.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
shadebobs.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
shadebobs.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
sierpinski.o: ../config.h
+sierpinski.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
sierpinski.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
sierpinski.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
sierpinski.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
sierpinski.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
sierpinski.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
slidescreen.o: ../config.h
+slidescreen.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
slidescreen.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
slidescreen.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
slidescreen.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
slidescreen.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
slidescreen.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
slip.o: ../config.h
+slip.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
slip.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
slip.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
slip.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
slip.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
slip.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
sonar.o: ../config.h
+sonar.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
sonar.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
sonar.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
sonar.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
sonar.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
sonar.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
speedmine.o: ../config.h
+speedmine.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
speedmine.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
speedmine.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
speedmine.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
speedmine.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
speedmine.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
sphere.o: ../config.h
+sphere.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
sphere.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
sphere.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
sphere.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
sphere.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
sphere.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
spiral.o: ../config.h
+spiral.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
spiral.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
spiral.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
spiral.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
spiral.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
spiral.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
spotlight.o: ../config.h
+spotlight.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
spotlight.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
spotlight.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
spotlight.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
spotlight.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
spotlight.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
squiral.o: ../config.h
+squiral.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
squiral.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
squiral.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
squiral.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
squiral.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
squiral.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
starfish.o: ../config.h
+starfish.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
starfish.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
starfish.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
starfish.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
starfish.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
starfish.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
strange.o: ../config.h
+strange.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
strange.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
strange.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
strange.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
strange.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
strange.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
substrate.o: ../config.h
+substrate.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
substrate.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
substrate.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
substrate.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
substrate.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
substrate.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
swirl.o: ../config.h
+swirl.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
swirl.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
swirl.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
swirl.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
swirl.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
swirl.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
t3d.o: ../config.h
+t3d.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
t3d.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
t3d.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
t3d.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
t3d.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
t3d.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
thornbird.o: ../config.h
+thornbird.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
thornbird.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
thornbird.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
thornbird.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
thornbird.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
thornbird.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
triangle.o: ../config.h
+triangle.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
triangle.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
triangle.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
triangle.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
triangle.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
triangle.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
truchet.o: ../config.h
+truchet.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
truchet.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
truchet.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
truchet.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
truchet.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
truchet.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
twang.o: ../config.h
+twang.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
twang.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
twang.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
twang.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
twang.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
twang.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
vermiculate.o: ../config.h
+vermiculate.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
vermiculate.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
vermiculate.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
vermiculate.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
vermiculate.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
vermiculate.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
vines.o: ../config.h
+vines.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
vines.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
vines.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
vines.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/erase.h
vines.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
vines.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
wander.o: ../config.h
+wander.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
wander.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
wander.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
wander.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
wander.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
wander.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
webcollage-cocoa.o: ../config.h
+webcollage-cocoa.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
webcollage-cocoa.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
webcollage-cocoa.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
webcollage-cocoa.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
webcollage-cocoa.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
webcollage-helper.o: ../config.h
whirlwindwarp.o: ../config.h
+whirlwindwarp.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
whirlwindwarp.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
whirlwindwarp.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
whirlwindwarp.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
whirlwindwarp.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
whirlwindwarp.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
whirlygig.o: ../config.h
+whirlygig.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
whirlygig.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
whirlygig.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
whirlygig.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
whirlygig.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/xdbe.h
whirlygig.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
wormhole.o: ../config.h
+wormhole.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
wormhole.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
wormhole.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
wormhole.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
wormhole.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
wormhole.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
worm.o: ../config.h
+worm.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
worm.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
worm.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
worm.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
worm.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmore.h
xanalogtv.o: $(srcdir)/analogtv.h
xanalogtv.o: ../config.h
+xanalogtv.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
xanalogtv.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
xanalogtv.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
xanalogtv.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
xanalogtv.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
xanalogtv.o: $(srcdir)/xpm-pixmap.h
xflame.o: ../config.h
+xflame.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
xflame.o: $(srcdir)/images/bob.xbm
xflame.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
xflame.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
xflame.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
xflame.o: $(srcdir)/xpm-pixmap.h
xjack.o: ../config.h
+xjack.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
xjack.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
xjack.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
xjack.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
xjack.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
xjack.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
xlockmore.o: ../config.h
+xlockmore.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
xlockmore.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
xlockmore.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
xlockmore.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
xlockmore.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
xlockmore.o: $(srcdir)/xlockmoreI.h
xlyap.o: ../config.h
+xlyap.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
xlyap.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
xlyap.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
xlyap.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
xlyap.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
xlyap.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
xmatrix.o: ../config.h
+xmatrix.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
xmatrix.o: $(srcdir)/images/matrix1b.xbm
xmatrix.o: $(srcdir)/images/matrix1b.xpm
xmatrix.o: $(srcdir)/images/matrix1.xbm
xpm-pixmap.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
xpm-pixmap.o: $(srcdir)/xpm-pixmap.h
xrayswarm.o: ../config.h
+xrayswarm.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
xrayswarm.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
xrayswarm.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
xrayswarm.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
xrayswarm.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
xscreensaver-sgigl.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/vroot.h
xspirograph.o: ../config.h
+xspirograph.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
xspirograph.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
xspirograph.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
xspirograph.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
xsublim.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/vroot.h
xsublim.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
zoom.o: ../config.h
+zoom.o: $(srcdir)/fps.h
zoom.o: $(srcdir)/screenhackI.h
zoom.o: $(srcdir)/screenhack.h
zoom.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
static const char *abstractile_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*sleep: 3",
"*speed: 3",
"*tile: random",
.B abstractile
[\-sleep \fIseconds\fP] [\-speed \fIint\fP] [\-tile \fItile_mode\fP]
The \fIabstractile\fP program draws chaotic grids of randomly colored
and shaped interlocking tiles.
The type of tile that is drawn on each screen. Legal values are
\fIrandom\fP, \fIflat\fP, \fIthin\fP, \fIoutline\fP,
\fIblock\fP, \fIneon\fP, and \fItiled\fP
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
it=(analogtv *)calloc(1,sizeof(analogtv));
+ if (!it) return 0;
float *raw_rgb_end=raw_rgb_start+3*it->subwidth;
float *rrp;
+ if (! raw_rgb_start) return;
"*Background: Black", \
"*use_cmap: 0", \
"*geometry: 800x600", \
+ "*fpsSolid: True", \
[\-arms \fInumber\fP]
[\-finpoints \fInumber\fP]
[\-width \fInumber\fP]
Wiggling tentacles.
.TP 8
.B \-width \fInumber\fP
Thickness. 1 - 10. Default: 2.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
[\-distance \fInumber\fP]
[\-sources \fInumber\fP]
[\-searchers \fInumber\fP]
The program demonstrates a search algorithm designed for locating a
source of odor in turbulent atmosphere. The odor is convected by wind
.TP 8
.B \-searchers \fInumber\fP
Max number of searchers. Default: 25.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
#ifndef HAVE_COCOA
-# define DO_STIPPLE
+/*# define DO_STIPPLE*/
# define MODE_ant
-# define DEFAULTS "*delay: 1000 \n" \
+# define DEFAULTS "*delay: 20000 \n" \
"*count: -3 \n" \
"*cycles: 40000 \n" \
"*size: -12 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 64 \n"
+ "*ncolors: 64 \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# define reshape_ant 0
# define ant_handle_event 0
# include "xlockmore.h" /* in xscreensaver distribution */
antstruct *ants;
int init_bits;
unsigned char colors[NUMSTIPPLES - 1];
+# ifdef DO_STIPPLE
GC stippledGC;
+# endif /* DO_STIPPLE */
Pixmap pixmaps[NUMSTIPPLES - 1];
union {
XPoint hexagon[7]; /* Need more than 6 for truchet */
if (!color) {
XSetForeground(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_GC(mi), MI_BLACK_PIXEL(mi));
gc = MI_GC(mi);
- } else if (MI_NPIXELS(mi) > 2) {
- XSetForeground(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_GC(mi),
- MI_PIXEL(mi, ap->colors[color - 1]));
- gc = MI_GC(mi);
- } else {
+# ifdef DO_STIPPLE
+ } else if (MI_NPIXELS(mi) <= 2) {
XGCValues gcv;
-#ifdef DO_STIPPLE
- gcv.stipple = ap->pixmaps[color - 1];
-#endif /* DO_STIPPLE */
gcv.foreground = MI_WHITE_PIXEL(mi);
gcv.background = MI_BLACK_PIXEL(mi);
+ gcv.stipple = ap->pixmaps[color - 1];
XChangeGC(MI_DISPLAY(mi), ap->stippledGC,
-#ifdef DO_STIPPLE
- GCStipple |
-#endif /* DO_STIPPLE */
- GCForeground | GCBackground, &gcv);
+ GCStipple | GCForeground | GCBackground, &gcv);
gc = ap->stippledGC;
+# endif /* !DO_STIPPLE */
+ } else {
+ XSetForeground(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_GC(mi),
+ MI_PIXEL(mi, ap->colors[color - 1]));
+ gc = MI_GC(mi);
fillcell(mi, gc, col, row);
int shade;
+#ifdef DO_STIPPLE
if (ap->stippledGC != None) {
XFreeGC(display, ap->stippledGC);
ap->stippledGC = None;
+#endif /* DO_STIPPLE */
for (shade = 0; shade < ap->init_bits; shade++) {
XFreePixmap(display, ap->pixmaps[shade]);
# define DEFAULTS "*delay: 1000000 \n" \
"*count: 64 \n" \
"*cycles: 20 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 64 \n"
+ "*ncolors: 64 \n" \
+ "*fpsTop: true \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# define refresh_apollonian 0
# define reshape_apollonian 0
# define apollonian_handle_event 0
c.h = 2*(c1.h+c2.h+c3.h) - c4.h;
c.x = 2*(c1.x+c2.x+c3.x) - c4.x;
c.y = 2*(c1.y+c2.y+c3.y) - c4.y;
- if (c.e > cp->size * e || c.x / c.e > BIG || c.y / c.e > BIG ||
+ if (c.e == 0 ||
+ c.e > cp->size * e || c.x / c.e > BIG || c.y / c.e > BIG ||
c.x / c.e < -BIG || c.y / c.e < -BIG)
p(mi, c);
[\-cycles \fInumber\fP]
[\-ncolors \fInumber\fP]
[\-delay \fInumber\fP]
Packs a large circle with smaller circles, demonstrating the Descartes
Circle Theorem.
.TP 8
.B \-delay \fInumber\fP
Per-frame delay, in microseconds. Default: 1000000 (1.00 seconds.).
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
[\-program \fIcommand to run\fP]
[\-basic] [\-slideshow] [\-text]
[\-meta] [\-esc] [\-bs] [\-del] [\-fast]
.I apple2
computer; however, when using this program as a terminal emulator,
the novelty of those 300 baud characters might wear off. You can use
the \fI\-fast\fP option to speed things up a bit.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
By default, \fIapple2\fP allocates a pseudo-tty for the \fI\-text\fP-mode
sub-process to run under. This has the desirable side effect that the
-/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1992, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2001, 2006
- * Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1992-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
static const char *attraction_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*mode: balls",
"*graphmode: none",
"*points: 0",
"*maxspeed: true",
"*cbounce: true",
"*mouse: false",
- "*viscosity: 1",
+ "*viscosity: 1.0",
"*orbit: false",
"*colorShift: 3",
"*segments: 500",
[\-orbit] [\-viscosity \fIfloat\fP] [\-mouse] [\-no-mouse] [\-mouse-size]
[\-walls] [\-nowalls] [\-maxspeed] [\-nomaxspeed]
[\-correct-bounce] [\-fast-bounce]
The \fIattraction\fP program has several visually different modes of
operation, all of which are based on the interactions of a set of control
bar graph in the same window as the balls. For "speed", displays the total
speed of each ball. Default is "none".
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
to get the default host and display number.
static const char *barcode_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: green",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*delay: 10000",
"*mode: scroll",
[\-delay \fInumber\fP]
This draws a random sequence of colorful barcodes scrolling across your
.TP 8
.B \-clock24
Same as \fI\-clock\fP, but display 24-hour time instead of 12-hour time.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
static const char *blaster_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*r_color0: #FF00FF",
"*r_color1: #FFA500",
"*r_color2: #FFFF00",
[\-num_lasers \fInumber\fP]
[\-num_stars \fInumber\fP]
[\-delay \fInumber\fP]
Draws a simulation of flying space-combat robots (cleverly disguised as
colored circles) doing battle in front of a moving star field.
.TP 8
.B \-delay \fInumber\fP
Per-frame delay, in microseconds. Default: 10000 (0.01 seconds.).
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
#include "images/som.xbm"
+/* Implementing this using XCopyArea doesn't work with color images on OSX.
+ This means that the Cocoa implementation of XCopyArea in jwxyz.m is
+ broken with the GXor, GXand, and/or the GXxor GC operations. This
+ probably means that (e.g.) "kCGBlendModeDarken" is not close enough
+ to being "GXand" to use for that. (It works with monochrome images,
+ just not color ones).
+ So, on OSX, we implement the blitter by hand. It is correct, but
+ orders of magnitude slower.
+ */
+#ifndef HAVE_COCOA
struct state {
Display *dpy;
Window window;
int width, height, size;
Bool scale_up;
Pixmap self, temp, mask;
+ GC gc_set, gc_clear, gc_copy, gc_and, gc_or, gc_xor;
+# endif
GC gc;
int delay, delay2;
int duration;
time_t start_time;
Bool loaded_p;
+ Bool load_ext_p;
async_load_state *img_loader;
static void display (struct state *, Pixmap);
static void blitspin_init_2 (struct state *);
-#define copy_all_to(from, xoff, yoff, to, gc) \
- XCopyArea (st->dpy, (from), (to), (gc), 0, 0, \
- st->size-(xoff), st->size-(yoff), (xoff), (yoff))
+#define copy_to(from, xoff, yoff, to, op) \
+ bitblt (st, st->from, st->to, op, 0, 0, \
+ st->size-(xoff), st->size-(yoff), (xoff), (yoff))
+#define copy_from(to, xoff, yoff, from, op) \
+ bitblt (st, st->from, st->to, op, (xoff), (yoff), \
+ st->size-(xoff), st->size-(yoff), 0, 0)
+# define bitblt(st, from, to, op, src_x, src_y, w, h, dst_x, dst_y) \
+ XCopyArea((st)->dpy, (from), (to), (st)->gc_##op, \
+ (src_x), (src_y), (w), (h), (dst_x), (dst_y))
+#else /* !USE_XCOPYAREA */
+# define bitblt(st, from, to, op, src_x, src_y, w, h, dst_x, dst_y) \
+ do_bitblt((st)->dpy, (from), (to), st->gc, GX##op, \
+ (src_x), (src_y), (w), (h), (dst_x), (dst_y))
+static void
+do_bitblt (Display *dpy, Drawable src, Drawable dst, GC gc, int op,
+ int src_x, int src_y,
+ unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
+ int dst_x, int dst_y)
+ if (op == GXclear)
+ {
+ XSetForeground (dpy, gc, 0xFF000000); /* ARGB black for Cocoa */
+ XFillRectangle (dpy, dst, gc, dst_x, dst_y, width, height);
+ }
+ else if (op == GXset)
+ {
+ XSetForeground (dpy, gc, ~0L);
+ XFillRectangle (dpy, dst, gc, dst_x, dst_y, width, height);
+ }
+ else if (op == GXcopy)
+ {
+ XCopyArea (dpy, src, dst, gc, src_x, src_y, width, height, dst_x, dst_y);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ XImage *srci = XGetImage (dpy, src, src_x, src_y, width, height,
+ ~0L, ZPixmap);
+ XImage *dsti = XGetImage (dpy, dst, dst_x, dst_y, width, height,
+ ~0L, ZPixmap);
+ unsigned long *out = (unsigned long *) dsti->data;
+ unsigned long *in = (unsigned long *) srci->data;
+ unsigned long *end = (in + (height * srci->bytes_per_line
+ / sizeof(unsigned long)));
+ switch (op)
+ {
+ case GXor: while (in < end) { *out++ |= *in++; } break;
+ case GXand: while (in < end) { *out++ &= *in++; } break;
+ case GXxor: while (in < end) { *out++ ^= *in++; } break;
+ default: abort();
+ }
+ XPutImage (dpy, dst, gc, dsti, 0, 0, dst_x, dst_y, width, height);
+ XDestroyImage (srci);
+ XDestroyImage (dsti);
+ }
+#endif /* !USE_XCOPYAREA */
-#define copy_all_from(to, xoff, yoff, from, gc) \
- XCopyArea (st->dpy, (from), (to), (gc), (xoff), (yoff), \
- st->size-(xoff), st->size-(yoff), 0, 0)
static unsigned long
blitspin_draw (Display *dpy, Window window, void *closure)
struct state *st = (struct state *) closure;
int this_delay = st->delay;
+ int qwad;
if (st->img_loader) /* still loading */
if (!st->img_loader) { /* just finished */
st->first_time = 0;
- st->loaded_p = False;
+ st->loaded_p = True;
st->qwad = -1;
st->start_time = time ((time_t) 0);
+ blitspin_init_2 (st);
- return this_delay;
+ /* Rotate nothing if the very first image is not yet loaded */
+ if (! st->loaded_p)
+ return this_delay;
if (!st->img_loader &&
+ st->load_ext_p &&
st->start_time + st->duration < time ((time_t) 0)) {
- /* Start it loading, but keep rotating the old image until it arrives. */
+ /* Start a new image loading, but keep rotating the old image
+ until the new one arrives. */
st->img_loader = load_image_async_simple (0, st->xgwa.screen, st->window,
st->bitmap, 0, 0);
- if (! st->loaded_p) {
- blitspin_init_2 (st);
- st->loaded_p = True;
- }
if (st->qwad == -1)
- XFillRectangle (st->dpy, st->mask, st->CLR, 0, 0, st->size, st->size);
- XFillRectangle (st->dpy, st->mask, st->SET, 0, 0, st->size>>1, st->size>>1);
+ bitblt(st, st->mask, st->mask, clear,0,0, st->size, st->size, 0,0);
+ bitblt(st, st->mask, st->mask, set, 0,0, st->size>>1, st->size>>1, 0,0);
st->qwad = st->size>>1;
/* for (st->qwad = st->size>>1; st->qwad > 0; st->qwad>>=1) */
- copy_all_to (st->mask, 0, 0, st->temp, st->CPY); /* 1 */
- copy_all_to (st->mask, 0, st->qwad, st->temp, st->IOR); /* 2 */
- copy_all_to (st->self, 0, 0, st->temp, st->AND); /* 3 */
- copy_all_to (st->temp, 0, 0, st->self, st->XOR); /* 4 */
- copy_all_from(st->temp, st->qwad, 0, st->self, st->XOR); /* 5 */
- copy_all_from(st->self, st->qwad, 0, st->self, st->IOR); /* 6 */
- copy_all_to (st->temp, st->qwad, 0, st->self, st->XOR); /* 7 */
- copy_all_to (st->self, 0, 0, st->temp, st->CPY); /* 8 */
- copy_all_from(st->temp, st->qwad, st->qwad, st->self,st->XOR);/*9*/
- copy_all_to (st->mask, 0, 0, st->temp, st->AND); /* A */
- copy_all_to (st->temp, 0, 0, st->self, st->XOR); /* B */
- copy_all_to (st->temp, st->qwad, st->qwad, st->self, st->XOR); /* C */
- copy_all_from(st->mask, st->qwad>>1,st->qwad>>1,st->mask,st->AND); /* D */
- copy_all_to (st->mask, st->qwad, 0, st->mask, st->IOR); /* E */
- copy_all_to (st->mask, 0, st->qwad, st->mask, st->IOR); /* F */
- display (st, st->self);
+ qwad = st->qwad;
+ copy_to (mask, 0, 0, temp, copy); /* 1 */
+ copy_to (mask, 0, qwad, temp, or); /* 2 */
+ copy_to (self, 0, 0, temp, and); /* 3 */
+ copy_to (temp, 0, 0, self, xor); /* 4 */
+ copy_from (temp, qwad, 0, self, xor); /* 5 */
+ copy_from (self, qwad, 0, self, or); /* 6 */
+ copy_to (temp, qwad, 0, self, xor); /* 7 */
+ copy_to (self, 0, 0, temp, copy); /* 8 */
+ copy_from (temp, qwad, qwad, self, xor); /* 9 */
+ copy_to (mask, 0, 0, temp, and); /* A */
+ copy_to (temp, 0, 0, self, xor); /* B */
+ copy_to (temp, qwad, qwad, self, xor); /* C */
+ copy_from (mask, qwad>>1, qwad>>1, mask, and); /* D */
+ copy_to (mask, qwad, 0, mask, or); /* E */
+ copy_to (mask, 0, qwad, mask, or); /* F */
+ display (st, st->self);
st->qwad >>= 1;
if (st->qwad == 0) /* done with this round */
static int
to_pow2(struct state *st, int n, Bool up)
- /* sizeof(Dimension) == 2. */
int powers_of_2[] = { 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024,
2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536 };
int i = 0;
if (!strcasecmp (bitmap_name, "(default)") ||
!strcasecmp (bitmap_name, "default"))
-# ifdef HAVE_COCOA
- /* I don't understand why it doesn't work with color images on OSX.
- I guess "kCGBlendModeDarken" is not close enough to being "GXand".
- */
- bitmap_name = "(builtin)";
-# else
bitmap_name = "(screen)";
-# endif
if (!strcasecmp (bitmap_name, "(builtin)") ||
!strcasecmp (bitmap_name, "builtin"))
st->fg, st->bg,
st->scale_up = True; /* definitely. */
+ st->loaded_p = True;
+ blitspin_init_2 (st);
else if (!strcasecmp (bitmap_name, "(screen)") ||
!strcasecmp (bitmap_name, "screen"))
st->width = st->xgwa.width;
st->height = st->xgwa.height;
st->scale_up = True; /* maybe? */
+ st->load_ext_p = True;
st->img_loader = load_image_async_simple (0, st->xgwa.screen, st->window,
st->bitmap, 0, 0);
if (st->size > h) st->size = h;
- st->self = XCreatePixmap (st->dpy, st->window, st->size, st->size, st->xgwa.depth);
- st->temp = XCreatePixmap (st->dpy, st->window, st->size, st->size, st->xgwa.depth);
- st->mask = XCreatePixmap (st->dpy, st->window, st->size, st->size, st->xgwa.depth);
+ if (st->self) XFreePixmap (st->dpy, st->self);
+ if (st->temp) XFreePixmap (st->dpy, st->temp);
+ if (st->mask) XFreePixmap (st->dpy, st->mask);
+ st->self = XCreatePixmap (st->dpy, st->window, st->size, st->size,
+ st->xgwa.depth);
+ st->temp = XCreatePixmap (st->dpy, st->window, st->size, st->size,
+ st->xgwa.depth);
+ st->mask = XCreatePixmap (st->dpy, st->window, st->size, st->size,
+ st->xgwa.depth);
gcv.foreground = (st->xgwa.depth == 1 ? 1 : (~0));
- gcv.function=GXset; st->SET = XCreateGC(st->dpy,st->self,GCFunction|GCForeground,&gcv);
- gcv.function=GXclear;st->CLR = XCreateGC(st->dpy,st->self,GCFunction|GCForeground,&gcv);
- gcv.function=GXcopy; st->CPY = XCreateGC(st->dpy,st->self,GCFunction|GCForeground,&gcv);
- gcv.function=GXor; st->IOR = XCreateGC(st->dpy,st->self,GCFunction|GCForeground,&gcv);
- gcv.function=GXand; st->AND = XCreateGC(st->dpy,st->self,GCFunction|GCForeground,&gcv);
- gcv.function=GXxor; st->XOR = XCreateGC(st->dpy,st->self,GCFunction|GCForeground,&gcv);
+# define make_gc(op) \
+ gcv.function=GX##op; \
+ if (st->gc_##op) XFreeGC (st->dpy, st->gc_##op); \
+ st->gc_##op = XCreateGC (st->dpy, st->self, GCFunction|GCForeground, &gcv)
+ make_gc(set);
+ make_gc(clear);
+ make_gc(copy);
+ make_gc(and);
+ make_gc(or);
+ make_gc(xor);
+# endif /* USE_XCOPYAREA */
gcv.foreground = gcv.background = st->bg;
+ if (st->gc) XFreeGC (st->dpy, st->gc);
st->gc = XCreateGC (st->dpy, st->window, GCForeground|GCBackground, &gcv);
- /* Clear st->self to the background color (not to 0, which st->CLR does.) */
+ /* Clear st->self to the background color (not to 0, which 'clear' does.) */
XFillRectangle (st->dpy, st->self, st->gc, 0, 0, st->size, st->size);
XSetForeground (st->dpy, st->gc, st->fg);
-#if 0
-#ifdef HAVE_COCOA
- jwxyz_XSetAntiAliasing (st->dpy, st->gc, False);
- jwxyz_XSetAntiAliasing (st->dpy, st->SET, False);
- jwxyz_XSetAntiAliasing (st->dpy, st->CLR, False);
- jwxyz_XSetAntiAliasing (st->dpy, st->CPY, False);
- jwxyz_XSetAntiAliasing (st->dpy, st->IOR, False);
- jwxyz_XSetAntiAliasing (st->dpy, st->AND, False);
- jwxyz_XSetAntiAliasing (st->dpy, st->XOR, False);
-#endif /* HAVE_COCOA */
- XCopyArea (st->dpy, st->bitmap, st->self, st->CPY, 0, 0,
+ XCopyArea (st->dpy, st->bitmap, st->self, st->gc, 0, 0,
st->width, st->height,
(st->size - st->width) >> 1,
(st->size - st->height) >> 1);
-/* XFreePixmap(st->dpy, st->bitmap);*/
st->qwad = -1;
st->first_time = 1;
static const char *blitspin_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ ".fpsSolid: true",
"*delay: 500000",
"*delay2: 500000",
"*duration: 120",
Default is 500000, one-half second.
to get the default host and display number.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
to get the name of a resource file that overrides the global resources
"*right3d: red \n" \
"*left3d: blue \n" \
"*both3d: magenta \n" \
- "*none3d: black \n"
+ "*none3d: black \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n"
# define reshape_bouboule 0
.B bouboule
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-ncolors \fIinteger\fP] [\-delay \fImicroseconds\fP] [\-cycles \fIinteger\fP] [\-count \fIinteger\fP] [\-3d]
The \fIbouboule\fP program draws spinning 3D blobs.
.B \-3d
Do red/blue 3d separations (for 3d glasses.)
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
static const char *boxfit_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: #444444",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*delay: 20000",
"*mode: random",
"*colors: 64",
-XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("Boxfit", boxfit)
[\-circles | \-squares | \-random]
Packs the screen with growing boxes or circles, colored according to a
horizontal or vertical gradient. The objects grow until they touch,
This option says to briefly show you the underlying image before
beginning. The default is not to show the unadulterated image at all.
(This only has an effect when \fI\-grab\fP is used.)
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
"*count: 15 \n" \
"*cycles: 100 \n" \
"*size: -7 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 64 \n"
+ "*ncolors: 64 \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# define reshape_braid 0
# define braid_handle_event 0
#ifdef MODE_braid
-ENTRYPOINT ModeSpecOpt braid_opts =
-{0, (XrmOptionDescRec *) NULL, 0, (argtype *) NULL, (OptionStruct *) NULL};
+ENTRYPOINT ModeSpecOpt braid_opts = {0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL};
ModStruct braid_description =
.B braid
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-ncolors \fIinteger\fP] [\-delay \fImicroseconds\fP] [\-cycles \fIinteger\fP] [\-count \fIinteger\fP]
The \fIbraid\fP program draws random color-cycling braids around a circle.
.TP 8
.B \-count \fIinteger\fP
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP]
[\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install]
[\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-delay \fIseconds\fP]
.I bsod
.TP 8
.B \-only \fIwhich\fP
Tell it to run only one mode, e.g., \fI\-only HPUX\fP.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
/* bubbles.c - frying pan / soft drink in a glass simulation */
-/*$Id: bubbles.c,v 1.28 2006/03/13 11:41:31 jwz Exp $*/
+/*$Id: bubbles.c,v 1.30 2008/07/31 19:27:48 jwz Exp $*/
* Copyright (C) 1995-1996 James Macnicol
static const char *bubbles_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*simple: false",
"*broken: false",
- "*delay: 800",
+ "*delay: 10000",
"*quiet: false",
- "*nodelay: false",
"*mode: float",
"*trails: false",
"*3D: false",
{ "-broken", ".broken", XrmoptionNoArg, "true" },
{ "-quiet", ".quiet", XrmoptionNoArg, "true" },
- { "-nodelay", ".nodelay", XrmoptionNoArg, "true" },
{ "-3D", ".3D", XrmoptionNoArg, "true" },
{ "-delay", ".delay", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{ "-mode", ".mode", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
get_resources(struct state *st)
/* Get the appropriate X resources and warn about any inconsistencies. */
- Bool nodelay, rise;
+ Bool rise;
XWindowAttributes xgwa;
Colormap cmap;
char *s;
st->simple = True;
st->delay = get_integer_resource(st->dpy, "delay", "Integer");
- nodelay = get_boolean_resource(st->dpy, "nodelay", "Boolean");
- if (nodelay)
- st->delay = 0;
- if (st->delay < 0)
- st->delay = 0;
s = get_string_resource (st->dpy, "mode", "Mode");
rise = False;
bubbles_draw (Display *dpy, Window window, void *closure)
struct state *st = (struct state *) closure;
- Bubble *tmp;
- tmp = new_bubble(st);
- add_to_mesh(st, tmp);
- insert_new_bubble(st, tmp);
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
+ {
+ Bubble *tmp = new_bubble(st);
+ add_to_mesh(st, tmp);
+ insert_new_bubble(st, tmp);
+ }
return st->delay;
.B bubbles
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-simple] [\-broken] [\-3D] [\-rise|\-drop] [-trails]
\fIBubbles\fP sprays lots of little random bubbles all over the window which
then grow until they reach their maximum size and go pop. The inspiration
.B \-rise | \-drop
.TP 8
.B \-trails
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
If you find the pace of things too slow, remember that there is a delay
even though you specify no \fI\-delay\fP option. Try using \fI\-nodelay\fP
* for code optimization.
-#include "bumps.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include "screenhack.h"
+#include "xshm.h"
+/* Defines: */
+/* #define VERBOSE */
+#define RANDOM() ((int) (random() & 0X7FFFFFFFL))
+typedef signed char int8_;
+typedef unsigned char uint8_;
+typedef short int16_;
+typedef unsigned short uint16_;
+typedef long int32_;
+typedef unsigned long uint32_;
+typedef unsigned char BOOL;
+/* Globals: */
+static const char *bumps_defaults [] = {
+ ".background: black",
+ ".foreground: white",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
+ "*color: random",
+ "*colorcount: 64",
+ "*delay: 30000",
+ "*duration: 120",
+ "*soften: 1",
+ "*invert: FALSE",
+#ifdef __sgi /* really, HAVE_READ_DISPLAY_EXTENSION */
+ "*visualID: Best",
+ "*useSHM: True",
+ 0
+static XrmOptionDescRec bumps_options [] = {
+ { "-color", ".color", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-colorcount", ".colorcount", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-duration", ".duration", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-delay", ".delay", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-soften", ".soften", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-invert", ".invert", XrmoptionNoArg, "TRUE" },
+ { "-shm", ".useSHM", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" },
+ { "-no-shm", ".useSHM", XrmoptionNoArg, "False" },
+ { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
+/* This structure handles everything to do with the spotlight, and is designed to be
+ * a member of TBumps. */
+typedef struct
+ uint8_ *aLightMap;
+ uint16_ nFalloffDiameter, nFalloffRadius;
+ uint16_ nLightDiameter, nLightRadius;
+ float nAccelX, nAccelY;
+ float nAccelMax;
+ float nVelocityX, nVelocityY;
+ float nVelocityMax;
+ float nXPos, nYPos;
+} SSpotLight;
+/* The entire program's operation is contained within this structure. */
+typedef struct
+ /* XWindows specific variables. */
+ Display *dpy;
+ Window Win;
+ Screen *screen;
+ Pixmap source;
+ GC GraphicsContext;
+ XColor *xColors;
+ uint32_ *aColors;
+ XImage *pXImage;
+ XShmSegmentInfo XShmInfo;
+ Bool bUseShm;
+ uint8_ nColorCount; /* Number of colors used. */
+ uint8_ bytesPerPixel;
+ uint16_ iWinWidth, iWinHeight;
+ uint16_ *aBumpMap; /* The actual bump map. */
+ SSpotLight SpotLight;
+ int delay;
+ int duration;
+ time_t start_time;
+ async_load_state *img_loader;
+} SBumps;
static void SetPalette(Display *, SBumps *, XWindowAttributes * );
static void InitBumpMap(Display *, SBumps *, XWindowAttributes * );
+++ /dev/null
-/* Bumps, Copyright (c) 2001 Shane Smit <CodeWeaver@DigitalLoom.org>
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
- * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
- * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this
- * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
- * implied warranty.
- *
- * Module: "Bumps.h"
- * Tab Size: 4
- *
- * Description:
- * Header file for module "Bumps.c"
- *
- * Modification History:
- * [10/01/99] - Shane Smit: Creation
- * [10/08/99] - Shane Smit: Port to C. (Ick)
- * [03/08/02] - Shane Smit: New movement code.
- * [09/12/02] - Shane Smit: MIT-SHM XImages.
- * Thanks to Kennett Galbraith <http://www.Alpha-II.com/>
- * for code optimization.
- */
-#ifndef _BUMPS_H
-#define _BUMPS_H
-#include <math.h>
-#include "screenhack.h"
-#include "xshm.h"
-/* Defines: */
-/* #define VERBOSE */
-#define RANDOM() ((int) (random() & 0X7FFFFFFFL))
-typedef signed char int8_;
-typedef unsigned char uint8_;
-typedef short int16_;
-typedef unsigned short uint16_;
-typedef long int32_;
-typedef unsigned long uint32_;
-typedef unsigned char BOOL;
-/* Globals: */
-static const char *bumps_defaults [] = {
- ".background: black",
- ".foreground: white",
- "*color: random",
- "*colorcount: 64",
- "*delay: 30000",
- "*duration: 120",
- "*soften: 1",
- "*invert: FALSE",
-#ifdef __sgi /* really, HAVE_READ_DISPLAY_EXTENSION */
- "*visualID: Best",
- "*useSHM: True",
- 0
-static XrmOptionDescRec bumps_options [] = {
- { "-color", ".color", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
- { "-colorcount", ".colorcount", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
- { "-duration", ".duration", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
- { "-delay", ".delay", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
- { "-soften", ".soften", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
- { "-invert", ".invert", XrmoptionNoArg, "TRUE" },
- { "-shm", ".useSHM", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" },
- { "-no-shm", ".useSHM", XrmoptionNoArg, "False" },
- { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
-/* This structure handles everything to do with the spotlight, and is designed to be
- * a member of TBumps. */
-typedef struct
- uint8_ *aLightMap;
- uint16_ nFalloffDiameter, nFalloffRadius;
- uint16_ nLightDiameter, nLightRadius;
- float nAccelX, nAccelY;
- float nAccelMax;
- float nVelocityX, nVelocityY;
- float nVelocityMax;
- float nXPos, nYPos;
-} SSpotLight;
-void CreateTables( SSpotLight * );
-/* The entire program's operation is contained within this structure. */
-typedef struct
- /* XWindows specific variables. */
- Display *dpy;
- Window Win;
- Screen *screen;
- Pixmap source;
- GC GraphicsContext;
- XColor *xColors;
- uint32_ *aColors;
- XImage *pXImage;
- XShmSegmentInfo XShmInfo;
- Bool bUseShm;
- uint8_ nColorCount; /* Number of colors used. */
- uint8_ bytesPerPixel;
- uint16_ iWinWidth, iWinHeight;
- uint16_ *aBumpMap; /* The actual bump map. */
- SSpotLight SpotLight;
- int delay;
- int duration;
- time_t start_time;
- async_load_state *img_loader;
-} SBumps;
-#endif /* _BUMPS_H */
-/* vim: ts=4
- */
[\-visual \fIvisual\fP]
[\-delay \fIusecs\fP]
[\-duration \fIsecs\fP]
The \fIbumps\fP program takes an image and exposes small, distorted
sections of it as if through an odd wandering spotlight beam.
.TP 8
.B \-duration \fIseconds\fP
How long to run before loading a new image. Default 120 seconds.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
-static void
+static Bool
self_similar_normalized (struct state *st,
int iterations,
double x1,
assert (fabs ((replacement [segment_count - 1].x) - 1.0) < EPSILON);
assert (fabs (replacement [segment_count - 1].y) < EPSILON);
realign (x1, y1, x2, y2, segment_count, replacement);
- assert (fabs (x2 - (replacement [segment_count - 1].x)) < EPSILON);
- assert (fabs (y2 - (replacement [segment_count - 1].y)) < EPSILON);
+ /* jwz: I don't understand what these assertions are supposed to
+ be detecting, but let's just bail on the fractal instead of
+ crashing. */
+/* assert (fabs (x2 - (replacement [segment_count - 1].x)) < EPSILON);
+ assert (fabs (y2 - (replacement [segment_count - 1].y)) < EPSILON);*/
+ if (fabs (x2 - (replacement [segment_count - 1].x)) >= EPSILON ||
+ fabs (y2 - (replacement [segment_count - 1].y)) >= EPSILON) {
+ free (replacement);
+ return False;
+ }
x = x1;
y = y1;
for (index = 0; index < segment_count; ++index)
next_x = replacement [index].x;
next_y = replacement [index].y;
- self_similar_normalized (st,
+ if (!self_similar_normalized (st,
iterations - 1, x, y, next_x, next_y,
maximum_x, maximum_y,
minimum_x, minimum_y,
- segment_count, points);
+ segment_count, points)) {
+ free(replacement);
+ return False;
+ }
x = next_x;
y = next_y;
- free((void*)replacement);
+ free(replacement);
+ return True;
static void
[\-delay \fInumber\fP]
[\-pause \fInumber\fP]
[\-limit \fInumber\fP]
Generates self-similar linear fractals, including the classic ``C Curve.''
.TP 8
.B \-limit \fInumber\fP
Density. 3 - 300000. Default: 200000.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
static const char *celtic_defaults[] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: #333333",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*ncolors: 20",
"*delay: 10000",
"*delay2: 5",
[\-delay2 \fInumber\fP]
[\-ncolors \fInumber\fP]
[\-graph \fImode\fP]
The \fIceltic\fP program repeatedly draws random cross-stitch patterns.
.TP 8
.B \-graph
Whether to render the underlying graph. Default: no.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Copyright © 2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+# Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
+# documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
+# the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+# copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+# documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this
+# software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
+# implied warranty.
+# This parses the .c and .xml files and makes sure they are in sync: that
+# options are spelled the same, and that all the numbers are in sync.
+# Created: 1-Aug-2008.
+require 5;
+use diagnostics;
+use strict;
+my $progname = $0; $progname =~ s@.*/@@g;
+my $version = q{ $Revision: 1.2 $ }; $version =~ s/^[^\d]+([\d.]+).*/$1/;
+my $verbose = 0;
+my $xlockmore_default_opts = '';
+foreach (qw(count cycles delay ncolors size font)) {
+ $xlockmore_default_opts .= "{\"-$_\", \".$_\", XrmoptionSepArg, 0},\n";
+$xlockmore_default_opts .=
+ "{\"-wireframe\", \".wireframe\", XrmoptionNoArg, \"true\"},\n" .
+ "{\"-3d\", \".use3d\", XrmoptionNoArg, \"true\"},\n";
+# Returns two tables:
+# - A table of the default resource values.
+# - A table of "-switch" => "resource: value", or "-switch" => "resource: %"
+sub parse_src($) {
+ my ($saver) = @_;
+ my $file = lc($saver) . ".c";
+ # kludge...
+ $file = 'apple2-main.c' if ($file eq 'apple2.c');
+ $file = 'sproingiewrap.c' if ($file eq 'sproingies.c');
+ $file = 'b_lockglue.c' if ($file eq 'bubble3d.c');
+ $file = 'polyhedra-gl.c' if ($file eq 'polyhedra.c');
+ $file = "glx/$file" unless (-f $file);
+ my $body = '';
+ local *IN;
+ open (IN, "<$file") || error ("$file: $!");
+ while (<IN>) { $body .= $_; }
+ close IN;
+ $file =~ s@^.*/@@;
+ $body =~ s@/\*.*?\*/@@gs;
+ $body =~ s@^#\s*(if|ifdef|ifndef|elif|else|endif).*$@@gm;
+ my $xlockmore_p = 0;
+ print STDERR "$progname: $file: defaults:\n" if ($verbose > 2);
+ my %res_to_val;
+ if ($body =~ m/_defaults\s*\[\]\s*=\s*{(.*?)}\s*;/s) {
+ foreach (split (/,\s*\n/, $1)) {
+ s/^\s*//s;
+ s/\s*$//s;
+ next if m/^0?$/s;
+ my ($key, $val) = m@^\"([^:\s]+)\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*\"$@;
+ print STDERR "$progname: $file: unparsable: $_\n" unless $key;
+ $key =~ s/^[.*]//s;
+ $res_to_val{$key} = $val;
+ print STDERR "$progname: $file: $key = $val\n" if ($verbose > 2);
+ }
+ } elsif ($body =~ m/\#\s*define\s*DEFAULTS\s*\\?\s*(.*?)\n[\n#]/s) {
+ $xlockmore_p = 1;
+ my $str = $1;
+ $str =~ s/\"\s*\\\n\s*\"//gs;
+ $str =~ m/^\s*\"(.*?)\"\s*\\?\s*$/ ||
+ error ("$file: unparsable defaults: $str");
+ $str = $1;
+ $str =~ s/\s*\\n\s*/\n/gs;
+ foreach (split (/\n/, $str)) {
+ my ($key, $val) = m@^([^:\s]+)\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*$@;
+ print STDERR "$progname: $file: unparsable: $_\n" unless $key;
+ $key =~ s/^[.*]//s;
+ $res_to_val{$key} = $val;
+ print STDERR "$progname: $file: $key = $val\n" if ($verbose > 2);
+ }
+ while ($body =~ s/^#\s*define\s+(DEF_([A-Z\d_]+))\s+\"([^\"]+)\"//m) {
+ my ($key1, $key2, $val) = ($1, lc($2), $3);
+ $key2 =~ s/_(.)/\U$1/gs; # "foo_bar" -> "fooBar"
+ $key2 =~ s/Rpm/RPM/; # kludge
+ $res_to_val{$key2} = $val;
+ print STDERR "$progname: $file: $key1 ($key2) = $val\n"
+ if ($verbose > 2);
+ }
+ } else {
+ error ("$file: no defaults");
+ }
+ $body =~ m/XSCREENSAVER_MODULE(_2)?\s*\(\s*\"([^\"]+)\"/ ||
+ error ("$file: no module name");
+ $res_to_val{progclass} = $2;
+ $res_to_val{doFPS} = 'false';
+ print STDERR "$progname: $file: progclass = $2\n" if ($verbose > 2);
+ print STDERR "$progname: $file: switches to resources:\n"
+ if ($verbose > 2);
+ my %switch_to_res;
+ $switch_to_res{-fps} = 'doFPS: true';
+ my ($ign, $opts) = ($body =~ m/(_options|\bopts)\s*\[\]\s*=\s*{(.*?)}\s*;/s);
+ if ($xlockmore_p || $opts) {
+ $opts = '' unless $opts;
+ $opts .= ",\n$xlockmore_default_opts" if ($xlockmore_p);
+ foreach (split (/,\s*\n/, $opts)) {
+ s/^\s*//s;
+ s/\s*$//s;
+ next if m/^$/s;
+ next if m/^{\s*0\s*,/s;
+ my ($switch, $res, $type, $v0, $v1, $v2) =
+ m@^ \s* { \s * \"([^\"]+)\" \s* ,
+ \s * \"([^\"]+)\" \s* ,
+ \s * ([^\s]+) \s* ,
+ \s * (\"([^\"]*)\"|([a-zA-Z\d_]+)) \s* }@xi;
+ print STDERR "$progname: $file: unparsable: $_\n" unless $switch;
+ my $val = defined($v1) ? $v1 : $v2;
+ $val = '%' if ($type eq 'XrmoptionSepArg');
+ $res =~ s/^[.*]//s;
+ $res =~ s/^[a-z\d]+\.//si;
+ $switch =~ s/^\+/-no-/s;
+ $val = "$res: $val";
+ if (defined ($switch_to_res{$switch})) {
+ print STDERR "$progname: $file: DUP! $switch = \"$val\"\n"
+ if ($verbose > 2);
+ } else {
+ $switch_to_res{$switch} = $val;
+ print STDERR "$progname: $file: $switch = \"$val\"\n"
+ if ($verbose > 2);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ error ("$file: no options");
+ }
+ return (\%res_to_val, \%switch_to_res);
+# Returns a list of:
+# "resource = default value"
+# or "resource != non-default value"
+sub parse_xml($$) {
+ my ($saver, $switch_to_res) = @_;
+ my $file = "config/" . lc($saver) . ".xml";
+ my $body = '';
+ local *IN;
+ open (IN, "<$file") || error ("$file: $!");
+ while (<IN>) { $body .= $_; }
+ close IN;
+ $file =~ s@^.*/@@;
+ my @result = ();
+ $body =~ s/<!--.*?-->/ /gsi;
+ $body =~ s/\s+/ /gs;
+ $body =~ s/</\001</gs;
+ $body =~ s/\001(<option)/$1/gs;
+ print STDERR "$progname: $file: options:\n" if ($verbose > 2);
+ foreach (split (m/\001/, $body)) {
+ next if (m/^\s*$/s);
+ my ($type, $args) = m@^<([?/]?[-_a-z]+)\b\s*(.*)$@si;
+ error ("$progname: $file: unparsable: $_") unless $type;
+ next if ($type =~ m@^/@);
+ if ($type =~ m/^([hv]group|\?xml|command|string|file|_description|xscreensaver-(image|text))/s) {
+ } elsif ($type eq 'screensaver') {
+ my ($name) = ($args =~ m/\b_label\s*=\s*\"([^\"]+)\"/);
+ my $val = "progclass = $name";
+ push @result, $val;
+ print STDERR "$progname: $file: name: $name\n" if ($verbose > 2);
+ } elsif ($type eq 'number') {
+ my ($arg) = ($args =~ m/\barg\s*=\s*\"([^\"]+)\"/);
+ my ($val) = ($args =~ m/\bdefault\s*=\s*\"([^\"]+)\"/);
+ $val = '' unless defined($val);
+ my $switch = $arg;
+ $switch =~ s/\s+.*$//;
+ my ($res) = $switch_to_res->{$switch};
+ error ("$file: no resource for $type switch \"$arg\"") unless $res;
+ $res =~ s/: \%$//;
+ error ("$file: unparsable value: $res") if ($res =~ m/:/);
+ $val = "$res = $val";
+ push @result, $val;
+ print STDERR "$progname: $file: number: $val\n" if ($verbose > 2);
+ } elsif ($type eq 'boolean') {
+ my ($set) = ($args =~ m/\barg-set\s*=\s*\"([^\"]+)\"/);
+ my ($unset) = ($args =~ m/\barg-unset\s*=\s*\"([^\"]+)\"/);
+ my ($arg) = $set || $unset || error ("$file: unparsable: $args");
+ my ($res) = $switch_to_res->{$arg};
+ error ("$file: no resource for boolean switch \"$arg\"") unless $res;
+ my ($res2, $val) = ($res =~ m/^(.*?): (.*)$/s);
+ error ("$file: unparsable boolean resource: $res") unless $res2;
+ $res = $res2;
+# $val = ($set ? "$res != $val" : "$res = $val");
+ $val = "$res != $val";
+ push @result, $val;
+ print STDERR "$progname: $file: boolean: $val\n" if ($verbose > 2);
+ } elsif ($type eq 'select') {
+ $args =~ s/</\001</gs;
+ my @opts = split (/\001/, $args);
+ shift @opts;
+ my $unset_p = 0;
+ my $this_res = undef;
+ foreach (@opts) {
+ error ("$file: unparsable: $_") unless (m/^<option\s/);
+ my ($set) = m/\barg-set\s*=\s*\"([^\"]+)\"/;
+ if ($set) {
+ my ($set2, $val) = ($set =~ m/^(.*?) (.*)$/s);
+ $set = $set2 if ($set2);
+ my ($res) = $switch_to_res->{$set};
+ error ("$file: no resource for select switch \"$set\"") unless $res;
+ my ($res2, $val2) = ($res =~ m/^(.*?): (.*)$/s);
+ error ("$file: unparsable select resource: $res") unless $res2;
+ $res = $res2;
+ $val = $val2 unless ($val2 eq '%');
+ error ("$file: mismatched resources: $res vs $this_res")
+ if (defined($this_res) && $this_res ne $res);
+ $this_res = $res;
+ $val = "$res != $val";
+ push @result, $val;
+ print STDERR "$progname: $file: select: $val\n" if ($verbose > 2);
+ } else {
+ error ("$file: multiple default options: $set") if ($unset_p);
+ $unset_p++;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ error ("$file: unknown type \"$type\" for no arg");
+ }
+ }
+ return @result;
+sub check_config($) {
+ my ($saver) = @_;
+ # kludge
+ return 0 if ($saver =~ m/(-helper|hypertorus|polytopes)$/);
+ my ($src_opts, $switchmap) = parse_src ($saver);
+ my (@xml_opts) = parse_xml ($saver, $switchmap);
+ my $failures = 0;
+ foreach my $claim (@xml_opts) {
+ my ($res, $compare, $xval) = ($claim =~ m/^(.*) (=|!=) (.*)$/s);
+ error ("$saver: unparsable xml claim: $_") unless $compare;
+ my $sval = $src_opts->{$res};
+ if (!defined($sval)) {
+ print STDERR "$progname: $saver: $res: not in source\n";
+ } elsif ($compare eq '!='
+ ? $sval eq $xval
+ : $sval ne $xval) {
+ print STDERR "$progname: $saver: " .
+ "src has \"$res = $sval\", xml has \"$claim\"\n";
+ $failures++;
+ } elsif ($verbose > 1) {
+ print STDERR "$progname: $saver: OK: \"$res = $sval\" vs \"$claim\"\n";
+ }
+ }
+ # Now make sure the progclass in the source and XML also matches
+ # the XCode target name.
+ #
+ my $obd = "../OSX/build/Debug";
+ if (-d $obd) {
+ my $progclass = $src_opts->{progclass};
+ my $f = (glob("$obd/$progclass.saver*"))[0];
+ if (!$f && $progclass ne 'Flurry') {
+ print STDERR "$progname: $progclass.saver does not exist\n";
+ $failures++;
+ }
+ }
+ print STDERR "$progname: $saver: OK\n"
+ if ($verbose == 1 && $failures == 0);
+ return $failures;
+sub error($) {
+ my ($err) = @_;
+ print STDERR "$progname: $err\n";
+ exit 1;
+sub usage() {
+ print STDERR "usage: $progname [--verbose] files ...\n";
+ exit 1;
+sub main() {
+ my @files = ();
+ while ($#ARGV >= 0) {
+ $_ = shift @ARGV;
+ if (m/^--?verbose$/) { $verbose++; }
+ elsif (m/^-v+$/) { $verbose += length($_)-1; }
+ elsif (m/^-./) { usage; }
+ else { push @files, $_; }
+# else { usage; }
+ }
+ usage unless ($#files >= 0);
+ my $failures = 0;
+ foreach (@files) { $failures += check_config($_); }
+ exit ($failures);
static const char *cloudlife_defaults[] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: blue",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*cycleDelay: 25000",
"*cycleColors: 2",
"*ncolors: 64",
-XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("Cloudlife", cloudlife)
+XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("CloudLife", cloudlife)
.B cloudlife
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-ncolors \fIinteger\fP] [\-cycle-delay \fImicroseconds\fP] [\-cycle-colors \fIinteger\fP][\-cell-size \fIinteger\fP] [\-initial-density \fIinteger\fP] [\-max-age \fIinteger\fP]
The \fIcloudlife\fP program draws a cellular
automaton based on Conway's Life, except that
.TP 8
.B \-max-age \fIinteger\fP
Maximum age for a cell. Default 64.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
[\-delay \fInumber\fP]
This draws a compass, with all elements spinning about randomly, for that
``lost and nauseous'' feeling.
.TP 8
.B \-db | \-no-db
Double Buffer. Boolean.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
a screen saver and locker for the X window system
by Jamie Zawinski
- version 5.06
- 16-Jul-2008
+ version 5.07
+ 10-Aug-2008
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="sleep" type="spinbutton" arg="-sleep %"
- _label="Linger" low="0" high="60" default="2"/>
<number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
_label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0" high="5" default="3"/>
+ <number id="sleep" type="slider" arg="-sleep %"
+ _label="Linger" _low-label="0 seconds" _high-label="60 seconds"
+ low="0" high="60" default="3"/>
<select id="tile">
- <option id="random" _label="Random"/>
- <option id="random" _label="Flat" arg-set="-tile flat"/>
- <option id="random" _label="Thin" arg-set="-tile thin"/>
- <option id="random" _label="Outline" arg-set="-tile outline"/>
- <option id="random" _label="Block" arg-set="-tile block"/>
- <option id="random" _label="Neon" arg-set="-tile neon"/>
- <option id="random" _label="Tiled" arg-set="-tile tiled"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Random tile layout"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Flat tiles" arg-set="-tile flat"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Thin tiles" arg-set="-tile thin"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Outline tiles" arg-set="-tile outline"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Block tiles" arg-set="-tile block"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Neon tiles" arg-set="-tile neon"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Tiled tiles" arg-set="-tile tiled"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Generates mosaic patterns of interlocking tiles.
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="2" high="255" default="64"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Wiggling tentacles.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="60000" default="20000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
<number id="distance" type="slider" arg="-distance %"
_label="Searchers" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="100" default="25"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Anemotaxis demonstrates a search algorithm designed for locating a
source of odor in turbulent atmosphere. The searcher is able to sense
the odor and determine local instantaneous wind direction. The goal is
to find the source in the shortest mean time.
Written by Eugene Balkovsky; 2004.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <boolean id="sharpturn" _label="Sharp Turns" arg-set="-sharpturn"/>
- <boolean id="truchet" _label="Truchet Lines" arg-set="-truchet"/>
- <boolean id="eyes" _label="Draw Eyes" arg-set="-eyes"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="80000" default="1000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
<number id="cycles" type="slider" arg="-cycles %"
_label="Timeout" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
low="0" high="800000" default="40000"/>
- <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Ants Count" low="-20" high="20" default="-3"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <boolean id="sharpturn" _label="Sharp turns" arg-set="-sharpturn"/>
+ <boolean id="truchet" _label="Truchet lines" arg-set="-truchet"/>
+ <boolean id="eyes" _label="Draw eyes" arg-set="-eyes"/>
+ </hgroup>
- <number id="size" type="spinbutton" arg="-size %"
- _label="Ant Size" low="-18" high="18" default="-12"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Ants count" low="-20" high="20" default="-3"/>
+ <number id="size" type="spinbutton" arg="-size %"
+ _label="Ant size" low="-18" high="18" default="-12"/>
+ </hgroup>
<select id="neighbors">
- <option id="rand" _label="Random Cell Shape"/>
- <option id="three" _label="Three Sided Cells"
+ <option id="rand" _label="Random cell shape"/>
+ <option id="three" _label="Three sided cells"
arg-set="-neighbors 3"/>
- <option id="four" _label="Four Sided Cells"
+ <option id="four" _label="Four sided cells"
arg-set="-neighbors 4"/>
- <option id="six" _label="Six Sided Cells"
+ <option id="six" _label="Six sided cells"
arg-set="-neighbors 6"/>
- <option id="nine" _label="Nine Sided Cells"
+ <option id="nine" _label="Nine sided cells"
arg-set="-neighbors 9"/>
- <option id="twelve" _label="Twelve Sided Cells"
+ <option id="twelve" _label="Twelve sided cells"
arg-set="-neighbors 12"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
- low="2" high="255" default="64"/>
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Three" _high-label="Many"
+ low="3" high="255" default="64"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
A cellular automaton that is really a two-dimensional Turing machine:
values in their path. Then, as they pass over changed pixels, their
behavior is influenced.
Written by David Bagley; 1997.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="20000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
- <boolean id="shadows" _label="Draw Shadows" arg-set="-shadows"/>
+ <boolean id="shadows" _label="Draw shadows" arg-set="-shadows"/>
Draws a trio of ants moving their spheres around a circle.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="20000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws a few views of a few ants walking around in a simple maze.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="20000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
<xscreensaver-image />
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws an ant (with a headlight) who walks on top of an
<command arg="-root"/>
- <boolean id="label" _label="Draw Labels" arg-unset="-no-label"/>
+ <boolean id="label" _label="Draw labels" arg-unset="-no-label"/>
- <boolean id="altgeom" _label="Include Alternate Geometries"
+ <boolean id="altgeom" _label="Include alternate geometries"
<!-- don't know what -count does -->
low="1" high="20" default="20"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="2" high="255" default="64"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
low="0" high="1000000" default="1000000"
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
-Packs a large circle with smaller circles, demonstrating the
-Descartes Circle Theorem.
+Draws an Apollonian gasket: a fractal packing of circles with
+smaller circles, demonstrating Descartes's theorem.
Written by Allan R. Wilks and David Bagley; 2002.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="apple2" _label="Apple ][">
+<screensaver name="apple2" _label="Apple2">
<command arg="-root"/>
<option id="random" _label="Choose display mode randomly"/>
<option id="text" _label="Display scrolling text" arg-set="-mode text"/>
<option id="slideshow" _label="Display images" arg-set="-mode slideshow"/>
- <option id="basic" _label="Run BASIC programs" arg-set="-mode basic"/>
+ <option id="basic" _label="Run basic programs" arg-set="-mode basic"/>
-<!-- <file id="program" _label="Text Program" arg="-program %"/> -->
- <xscreensaver-image />
- <xscreensaver-text />
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <xscreensaver-text />
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <xscreensaver-image />
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
Simulates an original Apple ][ Plus computer in all its 1979 glory. It
also reproduces the appearance of display on a color television set of
the period.
images and displays them within the limitations of the Apple ][
display hardware. (Six available colors in hi-res mode!)
+On X11 systems, This program is also a fully-functional VT100 emulator.
Written by Trevor Blackwell; 2003.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="whalespeed" type="slider" arg="-whalespeed %"
- _label="Whale Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="1000" default="250"/>
<number id="sharkspeed" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Shark Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="500000" default="25000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="25000"
+ <number id="whalespeed" type="slider" arg="-whalespeed %"
+ _label="Whale speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="0" high="1000" default="250"/>
<number id="sharkproximity" type="slider" arg="-size %"
- _label="Shark Proximity" _low-label="Shy" _high-label="Agressive"
+ _label="Shark proximity" _low-label="Shy" _high-label="Agressive"
low="100" high="10000" default="6000"/>
- <number id="sharkcount" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Number of Sharks" low="0" high="20" default="4"/>
- <select id="water">
- <option id="shimmer" _label="Shimmering Water"/>
- <option id="clear" _label="Clear Water" arg-set="-no-texture"/>
- </select>
- <select id="bg">
- <option id="flat" _label="Flat Background" arg-set="-no-gradient"/>
- <option id="gradient" _label="Gradient Background"/>
- </select>
- <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <number id="sharkcount" type="slider" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Number of sharks" _low-label="None" _high-label="20"
+ low="0" high="20" default="4"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <select id="water">
+ <option id="shimmer" _label="Shimmering water"/>
+ <option id="clear" _label="Clear water" arg-set="-no-texture"/>
+ </select>
+ <select id="bg">
+ <option id="flat" _label="Flat background" arg-set="-no-gradient"/>
+ <option id="gradient" _label="Gradient background"/>
+ </select>
+ </hgroup>
+ <hgroup>
+ <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </hgroup>
A 3D animation of a number of sharks, dolphins, and whales.
<select id="mode">
- <option id="balls" _label="Balls" arg-set="-mode balls"/>
+ <option id="balls" _label="Balls"/>
<option id="lines" _label="Lines" arg-set="-mode lines"/>
<option id="tails" _label="Tails" arg-set="-mode tails"/>
<option id="polygons" _label="Polygons" arg-set="-mode polygons"/>
<option id="splines" _label="Splines" arg-set="-mode splines"/>
- <option id="fsplines" _label="Filled Splines"
+ <option id="fsplines" _label="Filled splines"
arg-set="-mode filled-splines"/>
<select id="wallmode">
- <option id="walls" _label="Bounce Off Walls"/>
- <option id="nowalls" _label="Ignore Screen Edges" arg-set="-nowalls"/>
+ <option id="walls" _label="Bounce off walls"/>
+ <option id="nowalls" _label="Ignore screen edges" arg-set="-nowalls"/>
+ <vgroup>
<number id="points" type="spinbutton" arg="-points %"
- _label="Ball Count" low="0" high="200" default="0"/>
+ _label="Ball count" low="0" high="200" default="0"/>
+ <number id="viscosity" type="slider" arg="-viscosity %"
+ _label="Environmental viscosity"
+ _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0.0" high="1.0" default="1.0"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="segments" type="slider" arg="-segments %"
+ _label="Trail length" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
+ low="2" high="1000" default="500"/>
+ <number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-colors %"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ low="1" high="255" default="200"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
<number id="size" type="slider" arg="-size %"
- _low-label="Ball Mass" _high-label="High"
+ _low-label="Ball mass" _high-label="High"
low="0" high="100" default="0"/>
+ <number id="threshold" type="slider" arg="-threshold %"
+ _label="Repulsion threshold"
+ _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
+ low="0" high="600" default="200"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="0" high="40000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ </vgroup>
- <number id="viscosity" type="slider" arg="-viscosity %"
- _label="Environmental Viscosity"
- _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
- low="0.0" high="1.0" default="1.0"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="threshold" type="slider" arg="-threshold %"
- _label="Repulsion Threshold"
- _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
- low="0" high="600" default="200"/>
- <number id="segments" type="slider" arg="-segments %"
- _label="Trail Length" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
- low="2" high="1000" default="500"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="40000" default="10000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-colors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
- low="1" high="255" default="200"/>
- <number id="color_contrast" type="slider" arg="-color-shift %"
- _label="Color Contrast" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
- low="0" high="25" default="3"/>
- <boolean id="orbit" _label="Orbital Mode" arg-set="-orbit"/>
+ <boolean id="orbit" _label="Orbital mode" arg-set="-orbit"/>
<number id="radius" type="spinbutton" arg="-radius %"
_label="Radius" low="0" high="1000" default="0"/>
<number id="vmult" type="slider" arg="-vmult %"
_low-label="Outward" _high-label="Inward"
- low="-5.0" high="5.0" default="0.9"/>
+ low="-5.0" high="5.0" default="0.9"/>
<!-- #### -vx [?] -->
<!-- #### -correct-bounce -->
<!-- #### -graphmode [none] -->
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Uses a simple simple motion model to generate many different display
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="10000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
<boolean id="tex" _label="Textured" arg-unset="-no-texture"/>
<boolean id="light" _label="Lighting" arg-set="-light"/>
<boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws an animation of a textured tunnel in GL.
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<select id="mode">
- <option id="scroll" _label="Scrolling Barcodes"/>
- <option id="scroll" _label="Barcode Grid" arg-set="-mode grid"/>
- <option id="clock12" _label="Barcode Clock (AM/PM)" arg-set="-mode clock12"/>
- <option id="clock24" _label="Barcode Clock (24 Hour)" arg-set="-mode clock24"/>
+ <option id="scroll" _label="Scrolling barcodes"/>
+ <option id="scroll" _label="Barcode grid" arg-set="-mode grid"/>
+ <option id="clock12" _label="Barcode clock (AM/PM)" arg-set="-mode clock12"/>
+ <option id="clock24" _label="Barcode clock (24 hour)" arg-set="-mode clock24"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="10000"
- convert="invert"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws a random sequence of colorful barcodes scrolling across your
-screen. CONSUME!
+screen. CONSUME!
+The barcodes follow the UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8 or EAN-13 standards.
Written by Dan Bornstein; 2003.
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<number id="num_robots" type="spinbutton" arg="-num_robots %"
_label="Robots" low="2" high="50" default="5"/>
_label="Stars" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
low="5" high="200" default="50"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="10000"
- convert="invert"/>
<!-- #### -move_stars_x [2] -->
<!-- #### -move_stars_y [1] -->
<!-- #### -move_stars_random [0] -->
<!-- #### -mother_ship_color0 [darkblue] -->
<!-- #### -mother_ship_color1 [white] -->
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws a simulation of flying space-combat robots (cleverly disguised
as colored circles) doing battle in front of a moving star field.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Fast" _high-label="Slow"
- low="0" high="50000" default="30000"/>
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="30000"
+ convert="invert"/>
- <number id="boxsize" type="spinbutton" arg="-boxsize %"
- _label="Box Size" low="1" high="8" default="2"/>
+ <number id="boxsize" type="slider" arg="-boxsize %"
+ _label="Box size" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
+ low="1" high="8" default="2"/>
<boolean id="fade" _label="Fade" arg-unset="-no-fade"/>
- <boolean id="blur" _label="Motion Blur" arg-unset="-no-blur"/>
- </hgroup>
- <hgroup>
+ <boolean id="blur" _label="Motion blur" arg-unset="-no-blur"/>
<boolean id="dissolve" _label="Dissolve" arg-set="-dissolve"/>
<boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Shows a ball contained inside of a bounding box.
-Colored blocks blink in when the ball hits the edges.
+Colored blocks blink in when the ball hits the sides.
Written by Jeremy English; 2003.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Fuzzy Rotation Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="Fuzzy rotation speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="1" high="800000" default="500000"
<number id="delay2" type="slider" arg="-delay2 %"
- _label="90 deg Rotation Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="90 degree rotation speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="1" high="800000" default="500000"
<xscreensaver-image />
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Repeatedly rotates a bitmap by 90 degrees by using logical operations:
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="40000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="40000"
<number id="holdtime" type="slider" arg="-holdtime %"
- _label="Color Hold Time" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
+ _label="Color hold time" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
low="10" high="2000" default="1000"/>
<number id="changetime" type="slider" arg="-changetime %"
- _label="Color Change Time" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
+ _label="Color change time" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
low="10" high="1000" default="200"/>
<boolean id="tex" _label="Textured" arg-unset="-no-texture"/>
<boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws a swirling, falling tunnel of reflective slabs. They fade from
<boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
the 1984 Consumer Electronics Show (or so the legend goes.)
This looks like the original Amiga demo if you turn off "smoothing"
-and "lighting" and turn on "scanlines".
+and "lighting" and turn on "scanlines", and is somewhat more modern
Written by Jamie Zawinski; 2005.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
<number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
- _label="Number of Spots" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of spots" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="400" default="100"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="64"/>
<boolean id="3d" _label="Do Red/Blue 3D separation" arg-set="-3d"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
This draws what looks like a spinning, deforming balloon with
varying-sized spots painted on its invisible surface.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
- _label="Bounce Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0.05" high="2.0" default="1.0"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Animation Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="30000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="30000"
+ <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
+ _label="Bounce speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="0.05" high="2.0" default="1.0"/>
<number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
- _label="Number of Cows" _low-label="Moo" _high-label="Herd"
+ _label="Number of cows" _low-label="Moo" _high-label="Herd"
low="1" high="9" default="1"/>
<boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
A Cow. A Trampoline. Together, they fight crime.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Animation Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="20000"
- convert="invert"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
- <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
- _label="Motion Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0.001" high="4.0" default="0.5"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
+ _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="0.001" high="4.0" default="0.5"/>
- <number id="balls" type="slider" arg="-balls %"
- _label="Number of Balls" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Lots"
- low="3" high="40" default="10"/>
+ <number id="balls" type="slider" arg="-balls %"
+ _label="Number of balls" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Lots"
+ low="3" high="40" default="25"/>
- <number id="ballsize" type="slider" arg="-ballsize %"
- _label="Ball Size" _low-label="Tiny" _high-label="Huge"
- low="1.0" high="5.0" default="3.0"/>
+ <number id="ballsize" type="slider" arg="-ballsize %"
+ _label="Ball size" _low-label="Tiny" _high-label="Huge"
+ low="1.0" high="5.0" default="2.0"/>
- <number id="explosion" type="slider" arg="-explosion %"
- _label="Explosion Force" _low-label="Popcorn" _high-label="Nuke"
- low="1.0" high="50.0" default="15.0"/>
+ </vgroup>
- <number id="decay" type="slider" arg="-decay %"
- _label="Explosion Decay" _low-label="Linger" _high-label="Pop!"
- low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0.07"/>
+ <vgroup>
- <number id="momentum" type="slider" arg="-momentum %"
- _label="Explosion Momentum" _low-label="None" _high-label="Full"
- low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0.6"/>
+ <number id="explosion" type="slider" arg="-explosion %"
+ _label="Explosion force" _low-label="Popcorn" _high-label="Nuke"
+ low="1.0" high="50.0" default="15.0"/>
- <hgroup>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <number id="decay" type="slider" arg="-decay %"
+ _label="Explosion decay" _low-label="Linger" _high-label="Pop!"
+ low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0.07"/>
+ <number id="momentum" type="slider" arg="-momentum %"
+ _label="Explosion momentum" _low-label="None" _high-label="Full"
+ low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0.6"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
<boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
+ </vgroup>
Draws a box full of 3D bouncing balls that explode.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="20000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
_label="Boxes" low="1" high="1000" default="50"/>
<number id="growby" type="spinbutton" arg="-growby %"
- _label="Grow By" low="1" high="10" default="1"/>
+ _label="Grow by" low="1" high="10" default="1"/>
_label="Border" low="1" high="10" default="1"/>
- <select id="mode">
- <option id="random" _label="Boxes or Circles"/>
- <option id="boxes" _label="Boxes Only" arg-set="-mode squares"/>
- <option id="circles" _label="Circles Only" arg-set="-mode circles"/>
- </select>
- <select id="mode2">
- <option id="gradient" _label="Color Gradient"/>
- <option id="image" _label="Grab Images" arg-set="-grab"/>
- </select>
+ <hgroup>
+ <select id="mode">
+ <option id="random" _label="Boxes or circles"/>
+ <option id="boxes" _label="Boxes only" arg-set="-mode squares"/>
+ <option id="circles" _label="Circles only" arg-set="-mode circles"/>
+ </select>
+ <select id="mode2">
+ <option id="gradient" _label="Color gradient"/>
+ <option id="image" _label="Grab images" arg-set="-grab"/>
+ </select>
+ </hgroup>
<xscreensaver-image />
<boolean id="peek" _label="Peek at underlying images" arg-set="-peek"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Packs the screen with growing squares or circles, colored according to a
horizontal or vertical gradient, or according to the colors of the
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Max Rings" low="3" high="15" default="15"/>
- <number id="size" type="spinbutton" arg="-size %"
- _label="Line Thickness" low="-20" high="20" default="-7"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="1000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<number id="cycles" type="slider" arg="-cycles %"
_label="Duration" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
low="0" high="500" default="100"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="1000"
- convert="invert"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="64"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Number of rings" low="3" high="15" default="15"/>
+ <number id="size" type="spinbutton" arg="-size %"
+ _label="Line thickness" low="-20" high="20" default="-7"/>
+ </hgroup>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws random color-cycling inter-braided concentric circles.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Duration" _low-label="5 seconds" _high-label="2 minutes"
- low="5" high="120" default="30"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Duration" _low-label="5 seconds" _high-label="2 minutes"
+ low="5" high="120" default="30"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </hgroup>
<boolean id="msdos" _label="MS-DOS" arg-unset="-no-msdos"/>
<boolean id="amiga" _label="AmigaDOS" arg-unset="-no-amiga"/>
<boolean id="atari" _label="Atari" arg-set="-atari"/>
- <boolean id="apple2" _label="Apple II" arg-unset="-no-apple2"/>
- <boolean id="nvidia" _label="Nvidia" arg-unset="-no-nvidia"/>
- <boolean id="os2" _label="OS/2" arg-unset="-no-os2"/>
+ <boolean id="apple2" _label="Apple ][" arg-unset="-no-apple2"/>
+ <boolean id="nvidia" _label="NVidia" arg-unset="-no-nvidia"/>
+ <boolean id="os2" _label="OS/2" arg-unset="-no-os2"/>
<boolean id="mac" _label="Sad Mac" arg-unset="-no-mac"/>
- <boolean id="mac1" _label="Mac Bomb" arg-unset="-no-mac1"/>
+ <boolean id="mac1" _label="Mac bomb" arg-unset="-no-mac1"/>
<boolean id="macsbug" _label="MacsBug" arg-unset="-no-macsbug"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
<boolean id="macx" _label="MacOS X" arg-unset="-no-macx"/>
<boolean id="os390" _label="OS/390" arg-unset="-no-os390"/>
<boolean id="vms" _label="VMS" arg-unset="-no-vms"/>
<boolean id="hvx" _label="HVX/GCOS6" arg-unset="-no-hvx"/>
<boolean id="blitdamage" _label="NCD X Terminal " arg-unset="-no-blitdamage"/>
<boolean id="atm" _label="ATM" arg-unset="-no-atm"/>
+ <boolean id="bsd" _label="BSD" arg-set="-bsd"/>
- <boolean id="bsd" _label="BSD" arg-set="-bsd"/>
<boolean id="linux" _label="Linux (fsck)" arg-unset="-no-linux"/>
<boolean id="sparclinux" _label="Linux (sparc)" arg-set="-sparclinux"/>
<boolean id="hppalinux" _label="Linux (hppa)" arg-unset="-no-hppalinux"/>
BSOD stands for "Blue Screen of Death". The finest in personal
-computer emulation, this program simulates popular screen savers from a
+computer emulation, BSOD simulates popular screen savers from a
number of less robust operating systems.
Written by Jamie Zawinski; 1998.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="15000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
- <boolean id="transp" _label="Transparent Bubbles" arg-unset="-no-transparent"/>
- <string id="color" _label="Bubble Color" arg="-color %"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="transp" _label="Transparent bubbles" arg-unset="-no-transparent"/>
+ <string id="color" _label="Bubble color" arg="-color %"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws a stream of rising, undulating 3D bubbles, rising toward the
top of the screen, with transparency and specular reflections.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="800"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
<boolean id="simple" _label="Draw circles instead of bubble images"
<boolean id="broken" _label="Don't hide bubbles when they pop"
-<!-- <boolean id="3d" _label="Bubbles exist in three dimensions"
- arg-set="-3D"/> -->
+ <boolean id="trails" _label="Leave trails" arg-set="-trails"/>
<select id="gravity">
- <option id="rise" _label="Bubbles Rise" arg-set="-mode rise"/>
- <option id="float" _label="Bubbles Float"/>
- <option id="drop" _label="Bubbles Fall" arg-set="-mode drop"/>
+ <option id="rise" _label="Bubbles rise" arg-set="-mode rise"/>
+ <option id="float" _label="Bubbles float"/>
+ <option id="drop" _label="Bubbles fall" arg-set="-mode drop"/>
- <boolean id="trails" _label="Leave Trails" arg-set="-trails"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
This simulates the kind of bubble formation that happens when water
<!-- #### -colorcount [64] -->
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
low="0" high="100000" default="30000"
<xscreensaver-image />
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
A spotlight roams across an embossed version of your desktop or
other picture.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="30000" default="25000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="25000"
<boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
This draws Escher's "Impossible Cage", a 3d analog of a moebius
strip, and rotates it in three dimensions.
Written by Marcelo Vianna; 1998.
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
+ _label="Animation speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="0.1" high="8.0" default="1.0"/>
+ <number id="duration" type="slider" arg="-duration %"
+ _label="Time until loading a new image"
+ _low-label="5 seconds" _high-label="1 minute"
+ low="5" high="60" default="20"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
<number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Number of Images:" low="1" high="20" default="7"/>
+ _label="Number of images" low="1" high="20" default="7"/>
<select id="mode">
- <option id="tiltxy" _label="Tilt In/Out and Left/Right"/>
- <option id="tiltx" _label="Tilt In/Out Only" arg-set="-tilt x"/>
- <option id="tilty" _label="Tilt Left/Right Only" arg-set="-tilt y"/>
- <option id="notilt" _label="No Tilting" arg-set="-tilt 0"/>
+ <option id="tiltxy" _label="Tilt in/out and left/right"/>
+ <option id="tiltx" _label="Tilt in/out only" arg-set="-tilt x"/>
+ <option id="tilty" _label="Tilt left/right only" arg-set="-tilt y"/>
+ <option id="notilt" _label="No tilting" arg-set="-tilt 0"/>
- </hgroup>
- <number id="duration" type="slider" arg="-duration %"
- _label="Time until loading a new image:"
- _low-label="5 Seconds" _high-label="1 Minute"
- low="5" high="60" default="20"/>
- <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
- _label="Animation Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0.1" high="8.0" default="1.0"/>
+ <boolean id="zoom" _label="Zoom in/out" arg-unset="-no-zoom"/>
+ <boolean id="titles" _label="Show file names" arg-unset="-no-titles"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Frame Rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
- low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
- convert="invert"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
<xscreensaver-image />
- <boolean id="zoom" _label="Zoom In/Out" arg-unset="-no-zoom"/>
- <boolean id="titles" _label="Show Image Titles" arg-unset="-no-titles"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
Loads several random images, and displays them flying in a circular
formation. The formation changes speed and direction randomly, and
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="ccurve" _label="C Curve">
+<screensaver name="ccurve" _label="CCurve">
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Change Image Every" _low-label="0 seconds" _high-label="30 seconds"
- low="0" high="30" default="1"/>
+ _label="Change image every" _low-label="0 seconds" _high-label="30 seconds"
+ low="0" high="30" default="3"/>
<number id="pause" type="slider" arg="-pause %"
- _label="Animation Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="Animation speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0.0" high="5.0" default="0.4" convert="invert"/>
<number id="limit" type="slider" arg="-limit %"
_label="Density" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
low="3" high="300000" default="200000"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Generates self-similar linear fractals, including the classic "C Curve".
Written by Rick Campbell; 1999.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="10000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
<number id="delay2" type="slider" arg="-delay2 %"
- _label="Pause" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
+ _label="Linger" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
low="0" high="10" default="5"/>
- <boolean id="graph" _label="Draw Graph" arg-set="-graph"/>
+ <boolean id="graph" _label="Draw graph" arg-set="-graph"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Repeatedly draws random Celtic cross-stitch patterns.
Written by Max Froumentin; 2005.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="20000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
- <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-parts %"
- _label="Parts" low="1" high="30" default="10"/>
- <boolean id="spin" _label="Spin" arg-unset="-no-spin"/>
- <boolean id="rotate" _label="Rotate" arg-set="-rotate"/>
+ <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-parts %"
+ _label="Parts" _low-label="One" _high-label="Lots"
+ low="1" high="30" default="10"/>
<number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-rotate-speed %"
- _label="Rotation Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="Rotation speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0" high="100" default="1"/>
+ <boolean id="spin" _label="Spin" arg-unset="-no-spin"/>
<select id="render">
- <option id="flat" _label="Flat Coloring" arg-set="-no-light"/>
- <option id="light" _label="Directional Lighting"/>
+ <option id="flat" _label="Flat coloring" arg-set="-no-light"/>
+ <option id="light" _label="Directional lighting"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Animates a number of 3D electronic components.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-cycle-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="80000" default="25000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="25000"
<number id="maxage" type="slider" arg="-max-age %"
- _label="Max Age" _low-label="Young" _high-label="Old"
+ _label="Max age" _low-label="Young" _high-label="Old"
low="2" high="255" default="64"/>
<number id="density" type="slider" arg="-initial-density %"
- _label="Initial Density" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ _label="Initial density" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
low="1" high="99" default="30"/>
<number id="cellsize" type="slider" arg="-cell-size %"
- _label="Cell Size" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
+ _label="Cell size" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
low="1" high="20" default="3"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Generates cloud-like formations based on a variant of Conway's Life. The
3 for populating the next generation. This makes long-lived formations
explode instead of just sitting there.
Written by Don Marti; 2003.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="20000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
-<!-- <boolean id="db" _label="Double Buffer" arg-unset="-no-db"/> -->
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
This draws a compass, with all elements spinning about randomly, for
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay2" type="slider" arg="-delay2 %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
low="1" high="500000" default="20000"
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Linger" _low-label="1 Second" _high-label="1 Minute"
+ _label="Linger" _low-label="1 second" _high-label="1 minute"
low="1" high="60" default="5"/>
<number id="density" type="slider" arg="-density %"
_label="Seeds" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="100" default="20"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Simulates coral growth, albeit somewhat slowly.
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="cosmos" _label="Cosmos">
- <command arg="-root"/>
- <_description>
-Draws fireworks and zooming, fading flares.
-You can find it at <http://www.cosmosx.org/>
-Written by Tom Campbell.
- </_description>
\ No newline at end of file
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Frame Delay" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
- low="0" high="50000" default="20000" />
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<number id="visibility" type="slider" arg="-visibility %"
- _label="Visibility" _low-label="Mouse Hole" _high-label="Eagle Nest"
+ _label="Visibility" _low-label="Mouse hole" _high-label="Eagle nest"
low="0.2" high="1.0" default="0.6" />
- <number id="nsubdivs" type="spinbutton" arg="-nsubdivs %"
- _label="Subdivisions"
+ <number id="nsubdivs" type="slider" arg="-nsubdivs %"
+ _label="Subdivisions" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Hurt me"
low="2" high="9" default="4" />
- <boolean id="flat" _label="Flat Shading" arg-unset="-no-flat"/>
+ <boolean id="flat" _label="Flat shading" arg-unset="-no-flat"/>
<boolean id="lit" _label="Lighting" arg-unset="-no-lit"/>
<boolean id="water" _label="Water" arg-unset="-no-water"/>
<boolean id="crack" _label="Confused" arg-unset="-no-crack"/>
<boolean id="boring" _label="Immediate" arg-set="-boring"/>
<boolean id="letter" _label="Letterbox" arg-set="-letterbox"/>
<boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
<select id="color">
- <option id="random" _label="Random" arg-set="-color random"/>
- <option id="plain" _label="Plain"/>
- <option id="ice" _label="Ice" arg-set="-color ice"/>
- <option id="magma" _label="Swampy" arg-set="-color magma"/>
- <option id="vomit" _label="Vomit" arg-set="-color vomit"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Random coloration"/>
+ <option id="plain" _label="Earthy coloration" arg-set="-color plain"/>
+ <option id="ice" _label="Icy coloration" arg-set="-color ice"/>
+ <option id="magma" _label="Swampy coloration" arg-set="-color magma"/>
+ <option id="vomit" _label="Vomitous coloration" arg-set="-color vomit"/>
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="3" high="255" default="64"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="10000"
- convert="invert"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws a system of self-organizing lines. It starts out as random
<command arg="-root"/>
- <!-- #### -maxsize -->
- <!-- #### -shift (color cycling) -->
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="60000"
+ convert="invert"/>
- <boolean id="grid" _label="Draw Grid" arg-set="-grid"/>
+ <number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ low="1" high="255" default="100"/>
- <boolean id="cells" _label="Draw Cell" arg-unset="-no-cell"/>
+ <!-- #### -maxsize -->
+ <!-- #### -shift (color cycling) -->
- <boolean id="centre" _label="Center on Screen" arg-set="-centre"/>
+ <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Number of crystals" low="-5000" high="5000" default="-500"/>
<number id="nx" type="spinbutton" arg="-nx %"
- _label="Horizontal Symmetries" low="-10" high="10" default="-3"/>
+ _label="Horizontal symmetries" low="-10" high="10" default="-3"/>
<number id="ny" type="spinbutton" arg="-ny %"
- _label="Vertical Symmetries" low="-10" high="10" default="-3"/>
- <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Count" low="-5000" high="5000" default="-500"/>
+ _label="Vertical symmetries" low="-10" high="10" default="-3"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="80000" default="60000"
- convert="invert"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <boolean id="grid" _label="Draw grid" arg-set="-grid"/>
+ <boolean id="cells" _label="Draw cell" arg-unset="-no-cell"/>
+ <boolean id="centre" _label="Center on screen" arg-set="-centre"/>
+ </hgroup>
- <number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
- low="1" high="255" default="100"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
-Moving polygons, similar to a kaleidescope (more like a kaleidescope
-than the one called `kaleid,' actually).
+Moving polygons, similar to a kaleidoscope. See also the
+"Kaleidescope" and "GLeidescope" screen savers.
Written by Jouk Jansen; 1998.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="cube21" _label="Cube 21">
+<screensaver name="cube21" _label="Cube21">
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="cubesize" type="slider" arg="-cubesize %"
- _label="Cube size" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
- low="0.4" high="1.0" default="0.7"/>
- <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Global speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="30000" default="20000" convert="invert"/>
- <number id="rotspeed" type="slider" arg="-rotspeed %"
- _label="Rotation" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="1.0" high="10.0" default="3.0"/>
- <number id="wanderspeed" type="slider" arg="-wanderspeed %"
- _label="Wandering" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0.3" high="3.0" default="1.0"/>
- <number id="spinspeed" type="slider" arg="-spinspeed %"
- _label="Spinning" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0.5" high="4.0" default="1.0"/>
- <number id="wait" type="slider" arg="-wait %"
- _label="Delay in ending position" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
- low="10.0" high="100.0" default="40.0"/>
- <select id="start">
- <option id="cube" _label="Start as cube" arg-set="-no-randomize"/>
- <option id="shuffle" _label="Start as random shape"/>
- </select>
- <select id="colors">
- <option id="white" _label="White" arg-set="-colormode white"/>
- <option id="one" _label="Random color" arg-set="-colormode rnd"/>
- <option id="se" _label="Silver Edition" arg-set="-colormode se"/>
- <option id="two" _label="Two random colors" arg-set="-colormode two"/>
- <option id="ce" _label="Classic Edition" arg-set="-colormode ce"/>
- <option id="six" _label="Six random colors"/>
- </select>
- <boolean id="spin" _label="Spin" arg-unset="-no-spin"/>
- <boolean id="wander" _label="Wander" arg-unset="-no-wander"/>
- <boolean id="tex" _label="Textured" arg-unset="-no-texture"/>
- </hgroup>
- <hgroup>
- <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000" convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="cubesize" type="slider" arg="-cubesize %"
+ _label="Cube size" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
+ low="0.4" high="1.0" default="0.7"/>
+ <number id="rotspeed" type="slider" arg="-rotspeed %"
+ _label="Rotation" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="1.0" high="10.0" default="3.0"/>
+ <select id="start">
+ <option id="cube" _label="Start as cube" arg-set="-no-randomize"/>
+ <option id="shuffle" _label="Start as random shape"/>
+ </select>
+ <select id="colors">
+ <option id="white" _label="White" arg-set="-colormode white"/>
+ <option id="one" _label="Random color" arg-set="-colormode rnd"/>
+ <option id="se" _label="Silver edition" arg-set="-colormode se"/>
+ <option id="two" _label="Two random colors" arg-set="-colormode two"/>
+ <option id="ce" _label="Classic edition" arg-set="-colormode ce"/>
+ <option id="six" _label="Six random colors"/>
+ </select>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="spinspeed" type="slider" arg="-spinspeed %"
+ _label="Spin" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="0.5" high="4.0" default="1.0"/>
+ <number id="wanderspeed" type="slider" arg="-wanderspeed %"
+ _label="Wander" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="0.3" high="3.0" default="1.0"/>
+ <number id="wait" type="slider" arg="-wait %"
+ _label="Linger" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
+ low="10.0" high="100.0" default="40.0"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <boolean id="spin" _label="Spin" arg-unset="-no-spin"/>
+ <boolean id="wander" _label="Wander" arg-unset="-no-wander"/>
+ <boolean id="tex" _label="Outlines" arg-unset="-no-texture"/>
+ </hgroup>
+ <hgroup>
+ <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </hgroup>
+ </vgroup>
Animates a Rubik-like puzzle known as Cube 21 or Square-1.
-The rotations are chosen randomly.
+The rotations are chosen randomly. See also the "Rubik" and
+"GLSnake" screen savers.
Written by Vasek Potocek; 2005.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="20000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
<number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
_label="Boxes" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="20" default="5"/>
- <boolean id="wander" _label="Wander" arg-unset="-no-wander"/>
- <select id="rotation">
- <option id="no" _label="Don't Rotate" arg-set="-spin 0"/>
- <option id="x" _label="Rotate around X axis" arg-set="-spin X"/>
- <option id="y" _label="Rotate around Y axis" arg-set="-spin Y"/>
- <option id="z" _label="Rotate around Z axis" arg-set="-spin Z"/>
- <option id="xy" _label="Rotate around X and Y axes" arg-set="-spin XY"/>
- <option id="xz" _label="Rotate around X and Z axes" arg-set="-spin XZ"/>
- <option id="yz" _label="Rotate around Y and Z axes" arg-set="-spin YZ"/>
- <option id="xyz" _label="Rotate around all three axes"/>
- </select>
+ <hgroup>
+ <boolean id="wander" _label="Wander" arg-unset="-no-wander"/>
+ <select id="rotation">
+ <option id="no" _label="Don't rotate" arg-set="-spin 0"/>
+ <option id="x" _label="Rotate around X axis" arg-set="-spin X"/>
+ <option id="y" _label="Rotate around Y axis" arg-set="-spin Y"/>
+ <option id="z" _label="Rotate around Z axis" arg-set="-spin Z"/>
+ <option id="xy" _label="Rotate around X and Y axes" arg-set="-spin XY"/>
+ <option id="xz" _label="Rotate around X and Z axes" arg-set="-spin XZ"/>
+ <option id="yz" _label="Rotate around Y and Z axes" arg-set="-spin YZ"/>
+ <option id="xyz" _label="Rotate around all three axes"/>
+ </select>
+ </hgroup>
<number id="wave-speed" type="slider" arg="-wave-speed %"
- _label="Surface Pattern Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="Surface pattern speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="5" high="150" default="80"/>
<number id="wave-radius" type="slider" arg="-wave-radius %"
- _label="Surface Pattern Overlap"
+ _label="Surface pattern overlap"
_low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
low="5" high="600" default="512"/>
<number id="waves" type="slider" arg="-waves %"
- _label="Surface Pattern Complexity"
+ _label="Surface pattern complexity"
_low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
low="1" high="20" default="3"/>
- <boolean id="tex" _label="Textured" arg-unset="-no-texture"/>
- <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <boolean id="tex" _label="Textured" arg-unset="-no-texture"/>
+ <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </hgroup>
Draws a pulsating set of overlapping boxes with ever-chaning blobby
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Animation Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="30000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="30000"
<number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
- _label="Motion Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0.01" high="5.0" default="1.0"/>
- <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Number of Cubes" low="1" high="20" default="4"/>
+ <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Cubes" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
+ low="1" high="20" default="4"/>
<number id="thickness" type="slider" arg="-thickness %"
- _label="Strut Thickness" _low-label="Thin" _high-label="Thick"
+ _label="Struts" _low-label="Thin" _high-label="Thick"
low="0.01" high="1.0" default="0.06"/>
<boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws a series of rotating 3D boxes that intersect each other and
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="zoom" type="slider" arg="-zoom %"
- _label="Dot spacing" _low-label="Close" _high-label="Far"
- low="15" high="100" default="20"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Animation speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="30000" default="20000" convert="invert"/>
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000" convert="invert"/>
<number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
- _label="Rotation speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0.2" high="10.0" default="1.0"/>
- <boolean id="bigdots" _label="Big Dots" arg-unset="-no-bigdots"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <number id="zoom" type="slider" arg="-zoom %"
+ _label="Dot spacing" _low-label="Close" _high-label="Far"
+ low="15" high="100" default="20"/>
+ <boolean id="bigdots" _label="Big dots" arg-unset="-no-bigdots"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws the view of an observer located inside a rotating 3D lattice of colored
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="30000" default="20000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
<number id="waves" type="slider" arg="-waves %"
_label="Complexity" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
low="1" high="100" default="15"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-colors %"
- _label="Color Transitions" _low-label="Rough" _high-label="Smooth"
+ _label="Color transitions" _low-label="Rough" _high-label="Smooth"
low="2" high="1000" default="600"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
This generates a languidly-scrolling vertical field of sinusoidal colors.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="800000" default="500000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="1000000" default="500000"
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
- low="1" high="255" default="128"/>
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ low="2" high="255" default="128"/>
<number id="iterations" type="slider" arg="-iterations %"
_label="Duration" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
low="2" high="200" default="100"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Random dropshadowed rectangles pop onto the screen in lockstep.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="30000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="30000"
<number id="spikespeed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
- _label="Spike Growth" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="Spike growth" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0.0" high="0.25" default="0.05"/>
- <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Spike Count" low="1" high="200" default="30"/>
+ <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Number of spikes" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Ouch"
+ low="1" high="100" default="30"/>
<boolean id="wander" _label="Wander" arg-unset="-no-wander"/>
<boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws a ball that periodically extrudes many random spikes. Ouch!
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="10000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
<number id="duration" type="slider" arg="-duration %"
low="10" high="600" default="120"/>
<select id="mode">
- <option id="random" _label="Random Melt Style"/>
- <option id="random" _label="Shuffle Melt" arg-set="-mode shuffle"/>
- <option id="random" _label="Melt Up" arg-set="-mode up"/>
- <option id="random" _label="Melt Down" arg-set="-mode down"/>
- <option id="random" _label="Melt Left" arg-set="-mode left"/>
- <option id="random" _label="Melt Right" arg-set="-mode right"/>
- <option id="random" _label="Melt Up, Left" arg-set="-mode upleft"/>
- <option id="random" _label="Melt Up, Right" arg-set="-mode upright"/>
- <option id="random" _label="Melt Down, Left" arg-set="-mode downleft"/>
- <option id="random" _label="Melt Down, Right" arg-set="-mode downright"/>
- <option id="random" _label="Melt Towards Center" arg-set="-mode in"/>
- <option id="random" _label="Melt Away From Center" arg-set="-mode out"/>
- <option id="random" _label="Melty Melt" arg-set="-mode melt"/>
- <option id="random" _label="Stretchy Melt" arg-set="-mode stretch"/>
- <option id="random" _label="Fuzzy Melt" arg-set="-mode fuzz"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Random melt style"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Shuffle melt" arg-set="-mode shuffle"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Melt up" arg-set="-mode up"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Melt down" arg-set="-mode down"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Melt left" arg-set="-mode left"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Melt right" arg-set="-mode right"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Melt up, left" arg-set="-mode upleft"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Melt up, right" arg-set="-mode upright"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Melt down, left" arg-set="-mode downleft"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Melt down, right" arg-set="-mode downright"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Melt towards center" arg-set="-mode in"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Melt away from center" arg-set="-mode out"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Melty melt" arg-set="-mode melt"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Stretchy melt" arg-set="-mode stretch"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Fuzzy melt" arg-set="-mode fuzz"/>
<xscreensaver-image />
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
This takes an image and makes it melt. You've no doubt seen this
effect before, but no screensaver would really be complete without it.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Duration" _low-label="1 Second" _high-label="1 Minute"
+ _label="Duration" _low-label="1 second" _high-label="1 minute"
low="1" high="60" default="5"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="64"/>
- <number id="maxdepth" type="spinbutton" arg="-max-depth %"
- _label="Max Depth" low="1" high="40" default="12"/>
- <boolean id="smooth-colors" _label="Smooth Colors" arg-set="-smooth-colors"/>
- <boolean id="golden-ratio" _label="Golden Ratio" arg-set="-golden-ratio"/>
- <boolean id="mondrian" _label="Mondrian" arg-set="-mondrian"/>
- <number id="minwidth" type="spinbutton" arg="-min-width %"
- _label="Min Size" low="1" high="100" default="20"/>
- <number id="minheight" type="spinbutton" arg="-min-height %"
- _label="x" low="1" high="100" default="20"/>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="minwidth" type="spinbutton" arg="-min-width %"
+ _label="Minimum width" low="1" high="100" default="20"/>
+ <number id="minheight" type="spinbutton" arg="-min-height %"
+ _label="Minimum height" low="1" high="100" default="20"/>
+ <number id="maxdepth" type="spinbutton" arg="-max-depth %"
+ _label="Maximum depth" low="1" high="40" default="12"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <boolean id="smooth-colors" _label="Smooth colors" arg-set="-smooth-colors"/>
+ <boolean id="golden-ratio" _label="Golden ratio" arg-set="-golden-ratio"/>
+ <boolean id="mondrian" _label="Mondrian" arg-set="-mondrian"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </vgroup>
Subdivides and colors rectangles randomly. It looks kind of
like Brady-Bunch-era rec-room wall paneling.
Written by Jamie Zawinski and Michael Bayne; 1997.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="5000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="50000" default="10000"
<number id="thickness" type="slider" arg="-thickness %"
_label="Lines" _low-label="Thin" _high-label="Thick"
low="1" high="150" default="50"/>
- <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Count" low="1" high="20" default="5"/>
+ <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Shapes" _low-label="1" _high-label="20"
+ low="1" high="20" default="5"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="20"/>
<!-- #### -speed [15] -->
<boolean id="transparent" _label="Transparency" arg-unset="-no-transparent"/>
-<!-- <boolean id="db" _label="Double Buffer" arg-unset="-no-db"/> -->
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws a pulsing sequence of transparent stars, circles, and lines.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="States" low="0" high="20" default="0"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="50000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
+ _label="States" _low-label="0" _high-label="20"
+ low="0" high="20" default="0"/>
<number id="cycles" type="slider" arg="-cycles %"
_label="Timeout" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
low="0" high="800000" default="1000"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="100000" default="50000"
- convert="invert"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="64"/>
<number id="size" type="spinbutton" arg="-size %"
- _label="Cell Size" low="-20" high="20" default="-7"/>
+ _label="Cell size" low="-20" high="20" default="-7"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
A cellular automaton that starts with a random field, and organizes
it into stripes and spirals.
Written by David Bagley; 1999.
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<number id="cycles" type="slider" arg="-cycles %"
_label="Timeout" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
low="100" high="10000" default="2500"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="1000"
- convert="invert"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="100"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
More "discrete map" systems, including new variants of Hopalong and
Julia, and a few others.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
low="0" high="200000" default="20000"
<!-- #### -slow -->
<number id="radius" type="slider" arg="-radius %"
- _label="Lens Size" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
+ _label="Lens size" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
low="0" high="1000" default="0"/>
- <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-number %"
- _label="Lens Count" low="0" high="10" default="0"/>
- <select id="effect">
- <option id="normal" _label="Normal"/>
- <option id="swamp" _label="Swamp Thing" arg-set="-effect swamp"/>
- <option id="bounce" _label="Bounce" arg-set="-effect bounce"/>
- </select>
+ <hgroup>
+ <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-number %"
+ _label="Lens count" low="0" high="10" default="0"/>
+ <select id="effect">
+ <option id="normal" _label="Normal"/>
+ <option id="swamp" _label="Swamp thing" arg-set="-effect swamp"/>
+ <option id="bounce" _label="Bounce" arg-set="-effect bounce"/>
+ </select>
+ </hgroup>
- <vgroup>
- <boolean id="reflect" _label="Reflect" arg-set="-reflect"/>
- <boolean id="magnify" _label="Magnify" arg-set="-magnify"/>
- </vgroup>
- <vgroup>
- <boolean id="blackhole" _label="Black Hole" arg-set="-blackhole"/>
- <boolean id="vortex" _label="Vortex" arg-set="-vortex"/>
- </vgroup>
+ <boolean id="reflect" _label="Reflect" arg-set="-reflect"/>
+ <boolean id="magnify" _label="Magnify" arg-set="-magnify"/>
+ <boolean id="blackhole" _label="Black hole" arg-set="-blackhole"/>
+ <boolean id="vortex" _label="Vortex" arg-set="-vortex"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
<xscreensaver-image />
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame Rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="25000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
DNA Lounge
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
_label="Duration" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
low="1" high="200" default="30"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="10000"
- convert="invert"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="200"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Drifting recursive fractal cosmic flames.
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="electricsheep" _label="ElectricSheep">
- <command arg="--root 1"/>
- <hgroup>
- <string id="nick" _label="Nickname" arg="--nick %"/>
- <string id="url" _label="URL" arg="--url %"/>
- </hgroup>
- <hgroup>
- <number id="framerate" type="spinbutton" arg="--frame-rate %"
- _label="Frame Rate" low="1" high="100" default="23"/>
- <number id="nrepeats" type="spinbutton" arg="--nrepeats %"
- _label="Repititions of each Sheep"
- low="0" high="10" default="2"/>
- </hgroup>
- <hgroup>
- <boolean id="zoom" _label="Zoom" arg-set="--zoom 1" />
- <boolean id="hide" _label="No Animation" arg-set="--display-anim 0" />
- <boolean id="standalone" _label="No Network" arg-set="--standalone 1" />
- </hgroup>
- <hgroup>
- <select id="maxmegs">
- <option id="m100" _label="100 Mbyte cache" arg-set="--max-megabytes 100"/>
- <option id="m300" _label="300 Mbyte cache" arg-set="--max-megabytes 300"/>
- <option id="g1" _label="1 Gbyte cache" arg-set="--max-megabytes 1000"/>
- <option id="g3" _label="3 Gbyte cache" arg-set="--max-megabytes 3000"/>
- <option id="u" _label="Unlimited" arg-set="--max-megabytes 0"/>
- </select>
- </hgroup>
- <_description>
-Displays mpeg video of an animated fractal flame. In the background,
-it contributes render cycles to the next animation. Periodically it
-uploades completed frames to the server, where they are compressed for
-distribution to all clients.
-This program is recommended only if you have a high bandwidth,
-always-on connection to the Internet.
-You can find it at <http://www.electricsheep.org/>.
-Written by By Scott Draves.
- </_description>
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="20000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
- <boolean id="classic" _label="Low Resolution Chess Pieces" arg-set="-classic"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="classic" _label="Low resolution chess pieces" arg-set="-classic"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Black slips out of three mating nets, but the fourth one holds him tight!
-A brilliant composition!
+A brilliant composition!
+See also the "Queens" screen saver.
Written by Blair Tennessy; 2002.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="40000" default="30000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="30000"
<select id="engine">
- <option id="random" _label="Random Engine"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Random engine"/>
<option id="1" _label="Honda Insight (3 cylinders)" arg-set="-engine honda_insight"/>
<option id="2" _label="BMW M3 (4 cylinders)" arg-set="-engine bmw_m3"/>
<option id="3" _label="VW Beetle (4 cylinders, flat)" arg-set="-engine vw_beetle"/>
<option id="10" _label="Jaguar XKE (12 cylinders, V)" arg-set="-engine jaguar_xke"/>
- <boolean id="titles" _label="Show Engine Name" arg-set="-titles"/>
+ <boolean id="titles" _label="Show engine name" arg-set="-titles"/>
<boolean id="wander" _label="Wander" arg-unset="-no-move"/>
<boolean id="spin" _label="Spin" arg-unset="-no-spin"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws a simple model of an engine that floats around the screen.
Written by Ben Buxton and Ed Beroset; 2001.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-colors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
- low="1" high="255" default="100"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="200000" default="1000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
+ <number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-colors %"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ low="1" high="255" default="100"/>
<number id="holdtime" type="slider" arg="-holdtime %"
- _label="Duration" _low-label="1 second" _high-label="1 minute"
- low="1" high="60" default="2"/>
+ _label="Linger" _low-label="1 second" _high-label="30 seconds"
+ low="1" high="30" default="2"/>
+ <hgroup>
<number id="linewidth" type="spinbutton" arg="-linewidth %"
- _label="Line Thickness" low="1" high="50" default="4"/>
+ _label="Line thickness" low="1" high="50" default="4"/>
<number id="harmonics" type="spinbutton" arg="-harmonics %"
_label="Harmonics" low="1" high="20" default="8"/>
+ </hgroup>
<!-- #### -color0 [red] -->
<!-- #### -colours [100] -->
<!-- #### -size_factor_min [1.05] -->
<!-- #### -size_factor_max [2.05] -->
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
-This program draws the path traced out by a point on the edge of a
+This draws the path traced out by a point on the edge of a
circle. That circle rotates around a point on the rim of another
circle, and so on, several times. These were the basis for the
-pre-heliocentric model of planetary motion.
+pre-heliocentric model of planetary motion.
Written by James Youngman; 1998.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
- low="16" high="256" default="256"/>
- <number id="nparticles" type="slider" arg="-particles %"
- _label="Number of Particles" _low-label="Little" _high-label="Many"
- low="100" high="2000" default="300"/>
- <number id="cooloff" type="slider" arg="-cooloff %"
- _label="Cooling factor" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="10" default="2"/>
- <number id="heat" type="slider" arg="-heat %"
- _label="Heat" _low-label="Pleasant" _high-label="Inferno"
- low="64" high="256" default="256"/>
- <number id="gravity" type="slider" arg="-gravity %"
- _label="Gravity" _low-label="Negative" _high-label="Positive"
- low="-5" high="5" default="1"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="cycles" type="slider" arg="-cycles %"
- _label="Duration" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
- low="10" high="3000" default="80"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
+ low="16" high="256" default="256"/>
+ <number id="nparticles" type="slider" arg="-particles %"
+ _label="Number of particles" _low-label="Little" _high-label="Many"
+ low="100" high="2000" default="300"/>
+ <number id="cooloff" type="slider" arg="-cooloff %"
+ _label="Cooling factor" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="0" high="10" default="2"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="heat" type="slider" arg="-heat %"
+ _label="Heat" _low-label="Pleasant" _high-label="Inferno"
+ low="64" high="256" default="256"/>
+ <number id="gravity" type="slider" arg="-gravity %"
+ _label="Gravity" _low-label="Negative" _high-label="Positive"
+ low="-5" high="5" default="1"/>
+ <number id="cycles" type="slider" arg="-cycles %"
+ _label="Duration" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
+ low="10" high="3000" default="80"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
-Exploding fireworks.
+Exploding fireworks. See also the "Fireworkx", "XFlame" and "Pyro"
+screen savers.
Written by W.P. van Paassen; 2003.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="euler2d" _label="Euler2d">
+<screensaver name="euler2d" _label="Euler2D">
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
_label="Particles" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
low="2" high="5000" default="1024"/>
<number id="eulertail" type="slider" arg="-eulertail %"
- _label="Trail Length" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
+ _label="Trail length" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
low="2" high="500" default="10"/>
low="100" high="5000" default="3000"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="2" high="255" default="64"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="300000" default="10000"
- convert="invert"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
-Simulates two dimensional Incompressible Inviscid Fluid Flow.
+Simulates two dimensional incompressible inviscid fluid flow.
Written by Stephen Montgomery-Smith; 2002.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="40000" default="20000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
<select id="mode">
- <option id="random" _label="Random Object"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Random object"/>
<option id="helix2" _label="Helix 2" arg-set="-name helix2"/>
<option id="helix3" _label="Helix 3" arg-set="-name helix3"/>
<option id="helix4" _label="Helix 4" arg-set="-name helix4"/>
- <option id="joinoffset" _label="Join Offset" arg-set="-name joinoffset"/>
+ <option id="joinoffset" _label="Join offset" arg-set="-name joinoffset"/>
<option id="screw" _label="Screw" arg-set="-name screw"/>
<option id="taper" _label="Taper" arg-set="-name taper"/>
<option id="twist" _label="Twistoid" arg-set="-name twistoid"/>
<select id="render">
- <option id="flat" _label="Use Flat Coloring" arg-set="-no-light"/>
- <option id="light" _label="Use Lighting"/>
+ <option id="flat" _label="Use flat coloring" arg-set="-no-light"/>
+ <option id="light" _label="Use lighting"/>
<!-- #### -texture -->
<!-- #### -mipmap -->
<boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws various rotating extruded shapes that twist around, lengthen,
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Count" low="0" high="20" default="10"/>
- <number id="cycles" type="slider" arg="-cycles %"
- _label="Timeout" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
- low="0" high="800000" default="1500"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="30000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="30000"
+ <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Thickness" _low-label="Thin" _high-label="Thick"
+ low="0" high="30" default="10"/>
+ <number id="cycles" type="slider" arg="-cycles %"
+ _label="Cycles" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
+ low="0" high="10000" default="1500"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="64"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws what looks like a waving ribbon following a sinusoidal path.
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
_label="Fibers" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
low="10" high="500" default="500"/>
<number id="cycles" type="slider" arg="-cycles %"
- _label="Time between Knocks" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
+ _label="Time between knocks" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
low="100" high="10000" default="10000"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws a groovy rotating fiber optic lamp.
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="fireflies" _label="Fireflies">
-<command arg="-root" />
- <number id="minbaits"
- arg="-minbaits %"
- type="spinbutton"
- _label="Minimum baits"
- low="1"
- high="50"
- default="2"
- />
- <number id="minflies"
- arg="-minflies %"
- type="spinbutton"
- _label="Minimum flies"
- low="1"
- high="10000"
- default="100"
- />
- <number id="maxbaits"
- arg="-maxbaits %"
- type="spinbutton"
- _label="Maximum baits"
- low="1"
- high="50"
- default="5"
- />
- <number id="maxflies"
- arg="-maxflies %"
- type="spinbutton"
- _label="Maximum flies"
- low="1"
- high="10000"
- default="175"
- />
-<boolean id="draw"
- _label="Draw baits"
- arg-set="-drawbait"
- <number id="bspeed"
- arg="-bspeed %"
- type="spinbutton"
- _label="Bait speed"
- low="0"
- high="10000"
- default="50"
- />
- <number id="baccel"
- arg="-baccel %"
- type="spinbutton"
- _label="Bait accel"
- low="0"
- high="10000"
- default="600"
- />
- <number id="fspeed"
- arg="-fspeed %"
- type="spinbutton"
- _label="Firefly speed"
- low="0"
- high="10000"
- default="100"
- />
- <number id="faccel"
- arg="-faccel %"
- type="spinbutton"
- _label="Firefly accel"
- low="0"
- high="10000"
- default="300"
- />
-<number id="taillength"
- arg="-taillength %"
- type="slider"
- _label="Tails"
- _low-label="Short"
- _high-label="Long"
- low="0"
- high="100"
- default="22"
-<number id="tailwidth"
- arg="-tailwidth %"
- type="slider"
- _low-label="Narrow"
- _high-label="Wide"
- low="0"
- high="100"
- default="25"
-<number id="tailopacity"
- arg="-tailopacity %"
- type="slider"
- _low-label="Invisible"
- _high-label="Opaque"
- low="0"
- high="100"
- default="60"
-<number id="colorspeed"
- arg="-colorspeed %"
- type="spinbutton"
- _label="Color cycle speed"
- low="1"
- high="100"
- default="15"
-<number id="fps"
- arg="-fps %"
- type="spinbutton"
- _label="Frames per sec"
- low="1"
- high="100"
- default="20"
-<number id="fastforward"
- arg="-fastforward %"
- type="spinbutton"
- _label="Fast Forward speed"
- low="1"
- high="100"
- default="1"
-<number id="size"
- arg="-size %"
- type="slider"
- _label="Firefly size"
- _low-label="Tiny"
- _high-label="Huge"
- low="5"
- high="100"
- default="15"
-<number id="glowfactor"
- arg="-glowfactor %"
- type="slider"
- _label="Glow factor"
- _low-label="Half"
- _high-label="10 times"
- low="5"
- high="100"
- default="20"
-<number id="wind"
- arg="-wind %"
- type="slider"
- _label="Wind"
- _low-label="Still"
- _high-label="Hurricane"
- low="0"
- high="100"
- default="30"
- <vgroup>
- <number id="m0"
- arg="-m0 %"
- type="slider"
- _label="Normal swarm motion"
- _low-label="Never"
- _high-label="Often"
- low="0"
- high="100"
- default="30"
- />
- <number id="m1"
- arg="-m1 %"
- type="slider"
- _label="Swarm comes to a halt"
- _low-label="Never"
- _high-label="Often"
- low="0"
- high="100"
- default="10"
- />
- <number id="m2"
- arg="-m2 %"
- type="slider"
- _label="Swarm does loops"
- _low-label="Never"
- _high-label="Often"
- low="0"
- high="100"
- default="10"
- />
- <number id="m3"
- arg="-m3 %"
- type="slider"
- _label="Swarm bursts into rainbow "
- _low-label="Never"
- _high-label="Often"
- low="00"
- high="100"
- default="10"
- />
- <number id="m4"
- arg="-m4 %"
- type="slider"
- _label="Swarm tails glow"
- _low-label="Never"
- _high-label="Often"
- low="0"
- high="100"
- default="15"
- />
- <number id="m5"
- arg="-m5 %"
- type="slider"
- _label="Swarm hyperspeed"
- _low-label="Never"
- _high-label="Often"
- low="0"
- high="100"
- default="10"
- />
- <number id="m6"
- arg="-m6 %"
- type="slider"
- _label="Faded colors"
- _low-label="Never"
- _high-label="Often"
- low="0"
- high="100"
- default="10"
- />
- </vgroup>
- <vgroup>
- <number id="M0"
- arg="-M0 %"
- type="slider"
- _label="Make all swarms do something"
- _low-label="Never"
- _high-label="Often"
- low="0"
- high="100"
- default="5"
- />
- <number id="M1"
- arg="-M1 %"
- type="slider"
- _label="Kill some fireflies"
- _low-label="Never"
- _high-label="Often"
- low="0"
- high="100"
- default="10"
- />
- <number id="M2"
- arg="-M2 %"
- type="slider"
- _label="Add some fireflies"
- _low-label="Never"
- _high-label="Often"
- low="00"
- high="100"
- default="10"
- />
- <number id="M3"
- arg="-M3 %"
- type="slider"
- _label="Wind picks up"
- _low-label="Never"
- _high-label="Often"
- low="0"
- high="100"
- default="20"
- />
- <number id="M4"
- arg="-M4 %"
- type="slider"
- _label="Matrix (pause and rotate)"
- _low-label="Never"
- _high-label="Often"
- low="0"
- high="100"
- default="20"
- />
- <number id="M5"
- arg="-M5 %"
- type="slider"
- _label="Split a swarm"
- _low-label="Never"
- _high-label="Often"
- low="0"
- high="100"
- default="10"
- />
- <number id="M6"
- arg="-M6 %"
- type="slider"
- _label="Merge two swarms"
- _low-label="Never"
- _high-label="Often"
- low="0"
- high="100"
- default="10"
- />
- </vgroup>
- <_description>
-A bunch of fireflies chase a few baits around the screen, leaving colorful
-tails which get blown around by the wind.
-This program is not included with the
-XScreenSaver package, but if you don't have it already, you can find it
-at <http://somewhere.fscked.org/fireflies/>.
-Written by Matt Perry.
- </_description>
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="Delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
_label="Activity" _low-label="Dense" _high-label="Sparse"
low="250" high="5000" default="2000"/>
- <boolean id="flash" _label="Light Flash" arg-unset="-no-flash"/>
- <boolean id="glow" _label="Self Glowing Smoke!" arg-unset="-no-glow"/>
- <boolean id="shoot" _label="Shoot the Shells Up" arg-set="-shoot"/>
+ <boolean id="flash" _label="Light flash" arg-unset="-no-flash"/>
+ <boolean id="glow" _label="Glowing smoke" arg-unset="-no-glow"/>
+ <boolean id="shoot" _label="Shells upward" arg-set="-shoot"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
-Exploding fireworks.
+Exploding fireworks. See also the "Eruption", "XFlame" and "Pyro"
+screen savers.
Written by Rony B Chandran; 2004.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <string id="text" _label="Text for Flag" arg="-text %"/>
-<!-- <file id="bitmap" _label="Bitmap for Flag" arg="-bitmap %"/> -->
+ <string id="text" _label="Text for flag" arg="-text %"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="60000" default="50000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="200000" default="50000"
<number id="cycles" type="slider" arg="-cycles %"
low="0" high="800000" default="1000"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="200"/>
<!-- #### -size [-7] -->
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
This draws a waving colored flag, that undulates its way around the
-screen. The trick is the flag can contain arbitrary text and images.
-By default, it displays either the current system name and OS
-type, or a picture of "Bob".
+screen. The flag can contain arbitrary text and images. By default,
+it displays either the current system name and OS type, or a picture
+of "Bob".
Written by Charles Vidal and Jamie Zawinski; 1997.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="80000" default="50000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="50000"
<number id="delay2" type="slider" arg="-delay2 %"
- _label="Duration" _low-label="0 Seconds" _high-label="10 Seconds"
+ _label="Linger" _low-label="0 seconds" _high-label="10 seconds"
low="1000" high="10000000" default="2000000"/>
<number id="iterations" type="slider" arg="-iterations %"
- _label="Number of Fractals" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of fractals" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="250" default="25"/>
<number id="points" type="slider" arg="-points %"
low="100" high="80000" default="10000"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-colors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="64"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Iterative fractals.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="size-x" type="spinbutton" arg="-size-x %"
- _label="Width" low="3" high="20" default="9"/>
- <number id="size-y" type="spinbutton" arg="-size-y %"
- _label="Length" low="3" high="20" default="9"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="20000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="spin" type="slider" arg="-spin %"
- _label="Spin" _low-label="Stopped" _high-label="Whirlwind"
- low="0" high="3.0" default="0.1"/>
- <select id="mode">
- <option id="tiles" _label="Tiles"/>
- <option id="sticks" _label="Sticks" arg-set="-mode sticks"/>
- </select>
- <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="spin" type="slider" arg="-spin %"
+ _label="Spin" _low-label="Stopped" _high-label="Whirlwind"
+ low="0" high="3.0" default="0.1"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <select id="mode">
+ <option id="tiles" _label="Draw Tiles"/>
+ <option id="sticks" _label="Draw Sticks" arg-set="-mode sticks"/>
+ </select>
+ <number id="size-x" type="spinbutton" arg="-size-x %"
+ _label="Width" low="3" high="20" default="9"/>
+ <number id="size-y" type="spinbutton" arg="-size-y %"
+ _label="Depth" low="3" high="20" default="9"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <boolean id="texture" _label="Load image" arg-set="-texture" />
+ <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <xscreensaver-image />
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
Draws a grid of 3D colored tiles that change positions with each other.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="flipscreen3d" _label="Flipscreen3d">
+<screensaver name="flipscreen3d" _label="FlipScreen3D">
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="20000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
<boolean id="rotate" _label="Rotate" arg-unset="-no-rotate"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
<xscreensaver-image />
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0.1" high="10.0" default="1.0"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Frame Rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
+ _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="0.1" high="10.0" default="1.0"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
<select id="align">
- <option id="left" _label="Random Text Alignment"/>
- <option id="left" _label="Flush Left Text" arg-set="-alignment left"/>
- <option id="center" _label="Centered Text" arg-set="-alignment center"/>
- <option id="right" _label="Flush Right Text" arg-set="-alignment right"/>
+ <option id="left" _label="Random text alignment"/>
+ <option id="left" _label="Flush left text" arg-set="-alignment left"/>
+ <option id="center" _label="Centered text" arg-set="-alignment center"/>
+ <option id="right" _label="Flush right text" arg-set="-alignment right"/>
- <number id="size" type="spinbutton" arg="-size %"
- _label="Font Point Size" low="1" high="100" default="20"/>
- <number id="columns" type="spinbutton" arg="-columns %"
- _label="Text Columns" low="1" high="200" default="80"/>
- <number id="lines" type="spinbutton" arg="-lines %"
- _label="Text Lines" low="1" high="99" default="8"/>
+ <number id="size" type="spinbutton" arg="-size %"
+ _label="Font point size" low="1" high="100" default="20"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <number id="columns" type="spinbutton" arg="-columns %"
+ _label="Text columns" low="1" high="200" default="80"/>
-<!-- <file id="program" _label="Text Program" arg="-program %"/> -->
+ <number id="lines" type="spinbutton" arg="-lines %"
+ _label="Text lines" low="1" high="99" default="8"/>
- <xscreensaver-text />
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <xscreensaver-text />
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
Draws successive pages of text. The lines flip in and out in
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Count" low="0" high="3000" default="3000"/>
- <number id="cycles" type="slider" arg="-cycles %"
- _label="Timeout" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
- low="0" high="800000" default="10000"/>
- <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="1000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
- low="1" high="255" default="200"/>
- <number id="size" type="slider" arg="-size %"
- _label="Length of trails" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
- low="-20" high="-2" default="-10" convert="invert"/>
- <boolean id="rotate" _label="Rotating around attractor" arg-unset="-no-rotate"/>
- <boolean id="ride" _label="Ride in the flow" arg-unset="-no-ride"/>
- <boolean id="box" _label="Draw bounding box" arg-unset="-no-box"/>
- <boolean id="periodic" _label="Periodic attractors" arg-unset="-no-periodic"/>
- <boolean id="search" _label="Search for new attractors" arg-unset="-no-search"/>
-<!-- <boolean id="dbuf" _label="Double Buffer" arg-unset="-no-dbuf"/> -->
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Count" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
+ low="10" high="5000" default="3000"/>
+ <number id="cycles" type="slider" arg="-cycles %"
+ _label="Timeout" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
+ low="0" high="800000" default="10000"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ low="1" high="255" default="200"/>
+ <number id="size" type="slider" arg="-size %"
+ _label="Length of trails" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
+ low="-20" high="-2" default="-10" convert="invert"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <boolean id="rotate" _label="Rotating around attractor" arg-unset="-no-rotate"/>
+ <boolean id="ride" _label="Ride in the flow" arg-unset="-no-ride"/>
+ <boolean id="box" _label="Draw bounding box" arg-unset="-no-box"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <boolean id="periodic" _label="Periodic attractors" arg-unset="-no-periodic"/>
+ <boolean id="search" _label="Search for new attractors" arg-unset="-no-search"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
-Strange attractors formed of flows in a 3D differential equation phase space.
+Strange attractors formed of flows in a 3D differential equation phase
+space. Features the popular attractors described by Lorentz,
+Roessler, Birkhoff and Duffing, and can discover entirely new
+attractors by itself.
Written by Tim Auckland; 1998.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
- _label="Balls" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
- low="1" high="3000" default="300"/>
- <number id="size" type="slider" arg="-size %"
- _label="Ball Size" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
- low="3" high="200" default="25"/>
- <number id="gravity" type="slider" arg="-gravity %"
- _label="Gravity" _low-label=" Freefall" _high-label="Jupiter"
- low="0.0" high="0.1" default="0.01"/>
- <number id="wind" type="slider" arg="-wind %"
- _label="Wind" _low-label="Still" _high-label="Hurricane"
- low="0.0" high="0.1" default="0.00"/>
- <number id="elasticity" type="slider" arg="-elasticity %"
- _label="Friction" _low-label="Clay" _high-label="Rubber"
- low="0.2" high="1.0" default="0.97"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <boolean id="random" _label="Various Ball Sizes" arg-unset="-no-random"/>
- <boolean id="shake" _label="Shake Box" arg-unset="-no-shake"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Number of balls" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
+ low="1" high="3000" default="300"/>
+ <number id="size" type="slider" arg="-size %"
+ _label="Ball size" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
+ low="3" high="200" default="25"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="gravity" type="slider" arg="-gravity %"
+ _label="Gravity" _low-label=" Freefall" _high-label="Jupiter"
+ low="0.0" high="0.1" default="0.01"/>
+ <number id="wind" type="slider" arg="-wind %"
+ _label="Wind" _low-label="Still" _high-label="Hurricane"
+ low="0.0" high="0.1" default="0.00"/>
+ <number id="elasticity" type="slider" arg="-elasticity %"
+ _label="Friction" _low-label="Clay" _high-label="Rubber"
+ low="0.2" high="1.0" default="0.97"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
+ <boolean id="random" _label="Various ball sizes" arg-unset="-no-random"/>
+ <boolean id="shake" _label="Shake box" arg-unset="-no-shake"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Models the physics of bouncing balls, or of particles in a gas or
<command arg="-root"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
<select id="preset">
<option id="classic" _label="Classic" arg-set="-preset classic"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="flyingtoasters" _label="Flying Toasters">
+<screensaver name="flyingtoasters" _label="FlyingToasters">
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
- _label="Air Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0.01" high="8.0" default="1.0"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Animation Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="30000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="30000"
+ <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
+ _label="Air speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="0.01" high="8.0" default="1.0"/>
<number id="ntoasters" type="slider" arg="-ntoasters %"
- _label="Number of Toasters" _low-label="None" _high-label="Swarm"
+ _label="Number of toasters" _low-label="None" _high-label="Swarm"
low="0" high="50" default="20"/>
<number id="nslices" type="slider" arg="-nslices %"
- _label="Number of Slices" _low-label="None" _high-label="Swarm"
+ _label="Number of slices" _low-label="None" _high-label="Swarm"
low="0" high="50" default="25"/>
- <boolean id="tex" _label="Chrome" arg-unset="-no-texture"/>
- <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <boolean id="tex" _label="Chrome" arg-unset="-no-texture"/>
+ <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </hgroup>
A fleet of 3d space-age jet-powered flying toasters (and toast!)
Inspired by the ancient Berkeley Systems After Dark flying toasters.
-Written by Jamie Zawinski and Baconmonkey; 2003.
+Written by Jamie Zawinski and Devon Dossett; 2003.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Animation Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="80000" default="10000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
- _label="Motion Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0.1" high="10" default="1"/>
- <number id="linger" type="slider" arg="-linger %"
- _label="Text Linger" _low-label="Brief" _high-label="Long"
- low="0.1" high="10" default="1"/>
- <number id="bw" type="spinbutton" arg="-bw %"
- _label="Font Border Thickness" low="0" high="8" default="2"/>
- <hgroup>
- <select id="mode">
- <option id="page" _label="Pages of text" arg-set="-mode page"/>
- <option id="scroll" _label="Horizontally scrolling text" arg-set="-mode scroll"/>
- <option id="random" _label="Random display style"/>
- </select>
- <boolean id="trails" _label="Vapor Trails" arg-set="-trails"/>
- </hgroup>
-<!-- <boolean id="db" _label="Double Buffer" arg-unset="-no-db"/> -->
-<!-- <file id="program" _label="Text Program" arg="-program %"/> -->
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
+ _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="0.1" high="10.0" default="1.0"/>
+ <select id="mode">
+ <option id="page" _label="Pages of text" arg-set="-mode page"/>
+ <option id="scroll" _label="Horizontally scrolling text" arg-set="-mode scroll"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Random display style"/>
+ </select>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="linger" type="slider" arg="-linger %"
+ _label="Page linger" _low-label="Brief" _high-label="Long"
+ low="0.1" high="10.0" default="1.0"/>
+ <number id="bw" type="spinbutton" arg="-bw %"
+ _label="Font border thickness" low="0" high="8" default="2"/>
+ <boolean id="trails" _label="Vapor trails" arg-set="-trails"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
<xscreensaver-text />
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="800000" default="500000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="3000000" default="500000"
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="20" default="20"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Fractal trees.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <string id="color" _label="Color" arg="-color %"/>
- <number id="arms" type="slider" arg="-arms %"
- _label="Arms" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
- low="1" high="10" default="5"/>
- <number id="thickness" type="slider" arg="-thickness %"
- _label="Thickness" _low-label="Thin" _high-label="Thick"
- low="1" high="50" default="10"/>
- <number id="bthickness" type="slider" arg="-bthickness %"
- _label="Border Thickness" _low-label="Thin" _high-label="Thick"
- low="0" high="50" default="3"/>
- <number id="radius" type="slider" arg="-radius %"
- _label="Radius" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
- low="1" high="100" default="20"/>
- <number id="layers" type="slider" arg="-layers %"
- _label="Layers" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
- low="1" high="10" default="3"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Delay" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="250000" default="10000"/>
- <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="1" high="50" default="10"/>
-<!-- <boolean id="db" _label="Double Buffer" arg-unset="-no-db"/> -->
- <boolean id="rc" _label="Random Colors" arg-set="-random-colors"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
+ _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="1" high="50" default="10"/>
+ <number id="layers" type="slider" arg="-layers %"
+ _label="Layers" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
+ low="1" high="10" default="3"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <boolean id="rc" _label="Random colors" arg-set="-random-colors"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </hgroup>
+ <select id="color">
+ <option id="lred" _label="Red" arg-set="-color #FF0000"/>
+ <option id="pink" _label="Pink"/>
+ <option id="lyellow" _label="Yellow" arg-set="-color #FFFF00"/>
+ <option id="lgreen" _label="Green" arg-set="-color #00FF00"/>
+ <option id="lcyan" _label="Cyan" arg-set="-color #00FFFF"/>
+ <option id="lblue" _label="Blue" arg-set="-color #0000FF"/>
+ <option id="lmagenta" _label="Magenta" arg-set="-color #FF00FF"/>
+ </select>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="arms" type="slider" arg="-arms %"
+ _label="Arms" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
+ low="1" high="10" default="5"/>
+ <number id="thickness" type="slider" arg="-thickness %"
+ _label="Thickness" _low-label="Thin" _high-label="Thick"
+ low="1" high="50" default="10"/>
+ <number id="bthickness" type="slider" arg="-bthickness %"
+ _label="Border thickness" _low-label="Thin" _high-label="Thick"
+ low="0" high="50" default="3"/>
+ <number id="radius" type="slider" arg="-radius %"
+ _label="Radius" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
+ low="1" high="100" default="20"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
Falling colored snowflake/flower shapes.
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
_label="Count" low="-20" high="20" default="-5"/>
_label="Duration" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
low="10" high="1000" default="250"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
- convert="invert"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="10" high="255" default="64"/>
- <boolean id="spin" _label="Rotate Viewpoint" arg-unset="-no-spin"/>
+ <boolean id="spin" _label="Rotate viewpoint" arg-unset="-no-spin"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
This draws spinning galaxies, which then collide and scatter their
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Animation Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="30000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="30000"
<number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
- _label="Motion Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0.01" high="5.0" default="1.0"/>
- <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Gear Count" low="0" high="20" default="0"/>
+ <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Gear count" _low-label="0" _high-label="20"
+ low="0" high="20" default="0"/>
<boolean id="wander" _label="Wander" arg-unset="-no-wander"/>
<boolean id="spin" _label="Spin" arg-unset="-no-spin"/>
<boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
This draws sets of turning, interlocking gears, rotating in three
+dimensions. See also the "Pinion" and "MoebiusGears" screen savers.
Written by Jamie Zawinski; 2007.
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="wave" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
+ _label="Wave speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="0" high="0.50" default="0.05"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="squares" type="slider" arg="-squares %"
+ _label="Mesh density" _low-label="Sparse" _high-label="Dense"
+ low="2" high="40" default="19"/>
+ <number id="waves" type="slider" arg="-waves %"
+ _label="Waves" _low-label="1" _high-label="10"
+ low="1" high="10" default="3"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
<select id="mode">
- <option id="wire" _label="Wire Mesh" arg-set="-mode wire"/>
- <option id="solid" _label="Flat Lighting" arg-set="-mode solid"/>
- <option id="light" _label="Directional Lighting"/>
+ <option id="wire" _label="Wire mesh" arg-set="-mode wire"/>
+ <option id="solid" _label="Flat lighting" arg-set="-mode solid"/>
+ <option id="light" _label="Directional lighting"/>
<option id="checker" _label="Checkerboard" arg-set="-mode checker"/>
<option id="grab" _label="Picture" arg-set="-mode grab"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Animation Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="20000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="wave" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
- _label="Wave Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="0.50" default="0.05"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="squares" type="slider" arg="-squares %"
- _label="Mesh Density" _low-label="Sparse" _high-label="Dense"
- low="2" high="40" default="19"/>
- <number id="waves" type="spinbutton" arg="-waves %"
- _label="Waves" low="1" high="10" default="3"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
<!-- #### -resolution [4] -->
<!-- #### -flat [0] -->
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="10000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
<number id="blursize" type="slider" arg="-blursize %"
- _label="Blur Smoothness" _low-label="Sparse" _high-label="Dense"
+ _label="Blur smoothness" _low-label="Sparse" _high-label="Dense"
low="1" high="100" default="15"/>
<boolean id="wander" _label="Wander" arg-unset="-no-wander"/>
<select id="rotation">
- <option id="no" _label="Don't Rotate" arg-set="-spin 0"/>
+ <option id="no" _label="Don't rotate" arg-set="-spin 0"/>
<option id="x" _label="Rotate around X axis" arg-set="-spin X"/>
<option id="y" _label="Rotate around Y axis" arg-set="-spin Y"/>
<option id="z" _label="Rotate around Z axis" arg-set="-spin Z"/>
<option id="xyz" _label="Rotate around all three axes"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
-This program draws a box and a few line segments, and generates a
+This draws a box and a few line segments, and generates a
radial blur outward from it. This creates flowing field effects.
This is done by rendering the scene into a small texture, then
repeatedly rendering increasingly-enlarged and increasingly-transparent
versions of that texture onto the frame buffer. As such, it's quite
-graphics intensive: don't bother trying to run this if you don't have
-hardware-accelerated OpenGL texture support. It will hurt your
-machine bad.
+GPU-intensive: if you don't have a very good graphics card, it
+will hurt your machine bad.
Written by Jamie Zawinski; 2002.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="seeds" type="spinbutton" arg="-seeds %"
- _label="Seeds" low="1" high="15" default="1"/>
- <hgroup>
- <number id="maxcells" type="slider" arg="-maxcells %"
- _label="Max cells" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
- low="50" high="5000" default="800"/>
- </hgroup>
- <number id="radius" type="slider" arg="-radius %"
- _label="Cell radius" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Huge"
- low="5" high="80" default="40"/>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="pause" type="slider" arg="-pause %"
+ _label="Linger" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
+ low="0" high="400" default="50"/>
+ <number id="maxcells" type="slider" arg="-maxcells %"
+ _label="Max cells" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
+ low="50" high="5000" default="800"/>
+ <number id="radius" type="slider" arg="-radius %"
+ _label="Cell radius" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Huge"
+ low="5" high="80" default="40"/>
+ <select id="quality">
+ <option id="q0" _label="Lowest sphere detail" arg-set="-quality 0"/>
+ <option id="q1" _label="Medium sphere detail" arg-set="-quality 1"/>
+ <option id="q2" _label="Normal sphere detail" arg-set="-quality 2"/>
+ <option id="q3" _label="More sphere detail"/>
+ <option id="q4" _label="Highest sphere detail" arg-set="-quality 4"/>
+ </select>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="minfood" type="slider" arg="-minfood %"
+ _label="Min food" _low-label="Starve" _high-label="Gorge"
+ low="0" high="100" default="5"/>
+ <number id="maxfood" type="slider" arg="-maxfood %"
+ _label="Max food" _low-label="Starve" _high-label="Gorge"
+ low="10" high="100" default="20"/>
+ <number id="divideage" type="slider" arg="-divideage %"
+ _label="Cell division" _low-label="Quick" _high-label="Slow"
+ low="1" high="100" default="20"/>
+ <number id="mindist" type="slider" arg="-mindist %"
+ _label="Min distance" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
+ low="1.0" high="3.0" default="1.4"/>
+ <number id="seeds" type="slider" arg="-seeds %"
+ _label="Seeds" _low-label="1" _high-label="15"
+ low="1" high="15" default="1"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
+ <hgroup>
+ <boolean id="keepold" _label="Keep dead cells" arg-set="-keepold"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="wireframe" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <hgroup>
- <number id="minfood" type="slider" arg="-minfood %"
- _label="Min food" _low-label="Starve" _high-label="Gorge"
- low="0" high="100" default="5"/>
- </hgroup>
- <hgroup>
- <number id="maxfood" type="slider" arg="-maxfood %"
- _label="Max food" _low-label="Starve" _high-label="Gorge"
- low="10" high="100" default="20"/>
- </hgroup>
- <hgroup>
- <number id="divideage" type="slider" arg="-divideage %"
- _label="Cell division" _low-label="Quick" _high-label="Slow"
- low="1" high="100" default="20"/>
- </hgroup>
- <hgroup>
- <number id="mindist" type="slider" arg="-mindist %"
- _label="Min. distance" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
- low="1.0" high="3.0" default="1.4"/>
- </hgroup>
- <hgroup>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Animation Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="20000"
- convert="invert"/>
- </hgroup>
- <hgroup>
- <number id="pause" type="slider" arg="-pause %"
- _label="Pause at end" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
- low="0" high="400" default="20"/>
- </hgroup>
- <select id="quality">
- <option id="q0" _label="Lowest sphere detail" arg-set="-quality 0"/>
- <option id="q1" _label="Medium sphere detail" arg-set="-quality 1"/>
- <option id="q2" _label="Normal sphere detail" arg-set="-quality 2"/>
- <option id="q3" _label="More sphere detail"/>
- <option id="q4" _label="Highest sphere detail" arg-set="-quality 4"/>
- </select>
- <hgroup>
- <boolean id="keepold" _label="Keep dead cells" arg-set="-keepold"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
- <boolean id="wireframe" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- </hgroup>
- <xscreensaver-image />
Cells growing, dividing and dying on your screen.
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="size" _label="Size of tube" arg="-size %"
+ type="slider" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
+ low="0" high="10" default="0" />
+ <number id="duration" type="slider" arg="-duration %"
+ _label="Image duration"
+ _low-label="10 seconds" _high-label="5 minutes"
+ low="10" high="300" default="30"/>
<boolean id="move" _label="Move" arg-unset="-no-move"/>
<boolean id="rotate" _label="Rotate" arg-unset="-no-rotate"/>
<boolean id="zoom" _label="Zoom" arg-set="-zoom"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
- <number id="size" _label="Size of tube" arg="-size %"
- type="slider" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
- low="1" high="10" default="7" />
- <number id="duration" type="slider" arg="-duration %"
- _label="Image Duration"
- _low-label="10 Seconds" _high-label="5 Minutes"
- low="10" high="300" default="30"/>
<xscreensaver-image />
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
-A kaleidescope that operates on your desktop image, or on
+A kaleidoscope that operates on your desktop image, or on
image files loaded from disk.
Written by Andrew Dean; 2003.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="10000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
<number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
- _label="Count" _low-label="Rain" _high-label="Huge Fire"
+ _label="Count" _low-label="Rain" _high-label="Huge fire"
low="0" high="8000" default="800"/>
<number id="trees" type="slider" arg="-trees %"
_label="Number of trees" _low-label="Desert" _high-label="Forest"
low="0" high="20" default="5"/>
- <boolean id="wander" _label="Wander" arg-unset="-no-wander"/>
- <boolean id="tex" _label="Textures" arg-unset="-no-texture"/>
- <boolean id="shadow" _label="Shadows" arg-unset="-no-shadows"/>
- <boolean id="fog" _label="Fog" arg-set="-fog"/>
- <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <boolean id="wander" _label="Wander" arg-unset="-no-wander"/>
+ <boolean id="tex" _label="Textures" arg-unset="-no-texture"/>
+ <boolean id="shadow" _label="Shadows" arg-unset="-no-shadows"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <boolean id="fog" _label="Fog" arg-set="-fog"/>
+ <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
Draws an animation of sprinkling fire-like 3D triangles in a landscape
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Number of Disks" default="0" low="0" high="31"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="15000" convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Number of disks" _low-label="0" _high-label="31"
+ default="0" low="0" high="31"/>
<boolean id="fog" _label="Enable fog" arg-set="-fog"/>
<boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
<boolean id="lighting" _label="Enable lighting" arg-unset="-no-light"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Frame Delay" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="80000" default="40000" convert="invert"/>
Solves the Towers of Hanoi puzzle. Move N disks from one pole to
another, one disk at a time, with no disk ever resting on a disk
smaller than itself.
Written by Dave Atkinson; 2005.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Animation Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="30000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
- _label="Motion Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0.01" high="5.0" default="1.0"/>
- <number id="segments" type="slider" arg="-segments %"
- _label="Resolution" _low-label="Segmented" _high-label="Smooth"
- low="100" high="2000" default="800"/>
- <number id="thickness" type="slider" arg="-thickness %"
- _label="Thickness" _low-label="Thin" _high-label="Thick"
- low="0.05" high="1.0" default="0.3"/>
- <select id="rotation">
- <option id="no" _label="Don't Rotate" arg-set="-spin 0"/>
- <option id="x" _label="Rotate around X axis" arg-set="-spin X"/>
- <option id="y" _label="Rotate around Y axis" arg-set="-spin Y"/>
- <option id="z" _label="Rotate around Z axis" arg-set="-spin Z"/>
- <option id="xy" _label="Rotate around X and Y axes" arg-set="-spin XY"/>
- <option id="xz" _label="Rotate around X and Z axes" arg-set="-spin XZ"/>
- <option id="yz" _label="Rotate around Y and Z axes" arg-set="-spin YZ"/>
- <option id="xyz" _label="Rotate around all three axes"/>
- </select>
- <boolean id="wander" _label="Wander" arg-unset="-no-wander"/>
- <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- </hgroup>
- <hgroup>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="30000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
+ _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="0.01" high="5.0" default="1.0"/>
+ <select id="rotation">
+ <option id="no" _label="Don't rotate" arg-set="-spin 0"/>
+ <option id="x" _label="Rotate around X axis" arg-set="-spin X"/>
+ <option id="y" _label="Rotate around Y axis" arg-set="-spin Y"/>
+ <option id="z" _label="Rotate around Z axis" arg-set="-spin Z"/>
+ <option id="xy" _label="Rotate around X and Y axes" arg-set="-spin XY"/>
+ <option id="xz" _label="Rotate around X and Z axes" arg-set="-spin XZ"/>
+ <option id="yz" _label="Rotate around Y and Z axes" arg-set="-spin YZ"/>
+ <option id="xyz" _label="Rotate around all three axes"/>
+ </select>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="segments" type="slider" arg="-segments %"
+ _label="Resolution" _low-label="Segmented" _high-label="Smooth"
+ low="100" high="2000" default="800"/>
+ <number id="thickness" type="slider" arg="-thickness %"
+ _label="Thickness" _low-label="Thin" _high-label="Thick"
+ low="0.05" high="1.0" default="0.3"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <boolean id="wander" _label="Wander" arg-unset="-no-wander"/>
+ <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
+ </hgroup>
+ <hgroup>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </hgroup>
+ </vgroup>
Generates some twisting 3d knot patterns. Spins 'em around.
Written by Jamie Zawinski; 2003.
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="30000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<number id="density" type="slider" arg="-density %"
- _label="Glyph Density" _low-label="Sparse" _high-label="Dense"
+ _label="Glyph density" _low-label="Sparse" _high-label="Dense"
low="0" high="100" default="20"/>
<number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
- _label="Glyph Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="Glyph speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0.1" high="8.0" default="1.0"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Animation Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="30000"
- convert="invert"/>
<select id="mode">
- <option id="matrix" _label="Matrix Encoding"/>
- <option id="binary" _label="Binary Encoding" arg-set="-mode binary"/>
- <option id="hex" _label="Hexadecimal Encoding" arg-set="-mode hex"/>
- <option id="dna" _label="Genetic Encoding" arg-set="-mode dna"/>
+ <option id="matrix" _label="Matrix encoding"/>
+ <option id="binary" _label="Binary encoding" arg-set="-mode binary"/>
+ <option id="hex" _label="Hexadecimal encoding" arg-set="-mode hex"/>
+ <option id="dna" _label="Genetic encoding" arg-set="-mode dna"/>
<boolean id="tex" _label="Textured" arg-unset="-no-texture"/>
<boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<!-- #### -no-texture -->
<!-- #### -no-stars -->
- <select id="render">
- <option id="flat" _label="Use Flat Coloring" arg-set="-no-light"/>
- <option id="light" _label="Use Lighting"/>
- </select>
- <file id="bitmap" _label="Image File" arg="-image %"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="20000"
- convert="invert"/>
+ <file id="bitmap" _label="Image file" arg="-image %"/>
<boolean id="wander" _label="Wander" arg-unset="-no-wander"/>
<boolean id="stars" _label="Stars" arg-unset="-no-stars"/>
- <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <boolean id="light" _label="Lighting" arg-unset="-no-light"/>
+ <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </hgroup>
Draws a planet bouncing around in space.
<screensaver name="glschool" _label="GLSchool">
- <command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="NFish" type="slider" arg="-nfish %"
- _label="Fish Count" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Lots"
- low="5" high="500" default="100"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %" _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast" low="0" high="50000" default="20000" convert="invert"/>
- <number id="AvoidFact" type="slider" arg="-avoidfact %" _label="Avoidance" _low-label="None" _high-label="High" low="0" high="10" default="1.5"/>
- <number id="MatchFact" type="slider" arg="-matchfact %" _label="Velocity Matching" _low-label="None" _high-label="High" low="0" high="3" default="0.15"/>
- <number id="CenterFact" type="slider" arg="-centerfact %" _label="Centering" _low-label="None" _high-label="High" low="0" high="1.0" default="0.1"/>
- <number id="TargetFact" type="slider" arg="-targetfact %" _label="Goal Following" _low-label="None" _high-label="High" low="0" high="400" default="80"/>
- <hgroup>
- <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="fog" _label="Fog" arg-set="-fog"/>
- <boolean id="drawgoal" _label="Draw Goal" arg-set="-drawgoal"/>
- <boolean id="drawbbox" _label="Draw Bounding Box" arg-set="-drawbbox"/>
- </hgroup>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
- <_description>
+ <command arg="-root"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000" convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="NFish" type="slider" arg="-nfish %"
+ _label="Fish count" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Lots"
+ low="5" high="500" default="100"/>
+ <number id="AvoidFact" type="slider" arg="-avoidfact %" _label="Avoidance" _low-label="None" _high-label="High" low="0" high="10" default="1.5"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="MatchFact" type="slider" arg="-matchfact %" _label="Velocity matching" _low-label="None" _high-label="High" low="0" high="3" default="0.15"/>
+ <number id="CenterFact" type="slider" arg="-centerfact %" _label="Centering" _low-label="None" _high-label="High" low="0" high="1.0" default="0.1"/>
+ <number id="TargetFact" type="slider" arg="-targetfact %" _label="Goal following" _low-label="None" _high-label="High" low="0" high="400" default="80"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
+ <hgroup>
+ <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
+ <boolean id="fog" _label="Fog" arg-set="-fog"/>
+ <boolean id="drawgoal" _label="Draw goal" arg-set="-drawgoal"/>
+ <boolean id="drawbbox" _label="Draw bounding box" arg-unset="-no-drawbbox"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </hgroup>
+ <_description>
Uses Craig Reynolds' Boids algorithm to simulate a school of fish.
-Looks best with more fish, so raise the number of fish until the
-frame rate declines to 25-30 fps.
Written by David C. Lambert; 2006.
- </_description>
+ </_description>
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="duration" type="slider" arg="-duration %"
- _label="Time until loading a new image:"
- _low-label="10 Seconds" _high-label="5 Minutes"
- low="10" high="300" default="30"/>
- <number id="zoom" type="slider" arg="-zoom %"
- _label="Always show at least this much of the image:"
- _low-label="50%" _high-label="100%"
- low="50" high="100" default="75"/>
- <number id="pan" type="slider" arg="-pan %"
- _label="Pan/Zoom Duration:"
- _low-label="1 Second" _high-label="30 Seconds"
- low="1" high="30" default="6"/>
- <number id="fade" type="slider" arg="-fade %"
- _label="Crossfade Duration:"
- _low-label="None" _high-label="30 Seconds"
- low="0" high="30" default="2"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Frame Rate:" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
- low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <xscreensaver-image />
- <boolean id="letterbox" _label="Letterbox" arg-unset="-no-letterbox"/>
- <boolean id="titles" _label="Show Image Titles" arg-set="-titles"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="duration" type="slider" arg="-duration %"
+ _label="Time until loading a new image"
+ _low-label="10 seconds" _high-label="5 minutes"
+ low="10" high="300" default="30"/>
+ <number id="zoom" type="slider" arg="-zoom %"
+ _label="Always show at least this much of the image"
+ _low-label="50%" _high-label="100%"
+ low="50" high="100" default="75"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="pan" type="slider" arg="-pan %"
+ _label="Pan/zoom duration"
+ _low-label="1 second" _high-label="30 seconds"
+ low="1" high="30" default="6"/>
+ <number id="fade" type="slider" arg="-fade %"
+ _label="Crossfade duration"
+ _low-label="None" _high-label="30 seconds"
+ low="0" high="30" default="2"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <boolean id="letterbox" _label="Letterbox" arg-unset="-no-letterbox"/>
+ <boolean id="titles" _label="Show file names" arg-set="-titles"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <xscreensaver-image />
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
Loads a random sequence of images and smoothly scans and zooms around
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="glsnake" _label="GlSnake">
+<screensaver name="glsnake" _label="GLSnake">
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="duration" type="slider" arg="-statictime %"
- _label="Duration" _low-label="1" _high-label="30 Seconds"
- low="1000" high="30000" default="5000"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="30000"
+ convert="invert"/>
- <number id="angvel" type="slider" arg="-angvel %"
- _label="Angular Velocity" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0.05" high="5.0" default="1.0"/>
+ <number id="duration" type="slider" arg="-statictime %"
+ _label="Duration" _low-label="1" _high-label="30 seconds"
+ low="1000" high="30000" default="5000"/>
- <number id="yangvel" type="slider" arg="-yangvel %"
- _label="Y Angular Velocity" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0.10"/>
+ <number id="packing" type="slider" arg="-explode %"
+ _label="Packing" _low-label="Tight" _high-label="Loose"
+ low="0.0" high="0.5" default="0.03"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
- <number id="zangvel" type="slider" arg="-zangvel %"
- _label="Z Angular Velocity" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0.14"/>
+ <number id="angvel" type="slider" arg="-angvel %"
+ _label="Angular velocity" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="0.05" high="5.0" default="1.0"/>
+ <number id="yangvel" type="slider" arg="-yangvel %"
+ _label="Y angular velocity" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0.10"/>
- <number id="packing" type="slider" arg="-explode %"
- _label="Packing" _low-label="Tight" _high-label="Loose"
- low="0.0" high="0.5" default="0.03"/>
+ <number id="zangvel" type="slider" arg="-zangvel %"
+ _label="Z angular velocity" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0.14"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
- <boolean id="labels" _label="Show Titles" arg-unset="-no-titles"/>
- <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <boolean id="labels" _label="Show titles" arg-set="-titles"/>
+ <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </hgroup>
-Draws a simulation of the Rubik's Snake puzzle.
+Draws a simulation of the Rubik's Snake puzzle. See also the "Rubik"
+and "Cube21" screen savers.
Written by Jamie Wilkinson, Andrew Bennetts, and Peter Aylett; 2002.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="30000" default="20000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
+ <select id="text">
+ <option id="uname" _label="Display system information" />
+ <option id="clock" _label="Display date and time"
+ arg-set="-text '%A%n%d %b %Y%n%r'"/>
+ </select>
+ <hgroup>
+ <select id="facing">
+ <option id="front" _label="Always face front"/>
+ <option id="nofront" _label="Spin all the way around" arg-set="-no-front"/>
+ </select>
<boolean id="wander" _label="Wander" arg-unset="-no-wander"/>
+ </hgroup>
<select id="rotation">
- <option id="no" _label="Don't Rotate" arg-set="-spin 0"/>
+ <option id="no" _label="Don't rotate" arg-set="-spin 0"/>
<option id="x" _label="Rotate around X axis" arg-set="-spin X"/>
<option id="y" _label="Rotate around Y axis" arg-set="-spin Y"/>
<option id="z" _label="Rotate around Z axis" arg-set="-spin Z"/>
<option id="xyz" _label="Rotate around all three axes"/>
- <select id="facing">
- <option id="front" _label="Always face front"/>
- <option id="nofront" _label="Spin all the way around" arg-set="-no-front"/>
- </select>
- <string id="text" _label="Text" arg="-text %"/>
-<!-- <file id="program" _label="Program" arg="-program %"/> -->
<boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Displays a few lines of text spinning around in a solid 3D font.
+The text can use strftime() escape codes to display the current
+date and time.
Written by Jamie Zawinski; 2001.
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="goban" _label="Goban">
- <command arg="-root"/>
- <!-- #### write me -->
- <_description>
-Replays historical games of go (aka wei-chi and baduk) on the screen.
-You can find it at <http://www.draves.org/goban/>.
-Written by Scott Draves.
- </_description>
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="12000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Blob Count" low="0" high="100" default="12"/>
- <select id="mode">
- <option id="transparent" _label="Transparent Blobs"/>
- <option id="opaque" _label="Opaque Blobs" arg-set="-mode opaque"/>
- <option id="xor" _label="XOR Blobs" arg-set="-mode xor"/>
- </select>
- <select id="color-mode">
- <option id="additive" _label="Additive Colors (reflected light)"/>
- <option id="subtractive" _label="Subtractive Colors (transmitted light)"
- arg-set="-subtractive"/>
- </select>
- <number id="torque" type="slider" arg="-torque %"
- _label="Rotational Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0.0002" high="0.0500" default="0.0075"/>
- <number id="elasticity" type="slider" arg="-elasticity %"
- _label="Elasticity" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
- low="0.1" high="5.0" default="0.9"/>
- <number id="maxv" type="slider" arg="-max-velocity %"
- _label="Speed Limit" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0.1" high="3.0" default="0.5"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="12000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="torque" type="slider" arg="-torque %"
+ _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="0.0002" high="0.0500" default="0.0075"/>
+ <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-planes %"
+ _label="Blobs" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
+ low="1" high="50" default="12"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="elasticity" type="slider" arg="-elasticity %"
+ _label="Elasticity" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0.1" high="5.0" default="0.9"/>
+ <number id="maxv" type="slider" arg="-max-velocity %"
+ _label="Speed limit" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0.1" high="3.0" default="0.5"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
+ <hgroup>
+ <select id="mode">
+ <option id="transparent" _label="Transparent blobs"/>
+ <option id="opaque" _label="Opaque blobs" arg-set="-mode opaque"/>
+ <option id="xor" _label="XOR blobs" arg-set="-mode xor"/>
+ </select>
+ <select id="color-mode">
+ <option id="additive" _label="Additive colors (reflected light)"/>
+ <option id="subtractive" _label="Subtractive colors (transmitted light)"
+ arg-set="-subtractive"/>
+ </select>
+ </hgroup>
This draws set of animating, transparent, amoeba-like blobs. The blobs
change shape as they wander around the screen, and they are translucent,
so you can see the lower blobs through the higher ones, and when one
passes over another, their colors merge. I got the idea for this from
-a cool mouse pad I have, which achieves the same kind of effect in real
+a mouse pad I had once, which achieved the same kind of effect in real
life by having several layers of plastic with colored oil between them.
Written by Jamie Zawinski; 1997.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Count" low="0" high="20" default="12"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="10000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
- <boolean id="decay" _label="Orbital Decay" arg-unset="-no-decay"/>
- <boolean id="trail" _label="Object Trails" arg-unset="-no-trail"/>
+ <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Number of objects" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
+ low="1" high="40" default="12"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="64"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <boolean id="decay" _label="Orbital decay" arg-unset="-no-decay"/>
+ <boolean id="trail" _label="Object trails" arg-unset="-no-trail"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </hgroup>
-This program draws a simple orbital simulation. If you turn on
-trails, it looks kind of like a cloud-chamber photograph.
+This draws a simple orbital simulation. With trails enabled,
+it looks kind of like a cloud-chamber photograph.
Written by Greg Bowering; 1997.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
low="0" high="250000" default="10000"
+ <boolean id="grey" _label="Grey" arg-set="-grey"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws random colored, stippled and transparent rectangles.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Gravity points"
- low="1" high="50" default="10"/>
- <number id="size" type="spinbutton" arg="-spacing %"
- _label="Dot size"
- low="2" high="50" default="14"/>
- <number id="dotfill" type="slider" arg="-sizefactor %"
- _label="Dot fill factor" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
- low="0.1" high="3" default="1.5"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Animation Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="100000" default="10000" convert="invert"/>
- <number id="minspeed" type="slider" arg="-minspeed %"
- _label="Minimum speed" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
- low="0.001" high="0.09" default="0.001"/>
- <number id="maxspeed" type="slider" arg="-maxspeed %"
- _label="Maximum speed" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
- low="0.001" high="0.09" default="0.02"/>
- <number id="minmass" type="slider" arg="-minmass %"
- _label="Minimum mass" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
- low="0.001" high="0.09" default="0.001"/>
- <number id="maxmass" type="slider" arg="-maxmass %"
- _label="Maximum mass" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
- low="0.001" high="0.09" default="0.02"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000" convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Gravity points" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
+ low="1" high="50" default="10"/>
+ <number id="size" type="slider" arg="-spacing %"
+ _label="Dot size" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Big"
+ low="2" high="50" default="14"/>
+ <number id="dotfill" type="slider" arg="-sizefactor %"
+ _label="Dot fill factor" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
+ low="0.1" high="3" default="1.5"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="minspeed" type="slider" arg="-minspeed %"
+ _label="Minimum speed" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0.001" high="0.09" default="0.001"/>
+ <number id="maxspeed" type="slider" arg="-maxspeed %"
+ _label="Maximum speed" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0.001" high="0.09" default="0.02"/>
+ <number id="minmass" type="slider" arg="-minmass %"
+ _label="Minimum mass" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
+ low="0.001" high="0.09" default="0.001"/>
+ <number id="maxmass" type="slider" arg="-maxmass %"
+ _label="Maximum mass" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
+ low="0.001" high="0.09" default="0.02"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws the gravity force in each point on the screen seen through a
halftone dot pattern. The gravity force is calculated from a set of
moving mass points. View it from a distance for best effect.
Written by Peter Jaric; 2002.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Number of Circles" low="0" high="20" default="0"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="120000" default="100000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="200000" default="100000"
- <boolean id="animate" _label="Animate Circles" arg-set="-animate"/>
+ <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Number of circles" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
+ low="0" high="20" default="0"/>
+ <number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-colors %"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ low="1" high="255" default="100"/>
<select id="mode">
- <option id="random" _label="Random Mode"/>
- <option id="seuss" _label="Seuss Mode" arg-set="-mode seuss"/>
- <option id="ramp" _label="Ramp Mode" arg-set="-mode ramp"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Random mode"/>
+ <option id="seuss" _label="Seuss mode" arg-set="-mode seuss"/>
+ <option id="ramp" _label="Ramp mode" arg-set="-mode ramp"/>
- <number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-colors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
- low="1" high="255" default="100"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <boolean id="animate" _label="Animate circles" arg-set="-animate"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </hgroup>
Draws trippy psychedelic circular patterns that hurt to look at.
Written by Jamie Zawinski; 1993.
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-subdelay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Duration" _low-label="1 Second" _high-label="1 Minute"
+ _label="Linger" _low-label="1 second" _high-label="1 minute"
low="1" high="60" default="5"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Spirally string-art-ish patterns.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="10000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
<number id="cycles" type="slider" arg="-cycles %"
low="0" high="800000" default="2500"/>
<number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
- _label="Color Contrast" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ _label="Color contrast" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
low="100" high="10000" default="1000"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="200"/>
<boolean id="ejk5" _label="EJK5" arg-set="-ejk5"/>
<boolean id="ejk6" _label="EJK6" arg-set="-ejk6"/>
+ <vgroup>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </vgroup>
-This draws lacy fractal patterns, based on iteration in the imaginary
-plane, from a 1986 Scientific American article.
+This draws lacy fractal patterns based on iteration in the imaginary
+plane, from a 1986 Scientific American article. See also the
+"Discrete" screen saver.
Written by Patrick Naughton; 1992.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="hyperball" _label="Hyperball">
+<screensaver name="hyperball" _label="HyperBall">
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="20000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
<number id="xw" type="slider" arg="-xw %"
- _label="XW Rotation" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ _label="XW rotation" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0" high="20" default="0"/>
<number id="xy" type="slider" arg="-xy %"
- _label="XY Rotation" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ _label="XY rotation" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0" high="20" default="3"/>
<number id="xz" type="slider" arg="-xz %"
- _label="XZ Rotation" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ _label="XZ rotation" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0" high="20" default="5"/>
<number id="yw" type="slider" arg="-yw %"
- _label="YW Rotation" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ _label="YW rotation" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0" high="20" default="10"/>
<number id="yz" type="slider" arg="-yz %"
- _label="YZ Rotation" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ _label="YZ rotation" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0" high="20" default="0"/>
<number id="zw" type="slider" arg="-zw %"
- _label="ZW Rotation" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ _label="ZW rotation" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0" high="20" default="0"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Hyperball is to hypercube as dodecahedron is to cube: this displays
a 2D projection of the sequence of 3D objects which are the projections
See also "polytopes" for a more general version of this using OpenGL.
Written by Joe Keane; 2000.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="hypercube" _label="Hypercube">
+<screensaver name="hypercube" _label="HyperCube">
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="10000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="z" type="slider" arg="-observer-z %"
- _label="Zoom" _low-label="Near" _high-label="Far"
- low="1.125" high="10.0" default="3.0"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<number id="xw" type="slider" arg="-xw %"
- _label="XW Rotation" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ _label="XW rotation" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0" high="20" default="0"/>
<number id="xy" type="slider" arg="-xy %"
- _label="XY Rotation" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ _label="XY rotation" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0" high="20" default="3"/>
<number id="xz" type="slider" arg="-xz %"
- _label="XZ Rotation" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ _label="XZ rotation" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0" high="20" default="5"/>
+ <number id="z" type="slider" arg="-observer-z %"
+ _label="Zoom" _low-label="Near" _high-label="Far"
+ low="1.125" high="10.0" default="3.0"/>
<number id="yw" type="slider" arg="-yw %"
- _label="YW Rotation" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ _label="YW rotation" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0" high="20" default="10"/>
<number id="yz" type="slider" arg="-yz %"
- _label="YZ Rotation" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ _label="YZ rotation" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0" high="20" default="0"/>
<number id="zw" type="slider" arg="-zw %"
- _label="ZW Rotation" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ _label="ZW rotation" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0" high="20" default="0"/>
<!-- #### -color6 [#00D0FF] -->
<!-- #### -color7 [#00FFD0] -->
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
This displays 2D projections of the sequence of 3D objects which are
the projections of the 4D analog to the cube: as a square is composed
See also "polytopes" for a more general version of this using OpenGL.
Written by Joe Keane, Fritz Mueller, and Jamie Zawinski; 1992.
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="25000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </hgroup>
<select id="display-mode">
- <option id="wire" _label="Wireframe Mesh" arg-set="-mode 0"/>
- <option id="surface" _label="Solid Surface" arg-set="-mode 1"/>
- <option id="transparent" _label="Transparent Surface"/>
+ <option id="wire" _label="Wireframe mesh" arg-set="-mode 0"/>
+ <option id="surface" _label="Solid surface" arg-set="-mode 1"/>
+ <option id="transparent" _label="Transparent surface"/>
<select id="appearance">
- <option id="solid" _label="Solid Object"
+ <option id="solid" _label="Solid object"
arg-set="-appearance 0"/>
- <option id="bands" _label="See-Through Bands"/>
- <option id="bands" _label="See-Through Spirals (1 Spiral)"
+ <option id="bands" _label="See-through bands"/>
+ <option id="bands" _label="See-through spirals (1 spiral)"
arg-set="-appearance 3"/>
- <option id="bands" _label="See-Through Spirals (2 Spirals)"
+ <option id="bands" _label="See-through spirals (2 spirals)"
arg-set="-appearance 4"/>
- <option id="bands" _label="See-Through Spirals (4 Spirals)"
+ <option id="bands" _label="See-through spirals (4 spirals)"
arg-set="-appearance 5"/>
- <option id="bands" _label="See-Through Spirals (8 Spirals)"
+ <option id="bands" _label="See-through spirals (8 spirals)"
arg-set="-appearance 6"/>
- <option id="bands" _label="See-Through Spirals (16 Spirals)"
+ <option id="bands" _label="See-through spirals (16 spirals)"
arg-set="-appearance 7"/>
<select id="colors">
- <option id="twosided" _label="Two-Sided"/>
- <option id="colorwheel" _label="Color Wheel" arg-set="-colorwheel"/>
+ <option id="twosided" _label="Two-sided"/>
+ <option id="colorwheel" _label="Color wheel" arg-set="-colorwheel"/>
<select id="projection3d">
- <option id="perspective-3d" _label="Perspective 3d"/>
- <option id="orthographic-3d" _label="Orthographic 3d"
+ <option id="perspective-3d" _label="Perspective 3D"/>
+ <option id="orthographic-3d" _label="Orthographic 3D"
<select id="projection4d">
- <option id="perspective-4d" _label="Perspective 4d"/>
- <option id="orthographic-4d" _label="Orthographic 4d"
+ <option id="perspective-4d" _label="Perspective 4D"/>
+ <option id="orthographic-4d" _label="Orthographic 4D"
<number id="speed-wx" type="slider" arg="-speed-wx %"
- _label="WX Rotation Speed"
+ _label="WX rotation speed"
_low-label="-4.0" _high-label="4.0"
low="-4.0" high="4.0" default="1.1"/>
<number id="speed-wy" type="slider" arg="-speed-wy %"
- _label="WY Rotation Speed"
+ _label="WY rotation speed"
_low-label="-4.0" _high-label="4.0"
low="-4.0" high="4.0" default="1.3"/>
<number id="speed-wz" type="slider" arg="-speed-wz %"
- _label="WZ Rotation Speed"
+ _label="WZ rotation speed"
_low-label="-4.0" _high-label="4.0"
low="-4.0" high="4.0" default="1.5"/>
<number id="speed-xy" type="slider" arg="-speed-xy %"
- _label="XY Rotation Speed"
+ _label="XY rotation speed"
_low-label="-4.0" _high-label="4.0"
low="-4.0" high="4.0" default="1.7"/>
<number id="speed-xz" type="slider" arg="-speed-xz %"
- _label="XZ Rotation Speed"
+ _label="XZ rotation speed"
_low-label="-4.0" _high-label="4.0"
low="-4.0" high="4.0" default="1.9"/>
<number id="speed-yz" type="slider" arg="-speed-yz %"
- _label="YZ Rotation Speed"
+ _label="YZ rotation speed"
_low-label="-4.0" _high-label="4.0"
low="-4.0" high="4.0" default="2.1"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Display Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="40000" default="25000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
-This program shows a rotating Clifford Torus: a torus lying on the
+This shows a rotating Clifford Torus: a torus lying on the
"surface" of a 4D hypersphere. Inspired by Thomas Banchoff's book
"Beyond the Third Dimension: Geometry, Computer Graphics, and Higher
Dimensions", Scientific American Library, 1990.
Written by Carsten Steger; 2003.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Frame Rate" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0.1" high="20.0" default="1.0"/>
- <number id="layers" type="slider" arg="-layers %"
- _label="Layers" _low-label="1" _high-label="50"
- low="1" high="50" default="4"/>
- <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
- _label="Arms" _low-label="2" _high-label="50"
- low="2" high="50" default="13"/>
- <number id="twistiness" type="slider" arg="-twistiness %"
- _label="Twistiness" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
- low="0.2" high="10" default="4"/>
- <boolean id="wander" _label="Wander" arg-set="-wander"/>
- <boolean id="symmetric" _label="Symmetric Twisting" arg-set="-symmetric"/>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
+ _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="0.1" high="20.0" default="1.0"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <boolean id="wander" _label="Wander" arg-set="-wander"/>
+ <boolean id="symmetric" _label="Symmetric twisting" arg-set="-symmetric"/>
+ </hgroup>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="layers" type="slider" arg="-layers %"
+ _label="Layers" _low-label="1" _high-label="50"
+ low="1" high="50" default="4"/>
+ <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Arms" _low-label="2" _high-label="50"
+ low="2" high="50" default="13"/>
+ <number id="twistiness" type="slider" arg="-twistiness %"
+ _label="Twistiness" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0.2" high="10.0" default="4.0"/>
+ </vgroup>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws a series of overlapping, translucent spiral patterns.
The tightness of their spirals fluctuates in and out.
Written by Jamie Zawinski; 2008.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="40000" default="10000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
- <number id="functions" type="spinbutton" arg="-functions %"
- _label="Number of Functions" low="2" high="6" default="3"/>
+ <number id="functions" type="slider" arg="-functions %"
+ _label="Number of functions" _low-label="2" _high-label="6"
+ low="2" high="6" default="3"/>
<number id="detail" type="slider" arg="-detail %"
_label="Detail" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
low="2" high="30" default="9"/>
- <boolean id="translate" _label="Translate" arg-unset="-no-translate"/>
- <boolean id="scale" _label="Scale" arg-unset="-no-scale"/>
- <boolean id="rotate" _label="Rotate" arg-unset="-no-rotate"/>
<number id="colors" type="slider" arg="-colors %"
- _label="Number of Colours" _low-label="2" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="2" _high-label="Many"
low="2" high="255" default="200" />
-<!-- <boolean id="multi" _label="Multi-colored" arg-unset="-no-multi"/> -->
+ <hgroup>
+ <boolean id="translate" _label="Translate" arg-unset="-no-translate"/>
+ <boolean id="scale" _label="Scale" arg-unset="-no-scale"/>
+ <boolean id="rotate" _label="Rotate" arg-unset="-no-rotate"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </hgroup>
This one draws spinning, colliding iterated-function-system images.
Note that the "Detail" parameter is exponential. Number of points
drawn is functions^detail.
Written by Chris Le Sueur and Robby Griffin; 1997.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="imsmap" _label="IMSmap">
+<screensaver name="imsmap" _label="IMSMap">
<command arg="-root"/>
- <select id="mode">
- <option id="random" _label="Random Mode"/>
- <option id="h" _label="Hue Gradients" arg-set="-mode h"/>
- <option id="s" _label="Saturation Gradients" arg-set="-mode s"/>
- <option id="v" _label="Brightness Gradients" arg-set="-mode v"/>
- </select>
- <number id="iterations" type="slider" arg="-iterations %"
- _label="Density" _low-label="Sparse" _high-label="Dense"
- low="1" high="7" default="7"/>
<number id="delay2" type="slider" arg="-delay2 %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Fast" _high-label="Slow"
- low="0" high="1000000" default="20000"/>
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
_label="Linger" _low-label="1 Second" _high-label="1 Minute"
- low="1" high="60" default="10"/>
+ low="1" high="60" default="5"/>
+ <number id="iterations" type="slider" arg="-iterations %"
+ _label="Density" _low-label="Sparse" _high-label="Dense"
+ low="1" high="7" default="7"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="50"/>
+ <select id="mode">
+ <option id="random" _label="Random coloration"/>
+ <option id="h" _label="Hue gradients" arg-set="-mode h"/>
+ <option id="s" _label="Saturation gradients" arg-set="-mode s"/>
+ <option id="v" _label="Brightness gradients" arg-set="-mode v"/>
+ </select>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
This generates random cloud-like patterns. The idea is to take four
points on the edge of the image, and assign each a random "elevation".
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="init" type="spinbutton" arg="-num-circles %"
- _label="Number of Discs" low="50" high="400" default="100"/>
<number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-growth-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="60000" default="30000" convert="invert"/>
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="18000" convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="init" type="slider" arg="-num-circles %"
+ _label="Number of discs" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
+ low="50" high="400" default="100"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
A surface is filled with a hundred medium to small sized circles.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Number of Waves" low="0" high="20" default="3"/>
- <number id="gridsize" type="spinbutton" arg="-gridsize %"
- _label="Magnification" low="1" high="20" default="4"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Anim Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="30000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="wspeed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
- _label="Wave Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="1" high="100" default="30"/>
- <number id="radius" type="slider" arg="-radius %"
- _label="Wave Size" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
- low="50" high="1500" default="800"/>
- <number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
- low="1" high="255" default="128"/>
- <number id="color_contrast" type="slider" arg="-color-shift %"
- _label="Color Contrast" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
- low="0" high="100" default="60"/>
- <number id="hue" type="slider" arg="-hue %"
- _label="Hue" _low-label="0" _high-label="360"
- low="0" high="360" default="0"/>
- <!-- #### -gray -->
-<!-- <boolean id="db" _label="Double Buffer" arg-unset="-no-db"/> -->
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="30000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="wspeed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
+ _label="Wave speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="1" high="100" default="30"/>
+ <number id="radius" type="slider" arg="-radius %"
+ _label="Wave size" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
+ low="50" high="1500" default="800"/>
+ <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Number of waves" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
+ low="0" high="20" default="3"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="gridsize" type="slider" arg="-gridsize %"
+ _label="Magnification" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="1" high="20" default="4"/>
+ <number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ low="1" high="255" default="128"/>
+ <number id="color_contrast" type="slider" arg="-color-shift %"
+ _label="Color contrast" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100" default="60"/>
+ <number id="hue" type="slider" arg="-hue %"
+ _label="Hue" _low-label="0" _high-label="360"
+ low="0" high="360" default="0"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Color field based on computing decaying sinusoidal waves.
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-draw-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="30000" convert="invert"/>
<number id="init" type="slider" arg="-num-discs %"
- _label="Number of Discs" _low-label="50" _high-label="400"
+ _label="Number of discs" _low-label="50" _high-label="400"
low="50" high="400" default="85"/>
- <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-draw-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="60000" default="30000" convert="invert"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
A surface is filled with a hundred medium to small sized circles.
- <number id="complexity" type="slider" arg="-complexity %"
- _label="Complexity" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
- low="1" high="3" default="2"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
_label="Rotation speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="50" high="1000" default="250"/>
+ low="50" high="1000" default="500"/>
- <number id="spherism" type="slider" arg="-spherism %"
- _label="Sphere strength" _low-label="None" _high-label="Strong"
- low="0" high="1000" default="200"/>
+ <number id="damping" type="slider" arg="-damping %"
+ _label="Inertial damping" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="10" high="1000" default="500" convert="invert"/>
<number id="hold" type="slider" arg="-hold %"
_label="Vertex-vertex force" _low-label="None" _high-label="Strong"
- low="0" high="1000" default="700"/>
+ low="0" high="1000" default="800"/>
+ <number id="complexity" type="slider" arg="-complexity %"
+ _label="Complexity" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="1" high="3" default="2"/>
+ <number id="spherism" type="slider" arg="-spherism %"
+ _label="Sphere strength" _low-label="None" _high-label="Strong"
+ low="0" high="1000" default="75"/>
<number id="distance" type="slider" arg="-distance %"
_label="Vertex-vertex behavior" _low-label="Expand"
- _high-label="Collapse" low="0" high="1000" default="300"/>
- <number id="damping" type="slider" arg="-damping %"
- _label="Inertial damping" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
- low="10" high="1000" default="500" convert="invert"/>
+ _high-label="Collapse" low="0" high="1000" default="100"/>
<number id="spooky" type="slider" arg="-spooky %"
_label="Spookiness" _low-label="None" _high-label="Spoooooky"
low="0" high="12" default="0"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Animation Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="20000"
- convert="invert"/>
<boolean id="wireframe" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
You have a tetrahedron with tesselated faces. The vertices on these
faces have forces on them: one proportional to the distance from the
surface of a sphere; and one proportional to the distance from the
-neighbors. They also have inertia.
-The resulting effect can range from a shape that does nothing, to a
-frenetic polygon storm. Somewhere in between there it usually
-manifests as a blob that jiggles in a kind of disturbing manner.
+neighbors. They also have inertia. The resulting effect can range
+from a shape that does nothing, to a frenetic polygon storm.
+Somewhere in between there it usually manifests as a blob that jiggles
+in a kind of disturbing manner.
Written by Keith Macleod; 2003.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="80000" default="70000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="70000"
<number id="delay2" type="slider" arg="-delay2 %"
- _label="Solved Duration"
- _low-label="0 Seconds" _high-label="1 Minute"
+ _label="Linger"
+ _low-label="0 seconds" _high-label="1 minute"
low="0" high="60" default="5"/>
<xscreensaver-image />
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
This grabs a screen image, carves it up into a jigsaw puzzle,
shuffles it, and then solves the puzzle. This works especially well
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="50" high="1000" default="200"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="cycles" type="slider" arg="-cycles %"
- _label="Performance Length" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
- low="50" high="1000" default="1000"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="50" high="1000" default="200"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="cycles" type="slider" arg="-cycles %"
+ _label="Performance length" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
+ low="50" high="1000" default="1000"/>
- <number id="tail" type="slider" arg="-tail %"
- _label="Trail Length" _low-label="None" _high-label="Long"
- low="0" high="100" default="1"/>
+ <number id="tail" type="slider" arg="-tail %"
+ _label="Trail length" _low-label="None" _high-label="Long"
+ low="0" high="100" default="1"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
<boolean id="balls" _label="Balls" arg-unset="-no-balls"/>
<boolean id="clubs" _label="Clubs" arg-unset="-no-clubs"/>
- <boolean id="torches" _label="Flaming Torches" arg-unset="-no-torches"/>
- <boolean id="knives" _label="Knives" arg-unset="-no-knives"/>
<boolean id="rings" _label="Rings" arg-unset="-no-rings"/>
- <boolean id="bballs" _label="Bowling Balls" arg-unset="-no-bballs"/>
+ <boolean id="knives" _label="Knives" arg-unset="-no-knives"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <boolean id="torches" _label="Flaming torches" arg-unset="-no-torches"/>
+ <boolean id="bballs" _label="Bowling balls" arg-unset="-no-bballs"/>
- <boolean id="describe" _label="Print Cambridge Juggling Pattern Descriptions" arg-unset="-no-describe"/>
- <string id="pattern" _label="Juggle This Pattern" arg="-pattern %" />
+ <boolean id="describe" _label="Print Cambridge juggling pattern descriptions" arg-unset="-no-describe"/>
+ <string id="pattern" _label="Juggle this pattern" arg="-pattern %" />
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws a juggling stick-man. See also "Juggler3D".
Written by Tim Auckland; 2002.
<screensaver name="juggler3d" _label="Juggler3D">
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %" _label="Juggling Speed"
- _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast" low="0.5" high="5.0" default="2.2"/>
- <number id="trans" type="slider" arg="-trans %" _label="Juggler Horizontal Speed"
- _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast" low="0.05" high="2.0" default="0.1"/>
- <number id="spin" type="slider" arg="-spin %" _label="Juggler Spin Speed"
- _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast" low="3.0" high="50.0" default="20.0"/>
- <number id="minobjs" type="spinbutton" arg="-minobjs %" _label="Min Objects"
- low="3" high="35" default="8"/>
- <number id="maxobjs" type="spinbutton" arg="-maxobjs %" _label="Max Objects"
- low="3" high="35" default="8"/>
- <number id="minhinc" type="spinbutton" arg="-minhinc %" _label="Min Height"
- low="1" high="31" default="2"/>
- <number id="maxhinc" type="spinbutton" arg="-maxhinc %" _label="Max Height"
- low="1" high="31" default="6"/>
- <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
- <_description>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %" _label="Juggling speed"
+ _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast" low="0.5" high="5.0" default="2.2"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="trans" type="slider" arg="-trans %" _label="Juggler horizontal speed"
+ _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast" low="0.05" high="2.0" default="0.1"/>
+ <number id="spin" type="slider" arg="-spin %" _label="Juggler spin speed"
+ _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast" low="3.0" high="50.0" default="20.0"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="minobjs" type="spinbutton" arg="-minobjs %" _label="Min objects"
+ low="3" high="35" default="3"/>
+ <number id="maxobjs" type="spinbutton" arg="-maxobjs %" _label="Max objects"
+ low="3" high="35" default="8"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="minhinc" type="spinbutton" arg="-minhinc %" _label="Min height"
+ low="1" high="31" default="2"/>
+ <number id="maxhinc" type="spinbutton" arg="-maxhinc %" _label="Max height"
+ low="1" high="31" default="6"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
+ <_description>
3D simulation of a juggler performing with balls, clubs and rings.
Written by Brian Apps; 2005.
- </_description>
+ </_description>
<command arg="-root"/>
- <!-- #### -mouse -->
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
_label="Count" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Lots"
_label="Iterations" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
low="1" high="100" default="20"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="10000"
- convert="invert"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="200"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Animates the Julia set (a close relative of the Mandelbrot set). The
small moving dot indicates the control point from which the rest of
-the image was generated.
+the image was generated. See also the "Discrete" screen saver.
Written by Sean McCullough; 1997.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="20000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
<number id="nsegments" type="slider" arg="-nsegments %"
<!-- #### -global_rotation [1] -->
<!-- #### -spring_constant [5] -->
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
-A simple kaleidoscope. See also "gleidescope".
+A simple kaleidoscope. See also "GLeidescope".
Written by Ron Tapia; 1997.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="20000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
<number id="descent" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
low="2" high="500" default="150"
- <boolean id="random" _label="Use Randomized Surfaces and Primitives" arg-unset="-no-random"/>
- <boolean id="wander" _label="Wander Around the Screen" arg-set="-wander"/>
+ <boolean id="random" _label="Use randomized surfaces and primitives" arg-unset="-no-random"/>
+ <boolean id="wander" _label="Wander" arg-set="-wander"/>
<boolean id="spin" _label="Spin" arg-unset="-no-spin"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
This draws a visualization of a Klein bottle or some other interesting
parametric surfaces.
Written by Andrey Mirtchovski; 2003.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="10000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
<number id="density" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
low="0.0001" high="0.2" default="0.1"/>
<boolean id="random" _label="Randomize" arg-unset="-no-random"/>
-<!-- <boolean id="db" _label="Double Buffer" arg-set="-db"/> -->
+<!-- <boolean id="db" _label="Double buffer" arg-set="-db"/> -->
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Spiraling, spinning, and very, very fast splashes of color rush
toward the screen.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="40000" default="20000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
<boolean id="tex" _label="Textured" arg-unset="-no-texture"/>
<boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Animates a simulation of Lemarchand's Box, the Lament Configuration,
Warning: occasionally opens doors.
Written by Jamie Zawinski; 1998.
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="40000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
_label="Count" low="0" high="20" default="10"/>
_label="Duration" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
low="0" high="2000" default="200"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="60000" default="40000"
- convert="invert"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="64"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Moving radiating lines, that look vaguely like scanning laser beams.
-(Frankie say: relax.)
+(Frankie say relax.)
Written by Pascal Pensa; 1997.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="lavalite" _label="LavaLite">
+<screensaver name="lavalite" _label="Lavalite">
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="30000"
- convert="invert"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="30000"
+ convert="invert"/>
- <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
- _label="Activity" _low-label="Sparse" _high-label="Dense"
- low="0.001" high="0.01" default="0.003"/>
+ <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
+ _label="Activity" _low-label="Sparse" _high-label="Dense"
+ low="0.001" high="0.01" default="0.003"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Max blobs" _low-label="1" _high-label="10"
+ low="1" high="10" default="3"/>
- <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
- _label="Max Blobs" _low-label="1" _high-label="10"
- low="1" high="10" default="3"/>
+ <number id="resolution" type="slider" arg="-resolution %"
+ _label="Resolution" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="10" high="120" default="40"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
- <number id="resolution" type="slider" arg="-resolution %"
- _label="Resolution" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
- low="10" high="120" default="40"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <hgroup>
+ <boolean id="impatient" _label="Impatient" arg-set="-impatient"/>
+ <boolean id="smooth" _label="Smooth" arg-unset="-no-smooth"/>
+ <boolean id="wander" _label="Wander" arg-set="-wander"/>
+ </hgroup>
+ <hgroup>
+ <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </hgroup>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
<select id="style">
<option id="classic" _label="Classic Lavalite" arg-set="-style classic"/>
<select id="rotation">
<option id="no" _label="Don't Rotate" arg-set="-spin 0"/>
- <option id="x" _label="Rotate around X axis"/>
+ <option id="x" _label="Rotate around X axis" arg-set="-spin X"/>
<option id="y" _label="Rotate around Y axis" arg-set="-spin Y"/>
- <option id="z" _label="Rotate around Z axis" arg-set="-spin Z"/>
+ <option id="z" _label="Rotate around Z axis"/>
<option id="xy" _label="Rotate around X and Y axes" arg-set="-spin XY"/>
<option id="xz" _label="Rotate around X and Z axes" arg-set="-spin XZ"/>
<option id="yz" _label="Rotate around Y and Z axes" arg-set="-spin YZ"/>
<option id="xyz" _label="Rotate around all three axes" arg-set="-spin XYZ"/>
- <hgroup>
- <boolean id="impatient" _label="Impatient" arg-set="-impatient"/>
- <boolean id="smooth" _label="Smooth" arg-unset="-no-smooth"/>
- <boolean id="wander" _label="Wander" arg-set="-wander"/>
- </hgroup>
- <hgroup>
- <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
- </hgroup>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
-Draws a 3D Simulation a Lava Lite(r): odd-shaped blobs of a mysterious
+Draws a 3D Simulation a Lava Lite(r). Odd-shaped blobs of a mysterious
substance are heated, slowly rise to the top of the bottle, and then
-drop back down as they cool. This program requires a fairly fast
+drop back down as they cool. This simulation requires a fairly fast
machine (both CPU and 3D performance.)
"LAVA LITE(r) and the configuration of the LAVA(r) brand motion lamp are
Haggerty Enterprises, Inc. in the U.S.A. and in other countries around
the world."
Written by Jamie Zawinski; 2002.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="1500000" default="1000000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="5000000" default="100000"
- <number id="spread" type="spinbutton" arg="-spread %"
- _label="Spread" low="2" high="64" default="8"/>
- <number id="cycles" type="spinbutton" arg="-cycles %"
- _label="Cycles" low="1" high="600" default="60"/>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="spread" type="spinbutton" arg="-spread %"
+ _label="Line spread" low="2" high="64" default="8"/>
+ <number id="cycles" type="spinbutton" arg="-cycles %"
+ _label="Cycles" low="1" high="600" default="60"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <boolean id="hw" _label="Horizontal white" arg-unset="-no-hw"/>
+ <boolean id="vw" _label="Vertical white" arg-unset="-no-vw"/>
+ <boolean id="dw" _label="Diagonal white" arg-unset="-no-dw"/>
+ <boolean id="w" _label="Solid white" arg-unset="-no-w"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <boolean id="hb" _label="Horizontal black" arg-unset="-no-hb"/>
+ <boolean id="vb" _label="Vertical black" arg-unset="-no-vb"/>
+ <boolean id="db" _label="Diagonal black" arg-unset="-no-db"/>
+ <boolean id="b" _label="Solid black" arg-unset="-no-b"/>
+ </vgroup>
can often repair the damage. That's what this screen saver does.
See also:
- http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=88343
- http://toastycode.com/blog/2008/02/05/lcd-scrub/
Inspired by the like-named program by Daniel Sandler.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="10000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="64"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Crackling fractal lightning bolts.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <!-- #### -no-additive -->
- <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Count" low="0" high="20" default="1"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="50000" default="17000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<number id="cycles" type="slider" arg="-cycles %"
_label="Steps" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="1000" default="768"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="17000"
- convert="invert"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="64"/>
- <number id="size" type="spinbutton" arg="-size %"
- _label="Size" low="-10" high="10" default="-1"/>
+ <number id="size" type="slider" arg="-size %"
+ _label="Size" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
+ low="10" high="500" default="500"/>
+ <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Count" _low-label="1" _high-label="20"
+ low="0" high="20" default="1"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
-Lisajous loops.
+Lissajous loops.
Written by Caleb Cullen; 1997.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Count" low="0" high="20" default="1"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<number id="cycles" type="slider" arg="-cycles %"
_label="Timeout" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
low="0" high="80000" default="20000"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="10000"
- convert="invert"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="200"/>
+ <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Count" _low-label="1" _high-label="20"
+ low="0" high="20" default="1"/>
<number id="size" type="spinbutton" arg="-size %"
_label="Size" low="-500" high="500" default="-200"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
-This one draws the progress of circular shapes along a path.
+Lissajous loops. This one draws the progress of circular shapes along a path.
Written by Alexander Jolk; 1997.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="90000" default="70000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="70000"
- <number id="points" type="spinbutton" arg="-points %"
- _label="Control Points"
+ <number id="points" type="slider" arg="-points %"
+ _label="Control points" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
low="10" high="1000" default="200"/>
<number id="steps" type="slider" arg="-steps %"
- _label="Interpolation Steps" _low-label="Less" _high-label="More"
+ _label="Interpolation steps" _low-label="Less" _high-label="More"
low="100" high="500" default="150"/>
<number id="thickness" type="slider" arg="-linewidth %"
low="1" high="50" default="5"/>
<select id="type">
- <option id="random" _label="Open and Closed Figures"/>
- <option id="open" _label="Open Figures" arg-set="-figtype open"/>
- <option id="closed" _label="Closed Figures" arg-set="-figtype closed"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Open and closed figures"/>
+ <option id="open" _label="Open figures" arg-set="-figtype open"/>
+ <option id="closed" _label="Closed figures" arg-set="-figtype closed"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
This generates random spline-ish line drawings and morphs between
<command arg="-root" />
- <boolean id="blink"
- _label="Blinking effects"
- arg-unset="-no-blink" />
- <number id="rotateidle-min"
- type="slider"
- _label="Rotator idle time, minimum (ms)"
- _low-label="500"
- _high-label="10000"
- low="500"
- high="10000"
- default="1000"
- arg="-rotateidle-min %" />
- <number id="rotateidle-max"
- type="slider"
- _label="Rotator idle time, maximum (ms)"
- _low-label="500"
- _high-label="10000"
- low="500"
- high="10000"
- default="6000"
- arg="-rotateidle-max %" />
- <number id="blinkidle-min"
- type="slider"
- _label="Blink idle time, minimum (ms)"
- _low-label="500"
- _high-label="20000"
- low="500"
- high="20000"
- default="1000"
- arg="-blinkidle-min %" />
- <number id="blinkidle-max"
- type="slider"
- _label="Blink idle time, maximum (ms)"
- _low-label="500"
- _high-label="20000"
- low="500"
- high="20000"
- default="9000"
- arg="-blinkidle-max %" />
- <number id="blinkdwell-min"
- type="slider"
- _label="Blink dwell time, minimum (ms)"
- _low-label="50"
- _high-label="1500"
- low="50"
- high="1500"
- default="100"
- arg="-blinkdwell-min %" />
- <number id="blinkdwell-max"
- type="slider"
- _label="Blink dwell time, maximum (ms)"
- _low-label="50"
- _high-label="1500"
- low="50"
- high="1500"
- default="600"
- arg="-blinkdwell-max %" />
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="rotateidle-min" type="slider"
+ _label="Miniumum rotator idle time"
+ _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="500" high="10000" default="1000" arg="-rotateidle-min %" />
+ <number id="blinkidle-min" type="slider"
+ _label="Minimum blink idle time"
+ _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="500" high="20000" default="1000" arg="-blinkidle-min %" />
+ <number id="blinkdwell-min" type="slider"
+ _label="Minimum blink dwell time"
+ _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="50" high="1500" default="100" arg="-blinkdwell-min %" />
+ <hgroup>
+ <boolean id="blink"
+ _label="Blinking effects"
+ arg-unset="-no-blink" />
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </hgroup>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="rotateidle-max" type="slider"
+ _label="Maximum rotator idle time"
+ _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="500" high="10000" default="6000" arg="-rotateidle-max %" />
+ <number id="blinkidle-max" type="slider"
+ _label="Maximum blink idle time"
+ _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="500" high="20000" default="9000" arg="-blinkidle-max %" />
+ <number id="blinkdwell-max" type="slider"
+ _label="Maximum blink dwell time"
+ _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="50" high="1500" default="600" arg="-blinkdwell-max %" />
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
A translucent spinning, blinking thing. Sort of a cross between the wards
in an old combination lock and those old backlit information displays that
animated and changed color via polarized light.
-Written by Leo L. Schwab; August, 2007.
+Written by Leo L. Schwab; 2007.
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="200000" default="100000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<number id="cycles" type="slider" arg="-cycles %"
_label="Timeout" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
low="0" high="8000" default="1600"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="150000" default="100000"
- convert="invert"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="15"/>
<number id="size" type="spinbutton" arg="-size %"
_label="Size" low="-50" high="50" default="-12"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Generates loop-shaped colonies that spawn, age, and eventually die.
Written by David Bagley; 1999.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="m6502" _label="M6502">
+<screensaver name="m6502" _label="m6502">
<command arg="-root" />
<number id="displaytime" type="slider" arg="-displaytime %"
_label="Display time for each program"
_low-label="5 seconds" _high-label="2 minutes"
- low="5" high="120" default="10" />
+ low="5" high="120" default="20" />
- <file id="file" _label="Assembly File" arg="-file %"/>
+ <file id="file" _label="Assembly file" arg="-file %"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
-The m6502 screensaver emulates a 6502 microprocessor. The family
+This emulates a 6502 microprocessor. The family
of 6502 chips were used throughout the 70's and 80's in machines
such as the Atari 2600, Commodore PET, VIC20 and C64, Apple ][,
and the NES. Some example programs are included, and it can also
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-solve-delay %"
- _label="Solve Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="10000" default="5000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
<number id="pre-delay" type="slider" arg="-pre-delay %"
- _label="Pre-Solve Delay"
- _low-label="0 Seconds" _high-label="10 Seconds"
+ _label="Linger before solving"
+ _low-label="0 seconds" _high-label="10 seconds"
low="0" high="10000000" default="2000000"/>
<number id="post-delay" type="slider" arg="-post-delay %"
- _label="Post-Solve Delay"
- _low-label="0 Seconds" _high-label="10 Seconds"
+ _label="Linger after solving"
+ _low-label="0 seconds" _high-label="10 seconds"
low="0" high="10000000" default="4000000"/>
<number id="grid-size" type="spinbutton" arg="-grid-size %"
- _label="Grid Size" low="0" high="100" default="0"/>
+ _label="Grid size" low="0" high="100" default="0"/>
<select id="generator">
- <option id="mrandom" _label="Random Generator"/>
- <option id="m0" _label="Backtracking Generator"
+ <option id="mrandom" _label="Random generator"/>
+ <option id="m0" _label="Backtracking generator"
arg-set="-generator 0"/>
- <option id="m1" _label="Seeding Generator"
+ <option id="m1" _label="Seeding generator"
arg-set="-generator 1"/>
- <option id="m2" _label="Joining Generator"
+ <option id="m2" _label="Joining generator"
arg-set="-generator 2"/>
<select id="ignorance">
- <option id="smart" _label="Head Toward Exit"/>
- <option id="dumb" _label="Ignorant of Exit Direction"
+ <option id="smart" _label="Head toward exit"/>
+ <option id="dumb" _label="Ignorant of exit direction"
<!-- #### -skip-color [orange] -->
<!-- #### -surround-color [slateblue] -->
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
This generates random mazes (with various different algorithms), and
then solves them. Backtracking and look-ahead paths are displayed in
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="30000" default="10000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
<select id="seedMode">
- <option id="ram" _label="Dump Memory"/>
- <option id="random" _label="Draw Random Numbers" arg-set="-random"/>
+ <option id="ram" _label="Dump memory"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Draw random numbers" arg-set="-random"/>
<select id="drawMode">
<option id="color" _label="Draw in RGB"/>
- <option id="mono" _label="Draw Green" arg-set="-mono"/>
+ <option id="mono" _label="Draw green" arg-set="-mono"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
This draws a dump of its own process memory scrolling across the screen
in three windows at three different rates.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="30000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="30000"
<number id="descent" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
<number id="depth" type="spinbutton" arg="-depth %"
- _label="Max Depth" low="1" high="6" default="3"/>
+ _label="Max depth" low="1" high="6" default="3"/>
<!-- #### -no-optimize -->
<boolean id="wander" _label="Wander" arg-unset="-no-wander"/>
<select id="rotation">
- <option id="no" _label="Don't Rotate" arg-set="-spin 0"/>
+ <option id="no" _label="Don't rotate" arg-set="-spin 0"/>
<option id="x" _label="Rotate around X axis" arg-set="-spin X"/>
<option id="y" _label="Rotate around Y axis" arg-set="-spin Y"/>
<option id="z" _label="Rotate around Z axis" arg-set="-spin Z"/>
<boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
This draws the three-dimensional variant of the recursive Menger
Gasket, a cube-based fractal object analagous to the Sierpinski
Written by Jamie Zawinski; 2001.
<!-- #### -color [random] -->
- <number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
- low="2" high="256" default="256"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
- <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
- _label="Number of MetaBalls" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
- low="2" high="255" default="10"/>
+ <number id="cycles" type="slider" arg="-cycles %"
+ _label="Duration" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
+ low="100" high="3000" default="1000"/>
- <number id="radius" type="slider" arg="-radius %"
- _label="MetaBall Radius" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Big" low="2" high="100" default="100"/>
+ <number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ low="2" high="256" default="256"/>
- <number id="delta" type="slider" arg="-delta %"
- _label="MetaBall Movement" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Big" low="1" high="20" default="3"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="5000"
- convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Metaball count" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ low="2" high="255" default="10"/>
- <number id="cycles" type="slider" arg="-cycles %"
- _label="Duration" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
- low="100" high="3000" default="1000"/>
+ <number id="radius" type="slider" arg="-radius %"
+ _label="MetaBall Radius" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Big" low="2" high="100" default="100"/>
+ <number id="delta" type="slider" arg="-delta %"
+ _label="MetaBall Movement" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Big" low="1" high="20" default="3"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws two dimensional metaballs: overlapping and merging balls with
fuzzy edges.
Written by W.P. van Paassen; 2003.
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="10000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
<number id="zoom" type="slider" arg="-zoom %"
<number id="hold_time" type="slider" arg="-hold-time %"
_label="Time until loading a new image"
- _low-label="5 Sec" _high-label="5 Min"
+ _low-label="5 sec" _high-label="5 min"
low="5.0" high="300.0" default="30.0"/>
- <select id="render">
- <option id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wire"/>
- <option id="solid" _label="Solid Surface"/>
- </select>
- </vgroup>
- <vgroup>
<number id="fade_speed" type="slider" arg="-fade-time %"
- _label="Transition Duration"
- _low-label="None" _high-label="30 Sec"
+ _label="Transition duration"
+ _low-label="None" _high-label="30 sec"
low="0.0" high="30.0" default="5.0"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
<number id="resolution" type="slider" arg="-resolution %"
_low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
- _label="Resolution" low="4" high="50" default="16"/>
+ _label="Resolution" low="4" high="50" default="30"/>
<number id="bumps" type="slider" arg="-bumps %"
_low-label="None" _high-label="50 bumps"
<number id="blend" type="slider" arg="-blend %"
_low-label="Clear" _high-label="Opaque"
- _label="Transparency" low="0.1" high="1.0" default="0.0"/>
+ _label="Transparency" low="0.1" high="1.0" default="1.0"/>
- <boolean id="walls" _label="Enable Walls" arg-set="-walls"/>
- <boolean id="colour" _label="Enable Colouring" arg-set="-colour"/>
- <boolean id="texture" _label="Enable Reflected Image" arg-unset="-no-texture"/>
+ <boolean id="walls" _label="Enable walls" arg-set="-walls"/>
+ <boolean id="colour" _label="Enable colouring" arg-set="-colour"/>
+ <boolean id="texture" _label="Enable reflected image" arg-unset="-no-texture"/>
<boolean id="backgound" _label="Show image on background" arg-unset="-no-paint-background"/>
- <boolean id="offset_texture" _label="Offset Texture Coordinates" arg-set="-offset-texture"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="offset_texture" _label="Offset texture coordinates" arg-set="-offset-texture"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <select id="render">
+ <option id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wire"/>
+ <option id="solid" _label="Solid surface"/>
+ </select>
Draws a wobbly blob that distorts the image behind it.
-Requires OpenGL hardware acceleration for nice animation.
Written by Jon Dowdall; 2003.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="25000" default="2500"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
<number id="duration" type="slider" arg="-clear %"
low="1" high="200" default="65"/>
<number id="simultaneous" type="slider" arg="-simul %"
- _label="Simultaneous Squares" _low-label="One" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Simultaneous squares" _low-label="One" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="20" default="5"/>
<select id="mode">
<option id="solid" _label="Solid" arg-set="-no-xor"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Munching errors! This is a creatively broken misimplementation of the
-classic munching squares graphics hack.
+classic munching squares graphics hack. See the "Munch" screen saver
+for the original.
Written by Steven Hazel; 2004.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="80000" default="20000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
- <boolean id="solid" _label="Solid Floor" arg-set="-solidmoebius"/>
- <boolean id="ants" _label="Draw Ants" arg-unset="-no-ants"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="solid" _label="Solid floor" arg-set="-solidmoebius"/>
+ <boolean id="ants" _label="Draw ants" arg-unset="-no-ants"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
This animates a 3D rendition M.C. Escher's "Moebius Strip II",
an image of ants walking along the surface of a moebius strip.
Written by Marcelo F. Vianna; 1997.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Animation Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="30000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="30000"
<number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
- _label="Motion Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0.01" high="5.0" default="1.0"/>
+ <hgroup>
<number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Gear Count" low="13" high="99" default="15"/>
+ _label="Number of gears" low="13" high="99" default="17"/>
<number id="teeth" type="spinbutton" arg="-teeth %"
- _label="Tooth Count" low="7" high="49" default="15"/>
+ _label="Number of teeth" low="7" high="49" default="15"/>
+ </hgroup>
<boolean id="wander" _label="Wander" arg-unset="-no-wander"/>
<boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws a closed, interlinked chain of rotating gears. The layout of
-the gears follows the path of a moebius strip.
+the gears follows the path of a moebius strip. See also the "Pinion"
+and "Gears" screen savers.
Written by Jamie Zawinski; 2007.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Duration" _low-label="1 Second" _high-label="1 Minute"
+ _label="Duration" _low-label="1 second" _high-label="1 minute"
low="1" high="60" default="5"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="64"/>
<number id="offset" type="slider" arg="-offset %"
<!-- #### -no-random -->
-<!-- <boolean id="shm" _label="Use Shared Memory" arg-unset="-no-shm"/> -->
+<!-- <boolean id="shm" _label="Use shared memory" arg-unset="-no-shm"/> -->
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
When the lines on the screen
Make more lines in between,
That's a moire'!
Written by Jamie Zawinski and Michael Bayne; 1997.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="80000" default="50000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="50000"
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="150"/>
<number id="thickness" type="spinbutton" arg="-thickness %"
_label="Thickness" low="0" high="100" default="0"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Generates fields of concentric circles or ovals, and combines the
planes with various operations. The planes are moving independently
of one another, causing the interference lines to spray.
Written by Jamie Zawinski; 1998.
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<number id="timeout" type="slider" arg="-timeout %"
_label="Duration" _low-label="5 seconds" _high-label="2 minutes"
low="5" high="120" default="20"/>
- <boolean id="labels" _label="Label Atoms" arg-unset="-no-labels"/>
- <boolean id="titles" _label="Describe Molecule" arg-unset="-no-titles"/>
- <boolean id="bbox" _label="Draw Bounding Box" arg-set="-bbox"/>
+ <boolean id="labels" _label="Label atoms" arg-unset="-no-labels"/>
+ <boolean id="titles" _label="Describe molecule" arg-unset="-no-titles"/>
+ <boolean id="bbox" _label="Draw bounding box" arg-set="-bbox"/>
+ <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="atoms" _label="Draw Atomic Nuclei" arg-unset="-no-atoms"/>
- <boolean id="bonds" _label="Draw Atomic Bonds" arg-unset="-no-bonds"/>
- <boolean id="shells" _label="Draw Electron Shells" arg-unset="-no-shells"/>
+ <boolean id="atoms" _label="Draw atomic nuclei" arg-unset="-no-atoms"/>
+ <boolean id="bonds" _label="Draw atomic bonds" arg-unset="-no-bonds"/>
+ <boolean id="shells" _label="Draw electron shells" arg-unset="-no-shells"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
- </hgroup>
+ <boolean id="wander" _label="Wander" arg-set="-wander"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="10000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <boolean id="wander" _label="Wander" arg-set="-wander"/>
- <select id="rotation">
- <option id="no" _label="Don't Rotate" arg-set="-spin 0"/>
+ <select id="rotation">
+ <option id="no" _label="Don't rotate" arg-set="-spin 0"/>
<option id="x" _label="Rotate around X axis" arg-set="-spin X"/>
<option id="y" _label="Rotate around Y axis" arg-set="-spin Y"/>
<option id="z" _label="Rotate around Z axis" arg-set="-spin Z"/>
<option id="xz" _label="Rotate around X and Z axes" arg-set="-spin XZ"/>
<option id="yz" _label="Rotate around Y and Z axes" arg-set="-spin YZ"/>
<option id="xyz" _label="Rotate around all three axes"/>
- </select>
- <file id="molecule" _label="PDB File or Directory" arg="-molecule %"/>
+ </select>
+ </hgroup>
- <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <file id="molecule" _label="PDB file or directory" arg="-molecule %"/>
Draws several different representations of molecules. Some common
-molecules are built in, and it can also read PDB (Protein Data Base)
+molecules are built in, and it can also read PDB (Protein Data Bank)
files as input.
Written by Jamie Zawinski; 2001.
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="40000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<select id="object">
- <option id="random" _label="Random Object"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Random object"/>
<option id="tetra" _label="Tetrahedron" arg-set="-count 1"/>
<option id="cube" _label="Cube" arg-set="-count 2"/>
<option id="octa" _label="Octahedron" arg-set="-count 3"/>
<option id="icosa" _label="Icosahedron" arg-set="-count 5"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="40000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Platonic solids that turn inside out and get spikey.
Written by Marcelo Vianna; 1997.
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
_label="Peaks" _low-label="One" _high-label="Lots"
low="1" high="100" default="30"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="1000"
- convert="invert"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="64"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
-Generates random 3d plots that look vaguely mountainous.
+Generates random 3D plots that look vaguely mountainous.
Written by Pascal Pensa; 1997.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="5000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
<number id="duration" type="slider" arg="-clear %"
<!-- #### -hold [100000] -->
<!-- #### -logminwidth [7] -->
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
ADDB 1,2
JRST .-4
As reported by HAKMEM, in 1962, Jackson Wright wrote the above PDP-1
-code. That code still lives on in this program, some 44 years
-later. The number of lines of enclosing code has increased
-substantially, however.
+code. That code still lives on here, some 46 years later. The number
+of lines of enclosing code has increased substantially, however.
Written by Jackson Wright and Tim Showalter; 1997.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="10000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="iters" type="slider" arg="-max-iters %"
- _label="Duration" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
- low="100" high="8000" default="1200"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="iters" type="slider" arg="-max-iters %"
+ _label="Duration" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
+ low="100" high="8000" default="1200"/>
+ <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Blot count" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
+ low="1" high="1000" default="250"/>
+ <number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-colors %"
+ _label="Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ low="1" high="255" default="4"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="event" type="slider" arg="-event-chance %"
+ _label="Changes" _low-label="Seldom" _high-label="Frequent"
+ low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0.2"/>
- <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Blot Count" low="0" high="1000" default="250"/>
+ <number id="nervous" type="slider" arg="-nervousness %"
+ _label="Nervousness" _low-label="Calm" _high-label="Spastic"
+ low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0.3"/>
- <number id="linewidth" type="spinbutton" arg="-line-width %"
- _label="Line Thickness" low="0" high="100" default="0"/>
+ <number id="mnr" type="slider" arg="-max-nerve-radius %"
+ _label="Crunchiness" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0.7"/>
- <number id="event" type="slider" arg="-event-chance %"
- _label="Changes" _low-label="Seldom" _high-label="Frequent"
- low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0.2"/>
+ <number id="linewidth" type="spinbutton" arg="-line-width %"
+ _label="Line thickness" low="0" high="100" default="0"/>
- <number id="nervous" type="slider" arg="-nervousness %"
- _label="Nervousness" _low-label="Calm" _high-label="Spastic"
- low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0.3"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
- <number id="mnr" type="slider" arg="-max-nerve-radius %"
- _label="Crunchiness" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
- low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0.7"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
<!-- #### -iter-amt [0.01] -->
<!-- #### -min-scale [0.6] -->
<!-- #### -min-radius [3] -->
<!-- #### -max-radius [25] -->
- <number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-colors %"
- _label="Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
- low="1" high="255" default="4"/>
-<!-- <boolean id="db" _label="Double Buffer" arg-set="-db"/> -->
Draws different shapes composed of nervously vibrating squiggles,
as if seen through a camera operated by a monkey on crack.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="10000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws some rotatey patterns, using OpenGL.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="noseguy" _label="Noseguy">
+<screensaver name="noseguy" _label="NoseGuy">
<command arg="-root"/>
-<!-- <file id="program" _label="Text Program" arg="-program %"/> -->
<xscreensaver-text />
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
A little man with a big nose wanders around your screen saying things.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="size" type="spinbutton" arg="-size %"
- _label="Player Size" low="0" high="200" default="0"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="10000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ <number id="size" type="spinbutton" arg="-size %"
+ _label="Player size" low="0" high="200" default="0"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Simulates a game of Pac-Man on a randomly-created level.
Written by Edwin de Jong; 2004.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Duration" _low-label="1 Second" _high-label="1 Minute"
+ _label="Duration" _low-label="1 second" _high-label="1 minute"
low="1" high="60" default="5"/>
<number id="lines" type="slider" arg="-maxlines %"
<!-- #### -foreground [white] -->
<!-- #### -background [black] -->
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
This is sort of a combination spirograph/string-art. It generates a
large, complex polygon, and renders it by filling using an even/odd
<option id="smart" _label="Always play well" arg-set="-smart"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
-Simulates the classic arcade game Missile Command.
+Simulates (something like) the classic arcade game Missile Command.
Written by Adam Miller; 1999.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="10000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
- low="1" high="255" default="64"/>
- <number id="size" type="slider" arg="-size %"
- _label="Tile Size" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
- low="1" high="100" default="40"/>
- <boolean id="ammann" _label="Draw Ammann Lines" arg-set="-ammann"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ low="1" high="255" default="64"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="size" type="slider" arg="-size %"
+ _label="Tile size" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
+ low="1" high="100" default="40"/>
+ <boolean id="ammann" _label="Draw ammann lines" arg-set="-ammann"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
Draws quasiperiodic tilings; think of the implications on modern
on what appears to be the work of a Knight of the Realm, then a last
stand must be taken."
-As reported by News of the Weird #491, 4-jul-1997.
+As reported by News of the Weird #491, 4-Jul-1997.
Written by Timo Korvola; 1997.
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="10000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
<number id="size" type="spinbutton" arg="-size %"
- _label="Cell Size" low="0" high="100" default="2"/>
+ _label="Cell size" low="0" high="100" default="2"/>
<number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Mold Varieties" low="0" high="20" default="20"/>
+ _label="Mold varieties" low="0" high="20" default="20"/>
<number id="diaglim" type="slider" arg="-diaglim %"
- _label="Colony Shape" _low-label="Square" _high-label="Diamond"
+ _label="Colony shape" _low-label="Square" _high-label="Diamond"
low="1.0" high="2.0" default="1.414"
low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0.5"/>
<number id="instantdeathchan" type="slider" arg="-instantdeathchan %"
- _label="Death Comes" _low-label="Slowly" _high-label="Quickly"
+ _label="Death comes" _low-label="Slowly" _high-label="Quickly"
low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0.2"/>
<number id="minlifespeed" type="slider" arg="-minlifespeed %"
- _label="Minimum Rate of Growth" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="Minimum rate of growth" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0.04"/>
<number id="maxlifespeed" type="slider" arg="-maxlifespeed %"
- _label="Maximum Rate of Growth" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="Maximum rate of growth" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0.13"/>
<number id="mindeathspeed" type="slider" arg="-mindeathspeed %"
- _label="Minimum Rate of Death" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="Minimum rate of death" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0.42"/>
<number id="maxdeathspeed" type="slider" arg="-maxdeathspeed %"
- _label="Maximum Rate of Death" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="Maximum rate of death" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0.46"/>
<number id="minlifespan" type="slider" arg="-minlifespan %"
- _label="Minimum Lifespan" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
+ _label="Minimum lifespan" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
low="0" high="3000" default="500"/>
<number id="maxlifespan" type="slider" arg="-maxlifespan %"
- _label="Maximum Lifespan" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
+ _label="Maximum lifespan" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
low="0" high="3000" default="1500"/>
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="80000" default="50000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="50000"
<number id="scale" type="spinbutton" arg="-scale %"
- _label="Font Scale" low="1" high="100" default="6"/>
+ _label="Font scale" low="1" high="100" default="6"/>
<number id="fade" type="slider" arg="-ticks %"
_label="Fade" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="1" high="100" default="20"
- <select id="mode">
- <option id="dumb" _label="Text Only" arg-set="-pipe"/>
- <option id="pty" _label="Terminal Emulation"/>
- </select>
- -->
-<!-- <file id="program" _label="Text Program" arg="-program %"/> -->
<xscreensaver-text />
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws a simulation of an old terminal, with large pixels and
-long-sustain phosphor. This program is also a fully-functional VT100
+long-sustain phosphor. On X11 systems, This program is also a
+fully-functional VT100 emulator!
Written by Jamie Zawinski; 1999.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="5000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
- _label="Count" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
- low="4" high="100" default="32"/>
- <number id="colorspeed" type="slider" arg="-colorspeed %"
- _label="Color shifting speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="100" default="10"/>
- <number id="minradius" type="slider" arg="-minradius %"
- _label="Minimum radius" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
- low="0.01" high="0.5" default="0.05"/>
- <number id="maxradius" type="slider" arg="-maxradius %"
- _label="Maximum radius" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
- low="0.01" high="0.5" default="0.2"/>
-<!-- <boolean id="db" _label="Double Buffer" arg-unset="-no-db"/> -->
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Count" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
+ low="4" high="100" default="32"/>
+ <number id="colorspeed" type="slider" arg="-colorspeed %"
+ _label="Color shift" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="0" high="100" default="10"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="minradius" type="slider" arg="-minradius %"
+ _label="Minimum radius" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
+ low="0.01" high="0.5" default="0.05"/>
+ <number id="maxradius" type="slider" arg="-maxradius %"
+ _label="Maximum radius" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
+ low="0.01" high="0.5" default="0.2"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
This draws a bunch of moving circles which switch from visibility to
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="size" type="slider" arg="-size %"
- _label="Gear Size" _low-label="Tiny" _high-label="Huge"
- low="0.1" high="3.0" default="1.0"/>
- <number id="spin" type="slider" arg="-spin %"
- _label="Rotation Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0.1" high="7.0" default="1.0"/>
- <number id="scroll" type="slider" arg="-scroll %"
- _label="Scrolling Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0.1" high="8.0" default="1.0"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Animation Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="15000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="max-rpm" type="slider" arg="-max-rpm %"
- _label="Max RPM" _low-label="100" _high-label="2000"
- low="100" high="2000" default="900"/>
- <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="15000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="spin" type="slider" arg="-spin %"
+ _label="Rotation speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="0.1" high="7.0" default="1.0"/>
+ <number id="scroll" type="slider" arg="-scroll %"
+ _label="Scrolling speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="0.1" high="8.0" default="1.0"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="size" type="slider" arg="-size %"
+ _label="Gear size" _low-label="Tiny" _high-label="Huge"
+ low="0.1" high="3.0" default="1.0"/>
+ <number id="max-rpm" type="slider" arg="-max-rpm %"
+ _label="Max RPM" _low-label="100" _high-label="2000"
+ low="100" high="2000" default="900"/>
+ <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </vgroup>
Draws an interconnected set of gears moving across the screen.
+See also the "Gears" and "MoebiusGears" screen savers.
Written by Jamie Zawinski; 2004.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <select id="style">
- <option id="curves" _label="Curved Pipes" arg-set="-count 0"/>
- <option id="balls" _label="Ball Joints" arg-set="-count 1"/>
- <option id="fit" _label="Bolted Fittings"/>
- </select>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<number id="cycles" type="slider" arg="-cycles %"
- _label="Number of Pipes" _low-label="One" _high-label="A Hundred"
- low="1" high="100" default="10"/>
+ _label="Number of pipes" _low-label="One" _high-label="A hundred"
+ low="1" high="100" default="5"/>
<number id="size" type="slider" arg="-size %"
- _label="Pipe Length" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
+ _label="Pipe length" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
low="0" high="3000" default="500"/>
<number id="factory" type="slider" arg="-factory %"
_label="Gadgetry" _low-label="None" _high-label="Lots"
low="0" high="10" default="2"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="80000" default="10000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <boolean id="fisheye" _label="Fisheye Lens" arg-unset="-no-fisheye"/>
- <boolean id="tight" _label="Allow Tight Turns" arg-set="-tightturns"/>
+ <boolean id="fisheye" _label="Fisheye lens" arg-unset="-no-fisheye"/>
+ <boolean id="tight" _label="Allow tight turns" arg-set="-tightturns"/>
+ <select id="style">
+ <option id="curves" _label="Curved pipes" arg-set="-count 0"/>
+ <option id="balls" _label="Ball joints" arg-set="-count 1"/>
+ <option id="fit" _label="Bolted fittings"/>
+ </select>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
A growing plumbing system, with bolts and valves.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Animation Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="30000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="30000"
<number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
- _label="Motion Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0.01" high="5.0" default="1.0"/>
<number id="duration" type="slider" arg="-duration %"
low="1" high="30" default="12"/>
<select id="object">
-<option id="random" _label="Display Random Polyhedron"/>
-<option _label="Pentagonal Prism" arg-set="-which pentagonal_prism"/>
-<option _label="Pentagonal Dipyramid" arg-set="-which pentagonal_dipyramid"/>
-<option _label="Pentagonal Antiprism" arg-set="-which pentagonal_antiprism"/>
-<option _label="Pentagonal Deltohedron" arg-set="-which pentagonal_deltohedron"/>
-<option _label="Pentagrammic Prism" arg-set="-which pentagrammic_prism"/>
-<option _label="Pentagrammic Dipyramid" arg-set="-which pentagrammic_dipyramid"/>
-<option _label="Pentagrammic Antiprism" arg-set="-which pentagrammic_antiprism"/>
-<option _label="Pentagrammic Deltohedron" arg-set="-which pentagrammic_deltohedron"/>
-<option _label="Pentagrammic Crossed Antiprism" arg-set="-which pentagrammic_crossed_antiprism"/>
-<option _label="Pentagrammic Concave Deltohedron" arg-set="-which pentagrammic_concave_deltohedron"/>
+<option id="random" _label="Display random polyhedron"/>
+<option _label="Pentagonal prism" arg-set="-which pentagonal_prism"/>
+<option _label="Pentagonal dipyramid" arg-set="-which pentagonal_dipyramid"/>
+<option _label="Pentagonal antiprism" arg-set="-which pentagonal_antiprism"/>
+<option _label="Pentagonal deltohedron" arg-set="-which pentagonal_deltohedron"/>
+<option _label="Pentagrammic prism" arg-set="-which pentagrammic_prism"/>
+<option _label="Pentagrammic dipyramid" arg-set="-which pentagrammic_dipyramid"/>
+<option _label="Pentagrammic antiprism" arg-set="-which pentagrammic_antiprism"/>
+<option _label="Pentagrammic deltohedron" arg-set="-which pentagrammic_deltohedron"/>
+<option _label="Pentagrammic crossed antiprism" arg-set="-which pentagrammic_crossed_antiprism"/>
+<option _label="Pentagrammic concave deltohedron" arg-set="-which pentagrammic_concave_deltohedron"/>
<option _label="Tetrahedron" arg-set="-which tetrahedron"/>
-<option _label="Truncated Tetrahedron" arg-set="-which truncated_tetrahedron"/>
+<option _label="Truncated tetrahedron" arg-set="-which truncated_tetrahedron"/>
<option _label="Triakistetrahedron" arg-set="-which triakistetrahedron"/>
<option _label="Octahemioctahedron" arg-set="-which octahemioctahedron"/>
<option _label="Octahemioctacron" arg-set="-which octahemioctacron"/>
<option _label="Octahedron" arg-set="-which octahedron"/>
<option _label="Cube" arg-set="-which cube"/>
<option _label="Cuboctahedron" arg-set="-which cuboctahedron"/>
-<option _label="Rhombic Dodecahedron" arg-set="-which rhombic_dodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Truncated Octahedron" arg-set="-which truncated_octahedron"/>
+<option _label="Rhombic dodecahedron" arg-set="-which rhombic_dodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Truncated octahedron" arg-set="-which truncated_octahedron"/>
<option _label="Tetrakishexahedron" arg-set="-which tetrakishexahedron"/>
-<option _label="Truncated Cube" arg-set="-which truncated_cube"/>
+<option _label="Truncated cube" arg-set="-which truncated_cube"/>
<option _label="Triakisoctahedron" arg-set="-which triakisoctahedron"/>
<option _label="Rhombicuboctahedron" arg-set="-which rhombicuboctahedron"/>
-<option _label="Deltoidal Icositetrahedron" arg-set="-which deltoidal_icositetrahedron"/>
-<option _label="Truncated Cuboctahedron" arg-set="-which truncated_cuboctahedron"/>
+<option _label="Deltoidal icositetrahedron" arg-set="-which deltoidal_icositetrahedron"/>
+<option _label="Truncated cuboctahedron" arg-set="-which truncated_cuboctahedron"/>
<option _label="Disdyakisdodecahedron" arg-set="-which disdyakisdodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Snub Cube" arg-set="-which snub_cube"/>
-<option _label="Pentagonal Icositetrahedron" arg-set="-which pentagonal_icositetrahedron"/>
-<option _label="Small Cubicuboctahedron" arg-set="-which small_cubicuboctahedron"/>
-<option _label="Small Hexacronic Icositetrahedron" arg-set="-which small_hexacronic_icositetrahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Cubicuboctahedron" arg-set="-which great_cubicuboctahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Hexacronic Icositetrahedron" arg-set="-which great_hexacronic_icositetrahedron"/>
+<option _label="Snub cube" arg-set="-which snub_cube"/>
+<option _label="Pentagonal icositetrahedron" arg-set="-which pentagonal_icositetrahedron"/>
+<option _label="Small cubicuboctahedron" arg-set="-which small_cubicuboctahedron"/>
+<option _label="Small hexacronic icositetrahedron" arg-set="-which small_hexacronic_icositetrahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great cubicuboctahedron" arg-set="-which great_cubicuboctahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great hexacronic icositetrahedron" arg-set="-which great_hexacronic_icositetrahedron"/>
<option _label="Cubohemioctahedron" arg-set="-which cubohemioctahedron"/>
<option _label="Hexahemioctacron" arg-set="-which hexahemioctacron"/>
-<option _label="Cubitruncated Cuboctahedron" arg-set="-which cubitruncated_cuboctahedron"/>
+<option _label="Cubitruncated cuboctahedron" arg-set="-which cubitruncated_cuboctahedron"/>
<option _label="Tetradyakishexahedron" arg-set="-which tetradyakishexahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Rhombicuboctahedron" arg-set="-which great_rhombicuboctahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Deltoidal Icositetrahedron" arg-set="-which great_deltoidal_icositetrahedron"/>
-<option _label="Small Rhombihexahedron" arg-set="-which small_rhombihexahedron"/>
-<option _label="Small Rhombihexacron" arg-set="-which small_rhombihexacron"/>
-<option _label="Stellated Truncated Hexahedron" arg-set="-which stellated_truncated_hexahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Triakisoctahedron" arg-set="-which great_triakisoctahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Truncated Cuboctahedron" arg-set="-which great_truncated_cuboctahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Disdyakisdodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_disdyakisdodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Rhombihexahedron" arg-set="-which great_rhombihexahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Rhombihexacron" arg-set="-which great_rhombihexacron"/>
+<option _label="Great rhombicuboctahedron" arg-set="-which great_rhombicuboctahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great deltoidal icositetrahedron" arg-set="-which great_deltoidal_icositetrahedron"/>
+<option _label="Small rhombihexahedron" arg-set="-which small_rhombihexahedron"/>
+<option _label="Small rhombihexacron" arg-set="-which small_rhombihexacron"/>
+<option _label="Stellated truncated hexahedron" arg-set="-which stellated_truncated_hexahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great triakisoctahedron" arg-set="-which great_triakisoctahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great truncated cuboctahedron" arg-set="-which great_truncated_cuboctahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great disdyakisdodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_disdyakisdodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great rhombihexahedron" arg-set="-which great_rhombihexahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great rhombihexacron" arg-set="-which great_rhombihexacron"/>
<option _label="Icosahedron" arg-set="-which icosahedron"/>
<option _label="Dodecahedron" arg-set="-which dodecahedron"/>
<option _label="Icosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which icosidodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Rhombic Triacontahedron" arg-set="-which rhombic_triacontahedron"/>
-<option _label="Truncated Icosahedron" arg-set="-which truncated_icosahedron"/>
+<option _label="Rhombic triacontahedron" arg-set="-which rhombic_triacontahedron"/>
+<option _label="Truncated icosahedron" arg-set="-which truncated_icosahedron"/>
<option _label="Pentakisdodecahedron" arg-set="-which pentakisdodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Truncated Dodecahedron" arg-set="-which truncated_dodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Truncated dodecahedron" arg-set="-which truncated_dodecahedron"/>
<option _label="Triakisicosahedron" arg-set="-which triakisicosahedron"/>
<option _label="Rhombicosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which rhombicosidodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Deltoidal Hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which deltoidal_hexecontahedron"/>
-<option _label="Truncated Icosidodechedon" arg-set="-which truncated_icosidodechedon"/>
+<option _label="Deltoidal hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which deltoidal_hexecontahedron"/>
+<option _label="Truncated icosidodechedon" arg-set="-which truncated_icosidodechedon"/>
<option _label="Disdyakistriacontahedron" arg-set="-which disdyakistriacontahedron"/>
-<option _label="Snub Dodecahedron" arg-set="-which snub_dodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Pentagonal Hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which pentagonal_hexecontahedron"/>
-<option _label="Small Ditrigonal Icosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which small_ditrigonal_icosidodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Small Triambic Icosahedron" arg-set="-which small_triambic_icosahedron"/>
-<option _label="Small Icosicosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which small_icosicosidodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Small Icosacronic Hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which small_icosacronic_hexecontahedron"/>
-<option _label="Small Snub Icosicosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which small_snub_icosicosidodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Small Hexagonal Hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which small_hexagonal_hexecontahedron"/>
-<option _label="Small Dodecicosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which small_dodecicosidodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Small Dodecacronic Hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which small_dodecacronic_hexecontahedron"/>
-<option _label="Small Stellated Dodecahedron" arg-set="-which small_stellated_dodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Dodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_dodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Dodecadodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_dodecadodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Medial Rhombic Triacontahedron" arg-set="-which medial_rhombic_triacontahedron"/>
-<option _label="Truncated Great Dodecahedron" arg-set="-which truncated_great_dodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Small Stellapentakisdodecahedron" arg-set="-which small_stellapentakisdodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Snub dodecahedron" arg-set="-which snub_dodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Pentagonal hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which pentagonal_hexecontahedron"/>
+<option _label="Small ditrigonal icosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which small_ditrigonal_icosidodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Small triambic icosahedron" arg-set="-which small_triambic_icosahedron"/>
+<option _label="Small icosicosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which small_icosicosidodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Small icosacronic hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which small_icosacronic_hexecontahedron"/>
+<option _label="Small snub icosicosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which small_snub_icosicosidodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Small hexagonal hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which small_hexagonal_hexecontahedron"/>
+<option _label="Small dodecicosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which small_dodecicosidodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Small dodecacronic hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which small_dodecacronic_hexecontahedron"/>
+<option _label="Small stellated dodecahedron" arg-set="-which small_stellated_dodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great dodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_dodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great dodecadodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_dodecadodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Medial rhombic triacontahedron" arg-set="-which medial_rhombic_triacontahedron"/>
+<option _label="Truncated great dodecahedron" arg-set="-which truncated_great_dodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Small stellapentakisdodecahedron" arg-set="-which small_stellapentakisdodecahedron"/>
<option _label="Rhombidodecadodecahedron" arg-set="-which rhombidodecadodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Medial Deltoidal Hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which medial_deltoidal_hexecontahedron"/>
-<option _label="Small Rhombidodecahedron" arg-set="-which small_rhombidodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Small Rhombidodecacron" arg-set="-which small_rhombidodecacron"/>
-<option _label="Snub Dodecadodecahedron" arg-set="-which snub_dodecadodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Medial Pentagonal Hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which medial_pentagonal_hexecontahedron"/>
-<option _label="Ditrigonal Dodecadodecahedron" arg-set="-which ditrigonal_dodecadodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Medial Triambic Icosahedron" arg-set="-which medial_triambic_icosahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Ditrigonal Dodecicosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_ditrigonal_dodecicosidodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Ditrigonal Dodecacronic Hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which great_ditrigonal_dodecacronic_hexecontahedron"/>
-<option _label="Small Ditrigonal Dodecicosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which small_ditrigonal_dodecicosidodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Small Ditrigonal Dodecacronic Hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which small_ditrigonal_dodecacronic_hexecontahedron"/>
+<option _label="Medial deltoidal hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which medial_deltoidal_hexecontahedron"/>
+<option _label="Small rhombidodecahedron" arg-set="-which small_rhombidodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Small rhombidodecacron" arg-set="-which small_rhombidodecacron"/>
+<option _label="Snub dodecadodecahedron" arg-set="-which snub_dodecadodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Medial pentagonal hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which medial_pentagonal_hexecontahedron"/>
+<option _label="Ditrigonal dodecadodecahedron" arg-set="-which ditrigonal_dodecadodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Medial triambic icosahedron" arg-set="-which medial_triambic_icosahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great ditrigonal dodecicosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_ditrigonal_dodecicosidodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great ditrigonal dodecacronic hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which great_ditrigonal_dodecacronic_hexecontahedron"/>
+<option _label="Small ditrigonal dodecicosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which small_ditrigonal_dodecicosidodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Small ditrigonal dodecacronic hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which small_ditrigonal_dodecacronic_hexecontahedron"/>
<option _label="Icosidodecadodecahedron" arg-set="-which icosidodecadodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Medial Icosacronic Hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which medial_icosacronic_hexecontahedron"/>
-<option _label="Icositruncated Dodecadodecahedron" arg-set="-which icositruncated_dodecadodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Medial icosacronic hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which medial_icosacronic_hexecontahedron"/>
+<option _label="Icositruncated dodecadodecahedron" arg-set="-which icositruncated_dodecadodecahedron"/>
<option _label="Tridyakisicosahedron" arg-set="-which tridyakisicosahedron"/>
-<option _label="Snub Icosidodecadodecahedron" arg-set="-which snub_icosidodecadodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Medial Hexagonal Hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which medial_hexagonal_hexecontahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Ditrigonal Icosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_ditrigonal_icosidodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Triambic Icosahedron" arg-set="-which great_triambic_icosahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Icosicosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_icosicosidodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Icosacronic Hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which great_icosacronic_hexecontahedron"/>
-<option _label="Small Icosihemidodecahedron" arg-set="-which small_icosihemidodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Small Icosihemidodecacron" arg-set="-which small_icosihemidodecacron"/>
-<option _label="Small Dodecicosahedron" arg-set="-which small_dodecicosahedron"/>
-<option _label="Small Dodecicosacron" arg-set="-which small_dodecicosacron"/>
-<option _label="Small Dodecahemidodecahedron" arg-set="-which small_dodecahemidodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Small Dodecahemidodecacron" arg-set="-which small_dodecahemidodecacron"/>
-<option _label="Great Stellated Dodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_stellated_dodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Icosahedron" arg-set="-which great_icosahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Icosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_icosidodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Rhombic Triacontahedron" arg-set="-which great_rhombic_triacontahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Truncated Icosahedron" arg-set="-which great_truncated_icosahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Stellapentakisdodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_stellapentakisdodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Snub icosidodecadodecahedron" arg-set="-which snub_icosidodecadodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Medial hexagonal hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which medial_hexagonal_hexecontahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great ditrigonal icosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_ditrigonal_icosidodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great triambic icosahedron" arg-set="-which great_triambic_icosahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great icosicosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_icosicosidodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great icosacronic hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which great_icosacronic_hexecontahedron"/>
+<option _label="Small icosihemidodecahedron" arg-set="-which small_icosihemidodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Small icosihemidodecacron" arg-set="-which small_icosihemidodecacron"/>
+<option _label="Small dodecicosahedron" arg-set="-which small_dodecicosahedron"/>
+<option _label="Small dodecicosacron" arg-set="-which small_dodecicosacron"/>
+<option _label="Small dodecahemidodecahedron" arg-set="-which small_dodecahemidodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Small dodecahemidodecacron" arg-set="-which small_dodecahemidodecacron"/>
+<option _label="Great stellated dodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_stellated_dodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great icosahedron" arg-set="-which great_icosahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great icosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_icosidodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great rhombic triacontahedron" arg-set="-which great_rhombic_triacontahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great truncated icosahedron" arg-set="-which great_truncated_icosahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great stellapentakisdodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_stellapentakisdodecahedron"/>
<option _label="Rhombicosahedron" arg-set="-which rhombicosahedron"/>
<option _label="Rhombicosacron" arg-set="-which rhombicosacron"/>
-<option _label="Great Snub Icosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_snub_icosidodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Pentagonal Hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which great_pentagonal_hexecontahedron"/>
-<option _label="Small Stellated Truncated Dodecahedron" arg-set="-which small_stellated_truncated_dodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Pentakisdodekahedron" arg-set="-which great_pentakisdodekahedron"/>
-<option _label="Truncated Dodecadodecahedron" arg-set="-which truncated_dodecadodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Medial Disdyakistriacontahedron" arg-set="-which medial_disdyakistriacontahedron"/>
-<option _label="Inverted Snub Dodecadodecahedron" arg-set="-which inverted_snub_dodecadodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Medial Inverted Pentagonal Hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which medial_inverted_pentagonal_hexecontahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Dodecicosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_dodecicosidodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Dodecacronic Hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which great_dodecacronic_hexecontahedron"/>
-<option _label="Small Dodecahemicosahedron" arg-set="-which small_dodecahemicosahedron"/>
-<option _label="Small Dodecahemicosacron" arg-set="-which small_dodecahemicosacron"/>
-<option _label="Great Dodecicosahedron" arg-set="-which great_dodecicosahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Dodecicosacron" arg-set="-which great_dodecicosacron"/>
-<option _label="Great Snub Dodecicosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_snub_dodecicosidodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Hexagonal Hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which great_hexagonal_hexecontahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Dodecahemicosahedron" arg-set="-which great_dodecahemicosahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Dodecahemicosacron" arg-set="-which great_dodecahemicosacron"/>
-<option _label="Great Stellated Truncated Dodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_stellated_truncated_dodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Triakisicosahedron" arg-set="-which great_triakisicosahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Rhombicosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_rhombicosidodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Deltoidal Hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which great_deltoidal_hexecontahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Truncated Icosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_truncated_icosidodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Disdyakistriacontahedron" arg-set="-which great_disdyakistriacontahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Inverted Snub Icosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_inverted_snub_icosidodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Inverted Pentagonal Hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which great_inverted_pentagonal_hexecontahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Dodecahemidodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_dodecahemidodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Dodecahemidodecacron" arg-set="-which great_dodecahemidodecacron"/>
-<option _label="Great Icosihemidodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_icosihemidodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Icosihemidodecacron" arg-set="-which great_icosihemidodecacron"/>
-<option _label="Small Retrosnub Icosicosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which small_retrosnub_icosicosidodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Small Hexagrammic Hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which small_hexagrammic_hexecontahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Rhombidodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_rhombidodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Rhombidodecacron" arg-set="-which great_rhombidodecacron"/>
-<option _label="Great Retrosnub Icosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_retrosnub_icosidodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Pentagrammic Hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which great_pentagrammic_hexecontahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Dirhombicosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_dirhombicosidodecahedron"/>
-<option _label="Great Dirhombicosidodecacron" arg-set="-which great_dirhombicosidodecacron"/>
+<option _label="Great snub icosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_snub_icosidodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great pentagonal hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which great_pentagonal_hexecontahedron"/>
+<option _label="Small stellated truncated dodecahedron" arg-set="-which small_stellated_truncated_dodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great pentakisdodekahedron" arg-set="-which great_pentakisdodekahedron"/>
+<option _label="Truncated dodecadodecahedron" arg-set="-which truncated_dodecadodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Medial disdyakistriacontahedron" arg-set="-which medial_disdyakistriacontahedron"/>
+<option _label="Inverted snub dodecadodecahedron" arg-set="-which inverted_snub_dodecadodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Medial inverted pentagonal hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which medial_inverted_pentagonal_hexecontahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great dodecicosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_dodecicosidodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great dodecacronic hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which great_dodecacronic_hexecontahedron"/>
+<option _label="Small dodecahemicosahedron" arg-set="-which small_dodecahemicosahedron"/>
+<option _label="Small dodecahemicosacron" arg-set="-which small_dodecahemicosacron"/>
+<option _label="Great dodecicosahedron" arg-set="-which great_dodecicosahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great dodecicosacron" arg-set="-which great_dodecicosacron"/>
+<option _label="Great snub dodecicosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_snub_dodecicosidodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great hexagonal hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which great_hexagonal_hexecontahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great dodecahemicosahedron" arg-set="-which great_dodecahemicosahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great dodecahemicosacron" arg-set="-which great_dodecahemicosacron"/>
+<option _label="Great stellated truncated dodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_stellated_truncated_dodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great triakisicosahedron" arg-set="-which great_triakisicosahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great rhombicosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_rhombicosidodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great deltoidal hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which great_deltoidal_hexecontahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great truncated icosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_truncated_icosidodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great disdyakistriacontahedron" arg-set="-which great_disdyakistriacontahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great inverted snub icosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_inverted_snub_icosidodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great inverted pentagonal hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which great_inverted_pentagonal_hexecontahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great dodecahemidodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_dodecahemidodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great dodecahemidodecacron" arg-set="-which great_dodecahemidodecacron"/>
+<option _label="Great icosihemidodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_icosihemidodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great icosihemidodecacron" arg-set="-which great_icosihemidodecacron"/>
+<option _label="Small retrosnub icosicosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which small_retrosnub_icosicosidodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Small hexagrammic hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which small_hexagrammic_hexecontahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great rhombidodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_rhombidodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great rhombidodecacron" arg-set="-which great_rhombidodecacron"/>
+<option _label="Great retrosnub icosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_retrosnub_icosidodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great pentagrammic hexecontahedron" arg-set="-which great_pentagrammic_hexecontahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great dirhombicosidodecahedron" arg-set="-which great_dirhombicosidodecahedron"/>
+<option _label="Great dirhombicosidodecacron" arg-set="-which great_dirhombicosidodecacron"/>
+<option _label="Utah teapotahedron" arg-set="-which utah_teapotahedron"/>
<boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="titles" _label="Show Description" arg-unset="-no-titles"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="titles" _label="Show description" arg-unset="-no-titles"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
polyhedra, plus 5 infinite sets of prisms and antiprisms;
including their duals brings the total to 160.
Written by Dr. Zvi Har'El and Jamie Zawinski; 2004.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <boolean id="identical" _label="Identical Pieces" arg-set="-identical"/>
+ <boolean id="identical" _label="Identical pieces" arg-set="-identical"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<number id="cycles" type="slider" arg="-cycles %"
_label="Duration" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
low="500" high="5000" default="2000"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="10000"
- convert="invert"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="2" high="255" default="64"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Repeatedly attempts to completely fill a rectangle with
irregularly-shaped puzzle pieces.
Written by Stephen Montgomery-Smith; 2002.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="polytopes" _label="Regular 4D Polytopes">
- <command arg="-root"/>
- <hgroup>
- <select id="display-mode">
- <option id="wire" _label="Wireframe Mesh" arg-set="-mode 0"/>
- <option id="surface" _label="Solid Surface" arg-set="-mode 1"/>
- <option id="transparent" _label="Transparent Surface"/>
- </select>
- <select id="polytope">
- <option id="random" _label="Random Object"/>
- <option id="cell-5" _label="5-Cell (Hyper-Tetrahedron)"
- arg-set="-polytope 0"/>
- <option id="cell-8" _label="8-Cell (Hypercube / Tesseract)"
- arg-set="-polytope 1"/>
- <option id="cell-16" _label="16-Cell (Hyper-Octahedron)"
- arg-set="-polytope 2"/>
- <option id="cell-24" _label="24-Cell"
- arg-set="-polytope 3"/>
- <option id="cell-120" _label="120-Cell"
- arg-set="-polytope 4"/>
- <option id="cell-600" _label="600-Cell"
- arg-set="-polytope 5"/>
- </select>
- </hgroup>
- <hgroup>
- <select id="colors">
- <option id="single" _label="Single Color"
- arg-set="-single-color"/>
- <option id="depth" _label="Colors By 4D Depth"/>
- </select>
- <select id="projection3d">
- <option id="perspective-3d" _label="Perspective 3d"/>
- <option id="orthographic-3d" _label="Orthographic 3d"
- arg-set="-orthographic-3d"/>
- </select>
- <select id="projection4d">
- <option id="perspective-4d" _label="Perspective 4d"/>
- <option id="orthographic-4d" _label="Orthographic 4d"
- arg-set="-orthographic-4d"/>
- </select>
- </hgroup>
- <hgroup>
- <vgroup>
- <number id="speed-wx" type="slider" arg="-speed-wx %"
- _label="WX Rotation Speed"
- _low-label="-4.0" _high-label="4.0"
- low="-4.0" high="4.0" default="1.1"/>
- <number id="speed-wy" type="slider" arg="-speed-wy %"
- _label="WY Rotation Speed"
- _low-label="-4.0" _high-label="4.0"
- low="-4.0" high="4.0" default="1.3"/>
- <number id="speed-wz" type="slider" arg="-speed-wz %"
- _label="WZ Rotation Speed"
- _low-label="-4.0" _high-label="4.0"
- low="-4.0" high="4.0" default="1.5"/>
- </vgroup>
- <vgroup>
- <number id="speed-xy" type="slider" arg="-speed-xy %"
- _label="XY Rotation Speed"
- _low-label="-4.0" _high-label="4.0"
- low="-4.0" high="4.0" default="1.7"/>
- <number id="speed-xz" type="slider" arg="-speed-xz %"
- _label="XZ Rotation Speed"
- _low-label="-4.0" _high-label="4.0"
- low="-4.0" high="4.0" default="1.9"/>
- <number id="speed-yz" type="slider" arg="-speed-yz %"
- _label="YZ Rotation Speed"
- _low-label="-4.0" _high-label="4.0"
- low="-4.0" high="4.0" default="2.1"/>
- </vgroup>
- </hgroup>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Display Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="40000" default="25000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
- <_description>
-This program shows one of the six regular 4D polytopes rotating in 4D.
+<screensaver name="polytopes" _label="Polytopes">
+ <command arg="-root"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <select id="display-mode">
+ <option id="wire" _label="Wireframe mesh" arg-set="-mode 0"/>
+ <option id="surface" _label="Solid surface" arg-set="-mode 1"/>
+ <option id="transparent" _label="Transparent surface"/>
+ </select>
+ <select id="polytope">
+ <option id="random" _label="Random object"/>
+ <option id="cell-5" _label="5-cell (hyper-tetrahedron)"
+ arg-set="-polytope 0"/>
+ <option id="cell-8" _label="8-cell (hypercube / tesseract)"
+ arg-set="-polytope 1"/>
+ <option id="cell-16" _label="16-cell (hyper-octahedron)"
+ arg-set="-polytope 2"/>
+ <option id="cell-24" _label="24-cell"
+ arg-set="-polytope 3"/>
+ <option id="cell-120" _label="120-cell"
+ arg-set="-polytope 4"/>
+ <option id="cell-600" _label="600-cell"
+ arg-set="-polytope 5"/>
+ </select>
+ <select id="colors">
+ <option id="single" _label="Single color"
+ arg-set="-single-color"/>
+ <option id="depth" _label="Colors By 4D Depth"/>
+ </select>
+ <select id="projection3d">
+ <option id="perspective-3d" _label="Perspective 3D"/>
+ <option id="orthographic-3d" _label="Orthographic 3D"
+ arg-set="-orthographic-3d"/>
+ </select>
+ <select id="projection4d">
+ <option id="perspective-4d" _label="Perspective 4D"/>
+ <option id="orthographic-4d" _label="Orthographic 4D"
+ arg-set="-orthographic-4d"/>
+ </select>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="speed-wx" type="slider" arg="-speed-wx %"
+ _label="WX rotation speed"
+ _low-label="-4.0" _high-label="4.0"
+ low="-4.0" high="4.0" default="1.1"/>
+ <number id="speed-wy" type="slider" arg="-speed-wy %"
+ _label="WY rotation speed"
+ _low-label="-4.0" _high-label="4.0"
+ low="-4.0" high="4.0" default="1.3"/>
+ <number id="speed-wz" type="slider" arg="-speed-wz %"
+ _label="WZ rotation speed"
+ _low-label="-4.0" _high-label="4.0"
+ low="-4.0" high="4.0" default="1.5"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="25000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="speed-xy" type="slider" arg="-speed-xy %"
+ _label="XY rotation speed"
+ _low-label="-4.0" _high-label="4.0"
+ low="-4.0" high="4.0" default="1.7"/>
+ <number id="speed-xz" type="slider" arg="-speed-xz %"
+ _label="XZ rotation speed"
+ _low-label="-4.0" _high-label="4.0"
+ low="-4.0" high="4.0" default="1.9"/>
+ <number id="speed-yz" type="slider" arg="-speed-yz %"
+ _label="YZ rotation speed"
+ _low-label="-4.0" _high-label="4.0"
+ low="-4.0" high="4.0" default="2.1"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
+ <_description>
+This shows one of the six regular 4D polytopes rotating in 4D.
Inspired by H.S.M Coxeter's book "Regular Polytopes", 3rd Edition,
Dover Publications, Inc., 1973, and Thomas Banchoff's book "Beyond the
Third Dimension: Geometry, Computer Graphics, and Higher Dimensions",
Scientific American Library, 1990.
Written by Carsten Steger; 2003.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
- _label="Game Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="Game speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="1" high="20" default="6"/>
<number id="noise" type="slider" arg="-noise %"
<boolean id="clock" _label="Clock mode" arg-set="-clock"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
-The pong program simulates an ancient Pong home video game, as well as
+This simulates the 1971 Pong home video game, as well as
various artifacts from displaying it on a color TV set.
In clock mode, the score keeps track of the current time.
Written by Jeremy English and Trevor Blackwell; 2003.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="30000" default="25000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="25000"
<number id="subdivision" type="spinbutton" arg="-subdivision %"
low="0" high="5" default="1"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="spinbutton" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" low="1" high="512" default="128"/>
- <string id="fg" _label="Start color" arg="-fg %"/>
- <string id="bg" _label="End color" arg="-bg %"/>
+ _label="Number of colors" low="1" high="512" default="128"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <select id="bg">
+ <option id="lred" _label="Light red" arg-set="-bg #FF0000"/>
+ <option id="lyellow" _label="Light yellow" arg-set="-bg #FFFF00"/>
+ <option id="lgreen" _label="Light green" arg-set="-bg #00FF00"/>
+ <option id="lcyan" _label="Light cyan" arg-set="-bg #00FFFF"/>
+ <option id="lblue" _label="Light blue"/>
+ <option id="lmagenta" _label="Light magenta" arg-set="-bg #FF00FF"/>
+ </select>
+ <select id="fg">
+ <option id="dred" _label="Dark red" arg-set="-fg #8C0000"/>
+ <option id="dyellow" _label="Dark yellow" arg-set="-fg #8C8C00"/>
+ <option id="dgreen" _label="Dark green" arg-set="-fg #008C00"/>
+ <option id="dcyan" _label="Dark cyan" arg-set="-fg #008C8C"/>
+ <option id="dblue" _label="Dark blue"/>
+ <option id="dmagenta" _label="Dark magenta" arg-set="-fg #8C008C"/>
+ </select>
+ </hgroup>
<boolean id="twitch" _label="Twitch" arg-set="-twitch"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
This draws a pop-art-ish looking grid of pulsing colors.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="20000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
- <boolean id="eye" _label="Draw Eye" arg-unset="-no-eye"/>
+ <boolean id="eye" _label="Draw eye" arg-unset="-no-eye"/>
<boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
-The providence code displays an eye, shrouded in glory, set upon the
-base of a pyramid.
+"A pyramid unfinished. In the zenith an eye in a triangle, surrounded
+by a glory, proper."
Written by Blair Tennessy; 2004.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="10000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
<number id="quads" type="spinbutton" arg="-quads %"
- _label="Quad Count" low="1" high="50" default="5"/>
+ _label="Quad count" low="1" high="50" default="5"/>
- <boolean id="light" _label="Enable Lighting" arg-set="-light"/>
- <boolean id="fog" _label="Enable Fog" arg-set="-fog"/>
- <boolean id="texture" _label="Enable Texturing" arg-set="-texture"/>
- <boolean id="mipmap" _label="Enable Texture Mipmaps" arg-set="-mipmap"/>
+ <boolean id="light" _label="Enable lighting" arg-set="-light"/>
+ <boolean id="fog" _label="Enable fog" arg-set="-fog"/>
+ <boolean id="texture" _label="Enable texturing" arg-set="-texture"/>
+ <boolean id="mipmap" _label="Enable texture mipmaps" arg-set="-mipmap"/>
- <boolean id="no-blend" _label="Enable Blending" arg-unset="-no-blend"/>
- <boolean id="antialias" _label="Anti-alias Lines" arg-set="-antialias"/>
- <boolean id="texture_quality" _label="Enable Texture Filtering"
+ <boolean id="no-blend" _label="Enable blending" arg-unset="-no-blend"/>
+ <boolean id="antialias" _label="Anti-alias lines" arg-set="-antialias"/>
+ <boolean id="texture_quality" _label="Enable texture filtering"
- <boolean id="do_depth" _label="Enable Depth Buffer" arg-set="-do_depth"/>
+ <boolean id="do_depth" _label="Enable depth buffer" arg-set="-do_depth"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws some intersecting planes, making use of alpha blending, fog,
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Animation Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="5000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
<number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
- _label="Particle Density" _low-label="Sparse" _high-label="Dense"
+ _label="Particle density" _low-label="Sparse" _high-label="Dense"
low="10" high="2000" default="600"/>
<number id="launch" type="slider" arg="-frequency %"
- _label="Launch Frequency" _low-label="Seldom" _high-label="Often"
+ _label="Launch frequency" _low-label="Seldom" _high-label="Often"
low="1" high="100" default="30"
<number id="scatter" type="slider" arg="-scatter %"
- _label="Explosive Yield" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ _label="Explosive yield" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
low="1" high="400" default="100"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
-Pyro draws exploding fireworks. Blah blah blah.
+Exploding fireworks. See also the "Fireworkx", "Eruption", and
+"XFlame" screen savers.
Written by Jamie Zawinski; 1992.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Count" low="0" high="20" default="1"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="10000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="segments" type="slider" arg="-segments %"
- _label="Segments" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
- low="10" high="500" default="50"/>
- <number id="spread" type="slider" arg="-spread %"
- _label="Density" _low-label="Sparse" _high-label="Dense"
- low="1" high="50" default="8"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="size" type="spinbutton" arg="-size %"
- _label="Max Size" low="0" high="1000" default="0"/>
- <number id="poly" type="spinbutton" arg="-poly %"
- _label="Corners" low="2" high="100" default="2"/>
- <select id="motion">
- <option id="linear" _label="Linear Motion" arg-set="-linear"/>
- <option id="random" _label="Random Motion"/>
- </select>
- <boolean id="transparent" _label="Transparent" arg-set="-transparent"/>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="segments" type="slider" arg="-segments %"
+ _label="Segments" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
+ low="10" high="500" default="250"/>
+ <number id="spread" type="slider" arg="-spread %"
+ _label="Density" _low-label="Sparse" _high-label="Dense"
+ low="1" high="50" default="8"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="color_contrast" type="slider" arg="-color-shift %"
+ _label="Color contrast" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="25" default="3"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <select id="fill">
+ <option id="lines" _label="Line segments" arg-set="-hollow"/>
+ <option id="solid" _label="Solid objects"/>
+ </select>
+ <select id="motion">
+ <option id="linear" _label="Linear motion"/>
+ <option id="random" _label="Random motion" arg-set="-random"/>
+ </select>
<select id="color-mode">
- <option id="additive" _label="Additive Colors"/>
- <option id="subtractive" _label="Subtractive Colors"
+ <option id="additive" _label="Additive colors"/>
+ <option id="subtractive" _label="Subtractive colors"
- </hgroup>
- <hgroup>
- <number id="color_contrast" type="slider" arg="-color-shift %"
- _label="Color Contrast" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
- low="0" high="25" default="3"/>
+ <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Count" low="0" high="20" default="4"/>
+ <number id="size" type="spinbutton" arg="-size %"
+ _label="Max size" low="200" high="1000" default="200"/>
+ <number id="poly" type="spinbutton" arg="-poly %"
+ _label="Poly corners" low="2" high="100" default="2"/>
+ </vgroup>
- <select id="fill">
- <option id="lines" _label="Line Segments"/>
- <option id="solid" _label="Solid Objects" arg-set="-solid"/>
- </select>
- <boolean id="xor" _label="XOR" arg-set="-xor"/>
- <boolean id="gravity" _label="Gravity" arg-set="-gravity"/>
+ <boolean id="transparent" _label="Transparent" arg-unset="-non-transparent"/>
+ <boolean id="xor" _label="XOR" arg-set="-xor"/>
+ <boolean id="gravity" _label="Gravity" arg-set="-gravity"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
different presentations: line segments, filled polygons, and
overlapping translucent areas.
Written by Jamie Zawinski; 1992.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="20000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
<boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
-Solves the N-Queens problem (where, in this program, N is between 5 and
-10 queens.) The problem is: how may one place N queens on an NxN
-chessboard such that no queen can attack a sister?
+Solves the N-Queens problem (where N is between 5 and 10 queens). The
+problem is: how may one place N queens on an NxN chessboard such that
+no queen can attack a sister? See also the "Endgame" screen saver.
Written by Blair Tennessy; 2002.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="rd-bomb" _label="RD-Bomb">
+<screensaver name="rd-bomb" _label="RDbomb">
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="size" type="slider" arg="-size %"
- _label="Fill Screen" _low-label="1%" _high-label="100%"
- low="0.01" high="1.0" default="1.0"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Animation Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="250000" default="20000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
- _label="Wander Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0.0" high="10.0" default="0.0"/>
- <number id="width" type="spinbutton" arg="-width %"
- _label="Tile Size" low="0" high="500" default="0"/>
- <number id="pixheight" type="spinbutton" arg="-height %"
- _label="x" low="0" high="500" default="0"/>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="0" high="250000" default="30000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
+ _label="Wander speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="0.0" high="10.0" default="0.0"/>
+ <number id="size" type="slider" arg="-size %"
+ _label="Fill screen" _low-label="1%" _high-label="100%"
+ low="0.01" high="1.0" default="1.0"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="epoch" type="slider" arg="-epoch %"
+ _label="Epoch" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
+ low="1000" high="300000" default="40000"/>
+ <number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ low="1" high="255" default="255"/>
+ </vgroup>
- <number id="reaction" type="spinbutton" arg="-reaction %"
- _label="Reaction/Diffusion" low="-1" high="2" default="-1"/>
- <number id="diffusion" type="spinbutton" arg="-diffusion %"
- _label="/" low="-1" high="2" default="-1"/>
- </hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="width" type="spinbutton" arg="-width %"
+ _label="X tile size" low="0" high="500" default="0"/>
+ <number id="pixheight" type="spinbutton" arg="-height %"
+ _label="Y tile size" low="0" high="500" default="0"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="reaction" type="spinbutton" arg="-reaction %"
+ _label="Reaction" low="-1" high="2" default="-1"/>
+ <number id="diffusion" type="spinbutton" arg="-diffusion %"
+ _label="Diffusion" low="-1" high="2" default="-1"/>
+ <!-- #### default is wrong -->
+ <number id="radius" type="spinbutton" arg="-radius %"
+ _label="Seed radius" low="-1" high="60" default="-1"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
- <!-- #### default is wrong -->
- <number id="radius" type="spinbutton" arg="-radius %"
- _label="Seed Radius" low="1" high="60" default="15"/>
- <number id="epoch" type="slider" arg="-epoch %"
- _label="Epoch" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
- low="1000" high="300000" default="40000"/>
- <number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
- low="1" high="300" default="255"/>
-<!-- <boolean id="shm" _label="Use Shared Memory" arg-unset="-no-shm"/> -->
+ </hgroup>
Draws a grid of growing square-like shapes that, once they overtake
each other, react in unpredictable ways. "RD" stands for
-Written by Scott Draves.
+Written by Scott Draves; 1997.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="rd-bomb" _label="RD-Bomb">
+<screensaver name="rd-bomb" _label="RDbomb">
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="size" type="slider" arg="-size %"
- _label="Fill Screen" _low-label="1%" _high-label="100%"
- low="0.01" high="1.0" default="1.0"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Animation Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="250000" default="20000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
- _label="Wander Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0.0" high="10.0" default="0.0"/>
- <number id="width" type="spinbutton" arg="-width %"
- _label="Tile Size" low="0" high="500" default="0"/>
- <number id="pixheight" type="spinbutton" arg="-height %"
- _label="x" low="0" high="500" default="0"/>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="0" high="250000" default="30000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
+ _label="Wander speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="0.0" high="10.0" default="0.0"/>
+ <number id="size" type="slider" arg="-size %"
+ _label="Fill screen" _low-label="1%" _high-label="100%"
+ low="0.01" high="1.0" default="1.0"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="epoch" type="slider" arg="-epoch %"
+ _label="Epoch" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
+ low="1000" high="300000" default="40000"/>
+ <number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ low="1" high="255" default="255"/>
+ </vgroup>
- <number id="reaction" type="spinbutton" arg="-reaction %"
- _label="Reaction/Diffusion" low="-1" high="2" default="-1"/>
- <number id="diffusion" type="spinbutton" arg="-diffusion %"
- _label="/" low="-1" high="2" default="-1"/>
- </hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="width" type="spinbutton" arg="-width %"
+ _label="X tile size" low="0" high="500" default="0"/>
+ <number id="pixheight" type="spinbutton" arg="-height %"
+ _label="Y tile size" low="0" high="500" default="0"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="reaction" type="spinbutton" arg="-reaction %"
+ _label="Reaction" low="-1" high="2" default="-1"/>
+ <number id="diffusion" type="spinbutton" arg="-diffusion %"
+ _label="Diffusion" low="-1" high="2" default="-1"/>
+ <!-- #### default is wrong -->
+ <number id="radius" type="spinbutton" arg="-radius %"
+ _label="Seed radius" low="-1" high="60" default="-1"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
- <!-- #### default is wrong -->
- <number id="radius" type="spinbutton" arg="-radius %"
- _label="Seed Radius" low="1" high="60" default="15"/>
- <number id="epoch" type="slider" arg="-epoch %"
- _label="Epoch" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
- low="1000" high="300000" default="40000"/>
- <number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
- low="1" high="300" default="255"/>
-<!-- <boolean id="shm" _label="Use Shared Memory" arg-unset="-no-shm"/> -->
+ </hgroup>
Draws a grid of growing square-like shapes that, once they overtake
each other, react in unpredictable ways. "RD" stands for
-Written by Scott Draves.
+Written by Scott Draves; 1997.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <!-- #### -box [0] -->
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="80000" default="50000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="duration" type="slider" arg="-duration %"
- _label="Duration" _low-label="10 seconds" _high-label="10 minutes"
- low="10" high="600" default="120"/>
- <number id="rate" type="slider" arg="-rate %"
- _low-label="Drizzle" _high-label="Storm"
- low="1" high="100" default="5"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="fluidity" type="slider" arg="-fluidity %"
- _low-label="Small Drops" _high-label="Big Drops"
- low="0" high="16" default="6"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="light" type="spinbutton" arg="-light %"
- _label="Lighting Effect" low="0" high="8" default="0"/>
- <boolean id="grab" _label="Grab Screen Image" arg-set="-water"/>
- <boolean id="stir" _label="Moving Splashes" arg-set="-stir"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="50000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="duration" type="slider" arg="-duration %"
+ _label="Duration" _low-label="10 seconds" _high-label="10 minutes"
+ low="10" high="600" default="120"/>
+ <number id="rate" type="slider" arg="-rate %"
+ _label="Drippiness" _low-label="Drizzle" _high-label="Storm"
+ low="1" high="100" default="5"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="fluidity" type="slider" arg="-fluidity %"
+ _label="Fluidity" _low-label="Small drops" _high-label="Big drops"
+ low="0" high="16" default="6"
+ convert="invert"/>
- <boolean id="oily" _label="Psychedelic Colors" arg-set="-oily"/>
- <boolean id="gray" _label="Grayscale" arg-set="-grayscale"/>
- </vgroup>
- </hgroup>
- <number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-colors %"
- _low-label="Colors Two" _high-label="Many"
- low="1" high="255" default="200"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <boolean id="stir" _label="Moving splashes" arg-set="-stir"/>
+ <boolean id="oily" _label="Psychedelic colors" arg-set="-oily"/>
+ <boolean id="gray" _label="Grayscale" arg-set="-grayscale"/>
+ </hgroup>
+ <xscreensaver-image />
-<!-- <boolean id="shm" _label="Use Shared Memory" arg-unset="-no-shm"/> -->
+ <number id="light" type="spinbutton" arg="-light %"
+ _label="Magic lighting effect" low="0" high="8" default="4"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
- <xscreensaver-image />
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
This draws rippling interference patterns like splashing water.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Count" low="0" high="200" default="100"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Animation Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="80000" default="50000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="50000"
+ <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Count" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
+ low="0" high="200" default="100"/>
<number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
_label="Velocity" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="1" high="100" default="100"/>
<boolean id="rotate" _label="Rotation" arg-unset="-no-rotate"/>
<boolean id="steer" _label="Steering" arg-unset="-no-move"/>
+ <boolean id="3d" _label="Do Red/Blue 3D separation" arg-set="-3d"/>
- <boolean id="3d" _label="Do Red/Blue 3D separation" arg-set="-3d"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-colors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="5"/>
<!-- #### -delta3d [1.5] -->
<!-- #### -left3d [Blue] -->
<!-- #### -right3d [Red] -->
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
This draws an animation of flight through an asteroid field, with
changes in rotation and direction.
_label="Offset" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
low="0" high="50" default="7"/>
- <boolean id="xsymmetry" _label="With X Symmetry" arg-unset="-no-xsymmetry"/>
- <boolean id="ysymmetry" _label="With Y Symmetry" arg-set="-ysymmetry"/>
+ <boolean id="xsymmetry" _label="With X symmetry" arg-unset="-no-xsymmetry"/>
+ <boolean id="ysymmetry" _label="With Y symmetry" arg-set="-ysymmetry"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Duration" _low-label="1 Second" _high-label="1 Minute"
+ _label="Linger" _low-label="1 second" _high-label="1 minute"
low="1" high="60" default="5"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
This generates random inkblot patterns via a reflected random walk.
Any deep-seated neurotic tendencies which this program reveals
are your own problem.
Written by Jamie Zawinski; 1992.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Count" low="0" high="20" default="4"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<number id="cycles" type="slider" arg="-cycles %"
_label="Length" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
low="2" high="100" default="20"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="10000"
- convert="invert"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="200"/>
+ <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Count" low="0" high="20" default="4"/>
<number id="size" type="spinbutton" arg="-size %"
_label="Size" low="-50" high="50" default="-6"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws a line segment moving along a complex spiraling curve.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Duration" _low-label="0" _high-label="60"
- low="0" high="60" default="10"/>
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000" convert="invert"/>
<number id="duration" type="slider" arg="-duration %"
_label="Duration" _low-label="10 seconds" _high-label="10 minutes"
low="10" high="600" default="120"/>
<number id="n" type="spinbutton" arg="-n %"
- _label="Rectangle Count" low="1" high="20" default="2"/>
+ _label="Rectangle count" low="1" high="20" default="2"/>
<select id="mode">
- <option id="stationary" _label="Stationary Rectangles"/>
- <option id="move" _label="Wandering Rectangles" arg-set="-mode move"/>
- <option id="sweep" _label="Sweeping Arcs" arg-set="-mode sweep"/>
+ <option id="stationary" _label="Stationary rectangles"/>
+ <option id="move" _label="Wandering rectangles" arg-set="-mode move"/>
+ <option id="sweep" _label="Sweeping arcs" arg-set="-mode sweep"/>
<boolean id="anim" _label="Animate" arg-unset="-no-anim"/>
-<!-- <boolean id="shm" _label="Use Shared Memory" arg-unset="-no-shm"/> -->
+<!-- <boolean id="shm" _label="Use shared memory" arg-unset="-no-shm"/> -->
<xscreensaver-image />
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Creates a collage of rotated and scaled portions of the screen.
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="40000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
_label="Count" low="-100" high="100" default="-30"/>
_label="Timeout" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
low="0" high="60" default="5"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="80000" default="40000"
- convert="invert"/>
<number id="size" type="spinbutton" arg="-size %"
_label="Size" low="-20" high="20" default="-6"/>
- <boolean id="shuffle" _label="Hide Shuffling" arg-set="-hideshuffling"/>
+ <boolean id="shuffle" _label="Hide shuffling" arg-set="-hideshuffling"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws a Rubik's Cube that rotates in three dimensions and repeatedly
-shuffles and solves itself.
+shuffles and solves itself. See also the "GLSnake" and "Cube21"
+screen savers.
Written by Marcelo Vianna; 1997.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="sballs" _label="Sballs">
+<screensaver name="sballs" _label="SBalls">
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="60000" default="30000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="30000"
<select id="object">
<boolean id="tex" _label="Textured" arg-unset="-no-texture"/>
<boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws an animation of textured balls spinning like crazy.
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="20000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<!-- #### -degrees [0] -->
<!-- #### -color [random] -->
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="64"/>
<number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
_label="Count" _low-label="One" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="20" default="4"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="5000"
- convert="invert"/>
<number id="cycles" type="slider" arg="-cycles %"
_label="Duration" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
low="0" high="100" default="10"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
-This draws smoothly-shaded oscillating oval patterns, that look
+This draws smoothly-shaded oscillating oval patterns that look
something like vapor trails or neon tubes.
Written by Shane Smit; 1999.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Count" low="10" high="10000" default="2000"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="1000000" default="400000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Points" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
+ low="10" high="10000" default="2000"/>
<number id="cycles" type="slider" arg="-cycles %"
_label="Timeout" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
low="0" high="1000" default="100"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="600000" default="400000"
- convert="invert"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="64"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
This draws the two-dimensional variant of the recursive Sierpinski
-triangle fractal.
+triangle fractal. See also the "Sierpinski3D" screen saver.
Written by Desmond Daignault; 1997.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="20000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
<number id="descent" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
<number id="depth" type="spinbutton" arg="-depth %"
- _label="Max Depth" low="1" high="6" default="5"/>
+ _label="Max depth" low="1" high="6" default="5"/>
<boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
-This draws the three-dimensional variant of the recursive Sierpinski
-triangle fractal, using GL.
+This draws the Sierpinski tetrahedron fractal, the three-dimensional
+variant of the recursive Sierpinski triangle.
Written by Tim Robinson and Jamie Zawinski; 1999.
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
<number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
_label="Tentacles" _low-label="1" _high-label="20"
low="1" high="20" default="9"/>
- <hgroup>
- <vgroup>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Frame Rate" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="100000" default="30000"
- convert="invert"/>
<number id="length" type="slider" arg="-length %"
_label="Length" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
low="1.0" high="20.0" default="9.0"/>
+ <number id="thickness" type="slider" arg="-thickness %"
+ _label="Thickness" _low-label="Thin" _high-label="Thick"
+ low="0.1" high="5.0" default="1.0"/>
+ <number id="flexibility" type="slider" arg="-flexibility %"
+ _label="Flexibility" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0.1" high="1.0" default="0.35"/>
<number id="wiggliness" type="slider" arg="-wiggliness %"
_label="Wiggliness" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
low="0.1" high="1.0" default="0.35"/>
- <hgroup>
- <number id="slices" type="spinbutton" arg="-slices %"
- _label="Slices" low="1" high="50" default="32"/>
- <number id="segments" type="spinbutton" arg="-segments %"
- _label="Segments" low="1" high="50" default="32"/>
- </hgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="30000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
_label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0.1" high="20.0" default="1.0"/>
+ low="0.1" high="8.0" default="1.0"/>
+ <number id="slices" type="slider" arg="-slices %"
+ _label="X resolution" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="3" high="50" default="16"/>
+ <number id="segments" type="slider" arg="-segments %"
+ _label="Y resolution" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="2" high="50" default="24"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <boolean id="skin" _label="Draw skin" arg-unset="-no-texture"/>
+ <boolean id="cel" _label="Cartoony" arg-unset="-cel"/>
+ <boolean id="intersect" _label="Tentacles can intersect" arg-set="-intersect"/>
+ </hgroup>
+ <hgroup>
+ <boolean id="smooth" _label="Smooth" arg-unset="-no-smooth"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </hgroup>
- <number id="thickness" type="slider" arg="-thickness %"
- _label="Thickness" _low-label="Thin" _high-label="Thick"
- low="0.1" high="5.0" default="1.0"/>
- <number id="flexibility" type="slider" arg="-flexibility %"
- _label="Flexibility" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
- low="0.1" high="1.0" default="0.35"/>
- <hgroup>
- <boolean id="smooth" _label="Smooth" arg-unset="-no-smooth"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
- </hgroup>
- </vgroup>
- </hgroup>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
- <_description>
+ <_description>
There is a tentacled abomination in the sky. From above you it devours.
Written by Jamie Zawinski; 2008.
- </_description>
+ </_description>
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="80000" default="50000"
- convert="invert"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="50000"
+ convert="invert"/>
- <number id="delay2" type="slider" arg="-delay2 %"
- _label="Pause" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
- low="0" high="2000000" default="1000000"/>
+ <number id="delay2" type="slider" arg="-delay2 %"
+ _label="Pause" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
+ low="0" high="2000000" default="1000000"/>
- <number id="duration" type="slider" arg="-duration %"
- _label="Duration" _low-label="10 seconds" _high-label="10 minutes"
- low="10" high="600" default="120"/>
+ <number id="duration" type="slider" arg="-duration %"
+ _label="Duration" _low-label="10 seconds" _high-label="10 minutes"
+ low="10" high="600" default="120"/>
- <number id="increment" type="slider" arg="-increment %"
- _label="Slide Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="1" high="30" default="10"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="increment" type="slider" arg="-increment %"
+ _label="Slide speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="1" high="30" default="10"/>
- <number id="grid-size" type="slider" arg="-grid-size %"
- _label="Cell Size" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
- low="12" high="500" default="70"/>
+ <number id="grid-size" type="slider" arg="-grid-size %"
+ _label="Cell size" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
+ low="12" high="500" default="70"/>
- <number id="ibw" type="spinbutton" arg="-ibw %"
- _label="Gutter Size" low="0" high="50" default="4"/>
+ <number id="ibw" type="spinbutton" arg="-ibw %"
+ _label="Gutter size" low="0" high="50" default="4"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
<xscreensaver-image />
-This takes an image, divides it into a grid, and then randomly shuffles
-the squares around as if it was one of those annoying "16-puzzle"
-games, where there is a grid of squares, one of which is missing.
-I hate trying to solve those puzzles, but watching one permute itself
-is more amusing.
+This takes an image, divides it into a grid, and then randomly
+shuffles the squares around as if it was one of those "fifteen-puzzle"
+games where there is a grid of squares, one of which is missing.
Written by Jamie Zawinski; 1994.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Count" low="0" high="100" default="35"/>
- <number id="cycles" type="slider" arg="-cycles %"
- _label="Timeout" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
- low="0" high="100" default="50"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="80000" default="50000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
- low="1" high="255" default="200"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="50000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Count" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
+ low="0" high="100" default="35"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="cycles" type="slider" arg="-cycles %"
+ _label="Timeout" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
+ low="0" high="100" default="50"/>
+ <number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ low="1" high="255" default="200"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
<xscreensaver-image />
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
-This program throws some random bits on the screen, then sucks them
+This throws some random bits on the screen, then sucks them
through a jet engine and spews them out the other side. To avoid
turning the image completely to mush, every now and then it will it
interject some splashes of color into the scene, or go into a spin
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="1000000" default="100000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<select id="ping">
- <option id="none" _label="Ping mode..."/>
<option id="24" _label="Ping subnet/24 (254 hosts)" arg-set="-ping subnet/24"/>
<option id="25" _label="Ping subnet/25 (126 hosts)" arg-set="-ping subnet/25"/>
<option id="26" _label="Ping subnet/26 (62 hosts)" arg-set="-ping subnet/26"/>
<option id="27" _label="Ping subnet/27 (31 hosts)" arg-set="-ping subnet/27"/>
- <option id="28" _label="Ping subnet/28 (14 hosts)" arg-set="-ping subnet/28"/>
+ <option id="28" _label="Ping subnet/28 (14 hosts)"/>
<option id="29" _label="Ping subnet/29 (6 hosts)" arg-set="-ping subnet/29"/>
<option id="30" _label="Ping subnet/30 (2 hosts)" arg-set="-ping subnet/30"/>
<option id="ssh" _label="Ping known SSH hosts" arg-set="-ping /etc/hosts,$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts,$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts2"/>
+ <string id="aname" _label="Simulation team A name" arg="-team-a-name %"/>
<number id="acount" type="spinbutton" arg="-team-a-count %"
- _label="Simulation Team Members"
- low="1" high="100" default="4"/>
- <number id="bcount" type="spinbutton" arg="-team-b-count %"
- _label="vs."
+ _label="A count"
low="1" high="100" default="4"/>
- <string id="aname" _label="Team A Name" arg="-team-a-name %"/>
- <string id="bname" _label="Team B Name" arg="-team-b-name %"/>
- <boolean id="dns" _label="Resolve Host Names" arg-unset="-no-dns"/>
- <boolean id="times" _label="Show Ping Times" arg-unset="-no-times"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <string id="bname" _label="Simulation team B name" arg="-team-b-name %"/>
+ <number id="bcount" type="spinbutton" arg="-team-b-count %"
+ _label="B count"
+ low="1" high="100" default="4"/>
+ </hgroup>
- <!-- #### -ping-timeout [3000] -->
- <!-- #### -ttl [90] -->
+ <hgroup>
+ <boolean id="dns" _label="Resolve host names" arg-unset="-no-dns"/>
+ <boolean id="times" _label="Show ping times" arg-unset="-no-times"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </hgroup>
-This program draws a sonar screen that pings (get it?) the hosts on
+This draws a sonar screen that pings (get it?) the hosts on
your local network, and plots their distance (response time) from you.
The three rings represent ping times of approximately 2.5, 70 and 2,000
milliseconds respectively.
(If pinging doesn't work, you may need to make the executable be setuid.)
Written by Stephen Martin and Jamie Zawinski; 1998.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="80000" default="30000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <select id="mode">
- <option id="speedmine" _label="Tunnel"/>
- <option id="speedworm" _label="Worm" arg-set="-worm"/>
- </select>
- <number id="velocity" type="slider" arg="-maxspeed %"
- _label="Max Velocity" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="1" high="1000" default="700"/>
- <number id="thrust" type="slider" arg="-thrust %"
- _label="Thrust" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0.0" high="4.0" default="1.0"/>
- <number id="gravity" type="slider" arg="-gravity %"
- _label="Gravity" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
- low="0.0" high="25.0" default="9.8"/>
- <boolean id="terrain" _label="Rocky Walls" arg-unset="-no-terrain"/>
- <boolean id="bump" _label="Allow Wall Collisions" arg-unset="-no-bumps"/>
- <boolean id="bonus" _label="Present Bonuses" arg-unset="-no-bonuses"/>
- <boolean id="xhair" _label="Display Crosshair" arg-unset="-no-crosshair"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="30000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="velocity" type="slider" arg="-maxspeed %"
+ _label="Max velocity" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="1" high="1000" default="700"/>
+ <number id="thrust" type="slider" arg="-thrust %"
+ _label="Thrust" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="0.0" high="4.0" default="1.0"/>
+ <number id="gravity" type="slider" arg="-gravity %"
+ _label="Gravity" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0.0" high="25.0" default="9.8"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <select id="mode">
+ <option id="speedmine" _label="Tunnel"/>
+ <option id="speedworm" _label="Worm" arg-set="-worm"/>
+ </select>
+ <boolean id="terrain" _label="Rocky walls" arg-unset="-no-terrain"/>
+ <boolean id="bump" _label="Allow wall collisions" arg-unset="-no-bumps"/>
+ <boolean id="bonus" _label="Present bonuses" arg-unset="-no-bonuses"/>
+ <boolean id="xhair" _label="Display crosshair" arg-unset="-no-crosshair"/>
+ <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
<!-- #### -vertigo [1.0] -->
<!-- #### -darkground [#101010] -->
<!-- #### -no-widening -->
<!-- #### -psychedelic -->
- <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
Simulates speeding down a rocky mineshaft, or a funky dancing worm.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="1000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="64"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws shaded spheres in multiple colors.
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="sphereEversion" _label="SphereEversion">
- <command arg="--root"/>
- <_description>
-SphereEversion draws an animation of a sphere being turned inside out.
-A sphere can be turned inside out, without any tears, sharp creases or
-discontinuities, if the surface of the sphere is allowed to intersect
-itself. This program animates what is known as the Thurston Eversion.
-This program is not included with the XScreenSaver package, but if you
-don't have it already, you can find it at
-Written by Nathaniel Thurston and Michael McGuffin; 2001.
- </_description>
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="30000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="duration" type="slider" arg="-duration %"
- _label="Duration" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
- low="5" high="1000" default="100"/>
- <number id="resolution" type="slider" arg="-resolution %"
- _label="Resolution" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
- low="5" high="100" default="64"/>
- <boolean id="wander" _label="Wander" arg-set="-wander"/>
- <select id="rotation">
- <option id="no" _label="Don't Rotate" arg-set="-spin 0"/>
- <option id="x" _label="Rotate around X axis" arg-set="-spin X"/>
- <option id="y" _label="Rotate around Y axis" arg-set="-spin Y"/>
- <option id="z" _label="Rotate around Z axis" arg-set="-spin Z"/>
- <option id="xy" _label="Rotate around X and Y axes" arg-set="-spin XY"/>
- <option id="xz" _label="Rotate around X and Z axes" arg-set="-spin XZ"/>
- <option id="yz" _label="Rotate around Y and Z axes" arg-set="-spin YZ"/>
- <option id="xyz" _label="Rotate around all three axes"/>
- </select>
- <boolean id="smooth" _label="Smoothed Lines" arg-unset="-no-smooth"/>
- <boolean id="grid" _label="Draw Grid" arg-unset="-no-grid"/>
- <boolean id="bbox" _label="Draw Bounding Box" arg-set="-bbox"/>
- <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="30000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="duration" type="slider" arg="-duration %"
+ _label="Duration" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
+ low="5" high="1000" default="100"/>
+ <number id="resolution" type="slider" arg="-resolution %"
+ _label="Resolution" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="5" high="100" default="64"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <boolean id="wander" _label="Wander" arg-set="-wander"/>
+ <select id="rotation">
+ <option id="no" _label="Don't rotate" arg-set="-spin 0"/>
+ <option id="x" _label="Rotate around X axis" arg-set="-spin X"/>
+ <option id="y" _label="Rotate around Y axis" arg-set="-spin Y"/>
+ <option id="z" _label="Rotate around Z axis" arg-set="-spin Z"/>
+ <option id="xy" _label="Rotate around X and Y axes" arg-set="-spin XY"/>
+ <option id="xz" _label="Rotate around X and Z axes" arg-set="-spin XZ"/>
+ <option id="yz" _label="Rotate around Y and Z axes" arg-set="-spin YZ"/>
+ <option id="xyz" _label="Rotate around all three axes"/>
+ </select>
+ <boolean id="smooth" _label="Smoothed lines" arg-unset="-no-smooth"/>
+ <boolean id="grid" _label="Draw grid" arg-unset="-no-grid"/>
+ <boolean id="bbox" _label="Draw bounding box" arg-set="-bbox"/>
+ <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
These closed objects are commonly called spherical harmonics,
definition found in the solution to certain wave functions, most
notably the eigenfunctions of angular momentum operators.
Written by Paul Bourke and Jamie Zawinski; 2002.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Count" low="0" high="100" default="40"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="50000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Count" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
+ low="0" high="100" default="40"/>
<number id="cycles" type="slider" arg="-cycles %"
_label="Cycles" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
low="10" high="800" default="350"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="80000" default="50000"
- convert="invert"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="64"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Moving circular moire patterns.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="10000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
<number id="duration" type="slider" arg="-duration %"
low="10" high="600" default="120"/>
<number id="radius" type="slider" arg="-radius %"
- _label="Spotlight Size" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
+ _label="Spotlight size" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
low="5" high="350" default="125"/>
<xscreensaver-image />
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws a spotlight scanning across a black screen, illuminating the
underlying desktop (or a picture) when it passes.
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="30000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
_label="Sproingies" _low-label="One" _high-label="Lots"
low="1" high="30" default="8"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="40000" default="30000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <boolean id="nofall" _label="Fall Off Edge" arg-set="-fall"/>
+ <boolean id="nofall" _label="Fall off edge" arg-set="-fall"/>
<boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
-Q-Bert meets Marble Madness!
+Slinky-like creatures walk down an infinite staircase and
+occasionally explode!
Written by Ed Mackey; 1997.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Seeds" low="0" high="200" default="0"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="1000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="disorder" type="slider" arg="-disorder %"
- _label="Randomness" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
- low="0.0" high="0.5" default="0.005"/>
- <number id="handedness" type="slider" arg="-handedness %"
- _label="Handedness" _low-label="Left" _high-label="Right"
- low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0.5"/>
- <number id="fill" type="slider" arg="-fill %"
- _label="Density" _low-label="Sparse" _high-label="Dense"
- low="0" high="100" default="75"/>
- <number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
- low="1" high="255" default="100"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="disorder" type="slider" arg="-disorder %"
+ _label="Randomness" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0.0" high="0.5" default="0.005"/>
+ <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Seeds" low="0" high="200" default="0"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="handedness" type="slider" arg="-handedness %"
+ _label="Handedness" _low-label="Left" _high-label="Right"
+ low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0.5"/>
+ <number id="fill" type="slider" arg="-fill %"
+ _label="Density" _low-label="Sparse" _high-label="Dense"
+ low="0" high="100" default="75"/>
+ <number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ low="1" high="255" default="100"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
<!-- #### -cycle -->
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws a set of interacting, square-spiral-producing automata. The
spirals grow outward until they hit something, then they go around it.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="20000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Escher's infinite staircase.
Written by Marcelo Vianna; 1998.
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <select id="mode">
+ <option id="random" _label="Random"/>
+ <option id="zoom" _label="Color gradients" arg-set="-mode zoom"/>
+ <option id="blob" _label="Pulsating blob" arg-set="-mode blob"/>
+ </select>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="10000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
- <number id="duration" type="spinbutton" arg="-duration %"
- _label="Duration" low="1" high="60" default="30"/>
+ <number id="duration" type="slider" arg="-duration %"
+ _label="Duration" _low-label="1 second" _high-label="30 seconds"
+ low="1" high="60" default="30"/>
<number id="thickness" type="slider" arg="-thickness %"
_label="Lines" _low-label="Thin" _high-label="Thick"
low="0" high="150" default="0"/>
- <select id="mode">
- <option id="random" _label="Random"/>
- <option id="zoom" _label="Color Gradients" arg-set="-mode zoom"/>
- <option id="blob" _label="Pulsating Blob" arg-set="-mode blob"/>
- </select>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-colors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="200"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
This generates a sequence of undulating, throbbing, star-like
patterns which pulsate, rotate, and turn inside out. Another display
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Animation Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="80000" default="40000"
+ _low-label=" Frame rate Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="40000"
<number id="steps" type="slider" arg="-steps %"
- _label="Scroll Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _low-label="Scroll speed Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="1" high="100" default="35"
<number id="spin" type="slider" arg="-spin %"
- _label="Star Rotation Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _low-label=" Stars speed Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0.0" high="0.2" default="0.03"/>
- <number id="lines" type="spinbutton" arg="-lines %"
- _label="Text Lines" low="4" high="1000" default="125"/>
+ <xscreensaver-text />
<select id="align">
- <option id="left" _label="Flush Left Text" arg-set="-alignment left"/>
- <option id="center" _label="Centered Text"/>
- <option id="right" _label="Flush Right Text" arg-set="-alignment right"/>
+ <option id="left" _label="Flush left text" arg-set="-alignment left"/>
+ <option id="center" _label="Centered text"/>
+ <option id="right" _label="Flush right text" arg-set="-alignment right"/>
- <boolean id="wrap" _label="Wrap Long Lines" arg-unset="-no-wrap"/>
- <boolean id="texture" _label="Texture-Mapped Font" arg-unset="-no-textures"/>
- <boolean id="smooth" _label="Anti-aliased Lines" arg-unset="-no-smooth"/>
+ <boolean id="wrap" _label="Wrap long lines" arg-unset="-no-wrap"/>
+ <boolean id="texture" _label="Texture-mapped font" arg-unset="-no-textures"/>
+ <boolean id="smooth" _label="Anti-aliased lines" arg-unset="-no-smooth"/>
- <boolean id="thick" _label="Thick Lines" arg-unset="-no-thick"/>
- <boolean id="fade" _label="Fade Out" arg-unset="-no-fade"/>
+ <boolean id="thick" _label="Thick lines" arg-unset="-no-thick"/>
+ <boolean id="fade" _label="Fade out" arg-unset="-no-fade"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
- </vgroup>
- </hgroup>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
- <hgroup>
+ <number id="lines" type="spinbutton" arg="-lines %"
+ _label="Text lines" low="4" high="1000" default="125"/>
<number id="size" type="spinbutton" arg="-size %"
- _label="Font Point Size" low="-1" high="10" default="-1"/>
+ _label="Font point size" low="-1" high="10" default="-1"/>
<number id="columns" type="spinbutton" arg="-columns %"
- _label="or, Text Columns" low="-1" high="200" default="-1"/>
- </hgroup>
+ _label="or, Text columns" low="-1" high="200" default="-1"/>
- <xscreensaver-text />
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
Draws a stream of text slowly scrolling into the distance at an
angle, over a star field, like at the beginning of the movie of the
same name.
Written by Jamie Zawinski and Claudio Matauoka; 2001.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
+ <boolean id="trans" _label="Translucent" arg-unset="-no-transparent"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Chains of colorful squares dance around each other in complex spiral
-patterns. Inspired by SGI's `electropaint' screensaver.
+patterns. Inspired by David Tristram's `electropaint' screen saver,
+originally written for SGI computers in the late 1980s or early 1990s.
Written by Andrew Plotkin; 2001.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="2000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="100"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
-This draws strange attractors: it's a colorful,
-unpredictably-animating field of dots that swoops and twists around.
+This draws iterations to strange attractors: it's a colorful,
+unpredictably-animating swarm of dots that swoops and twists around.
Written by Massimino Pascal; 1997.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="init" type="spinbutton" arg="-initial-cracks %"
- _label="Initial Cracks" low="3" high="15" default="3"/>
- <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-growth-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="30000" default="18000" convert="invert"/>
- <number id="maxcyc" type="slider" arg="-max-cycles %"
- _label="Duration" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
- low="2000" high="25000" default="12000" />
- <number id="sandg" type="slider" arg="-sand-grains %"
- _label="Sandgrains" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Lots"
- low="16" high="128" default="64" />
- <number id="curve" type="slider" arg="-circle-percent %"
- _label="Circle Percentage" _low-label="0%" _high-label="100%"
- low="0" high="100" default="33" />
- <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe only" arg-set="-wireframe" />
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-growth-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="18000" convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="maxcyc" type="slider" arg="-max-cycles %"
+ _label="Duration" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
+ low="2000" high="25000" default="10000" />
+ <number id="sandg" type="slider" arg="-sand-grains %"
+ _label="Sand grains" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Lots"
+ low="16" high="128" default="64" />
+ <number id="curve" type="slider" arg="-circle-percent %"
+ _label="Circle percentage" _low-label="0%" _high-label="100%"
+ low="0" high="100" default="33" />
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="init" type="spinbutton" arg="-initial-cracks %"
+ _label="Initial cracks" low="3" high="15" default="3"/>
+ <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe only" arg-set="-wireframe" />
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
-Lines like crystals grow on a computational substrate. A simple
+Crystalline lines grow on a computational substrate. A simple
perpendicular growth rule creates intricate city-like structures.
Written by J. Tarbell and Mike Kershaw; 2004.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Animation Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="80000" default="40000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="40000"
<number id="spinspeed" type="slider" arg="-spinspeed %"
- _label="Spin Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="Spin speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0.1" high="15.0" default="5.0"/>
<number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
low="0" high="100" default="40"/>
<boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Morphing 3D shapes.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Count" low="0" high="20" default="5"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="10000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ <number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Count" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
+ low="0" high="20" default="5"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="200"/>
-<!-- <boolean id="shm" _label="Use Shared Memory" arg-unset="-no-shm"/> -->
+<!-- <boolean id="shm" _label="Use shared memory" arg-unset="-no-shm"/> -->
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Flowing, swirly patterns.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="80000" default="40000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="40000"
<number id="move" type="slider" arg="-move %"
- _label="Turn Side-to-Side" _low-label="0 deg" _high-label="90 deg"
- low="0.0" high="3.0" default="2.0"/>
+ _label="Turn side-to-side" _low-label="0 deg" _high-label="90 deg"
+ low="0.0" high="3.0" default="0.5"/>
<number id="wobble" type="slider" arg="-wobble %"
_label="Wobbliness" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
low="0.0" high="3.0" default="2.0"/>
<number id="cycle" type="slider" arg="-cycle %"
- _label="Cycle Seconds" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ _label="Cycle seconds" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
low="0.0" high="60.0" default="10.0"/>
<number id="mag" type="slider" arg="-mag %"
low="0.1" high="4.0" default="1.0"/>
<select id="mins">
- <option id="min2" _label="Minute Tick Marks" arg-set="-minutes"/>
- <option id="min5" _label="5 Minute Tick Marks"/>
+ <option id="min2" _label="Minute tick marks" arg-set="-minutes"/>
+ <option id="min5" _label="5 minute tick marks"/>
<!-- #### -fast [50] -->
<!-- #### -rgb [?] -->
<!-- #### -hsv [?] -->
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws a working analog clock composed of floating, throbbing bubbles.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Fast" _high-label="Slow"
- low="0" high="50000" default="10000"/>
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"/>
- <number id="viewing_time" type="spinbutton" arg="-viewing_time %"
- _label="Viewing Time" low="0" high="30" default="5" />
+ <number id="viewing_time" type="slider" arg="-viewing_time %"
+ _label="Linger" _low-label="Brief" _high-label="Long"
+ low="0" high="30" default="5" />
<number id="x_camera_rotate" type="slider" arg="-x_camera_rotate %"
- _label="X Camera Rotate" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="X rotation" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0.2" />
<number id="y_camera_rotate" type="slider" arg="-y_camera_rotate %"
- _label="Y Camera Rotate" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="Y rotation" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0.5" />
<number id="z_camera_rotate" type="slider" arg="-z_camera_rotate %"
- _label="Z Camera Rotate" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="Z rotation" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0" />
- <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
- <boolean id="rotate" _label="Rotate" arg-unset="-no-rotate"/>
+ <boolean id="labels" _label="Draw labels" arg-unset="-no-labels"/>
+ <boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
+ <boolean id="rotate" _label="Rotate" arg-unset="-no-rotate"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Solves tangram puzzles.
Written by Jeremy English; 2005.
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<number id="count" type="slider" arg="-count %"
_label="Points" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
- low="10" high="1000" default="1000"/>
+ low="10" high="1000" default="100"/>
<number id="cycles" type="slider" arg="-cycles %"
_label="Thickness" _low-label="Thin" _high-label="Thick"
low="2" high="1000" default="400"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="10000"
- convert="invert"/>
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="2" high="255" default="64"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Displays a view of the "Bird in a Thornbush" fractal.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="timetunnel" _label="Timetunnel">
+<screensaver name="timetunnel" _label="TimeTunnel">
<command arg="-root"/>
low="0.00" high="30.00" default="0.00"/>
<number id="changetime" type="slider" arg="-end %"
- _label="Color Change Time" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
- low="0.00" high="30.00" default="30.00"/>
+ _label="Color change time" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
+ low="0.00" high="30.00" default="27.79"/>
- <boolean id="logo" _label="Draw Logo" arg-unset="-no-logo"/>
- <boolean id="reverse" _label="Run Backward" arg-set="-reverse"/>
+ <boolean id="logo" _label="Draw logo" arg-unset="-no-logo"/>
+ <boolean id="reverse" _label="Run backward" arg-set="-reverse"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws an animation similar to the opening and closing effects on the
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="10000"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="size" type="slider" arg="-size %"
- _label="Carpet Size" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
- low="1" high="10" default="2"/>
- <number id="spawn" type="slider" arg="-spawn %"
- _label="Spawn Likelyhood" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
- low="4" high="1000" default="50"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="dropspeed" type="slider" arg="-dropSpeed %"
- _label="Drop Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="1" high="9" default="4"/>
- <number id="resolution" type="slider" arg="-resolution %"
- _label="Polygon Count" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
- low="4" high="20" default="4"/>
- <number id="maxColors" type="spinbutton" arg="-maxColors %"
- _label="Different Colors" low="1" high="7" default="7"/>
- <number id="rotatespeed" type="spinbutton" arg="-rotateSpeed %"
- _label="Rotation Speed" low="1" high="1000" default="10"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="dropspeed" type="slider" arg="-dropSpeed %"
+ _label="Drop speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="1" high="9" default="4"/>
+ <number id="size" type="slider" arg="-size %"
+ _label="Carpet size" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
+ low="1" high="10" default="2"/>
+ <number id="spawn" type="slider" arg="-spawn %"
+ _label="Spawn likelyhood" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="4" high="1000" default="50"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="resolution" type="slider" arg="-resolution %"
+ _label="Polygon count" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="4" high="20" default="4"/>
+ <number id="maxColors" type="slider" arg="-maxColors %"
+ _label="Colors" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Many"
+ low="1" high="32" default="7"/>
+ <number id="rotatespeed" type="slider" arg="-rotateSpeed %"
+ _label="Rotation" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ low="1" high="1000" default="10"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
<boolean id="rotate" _label="Rotate" arg-unset="-no-rotate"/>
<boolean id="blob" _label="Blob mode" arg-set="-blob"/>
<boolean id="override" _label="Tunnel mode" arg-set="-override"/>
<boolean id="carpet" _label="Carpet" arg-unset="-no-carpet"/>
+ </hgroup>
+ <hgroup>
<boolean id="nipples" _label="Nipples" arg-unset="-no-nipples"/>
<boolean id="wire" _label="Wireframe" arg-set="-wireframe"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
Creates a 3D world with dropping blocks that build up and up.
Written by rednuht; 2006.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="10000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="128"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Generates random mountain ranges using iterative subdivision of
<screensaver name="truchet" _label="Truchet">
<command arg="-root"/>
- <command arg="-randomize"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="1000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="1000000" default="400000"
<!-- #### -min-width [40] -->
<!-- #### -anim-delay [100] -->
<!-- #### -anim-step-size [3] -->
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
This draws line- and arc-based truchet patterns that tile the screen.
Written by Adrian Likins; 1998.
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="10000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
<number id="duration" type="slider" arg="-duration %"
_label="Friction" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
low="0.0" high="0.2" default="0.05"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
<number id="springiness" type="slider" arg="-springiness %"
_label="Springiness" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0.1"/>
low="0.0" high="0.1" default="0.025"/>
<number id="tile-size" type="slider" arg="-tile-size %"
- _label="Tile Size" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
+ _label="Tile size" _low-label="Small" _high-label="Large"
low="10" high="512" default="120"/>
<number id="border-width" type="spinbutton" arg="-border-width %"
- _label="Border Width" low="0" high="20" default="3"/>
+ _label="Border width" low="0" high="20" default="3"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
-<!-- <boolean id="shm" _label="Use Shared Memory" arg-unset="-no-shm"/> -->
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
<xscreensaver-image />
<command arg="-root"/>
- <!-- #### -speed [?] -->
- <!-- #### -instring [?] -->
+ <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-speed %"
+ _label="Duration" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
+ low="0" high="1000" default="0" />
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws squiggly worm-like paths.
_label="Duration" _low-label="2 seconds" _high-label="2 minutes"
low="2" high="120" default="5"/>
- <file id="directory" _label="Image Directory" arg="-directory %"/>
+ <file id="directory" _label="Image directory" arg="-directory %"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
This is a shell script that grabs a frame of video from the system's
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
low="0" high="250000" default="200000"
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="64"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Generates a continuous sequence of small, curvy geometric patterns.
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Frame Rate" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
low="1" high="100" default="25"/>
<number id="pointSize" type="slider" arg="-point-size %"
- _label="Point Size" _low-label="0" _high-label="50 pixels"
+ _label="Point size" _low-label="0" _high-label="50 pixels"
low="0" high="50" default="9"/>
- <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show Frames-per-Second" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
<number id="pointSpeed" type="slider" arg="-point-speed %"
- _label="Wander Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="Wander speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0.0" high="10.0" default="1.0"/>
<number id="pointDelay" type="slider" arg="-point-delay %"
- _label="Insertion Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="Insertion speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0.0" high="3.0" default="0.05"
<number id="zoomSpeed" type="slider" arg="-zoom-speed %"
- _label="Zoom Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
+ _label="Zoom speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
low="0.1" high="10.0" default="1.0"/>
<number id="zoomDelay" type="slider" arg="-zoom-delay %"
- _label="Zoom Frequency" _low-label="0" _high-label="60 Seconds"
+ _label="Zoom frequency" _low-label="0" _high-label="60 seconds"
low="0" high="60" default="15"/>
control point than to any other control point. That is what
determines the cell's shapes.
Written by Jamie Zawinski; 2007.
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<number id="density" type="slider" arg="-density %"
_label="Density" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
low="1" high="30" default="2"
_label="Length" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
low="100" high="100000" default="25000"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Sustain" _low-label="0 Seconds" _high-label="1 Minute"
- low="0" high="60" default="1"/>
- <boolean id="circles" _label="Draw Spots" arg-set="-circles"/>
+ <boolean id="circles" _label="Draw spots" arg-set="-circles"/>
<number id="size" type="spinbutton" arg="-size %"
_label="Size" low="0" high="100" default="1"/>
<number id="advance" type="slider" arg="-advance %"
- _label="Color Contrast" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ _label="Color contrast" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
low="1" high="100" default="1"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws a colorful random-walk, in various forms.
Written by Rick Campbell; 1999.
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="timeout" type="slider" arg="-timeout %"
- _low-label="URL Timeout: 2 secs" _high-label="2 min"
- low="2" high="120" default="30"/>
- <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _low-label="Delay: None" _high-label="30 secs"
- low="0" high="30" default="2"/>
- <number id="opacity" type="slider" arg="-opacity %"
- _low-label="Opacity: Transparent" _high-label="Solid"
- low="0.1" high="1.0" default="0.85"/>
- <string id="filter" _label="Per-Image Filter Program" arg="-filter %"/>
- <string id="filter2" _label="Overall Filter Program" arg="-filter2 %"/>
-<!-- <file id="dictionary" _label="Dictionary File" arg="-dictionary %"/> -->
+ <hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Delay between images" _low-label="None" _high-label="30 secs"
+ low="0" high="30" default="2"/>
+ <number id="timeout" type="slider" arg="-timeout %"
+ _label="Network timeout" _low-label="2 secs" _high-label="2 min"
+ low="2" high="120" default="30"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="opacity" type="slider" arg="-opacity %"
+ _label="Image opacity" _low-label="Transparent" _high-label="Opaque"
+ low="0.1" high="1.0" default="0.85"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ </hgroup>
+ <string id="filter" _label="Per-image filter program" arg="-filter %"/>
+ <string id="filter2" _label="Overall filter program" arg="-filter2 %"/>
+ <file id="dictionary" _label="Dictionary file" arg="-dictionary %"/>
+ <file id="dir" _label="Image directory" arg="-directory %"/>
+ -->
-This program makes collages out of random images pulled off of the
+This makes collages out of random images pulled off of the
World Wide Web. It finds these images by doing random web searches,
-and then extracting images from the returned pages. It can also be
-set up to filter the images through the "VidWhacker" program.
+and then extracting images from the returned pages.
collage including -- quite possibly -- pornography, or even nudity.
Please act accordingly.
+See also http://www.jwz.org/webcollage/
Written by Jamie Zawinski; 1999.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="whirlwindwarp" _label="WhirlwindWarp">
+<screensaver name="whirlwindwarp" _label="WhirlWindWarp">
<command arg="-root"/>
low="10" high="1000" default="400"/>
<number id="tails" type="slider" arg="-tails %"
- _label="Trail Size" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
+ _label="Trail size" _low-label="Short" _high-label="Long"
low="1" high="50" default="8"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Floating stars are acted upon by a mixture of simple 2D
forcefields. The strength of each forcefield changes
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="whirlygig" _label="WhirlyGig">
+<screensaver name="whirlygig" _label="Whirlygig">
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="whirlies" type="spinbutton" arg="-whirlies %"
- _label="Whirlies" low="1" high="50" default="40"/>
- <number id="lines" type="spinbutton" arg="-nlines %"
- _label="Lines" low="-1" high="50" default="-1"/>
- <number id="xspeed" type="spinbutton" arg="-xspeed %"
- _label="Speed" low="0.0" high="10.0" default="1.0"/>
- <number id="yspeed" type="spinbutton" arg="-yspeed %"
- _label="x" low="0.0" high="10.0" default="1.0"/>
+ <number id="whirlies" type="spinbutton" arg="-whirlies %"
+ _label="Whirlies" low="-1" high="50" default="-1"/>
+ <number id="lines" type="spinbutton" arg="-nlines %"
+ _label="Lines" low="-1" high="50" default="-1"/>
- <number id="xamplitude" type="spinbutton" arg="-xamplitude %"
- _label="Amplitude" low="0.0" high="10.0" default="1.0"/>
- <number id="yamplitude" type="spinbutton" arg="-yamplitude %"
- _label="x" low="0.0" high="10.0" default="1.0"/>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="xspeed" type="slider" arg="-xspeed %"
+ _label="X speed" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0.0" high="10.0" default="1.0"/>
+ <number id="yspeed" type="slider" arg="-yspeed %"
+ _label="Y speed" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0.0" high="10.0" default="1.0"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="xamplitude" type="slider" arg="-xamplitude %"
+ _label="X amplitude" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0.0" high="10.0" default="1.0"/>
+ <number id="yamplitude" type="slider" arg="-yamplitude %"
+ _label="Y amplitude" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0.0" high="10.0" default="1.0"/>
+ </vgroup>
<select id="xmode">
- <option id="random" _label="Random" />
- <option id="spin" _label="Spin" arg-set="-xmode spin"/>
- <option id="funky" _label="Funky" arg-set="-xmode funky"/>
- <option id="circle" _label="Circle" arg-set="-xmode circle"/>
- <option id="linear" _label="Linear" arg-set="-xmode linear"/>
- <option id="test" _label="Test" arg-set="-xmode test"/>
- <option id="fun" _label="Fun" arg-set="-xmode fun"/>
- <option id="innie" _label="Innie" arg-set="-xmode innie"/>
- <option id="lissajous" _label="Lissajous" arg-set="-xmode lissajous"/>
+ <option id="randomx" _label="X random" />
+ <option id="spinx" _label="X spin" arg-set="-xmode spin"/>
+ <option id="funkyx" _label="X funky" arg-set="-xmode funky"/>
+ <option id="circlex" _label="X circle" arg-set="-xmode circle"/>
+ <option id="linearx" _label="X linear" arg-set="-xmode linear"/>
+ <option id="testx" _label="X test" arg-set="-xmode test"/>
+ <option id="funx" _label="X fun" arg-set="-xmode fun"/>
+ <option id="inniex" _label="X innie" arg-set="-xmode innie"/>
+ <option id="lissajousx" _label="X lissajous" arg-set="-xmode lissajous"/>
<select id="ymode">
- <option id="randomy" _label="Random" />
- <option id="spiny" _label="Spin" arg-set="-ymode spin"/>
- <option id="funkyy" _label="Funky" arg-set="-ymode funky"/>
- <option id="circley" _label="Circle" arg-set="-ymode circle"/>
- <option id="lineary" _label="Linear" arg-set="-ymode linear"/>
- <option id="testy" _label="Test" arg-set="-ymode test"/>
- <option id="funy" _label="Fun" arg-set="-ymode fun"/>
- <option id="inniey" _label="Innie" arg-set="-ymode innie"/>
- <option id="lissajousy" _label="Lissajous" arg-set="-ymode lissajous"/>
+ <option id="randomy" _label="Y random" />
+ <option id="spiny" _label="Y spin" arg-set="-ymode spin"/>
+ <option id="funkyy" _label="Y funky" arg-set="-ymode funky"/>
+ <option id="circley" _label="Y circle" arg-set="-ymode circle"/>
+ <option id="lineary" _label="Y linear" arg-set="-ymode linear"/>
+ <option id="testy" _label="Y test" arg-set="-ymode test"/>
+ <option id="funy" _label="Y fun" arg-set="-ymode fun"/>
+ <option id="inniey" _label="Y innie" arg-set="-ymode innie"/>
+ <option id="lissajousy" _label="Y lissajous" arg-set="-ymode lissajous"/>
<!-- #### -offset_period [1] -->
- <vgroup>
- <boolean id="trail" _label="Leave a trail" arg-set="-trail 1"/>
- <boolean id="explain" _label="Explain modes" arg-set="-explain"/>
- </vgroup>
- <vgroup>
- <boolean id="wrap" _label="Wrap the screen" arg-unset="-no-wrap"/>
-<!-- <boolean id="db" _label="Use Double Buffering" arg-unset="-no-db"/> -->
- </vgroup>
+ <boolean id="trail" _label="Leave a trail" arg-set="-trail"/>
+ <boolean id="explain" _label="Explain modes" arg-set="-explain"/>
+ <boolean id="wrap" _label="Wrap the screen" arg-set="-wrap"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
<command arg="-root"/>
- <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
- _label="Count" low="-100" high="100" default="-20"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="17000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="17000"
<number id="ncolors" type="slider" arg="-ncolors %"
- _label="Number of Colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
+ _label="Number of colors" _low-label="Two" _high-label="Many"
low="1" high="255" default="150"/>
+ <number id="count" type="spinbutton" arg="-count %"
+ _label="Count" low="-100" high="100" default="-20"/>
<number id="size" type="spinbutton" arg="-size %"
_label="Size" low="-20" high="20" default="-3"/>
<!-- #### -cycles [10] -->
<!-- #### -3d -->
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws multicolored worms that crawl around the screen.
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Animation Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="50000" default="10000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
<number id="zspeed" type="slider" arg="-zspeed %"
low="1" high="30" default="10"/>
<number id="stars" type="slider" arg="-stars %"
- _label="Stars Created" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Lots"
+ _label="Stars created" _low-label="Few" _high-label="Lots"
low="1" high="100" default="20"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Flying through a colored wormhole in space.
<xscreensaver-image />
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
XAnalogTV shows a detailed simulation of an old TV set showing various
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="xaos" _label="XaoS">
- <command arg="-root"/>
- <!-- #### write me -->
- <command arg="-autopilot"/>
- <command arg="-nogui"/>
- <command arg="-delay 10000"/>
- <command arg="-maxframerate 30"/>
- <command arg="-incoloring -1"/>
- <command arg="-outcoloring -1"/>
- <_description>
-XaoS generates fast fly-through animations of the Mandelbrot and other
-fractal sets. This is not included with the XScreenSaver package, but
-if you don't have it already, you can find it at
-Written by Thomas Marsh and Jan Hubicka.
- </_description>
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="xdaliclock" _label="XDaliClock">
- <command arg="-root"/>
- <select id="size">
- <option id="font0" _label="Small Font" arg-set="-font BUILTIN0"/>
- <option id="font1" _label="Medium Font" arg-set="-font BUILTIN1"/>
- <option id="font2" _label="Large Font"/>
- <option id="font2" _label="Huge Font" arg-set="-font BUILTIN3"/>
- </select>
- <select id="style">
- <option id="12" _label="12-Hour Time"/>
- <option id="24" _label="24-Hour Time" arg-set="-24"/>
- </select>
- <boolean id="secs" _label="Display Seconds" arg-unset="-noseconds"/>
- <boolean id="cycle" _label="Cycle Colors" arg-set="-cycle"/>
- <_description>
-XDaliClock draws a large digital clock, the numbers of which change by
-"melting" into their new shapes. This is not included with the
-XScreenSaver package, but if you don't have it already, you can find it at
-Written by Jamie Zawinski; 1991.
- </_description>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="xflame" _label="Xflame">
+<screensaver name="xflame" _label="XFlame">
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="10000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
-<!-- <file id="bitmap" _label="Bitmap File" arg="-bitmap %"/> -->
+<!-- <file id="bitmap" _label="Bitmap file" arg="-bitmap %"/> -->
<!-- #### -baseline [20] -->
<!-- #### -hspread [30] -->
<!-- #### -variance [50] -->
<!-- #### -vartrend [20] -->
- <boolean id="bloom" _label="Enable Blooming" arg-unset="-no-bloom"/>
+ <boolean id="bloom" _label="Enable blooming" arg-unset="-no-bloom"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws a simulation of pulsing fire. It can also take an arbitrary
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="xjack" _label="Xjack">
+<screensaver name="xjack" _label="XJack">
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
_label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="80000" default="50000"
+ low="0" high="200000" default="50000"
<!-- #### -font [] -->
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
-This program behaves schizophrenically and makes a lot of typos.
+This behaves schizophrenically and makes a lot of typos.
Written by Jamie Zawinski; 1997.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="xlyap" _label="Xlyap">
+<screensaver name="xlyap" _label="XLyap">
<command arg="-root"/>
- <command arg="-randomize"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
+ convert="invert"/>
+ <number id="linger" type="slider" arg="-linger %"
+ _label="Linger" _low-label="Brief" _high-label="Long"
+ low="0" high="10" default="5" />
<!-- #### -builtin [-1] -->
<!-- #### -C [1] -->
<!-- #### -v -->
<!-- #### -w [] -->
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
This generates pretty fractal pictures via the Lyapunov exponent.
Written by Ron Record; 1997.
<select id="size">
- <option id="font1" _label="Small Font" arg-set="-small"/>
- <option id="font2" _label="Large Font"/>
+ <option id="font1" _label="Small font" arg-set="-small"/>
+ <option id="font2" _label="Large font"/>
<select id="mode">
- <option id="matrix" _label="Matrix Encoding"/>
- <option id="binary" _label="Binary Encoding" arg-set="-mode binary"/>
- <option id="hex" _label="Hexadecimal Encoding" arg-set="-mode hex"/>
- <option id="dna" _label="Genetic Encoding" arg-set="-mode dna"/>
- <option id="pipe" _label="Piped ASCII Text" arg-set="-mode pipe"/>
+ <option id="matrix" _label="Matrix encoding"/>
+ <option id="binary" _label="Binary encoding" arg-set="-mode binary"/>
+ <option id="hex" _label="Hexadecimal encoding" arg-set="-mode hex"/>
+ <option id="dna" _label="Genetic encoding" arg-set="-mode dna"/>
+ <option id="pipe" _label="Piped ASCII text" arg-set="-mode pipe"/>
<select id="fill">
- <option id="both" _label="Synergistic Algorithm"/>
- <option id="top" _label="Slider Algorithm" arg-set="-insert top"/>
- <option id="bottom" _label="Expansion Algorithm" arg-set="-insert bottom"/>
+ <option id="both" _label="Synergistic algorithm"/>
+ <option id="top" _label="Slider algorithm" arg-set="-insert top"/>
+ <option id="bottom" _label="Expansion algorithm" arg-set="-insert bottom"/>
- <boolean id="trace" _label="Run Trace Program" arg-unset="-no-trace"/>
- <boolean id="knock" _label="Knock Knock" arg-unset="-no-knock-knock"/>
- <string id="phone" _label="Phone Number" arg="-phone %"/>
+ <boolean id="trace" _label="Run trace program" arg-unset="-no-trace"/>
+ <boolean id="knock" _label="Knock knock" arg-unset="-no-knock-knock"/>
+ <string id="phone" _label="Phone number" arg="-phone %"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="10000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
<xscreensaver-text />
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws dropping characters similar to what is seen on the computer
monitors in "The Matrix".
-See also "glmatrix" for a 3D rendering of the similar effect that
-appeared in the title sequence of the movie.
+See also "GLMatrix" for a 3D rendering of the similar effect that
+appeared in the movie's title sequence.
Written by Jamie Zawinski; 1999.
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="xmountains" _label="Xmountains">
- <command arg="-b"/>
- <command arg="-r 1"/>
- <hgroup>
- <select id="mode">
- <option id="side" _label="Side View"/>
- <option id="top" _label="Top View" arg-set="-m"/>
- </select>
- <boolean id="reflections" _label="Reflections" arg-unset="-M"/>
- </hgroup>
- <number id="speed" type="slider" arg="-Z %"
- _low-label="Speed Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="10" default="10"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="vpalt" type="slider" arg="-a %"
- _label="Viewpoint" _low-label="Altitude Low" _high-label="High"
- low="0.0" high="10.0" default="2.5"/>
- <number id="vpdistance" type="slider" arg="-p %"
- _low-label="Distance Low" _high-label="High"
- low="0.0" high="10.0" default="5.0"/>
- <number id="vlight" type="slider" arg="-I %"
- _label="Angle of Light" _low-label="Vertical Low" _high-label="High"
- low="0" high="90" default="40"/>
- <number id="hlight" type="slider" arg="-A %"
- _low-label="Horizontal Low" _high-label="High"
- low="0" high="90" default="0"/>
- <number id="alight" type="slider" arg="-e %"
- _label="Light Level" _low-label="Ambient Low" _high-label="High"
- low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0.3"/>
- <number id="vlight2" type="slider" arg="-v %"
- _low-label="Vertical Low" _high-label="High"
- low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0.6"/>
- <number id="contrast" type="slider" arg="-c %"
- _low-label="Contrast Low" _high-label="High"
- low="0.0" high="5.0" default="1.0"/>
- <!-- #### -B int [80] # shades in a colour band -->
- <!-- #### -n int [245] # number of colours -->
- <number id="stretch" type="slider" arg="-S %"
- _label="Terrain" _low-label="V. Stretch Low" _high-label="High"
- low="0.0" high="2.0" default="0.6"/>
- <number id="shift" type="slider" arg="-T %"
- _low-label="V. Shift Low" _high-label="High"
- low="0.0" high="2.0" default="0.5"/>
- <number id="sealevel" type="slider" arg="-W %"
- _low-label="Sea Level Low" _high-label="High"
- low="-150" high="300" default="0"/>
- <number id="contour" type="slider" arg="-C %"
- _low-label="Contour Low" _high-label="High"
- low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0.3"/>
- <number id="fgheight" type="slider" arg="-G %"
- _label="Foreground" _low-label="Height Low" _high-label="High"
- low="-3.0" high="3.0" default="-1.0"/>
- <number id="fgvariance" type="slider" arg="-F %"
- _low-label="Variance Low" _high-label="High"
- low="0" high="5" default="1"/>
- <number id="fractal" type="slider" arg="-f %"
- _label="Fractal Options" _low-label="Smooth" _high-label="Craggy"
- low="0" high="1.0" default="0.65"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="recurs" type="slider" arg="-l %"
- _low-label="Recursion 0" _high-label="14"
- low="0" high="14" default="10"/>
- <number id="iterate" type="slider" arg="-t %"
- _low-label="Iteration 0" _high-label="10"
- low="0" high="10" default="2"/>
- <number id="smoothing" type="slider" arg="-s %"
- _low-label="Smoothing 0" _high-label="7"
- low="0" high="7" default="0"/>
- <number id="xf" type="slider" arg="-X %"
- _low-label="Xf 0.0" _high-label="1.0"
- low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0.0"/>
- <number id="yf" type="slider" arg="-Y %"
- _low-label="Yf 0.0" _high-label="1.0"
- low="0.0" high="1.0" default="0.0"/>
- <boolean id="cross" _label="Cross Update" arg-unset="-x"/>
- <_description>
-XMountains generates realistic-looking fractal terrains of snow-capped
-mountains near water, with either a top view or a side view. This is not
-included with the XScreenSaver package, but if you don't have it already,
-you can find it at
-(Make sure you have version 2.7 or newer!)
-Written by Stephen Booth.
- </_description>
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="xplanet" _label="Xplanet">
- <command arg="-vroot"/>
- <number id="wait" type="slider" arg="-wait %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="1" high="30" default="1"
- convert="invert"/>
- <number id="timewarp" type="slider" arg="-timewarp %"
- _label="Time Warp" _low-label="Real Time" _high-label="Fast"
- low="1" high="100000" default="1"/>
- <hgroup>
- <select id="body">
- <option id="sun" _label="View Sun" arg-set="-body sun"/>
- <option id="mercury" _label="View Mercury" arg-set="-body mercury"/>
- <option id="venus" _label="View Venus" arg-set="-body venus"/>
- <option id="earth" _label="View Earth"/>
- <option id="moon" _label="View Moon" arg-set="-body moon"/>
- <option id="mars" _label="View Mars" arg-set="-body mars"/>
- <option id="phobos" _label="View Phobos" arg-set="-body phobos"/>
- <option id="deimos" _label="View Deimos" arg-set="-body deimos"/>
- <option id="jupiter" _label="View Jupiter" arg-set="-body jupiter"/>
- <option id="io" _label="View Io" arg-set="-body io"/>
- <option id="europa" _label="View Europa" arg-set="-body europa"/>
- <option id="ganymede" _label="View Ganymede" arg-set="-body ganymede"/>
- <option id="callisto" _label="View Callisto" arg-set="-body callisto"/>
- <option id="saturn" _label="View Saturn" arg-set="-body saturn"/>
- <option id="mimas" _label="View Mimas" arg-set="-body mimas"/>
- <option id="enceladus" _label="View Enceladus" arg-set="-body enceladus"/>
- <option id="tethys" _label="View Tethys" arg-set="-body tethys"/>
- <option id="dione" _label="View Dione" arg-set="-body dione"/>
- <option id="rhea" _label="View Rhea" arg-set="-body rhea"/>
- <option id="titan" _label="View Titan" arg-set="-body titan"/>
- <option id="hyperion" _label="View Hyperion" arg-set="-body hyperion"/>
- <option id="iapetus" _label="View Iapetus" arg-set="-body iapetus"/>
- <option id="phoebe" _label="View Phoebe" arg-set="-body phoebe"/>
- <option id="uranus" _label="View Uranus" arg-set="-body uranus"/>
- <option id="miranda" _label="View Miranda" arg-set="-body miranda"/>
- <option id="ariel" _label="View Ariel" arg-set="-body ariel"/>
- <option id="umbriel" _label="View Umbriel" arg-set="-body umbriel"/>
- <option id="titania" _label="View Titania" arg-set="-body titania"/>
- <option id="oberon" _label="View Oberon" arg-set="-body oberon"/>
- <option id="neptune" _label="View Neptune" arg-set="-body neptune"/>
- <option id="triton" _label="View Triton" arg-set="-body triton"/>
- <option id="nereid" _label="View Nereid" arg-set="-body nereid"/>
- <option id="pluto" _label="View Pluto" arg-set="-body pluto"/>
- <option id="charon" _label="View Charon" arg-set="-body charon"/>
- <option id="random" _label="View Random" arg-set="-body random"/>
- <option id="major" _label="View Major" arg-set="-body major"/>
- </select>
- <select id="origin">
- <option id="sun" _label="From Sun"/>
- <option id="mercury" _label="From Mercury" arg-set="-origin mercury"/>
- <option id="venus" _label="From Venus" arg-set="-origin venus"/>
- <option id="earth" _label="From Earth" arg-set="-origin earth"/>
- <option id="moon" _label="From Moon" arg-set="-origin moon"/>
- <option id="mars" _label="From Mars" arg-set="-origin mars"/>
- <option id="phobos" _label="From Phobos" arg-set="-origin phobos"/>
- <option id="deimos" _label="From Deimos" arg-set="-origin deimos"/>
- <option id="jupiter" _label="From Jupiter" arg-set="-origin jupiter"/>
- <option id="io" _label="From Io" arg-set="-origin io"/>
- <option id="europa" _label="From Europa" arg-set="-origin europa"/>
- <option id="ganymede" _label="From Ganymede" arg-set="-origin ganymede"/>
- <option id="callisto" _label="From Callisto" arg-set="-origin callisto"/>
- <option id="saturn" _label="From Saturn" arg-set="-origin saturn"/>
- <option id="mimas" _label="From Mimas" arg-set="-origin mimas"/>
- <option id="enceladus" _label="From Enceladus" arg-set="-origin enceladus"/>
- <option id="tethys" _label="From Tethys" arg-set="-origin tethys"/>
- <option id="dione" _label="From Dione" arg-set="-origin dione"/>
- <option id="rhea" _label="From Rhea" arg-set="-origin rhea"/>
- <option id="titan" _label="From Titan" arg-set="-origin titan"/>
- <option id="hyperion" _label="From Hyperion" arg-set="-origin hyperion"/>
- <option id="iapetus" _label="From Iapetus" arg-set="-origin iapetus"/>
- <option id="phoebe" _label="From Phoebe" arg-set="-origin phoebe"/>
- <option id="uranus" _label="From Uranus" arg-set="-origin uranus"/>
- <option id="miranda" _label="From Miranda" arg-set="-origin miranda"/>
- <option id="ariel" _label="From Ariel" arg-set="-origin ariel"/>
- <option id="umbriel" _label="From Umbriel" arg-set="-origin umbriel"/>
- <option id="titania" _label="From Titania" arg-set="-origin titania"/>
- <option id="oberon" _label="From Oberon" arg-set="-origin oberon"/>
- <option id="neptune" _label="From Neptune" arg-set="-origin neptune"/>
- <option id="triton" _label="From Triton" arg-set="-origin triton"/>
- <option id="nereid" _label="From Nereid" arg-set="-origin nereid"/>
- <option id="pluto" _label="From Pluto" arg-set="-origin pluto"/>
- <option id="charon" _label="From Charon" arg-set="-origin charon"/>
- <option id="random" _label="From Random" arg-set="-origin random"/>
- <option id="major" _label="From Major" arg-set="-origin major"/>
- </select>
- </hgroup>
- <select id="proj">
- <option id="none" _label="Render as a Globe"/>
- <option id="ancient" _label="Ancient Projection" arg-set="-projection ancient"/>
- <option id="azimuthal" _label="Azimuthal Projection" arg-set="-projection azimuthal"/>
- <option id="hemisphere" _label="Hemisphere Projection" arg-set="-projection hemisphere"/>
- <option id="lambert" _label="Lambert Projection" arg-set="-projection lambert"/>
- <option id="mercator" _label="Mercator Projection" arg-set="-projection mercator"/>
- <option id="mollweide" _label="Mollweide Projection" arg-set="-projection mollweide"/>
- <option id="peters" _label="Peters Projection" arg-set="-projection peters"/>
- <option id="orthographic" _label="Orthographic Projection" arg-set="-projection orthographic"/>
- <option id="rectangular" _label="Rectangular Projection" arg-set="-projection rectangular"/>
- </select>
- <hgroup>
- <number id="lat" type="spinbutton" arg="-latitude %"
- _label="Latitude" low="-90" high="90" default="0"/>
- <number id="longitude" type="spinbutton" arg="-longitude %"
- _label="Longitude" low="-180" high="180" default="0"/>
- </hgroup>
- <hgroup>
- <boolean id="label" _label="Date/Time Stamp" arg-set="-label"/>
- <select id="timestamp">
- <option id="ul" _label="Upper Left" arg-set="-labelpos +5+5"/>
- <option id="ll" _label="Lower Left" arg-set="-labelpos +5-5"/>
- <option id="ur" _label="Upper Right"/>
- <option id="lr" _label="Lower Right" arg-set="-labelpos -5+5"/>
- </select>
- </hgroup>
- <number id="radius" type="slider" arg="-radius %"
- _label="Radius" _low-label="0%" _high-label="100%"
- low="1" high="100" default="45"/>
- <_description>
-Xplanet draws an image of the Earth, as seen from your favorite vantage
-point in space, correctly shaded for the current position of the Sun.
-This is not included with the XScreenSaver package, but if you don't have
-it already, you can find it at
-Written by Hari Nair; 2001.
- </_description>
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="0"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Draws a few swarms of critters flying around the screen, with
faded color trails behind them.
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="xsnow" _label="Xsnow">
- <command arg="-root"/>
- <!-- #### -sc <snowcolor> -->
- <!-- #### -tc <tree color> -->
- <!-- #### -bg <background color> -->
- <!-- #### -solidbg (Performance improvement!) -->
- <!-- #### -slc <sleigh color> -->
- <!-- #### -snowflakes <numsnowflakes> -->
- <!-- #### -delay <delay in milliseconds> -->
- <!-- #### -unsmooth -->
- <!-- #### -whirl <whirlfactor> -->
- <!-- #### -nowind -->
- <!-- #### -windtimer <secs between windy periods> -->
- <!-- #### -xspeed <max xspeed snowflakes> -->
- <!-- #### -yspeed <max yspeed snowflakes> -->
- <!-- #### -wsnowdepth <max snow depth on windows> -->
- <!-- #### -offset <shift snow down> -->
- <!-- #### -ssnowdepth <max snow depth at bottom of display> -->
- <!-- #### -notrees -->
- <!-- #### -nosanta -->
- <!-- #### -norudolf -->
- <!-- #### -santa <santa> -->
- <!-- #### -santaspeed <santa_speed> -->
- <!-- #### -nokeepsnow -->
- <!-- #### -nokeepsnowonwindows -->
- <!-- #### -nokeepsnowonscreen -->
- <!-- #### -nonopopup -->
- <_description>
-Draws falling snow and the occasional tiny Santa.
-You can find it at <http://www.euronet.nl/~rja/Xsnow/>.
-Written by Rick Jansen.
- </_description>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="xspirograph" _label="XSpiroGraph">
+<screensaver name="xspirograph" _label="XSpirograph">
<command arg="-root"/>
+ <number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-subdelay %"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="20000"
+ convert="invert"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Duration" _low-label="1 Second" _high-label="1 Minute"
+ _label="Linger" _low-label="1 second" _high-label="1 minute"
low="1" high="60" default="5"/>
<number id="layers" type="spinbutton" arg="-layers %"
_label="Layers" low="1" high="10" default="2"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
Simulates that pen-in-nested-plastic-gears toy from your childhood.
Written by Rohit Singh; 2000.
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-<screensaver name="xteevee" _label="XTeeVee">
- <command arg="-root"/>
- <boolean id="cycle" _label="Cycle Through Modes" arg-unset="-no-cycle"/>
- <boolean id="static" _label="Static Enabled" arg-unset="-no-static"/>
- <boolean id="roll" _label="Rolling Enabled" arg-unset="-no-roll"/>
- <boolean id="bars" _label="Color Bars Enabled" arg-unset="-no-bars"/>
- <_description>
-XTeeVee simulates various television problems, including static,
-loss of vertical hold, and a test pattern.
-See also "xanalogtv" for a much more accurate simulation.
-Written by Greg Knauss; 2000.
- </_description>
<command arg="-root"/>
<number id="delay" type="slider" arg="-delay %"
- _label="Speed" _low-label="Slow" _high-label="Fast"
- low="0" high="20000" default="10000"
+ _label="Frame rate" _low-label="Low" _high-label="High"
+ low="0" high="100000" default="10000"
<number id="duration" type="slider" arg="-duration %"
_label="Duration" _low-label="10 seconds" _high-label="10 minutes"
low="10" high="600" default="120"/>
- <boolean id="lenses" _label="Lenses" arg-set="-lenses"/>
- <hgroup>
- <number id="pixwidth" type="spinbutton" arg="-pixwidth %"
- _label="Magnification" low="2" high="100" default="10"/>
- <number id="pixheight" type="spinbutton" arg="-pixheight %"
- _label="x" low="2" high="100" default="10"/>
- </hgroup>
- <number id="pixspacex" type="spinbutton" arg="-pixspacex %"
- _label="Border Width" low="0" high="10" default="2"/>
- <number id="pixspacey" type="spinbutton" arg="-pixspacey %"
- _label="x" low="0" high="10" default="2"/>
- </hgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="pixwidth" type="spinbutton" arg="-pixwidth %"
+ _label="X magnification" low="2" high="100" default="10"/>
+ <number id="pixspacex" type="spinbutton" arg="-pixspacex %"
+ _label=" X border width" low="0" high="10" default="2"/>
+ <number id="lensoffsetx" type="spinbutton" arg="-lensoffsetx %"
+ _label=" X lens offset" low="1" high="100" default="5"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <number id="pixheight" type="spinbutton" arg="-pixheight %"
+ _label="Y magnification" low="2" high="100" default="10"/>
+ <number id="pixspacey" type="spinbutton" arg="-pixspacey %"
+ _label=" Y border width" low="0" high="10" default="2"/>
+ <number id="lensoffsety" type="spinbutton" arg="-lensoffsety %"
+ _label=" Y lens offset" low="1" high="100" default="5"/>
+ </vgroup>
+ <vgroup>
+ <boolean id="lenses" _label="Lenses" arg-unset="-no-lenses"/>
+ <boolean id="showfps" _label="Show frame rate" arg-set="-fps"/>
+ </vgroup>
- <hgroup>
- <number id="lensoffsetx" type="spinbutton" arg="-lensoffsetx %"
- _label="Lens Offset" low="1" high="100" default="5"/>
- <number id="lensoffsety" type="spinbutton" arg="-lensoffsety %"
- _label="x" low="1" high="100" default="5"/>
<xscreensaver-image />
static const char *coral_defaults[] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*density: 25",
"*seeds: 20", /* too many for 640x480, too few for 1280x1024 */
"*delay: 5",
[\-delay \fInumber\fP]
[\-density \fInumber\fP]
[\-seeds \fInumber\fP]
Simulates coral growth, albeit somewhat slowly.
.TP 8
.B \-seeds \fInumber\fP
Seeds. 1 - 100. Default: 20.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
/* Default xrm resources. */
static const char *critical_defaults[] = {
".background: black",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*colorscheme: smooth",
"*delay: 10000",
"*ncolors: 64",
.B critical
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-delay \fIseconds\fP] [\-random \fIboolean\fP] [\-ncolors \fIint\fP] [\-offset \fIint\fP]
The \fIcritical\fP program displays a self-organizing critical system
that gradually emerges from chaos.
.TP 8
.B \-trail \fIinteger\fP
Length of the trail: between 5 and 100 is nice.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
"*count: -500 \n" \
"*cycles: 200 \n" \
"*size: -15 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 100 \n"
+ "*ncolors: 100 \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# define reshape_crystal 0
# define crystal_handle_event 0
# include "xlockmore.h" /* in xscreensaver distribution */
[\-count \fInumber\fP]
[\-delay \fInumber\fP]
[\-ncolors \fInumber\fP]
Moving polygons, similar to a kaleidescope (more like a kaleidescope than
the hack called `kaleid,' actually.)
.TP 8
.B \-ncolors \fInumber\fP
Number of Colors. Default: 100.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
[\-delay \fIusecs\fP]
[\-waves \fIint\fP]
[\-colors \fIint\fP]
The \fIcwaves\fP program draws a languidly-scrolling vertical field
of sinusoidal colors.
.B \-colors \fIint\fP
How many colors to use. Default 800. The more colors, the smoother the
blending will be.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
static const char *cynosure_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*delay: 500000",
"*colors: 128",
"*iterations: 100",
[\-delay \fInumber\fP]
[\-ncolors \fInumber\fP]
[\-iterations \fInumber\fP]
A hack similar to `greynetic', but less frenetic. The first implementation
was by Stephen Linhart; then Ozymandias G. Desiderata wrote a Java applet
.TP 8
.B \-iterations \fInumber\fP
Duration. 2 - 200. Default: 100.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
".background: Black",
".foreground: Yellow",
"*dontClearRoot: True",
+ "*fpsSolid: True",
#ifdef __sgi /* really, HAVE_READ_DISPLAY_EXTENSION */
"*visualID: Best",
[\-delay \fIusecs\fP]
[\-duration \fIsecs\fP]
[\-mode \fImode\fP]
The \fIdecayscreen\fP program creates a melting effect by randomly
shifting rectangles around the screen.
from the center), \fImelt\fP (meaning melt straight
downward), \fIstretch\fP (meaning stretch the screen downward),
and \fIfuzz\fP (meaning go blurry instead of melty).
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
The \fIdeco\fP program subdivides and colors rectangles randomly.
It looks kind of like Brady-Bunch-era rec-room wall paneling.
.B \-no\-mondrian
Whether to imitiate style of some famous paintings by Piet Mondrian.
Overrides line-width and colormap options. Default false.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
-/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1999-2006 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1999-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
int s = (t->size + t->thickness) / 2;
XPoint points[3];
- points[0].x = 0; points[0].y = t->y - s;
- points[1].x = t->x - s; points[1].y = t->y - s;
- points[2].x = t->x - s; points[2].y = 0;
- XDrawLines (st->dpy, w, t->gc, points, countof(points), CoordModeOrigin);
- points[0].x = 0; points[0].y = t->y + s;
- points[1].x = t->x - s; points[1].y = t->y + s;
- points[2].x = t->x - s; points[2].y = t->max_size;
- XDrawLines (st->dpy, w, t->gc, points, countof(points), CoordModeOrigin);
- points[0].x = t->x + s; points[0].y = 0;
- points[1].x = t->x + s; points[1].y = t->y - s;
- points[2].x = t->max_size; points[2].y = t->y - s;
- XDrawLines (st->dpy, w, t->gc, points, countof(points), CoordModeOrigin);
+ if (t->y > s)
+ {
+ points[0].x = 0; points[0].y = t->y - s;
+ points[1].x = t->x - s; points[1].y = t->y - s;
+ points[2].x = t->x - s; points[2].y = 0;
+ XDrawLines (st->dpy, w, t->gc, points, countof(points), CoordModeOrigin);
+ points[0].x = t->x + s; points[0].y = 0;
+ points[1].x = t->x + s; points[1].y = t->y - s;
+ points[2].x = t->max_size; points[2].y = t->y - s;
+ XDrawLines (st->dpy, w, t->gc, points, countof(points), CoordModeOrigin);
+ }
- points[0].x = t->x + s; points[0].y = t->max_size;
- points[1].x = t->x + s; points[1].y = t->y + s;
- points[2].x = t->max_size; points[2].y = t->y + s;
- XDrawLines (st->dpy, w, t->gc, points, countof(points), CoordModeOrigin);
+ if (t->x > s)
+ {
+ points[0].x = 0; points[0].y = t->y + s;
+ points[1].x = t->x - s; points[1].y = t->y + s;
+ points[2].x = t->x - s; points[2].y = t->max_size;
+ XDrawLines (st->dpy, w, t->gc, points, countof(points), CoordModeOrigin);
+ points[0].x = t->x + s; points[0].y = t->max_size;
+ points[1].x = t->x + s; points[1].y = t->y + s;
+ points[2].x = t->max_size; points[2].y = t->y + s;
+ XDrawLines (st->dpy, w, t->gc, points, countof(points), CoordModeOrigin);
+ }
t->speed += (((random() % t->speed) / 2) - (t->speed / 2));
if (t->speed > 0) t->speed = -t->speed;
- if (random() % 4)
- t->size = t->max_size;
- else
- t->size = t->thickness, t->speed = -t->speed;
flags = GCForeground;
# ifndef HAVE_COCOA
if (st->transparent_p)
default: abort(); break;
+ if (t->draw == draw_circle)
+ t->max_size *= 1.5;
+ if (random() % 4)
+ t->size = t->max_size;
+ else
+ t->size = t->thickness, t->speed = -t->speed;
return t;
static const char *deluxe_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
- "*delay: 5000",
+ "*delay: 10000",
"*count: 5",
"*thickness: 50",
"*speed: 15",
[\-ncolors \fInumber\fP]
This draws a pulsing sequence of stars, circles, and lines.
.TP 8
.B \-db | \-no-db
Whether to double buffer.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
"*count: 0 \n" \
"*cycles: 1000 \n" \
"*size: -7 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 64 \n"
+ "*ncolors: 64 \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# define reshape_demon 0
# define demon_handle_event 0
[\-delay \fInumber\fP]
[\-ncolors \fInumber\fP]
[\-size \fInumber\fP]
A cellular automaton that starts with a random field, and organizes it into
stripes and spirals.
.TP 8
.B \-size \fInumber\fP
Cell Size. -20 - 20. Default: -7.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
# define MODE_discrete
-#define DEFAULTS "*delay: 1000 \n" \
- "*count: 4096 \n" \
+#define DEFAULTS "*delay: 20000 \n" \
+ "*count: 4096 \n" \
"*cycles: 2500 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 100 \n"
+ "*ncolors: 100 \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# define reshape_discrete 0
# define discrete_handle_event 0
-draw_discrete (ModeInfo * mi)
+static void
+draw_discrete_1 (ModeInfo * mi)
Display *dsp = MI_DISPLAY(mi);
Window win = MI_WINDOW(mi);
if (hp->pointBuffer == NULL)
- if (hp->eraser) {
- hp->eraser = erase_window (MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_WINDOW(mi), hp->eraser);
- return;
- }
k = count;
xp = hp->pointBuffer;
XDrawPoints(dsp, win, gc, hp->pointBuffer, count, CoordModeOrigin);
- if (++hp->count > cycles) {
- hp->eraser = erase_window (MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_WINDOW(mi), hp->eraser);
-#endif /* STANDALONE */
- init_discrete(mi);
- }
+draw_discrete (ModeInfo * mi)
+ discretestruct *hp = &discretes[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
+ int cycles = MI_CYCLES(mi);
+ int i;
+ if (hp->eraser) {
+ hp->eraser = erase_window (MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_WINDOW(mi), hp->eraser);
+ return;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ draw_discrete_1 (mi);
+ hp->count++;
+ }
+ if (hp->count > cycles) {
+ hp->eraser = erase_window (MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_WINDOW(mi), hp->eraser);
+ init_discrete(mi);
+ }
release_discrete(ModeInfo * mi)
[\-cycles \fInumber\fP]
[\-delay \fInumber\fP]
[\-ncolors \fInumber\fP]
More ``discrete map'' systems, including new variants of Hopalong and
Julia, and a few others.
.TP 8
.B \-ncolors \fInumber\fP
Number of Colors. Default: 100.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
/* -*- mode: C; tab-width: 4 -*-
- * xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1992-2006 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+ * xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1992-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
static const char *distort_defaults [] = {
"*dontClearRoot: True",
"*background: Black",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
#ifdef __sgi /* really, HAVE_READ_DISPLAY_EXTENSION */
"*visualID: Best",
[\-shm] [\-no\-shm]
The \fIdistort\fP program takes an image and lets circular zones of
distortion wander randomly around it, distorting what is under them.
.TP 8
.B \-no\-shm
Don't use shared memory extension.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
# define MODE_drift
# define DEFAULTS "*delay: 10000 \n" \
"*count: 30 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 200 \n"
+ "*ncolors: 200 \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# define reshape_drift 0
# define drift_handle_event 0
.B drift
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-ncolors \fIinteger\fP] [\-delay \fImicroseconds\fP] [\-count \fIinteger\fP] [\-grow] [\-no\-grow] [\-liss] [\-no\-liss]
The \fIdrift\fP program draws drifting recursive fractal cosmic flames
.B \-no\-liss
Whether we should use lissajous figures to get points.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
static const char *epicycle_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*colors: 100",
"*color0: red",
- "*delay: 1000",
+ "*delay: 20000",
"*holdtime: 2",
"*lineWidth: 4",
"*minCircles: 2",
.B epicycle
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-root] [\-window] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-noinstall] [\-visual \fIviz\fP] [\-colors \fIN\fP] [\-foreground \fIname\fP] [\-color\-shift \fIN\fP] [\-delay \fImicroseconds\fP] [\-holdtime \fIseconds\fP] [\-linewidth \fIN\fP] [\-min_circles \fIN\fP] [\-max_circles \fIN\fP] [\-min_speed \fInumber\fP] [\-max_speed \fInumber\fP] [\-harmonics \fIN\fP] [\-timestep \fInumber\fP] [\-divisor_poisson \fIprobability\fP] [\-size_factor_min \fInumber\fP] [\-size_factor_max \fInumber\fP]
The epicycle program draws the path traced out by a point on the edge
of a circle. That circle rotates around a point on the rim of another
.TP 8
.B \-size_factor_max \fInumber\fP
Epicycles are never more than this factor smaller than their parents.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
Option Resource Default Value
static const char *eruption_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ "*fpsTop: true",
"*cycles: 80",
"*ncolors: 256",
"*delay: 10000",
[\-Gravity \fInumber\fP]
[\-delay \fInumber\fP]
[\-cycles \fInumber\fP]
This hack creates an eruption of pieces of hot volcanic rock.
Ported from the demo effects collection (http://demo-effects.sourceforge.net)
.TP 8
.B \-cycles \fInumber\fP
Duration. 10 - 3000. Default: 80.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
# define DEFAULTS "*delay: 10000 \n" \
"*count: 1024 \n" \
"*cycles: 3000 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 64 \n"
+ "*ncolors: 64 \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# define reshape_euler2d 0
# define euler2d_handle_event 0
-XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("Euler2d", euler2d)
+XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("Euler2D", euler2d)
#endif /* MODE_euler2d */
[\-cycles \fInumber\fP]
[\-ncolors \fInumber\fP]
[\-delay \fInumber\fP]
Simulates two dimensional incompressible inviscid fluid flow.
.TP 8
.B \-delay \fInumber\fP
Per-frame delay, in microseconds. Default: 10000 (0.01 seconds.).
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
# define DEFAULTS "*delay: 30000 \n" \
"*count: 10 \n" \
"*cycles: 1500 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 64 \n"
+ "*ncolors: 64 \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# define reshape_fadeplot 0
-XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("Fadeplot", fadeplot)
+XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("FadePlot", fadeplot)
#endif /* MODE_fadeplot */
[\-cycles \fInumber\fP]
[\-delay \fInumber\fP]
[\-ncolors \fInumber\fP]
Draws what looks like a waving ribbon following a sinusoidal path.
.TP 8
.B \-ncolors \fInumber\fP
Number of colors. Default: 64.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
#define DEFAULTS "*delay: 10000 \n" \
"*count: 500 \n" \
"*cycles: 10000 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 64 \n"
+ "*ncolors: 64 \n" \
+ "*fpsTop: true \n" \
# define fiberlamp_handle_event 0
# include "xlockmore.h" /* in xscreensaver distribution */
[\-cycles \fInumber\fP]
[\-delay \fInumber\fP]
[\-ncolors \fInumber\fP]
Displays a Fiber Optic Lamp.
.TP 8
.B \-ncolors \fInumber\fP
Number of Colors. Default: 64.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
[\-delay \fInumber\fP]
[\-maxlife \fInumber\fP]
Simulates fireworks (pyrotechnics); explodes better on faster machines.
.TP 8
.B \-verbose
for scientific purposes..!
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
"*ncolors: 200 \n" \
"*bitmap: \n" \
"*font: " DEF_FONT "\n" \
- "*text: \n"
+ "*text: \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# define reshape_flag 0
fp->image = XGetImage(dpy, bitmap, 0, 0, width, height, 1L, XYPixmap);
XFreePixmap(dpy, bitmap);
- else
+ if (! fp->image)
char *bits = (char *) malloc (sizeof(bob_bits));
memcpy (bits, bob_bits, sizeof(bob_bits));
.B flag
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-ncolors \fIinteger\fP] [\-delay \fImicroseconds\fP] [\-cycles \fIinteger\fP] [\-size \fIinteger\fP] [\-text \fIstring\fP] [\-font \fIfont\fP] [\-bitmap \fIxbm-file\fP]
The \fIflag\fP program draws a waving flag that contains text or a bitmap.
.B \-font \fIfont\fP
The font in which to draw the text; the default is
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
-/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1993, 1995, 1996, 1998
- * Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1993-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
static const char *flame_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*colors: 64",
"*iterations: 25",
"*delay: 50000",
.B flame
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-colors \fIinteger\fP] [\-iterations \fIinteger\fP] [\-points \fIinteger\fP] [\-delay \fImicroseconds\fP] [\-delay2 \fImicroseconds\fP]
The \fIflame\fP program generates colorful fractal displays.
.B \-delay2 \fImicroseconds\fP
How long we should wait before clearing the screen when each run ends.
Default 2000000, or two seconds.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
"*size: -10 \n" \
"*cycles: 10000 \n" \
"*ncolors: 200 \n"
# define reshape_flow 0
# define flow_handle_event 0
# include "xlockmore.h" /* in xscreensaver distribution */
[\-ncolors \fInumber\fP]
[\-delay \fInumber\fP]
Strange attractors formed of flows in a 3D differential equation phase
space. Features the popular attractors described by \fBLorentz\fP,
-\fBRoessler\fP, \fBBirkhoff\fP and \fBDuffing\fP, and can now discover
+\fBRoessler\fP, \fBBirkhoff\fP and \fBDuffing\fP, and can discover
entirely new attractors by itself.
.TP 8
.TP 8
.B \-delay \fInumber\fP
Per-frame delay, in microseconds. Default: 10000 (0.01 seconds.).
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
draw_fps_string (b_state *state)
XFillRectangle (state->dpy, state->b, state->erase_gc,
- 0, state->xgwa.height - state->font_height,
- state->xgwa.width, state->font_height);
+ 0, state->xgwa.height - state->font_height*3 - 20,
+ state->xgwa.width, state->font_height*3 + 20);
XDrawImageString (state->dpy, state->b, state->font_gc,
- 0, state->xgwa.height - state->font_baseline,
+ 10, state->xgwa.height - state->font_height*2 -
+ state->font_baseline - 10,
state->fps_str, strlen(state->fps_str));
state->xmin = wx;
state->ymin = wy;
state->xmax = state->xmin + state->xgwa.width;
- state->ymax = state->ymin + state->xgwa.height - state->font_height;
+ state->ymax = state->ymin + state->xgwa.height - (state->font_height*3) -
+ (state->font_height ? 22 : 0);
if (state->dbuf && (state->ba))
XClearWindow (state->dpy, state->window);
else if (state->fps_p && oymax != state->ymax)
XFillRectangle (state->dpy, state->b, state->erase_gc,
- 0, state->xgwa.height - state->font_height,
- state->xgwa.width, state->font_height);
+ 0, state->xgwa.height - state->font_height*3,
+ state->xgwa.width, state->font_height*3);
if (state->fps_p)
XFontStruct *font;
- char *fontname = get_string_resource (dpy, "font", "Font");
- const char *def_font = "fixed";
- if (!fontname || !*fontname) fontname = (char *)def_font;
+ char *fontname = get_string_resource (dpy, "fpsFont", "Font");
+ if (!fontname) fontname = "-*-courier-bold-r-normal-*-180-*";
font = XLoadQueryFont (dpy, fontname);
- if (!font) font = XLoadQueryFont (dpy, def_font);
+ if (!font) font = XLoadQueryFont (dpy, "fixed");
if (!font) exit(-1);
gcv.font = font->fid;
gcv.foreground = get_pixel_resource(state->dpy, state->xgwa.colormap,
float fps = state->frame_count / elapsed;
float cps = state->collision_count / elapsed;
- sprintf (state->fps_str,
- " FPS: %.2f Collisions: %.3f/frame Max motion: %.3f",
- fps, cps/fps, max_d);
+ sprintf (state->fps_str, "Collisions: %.3f/frame Max motion: %.3f",
+ cps/fps, max_d);
static const char *fluidballs_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: yellow",
- ".textColor: yellow",
+ ".textColor: white",
"*mouseForeground: white",
- ".font: -*-helvetica-*-r-*-*-*-180-*-*-p-*-*-*",
"*delay: 10000",
"*count: 300",
"*size: 25",
"*wind: 0.00",
"*elasticity: 0.97",
"*timeScale: 1.0",
- "*doFPS: False",
"*shake: True",
"*shakeThreshold: 0.015",
"*doubleBuffer: True",
{ "-gravity", ".gravity", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{ "-wind", ".wind", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{ "-elasticity", ".elasticity", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
- { "-fps", ".doFPS", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" },
- { "-no-fps", ".doFPS", XrmoptionNoArg, "False" },
{ "-shake", ".shake", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" },
{ "-no-shake", ".shake", XrmoptionNoArg, "False" },
{ "-random", ".random", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" },
-XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("Fluidballs", fluidballs)
+XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("FluidBalls", fluidballs)
Whether to shake the box if the system seems to have settled down.
"Shake" means "change the direction of Down."
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
The \fIfontglide\fP program reads text from a subprocess and puts it on
the screen using large characters that glide in from the edges,
.B \-debug\fP
Draw some boxes showing character metrics, and print the name of the
current font to stderr.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
# define DEFAULTS "*delay: 500000 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 20 \n"
+ "*ncolors: 20 \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# include "xlockmore.h" /* from the xscreensaver distribution */
# define refresh_trees 0
# define reshape_trees 0
.B forest
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-ncolors \fIinteger\fP] [\-delay \fImicroseconds\fP]
The \fIforest\fP program draws a fractal forest.
.B \-ncolors \fIinteger\fP
How many colors should be used (if possible). Default 20.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
--- /dev/null
+/* fps, Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+ * Draw a frames-per-second display (Xlib and OpenGL).
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
+ * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
+ * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+ * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this
+ * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
+ * implied warranty.
+ */
+# include "config.h"
+#endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */
+#include "screenhackI.h"
+#include "fpsI.h"
+fps_state *
+fps_init (Display *dpy, Window window)
+ fps_state *st;
+ const char *font;
+ XFontStruct *f;
+ int first, last;
+ if (! get_boolean_resource (dpy, "doFPS", "DoFPS"))
+ return 0;
+ st = (fps_state *) calloc (1, sizeof(*st));
+ st->dpy = dpy;
+ st->window = window;
+ st->clear_p = get_boolean_resource (dpy, "fpsSolid", "FPSSolid");
+ font = get_string_resource (dpy, "fpsFont", "Font");
+ if (!font) font = "-*-courier-bold-r-normal-*-180-*";
+ f = XLoadQueryFont (dpy, font);
+ if (!f) f = XLoadQueryFont (dpy, "fixed");
+ first = f->min_char_or_byte2;
+ last = f->max_char_or_byte2;
+ {
+ XWindowAttributes xgwa;
+ XGCValues gcv;
+ XGetWindowAttributes (dpy, window, &xgwa);
+ gcv.font = f->fid;
+ gcv.foreground =
+ get_pixel_resource (st->dpy, xgwa.colormap, "foreground", "Foreground");
+ st->draw_gc = XCreateGC (dpy, window, GCFont|GCForeground, &gcv);
+ gcv.foreground =
+ get_pixel_resource (st->dpy, xgwa.colormap, "background", "Background");
+ st->erase_gc = XCreateGC (dpy, window, GCFont|GCForeground, &gcv);
+ }
+ st->font = f;
+ st->x = 10;
+ st->y = 10;
+ if (get_boolean_resource (dpy, "fpsTop", "FPSTop"))
+ st->y = - (st->font->ascent + st->font->descent + 10);
+ strcpy (st->string, "FPS: ... ");
+ return st;
+fps_free (fps_state *st)
+ if (st->draw_gc) XFreeGC (st->dpy, st->draw_gc);
+ if (st->erase_gc) XFreeGC (st->dpy, st->erase_gc);
+ if (st->font) XFreeFont (st->dpy, st->font);
+ free (st);
+fps_slept (fps_state *st, unsigned long usecs)
+ st->slept += usecs;
+fps_compute (fps_state *st, unsigned long polys)
+ if (! st) return 0; /* too early? */
+ /* Every N frames (where N is approximately one second's worth of frames)
+ check the wall clock. We do this because checking the wall clock is
+ a slow operation.
+ */
+ if (st->frame_count++ >= st->last_ifps)
+ {
+ struct timezone tzp;
+ gettimeofday(&st->this_frame_end, &tzp);
+# else
+ gettimeofday(&st->this_frame_end);
+# endif
+ if (st->prev_frame_end.tv_sec == 0)
+ st->prev_frame_end = st->this_frame_end;
+ }
+ /* If we've probed the wall-clock time, regenerate the string.
+ */
+ if (st->this_frame_end.tv_sec != st->prev_frame_end.tv_sec)
+ {
+ double uprev_frame_end = (st->prev_frame_end.tv_sec +
+ ((double) st->prev_frame_end.tv_usec
+ * 0.000001));
+ double uthis_frame_end = (st->this_frame_end.tv_sec +
+ ((double) st->this_frame_end.tv_usec
+ * 0.000001));
+ double fps = st->frame_count / (uthis_frame_end - uprev_frame_end);
+ double idle = (((double) st->slept * 0.000001) /
+ (uthis_frame_end - uprev_frame_end));
+ double load = 100 * (1 - idle);
+ if (load < 0) load = 0; /* well that's obviously nonsense... */
+ st->prev_frame_end = st->this_frame_end;
+ st->frame_count = 0;
+ st->slept = 0;
+ st->last_ifps = fps;
+ st->last_fps = fps;
+ sprintf (st->string, (polys
+ ? "FPS: %.1f \nLoad: %.1f%% "
+ : "FPS: %.1f \nLoad: %.1f%% "),
+ fps, load);
+ if (polys > 0)
+ {
+ const char *s = "";
+# if 0
+ if (polys >= (1024 * 1024)) polys >>= 20, s = "M";
+ else if (polys >= 2048) polys >>= 10, s = "K";
+# endif
+ strcat (st->string, "\nPolys: ");
+ if (polys >= 1000000)
+ sprintf (st->string + strlen(st->string), "%lu,%03lu,%03lu%s ",
+ (polys / 1000000), ((polys / 1000) % 1000),
+ (polys % 1000), s);
+ else if (polys >= 1000)
+ sprintf (st->string + strlen(st->string), "%lu,%03lu%s ",
+ (polys / 1000), (polys % 1000), s);
+ else
+ sprintf (st->string + strlen(st->string), "%lu%s ", polys, s);
+ }
+ }
+ return st->last_fps;
+/* Width (and optionally height) of the string in pixels.
+ */
+static int
+string_width (XFontStruct *f, const char *c, int *height_ret)
+ int x = 0;
+ int max_w = 0;
+ int h = f->ascent + f->descent;
+ while (*c)
+ {
+ int cc = *((unsigned char *) c);
+ if (*c == '\n')
+ {
+ if (x > max_w) max_w = x;
+ x = 0;
+ h += f->ascent + f->descent;
+ }
+ else
+ x += (f->per_char
+ ? f->per_char[cc-f->min_char_or_byte2].width
+ : f->min_bounds.rbearing);
+ c++;
+ }
+ if (x > max_w) max_w = x;
+ if (height_ret) *height_ret = h;
+ return max_w;
+/* This function is used only in Xlib mode. For GL mode, see glx/fps-glx.c.
+ */
+fps_draw (fps_state *st)
+ XWindowAttributes xgwa;
+ const char *string = st->string;
+ const char *s;
+ int x = st->x;
+ int y = st->y;
+ int lines = 1;
+ int lh = st->font->ascent + st->font->descent;
+ XGetWindowAttributes (st->dpy, st->window, &xgwa);
+ for (s = string; *s; s++)
+ if (*s == '\n') lines++;
+ if (y < 0)
+ y = -y + (lines-1) * lh;
+ else
+ y = xgwa.height - y;
+ y -= lh * (lines-1) + st->font->descent;
+ /* clear the background */
+ if (st->clear_p)
+ {
+ int w, h;
+ int lh = st->font->ascent + st->font->descent;
+ w = string_width (st->font, string, &h);
+ XFillRectangle (st->dpy, st->window, st->erase_gc,
+ x - st->font->descent,
+ y - lh,
+ w + 2*st->font->descent,
+ h + 2*st->font->descent);
+ }
+ /* draw the text */
+ while (lines)
+ {
+ s = strchr (string, '\n');
+ if (! s) s = string + strlen(string);
+ XDrawString (st->dpy, st->window, st->draw_gc,
+ x, y, string, s - string);
+ string = s;
+ string++;
+ lines--;
+ y += lh;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+/* fps, Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+ * Draw a frames-per-second display (Xlib and OpenGL).
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
+ * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
+ * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+ * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this
+ * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
+ * implied warranty.
+ */
+# define __XSCREENSAVER_FPS_H__
+# include "config.h"
+#endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */
+typedef struct fps_state fps_state;
+extern fps_state *fps_init (Display *, Window);
+extern void fps_free (fps_state *);
+extern void fps_slept (fps_state *, unsigned long usecs);
+extern double fps_compute (fps_state *, unsigned long polys);
+extern void fps_draw (fps_state *);
+#endif /* __XSCREENSAVER_FPS_H__ */
--- /dev/null
+/* fps, Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+ * Draw a frames-per-second display (Xlib and OpenGL).
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
+ * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
+ * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+ * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this
+ * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
+ * implied warranty.
+ */
+#include "fps.h"
+struct fps_state {
+ Display *dpy;
+ Window window;
+ int x, y;
+ XFontStruct *font;
+ unsigned long font_dlist; /* for glx/fps-gl.c */
+ Bool clear_p;
+ char string[1024];
+ GC draw_gc, erase_gc;
+ int last_ifps;
+ double last_fps;
+ int frame_count;
+ unsigned long slept;
+ struct timeval prev_frame_end, this_frame_end;
+#endif /* __XSCREENSAVER_FPSI_H__ */
(\-color \fIstring\fP)
.I fuzzyflakes
.B \-random-colors
This enables the random color generation. It is disabled by default.
It overrides anything from -color
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
# define DEFAULTS "*delay: 20000 \n" \
"*count: -5 \n" \
"*cycles: 250 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 64 \n"
+ "*ncolors: 64 \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# define reshape_galaxy 0
# define galaxy_handle_event 0
.B galaxy
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-ncolors \fIinteger\fP] [\-delay \fImicroseconds\fP] [\-cycles \fIinteger\fP] [\-count \fIinteger\fP] [\-size \fIinteger\fP] [\-tracks] [\-no\-tracks] [\-spin] [\-no\-spin]
The \fIgalaxy\fP program draws spinning galaxies.
.B \-spin
.TP 8
.B \-no\-spin
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
$(UTILS_SRC)/visual.o $(UTILS_SRC)/visual-gl.o \
$(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.o $(UTILS_SRC)/xshm.o
-SRCS = xscreensaver-gl-helper.c normals.c glxfonts.c \
+SRCS = xscreensaver-gl-helper.c normals.c glxfonts.c fps-gl.c \
atlantis.c b_draw.c b_lockglue.c b_sphere.c bubble3d.c \
buildlwo.c cage.c dolphin.c gears.c lament.c moebius.c \
morph3d.c pipeobjs.c pipes.c rubik.c s1_1.c s1_2.c s1_3.c \
s1_4.c s1_5.c s1_6.c s1_b.c shark.c sproingies.c \
sproingiewrap.c stairs.c superquadrics.c swim.c whale.c \
- xlock-gl-utils.c fps.c xpm-ximage.c glplanet.c pulsar.c \
+ xlock-gl-utils.c xpm-ximage.c glplanet.c pulsar.c \
extrusion.c extrusion-helix2.c extrusion-helix3.c \
extrusion-helix4.c extrusion-joinoffset.c extrusion-screw.c \
extrusion-taper.c extrusion-twistoid.c sierpinski3d.c \
timetunnel.c juggler3d.c topblock.c glschool.c \
glschool_gl.c glschool_alg.c glcells.c voronoi.c \
moebiusgears.c lockward.c cubicgrid.c hypnowheel.c \
- skytentacles.c
+ skytentacles.c teapot.c
-OBJS = xscreensaver-gl-helper.o normals.o glxfonts.o \
+OBJS = xscreensaver-gl-helper.o normals.o glxfonts.o fps-gl.o \
atlantis.o b_draw.o b_lockglue.o b_sphere.o bubble3d.o \
buildlwo.o cage.o dolphin.o gears.o lament.o moebius.o \
morph3d.o pipeobjs.o pipes.o rubik.o s1_1.o s1_2.o s1_3.o \
s1_4.o s1_5.o s1_6.o s1_b.o shark.o sproingies.o \
sproingiewrap.o stairs.o superquadrics.o swim.o whale.o \
- xlock-gl-utils.o fps.o xpm-ximage.o glplanet.o pulsar.o \
+ xlock-gl-utils.o xpm-ximage.o glplanet.o pulsar.o \
extrusion.o extrusion-helix2.o extrusion-helix3.o \
extrusion-helix4.o extrusion-joinoffset.o extrusion-screw.o \
extrusion-taper.o extrusion-twistoid.o sierpinski3d.o \
timetunnel.o juggler3d.o topblock.o glschool.o \
glschool_gl.o glschool_alg.o glcells.o voronoi.o \
moebiusgears.o lockward.o cubicgrid.o hypnowheel.o \
- skytentacles.o
+ skytentacles.o teapot.o
GL_EXES = cage gears moebius pipes sproingies stairs superquadrics \
morph3d rubik atlantis lament bubble3d glplanet pulsar \
GRAB_OBJS = $(UTILS_BIN)/grabclient.o grab-ximage.o $(XSHM_OBJS)
-HACK_OBJS = $(HACK_BIN)/screenhack.o \
- xlockmore-gl.o xlock-gl-utils.o fps.o \
+HACK_OBJS = $(HACK_BIN)/screenhack.o $(HACK_BIN)/fps.o \
+ xlockmore-gl.o xlock-gl-utils.o glxfonts.o fps-gl.o \
$(UTILS_BIN)/resources.o $(UTILS_BIN)/visual.o \
$(UTILS_BIN)/visual-gl.o $(UTILS_BIN)/usleep.o \
$(UTILS_BIN)/yarandom.o $(UTILS_BIN)/hsv.o \
tunnel_draw.h ants.h polyhedra.h normals.h glxfonts.h \
texfont.h tangram_shapes.h sproingies.h extrusion.h \
glschool.h glschool_gl.h glschool_alg.h topblock.h \
- involute.h
+ involute.h teapot.h
GL_MEN = atlantis.man boxed.man bubble3d.man cage.man circuit.man \
cubenetic.man dangerball.man engine.man extrusion.man \
flipscreen3d.man gears.man gflux.man glforestfire.man \
done ; \
- @badxml="" ; \
- for exe in $(EXES); do \
- if ! [ -f $(srcdir)/../config/$$exe.xml -o \
- "$$exe" = xscreensaver-gl-helper ]; then \
- badxml="$$badxml $$exe" ; \
- fi ; \
- done ; \
- if [ -n "$$badxml" ]; then \
- echo "" ; \
- echo "Warning: The following programs have no configurators:" ; \
- echo "" ; \
- for m in $$badxml ; do \
- echo " $$m" ; \
- done ; \
- echo "" ; \
- fi
-distdepend:: check_men check_xml
+ @echo "Validating XML..." ; \
+ cd $(HACK_SRC) ; ./check-configs.pl $(EXES)
+distdepend:: check_men validate_xml
moebius: moebius.o $(HACK_TRACK_OBJS)
-pipes: pipes.o pipeobjs.o buildlwo.o $(HACK_OBJS)
- $(CC_HACK) -o $@ $@.o pipeobjs.o buildlwo.o $(HACK_OBJS) $(HACK_LIBS)
+PIPE_OBJS=pipeobjs.o buildlwo.o teapot.o
+pipes: pipes.o $(PIPE_OBJS) $(HACK_OBJS)
+ $(CC_HACK) -o $@ $@.o $(PIPE_OBJS) $(HACK_OBJS) $(HACK_LIBS)
superquadrics: superquadrics.o $(HACK_OBJS)
$(CC_HACK) -o $@ $@.o $(HACK_OBJS) $(HACK_LIBS)
rubik: rubik.o $(HACK_OBJS)
$(CC_HACK) -o $@ $@.o $(HACK_OBJS) $(HACK_LIBS)
-stairs: stairs.o $(HACK_OBJS)
- $(CC_HACK) -o $@ $@.o $(HACK_OBJS) $(HACK_LIBS)
+stairs: stairs.o sphere.o $(HACK_TRACK_OBJS)
+ $(CC_HACK) -o $@ $@.o sphere.o $(HACK_TRACK_OBJS) $(HACK_LIBS)
SPROINGIES = sproingiewrap.o gllist.o \
s1_1.o s1_2.o s1_3.o s1_4.o s1_5.o s1_6.o s1_b.o
menger: menger.o $(HACK_TRACK_OBJS)
-engine: engine.o glxfonts.o $(HACK_TRACK_OBJS)
- $(CC_HACK) -o $@ $@.o glxfonts.o $(HACK_TRACK_OBJS) $(HACK_LIBS)
+engine: engine.o $(HACK_TRACK_OBJS)
+ $(CC_HACK) -o $@ $@.o $(HACK_TRACK_OBJS) $(HACK_LIBS)
flipscreen3d: flipscreen3d.o $(HACK_TRACK_GRAB_OBJS)
-glsnake: glsnake.o glxfonts.o $(HACK_OBJS)
- $(CC_HACK) -o $@ $@.o glxfonts.o $(HACK_OBJS) $(HACK_LIBS)
+glsnake: glsnake.o $(HACK_OBJS)
+ $(CC_HACK) -o $@ $@.o $(HACK_OBJS) $(HACK_LIBS)
boxed: boxed.o $(HACK_OBJS)
$(CC_HACK) -o $@ $@.o $(HACK_OBJS) $(HACK_LIBS)
cubenetic: cubenetic.o $(HACK_TRACK_OBJS)
-spheremonics: spheremonics.o normals.o glxfonts.o $(HACK_TRACK_OBJS)
- $(CC_HACK) -o $@ $@.o normals.o glxfonts.o $(HACK_TRACK_OBJS) $(HACK_LIBS)
+spheremonics: spheremonics.o normals.o $(HACK_TRACK_OBJS)
+ $(CC_HACK) -o $@ $@.o normals.o $(HACK_TRACK_OBJS) $(HACK_LIBS)
LL_OBJS=marching.o xpm-ximage.o normals.o $(HACK_TRACK_OBJS)
lavalite: lavalite.o $(LL_OBJS)
bouncingcow: $(COW_OBJS)
$(CC_HACK) -o $@ $(COW_OBJS) $(XPM_LIBS)
-glslideshow: glslideshow.o glxfonts.o $(HACK_GRAB_OBJS)
- $(CC_HACK) -o $@ $@.o glxfonts.o $(HACK_GRAB_OBJS) $(HACK_LIBS)
+glslideshow: glslideshow.o $(HACK_GRAB_OBJS)
+ $(CC_HACK) -o $@ $@.o $(HACK_GRAB_OBJS) $(HACK_LIBS)
jigglypuff: jigglypuff.o xpm-ximage.o $(HACK_TRACK_OBJS)
$(CC_HACK) -o $@ $@.o xpm-ximage.o $(HACK_TRACK_OBJS) $(XPM_LIBS)
blocktube: blocktube.o xpm-ximage.o $(HACK_OBJS)
$(CC_HACK) -o $@ $@.o xpm-ximage.o $(HACK_OBJS) $(XPM_LIBS)
-flipflop: flipflop.o $(HACK_TRACK_OBJS)
- $(CC_HACK) -o $@ $@.o $(HACK_TRACK_OBJS) $(HACK_LIBS)
+flipflop: flipflop.o $(HACK_TRACK_GRAB_OBJS)
antspotlight: antspotlight.o $(HACK_TRACK_GRAB_OBJS)
$(srcdir)/molecules.sh molecules.h $(HACK_SRC)/images/molecules/*.pdb
-MOLECULE_OBJS=sphere.o tube.o glxfonts.o $(HACK_TRACK_OBJS)
molecule: molecule.o $(MOLECULE_OBJS)
noof: noof.o $(HACK_OBJS)
$(CC_HACK) -o $@ $@.o $(HACK_OBJS) $(HACK_LIBS)
-PH_OBJS=polyhedra-gl.o normals.o glxfonts.o $(HACK_TRACK_OBJS)
+PH_OBJS=polyhedra-gl.o normals.o teapot.o $(HACK_TRACK_OBJS)
polyhedra: polyhedra.o $(PH_OBJS)
$(CC_HACK) -o $@ $@.o $(PH_OBJS) $(HACK_LIBS)
providence: providence.o $(HACK_TRACK_OBJS)
-pinion: pinion.o glxfonts.o $(GEARS_OBJS)
- $(CC_HACK) -o $@ $@.o glxfonts.o $(GEARS_OBJS) $(HACK_LIBS)
+pinion: pinion.o $(GEARS_OBJS)
+ $(CC_HACK) -o $@ $@.o $(GEARS_OBJS) $(HACK_LIBS)
moebiusgears: moebiusgears.o $(GEARS_OBJS)
$(CC_HACK) -o $@ $@.o $(GEARS_OBJS) $(HACK_LIBS)
antmaze: antmaze.o $(HACK_TRACK_OBJS)
-TANGRAM_OBJS=tangram_shapes.o glxfonts.o $(HACK_OBJS)
+TANGRAM_OBJS=tangram_shapes.o $(HACK_OBJS)
tangram: tangram.o $(TANGRAM_OBJS)
$(CC_HACK) -o $@ $@.o $(TANGRAM_OBJS) $(HACK_LIBS)
hypnowheel: hypnowheel.o $(HACK_TRACK_OBJS)
-skytentacles: skytentacles.o normals.o $(HACK_TRACK_OBJS)
- $(CC_HACK) -o $@ $@.o normals.o $(HACK_TRACK_OBJS) $(HACK_LIBS)
+TENTACLE_OBJS=normals.o xpm-ximage.o $(HACK_TRACK_OBJS)
+skytentacles: skytentacles.o $(TENTACLE_OBJS)
+ $(CC_HACK) -o $@ $@.o $(TENTACLE_OBJS) $(XPM_LIBS)
# DO NOT DELETE: updated by make distdepend
antinspect.o: ../../config.h
+antinspect.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
antinspect.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
antinspect.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
antinspect.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
antinspect.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
antmaze.o: $(srcdir)/ants.h
antmaze.o: ../../config.h
+antmaze.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
antmaze.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
antmaze.o: $(srcdir)/rotator.h
antmaze.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
antmaze.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
antspotlight.o: $(srcdir)/ants.h
antspotlight.o: ../../config.h
+antspotlight.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
antspotlight.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
antspotlight.o: $(srcdir)/grab-ximage.h
antspotlight.o: $(srcdir)/rotator.h
antspotlight.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
atlantis.o: $(srcdir)/atlantis.h
atlantis.o: ../../config.h
+atlantis.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
atlantis.o: $(HACK_SRC)/images/sea-texture.xpm
atlantis.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
atlantis.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
atlantis.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
atlantis.o: $(srcdir)/xpm-ximage.h
atunnel.o: ../../config.h
+atunnel.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
atunnel.o: $(HACK_SRC)/images/tunnel0.xpm
atunnel.o: $(HACK_SRC)/images/tunnel1.xpm
atunnel.o: $(HACK_SRC)/images/tunnel2.xpm
atunnel.o: $(srcdir)/xpm-ximage.h
b_draw.o: $(srcdir)/bubble3d.h
b_draw.o: ../../config.h
+b_draw.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
b_draw.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
b_draw.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
b_draw.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
b_draw.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
b_draw.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
blinkbox.o: ../../config.h
+blinkbox.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
blinkbox.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
blinkbox.o: $(srcdir)/sphere.h
blinkbox.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
blinkbox.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
b_lockglue.o: $(srcdir)/bubble3d.h
b_lockglue.o: ../../config.h
+b_lockglue.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
b_lockglue.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
b_lockglue.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
b_lockglue.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
b_lockglue.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
b_lockglue.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
blocktube.o: ../../config.h
+blocktube.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
blocktube.o: $(HACK_SRC)/images/blocktube.xpm
blocktube.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
blocktube.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
blocktube.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
blocktube.o: $(srcdir)/xpm-ximage.h
boing.o: ../../config.h
+boing.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
boing.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
boing.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
boing.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
boing.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
boing.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
bouncingcow.o: ../../config.h
+bouncingcow.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
bouncingcow.o: $(srcdir)/gllist.h
bouncingcow.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
bouncingcow.o: $(srcdir)/rotator.h
bouncingcow.o: $(srcdir)/xpm-ximage.h
boxed.o: $(srcdir)/boxed.h
boxed.o: ../../config.h
+boxed.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
boxed.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
boxed.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
boxed.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
boxed.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
b_sphere.o: $(srcdir)/bubble3d.h
b_sphere.o: ../../config.h
+b_sphere.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
b_sphere.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
b_sphere.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
b_sphere.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
b_sphere.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
bubble3d.o: $(srcdir)/bubble3d.h
bubble3d.o: ../../config.h
+bubble3d.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
bubble3d.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
bubble3d.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
bubble3d.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
buildlwo.o: $(srcdir)/buildlwo.h
cage.o: ../../config.h
cage.o: $(srcdir)/e_textures.h
+cage.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
cage.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
cage.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
cage.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
cage.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
cage.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
carousel.o: ../../config.h
+carousel.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
carousel.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
carousel.o: $(srcdir)/grab-ximage.h
carousel.o: $(srcdir)/rotator.h
chessmodels.o: $(srcdir)/chessmodels.h
circuit.o: ../../config.h
circuit.o: $(srcdir)/font-ximage.h
+circuit.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
circuit.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
circuit.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
circuit.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
cow_tail.o: $(srcdir)/gllist.h
cow_udder.o: $(srcdir)/gllist.h
crackberg.o: ../../config.h
+crackberg.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
crackberg.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
crackberg.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
crackberg.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
crackberg.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
crackberg.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
cube21.o: ../../config.h
+cube21.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
cube21.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
cube21.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
cube21.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
cube21.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
cube21.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
cubenetic.o: ../../config.h
+cubenetic.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
cubenetic.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
cubenetic.o: $(srcdir)/rotator.h
cubenetic.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
cubenetic.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
cubenetic.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
cubestorm.o: ../../config.h
+cubestorm.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
cubestorm.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
cubestorm.o: $(srcdir)/rotator.h
cubestorm.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
cubestorm.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
cubestorm.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
cubicgrid.o: ../../config.h
+cubicgrid.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
cubicgrid.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
cubicgrid.o: $(srcdir)/rotator.h
cubicgrid.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
cubicgrid.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
cubicgrid.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
dangerball.o: ../../config.h
+dangerball.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
dangerball.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
dangerball.o: $(srcdir)/rotator.h
dangerball.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
dangerball.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
dangerball.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
dnalogo.o: ../../config.h
+dnalogo.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
dnalogo.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
dnalogo.o: $(srcdir)/normals.h
dnalogo.o: $(srcdir)/rotator.h
dnalogo.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
dolphin.o: $(srcdir)/atlantis.h
dolphin.o: ../../config.h
+dolphin.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
dolphin.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
dolphin.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
dolphin.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
endgame.o: $(srcdir)/chessgames.h
endgame.o: $(srcdir)/chessmodels.h
endgame.o: ../../config.h
+endgame.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
endgame.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
endgame.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
endgame.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
endgame.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
endgame.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
engine.o: ../../config.h
+engine.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
engine.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
engine.o: $(srcdir)/glxfonts.h
engine.o: $(srcdir)/rotator.h
extrusion-joinoffset.o: $(srcdir)/extrusion.h
extrusion.o: ../../config.h
extrusion.o: $(srcdir)/extrusion.h
+extrusion.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
extrusion.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
extrusion.o: $(srcdir)/rotator.h
extrusion.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
extrusion-twistoid.o: ../../config.h
extrusion-twistoid.o: $(srcdir)/extrusion.h
flipflop.o: ../../config.h
+flipflop.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
flipflop.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
+flipflop.o: $(srcdir)/grab-ximage.h
flipflop.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
flipflop.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
flipflop.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
flipflop.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
flipflop.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
flipscreen3d.o: ../../config.h
+flipscreen3d.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
flipscreen3d.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
flipscreen3d.o: $(srcdir)/grab-ximage.h
flipscreen3d.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
flipscreen3d.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
flipscreen3d.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
fliptext.o: ../../config.h
+fliptext.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
fliptext.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
fliptext.o: $(srcdir)/texfont.h
fliptext.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
fliptext.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
flurry.o: ../../config.h
flurry.o: $(srcdir)/flurry.h
+flurry.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
flurry.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
flurry.o: $(srcdir)/rotator.h
flurry.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
flurry-texture.o: $(srcdir)/rotator.h
flurry-texture.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
flyingtoasters.o: ../../config.h
+flyingtoasters.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
flyingtoasters.o: $(srcdir)/gllist.h
flyingtoasters.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
flyingtoasters.o: $(HACK_SRC)/images/chromesphere.xpm
flyingtoasters.o: $(srcdir)/xpm-ximage.h
font-ximage.o: ../../config.h
font-ximage.o: $(srcdir)/font-ximage.h
-fps.o: ../../config.h
-fps.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
-fps.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
-fps.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
-fps.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/hsv.h
-fps.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/resources.h
-fps.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/usleep.h
-fps.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
-fps.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/xshm.h
-fps.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
-fps.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
+fps-gl.o: ../../config.h
+fps-gl.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fpsI.h
+fps-gl.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
+fps-gl.o: $(srcdir)/glxfonts.h
+fps-gl.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
+fps-gl.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
+fps-gl.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
+fps-gl.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/hsv.h
+fps-gl.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/resources.h
+fps-gl.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/usleep.h
+fps-gl.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
+fps-gl.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/xshm.h
+fps-gl.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
+fps-gl.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
gears.o: ../../config.h
+gears.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
gears.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
gears.o: $(srcdir)/involute.h
gears.o: $(srcdir)/normals.h
gears.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
gears.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
gflux.o: ../../config.h
+gflux.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
gflux.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
gflux.o: $(srcdir)/grab-ximage.h
gflux.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
gflux.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
gflux.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
glblur.o: ../../config.h
+glblur.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
glblur.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
glblur.o: $(srcdir)/rotator.h
glblur.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
glblur.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
glblur.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
glcells.o: ../../config.h
+glcells.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
glcells.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
glcells.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
glcells.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
glcells.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
glcells.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
gleidescope.o: ../../config.h
+gleidescope.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
gleidescope.o: $(srcdir)/grab-ximage.h
gleidescope.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
gleidescope.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
gleidescope.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
gleidescope.o: $(srcdir)/xpm-ximage.h
glforestfire.o: ../../config.h
+glforestfire.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
glforestfire.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
glforestfire.o: $(HACK_SRC)/images/ground.xpm
glforestfire.o: $(HACK_SRC)/images/tree.xpm
glforestfire.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
glforestfire.o: $(srcdir)/xpm-ximage.h
glhanoi.o: ../../config.h
+glhanoi.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
glhanoi.o: $(srcdir)/rotator.h
glhanoi.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
glhanoi.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
glhanoi.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
glhanoi.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
glknots.o: ../../config.h
+glknots.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
glknots.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
glknots.o: $(srcdir)/rotator.h
glknots.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
glknots.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
gllist.o: $(srcdir)/gllist.h
glmatrix.o: ../../config.h
+glmatrix.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
glmatrix.o: $(srcdir)/gllist.h
glmatrix.o: $(HACK_SRC)/images/matrix3.xpm
glmatrix.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
glmatrix.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
glmatrix.o: $(srcdir)/xpm-ximage.h
glplanet.o: ../../config.h
+glplanet.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
glplanet.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
glplanet.o: $(HACK_SRC)/images/earth.xpm
glplanet.o: $(srcdir)/rotator.h
glschool_gl.o: $(srcdir)/sphere.h
glschool_gl.o: $(srcdir)/tube.h
glschool.o: ../../config.h
+glschool.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
glschool.o: $(srcdir)/glschool_alg.h
glschool.o: $(srcdir)/glschool_gl.h
glschool.o: $(srcdir)/glschool.h
glschool.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
glschool.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
glslideshow.o: ../../config.h
+glslideshow.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
glslideshow.o: $(srcdir)/glxfonts.h
glslideshow.o: $(srcdir)/grab-ximage.h
glslideshow.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
glslideshow.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
glslideshow.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
glsnake.o: ../../config.h
+glsnake.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
glsnake.o: $(srcdir)/glxfonts.h
glsnake.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
glsnake.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
glsnake.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
glsnake.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
gltext.o: ../../config.h
+gltext.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
gltext.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
gltext.o: $(srcdir)/glut_roman.h
gltext.o: $(srcdir)/glutstroke.h
grab-ximage.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
grab-ximage.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/xshm.h
hypertorus.o: ../../config.h
+hypertorus.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
hypertorus.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
hypertorus.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
hypertorus.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
hypertorus.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
hypertorus.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
hypnowheel.o: ../../config.h
+hypnowheel.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
hypnowheel.o: $(srcdir)/rotator.h
hypnowheel.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
hypnowheel.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
hypnowheel.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
hypnowheel.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
involute.o: ../../config.h
+involute.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
involute.o: $(srcdir)/involute.h
involute.o: $(srcdir)/normals.h
involute.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
involute.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
involute.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
jigglypuff.o: ../../config.h
+jigglypuff.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
jigglypuff.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
jigglypuff.o: $(HACK_SRC)/images/jigglymap.xpm
jigglypuff.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
jigglypuff.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
jigglypuff.o: $(srcdir)/xpm-ximage.h
juggler3d.o: ../../config.h
+juggler3d.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
juggler3d.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
juggler3d.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
juggler3d.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
juggler3d.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
juggler3d.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
klein.o: ../../config.h
+klein.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
klein.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
klein.o: $(srcdir)/rotator.h
klein.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
klein.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
klein.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
lament.o: ../../config.h
+lament.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
lament.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
lament.o: $(HACK_SRC)/images/lament.xpm
lament.o: $(srcdir)/normals.h
lament.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
lament.o: $(srcdir)/xpm-ximage.h
lavalite.o: ../../config.h
+lavalite.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
lavalite.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
lavalite.o: $(srcdir)/marching.h
lavalite.o: $(srcdir)/rotator.h
lavalite.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
lavalite.o: $(srcdir)/xpm-ximage.h
lockward.o: ../../config.h
+lockward.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
lockward.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
lockward.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
lockward.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
marching.o: $(srcdir)/marching.h
marching.o: $(srcdir)/normals.h
menger.o: ../../config.h
+menger.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
menger.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
menger.o: $(srcdir)/rotator.h
menger.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
menger.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
menger.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
mirrorblob.o: ../../config.h
+mirrorblob.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
mirrorblob.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
mirrorblob.o: $(srcdir)/grab-ximage.h
mirrorblob.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
mirrorblob.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
mirrorblob.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
moebiusgears.o: ../../config.h
+moebiusgears.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
moebiusgears.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
moebiusgears.o: $(srcdir)/involute.h
moebiusgears.o: $(srcdir)/normals.h
moebiusgears.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
moebius.o: ../../config.h
moebius.o: $(srcdir)/e_textures.h
+moebius.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
moebius.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
moebius.o: $(srcdir)/rotator.h
moebius.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
moebius.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
moebius.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
molecule.o: ../../config.h
+molecule.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
molecule.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
molecule.o: $(srcdir)/glxfonts.h
molecule.o: molecules.h
molecule.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
molecule.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
morph3d.o: ../../config.h
+morph3d.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
morph3d.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
morph3d.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
morph3d.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
morph3d.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
morph3d.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
noof.o: ../../config.h
+noof.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
noof.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
noof.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
noof.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
normals.o: ../../config.h
normals.o: $(srcdir)/normals.h
pinion.o: ../../config.h
+pinion.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
pinion.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
pinion.o: $(srcdir)/glxfonts.h
pinion.o: $(srcdir)/involute.h
pipeobjs.o: $(srcdir)/buildlwo.h
pipes.o: $(srcdir)/buildlwo.h
pipes.o: ../../config.h
+pipes.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
pipes.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
+pipes.o: $(srcdir)/teapot.h
pipes.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
pipes.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
pipes.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/hsv.h
pipes.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
pipes.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
polyhedra-gl.o: ../../config.h
+polyhedra-gl.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
polyhedra-gl.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
polyhedra-gl.o: $(srcdir)/glxfonts.h
polyhedra-gl.o: $(srcdir)/normals.h
polyhedra-gl.o: $(srcdir)/polyhedra.h
polyhedra-gl.o: $(srcdir)/rotator.h
polyhedra-gl.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
+polyhedra-gl.o: $(srcdir)/teapot.h
polyhedra-gl.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
polyhedra-gl.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
polyhedra-gl.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/hsv.h
polyhedra.o: ../../config.h
polyhedra.o: $(srcdir)/polyhedra.h
polytopes.o: ../../config.h
+polytopes.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
polytopes.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
polytopes.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
polytopes.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
polytopes.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
polytopes.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
providence.o: ../../config.h
+providence.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
providence.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
providence.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
providence.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
providence.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
providence.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
pulsar.o: ../../config.h
+pulsar.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
pulsar.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
pulsar.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
pulsar.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
pulsar.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
pulsar.o: $(srcdir)/xpm-ximage.h
queens.o: ../../config.h
+queens.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
queens.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
queens.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
queens.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
rotator.o: $(srcdir)/rotator.h
rotator.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
rubik.o: ../../config.h
+rubik.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
rubik.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
rubik.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
rubik.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
s1_6.o: $(srcdir)/gllist.h
s1_b.o: $(srcdir)/gllist.h
sballs.o: ../../config.h
+sballs.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
sballs.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
sballs.o: $(HACK_SRC)/images/sball-bg.xpm
sballs.o: $(HACK_SRC)/images/sball.xpm
sballs.o: $(srcdir)/xpm-ximage.h
shark.o: $(srcdir)/atlantis.h
shark.o: ../../config.h
+shark.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
shark.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
shark.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
shark.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
shark.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
shark.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
sierpinski3d.o: ../../config.h
+sierpinski3d.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
sierpinski3d.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
sierpinski3d.o: $(srcdir)/rotator.h
sierpinski3d.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
sierpinski3d.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
sierpinski3d.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
skytentacles.o: ../../config.h
+skytentacles.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
skytentacles.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
+skytentacles.o: $(HACK_SRC)/images/scales.xpm
skytentacles.o: $(srcdir)/normals.h
skytentacles.o: $(srcdir)/rotator.h
skytentacles.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
skytentacles.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
skytentacles.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
skytentacles.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
+skytentacles.o: $(srcdir)/xpm-ximage.h
spheremonics.o: ../../config.h
+spheremonics.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
spheremonics.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
spheremonics.o: $(srcdir)/glxfonts.h
spheremonics.o: $(srcdir)/normals.h
sphere.o: ../../config.h
sphere.o: $(srcdir)/sphere.h
sproingies.o: ../../config.h
+sproingies.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
sproingies.o: $(srcdir)/gllist.h
sproingies.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
sproingies.o: $(srcdir)/sproingies.h
sproingies.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
sproingies.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
sproingiewrap.o: ../../config.h
+sproingiewrap.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
sproingiewrap.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
sproingiewrap.o: $(srcdir)/sproingies.h
sproingiewrap.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
sproingiewrap.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
stairs.o: ../../config.h
stairs.o: $(srcdir)/e_textures.h
+stairs.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
+stairs.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
stairs.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
+stairs.o: $(srcdir)/sphere.h
stairs.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
stairs.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
stairs.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/hsv.h
stairs.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
stairs.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
starwars.o: ../../config.h
+starwars.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
starwars.o: $(srcdir)/glut_roman.h
starwars.o: $(srcdir)/glutstroke.h
starwars.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
stonerview-move.o: $(srcdir)/stonerview-osc.h
stonerview-move.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
stonerview.o: ../../config.h
+stonerview.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
stonerview.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
stonerview.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
stonerview.o: $(srcdir)/stonerview.h
stonerview-view.o: $(srcdir)/stonerview-move.h
stonerview-view.o: $(srcdir)/stonerview-osc.h
superquadrics.o: ../../config.h
+superquadrics.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
superquadrics.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
superquadrics.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
superquadrics.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
superquadrics.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
swim.o: $(srcdir)/atlantis.h
swim.o: ../../config.h
+swim.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
swim.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
swim.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
swim.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
swim.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
swim.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
tangram.o: ../../config.h
+tangram.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
tangram.o: $(srcdir)/glxfonts.h
tangram.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
tangram.o: $(srcdir)/tangram_shapes.h
tangram.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
tangram.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
tangram_shapes.o: $(srcdir)/tangram_shapes.h
+teapot.o: ../../config.h
+teapot.o: $(srcdir)/teapot.h
texfont.o: ../../config.h
texfont.o: $(srcdir)/texfont.h
texfont.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/resources.h
timetunnel.o: ../../config.h
+timetunnel.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
timetunnel.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
timetunnel.o: $(HACK_SRC)/images/timetunnel0.xpm
timetunnel.o: $(HACK_SRC)/images/timetunnel1.xpm
toaster_wing.o: $(srcdir)/gllist.h
toast.o: $(srcdir)/gllist.h
topblock.o: ../../config.h
+topblock.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
topblock.o: $(srcdir)/gltrackball.h
topblock.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
topblock.o: $(srcdir)/sphere.h
tube.o: ../../config.h
tube.o: $(srcdir)/tube.h
tunnel_draw.o: ../../config.h
+tunnel_draw.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
tunnel_draw.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
tunnel_draw.o: $(srcdir)/tunnel_draw.h
tunnel_draw.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
tunnel_draw.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
tunnel_draw.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmoreI.h
voronoi.o: ../../config.h
+voronoi.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
voronoi.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
voronoi.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
voronoi.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
voronoi.o: $(HACK_SRC)/xlockmore.h
whale.o: $(srcdir)/atlantis.h
whale.o: ../../config.h
+whale.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
whale.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
whale.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
whale.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
whale.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/visual.h
whale.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/yarandom.h
xlock-gl-utils.o: ../../config.h
+xlock-gl-utils.o: $(HACK_SRC)/fps.h
+xlock-gl-utils.o: $(srcdir)/glxfonts.h
xlock-gl-utils.o: $(HACK_SRC)/screenhackI.h
xlock-gl-utils.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/colors.h
xlock-gl-utils.o: $(UTILS_SRC)/grabscreen.h
/* draw an ant */
-static Bool draw_antinspect_ant(antinspectstruct * mp,
+static Bool draw_antinspect_ant(ModeInfo *mi, antinspectstruct * mp,
const float *Material, int mono,
Bool (*sphere)(float), Bool (*cone)(float))
glVertex3f(0.00, 0.30, 0.00);
glVertex3f(0.40, 0.70, 0.40);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
if (mono)
glVertex3f(0.00, 0.30, 0.00);
glVertex3f(0.40, 0.70, -0.40);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
if (mono)
glVertex3f(0.40, 0.70, 0.40);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glVertex3f(0.40, 0.70, -0.40);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glVertex3f(0.00, 0.05, 0.18);
glVertex3f(0.35 + 0.05 * cos1, 0.15, 0.25);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glVertex3f(-0.20 + 0.05 * cos1, 0.25 + 0.1 * sin1, 0.45);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glVertex3f(0.00, 0.00, 0.18);
glVertex3f(0.35 + 0.05 * cos2, 0.00, 0.25);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glVertex3f(-0.20 + 0.05 * cos2, 0.00 + 0.1 * sin2, 0.45);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glVertex3f(0.00, -0.05, 0.18);
glVertex3f(0.35 + 0.05 * cos3, -0.15, 0.25);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glVertex3f(-0.20 + 0.05 * cos3, -0.25 + 0.1 * sin3, 0.45);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glVertex3f(0.00, 0.05, -0.18);
glVertex3f(0.35 - 0.05 * sin1, 0.15, -0.25);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glVertex3f(-0.20 - 0.05 * sin1, 0.25 + 0.1 * cos1, -0.45);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glVertex3f(0.00, 0.00, -0.18);
glVertex3f(0.35 - 0.05 * sin2, 0.00, -0.25);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glVertex3f(-0.20 - 0.05 * sin2, 0.00 + 0.1 * cos2, -0.45);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glVertex3f(0.00, -0.05, -0.18);
glVertex3f(0.35 - 0.05 * sin3, -0.15, -0.25);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glVertex3f(-0.20 - 0.05 * sin3, -0.25 + 0.1 * cos3, -0.45);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glVertex3f(0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
glVertex3f(-sqrt(3.0)/2.0, 0.0, 0.5);
glVertex3f(sqrt(3.0)/2.0, 0.0, 0.5);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
/* rotate */
glVertex3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0 + 3.0);
glVertex3f(sqrt(3.0)/2.0, 0.0, -0.5 + 3.0);
glVertex3f(-sqrt(3.0)/2.0, 0.0, -0.5 + 3.0);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
if(antposition[i] > 360.0)
antposition[i] = 0.0;
- draw_antinspect_ant(mp, MaterialShadow, mono, mySphere2, myCone2);
+ draw_antinspect_ant(mi, mp, MaterialShadow, mono, mySphere2, myCone2);
if(antposition[i] > 360.0)
antposition[i] = 0.0;
- draw_antinspect_ant(mp, antmaterial[i], mono, mySphere2, myCone2);
+ draw_antinspect_ant(mi, mp, antmaterial[i], mono, mySphere2, myCone2);
+ mi->polygon_count = 0;
/* position camera --- this works well, we can peer inside
the antbubble */
glTranslatef(0.0, 0.0, -10.0);
Specify which visual to use. Legal values are the name of a visual class,
or the id number (decimal or hex) of a specific visual.
.B \-fps
-Display a running tally of how many frames per second are being rendered.
-In conjunction with \fB\-delay 0\fP, this can be a useful benchmark of
-your GL performance.
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
#if 0
-static void draw_wall(double x1, double z1, double x2, double z2)
+static void draw_wall(ModeInfo *mi, double x1, double z1, double x2, double z2)
float x = fabs(x2 - x1)/2.0;
glVertex3f(x2, 1.0, z2-0.25);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.25);
glVertex3f(x1, 1.0, z1-0.25);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
/* draw sides */
glNormal3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
glVertex3f(x2, 1.0, z2+0.25);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.5);
glVertex3f(x1, 1.0, z1+0.25);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glNormal3f(0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0);
glVertex3f(x2, 1.0, z2-0.25);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.5);
glVertex3f(x1, 1.0, z1-0.25);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
/* draw ends */
glNormal3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
glVertex3f(x2, 1.0, z2-0.25);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.5);
glVertex3f(x2, 1.0, z2+0.25);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glNormal3f(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0);
glVertex3f(x1, 1.0, z1+0.25);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.5);
glVertex3f(x1, 1.0, z1-0.25);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
-static void draw_board(antmazestruct *mp)
+static void draw_board(ModeInfo *mi, antmazestruct *mp)
int i, j;
glVertex3f(i+0.5, h, j-0.5);
glTexCoord2f(0.0 + stf, 1.0 + stf);
glVertex3f(i-0.5, h, j-0.5);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
/* draw south face */
if(j == 9 || !mp->board[mp->currentboard][j+1][i]) {
glVertex3f(i+0.5, h, j+0.5);
glTexCoord2f(0.0 + stf, h + stf);
glVertex3f(i-0.5, h, j+0.5);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
/* draw north face */
glVertex3f(i-0.5, h, j-0.5);
glTexCoord2f(0.0 + stf, h + stf);
glVertex3f(i+0.5, h, j-0.5);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
/* draw east face */
glVertex3f(i+0.5, h, j-0.5);
glTexCoord2f(0.0 + stf, h + stf);
glVertex3f(i+0.5, h, j+0.5);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
/* draw west face */
glVertex3f(i-0.5, h, j+0.5);
glTexCoord2f(0.0 + stf, h + stf);
glVertex3f(i-0.5, h, j-0.5);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
else {
glVertex3f(i+0.5, 0.0, j-0.5);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, tx);
glVertex3f(i-0.5, 0.0, j-0.5);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
/* glVertex3f(1.5, 0.0, BOARDSIZE + 1.0 + 0.2); */
/* glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.5); */
/* glVertex3f(0.5, 0.0, BOARDSIZE + 1.0 + 0.2); */
+/* mi->polygon_count++; */
/* } */
/* /\* destination *\/ */
/* glVertex3f(BOARDSIZE - 1.5, elevator, -0.5 - 0.2); */
/* glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.5); */
/* glVertex3f(BOARDSIZE - 2.5, elevator, -0.5 - 0.2); */
+/* mi->polygon_count++; */
/* glEnd(); */
/* glVertex3f(i+0.5 - stf, h+0.001, j-0.5 + stf); */
/* glTexCoord2f(0.0 + stf, 1.0 + stf); */
/* glVertex3f(i-0.5 + stf, h+0.001, j-0.5 + stf); */
+/* mi->polygon_count++; */
/* } */
/* } */
/* draw method for ant */
-static Bool draw_ant(antmazestruct *mp,
+static Bool draw_ant(ModeInfo *mi, antmazestruct *mp,
const float *Material, int mono, int shadow,
float ant_step, Bool (*sphere)(float), Bool (*cone)(float))
glVertex3f(0.00, 0.30, 0.00);
glVertex3f(0.40, 0.70, 0.40);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glColor3fv(mono ? MaterialGray5 : Material);
glVertex3f(0.00, 0.30, 0.00);
glVertex3f(0.40, 0.70, -0.40);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
if(!shadow) {
glColor3fv(mono ? MaterialGray6 : MaterialRed);
glVertex3f(0.40, 0.70, 0.40);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glVertex3f(0.40, 0.70, -0.40);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glColor3fv(mono ? MaterialGray5 : Material);
glVertex3f(0.00, 0.05, 0.18);
glVertex3f(0.35 + 0.05 * cos1, 0.15, 0.25);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glVertex3f(-0.20 + 0.05 * cos1, 0.25 + 0.1 * sin1, 0.45);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glColor3fv(mono ? MaterialGray5 : Material);
glVertex3f(0.00, 0.00, 0.18);
glVertex3f(0.35 + 0.05 * cos2, 0.00, 0.25);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glVertex3f(-0.20 + 0.05 * cos2, 0.00 + 0.1 * sin2, 0.45);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glColor3fv(mono ? MaterialGray5 : Material);
glVertex3f(0.00, -0.05, 0.18);
glVertex3f(0.35 + 0.05 * cos3, -0.15, 0.25);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glVertex3f(-0.20 + 0.05 * cos3, -0.25 + 0.1 * sin3, 0.45);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glColor3fv(mono ? MaterialGray5 : Material);
glVertex3f(0.00, 0.05, -0.18);
glVertex3f(0.35 - 0.05 * sin1, 0.15, -0.25);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glVertex3f(-0.20 - 0.05 * sin1, 0.25 + 0.1 * cos1, -0.45);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glColor3fv(mono ? MaterialGray5 : Material);
glVertex3f(0.00, 0.00, -0.18);
glVertex3f(0.35 - 0.05 * sin2, 0.00, -0.25);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glVertex3f(-0.20 - 0.05 * sin2, 0.00 + 0.1 * cos2, -0.45);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glColor3fv(mono ? MaterialGray5 : Material);
glVertex3f(0.00, -0.05, -0.18);
glVertex3f(0.35 - 0.05 * sin3, -0.15, -0.25);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glVertex3f(-0.20 - 0.05 * sin3, -0.25 + 0.1 * cos3, -0.45);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
if(!shadow) {
glVertex3f(-0.20 - 0.05 * sin1, 0.25 + 0.1 * cos1, -0.45);
glVertex3f(-0.20 - 0.05 * sin2, 0.00 + 0.1 * cos2, -0.45);
glVertex3f(-0.20 - 0.05 * sin3, -0.25 + 0.1 * cos3, -0.45);
+ mi->polygon_count += 6;
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, MaterialGray6);
glTranslatef(-(BOARDSIZE-1)/2.0, 0.0, -(BOARDSIZE-1)/2.0);
- draw_board(mp);
+ draw_board(mi, mp);
glTranslatef(BOARDSIZE/2.0, 0.0, BOARDSIZE/2.0);
/* slow down first ant */
if(i == 0 && mp->part[i] == mp->antpathlength[i])
- draw_ant(mp, MaterialGrayB, mono, 1, mp->first_ant_step, mySphere, myCone);
+ draw_ant(mi, mp, MaterialGrayB, mono, 1, mp->first_ant_step, mySphere, myCone);
- draw_ant(mp, MaterialGrayB, mono, 1, mp->ant_step, mySphere, myCone);
+ draw_ant(mi, mp, MaterialGrayB, mono, 1, mp->ant_step, mySphere, myCone);
if(i == 0 && mp->part[i] == mp->antpathlength[i] && mp->elevator > 0.0) {
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, diffuse);
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_DIFFUSE, diffuse);
- draw_ant(mp, antmaterial[i], mono, 1, mp->first_ant_step, mySphere, myCone);
+ draw_ant(mi, mp, antmaterial[i], mono, 1, mp->first_ant_step, mySphere, myCone);
else {
/* glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, df); */
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, mp->brushedtexture);
- draw_ant(mp, antmaterial[i], mono, 1, mp->ant_step, mySphereTex, myCone);
+ draw_ant(mi, mp, antmaterial[i], mono, 1, mp->ant_step, mySphereTex, myCone);
-/* draw_ant(antmaterial[i], mono, 0, ant_step, mySphereTex, myCone); */
+/* draw_ant(mi, antmaterial[i], mono, 0, ant_step, mySphereTex, myCone); */
/* glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); */
/* glVertex3f((sz*i)/BOARDSIZE, (sz*(j+1))/BOARDSIZE, 0.0); */
/* glVertex3f((sz*i)/BOARDSIZE, (sz*j)/BOARDSIZE, 0.0); */
/* glVertex3f((sz*(i+1))/BOARDSIZE, (sz*j)/BOARDSIZE, 0.0); */
+/* mi->polygon_count++; */
/* } */
/* } */
/* glEnd(); */
/* glPushMatrix(); */
/* glTranslatef(-(-(BOARDSIZE-3.5)+(BOARDSIZE-1)/2.0), 0.0, */
/* -(2.4+BOARDSIZE+(BOARDSIZE-1)/2.0)); */
-/* draw_board(); */
+/* draw_board(mi, mp); */
/* glPopMatrix(); */
/* glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); */
/* } */
+ mi->polygon_count = 0;
glXMakeCurrent(display, window, *(mp->glx_context));
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, diffuse);
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_DIFFUSE, diffuse);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, mp->brushedtexture);
- draw_ant(mp, MaterialGray35, 0, 1, mp->ant_step/2.0, mySphereTex, myCone2);
+ draw_ant(mi, mp, MaterialGray35, 0, 1, mp->ant_step/2.0, mySphereTex, myCone2);
/* glVertex3f(2.0, 3.0, 0.0); */
/* glVertex3f(2.0, -3.0, 0.0); */
/* glVertex3f(4.0, -3.0, 0.0); */
+/* mi->polygon_count++; */
/* glEnd(); */
/* glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); */
Specify which visual to use. Legal values are the name of a visual class,
or the id number (decimal or hex) of a specific visual.
.B \-fps
-Display a running tally of how many frames per second are being rendered.
-In conjunction with \fB\-delay 0\fP, this can be a useful benchmark of
-your GL performance.
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
#define NUM_SCENES 2
/* draw method for ant */
-static Bool draw_ant(antspotlightstruct *mp,
+static Bool draw_ant(ModeInfo *mi, antspotlightstruct *mp,
const GLfloat *Material, int mono, int shadow,
float ant_step, Bool (*sphere)(float), Bool (*cone)(float))
glVertex3f(0.00, 0.30, 0.00);
glVertex3f(0.40, 0.70, 0.40);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glColor3fv(mp->mono ? MaterialGray5 : Material);
glVertex3f(0.00, 0.30, 0.00);
glVertex3f(0.40, 0.70, -0.40);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
if(!shadow) {
glColor3fv(mp->mono ? MaterialGray6 : MaterialGray5);
glVertex3f(0.40, 0.70, 0.40);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glVertex3f(0.40, 0.70, -0.40);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glColor3fv(mp->mono ? MaterialGray5 : Material);
glVertex3f(0.00, 0.05, 0.18);
glVertex3f(0.35 + 0.05 * cos1, 0.15, 0.25);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glVertex3f(-0.20 + 0.05 * cos1, 0.25 + 0.1 * sin1, 0.45);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glColor3fv(mp->mono ? MaterialGray5 : Material);
glVertex3f(0.00, 0.00, 0.18);
glVertex3f(0.35 + 0.05 * cos2, 0.00, 0.25);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glVertex3f(-0.20 + 0.05 * cos2, 0.00 + 0.1 * sin2, 0.45);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glColor3fv(mp->mono ? MaterialGray5 : Material);
glVertex3f(0.00, -0.05, 0.18);
glVertex3f(0.35 + 0.05 * cos3, -0.15, 0.25);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glVertex3f(-0.20 + 0.05 * cos3, -0.25 + 0.1 * sin3, 0.45);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glColor3fv(mp->mono ? MaterialGray5 : Material);
glVertex3f(0.00, 0.05, -0.18);
glVertex3f(0.35 - 0.05 * sin1, 0.15, -0.25);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glVertex3f(-0.20 - 0.05 * sin1, 0.25 + 0.1 * cos1, -0.45);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glColor3fv(mp->mono ? MaterialGray5 : Material);
glVertex3f(0.00, 0.00, -0.18);
glVertex3f(0.35 - 0.05 * sin2, 0.00, -0.25);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glVertex3f(-0.20 - 0.05 * sin2, 0.00 + 0.1 * cos2, -0.45);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glColor3fv(mp->mono ? MaterialGray5 : Material);
glVertex3f(0.00, -0.05, -0.18);
glVertex3f(0.35 - 0.05 * sin3, -0.15, -0.25);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glVertex3f(-0.20 - 0.05 * sin3, -0.25 + 0.1 * cos3, -0.45);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
if(!shadow) {
glVertex3f(-0.20 - 0.05 * sin1, 0.25 + 0.1 * cos1, -0.45);
glVertex3f(-0.20 - 0.05 * sin2, 0.00 + 0.1 * cos2, -0.45);
glVertex3f(-0.20 - 0.05 * sin3, -0.25 + 0.1 * cos3, -0.45);
+ mi->polygon_count += 6;
/* no cone */
static Bool myCone2(float radius) { return True; }
-static void draw_board(antspotlightstruct *mp)
+static void draw_board(ModeInfo *mi, antspotlightstruct *mp)
int i, j;
double cutoff = Pi/3.0;
glTexCoord2f(tex[0], tex[1]);
glVertex3f(point[0], point[1], point[2]);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
/* draw ant composed of skeleton and glass */
-static void show_ant(antspotlightstruct *mp)
+static void show_ant(ModeInfo *mi, antspotlightstruct *mp)
glRotatef(90.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
/* draw skeleton */
- draw_ant(mp, mp->ant->material, mp->mono, 0, mp->ant->step, mySphere2, myCone2);
+ draw_ant(mi, mp, mp->ant->material, mp->mono, 0, mp->ant->step, mySphere2, myCone2);
/* draw glass */
if(!mp->wire && !mp->mono) {
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, MaterialGrayB);
- draw_ant(mp, MaterialGrayB, mp->mono, 0, mp->ant->step, mySphere, myCone2);
+ draw_ant(mi, mp, MaterialGrayB, mp->mono, 0, mp->ant->step, mySphere, myCone2);
- draw_board(mp);
+ draw_board(mi, mp);
/* now modify ant */
- show_ant(mp);
+ show_ant(mi, mp);
/* near goal, bend path towards next step */
if(distance(mp->ant->position, mp->ant->goal) < 0.2) {
+ mi->polygon_count = 0;
/* Just keep running before the texture has come in. */
/* if (mp->waiting_for_image_p) return; */
or the id number (decimal or hex) of a specific visual.
.TP 8
.B \-fps
-Display a running tally of how many frames per second are being rendered.
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
.B \-delay \fImicroseconds\fP
-The delay specified by this option affects the speed of the animation (and the
-computation workload on the machine). You can use \fB\-delay 0\fP in
-conjunction with \fB\-fps\fP, and this can be an interesting benchmark of
-your GL performance.
+Per-frame delay.
.TP 8
release_atlantis(ModeInfo * mi)
+#if 0
int screen;
if (atlantis != NULL) {
atlantis = NULL;
.B \-wireframe
Render in wireframe instead of solid.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
#define countof(x) (sizeof((x))/sizeof((*x)))
#define DEF_LIGHT "True"
-#define DEF_WIRE "False"
+#define DEF_WIRE "False"
#define DEF_TEXTURE "True"
static Bool do_light;
/* all sorts of nice cleanup code should go here! */
ENTRYPOINT void release_atunnel(ModeInfo * mi)
+#if 0
int screen;
if (Atunnel != NULL) {
for (screen = 0; screen < MI_NUM_SCREENS(mi); screen++) {
Atunnel = NULL;
XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("Atunnel", atunnel)
[\-light] [\-no-light]
[\-wire] [\-no-wire]
[\-texture] [\-no-texture]
-[\-fps] [\-no-fps]
The \fIatunnel\fP program draws an animation of a journey in a GL tunnel.
or the id number (decimal or hex) of a specific visual.
.TP 8
.B \-fps
-Display a running tally of how many frames per second are being rendered.
-In conjunction with \fB\-delay 0\fP, this can be a useful benchmark of
-your GL performance.
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
.B \-texture
Show a textured tunnel. This is the default.
#define ALPHA_AMT 0.05
/* this should be between 1 and 8 */
-#define DEF_WH "2"
+#define DEF_BOXSIZE "2"
#define DEF_DISSOLVE "False"
#define DEF_FADE "True"
#define DEF_BLUR "True"
static argtype vars[] = {
- {&bscale_wh, "boxsize", "Boxsize", DEF_WH, t_Float},
+ {&bscale_wh, "boxsize", "Boxsize", DEF_BOXSIZE, t_Float},
{&do_dissolve, "dissolve", "Dissolve", DEF_DISSOLVE, t_Bool},
{&do_fade, "fade", "Fade", DEF_FADE, t_Bool},
{&do_blur, "blur", "Blur", DEF_BLUR, t_Bool},
if (! bp->glx_context)
+ mi->polygon_count = 0;
glXMakeCurrent(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_WINDOW(mi), *(bp->glx_context));
+ mi->polygon_count += SPHERE_SLICES*SPHERE_STACKS;
} else {
glScalef(2, 2, 2);
+ mi->polygon_count += SPHERE_SLICES*SPHERE_STACKS;
glScalef(.5, .5, .5);
i = 0;
+ mi->polygon_count += 6;
+ if (mi->fps_p) do_fps (mi);
glXSwapBuffers(dpy, window);
Shows a ball contained inside of a bounding box. Colored blocks blink in
when the ball hits the edges.
.TP 8
.B \-blur | \-no-blur
Enable or disable motion blur on the ball. Default: blurry.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
GLfloat tunnelLength;
GLfloat tunnelWidth;
+ int polys;
} blocktube_configuration;
-static void cube_vertices(float x, float y, float z, int wire);
+static int cube_vertices(float x, float y, float z, int wire);
ENTRYPOINT void reshape_blocktube (ModeInfo *mi, int width, int height);
lp->block_dlist = glGenLists (1);
glNewList (lp->block_dlist, GL_COMPILE);
- cube_vertices(0.15, 1.2, 5.25, wire);
+ lp->polys = cube_vertices(0.15, 1.2, 5.25, wire);
glEndList ();
#if defined( I_HAVE_XPM )
-static void cube_vertices(float x, float y, float z, int wire)
+static int cube_vertices(float x, float y, float z, int wire)
+ int polygon_count = 0;
float x2, y2, z2, nv = 0.7;
x2 = x/2;
y2 = y/2;
glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0); glVertex3f( x2, y2, z2);
glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0); glVertex3f( x2, -y2, z2);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0); glVertex3f(-x2, -y2, z2);
+ polygon_count++;
glNormal3f(0, 0, -nv);
glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0); glVertex3f( x2, -y2, -z2);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0); glVertex3f( x2, y2, -z2);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0); glVertex3f(-x2, y2, -z2);
+ polygon_count++;
glNormal3f(0, nv, 0);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0); glVertex3f( x2, y2, -z2);
glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0); glVertex3f( x2, y2, z2);
glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0); glVertex3f(-x2, y2, z2);
+ polygon_count++;
glNormal3f(0, -nv, 0);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0); glVertex3f(-x2, -y2, z2);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0); glVertex3f( x2, -y2, z2);
glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0); glVertex3f( x2, -y2, -z2);
+ polygon_count++;
- if (wire) return;
+ if (wire) return polygon_count;
glNormal3f(nv, 0, 0);
glBegin (wire ? GL_LINE_LOOP : GL_QUADS);
glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0); glVertex3f( x2, -y2, z2);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0); glVertex3f( x2, y2, z2);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0); glVertex3f( x2, y2, -z2);
+ polygon_count++;
glNormal3f(-nv, 0, 0);
glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0); glVertex3f(-x2, y2, -z2);
glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0); glVertex3f(-x2, y2, z2);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0); glVertex3f(-x2, -y2, z2);
+ polygon_count++;
+ return polygon_count;
static void draw_block(ModeInfo *mi, entity *ent)
blocktube_configuration *lp = &lps[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
glCallList (lp->block_dlist);
+ mi->polygon_count += lp->polys;
if (!lp->glx_context)
+ mi->polygon_count = 0;
glXMakeCurrent(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_WINDOW(mi), *(lp->glx_context));
.B \-wireframe
Only draw outlines.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
#define DEF_SMOOTH "False"
#define DEF_SCANLINES "True"
#define DEF_SPEED "1.0"
-#define DEF_SIZE "0.5"
+#define DEF_BALL_SIZE "0.5"
#define DEF_ANGLE "15"
#define DEF_MERIDIANS "16"
#define DEF_PARALLELS "8"
{&scanlines_p,"scanlines","Scanlines", DEF_SCANLINES, t_Bool},
{&speed, "speed", "Speed", DEF_SPEED, t_Float},
{&angle, "angle", "Angle", DEF_ANGLE, t_Int},
- {&ball_size, "ballSize", "BallSize", DEF_SIZE, t_Float},
+ {&ball_size, "ballSize", "BallSize", DEF_BALL_SIZE, t_Float},
{&meridians, "meridians", "meridians", DEF_MERIDIANS, t_Int},
{¶llels, "parallels", "parallels", DEF_PARALLELS, t_Int},
{&tiles, "tiles", "Tiles", DEF_TILES, t_Int},
Look crummy.
.TP 8
.B \-fps
-Display a running tally of how many frames per second are being rendered.
-In conjunction with \fB\-delay 0\fP, this can be a useful benchmark of
-your GL performance.
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
.B \-wireframe
Render in wireframe instead of solid.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
GLXContext *glx_context;
GLuint listobjects;
GLuint gllists[3];
+ int list_polys[3];
Window window;
BOOL stop;
char *tex1;
* draw bottom
-static void drawfilledbox(boxedstruct *boxed, int wire)
+static int drawfilledbox(boxedstruct *boxed, int wire)
/* draws texture filled box,
top is drawn using the entire texture,
the sides are drawn using the edge of the texture
+ int polys = 0;
/* front */
glBegin(wire ? GL_LINE_LOOP : GL_QUADS);
+ polys++;
/* rear */
+ polys++;
/* left */
+ polys++;
/* right */
+ polys++;
/* top */
+ polys++;
/* bottom */
+ polys++;
+ return polys;
* Draw a box made of lines
-static void drawbox(boxedstruct *boxed)
+static int drawbox(boxedstruct *boxed)
+ int polys = 0;
/* top */
- glVertex3f(-1.0,1.0,-1.0);
- glVertex3f(1.0,1.0,-1.0);
- glVertex3f(1.0,1.0,1.0);
- glVertex3f(-1.0,1.0,1.0);
+ glVertex3f(-1.0,1.0,-1.0); polys++;
+ glVertex3f(1.0,1.0,-1.0); polys++;
+ glVertex3f(1.0,1.0,1.0); polys++;
+ glVertex3f(-1.0,1.0,1.0); polys++;
/* bottom */
- glVertex3f(1.0,-1.0,1.0);
- glVertex3f(1.0,-1.0,-1.0);
- glVertex3f(-1.0,-1.0,-1.0);
- glVertex3f(-1.0,-1.0,1.0);
+ glVertex3f(1.0,-1.0,1.0); polys++;
+ glVertex3f(1.0,-1.0,-1.0); polys++;
+ glVertex3f(-1.0,-1.0,-1.0); polys++;
+ glVertex3f(-1.0,-1.0,1.0); polys++;
/* connect top & bottom */
- glVertex3f(-1.0,-1.0,1.0);
+ glVertex3f(-1.0,-1.0,1.0); polys++;
- glVertex3f(1.0,-1.0,1.0);
+ glVertex3f(1.0,-1.0,1.0); polys++;
- glVertex3f(1.0,-1.0,-1.0);
+ glVertex3f(1.0,-1.0,-1.0); polys++;
- glVertex3f(-1.0,-1.0,-1.0);
+ glVertex3f(-1.0,-1.0,-1.0); polys++;
+ return polys;
* Draw ball
-static void drawball(boxedstruct *gp, ball *b, int wire)
+static int drawball(boxedstruct *gp, ball *b, int wire)
+ int polys = 0;
int i,pos,cnt;
GLint *spherei = gp->spherei;
vectorf *spherev = gp->spherev;
+ gp->list_polys[GLL_BALL]++;
+ gp->list_polys[GLL_BALL]++;
gp->gllists[GLL_BALL] = 1;
} else {
glCallList(gp->listobjects + GLL_BALL);
+ polys += gp->list_polys[GLL_BALL];
+ return polys;
* Draw all triangles in triman
-static void drawtriman(triman *t, int wire)
+static int drawtriman(triman *t, int wire)
+ int polys = 0;
int i,pos;
vectorf *spherev = t->vertices;
GLfloat col[3];
+ polys++;
+ return polys;
* draw floor pattern
-static void drawpattern(boxedstruct *gp)
+static int drawpattern(boxedstruct *gp)
+ int polys = 0;
if (!gp->gllists[GLL_PATTERN]) {
glNewList(gp->listobjects + GLL_PATTERN, GL_COMPILE);
glVertex3f(-25.0f, 0.0f, 35.0f);
- glVertex3f(-15.0f, 0.0f, 35.0f);
- glVertex3f(-5.0f, 0.0f, 25.0f);
- glVertex3f(5.0f, 0.0f, 25.0f);
- glVertex3f(15.0f, 0.0f, 35.0f);
- glVertex3f(25.0f, 0.0f, 35.0f);
- glVertex3f(35.0f, 0.0f, 25.0f);
- glVertex3f(35.0f, 0.0f, 15.0f);
- glVertex3f(25.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f);
- glVertex3f(25.0f, 0.0f, -5.0f);
- glVertex3f(35.0f, 0.0f, -15.0f);
- glVertex3f(35.0f, 0.0f, -25.0f);
- glVertex3f(25.0f, 0.0f, -35.0f);
- glVertex3f(15.0f, 0.0f,-35.0f);
- glVertex3f(5.0f, 0.0f, -25.0f);
- glVertex3f(-5.0f, 0.0f, -25.0f);
- glVertex3f(-15.0f, 0.0f,-35.0f);
- glVertex3f(-25.0f, 0.0f,-35.0f);
- glVertex3f(-35.0f, 0.0f, -25.0f);
- glVertex3f(-35.0f, 0.0f, -15.0f);
- glVertex3f(-25.0f, 0.0f, -5.0f);
- glVertex3f(-25.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f);
- glVertex3f(-35.0f, 0.0f, 15.0f);
- glVertex3f(-35.0f, 0.0f, 25.0f);
- glVertex3f(-25.0f, 0.0f, 35.0f);
+ glVertex3f(-15.0f, 0.0f, 35.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
+ glVertex3f(-5.0f, 0.0f, 25.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
+ glVertex3f(5.0f, 0.0f, 25.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
+ glVertex3f(15.0f, 0.0f, 35.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
+ glVertex3f(25.0f, 0.0f, 35.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
+ glVertex3f(35.0f, 0.0f, 25.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
+ glVertex3f(35.0f, 0.0f, 15.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
+ glVertex3f(25.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
+ glVertex3f(25.0f, 0.0f, -5.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
+ glVertex3f(35.0f, 0.0f, -15.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
+ glVertex3f(35.0f, 0.0f, -25.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
+ glVertex3f(25.0f, 0.0f, -35.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
+ glVertex3f(15.0f, 0.0f,-35.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
+ glVertex3f(5.0f, 0.0f, -25.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
+ glVertex3f(-5.0f, 0.0f, -25.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
+ glVertex3f(-15.0f, 0.0f,-35.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
+ glVertex3f(-25.0f, 0.0f,-35.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
+ glVertex3f(-35.0f, 0.0f, -25.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
+ glVertex3f(-35.0f, 0.0f, -15.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
+ glVertex3f(-25.0f, 0.0f, -5.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
+ glVertex3f(-25.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
+ glVertex3f(-35.0f, 0.0f, 15.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
+ glVertex3f(-35.0f, 0.0f, 25.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
+ glVertex3f(-25.0f, 0.0f, 35.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
glVertex3f(-5.0f, 0.0f, 15.0f);
- glVertex3f(5.0f, 0.0f, 15.0f);
- glVertex3f(15.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f);
- glVertex3f(15.0f, 0.0f, -5.0f);
- glVertex3f(5.0f, 0.0f, -15.0f);
- glVertex3f(-5.0f, 0.0f, -15.0f);
- glVertex3f(-15.0f, 0.0f, -5.0f);
- glVertex3f(-15.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f);
- glVertex3f(-5.0f, 0.0f, 15.0f);
+ glVertex3f(5.0f, 0.0f, 15.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
+ glVertex3f(15.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
+ glVertex3f(15.0f, 0.0f, -5.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
+ glVertex3f(5.0f, 0.0f, -15.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
+ glVertex3f(-5.0f, 0.0f, -15.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
+ glVertex3f(-15.0f, 0.0f, -5.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
+ glVertex3f(-15.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
+ glVertex3f(-5.0f, 0.0f, 15.0f); gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN]++;
gp->gllists[GLL_PATTERN] = 1;
} else {
glCallList(gp->listobjects + GLL_PATTERN);
- }
+ polys += gp->list_polys[GLL_PATTERN];
+ }
+ return polys;
GLfloat l1_diffuse[] = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0};
GLfloat l1_position[] = {0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0}; /* w = 0 -> directional light */
+ mi->polygon_count = 0;
- drawfilledbox(gp, wire);
+ mi->polygon_count += drawfilledbox(gp, wire);
- drawbox(gp);
+ mi->polygon_count += drawbox(gp);
- drawbox(gp);
+ mi->polygon_count += drawbox(gp);
- drawbox(gp);
+ mi->polygon_count += drawbox(gp);
- drawbox(gp);
+ mi->polygon_count += drawbox(gp);
if (!wire) {
- drawtriman(&gp->tman[i], wire);
+ mi->polygon_count += drawtriman(&gp->tman[i], wire);
if (!wire) glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
} else {
- drawball(gp, &gp->bman.balls[i], wire);
+ mi->polygon_count += drawball(gp, &gp->bman.balls[i], wire);
.B \-wireframe
Render in wireframe instead of solid.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
.B \-delay \fInumber\fP
Per-frame delay, in microseconds. Default: 15000 (0.015 seconds.).
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
# define DEFAULTS "*delay: 25000 \n" \
"*showFPS: False \n" \
"*wireframe: False \n"
# define refresh_cage 0
# define reshape_cage 0
# define cage_handle_event 0
#define PlankThickness 0.15
static Bool
-draw_woodplank(cagestruct * cp, int wire)
+draw_woodplank(ModeInfo *mi, cagestruct * cp, int wire)
glBegin(wire ? GL_LINES : GL_QUADS);
glNormal3f(0, 0, 1);
glVertex3f(PlankWidth, PlankHeight, PlankThickness);
glTexCoord2f(0, 1);
glVertex3f(-PlankWidth, PlankHeight, PlankThickness);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glNormal3f(0, 0, -1);
glTexCoord2f(0, 0);
glVertex3f(-PlankWidth, PlankHeight, -PlankThickness);
glVertex3f(PlankWidth, -PlankHeight, -PlankThickness);
glTexCoord2f(0, 1);
glVertex3f(-PlankWidth, -PlankHeight, -PlankThickness);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glNormal3f(0, 1, 0);
glTexCoord2f(0, 0);
glVertex3f(-PlankWidth, PlankHeight, PlankThickness);
glVertex3f(PlankWidth, PlankHeight, -PlankThickness);
glTexCoord2f(0, 1);
glVertex3f(-PlankWidth, PlankHeight, -PlankThickness);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glNormal3f(0, -1, 0);
glTexCoord2f(0, 0);
glVertex3f(-PlankWidth, -PlankHeight, -PlankThickness);
glVertex3f(PlankWidth, -PlankHeight, PlankThickness);
glTexCoord2f(0, 1);
glVertex3f(-PlankWidth, -PlankHeight, PlankThickness);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glNormal3f(1, 0, 0);
glTexCoord2f(0, 0);
glVertex3f(PlankWidth, -PlankHeight, PlankThickness);
glVertex3f(PlankWidth, PlankHeight, -PlankThickness);
glTexCoord2f(0, 1);
glVertex3f(PlankWidth, PlankHeight, PlankThickness);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glNormal3f(-1, 0, 0);
glTexCoord2f(0, 0);
glVertex3f(-PlankWidth, PlankHeight, PlankThickness);
glVertex3f(-PlankWidth, -PlankHeight, -PlankThickness);
glTexCoord2f(0, 1);
glVertex3f(-PlankWidth, -PlankHeight, PlankThickness);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
return True;
static Bool
-draw_impossiblecage(cagestruct * cp, int wire)
+draw_impossiblecage(ModeInfo *mi, cagestruct * cp, int wire)
glRotatef(90, 0, 1, 0);
glTranslatef(0.0, PlankHeight - PlankWidth, -PlankThickness - PlankWidth);
- if (!draw_woodplank(cp, wire))
+ if (!draw_woodplank(mi, cp, wire))
return False;
glRotatef(90, 0, 0, 1);
glTranslatef(0.0, PlankHeight - PlankWidth, PlankWidth - PlankThickness);
- if (!draw_woodplank(cp, wire))
+ if (!draw_woodplank(mi, cp, wire))
return False;
glRotatef(90, 0, 1, 0);
glTranslatef(0.0, PlankWidth - PlankHeight, -PlankThickness - PlankWidth);
- if (!draw_woodplank(cp, wire))
+ if (!draw_woodplank(mi, cp, wire))
return False;
glTranslatef(0.0, PlankWidth - PlankHeight, 3 * PlankThickness - PlankWidth);
- if (!draw_woodplank(cp, wire))
+ if (!draw_woodplank(mi, cp, wire))
return False;
glRotatef(90, 0, 0, 1);
glTranslatef(0.0, PlankWidth - PlankHeight, PlankWidth - PlankThickness);
- if (!draw_woodplank(cp, wire))
+ if (!draw_woodplank(mi, cp, wire))
return False;
glTranslatef(0.0, PlankWidth - PlankHeight, PlankWidth - 3 * PlankThickness);
- if (!draw_woodplank(cp, wire))
+ if (!draw_woodplank(mi, cp, wire))
return False;
glTranslatef(0.0, PlankHeight - PlankWidth, 3 * PlankThickness - PlankWidth);
- if (!draw_woodplank(cp, wire))
+ if (!draw_woodplank(mi, cp, wire))
return False;
glRotatef(90, 0, 0, 1);
glTranslatef(0.0, PlankHeight - PlankWidth, PlankThickness - PlankWidth);
- if (!draw_woodplank(cp, wire))
+ if (!draw_woodplank(mi, cp, wire))
return False;
glTranslatef(0.0, PlankHeight - PlankWidth, PlankWidth - 3 * PlankThickness);
- if (!draw_woodplank(cp, wire))
+ if (!draw_woodplank(mi, cp, wire))
return False;
glRotatef(90, 0, 1, 0);
glTranslatef(0.0, PlankHeight - PlankWidth, PlankWidth + PlankThickness);
- if (!draw_woodplank(cp, wire))
+ if (!draw_woodplank(mi, cp, wire))
return False;
glRotatef(90, 0, 0, 1);
glTranslatef(0.0, PlankWidth - PlankHeight, PlankThickness - PlankWidth);
- if (!draw_woodplank(cp, wire))
+ if (!draw_woodplank(mi, cp, wire))
return False;
glRotatef(90, 0, 1, 0);
glTranslatef(0.0, PlankWidth - PlankHeight, PlankWidth + PlankThickness);
- if (!draw_woodplank(cp, wire))
+ if (!draw_woodplank(mi, cp, wire))
return False;
return True;
if (!cp->glx_context)
+ mi->polygon_count = 0;
glXMakeCurrent(display, window, *(cp->glx_context));
glRotatef(cp->step * 100, 0, 0, 1);
glRotatef(25 + cos(cp->step * 5) * 6, 1, 0, 0);
glRotatef(204.5 - sin(cp->step * 5) * 8, 0, 1, 0);
- if (!draw_impossiblecage(cp, MI_IS_WIREFRAME(mi))) {
+ if (!draw_impossiblecage(mi, cp, MI_IS_WIREFRAME(mi))) {
.B \-wireframe
Render in wireframe instead of textured.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
* Created: 21-Feb-2005
-#define DEF_FONT "-*-times-bold-r-normal-*-240-*"
+#define DEF_FONT "-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-240-*"
#define DEFAULTS "*count: 7 \n" \
"*delay: 10000 \n" \
"*wireframe: False \n" \
Per-frame delay, in microseconds. Default: 20000 (0.02 seconds.).
.TP 8
.B \-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
.B \-debug
Prints debugging info to stderr.
* -seven option is dedicated to all the Slarkeners
- * try "-rotate -rotate-speed 0"
- *
* This hack uses lookup tables for sin, cos and tan - it can do a lot
#define DEF_SPIN "True"
#define DEF_SEVEN "False"
#define DEF_PARTS "10"
+#define DEF_ROTATESPEED "1"
+#define DEF_LIGHT "True"
/* lifted from lament.c */
#define RAND(n) ((long) ((random() & 0x7fffffff) % ((long) (n))))
static char *font;
static int rotatespeed;
static int spin;
-static int rotate;
static int uselight;
static int seven;
#define countof(x) (sizeof((x))/sizeof((*x)))
static XrmOptionDescRec opts[] = {
- {"-parts", ".circuit.parts", XrmoptionSepArg, "10" },
- {"-font", ".circuit.font", XrmoptionSepArg, "fixed" },
- {"-rotate-speed", ".circuit.rotatespeed", XrmoptionSepArg, "1" },
+ {"-parts", ".circuit.parts", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ {"-font", ".circuit.font", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ {"-rotate-speed", ".circuit.rotatespeed", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{"+spin", ".circuit.spin", XrmoptionNoArg, "false" },
{"-spin", ".circuit.spin", XrmoptionNoArg, "true" },
{"+light", ".circuit.light", XrmoptionNoArg, "false" },
{"-light", ".circuit.light", XrmoptionNoArg, "true" },
{"+seven", ".circuit.seven", XrmoptionNoArg, "false" },
{"-seven", ".circuit.seven", XrmoptionNoArg, "true" },
- {"+rotate", ".circuit.rotate", XrmoptionNoArg, "false" },
- {"-rotate", ".circuit.rotate", XrmoptionNoArg, "true" },
static argtype vars[] = {
{&maxparts, "parts", "Parts", DEF_PARTS, t_Int},
{&font, "font", "Font", "fixed", t_String},
- {&rotatespeed, "rotatespeed", "Rotatespeed", "1", t_Int},
+ {&rotatespeed, "rotatespeed", "Rotatespeed", DEF_ROTATESPEED, t_Int},
{&spin, "spin", "Spin", DEF_SPIN, t_Bool},
- {&rotate, "rotate", "Rotate", "False", t_Bool},
- {&uselight, "light", "Light", "True", t_Bool},
+ {&uselight, "light", "Light", DEF_LIGHT, t_Bool},
{&seven, "seven", "Seven", DEF_SEVEN, t_Bool},
Component *components[MAX_COMPONENTS];
int band_list[12];
+ int band_list_polys[12];
GLfloat grid_col[3], grid_col2[3];
static Circuit *circuit = NULL;
-static void DrawResistor(Circuit *, Resistor *);
-static void DrawDiode(Circuit *, Diode *);
-static void DrawTransistor(Circuit *, Transistor *);
-static void DrawLED(Circuit *, LED *);
-static void DrawIC(Circuit *, IC *);
-static void DrawCapacitor(Circuit *, Capacitor *);
-static void DrawDisp(Circuit *, Disp *);
-static void DrawFuse(Circuit *, Fuse *);
-static void DrawRCA(Circuit *, RCA *);
-static void DrawThreeFive(Circuit *, ThreeFive *);
-static void DrawSwitch(Circuit *, Switch *);
+static int DrawResistor(Circuit *, Resistor *);
+static int DrawDiode(Circuit *, Diode *);
+static int DrawTransistor(Circuit *, Transistor *);
+static int DrawLED(Circuit *, LED *);
+static int DrawIC(Circuit *, IC *);
+static int DrawCapacitor(Circuit *, Capacitor *);
+static int DrawDisp(Circuit *, Disp *);
+static int DrawFuse(Circuit *, Fuse *);
+static int DrawRCA(Circuit *, RCA *);
+static int DrawThreeFive(Circuit *, ThreeFive *);
+static int DrawSwitch(Circuit *, Switch *);
static void freetexture(Circuit *, GLuint);
static void reorder(Component *[]);
-static void circle(Circuit *, float, int,int);
-static void bandedCylinder(Circuit *,
+static int circle(Circuit *, float, int,int);
+static int bandedCylinder(Circuit *,
float, float , GLfloat, GLfloat , GLfloat,
Band **, int);
static TexNum *fonttexturealloc(ModeInfo *, const char *, float *, float *);
-static void Rect(GLfloat , GLfloat , GLfloat, GLfloat , GLfloat ,GLfloat);
-static void ICLeg(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, int);
-static void HoledRectangle(Circuit *ci,
+static int Rect(GLfloat , GLfloat , GLfloat, GLfloat , GLfloat ,GLfloat);
+static int ICLeg(GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, int);
+static int HoledRectangle(Circuit *ci,
GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, GLfloat, int);
static Resistor *NewResistor(void);
static Diode *NewDiode(void);
-static void createCylinder (Circuit *ci,
+static int createCylinder (Circuit *ci,
float length, float radius, int endcaps, int half)
+ int polys = 0;
int a; /* current angle around cylinder */
int angle, norm;
float z1, y1, z2, y2,ex;
glNormal3f(0, y2, z2);
+ polys++;
glVertex3f(length, 0, radius);
glVertex3f(length, 0, 0 - radius);
glVertex3f(0, 0, 0 - radius);
+ polys++;
if (endcaps) {
glVertex3f(ex,0, 0);
+ polys++;
+ return polys;
-static void circle(Circuit *ci, float radius, int segments, int half)
+static int circle(Circuit *ci, float radius, int segments, int half)
+ int polys = 0;
float x1 = 0, x2 = 0;
float y1 = 0, y2 = 0;
int i, t, s;
+ polys++;
+ return polys;
-static void wire(Circuit *ci, float len)
+static int wire(Circuit *ci, float len)
+ int polys = 0;
GLfloat col[] = {0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0};
GLfloat spec[] = {0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0};
GLfloat nospec[] = {0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0};
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, &shin);
n = glIsEnabled(GL_NORMALIZE);
if (!n) glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE);
- createCylinder(ci, len, 0.05, 1, 0);
+ polys += createCylinder(ci, len, 0.05, 1, 0);
if (!n) glDisable(GL_NORMALIZE);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, nospec);
+ return polys;
#if 0
-static void ring(GLfloat inner, GLfloat outer, int nsegs)
+static int ring(GLfloat inner, GLfloat outer, int nsegs)
+ int polys = 0;
GLfloat z1, z2, y1, y2;
GLfloat Z1, Z2, Y1, Y2;
int i;
glVertex3f(0, y1, z1);
glVertex3f(0, y2, z2);
glVertex3f(0, Y2, Z2);
+ polys++;
+ return polys;
-static void sphere(Circuit *ci, GLfloat r, float stacks, float slices,
+static int sphere(Circuit *ci, GLfloat r, float stacks, float slices,
int startstack, int endstack, int startslice,
int endslice)
+ int polys = 0;
GLfloat d, d1, dr, dr1, Dr, Dr1, D, D1, z1, z2, y1, y2, Y1, Z1, Y2, Z2;
int a, a1, b, b1, c0, c1;
GLfloat step, sstep;
glNormal3f(Dr1, Y1, Z1);
+ polys++;
a1 = a;
+ return polys;
-static int DrawComponent(Circuit *ci, Component *c)
+static int DrawComponent(Circuit *ci, Component *c, unsigned long *polysP)
+ int polys = *polysP;
int ret = 0; /* return 1 if component is freed */
/* call object draw routine here */
if (c->type == 0) {
- DrawResistor(ci, c->c);
+ polys += DrawResistor(ci, c->c);
} else if (c->type == 1) {
- DrawDiode(ci, c->c);
+ polys += DrawDiode(ci, c->c);
} else if (c->type == 2) {
- DrawTransistor(ci, c->c);
+ polys += DrawTransistor(ci, c->c);
} else if (c->type == 3) {
if (((LED *)c->c)->light && ci->light) {
GLfloat lp[] = {0.1, 0, 0, 1};
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_POSITION, lp);
- DrawLED(ci, c->c);
+ polys += DrawLED(ci, c->c);
} else if (c->type == 4) {
- DrawCapacitor(ci, c->c);
+ polys += DrawCapacitor(ci, c->c);
} else if (c->type == 5) {
- DrawIC(ci, c->c);
+ polys += DrawIC(ci, c->c);
} else if (c->type == 6) {
- DrawDisp(ci, c->c);
+ polys += DrawDisp(ci, c->c);
} else if (c->type == 7) {
- DrawFuse(ci, c->c);
+ polys += DrawFuse(ci, c->c);
} else if (c->type == 8) {
- DrawRCA(ci, c->c);
+ polys += DrawRCA(ci, c->c);
} else if (c->type == 9) {
- DrawThreeFive(ci, c->c);
+ polys += DrawThreeFive(ci, c->c);
} else if (c->type == 10) {
- DrawSwitch(ci, c->c);
+ polys += DrawSwitch(ci, c->c);
c->x += c->dx * MOVE_MULT;
c->y += c->dy * MOVE_MULT;
+ *polysP = polys;
return ret;
/* draw a resistor */
-static void DrawResistor(Circuit *ci, Resistor *r)
+static int DrawResistor(Circuit *ci, Resistor *r)
+ int polys = 0;
int i;
GLfloat col[] = {0.74, 0.62, 0.46, 1.0};
GLfloat spec[] = {0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0};
GLfloat shine = 30;
glTranslatef(-4, 0, 0);
- wire(ci, 3);
+ polys += wire(ci, 3);
glTranslatef(3, 0, 0);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, spec);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, &shine);
- createCylinder(ci, 1.8, 0.4, 1, 0);
+ polys += createCylinder(ci, 1.8, 0.4, 1, 0);
for (i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) {
glTranslatef(0.35, 0, 0);
+ polys += ci->band_list_polys[r->b[i]];
glTranslatef(1.8, 0, 0);
- wire(ci, 3);
+ polys += wire(ci, 3);
+ return polys;
-static void DrawRCA(Circuit *ci, RCA *rca)
+static int DrawRCA(Circuit *ci, RCA *rca)
+ int polys = 0;
GLfloat col[] = {0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1.0}; /* metal */
GLfloat red[] = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}; /* red */
GLfloat white[] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; /* white */
glMateriali(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, 40);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, spec);
- createCylinder(ci, 0.7, 0.45, 0, 0);
+ polys += createCylinder(ci, 0.7, 0.45, 0, 0);
glTranslatef(0.4, 0, 0);
- createCylinder(ci, 0.9, 0.15, 1, 0);
+ polys += createCylinder(ci, 0.9, 0.15, 1, 0);
glTranslatef(-1.9, 0, 0);
glMateriali(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, 20);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, rca->col ? white : red);
- createCylinder(ci, 1.5, 0.6, 1, 0);
+ polys += createCylinder(ci, 1.5, 0.6, 1, 0);
glTranslatef(-0.9, 0, 0);
- createCylinder(ci, 0.9, 0.25, 0, 0);
+ polys += createCylinder(ci, 0.9, 0.25, 0, 0);
glTranslatef(0.1, 0, 0);
- createCylinder(ci, 0.2, 0.3, 0, 0);
+ polys += createCylinder(ci, 0.2, 0.3, 0, 0);
glTranslatef(0.3, 0, 0);
- createCylinder(ci, 0.2, 0.3, 1, 0);
+ polys += createCylinder(ci, 0.2, 0.3, 1, 0);
glTranslatef(0.3, 0, 0);
- createCylinder(ci, 0.2, 0.3, 1, 0);
+ polys += createCylinder(ci, 0.2, 0.3, 1, 0);
+ return polys;
-static void DrawSwitch(Circuit *ci, Switch *f)
+static int DrawSwitch(Circuit *ci, Switch *f)
+ int polys = 0;
GLfloat col[] = {0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0}; /* metal */
GLfloat dark[] = {0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0}; /* dark */
GLfloat brown[] = {0.69, 0.32, 0, 1.0}; /* brown */
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT, dark);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, spec);
glMateriali(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, 90);
- Rect(-0.25, 0, 0, 1.5, 0.5, 0.75);
-/* Rect(-0.5, 0.5, 0, 2, 0.1, 0.75); */
+ polys += Rect(-0.25, 0, 0, 1.5, 0.5, 0.75);
+/* polys += Rect(-0.5, 0.5, 0, 2, 0.1, 0.75); */
glRotatef(90, 1, 0, 0);
glTranslatef(-0.5, -0.4, -0.4);
- HoledRectangle(ci, 0.5, 0.75, 0.1, 0.15, 8);
+ polys += HoledRectangle(ci, 0.5, 0.75, 0.1, 0.15, 8);
glTranslatef(2, 0, 0);
- HoledRectangle(ci, 0.5, 0.75, 0.1, 0.15, 8);
+ polys += HoledRectangle(ci, 0.5, 0.75, 0.1, 0.15, 8);
- Rect(0.1, -0.4, -0.25, 0.1, 0.4, 0.05);
- Rect(0.5, -0.4, -0.25, 0.1, 0.4, 0.05);
- Rect(0.9, -0.4, -0.25, 0.1, 0.4, 0.05);
- Rect(0.1, -0.4, -0.5, 0.1, 0.4, 0.05);
- Rect(0.5, -0.4, -0.5, 0.1, 0.4, 0.05);
- Rect(0.9, -0.4, -0.5, 0.1, 0.4, 0.05);
+ polys += Rect(0.1, -0.4, -0.25, 0.1, 0.4, 0.05);
+ polys += Rect(0.5, -0.4, -0.25, 0.1, 0.4, 0.05);
+ polys += Rect(0.9, -0.4, -0.25, 0.1, 0.4, 0.05);
+ polys += Rect(0.1, -0.4, -0.5, 0.1, 0.4, 0.05);
+ polys += Rect(0.5, -0.4, -0.5, 0.1, 0.4, 0.05);
+ polys += Rect(0.9, -0.4, -0.5, 0.1, 0.4, 0.05);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, spec);
- Rect(0, 0.5, -0.1, 1, 0.05, 0.5);
- Rect(0, 0.6, -0.1, 0.5, 0.6, 0.5);
+ polys += Rect(0, 0.5, -0.1, 1, 0.05, 0.5);
+ polys += Rect(0, 0.6, -0.1, 0.5, 0.6, 0.5);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, brown);
- Rect(-0.2, -0.01, -0.1, 1.4, 0.1, 0.55);
+ polys += Rect(-0.2, -0.01, -0.1, 1.4, 0.1, 0.55);
+ return polys;
-static void DrawFuse(Circuit *ci, Fuse *f)
+static int DrawFuse(Circuit *ci, Fuse *f)
+ int polys = 0;
GLfloat col[] = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0}; /* endcaps */
GLfloat glass[] = {0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.3}; /* glass */
GLfloat spec[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; /* glass */
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, spec);
glMateriali(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, 40);
- createCylinder(ci, 0.8, 0.45, 1, 0);
+ polys += createCylinder(ci, 0.8, 0.45, 1, 0);
glTranslatef(0.8, 0, 0);
- createCylinder(ci, 2, 0.4, 0, 0);
- createCylinder(ci, 2, 0.3, 0, 0);
+ polys += createCylinder(ci, 2, 0.4, 0, 0);
+ polys += createCylinder(ci, 2, 0.3, 0, 0);
glVertex3f(2, 0. ,0);
glTranslatef(2, 0, 0);
- createCylinder(ci, 0.8, 0.45, 1, 0);
+ polys += createCylinder(ci, 0.8, 0.45, 1, 0);
+ return polys;
-static void DrawCapacitor(Circuit *ci, Capacitor *c)
+static int DrawCapacitor(Circuit *ci, Capacitor *c)
+ int polys = 0;
GLfloat col[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
GLfloat spec[] = {0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0};
GLfloat brown[] = {0.84, 0.5, 0};
if (c->type) {
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, brown);
- sphere(ci, c->width, 15, 15, 0, 4 ,0, 15);
+ polys += sphere(ci, c->width, 15, 15, 0, 4 ,0, 15);
glTranslatef(1.35*c->width, 0, 0);
- sphere(ci, c->width, 15, 15, 11, 15, 0, 15);
+ polys += sphere(ci, c->width, 15, 15, 11, 15, 0, 15);
glRotatef(90, 0, 0, 1);
glTranslatef(0, 0.7*c->width, 0.3*c->width);
- wire(ci, 3*c->width);
+ polys += wire(ci, 3*c->width);
glTranslatef(0, 0, -0.6*c->width);
- wire(ci, 3*c->width);
+ polys += wire(ci, 3*c->width);
} else {
glTranslatef(0-c->length*2, 0, 0);
glPolygonOffset(1.0, 1.0);
- createCylinder(ci, 3.0*c->length, 0.8*c->width, 1, 0);
+ polys += createCylinder(ci, 3.0*c->length, 0.8*c->width, 1, 0);
col[0] = 0.7;
col[1] = 0.7;
col[2] = 0.7;
- circle(ci, 0.6*c->width, 30, 0);
+ polys += circle(ci, 0.6*c->width, 30, 0);
col[0] = 0;
col[1] = 0;
col[2] = 0;
glTranslatef(3.0*c->length, 0.0, 0);
- circle(ci, 0.6*c->width, 30, 0);
+ polys += circle(ci, 0.6*c->width, 30, 0);
glTranslatef(0, 0.4*c->width, 0);
- wire(ci, 3*c->length);
+ polys += wire(ci, 3*c->length);
glTranslatef(0.0, -0.8*c->width, 0);
- wire(ci, 3.3*c->length);
+ polys += wire(ci, 3.3*c->length);
+ return polys;
-static void DrawLED(Circuit *ci, LED *l)
+static int DrawLED(Circuit *ci, LED *l)
+ int polys = 0;
GLfloat col[] = {0, 0, 0, 0.6};
GLfloat black[] = {0, 0, 0, 0.6};
glTranslatef(-0.9, 0, 0);
- createCylinder(ci, 1.2, 0.3, 0, 0);
+ polys += createCylinder(ci, 1.2, 0.3, 0, 0);
if (l->light && ci->light) {
- sphere(ci, 0.3, 7, 7, 3, 7, 0, 7);
+ polys += sphere(ci, 0.3, 7, 7, 3, 7, 0, 7);
if (l->light && ci->light) {
} else {
glTranslatef(1.2, 0, 0);
- createCylinder(ci, 0.1, 0.38, 1, 0);
+ polys += createCylinder(ci, 0.1, 0.38, 1, 0);
glTranslatef(-0.3, 0.15, 0);
- wire(ci, 3);
+ polys += wire(ci, 3);
glTranslatef(0, -0.3, 0);
- wire(ci, 3.3);
+ polys += wire(ci, 3.3);
if (random() % 50 == 25) {
if (l->light) {
l->light = 0; ci->light = 0; ci->lighton = 0;
ci->light = 1;
+ return polys;
-static void DrawThreeFive(Circuit *ci, ThreeFive *d)
+static int DrawThreeFive(Circuit *ci, ThreeFive *d)
+ int polys = 0;
GLfloat shine = 40;
GLfloat const dark[] = {0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0};
GLfloat const light[] = {0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0};
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, spec);
glTranslatef(-2.0, 0, 0);
- createCylinder(ci, 0.7, 0.2, 0, 0);
+ polys += createCylinder(ci, 0.7, 0.2, 0, 0);
glTranslatef(0.7, 0, 0);
- createCylinder(ci, 1.3, 0.4, 1, 0);
+ polys += createCylinder(ci, 1.3, 0.4, 1, 0);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, light);
glTranslatef(1.3, 0, 0);
- createCylinder(ci, 1.3, 0.2, 0, 0);
+ polys += createCylinder(ci, 1.3, 0.2, 0, 0);
glTranslatef(0.65, 0, 0);
- createCylinder(ci, 0.15, 0.21, 0, 0);
+ polys += createCylinder(ci, 0.15, 0.21, 0, 0);
glTranslatef(0.3, 0, 0);
- createCylinder(ci, 0.15, 0.21, 0, 0);
+ polys += createCylinder(ci, 0.15, 0.21, 0, 0);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, light);
glTranslatef(0.4, 0, 0);
- sphere(ci, 0.23, 7, 7, 0, 5, 0, 7);
+ polys += sphere(ci, 0.23, 7, 7, 0, 5, 0, 7);
+ return polys;
-static void DrawDiode(Circuit *ci, Diode *d)
+static int DrawDiode(Circuit *ci, Diode *d)
+ int polys = 0;
GLfloat shine = 40;
GLfloat col[] = {0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0};
GLfloat spec[] = {0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0};
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, spec);
glTranslatef(-4, 0, 0);
- wire(ci, 3);
+ polys += wire(ci, 3);
glTranslatef(3, 0, 0);
- bandedCylinder(ci, 0.3, 1.5, d->r, d->g, d->b, &(d->band), 1);
+ polys += bandedCylinder(ci, 0.3, 1.5, d->r, d->g, d->b, &(d->band), 1);
glTranslatef(1.5, 0, 0);
- wire(ci, 3);
+ polys += wire(ci, 3);
+ return polys;
-static void Rect(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w, GLfloat h,
+static int Rect(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w, GLfloat h,
GLfloat t)
+ int polys = 0;
GLfloat yh;
GLfloat xw;
GLfloat zt;
glVertex3f(x, yh, z);
glVertex3f(xw, yh, z);
glVertex3f(xw, y, z);
+ polys++;
/* back */
glNormal3f(0, 0, -1);
glVertex3f(x, y, zt);
glVertex3f(x, yh, zt);
glVertex3f(xw, yh, zt);
glVertex3f(xw, y, zt);
+ polys++;
/* top */
glNormal3f(0, 1, 0);
glVertex3f(x, yh, z);
glVertex3f(x, yh, zt);
glVertex3f(xw, yh, zt);
glVertex3f(xw, yh, z);
+ polys++;
/* bottom */
glNormal3f(0, -1, 0);
glVertex3f(x, y, z);
glVertex3f(x, y, zt);
glVertex3f(xw, y, zt);
glVertex3f(xw, y, z);
+ polys++;
/* left */
glNormal3f(-1, 0, 0);
glVertex3f(x, y, z);
glVertex3f(x, y, zt);
glVertex3f(x, yh, zt);
glVertex3f(x, yh, z);
+ polys++;
/* right */
glNormal3f(1, 0, 0);
glVertex3f(xw, y, z);
glVertex3f(xw, y, zt);
glVertex3f(xw, yh, zt);
glVertex3f(xw, yh, z);
+ polys++;
+ return polys;
/* IC pins */
-static void ICLeg(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, int dir)
+static int ICLeg(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, int dir)
+ int polys = 0;
if (dir) {
- Rect(x-0.1, y, z, 0.1, 0.1, 0.02);
- Rect(x-0.1, y, z, 0.02, 0.1, 0.1);
- Rect(x-0.1, y+0.03, z-0.1, 0.02, 0.05, 0.3);
+ polys += Rect(x-0.1, y, z, 0.1, 0.1, 0.02);
+ polys += Rect(x-0.1, y, z, 0.02, 0.1, 0.1);
+ polys += Rect(x-0.1, y+0.03, z-0.1, 0.02, 0.05, 0.3);
} else {
- Rect(x, y, z, 0.1, 0.1, 0.02);
- Rect(x+0.8*0.1, y, z, 0.02, 0.1, 0.1);
- Rect(x+0.8*0.1, y+0.03, z-0.1, 0.02, 0.05, 0.3);
+ polys += Rect(x, y, z, 0.1, 0.1, 0.02);
+ polys += Rect(x+0.8*0.1, y, z, 0.02, 0.1, 0.1);
+ polys += Rect(x+0.8*0.1, y+0.03, z-0.1, 0.02, 0.05, 0.3);
+ return polys;
-static void DrawIC(Circuit *ci, IC *c)
+static int DrawIC(Circuit *ci, IC *c)
+ int polys = 0;
GLfloat w, h, d;
int z;
GLfloat col[] = {0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0};
glVertex3f(w, -h, 0.1);
glVertex3f(-w, -h, 0.1);
glVertex3f(-w, h, 0.1);
+ polys++;
glNormal3f(0, 0, -1);
glVertex3f(w, h, -0.1);
glVertex3f(w, -h, -0.1);
glVertex3f(-w, -h, -0.1);
glVertex3f(-w, h, -0.1);
+ polys++;
glNormal3f(1, 0, 0);
glVertex3f(w, h, -0.1);
glVertex3f(w, -h, -0.1);
glVertex3f(w, -h, 0.1);
glVertex3f(w, h, 0.1);
+ polys++;
glNormal3f(0, -1, 0);
glVertex3f(w, -h, -0.1);
glVertex3f(w, -h, 0.1);
glVertex3f(-w, -h, 0.1);
glVertex3f(-w, -h, -0.1);
+ polys++;
glNormal3f(-1, 0, 0);
glVertex3f(-w, h, -0.1);
glVertex3f(-w, h, 0.1);
glVertex3f(-w, -h, 0.1);
glVertex3f(-w, -h, -0.1);
+ polys++;
glNormal3f(0, -1, 0);
glVertex3f(-w, h, -0.1);
glVertex3f(w, h, -0.1);
glVertex3f(w, h, 0.1);
glVertex3f(-w, h, 0.1);
+ polys++;
if (c->tnum) glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, c->tnum);
glVertex3f(-th, -mult, 0.1);
glTexCoord2f(0, 0);
glVertex3f(-th, mult, 0.1);
+ polys++;
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, lspec);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, &lshine);
for (z = 0 ; z < c->pins/2 ; z++) {
- ICLeg(w, -h + z*d + d/2, 0, 0);
+ polys += ICLeg(w, -h + z*d + d/2, 0, 0);
for (z = 0 ; z < c->pins/2 ; z++) {
- ICLeg(-w, -h + z*d + d/2, 0, 1);
+ polys += ICLeg(-w, -h + z*d + d/2, 0, 1);
glTranslatef(-w+0.3, h-0.3, 0.1);
glRotatef(90, 0, 1, 0);
- circle(ci, 0.1, 7, 0);
+ polys += circle(ci, 0.1, 7, 0);
+ return polys;
-static void DrawDisp(Circuit *ci, Disp *d)
+static int DrawDisp(Circuit *ci, Disp *d)
+ int polys = 0;
GLfloat col[] = {0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0}; /* body colour */
GLfloat front[] = {0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0}; /* front colour */
GLfloat on[] = {0.9, 0, 0, 1}; /* 'on' segment */
glTranslatef(-0.9, -1.8, 0);
- Rect(0, 0, -0.01, 1.8, 2.6, 0.7);
+ polys += Rect(0, 0, -0.01, 1.8, 2.6, 0.7);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, front);
glVertex2f(-0.05, -0.05);
glVertex2f(-0.05, 2.65);
glVertex2f(1.85, 2.65);
glVertex2f(1.85, -0.05);
+ polys++;
glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); /* lit segments dont need light */
if (!seven && (random() % 30) == 19) { /* randomly change value */
for(i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++) {
glVertex3f(xx[i], yy[i], 0.01);
+ polys++;
glVertex3f(1.5, 0.2, 0.01);
+ polys++;
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, &shine);
for (x = 0.35 ; x <= 1.5 ; x+= 1.15) {
for ( y = 0.2 ; y <= 2.4 ; y += 0.3) {
- ICLeg(x, y, -0.7, 1);
+ polys += ICLeg(x, y, -0.7, 1);
+ return polys;
-static void HoledRectangle(Circuit *ci,
+static int HoledRectangle(Circuit *ci,
GLfloat w, GLfloat h, GLfloat d, GLfloat radius,
int p)
+ int polys = 0;
int step, a;
GLfloat x1, y1, x2, y2;
GLfloat yr, yr1, xr, xr1, side, side1;
+ polys++;
glNormal3f(0, 0, 1); /* front face */
glVertex3f(xr1, yr1, 0);
glVertex3f(xr, yr, 0);
glVertex3f(x2, y2, 0);
+ polys++;
glNormal3f(nx, ny, 0); /* side */
glVertex3f(xr, yr, 0);
glVertex3f(xr, yr, -d);
glVertex3f(xr1, yr1, -d);
glVertex3f(xr1, yr1, 0);
+ polys++;
glNormal3f(0, 0, -1); /* back */
glVertex3f(xr, yr, -d);
glVertex3f(x2, y2, -d);
glVertex3f(x1, y1, -d);
glVertex3f(xr1, yr1, -d);
+ polys++;
xr1 = xr; yr1 = yr;
+ return polys;
-static void DrawTransistor(Circuit *ci, Transistor *t)
+static int DrawTransistor(Circuit *ci, Transistor *t)
+ int polys = 0;
GLfloat col[] = {0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0};
GLfloat spec[] = {0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0};
GLfloat nospec[] = {0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0};
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, col);
glRotatef(90, 0, 1, 0);
glRotatef(90, 0, 0, 1);
- createCylinder(ci, 1.0, 0.4, 1, 1);
- Rect(0, -0.2, 0.4, 1, 0.2, 0.8);
+ polys += createCylinder(ci, 1.0, 0.4, 1, 1);
+ polys += Rect(0, -0.2, 0.4, 1, 0.2, 0.8);
/* Draw the markings */
if (t->tnum) glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, t->tnum);
glVertex3f(y2, -0.21, -0.3);
glTexCoord2f(0, 0);
glVertex3f(y2, -0.21, 0.3);
+ polys++;
glTranslatef(-2, 0, -0.2);
- wire(ci, 2);
+ polys += wire(ci, 2);
glTranslatef(0, 0, 0.2);
- wire(ci, 2);
+ polys += wire(ci, 2);
glTranslatef(0, 0, 0.2);
- wire(ci, 2);
+ polys += wire(ci, 2);
} else if (t->type == 0) { /* TO-220 Style */
float mult, y1, y2;
mult = 1.5*t->th/t->tw;
y1 = 0.75+mult/2;
y2 = 0.75-mult/2;
- Rect(0, 0, 0, 1.5, 1.5, 0.5);
+ polys += Rect(0, 0, 0, 1.5, 1.5, 0.5);
if (t->tnum) glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, t->tnum);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, spec);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, &shin);
- Rect(0, 0, -0.5, 1.5, 1.5, 0.30);
+ polys += Rect(0, 0, -0.5, 1.5, 1.5, 0.30);
if (!glIsEnabled(GL_NORMALIZE)) glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE);
glTranslatef(0.75, 1.875, -0.55);
- HoledRectangle(ci, 1.5, 0.75, 0.25, 0.2, 8);
+ polys += HoledRectangle(ci, 1.5, 0.75, 0.25, 0.2, 8);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, nospec);
glTranslatef(-0.375, -1.875, 0);
glRotatef(90, 0, 0, -1);
- wire(ci, 2);
+ polys += wire(ci, 2);
glTranslatef(0, 0.375, 0);
- wire(ci, 2);
+ polys += wire(ci, 2);
glTranslatef(0, 0.375, 0);
- wire(ci, 2);
+ polys += wire(ci, 2);
} else { /* SMC transistor */
/* Draw the body */
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, col);
glTranslatef(-0.5, -0.25, 0.1);
- Rect(0, 0, 0, 1, 0.5, 0.2);
+ polys += Rect(0, 0, 0, 1, 0.5, 0.2);
/* Draw the markings */
if (t->tnum) glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, t->tnum);
glVertex3f(0.8, 0.5, 0.01);
glTexCoord2f(0, 0);
glVertex3f(0.2, 0.5, 0.01);
+ polys++;
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, spec);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, &shin);
- Rect(0.25, -0.1, -0.05, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2);
- Rect(0.75, -0.1, -0.05, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2);
- Rect(0.5, 0.5, -0.05, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2);
- Rect(0.25, -0.2, -0.2, 0.1, 0.15, 0.1);
- Rect(0.75, -0.2, -0.2, 0.1, 0.15, 0.1);
- Rect(0.5, 0.5, -0.2, 0.1, 0.15, 0.1);
+ polys += Rect(0.25, -0.1, -0.05, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2);
+ polys += Rect(0.75, -0.1, -0.05, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2);
+ polys += Rect(0.5, 0.5, -0.05, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2);
+ polys += Rect(0.25, -0.2, -0.2, 0.1, 0.15, 0.1);
+ polys += Rect(0.75, -0.2, -0.2, 0.1, 0.15, 0.1);
+ polys += Rect(0.5, 0.5, -0.2, 0.1, 0.15, 0.1);
+ return polys;
static Component * NewComponent(ModeInfo *mi)
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, spec);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, &shine);
- createCylinder(ci, 0.1, 0.42, 0, 0);
+ ci->band_list_polys[i] = createCylinder(ci, 0.1, 0.42, 0, 0);
-static void bandedCylinder(Circuit *ci,
+static int bandedCylinder(Circuit *ci,
float radius, float l,
GLfloat r, GLfloat g, GLfloat bl,
Band **b, int nbands)
+ int polys = 0;
int n; /* band number */
int p = 0; /* prev number + 1; */
GLfloat col[] = {0,0,0,0};
col[0] = r; col[1] = g; col[2] = bl;
- createCylinder(ci, l, radius, 1, 0); /* body */
+ polys += createCylinder(ci, l, radius, 1, 0); /* body */
for (n = 0 ; n < nbands ; n++) {
glTranslatef(b[n]->pos*l, 0, 0);
col[0] = b[n]->r; col[1] = b[n]->g; col[2] = b[n]->b;
- createCylinder(ci, b[n]->len*l, radius*1.05, 0, 0); /* band */
+ polys += createCylinder(ci, b[n]->len*l, radius*1.05, 0, 0); /* band */
p = n+1;
+ return polys;
-static void drawgrid(Circuit *ci)
+static int drawgrid(Circuit *ci)
+ int polys = 0;
GLfloat x, y;
GLfloat col3[] = {0, 0.8, 0};
if (!ci->draw_s) {
- if (f_rand() < ((rotate) ? 0.05 : 0.01)) {
+ if (f_rand() < ((rotatespeed > 0) ? 0.05 : 0.01)) {
ci->draw_sdir = RAND_RANGE(0, 4);
ci->draw_ds = RAND_RANGE(0.4, 0.8);
switch (ci->draw_sdir) {
ci->draw_s = 1;
- } else if (!rotate) {
+ } else if (rotatespeed <= 0) {
if (ci->grid_col[1] < 0.25) {
ci->grid_col[1] += 0.025; ci->grid_col[2] += 0.005;
ci->grid_col2[1] += 0.015 ; ci->grid_col2[2] += 0.005;
glTranslatef(ci->draw_sx, ci->draw_sy, -10);
- sphere(ci, 0.1, 10, 10, 0, 10, 0, 10);
+ polys += sphere(ci, 0.1, 10, 10, 0, 10, 0, 10);
if (ci->draw_sdir == 0)
glTranslatef(-ci->draw_ds, 0, 0);
if (ci->draw_sdir == 1)
glTranslatef(0, ci->draw_ds, 0);
if (ci->draw_sdir == 3)
glTranslatef(0, -ci->draw_ds, 0);
- sphere(ci, 0.05, 10, 10, 0, 10, 0, 10);
+ polys += sphere(ci, 0.05, 10, 10, 0, 10, 0, 10);
if (ci->draw_sdir == 0) {
ci->draw_sx += ci->draw_ds;
if (ci->draw_sy > ci->YMAX/2)
ci->draw_s = 0;
- } else if (!rotate) {
+ } else if (rotatespeed <= 0) {
if (ci->grid_col[1] > 0) {
ci->grid_col[1] -= 0.0025; ci->grid_col[2] -= 0.0005;
ci->grid_col2[1] -= 0.0015 ; ci->grid_col2[2] -= 0.0005;
+ return polys;
static void display(ModeInfo *mi)
GLfloat black[] = {0, 0, 0, 1.0};
int j;
+ mi->polygon_count = 0;
if (ci->display_i == 0) {
for (ci->display_i = 0 ; ci->display_i < maxparts ; ci->display_i++) {
ci->components[ci->display_i] = NULL;
0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
- if (rotate) {
- glRotatef(ci->rotate_angle, 0, 0, 1);
- ci->rotate_angle += 0.01 * (float)rotatespeed;
- if (ci->rotate_angle >= 360) ci->rotate_angle = 0;
- }
+ glRotatef(ci->rotate_angle, 0, 0, 1);
+ ci->rotate_angle += 0.01 * (float)rotatespeed;
+ if (ci->rotate_angle >= 360) ci->rotate_angle = 0;
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, ci->lightpos);
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_SPECULAR, light_sp);
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, light_sp);
- drawgrid(ci);
+ mi->polygon_count += drawgrid(ci);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, light_sp);
if (f_rand() < 0.05) {
for (j = 0 ; j < maxparts ; j++) {
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_EMISSION, black);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, black);
if (ci->components[j] != NULL) {
- if (DrawComponent(ci, ci->components[j])) {
+ if (DrawComponent(ci, ci->components[j], &mi->polygon_count)) {
free(ci->components[j]); ci->components[j] = NULL;
.B \-light | \-no-light
Whether to us lighting, or flat coloring.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
** crackberg; Matus Telgarsky [ catachresis@cmu.edu ] 2005
** */
-#include <X11/keysymdef.h>
+#ifndef HAVE_COCOA
+# include <X11/keysymdef.h>
#define DEFAULTS "*delay: 20000 \n" \
"*showFPS: False \n" \
#define DEF_CRACK "True"
#define DEF_WATER "True"
#define DEF_FLAT "True"
-#define DEF_COLOR "plain"
+#define DEF_COLOR "random"
#define DEF_LIT "True"
#define DEF_VISIBILITY "0.6"
#define DEF_LETTERBOX "False"
if (ev->xany.type == KeyPress) {
switch (XKeycodeToKeysym(mi->dpy, ev->xkey.keycode, 0)) {
+# ifndef HAVE_COCOA
case XK_Left: cberg->motion_state |= MOTION_LROT; break;
case XK_Right: cberg->motion_state |= MOTION_RROT; break;
+# endif
case '1': cberg->motion_state |= MOTION_DEC; break;
case '2': cberg->motion_state |= MOTION_INC; break;
case 'a': cberg->motion_state |= MOTION_LEFT; break;
switch (XKeycodeToKeysym(mi->dpy, ev->xkey.keycode, 0)) {
+# ifndef HAVE_COCOA
case XK_Left: cberg->motion_state &= ~MOTION_LROT; break;
case XK_Right: cberg->motion_state &= ~MOTION_RROT; break;
+# endif
case '1': cberg->motion_state &= ~MOTION_DEC; break;
case '2': cberg->motion_state &= ~MOTION_INC; break;
case 'a': cberg->motion_state &= ~MOTION_LEFT; break;
Delay between frames; default 20000 (1/50th of a second).
.TP 8
.B \-fps
-Display frame per second and polygon counts.
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
.B \-crack
Use all possible methods to animate tile instantiation.
#ifdef USE_GL
-#define DEF_XYSPEED "1.0"
-#define DEF_TSPEED "3.0"
-#define DEF_WSPEED "1.0"
-#define DEF_TWAIT "40.0"
-#define DEF_SIZE "0.7"
-#define DEF_COLMODE "six"
+#define DEF_SPIN "True"
+#define DEF_WANDER "True"
+#define DEF_TEXTURE "True"
+#define DEF_RANDOMIZE "True"
+#define DEF_SPINSPEED "1.0"
+#define DEF_ROTSPEED "3.0"
+#define DEF_WANDERSPEED "1.0"
+#define DEF_WAIT "40.0"
+#define DEF_CUBESIZE "0.7"
+#define DEF_COLORMODE "six"
#ifdef Pi
#undef Pi
static int colmode;
static argtype vars[] = {
- { &spin, "spin", "Spin", "True", t_Bool},
- { &wander, "wander", "Wander", "True", t_Bool},
- { &rndstart, "randomize", "Randomize", "True", t_Bool},
- { &tex, "texture", "Texture", "True", t_Bool},
- { &spinspeed, "spinspeed", "SpinSpeed", DEF_XYSPEED, t_Float},
- { &tspeed, "rotspeed", "RotSpeed", DEF_TSPEED, t_Float},
- { &wspeed, "wanderspeed", "WanderSpeed", DEF_WSPEED, t_Float},
- { &twait, "wait", "Wait", DEF_TWAIT, t_Float},
- { &size, "cubesize", "CubeSize", DEF_SIZE, t_Float},
- { &colmode_s, "colormode", "ColorMode", DEF_COLMODE, t_String}
+ { &spin, "spin", "Spin", DEF_SPIN, t_Bool},
+ { &wander, "wander", "Wander", DEF_WANDER, t_Bool},
+ { &rndstart, "randomize", "Randomize", DEF_RANDOMIZE, t_Bool},
+ { &tex, "texture", "Texture", DEF_TEXTURE, t_Bool},
+ { &spinspeed, "spinspeed", "SpinSpeed", DEF_SPINSPEED, t_Float},
+ { &tspeed, "rotspeed", "RotSpeed", DEF_ROTSPEED, t_Float},
+ { &wspeed, "wanderspeed", "WanderSpeed", DEF_WANDERSPEED, t_Float},
+ { &twait, "wait", "Wait", DEF_WAIT, t_Float},
+ { &size, "cubesize", "CubeSize", DEF_CUBESIZE, t_Float},
+ { &colmode_s, "colormode", "ColorMode", DEF_COLORMODE, t_String}
static XrmOptionDescRec opts[] = {
{ "-rotspeed", ".rotspeed", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{ "-wait", ".wait", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{ "-cubesize", ".cubesize", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
- { "-colormode", ".colormode", XrmoptionSepArg, DEF_COLMODE }
+ { "-colormode", ".colormode", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 }
ENTRYPOINT ModeSpecOpt cube21_opts = {countof(opts), opts, countof(vars), vars, NULL};
cp->t = 0;
-static void draw_narrow_piece(cube21_conf *cp, GLfloat s, int c1, int c2, col_t colors)
+static void draw_narrow_piece(ModeInfo *mi, cube21_conf *cp, GLfloat s, int c1, int c2, col_t colors)
GLfloat s1 = cp->posc[0]*s;
glTexCoord2f(0.5, 0.5); glVertex3f(0.0, 0.0, s);
glTexCoord2f(cp->texq, 0.0); glVertex3f(cp->posc[1], 0.0, s);
glTexCoord2f(cp->texp, 0.0); glVertex3f(cp->posc[2], cp->posc[3], s);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glNormal3f(0.0, 0.0, -s);
if(cp->cmat) glColor3fv(cp->color_inner);
glVertex3f(0.0, 0.0, s1);
glVertex3f(cp->posc[1], 0.0, s1);
glVertex3f(cp->posc[2], cp->posc[3], s1);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glNormal3f(0.0, -1.0, 0.0);
glVertex3f(cp->posc[1], 0.0, s);
glVertex3f(cp->posc[1], 0.0, s1);
glVertex3f(0.0, 0.0, s1);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glNormal3f(COS15, SIN15, 0.0);
if(cp->cmat) glColor3fv(colors[c2]);
glTexCoord2f(cp->texq, cp->texq); glVertex3f(cp->posc[1], 0.0, s);
glTexCoord2f(cp->texq, cp->texp); glVertex3f(cp->posc[2], cp->posc[3], s);
glTexCoord2f(1.0, cp->texp); glVertex3f(cp->posc[2], cp->posc[3], s1);
glTexCoord2f(1.0, cp->texq); glVertex3f(cp->posc[1], 0.0, s1);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glNormal3f(-SIN30, COS30, 0.0);
if(cp->cmat) glColor3fv(cp->color_inner);
glVertex3f(cp->posc[2], cp->posc[3], s);
glVertex3f(cp->posc[2], cp->posc[3], s1);
glVertex3f(0.0, 0.0, s1);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glRotatef(30.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
-static void draw_wide_piece(cube21_conf *cp, GLfloat s, int c1, int c2, int c3, col_t colors)
+static void draw_wide_piece(ModeInfo *mi, cube21_conf *cp, GLfloat s, int c1, int c2, int c3, col_t colors)
GLfloat s1 = cp->posc[0]*s;
if(cp->hf[1]) glRotatef(180.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
-static void draw_half_face(cube21_conf *cp, int s, int o)
+static void draw_half_face(ModeInfo *mi, cube21_conf *cp, int s, int o)
int i, s1 = 1-s*2, s2 = s*2;
for(i = o; i<o+6; i++) {
- draw_narrow_piece(cp, s1, cp->cind[s2][i], cp->cind[s2+1][i], cp->colors);
+ draw_narrow_piece(mi, cp, s1, cp->cind[s2][i], cp->cind[s2+1][i], cp->colors);
else {
- draw_wide_piece(cp, s1, cp->cind[s2][i], cp->cind[s2+1][i], cp->cind[s2+1][i+1], cp->colors);
+ draw_wide_piece(mi, cp, s1, cp->cind[s2][i], cp->cind[s2+1][i], cp->cind[s2+1][i+1], cp->colors);
-static void draw_top_face(cube21_conf *cp)
+static void draw_top_face(ModeInfo *mi, cube21_conf *cp)
- draw_half_face(cp, 0, 0);
- draw_half_face(cp, 0, 6);
+ draw_half_face(mi, cp, 0, 0);
+ draw_half_face(mi, cp, 0, 6);
-static void draw_bottom_face(cube21_conf *cp)
+static void draw_bottom_face(ModeInfo *mi, cube21_conf *cp)
- draw_half_face(cp, 1, 0);
- draw_half_face(cp, 1, 6);
+ draw_half_face(mi, cp, 1, 0);
+ draw_half_face(mi, cp, 1, 6);
-static Bool draw_main(cube21_conf *cp)
+static Bool draw_main(ModeInfo *mi, cube21_conf *cp)
GLfloat theta = cp->ramount<0?cp->t:-cp->t;
switch(cp->state) {
case CUBE21_PAUSE1:
case CUBE21_PAUSE2:
- draw_top_face(cp);
- draw_bottom_face(cp);
+ draw_top_face(mi, cp);
+ draw_bottom_face(mi, cp);
case CUBE21_ROT_TOP:
glRotatef(theta, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
- draw_top_face(cp);
+ draw_top_face(mi, cp);
glRotatef(-theta, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
- draw_bottom_face(cp);
+ draw_bottom_face(mi, cp);
- draw_top_face(cp);
+ draw_top_face(mi, cp);
glRotatef(theta, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
- draw_bottom_face(cp);
+ draw_bottom_face(mi, cp);
glRotatef(-theta, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
case CUBE21_HALF1:
glRotatef(theta, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
case CUBE21_HALF2:
- draw_half_face(cp, 0, 0);
+ draw_half_face(mi, cp, 0, 0);
glRotatef(-180.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
- draw_half_face(cp, 1, 0);
+ draw_half_face(mi, cp, 1, 0);
glRotatef(-180.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
if(cp->hf[0]) glRotatef(180.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
draw_middle_piece(cp, 0, cp->cind, cp->colors);
glRotatef(theta, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
glRotatef(180.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
- draw_half_face(cp, 0, 6);
+ draw_half_face(mi, cp, 0, 6);
glRotatef(-180.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
- draw_half_face(cp, 1, 6);
+ draw_half_face(mi, cp, 1, 6);
glRotatef(-180.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
if(cp->hf[1]) glRotatef(180.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
draw_middle_piece(cp, 1, cp->cind, cp->colors);
cp = &cube21[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
MI_IS_DRAWN(mi) = True;
if (!cp->glx_context) return;
+ mi->polygon_count = 0;
glXMakeCurrent(display, window, *(cp->glx_context));
- if (!draw_main(cp)) {
+ if (!draw_main(mi, cp)) {
.TP 8
.B \-fps
-Display a running tally of how many frames per second are being rendered.
-In conjunction with \fB\-delay 0\fP, this can be a useful benchmark of
-your GL performance.
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
#define DEF_WANDER "True"
#define DEF_TEXTURE "True"
-#define DEF_WAVE_COUNT "3"
+#define DEF_WAVES "3"
#define DEF_WAVE_SPEED "80"
#define DEF_WAVE_RADIUS "512"
GLuint cube_list;
GLuint texture_id;
+ int cube_polys;
int ncubes;
cube *cubes;
waves *waves;
{&do_spin, "spin", "Spin", DEF_SPIN, t_String},
{&do_wander, "wander", "Wander", DEF_WANDER, t_Bool},
{&do_texture, "texture", "Texture", DEF_TEXTURE, t_Bool},
- {&wave_count, "waves", "Waves", DEF_WAVE_COUNT, t_Int},
+ {&wave_count, "waves", "Waves", DEF_WAVES, t_Int},
{&wave_speed, "waveSpeed", "WaveSpeed", DEF_WAVE_SPEED, t_Int},
{&wave_radius,"waveRadius","WaveRadius", DEF_WAVE_RADIUS,t_Int},
ENTRYPOINT ModeSpecOpt cube_opts = {countof(opts), opts, countof(vars), vars, NULL};
-static void
+static int
unit_cube (Bool wire)
+ int polys = 0;
glBegin (wire ? GL_LINE_LOOP : GL_QUADS); /* front */
glNormal3f (0, 0, 1);
glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex3f ( 0.5, -0.5, 0.5);
glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex3f ( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex3f (-0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex3f (-0.5, -0.5, 0.5);
+ polys++;
glBegin (wire ? GL_LINE_LOOP : GL_QUADS); /* back */
glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex3f (-0.5, 0.5, -0.5);
glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex3f ( 0.5, 0.5, -0.5);
glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex3f ( 0.5, -0.5, -0.5);
+ polys++;
glBegin (wire ? GL_LINE_LOOP : GL_QUADS); /* left */
glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex3f (-0.5, 0.5, -0.5);
glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex3f (-0.5, -0.5, -0.5);
glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex3f (-0.5, -0.5, 0.5);
+ polys++;
glBegin (wire ? GL_LINE_LOOP : GL_QUADS); /* right */
glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex3f ( 0.5, 0.5, -0.5);
glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex3f ( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex3f ( 0.5, -0.5, 0.5);
+ polys++;
- if (wire) return;
+ if (wire) return polys;
glBegin (wire ? GL_LINE_LOOP : GL_QUADS); /* top */
glNormal3f (0, 1, 0);
glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex3f ( 0.5, 0.5, -0.5);
glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex3f (-0.5, 0.5, -0.5);
glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex3f (-0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
+ polys++;
glBegin (wire ? GL_LINE_LOOP : GL_QUADS); /* bottom */
glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex3f (-0.5, -0.5, -0.5);
glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex3f ( 0.5, -0.5, -0.5);
glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex3f ( 0.5, -0.5, 0.5);
+ polys++;
+ return polys;
cc->cube_list = glGenLists (1);
glNewList (cc->cube_list, GL_COMPILE);
- unit_cube (wire);
+ cc->cube_polys = unit_cube (wire);
glEndList ();
if (!cc->glx_context)
+ mi->polygon_count = 0;
glXMakeCurrent(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_WINDOW(mi), *(cc->glx_context));
glScalef (cube->w, cube->h, cube->d);
glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, color);
glCallList (cc->cube_list);
+ mi->polygon_count += cc->cube_polys;
glPopMatrix ();
.B \-waves \fInumber\fP
Surface Pattern Complexity. 1 - 20. Default: 3.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
.B \-wireframe | \-no-wireframe
Render in wireframe instead of solid.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
#define DEF_SPEED "1.0"
#define DEF_DIV "30"
-#define DEF_SIZE "20.0"
+#define DEF_ZOOM "20"
#define DEF_BIGDOTS "True"
#undef countof
static argtype vars[] = {
{ &speed, "speed", "Speed", DEF_SPEED, t_Float },
- { &size, "zoom", "Zoom", DEF_SIZE, t_Float },
+ { &size, "zoom", "Zoom", DEF_ZOOM, t_Float },
{ &ticks, "ticks", "Ticks", DEF_DIV, t_Int },
{ &bigdots, "bigdots", "BigDots", DEF_BIGDOTS, t_Bool },
rotator *rot;
trackball_state *trackball;
Bool button_down_p;
+ int npoints;
} cubicgrid_conf;
static cubicgrid_conf *cubicgrid = NULL;
glTranslatef(-ticks/2.0, -ticks/2.0, -ticks/2.0);
return True;
for(y = 0; y < ticks; y++) {
for(z = 0; z < ticks; z++) {
glVertex3f(x, y, z);
+ cp->npoints++;
for(z = 0; z < ticks; z++) {
glColor3f(x/tf, y/tf, z/tf);
glVertex3f(x, y, z);
+ cp->npoints++;
+ mi->polygon_count = cp->npoints;
if (MI_IS_FPS(mi)) do_fps (mi);
glXSwapBuffers(display, window);
Draw the points twice as big.
.TP 8
.B \-fps
-Display a running tally of how many frames per second are being rendered.
-In conjunction with \fB\-delay 0\fP, this can be a useful benchmark of
-your GL performance.
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
.B \-wireframe | \-no-wireframe
Render in wireframe instead of solid.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
GLuint helix_list, helix_list_wire, helix_list_facetted;
GLuint gasket_list, gasket_list_wire;
GLuint frame_list, frame_list_wire;
+ int polys[7];
int wall_facets;
int bar_facets;
/* Make the helix
-static void
+static int
make_helix (logo_configuration *dc, int facetted, int wire)
+ int polys = 0;
int wall_facets = dc->wall_facets / (facetted ? 10 : 1);
GLfloat th;
GLfloat max_th = M_PI * 2 * dc->turns;
glVertex3f( x1, y1, z1 + h1 + h1off);
glVertex3f(x1b, y1b, z1 + h1 + h1off);
glVertex3f(x1b, y1b, z1 - h1 + h1off);
+ polys++;
glNormal3f(x2, y2, 0);
glVertex3f(x2, y2, z2 + h2 + h2off);
glVertex3f(x2, y2, z2 - h2 + h2off);
+ polys++;
/* inner face
glNormal3f(-x2b, -y2b, 0);
glVertex3f( x2b, y2b, z2 + h2 + h2off);
glVertex3f( x2b, y2b, z2 - h2 + h2off);
+ polys++;
/* top face
glVertex3f( x2b, y2b, z2 + h2 + h2off);
glVertex3f( x1b, y1b, z1 + h1 + h1off);
glVertex3f( x1, y1, z1 + h1 + h1off);
+ polys++;
/* bottom face
glVertex3f( x1b, y1b, z1 - h1 + h1off);
glVertex3f( x2b, y2b, z2 - h2 + h2off);
glVertex3f( x2, y2, z2 - h2 + h2off);
+ polys++;
x1 = x2;
glVertex3f(x2, y2, z1 + h2 + h2off);
glVertex3f(x2b, y2b, z1 + h2 + h2off);
glVertex3f(x2b, y2b, z1 - h2 + h2off);
+ polys++;
+ return polys;
-static void
+static int
make_ladder (logo_configuration *dc, int facetted, int wire)
+ int polys = 0;
GLfloat th;
GLfloat max_th = dc->turns * M_PI * 2;
GLfloat max_z = dc->turns * dc->turn_spacing;
if (facets <= 3) facets = 3;
x = cos (th) * (1 - dc->wall_thickness);
y = sin (th) * (1 - dc->wall_thickness);
- tube ( x, y, z,
- -x, -y, z,
- dc->bar_thickness, 0, facets,
- True, True, wire);
+ polys += tube ( x, y, z,
+ -x, -y, z,
+ dc->bar_thickness, 0, facets,
+ True, True, wire);
z += z_inc;
th += th_inc;
+ return polys;
-static void
+static int
make_gasket (logo_configuration *dc, int wire)
+ int polys = 0;
int i;
int points_size;
int npoints = 0;
glBegin (GL_LINE_LOOP);
for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++)
glVertex3f (pointsx0[i], pointsy0[i], z);
+ polys += npoints;
/* outside edge */
glBegin (GL_LINE_LOOP);
for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++)
glVertex3f (pointsx1[i], pointsy1[i], z);
+ polys += npoints;
# else
for (i = 1; i < npoints; i++)
glVertex3f (pointsx1[i-1], pointsy1[i-1], z);
+ polys += npoints;
# endif
#if 1
glVertex3f (pointsx1[i], pointsy1[i], -thick2);
glVertex3f (pointsx1[i], pointsy1[i], thick2);
+ polys += npoints;
glVertex3f (pointsx0[i], pointsy0[i], -thick2);
glVertex3f (pointsx1[i], pointsy1[i], -thick2);
+ polys += npoints;
/* bottom */
glVertex3f (pointsx0[i], pointsy0[i], thick2);
glVertex3f (pointsx1[i], pointsy1[i], thick2);
+ polys += npoints;
/* inside edge */
glVertex3f ( pointsx0[i], pointsy0[i], thick2);
glVertex3f ( pointsx0[i], pointsy0[i], -thick2);
+ polys += npoints;
/* outside edge */
glVertex3f (xz, yz, thick2);
+ polys += npoints;
glVertex3f (pointsx0[3], pointsy0[3], -thick2);
glVertex3f (pointsx0[2], pointsy0[2], -thick2);
+ polys++;
/* back wall */
glNormal3f (0, 0, 1);
glVertex3f (pointsx0[3], pointsy0[3], thick2);
glVertex3f (pointsx0[2], pointsy0[2], thick2);
+ polys++;
/* top wall */
glNormal3f (pointsx0[1], pointsy0[1], 0);
glVertex3f (pointsx0[1], pointsy0[1], -thick2);
+ polys++;
/* Now make a donut.
pointsx1[npoints] = r1 * cth;
pointsy1[npoints] = r1 * sth;
+ polys++;
pointsx0[npoints] = pointsx0[0];
glBegin (GL_LINE_LOOP);
for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++)
glVertex3f (pointsx0[i], pointsy0[i], -thick2);
+ polys += npoints;
glBegin (GL_LINE_LOOP);
for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++)
glVertex3f (pointsx0[i], pointsy0[i], thick2);
+ polys += npoints;
# if 0
glBegin (GL_LINE_LOOP);
for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++)
glVertex3f (pointsx1[i], pointsy1[i], -thick2);
+ polys += npoints;
glBegin (GL_LINE_LOOP);
for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++)
glVertex3f (pointsx1[i], pointsy1[i], thick2);
+ polys += npoints;
# endif
glVertex3f (pointsx0[i], pointsy0[i], -thick2);
glVertex3f (pointsx1[i], pointsy1[i], -thick2);
+ polys += npoints;
/* bottom */
glVertex3f (pointsx0[i], pointsy0[i], thick2);
glVertex3f (pointsx1[i], pointsy1[i], thick2);
+ polys += npoints;
glVertex3f ( pointsx0[i], pointsy0[i], thick2);
glVertex3f ( pointsx0[i], pointsy0[i], -thick2);
+ polys += npoints;
glNormal3f (-1, 0, 0);
glVertex3f (-w/2, -h/2, thick2); glVertex3f (-w/2, h/2, thick2);
glVertex3f (-w/2, h/2, -thick2); glVertex3f (-w/2, -h/2, -thick2);
+ polys++;
pointsx0[npoints] = w/2 * cos(th);
pointsy0[npoints] = w/2 * sin(th);
+ polys++;
/* front inside curve */
if (! wire) glVertex3f (0, h/2, -thick2);
for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++)
glVertex3f (pointsx0[i], h/2 + pointsy0[i], -thick2);
+ polys += npoints;
/* front outside curve */
if (! wire) glVertex3f (0, -h/2, -thick2);
for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++)
glVertex3f (pointsx0[i], -h/2 - pointsy0[i], -thick2);
+ polys += npoints;
/* back inside curve */
if (! wire) glVertex3f (0, h/2, thick2);
for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++)
glVertex3f (pointsx0[i], h/2 + pointsy0[i], thick2);
+ polys += npoints;
/* back outside curve */
if (! wire) glVertex3f (0, -h/2, thick2);
for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++)
glVertex3f (pointsx0[i], -h/2 - pointsy0[i], thick2);
+ polys += npoints;
/* inside curve */
glVertex3f (pointsx0[i], h/2 + pointsy0[i], thick2);
glVertex3f (pointsx0[i], h/2 + pointsy0[i], -thick2);
+ polys += npoints;
/* outside curve */
glVertex3f (pointsx0[i], -h/2 - pointsy0[i], thick2);
glVertex3f (pointsx0[i], -h/2 - pointsy0[i], -thick2);
+ polys += npoints;
free (normals);
+ return polys;
-static void
+static int
make_frame (logo_configuration *dc, int wire)
+ int polys = 0;
int i, j;
GLfloat x[20], y[20];
GLfloat corner_cut = 0.5;
glVertex3f (x[5], y[0], 0); glVertex3f (x[5], y[2], 0);
glVertex3f (x[7], y[0], 0); glVertex3f (x[7], y[2], 0);
glVertex3f (x[8], y[1], 0); glVertex3f (x[8], y[2], 0);
+ polys += 6;
glEnd ();
glTranslatef (0.5, 0.5, 0);
glRotatef (90, 0, 0, 1);
glVertex3f (x[4], y[3], 0); glVertex3f (x[4], y[3], dc->frame_depth/2);
glVertex3f (x[5], y[2], 0); glVertex3f (x[5], y[2], dc->frame_depth/2);
glVertex3f (x[6], y[2], 0); glVertex3f (x[6], y[2], dc->frame_depth/2);
+ polys += 4;
glEnd ();
glNormal3f (0, -1, 0);
glVertex3f (x[7], y[0], dc->frame_depth/2);
glVertex3f (x[1], y[0], dc->frame_depth/2);
glVertex3f (x[1], y[0], 0);
+ polys++;
glEnd ();
glNormal3f (1, -1, 0);
glVertex3f (x[8], y[1], dc->frame_depth/2);
glVertex3f (x[7], y[0], dc->frame_depth/2);
glVertex3f (x[7], y[0], 0);
+ polys++;
glEnd ();
if (wire)
glVertex3f (x[4], y[3], j*dc->frame_depth/2);
glVertex3f (x[5], y[2], j*dc->frame_depth/2);
glVertex3f (x[6], y[2], j*dc->frame_depth/2);
+ polys += 4;
glEnd ();
+ return polys;
dc->helix_list = glGenLists (1);
glNewList (dc->helix_list, GL_COMPILE);
glRotatef(helix_rot, 0, 0, 1);
- if (do_ladder) make_ladder (dc, 0, 0);
- if (do_helix) make_helix (dc, 0, 0);
+ if (do_ladder) dc->polys[0] += make_ladder (dc, 0, 0);
+ if (do_helix) dc->polys[0] += make_helix (dc, 0, 0);
glRotatef(180, 0, 0, 1);
- if (do_helix) make_helix (dc, 0, 0);
+ if (do_helix) dc->polys[0] += make_helix (dc, 0, 0);
glEndList ();
dc->helix_list_wire = glGenLists (1);
glNewList (dc->helix_list_wire, GL_COMPILE);
/* glRotatef(helix_rot, 0, 0, 1); wtf? */
- if (do_ladder) make_ladder (dc, 1, 1);
- if (do_helix) make_helix (dc, 1, 1);
+ if (do_ladder) dc->polys[1] += make_ladder (dc, 1, 1);
+ if (do_helix) dc->polys[1] += make_helix (dc, 1, 1);
glRotatef(180, 0, 0, 1);
- if (do_helix) make_helix (dc, 1, 1);
+ if (do_helix) dc->polys[1] += make_helix (dc, 1, 1);
glEndList ();
dc->helix_list_facetted = glGenLists (1);
glNewList (dc->helix_list_facetted, GL_COMPILE);
glRotatef(helix_rot, 0, 0, 1);
- if (do_ladder) make_ladder (dc, 1, 0);
- if (do_helix) make_helix (dc, 1, 0);
+ if (do_ladder) dc->polys[2] += make_ladder (dc, 1, 0);
+ if (do_helix) dc->polys[2] += make_helix (dc, 1, 0);
glRotatef(180, 0, 0, 1);
- if (do_helix) make_helix (dc, 1, 0);
+ if (do_helix) dc->polys[2] += make_helix (dc, 1, 0);
glEndList ();
dc->gasket_list = glGenLists (1);
glNewList (dc->gasket_list, GL_COMPILE);
- if (do_gasket) make_gasket (dc, 0);
+ if (do_gasket) dc->polys[3] += make_gasket (dc, 0);
glEndList ();
dc->gasket_list_wire = glGenLists (1);
glNewList (dc->gasket_list_wire, GL_COMPILE);
- if (do_gasket) make_gasket (dc, 1);
+ if (do_gasket) dc->polys[4] += make_gasket (dc, 1);
glEndList ();
dc->frame_list = glGenLists (1);
glNewList (dc->frame_list, GL_COMPILE);
- if (do_frame) make_frame (dc, 0);
+ if (do_frame) dc->polys[5] += make_frame (dc, 0);
glEndList ();
dc->frame_list_wire = glGenLists (1);
glNewList (dc->frame_list_wire, GL_COMPILE);
- if (do_frame) make_frame (dc, 1);
+ if (do_frame) dc->polys[6] += make_frame (dc, 1);
glEndList ();
/* When drawing both solid and wireframe objects,
if (!dc->glx_context)
+ mi->polygon_count = 0;
glXMakeCurrent(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_WINDOW(mi), *(dc->glx_context));
if (dc->wire_overlay == 0 &&
glScalef (1, scale, scale);
if (wire)
- glCallList (dc->frame_list_wire);
+ {
+ glCallList (dc->frame_list_wire);
+ mi->polygon_count += dc->polys[6];
+ }
else if (dc->wire_overlay != 0)
glCallList (dc->frame_list);
glDisable (GL_LIGHTING);
glCallList (dc->frame_list_wire);
+ mi->polygon_count += dc->polys[6];
if (!wire) glEnable (GL_LIGHTING);
- glCallList (dc->frame_list);
+ {
+ glCallList (dc->frame_list);
+ mi->polygon_count += dc->polys[5];
+ }
glMaterialf (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, shininess);
if (wire)
- glCallList (dc->gasket_list_wire);
+ {
+ glCallList (dc->gasket_list_wire);
+ mi->polygon_count += dc->polys[4];
+ }
else if (dc->wire_overlay != 0)
glCallList (dc->gasket_list);
glDisable (GL_LIGHTING);
glCallList (dc->gasket_list_wire);
+ mi->polygon_count += dc->polys[4];
if (!wire) glEnable (GL_LIGHTING);
- glCallList (dc->gasket_list);
+ {
+ glCallList (dc->gasket_list);
+ mi->polygon_count += dc->polys[3];
+ }
glRotatef (360 * sin (M_PI/2 * dc->helix_spinnerz.position), 0, 0, 1);
if (wire)
- glCallList (dc->helix_list_wire);
+ {
+ glCallList (dc->helix_list_wire);
+ mi->polygon_count += dc->polys[1];
+ }
else if (dc->wire_overlay != 0)
glCallList (dc->helix_list_facetted);
glDisable (GL_LIGHTING);
glCallList (dc->helix_list_wire);
+ mi->polygon_count += dc->polys[2];
if (!wire) glEnable (GL_LIGHTING);
- glCallList (dc->helix_list);
+ {
+ glCallList (dc->helix_list);
+ mi->polygon_count += dc->polys[0];
+ }
#include "atlantis.h"
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
-static const float N001[3] = {-0.005937 ,-0.101998 ,-0.994767};
-static const float N002[3] = {0.936780 ,-0.200803 ,0.286569};
-static const float N003[3] = {-0.233062 ,0.972058 ,0.028007};
+static const float N001[3] = {-0.005937, -0.101998, -0.994767};
+static const float N002[3] = {0.93678, -0.200803, 0.286569};
+static const float N003[3] = {-0.233062, 0.972058, 0.028007};
#if 0
-static const float N004[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
+static const float N004[3] = {0, 1, 0};
-static const float N005[3] = {0.898117 ,0.360171 ,0.252315};
-static const float N006[3] = {-0.915437 ,0.348456 ,0.201378};
-static const float N007[3] = {0.602263 ,-0.777527 ,0.180920};
-static const float N008[3] = {-0.906912 ,-0.412015 ,0.088061};
+static const float N005[3] = {0.898117, 0.360171, 0.252315};
+static const float N006[3] = {-0.915437, 0.348456, 0.201378};
+static const float N007[3] = {0.602263, -0.777527, 0.18092};
+static const float N008[3] = {-0.906912, -0.412015, 0.088061};
#if 0
-static const float N009[3] = {-0.015623 ,0.999878 ,0.000000};
-static const float N010[3] = {0.000000 ,-0.992278 ,0.124035};
-static const float N011[3] = {0.000000 ,-0.936329 ,-0.351123};
+static const float N009[3] = {-0.015623, 0.999878, 0};
+static const float N010[3] = {0, -0.992278, 0.124035};
+static const float N011[3] = {0, -0.936329, -0.351123};
-static const float N012[3] = {0.884408 ,-0.429417 ,-0.182821};
-static const float N013[3] = {0.921121 ,0.311084 ,-0.234016};
-static const float N014[3] = {0.382635 ,0.877882 ,-0.287948};
-static const float N015[3] = {-0.380046 ,0.888166 ,-0.258316};
-static const float N016[3] = {-0.891515 ,0.392238 ,-0.226607};
-static const float N017[3] = {-0.901419 ,-0.382002 ,-0.203763};
-static const float N018[3] = {-0.367225 ,-0.911091 ,-0.187243};
-static const float N019[3] = {0.339539 ,-0.924846 ,-0.171388};
-static const float N020[3] = {0.914706 ,-0.378617 ,-0.141290};
-static const float N021[3] = {0.950662 ,0.262713 ,-0.164994};
-static const float N022[3] = {0.546359 ,0.801460 ,-0.243218};
-static const float N023[3] = {-0.315796 ,0.917068 ,-0.243431};
-static const float N024[3] = {-0.825687 ,0.532277 ,-0.186875};
-static const float N025[3] = {-0.974763 ,-0.155232 ,-0.160435};
-static const float N026[3] = {-0.560596 ,-0.816658 ,-0.137119};
-static const float N027[3] = {0.380210 ,-0.910817 ,-0.160786};
-static const float N028[3] = {0.923772 ,-0.358322 ,-0.135093};
-static const float N029[3] = {0.951202 ,0.275053 ,-0.139859};
-static const float N030[3] = {0.686099 ,0.702548 ,-0.188932};
-static const float N031[3] = {-0.521865 ,0.826719 ,-0.210220};
-static const float N032[3] = {-0.923820 ,0.346739 ,-0.162258};
-static const float N033[3] = {-0.902095 ,-0.409995 ,-0.134646};
-static const float N034[3] = {-0.509115 ,-0.848498 ,-0.144404};
-static const float N035[3] = {0.456469 ,-0.880293 ,-0.129305};
-static const float N036[3] = {0.873401 ,-0.475489 ,-0.105266};
-static const float N037[3] = {0.970825 ,0.179861 ,-0.158584};
-static const float N038[3] = {0.675609 ,0.714187 ,-0.183004};
-static const float N039[3] = {-0.523574 ,0.830212 ,-0.191360};
-static const float N040[3] = {-0.958895 ,0.230808 ,-0.165071};
-static const float N041[3] = {-0.918285 ,-0.376803 ,-0.121542};
-static const float N042[3] = {-0.622467 ,-0.774167 ,-0.114888};
-static const float N043[3] = {0.404497 ,-0.908807 ,-0.102231};
-static const float N044[3] = {0.930538 ,-0.365155 ,-0.027588};
-static const float N045[3] = {0.921920 ,0.374157 ,-0.100345};
-static const float N046[3] = {0.507346 ,0.860739 ,0.041562};
-static const float N047[3] = {-0.394646 ,0.918815 ,-0.005730};
-static const float N048[3] = {-0.925411 ,0.373024 ,-0.066837};
-static const float N049[3] = {-0.945337 ,-0.322309 ,-0.049551};
-static const float N050[3] = {-0.660437 ,-0.750557 ,-0.022072};
-static const float N051[3] = {0.488835 ,-0.871950 ,-0.027261};
-static const float N052[3] = {0.902599 ,-0.421397 ,0.087969};
-static const float N053[3] = {0.938636 ,0.322606 ,0.122020};
-static const float N054[3] = {0.484605 ,0.871078 ,0.079878};
-static const float N055[3] = {-0.353607 ,0.931559 ,0.084619};
-static const float N056[3] = {-0.867759 ,0.478564 ,0.134054};
-static const float N057[3] = {-0.951583 ,-0.296030 ,0.082794};
-static const float N058[3] = {-0.672355 ,-0.730209 ,0.121384};
-static const float N059[3] = {0.528336 ,-0.842452 ,0.105525};
-static const float N060[3] = {0.786913 ,-0.564760 ,0.248627};
+static const float N012[3] = {0.884408, -0.429417, -0.182821};
+static const float N013[3] = {0.921121, 0.311084, -0.234016};
+static const float N014[3] = {0.382635, 0.877882, -0.287948};
+static const float N015[3] = {-0.380046, 0.888166, -0.258316};
+static const float N016[3] = {-0.891515, 0.392238, -0.226607};
+static const float N017[3] = {-0.901419, -0.382002, -0.203763};
+static const float N018[3] = {-0.367225, -0.911091, -0.187243};
+static const float N019[3] = {0.339539, -0.924846, -0.171388};
+static const float N020[3] = {0.914706, -0.378617, -0.14129};
+static const float N021[3] = {0.950662, 0.262713, -0.164994};
+static const float N022[3] = {0.546359, 0.80146, -0.243218};
+static const float N023[3] = {-0.315796, 0.917068, -0.243431};
+static const float N024[3] = {-0.825687, 0.532277, -0.186875};
+static const float N025[3] = {-0.974763, -0.155232, -0.160435};
+static const float N026[3] = {-0.560596, -0.816658, -0.137119};
+static const float N027[3] = {0.38021, -0.910817, -0.160786};
+static const float N028[3] = {0.923772, -0.358322, -0.135093};
+static const float N029[3] = {0.951202, 0.275053, -0.139859};
+static const float N030[3] = {0.686099, 0.702548, -0.188932};
+static const float N031[3] = {-0.521865, 0.826719, -0.21022};
+static const float N032[3] = {-0.92382, 0.346739, -0.162258};
+static const float N033[3] = {-0.902095, -0.409995, -0.134646};
+static const float N034[3] = {-0.509115, -0.848498, -0.144404};
+static const float N035[3] = {0.456469, -0.880293, -0.129305};
+static const float N036[3] = {0.873401, -0.475489, -0.105266};
+static const float N037[3] = {0.970825, 0.179861, -0.158584};
+static const float N038[3] = {0.675609, 0.714187, -0.183004};
+static const float N039[3] = {-0.523574, 0.830212, -0.19136};
+static const float N040[3] = {-0.958895, 0.230808, -0.165071};
+static const float N041[3] = {-0.918285, -0.376803, -0.121542};
+static const float N042[3] = {-0.622467, -0.774167, -0.114888};
+static const float N043[3] = {0.404497, -0.908807, -0.102231};
+static const float N044[3] = {0.930538, -0.365155, -0.027588};
+static const float N045[3] = {0.92192, 0.374157, -0.100345};
+static const float N046[3] = {0.507346, 0.860739, 0.041562};
+static const float N047[3] = {-0.394646, 0.918815, -0.00573};
+static const float N048[3] = {-0.925411, 0.373024, -0.066837};
+static const float N049[3] = {-0.945337, -0.322309, -0.049551};
+static const float N050[3] = {-0.660437, -0.750557, -0.022072};
+static const float N051[3] = {0.488835, -0.87195, -0.027261};
+static const float N052[3] = {0.902599, -0.421397, 0.087969};
+static const float N053[3] = {0.938636, 0.322606, 0.12202};
+static const float N054[3] = {0.484605, 0.871078, 0.079878};
+static const float N055[3] = {-0.353607, 0.931559, 0.084619};
+static const float N056[3] = {-0.867759, 0.478564, 0.134054};
+static const float N057[3] = {-0.951583, -0.29603, 0.082794};
+static const float N058[3] = {-0.672355, -0.730209, 0.121384};
+static const float N059[3] = {0.528336, -0.842452, 0.105525};
+static const float N060[3] = {0.786913, -0.56476, 0.248627};
#if 0
-static const float N061[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
+static const float N061[3] = {0, 1, 0};
-static const float N062[3] = {0.622098 ,0.765230 ,0.165584};
-static const float N063[3] = {-0.631711 ,0.767816 ,0.106773};
-static const float N064[3] = {-0.687886 ,0.606351 ,0.398938};
-static const float N065[3] = {-0.946327 ,-0.281623 ,0.158598};
-static const float N066[3] = {-0.509549 ,-0.860437 ,0.002776};
-static const float N067[3] = {0.462594 ,-0.876692 ,0.131977};
+static const float N062[3] = {0.622098, 0.76523, 0.165584};
+static const float N063[3] = {-0.631711, 0.767816, 0.106773};
+static const float N064[3] = {-0.687886, 0.606351, 0.398938};
+static const float N065[3] = {-0.946327, -0.281623, 0.158598};
+static const float N066[3] = {-0.509549, -0.860437, 0.002776};
+static const float N067[3] = {0.462594, -0.876692, 0.131977};
#if 0
-static const float N068[3] = {0.000000 ,-0.992278 ,0.124035};
-static const float N069[3] = {0.000000 ,-0.970143 ,-0.242536};
-static const float N070[3] = {0.015502 ,0.992159 ,-0.124020};
+static const float N068[3] = {0, -0.992278, 0.124035};
+static const float N069[3] = {0, -0.970143, -0.242536};
+static const float N070[3] = {0.015502, 0.992159, -0.12402};
-static const float N071[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
+static const float N071[3] = {0, 1, 0};
#if 0
-static const float N072[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N073[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N074[3] = {0.000000 ,-1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N075[3] = {-0.242536 ,0.000000 ,-0.970143};
-static const float N076[3] = {-0.010336 ,-0.992225 ,-0.124028};
+static const float N072[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N073[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N074[3] = {0, -1, 0};
+static const float N075[3] = {-0.242536, 0, -0.970143};
+static const float N076[3] = {-0.010336, -0.992225, -0.124028};
-static const float N077[3] = {-0.880770 ,0.461448 ,0.106351};
-static const float N078[3] = {-0.880770 ,0.461448 ,0.106351};
-static const float N079[3] = {-0.880770 ,0.461448 ,0.106351};
-static const float N080[3] = {-0.880770 ,0.461448 ,0.106351};
-static const float N081[3] = {-0.571197 ,0.816173 ,0.087152};
-static const float N082[3] = {-0.880770 ,0.461448 ,0.106351};
-static const float N083[3] = {-0.571197 ,0.816173 ,0.087152};
-static const float N084[3] = {-0.571197 ,0.816173 ,0.087152};
-static const float N085[3] = {-0.880770 ,0.461448 ,0.106351};
-static const float N086[3] = {-0.571197 ,0.816173 ,0.087152};
-static const float N087[3] = {-0.880770 ,0.461448 ,0.106351};
-static const float N088[3] = {-0.880770 ,0.461448 ,0.106351};
-static const float N089[3] = {-0.880770 ,0.461448 ,0.106351};
-static const float N090[3] = {-0.880770 ,0.461448 ,0.106351};
-static const float N091[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N092[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N093[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N094[3] = {1.000000 ,0.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N095[3] = {-1.000000 ,0.000000 ,0.000000};
+static const float N077[3] = {-0.88077, 0.461448, 0.106351};
+static const float N078[3] = {-0.88077, 0.461448, 0.106351};
+static const float N079[3] = {-0.88077, 0.461448, 0.106351};
+static const float N080[3] = {-0.88077, 0.461448, 0.106351};
+static const float N081[3] = {-0.571197, 0.816173, 0.087152};
+static const float N082[3] = {-0.88077, 0.461448, 0.106351};
+static const float N083[3] = {-0.571197, 0.816173, 0.087152};
+static const float N084[3] = {-0.571197, 0.816173, 0.087152};
+static const float N085[3] = {-0.88077, 0.461448, 0.106351};
+static const float N086[3] = {-0.571197, 0.816173, 0.087152};
+static const float N087[3] = {-0.88077, 0.461448, 0.106351};
+static const float N088[3] = {-0.88077, 0.461448, 0.106351};
+static const float N089[3] = {-0.88077, 0.461448, 0.106351};
+static const float N090[3] = {-0.88077, 0.461448, 0.106351};
+static const float N091[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N092[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N093[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N094[3] = {1, 0, 0};
+static const float N095[3] = {-1, 0, 0};
#if 0
-static const float N096[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
+static const float N096[3] = {0, 1, 0};
-static const float N097[3] = {-0.697296 ,0.702881 ,0.140491};
-static const float N098[3] = {0.918864 ,0.340821 ,0.198819};
-static const float N099[3] = {-0.932737 ,0.201195 ,0.299202};
-static const float N100[3] = {0.029517 ,0.981679 ,0.188244};
+static const float N097[3] = {-0.697296, 0.702881, 0.140491};
+static const float N098[3] = {0.918864, 0.340821, 0.198819};
+static const float N099[3] = {-0.932737, 0.201195, 0.299202};
+static const float N100[3] = {0.029517, 0.981679, 0.188244};
#if 0
-static const float N101[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
+static const float N101[3] = {0, 1, 0};
-static const float N102[3] = {0.813521 ,-0.204936 ,0.544229};
+static const float N102[3] = {0.813521, -0.204936, 0.544229};
#if 0
-static const float N103[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N104[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N105[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N106[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N107[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N108[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N109[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
+static const float N103[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N104[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N105[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N106[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N107[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N108[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N109[3] = {0, 1, 0};
-static const float N110[3] = {-0.781480 ,-0.384779 ,0.491155};
-static const float N111[3] = {-0.722243 ,0.384927 ,0.574627};
-static const float N112[3] = {-0.752278 ,0.502679 ,0.425901};
-static const float N113[3] = {0.547257 ,0.367910 ,0.751766};
-static const float N114[3] = {0.725949 ,-0.232568 ,0.647233};
-static const float N115[3] = {-0.747182 ,-0.660786 ,0.071280};
-static const float N116[3] = {0.931519 ,0.200748 ,0.303270};
-static const float N117[3] = {-0.828928 ,0.313757 ,0.463071};
-static const float N118[3] = {0.902554 ,-0.370967 ,0.218587};
-static const float N119[3] = {-0.879257 ,-0.441851 ,0.177973};
-static const float N120[3] = {0.642327 ,0.611901 ,0.461512};
-static const float N121[3] = {0.964817 ,-0.202322 ,0.167910};
-static const float N122[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
+static const float N110[3] = {-0.78148, -0.384779, 0.491155};
+static const float N111[3] = {-0.722243, 0.384927, 0.574627};
+static const float N112[3] = {-0.752278, 0.502679, 0.425901};
+static const float N113[3] = {0.547257, 0.36791, 0.751766};
+static const float N114[3] = {0.725949, -0.232568, 0.647233};
+static const float N115[3] = {-0.747182, -0.660786, 0.07128};
+static const float N116[3] = {0.931519, 0.200748, 0.30327};
+static const float N117[3] = {-0.828928, 0.313757, 0.463071};
+static const float N118[3] = {0.902554, -0.370967, 0.218587};
+static const float N119[3] = {-0.879257, -0.441851, 0.177973};
+static const float N120[3] = {0.642327, 0.611901, 0.461512};
+static const float N121[3] = {0.964817, -0.202322, 0.16791};
+static const float N122[3] = {0, 1, 0};
#if 0
-static const float N123[3] = {-0.980734 ,0.041447 ,0.190900};
-static const float N124[3] = {-0.980734 ,0.041447 ,0.190900};
-static const float N125[3] = {-0.980734 ,0.041447 ,0.190900};
-static const float N126[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N127[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N128[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N129[3] = {0.963250 ,0.004839 ,0.268565};
-static const float N130[3] = {0.963250 ,0.004839 ,0.268565};
-static const float N131[3] = {0.963250 ,0.004839 ,0.268565};
-static const float N132[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N133[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N134[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
+static const float N123[3] = {-0.980734, 0.041447, 0.1909};
+static const float N124[3] = {-0.980734, 0.041447, 0.1909};
+static const float N125[3] = {-0.980734, 0.041447, 0.1909};
+static const float N126[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N127[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N128[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N129[3] = {0.96325, 0.004839, 0.268565};
+static const float N130[3] = {0.96325, 0.004839, 0.268565};
+static const float N131[3] = {0.96325, 0.004839, 0.268565};
+static const float N132[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N133[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N134[3] = {0, 1, 0};
-static float P001[3] = {5.68, -300.95, 1324.70};
+static float P001[3] = {5.68, -300.95, 1324.7};
static const float P002[3] = {338.69, -219.63, 9677.03};
static const float P003[3] = {12.18, 474.59, 9138.14};
#if 0
static float P010[3] = {-130.05, -261.46, 1946.03};
static float P011[3] = {141.07, -320.11, 1239.38};
static float P012[3] = {156.48, -360.12, 2073.41};
-static float P013[3] = {162.00, -175.88, 2064.44};
+static float P013[3] = {162, -175.88, 2064.44};
static float P014[3] = {88.16, -87.72, 2064.02};
static float P015[3] = {-65.21, -96.13, 2064.02};
static float P016[3] = {-156.48, -180.96, 2064.44};
-static float P017[3] = {-162.00, -368.93, 2082.39};
+static float P017[3] = {-162, -368.93, 2082.39};
static float P018[3] = {-88.16, -439.22, 2082.39};
static float P019[3] = {65.21, -440.32, 2083.39};
static float P020[3] = {246.87, -356.02, 2576.95};
static float P025[3] = {-252.22, -371.53, 2569.92};
static float P026[3] = {-108.44, -518.19, 2586.75};
static float P027[3] = {97.88, -524.79, 2586.75};
-static float P028[3] = {370.03, -421.19, 3419.70};
+static float P028[3] = {370.03, -421.19, 3419.7};
static float P029[3] = {351.15, -16.98, 3423.17};
static float P030[3] = {200.66, 248.46, 3430.37};
static float P031[3] = {-148.42, 235.02, 3417.91};
static float P032[3] = {-360.21, -30.27, 3416.84};
-static float P033[3] = {-357.90, -414.89, 3407.04};
-static float P034[3] = {-148.88, -631.35, 3409.90};
-static float P035[3] = {156.38, -632.59, 3419.70};
+static float P033[3] = {-357.9, -414.89, 3407.04};
+static float P034[3] = {-148.88, -631.35, 3409.9};
+static float P035[3] = {156.38, -632.59, 3419.7};
static float P036[3] = {462.61, -469.21, 4431.51};
-static float P037[3] = {466.60, 102.25, 4434.98};
+static float P037[3] = {466.6, 102.25, 4434.98};
static float P038[3] = {243.05, 474.34, 4562.02};
-static float P039[3] = {-191.23, 474.40, 4554.42};
+static float P039[3] = {-191.23, 474.4, 4554.42};
static float P040[3] = {-476.12, 111.05, 4451.11};
static float P041[3] = {-473.36, -470.74, 4444.78};
static float P042[3] = {-266.95, -748.41, 4447.78};
static float P049[3] = {-743.29, -325.82, 5943.46};
static float P050[3] = {-383.24, -804.77, 5943.46};
static float P051[3] = {283.47, -846.09, 5943.46};
-static const float iP001[3] = {5.68, -300.95, 1324.70};
+static const float iP001[3] = {5.68, -300.95, 1324.7};
#if 0
static const float iP002[3] = {338.69, -219.63, 9677.03};
static const float iP003[3] = {12.18, 624.93, 8956.39};
static const float iP010[3] = {-130.05, -261.46, 1946.03};
static const float iP011[3] = {141.07, -320.11, 1239.38};
static const float iP012[3] = {156.48, -360.12, 2073.41};
-static const float iP013[3] = {162.00, -175.88, 2064.44};
+static const float iP013[3] = {162, -175.88, 2064.44};
static const float iP014[3] = {88.16, -87.72, 2064.02};
static const float iP015[3] = {-65.21, -96.13, 2064.02};
static const float iP016[3] = {-156.48, -180.96, 2064.44};
-static const float iP017[3] = {-162.00, -368.93, 2082.39};
+static const float iP017[3] = {-162, -368.93, 2082.39};
static const float iP018[3] = {-88.16, -439.22, 2082.39};
static const float iP019[3] = {65.21, -440.32, 2083.39};
static const float iP020[3] = {246.87, -356.02, 2576.95};
static const float iP025[3] = {-252.22, -371.53, 2569.92};
static const float iP026[3] = {-108.44, -518.19, 2586.75};
static const float iP027[3] = {97.88, -524.79, 2586.75};
-static const float iP028[3] = {370.03, -421.19, 3419.70};
+static const float iP028[3] = {370.03, -421.19, 3419.7};
static const float iP029[3] = {351.15, -16.98, 3423.17};
static const float iP030[3] = {200.66, 248.46, 3430.37};
static const float iP031[3] = {-148.42, 235.02, 3417.91};
static const float iP032[3] = {-360.21, -30.27, 3416.84};
-static const float iP033[3] = {-357.90, -414.89, 3407.04};
-static const float iP034[3] = {-148.88, -631.35, 3409.90};
-static const float iP035[3] = {156.38, -632.59, 3419.70};
+static const float iP033[3] = {-357.9, -414.89, 3407.04};
+static const float iP034[3] = {-148.88, -631.35, 3409.9};
+static const float iP035[3] = {156.38, -632.59, 3419.7};
static const float iP036[3] = {462.61, -469.21, 4431.51};
-static const float iP037[3] = {466.60, 102.25, 4434.98};
+static const float iP037[3] = {466.6, 102.25, 4434.98};
static const float iP038[3] = {243.05, 474.34, 4562.02};
-static const float iP039[3] = {-191.23, 474.40, 4554.42};
+static const float iP039[3] = {-191.23, 474.4, 4554.42};
static const float iP040[3] = {-476.12, 111.05, 4451.11};
static const float iP041[3] = {-473.36, -470.74, 4444.78};
static const float iP042[3] = {-266.95, -748.41, 4447.78};
static const float iP051[3] = {283.47, -846.09, 5943.46};
static const float P052[3] = {599.09, -300.15, 7894.03};
static const float P053[3] = {735.48, 306.26, 7911.92};
-static const float P054[3] = {246.22, 558.53, 8460.50};
+static const float P054[3] = {246.22, 558.53, 8460.5};
static const float P055[3] = {-230.41, 559.84, 8473.23};
static const float P056[3] = {-698.66, 320.83, 7902.59};
static const float P057[3] = {-643.29, -299.16, 7902.59};
-static const float P058[3] = {-341.47, -719.30, 7902.59};
+static const float P058[3] = {-341.47, -719.3, 7902.59};
static const float P059[3] = {252.57, -756.12, 7902.59};
static const float P060[3] = {458.39, -265.31, 9355.44};
#if 0
-static const float P061[3] = {433.38, -161.90, 9503.03};
+static const float P061[3] = {433.38, -161.9, 9503.03};
-static const float P062[3] = {224.04, 338.75, 9450.30};
+static const float P062[3] = {224.04, 338.75, 9450.3};
static const float P063[3] = {-165.71, 341.04, 9462.35};
static const float P064[3] = {-298.11, 110.13, 10180.37};
static const float P065[3] = {-473.99, -219.71, 9355.44};
static float P071[3] = {1404.86, -306.66, 1235.45};
static float P072[3] = {-1409.73, -314.14, 1247.66};
static float P073[3] = {1254.01, -296.87, 1544.58};
-static float P074[3] = {-1262.09, -291.70, 1504.26};
+static float P074[3] = {-1262.09, -291.7, 1504.26};
static float P075[3] = {965.71, -269.26, 1742.65};
static float P076[3] = {-900.97, -276.74, 1726.07};
static const float iP068[3] = {-136.29, -319.84, 1228.73};
static const float iP071[3] = {1404.86, -306.66, 1235.45};
static const float iP072[3] = {-1409.73, -314.14, 1247.66};
static const float iP073[3] = {1254.01, -296.87, 1544.58};
-static const float iP074[3] = {-1262.09, -291.70, 1504.26};
+static const float iP074[3] = {-1262.09, -291.7, 1504.26};
static const float iP075[3] = {965.71, -269.26, 1742.65};
static const float iP076[3] = {-900.97, -276.74, 1726.07};
-static const float P077[3] = {1058.00, -448.81, 8194.66};
+static const float P077[3] = {1058, -448.81, 8194.66};
static const float P078[3] = {-1016.51, -456.43, 8190.62};
static const float P079[3] = {-1515.96, -676.45, 7754.93};
static const float P080[3] = {1856.75, -830.34, 7296.56};
static const float P081[3] = {1472.16, -497.38, 7399.68};
static const float P082[3] = {-1775.26, -829.51, 7298.46};
static const float P083[3] = {911.09, -252.51, 7510.99};
-static const float P084[3] = {-1451.94, -495.62, 7384.30};
-static const float P085[3] = {1598.75, -669.26, 7769.90};
+static const float P084[3] = {-1451.94, -495.62, 7384.3};
+static const float P085[3] = {1598.75, -669.26, 7769.9};
static const float P086[3] = {-836.53, -250.08, 7463.25};
static const float P087[3] = {722.87, -158.18, 8006.41};
static const float P088[3] = {-688.86, -162.28, 7993.89};
-static const float P089[3] = {-626.92, -185.30, 8364.98};
+static const float P089[3] = {-626.92, -185.3, 8364.98};
static const float P090[3] = {647.72, -189.46, 8354.99};
-static float P091[3] = {0.00, 835.01, 5555.62};
-static float P092[3] = {0.00, 1350.18, 5220.86};
-static float P093[3] = {0.00, 1422.94, 5285.27};
-static float P094[3] = {0.00, 1296.75, 5650.19};
-static float P095[3] = {0.00, 795.63, 6493.88};
-static const float iP091[3] = {0.00, 835.01, 5555.62};
-static const float iP092[3] = {0.00, 1350.18, 5220.86};
-static const float iP093[3] = {0.00, 1422.94, 5285.27};
-static const float iP094[3] = {0.00, 1296.75, 5650.19};
-static const float iP095[3] = {0.00, 795.63, 6493.88};
+static float P091[3] = {0, 835.01, 5555.62};
+static float P092[3] = {0, 1350.18, 5220.86};
+static float P093[3] = {0, 1422.94, 5285.27};
+static float P094[3] = {0, 1296.75, 5650.19};
+static float P095[3] = {0, 795.63, 6493.88};
+static const float iP091[3] = {0, 835.01, 5555.62};
+static const float iP092[3] = {0, 1350.18, 5220.86};
+static const float iP093[3] = {0, 1422.94, 5285.27};
+static const float iP094[3] = {0, 1296.75, 5650.19};
+static const float iP095[3] = {0, 795.63, 6493.88};
#if 0
-static const float P096[3] = {-447.38, -165.99, 9499.60};
+static const float P096[3] = {-447.38, -165.99, 9499.6};
static float P097[3] = {-194.91, -357.14, 10313.32};
static float P098[3] = {135.35, -357.66, 10307.94};
static const float iP097[3] = {-194.91, -357.14, 10313.32};
static const float iP098[3] = {135.35, -357.66, 10307.94};
static const float P099[3] = {-380.53, -221.14, 9677.98};
-static const float P100[3] = {0.00, 412.99, 9629.33};
+static const float P100[3] = {0, 412.99, 9629.33};
#if 0
-static const float P101[3] = {5.70, 567.00, 7862.98};
+static const float P101[3] = {5.7, 567, 7862.98};
static float P102[3] = {59.51, -412.55, 10677.58};
static const float iP102[3] = {59.51, -412.55, 10677.58};
-static const float P103[3] = {6.50, 484.74, 9009.94};
+static const float P103[3] = {6.5, 484.74, 9009.94};
#if 0
static const float P104[3] = {-9.86, 567.62, 7858.65};
static const float P106[3] = {22.75, 568.13, 7782.83};
static const float P107[3] = {58.93, 568.42, 7775.94};
-static const float P108[3] = {49.20, 476.83, 9078.24};
+static const float P108[3] = {49.2, 476.83, 9078.24};
#if 0
-static const float P109[3] = {99.21, 566.00, 7858.65};
+static const float P109[3] = {99.21, 566, 7858.65};
static float P110[3] = {-187.62, -410.04, 10674.12};
static const float iP110[3] = {-187.62, -410.04, 10674.12};
-static float P111[3] = {-184.25, -318.70, 10723.88};
-static const float iP111[3] = {-184.25, -318.70, 10723.88};
+static float P111[3] = {-184.25, -318.7, 10723.88};
+static const float iP111[3] = {-184.25, -318.7, 10723.88};
static const float P112[3] = {-179.61, -142.81, 10670.26};
static const float P113[3] = {57.43, -147.94, 10675.26};
-static const float P114[3] = {54.06, -218.90, 10712.44};
+static const float P114[3] = {54.06, -218.9, 10712.44};
static const float P115[3] = {-186.35, -212.09, 10713.76};
-static const float P116[3] = {205.90, -84.61, 10275.97};
+static const float P116[3] = {205.9, -84.61, 10275.97};
static const float P117[3] = {-230.96, -83.26, 10280.09};
static const float iP118[3] = {216.78, -509.17, 10098.94};
static const float iP119[3] = {-313.21, -510.79, 10102.62};
static float P118[3] = {216.78, -509.17, 10098.94};
static float P119[3] = {-313.21, -510.79, 10102.62};
static const float P120[3] = {217.95, 96.34, 10161.62};
-static float P121[3] = {71.99, -319.74, 10717.70};
-static const float iP121[3] = {71.99, -319.74, 10717.70};
-static float P122[3] = {0.00, 602.74, 5375.84};
-static const float iP122[3] = {0.00, 602.74, 5375.84};
-static const float P123[3] = {-448.94, -203.14, 9499.60};
-static const float P124[3] = {-442.64, -185.20, 9528.07};
+static float P121[3] = {71.99, -319.74, 10717.7};
+static const float iP121[3] = {71.99, -319.74, 10717.7};
+static float P122[3] = {0, 602.74, 5375.84};
+static const float iP122[3] = {0, 602.74, 5375.84};
+static const float P123[3] = {-448.94, -203.14, 9499.6};
+static const float P124[3] = {-442.64, -185.2, 9528.07};
static const float P125[3] = {-441.07, -148.05, 9528.07};
-static const float P126[3] = {-443.43, -128.84, 9499.60};
+static const float P126[3] = {-443.43, -128.84, 9499.6};
static const float P127[3] = {-456.87, -146.78, 9466.67};
static const float P128[3] = {-453.68, -183.93, 9466.67};
static const float P129[3] = {428.43, -124.08, 9503.03};
static const float P130[3] = {419.73, -142.14, 9534.56};
static const float P131[3] = {419.92, -179.96, 9534.56};
-static const float P132[3] = {431.20, -199.73, 9505.26};
+static const float P132[3] = {431.2, -199.73, 9505.26};
static const float P133[3] = {442.28, -181.67, 9475.96};
static const float P134[3] = {442.08, -143.84, 9475.96};
/* *INDENT-ON* */
float pitch, thrash, chomp;
GLenum cap;
- fish->htail = (int) (fish->htail - (int) (10.0 * fish->v)) % 360;
+ fish->htail = (int) (fish->htail - (int) (10 * fish->v)) % 360;
- thrash = 70.0 * fish->v;
+ thrash = 70 * fish->v;
- seg0 = 1.0 * thrash * sin((fish->htail) * RRAD);
- seg3 = 1.0 * thrash * sin((fish->htail) * RRAD);
- seg1 = 2.0 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 4.0) * RRAD);
- seg2 = 3.0 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 6.0) * RRAD);
- seg4 = 4.0 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 10.0) * RRAD);
- seg5 = 4.5 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 15.0) * RRAD);
- seg6 = 5.0 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 20.0) * RRAD);
- seg7 = 6.0 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 30.0) * RRAD);
+ seg0 = 1 * thrash * sin((fish->htail) * RRAD);
+ seg3 = 1 * thrash * sin((fish->htail) * RRAD);
+ seg1 = 2 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 4) * RRAD);
+ seg2 = 3 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 6) * RRAD);
+ seg4 = 4 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 10) * RRAD);
+ seg5 = 4.5 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 15) * RRAD);
+ seg6 = 5 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 20) * RRAD);
+ seg7 = 6 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 30) * RRAD);
- pitch = fish->v * sin((fish->htail + 180.0) * RRAD);
+ pitch = fish->v * sin((fish->htail + 180) * RRAD);
- if (fish->v > 2.0) {
- chomp = -(fish->v - 2.0) * 200.0;
+ if (fish->v > 2) {
+ chomp = -(fish->v - 2) * 200;
- chomp = 100.0;
+ chomp = 100;
P012[1] = iP012[1] + seg5;
P013[1] = iP013[1] + seg5;
- glRotatef(pitch, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ glRotatef(pitch, 1, 0, 0);
- glTranslatef(0.0, 0.0, 7000.0);
+ glTranslatef(0, 0, 7000);
- glRotatef(180.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
+ glRotatef(180, 0, 1, 0);
cap = wire ? GL_LINE_LOOP : GL_POLYGON;
#undef countof
#define countof(x) (sizeof((x))/sizeof((*x)))
+#define DEF_ROTATE "True"
+#define DEF_REFLECTIONS "True"
+#define DEF_SHADOWS "True"
+#define DEF_SMOOTH "True"
+#define DEF_CLASSIC "False"
static XrmOptionDescRec opts[] = {
{"+rotate", ".chess.rotate", XrmoptionNoArg, "false" },
{"-rotate", ".chess.rotate", XrmoptionNoArg, "true" },
static int rotate, reflections, smooth, shadows, classic;
static argtype vars[] = {
- {&rotate, "rotate", "Rotate", "True", t_Bool},
- {&reflections, "reflections", "Reflections", "True", t_Bool},
- {&shadows, "shadows", "Shadows", "True", t_Bool},
- {&smooth, "smooth", "Smooth", "True", t_Bool},
- {&classic, "classic", "Classic", "False", t_Bool},
+ {&rotate, "rotate", "Rotate", DEF_ROTATE, t_Bool},
+ {&reflections, "reflections", "Reflections", DEF_REFLECTIONS, t_Bool},
+ {&shadows, "shadows", "Shadows", DEF_SHADOWS, t_Bool},
+ {&smooth, "smooth", "Smooth", DEF_SMOOTH, t_Bool},
+ {&classic, "classic", "Classic", DEF_CLASSIC, t_Bool},
ENTRYPOINT ModeSpecOpt chess_opts = {countof(opts), opts, countof(vars), vars, NULL};
.B \-wireframe
Render in wireframe instead of solid.
.B \-fps
-Display a running tally of how many frames per second are being rendered.
-In conjunction with \fB\-delay 0\fP, this can be a useful benchmark of
-your GL performance.
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
#define DEFAULTS "*delay: 30000 \n" \
"*showFPS: False \n" \
- "*titleFont: -*-times-bold-r-normal-*-180-*\n" \
+ "*titleFont: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-180-*\n" \
# define refresh_engine 0
# include "xlockmore.h" /* from the xscreensaver distribution */
#define DEF_ENGINE "(none)"
#define DEF_TITLES "False"
#define DEF_SPIN "True"
-#define DEF_WANDER "True"
+#define DEF_MOVE "True"
#undef countof
#define countof(x) (sizeof((x))/sizeof((*x)))
static argtype vars[] = {
{&which_engine, "engine", "Engine", DEF_ENGINE, t_String},
- {&move, "move", "Move", DEF_WANDER, t_Bool},
+ {&move, "move", "Move", DEF_MOVE, t_Bool},
{&spin, "spin", "Spin", DEF_SPIN, t_Bool},
{&do_titles, "titles", "Titles", DEF_TITLES, t_Bool},
int ln_init;
int lastPlug;
+ GLuint shaft_list, piston_list;
+ int shaft_polys, piston_polys;
} Engine;
static Engine *engine = NULL;
/* for a tube, endcaps is 0 (none), 1 (left), 2 (right) or 3(both) */
/* angle is how far around the axis to go (up to 360) */
-static void cylinder (Engine *e, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z,
+static int cylinder (Engine *e, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z,
float length, float outer, float inner, int endcaps, int sang, int eang)
+ int polys = 0;
int a; /* current angle around cylinder */
int b = 0; /* previous */
int angle, norm, step, sangle;
glNormal3f(0, y2, z2);
+ polys++;
if (a == sangle && angle - sangle < ONEREV) {
if (tube)
glVertex3f(x, Y1, Z1);
glVertex3f(xl, Z1, Z1);
glVertex3f(xl, y, z);
+ polys++;
if (tube) {
if (endcaps != 1) {
glVertex3f(x, y2, z2);
glVertex3f(x, Y2, Z2);
glVertex3f(x, Y1, Z1);
+ polys++;
glNormal3f(0, -Y1, -Z1); /* inner surface */
glNormal3f(0, -Y2, -Z2);
glVertex3f(xl, Y2, Z2);
glVertex3f(x, Y2, Z2);
+ polys++;
if (endcaps != 2) {
glNormal3f(1, 0, 0); /* right end */
glVertex3f(xl, y2, z2);
glVertex3f(xl, Y2, Z2);
glVertex3f(xl, Y1, Z1);
+ polys++;
glVertex3f(x, y1, z1);
glVertex3f(xl, y1, z1);
glVertex3f(xl, y, z);
+ polys++;
if (endcaps) {
glVertex3f(x+ex,y, z);
+ polys++;
y1 = y2c[a]; z1 = z2c[a];
b = a;
+ return polys;
/* this is just a convenience function to make a solid rod */
-static void rod (Engine *e, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, float length, float diameter)
+static int rod (Engine *e, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, float length, float diameter)
- cylinder(e, x, y, z, length, diameter, diameter, 3, 0, ONEREV);
+ return cylinder(e, x, y, z, length, diameter, diameter, 3, 0, ONEREV);
static GLvoid normal(GLfloat v1[], GLfloat v2[], GLfloat v3[],
-static void Rect(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w, GLfloat h,
+static int Rect(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w, GLfloat h,
GLfloat t)
+ int polys = 0;
GLfloat yh;
GLfloat xw;
GLfloat zt;
glVertex3f(x, yh, z);
glVertex3f(xw, yh, z);
glVertex3f(xw, y, z);
+ polys++;
/* back */
glNormal3f(0, 0, -1);
glVertex3f(x, y, zt);
glVertex3f(x, yh, zt);
glVertex3f(xw, yh, zt);
glVertex3f(xw, y, zt);
+ polys++;
/* top */
glNormal3f(0, 1, 0);
glVertex3f(x, yh, z);
glVertex3f(x, yh, zt);
glVertex3f(xw, yh, zt);
glVertex3f(xw, yh, z);
+ polys++;
/* bottom */
glNormal3f(0, -1, 0);
glVertex3f(x, y, z);
glVertex3f(x, y, zt);
glVertex3f(xw, y, zt);
glVertex3f(xw, y, z);
+ polys++;
/* left */
glNormal3f(-1, 0, 0);
glVertex3f(x, y, z);
glVertex3f(x, y, zt);
glVertex3f(x, yh, zt);
glVertex3f(x, yh, z);
+ polys++;
/* right */
glNormal3f(1, 0, 0);
glVertex3f(xw, y, z);
glVertex3f(xw, y, zt);
glVertex3f(xw, yh, zt);
glVertex3f(xw, yh, z);
+ polys++;
+ return polys;
-static void makepiston(Engine *e)
+static int makepiston(Engine *e)
+ int polys = 0;
GLfloat colour[] = {0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1.0};
- int i;
- i = glGenLists(1);
- glNewList(i, GL_COMPILE);
+ e->piston_list = glGenLists(1);
+ glNewList(e->piston_list, GL_COMPILE);
glRotatef(90, 0, 0, 1);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, colour);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, colour);
glMateriali(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, 20);
- cylinder(e, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0.7, 2, 0, ONEREV); /* body */
+ polys += cylinder(e, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0.7, 2, 0, ONEREV); /* body */
colour[0] = colour[1] = colour[2] = 0.2;
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, colour);
- cylinder(e, 1.6, 0, 0, 0.1, 1.05, 1.05, 0, 0, ONEREV); /* ring */
- cylinder(e, 1.8, 0, 0, 0.1, 1.05, 1.05, 0, 0, ONEREV); /* ring */
+ polys += cylinder(e, 1.6, 0, 0, 0.1, 1.05, 1.05, 0, 0, ONEREV); /* ring */
+ polys += cylinder(e, 1.8, 0, 0, 0.1, 1.05, 1.05, 0, 0, ONEREV); /* ring */
+ return polys;
-static void CrankBit(Engine *e, GLfloat x)
+static int CrankBit(Engine *e, GLfloat x)
- Rect(x, -1.4, 0.5, 0.2, 1.8, 1);
- cylinder(e, x, -0.5, 0, 0.2, 2, 2, 1, 60, 120);
+ int polys = 0;
+ polys += Rect(x, -1.4, 0.5, 0.2, 1.8, 1);
+ polys += cylinder(e, x, -0.5, 0, 0.2, 2, 2, 1, 60, 120);
+ return polys;
-static void boom(Engine *e, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, int s)
+static int boom(Engine *e, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, int s)
+ int polys = 0;
int flameOut = 720/ENG.speed/ENG.cylinders;
if (e->boom_time == 0 && s) {
} else if (e->boom_time == 0 && !s) {
- return;
+ return polys;
} else if (e->boom_time >= 8 && e->boom_time < flameOut && !s) {
e->boom_red[0] -= 0.2; e->boom_red[1] -= 0.1;
} else if (e->boom_time >= flameOut) {
e->boom_time = 0;
- return;
+ return polys;
} else {
e->boom_red[0] += 0.2; e->boom_red[1] += 0.1;
e->boom_d += 0.04;
- rod(e, x, y, 0, e->boom_d, e->boom_wd);
+ polys += rod(e, x, y, 0, e->boom_d, e->boom_wd);
+ return polys;
-static void display(Engine *e)
+static int display(Engine *e)
+ int polys = 0;
GLfloat zb, yb;
float rightSide;
int half;
/* crankshaft */
glRotatef(e->display_a, 1, 0, 0);
- glCallList(1);
+ glCallList(e->shaft_list);
+ polys += e->shaft_polys;
/* init the ln[] matrix for speed */
b = (e->display_a + ENG.pistonAngle[j+half]) % ONEREV;
glTranslatef(e->crankWidth/2 + e->crankOffset*(j+half), e->yp[b]-0.3, 0);
- glCallList(2);
+ glCallList(e->piston_list);
+ polys += e->piston_polys;
/* spark plugs */
for (j = 0; j < ENG.cylinders; j += sides)
- cylinder(e, 8.5, -e->crankWidth/2-e->crankOffset*(j+half), 0,
+ polys += cylinder(e, 8.5, -e->crankWidth/2-e->crankOffset*(j+half), 0,
0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 1, 0, ONEREV);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, white);
for (j = 0; j < ENG.cylinders; j += sides)
- rod(e, 8, -e->crankWidth/2-e->crankOffset*(j+half), 0, 0.5, 0.2);
- rod(e, 9, -e->crankWidth/2-e->crankOffset*(j+half), 0, 1, 0.15);
+ polys += rod(e, 8, -e->crankWidth/2-e->crankOffset*(j+half), 0, 0.5, 0.2);
+ polys += rod(e, 9, -e->crankWidth/2-e->crankOffset*(j+half), 0, 1, 0.15);
/* rod */
b = (e->display_a+HALFREV+ENG.pistonAngle[j+half]) % TWOREV;
glRotatef(e->ang[b], 0, 1, 0);
- rod(e,
+ polys += rod(e,
rightSide = (sides > 1) ? 0 : 1.6;
/* left plate */
- Rect(-e->crankWidth/2, -0.5, 1, 0.2, 9, 2);
+ polys += Rect(-e->crankWidth/2, -0.5, 1, 0.2, 9, 2);
/* right plate */
- Rect(0.3+e->crankOffset*ENG.cylinders-rightSide, -0.5, 1, 0.2, 9, 2);
+ polys += Rect(0.3+e->crankOffset*ENG.cylinders-rightSide, -0.5, 1, 0.2, 9, 2);
/* head plate */
- Rect(-e->crankWidth/2+0.2, 8.3, 1,
+ polys += Rect(-e->crankWidth/2+0.2, 8.3, 1,
e->crankWidth/2+0.1+e->crankOffset*ENG.cylinders-rightSide, 0.2, 2);
/* front rail */
- Rect(-e->crankWidth/2+0.2, 3, 1,
+ polys += Rect(-e->crankWidth/2+0.2, 3, 1,
e->crankWidth/2+0.1+e->crankOffset*ENG.cylinders-rightSide, 0.2, 0.2);
/* back rail */
- Rect(-e->crankWidth/2+0.2, 3, -1+0.2,
+ polys += Rect(-e->crankWidth/2+0.2, 3, -1+0.2,
e->crankWidth/2+0.1+e->crankOffset*ENG.cylinders-rightSide, 0.2, 0.2);
/* plates between cylinders */
for (j=0; j < ENG.cylinders - (sides == 1); j += sides)
- Rect(0.4+e->crankWidth+e->crankOffset*(j-half), 3, 1, 1, 5.3, 2);
+ polys += Rect(0.4+e->crankWidth+e->crankOffset*(j-half), 3, 1, 1, 5.3, 2);
if (j & 1)
glRotatef(90, 0, 0, 1);
- boom(e, 8, -e->crankWidth/2-e->crankOffset*j, 1);
+ polys += boom(e, 8, -e->crankWidth/2-e->crankOffset*j, 1);
e->lastPlug = j;
if (e->lastPlug & 1)
glRotatef(ENG.includedAngle, 1, 0, 0);
glRotatef(90, 0, 0, 1);
- boom(e, 8, -e->crankWidth/2-e->crankOffset*e->lastPlug, 0);
+ polys += boom(e, 8, -e->crankWidth/2-e->crankOffset*e->lastPlug, 0);
e->display_a = 0;
+ return polys;
-static void makeshaft (Engine *e)
+static int makeshaft (Engine *e)
- int i;
+ int polys = 0;
int j;
float crankThick = 0.2;
float crankDiam = 0.3;
- i = glGenLists(1);
- glNewList(i, GL_COMPILE);
+ e->shaft_list = glGenLists(1);
+ glNewList(e->shaft_list, GL_COMPILE);
/* draw the flywheel */
- cylinder(e, -2.5, 0, 0, 1, 3, 2.5, 0, 0, ONEREV);
- Rect(-2, -0.3, 2.8, 0.5, 0.6, 5.6);
- Rect(-2, -2.8, 0.3, 0.5, 5.6, 0.6);
+ polys += cylinder(e, -2.5, 0, 0, 1, 3, 2.5, 0, 0, ONEREV);
+ polys += Rect(-2, -0.3, 2.8, 0.5, 0.6, 5.6);
+ polys += Rect(-2, -2.8, 0.3, 0.5, 5.6, 0.6);
/* now make each of the shaft bits between the cranks,
* starting from the flywheel end which is at X-coord 0.
* the first cranskhaft bit is always 2 units long
- rod(e, -2, 0, 0, 2, crankDiam);
+ polys += rod(e, -2, 0, 0, 2, crankDiam);
/* Each crank is crankWidth units wide and the total width of a
* cylinder assembly is 3.3 units. For inline engines, there is just
if (ENG.includedAngle != 0)
e->crankOffset /= 2;
for (j = 0; j < ENG.cylinders - 1; j++)
- rod(e,
+ polys += rod(e,
e->crankWidth - crankThick + e->crankOffset*j, 0, 0,
e->crankOffset - e->crankWidth + 2 * crankThick, crankDiam);
/* the last bit connects to the engine wall on the non-flywheel end */
- rod(e, e->crankWidth - crankThick + e->crankOffset*j, 0, 0, 0.9, crankDiam);
+ polys += rod(e, e->crankWidth - crankThick + e->crankOffset*j, 0, 0, 0.9, crankDiam);
for (j = 0; j < ENG.cylinders; j++)
/* draw wrist pin */
- rod(e, e->crankOffset*j, -1.0, 0.0, e->crankWidth, crankDiam);
+ polys += rod(e, e->crankOffset*j, -1.0, 0.0, e->crankWidth, crankDiam);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, green);
/* draw right part of crank */
- CrankBit(e, e->crankOffset*j);
+ polys += CrankBit(e, e->crankOffset*j);
/* draw left part of crank */
- CrankBit(e, e->crankWidth-crankThick+e->crankOffset*j);
+ polys += CrankBit(e, e->crankWidth-crankThick+e->crankOffset*j);
+ return polys;
(engines[e->engineType].includedAngle == 0 ? " Cylinder" : "")
- makeshaft(e);
- makepiston(e);
+ e->shaft_polys = makeshaft(e);
+ e->piston_polys = makepiston(e);
load_font (mi->dpy, "titleFont", &e->xfont, &e->font_dlist);
glXMakeCurrent(disp, w, *(e->glx_context));
- display(e);
+ mi->polygon_count = display(e);
if (do_titles)
print_gl_string (mi->dpy, e->xfont, e->font_dlist,
mi->xgwa.width, mi->xgwa.height,
10, mi->xgwa.height - 10,
- e->engine_name);
+ e->engine_name, False);
if(mi->fps_p) do_fps(mi);
.B \-spin | \-no-spin
Whether the object should spin.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
.B \-title | \-no-title
Whether to display the name of the engine being rendered.
.B \-wireframe
Render in wireframe instead of solid.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
/* flipflop, Copyright (c) 2003 Kevin Ogden <kogden1@hotmail.com>
* (c) 2006 Sergio Gutiérrez "Sergut" <sergut@gmail.com>
+ * (c) 2008 Andrew Galante <a.drew7@gmail.com>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
* from the command line: size of the board,
* rotation speed and number of free squares; also
* added the "sticks" mode.
+ * 2008 Andrew Galante Added -textured option: textures the board with
+ * an image which gets scrambled as the tiles move
-#define DEF_FLIPFLOP_MODE "tiles" /* Default mode (options: "tiles", "sticks") */
-#define DEF_BOARD_X_SIZE "9" /* Default width of the board */
-#define DEF_BOARD_Y_SIZE "9" /* Default length of the board */
+#define DEF_MODE "tiles" /* Default mode (options: "tiles", "sticks") */
+#define DEF_SIZEX "9" /* Default width of the board */
+#define DEF_SIZEY "9" /* Default length of the board */
#define DEF_BOARD_SIZE "0" /* "0" means "no value selected by user". It is changed */
#define DEF_NUMSQUARES "0" /* in function init_flipflop() to its correct value (that */
#define DEF_SPIN "0.1" /* Default angular velocity: PI/10 rads/s */
+#define DEF_TEXTURED "False" /* Default: do not grab an image for texturing */
#define DEF_STICK_THICK 54 /* Thickness for the sticks mode (over 100) */
#define DEF_STICK_RATIO 80 /* Ratio of sticks/total squares (over 100) */
#define DEF_TILE_THICK 4 /* Thickness for the tiles mode (over 100) */
{"-tiles", ".mode", XrmoptionNoArg, "tiles" },
{"-mode", ".mode", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{"-size", ".size", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
- {"-size-x", ".size_x", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
- {"-size-y", ".size_y", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ {"-size-x", ".sizex", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ {"-size-y", ".sizey", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{"-count", ".numsquares", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{"-free", ".freesquares", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{"-spin", ".spin", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ {"-texture", ".textured", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" },
+ {"+texture", ".textured", XrmoptionNoArg, "False" },
static int wire, clearbits;
static float half_thick;
static float spin;
static char* flipflopmode_str="tiles";
+static int textured;
static argtype vars[] = {
- { &flipflopmode_str, "mode", "Mode", DEF_FLIPFLOP_MODE, t_String},
+ { &flipflopmode_str, "mode", "Mode", DEF_MODE, t_String},
{ &board_avg_size, "size", "Integer", DEF_BOARD_SIZE, t_Int},
- { &board_x_size, "size_x", "Integer", DEF_BOARD_X_SIZE, t_Int},
- { &board_y_size, "size_y", "Integer", DEF_BOARD_Y_SIZE, t_Int},
+ { &board_x_size, "sizex", "Integer", DEF_SIZEX, t_Int},
+ { &board_y_size, "sizey", "Integer", DEF_SIZEY, t_Int},
{ &numsquares, "numsquares", "Integer", DEF_NUMSQUARES, t_Int},
{ &freesquares, "freesquares", "Integer", DEF_NUMSQUARES, t_Int},
{ &spin, "spin", "Float", DEF_SPIN, t_Float},
+ { &textured, "textured", "Bool", DEF_TEXTURED, t_Bool},
ENTRYPOINT ModeSpecOpt flipflop_opts = {countof(opts), opts, countof(vars), vars, NULL};
/* eg. color[ 5*3 + 2 ] is the blue component of square 5 */
/* ^-- n is the number of square */
float *color; /* size: numsquares * 3 */
-} randsheet;
+ /* array of texcoords for each square */
+ /* tex[ n*4 + 0 ] is x texture coordinate of square n's left side */
+ /* tex[ n*4 + 1 ] is y texture coordinate of square n's top side */
+ /* tex[ n*4 + 2 ] is x texture coordinate of square n's right side */
+ /* tex[ n*4 + 3 ] is y texture coordinate of square n's bottom side */
+ float *tex; /* size: numsquares * 4 */
+} randsheet;
typedef struct {
GLXContext *glx_context;
trackball_state *trackball;
Bool button_down_p;
- randsheet *sheet;
+ randsheet *sheet;
float theta; /* angle of rotation of the board */
float flipspeed; /* amount of flip; 1 is a entire flip */
float reldist; /* relative distace of camera from center */
float energy; /* likelyhood that a square will attempt to move */
+ /* texture rectangle */
+ float tex_x;
+ float tex_y;
+ float tex_width;
+ float tex_height;
+ /* id of texture in use */
+ GLuint texid;
+ Bool mipmap;
+ Bool got_texture;
+ GLfloat anisotropic;
} Flipflopcreen;
static Flipflopcreen *qs = NULL;
+#include "grab-ximage.h"
static void randsheet_create( randsheet *rs );
static void randsheet_initialize( randsheet *rs );
static void randsheet_free( randsheet *rs );
static int randsheet_new_move( randsheet* rs );
static void randsheet_move( randsheet *rs, float rot );
-static void randsheet_draw( randsheet *rs );
+static int randsheet_draw( randsheet *rs );
static void setup_lights(void);
-static void drawBoard(Flipflopcreen *);
-static void display(Flipflopcreen *c);
-static void draw_sheet(void);
+static int drawBoard(Flipflopcreen *);
+static int display(Flipflopcreen *c);
+static int draw_sheet(float *tex);
/* configure lighting */
/* draw board */
-static void
+static int
drawBoard(Flipflopcreen *c)
int i;
randsheet_new_move( c->sheet );
randsheet_move( c->sheet, c->flipspeed * 3.14159 );
- randsheet_draw( c->sheet );
+ return randsheet_draw( c->sheet );
-static void
+static int
display(Flipflopcreen *c)
GLfloat amb[] = { 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0 };
+ int polys = 0;
glRotatef(c->theta*100, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
glTranslatef(-0.5*board_x_size, 0.0, -0.5*board_y_size); /* Center the board */
- drawBoard(c);
+ /* set texture */
+ if(textured)
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, c->texid);
+ polys = drawBoard(c);
if (!c->button_down_p) {
c->theta += .01 * spin;
- }
+ }
+ return polys;
+static void
+image_loaded_cb (const char *filename, XRectangle *geometry,
+ int image_width, int image_height,
+ int texture_width, int texture_height,
+ void *closure)
+ Flipflopcreen *c = (Flipflopcreen *)closure;
+ int i, j;
+ int index = 0;
+ randsheet *rs = c->sheet;
+ c->tex_x = (float)geometry->x / (float)texture_width;
+ c->tex_y = (float)geometry->y / (float)texture_height;
+ c->tex_width = (float)geometry->width / (float)texture_width;
+ c->tex_height = (float)geometry->height / (float)texture_height;
+ if(c->anisotropic >= 1)
+ glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, c->anisotropic);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ for(i = 0; i < board_x_size && index < numsquares; i++)
+ for(j = 0; j < board_y_size && index < numsquares; j++)
+ {
+ /* arrange squares to form loaded image */
+ rs->tex[ index*4 + 0 ] = c->tex_x + c->tex_width / board_x_size * (i + 0);
+ rs->tex[ index*4 + 1 ] = c->tex_y + c->tex_height / board_y_size * (j + 1);
+ rs->tex[ index*4 + 2 ] = c->tex_x + c->tex_width / board_x_size * (i + 1);
+ rs->tex[ index*4 + 3 ] = c->tex_y + c->tex_height / board_y_size * (j + 0);
+ rs->color[ index*3 + 0 ] = 1;
+ rs->color[ index*3 + 1 ] = 1;
+ rs->color[ index*3 + 2 ] = 1;
+ index++;
+ }
+ c->got_texture = True;
+static void
+get_texture(ModeInfo *modeinfo)
+ Flipflopcreen *c = &qs[MI_SCREEN(modeinfo)];
+ c->got_texture = False;
+ c->mipmap = True;
+ load_texture_async (modeinfo->xgwa.screen, modeinfo->window,
+ *c->glx_context, 0, 0, c->mipmap, c->texid,
+ image_loaded_cb, c);
init_flipflop(ModeInfo *mi)
- int screen;
+ int screen;
Flipflopcreen *c;
- /* Set all constants to their correct values */
- if (board_avg_size != 0) { /* general size specified by user */
- board_x_size = board_avg_size;
- board_y_size = board_avg_size;
- } else {
- board_avg_size = (board_x_size + board_y_size) / 2;
- }
- if ((numsquares == 0) && (freesquares != 0)) {
- numsquares = board_x_size * board_y_size - freesquares;
- }
- if (strcmp(flipflopmode_str, "tiles")) {
- half_thick = 1.0 * DEF_STICK_THICK / 100.0;
- if (numsquares == 0) { /* No value defined by user */
- numsquares = board_x_size * board_y_size * DEF_STICK_RATIO / 100;
- }
- } else {
- half_thick = 1.0 * DEF_TILE_THICK / 100.0;
- if (numsquares == 0) { /* No value defined by user */
- numsquares = board_x_size * board_y_size * DEF_TILE_RATIO/ 100;;
- }
- }
- if (board_avg_size < 2) {
- fprintf (stderr,"%s: the board must be at least 2x2.\n", progname);
- exit(1);
- }
- if ((board_x_size < 1) || (board_y_size < 1) || (numsquares < 1)) {
- fprintf (stderr,"%s: the number of elements ('-count') and the dimensions of the board ('-size-x', '-size-y') must be positive integers.\n", progname);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (board_x_size * board_y_size <= numsquares) {
- fprintf (stderr,"%s: the number of elements ('-count') that you specified is too big \n for the dimensions of the board ('-size-x', '-size-y'). Nothing will move.\n", progname);
- }
+ if (MI_IS_WIREFRAME(mi)) textured = 0;
+ /* Set all constants to their correct values */
+ if (board_avg_size != 0) { /* general size specified by user */
+ board_x_size = board_avg_size;
+ board_y_size = board_avg_size;
+ } else {
+ board_avg_size = (board_x_size + board_y_size) / 2;
+ }
+ if ((numsquares == 0) && (freesquares != 0)) {
+ numsquares = board_x_size * board_y_size - freesquares;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(flipflopmode_str, "tiles")) {
+ textured = 0; /* textures look dumb in stick mode */
+ half_thick = 1.0 * DEF_STICK_THICK / 100.0;
+ if (numsquares == 0) { /* No value defined by user */
+ numsquares = board_x_size * board_y_size * DEF_STICK_RATIO / 100;
+ }
+ } else {
+ half_thick = 1.0 * DEF_TILE_THICK / 100.0;
+ if (numsquares == 0) { /* No value defined by user */
+ numsquares = board_x_size * board_y_size * DEF_TILE_RATIO/ 100;;
+ }
+ }
+ if (board_avg_size < 2) {
+ fprintf (stderr,"%s: the board must be at least 2x2.\n", progname);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if ((board_x_size < 1) || (board_y_size < 1) || (numsquares < 1)) {
+ fprintf (stderr,"%s: the number of elements ('-count') and the dimensions of the board ('-size-x', '-size-y') must be positive integers.\n", progname);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (board_x_size * board_y_size <= numsquares) {
+ fprintf (stderr,"%s: the number of elements ('-count') that you specified is too big \n for the dimensions of the board ('-size-x', '-size-y'). Nothing will move.\n", progname);
+ }
screen = MI_SCREEN(mi);
wire = MI_IS_WIREFRAME(mi);
clearbits |= GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT;
randsheet_initialize( c->sheet );
+ if( textured ){
+ /* check for anisotropic filtering */
+ if(strstr((char *)glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS),
+ "GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic"))
+ glGetFloatv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, &c->anisotropic);
+ else
+ c->anisotropic = 0;
+ /* allocate a new texture and get it */
+ glGenTextures(1, &c->texid);
+ get_texture(mi);
+ }
Window w = MI_WINDOW(mi);
Display *disp = MI_DISPLAY(mi);
- if(!c->glx_context)
+ if(!c->glx_context || (textured && !c->got_texture))
glXMakeCurrent(disp, w, *(c->glx_context));
- display(c);
+ mi->polygon_count = display(c);
-static void
+static int
+draw_sheet(float *tex)
+ int polys = 0;
glBegin( wire ? GL_LINE_LOOP : GL_QUADS );
glNormal3f( 0, -1, 0 );
+ glTexCoord2f(tex[0], tex[3]);
glVertex3f( half_thick, -half_thick, half_thick );
+ glTexCoord2f(tex[2], tex[3]);
glVertex3f( 1-half_thick, -half_thick, half_thick );
+ glTexCoord2f(tex[2], tex[1]);
glVertex3f( 1-half_thick, -half_thick, 1-half_thick);
+ glTexCoord2f(tex[0], tex[1]);
glVertex3f( half_thick, -half_thick, 1-half_thick );
+ polys++;
if (wire) { glEnd(); glBegin (GL_LINE_LOOP); }
/* back */
glNormal3f( 0, 1, 0 );
+ glTexCoord2f(tex[0], tex[1]);
glVertex3f( half_thick, half_thick, 1-half_thick );
+ glTexCoord2f(tex[2], tex[1]);
glVertex3f( 1-half_thick, half_thick, 1-half_thick);
+ glTexCoord2f(tex[2], tex[3]);
glVertex3f( 1-half_thick, half_thick, half_thick );
+ glTexCoord2f(tex[0], tex[3]);
glVertex3f( half_thick, half_thick, half_thick );
+ polys++;
- if (wire) { glEnd(); return; }
+ if (wire) { glEnd(); return polys; }
/* 4 edges!!! weee.... */
glNormal3f( 0, 0, -1 );
+ glTexCoord2f(tex[0], tex[3]);
glVertex3f( half_thick, half_thick, half_thick );
+ glTexCoord2f(tex[2], tex[3]);
glVertex3f( 1-half_thick, half_thick, half_thick );
+ glTexCoord2f(tex[2], tex[3]);
glVertex3f( 1-half_thick, -half_thick, half_thick );
+ glTexCoord2f(tex[0], tex[3]);
glVertex3f( half_thick, -half_thick, half_thick );
+ polys++;
glNormal3f( 0, 0, 1 );
+ glTexCoord2f(tex[0], tex[1]);
glVertex3f( half_thick, half_thick, 1-half_thick );
+ glTexCoord2f(tex[0], tex[1]);
glVertex3f( half_thick, -half_thick, 1-half_thick );
+ glTexCoord2f(tex[2], tex[1]);
glVertex3f( 1-half_thick, -half_thick, 1-half_thick );
+ glTexCoord2f(tex[2], tex[1]);
glVertex3f( 1-half_thick, half_thick, 1-half_thick );
+ polys++;
glNormal3f( 1, 0, 0 );
+ glTexCoord2f(tex[2], tex[1]);
glVertex3f( 1-half_thick, half_thick, 1-half_thick );
+ glTexCoord2f(tex[2], tex[1]);
glVertex3f( 1-half_thick, -half_thick, 1-half_thick );
+ glTexCoord2f(tex[2], tex[3]);
glVertex3f( 1-half_thick, -half_thick, half_thick );
+ glTexCoord2f(tex[2], tex[3]);
glVertex3f( 1-half_thick, half_thick, half_thick );
+ polys++;
glNormal3f( -1, 0, 0 );
+ glTexCoord2f(tex[0], tex[1]);
glVertex3f( half_thick, half_thick, 1-half_thick );
+ glTexCoord2f(tex[0], tex[3]);
glVertex3f( half_thick, half_thick, half_thick );
+ glTexCoord2f(tex[0], tex[3]);
glVertex3f( half_thick, -half_thick, half_thick );
+ glTexCoord2f(tex[0], tex[1]);
glVertex3f( half_thick, -half_thick, 1-half_thick );
+ polys++;
+ return polys;
/* Reserve memory for the randsheet */
rs -> direction = (int*) malloc(numsquares * sizeof(int));
rs -> angle = (float*) malloc(numsquares * sizeof(float));
rs -> color = (float*) malloc(numsquares*3 * sizeof(float));
+ rs -> tex = (float*) malloc(numsquares*4 * sizeof(float));
/* Free reserved memory for the randsheet */
+ free(rs->tex);
static void
rs->occupied[ i * board_y_size + j ] = index;
rs->xpos[ index ] = i;
rs->ypos[ index ] = j;
- /* have the square colors start out as a pattern */
- rs->color[ index*3 + 0 ] = ((i+j)%3 == 0)||((i+j+1)%3 == 0);
- rs->color[ index*3 + 1 ] = ((i+j+1)%3 == 0);
- rs->color[ index*3 + 2 ] = ((i+j+2)%3 == 0);
+ /* have the square colors start out as a pattern */
+ rs->color[ index*3 + 0 ] = ((i+j)%3 == 0)||((i+j+1)%3 == 0);
+ rs->color[ index*3 + 1 ] = ((i+j+1)%3 == 0);
+ rs->color[ index*3 + 2 ] = ((i+j+2)%3 == 0);
/* leave everything else empty*/
randsheet_move( randsheet *rs, float rot )
int i, j, index;
+ float tmp;
for( index = 0 ; index < numsquares; index++ )
i = rs->xpos[ index ];
case 1:
/* move up in x */
+ if( textured && rs->angle[ index ] == 0 )
+ {
+ tmp = rs->tex[ index * 4 + 0 ];
+ rs->tex[ index * 4 + 0 ] = rs->tex[ index * 4 + 2 ];
+ rs->tex[ index * 4 + 2 ] = tmp;
+ }
rs->angle[ index ] += rot;
/* check to see if we have finished moving */
if( rs->angle[ index ] >= M_PI )
case 2:
/* move up in y */
+ if( textured && rs->angle[ index ] == 0 )
+ {
+ tmp = rs->tex[ index * 4 + 1 ];
+ rs->tex[ index * 4 + 1 ] = rs->tex[ index * 4 + 3 ];
+ rs->tex[ index * 4 + 3 ] = tmp;
+ }
rs->angle[ index ] += rot;
/* check to see if we have finished moving */
if( rs->angle[ index ] >= M_PI )
rs->xpos[ index ] -= 1;
rs->direction[ index ] = 0;
rs->angle[ index ] = 0;
+ if( textured )
+ {
+ tmp = rs->tex[ index * 4 + 0 ];
+ rs->tex[ index * 4 + 0 ] = rs->tex[ index * 4 + 2 ];
+ rs->tex[ index * 4 + 2 ] = tmp;
+ }
case 4:
- /* up in x */
+ /* down in y */
rs->angle[ index ] += rot;
/* check to see if we have finished moving */
if( rs->angle[ index ] >= M_PI )
rs->ypos[ index ] -= 1;
rs->direction[ index ] = 0;
rs->angle[ index ] = 0;
+ if( textured )
+ {
+ tmp = rs->tex[ index * 4 + 1 ];
+ rs->tex[ index * 4 + 1 ] = rs->tex[ index * 4 + 3 ];
+ rs->tex[ index * 4 + 3 ] = tmp;
+ }
/* draw all the moving squares */
-static void
+static int
randsheet_draw( randsheet *rs )
- int i, j;
+ int i, j, polys = 0;
int index;
/* for all moving squares ... */
for( index = 0; index < numsquares; index++ )
- draw_sheet();
+ polys += draw_sheet( rs->tex + index*4 );
+ return polys;
-XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("Flipflop", flipflop)
+XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("FlipFlop", flipflop)
#endif /* USE_GL */
[\-delay \fInumber\fP]
Flipflop draws a grid of 3D colored tiles that change positions with
each other.
.B \-delay \fInumber\fP
Per-frame delay, in microseconds. Default: 20000 (0.02 seconds.).
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps | \-no\-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
.B \-wireframe
Only draw outlines.
+.TP 8
+.B \-texture | \-no\-texture
+Whether to texture the tiles with a screen grab or an image.
.TP 8
# endif
+#define DEF_ROTATE "True"
static int rotate;
#define QW 12
static argtype vars[] = {
- {&rotate, "rotate", "Rotate", "True", t_Bool},
+ {&rotate, "rotate", "Rotate", DEF_ROTATE, t_Bool},
.B \-wireframe
Just render boxes instead of textures (for debugging).
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
#define DEF_LINES "8"
#define DEF_FONT_SIZE "20"
#define DEF_COLUMNS "80"
-#define DEF_ALIGN "random"
+#define DEF_ALIGNMENT "random"
#define DEF_SPEED "1.0"
#define TAB_WIDTH 8
{&max_lines, "lines", "Integer", DEF_LINES, t_Int},
{&font_size, "fontSize", "Float", DEF_FONT_SIZE, t_Float},
{&target_columns, "columns", "Integer", DEF_COLUMNS, t_Int},
- {&alignment_str, "alignment", "Alignment", DEF_ALIGN, t_String},
+ {&alignment_str, "alignment", "Alignment", DEF_ALIGNMENT, t_String},
{&speed, "speed", "Speed", DEF_SPEED, t_Float},
Default: -*-utopia-bold-r-normal-*-*-720-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
.TP 8
.B \-fps
-Display a running tally of how many frames per second are being rendered.
-In conjunction with \fB\-delay 0\fP, this can be a useful benchmark of
-your GL performance.
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
.B \-wireframe
Render in wireframe instead of solid.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
--- /dev/null
+/* fps, Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+ * Draw a frames-per-second display (Xlib and OpenGL).
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
+ * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
+ * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+ * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this
+ * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
+ * implied warranty.
+ */
+# include "config.h"
+#endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */
+#ifdef HAVE_COCOA
+# include "jwxyz.h"
+# include <OpenGL/gl.h>
+# include <OpenGL/glu.h>
+# include <AGL/agl.h>
+#else /* !HAVE_COCOA -- real Xlib */
+# include <GL/glx.h>
+# include <GL/glu.h>
+#endif /* !HAVE_COCOA */
+#include "xlockmoreI.h"
+#include "fpsI.h"
+#include "glxfonts.h"
+/* These are in xlock-gl.c */
+extern void clear_gl_error (void);
+extern void check_gl_error (const char *type);
+static void
+xlockmore_gl_fps_init (fps_state *st)
+ XFontStruct *f = st->font;
+ int first = f->min_char_or_byte2;
+ int last = f->max_char_or_byte2;
+ clear_gl_error ();
+ st->font_dlist = glGenLists ((GLuint) last+1);
+ check_gl_error ("glGenLists");
+# ifndef HAVE_COCOA
+ glXUseXFont (f->fid, first, last-first+1, st->font_dlist + first);
+ check_gl_error ("glXUseXFont");
+# else /* HAVE_COCOA */
+ {
+ AGLContext ctx = aglGetCurrentContext();
+ int afid, face, size;
+ afid = jwxyz_font_info (f->fid, &size, &face);
+ if (! aglUseFont (ctx, afid, face, size,
+ first, last-first+1, st->font_dlist + first)) {
+ check_gl_error ("aglUseFont");
+ abort();
+ }
+ }
+# endif /* HAVE_COCOA */
+/* Callback in xscreensaver_function_table, via xlockmore.c.
+ */
+xlockmore_gl_compute_fps (Display *dpy, Window w, fps_state *fpst,
+ void *closure)
+ ModeInfo *mi = (ModeInfo *) closure;
+ if (! mi->fpst)
+ {
+ mi->fpst = fpst;
+ xlockmore_gl_fps_init (fpst);
+ }
+ fps_compute (fpst, mi->polygon_count);
+/* Called directly from GL programs (as `do_fps') before swapping buffers.
+ */
+xlockmore_gl_draw_fps (ModeInfo *mi)
+ fps_state *st = mi->fpst;
+ if (st) /* might be too early */
+ {
+ XWindowAttributes xgwa;
+ int lines = 1;
+ const char *s;
+ int lh = st->font->ascent + st->font->descent;
+ int y = st->y;
+ XGetWindowAttributes (st->dpy, st->window, &xgwa);
+ for (s = st->string; *s; s++)
+ if (*s == '\n') lines++;
+ if (y < 0)
+ y = xgwa.height + y - lines*lh;
+ y += lines*lh + st->font->descent;
+ glColor3f (1, 1, 1);
+ print_gl_string (st->dpy, st->font, st->font_dlist,
+ xgwa.width, xgwa.height,
+ st->x, y, st->string, st->clear_p);
+ }
+++ /dev/null
-/* fps, Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
- * Utility function to draw a frames-per-second display.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
- * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
- * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this
- * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
- * implied warranty.
- */
-# include "config.h"
-#endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */
-#include "xlockmoreI.h"
-#ifdef HAVE_COCOA
-# undef usleep /* conflicts with 10.5 headers... */
-# include <OpenGL/gl.h>
-# include <OpenGL/glu.h>
-# include <AGL/agl.h>
-#else /* !HAVE_COCOA -- real Xlib */
-# include <GL/gl.h>
-# include <GL/glu.h>
-# include <GL/glx.h>
-#endif /* !HAVE_COCOA */
-#undef DEBUG /* Defining this causes check_gl_error() to be called inside
- time-critical sections, which could slow things down (since
- it might result in a round-trip, and stall of the pipeline.)
- */
-extern void clear_gl_error (void);
-extern void check_gl_error (const char *type);
-extern GLfloat fps_1 (ModeInfo *mi);
-extern void fps_2 (ModeInfo *mi);
-extern void do_fps (ModeInfo *mi);
-extern void fps_free (ModeInfo *mi);
-struct fps_state {
- int x, y;
- int ascent, descent;
- GLuint font_dlist;
- Bool clear_p;
- char string[1024];
- int last_ifps;
- GLfloat last_fps;
- int frame_count;
- struct timeval prev, now;
-static void
-fps_init (ModeInfo *mi)
- struct fps_state *st = mi->fps_state;
- if (st) free (st);
- st = (struct fps_state *) calloc (1, sizeof(*st));
- mi->fps_state = st;
- st->clear_p = get_boolean_resource (mi->dpy, "fpsSolid", "FPSSolid");
-# ifndef HAVE_COCOA /* Xlib version */
- {
- const char *font;
- XFontStruct *f;
- Font id;
- int first, last;
- font = get_string_resource (mi->dpy, "fpsFont", "Font");
- if (!font) font = "-*-courier-bold-r-normal-*-180-*";
- f = XLoadQueryFont (mi->dpy, font);
- if (!f) f = XLoadQueryFont (mi->dpy, "fixed");
- id = f->fid;
- first = f->min_char_or_byte2;
- last = f->max_char_or_byte2;
- clear_gl_error ();
- st->font_dlist = glGenLists ((GLuint) last+1);
- check_gl_error ("glGenLists");
- st->ascent = f->ascent;
- st->descent = f->descent;
- glXUseXFont (id, first, last-first+1, st->font_dlist + first);
- check_gl_error ("glXUseXFont");
- }
-# else /* HAVE_COCOA */
- {
- AGLContext ctx = aglGetCurrentContext();
- GLint id = 0; /* 0 = system font; 1 = application font */
- Style face = 1; /* 0 = plain; 1=B; 2=I; 3=BI; 4=U; 5=UB; etc. */
- GLint size = 24;
- GLint first = 32;
- GLint last = 255;
- st->ascent = size * 0.9;
- st->descent = size - st->ascent;
- clear_gl_error ();
- st->font_dlist = glGenLists ((GLuint) last+1);
- check_gl_error ("glGenLists");
- if (! aglUseFont (ctx, id, face, size,
- first, last-first+1, st->font_dlist + first)) {
- check_gl_error ("aglUseFont");
- abort();
- }
- }
-# endif /* HAVE_COCOA */
- st->x = 10;
- st->y = 10;
- if (get_boolean_resource (mi->dpy, "fpsTop", "FPSTop"))
- st->y = - (st->ascent + 10);
-fps_free (ModeInfo *mi)
- if (mi->fps_state)
- free (mi->fps_state);
- mi->fps_state = 0;
-static void
-fps_print_string (ModeInfo *mi, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, const char *string)
- struct fps_state *st = mi->fps_state;
- const char *L2 = strchr (string, '\n');
- if (y < 0)
- {
- y = mi->xgwa.height + y;
- if (L2)
- y -= (st->ascent + st->descent);
- }
-# ifdef DEBUG
- clear_gl_error ();
-# endif
- /* Sadly, this causes a stall of the graphics pipeline (as would the
- equivalent calls to glGet*.) But there's no way around this, short
- of having each caller set up the specific display matrix we need
- here, which would kind of defeat the purpose of centralizing this
- code in one file.
- */
- glPushAttrib (GL_TRANSFORM_BIT | /* for matrix contents */
- GL_ENABLE_BIT | /* for various glDisable calls */
- GL_CURRENT_BIT | /* for glColor3f() */
- GL_LIST_BIT); /* for glListBase() */
- {
-# ifdef DEBUG
- check_gl_error ("glPushAttrib");
-# endif
- /* disable lighting and texturing when drawing bitmaps!
- (glPopAttrib() restores these.)
- */
- glDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glDisable (GL_LIGHTING);
- glDisable (GL_BLEND);
- glDisable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- glDisable (GL_CULL_FACE);
- /* glPopAttrib() does not restore matrix changes, so we must
- push/pop the matrix stacks to be non-intrusive there.
- */
- glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
- glPushMatrix();
- {
-# ifdef DEBUG
- check_gl_error ("glPushMatrix");
-# endif
- glLoadIdentity();
- /* Each matrix mode has its own stack, so we need to push/pop
- them separately. */
- glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
- glPushMatrix();
- {
-# ifdef DEBUG
- check_gl_error ("glPushMatrix");
-# endif
- glLoadIdentity();
- gluOrtho2D(0, mi->xgwa.width, 0, mi->xgwa.height);
-# ifdef DEBUG
- check_gl_error ("gluOrtho2D");
-# endif
- /* clear the background */
- if (st->clear_p)
- {
- int lines = L2 ? 2 : 1;
- glColor3f (0, 0, 0);
- glRecti (x / 2, y - st->descent,
- mi->xgwa.width - x,
- y + lines * (st->ascent + st->descent));
- }
- /* draw the text */
- glColor3f (1, 1, 1);
- glRasterPos2f (x, y);
- glListBase (st->font_dlist);
- if (L2)
- {
- L2++;
- glCallLists (strlen(L2), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, L2);
- glRasterPos2f (x, y + (st->ascent + st->descent));
- glCallLists (L2 - string - 1, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, string);
- }
- else
- {
- glCallLists (strlen(string), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, string);
- }
-# ifdef DEBUG
- check_gl_error ("fps_print_string");
-# endif
- }
- glPopMatrix();
- }
- glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
- glPopMatrix();
- }
- /* clean up after our state changes */
- glPopAttrib();
-# ifdef DEBUG
- check_gl_error ("glPopAttrib");
-# endif
-fps_1 (ModeInfo *mi)
- struct fps_state *st = mi->fps_state;
- if (!st)
- {
- fps_init (mi);
- st = mi->fps_state;
- strcpy (st->string, "FPS: (accumulating...)");
- }
- /* Every N frames (where N is approximately one second's worth of frames)
- check the wall clock. We do this because checking the wall clock is
- a slow operation.
- */
- if (st->frame_count++ >= st->last_ifps)
- {
- struct timezone tzp;
- gettimeofday(&st->now, &tzp);
-# else
- gettimeofday(&st->now);
-# endif
- if (st->prev.tv_sec == 0)
- st->prev = st->now;
- }
- /* If we've probed the wall-clock time, regenerate the string.
- */
- if (st->now.tv_sec != st->prev.tv_sec)
- {
- double uprev = st->prev.tv_sec + ((double) st->prev.tv_usec * 0.000001);
- double unow = st->now.tv_sec + ((double) st->now.tv_usec * 0.000001);
- double fps = st->frame_count / (unow - uprev);
- st->prev = st->now;
- st->frame_count = 0;
- st->last_ifps = fps;
- st->last_fps = fps;
- sprintf (st->string, "FPS: %.02f", fps);
-#ifndef HAVE_COCOA
- /* since there's no "-delay 0" in the Cocoa version,
- don't bother mentioning the inter-frame delay. */
- if (mi->pause != 0)
- {
- char buf[40];
- sprintf(buf, "%f", mi->pause / 1000000.0); /* FTSO C */
- while(*buf && buf[strlen(buf)-1] == '0')
- buf[strlen(buf)-1] = 0;
- if (buf[strlen(buf)-1] == '.')
- buf[strlen(buf)-1] = 0;
- sprintf(st->string + strlen(st->string),
- " (including %s sec/frame delay)",
- buf);
- }
-#endif /* HAVE_COCOA */
- if (mi->polygon_count > 0)
- {
- unsigned long p = mi->polygon_count;
- const char *s = "";
-# if 0
- if (p >= (1024 * 1024)) p >>= 20, s = "M";
- else if (p >= 2048) p >>= 10, s = "K";
-# endif
- strcat (st->string, "\nPolys: ");
- if (p >= 1000000)
- sprintf (st->string + strlen(st->string), "%lu,%03lu,%03lu%s",
- (p / 1000000), ((p / 1000) % 1000), (p % 1000), s);
- else if (p >= 1000)
- sprintf (st->string + strlen(st->string), "%lu,%03lu%s",
- (p / 1000), (p % 1000), s);
- else
- sprintf (st->string + strlen(st->string), "%lu%s", p, s);
- }
- }
- return st->last_fps;
-fps_2 (ModeInfo *mi)
- struct fps_state *st = mi->fps_state;
- fps_print_string (mi, st->x, st->y, st->string);
-do_fps (ModeInfo *mi)
- fps_1 (mi); /* Lazily compute current FPS value, about once a second. */
- fps_2 (mi); /* Print the string every frame (else nothing shows up.) */
.B \-wireframe
Render in wireframe instead of solid.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
static enum {wire=0,solid,light,checker,grab} _draw;
+# define DEF_SQUARES "19"
+# define DEF_RESOLUTION "4"
+# define DEF_DRAW "2"
+# define DEF_FLAT "0"
+# define DEF_SPEED "0.05"
+# define DEF_ROTATIONX "0.01"
+# define DEF_ROTATIONY "0.0"
+# define DEF_ROTATIONZ "0.1"
+# define DEF_WAVES "3"
+# define DEF_WAVE_CHANGE "50"
+# define DEF_WAVE_HEIGHT "1.0"
+# define DEF_WAVE_FREQ "3.0"
+# define DEF_ZOOM "1.0"
static int _squares; /* grid size */
static int _resolution; /* wireframe resolution */
static int _flat;
static argtype vars[] = {
- {&_squares, "squares", "Squares", "19", t_Int},
- {&_resolution, "resolution", "Resolution", "4", t_Int},
-/* {&_draw, "draw", "Draw", "2", t_Int},*/
- {&_flat, "flat", "Flat", "0", t_Int},
- {&_speed, "speed", "Speed", "0.05", t_Float},
- {&_rotationx, "rotationx", "Rotationx", "0.01", t_Float},
- {&_rotationy, "rotationy", "Rotationy", "0.0", t_Float},
- {&_rotationz, "rotationz", "Rotationz", "0.1", t_Float},
- {&_waves, "waves", "Waves", "3", t_Int},
- {&_waveChange, "waveChange", "WaveChange", "50", t_Int},
- {&_waveHeight, "waveHeight", "WaveHeight", "1.0", t_Float},
- {&_waveFreq, "waveFreq", "WaveFreq", "3.0", t_Float},
- {&_zoom, "zoom", "Zoom", "1.0", t_Float},
+ {&_squares, "squares", "Squares", DEF_SQUARES, t_Int},
+ {&_resolution, "resolution", "Resolution", DEF_RESOLUTION, t_Int},
+/* {&_draw, "draw", "Draw", DEF_DRAW, t_Int},*/
+ {&_flat, "flat", "Flat", DEF_FLAT, t_Int},
+ {&_speed, "speed", "Speed", DEF_SPEED, t_Float},
+ {&_rotationx, "rotationx", "Rotationx", DEF_ROTATIONX, t_Float},
+ {&_rotationy, "rotationy", "Rotationy", DEF_ROTATIONY, t_Float},
+ {&_rotationz, "rotationz", "Rotationz", DEF_ROTATIONZ, t_Float},
+ {&_waves, "waves", "Waves", DEF_WAVES, t_Int},
+ {&_waveChange, "waveChange", "WaveChange", DEF_WAVE_CHANGE, t_Int},
+ {&_waveHeight, "waveHeight", "WaveHeight", DEF_WAVE_HEIGHT, t_Float},
+ {&_waveFreq, "waveFreq", "WaveFreq", DEF_WAVE_FREQ, t_Float},
+ {&_zoom, "zoom", "Zoom", DEF_ZOOM, t_Float},
{"gflux", "init_gflux", "draw_gflux", "release_gflux",
"draw_gflux", "init_gflux", NULL, &gflux_opts,
1000, 1, 2, 1, 4, 1.0, "",
- "Gflux: an OpenGL gflux", 0, NULL};
+ "GFlux: an OpenGL gflux", 0, NULL};
/* structure for holding the gflux data */
GLfloat tex_yscale;
XRectangle img_geom;
int img_width, img_height;
- void (*drawFunc)(struct gfluxstruct *);
+ int (*drawFunc)(struct gfluxstruct *);
trackball_state *trackball;
Bool button_down_p;
static void initLighting(void);
static void grabTexture(gfluxstruct *);
static void createTexture(gfluxstruct *);
-static void displaySolid(gfluxstruct *); /* drawFunc implementations */
-static void displayLight(gfluxstruct *);
-static void displayTexture(gfluxstruct *);
-static void displayWire(gfluxstruct *);
+static int displaySolid(gfluxstruct *); /* drawFunc implementations */
+static int displayLight(gfluxstruct *);
+static int displayTexture(gfluxstruct *);
+static int displayWire(gfluxstruct *);
static void calcGrid(gfluxstruct *);
static double getGrid(gfluxstruct *,double,double,double);
glXMakeCurrent(display, window, *(gp->glx_context));
- gp->drawFunc(gp);
+ mi->polygon_count = gp->drawFunc(gp);
if (mi->fps_p) do_fps (mi);
glXSwapBuffers(display, window);
/* storing the values in an array */
/* is a posibility */
-static void displayTexture(gfluxstruct *gp)
+static int displayTexture(gfluxstruct *gp)
+ int polys = 0;
double x,y,u,v;
double z;
double dx = 2.0/((double)_squares);
+ polys++;
y = miny;
- for (x = minx; x <= maxx; x += dx)
+ for (x = minx; x <= maxx; x += dx) {
glVertex3f (x, y, getGrid (gp, x, y, gp->time));
+ polys++;
+ }
x = maxx;
- for (y = miny; y <= maxy; y += dy)
+ for (y = miny; y <= maxy; y += dy) {
glVertex3f (x, y, getGrid (gp, x, y, gp->time));
+ polys++;
+ }
y = maxy;
- for (x = maxx; x >= minx; x -= dx)
+ for (x = maxx; x >= minx; x -= dx) {
glVertex3f (x, y, getGrid (gp, x, y, gp->time));
+ polys++;
+ }
x = minx;
- for (y = maxy; y >= miny; y -= dy)
+ for (y = maxy; y >= miny; y -= dy) {
glVertex3f (x, y, getGrid (gp, x, y, gp->time));
+ polys++;
+ }
gp->angley -= _rotationy;
gp->anglez -= _rotationz;
+ return polys;
-static void displaySolid(gfluxstruct *gp)
+static int displaySolid(gfluxstruct *gp)
+ int polys = 0;
double x,y;
double z;
double dx = 2.0/((double)_squares);
+ polys++;
gp->anglez -= _rotationz;
+ return polys;
-static void displayLight(gfluxstruct *gp)
+static int displayLight(gfluxstruct *gp)
+ int polys = 0;
double x,y;
double z;
double dx = 2.0/((double)_squares);
+ polys++;
gp->angley -= _rotationy;
gp->anglez -= _rotationz;
+ return polys;
-static void displayWire(gfluxstruct *gp)
+static int displayWire(gfluxstruct *gp)
+ int polys = 0;
double x,y;
double z;
double dx1 = 2.0/((double)(_squares*_resolution)) - 0.00001;
+ polys++;
+ polys++;
gp->angley -= _rotationy;
gp->anglez -= _rotationz;
+ return polys;
/* generates new ripples */
How long to pause between frames. Default is 20000, or 0.02 second.
.TP 8
.B \-fps
-Display a running tally of how many frames per second are being rendered.
-In conjunction with \fB\-delay 0\fP, this can be a useful benchmark of
-your GL performance.
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
#define DEF_SPIN "XYZ"
#define DEF_WANDER "True"
-#define DEF_BLURSIZE "15"
+#define DEF_BLUR_SIZE "15"
typedef struct metaball metaball;
static argtype vars[] = {
{&do_spin, "spin", "Spin", DEF_SPIN, t_String},
{&do_wander, "wander", "Wander", DEF_WANDER, t_Bool},
- {&blursize, "blurSize","BlurSize", DEF_BLURSIZE, t_Int},
+ {&blursize, "blurSize","BlurSize", DEF_BLUR_SIZE, t_Int},
ENTRYPOINT ModeSpecOpt glblur_opts = {countof(opts), opts, countof(vars), vars, NULL};
.B \-no-spin
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
* 2007: Written by Matthias Toussaint
* 0.1 Initial version
- * 0.2 Bugfixes (threading) and code cleanup by Jamie Zavinsky
+ * 0.2 Bugfixes (threading) and code cleanup by Jamie Zawinski
* Window scaling bug + performance bug in tick()
#define DEF_MINFOOD "5"
#define DEF_MAXFOOD "20"
#define DEF_DIVIDEAGE "20"
-#define DEF_MINDIST "1.40"
+#define DEF_MINDIST "1.4"
#define DEF_PAUSE "50"
#define DEFAULTS "*delay: 30000 \n" \
How long to pause between frames. Default is 20000, or 0.02 second.
.TP 8
.B \-fps
-Display a running tally of how many frames per second are being rendered.
-In conjunction with \fB\-delay 0\fP, this can be a useful benchmark of
-your GL performance.
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
.B \-wireframe
Draw wireframe only.
# define DEFAULTS \
"*delay: 20000 \n" \
"*showFPS: False \n" \
- "*size: -1 \n" \
+ "*size: 0 \n" \
"*useSHM: True \n"
# define refresh_gleidescope 0
#define ANGLE_120 (M_PI * 2 / 3)
#define ANGLE_240 (M_PI * 4 / 3)
+#define DEF_GRAB "False"
+#define DEF_MOVE "False"
+#define DEF_NOMOVE "False"
+#define DEF_ROTATE "False"
+#define DEF_NOROTATE "False"
+#define DEF_ZOOM "False"
+#define DEF_NOZOOM "False"
+#define DEF_DURATION "30"
static XrmOptionDescRec opts[] =
#ifdef GRAB
{"-no-move", ".gleidescope.nomove", XrmoptionNoArg, "true"},
{"-rotate", ".gleidescope.rotate", XrmoptionNoArg, "true"},
{"-no-rotate", ".gleidescope.norotate", XrmoptionNoArg, "true"},
- /*{"-size", ".gleidescope.size", XrmoptionNoArg, "-1"},*/
{"-zoom", ".gleidescope.zoom", XrmoptionNoArg, "true"},
{"-no-zoom", ".gleidescope.nozoom", XrmoptionNoArg, "true"},
{"-image", ".gleidescope.image", XrmoptionSepArg, "DEFAULT"},
static argtype vars[] = {
#ifdef GRAB
- {&grab, "grab", "Grab", "False", t_Bool},
+ {&grab, "grab", "Grab", DEF_GRAB, t_Bool},
- {&move, "move", "Move", "False", t_Bool},
- {&nomove, "nomove", "noMove", "False", t_Bool},
- {&rotate, "rotate", "Rotate", "False", t_Bool},
- {&norotate, "norotate", "noRotate", "False", t_Bool},
- /*{&size, "size", "Size", "-1", t_Int},*/
- {&zoom, "zoom", "Zoom", "False", t_Bool},
- {&nozoom, "nozoom", "noZoom", "False", t_Bool},
- {&image, "image", "Image", "DEFAULT", t_String},
- {&duration, "duration", "Duration", "30", t_Int},
+ {&move, "move", "Move", DEF_MOVE, t_Bool},
+ {&nomove, "nomove", "noMove", DEF_NOMOVE, t_Bool},
+ {&rotate, "rotate", "Rotate", DEF_ROTATE, t_Bool},
+ {&norotate, "norotate", "noRotate", DEF_NOROTATE, t_Bool},
+ {&zoom, "zoom", "Zoom", DEF_ZOOM, t_Bool},
+ {&nozoom, "nozoom", "noZoom", DEF_NOZOOM, t_Bool},
+ {&image, "image", "Image", DEF_IMAGE, t_String},
+ {&duration, "duration", "Duration", DEF_DURATION, t_Int},
static OptionStruct desc[] = {
{"-no-move", "camera won't move"},
{"-rotate", "camera will rotate"},
{"-no-rotate", "camera won't rotate"},
- /*{"-size", "size of the hexagons (1-10)"},*/
{"-zoom", "camera will zoom"},
{"-no-zoom", "camera won't zoom"},
{"-image", "xpm / xbm image file to use for texture"},
-static void
+static int
draw_hexagons(ModeInfo *mi, int translucency, texture *texture)
+ int polys = 0;
int i;
GLfloat col[4];
vector2f t[3];
glTranslatef(hex[i].x, hex[i].y, 0.0);
+ polys += 6;
glVertex3f(1.0, 1.0, -0.1);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0);
glVertex3f(0.0, 1.0, -0.1);
+ polys++;
/* acd debug - display texture triangle */
glColor4f(1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0);
glVertex3f(t[0].x, t[0].y, -0.11);
glVertex3f(t[1].x, t[1].y, -0.11);
glVertex3f(t[2].x, t[2].y, -0.11);
+ polys++;
+ return polys;
vectorf v1;
GLfloat pos[4];
+ mi->polygon_count = 0;
glClearColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0);
if (gp->size > 10) {
gp->size = 10;
- if (gp->size < -1) {
- gp->size = -1;
+ if (gp->size <= 0) {
+ gp->size = 0;
- if (gp->size != -1) {
+ if (gp->size > 0) {
/* user defined size */
v1.z = gp->size;
} else if (zoom) {
if (gp->fade == 0)
/* not fading */
- draw_hexagons(mi, MAX_FADE, &gp->textures[gp->visible]);
+ mi->polygon_count +=
+ draw_hexagons(mi, MAX_FADE, &gp->textures[gp->visible]);
/* fading - show both textures with alpha
NB first is always max alpha */
- draw_hexagons(mi, MAX_FADE, &gp->textures[1 - gp->visible]);
- draw_hexagons(mi, MAX_FADE - gp->fade, &gp->textures[gp->visible]);
+ mi->polygon_count +=
+ draw_hexagons(mi, MAX_FADE, &gp->textures[1 - gp->visible]);
+ mi->polygon_count +=
+ draw_hexagons(mi, MAX_FADE - gp->fade, &gp->textures[gp->visible]);
/* fade some more */
.B \-image \fIfile\fP
The texture map to use at the end of the kaleidescope.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
.B \-size \fInumber\fP
The size of the hexagons being displayed [1(small)-10(large)]
/* draw a tree */
-static void drawtree(float x, float y, float z)
+static int drawtree(float x, float y, float z)
+ int polys = 0;
+ polys++;
+ polys++;
+ return polys;
/* calculate observer position : modified only if trackmouse is used */
firestruct *fs = &fire[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
Bool wire = MI_IS_WIREFRAME(mi);
+ mi->polygon_count = 0;
if (do_wander && !fs->button_down_p)
GLfloat x, y, z;
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glAlphaFunc(GL_GEQUAL, 0.9);
- drawtree(fs->treepos[j].x ,fs->treepos[j].y ,fs->treepos[j].z );
+ mi->polygon_count += drawtree(fs->treepos[j].x ,fs->treepos[j].y ,fs->treepos[j].z );
glColor4f(black[0], black[1], black[2], fs->p[j].c[2][3]);
glVertex3f(fs->p[j].p[2][0], 0.1, fs->p[j].p[2][2]);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
+ mi->polygon_count++;
setpart(fs, &fs->p[j]);
setpartrain(fs, &fs->r[j],timeused);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
[\-wireframe] [\-no-wireframe]
[\-wander] [\-no-wander]
[\-trackmouse] [\-no-trackmouse]
-[\-fps] [\-no-fps]
The \fIglforestfire\fP program draws an animation of sprinkling fire-like 3D triangles in
a landscape filled with trees.
or the id number (decimal or hex) of a specific visual.
.TP 8
.B \-fps
-Display a running tally of how many frames per second are being rendered.
-In conjunction with \fB\-delay 0\fP, this can be a useful benchmark of
-your GL performance.
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
.B \-trees \fInumber_of_trees\fP\fP
Specify how much trees are drawn in the landscape.
#include "rotator.h"
-#define DEF_DELAY "15000"
-#define DEF_DISKS "0" /* < 2 means 3-12 */
-#define DEF_WIRE "False"
#define DEF_LIGHT "True"
-#define DEF_FPS "False"
#define DEF_FOG "False"
#define DEF_TEXTURE "True"
-#define DEFAULTS "*delay: " DEF_DELAY "\n" \
- "*count: " DEF_DISKS "\n" \
- "*showFPS: " DEF_FPS "\n" \
- "*wireframe: " DEF_WIRE "\n"
+#define DEFAULTS "*delay: 15000\n" \
+ "*count: 0\n" \
+ "*showFPS: False\n" \
+ "*wireframe: False\n"
# define refresh_glhanoi 0
GLfloat t1, t2;
GLfloat ucostheta, usintheta;
GLdouble rotAngle;
+ int polys;
} Disk;
typedef struct {
GLint floorList;
GLint baseList;
GLint poleList;
+ int floorpolys, basepolys, polepolys;
GLfloat camera[3];
GLfloat centre[3];
rotator *the_rotator;
* people's hardware supports 3D textures, so I didn't bother (xorg
* ATI server doesn't :-( )
-static void drawTube(GLdouble bottomRadius, GLdouble topRadius,
+static int drawTube(GLdouble bottomRadius, GLdouble topRadius,
GLdouble bottomThickness, GLdouble topThickness,
GLdouble height, GLuint nSlice, GLuint nLoop)
+ int polys = 0;
GLfloat y;
GLfloat *cosCache = malloc(sizeof(GLfloat) * nSlice);
GLfloat *sinCache = malloc(sizeof(GLfloat) * nSlice);
/* yTexCoord, */
/* midTexCoord + cosCache[slice] * outerTexCoordSize); */
glVertex3f(radius * sinCache[slice], y, radius * cosCache[slice]);
+ polys++;
upperRadius * cosCache[slice]);
glVertex3f(lowerRadius * sinCache[slice], lowerY,
lowerRadius * cosCache[slice]);
+ polys++;
glNormal3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
glVertex3f(0.0, upperY, upperRadius);
glVertex3f(0.0, lowerY, lowerRadius);
+ polys++;
/* inside */
upperRadius * cosCache[slice]);
glVertex3f(lowerRadius * sinCache[slice], lowerY,
lowerRadius * cosCache[slice]);
+ polys++;
innerRadius * cosCache[slice]);
glVertex3f(radius * sinCache[slice], y, radius * cosCache[slice]);
+ polys++;
glVertex3f(0.0, y, innerRadius);
glVertex3f(0.0, y, radius);
+ return polys;
-static void drawPole(GLfloat radius, GLfloat length)
+static int drawPole(GLfloat radius, GLfloat length)
- drawTube(radius, radius, radius, radius, length, NSLICE, NLOOPS);
+ return drawTube(radius, radius, radius, radius, length, NSLICE, NLOOPS);
-static void drawDisk3D(GLdouble inner_radius, GLdouble outer_radius,
- GLdouble height)
+static int drawDisk3D(GLdouble inner_radius, GLdouble outer_radius,
+ GLdouble height)
- drawTube(outer_radius, outer_radius, outer_radius - inner_radius,
- outer_radius - inner_radius, height, NSLICE, NLOOPS);
+ return drawTube(outer_radius, outer_radius, outer_radius - inner_radius,
+ outer_radius - inner_radius, height, NSLICE, NLOOPS);
-static void drawCuboid(GLfloat length, GLfloat width, GLfloat height)
+static int drawCuboid(GLfloat length, GLfloat width, GLfloat height)
GLfloat xmin = -length / 2.0f;
GLfloat xmax = length / 2.0f;
GLfloat zmax = width / 2.0f;
GLfloat ymin = 0.0f;
GLfloat ymax = height;
+ int polys = 0;
/* front */
glVertex3f(xmax, ymin, zmax); /* 1 */
glVertex3f(xmax, ymax, zmax); /* 2 */
glVertex3f(xmin, ymax, zmax); /* 3 */
+ polys++;
/* right */
glVertex3f(xmax, ymin, zmax); /* 1 */
glVertex3f(xmax, ymin, zmin); /* 5 */
glVertex3f(xmax, ymax, zmin); /* 6 */
glVertex3f(xmax, ymax, zmax); /* 2 */
+ polys++;
/* back */
glVertex3f(xmax, ymin, zmin); /* 5 */
glVertex3f(xmin, ymin, zmin); /* 4 */
glVertex3f(xmin, ymax, zmin); /* 7 */
glVertex3f(xmax, ymax, zmin); /* 6 */
+ polys++;
/* left */
glVertex3f(xmin, ymin, zmin); /* 4 */
glVertex3f(xmin, ymin, zmax); /* 0 */
glVertex3f(xmin, ymax, zmax); /* 3 */
glVertex3f(xmin, ymax, zmin); /* 7 */
+ polys++;
/* top */
glVertex3f(xmin, ymax, zmax); /* 3 */
glVertex3f(xmax, ymax, zmax); /* 2 */
glVertex3f(xmax, ymax, zmin); /* 6 */
glVertex3f(xmin, ymax, zmin); /* 7 */
+ polys++;
/* bottom */
glVertex3f(xmin, ymin, zmin); /* 4 */
glVertex3f(xmax, ymin, zmin); /* 5 */
glVertex3f(xmax, ymin, zmax); /* 1 */
glVertex3f(xmin, ymin, zmax); /* 0 */
+ polys++;
+ return polys;
-static void drawDisks(glhcfg *glhanoi)
+static int drawDisks(glhcfg *glhanoi)
int i;
+ int polys = 0;
glTranslatef(0.0f, glhanoi->baseHeight, 0.0f);
glTranslatef(0.0, -glhanoi->diskHeight / 2.0, 0.0);
+ polys += disk->polys;
+ return polys;
static GLfloat getDiskRadius(glhcfg *glhanoi, int i)
const float *col = cWhite;
float texIncr = 1.0 / BOARD_SQUARES;
+ glhanoi->floorpolys = 0;
if((glhanoi->floorList = glGenLists(1)) == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "can't allocate memory for floor display list\n");
glTexCoord2d(tx1, tz0);
glVertex3f(x1, 0.0, z0);
+ glhanoi->floorpolys++;
glNewList(glhanoi->baseList, GL_COMPILE);
setMaterial(baseColor, cWhite, 50);
- drawCuboid(glhanoi->baseLength, glhanoi->baseWidth,
- glhanoi->baseHeight);
+ glhanoi->basepolys = drawCuboid(glhanoi->baseLength, glhanoi->baseWidth,
+ glhanoi->baseHeight);
glTranslatef(0.0f, glhanoi->baseHeight, 0.0f);
setMaterial(poleColor, cWhite, 50);
- drawPole(glhanoi->poleRadius, glhanoi->poleHeight);
+ glhanoi->polepolys = drawPole(glhanoi->poleRadius, glhanoi->poleHeight);
glTranslatef(-glhanoi->poleOffset, 0.0, 0.0);
- drawPole(glhanoi->poleRadius, glhanoi->poleHeight);
+ glhanoi->polepolys += drawPole(glhanoi->poleRadius, glhanoi->poleHeight);
glTranslatef(glhanoi->poleOffset, 0.0, 0.0);
- drawPole(glhanoi->poleRadius, glhanoi->poleHeight);
+ glhanoi->polepolys += drawPole(glhanoi->poleRadius, glhanoi->poleHeight);
disk->rotation[0] = 0.0;
disk->rotation[1] = 0.0;
disk->rotation[2] = 0.0;
+ disk->polys = 0;
color[0] = diskColor;
color[1] = 1.0f;
glNewList(disk->displayList, GL_COMPILE);
setMaterial(color, cWhite, 100.0);
- drawDisk3D(glhanoi->poleRadius,
- getDiskRadius(glhanoi, i),
- glhanoi->diskHeight);
+ disk->polys += drawDisk3D(glhanoi->poleRadius,
+ getDiskRadius(glhanoi, i),
+ glhanoi->diskHeight);
for(i = glhanoi->maxDiskIdx; i >= 0; --i) {
-static void drawFloor(glhcfg *glhanoi)
+static int drawFloor(glhcfg *glhanoi)
+ return glhanoi->floorpolys;
-static void drawTowers(glhcfg *glhanoi)
+static int drawTowers(glhcfg *glhanoi)
+ return glhanoi->basepolys + glhanoi->polepolys;
/* Window management, etc
glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, glhanoi->wire ? GL_LINE : GL_FILL);
+ mi->polygon_count = 0;
if(!glhanoi->wire && glhanoi->texture) {
- drawFloor(glhanoi);
+ mi->polygon_count += drawFloor(glhanoi);
- drawTowers(glhanoi);
- drawDisks(glhanoi);
+ mi->polygon_count += drawTowers(glhanoi);
+ mi->polygon_count += drawDisks(glhanoi);
if(mi->fps_p) {
.B \-fog | \-no-fog
Render in fog.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
.B \-light | -no-light
Whether the scene is lit.
.B \-wireframe | \-no-wireframe
Render in wireframe instead of solid.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
Just draw boxes instead of textured characters.
.TP 8
.B \-fps
-Display a running tally of how many frames per second are being rendered.
-In conjunction with \fB\-delay 0\fP, this can be a useful benchmark of
-your GL performance.
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
.B \-wireframe
Render in wireframe instead of solid.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
#undef countof
#define countof(x) (sizeof((x))/sizeof((*x)))
+#define DEF_NFISH "100"
+#define DEF_FOG "False"
+#define DEF_DRAWBBOX "True"
+#define DEF_DRAWGOAL "False"
+#define DEF_GOALCHGF "50"
+#define DEF_MAXVEL "7.0"
+#define DEF_MINVEL "1.0"
+#define DEF_ACCLIMIT "8.0"
+#define DEF_DISTEXP "2.2"
+#define DEF_AVOIDFACT "1.5"
+#define DEF_MATCHFACT "0.15"
+#define DEF_CENTERFACT "0.1"
+#define DEF_TARGETFACT "80"
+#define DEF_MINRADIUS "30.0"
+#define DEF_MOMENTUM "0.9"
+#define DEF_DISTCOMP "10.0"
static int NFish;
static Bool DoFog;
static Bool DoDrawBBox;
static argtype vars[] = {
- {&NFish, "nfish", "NFish", "100", t_Int},
- {&DoFog, "fog", "DoFog", "False", t_Bool},
- {&DoDrawBBox, "drawbbox", "DoDrawBBox", "True", t_Bool},
- {&DoDrawGoal, "drawgoal", "DoDrawGoal", "False", t_Bool},
- {&GoalChgFreq, "goalchgf", "GoalChgFreq", "50", t_Int},
- {&MaxVel, "maxvel", "MaxVel", "7.0", t_Float},
- {&MinVel, "minvel", "MinVel", "1.0", t_Float},
- {&AccLimit, "acclimit", "AccLimit", "8.0", t_Float},
- {&DistExp, "distexp", "DistExp", "2.2", t_Float},
- {&AvoidFact, "avoidfact", "AvoidFact", "1.5", t_Float},
- {&MatchFact, "matchfact", "MatchFact", "0.15", t_Float},
- {&CenterFact, "centerfact", "CenterFact", "0.1", t_Float},
- {&TargetFact, "targetfact", "TargetFact", "80", t_Float},
- {&MinRadius, "minradius", "MinRadius", "30.0", t_Float},
- {&Momentum, "momentum", "Momentum", "0.9", t_Float},
- {&DistComp, "distcomp", "DistComp", "10.0", t_Float},
+ {&NFish, "nfish", "NFish", DEF_NFISH, t_Int},
+ {&DoFog, "fog", "DoFog", DEF_FOG, t_Bool},
+ {&DoDrawBBox, "drawbbox", "DoDrawBBox", DEF_DRAWBBOX, t_Bool},
+ {&DoDrawGoal, "drawgoal", "DoDrawGoal", DEF_DRAWGOAL, t_Bool},
+ {&GoalChgFreq, "goalchgf", "GoalChgFreq", DEF_GOALCHGF, t_Int},
+ {&MaxVel, "maxvel", "MaxVel", DEF_MAXVEL, t_Float},
+ {&MinVel, "minvel", "MinVel", DEF_MINVEL, t_Float},
+ {&AccLimit, "acclimit", "AccLimit", DEF_ACCLIMIT, t_Float},
+ {&DistExp, "distexp", "DistExp", DEF_DISTEXP, t_Float},
+ {&AvoidFact, "avoidfact", "AvoidFact", DEF_AVOIDFACT, t_Float},
+ {&MatchFact, "matchfact", "MatchFact", DEF_MATCHFACT, t_Float},
+ {&CenterFact, "centerfact", "CenterFact", DEF_CENTERFACT, t_Float},
+ {&TargetFact, "targetfact", "TargetFact", DEF_TARGETFACT, t_Float},
+ {&MinRadius, "minradius", "MinRadius", DEF_MINRADIUS, t_Float},
+ {&Momentum, "momentum", "Momentum", DEF_MOMENTUM, t_Float},
+ {&DistComp, "distcomp", "DistComp", DEF_DISTCOMP, t_Float},
ENTRYPOINT ModeSpecOpt glschool_opts = {countof(opts), opts, countof(vars), vars, NULL};
.B \-wireframe | \-no-wireframe
Render in wireframe instead of solid.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
.B \-fog | \-no-fog
Whether to show foggy (cloudy) water.
"*showFPS: False \n" \
"*fpsSolid: True \n" \
"*useSHM: True \n" \
- "*titleFont: -*-times-bold-r-normal-*-180-*\n" \
+ "*titleFont: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-180-*\n" \
"*desktopGrabber: xscreensaver-getimage -no-desktop %s\n" \
"*grabDesktopImages: False \n" \
"*chooseRandomImages: True \n"
sp->from = swap;
- /* Make sure the aspect ratios are within 0.0001 of each other.
+ /* Make sure the aspect ratios are within 0.001 of each other.
- if ((int) (0.5 + (sp->from.w * 1000 / sp->from.h)) !=
- (int) (0.5 + (sp->to.w * 1000 / sp->to.h)))
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: botched aspect: %f x %f vs %f x %f: %s\n",
- progname, sp->from.w, sp->from.h, sp->to.w, sp->to.h,
- sp->img->title);
- abort();
- }
+ {
+ int r1 = 0.5 + (sp->from.w * 1000 / sp->from.h);
+ int r2 = 0.5 + (sp->to.w * 1000 / sp->to.h);
+ if (r1 < r2-1 || r1 > r2+1)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr,
+ "%s: botched aspect: %f x %f (%d) vs %f x %f (%d): %s\n",
+ progname,
+ sp->from.w, sp->from.h, r1,
+ sp->to.w, sp->to.h, r2,
+ (sp->img->title ? sp->img->title : "[null]"));
+ abort();
+ }
+ }
sp->from.x /= vp_w;
sp->from.y /= vp_h;
glColor4f (0, 0, 0, sp->opacity); /* cheap-assed dropshadow */
print_gl_string (mi->dpy, ss->xfont, ss->font_dlist,
mi->xgwa.width, mi->xgwa.height, x, y,
- img->title);
+ img->title, False);
x++; y++;
glColor4f (1, 1, 1, sp->opacity);
print_gl_string (mi->dpy, ss->xfont, ss->font_dlist,
mi->xgwa.width, mi->xgwa.height, x, y,
- img->title);
+ img->title, False);
draw_sprites (mi);
- ss->fps = fps_1 (mi);
- if (mi->fps_p) fps_2 (mi);
+ ss->fps = fps_compute (mi->fpst, 0);
+ if (mi->fps_p) do_fps (mi);
glXSwapBuffers (MI_DISPLAY (mi), MI_WINDOW(mi));
Per-frame delay, in microseconds. Default: 20000 (0.02 seconds.).
.TP 8
.B \-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
.B \-cutoff \fInumber\fP
If the frame rate we are achieving is lower than this, then panning,
#define DEF_ANGVEL 1.0
#define DEF_STATICTIME 5000
-#define DEF_TITLES 1
+#define DEF_TITLES 0
#define DEF_ZOOM 25.0
#define DEF_ANGVEL "1.0"
#define DEF_STATICTIME "5000"
#define DEF_ALTCOLOUR "False"
-#define DEF_TITLES "True"
+#define DEF_TITLES "False"
#define DEF_INTERACTIVE "False"
#define DEF_ZOOM "25.0"
#define DEF_WIREFRAME "False"
#define DEFAULTS "*delay: 30000 \n" \
"*count: 30 \n" \
"*showFPS: False \n" \
- "*labelfont: -*-times-bold-r-normal-*-180-*\n" \
+ "*labelfont: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-180-*\n" \
print_gl_string(mi->dpy, bp->font, bp->font_list,
mi->xgwa.width, mi->xgwa.height,
10.0, (float) mi->xgwa.height - 10.0,
- s);
+ s, False);
or the id number (decimal or hex) of a specific visual.
.TP 8
.B \-fps
-Display a running tally of how many frames per second are being rendered.
-In conjunction with \fB\-delay 0\fP, this can be a useful benchmark of
-your GL performance.
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
.B \-wireframe
Display the snake in wireframe mode, rather than the default solid mode.
#ifdef USE_GL /* whole file */
-#ifdef HAVE_COCOA
-# define DEF_TEXT "%A%n%d %b %Y%n%r"
-# define DEF_TEXT "(default)"
+#define DEF_TEXT "(default)"
#define DEF_PROGRAM "(default)"
#define DEF_SPIN "XYZ"
#define DEF_WANDER "True"
-#define DEF_FRONT "True"
+#define DEF_FACE_FRONT "True"
# include <sys/utsname.h>
static argtype vars[] = {
- {&text_fmt, "text", "Text", DEF_TEXT, t_String},
- {&program_str, "program", "Program", DEF_PROGRAM, t_String},
- {&do_spin, "spin", "Spin", DEF_SPIN, t_String},
- {&do_wander, "wander", "Wander", DEF_WANDER, t_Bool},
- {&face_front_p, "faceFront", "FaceFront", DEF_FRONT, t_Bool},
+ {&text_fmt, "text", "Text", DEF_TEXT, t_String},
+ {&program_str, "program", "Program", DEF_PROGRAM, t_String},
+ {&do_spin, "spin", "Spin", DEF_SPIN, t_String},
+ {&do_wander, "wander", "Wander", DEF_WANDER, t_Bool},
+ {&face_front_p, "faceFront", "FaceFront", DEF_FACE_FRONT, t_Bool},
ENTRYPOINT ModeSpecOpt text_opts = {countof(opts), opts, countof(vars), vars, NULL};
sprintf(tp->text, "%s\n%s %s.%s",
uts.nodename, uts.sysname, uts.version, uts.release);
# elif defined(__APPLE__) /* MacOS X + XDarwin */
- sprintf(tp->text, "%s\n%s %s\n%s",
- uts.nodename, uts.sysname, uts.release, uts.machine);
+ {
+ const char *file =
+ "/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist";
+ FILE *f = fopen (file, "r");
+ char *pbv = 0, *pn = 0, *puvv = 0;
+ if (f) {
+ char *s, buf[255];
+ while (fgets (buf, sizeof(buf)-1, f)) {
+# define GRAB(S,V) \
+ if (strstr(buf, S)) { \
+ fgets (buf, sizeof(buf)-1, f); \
+ if ((s = strchr (buf, '>'))) V = strdup(s+1); \
+ if ((s = strchr (V, '<'))) *s = 0; \
+ }
+ GRAB ("ProductName", pn)
+ GRAB ("ProductBuildVersion", pbv)
+ GRAB ("ProductUserVisibleVersion", puvv)
+# undef GRAB
+ }
+ }
+ if (pbv)
+ sprintf (tp->text, "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s",
+ uts.nodename, pn, puvv, uts.machine);
+ else
+ sprintf(tp->text, "%s\n%s %s\n%s",
+ uts.nodename, uts.sysname, uts.release, uts.machine);
+ }
# else
sprintf(tp->text, "%s\n%s %s",
uts.nodename, uts.sysname, uts.release);
static int
-fill_character (GLUTstrokeFont font, int c, Bool wire)
+fill_character (GLUTstrokeFont font, int c, Bool wire, int *polysP)
GLfloat tube_width = 10;
int smooth = False;
# endif
if (j != stroke->num_coords)
- tube (lx, ly, 0,
- coord->x, coord->y, 0,
- tube_width,
- tube_width * 0.15,
- TUBE_FACES, smooth, True, wire);
+ *polysP += tube (lx, ly, 0,
+ coord->x, coord->y, 0,
+ tube_width,
+ tube_width * 0.15,
+ TUBE_FACES, smooth, True, wire);
lx = coord->x;
ly = coord->y;
-static void
+static unsigned long
fill_string (const char *string, Bool wire)
+ int polys = 0;
const char *s, *start;
int line_height = GLUT_FONT->top - GLUT_FONT->bottom;
int off;
glTranslatef(x, y, 0);
- off = fill_character (GLUT_FONT, *s2, wire);
+ off = fill_character (GLUT_FONT, *s2, wire, &polys);
x += off;
+ return polys;
glScalef(0.01, 0.01, 0.01);
- fill_string(tp->text, wire);
+ mi->polygon_count = fill_string(tp->text, wire);
glPopMatrix ();
Render in wireframe instead of solid.
.TP 8
.B \-fps
-Display a running tally of how many frames per second are being rendered.
-In conjunction with \fB\-delay 0\fP, this can be a useful benchmark of
-your GL performance.
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
# include "config.h"
return ts;
+/* Reset the trackball to the default unrotated state.
+ */
+gltrackball_reset (trackball_state *ts)
+ memset (ts, 0, sizeof(*ts));
+ trackball (ts->q, 0, 0, 0, 0);
/* Begin tracking the mouse: Call this when the mouse button goes down.
x and y are the mouse position relative to the window.
w and h are the size of the window.
extern void gltrackball_get_quaternion (trackball_state *ts, float q[4]);
+/* Reset the trackball to the default unrotated state.
+ */
+extern void gltrackball_reset (trackball_state *ts);
#endif /* __GLTRACKBALL_H__ */
extern char *progname;
+#undef DEBUG /* Defining this causes check_gl_error() to be called inside
+ time-critical sections, which could slow things down (since
+ it might result in a round-trip, and stall of the pipeline.)
+ */
/* Loads the font named by the X resource "res".
Returns an XFontStruct.
Also converts the font to a set of GL lists and returns the first list.
XFontStruct *f;
const char *font = get_string_resource (dpy, res, "Font");
- const char *def1 = "-*-times-bold-r-normal-*-180-*";
+ const char *def1 = "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-180-*";
const char *def2 = "fixed";
Font id;
int first, last;
-/* Width of the string in pixels.
+/* Width (and optionally height) of the string in pixels.
-string_width (XFontStruct *f, const char *c)
+string_width (XFontStruct *f, const char *c, int *height_ret)
- int w = 0;
+ int x = 0;
+ int max_w = 0;
+ int h = f->ascent + f->descent;
while (*c)
int cc = *((unsigned char *) c);
- w += (f->per_char
- ? f->per_char[cc-f->min_char_or_byte2].rbearing
- : f->min_bounds.rbearing);
+ if (*c == '\n')
+ {
+ if (x > max_w) max_w = x;
+ x = 0;
+ h += f->ascent + f->descent;
+ }
+ else
+ x += (f->per_char
+ ? f->per_char[cc-f->min_char_or_byte2].width
+ : f->min_bounds.rbearing);
- return w;
+ if (x > max_w) max_w = x;
+ if (height_ret) *height_ret = h;
+ return max_w;
GLuint font_dlist,
int window_width, int window_height,
GLfloat x, GLfloat y,
- const char *string)
+ const char *string,
+ Bool clear_background_p)
GLfloat line_height = font->ascent + font->descent;
GLfloat sub_shift = (line_height * 0.3);
- int cw = string_width (font, "m");
+ int cw = string_width (font, "m", 0);
int tabs = cw * 7;
y -= line_height;
+ /* Sadly, this causes a stall of the graphics pipeline (as would the
+ equivalent calls to glGet*.) But there's no way around this, short
+ of having each caller set up the specific display matrix we need
+ here, which would kind of defeat the purpose of centralizing this
+ code in one file.
+ */
glPushAttrib (GL_TRANSFORM_BIT | /* for matrix contents */
- GL_ENABLE_BIT); /* for various glDisable calls */
- glDisable (GL_LIGHTING);
- glDisable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- glDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ GL_ENABLE_BIT | /* for various glDisable calls */
+ GL_CURRENT_BIT | /* for glColor3f() */
+ GL_LIST_BIT); /* for glListBase() */
+# ifdef DEBUG
+ check_gl_error ("glPushAttrib");
+# endif
+ /* disable lighting and texturing when drawing bitmaps!
+ (glPopAttrib() restores these.)
+ */
+ glDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glDisable (GL_LIGHTING);
+ glDisable (GL_BLEND);
+ glDisable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+ glDisable (GL_CULL_FACE);
+ /* glPopAttrib() does not restore matrix changes, so we must
+ push/pop the matrix stacks to be non-intrusive there.
+ */
+# ifdef DEBUG
+ check_gl_error ("glPushMatrix");
+# endif
+ /* Each matrix mode has its own stack, so we need to push/pop
+ them separately. */
unsigned int i;
int x2 = x;
Bool sub_p = False;
- glLoadIdentity();
+# ifdef DEBUG
+ check_gl_error ("glPushMatrix");
+# endif
+ glLoadIdentity();
gluOrtho2D (0, window_width, 0, window_height);
+# ifdef DEBUG
+ check_gl_error ("gluOrtho2D");
+# endif
+ if (clear_background_p)
+ {
+ int w, h;
+ int lh = font->ascent + font->descent;
+ w = string_width (font, string, &h);
+ glColor3f (0, 0, 0);
+ glRecti (x - font->descent,
+ y + lh,
+ x + w + 2*font->descent,
+ y + lh - h - font->descent);
+ glColor3f (1, 1, 1);
+ }
+ /* draw the text */
glRasterPos2f (x, y);
+/* glListBase (font_dlist);*/
for (i = 0; i < strlen(string); i++)
unsigned char c = (unsigned char) string[i];
+/* glCallLists (s - string, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, string);*/
glCallList (font_dlist + (int)(c));
x2 += (font->per_char
? font->per_char[c - font->min_char_or_byte2].width
: font->min_bounds.width);
+# ifdef DEBUG
+ check_gl_error ("print_gl_string");
+# endif
+# ifdef DEBUG
+ check_gl_error ("glPopAttrib");
+# endif
-/* glxfonts, Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+/* glxfonts, Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Loads X11 fonts for use with OpenGL.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
XFontStruct **font_ret,
GLuint *dlist_ret);
-/* Width of the string in pixels. */
-extern int string_width (XFontStruct *f, const char *c);
+/* Bounding box of the string in pixels.
+ */
+extern int string_width (XFontStruct *f, const char *c, int *height_ret);
/* Draws the string on the window at the given pixel position.
Newlines and tab stops are honored.
GLuint font_dlist,
int window_width, int window_height,
GLfloat x, GLfloat y,
- const char *string);
+ const char *string,
+ Bool clear_background_p);
#endif /* __GLXFONTS_H__ */
will only work correctly if numu and numv are set to 64 or any higher
power of 2. Similarly, the banded appearance will only work correctly
if numu and numv are divisible by 4. */
-static void hypertorus(ModeInfo *mi, double umin, double umax, double vmin,
+static int hypertorus(ModeInfo *mi, double umin, double umax, double vmin,
double vmax, int numu, int numv)
+ int polys = 0;
static const GLfloat mat_diff_red[] = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };
static const GLfloat mat_diff_green[] = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 };
static const GLfloat mat_diff_trans_red[] = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7 };
n[2] /= t;
+ polys++;
+ polys /= 2;
+ return polys;
- hypertorus(mi,0.0,2.0*M_PI,0.0,2.0*M_PI,64,64);
+ mi->polygon_count = hypertorus(mi,0.0,2.0*M_PI,0.0,2.0*M_PI,64,64);
.TP 8
.B \-speed-yz \fIfloat\fP
Rotation speed around the yz plane (default: 2.1).
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
If you run this program in standalone mode you can rotate the
hypertorus by dragging the mouse while pressing the left mouse button.
If specified, then each pair of left-wrapping and right-wrapping
spirals will be mirror images of each other.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
#define DEF_HOLD "800"
#define DEF_SPHERISM "75"
#define DEF_DAMPING "500"
+#define DEF_RANDOM "True"
+#define DEF_TETRA "False"
+#define DEF_SPOOKY "0"
#ifndef max
#define max(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
static argtype vars[] = {
- {&random_parms, "random", "Random", "True", t_Bool},
- {&do_tetrahedron, "tetra", "Tetra", "False", t_Bool},
- {&spooky, "spooky", "Spooky", "0", t_Int},
+ {&random_parms, "random", "Random", DEF_RANDOM, t_Bool},
+ {&do_tetrahedron, "tetra", "Tetra", DEF_TETRA, t_Bool},
+ {&spooky, "spooky", "Spooky", DEF_SPOOKY, t_Int},
{&color, "color", "Color", DEF_COLOR, t_String},
{&shininess, "shininess", "Shininess", DEF_SHININESS, t_Int},
{&complexity, "complexity", "Complexity", DEF_COMPLEXITY, t_Int},
* see what the cost is of calling glBegin/glEnd for each
* triangle.
-static inline void face_render(face *f, jigglystruct *js)
+static inline int face_render(face *f, jigglystruct *js)
hedge *h1, *h2, *hend;
+ int polys = 0;
h1 = f->start;
hend = h1->prev;
vertex_render(hend->vtx, js);
h1 = h2;
h2 = h1->next;
+ polys++;
+ return polys;
-static void jigglypuff_render(jigglystruct *js)
+static int jigglypuff_render(jigglystruct *js)
+ int polys = 0;
face *f = js->shape->faces;
vertex *vtx = js->shape->vertices;
vtx = vtx->next;
while(f) {
- face_render(f, js);
+ polys += face_render(f, js);
+ return polys;
/* This is the jiggling code */
- jigglypuff_render(js);
+ mi->polygon_count = jigglypuff_render(js);
js->do_wireframe, js->spooky, js->color_style, js->shininess);*/
-XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("Jigglypuff", jigglypuff)
+XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("JigglyPuff", jigglypuff)
#endif /* USE_GL */
.B \-wireframe
Render in wireframe instead of solid. Default: render solid.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Display frames per second. Default: off.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
.B -tetra | -no-tetra
Whether to start the shape in the form of a tetrahedron. The default
+#define DEF_MAX_OBJS "8"
+#define DEF_MIN_OBJS "3"
+#define DEF_MAX_HINC "6"
+#define DEF_MIN_HINC "2"
+#define DEF_JUGGLE_SPEED "2.2"
+#define DEF_TRANSLATE_SPEED "0.1"
+#define DEF_SPIN_SPEED "20.0"
static JUGGLER3D_CONFIG* pConfigInfo = NULL;
static int MaxObjects;
static int MinObjects;
static float TranslateSpeed;
static float JuggleSpeed;
-static XrmOptionDescRec Options[] =
+static XrmOptionDescRec opts[] =
{"-spin", ".spinSpeed", XrmoptionSepArg, 0},
{"-trans", ".translateSpeed", XrmoptionSepArg, 0},
{"-speed", ".juggleSpeed", XrmoptionSepArg, 0},
{"-maxobjs", ".maxObjs", XrmoptionSepArg, 0},
{"-minobjs", ".minObjs", XrmoptionSepArg, 0},
- {"-maxhinc", ".maxHInc", XrmoptionSepArg, 0},
- {"-minhinc", ".minHInc", XrmoptionSepArg, 0},
+ {"-maxhinc", ".maxHinc", XrmoptionSepArg, 0},
+ {"-minhinc", ".minHinc", XrmoptionSepArg, 0},
-static argtype Vars[] =
+static argtype vars[] =
- {&MaxObjects, "maxObjs", "MaxObjs", "8", t_Int},
- {&MinObjects, "minObjs", "MinObjs", "3", t_Int},
- {&MaxHeightInc, "maxHInc", "MaxHInc", "6", t_Int},
- {&MinHeightInc, "minHInc", "MinHInc", "2", t_Int},
- {&JuggleSpeed, "juggleSpeed", "JuggleSpeed", "2.2", t_Float},
- {&TranslateSpeed, "translateSpeed", "TranslateSpeed", "0.1", t_Float},
- {&SpinSpeed, "spinSpeed", "SpinSpeed", "20.0", t_Float},
+ {&MaxObjects, "maxObjs", "MaxObjs", DEF_MAX_OBJS, t_Int},
+ {&MinObjects, "minObjs", "MinObjs", DEF_MIN_OBJS, t_Int},
+ {&MaxHeightInc, "maxHinc", "MaxHinc", DEF_MAX_HINC, t_Int},
+ {&MinHeightInc, "minHinc", "MinHinc", DEF_MIN_HINC, t_Int},
+ {&JuggleSpeed, "juggleSpeed", "JuggleSpeed", DEF_JUGGLE_SPEED, t_Float},
+ {&TranslateSpeed, "translateSpeed", "TranslateSpeed", DEF_TRANSLATE_SPEED, t_Float},
+ {&SpinSpeed, "spinSpeed", "SpinSpeed", DEF_SPIN_SPEED, t_Float},
-ENTRYPOINT ModeSpecOpt juggler3d_opts = {countof(Options), Options, countof(Vars), Vars};
+ENTRYPOINT ModeSpecOpt juggler3d_opts = {countof(opts), opts, countof(vars), vars};
ENTRYPOINT void reshape_juggler3d(ModeInfo *mi, int width, int height)
.B \-wireframe | \-no-wireframe
Render in wireframe instead of solid.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
#define DEF_SPIN "True"
#define DEF_WANDER "False"
-#define DEF_RANDOM "True"
+#define DEF_RAND "True"
#define DEF_SPEED "150"
#include "rotator.h"
static argtype vars[] = {
- {&rand, "rand", "Random", DEF_RANDOM, t_Bool},
+ {&rand, "rand", "Random", DEF_RAND, t_Bool},
{&do_spin, "spin", "Spin", DEF_SPIN, t_Bool},
{&do_wander, "wander", "Wander", DEF_WANDER, t_Bool},
{&speed, "speed", "Speed", DEF_SPEED, t_Int},
double u, v;
float coord[3];
+ mi->polygon_count = 0;
coord[2] = sin(u/2)*sin(v) + cos(u/2)*sin(2*v)/2;
glColor3f(coord[0]+0.7, coord[1]+0.7, coord[2]+0.7);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
coord[2] = kp->a*(cos(v) + sin(tan((v/2))))+0.2*u;
glColor3f(coord[0]+0.7, coord[1]+0.7, coord[2]+0.7);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
coord[2] = u*u-v*v;
glColor3f(coord[0]+0.7, coord[1]+0.7, coord[2]+0.7);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
glColor3f(coord[0]+0.7, coord[1]+0.7, coord[2]+0.7);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
coord[2] = v*sin(u/2);
glColor3f(coord[0]+0.7, coord[1]+0.7, coord[2]+0.7);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
coord[2] = sin(kp->b+=0.00001)*v/(2*M_PI)+kp->a*(1-v/(2*M_PI))*sin(u);
glColor3f(coord[0]+0.7, coord[1]+0.7, coord[2]+0.7);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
coord[2] = u;
glColor3f(coord[0]+0.7, coord[1]+0.7, coord[2]+0.7);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
coord[2] = sin(v);
glColor3f(coord[0]+0.7, coord[1]+0.7, coord[2]+0.7);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
coord[2] = sin(u/2)*cos(v) + cos(u/2)*sin(v);
glColor3f(coord[0]+0.7, coord[1]+0.7, coord[2]+0.7);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
+ if (kp->render == GL_LINES)
+ mi->polygon_count /= 2;
kp->a = sin(kp->draw_step+=0.01);
kp->b = cos(kp->draw_step+=0.01);
.B \-spin | \no-spin
Whether to rotate around the centre of the figure.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
How long to pause between frames. Default is 20000, or 0.02 second.
.TP 8
.B \-fps
-Display a running tally of how many frames per second are being rendered.
-In conjunction with \fB\-delay 0\fP, this can be a useful benchmark of
-your GL performance.
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
The options "-resolution 10 -no-smooth" look kind of interesting.
.TP 8
.B \-fps
-Display a running tally of how many frames per second are being rendered.
-In conjunction with \fB\-delay 0\fP, this can be a useful benchmark of
-your GL performance.
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
.B \-count \fIinteger\fP
The maximum number of blobs that can be in motion at once.
static int g_blinkdwell_min,
+#define DEF_BLINK "True"
+#define DEF_ROTATEIDLEMIN "1000"
+#define DEF_ROTATEIDLEMAX "6000"
+#define DEF_BLINKIDLEMIN "1000"
+#define DEF_BLINKIDLEMAX "9000"
+#define DEF_BLINKDWELLMIN "100"
+#define DEF_BLINKDWELLMAX "600"
static XrmOptionDescRec opts[] = {
{ "-blink", ".blink", XrmoptionNoArg, "on" },
{ "+blink", ".blink", XrmoptionNoArg, "off" },
- { "-rotateidle-min", ".rotateidle-min", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
- { "-rotateidle-max", ".rotateidle-max", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
- { "-blinkidle-min", ".blinkidle-min", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
- { "-blinkidle-max", ".blinkidle-max", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
- { "-blinkdwell-min", ".blinkdwell-min", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
- { "-blinkdwell-max", ".blinkdwell-max", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-rotateidle-min", ".rotateidlemin", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-rotateidle-max", ".rotateidlemax", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-blinkidle-min", ".blinkidlemin", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-blinkidle-max", ".blinkidlemax", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-blinkdwell-min", ".blinkdwellmin", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-blinkdwell-max", ".blinkdwellmax", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
static argtype vars[] = {
- { &g_blink_p, "blink", "Blink", "True", t_Bool },
- { &g_rotateidle_min, "rotateidle-min", "Rotateidle-min", "1000", t_Int },
- { &g_rotateidle_max, "rotateidle-max", "Rotateidle-max", "6000", t_Int },
- { &g_blinkidle_min, "blinkidle-min", "Blinkidle-min", "1000", t_Int },
- { &g_blinkidle_max, "blinkidle-max", "Blinkidle-max", "9000", t_Int },
- { &g_blinkdwell_min, "blinkdwell-min", "Blinkdwell-min", "100", t_Int },
- { &g_blinkdwell_max, "blinkdwell-max", "Blinkdwell-max", "600", t_Int },
+ { &g_blink_p, "blink", "Blink", DEF_BLINK, t_Bool },
+ { &g_rotateidle_min, "rotateidlemin", "Rotateidlemin", DEF_ROTATEIDLEMIN, t_Int },
+ { &g_rotateidle_max, "rotateidlemax", "Rotateidlemax", DEF_ROTATEIDLEMAX, t_Int },
+ { &g_blinkidle_min, "blinkidlemin", "Blinkidlemin", DEF_BLINKIDLEMIN, t_Int },
+ { &g_blinkidle_max, "blinkidlemax", "Blinkidlemax", DEF_BLINKIDLEMAX, t_Int },
+ { &g_blinkdwell_min, "blinkdwellmin", "Blinkdwellmin", DEF_BLINKDWELLMIN, t_Int },
+ { &g_blinkdwell_max, "blinkdwellmax", "Blinkdwellmax", DEF_BLINKDWELLMAX, t_Int },
static OptionStruct desc[] = {
[\-window-id \fIarg\fP]
[\-delay \fIusec\fP]
-[\-fps | \-no-fps]
[\-blink | \-no-blink]
[\-rotateidle-min \fImsec\fP]
[\-rotateidle-max \fImsec\fP]
.B \-blink | \-no-blink
Enables/disables the blinking effects. Default: Enabled.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Enables/disables display of frames per second at bottom of window. Default:
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
.B \-rotateidle-min \fImilliseconds
.TP 8
.B \-wireframe
Render in wireframe instead of solid.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
{"+texture", ".blob.texture", XrmoptionNoArg, "false" },
{"-colour", ".blob.colour", XrmoptionNoArg, "true" },
{"+colour", ".blob.colour", XrmoptionNoArg, "false" },
- {"-offset-texture", ".blob.offset_texture", XrmoptionNoArg, "true" },
- {"+offset-texture", ".blob.offset_texture", XrmoptionNoArg, "false" },
- {"-paint-background", ".blob.paint_background", XrmoptionNoArg, "true" },
- {"+paint-background", ".blob.paint_background", XrmoptionNoArg, "false" },
+ {"-offset-texture", ".blob.offsetTexture", XrmoptionNoArg, "true" },
+ {"+offset-texture", ".blob.offsetTexture", XrmoptionNoArg, "false" },
+ {"-paint-background", ".blob.paintBackground", XrmoptionNoArg, "true" },
+ {"+paint-background", ".blob.paintBackground", XrmoptionNoArg, "false" },
{"-resolution", ".blob.resolution", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL },
{"-bumps", ".blob.bumps", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL },
- {"-motion-blur", ".blob.motion_blur", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
- {"-fade-time", ".blob.fade_time", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
- {"-hold-time", ".blob.hold_time", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ {"-motion-blur", ".blob.motionBlur", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ {"-fade-time", ".blob.fadeTime", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ {"-hold-time", ".blob.holdTime", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{"-zoom", ".blob.zoom", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{&do_walls, "walls", "Walls", DEF_WALLS, t_Bool},
{&do_texture, "texture", "Texture", DEF_TEXTURE, t_Bool},
{&do_colour, "colour", "Colour", DEF_COLOUR, t_Bool},
- {&offset_texture, "offset_texture","Offset_Texture", DEF_OFFSET_TEXTURE, t_Bool},
- {&do_paint_background,"paint_background","Paint_Background", DEF_PAINT_BACKGROUND, t_Bool},
+ {&offset_texture, "offsetTexture","OffsetTexture", DEF_OFFSET_TEXTURE, t_Bool},
+ {&do_paint_background,"paintBackground","PaintBackground", DEF_PAINT_BACKGROUND, t_Bool},
{&resolution, "resolution", "Resolution", DEF_RESOLUTION, t_Int},
{&bumps, "bumps", "Bump", DEF_BUMPS, t_Int},
- {&motion_blur, "motion_blur", "Motion_Blur", DEF_MOTION_BLUR, t_Float},
- {&fade_time, "fade_time", "Fade_Time", DEF_FADE_TIME, t_Float},
- {&hold_time, "hold_time", "Hold_Time", DEF_HOLD_TIME, t_Float},
+ {&motion_blur, "motionBlur", "MotionBlur", DEF_MOTION_BLUR, t_Float},
+ {&fade_time, "fadeTime", "FadeTime", DEF_FADE_TIME, t_Float},
+ {&hold_time, "holdTime", "HoldTime", DEF_HOLD_TIME, t_Float},
{&zoom, "zoom", "Zoom", DEF_ZOOM, t_Float},
double current_time;
check_gl_error ("draw_scene");
+ mi->polygon_count = 0;
glColor4d(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
current_time = double_time();
draw_background (mi);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
/* When transitioning between two images paint the new image over the old
* image with a varying alpha value to get a smooth fade.
glColor4d (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 - fade);
draw_background (mi);
+ mi->polygon_count++;
/* Select the original texture to draw the blob */
glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, gp->textures[gp->current_texture]);
/* Disable the three colour chanels so that only the depth buffer is updated */
+ mi->polygon_count += gp->num_faces;
+ mi->polygon_count += gp->num_faces;
/* While transitioning between images draw a second blob with a modified
* alpha value.
draw_blob (gp);
+ mi->polygon_count += gp->num_faces;
if (do_colour)
.B \-zoom \fInumber\fP
Size multiplier for blob.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
# define refresh_moebius 0
# define DEFAULTS "*delay: 20000 \n" \
"*showFPS: False \n"
# include "xlockmore.h" /* from the xscreensaver distribution */
#else /* !STANDALONE */
# include "xlock.h" /* from the xlockmore distribution */
.B \-noants | \-no-noants
Draw Ants. Boolean.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
.B \-wireframe
Render in wireframe instead of solid.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
#define DEFAULTS "*delay: 10000 \n" \
"*showFPS: False \n" \
"*wireframe: False \n" \
- "*atomFont: -*-times-bold-r-normal-*-240-*\n" \
- "*titleFont: -*-times-bold-r-normal-*-180-*\n" \
+ "*atomFont: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-240-*\n" \
+ "*titleFont: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-180-*\n" \
"*noLabelThreshold: 30 \n" \
"*wireframeThreshold: 150 \n" \
#define DEF_TITLES "True"
#define DEF_ATOMS "True"
#define DEF_BONDS "True"
-#define DEF_SHELLS "True"
+#define DEF_ESHELLS "True"
#define DEF_BBOX "False"
#define DEF_SHELL_ALPHA "0.3"
#define DEF_MOLECULE "(default)"
{&do_wander, "wander", "Wander", DEF_WANDER, t_Bool},
{&do_atoms, "atoms", "Atoms", DEF_ATOMS, t_Bool},
{&do_bonds, "bonds", "Bonds", DEF_BONDS, t_Bool},
- {&do_shells, "eshells", "EShells", DEF_SHELLS, t_Bool},
+ {&do_shells, "eshells", "EShells", DEF_ESHELLS, t_Bool},
{&do_labels, "labels", "Labels", DEF_LABELS, t_Bool},
{&do_titles, "titles", "Titles", DEF_TITLES, t_Bool},
{&do_bbox, "bbox", "BBox", DEF_BBOX, t_Bool},
print_gl_string (mi->dpy, mc->xfont2, mc->font2_dlist,
mi->xgwa.width, mi->xgwa.height,
10, mi->xgwa.height - 10,
- s);
+ s, False);
glXSwapBuffers(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_WINDOW(mi));
/* Before drawing the string, shift the origin to center
the text over the origin of the sphere. */
glBitmap (0, 0, 0, 0,
- -string_width (mc->xfont1, a->label) / 2,
+ -string_width (mc->xfont1, a->label, 0) / 2,
print_gl_string (mi->dpy, mc->xfont2, mc->font2_dlist,
mi->xgwa.width, mi->xgwa.height,
10, mi->xgwa.height - 10,
- m->label);
+ m->label, False);
or the id number (decimal or hex) of a specific visual.
.TP 8
.B \-fps
-Display a running tally of how many frames per second are being rendered.
-In conjunction with \fB\-delay 0\fP, this can be a useful benchmark of
-your GL performance.
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
.B \-verbose
Print debugging info on stderr about files being loaded, etc.
NeiBX=Factor2*Xf-VertX; NeiBY=Factor2*Yb-VertY; NeiBZ=Factor2*Zf-VertZ; \
glNormal3f(VectMul(NeiAX, NeiAY, NeiAZ, NeiBX, NeiBY, NeiBZ)); \
glVertex3f(VertX, VertY, VertZ); \
+ mi->polygon_count++; \
Xf-=Ax; Yf-=Ay; Xa-=Ax; Yb-=Ay; \
NeiBX=Factor2*Xf-VertX; NeiBY=Factor2*Yb-VertY; NeiBZ=Factor2*Zf-VertZ; \
glNormal3f(VectMul(NeiAX, NeiAY, NeiAZ, NeiBX, NeiBY, NeiBZ)); \
glVertex3f(VertX, VertY, VertZ); \
+ mi->polygon_count++; \
Xf-=Ax; Yf+=Ay; Xa-=Ax; Yb+=Ay; \
} \
NeiBX=Factor2*Xf-VertX; NeiBY=Factor2*Yb-VertY; NeiBZ=Factor2*Zf-VertZ; \
glNormal3f(VectMul(NeiAX, NeiAY, NeiAZ, NeiBX, NeiBY, NeiBZ)); \
glVertex3f(VertX, VertY, VertZ); \
+ mi->polygon_count++; \
} \
glEnd(); \
} \
NeiAX=Factor1*Xa-VertX; NeiAY=Factor1*Yf-VertY; NeiAZ=Factor1*Zf-VertZ; \
NeiBX=Factor2*Xf-VertX; NeiBY=Factor2*Yb-VertY; NeiBZ=Factor2*Zf-VertZ; \
glNormal3f(VectMul(NeiAX, NeiAY, NeiAZ, NeiBX, NeiBY, NeiBZ)); \
- glVertex3f(VertX, VertY, VertZ); \
+ glVertex3f(VertX, VertY, VertZ); \
+ mi->polygon_count++; \
Xf-=x[Fi]; Yf-=y[Fi]; Xa-=x[Fi]; Yb-=y[Fi]; \
- Factor=1-(((Xf2=sqr(Xf))+(Yf2=sqr(Yf)))*AmpVr2); \
- Factor1=1-((sqr(Xa)+Yf2)*AmpVr2); \
- Factor2=1-((Xf2+sqr(Yb))*AmpVr2); \
+ Factor=1-(((Xf2=sqr(Xf))+(Yf2=sqr(Yf)))*AmpVr2); \
+ Factor1=1-((sqr(Xa)+Yf2)*AmpVr2); \
+ Factor2=1-((Xf2+sqr(Yb))*AmpVr2); \
VertX=Factor*Xf; VertY=Factor*Yf; VertZ=Factor*Zf; \
NeiAX=Factor1*Xa-VertX; NeiAY=Factor1*Yf-VertY; NeiAZ=Factor1*Zf-VertZ; \
NeiBX=Factor2*Xf-VertX; NeiBY=Factor2*Yb-VertY; NeiBZ=Factor2*Zf-VertZ; \
glNormal3f(VectMul(NeiAX, NeiAY, NeiAZ, NeiBX, NeiBY, NeiBZ)); \
- glVertex3f(VertX, VertY, VertZ); \
+ glVertex3f(VertX, VertY, VertZ); \
+ mi->polygon_count++; \
} \
Xf=(float)Ri*x[Fi+1]; \
glEnd(); \
} \
} \
- VS=(Factor<0); \
+ VS=(Factor<0); \
static void
if (!mp->glx_context)
+ mi->polygon_count = 0;
glXMakeCurrent(display, window, *(mp->glx_context));
.B \-delay \fInumber\fP
Per-frame delay, in microseconds. Default: 40000 (0.04 seconds.).
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
#define N_SHAPES 7
+/* For some reason this hack screws up on Cocoa if we try to double-buffer it.
+ It looks fine single-buffered, so let's just do that. */
+static int dbuf_p = 0;
ENTRYPOINT ModeSpecOpt noof_opts = {0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL};
typedef struct {
0.22824, 0.21256, 0.19891, 0.18693, 0.17633, 0.16687,
-static void
+static int
drawleaf(noof_configuration *bp, int l)
+ int polys = 0;
int b, blades;
float x, y;
float wobble;
initshapes(bp, l); /* let it become reborn as something
else */
- return;
+ return polys;
} {
float w1 = sin(bp->geep[l] * 15.3 * M_PI / 180.0);
wobble = 3.0 + 2.00 * sin(bp->geep[l] * 0.4 * M_PI / 180.0) + 3.94261 * w1;
glVertex2f(x, y);
glVertex2f(x, -y); /* C */
glVertex2f(0.3, 0.0); /* D */
+ polys += 2;
glVertex2f(x, y);
glVertex2f(0.3, 0.0); /* D */
glVertex2f(x, -y); /* C */
+ polys += 3;
+ return polys;
static void
if (!bp->glx_context)
glXMakeCurrent(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_WINDOW(mi), *(bp->glx_context));
+ mi->polygon_count = 0;
if((random() & 0xff) == 0x34){
for (i = 0; i < N_SHAPES; i++) {
motionUpdate(bp, i);
colorUpdate(bp, i);
- drawleaf(bp, i);
+ mi->polygon_count += drawleaf(bp, i);
if (mi->fps_p) do_fps (mi);
-/* For some reason this hack screws up on Cocoa if we try to double-buffer it.
- It looks fine single-buffered, so let's just do that. */
-/* glXSwapBuffers(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_WINDOW(mi)); */
+ if (dbuf_p)
+ glXSwapBuffers(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_WINDOW(mi));
bp->glx_context = init_GL(mi);
- glDrawBuffer(GL_FRONT);
+ glDrawBuffer(dbuf_p ? GL_BACK : GL_FRONT);
glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
.TP 8
.B \-delay \fInumber\fP
Per-frame delay, in microseconds. Default: 10000 (0.01 seconds.).
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
#define DEFAULTS "*delay: 15000 \n" \
"*showFPS: False \n" \
"*wireframe: False \n" \
- "*titleFont: -*-times-bold-r-normal-*-180-*\n" \
- "*titleFont2: -*-times-bold-r-normal-*-120-*\n" \
- "*titleFont3: -*-times-bold-r-normal-*-80-*\n" \
+ "*titleFont: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-180-*\n" \
+ "*titleFont2: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-120-*\n" \
+ "*titleFont3: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-80-*\n" \
# define refresh_pinion 0
# define release_pinion 0
print_gl_string (mi->dpy, f, fl,
mi->xgwa.width, mi->xgwa.height,
10, mi->xgwa.height - 10,
- label);
+ label, False);
glEndList ();
Render in wireframe instead of solid.
.TP 8
.B \-fps
-Display a running tally of how many frames per second are being rendered.
-In conjunction with \fB\-delay 0\fP, this can be a useful benchmark of
-your GL performance.
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
static const GLfloat BigValve_PNTS[] =
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.614672, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.599497, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.576788, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.523212, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.500503, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.485328, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.480000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.485328, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.500503, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.523212, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.576788, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.599497, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.614672, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.620000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.602861, (GLfloat) 0.119916,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.587978, (GLfloat) 0.116956,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.565705, (GLfloat) 0.112526,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.539432, (GLfloat) 0.107300,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.513159, (GLfloat) 0.102074,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.490886, (GLfloat) 0.097643,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.476003, (GLfloat) 0.094683,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.470777, (GLfloat) 0.093643,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.476003, (GLfloat) 0.094683,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.490886, (GLfloat) 0.097643,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.513159, (GLfloat) 0.102074,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) 0.539432, (GLfloat) 0.107300,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.565705, (GLfloat) 0.112526,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.587978, (GLfloat) 0.116956,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.602861, (GLfloat) 0.119916,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.608087, (GLfloat) 0.120956,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.567882, (GLfloat) 0.235225,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.553863, (GLfloat) 0.229418,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.532882, (GLfloat) 0.220727,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.508134, (GLfloat) 0.210476,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.483385, (GLfloat) 0.200225,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.462404, (GLfloat) 0.191534,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.448385, (GLfloat) 0.185727,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.443462, (GLfloat) 0.183688,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.448385, (GLfloat) 0.185727,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.462404, (GLfloat) 0.191534,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.483385, (GLfloat) 0.200225,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) 0.508134, (GLfloat) 0.210476,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.532882, (GLfloat) 0.220727,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.553863, (GLfloat) 0.229418,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.567882, (GLfloat) 0.235225,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.572805, (GLfloat) 0.237264,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.511081, (GLfloat) 0.341493,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.498464, (GLfloat) 0.333063,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.479582, (GLfloat) 0.320446,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.457308, (GLfloat) 0.305564,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.435035, (GLfloat) 0.290681,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.416153, (GLfloat) 0.278064,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.403536, (GLfloat) 0.269634,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.399105, (GLfloat) 0.266674,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.403536, (GLfloat) 0.269634,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.416153, (GLfloat) 0.278064,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.435035, (GLfloat) 0.290681,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) 0.457308, (GLfloat) 0.305564,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.479582, (GLfloat) 0.320446,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.498464, (GLfloat) 0.333063,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.511081, (GLfloat) 0.341493,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.515511, (GLfloat) 0.344454,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.434638, (GLfloat) 0.434638,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.423909, (GLfloat) 0.423909,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.407851, (GLfloat) 0.407851,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.388909, (GLfloat) 0.388909,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.369967, (GLfloat) 0.369967,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.353909, (GLfloat) 0.353909,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.343179, (GLfloat) 0.343179,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.339411, (GLfloat) 0.339411,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.343179, (GLfloat) 0.343179,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.353909, (GLfloat) 0.353909,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.369967, (GLfloat) 0.369967,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) 0.388909, (GLfloat) 0.388909,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.407851, (GLfloat) 0.407851,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.423909, (GLfloat) 0.423909,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.434638, (GLfloat) 0.434638,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.438406, (GLfloat) 0.438406,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.341493, (GLfloat) 0.511081,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.333063, (GLfloat) 0.498464,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.320446, (GLfloat) 0.479582,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.305564, (GLfloat) 0.457308,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.290681, (GLfloat) 0.435035,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.278064, (GLfloat) 0.416153,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.269634, (GLfloat) 0.403536,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.266674, (GLfloat) 0.399105,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.269634, (GLfloat) 0.403536,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.278064, (GLfloat) 0.416153,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.290681, (GLfloat) 0.435035,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) 0.305564, (GLfloat) 0.457308,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.320446, (GLfloat) 0.479582,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.333063, (GLfloat) 0.498464,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.341493, (GLfloat) 0.511081,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.344454, (GLfloat) 0.515511,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.235225, (GLfloat) 0.567882,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.229418, (GLfloat) 0.553863,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.220727, (GLfloat) 0.532882,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.210476, (GLfloat) 0.508134,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.200225, (GLfloat) 0.483385,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.191534, (GLfloat) 0.462404,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.185727, (GLfloat) 0.448385,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.183688, (GLfloat) 0.443462,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.185727, (GLfloat) 0.448385,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.191534, (GLfloat) 0.462404,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.200225, (GLfloat) 0.483385,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) 0.210476, (GLfloat) 0.508134,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.220727, (GLfloat) 0.532882,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.229418, (GLfloat) 0.553863,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.235225, (GLfloat) 0.567882,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.237264, (GLfloat) 0.572805,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.119916, (GLfloat) 0.602861,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.116956, (GLfloat) 0.587978,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.112526, (GLfloat) 0.565705,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.107300, (GLfloat) 0.539432,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.102074, (GLfloat) 0.513159,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.097643, (GLfloat) 0.490886,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.094683, (GLfloat) 0.476003,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.093643, (GLfloat) 0.470777,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.094683, (GLfloat) 0.476003,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.097643, (GLfloat) 0.490886,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.102074, (GLfloat) 0.513159,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) 0.107300, (GLfloat) 0.539432,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.112526, (GLfloat) 0.565705,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.116956, (GLfloat) 0.587978,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.119916, (GLfloat) 0.602861,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.120956, (GLfloat) 0.608087,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.614672,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.599497,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.576788,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.523212,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.500503,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.485328,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.480000,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.485328,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.500503,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.523212,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.576788,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.599497,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.614672,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.620000,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.119916, (GLfloat) 0.602861,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.116956, (GLfloat) 0.587978,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.112526, (GLfloat) 0.565705,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.107300, (GLfloat) 0.539432,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.102074, (GLfloat) 0.513159,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.097643, (GLfloat) 0.490886,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.094683, (GLfloat) 0.476003,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.093643, (GLfloat) 0.470777,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.094683, (GLfloat) 0.476003,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.097643, (GLfloat) 0.490886,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.102074, (GLfloat) 0.513159,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) - 0.107300, (GLfloat) 0.539432,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.112526, (GLfloat) 0.565705,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.116956, (GLfloat) 0.587978,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.119916, (GLfloat) 0.602861,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.120956, (GLfloat) 0.608087,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.235225, (GLfloat) 0.567882,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.229418, (GLfloat) 0.553863,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.220727, (GLfloat) 0.532882,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.210476, (GLfloat) 0.508134,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.200225, (GLfloat) 0.483385,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.191534, (GLfloat) 0.462404,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.185727, (GLfloat) 0.448385,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.183688, (GLfloat) 0.443462,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.185727, (GLfloat) 0.448385,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.191534, (GLfloat) 0.462404,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.200225, (GLfloat) 0.483385,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) - 0.210476, (GLfloat) 0.508134,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.220727, (GLfloat) 0.532882,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.229418, (GLfloat) 0.553863,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.235225, (GLfloat) 0.567882,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.237264, (GLfloat) 0.572805,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.341493, (GLfloat) 0.511081,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.333063, (GLfloat) 0.498464,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.320446, (GLfloat) 0.479582,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.305564, (GLfloat) 0.457308,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.290681, (GLfloat) 0.435035,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.278064, (GLfloat) 0.416153,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.269634, (GLfloat) 0.403536,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.266674, (GLfloat) 0.399105,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.269634, (GLfloat) 0.403536,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.278064, (GLfloat) 0.416153,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.290681, (GLfloat) 0.435035,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) - 0.305564, (GLfloat) 0.457308,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.320446, (GLfloat) 0.479582,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.333063, (GLfloat) 0.498464,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.341493, (GLfloat) 0.511081,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.344454, (GLfloat) 0.515511,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.434638, (GLfloat) 0.434638,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.423909, (GLfloat) 0.423909,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.407851, (GLfloat) 0.407851,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.388909, (GLfloat) 0.388909,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.369967, (GLfloat) 0.369967,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.353909, (GLfloat) 0.353909,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.343179, (GLfloat) 0.343179,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.339411, (GLfloat) 0.339411,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.343179, (GLfloat) 0.343179,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.353909, (GLfloat) 0.353909,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.369967, (GLfloat) 0.369967,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) - 0.388909, (GLfloat) 0.388909,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.407851, (GLfloat) 0.407851,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.423909, (GLfloat) 0.423909,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.434638, (GLfloat) 0.434638,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.438406, (GLfloat) 0.438406,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.511081, (GLfloat) 0.341493,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.498464, (GLfloat) 0.333063,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.479582, (GLfloat) 0.320446,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.457308, (GLfloat) 0.305564,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.435035, (GLfloat) 0.290681,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.416153, (GLfloat) 0.278064,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.403536, (GLfloat) 0.269634,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.399105, (GLfloat) 0.266674,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.403536, (GLfloat) 0.269634,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.416153, (GLfloat) 0.278064,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.435035, (GLfloat) 0.290681,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) - 0.457308, (GLfloat) 0.305564,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.479582, (GLfloat) 0.320446,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.498464, (GLfloat) 0.333063,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.511081, (GLfloat) 0.341493,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.515511, (GLfloat) 0.344454,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.567882, (GLfloat) 0.235225,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.553863, (GLfloat) 0.229418,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.532882, (GLfloat) 0.220727,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.508134, (GLfloat) 0.210476,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.483385, (GLfloat) 0.200225,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.462404, (GLfloat) 0.191534,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.448385, (GLfloat) 0.185727,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.443462, (GLfloat) 0.183688,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.448385, (GLfloat) 0.185727,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.462404, (GLfloat) 0.191534,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.483385, (GLfloat) 0.200225,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) - 0.508134, (GLfloat) 0.210476,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.532882, (GLfloat) 0.220727,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.553863, (GLfloat) 0.229418,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.567882, (GLfloat) 0.235225,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.572805, (GLfloat) 0.237264,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.602861, (GLfloat) 0.119916,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.587978, (GLfloat) 0.116956,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.565705, (GLfloat) 0.112526,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.539432, (GLfloat) 0.107300,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.513159, (GLfloat) 0.102074,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.490886, (GLfloat) 0.097643,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.476003, (GLfloat) 0.094683,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.470777, (GLfloat) 0.093643,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.476003, (GLfloat) 0.094683,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.490886, (GLfloat) 0.097643,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.513159, (GLfloat) 0.102074,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) - 0.539432, (GLfloat) 0.107300,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.565705, (GLfloat) 0.112526,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.587978, (GLfloat) 0.116956,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.602861, (GLfloat) 0.119916,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.608087, (GLfloat) 0.120956,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.614672, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.599497, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.576788, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.523212, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.500503, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.485328, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.480000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.485328, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.500503, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.523212, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) - 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.576788, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.599497, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.614672, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.620000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.602861, (GLfloat) - 0.119916,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.587978, (GLfloat) - 0.116956,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.565705, (GLfloat) - 0.112526,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.539432, (GLfloat) - 0.107300,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.513159, (GLfloat) - 0.102074,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.490886, (GLfloat) - 0.097643,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.476003, (GLfloat) - 0.094683,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.470777, (GLfloat) - 0.093643,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.476003, (GLfloat) - 0.094683,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.490886, (GLfloat) - 0.097643,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.513159, (GLfloat) - 0.102074,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) - 0.539432, (GLfloat) - 0.107300,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.565705, (GLfloat) - 0.112526,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.587978, (GLfloat) - 0.116956,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.602861, (GLfloat) - 0.119916,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.608087, (GLfloat) - 0.120956,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.567882, (GLfloat) - 0.235225,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.553863, (GLfloat) - 0.229418,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.532882, (GLfloat) - 0.220727,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.508134, (GLfloat) - 0.210476,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.483385, (GLfloat) - 0.200225,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.462404, (GLfloat) - 0.191534,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.448385, (GLfloat) - 0.185727,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.443462, (GLfloat) - 0.183688,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.448385, (GLfloat) - 0.185727,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.462404, (GLfloat) - 0.191534,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.483385, (GLfloat) - 0.200225,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) - 0.508134, (GLfloat) - 0.210476,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.532882, (GLfloat) - 0.220727,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.553863, (GLfloat) - 0.229418,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.567882, (GLfloat) - 0.235225,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.572805, (GLfloat) - 0.237264,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.511081, (GLfloat) - 0.341493,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.498464, (GLfloat) - 0.333063,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.479582, (GLfloat) - 0.320446,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.457308, (GLfloat) - 0.305564,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.435035, (GLfloat) - 0.290681,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.416153, (GLfloat) - 0.278064,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.403536, (GLfloat) - 0.269634,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.399105, (GLfloat) - 0.266674,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.403536, (GLfloat) - 0.269634,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.416153, (GLfloat) - 0.278064,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.435035, (GLfloat) - 0.290681,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) - 0.457308, (GLfloat) - 0.305564,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.479582, (GLfloat) - 0.320446,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.498464, (GLfloat) - 0.333063,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.511081, (GLfloat) - 0.341493,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.515511, (GLfloat) - 0.344454,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.434638, (GLfloat) - 0.434638,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.423909, (GLfloat) - 0.423909,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.407851, (GLfloat) - 0.407851,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.388909, (GLfloat) - 0.388909,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.369967, (GLfloat) - 0.369967,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.353909, (GLfloat) - 0.353909,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.343179, (GLfloat) - 0.343179,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.339411, (GLfloat) - 0.339411,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.343179, (GLfloat) - 0.343179,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.353909, (GLfloat) - 0.353909,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.369967, (GLfloat) - 0.369967,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) - 0.388909, (GLfloat) - 0.388909,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.407851, (GLfloat) - 0.407851,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.423909, (GLfloat) - 0.423909,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.434638, (GLfloat) - 0.434638,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.438406, (GLfloat) - 0.438406,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.341493, (GLfloat) - 0.511081,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.333063, (GLfloat) - 0.498464,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.320446, (GLfloat) - 0.479582,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.305564, (GLfloat) - 0.457308,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.290681, (GLfloat) - 0.435035,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.278064, (GLfloat) - 0.416153,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.269634, (GLfloat) - 0.403536,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.266674, (GLfloat) - 0.399105,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.269634, (GLfloat) - 0.403536,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.278064, (GLfloat) - 0.416153,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.290681, (GLfloat) - 0.435035,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) - 0.305564, (GLfloat) - 0.457308,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.320446, (GLfloat) - 0.479582,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.333063, (GLfloat) - 0.498464,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.341493, (GLfloat) - 0.511081,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.344454, (GLfloat) - 0.515511,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.235225, (GLfloat) - 0.567882,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.229418, (GLfloat) - 0.553863,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.220727, (GLfloat) - 0.532882,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.210476, (GLfloat) - 0.508134,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.200225, (GLfloat) - 0.483385,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.191534, (GLfloat) - 0.462404,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.185727, (GLfloat) - 0.448385,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.183688, (GLfloat) - 0.443462,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.185727, (GLfloat) - 0.448385,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.191534, (GLfloat) - 0.462404,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.200225, (GLfloat) - 0.483385,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) - 0.210476, (GLfloat) - 0.508134,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.220727, (GLfloat) - 0.532882,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.229418, (GLfloat) - 0.553863,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.235225, (GLfloat) - 0.567882,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.237264, (GLfloat) - 0.572805,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.119916, (GLfloat) - 0.602861,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.116956, (GLfloat) - 0.587978,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.112526, (GLfloat) - 0.565705,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.107300, (GLfloat) - 0.539432,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.102074, (GLfloat) - 0.513159,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.097643, (GLfloat) - 0.490885,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.094683, (GLfloat) - 0.476003,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.093643, (GLfloat) - 0.470777,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.094683, (GLfloat) - 0.476003,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.097643, (GLfloat) - 0.490885,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.102074, (GLfloat) - 0.513159,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) - 0.107300, (GLfloat) - 0.539432,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.112526, (GLfloat) - 0.565705,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.116956, (GLfloat) - 0.587978,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.119916, (GLfloat) - 0.602861,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.120956, (GLfloat) - 0.608087,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.614672,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.599497,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.576788,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.523212,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.500503,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.485328,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.480000,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.485328,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.500503,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.523212,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.576788,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.599497,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.614672,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.620000,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.119916, (GLfloat) - 0.602861,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.116956, (GLfloat) - 0.587978,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.112526, (GLfloat) - 0.565705,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.107300, (GLfloat) - 0.539432,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.102074, (GLfloat) - 0.513159,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.097643, (GLfloat) - 0.490886,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.094683, (GLfloat) - 0.476003,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.093643, (GLfloat) - 0.470777,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.094683, (GLfloat) - 0.476003,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.097643, (GLfloat) - 0.490886,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.102074, (GLfloat) - 0.513159,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) 0.107300, (GLfloat) - 0.539432,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.112526, (GLfloat) - 0.565705,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.116956, (GLfloat) - 0.587978,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.119916, (GLfloat) - 0.602861,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.120956, (GLfloat) - 0.608087,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.235225, (GLfloat) - 0.567882,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.229418, (GLfloat) - 0.553863,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.220727, (GLfloat) - 0.532882,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.210476, (GLfloat) - 0.508134,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.200225, (GLfloat) - 0.483385,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.191534, (GLfloat) - 0.462404,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.185727, (GLfloat) - 0.448385,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.183688, (GLfloat) - 0.443462,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.185727, (GLfloat) - 0.448385,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.191534, (GLfloat) - 0.462404,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.200225, (GLfloat) - 0.483385,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) 0.210476, (GLfloat) - 0.508134,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.220727, (GLfloat) - 0.532882,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.229418, (GLfloat) - 0.553863,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.235225, (GLfloat) - 0.567882,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.237264, (GLfloat) - 0.572805,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.341493, (GLfloat) - 0.511081,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.333063, (GLfloat) - 0.498464,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.320446, (GLfloat) - 0.479582,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.305564, (GLfloat) - 0.457308,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.290681, (GLfloat) - 0.435035,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.278064, (GLfloat) - 0.416153,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.269634, (GLfloat) - 0.403536,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.266674, (GLfloat) - 0.399105,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.269634, (GLfloat) - 0.403536,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.278064, (GLfloat) - 0.416153,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.290681, (GLfloat) - 0.435035,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) 0.305564, (GLfloat) - 0.457308,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.320446, (GLfloat) - 0.479582,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.333063, (GLfloat) - 0.498464,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.341493, (GLfloat) - 0.511081,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.344454, (GLfloat) - 0.515511,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.434638, (GLfloat) - 0.434638,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.423909, (GLfloat) - 0.423909,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.407851, (GLfloat) - 0.407851,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.388909, (GLfloat) - 0.388909,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.369967, (GLfloat) - 0.369967,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.353909, (GLfloat) - 0.353909,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.343179, (GLfloat) - 0.343179,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.339411, (GLfloat) - 0.339411,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.343179, (GLfloat) - 0.343179,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.353909, (GLfloat) - 0.353909,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.369967, (GLfloat) - 0.369967,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) 0.388909, (GLfloat) - 0.388909,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.407851, (GLfloat) - 0.407851,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.423909, (GLfloat) - 0.423909,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.434638, (GLfloat) - 0.434638,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.438406, (GLfloat) - 0.438406,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.511081, (GLfloat) - 0.341493,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.498464, (GLfloat) - 0.333063,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.479582, (GLfloat) - 0.320446,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.457308, (GLfloat) - 0.305564,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.435035, (GLfloat) - 0.290681,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.416153, (GLfloat) - 0.278064,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.403536, (GLfloat) - 0.269634,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.399105, (GLfloat) - 0.266674,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.403536, (GLfloat) - 0.269634,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.416153, (GLfloat) - 0.278064,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.435035, (GLfloat) - 0.290681,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) 0.457308, (GLfloat) - 0.305564,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.479582, (GLfloat) - 0.320446,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.498464, (GLfloat) - 0.333063,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.511081, (GLfloat) - 0.341493,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.515511, (GLfloat) - 0.344454,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.567882, (GLfloat) - 0.235225,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.553863, (GLfloat) - 0.229418,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.532882, (GLfloat) - 0.220727,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.508134, (GLfloat) - 0.210476,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.483385, (GLfloat) - 0.200225,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.462404, (GLfloat) - 0.191534,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.448385, (GLfloat) - 0.185727,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.443462, (GLfloat) - 0.183688,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.448385, (GLfloat) - 0.185727,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.462404, (GLfloat) - 0.191534,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.483385, (GLfloat) - 0.200225,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) 0.508134, (GLfloat) - 0.210476,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.532882, (GLfloat) - 0.220727,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.553863, (GLfloat) - 0.229418,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.567882, (GLfloat) - 0.235225,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.572805, (GLfloat) - 0.237264,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.602861, (GLfloat) - 0.119916,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.587978, (GLfloat) - 0.116956,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.565705, (GLfloat) - 0.112526,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.539432, (GLfloat) - 0.107300,
- (GLfloat) 0.794672, (GLfloat) 0.513159, (GLfloat) - 0.102074,
- (GLfloat) 0.779498, (GLfloat) 0.490885, (GLfloat) - 0.097643,
- (GLfloat) 0.756788, (GLfloat) 0.476003, (GLfloat) - 0.094683,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.470777, (GLfloat) - 0.093643,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.476003, (GLfloat) - 0.094683,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.490885, (GLfloat) - 0.097643,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.513159, (GLfloat) - 0.102074,
- (GLfloat) 0.660000, (GLfloat) 0.539432, (GLfloat) - 0.107300,
- (GLfloat) 0.665328, (GLfloat) 0.565705, (GLfloat) - 0.112526,
- (GLfloat) 0.680503, (GLfloat) 0.587978, (GLfloat) - 0.116956,
- (GLfloat) 0.703212, (GLfloat) 0.602861, (GLfloat) - 0.119916,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.608087, (GLfloat) - 0.120956,
- (GLfloat) 0.420000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.420000, (GLfloat) 0.051764, (GLfloat) - 0.193185,
- (GLfloat) 0.420000, (GLfloat) 0.100000, (GLfloat) - 0.173205,
- (GLfloat) 0.420000, (GLfloat) 0.141421, (GLfloat) - 0.141421,
- (GLfloat) 0.420000, (GLfloat) 0.173205, (GLfloat) - 0.100000,
- (GLfloat) 0.420000, (GLfloat) 0.193185, (GLfloat) - 0.051764,
- (GLfloat) 0.420000, (GLfloat) 0.200000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.420000, (GLfloat) 0.193185, (GLfloat) 0.051764,
- (GLfloat) 0.420000, (GLfloat) 0.173205, (GLfloat) 0.100000,
- (GLfloat) 0.420000, (GLfloat) 0.141421, (GLfloat) 0.141421,
- (GLfloat) 0.420000, (GLfloat) 0.100000, (GLfloat) 0.173205,
- (GLfloat) 0.420000, (GLfloat) 0.051764, (GLfloat) 0.193185,
- (GLfloat) 0.420000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.420000, (GLfloat) - 0.051764, (GLfloat) 0.193185,
- (GLfloat) 0.420000, (GLfloat) - 0.100000, (GLfloat) 0.173205,
- (GLfloat) 0.420000, (GLfloat) - 0.141421, (GLfloat) 0.141421,
- (GLfloat) 0.420000, (GLfloat) - 0.173205, (GLfloat) 0.100000,
- (GLfloat) 0.420000, (GLfloat) - 0.193185, (GLfloat) 0.051764,
- (GLfloat) 0.420000, (GLfloat) - 0.200000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.420000, (GLfloat) - 0.193185, (GLfloat) - 0.051764,
- (GLfloat) 0.420000, (GLfloat) - 0.173205, (GLfloat) - 0.100000,
- (GLfloat) 0.420000, (GLfloat) - 0.141421, (GLfloat) - 0.141421,
- (GLfloat) 0.420000, (GLfloat) - 0.100000, (GLfloat) - 0.173205,
- (GLfloat) 0.420000, (GLfloat) - 0.051764, (GLfloat) - 0.193185,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) 0.051764, (GLfloat) - 0.193185,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) 0.100000, (GLfloat) - 0.173205,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) 0.141421, (GLfloat) - 0.141421,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) 0.173205, (GLfloat) - 0.100000,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) 0.193185, (GLfloat) - 0.051764,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) 0.200000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) 0.193185, (GLfloat) 0.051764,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) 0.173205, (GLfloat) 0.100000,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) 0.141421, (GLfloat) 0.141421,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) 0.100000, (GLfloat) 0.173205,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) 0.051764, (GLfloat) 0.193185,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) - 0.051764, (GLfloat) 0.193185,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) - 0.100000, (GLfloat) 0.173205,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) - 0.141421, (GLfloat) 0.141421,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) - 0.173205, (GLfloat) 0.100000,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) - 0.193185, (GLfloat) 0.051764,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) - 0.200000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) - 0.193185, (GLfloat) - 0.051764,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) - 0.173205, (GLfloat) - 0.100000,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) - 0.141421, (GLfloat) - 0.141421,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) - 0.100000, (GLfloat) - 0.173205,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) - 0.051764, (GLfloat) - 0.193185,
- (GLfloat) 0.790000, (GLfloat) 0.060000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.785433, (GLfloat) 0.060000, (GLfloat) - 0.022961,
- (GLfloat) 0.772426, (GLfloat) 0.060000, (GLfloat) - 0.042426,
- (GLfloat) 0.752961, (GLfloat) 0.060000, (GLfloat) - 0.055433,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.060000, (GLfloat) - 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.707039, (GLfloat) 0.060000, (GLfloat) - 0.055433,
- (GLfloat) 0.687574, (GLfloat) 0.060000, (GLfloat) - 0.042426,
- (GLfloat) 0.674567, (GLfloat) 0.060000, (GLfloat) - 0.022961,
- (GLfloat) 0.670000, (GLfloat) 0.060000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.674567, (GLfloat) 0.060000, (GLfloat) 0.022961,
- (GLfloat) 0.687574, (GLfloat) 0.060000, (GLfloat) 0.042426,
- (GLfloat) 0.707039, (GLfloat) 0.060000, (GLfloat) 0.055433,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.060000, (GLfloat) 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.752961, (GLfloat) 0.060000, (GLfloat) 0.055433,
- (GLfloat) 0.772426, (GLfloat) 0.060000, (GLfloat) 0.042426,
- (GLfloat) 0.785433, (GLfloat) 0.060000, (GLfloat) 0.022961,
- (GLfloat) 0.790000, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.785433, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.022961,
- (GLfloat) 0.772426, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.042426,
- (GLfloat) 0.752961, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.055433,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.707039, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.055433,
- (GLfloat) 0.687574, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.042426,
- (GLfloat) 0.674567, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.022961,
- (GLfloat) 0.670000, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.674567, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.022961,
- (GLfloat) 0.687574, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.042426,
- (GLfloat) 0.707039, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.055433,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.752961, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.055433,
- (GLfloat) 0.772426, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.042426,
- (GLfloat) 0.785433, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.022961,
- (GLfloat) 0.790000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.785433, (GLfloat) 0.022961, (GLfloat) 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.772426, (GLfloat) 0.042426, (GLfloat) 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.752961, (GLfloat) 0.055433, (GLfloat) 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.707039, (GLfloat) 0.055433, (GLfloat) 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.687574, (GLfloat) 0.042426, (GLfloat) 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.674567, (GLfloat) 0.022961, (GLfloat) 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.670000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.674567, (GLfloat) - 0.022961, (GLfloat) 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.687574, (GLfloat) - 0.042426, (GLfloat) 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.707039, (GLfloat) - 0.055433, (GLfloat) 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.060000, (GLfloat) 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.752961, (GLfloat) - 0.055433, (GLfloat) 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.772426, (GLfloat) - 0.042426, (GLfloat) 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.785433, (GLfloat) - 0.022961, (GLfloat) 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.790000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.785433, (GLfloat) 0.022961, (GLfloat) 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.772426, (GLfloat) 0.042426, (GLfloat) 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.752961, (GLfloat) 0.055433, (GLfloat) 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.060000, (GLfloat) 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.707039, (GLfloat) 0.055433, (GLfloat) 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.687574, (GLfloat) 0.042426, (GLfloat) 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.674567, (GLfloat) 0.022961, (GLfloat) 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.670000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.674567, (GLfloat) - 0.022961, (GLfloat) 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.687574, (GLfloat) - 0.042426, (GLfloat) 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.707039, (GLfloat) - 0.055433, (GLfloat) 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.060000, (GLfloat) 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.752961, (GLfloat) - 0.055433, (GLfloat) 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.772426, (GLfloat) - 0.042426, (GLfloat) 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.785433, (GLfloat) - 0.022961, (GLfloat) 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.790000, (GLfloat) - 0.060000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.785433, (GLfloat) - 0.060000, (GLfloat) 0.022961,
- (GLfloat) 0.772426, (GLfloat) - 0.060000, (GLfloat) 0.042426,
- (GLfloat) 0.752961, (GLfloat) - 0.060000, (GLfloat) 0.055433,
- (GLfloat) 0.707039, (GLfloat) - 0.060000, (GLfloat) 0.055433,
- (GLfloat) 0.687574, (GLfloat) - 0.060000, (GLfloat) 0.042426,
- (GLfloat) 0.674567, (GLfloat) - 0.060000, (GLfloat) 0.022961,
- (GLfloat) 0.670000, (GLfloat) - 0.060000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.674567, (GLfloat) - 0.060000, (GLfloat) - 0.022961,
- (GLfloat) 0.687574, (GLfloat) - 0.060000, (GLfloat) - 0.042426,
- (GLfloat) 0.707039, (GLfloat) - 0.060000, (GLfloat) - 0.055433,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.060000, (GLfloat) - 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.752961, (GLfloat) - 0.060000, (GLfloat) - 0.055433,
- (GLfloat) 0.772426, (GLfloat) - 0.060000, (GLfloat) - 0.042426,
- (GLfloat) 0.785433, (GLfloat) - 0.060000, (GLfloat) - 0.022961,
- (GLfloat) 0.790000, (GLfloat) - 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.785433, (GLfloat) - 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.022961,
- (GLfloat) 0.772426, (GLfloat) - 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.042426,
- (GLfloat) 0.752961, (GLfloat) - 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.055433,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.707039, (GLfloat) - 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.055433,
- (GLfloat) 0.687574, (GLfloat) - 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.042426,
- (GLfloat) 0.674567, (GLfloat) - 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.022961,
- (GLfloat) 0.670000, (GLfloat) - 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.674567, (GLfloat) - 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.022961,
- (GLfloat) 0.687574, (GLfloat) - 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.042426,
- (GLfloat) 0.707039, (GLfloat) - 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.055433,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.752961, (GLfloat) - 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.055433,
- (GLfloat) 0.772426, (GLfloat) - 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.042426,
- (GLfloat) 0.785433, (GLfloat) - 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.022961,
- (GLfloat) 0.790000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.785433, (GLfloat) - 0.022961, (GLfloat) - 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.772426, (GLfloat) - 0.042426, (GLfloat) - 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.752961, (GLfloat) - 0.055433, (GLfloat) - 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.707039, (GLfloat) - 0.055433, (GLfloat) - 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.687574, (GLfloat) - 0.042426, (GLfloat) - 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.674567, (GLfloat) - 0.022961, (GLfloat) - 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.670000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.674567, (GLfloat) 0.022961, (GLfloat) - 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.687574, (GLfloat) 0.042426, (GLfloat) - 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.707039, (GLfloat) 0.055433, (GLfloat) - 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.752961, (GLfloat) 0.055433, (GLfloat) - 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.772426, (GLfloat) 0.042426, (GLfloat) - 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.785433, (GLfloat) 0.022961, (GLfloat) - 0.060000,
- (GLfloat) 0.790000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.785433, (GLfloat) - 0.022961, (GLfloat) - 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.772426, (GLfloat) - 0.042426, (GLfloat) - 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.752961, (GLfloat) - 0.055433, (GLfloat) - 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) - 0.060000, (GLfloat) - 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.707039, (GLfloat) - 0.055433, (GLfloat) - 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.687574, (GLfloat) - 0.042426, (GLfloat) - 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.674567, (GLfloat) - 0.022961, (GLfloat) - 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.670000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.674567, (GLfloat) 0.022961, (GLfloat) - 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.687574, (GLfloat) 0.042426, (GLfloat) - 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.707039, (GLfloat) 0.055433, (GLfloat) - 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.730000, (GLfloat) 0.060000, (GLfloat) - 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.752961, (GLfloat) 0.055433, (GLfloat) - 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.772426, (GLfloat) 0.042426, (GLfloat) - 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.785433, (GLfloat) 0.022961, (GLfloat) - 0.550000,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.100000,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) 0.038268, (GLfloat) - 0.092388,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) 0.070711, (GLfloat) - 0.070711,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) 0.092388, (GLfloat) - 0.038268,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) 0.100000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) 0.092388, (GLfloat) 0.038268,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) 0.070711, (GLfloat) 0.070711,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) 0.038268, (GLfloat) 0.092388,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.100000,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) - 0.038268, (GLfloat) 0.092388,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) - 0.070711, (GLfloat) 0.070711,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) - 0.092388, (GLfloat) 0.038268,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) - 0.100000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) - 0.092388, (GLfloat) - 0.038268,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) - 0.070711, (GLfloat) - 0.070711,
- (GLfloat) 0.540000, (GLfloat) - 0.038268, (GLfloat) - 0.092388,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.100000,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.038268, (GLfloat) - 0.092388,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.070711, (GLfloat) - 0.070711,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.092388, (GLfloat) - 0.038268,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.100000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.092388, (GLfloat) 0.038268,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.070711, (GLfloat) 0.070711,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.038268, (GLfloat) 0.092388,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.100000,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.038268, (GLfloat) 0.092388,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.070711, (GLfloat) 0.070711,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.092388, (GLfloat) 0.038268,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.100000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.092388, (GLfloat) - 0.038268,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.070711, (GLfloat) - 0.070711,
- (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.038268, (GLfloat) - 0.092388,
+ 0.756788, 0.614672, 0,
+ 0.779498, 0.599497, 0,
+ 0.794672, 0.576788, 0,
+ 0.8, 0.55, 0,
+ 0.794672, 0.523212, 0,
+ 0.779498, 0.500503, 0,
+ 0.756788, 0.485328, 0,
+ 0.73, 0.48, 0,
+ 0.703212, 0.485328, 0,
+ 0.680503, 0.500503, 0,
+ 0.665328, 0.523212, 0,
+ 0.66, 0.55, 0,
+ 0.665328, 0.576788, 0,
+ 0.680503, 0.599497, 0,
+ 0.703212, 0.614672, 0,
+ 0.73, 0.62, 0,
+ 0.756788, 0.602861, 0.119916,
+ 0.779498, 0.587978, 0.116956,
+ 0.794672, 0.565705, 0.112526,
+ 0.8, 0.539432, 0.1073,
+ 0.794672, 0.513159, 0.102074,
+ 0.779498, 0.490886, 0.097643,
+ 0.756788, 0.476003, 0.094683,
+ 0.73, 0.470777, 0.093643,
+ 0.703212, 0.476003, 0.094683,
+ 0.680503, 0.490886, 0.097643,
+ 0.665328, 0.513159, 0.102074,
+ 0.66, 0.539432, 0.1073,
+ 0.665328, 0.565705, 0.112526,
+ 0.680503, 0.587978, 0.116956,
+ 0.703212, 0.602861, 0.119916,
+ 0.73, 0.608087, 0.120956,
+ 0.756788, 0.567882, 0.235225,
+ 0.779498, 0.553863, 0.229418,
+ 0.794672, 0.532882, 0.220727,
+ 0.8, 0.508134, 0.210476,
+ 0.794672, 0.483385, 0.200225,
+ 0.779498, 0.462404, 0.191534,
+ 0.756788, 0.448385, 0.185727,
+ 0.73, 0.443462, 0.183688,
+ 0.703212, 0.448385, 0.185727,
+ 0.680503, 0.462404, 0.191534,
+ 0.665328, 0.483385, 0.200225,
+ 0.66, 0.508134, 0.210476,
+ 0.665328, 0.532882, 0.220727,
+ 0.680503, 0.553863, 0.229418,
+ 0.703212, 0.567882, 0.235225,
+ 0.73, 0.572805, 0.237264,
+ 0.756788, 0.511081, 0.341493,
+ 0.779498, 0.498464, 0.333063,
+ 0.794672, 0.479582, 0.320446,
+ 0.8, 0.457308, 0.305564,
+ 0.794672, 0.435035, 0.290681,
+ 0.779498, 0.416153, 0.278064,
+ 0.756788, 0.403536, 0.269634,
+ 0.73, 0.399105, 0.266674,
+ 0.703212, 0.403536, 0.269634,
+ 0.680503, 0.416153, 0.278064,
+ 0.665328, 0.435035, 0.290681,
+ 0.66, 0.457308, 0.305564,
+ 0.665328, 0.479582, 0.320446,
+ 0.680503, 0.498464, 0.333063,
+ 0.703212, 0.511081, 0.341493,
+ 0.73, 0.515511, 0.344454,
+ 0.756788, 0.434638, 0.434638,
+ 0.779498, 0.423909, 0.423909,
+ 0.794672, 0.407851, 0.407851,
+ 0.8, 0.388909, 0.388909,
+ 0.794672, 0.369967, 0.369967,
+ 0.779498, 0.353909, 0.353909,
+ 0.756788, 0.343179, 0.343179,
+ 0.73, 0.339411, 0.339411,
+ 0.703212, 0.343179, 0.343179,
+ 0.680503, 0.353909, 0.353909,
+ 0.665328, 0.369967, 0.369967,
+ 0.66, 0.388909, 0.388909,
+ 0.665328, 0.407851, 0.407851,
+ 0.680503, 0.423909, 0.423909,
+ 0.703212, 0.434638, 0.434638,
+ 0.73, 0.438406, 0.438406,
+ 0.756788, 0.341493, 0.511081,
+ 0.779498, 0.333063, 0.498464,
+ 0.794672, 0.320446, 0.479582,
+ 0.8, 0.305564, 0.457308,
+ 0.794672, 0.290681, 0.435035,
+ 0.779498, 0.278064, 0.416153,
+ 0.756788, 0.269634, 0.403536,
+ 0.73, 0.266674, 0.399105,
+ 0.703212, 0.269634, 0.403536,
+ 0.680503, 0.278064, 0.416153,
+ 0.665328, 0.290681, 0.435035,
+ 0.66, 0.305564, 0.457308,
+ 0.665328, 0.320446, 0.479582,
+ 0.680503, 0.333063, 0.498464,
+ 0.703212, 0.341493, 0.511081,
+ 0.73, 0.344454, 0.515511,
+ 0.756788, 0.235225, 0.567882,
+ 0.779498, 0.229418, 0.553863,
+ 0.794672, 0.220727, 0.532882,
+ 0.8, 0.210476, 0.508134,
+ 0.794672, 0.200225, 0.483385,
+ 0.779498, 0.191534, 0.462404,
+ 0.756788, 0.185727, 0.448385,
+ 0.73, 0.183688, 0.443462,
+ 0.703212, 0.185727, 0.448385,
+ 0.680503, 0.191534, 0.462404,
+ 0.665328, 0.200225, 0.483385,
+ 0.66, 0.210476, 0.508134,
+ 0.665328, 0.220727, 0.532882,
+ 0.680503, 0.229418, 0.553863,
+ 0.703212, 0.235225, 0.567882,
+ 0.73, 0.237264, 0.572805,
+ 0.756788, 0.119916, 0.602861,
+ 0.779498, 0.116956, 0.587978,
+ 0.794672, 0.112526, 0.565705,
+ 0.8, 0.1073, 0.539432,
+ 0.794672, 0.102074, 0.513159,
+ 0.779498, 0.097643, 0.490886,
+ 0.756788, 0.094683, 0.476003,
+ 0.73, 0.093643, 0.470777,
+ 0.703212, 0.094683, 0.476003,
+ 0.680503, 0.097643, 0.490886,
+ 0.665328, 0.102074, 0.513159,
+ 0.66, 0.1073, 0.539432,
+ 0.665328, 0.112526, 0.565705,
+ 0.680503, 0.116956, 0.587978,
+ 0.703212, 0.119916, 0.602861,
+ 0.73, 0.120956, 0.608087,
+ 0.756788, 0, 0.614672,
+ 0.779498, 0, 0.599497,
+ 0.794672, 0, 0.576788,
+ 0.8, 0, 0.55,
+ 0.794672, 0, 0.523212,
+ 0.779498, 0, 0.500503,
+ 0.756788, 0, 0.485328,
+ 0.73, 0, 0.48,
+ 0.703212, 0, 0.485328,
+ 0.680503, 0, 0.500503,
+ 0.665328, 0, 0.523212,
+ 0.66, 0, 0.55,
+ 0.665328, 0, 0.576788,
+ 0.680503, 0, 0.599497,
+ 0.703212, 0, 0.614672,
+ 0.73, 0, 0.62,
+ 0.756788, -0.119916, 0.602861,
+ 0.779498, -0.116956, 0.587978,
+ 0.794672, -0.112526, 0.565705,
+ 0.8, -0.1073, 0.539432,
+ 0.794672, -0.102074, 0.513159,
+ 0.779498, -0.097643, 0.490886,
+ 0.756788, -0.094683, 0.476003,
+ 0.73, -0.093643, 0.470777,
+ 0.703212, -0.094683, 0.476003,
+ 0.680503, -0.097643, 0.490886,
+ 0.665328, -0.102074, 0.513159,
+ 0.66, -0.1073, 0.539432,
+ 0.665328, -0.112526, 0.565705,
+ 0.680503, -0.116956, 0.587978,
+ 0.703212, -0.119916, 0.602861,
+ 0.73, -0.120956, 0.608087,
+ 0.756788, -0.235225, 0.567882,
+ 0.779498, -0.229418, 0.553863,
+ 0.794672, -0.220727, 0.532882,
+ 0.8, -0.210476, 0.508134,
+ 0.794672, -0.200225, 0.483385,
+ 0.779498, -0.191534, 0.462404,
+ 0.756788, -0.185727, 0.448385,
+ 0.73, -0.183688, 0.443462,
+ 0.703212, -0.185727, 0.448385,
+ 0.680503, -0.191534, 0.462404,
+ 0.665328, -0.200225, 0.483385,
+ 0.66, -0.210476, 0.508134,
+ 0.665328, -0.220727, 0.532882,
+ 0.680503, -0.229418, 0.553863,
+ 0.703212, -0.235225, 0.567882,
+ 0.73, -0.237264, 0.572805,
+ 0.756788, -0.341493, 0.511081,
+ 0.779498, -0.333063, 0.498464,
+ 0.794672, -0.320446, 0.479582,
+ 0.8, -0.305564, 0.457308,
+ 0.794672, -0.290681, 0.435035,
+ 0.779498, -0.278064, 0.416153,
+ 0.756788, -0.269634, 0.403536,
+ 0.73, -0.266674, 0.399105,
+ 0.703212, -0.269634, 0.403536,
+ 0.680503, -0.278064, 0.416153,
+ 0.665328, -0.290681, 0.435035,
+ 0.66, -0.305564, 0.457308,
+ 0.665328, -0.320446, 0.479582,
+ 0.680503, -0.333063, 0.498464,
+ 0.703212, -0.341493, 0.511081,
+ 0.73, -0.344454, 0.515511,
+ 0.756788, -0.434638, 0.434638,
+ 0.779498, -0.423909, 0.423909,
+ 0.794672, -0.407851, 0.407851,
+ 0.8, -0.388909, 0.388909,
+ 0.794672, -0.369967, 0.369967,
+ 0.779498, -0.353909, 0.353909,
+ 0.756788, -0.343179, 0.343179,
+ 0.73, -0.339411, 0.339411,
+ 0.703212, -0.343179, 0.343179,
+ 0.680503, -0.353909, 0.353909,
+ 0.665328, -0.369967, 0.369967,
+ 0.66, -0.388909, 0.388909,
+ 0.665328, -0.407851, 0.407851,
+ 0.680503, -0.423909, 0.423909,
+ 0.703212, -0.434638, 0.434638,
+ 0.73, -0.438406, 0.438406,
+ 0.756788, -0.511081, 0.341493,
+ 0.779498, -0.498464, 0.333063,
+ 0.794672, -0.479582, 0.320446,
+ 0.8, -0.457308, 0.305564,
+ 0.794672, -0.435035, 0.290681,
+ 0.779498, -0.416153, 0.278064,
+ 0.756788, -0.403536, 0.269634,
+ 0.73, -0.399105, 0.266674,
+ 0.703212, -0.403536, 0.269634,
+ 0.680503, -0.416153, 0.278064,
+ 0.665328, -0.435035, 0.290681,
+ 0.66, -0.457308, 0.305564,
+ 0.665328, -0.479582, 0.320446,
+ 0.680503, -0.498464, 0.333063,
+ 0.703212, -0.511081, 0.341493,
+ 0.73, -0.515511, 0.344454,
+ 0.756788, -0.567882, 0.235225,
+ 0.779498, -0.553863, 0.229418,
+ 0.794672, -0.532882, 0.220727,
+ 0.8, -0.508134, 0.210476,
+ 0.794672, -0.483385, 0.200225,
+ 0.779498, -0.462404, 0.191534,
+ 0.756788, -0.448385, 0.185727,
+ 0.73, -0.443462, 0.183688,
+ 0.703212, -0.448385, 0.185727,
+ 0.680503, -0.462404, 0.191534,
+ 0.665328, -0.483385, 0.200225,
+ 0.66, -0.508134, 0.210476,
+ 0.665328, -0.532882, 0.220727,
+ 0.680503, -0.553863, 0.229418,
+ 0.703212, -0.567882, 0.235225,
+ 0.73, -0.572805, 0.237264,
+ 0.756788, -0.602861, 0.119916,
+ 0.779498, -0.587978, 0.116956,
+ 0.794672, -0.565705, 0.112526,
+ 0.8, -0.539432, 0.1073,
+ 0.794672, -0.513159, 0.102074,
+ 0.779498, -0.490886, 0.097643,
+ 0.756788, -0.476003, 0.094683,
+ 0.73, -0.470777, 0.093643,
+ 0.703212, -0.476003, 0.094683,
+ 0.680503, -0.490886, 0.097643,
+ 0.665328, -0.513159, 0.102074,
+ 0.66, -0.539432, 0.1073,
+ 0.665328, -0.565705, 0.112526,
+ 0.680503, -0.587978, 0.116956,
+ 0.703212, -0.602861, 0.119916,
+ 0.73, -0.608087, 0.120956,
+ 0.756788, -0.614672, 0,
+ 0.779498, -0.599497, 0,
+ 0.794672, -0.576788, 0,
+ 0.8, -0.55, 0,
+ 0.794672, -0.523212, 0,
+ 0.779498, -0.500503, 0,
+ 0.756788, -0.485328, 0,
+ 0.73, -0.48, 0,
+ 0.703212, -0.485328, 0,
+ 0.680503, -0.500503, 0,
+ 0.665328, -0.523212, 0,
+ 0.66, -0.55, 0,
+ 0.665328, -0.576788, 0,
+ 0.680503, -0.599497, 0,
+ 0.703212, -0.614672, 0,
+ 0.73, -0.62, 0,
+ 0.756788, -0.602861, -0.119916,
+ 0.779498, -0.587978, -0.116956,
+ 0.794672, -0.565705, -0.112526,
+ 0.8, -0.539432, -0.1073,
+ 0.794672, -0.513159, -0.102074,
+ 0.779498, -0.490886, -0.097643,
+ 0.756788, -0.476003, -0.094683,
+ 0.73, -0.470777, -0.093643,
+ 0.703212, -0.476003, -0.094683,
+ 0.680503, -0.490886, -0.097643,
+ 0.665328, -0.513159, -0.102074,
+ 0.66, -0.539432, -0.1073,
+ 0.665328, -0.565705, -0.112526,
+ 0.680503, -0.587978, -0.116956,
+ 0.703212, -0.602861, -0.119916,
+ 0.73, -0.608087, -0.120956,
+ 0.756788, -0.567882, -0.235225,
+ 0.779498, -0.553863, -0.229418,
+ 0.794672, -0.532882, -0.220727,
+ 0.8, -0.508134, -0.210476,
+ 0.794672, -0.483385, -0.200225,
+ 0.779498, -0.462404, -0.191534,
+ 0.756788, -0.448385, -0.185727,
+ 0.73, -0.443462, -0.183688,
+ 0.703212, -0.448385, -0.185727,
+ 0.680503, -0.462404, -0.191534,
+ 0.665328, -0.483385, -0.200225,
+ 0.66, -0.508134, -0.210476,
+ 0.665328, -0.532882, -0.220727,
+ 0.680503, -0.553863, -0.229418,
+ 0.703212, -0.567882, -0.235225,
+ 0.73, -0.572805, -0.237264,
+ 0.756788, -0.511081, -0.341493,
+ 0.779498, -0.498464, -0.333063,
+ 0.794672, -0.479582, -0.320446,
+ 0.8, -0.457308, -0.305564,
+ 0.794672, -0.435035, -0.290681,
+ 0.779498, -0.416153, -0.278064,
+ 0.756788, -0.403536, -0.269634,
+ 0.73, -0.399105, -0.266674,
+ 0.703212, -0.403536, -0.269634,
+ 0.680503, -0.416153, -0.278064,
+ 0.665328, -0.435035, -0.290681,
+ 0.66, -0.457308, -0.305564,
+ 0.665328, -0.479582, -0.320446,
+ 0.680503, -0.498464, -0.333063,
+ 0.703212, -0.511081, -0.341493,
+ 0.73, -0.515511, -0.344454,
+ 0.756788, -0.434638, -0.434638,
+ 0.779498, -0.423909, -0.423909,
+ 0.794672, -0.407851, -0.407851,
+ 0.8, -0.388909, -0.388909,
+ 0.794672, -0.369967, -0.369967,
+ 0.779498, -0.353909, -0.353909,
+ 0.756788, -0.343179, -0.343179,
+ 0.73, -0.339411, -0.339411,
+ 0.703212, -0.343179, -0.343179,
+ 0.680503, -0.353909, -0.353909,
+ 0.665328, -0.369967, -0.369967,
+ 0.66, -0.388909, -0.388909,
+ 0.665328, -0.407851, -0.407851,
+ 0.680503, -0.423909, -0.423909,
+ 0.703212, -0.434638, -0.434638,
+ 0.73, -0.438406, -0.438406,
+ 0.756788, -0.341493, -0.511081,
+ 0.779498, -0.333063, -0.498464,
+ 0.794672, -0.320446, -0.479582,
+ 0.8, -0.305564, -0.457308,
+ 0.794672, -0.290681, -0.435035,
+ 0.779498, -0.278064, -0.416153,
+ 0.756788, -0.269634, -0.403536,
+ 0.73, -0.266674, -0.399105,
+ 0.703212, -0.269634, -0.403536,
+ 0.680503, -0.278064, -0.416153,
+ 0.665328, -0.290681, -0.435035,
+ 0.66, -0.305564, -0.457308,
+ 0.665328, -0.320446, -0.479582,
+ 0.680503, -0.333063, -0.498464,
+ 0.703212, -0.341493, -0.511081,
+ 0.73, -0.344454, -0.515511,
+ 0.756788, -0.235225, -0.567882,
+ 0.779498, -0.229418, -0.553863,
+ 0.794672, -0.220727, -0.532882,
+ 0.8, -0.210476, -0.508134,
+ 0.794672, -0.200225, -0.483385,
+ 0.779498, -0.191534, -0.462404,
+ 0.756788, -0.185727, -0.448385,
+ 0.73, -0.183688, -0.443462,
+ 0.703212, -0.185727, -0.448385,
+ 0.680503, -0.191534, -0.462404,
+ 0.665328, -0.200225, -0.483385,
+ 0.66, -0.210476, -0.508134,
+ 0.665328, -0.220727, -0.532882,
+ 0.680503, -0.229418, -0.553863,
+ 0.703212, -0.235225, -0.567882,
+ 0.73, -0.237264, -0.572805,
+ 0.756788, -0.119916, -0.602861,
+ 0.779498, -0.116956, -0.587978,
+ 0.794672, -0.112526, -0.565705,
+ 0.8, -0.1073, -0.539432,
+ 0.794672, -0.102074, -0.513159,
+ 0.779498, -0.097643, -0.490885,
+ 0.756788, -0.094683, -0.476003,
+ 0.73, -0.093643, -0.470777,
+ 0.703212, -0.094683, -0.476003,
+ 0.680503, -0.097643, -0.490885,
+ 0.665328, -0.102074, -0.513159,
+ 0.66, -0.1073, -0.539432,
+ 0.665328, -0.112526, -0.565705,
+ 0.680503, -0.116956, -0.587978,
+ 0.703212, -0.119916, -0.602861,
+ 0.73, -0.120956, -0.608087,
+ 0.756788, 0, -0.614672,
+ 0.779498, 0, -0.599497,
+ 0.794672, 0, -0.576788,
+ 0.8, 0, -0.55,
+ 0.794672, 0, -0.523212,
+ 0.779498, 0, -0.500503,
+ 0.756788, 0, -0.485328,
+ 0.73, 0, -0.48,
+ 0.703212, 0, -0.485328,
+ 0.680503, 0, -0.500503,
+ 0.665328, 0, -0.523212,
+ 0.66, 0, -0.55,
+ 0.665328, 0, -0.576788,
+ 0.680503, 0, -0.599497,
+ 0.703212, 0, -0.614672,
+ 0.73, 0, -0.62,
+ 0.756788, 0.119916, -0.602861,
+ 0.779498, 0.116956, -0.587978,
+ 0.794672, 0.112526, -0.565705,
+ 0.8, 0.1073, -0.539432,
+ 0.794672, 0.102074, -0.513159,
+ 0.779498, 0.097643, -0.490886,
+ 0.756788, 0.094683, -0.476003,
+ 0.73, 0.093643, -0.470777,
+ 0.703212, 0.094683, -0.476003,
+ 0.680503, 0.097643, -0.490886,
+ 0.665328, 0.102074, -0.513159,
+ 0.66, 0.1073, -0.539432,
+ 0.665328, 0.112526, -0.565705,
+ 0.680503, 0.116956, -0.587978,
+ 0.703212, 0.119916, -0.602861,
+ 0.73, 0.120956, -0.608087,
+ 0.756788, 0.235225, -0.567882,
+ 0.779498, 0.229418, -0.553863,
+ 0.794672, 0.220727, -0.532882,
+ 0.8, 0.210476, -0.508134,
+ 0.794672, 0.200225, -0.483385,
+ 0.779498, 0.191534, -0.462404,
+ 0.756788, 0.185727, -0.448385,
+ 0.73, 0.183688, -0.443462,
+ 0.703212, 0.185727, -0.448385,
+ 0.680503, 0.191534, -0.462404,
+ 0.665328, 0.200225, -0.483385,
+ 0.66, 0.210476, -0.508134,
+ 0.665328, 0.220727, -0.532882,
+ 0.680503, 0.229418, -0.553863,
+ 0.703212, 0.235225, -0.567882,
+ 0.73, 0.237264, -0.572805,
+ 0.756788, 0.341493, -0.511081,
+ 0.779498, 0.333063, -0.498464,
+ 0.794672, 0.320446, -0.479582,
+ 0.8, 0.305564, -0.457308,
+ 0.794672, 0.290681, -0.435035,
+ 0.779498, 0.278064, -0.416153,
+ 0.756788, 0.269634, -0.403536,
+ 0.73, 0.266674, -0.399105,
+ 0.703212, 0.269634, -0.403536,
+ 0.680503, 0.278064, -0.416153,
+ 0.665328, 0.290681, -0.435035,
+ 0.66, 0.305564, -0.457308,
+ 0.665328, 0.320446, -0.479582,
+ 0.680503, 0.333063, -0.498464,
+ 0.703212, 0.341493, -0.511081,
+ 0.73, 0.344454, -0.515511,
+ 0.756788, 0.434638, -0.434638,
+ 0.779498, 0.423909, -0.423909,
+ 0.794672, 0.407851, -0.407851,
+ 0.8, 0.388909, -0.388909,
+ 0.794672, 0.369967, -0.369967,
+ 0.779498, 0.353909, -0.353909,
+ 0.756788, 0.343179, -0.343179,
+ 0.73, 0.339411, -0.339411,
+ 0.703212, 0.343179, -0.343179,
+ 0.680503, 0.353909, -0.353909,
+ 0.665328, 0.369967, -0.369967,
+ 0.66, 0.388909, -0.388909,
+ 0.665328, 0.407851, -0.407851,
+ 0.680503, 0.423909, -0.423909,
+ 0.703212, 0.434638, -0.434638,
+ 0.73, 0.438406, -0.438406,
+ 0.756788, 0.511081, -0.341493,
+ 0.779498, 0.498464, -0.333063,
+ 0.794672, 0.479582, -0.320446,
+ 0.8, 0.457308, -0.305564,
+ 0.794672, 0.435035, -0.290681,
+ 0.779498, 0.416153, -0.278064,
+ 0.756788, 0.403536, -0.269634,
+ 0.73, 0.399105, -0.266674,
+ 0.703212, 0.403536, -0.269634,
+ 0.680503, 0.416153, -0.278064,
+ 0.665328, 0.435035, -0.290681,
+ 0.66, 0.457308, -0.305564,
+ 0.665328, 0.479582, -0.320446,
+ 0.680503, 0.498464, -0.333063,
+ 0.703212, 0.511081, -0.341493,
+ 0.73, 0.515511, -0.344454,
+ 0.756788, 0.567882, -0.235225,
+ 0.779498, 0.553863, -0.229418,
+ 0.794672, 0.532882, -0.220727,
+ 0.8, 0.508134, -0.210476,
+ 0.794672, 0.483385, -0.200225,
+ 0.779498, 0.462404, -0.191534,
+ 0.756788, 0.448385, -0.185727,
+ 0.73, 0.443462, -0.183688,
+ 0.703212, 0.448385, -0.185727,
+ 0.680503, 0.462404, -0.191534,
+ 0.665328, 0.483385, -0.200225,
+ 0.66, 0.508134, -0.210476,
+ 0.665328, 0.532882, -0.220727,
+ 0.680503, 0.553863, -0.229418,
+ 0.703212, 0.567882, -0.235225,
+ 0.73, 0.572805, -0.237264,
+ 0.756788, 0.602861, -0.119916,
+ 0.779498, 0.587978, -0.116956,
+ 0.794672, 0.565705, -0.112526,
+ 0.8, 0.539432, -0.1073,
+ 0.794672, 0.513159, -0.102074,
+ 0.779498, 0.490885, -0.097643,
+ 0.756788, 0.476003, -0.094683,
+ 0.73, 0.470777, -0.093643,
+ 0.703212, 0.476003, -0.094683,
+ 0.680503, 0.490885, -0.097643,
+ 0.665328, 0.513159, -0.102074,
+ 0.66, 0.539432, -0.1073,
+ 0.665328, 0.565705, -0.112526,
+ 0.680503, 0.587978, -0.116956,
+ 0.703212, 0.602861, -0.119916,
+ 0.73, 0.608087, -0.120956,
+ 0.42, 0, -0.2,
+ 0.42, 0.051764, -0.193185,
+ 0.42, 0.1, -0.173205,
+ 0.42, 0.141421, -0.141421,
+ 0.42, 0.173205, -0.1,
+ 0.42, 0.193185, -0.051764,
+ 0.42, 0.2, 0,
+ 0.42, 0.193185, 0.051764,
+ 0.42, 0.173205, 0.1,
+ 0.42, 0.141421, 0.141421,
+ 0.42, 0.1, 0.173205,
+ 0.42, 0.051764, 0.193185,
+ 0.42, 0, 0.2,
+ 0.42, -0.051764, 0.193185,
+ 0.42, -0.1, 0.173205,
+ 0.42, -0.141421, 0.141421,
+ 0.42, -0.173205, 0.1,
+ 0.42, -0.193185, 0.051764,
+ 0.42, -0.2, 0,
+ 0.42, -0.193185, -0.051764,
+ 0.42, -0.173205, -0.1,
+ 0.42, -0.141421, -0.141421,
+ 0.42, -0.1, -0.173205,
+ 0.42, -0.051764, -0.193185,
+ 0.54, 0, -0.2,
+ 0.54, 0.051764, -0.193185,
+ 0.54, 0.1, -0.173205,
+ 0.54, 0.141421, -0.141421,
+ 0.54, 0.173205, -0.1,
+ 0.54, 0.193185, -0.051764,
+ 0.54, 0.2, 0,
+ 0.54, 0.193185, 0.051764,
+ 0.54, 0.173205, 0.1,
+ 0.54, 0.141421, 0.141421,
+ 0.54, 0.1, 0.173205,
+ 0.54, 0.051764, 0.193185,
+ 0.54, 0, 0.2,
+ 0.54, -0.051764, 0.193185,
+ 0.54, -0.1, 0.173205,
+ 0.54, -0.141421, 0.141421,
+ 0.54, -0.173205, 0.1,
+ 0.54, -0.193185, 0.051764,
+ 0.54, -0.2, 0,
+ 0.54, -0.193185, -0.051764,
+ 0.54, -0.173205, -0.1,
+ 0.54, -0.141421, -0.141421,
+ 0.54, -0.1, -0.173205,
+ 0.54, -0.051764, -0.193185,
+ 0.79, 0.06, 0,
+ 0.785433, 0.06, -0.022961,
+ 0.772426, 0.06, -0.042426,
+ 0.752961, 0.06, -0.055433,
+ 0.73, 0.06, -0.06,
+ 0.707039, 0.06, -0.055433,
+ 0.687574, 0.06, -0.042426,
+ 0.674567, 0.06, -0.022961,
+ 0.67, 0.06, 0,
+ 0.674567, 0.06, 0.022961,
+ 0.687574, 0.06, 0.042426,
+ 0.707039, 0.06, 0.055433,
+ 0.73, 0.06, 0.06,
+ 0.752961, 0.06, 0.055433,
+ 0.772426, 0.06, 0.042426,
+ 0.785433, 0.06, 0.022961,
+ 0.79, 0.55, 0,
+ 0.785433, 0.55, -0.022961,
+ 0.772426, 0.55, -0.042426,
+ 0.752961, 0.55, -0.055433,
+ 0.73, 0.55, -0.06,
+ 0.707039, 0.55, -0.055433,
+ 0.687574, 0.55, -0.042426,
+ 0.674567, 0.55, -0.022961,
+ 0.67, 0.55, 0,
+ 0.674567, 0.55, 0.022961,
+ 0.687574, 0.55, 0.042426,
+ 0.707039, 0.55, 0.055433,
+ 0.73, 0.55, 0.06,
+ 0.752961, 0.55, 0.055433,
+ 0.772426, 0.55, 0.042426,
+ 0.785433, 0.55, 0.022961,
+ 0.79, 0, 0.06,
+ 0.785433, 0.022961, 0.06,
+ 0.772426, 0.042426, 0.06,
+ 0.752961, 0.055433, 0.06,
+ 0.707039, 0.055433, 0.06,
+ 0.687574, 0.042426, 0.06,
+ 0.674567, 0.022961, 0.06,
+ 0.67, 0, 0.06,
+ 0.674567, -0.022961, 0.06,
+ 0.687574, -0.042426, 0.06,
+ 0.707039, -0.055433, 0.06,
+ 0.73, -0.06, 0.06,
+ 0.752961, -0.055433, 0.06,
+ 0.772426, -0.042426, 0.06,
+ 0.785433, -0.022961, 0.06,
+ 0.79, 0, 0.55,
+ 0.785433, 0.022961, 0.55,
+ 0.772426, 0.042426, 0.55,
+ 0.752961, 0.055433, 0.55,
+ 0.73, 0.06, 0.55,
+ 0.707039, 0.055433, 0.55,
+ 0.687574, 0.042426, 0.55,
+ 0.674567, 0.022961, 0.55,
+ 0.67, 0, 0.55,
+ 0.674567, -0.022961, 0.55,
+ 0.687574, -0.042426, 0.55,
+ 0.707039, -0.055433, 0.55,
+ 0.73, -0.06, 0.55,
+ 0.752961, -0.055433, 0.55,
+ 0.772426, -0.042426, 0.55,
+ 0.785433, -0.022961, 0.55,
+ 0.79, -0.06, 0,
+ 0.785433, -0.06, 0.022961,
+ 0.772426, -0.06, 0.042426,
+ 0.752961, -0.06, 0.055433,
+ 0.707039, -0.06, 0.055433,
+ 0.687574, -0.06, 0.042426,
+ 0.674567, -0.06, 0.022961,
+ 0.67, -0.06, 0,
+ 0.674567, -0.06, -0.022961,
+ 0.687574, -0.06, -0.042426,
+ 0.707039, -0.06, -0.055433,
+ 0.73, -0.06, -0.06,
+ 0.752961, -0.06, -0.055433,
+ 0.772426, -0.06, -0.042426,
+ 0.785433, -0.06, -0.022961,
+ 0.79, -0.55, 0,
+ 0.785433, -0.55, 0.022961,
+ 0.772426, -0.55, 0.042426,
+ 0.752961, -0.55, 0.055433,
+ 0.73, -0.55, 0.06,
+ 0.707039, -0.55, 0.055433,
+ 0.687574, -0.55, 0.042426,
+ 0.674567, -0.55, 0.022961,
+ 0.67, -0.55, 0,
+ 0.674567, -0.55, -0.022961,
+ 0.687574, -0.55, -0.042426,
+ 0.707039, -0.55, -0.055433,
+ 0.73, -0.55, -0.06,
+ 0.752961, -0.55, -0.055433,
+ 0.772426, -0.55, -0.042426,
+ 0.785433, -0.55, -0.022961,
+ 0.79, 0, -0.06,
+ 0.785433, -0.022961, -0.06,
+ 0.772426, -0.042426, -0.06,
+ 0.752961, -0.055433, -0.06,
+ 0.707039, -0.055433, -0.06,
+ 0.687574, -0.042426, -0.06,
+ 0.674567, -0.022961, -0.06,
+ 0.67, 0, -0.06,
+ 0.674567, 0.022961, -0.06,
+ 0.687574, 0.042426, -0.06,
+ 0.707039, 0.055433, -0.06,
+ 0.752961, 0.055433, -0.06,
+ 0.772426, 0.042426, -0.06,
+ 0.785433, 0.022961, -0.06,
+ 0.79, 0, -0.55,
+ 0.785433, -0.022961, -0.55,
+ 0.772426, -0.042426, -0.55,
+ 0.752961, -0.055433, -0.55,
+ 0.73, -0.06, -0.55,
+ 0.707039, -0.055433, -0.55,
+ 0.687574, -0.042426, -0.55,
+ 0.674567, -0.022961, -0.55,
+ 0.67, 0, -0.55,
+ 0.674567, 0.022961, -0.55,
+ 0.687574, 0.042426, -0.55,
+ 0.707039, 0.055433, -0.55,
+ 0.73, 0.06, -0.55,
+ 0.752961, 0.055433, -0.55,
+ 0.772426, 0.042426, -0.55,
+ 0.785433, 0.022961, -0.55,
+ 0.54, 0, -0.1,
+ 0.54, 0.038268, -0.092388,
+ 0.54, 0.070711, -0.070711,
+ 0.54, 0.092388, -0.038268,
+ 0.54, 0.1, 0,
+ 0.54, 0.092388, 0.038268,
+ 0.54, 0.070711, 0.070711,
+ 0.54, 0.038268, 0.092388,
+ 0.54, 0, 0.1,
+ 0.54, -0.038268, 0.092388,
+ 0.54, -0.070711, 0.070711,
+ 0.54, -0.092388, 0.038268,
+ 0.54, -0.1, 0,
+ 0.54, -0.092388, -0.038268,
+ 0.54, -0.070711, -0.070711,
+ 0.54, -0.038268, -0.092388,
+ 0.8, 0, -0.1,
+ 0.8, 0.038268, -0.092388,
+ 0.8, 0.070711, -0.070711,
+ 0.8, 0.092388, -0.038268,
+ 0.8, 0.1, 0,
+ 0.8, 0.092388, 0.038268,
+ 0.8, 0.070711, 0.070711,
+ 0.8, 0.038268, 0.092388,
+ 0.8, 0, 0.1,
+ 0.8, -0.038268, 0.092388,
+ 0.8, -0.070711, 0.070711,
+ 0.8, -0.092388, 0.038268,
+ 0.8, -0.1, 0,
+ 0.8, -0.092388, -0.038268,
+ 0.8, -0.070711, -0.070711,
+ 0.8, -0.038268, -0.092388,
static const GLfloat BigValve_normals[] =
- (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.195090, (GLfloat) - 0.980785,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.555570, (GLfloat) - 0.831470,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.831470, (GLfloat) - 0.555570,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.980785, (GLfloat) - 0.195090,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.980785, (GLfloat) 0.195090,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.831470, (GLfloat) 0.555570,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.555570, (GLfloat) 0.831470,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.195090, (GLfloat) 0.980785,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.195090, (GLfloat) 0.980785,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.555570, (GLfloat) 0.831470,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.831470, (GLfloat) 0.555570,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.980785, (GLfloat) 0.195090,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.980785, (GLfloat) - 0.195090,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.831470, (GLfloat) - 0.555570,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.555570, (GLfloat) - 0.831470,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.195090, (GLfloat) - 0.980785,
- (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.980785, (GLfloat) - 0.195092, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.831470, (GLfloat) - 0.555569, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.555569, (GLfloat) - 0.831470, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.195091, (GLfloat) - 0.980785, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.195090, (GLfloat) - 0.980785, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.555570, (GLfloat) - 0.831469, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.831469, (GLfloat) - 0.555571, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980785, (GLfloat) - 0.195089, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980785, (GLfloat) 0.195089, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.831469, (GLfloat) 0.555571, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.555570, (GLfloat) 0.831469, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.195090, (GLfloat) 0.980785, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.195091, (GLfloat) 0.980785, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.555569, (GLfloat) 0.831470, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.831470, (GLfloat) 0.555569, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.980785, (GLfloat) 0.195092, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.980785, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.195092,
- (GLfloat) 0.831470, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.555569,
- (GLfloat) 0.555569, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.831470,
- (GLfloat) 0.195091, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.980785,
- (GLfloat) - 0.195090, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.980785,
- (GLfloat) - 0.555570, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.831469,
- (GLfloat) - 0.831469, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.555571,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980785, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.195089,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980785, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.195089,
- (GLfloat) - 0.831469, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.555571,
- (GLfloat) - 0.555570, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.831469,
- (GLfloat) - 0.195090, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.980785,
- (GLfloat) 0.195091, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.980785,
- (GLfloat) 0.555569, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.831470,
- (GLfloat) 0.831470, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.555569,
- (GLfloat) 0.980785, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.195092,
- (GLfloat) 0.980785, (GLfloat) 0.195092, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.831470, (GLfloat) 0.555569, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.555569, (GLfloat) 0.831470, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.195091, (GLfloat) 0.980785, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.195090, (GLfloat) 0.980785, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.555570, (GLfloat) 0.831469, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.831469, (GLfloat) 0.555571, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980785, (GLfloat) 0.195089, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980785, (GLfloat) - 0.195089, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.831469, (GLfloat) - 0.555571, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.555570, (GLfloat) - 0.831469, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.195090, (GLfloat) - 0.980785, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.195091, (GLfloat) - 0.980785, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.555569, (GLfloat) - 0.831470, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.831470, (GLfloat) - 0.555569, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.980785, (GLfloat) - 0.195092, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.980785, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.195092,
- (GLfloat) 0.831470, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.555569,
- (GLfloat) 0.555569, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.831470,
- (GLfloat) 0.195091, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.980785,
- (GLfloat) - 0.195090, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.980785,
- (GLfloat) - 0.555570, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.831469,
- (GLfloat) - 0.831469, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.555571,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980785, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.195089,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980785, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.195089,
- (GLfloat) - 0.831469, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.555571,
- (GLfloat) - 0.555570, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.831469,
- (GLfloat) - 0.195090, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.980785,
- (GLfloat) 0.195091, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.980785,
- (GLfloat) 0.555569, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.831470,
- (GLfloat) 0.831470, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.555569,
- (GLfloat) 0.980785, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.195092,
- (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.130526, (GLfloat) - 0.991445,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.382684, (GLfloat) - 0.923880,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.608761, (GLfloat) - 0.793353,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.793353, (GLfloat) - 0.608761,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.923880, (GLfloat) - 0.382684,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.991445, (GLfloat) - 0.130526,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.991445, (GLfloat) 0.130526,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.923880, (GLfloat) 0.382684,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.793353, (GLfloat) 0.608761,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.608761, (GLfloat) 0.793353,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.382684, (GLfloat) 0.923880,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.130526, (GLfloat) 0.991445,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.130526, (GLfloat) 0.991445,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.382684, (GLfloat) 0.923880,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.608761, (GLfloat) 0.793353,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.793353, (GLfloat) 0.608761,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.923880, (GLfloat) 0.382684,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.991445, (GLfloat) 0.130526,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.991445, (GLfloat) - 0.130526,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.923880, (GLfloat) - 0.382684,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.793353, (GLfloat) - 0.608761,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.608761, (GLfloat) - 0.793353,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.382684, (GLfloat) - 0.923880,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.130526, (GLfloat) - 0.991445,
- (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.194185, (GLfloat) 0.976241, (GLfloat) 0.096151,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194185, (GLfloat) 0.976241, (GLfloat) 0.096151,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553718, (GLfloat) 0.828695, (GLfloat) 0.081619,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.554740, (GLfloat) 0.054637,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.195054, (GLfloat) 0.019211,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980605, (GLfloat) - 0.195053, (GLfloat) - 0.019211,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.554741, (GLfloat) - 0.054637,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.828695, (GLfloat) - 0.081619,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194187, (GLfloat) - 0.976241, (GLfloat) - 0.096151,
- (GLfloat) 0.194188, (GLfloat) - 0.976241, (GLfloat) - 0.096151,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) - 0.828696, (GLfloat) - 0.081619,
- (GLfloat) 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.554741, (GLfloat) - 0.054637,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.195053, (GLfloat) - 0.019211,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.195054, (GLfloat) 0.019211,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.554740, (GLfloat) 0.054637,
- (GLfloat) 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.828695, (GLfloat) 0.081619,
- (GLfloat) 0.194186, (GLfloat) 0.938725, (GLfloat) 0.284759,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194185, (GLfloat) 0.938725, (GLfloat) 0.284759,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.796849, (GLfloat) 0.241721,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.533421, (GLfloat) 0.161812,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.187558, (GLfloat) 0.056895,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.187558, (GLfloat) - 0.056895,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.533422, (GLfloat) - 0.161812,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.796849, (GLfloat) - 0.241722,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194186, (GLfloat) - 0.938725, (GLfloat) - 0.284759,
- (GLfloat) 0.194187, (GLfloat) - 0.938724, (GLfloat) - 0.284759,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) - 0.796849, (GLfloat) - 0.241722,
- (GLfloat) 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.533422, (GLfloat) - 0.161812,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.187558, (GLfloat) - 0.056895,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.187558, (GLfloat) 0.056895,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.533421, (GLfloat) 0.161811,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) 0.796850, (GLfloat) 0.241722,
- (GLfloat) 0.194186, (GLfloat) 0.865134, (GLfloat) 0.462423,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194185, (GLfloat) 0.865134, (GLfloat) 0.462424,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.734380, (GLfloat) 0.392534,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.491604, (GLfloat) 0.262768,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.172854, (GLfloat) 0.092393,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.172854, (GLfloat) - 0.092393,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.491605, (GLfloat) - 0.262768,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.734380, (GLfloat) - 0.392534,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194187, (GLfloat) - 0.865134, (GLfloat) - 0.462424,
- (GLfloat) 0.194187, (GLfloat) - 0.865134, (GLfloat) - 0.462423,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) - 0.734381, (GLfloat) - 0.392534,
- (GLfloat) 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.491605, (GLfloat) - 0.262768,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.172854, (GLfloat) - 0.092393,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.172854, (GLfloat) 0.092393,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.491604, (GLfloat) 0.262768,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) 0.734381, (GLfloat) 0.392535,
- (GLfloat) 0.194186, (GLfloat) 0.758296, (GLfloat) 0.622317,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194186, (GLfloat) 0.758296, (GLfloat) 0.622318,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.643690, (GLfloat) 0.528263,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.430895, (GLfloat) 0.353626,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.151508, (GLfloat) 0.124340,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.151508, (GLfloat) - 0.124339,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.430895, (GLfloat) - 0.353627,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.643690, (GLfloat) - 0.528263,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194186, (GLfloat) - 0.758296, (GLfloat) - 0.622317,
- (GLfloat) 0.194186, (GLfloat) - 0.758296, (GLfloat) - 0.622318,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) - 0.643690, (GLfloat) - 0.528263,
- (GLfloat) 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.430895, (GLfloat) - 0.353627,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.151508, (GLfloat) - 0.124339,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.151508, (GLfloat) 0.124340,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.430895, (GLfloat) 0.353626,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) 0.643690, (GLfloat) 0.528263,
- (GLfloat) 0.194186, (GLfloat) 0.622317, (GLfloat) 0.758296,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194185, (GLfloat) 0.622318, (GLfloat) 0.758296,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.528263, (GLfloat) 0.643690,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.353626, (GLfloat) 0.430895,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.124339, (GLfloat) 0.151508,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.124339, (GLfloat) - 0.151508,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.353627, (GLfloat) - 0.430895,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.528262, (GLfloat) - 0.643689,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194187, (GLfloat) - 0.622317, (GLfloat) - 0.758296,
- (GLfloat) 0.194187, (GLfloat) - 0.622317, (GLfloat) - 0.758296,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) - 0.528263, (GLfloat) - 0.643690,
- (GLfloat) 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.353627, (GLfloat) - 0.430895,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.124339, (GLfloat) - 0.151508,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.124340, (GLfloat) 0.151508,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.353626, (GLfloat) 0.430895,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) 0.528263, (GLfloat) 0.643690,
- (GLfloat) 0.194186, (GLfloat) 0.462423, (GLfloat) 0.865134,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194185, (GLfloat) 0.462424, (GLfloat) 0.865134,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.392534, (GLfloat) 0.734380,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.262768, (GLfloat) 0.491604,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.092393, (GLfloat) 0.172855,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.092392, (GLfloat) - 0.172854,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.262768, (GLfloat) - 0.491605,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.392534, (GLfloat) - 0.734380,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194186, (GLfloat) - 0.462424, (GLfloat) - 0.865134,
- (GLfloat) 0.194187, (GLfloat) - 0.462423, (GLfloat) - 0.865134,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) - 0.392535, (GLfloat) - 0.734381,
- (GLfloat) 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.262768, (GLfloat) - 0.491605,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.092392, (GLfloat) - 0.172854,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.092393, (GLfloat) 0.172855,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.262768, (GLfloat) 0.491604,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) 0.392535, (GLfloat) 0.734381,
- (GLfloat) 0.194185, (GLfloat) 0.284759, (GLfloat) 0.938725,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194185, (GLfloat) 0.284759, (GLfloat) 0.938725,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553718, (GLfloat) 0.241721, (GLfloat) 0.796848,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.161812, (GLfloat) 0.533422,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.056895, (GLfloat) 0.187558,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.056895, (GLfloat) - 0.187558,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.161812, (GLfloat) - 0.533423,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.241722, (GLfloat) - 0.796849,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194187, (GLfloat) - 0.284759, (GLfloat) - 0.938725,
- (GLfloat) 0.194188, (GLfloat) - 0.284759, (GLfloat) - 0.938724,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) - 0.241722, (GLfloat) - 0.796849,
- (GLfloat) 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.161812, (GLfloat) - 0.533423,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.056895, (GLfloat) - 0.187557,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.056895, (GLfloat) 0.187558,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.161812, (GLfloat) 0.533422,
- (GLfloat) 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.241722, (GLfloat) 0.796849,
- (GLfloat) 0.194186, (GLfloat) 0.096151, (GLfloat) 0.976241,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194186, (GLfloat) 0.096151, (GLfloat) 0.976241,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.081619, (GLfloat) 0.828695,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.054637, (GLfloat) 0.554740,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.019211, (GLfloat) 0.195054,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.019211, (GLfloat) - 0.195054,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.054637, (GLfloat) - 0.554741,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.081619, (GLfloat) - 0.828695,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194187, (GLfloat) - 0.096151, (GLfloat) - 0.976241,
- (GLfloat) 0.194187, (GLfloat) - 0.096151, (GLfloat) - 0.976241,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) - 0.081619, (GLfloat) - 0.828696,
- (GLfloat) 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.054637, (GLfloat) - 0.554741,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.019211, (GLfloat) - 0.195054,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.019211, (GLfloat) 0.195054,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.054637, (GLfloat) 0.554740,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) 0.081619, (GLfloat) 0.828696,
- (GLfloat) 0.194185, (GLfloat) - 0.096151, (GLfloat) 0.976241,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194185, (GLfloat) - 0.096151, (GLfloat) 0.976241,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553718, (GLfloat) - 0.081619, (GLfloat) 0.828695,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.054637, (GLfloat) 0.554740,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.019211, (GLfloat) 0.195054,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980605, (GLfloat) 0.019211, (GLfloat) - 0.195053,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) 0.054637, (GLfloat) - 0.554741,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.081619, (GLfloat) - 0.828695,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194187, (GLfloat) 0.096151, (GLfloat) - 0.976241,
- (GLfloat) 0.194188, (GLfloat) 0.096151, (GLfloat) - 0.976241,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) 0.081619, (GLfloat) - 0.828696,
- (GLfloat) 0.830227, (GLfloat) 0.054637, (GLfloat) - 0.554741,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.019211, (GLfloat) - 0.195053,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.019211, (GLfloat) 0.195054,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.054637, (GLfloat) 0.554740,
- (GLfloat) 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.081619, (GLfloat) 0.828695,
- (GLfloat) 0.194186, (GLfloat) - 0.284759, (GLfloat) 0.938725,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194185, (GLfloat) - 0.284759, (GLfloat) 0.938725,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.241721, (GLfloat) 0.796849,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.161812, (GLfloat) 0.533421,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.056895, (GLfloat) 0.187558,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.056895, (GLfloat) - 0.187558,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) 0.161812, (GLfloat) - 0.533422,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.241722, (GLfloat) - 0.796849,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194186, (GLfloat) 0.284759, (GLfloat) - 0.938725,
- (GLfloat) 0.194187, (GLfloat) 0.284759, (GLfloat) - 0.938724,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) 0.241722, (GLfloat) - 0.796849,
- (GLfloat) 0.830227, (GLfloat) 0.161812, (GLfloat) - 0.533422,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.056895, (GLfloat) - 0.187558,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.056895, (GLfloat) 0.187558,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.161811, (GLfloat) 0.533421,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) - 0.241722, (GLfloat) 0.796850,
- (GLfloat) 0.194186, (GLfloat) - 0.462423, (GLfloat) 0.865134,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194185, (GLfloat) - 0.462424, (GLfloat) 0.865134,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.392534, (GLfloat) 0.734380,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.262768, (GLfloat) 0.491604,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.092393, (GLfloat) 0.172854,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.092393, (GLfloat) - 0.172854,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) 0.262768, (GLfloat) - 0.491605,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.392534, (GLfloat) - 0.734380,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194187, (GLfloat) 0.462424, (GLfloat) - 0.865134,
- (GLfloat) 0.194187, (GLfloat) 0.462423, (GLfloat) - 0.865134,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) 0.392534, (GLfloat) - 0.734381,
- (GLfloat) 0.830227, (GLfloat) 0.262768, (GLfloat) - 0.491605,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.092393, (GLfloat) - 0.172854,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.092393, (GLfloat) 0.172854,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.262768, (GLfloat) 0.491604,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) - 0.392535, (GLfloat) 0.734381,
- (GLfloat) 0.194186, (GLfloat) - 0.622317, (GLfloat) 0.758296,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194186, (GLfloat) - 0.622318, (GLfloat) 0.758296,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.528263, (GLfloat) 0.643690,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.353626, (GLfloat) 0.430895,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.124340, (GLfloat) 0.151508,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.124339, (GLfloat) - 0.151508,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) 0.353627, (GLfloat) - 0.430895,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.528263, (GLfloat) - 0.643690,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194186, (GLfloat) 0.622317, (GLfloat) - 0.758296,
- (GLfloat) 0.194186, (GLfloat) 0.622318, (GLfloat) - 0.758296,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) 0.528263, (GLfloat) - 0.643690,
- (GLfloat) 0.830227, (GLfloat) 0.353627, (GLfloat) - 0.430895,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.124339, (GLfloat) - 0.151508,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.124340, (GLfloat) 0.151508,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.353626, (GLfloat) 0.430895,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) - 0.528263, (GLfloat) 0.643690,
- (GLfloat) 0.194186, (GLfloat) - 0.758296, (GLfloat) 0.622317,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194185, (GLfloat) - 0.758296, (GLfloat) 0.622318,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.643690, (GLfloat) 0.528263,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.430895, (GLfloat) 0.353626,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.151508, (GLfloat) 0.124339,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.151508, (GLfloat) - 0.124339,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) 0.430895, (GLfloat) - 0.353627,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.643689, (GLfloat) - 0.528262,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194187, (GLfloat) 0.758296, (GLfloat) - 0.622317,
- (GLfloat) 0.194187, (GLfloat) 0.758296, (GLfloat) - 0.622317,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) 0.643690, (GLfloat) - 0.528263,
- (GLfloat) 0.830227, (GLfloat) 0.430895, (GLfloat) - 0.353627,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.151508, (GLfloat) - 0.124339,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.151508, (GLfloat) 0.124340,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.430895, (GLfloat) 0.353626,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) - 0.643690, (GLfloat) 0.528263,
- (GLfloat) 0.194186, (GLfloat) - 0.865134, (GLfloat) 0.462423,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194185, (GLfloat) - 0.865134, (GLfloat) 0.462424,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.734380, (GLfloat) 0.392534,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.491604, (GLfloat) 0.262768,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.172855, (GLfloat) 0.092393,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.172854, (GLfloat) - 0.092393,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) 0.491605, (GLfloat) - 0.262768,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.734380, (GLfloat) - 0.392534,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194186, (GLfloat) 0.865134, (GLfloat) - 0.462424,
- (GLfloat) 0.194187, (GLfloat) 0.865134, (GLfloat) - 0.462423,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) 0.734381, (GLfloat) - 0.392535,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.491605, (GLfloat) - 0.262768,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.172854, (GLfloat) - 0.092393,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.172855, (GLfloat) 0.092393,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.491604, (GLfloat) 0.262768,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) - 0.734381, (GLfloat) 0.392535,
- (GLfloat) 0.194185, (GLfloat) - 0.938725, (GLfloat) 0.284759,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194185, (GLfloat) - 0.938725, (GLfloat) 0.284759,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553718, (GLfloat) - 0.796848, (GLfloat) 0.241721,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.533422, (GLfloat) 0.161812,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.187558, (GLfloat) 0.056895,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980605, (GLfloat) 0.187557, (GLfloat) - 0.056895,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) 0.533423, (GLfloat) - 0.161812,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.796849, (GLfloat) - 0.241722,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194187, (GLfloat) 0.938725, (GLfloat) - 0.284759,
- (GLfloat) 0.194188, (GLfloat) 0.938724, (GLfloat) - 0.284759,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) 0.796849, (GLfloat) - 0.241722,
- (GLfloat) 0.830227, (GLfloat) 0.533423, (GLfloat) - 0.161812,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.187557, (GLfloat) - 0.056895,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.187558, (GLfloat) 0.056895,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.533422, (GLfloat) 0.161812,
- (GLfloat) 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.796849, (GLfloat) 0.241722,
- (GLfloat) 0.194186, (GLfloat) - 0.976241, (GLfloat) 0.096151,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194186, (GLfloat) - 0.976241, (GLfloat) 0.096151,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.828695, (GLfloat) 0.081619,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.554740, (GLfloat) 0.054637,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.195054, (GLfloat) 0.019211,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.195054, (GLfloat) - 0.019211,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) 0.554741, (GLfloat) - 0.054637,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.828695, (GLfloat) - 0.081619,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194187, (GLfloat) 0.976241, (GLfloat) - 0.096151,
- (GLfloat) 0.194187, (GLfloat) 0.976241, (GLfloat) - 0.096151,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) 0.828696, (GLfloat) - 0.081619,
- (GLfloat) 0.830227, (GLfloat) 0.554741, (GLfloat) - 0.054637,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.195054, (GLfloat) - 0.019211,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.195054, (GLfloat) 0.019211,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.554740, (GLfloat) 0.054637,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) - 0.828696, (GLfloat) 0.081619,
- (GLfloat) 0.194185, (GLfloat) - 0.976241, (GLfloat) - 0.096151,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194185, (GLfloat) - 0.976241, (GLfloat) - 0.096151,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553718, (GLfloat) - 0.828695, (GLfloat) - 0.081619,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.554740, (GLfloat) - 0.054637,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.195054, (GLfloat) - 0.019211,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980605, (GLfloat) 0.195053, (GLfloat) 0.019211,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) 0.554741, (GLfloat) 0.054637,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.828695, (GLfloat) 0.081619,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194187, (GLfloat) 0.976241, (GLfloat) 0.096151,
- (GLfloat) 0.194188, (GLfloat) 0.976241, (GLfloat) 0.096151,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) 0.828696, (GLfloat) 0.081619,
- (GLfloat) 0.830227, (GLfloat) 0.554741, (GLfloat) 0.054637,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.195053, (GLfloat) 0.019211,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.195054, (GLfloat) - 0.019211,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.554740, (GLfloat) - 0.054637,
- (GLfloat) 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.828695, (GLfloat) - 0.081619,
- (GLfloat) 0.194186, (GLfloat) - 0.938725, (GLfloat) - 0.284759,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194185, (GLfloat) - 0.938725, (GLfloat) - 0.284759,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.796849, (GLfloat) - 0.241721,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.533421, (GLfloat) - 0.161812,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.187558, (GLfloat) - 0.056895,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.187558, (GLfloat) 0.056895,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) 0.533422, (GLfloat) 0.161812,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.796849, (GLfloat) 0.241722,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194186, (GLfloat) 0.938725, (GLfloat) 0.284759,
- (GLfloat) 0.194187, (GLfloat) 0.938724, (GLfloat) 0.284759,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) 0.796849, (GLfloat) 0.241722,
- (GLfloat) 0.830227, (GLfloat) 0.533422, (GLfloat) 0.161812,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.187558, (GLfloat) 0.056895,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.187558, (GLfloat) - 0.056895,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.533421, (GLfloat) - 0.161811,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) - 0.796850, (GLfloat) - 0.241722,
- (GLfloat) 0.194186, (GLfloat) - 0.865134, (GLfloat) - 0.462423,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194185, (GLfloat) - 0.865134, (GLfloat) - 0.462424,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.734380, (GLfloat) - 0.392534,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.491604, (GLfloat) - 0.262768,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.172854, (GLfloat) - 0.092393,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.172854, (GLfloat) 0.092393,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) 0.491605, (GLfloat) 0.262768,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.734380, (GLfloat) 0.392534,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194187, (GLfloat) 0.865134, (GLfloat) 0.462424,
- (GLfloat) 0.194187, (GLfloat) 0.865134, (GLfloat) 0.462423,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) 0.734381, (GLfloat) 0.392534,
- (GLfloat) 0.830227, (GLfloat) 0.491605, (GLfloat) 0.262768,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.172854, (GLfloat) 0.092393,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.172854, (GLfloat) - 0.092393,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.491604, (GLfloat) - 0.262768,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) - 0.734381, (GLfloat) - 0.392535,
- (GLfloat) 0.194186, (GLfloat) - 0.758296, (GLfloat) - 0.622317,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194186, (GLfloat) - 0.758296, (GLfloat) - 0.622318,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.643690, (GLfloat) - 0.528263,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.430895, (GLfloat) - 0.353626,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.151508, (GLfloat) - 0.124340,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.151508, (GLfloat) 0.124339,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) 0.430895, (GLfloat) 0.353627,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.643690, (GLfloat) 0.528263,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194186, (GLfloat) 0.758296, (GLfloat) 0.622317,
- (GLfloat) 0.194186, (GLfloat) 0.758296, (GLfloat) 0.622318,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) 0.643690, (GLfloat) 0.528263,
- (GLfloat) 0.830227, (GLfloat) 0.430895, (GLfloat) 0.353627,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.151508, (GLfloat) 0.124339,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.151508, (GLfloat) - 0.124340,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.430895, (GLfloat) - 0.353626,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) - 0.643690, (GLfloat) - 0.528263,
- (GLfloat) 0.194186, (GLfloat) - 0.622317, (GLfloat) - 0.758296,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194185, (GLfloat) - 0.622318, (GLfloat) - 0.758296,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.528263, (GLfloat) - 0.643690,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.353626, (GLfloat) - 0.430895,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.124339, (GLfloat) - 0.151508,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.124339, (GLfloat) 0.151508,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) 0.353627, (GLfloat) 0.430895,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.528262, (GLfloat) 0.643689,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194187, (GLfloat) 0.622317, (GLfloat) 0.758296,
- (GLfloat) 0.194187, (GLfloat) 0.622317, (GLfloat) 0.758296,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) 0.528263, (GLfloat) 0.643690,
- (GLfloat) 0.830227, (GLfloat) 0.353627, (GLfloat) 0.430895,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.124339, (GLfloat) 0.151508,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.124340, (GLfloat) - 0.151508,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.353626, (GLfloat) - 0.430895,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) - 0.528263, (GLfloat) - 0.643690,
- (GLfloat) 0.194186, (GLfloat) - 0.462423, (GLfloat) - 0.865134,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194185, (GLfloat) - 0.462424, (GLfloat) - 0.865134,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.392534, (GLfloat) - 0.734380,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.262768, (GLfloat) - 0.491604,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.092393, (GLfloat) - 0.172855,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.092393, (GLfloat) 0.172854,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) 0.262768, (GLfloat) 0.491605,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.392534, (GLfloat) 0.734380,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194186, (GLfloat) 0.462424, (GLfloat) 0.865134,
- (GLfloat) 0.194187, (GLfloat) 0.462423, (GLfloat) 0.865134,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) 0.392535, (GLfloat) 0.734381,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.262768, (GLfloat) 0.491605,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.092393, (GLfloat) 0.172854,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.092393, (GLfloat) - 0.172855,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.262768, (GLfloat) - 0.491604,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) - 0.392535, (GLfloat) - 0.734381,
- (GLfloat) 0.194185, (GLfloat) - 0.284759, (GLfloat) - 0.938725,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194185, (GLfloat) - 0.284759, (GLfloat) - 0.938725,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553718, (GLfloat) - 0.241721, (GLfloat) - 0.796848,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.161812, (GLfloat) - 0.533422,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.056895, (GLfloat) - 0.187558,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980605, (GLfloat) 0.056895, (GLfloat) 0.187557,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) 0.161812, (GLfloat) 0.533422,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553716, (GLfloat) 0.241722, (GLfloat) 0.796849,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194187, (GLfloat) 0.284759, (GLfloat) 0.938725,
- (GLfloat) 0.194188, (GLfloat) 0.284759, (GLfloat) 0.938724,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) 0.241722, (GLfloat) 0.796850,
- (GLfloat) 0.830227, (GLfloat) 0.161812, (GLfloat) 0.533423,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.056895, (GLfloat) 0.187557,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.056895, (GLfloat) - 0.187558,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.161812, (GLfloat) - 0.533422,
- (GLfloat) 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.241722, (GLfloat) - 0.796849,
- (GLfloat) 0.194186, (GLfloat) - 0.096151, (GLfloat) - 0.976241,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194186, (GLfloat) - 0.096151, (GLfloat) - 0.976241,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.081619, (GLfloat) - 0.828695,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.054637, (GLfloat) - 0.554740,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.019211, (GLfloat) - 0.195054,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.019211, (GLfloat) 0.195054,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) 0.054637, (GLfloat) 0.554741,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.081619, (GLfloat) 0.828695,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194187, (GLfloat) 0.096151, (GLfloat) 0.976241,
- (GLfloat) 0.194187, (GLfloat) 0.096151, (GLfloat) 0.976241,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) 0.081620, (GLfloat) 0.828696,
- (GLfloat) 0.830227, (GLfloat) 0.054637, (GLfloat) 0.554741,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.019211, (GLfloat) 0.195054,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.019211, (GLfloat) - 0.195054,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.054637, (GLfloat) - 0.554740,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) - 0.081619, (GLfloat) - 0.828696,
- (GLfloat) 0.194185, (GLfloat) 0.096151, (GLfloat) - 0.976241,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194185, (GLfloat) 0.096151, (GLfloat) - 0.976241,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553718, (GLfloat) 0.081619, (GLfloat) - 0.828695,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.054637, (GLfloat) - 0.554740,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.019211, (GLfloat) - 0.195054,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980605, (GLfloat) - 0.019211, (GLfloat) 0.195053,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.054637, (GLfloat) 0.554741,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.081619, (GLfloat) 0.828695,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194187, (GLfloat) - 0.096151, (GLfloat) 0.976241,
- (GLfloat) 0.194188, (GLfloat) - 0.096151, (GLfloat) 0.976241,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) - 0.081619, (GLfloat) 0.828696,
- (GLfloat) 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.054637, (GLfloat) 0.554741,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.019211, (GLfloat) 0.195053,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.019211, (GLfloat) - 0.195054,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.054637, (GLfloat) - 0.554740,
- (GLfloat) 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.081619, (GLfloat) - 0.828695,
- (GLfloat) 0.194186, (GLfloat) 0.284759, (GLfloat) - 0.938725,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194185, (GLfloat) 0.284759, (GLfloat) - 0.938725,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.241721, (GLfloat) - 0.796849,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.161812, (GLfloat) - 0.533421,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.056895, (GLfloat) - 0.187558,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.056895, (GLfloat) 0.187558,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.161812, (GLfloat) 0.533422,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.241722, (GLfloat) 0.796849,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194186, (GLfloat) - 0.284759, (GLfloat) 0.938725,
- (GLfloat) 0.194187, (GLfloat) - 0.284759, (GLfloat) 0.938724,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) - 0.241722, (GLfloat) 0.796849,
- (GLfloat) 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.161812, (GLfloat) 0.533422,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.056895, (GLfloat) 0.187558,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.056895, (GLfloat) - 0.187558,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.161811, (GLfloat) - 0.533421,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) 0.241722, (GLfloat) - 0.796850,
- (GLfloat) 0.194186, (GLfloat) 0.462423, (GLfloat) - 0.865134,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194185, (GLfloat) 0.462424, (GLfloat) - 0.865134,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.392534, (GLfloat) - 0.734380,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.262768, (GLfloat) - 0.491604,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.092393, (GLfloat) - 0.172854,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.092393, (GLfloat) 0.172854,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.262768, (GLfloat) 0.491605,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.392534, (GLfloat) 0.734380,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194187, (GLfloat) - 0.462424, (GLfloat) 0.865134,
- (GLfloat) 0.194187, (GLfloat) - 0.462423, (GLfloat) 0.865134,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) - 0.392534, (GLfloat) 0.734381,
- (GLfloat) 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.262768, (GLfloat) 0.491605,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.092393, (GLfloat) 0.172854,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.092393, (GLfloat) - 0.172854,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.262768, (GLfloat) - 0.491604,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) 0.392535, (GLfloat) - 0.734381,
- (GLfloat) 0.194186, (GLfloat) 0.622317, (GLfloat) - 0.758296,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194186, (GLfloat) 0.622318, (GLfloat) - 0.758296,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.528263, (GLfloat) - 0.643690,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.353626, (GLfloat) - 0.430895,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.124340, (GLfloat) - 0.151508,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.124339, (GLfloat) 0.151508,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.353627, (GLfloat) 0.430895,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.528263, (GLfloat) 0.643690,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194186, (GLfloat) - 0.622317, (GLfloat) 0.758296,
- (GLfloat) 0.194186, (GLfloat) - 0.622318, (GLfloat) 0.758296,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) - 0.528263, (GLfloat) 0.643690,
- (GLfloat) 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.353627, (GLfloat) 0.430895,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.124339, (GLfloat) 0.151508,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.124340, (GLfloat) - 0.151508,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.353626, (GLfloat) - 0.430895,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) 0.528263, (GLfloat) - 0.643690,
- (GLfloat) 0.194186, (GLfloat) 0.758296, (GLfloat) - 0.622317,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194185, (GLfloat) 0.758296, (GLfloat) - 0.622318,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.643690, (GLfloat) - 0.528263,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.430895, (GLfloat) - 0.353626,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.151508, (GLfloat) - 0.124339,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.151508, (GLfloat) 0.124339,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.430895, (GLfloat) 0.353627,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.643689, (GLfloat) 0.528262,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194187, (GLfloat) - 0.758296, (GLfloat) 0.622317,
- (GLfloat) 0.194187, (GLfloat) - 0.758296, (GLfloat) 0.622317,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) - 0.643690, (GLfloat) 0.528263,
- (GLfloat) 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.430895, (GLfloat) 0.353627,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.151508, (GLfloat) 0.124339,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.151508, (GLfloat) - 0.124340,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.430895, (GLfloat) - 0.353626,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) 0.643690, (GLfloat) - 0.528263,
- (GLfloat) 0.194186, (GLfloat) 0.865134, (GLfloat) - 0.462423,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194185, (GLfloat) 0.865134, (GLfloat) - 0.462424,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.734380, (GLfloat) - 0.392534,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.491604, (GLfloat) - 0.262768,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.172855, (GLfloat) - 0.092393,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.172854, (GLfloat) 0.092393,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.491605, (GLfloat) 0.262768,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.734380, (GLfloat) 0.392534,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194186, (GLfloat) - 0.865134, (GLfloat) 0.462424,
- (GLfloat) 0.194187, (GLfloat) - 0.865134, (GLfloat) 0.462423,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) - 0.734381, (GLfloat) 0.392535,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) - 0.491605, (GLfloat) 0.262768,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.172854, (GLfloat) 0.092393,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.172855, (GLfloat) - 0.092393,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.491604, (GLfloat) - 0.262768,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) 0.734381, (GLfloat) - 0.392535,
- (GLfloat) 0.194185, (GLfloat) 0.938725, (GLfloat) - 0.284759,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194185, (GLfloat) 0.938725, (GLfloat) - 0.284759,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553718, (GLfloat) 0.796848, (GLfloat) - 0.241721,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.533422, (GLfloat) - 0.161812,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.187558, (GLfloat) - 0.056895,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980605, (GLfloat) - 0.187557, (GLfloat) 0.056895,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.533422, (GLfloat) 0.161812,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553716, (GLfloat) - 0.796849, (GLfloat) 0.241722,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194187, (GLfloat) - 0.938725, (GLfloat) 0.284759,
- (GLfloat) 0.194188, (GLfloat) - 0.938724, (GLfloat) 0.284759,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) - 0.796850, (GLfloat) 0.241722,
- (GLfloat) 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.533423, (GLfloat) 0.161812,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.187557, (GLfloat) 0.056895,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.187558, (GLfloat) - 0.056895,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.533422, (GLfloat) - 0.161812,
- (GLfloat) 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.796849, (GLfloat) - 0.241722,
- (GLfloat) 0.194186, (GLfloat) 0.976241, (GLfloat) - 0.096151,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194186, (GLfloat) 0.976241, (GLfloat) - 0.096151,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) 0.828695, (GLfloat) - 0.081619,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.554740, (GLfloat) - 0.054637,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.195054, (GLfloat) - 0.019211,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.195054, (GLfloat) 0.019211,
- (GLfloat) - 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.554741, (GLfloat) 0.054637,
- (GLfloat) - 0.553717, (GLfloat) - 0.828695, (GLfloat) 0.081619,
- (GLfloat) - 0.194187, (GLfloat) - 0.976241, (GLfloat) 0.096151,
- (GLfloat) 0.194187, (GLfloat) - 0.976241, (GLfloat) 0.096151,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) - 0.828696, (GLfloat) 0.081620,
- (GLfloat) 0.830227, (GLfloat) - 0.554741, (GLfloat) 0.054637,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) - 0.195054, (GLfloat) 0.019211,
- (GLfloat) 0.980604, (GLfloat) 0.195054, (GLfloat) - 0.019211,
- (GLfloat) 0.830228, (GLfloat) 0.554740, (GLfloat) - 0.054637,
- (GLfloat) 0.553716, (GLfloat) 0.828696, (GLfloat) - 0.081619,
+ -1, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0.19509, -0.980785,
+ 0, 0.55557, -0.83147,
+ 0, 0.83147, -0.55557,
+ 0, 0.980785, -0.19509,
+ 0, 0.980785, 0.19509,
+ 0, 0.83147, 0.55557,
+ 0, 0.55557, 0.83147,
+ 0, 0.19509, 0.980785,
+ 0, -0.19509, 0.980785,
+ 0, -0.55557, 0.83147,
+ 0, -0.83147, 0.55557,
+ 0, -0.980785, 0.19509,
+ 0, -0.980785, -0.19509,
+ 0, -0.83147, -0.55557,
+ 0, -0.55557, -0.83147,
+ 0, -0.19509, -0.980785,
+ 1, 0, 0,
+ 0.980785, -0.195092, 0,
+ 0.83147, -0.555569, 0,
+ 0.555569, -0.83147, 0,
+ 0.195091, -0.980785, 0,
+ -0.19509, -0.980785, 0,
+ -0.55557, -0.831469, 0,
+ -0.831469, -0.555571, 0,
+ -0.980785, -0.195089, 0,
+ -0.980785, 0.195089, 0,
+ -0.831469, 0.555571, 0,
+ -0.55557, 0.831469, 0,
+ -0.19509, 0.980785, 0,
+ 0.195091, 0.980785, 0,
+ 0.555569, 0.83147, 0,
+ 0.83147, 0.555569, 0,
+ 0.980785, 0.195092, 0,
+ 0.980785, 0, 0.195092,
+ 0.83147, 0, 0.555569,
+ 0.555569, 0, 0.83147,
+ 0.195091, 0, 0.980785,
+ -0.19509, 0, 0.980785,
+ -0.55557, 0, 0.831469,
+ -0.831469, 0, 0.555571,
+ -0.980785, 0, 0.195089,
+ -0.980785, 0, -0.195089,
+ -0.831469, 0, -0.555571,
+ -0.55557, 0, -0.831469,
+ -0.19509, 0, -0.980785,
+ 0.195091, 0, -0.980785,
+ 0.555569, 0, -0.83147,
+ 0.83147, 0, -0.555569,
+ 0.980785, 0, -0.195092,
+ 0.980785, 0.195092, 0,
+ 0.83147, 0.555569, 0,
+ 0.555569, 0.83147, 0,
+ 0.195091, 0.980785, 0,
+ -0.19509, 0.980785, 0,
+ -0.55557, 0.831469, 0,
+ -0.831469, 0.555571, 0,
+ -0.980785, 0.195089, 0,
+ -0.980785, -0.195089, 0,
+ -0.831469, -0.555571, 0,
+ -0.55557, -0.831469, 0,
+ -0.19509, -0.980785, 0,
+ 0.195091, -0.980785, 0,
+ 0.555569, -0.83147, 0,
+ 0.83147, -0.555569, 0,
+ 0.980785, -0.195092, 0,
+ 0.980785, 0, -0.195092,
+ 0.83147, 0, -0.555569,
+ 0.555569, 0, -0.83147,
+ 0.195091, 0, -0.980785,
+ -0.19509, 0, -0.980785,
+ -0.55557, 0, -0.831469,
+ -0.831469, 0, -0.555571,
+ -0.980785, 0, -0.195089,
+ -0.980785, 0, 0.195089,
+ -0.831469, 0, 0.555571,
+ -0.55557, 0, 0.831469,
+ -0.19509, 0, 0.980785,
+ 0.195091, 0, 0.980785,
+ 0.555569, 0, 0.83147,
+ 0.83147, 0, 0.555569,
+ 0.980785, 0, 0.195092,
+ -1, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0.130526, -0.991445,
+ 0, 0.382684, -0.92388,
+ 0, 0.608761, -0.793353,
+ 0, 0.793353, -0.608761,
+ 0, 0.92388, -0.382684,
+ 0, 0.991445, -0.130526,
+ 0, 0.991445, 0.130526,
+ 0, 0.92388, 0.382684,
+ 0, 0.793353, 0.608761,
+ 0, 0.608761, 0.793353,
+ 0, 0.382684, 0.92388,
+ 0, 0.130526, 0.991445,
+ 0, -0.130526, 0.991445,
+ 0, -0.382684, 0.92388,
+ 0, -0.608761, 0.793353,
+ 0, -0.793353, 0.608761,
+ 0, -0.92388, 0.382684,
+ 0, -0.991445, 0.130526,
+ 0, -0.991445, -0.130526,
+ 0, -0.92388, -0.382684,
+ 0, -0.793353, -0.608761,
+ 0, -0.608761, -0.793353,
+ 0, -0.382684, -0.92388,
+ 0, -0.130526, -0.991445,
+ 1, 0, 0,
+ 0.194185, 0.976241, 0.096151,
+ -0.194185, 0.976241, 0.096151,
+ -0.553718, 0.828695, 0.081619,
+ -0.830228, 0.55474, 0.054637,
+ -0.980604, 0.195054, 0.019211,
+ -0.980605, -0.195053, -0.019211,
+ -0.830227, -0.554741, -0.054637,
+ -0.553717, -0.828695, -0.081619,
+ -0.194187, -0.976241, -0.096151,
+ 0.194188, -0.976241, -0.096151,
+ 0.553716, -0.828696, -0.081619,
+ 0.830227, -0.554741, -0.054637,
+ 0.980604, -0.195053, -0.019211,
+ 0.980604, 0.195054, 0.019211,
+ 0.830228, 0.55474, 0.054637,
+ 0.553717, 0.828695, 0.081619,
+ 0.194186, 0.938725, 0.284759,
+ -0.194185, 0.938725, 0.284759,
+ -0.553717, 0.796849, 0.241721,
+ -0.830228, 0.533421, 0.161812,
+ -0.980604, 0.187558, 0.056895,
+ -0.980604, -0.187558, -0.056895,
+ -0.830227, -0.533422, -0.161812,
+ -0.553717, -0.796849, -0.241722,
+ -0.194186, -0.938725, -0.284759,
+ 0.194187, -0.938724, -0.284759,
+ 0.553716, -0.796849, -0.241722,
+ 0.830227, -0.533422, -0.161812,
+ 0.980604, -0.187558, -0.056895,
+ 0.980604, 0.187558, 0.056895,
+ 0.830228, 0.533421, 0.161811,
+ 0.553716, 0.79685, 0.241722,
+ 0.194186, 0.865134, 0.462423,
+ -0.194185, 0.865134, 0.462424,
+ -0.553717, 0.73438, 0.392534,
+ -0.830228, 0.491604, 0.262768,
+ -0.980604, 0.172854, 0.092393,
+ -0.980604, -0.172854, -0.092393,
+ -0.830227, -0.491605, -0.262768,
+ -0.553717, -0.73438, -0.392534,
+ -0.194187, -0.865134, -0.462424,
+ 0.194187, -0.865134, -0.462423,
+ 0.553716, -0.734381, -0.392534,
+ 0.830227, -0.491605, -0.262768,
+ 0.980604, -0.172854, -0.092393,
+ 0.980604, 0.172854, 0.092393,
+ 0.830228, 0.491604, 0.262768,
+ 0.553716, 0.734381, 0.392535,
+ 0.194186, 0.758296, 0.622317,
+ -0.194186, 0.758296, 0.622318,
+ -0.553717, 0.64369, 0.528263,
+ -0.830228, 0.430895, 0.353626,
+ -0.980604, 0.151508, 0.12434,
+ -0.980604, -0.151508, -0.124339,
+ -0.830227, -0.430895, -0.353627,
+ -0.553717, -0.64369, -0.528263,
+ -0.194186, -0.758296, -0.622317,
+ 0.194186, -0.758296, -0.622318,
+ 0.553716, -0.64369, -0.528263,
+ 0.830227, -0.430895, -0.353627,
+ 0.980604, -0.151508, -0.124339,
+ 0.980604, 0.151508, 0.12434,
+ 0.830228, 0.430895, 0.353626,
+ 0.553716, 0.64369, 0.528263,
+ 0.194186, 0.622317, 0.758296,
+ -0.194185, 0.622318, 0.758296,
+ -0.553717, 0.528263, 0.64369,
+ -0.830228, 0.353626, 0.430895,
+ -0.980604, 0.124339, 0.151508,
+ -0.980604, -0.124339, -0.151508,
+ -0.830227, -0.353627, -0.430895,
+ -0.553717, -0.528262, -0.643689,
+ -0.194187, -0.622317, -0.758296,
+ 0.194187, -0.622317, -0.758296,
+ 0.553716, -0.528263, -0.64369,
+ 0.830227, -0.353627, -0.430895,
+ 0.980604, -0.124339, -0.151508,
+ 0.980604, 0.12434, 0.151508,
+ 0.830228, 0.353626, 0.430895,
+ 0.553716, 0.528263, 0.64369,
+ 0.194186, 0.462423, 0.865134,
+ -0.194185, 0.462424, 0.865134,
+ -0.553717, 0.392534, 0.73438,
+ -0.830228, 0.262768, 0.491604,
+ -0.980604, 0.092393, 0.172855,
+ -0.980604, -0.092392, -0.172854,
+ -0.830227, -0.262768, -0.491605,
+ -0.553717, -0.392534, -0.73438,
+ -0.194186, -0.462424, -0.865134,
+ 0.194187, -0.462423, -0.865134,
+ 0.553716, -0.392535, -0.734381,
+ 0.830227, -0.262768, -0.491605,
+ 0.980604, -0.092392, -0.172854,
+ 0.980604, 0.092393, 0.172855,
+ 0.830228, 0.262768, 0.491604,
+ 0.553716, 0.392535, 0.734381,
+ 0.194185, 0.284759, 0.938725,
+ -0.194185, 0.284759, 0.938725,
+ -0.553718, 0.241721, 0.796848,
+ -0.830228, 0.161812, 0.533422,
+ -0.980604, 0.056895, 0.187558,
+ -0.980604, -0.056895, -0.187558,
+ -0.830227, -0.161812, -0.533423,
+ -0.553717, -0.241722, -0.796849,
+ -0.194187, -0.284759, -0.938725,
+ 0.194188, -0.284759, -0.938724,
+ 0.553716, -0.241722, -0.796849,
+ 0.830227, -0.161812, -0.533423,
+ 0.980604, -0.056895, -0.187557,
+ 0.980604, 0.056895, 0.187558,
+ 0.830228, 0.161812, 0.533422,
+ 0.553717, 0.241722, 0.796849,
+ 0.194186, 0.096151, 0.976241,
+ -0.194186, 0.096151, 0.976241,
+ -0.553717, 0.081619, 0.828695,
+ -0.830228, 0.054637, 0.55474,
+ -0.980604, 0.019211, 0.195054,
+ -0.980604, -0.019211, -0.195054,
+ -0.830227, -0.054637, -0.554741,
+ -0.553717, -0.081619, -0.828695,
+ -0.194187, -0.096151, -0.976241,
+ 0.194187, -0.096151, -0.976241,
+ 0.553716, -0.081619, -0.828696,
+ 0.830227, -0.054637, -0.554741,
+ 0.980604, -0.019211, -0.195054,
+ 0.980604, 0.019211, 0.195054,
+ 0.830228, 0.054637, 0.55474,
+ 0.553716, 0.081619, 0.828696,
+ 0.194185, -0.096151, 0.976241,
+ -0.194185, -0.096151, 0.976241,
+ -0.553718, -0.081619, 0.828695,
+ -0.830228, -0.054637, 0.55474,
+ -0.980604, -0.019211, 0.195054,
+ -0.980605, 0.019211, -0.195053,
+ -0.830227, 0.054637, -0.554741,
+ -0.553717, 0.081619, -0.828695,
+ -0.194187, 0.096151, -0.976241,
+ 0.194188, 0.096151, -0.976241,
+ 0.553716, 0.081619, -0.828696,
+ 0.830227, 0.054637, -0.554741,
+ 0.980604, 0.019211, -0.195053,
+ 0.980604, -0.019211, 0.195054,
+ 0.830228, -0.054637, 0.55474,
+ 0.553717, -0.081619, 0.828695,
+ 0.194186, -0.284759, 0.938725,
+ -0.194185, -0.284759, 0.938725,
+ -0.553717, -0.241721, 0.796849,
+ -0.830228, -0.161812, 0.533421,
+ -0.980604, -0.056895, 0.187558,
+ -0.980604, 0.056895, -0.187558,
+ -0.830227, 0.161812, -0.533422,
+ -0.553717, 0.241722, -0.796849,
+ -0.194186, 0.284759, -0.938725,
+ 0.194187, 0.284759, -0.938724,
+ 0.553716, 0.241722, -0.796849,
+ 0.830227, 0.161812, -0.533422,
+ 0.980604, 0.056895, -0.187558,
+ 0.980604, -0.056895, 0.187558,
+ 0.830228, -0.161811, 0.533421,
+ 0.553716, -0.241722, 0.79685,
+ 0.194186, -0.462423, 0.865134,
+ -0.194185, -0.462424, 0.865134,
+ -0.553717, -0.392534, 0.73438,
+ -0.830228, -0.262768, 0.491604,
+ -0.980604, -0.092393, 0.172854,
+ -0.980604, 0.092393, -0.172854,
+ -0.830227, 0.262768, -0.491605,
+ -0.553717, 0.392534, -0.73438,
+ -0.194187, 0.462424, -0.865134,
+ 0.194187, 0.462423, -0.865134,
+ 0.553716, 0.392534, -0.734381,
+ 0.830227, 0.262768, -0.491605,
+ 0.980604, 0.092393, -0.172854,
+ 0.980604, -0.092393, 0.172854,
+ 0.830228, -0.262768, 0.491604,
+ 0.553716, -0.392535, 0.734381,
+ 0.194186, -0.622317, 0.758296,
+ -0.194186, -0.622318, 0.758296,
+ -0.553717, -0.528263, 0.64369,
+ -0.830228, -0.353626, 0.430895,
+ -0.980604, -0.12434, 0.151508,
+ -0.980604, 0.124339, -0.151508,
+ -0.830227, 0.353627, -0.430895,
+ -0.553717, 0.528263, -0.64369,
+ -0.194186, 0.622317, -0.758296,
+ 0.194186, 0.622318, -0.758296,
+ 0.553716, 0.528263, -0.64369,
+ 0.830227, 0.353627, -0.430895,
+ 0.980604, 0.124339, -0.151508,
+ 0.980604, -0.12434, 0.151508,
+ 0.830228, -0.353626, 0.430895,
+ 0.553716, -0.528263, 0.64369,
+ 0.194186, -0.758296, 0.622317,
+ -0.194185, -0.758296, 0.622318,
+ -0.553717, -0.64369, 0.528263,
+ -0.830228, -0.430895, 0.353626,
+ -0.980604, -0.151508, 0.124339,
+ -0.980604, 0.151508, -0.124339,
+ -0.830227, 0.430895, -0.353627,
+ -0.553717, 0.643689, -0.528262,
+ -0.194187, 0.758296, -0.622317,
+ 0.194187, 0.758296, -0.622317,
+ 0.553716, 0.64369, -0.528263,
+ 0.830227, 0.430895, -0.353627,
+ 0.980604, 0.151508, -0.124339,
+ 0.980604, -0.151508, 0.12434,
+ 0.830228, -0.430895, 0.353626,
+ 0.553716, -0.64369, 0.528263,
+ 0.194186, -0.865134, 0.462423,
+ -0.194185, -0.865134, 0.462424,
+ -0.553717, -0.73438, 0.392534,
+ -0.830228, -0.491604, 0.262768,
+ -0.980604, -0.172855, 0.092393,
+ -0.980604, 0.172854, -0.092393,
+ -0.830227, 0.491605, -0.262768,
+ -0.553717, 0.73438, -0.392534,
+ -0.194186, 0.865134, -0.462424,
+ 0.194187, 0.865134, -0.462423,
+ 0.553716, 0.734381, -0.392535,
+ 0.830228, 0.491605, -0.262768,
+ 0.980604, 0.172854, -0.092393,
+ 0.980604, -0.172855, 0.092393,
+ 0.830228, -0.491604, 0.262768,
+ 0.553716, -0.734381, 0.392535,
+ 0.194185, -0.938725, 0.284759,
+ -0.194185, -0.938725, 0.284759,
+ -0.553718, -0.796848, 0.241721,
+ -0.830228, -0.533422, 0.161812,
+ -0.980604, -0.187558, 0.056895,
+ -0.980605, 0.187557, -0.056895,
+ -0.830227, 0.533423, -0.161812,
+ -0.553717, 0.796849, -0.241722,
+ -0.194187, 0.938725, -0.284759,
+ 0.194188, 0.938724, -0.284759,
+ 0.553716, 0.796849, -0.241722,
+ 0.830227, 0.533423, -0.161812,
+ 0.980604, 0.187557, -0.056895,
+ 0.980604, -0.187558, 0.056895,
+ 0.830228, -0.533422, 0.161812,
+ 0.553717, -0.796849, 0.241722,
+ 0.194186, -0.976241, 0.096151,
+ -0.194186, -0.976241, 0.096151,
+ -0.553717, -0.828695, 0.081619,
+ -0.830228, -0.55474, 0.054637,
+ -0.980604, -0.195054, 0.019211,
+ -0.980604, 0.195054, -0.019211,
+ -0.830227, 0.554741, -0.054637,
+ -0.553717, 0.828695, -0.081619,
+ -0.194187, 0.976241, -0.096151,
+ 0.194187, 0.976241, -0.096151,
+ 0.553716, 0.828696, -0.081619,
+ 0.830227, 0.554741, -0.054637,
+ 0.980604, 0.195054, -0.019211,
+ 0.980604, -0.195054, 0.019211,
+ 0.830228, -0.55474, 0.054637,
+ 0.553716, -0.828696, 0.081619,
+ 0.194185, -0.976241, -0.096151,
+ -0.194185, -0.976241, -0.096151,
+ -0.553718, -0.828695, -0.081619,
+ -0.830228, -0.55474, -0.054637,
+ -0.980604, -0.195054, -0.019211,
+ -0.980605, 0.195053, 0.019211,
+ -0.830227, 0.554741, 0.054637,
+ -0.553717, 0.828695, 0.081619,
+ -0.194187, 0.976241, 0.096151,
+ 0.194188, 0.976241, 0.096151,
+ 0.553716, 0.828696, 0.081619,
+ 0.830227, 0.554741, 0.054637,
+ 0.980604, 0.195053, 0.019211,
+ 0.980604, -0.195054, -0.019211,
+ 0.830228, -0.55474, -0.054637,
+ 0.553717, -0.828695, -0.081619,
+ 0.194186, -0.938725, -0.284759,
+ -0.194185, -0.938725, -0.284759,
+ -0.553717, -0.796849, -0.241721,
+ -0.830228, -0.533421, -0.161812,
+ -0.980604, -0.187558, -0.056895,
+ -0.980604, 0.187558, 0.056895,
+ -0.830227, 0.533422, 0.161812,
+ -0.553717, 0.796849, 0.241722,
+ -0.194186, 0.938725, 0.284759,
+ 0.194187, 0.938724, 0.284759,
+ 0.553716, 0.796849, 0.241722,
+ 0.830227, 0.533422, 0.161812,
+ 0.980604, 0.187558, 0.056895,
+ 0.980604, -0.187558, -0.056895,
+ 0.830228, -0.533421, -0.161811,
+ 0.553716, -0.79685, -0.241722,
+ 0.194186, -0.865134, -0.462423,
+ -0.194185, -0.865134, -0.462424,
+ -0.553717, -0.73438, -0.392534,
+ -0.830228, -0.491604, -0.262768,
+ -0.980604, -0.172854, -0.092393,
+ -0.980604, 0.172854, 0.092393,
+ -0.830227, 0.491605, 0.262768,
+ -0.553717, 0.73438, 0.392534,
+ -0.194187, 0.865134, 0.462424,
+ 0.194187, 0.865134, 0.462423,
+ 0.553716, 0.734381, 0.392534,
+ 0.830227, 0.491605, 0.262768,
+ 0.980604, 0.172854, 0.092393,
+ 0.980604, -0.172854, -0.092393,
+ 0.830228, -0.491604, -0.262768,
+ 0.553716, -0.734381, -0.392535,
+ 0.194186, -0.758296, -0.622317,
+ -0.194186, -0.758296, -0.622318,
+ -0.553717, -0.64369, -0.528263,
+ -0.830228, -0.430895, -0.353626,
+ -0.980604, -0.151508, -0.12434,
+ -0.980604, 0.151508, 0.124339,
+ -0.830227, 0.430895, 0.353627,
+ -0.553717, 0.64369, 0.528263,
+ -0.194186, 0.758296, 0.622317,
+ 0.194186, 0.758296, 0.622318,
+ 0.553716, 0.64369, 0.528263,
+ 0.830227, 0.430895, 0.353627,
+ 0.980604, 0.151508, 0.124339,
+ 0.980604, -0.151508, -0.12434,
+ 0.830228, -0.430895, -0.353626,
+ 0.553716, -0.64369, -0.528263,
+ 0.194186, -0.622317, -0.758296,
+ -0.194185, -0.622318, -0.758296,
+ -0.553717, -0.528263, -0.64369,
+ -0.830228, -0.353626, -0.430895,
+ -0.980604, -0.124339, -0.151508,
+ -0.980604, 0.124339, 0.151508,
+ -0.830227, 0.353627, 0.430895,
+ -0.553717, 0.528262, 0.643689,
+ -0.194187, 0.622317, 0.758296,
+ 0.194187, 0.622317, 0.758296,
+ 0.553716, 0.528263, 0.64369,
+ 0.830227, 0.353627, 0.430895,
+ 0.980604, 0.124339, 0.151508,
+ 0.980604, -0.12434, -0.151508,
+ 0.830228, -0.353626, -0.430895,
+ 0.553716, -0.528263, -0.64369,
+ 0.194186, -0.462423, -0.865134,
+ -0.194185, -0.462424, -0.865134,
+ -0.553717, -0.392534, -0.73438,
+ -0.830228, -0.262768, -0.491604,
+ -0.980604, -0.092393, -0.172855,
+ -0.980604, 0.092393, 0.172854,
+ -0.830227, 0.262768, 0.491605,
+ -0.553717, 0.392534, 0.73438,
+ -0.194186, 0.462424, 0.865134,
+ 0.194187, 0.462423, 0.865134,
+ 0.553716, 0.392535, 0.734381,
+ 0.830228, 0.262768, 0.491605,
+ 0.980604, 0.092393, 0.172854,
+ 0.980604, -0.092393, -0.172855,
+ 0.830228, -0.262768, -0.491604,
+ 0.553716, -0.392535, -0.734381,
+ 0.194185, -0.284759, -0.938725,
+ -0.194185, -0.284759, -0.938725,
+ -0.553718, -0.241721, -0.796848,
+ -0.830228, -0.161812, -0.533422,
+ -0.980604, -0.056895, -0.187558,
+ -0.980605, 0.056895, 0.187557,
+ -0.830227, 0.161812, 0.533422,
+ -0.553716, 0.241722, 0.796849,
+ -0.194187, 0.284759, 0.938725,
+ 0.194188, 0.284759, 0.938724,
+ 0.553716, 0.241722, 0.79685,
+ 0.830227, 0.161812, 0.533423,
+ 0.980604, 0.056895, 0.187557,
+ 0.980604, -0.056895, -0.187558,
+ 0.830228, -0.161812, -0.533422,
+ 0.553717, -0.241722, -0.796849,
+ 0.194186, -0.096151, -0.976241,
+ -0.194186, -0.096151, -0.976241,
+ -0.553717, -0.081619, -0.828695,
+ -0.830228, -0.054637, -0.55474,
+ -0.980604, -0.019211, -0.195054,
+ -0.980604, 0.019211, 0.195054,
+ -0.830227, 0.054637, 0.554741,
+ -0.553717, 0.081619, 0.828695,
+ -0.194187, 0.096151, 0.976241,
+ 0.194187, 0.096151, 0.976241,
+ 0.553716, 0.08162, 0.828696,
+ 0.830227, 0.054637, 0.554741,
+ 0.980604, 0.019211, 0.195054,
+ 0.980604, -0.019211, -0.195054,
+ 0.830228, -0.054637, -0.55474,
+ 0.553716, -0.081619, -0.828696,
+ 0.194185, 0.096151, -0.976241,
+ -0.194185, 0.096151, -0.976241,
+ -0.553718, 0.081619, -0.828695,
+ -0.830228, 0.054637, -0.55474,
+ -0.980604, 0.019211, -0.195054,
+ -0.980605, -0.019211, 0.195053,
+ -0.830227, -0.054637, 0.554741,
+ -0.553717, -0.081619, 0.828695,
+ -0.194187, -0.096151, 0.976241,
+ 0.194188, -0.096151, 0.976241,
+ 0.553716, -0.081619, 0.828696,
+ 0.830227, -0.054637, 0.554741,
+ 0.980604, -0.019211, 0.195053,
+ 0.980604, 0.019211, -0.195054,
+ 0.830228, 0.054637, -0.55474,
+ 0.553717, 0.081619, -0.828695,
+ 0.194186, 0.284759, -0.938725,
+ -0.194185, 0.284759, -0.938725,
+ -0.553717, 0.241721, -0.796849,
+ -0.830228, 0.161812, -0.533421,
+ -0.980604, 0.056895, -0.187558,
+ -0.980604, -0.056895, 0.187558,
+ -0.830227, -0.161812, 0.533422,
+ -0.553717, -0.241722, 0.796849,
+ -0.194186, -0.284759, 0.938725,
+ 0.194187, -0.284759, 0.938724,
+ 0.553716, -0.241722, 0.796849,
+ 0.830227, -0.161812, 0.533422,
+ 0.980604, -0.056895, 0.187558,
+ 0.980604, 0.056895, -0.187558,
+ 0.830228, 0.161811, -0.533421,
+ 0.553716, 0.241722, -0.79685,
+ 0.194186, 0.462423, -0.865134,
+ -0.194185, 0.462424, -0.865134,
+ -0.553717, 0.392534, -0.73438,
+ -0.830228, 0.262768, -0.491604,
+ -0.980604, 0.092393, -0.172854,
+ -0.980604, -0.092393, 0.172854,
+ -0.830227, -0.262768, 0.491605,
+ -0.553717, -0.392534, 0.73438,
+ -0.194187, -0.462424, 0.865134,
+ 0.194187, -0.462423, 0.865134,
+ 0.553716, -0.392534, 0.734381,
+ 0.830227, -0.262768, 0.491605,
+ 0.980604, -0.092393, 0.172854,
+ 0.980604, 0.092393, -0.172854,
+ 0.830228, 0.262768, -0.491604,
+ 0.553716, 0.392535, -0.734381,
+ 0.194186, 0.622317, -0.758296,
+ -0.194186, 0.622318, -0.758296,
+ -0.553717, 0.528263, -0.64369,
+ -0.830228, 0.353626, -0.430895,
+ -0.980604, 0.12434, -0.151508,
+ -0.980604, -0.124339, 0.151508,
+ -0.830227, -0.353627, 0.430895,
+ -0.553717, -0.528263, 0.64369,
+ -0.194186, -0.622317, 0.758296,
+ 0.194186, -0.622318, 0.758296,
+ 0.553716, -0.528263, 0.64369,
+ 0.830227, -0.353627, 0.430895,
+ 0.980604, -0.124339, 0.151508,
+ 0.980604, 0.12434, -0.151508,
+ 0.830228, 0.353626, -0.430895,
+ 0.553716, 0.528263, -0.64369,
+ 0.194186, 0.758296, -0.622317,
+ -0.194185, 0.758296, -0.622318,
+ -0.553717, 0.64369, -0.528263,
+ -0.830228, 0.430895, -0.353626,
+ -0.980604, 0.151508, -0.124339,
+ -0.980604, -0.151508, 0.124339,
+ -0.830227, -0.430895, 0.353627,
+ -0.553717, -0.643689, 0.528262,
+ -0.194187, -0.758296, 0.622317,
+ 0.194187, -0.758296, 0.622317,
+ 0.553716, -0.64369, 0.528263,
+ 0.830227, -0.430895, 0.353627,
+ 0.980604, -0.151508, 0.124339,
+ 0.980604, 0.151508, -0.12434,
+ 0.830228, 0.430895, -0.353626,
+ 0.553716, 0.64369, -0.528263,
+ 0.194186, 0.865134, -0.462423,
+ -0.194185, 0.865134, -0.462424,
+ -0.553717, 0.73438, -0.392534,
+ -0.830228, 0.491604, -0.262768,
+ -0.980604, 0.172855, -0.092393,
+ -0.980604, -0.172854, 0.092393,
+ -0.830227, -0.491605, 0.262768,
+ -0.553717, -0.73438, 0.392534,
+ -0.194186, -0.865134, 0.462424,
+ 0.194187, -0.865134, 0.462423,
+ 0.553716, -0.734381, 0.392535,
+ 0.830228, -0.491605, 0.262768,
+ 0.980604, -0.172854, 0.092393,
+ 0.980604, 0.172855, -0.092393,
+ 0.830228, 0.491604, -0.262768,
+ 0.553716, 0.734381, -0.392535,
+ 0.194185, 0.938725, -0.284759,
+ -0.194185, 0.938725, -0.284759,
+ -0.553718, 0.796848, -0.241721,
+ -0.830228, 0.533422, -0.161812,
+ -0.980604, 0.187558, -0.056895,
+ -0.980605, -0.187557, 0.056895,
+ -0.830227, -0.533422, 0.161812,
+ -0.553716, -0.796849, 0.241722,
+ -0.194187, -0.938725, 0.284759,
+ 0.194188, -0.938724, 0.284759,
+ 0.553716, -0.79685, 0.241722,
+ 0.830227, -0.533423, 0.161812,
+ 0.980604, -0.187557, 0.056895,
+ 0.980604, 0.187558, -0.056895,
+ 0.830228, 0.533422, -0.161812,
+ 0.553717, 0.796849, -0.241722,
+ 0.194186, 0.976241, -0.096151,
+ -0.194186, 0.976241, -0.096151,
+ -0.553717, 0.828695, -0.081619,
+ -0.830228, 0.55474, -0.054637,
+ -0.980604, 0.195054, -0.019211,
+ -0.980604, -0.195054, 0.019211,
+ -0.830227, -0.554741, 0.054637,
+ -0.553717, -0.828695, 0.081619,
+ -0.194187, -0.976241, 0.096151,
+ 0.194187, -0.976241, 0.096151,
+ 0.553716, -0.828696, 0.08162,
+ 0.830227, -0.554741, 0.054637,
+ 0.980604, -0.195054, 0.019211,
+ 0.980604, 0.195054, -0.019211,
+ 0.830228, 0.55474, -0.054637,
+ 0.553716, 0.828696, -0.081619,
static const unsigned short int BigValve_POLS[] =
static const GLfloat Bolts3D_PNTS[] =
- (GLfloat) - 0.160704, (GLfloat) 0.399000, (GLfloat) 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.160704, (GLfloat) 0.399000, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.400000, (GLfloat) 0.160257, (GLfloat) 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.400000, (GLfloat) 0.160257, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.400000, (GLfloat) - 0.170369, (GLfloat) 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.400000, (GLfloat) - 0.170369, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.153738, (GLfloat) - 0.400000, (GLfloat) 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.153738, (GLfloat) - 0.400000, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.176887, (GLfloat) - 0.400000, (GLfloat) 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.176887, (GLfloat) - 0.400000, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) - 0.163403, (GLfloat) 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) - 0.163403, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) 0.167223, (GLfloat) 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) 0.167223, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.169922, (GLfloat) 0.399000, (GLfloat) 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.169922, (GLfloat) 0.399000, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.160704, (GLfloat) 0.399000, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.160704, (GLfloat) 0.399000, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.400000, (GLfloat) 0.160257, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.400000, (GLfloat) 0.160257, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.400000, (GLfloat) - 0.170369, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.400000, (GLfloat) - 0.170369, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.153738, (GLfloat) - 0.400000, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.153738, (GLfloat) - 0.400000, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.176887, (GLfloat) - 0.400000, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.176887, (GLfloat) - 0.400000, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) - 0.163403, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) - 0.163403, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) 0.167223, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) 0.167223, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.169922, (GLfloat) 0.399000, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.169922, (GLfloat) 0.399000, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
+ -0.160704, 0.399, 0.6,
+ -0.160704, 0.399, -0.5,
+ -0.4, 0.160257, 0.6,
+ -0.4, 0.160257, -0.5,
+ -0.4, -0.170369, 0.6,
+ -0.4, -0.170369, -0.5,
+ -0.153738, -0.4, 0.6,
+ -0.153738, -0.4, -0.5,
+ 0.176887, -0.4, 0.6,
+ 0.176887, -0.4, -0.5,
+ 0.4, -0.163403, 0.6,
+ 0.4, -0.163403, -0.5,
+ 0.4, 0.167223, 0.6,
+ 0.4, 0.167223, -0.5,
+ 0.169922, 0.399, 0.6,
+ 0.169922, 0.399, -0.5,
+ -0.160704, 0.399, 0.5,
+ -0.160704, 0.399, -0.6,
+ -0.4, 0.160257, -0.6,
+ -0.4, 0.160257, 0.5,
+ -0.4, -0.170369, -0.6,
+ -0.4, -0.170369, 0.5,
+ -0.153738, -0.4, -0.6,
+ -0.153738, -0.4, 0.5,
+ 0.176887, -0.4, 0.5,
+ 0.176887, -0.4, -0.6,
+ 0.4, -0.163403, 0.5,
+ 0.4, -0.163403, -0.6,
+ 0.4, 0.167223, -0.6,
+ 0.4, 0.167223, 0.5,
+ 0.169922, 0.399, -0.6,
+ 0.169922, 0.399, 0.5,
static const GLfloat Bolts3D_normals[] =
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.709703, (GLfloat) 0.704502, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.727535, (GLfloat) - 0.686070, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.681980, (GLfloat) - 0.731370, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.706289, (GLfloat) 0.707924, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.709703, (GLfloat) 0.704502, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.727535, (GLfloat) - 0.686070, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.681980, (GLfloat) - 0.731370, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.706289, (GLfloat) 0.707924, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000,
+ 0, 1, 0,
+ 0.709703, 0.704502, 0,
+ 1, 0, 0,
+ 0.727535, -0.68607, 0,
+ 0, -1, 0,
+ -0.68198, -0.73137, 0,
+ -1, 0, 0,
+ -0.706289, 0.707924, 0,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 1, 0,
+ 0.709703, 0.704502, 0,
+ 1, 0, 0,
+ 0.727535, -0.68607, 0,
+ 0, -1, 0,
+ -0.68198, -0.73137, 0,
+ -1, 0, 0,
+ -0.706289, 0.707924, 0,
+ 0, 0, -1,
static const unsigned short int Bolts3D_POLS[] =
static const GLfloat GuageConnector_PNTS[] =
- (GLfloat) 0.200000, (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.200000, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.193185, (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) - 0.051764,
- (GLfloat) 0.193185, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.051764,
- (GLfloat) 0.173205, (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) - 0.100000,
- (GLfloat) 0.173205, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.100000,
- (GLfloat) 0.141421, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.141421,
- (GLfloat) 0.141421, (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) - 0.141421,
- (GLfloat) 0.100000, (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) - 0.173205,
- (GLfloat) 0.100000, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.173205,
- (GLfloat) 0.051764, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.193185,
- (GLfloat) 0.051764, (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) - 0.193185,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) - 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.051764, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.193185,
- (GLfloat) - 0.051764, (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) - 0.193185,
- (GLfloat) - 0.100000, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.173205,
- (GLfloat) - 0.100000, (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) - 0.173205,
- (GLfloat) - 0.141421, (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) - 0.141421,
- (GLfloat) - 0.141421, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.141421,
- (GLfloat) - 0.173205, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.100000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.173205, (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) - 0.100000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.193185, (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) - 0.051764,
- (GLfloat) - 0.193185, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.051764,
- (GLfloat) - 0.200000, (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.200000, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.193185, (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) 0.051764,
- (GLfloat) - 0.193185, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.051764,
- (GLfloat) - 0.173205, (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) 0.100000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.173205, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.100000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.141421, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.141421,
- (GLfloat) - 0.141421, (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) 0.141421,
- (GLfloat) - 0.100000, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.173205,
- (GLfloat) - 0.100000, (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) 0.173205,
- (GLfloat) - 0.051764, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.193185,
- (GLfloat) - 0.051764, (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) 0.193185,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.051764, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.193185,
- (GLfloat) 0.051764, (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) 0.193185,
- (GLfloat) 0.100000, (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) 0.173205,
- (GLfloat) 0.100000, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.173205,
- (GLfloat) 0.141421, (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) 0.141421,
- (GLfloat) 0.141421, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.141421,
- (GLfloat) 0.173205, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.100000,
- (GLfloat) 0.173205, (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) 0.100000,
- (GLfloat) 0.193185, (GLfloat) 0.400000, (GLfloat) 0.051764,
- (GLfloat) 0.193185, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.051764,
- (GLfloat) 0.200000, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.193185, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.051764,
- (GLfloat) 0.173205, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.100000,
- (GLfloat) 0.141421, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.141421,
- (GLfloat) 0.100000, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.173205,
- (GLfloat) 0.051764, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.193185,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.051764, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.193185,
- (GLfloat) - 0.100000, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.173205,
- (GLfloat) - 0.141421, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.141421,
- (GLfloat) - 0.173205, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.100000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.193185, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.051764,
- (GLfloat) - 0.200000, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.193185, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.051764,
- (GLfloat) - 0.173205, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.100000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.141421, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.141421,
- (GLfloat) - 0.100000, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.173205,
- (GLfloat) - 0.051764, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.193185,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.051764, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.193185,
- (GLfloat) 0.100000, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.173205,
- (GLfloat) 0.141421, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.141421,
- (GLfloat) 0.173205, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.100000,
- (GLfloat) 0.193185, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.051764,
- (GLfloat) 0.150000, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.144889, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.038823,
- (GLfloat) 0.129904, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.075000,
- (GLfloat) 0.106066, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.106066,
- (GLfloat) 0.075000, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.129904,
- (GLfloat) 0.038823, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.144889,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.150000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.038823, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.144889,
- (GLfloat) - 0.075000, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.129904,
- (GLfloat) - 0.106066, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.106066,
- (GLfloat) - 0.129904, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.075000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.144889, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.038823,
- (GLfloat) - 0.150000, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.144889, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.038823,
- (GLfloat) - 0.129904, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.075000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.106066, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.106066,
- (GLfloat) - 0.075000, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.129904,
- (GLfloat) - 0.038823, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.144889,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.150000,
- (GLfloat) 0.038823, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.144889,
- (GLfloat) 0.075000, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.129904,
- (GLfloat) 0.106066, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.106066,
- (GLfloat) 0.129904, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.075000,
- (GLfloat) 0.144889, (GLfloat) 0.550000, (GLfloat) 0.038823,
- (GLfloat) 0.150000, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.144889, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.038823,
- (GLfloat) 0.129904, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.075000,
- (GLfloat) 0.106066, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.106066,
- (GLfloat) 0.075000, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.129904,
- (GLfloat) 0.038823, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.144889,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.150000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.038823, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.144889,
- (GLfloat) - 0.075000, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.129904,
- (GLfloat) - 0.106066, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.106066,
- (GLfloat) - 0.129904, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.075000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.144889, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.038823,
- (GLfloat) - 0.150000, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.144889, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.038823,
- (GLfloat) - 0.129904, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.075000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.106066, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.106066,
- (GLfloat) - 0.075000, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.129904,
- (GLfloat) - 0.038823, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.144889,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.150000,
- (GLfloat) 0.038823, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.144889,
- (GLfloat) 0.075000, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.129904,
- (GLfloat) 0.106066, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.106066,
- (GLfloat) 0.129904, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.075000,
- (GLfloat) 0.144889, (GLfloat) 0.800000, (GLfloat) 0.038823,
- (GLfloat) 0.200000, (GLfloat) 0.875988, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.193185, (GLfloat) 0.872346, (GLfloat) - 0.051764,
- (GLfloat) 0.191342, (GLfloat) 0.871360, (GLfloat) - 0.056214,
- (GLfloat) 0.173205, (GLfloat) 0.865859, (GLfloat) - 0.100000,
- (GLfloat) 0.141421, (GLfloat) 0.856217, (GLfloat) - 0.141421,
- (GLfloat) 0.100000, (GLfloat) 0.843652, (GLfloat) - 0.173205,
- (GLfloat) 0.097545, (GLfloat) 0.842907, (GLfloat) - 0.174222,
- (GLfloat) 0.051764, (GLfloat) 0.838398, (GLfloat) - 0.193185,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.833300, (GLfloat) - 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.051764, (GLfloat) 0.838398, (GLfloat) - 0.193185,
- (GLfloat) - 0.097545, (GLfloat) 0.842907, (GLfloat) - 0.174222,
- (GLfloat) - 0.100000, (GLfloat) 0.843652, (GLfloat) - 0.173205,
- (GLfloat) - 0.141421, (GLfloat) 0.856217, (GLfloat) - 0.141421,
- (GLfloat) - 0.173205, (GLfloat) 0.865859, (GLfloat) - 0.100000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.191342, (GLfloat) 0.871360, (GLfloat) - 0.056214,
- (GLfloat) - 0.193185, (GLfloat) 0.872346, (GLfloat) - 0.051764,
- (GLfloat) - 0.200000, (GLfloat) 0.875988, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.193185, (GLfloat) 0.872346, (GLfloat) 0.051764,
- (GLfloat) - 0.173205, (GLfloat) 0.865859, (GLfloat) 0.100000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.191342, (GLfloat) 0.871360, (GLfloat) 0.056214,
- (GLfloat) - 0.141421, (GLfloat) 0.856217, (GLfloat) 0.141421,
- (GLfloat) - 0.100000, (GLfloat) 0.843652, (GLfloat) 0.173205,
- (GLfloat) - 0.051764, (GLfloat) 0.838398, (GLfloat) 0.193185,
- (GLfloat) - 0.097545, (GLfloat) 0.842907, (GLfloat) 0.174222,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.833300, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.051764, (GLfloat) 0.838398, (GLfloat) 0.193185,
- (GLfloat) 0.100000, (GLfloat) 0.843652, (GLfloat) 0.173205,
- (GLfloat) 0.097545, (GLfloat) 0.842907, (GLfloat) 0.174222,
- (GLfloat) 0.141421, (GLfloat) 0.856217, (GLfloat) 0.141421,
- (GLfloat) 0.173205, (GLfloat) 0.865859, (GLfloat) 0.100000,
- (GLfloat) 0.193185, (GLfloat) 0.872346, (GLfloat) 0.051764,
- (GLfloat) 0.191342, (GLfloat) 0.871360, (GLfloat) 0.056214,
+ 0.2, 0.4, 0,
+ 0.2, 0.8, 0,
+ 0.193185, 0.4, -0.051764,
+ 0.193185, 0.8, -0.051764,
+ 0.173205, 0.4, -0.1,
+ 0.173205, 0.8, -0.1,
+ 0.141421, 0.8, -0.141421,
+ 0.141421, 0.4, -0.141421,
+ 0.1, 0.4, -0.173205,
+ 0.1, 0.8, -0.173205,
+ 0.051764, 0.8, -0.193185,
+ 0.051764, 0.4, -0.193185,
+ 0, 0.8, -0.2,
+ 0, 0.4, -0.2,
+ -0.051764, 0.8, -0.193185,
+ -0.051764, 0.4, -0.193185,
+ -0.1, 0.8, -0.173205,
+ -0.1, 0.4, -0.173205,
+ -0.141421, 0.4, -0.141421,
+ -0.141421, 0.8, -0.141421,
+ -0.173205, 0.8, -0.1,
+ -0.173205, 0.4, -0.1,
+ -0.193185, 0.4, -0.051764,
+ -0.193185, 0.8, -0.051764,
+ -0.2, 0.4, 0,
+ -0.2, 0.8, 0,
+ -0.193185, 0.4, 0.051764,
+ -0.193185, 0.8, 0.051764,
+ -0.173205, 0.4, 0.1,
+ -0.173205, 0.8, 0.1,
+ -0.141421, 0.8, 0.141421,
+ -0.141421, 0.4, 0.141421,
+ -0.1, 0.8, 0.173205,
+ -0.1, 0.4, 0.173205,
+ -0.051764, 0.8, 0.193185,
+ -0.051764, 0.4, 0.193185,
+ 0, 0.8, 0.2,
+ 0, 0.4, 0.2,
+ 0.051764, 0.8, 0.193185,
+ 0.051764, 0.4, 0.193185,
+ 0.1, 0.4, 0.173205,
+ 0.1, 0.8, 0.173205,
+ 0.141421, 0.4, 0.141421,
+ 0.141421, 0.8, 0.141421,
+ 0.173205, 0.8, 0.1,
+ 0.173205, 0.4, 0.1,
+ 0.193185, 0.4, 0.051764,
+ 0.193185, 0.8, 0.051764,
+ 0.2, 0.55, 0,
+ 0.193185, 0.55, -0.051764,
+ 0.173205, 0.55, -0.1,
+ 0.141421, 0.55, -0.141421,
+ 0.1, 0.55, -0.173205,
+ 0.051764, 0.55, -0.193185,
+ 0, 0.55, -0.2,
+ -0.051764, 0.55, -0.193185,
+ -0.1, 0.55, -0.173205,
+ -0.141421, 0.55, -0.141421,
+ -0.173205, 0.55, -0.1,
+ -0.193185, 0.55, -0.051764,
+ -0.2, 0.55, 0,
+ -0.193185, 0.55, 0.051764,
+ -0.173205, 0.55, 0.1,
+ -0.141421, 0.55, 0.141421,
+ -0.1, 0.55, 0.173205,
+ -0.051764, 0.55, 0.193185,
+ 0, 0.55, 0.2,
+ 0.051764, 0.55, 0.193185,
+ 0.1, 0.55, 0.173205,
+ 0.141421, 0.55, 0.141421,
+ 0.173205, 0.55, 0.1,
+ 0.193185, 0.55, 0.051764,
+ 0.15, 0.55, 0,
+ 0.144889, 0.55, -0.038823,
+ 0.129904, 0.55, -0.075,
+ 0.106066, 0.55, -0.106066,
+ 0.075, 0.55, -0.129904,
+ 0.038823, 0.55, -0.144889,
+ 0, 0.55, -0.15,
+ -0.038823, 0.55, -0.144889,
+ -0.075, 0.55, -0.129904,
+ -0.106066, 0.55, -0.106066,
+ -0.129904, 0.55, -0.075,
+ -0.144889, 0.55, -0.038823,
+ -0.15, 0.55, 0,
+ -0.144889, 0.55, 0.038823,
+ -0.129904, 0.55, 0.075,
+ -0.106066, 0.55, 0.106066,
+ -0.075, 0.55, 0.129904,
+ -0.038823, 0.55, 0.144889,
+ 0, 0.55, 0.15,
+ 0.038823, 0.55, 0.144889,
+ 0.075, 0.55, 0.129904,
+ 0.106066, 0.55, 0.106066,
+ 0.129904, 0.55, 0.075,
+ 0.144889, 0.55, 0.038823,
+ 0.15, 0.8, 0,
+ 0.144889, 0.8, -0.038823,
+ 0.129904, 0.8, -0.075,
+ 0.106066, 0.8, -0.106066,
+ 0.075, 0.8, -0.129904,
+ 0.038823, 0.8, -0.144889,
+ 0, 0.8, -0.15,
+ -0.038823, 0.8, -0.144889,
+ -0.075, 0.8, -0.129904,
+ -0.106066, 0.8, -0.106066,
+ -0.129904, 0.8, -0.075,
+ -0.144889, 0.8, -0.038823,
+ -0.15, 0.8, 0,
+ -0.144889, 0.8, 0.038823,
+ -0.129904, 0.8, 0.075,
+ -0.106066, 0.8, 0.106066,
+ -0.075, 0.8, 0.129904,
+ -0.038823, 0.8, 0.144889,
+ 0, 0.8, 0.15,
+ 0.038823, 0.8, 0.144889,
+ 0.075, 0.8, 0.129904,
+ 0.106066, 0.8, 0.106066,
+ 0.129904, 0.8, 0.075,
+ 0.144889, 0.8, 0.038823,
+ 0.2, 0.875988, 0,
+ 0.193185, 0.872346, -0.051764,
+ 0.191342, 0.87136, -0.056214,
+ 0.173205, 0.865859, -0.1,
+ 0.141421, 0.856217, -0.141421,
+ 0.1, 0.843652, -0.173205,
+ 0.097545, 0.842907, -0.174222,
+ 0.051764, 0.838398, -0.193185,
+ 0, 0.8333, -0.2,
+ -0.051764, 0.838398, -0.193185,
+ -0.097545, 0.842907, -0.174222,
+ -0.1, 0.843652, -0.173205,
+ -0.141421, 0.856217, -0.141421,
+ -0.173205, 0.865859, -0.1,
+ -0.191342, 0.87136, -0.056214,
+ -0.193185, 0.872346, -0.051764,
+ -0.2, 0.875988, 0,
+ -0.193185, 0.872346, 0.051764,
+ -0.173205, 0.865859, 0.1,
+ -0.191342, 0.87136, 0.056214,
+ -0.141421, 0.856217, 0.141421,
+ -0.1, 0.843652, 0.173205,
+ -0.051764, 0.838398, 0.193185,
+ -0.097545, 0.842907, 0.174222,
+ 0, 0.8333, 0.2,
+ 0.051764, 0.838398, 0.193185,
+ 0.1, 0.843652, 0.173205,
+ 0.097545, 0.842907, 0.174222,
+ 0.141421, 0.856217, 0.141421,
+ 0.173205, 0.865859, 0.1,
+ 0.193185, 0.872346, 0.051764,
+ 0.191342, 0.87136, 0.056214,
static const GLfloat GuageConnector_normals[] =
- (GLfloat) 0.991445, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.130526,
- (GLfloat) 0.923880, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.382683,
- (GLfloat) 0.793353, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.608761,
- (GLfloat) 0.608761, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.793353,
- (GLfloat) 0.382683, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.923880,
- (GLfloat) 0.130526, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.991445,
- (GLfloat) - 0.130526, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.991445,
- (GLfloat) - 0.382683, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.923880,
- (GLfloat) - 0.608761, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.793353,
- (GLfloat) - 0.793353, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.608761,
- (GLfloat) - 0.923880, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.382683,
- (GLfloat) - 0.991445, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.130526,
- (GLfloat) - 0.991445, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.130526,
- (GLfloat) - 0.923880, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.382683,
- (GLfloat) - 0.793353, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.608761,
- (GLfloat) - 0.608761, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.793353,
- (GLfloat) - 0.382683, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.923880,
- (GLfloat) - 0.130526, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.991445,
- (GLfloat) 0.130526, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.991445,
- (GLfloat) 0.382683, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.923880,
- (GLfloat) 0.608761, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.793353,
- (GLfloat) 0.793353, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.608761,
- (GLfloat) 0.923880, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.382683,
- (GLfloat) 0.991445, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.130526,
- (GLfloat) 0.991445, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.130526,
- (GLfloat) 0.923880, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.382684,
- (GLfloat) 0.793353, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.608761,
- (GLfloat) 0.608761, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.793353,
- (GLfloat) 0.382684, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.923880,
- (GLfloat) 0.130526, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.991445,
- (GLfloat) - 0.130526, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.991445,
- (GLfloat) - 0.382684, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.923880,
- (GLfloat) - 0.608761, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.793353,
- (GLfloat) - 0.793353, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.608761,
- (GLfloat) - 0.923880, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.382684,
- (GLfloat) - 0.991445, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.130526,
- (GLfloat) - 0.991445, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.130526,
- (GLfloat) - 0.923880, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.382684,
- (GLfloat) - 0.793353, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.608761,
- (GLfloat) - 0.608761, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.793353,
- (GLfloat) - 0.382684, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.923880,
- (GLfloat) - 0.130526, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.991445,
- (GLfloat) 0.130526, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.991445,
- (GLfloat) 0.382684, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.923880,
- (GLfloat) 0.608761, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.793353,
- (GLfloat) 0.793353, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.608761,
- (GLfloat) 0.923880, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.382684,
- (GLfloat) 0.991445, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.130526,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.991445, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.130526,
- (GLfloat) 0.923880, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.382684,
- (GLfloat) 0.793353, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.608761,
- (GLfloat) 0.608761, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.793353,
- (GLfloat) 0.382684, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.923880,
- (GLfloat) 0.130526, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.991445,
- (GLfloat) - 0.130526, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.991445,
- (GLfloat) - 0.382684, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.923880,
- (GLfloat) - 0.608761, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.793353,
- (GLfloat) - 0.793353, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.608761,
- (GLfloat) - 0.923880, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.382684,
- (GLfloat) - 0.991445, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.130526,
- (GLfloat) - 0.991445, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.130526,
- (GLfloat) - 0.923880, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.382684,
- (GLfloat) - 0.793353, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.608761,
- (GLfloat) - 0.608761, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.793353,
- (GLfloat) - 0.382684, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.923880,
- (GLfloat) - 0.130526, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.991445,
- (GLfloat) 0.130526, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.991445,
- (GLfloat) 0.382684, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.923880,
- (GLfloat) 0.608761, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.793353,
- (GLfloat) 0.793353, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.608761,
- (GLfloat) 0.923880, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.382684,
- (GLfloat) 0.991445, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.130526,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
+ 0.991445, 0, -0.130526,
+ 0.92388, 0, -0.382683,
+ 0.793353, 0, -0.608761,
+ 0.608761, 0, -0.793353,
+ 0.382683, 0, -0.92388,
+ 0.130526, 0, -0.991445,
+ -0.130526, 0, -0.991445,
+ -0.382683, 0, -0.92388,
+ -0.608761, 0, -0.793353,
+ -0.793353, 0, -0.608761,
+ -0.92388, 0, -0.382683,
+ -0.991445, 0, -0.130526,
+ -0.991445, 0, 0.130526,
+ -0.92388, 0, 0.382683,
+ -0.793353, 0, 0.608761,
+ -0.608761, 0, 0.793353,
+ -0.382683, 0, 0.92388,
+ -0.130526, 0, 0.991445,
+ 0.130526, 0, 0.991445,
+ 0.382683, 0, 0.92388,
+ 0.608761, 0, 0.793353,
+ 0.793353, 0, 0.608761,
+ 0.92388, 0, 0.382683,
+ 0.991445, 0, 0.130526,
+ 0.991445, 0, -0.130526,
+ 0.92388, 0, -0.382684,
+ 0.793353, 0, -0.608761,
+ 0.608761, 0, -0.793353,
+ 0.382684, 0, -0.92388,
+ 0.130526, 0, -0.991445,
+ -0.130526, 0, -0.991445,
+ -0.382684, 0, -0.92388,
+ -0.608761, 0, -0.793353,
+ -0.793353, 0, -0.608761,
+ -0.92388, 0, -0.382684,
+ -0.991445, 0, -0.130526,
+ -0.991445, 0, 0.130526,
+ -0.92388, 0, 0.382684,
+ -0.793353, 0, 0.608761,
+ -0.608761, 0, 0.793353,
+ -0.382684, 0, 0.92388,
+ -0.130526, 0, 0.991445,
+ 0.130526, 0, 0.991445,
+ 0.382684, 0, 0.92388,
+ 0.608761, 0, 0.793353,
+ 0.793353, 0, 0.608761,
+ 0.92388, 0, 0.382684,
+ 0.991445, 0, 0.130526,
+ 0, -1, 0,
+ 0.991445, 0, -0.130526,
+ 0.92388, 0, -0.382684,
+ 0.793353, 0, -0.608761,
+ 0.608761, 0, -0.793353,
+ 0.382684, 0, -0.92388,
+ 0.130526, 0, -0.991445,
+ -0.130526, 0, -0.991445,
+ -0.382684, 0, -0.92388,
+ -0.608761, 0, -0.793353,
+ -0.793353, 0, -0.608761,
+ -0.92388, 0, -0.382684,
+ -0.991445, 0, -0.130526,
+ -0.991445, 0, 0.130526,
+ -0.92388, 0, 0.382684,
+ -0.793353, 0, 0.608761,
+ -0.608761, 0, 0.793353,
+ -0.382684, 0, 0.92388,
+ -0.130526, 0, 0.991445,
+ 0.130526, 0, 0.991445,
+ 0.382684, 0, 0.92388,
+ 0.608761, 0, 0.793353,
+ 0.793353, 0, 0.608761,
+ 0.92388, 0, 0.382684,
+ 0.991445, 0, 0.130526,
+ 0, 1, 0,
static const unsigned short int GuageConnector_POLS[] =
static const GLfloat GuageDial_PNTS[] =
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.050000, (GLfloat) 0.300000,
- (GLfloat) 0.019134, (GLfloat) 0.046194, (GLfloat) 0.300000,
- (GLfloat) 0.035355, (GLfloat) 0.035355, (GLfloat) 0.300000,
- (GLfloat) 0.046194, (GLfloat) 0.019134, (GLfloat) 0.300000,
- (GLfloat) 0.050000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.300000,
- (GLfloat) 0.046194, (GLfloat) - 0.019134, (GLfloat) 0.300000,
- (GLfloat) 0.035355, (GLfloat) - 0.035400, (GLfloat) 0.275000,
- (GLfloat) 0.035355, (GLfloat) - 0.035400, (GLfloat) 0.300000,
- (GLfloat) 0.019134, (GLfloat) - 0.046200, (GLfloat) 0.300000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.050000, (GLfloat) 0.300000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.019134, (GLfloat) - 0.046200, (GLfloat) 0.300000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.035355, (GLfloat) - 0.035400, (GLfloat) 0.275000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.035355, (GLfloat) - 0.035400, (GLfloat) 0.300000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.046194, (GLfloat) - 0.019134, (GLfloat) 0.300000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.050000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.300000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.046194, (GLfloat) 0.019134, (GLfloat) 0.300000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.035355, (GLfloat) 0.035355, (GLfloat) 0.300000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.019134, (GLfloat) 0.046194, (GLfloat) 0.300000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.050000, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.019134, (GLfloat) 0.046194, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.035355, (GLfloat) 0.035355, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.046194, (GLfloat) 0.019134, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.050000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.046194, (GLfloat) - 0.019134, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.035355, (GLfloat) - 0.035355, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.019134, (GLfloat) - 0.046194, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.050000, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.019134, (GLfloat) - 0.046194, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.035355, (GLfloat) - 0.035355, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.046194, (GLfloat) - 0.019134, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.050000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.046194, (GLfloat) 0.019134, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.035355, (GLfloat) 0.035355, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.019134, (GLfloat) 0.046194, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.373300, (GLfloat) 0.275000,
+ 0, 0.05, 0.3,
+ 0.019134, 0.046194, 0.3,
+ 0.035355, 0.035355, 0.3,
+ 0.046194, 0.019134, 0.3,
+ 0.05, 0, 0.3,
+ 0.046194, -0.019134, 0.3,
+ 0.035355, -0.0354, 0.275,
+ 0.035355, -0.0354, 0.3,
+ 0.019134, -0.0462, 0.3,
+ 0, -0.05, 0.3,
+ -0.019134, -0.0462, 0.3,
+ -0.035355, -0.0354, 0.275,
+ -0.035355, -0.0354, 0.3,
+ -0.046194, -0.019134, 0.3,
+ -0.05, 0, 0.3,
+ -0.046194, 0.019134, 0.3,
+ -0.035355, 0.035355, 0.3,
+ -0.019134, 0.046194, 0.3,
+ 0, 0.05, 0.2,
+ 0.019134, 0.046194, 0.2,
+ 0.035355, 0.035355, 0.2,
+ 0.046194, 0.019134, 0.2,
+ 0.05, 0, 0.2,
+ 0.046194, -0.019134, 0.2,
+ 0.035355, -0.035355, 0.2,
+ 0.019134, -0.046194, 0.2,
+ 0, -0.05, 0.2,
+ -0.019134, -0.046194, 0.2,
+ -0.035355, -0.035355, 0.2,
+ -0.046194, -0.019134, 0.2,
+ -0.05, 0, 0.2,
+ -0.046194, 0.019134, 0.2,
+ -0.035355, 0.035355, 0.2,
+ -0.019134, 0.046194, 0.2,
+ 0, -0.3733, 0.275,
static const GLfloat GuageDial_normals[] =
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.195089, (GLfloat) 0.980786, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.555570, (GLfloat) 0.831470, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.831470, (GLfloat) 0.555570, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.980785, (GLfloat) 0.195090, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.980785, (GLfloat) - 0.195090, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.831470, (GLfloat) - 0.555570, (GLfloat) - 0.000248,
- (GLfloat) 0.555570, (GLfloat) - 0.831470, (GLfloat) - 0.000051,
- (GLfloat) 0.195089, (GLfloat) - 0.980786, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.195089, (GLfloat) - 0.980786, (GLfloat) - 0.000060,
- (GLfloat) - 0.555570, (GLfloat) - 0.831470, (GLfloat) - 0.000371,
- (GLfloat) - 0.831470, (GLfloat) - 0.555570, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980785, (GLfloat) - 0.195090, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.980785, (GLfloat) 0.195090, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.831470, (GLfloat) 0.555570, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.555570, (GLfloat) 0.831470, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.195089, (GLfloat) 0.980786, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0.195089, 0.980786, 0,
+ 0.55557, 0.83147, 0,
+ 0.83147, 0.55557, 0,
+ 0.980785, 0.19509, 0,
+ 0.980785, -0.19509, 0,
+ 0.83147, -0.55557, -0.000248,
+ 0.55557, -0.83147, -0.000051,
+ 0.195089, -0.980786, 0,
+ -0.195089, -0.980786, -0.00006,
+ -0.55557, -0.83147, -0.000371,
+ -0.83147, -0.55557, 0,
+ -0.980785, -0.19509, 0,
+ -0.980785, 0.19509, 0,
+ -0.83147, 0.55557, 0,
+ -0.55557, 0.83147, 0,
+ -0.195089, 0.980786, 0,
static const unsigned short int GuageDial_POLS[] =
static const GLfloat GuageFace_PNTS[] =
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.783300, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.087791, (GLfloat) 1.774653, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.172208, (GLfloat) 1.749046, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.250007, (GLfloat) 1.707461, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.318198, (GLfloat) 1.651498, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.374161, (GLfloat) 1.583307, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.415746, (GLfloat) 1.505508, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.441353, (GLfloat) 1.421091, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.450000, (GLfloat) 1.333300, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.441353, (GLfloat) 1.245509, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.415746, (GLfloat) 1.161092, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.374161, (GLfloat) 1.083293, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.318198, (GLfloat) 1.015102, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.250007, (GLfloat) 0.959139, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.172208, (GLfloat) 0.917554, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.087791, (GLfloat) 0.891947, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.883300, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.087791, (GLfloat) 0.891947, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.172208, (GLfloat) 0.917554, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.250007, (GLfloat) 0.959139, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.318198, (GLfloat) 1.015102, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.374161, (GLfloat) 1.083293, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.415746, (GLfloat) 1.161092, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.441353, (GLfloat) 1.245509, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.450000, (GLfloat) 1.333300, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.441353, (GLfloat) 1.421091, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.415746, (GLfloat) 1.505508, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.374161, (GLfloat) 1.583307, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.318198, (GLfloat) 1.651498, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.250007, (GLfloat) 1.707461, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.172208, (GLfloat) 1.749046, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.087791, (GLfloat) 1.774653, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
+ 0, 1.7833, 0.2,
+ -0.087791, 1.774653, 0.2,
+ -0.172208, 1.749046, 0.2,
+ -0.250007, 1.707461, 0.2,
+ -0.318198, 1.651498, 0.2,
+ -0.374161, 1.583307, 0.2,
+ -0.415746, 1.505508, 0.2,
+ -0.441353, 1.421091, 0.2,
+ -0.45, 1.3333, 0.2,
+ -0.441353, 1.245509, 0.2,
+ -0.415746, 1.161092, 0.2,
+ -0.374161, 1.083293, 0.2,
+ -0.318198, 1.015102, 0.2,
+ -0.250007, 0.959139, 0.2,
+ -0.172208, 0.917554, 0.2,
+ -0.087791, 0.891947, 0.2,
+ 0, 0.8833, 0.2,
+ 0.087791, 0.891947, 0.2,
+ 0.172208, 0.917554, 0.2,
+ 0.250007, 0.959139, 0.2,
+ 0.318198, 1.015102, 0.2,
+ 0.374161, 1.083293, 0.2,
+ 0.415746, 1.161092, 0.2,
+ 0.441353, 1.245509, 0.2,
+ 0.45, 1.3333, 0.2,
+ 0.441353, 1.421091, 0.2,
+ 0.415746, 1.505508, 0.2,
+ 0.374161, 1.583307, 0.2,
+ 0.318198, 1.651498, 0.2,
+ 0.250007, 1.707461, 0.2,
+ 0.172208, 1.749046, 0.2,
+ 0.087791, 1.774653, 0.2,
static const GLfloat GuageFace_normals[] =
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
+ 0, 0, 1,
static const unsigned short int GuageFace_POLS[] =
static const GLfloat GuageHead_PNTS[] =
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.833300, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.097545, (GLfloat) 1.823693, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.191342, (GLfloat) 1.795240, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.277785, (GLfloat) 1.749035, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.353553, (GLfloat) 1.686853, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.415735, (GLfloat) 1.611085, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.461940, (GLfloat) 1.524642, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.490393, (GLfloat) 1.430845, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 1.333300, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.490393, (GLfloat) 1.235755, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.461940, (GLfloat) 1.141958, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.415735, (GLfloat) 1.055515, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.353553, (GLfloat) 0.979747, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.277785, (GLfloat) 0.917565, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.191342, (GLfloat) 0.871360, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.097545, (GLfloat) 0.842907, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.833300, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.097545, (GLfloat) 0.842907, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.191342, (GLfloat) 0.871360, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.277785, (GLfloat) 0.917565, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.353553, (GLfloat) 0.979747, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.415735, (GLfloat) 1.055515, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.461940, (GLfloat) 1.141958, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.490393, (GLfloat) 1.235755, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) 1.333300, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.490393, (GLfloat) 1.430845, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.461940, (GLfloat) 1.524642, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.415735, (GLfloat) 1.611085, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.353553, (GLfloat) 1.686853, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.277785, (GLfloat) 1.749035, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.191342, (GLfloat) 1.795240, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.097545, (GLfloat) 1.823693, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.833300, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.097545, (GLfloat) 1.823693, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.191342, (GLfloat) 1.795240, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.277785, (GLfloat) 1.749035, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.353553, (GLfloat) 1.686853, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.415735, (GLfloat) 1.611085, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.461940, (GLfloat) 1.524642, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.490393, (GLfloat) 1.430845, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 1.333300, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.490393, (GLfloat) 1.235755, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.461940, (GLfloat) 1.141958, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.415735, (GLfloat) 1.055515, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.353553, (GLfloat) 0.979747, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.277785, (GLfloat) 0.917565, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.191342, (GLfloat) 0.871360, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.097545, (GLfloat) 0.842907, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.833300, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.097545, (GLfloat) 0.842907, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.191342, (GLfloat) 0.871360, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.277785, (GLfloat) 0.917565, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.353553, (GLfloat) 0.979747, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.415735, (GLfloat) 1.055515, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.461940, (GLfloat) 1.141958, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.490393, (GLfloat) 1.235755, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) 1.333300, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.490393, (GLfloat) 1.430845, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.461940, (GLfloat) 1.524642, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.415735, (GLfloat) 1.611085, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.353553, (GLfloat) 1.686853, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.277785, (GLfloat) 1.749035, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.191342, (GLfloat) 1.795240, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.097545, (GLfloat) 1.823693, (GLfloat) - 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.087791, (GLfloat) 1.774653, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.783300, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.172208, (GLfloat) 1.749046, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.250007, (GLfloat) 1.707461, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.318198, (GLfloat) 1.651498, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.374161, (GLfloat) 1.583307, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.415746, (GLfloat) 1.505508, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.441353, (GLfloat) 1.421091, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.450000, (GLfloat) 1.333300, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.441353, (GLfloat) 1.245509, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.415746, (GLfloat) 1.161092, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.374161, (GLfloat) 1.083293, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.318198, (GLfloat) 1.015102, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.250007, (GLfloat) 0.959139, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.172208, (GLfloat) 0.917554, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.087791, (GLfloat) 0.891947, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.883300, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.087791, (GLfloat) 0.891947, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.172208, (GLfloat) 0.917554, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.250007, (GLfloat) 0.959139, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.318198, (GLfloat) 1.015102, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.374161, (GLfloat) 1.083293, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.415746, (GLfloat) 1.161092, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.441353, (GLfloat) 1.245509, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.450000, (GLfloat) 1.333300, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.441353, (GLfloat) 1.421091, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.415746, (GLfloat) 1.505508, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.374161, (GLfloat) 1.583307, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.318198, (GLfloat) 1.651498, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.250007, (GLfloat) 1.707461, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.172208, (GLfloat) 1.749046, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) - 0.087791, (GLfloat) 1.774653, (GLfloat) 0.333330,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.783300, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.087791, (GLfloat) 1.774653, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.172208, (GLfloat) 1.749046, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.250007, (GLfloat) 1.707461, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.318198, (GLfloat) 1.651498, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.374161, (GLfloat) 1.583307, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.415746, (GLfloat) 1.505508, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.441353, (GLfloat) 1.421091, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.450000, (GLfloat) 1.333300, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.441353, (GLfloat) 1.245509, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.415746, (GLfloat) 1.161092, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.374161, (GLfloat) 1.083293, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.318198, (GLfloat) 1.015102, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.250007, (GLfloat) 0.959139, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.172208, (GLfloat) 0.917554, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.087791, (GLfloat) 0.891947, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.883300, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.087791, (GLfloat) 0.891947, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.172208, (GLfloat) 0.917554, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.250007, (GLfloat) 0.959139, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.318198, (GLfloat) 1.015102, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.374161, (GLfloat) 1.083293, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.415746, (GLfloat) 1.161092, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.441353, (GLfloat) 1.245509, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.450000, (GLfloat) 1.333300, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.441353, (GLfloat) 1.421091, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.415746, (GLfloat) 1.505508, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.374161, (GLfloat) 1.583307, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.318198, (GLfloat) 1.651498, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.250007, (GLfloat) 1.707461, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.172208, (GLfloat) 1.749046, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
- (GLfloat) 0.087791, (GLfloat) 1.774653, (GLfloat) 0.200000,
+ 0, 1.8333, 0.33333,
+ 0.097545, 1.823693, 0.33333,
+ 0.191342, 1.79524, 0.33333,
+ 0.277785, 1.749035, 0.33333,
+ 0.353553, 1.686853, 0.33333,
+ 0.415735, 1.611085, 0.33333,
+ 0.46194, 1.524642, 0.33333,
+ 0.490393, 1.430845, 0.33333,
+ 0.5, 1.3333, 0.33333,
+ 0.490393, 1.235755, 0.33333,
+ 0.46194, 1.141958, 0.33333,
+ 0.415735, 1.055515, 0.33333,
+ 0.353553, 0.979747, 0.33333,
+ 0.277785, 0.917565, 0.33333,
+ 0.191342, 0.87136, 0.33333,
+ 0.097545, 0.842907, 0.33333,
+ 0, 0.8333, 0.33333,
+ -0.097545, 0.842907, 0.33333,
+ -0.191342, 0.87136, 0.33333,
+ -0.277785, 0.917565, 0.33333,
+ -0.353553, 0.979747, 0.33333,
+ -0.415735, 1.055515, 0.33333,
+ -0.46194, 1.141958, 0.33333,
+ -0.490393, 1.235755, 0.33333,
+ -0.5, 1.3333, 0.33333,
+ -0.490393, 1.430845, 0.33333,
+ -0.46194, 1.524642, 0.33333,
+ -0.415735, 1.611085, 0.33333,
+ -0.353553, 1.686853, 0.33333,
+ -0.277785, 1.749035, 0.33333,
+ -0.191342, 1.79524, 0.33333,
+ -0.097545, 1.823693, 0.33333,
+ 0, 1.8333, -0.33333,
+ 0.097545, 1.823693, -0.33333,
+ 0.191342, 1.79524, -0.33333,
+ 0.277785, 1.749035, -0.33333,
+ 0.353553, 1.686853, -0.33333,
+ 0.415735, 1.611085, -0.33333,
+ 0.46194, 1.524642, -0.33333,
+ 0.490393, 1.430845, -0.33333,
+ 0.5, 1.3333, -0.33333,
+ 0.490393, 1.235755, -0.33333,
+ 0.46194, 1.141958, -0.33333,
+ 0.415735, 1.055515, -0.33333,
+ 0.353553, 0.979747, -0.33333,
+ 0.277785, 0.917565, -0.33333,
+ 0.191342, 0.87136, -0.33333,
+ 0.097545, 0.842907, -0.33333,
+ 0, 0.8333, -0.33333,
+ -0.097545, 0.842907, -0.33333,
+ -0.191342, 0.87136, -0.33333,
+ -0.277785, 0.917565, -0.33333,
+ -0.353553, 0.979747, -0.33333,
+ -0.415735, 1.055515, -0.33333,
+ -0.46194, 1.141958, -0.33333,
+ -0.490393, 1.235755, -0.33333,
+ -0.5, 1.3333, -0.33333,
+ -0.490393, 1.430845, -0.33333,
+ -0.46194, 1.524642, -0.33333,
+ -0.415735, 1.611085, -0.33333,
+ -0.353553, 1.686853, -0.33333,
+ -0.277785, 1.749035, -0.33333,
+ -0.191342, 1.79524, -0.33333,
+ -0.097545, 1.823693, -0.33333,
+ 0.087791, 1.774653, 0.33333,
+ 0, 1.7833, 0.33333,
+ 0.172208, 1.749046, 0.33333,
+ 0.250007, 1.707461, 0.33333,
+ 0.318198, 1.651498, 0.33333,
+ 0.374161, 1.583307, 0.33333,
+ 0.415746, 1.505508, 0.33333,
+ 0.441353, 1.421091, 0.33333,
+ 0.45, 1.3333, 0.33333,
+ 0.441353, 1.245509, 0.33333,
+ 0.415746, 1.161092, 0.33333,
+ 0.374161, 1.083293, 0.33333,
+ 0.318198, 1.015102, 0.33333,
+ 0.250007, 0.959139, 0.33333,
+ 0.172208, 0.917554, 0.33333,
+ 0.087791, 0.891947, 0.33333,
+ 0, 0.8833, 0.33333,
+ -0.087791, 0.891947, 0.33333,
+ -0.172208, 0.917554, 0.33333,
+ -0.250007, 0.959139, 0.33333,
+ -0.318198, 1.015102, 0.33333,
+ -0.374161, 1.083293, 0.33333,
+ -0.415746, 1.161092, 0.33333,
+ -0.441353, 1.245509, 0.33333,
+ -0.45, 1.3333, 0.33333,
+ -0.441353, 1.421091, 0.33333,
+ -0.415746, 1.505508, 0.33333,
+ -0.374161, 1.583307, 0.33333,
+ -0.318198, 1.651498, 0.33333,
+ -0.250007, 1.707461, 0.33333,
+ -0.172208, 1.749046, 0.33333,
+ -0.087791, 1.774653, 0.33333,
+ 0, 1.7833, 0.2,
+ -0.087791, 1.774653, 0.2,
+ -0.172208, 1.749046, 0.2,
+ -0.250007, 1.707461, 0.2,
+ -0.318198, 1.651498, 0.2,
+ -0.374161, 1.583307, 0.2,
+ -0.415746, 1.505508, 0.2,
+ -0.441353, 1.421091, 0.2,
+ -0.45, 1.3333, 0.2,
+ -0.441353, 1.245509, 0.2,
+ -0.415746, 1.161092, 0.2,
+ -0.374161, 1.083293, 0.2,
+ -0.318198, 1.015102, 0.2,
+ -0.250007, 0.959139, 0.2,
+ -0.172208, 0.917554, 0.2,
+ -0.087791, 0.891947, 0.2,
+ 0, 0.8833, 0.2,
+ 0.087791, 0.891947, 0.2,
+ 0.172208, 0.917554, 0.2,
+ 0.250007, 0.959139, 0.2,
+ 0.318198, 1.015102, 0.2,
+ 0.374161, 1.083293, 0.2,
+ 0.415746, 1.161092, 0.2,
+ 0.441353, 1.245509, 0.2,
+ 0.45, 1.3333, 0.2,
+ 0.441353, 1.421091, 0.2,
+ 0.415746, 1.505508, 0.2,
+ 0.374161, 1.583307, 0.2,
+ 0.318198, 1.651498, 0.2,
+ 0.250007, 1.707461, 0.2,
+ 0.172208, 1.749046, 0.2,
+ 0.087791, 1.774653, 0.2,
static const GLfloat GuageHead_normals[] =
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.098017, (GLfloat) - 0.995185, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.290285, (GLfloat) - 0.956940, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.471397, (GLfloat) - 0.881921, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.634393, (GLfloat) - 0.773010, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.773011, (GLfloat) - 0.634393, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.881921, (GLfloat) - 0.471397, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.956940, (GLfloat) - 0.290284, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.995185, (GLfloat) - 0.098017, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.995185, (GLfloat) 0.098017, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.956940, (GLfloat) 0.290284, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.881921, (GLfloat) 0.471397, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.773011, (GLfloat) 0.634393, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.634393, (GLfloat) 0.773011, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.471397, (GLfloat) 0.881921, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.290285, (GLfloat) 0.956940, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.098017, (GLfloat) 0.995185, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.098017, (GLfloat) 0.995185, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.290285, (GLfloat) 0.956940, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.471397, (GLfloat) 0.881921, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.634393, (GLfloat) 0.773011, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.773011, (GLfloat) 0.634393, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.881921, (GLfloat) 0.471397, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.956940, (GLfloat) 0.290284, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.995185, (GLfloat) 0.098017, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.995185, (GLfloat) - 0.098017, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.956940, (GLfloat) - 0.290284, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.881921, (GLfloat) - 0.471397, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.773011, (GLfloat) - 0.634393, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.634393, (GLfloat) - 0.773010, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.471397, (GLfloat) - 0.881921, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.290285, (GLfloat) - 0.956940, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.098017, (GLfloat) - 0.995185, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.098017, (GLfloat) 0.995185, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.290285, (GLfloat) 0.956940, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.471397, (GLfloat) 0.881921, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.634393, (GLfloat) 0.773011, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.773011, (GLfloat) 0.634393, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.881921, (GLfloat) 0.471397, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.956940, (GLfloat) 0.290284, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.995185, (GLfloat) 0.098017, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.995185, (GLfloat) - 0.098017, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.956940, (GLfloat) - 0.290284, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.881921, (GLfloat) - 0.471397, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.773011, (GLfloat) - 0.634393, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.634393, (GLfloat) - 0.773010, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.471396, (GLfloat) - 0.881921, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.290285, (GLfloat) - 0.956940, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.098017, (GLfloat) - 0.995185, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.098017, (GLfloat) - 0.995185, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.290285, (GLfloat) - 0.956940, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.471396, (GLfloat) - 0.881921, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.634393, (GLfloat) - 0.773010, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.773011, (GLfloat) - 0.634393, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.881921, (GLfloat) - 0.471397, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.956940, (GLfloat) - 0.290284, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.995185, (GLfloat) - 0.098017, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.995185, (GLfloat) 0.098017, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.956940, (GLfloat) 0.290284, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.881921, (GLfloat) 0.471397, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.773011, (GLfloat) 0.634393, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.634393, (GLfloat) 0.773011, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.471397, (GLfloat) 0.881921, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.290285, (GLfloat) 0.956940, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.098017, (GLfloat) 0.995185, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0.098017, -0.995185, 0,
+ 0.290285, -0.95694, 0,
+ 0.471397, -0.881921, 0,
+ 0.634393, -0.77301, 0,
+ 0.773011, -0.634393, 0,
+ 0.881921, -0.471397, 0,
+ 0.95694, -0.290284, 0,
+ 0.995185, -0.098017, 0,
+ 0.995185, 0.098017, 0,
+ 0.95694, 0.290284, 0,
+ 0.881921, 0.471397, 0,
+ 0.773011, 0.634393, 0,
+ 0.634393, 0.773011, 0,
+ 0.471397, 0.881921, 0,
+ 0.290285, 0.95694, 0,
+ 0.098017, 0.995185, 0,
+ -0.098017, 0.995185, 0,
+ -0.290285, 0.95694, 0,
+ -0.471397, 0.881921, 0,
+ -0.634393, 0.773011, 0,
+ -0.773011, 0.634393, 0,
+ -0.881921, 0.471397, 0,
+ -0.95694, 0.290284, 0,
+ -0.995185, 0.098017, 0,
+ -0.995185, -0.098017, 0,
+ -0.95694, -0.290284, 0,
+ -0.881921, -0.471397, 0,
+ -0.773011, -0.634393, 0,
+ -0.634393, -0.77301, 0,
+ -0.471397, -0.881921, 0,
+ -0.290285, -0.95694, 0,
+ -0.098017, -0.995185, 0,
+ 0.098017, 0.995185, 0,
+ 0.290285, 0.95694, 0,
+ 0.471397, 0.881921, 0,
+ 0.634393, 0.773011, 0,
+ 0.773011, 0.634393, 0,
+ 0.881921, 0.471397, 0,
+ 0.95694, 0.290284, 0,
+ 0.995185, 0.098017, 0,
+ 0.995185, -0.098017, 0,
+ 0.95694, -0.290284, 0,
+ 0.881921, -0.471397, 0,
+ 0.773011, -0.634393, 0,
+ 0.634393, -0.77301, 0,
+ 0.471396, -0.881921, 0,
+ 0.290285, -0.95694, 0,
+ 0.098017, -0.995185, 0,
+ -0.098017, -0.995185, 0,
+ -0.290285, -0.95694, 0,
+ -0.471396, -0.881921, 0,
+ -0.634393, -0.77301, 0,
+ -0.773011, -0.634393, 0,
+ -0.881921, -0.471397, 0,
+ -0.95694, -0.290284, 0,
+ -0.995185, -0.098017, 0,
+ -0.995185, 0.098017, 0,
+ -0.95694, 0.290284, 0,
+ -0.881921, 0.471397, 0,
+ -0.773011, 0.634393, 0,
+ -0.634393, 0.773011, 0,
+ -0.471397, 0.881921, 0,
+ -0.290285, 0.95694, 0,
+ -0.098017, 0.995185, 0,
+ 0, 0, -1,
static const unsigned short int GuageHead_POLS[] =
static const GLfloat PipeBetweenBolts_PNTS[] =
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.129410, (GLfloat) 0.482963, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.250000, (GLfloat) 0.433013, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.353553, (GLfloat) 0.353553, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.433013, (GLfloat) 0.250000, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.482963, (GLfloat) 0.129410, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.482963, (GLfloat) - 0.129410, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.433013, (GLfloat) - 0.250000, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.353553, (GLfloat) - 0.353553, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.250000, (GLfloat) - 0.433013, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.129410, (GLfloat) - 0.482963, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.129410, (GLfloat) - 0.482963, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.250000, (GLfloat) - 0.433013, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.353553, (GLfloat) - 0.353553, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.433013, (GLfloat) - 0.250000, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.482963, (GLfloat) - 0.129410, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.482963, (GLfloat) 0.129410, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.433013, (GLfloat) 0.250000, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.353553, (GLfloat) 0.353553, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.250000, (GLfloat) 0.433013, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.129410, (GLfloat) 0.482963, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.129410, (GLfloat) 0.482963, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.250000, (GLfloat) 0.433013, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.353553, (GLfloat) 0.353553, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.433013, (GLfloat) 0.250000, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.482963, (GLfloat) 0.129410, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.482963, (GLfloat) - 0.129410, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.433013, (GLfloat) - 0.250000, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.353553, (GLfloat) - 0.353553, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.250000, (GLfloat) - 0.433013, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.129410, (GLfloat) - 0.482963, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.129410, (GLfloat) - 0.482963, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.250000, (GLfloat) - 0.433013, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.353553, (GLfloat) - 0.353553, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.433013, (GLfloat) - 0.250000, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.482963, (GLfloat) - 0.129410, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.482963, (GLfloat) 0.129410, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.433013, (GLfloat) 0.250000, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.353553, (GLfloat) 0.353553, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.250000, (GLfloat) 0.433013, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.129410, (GLfloat) 0.482963, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
+ 0, 0.5, 0.5,
+ 0.12941, 0.482963, 0.5,
+ 0.25, 0.433013, 0.5,
+ 0.353553, 0.353553, 0.5,
+ 0.433013, 0.25, 0.5,
+ 0.482963, 0.12941, 0.5,
+ 0.5, 0, 0.5,
+ 0.482963, -0.12941, 0.5,
+ 0.433013, -0.25, 0.5,
+ 0.353553, -0.353553, 0.5,
+ 0.25, -0.433013, 0.5,
+ 0.12941, -0.482963, 0.5,
+ 0, -0.5, 0.5,
+ -0.12941, -0.482963, 0.5,
+ -0.25, -0.433013, 0.5,
+ -0.353553, -0.353553, 0.5,
+ -0.433013, -0.25, 0.5,
+ -0.482963, -0.12941, 0.5,
+ -0.5, 0, 0.5,
+ -0.482963, 0.12941, 0.5,
+ -0.433013, 0.25, 0.5,
+ -0.353553, 0.353553, 0.5,
+ -0.25, 0.433013, 0.5,
+ -0.12941, 0.482963, 0.5,
+ 0, 0.5, -0.5,
+ 0.12941, 0.482963, -0.5,
+ 0.25, 0.433013, -0.5,
+ 0.353553, 0.353553, -0.5,
+ 0.433013, 0.25, -0.5,
+ 0.482963, 0.12941, -0.5,
+ 0.5, 0, -0.5,
+ 0.482963, -0.12941, -0.5,
+ 0.433013, -0.25, -0.5,
+ 0.353553, -0.353553, -0.5,
+ 0.25, -0.433013, -0.5,
+ 0.12941, -0.482963, -0.5,
+ 0, -0.5, -0.5,
+ -0.12941, -0.482963, -0.5,
+ -0.25, -0.433013, -0.5,
+ -0.353553, -0.353553, -0.5,
+ -0.433013, -0.25, -0.5,
+ -0.482963, -0.12941, -0.5,
+ -0.5, 0, -0.5,
+ -0.482963, 0.12941, -0.5,
+ -0.433013, 0.25, -0.5,
+ -0.353553, 0.353553, -0.5,
+ -0.25, 0.433013, -0.5,
+ -0.12941, 0.482963, -0.5,
static const GLfloat PipeBetweenBolts_normals[] =
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.130526, (GLfloat) 0.991445, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.382683, (GLfloat) 0.923880, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.608761, (GLfloat) 0.793353, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.793353, (GLfloat) 0.608761, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.923880, (GLfloat) 0.382683, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.991445, (GLfloat) 0.130526, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.991445, (GLfloat) - 0.130526, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.923880, (GLfloat) - 0.382683, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.793353, (GLfloat) - 0.608761, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.608761, (GLfloat) - 0.793353, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.382683, (GLfloat) - 0.923880, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.130526, (GLfloat) - 0.991445, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.130526, (GLfloat) - 0.991445, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.382683, (GLfloat) - 0.923880, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.608761, (GLfloat) - 0.793353, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.793353, (GLfloat) - 0.608761, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.923880, (GLfloat) - 0.382683, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.991445, (GLfloat) - 0.130526, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.991445, (GLfloat) 0.130526, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.923880, (GLfloat) 0.382683, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.793353, (GLfloat) 0.608761, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.608761, (GLfloat) 0.793353, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.382683, (GLfloat) 0.923880, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.130526, (GLfloat) 0.991445, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0.130526, 0.991445, 0,
+ 0.382683, 0.92388, 0,
+ 0.608761, 0.793353, 0,
+ 0.793353, 0.608761, 0,
+ 0.92388, 0.382683, 0,
+ 0.991445, 0.130526, 0,
+ 0.991445, -0.130526, 0,
+ 0.92388, -0.382683, 0,
+ 0.793353, -0.608761, 0,
+ 0.608761, -0.793353, 0,
+ 0.382683, -0.92388, 0,
+ 0.130526, -0.991445, 0,
+ -0.130526, -0.991445, 0,
+ -0.382683, -0.92388, 0,
+ -0.608761, -0.793353, 0,
+ -0.793353, -0.608761, 0,
+ -0.92388, -0.382683, 0,
+ -0.991445, -0.130526, 0,
+ -0.991445, 0.130526, 0,
+ -0.92388, 0.382683, 0,
+ -0.793353, 0.608761, 0,
+ -0.608761, 0.793353, 0,
+ -0.382683, 0.92388, 0,
+ -0.130526, 0.991445, 0,
+ 0, 0, -1,
static const unsigned short int PipeBetweenBolts_POLS[] =
static const GLfloat ElbowBolts_PNTS[] =
- (GLfloat) 0.273122, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.403061,
- (GLfloat) 0.273122, (GLfloat) 0.403061, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.273122, (GLfloat) 0.333061, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.273122, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.333061,
- (GLfloat) 0.212500, (GLfloat) 0.298061, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.212500, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.298061,
- (GLfloat) 0.151878, (GLfloat) 0.333061, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.151878, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.333061,
- (GLfloat) 0.151878, (GLfloat) 0.403061, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.151878, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.403061,
- (GLfloat) 0.212500, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.438061,
- (GLfloat) 0.212500, (GLfloat) 0.438061, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.273122, (GLfloat) - 0.660000, (GLfloat) - 0.403061,
- (GLfloat) 0.273122, (GLfloat) 0.403061, (GLfloat) - 0.660000,
- (GLfloat) 0.273122, (GLfloat) - 0.660000, (GLfloat) - 0.333061,
- (GLfloat) 0.273122, (GLfloat) 0.333061, (GLfloat) - 0.660000,
- (GLfloat) 0.212500, (GLfloat) 0.298061, (GLfloat) - 0.660000,
- (GLfloat) 0.212500, (GLfloat) - 0.660000, (GLfloat) - 0.298061,
- (GLfloat) 0.151878, (GLfloat) - 0.660000, (GLfloat) - 0.333061,
- (GLfloat) 0.151878, (GLfloat) 0.333061, (GLfloat) - 0.660000,
- (GLfloat) 0.151878, (GLfloat) 0.403061, (GLfloat) - 0.660000,
- (GLfloat) 0.151878, (GLfloat) - 0.660000, (GLfloat) - 0.403061,
- (GLfloat) 0.212500, (GLfloat) - 0.660000, (GLfloat) - 0.438061,
- (GLfloat) 0.212500, (GLfloat) 0.438061, (GLfloat) - 0.660000,
- (GLfloat) 0.273122, (GLfloat) 0.403061, (GLfloat) - 0.460000,
- (GLfloat) 0.273122, (GLfloat) - 0.460000, (GLfloat) - 0.403061,
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- (GLfloat) 0.273122, (GLfloat) - 0.460000, (GLfloat) - 0.333061,
- (GLfloat) 0.212500, (GLfloat) 0.298061, (GLfloat) - 0.460000,
- (GLfloat) 0.212500, (GLfloat) - 0.460000, (GLfloat) - 0.298061,
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- (GLfloat) 0.151878, (GLfloat) - 0.460000, (GLfloat) - 0.333061,
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- (GLfloat) 0.151878, (GLfloat) - 0.460000, (GLfloat) - 0.403061,
- (GLfloat) 0.212500, (GLfloat) - 0.460000, (GLfloat) - 0.438061,
- (GLfloat) 0.212500, (GLfloat) 0.438061, (GLfloat) - 0.460000,
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- (GLfloat) 0.273122, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) - 0.403061,
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- (GLfloat) 0.273122, (GLfloat) 0.333061, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) 0.212500, (GLfloat) 0.298061, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) 0.212500, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) - 0.298061,
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- (GLfloat) 0.151878, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) - 0.333061,
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- (GLfloat) 0.151878, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) - 0.403061,
- (GLfloat) 0.212500, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) - 0.438061,
- (GLfloat) 0.212500, (GLfloat) 0.438061, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) 0.485622, (GLfloat) - 0.035000, (GLfloat) - 0.460000,
- (GLfloat) 0.485622, (GLfloat) - 0.460000, (GLfloat) 0.035000,
- (GLfloat) 0.425000, (GLfloat) - 0.070000, (GLfloat) - 0.460000,
- (GLfloat) 0.425000, (GLfloat) - 0.460000, (GLfloat) 0.070000,
- (GLfloat) 0.364378, (GLfloat) - 0.460000, (GLfloat) 0.035000,
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- (GLfloat) 0.485622, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) 0.035000,
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- (GLfloat) 0.425000, (GLfloat) - 0.070000, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.364378, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) 0.035000,
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- (GLfloat) 0.364378, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.035000,
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- (GLfloat) 0.425000, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.070000,
- (GLfloat) 0.485622, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.035000,
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- (GLfloat) 0.364378, (GLfloat) - 0.035000, (GLfloat) - 0.660000,
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- (GLfloat) 0.425000, (GLfloat) - 0.660000, (GLfloat) - 0.070000,
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- (GLfloat) 0.212500, (GLfloat) - 0.438061, (GLfloat) - 0.460000,
- (GLfloat) 0.212500, (GLfloat) - 0.460000, (GLfloat) 0.438061,
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- (GLfloat) 0.212500, (GLfloat) - 0.298061, (GLfloat) - 0.460000,
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- (GLfloat) 0.212500, (GLfloat) - 0.438061, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.212500, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) 0.438061,
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- (GLfloat) 0.151878, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) 0.403061,
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- (GLfloat) 0.151878, (GLfloat) - 0.333061, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.212500, (GLfloat) - 0.298061, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.212500, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) 0.298061,
- (GLfloat) 0.273122, (GLfloat) - 0.333061, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.273122, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) 0.333061,
- (GLfloat) 0.273122, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) 0.403061,
- (GLfloat) 0.273122, (GLfloat) - 0.403061, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.212500, (GLfloat) - 0.660000, (GLfloat) 0.438061,
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- (GLfloat) 0.151878, (GLfloat) - 0.660000, (GLfloat) 0.403061,
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- (GLfloat) 0.151878, (GLfloat) - 0.660000, (GLfloat) 0.333061,
- (GLfloat) 0.212500, (GLfloat) - 0.660000, (GLfloat) 0.298061,
- (GLfloat) 0.212500, (GLfloat) - 0.298061, (GLfloat) - 0.660000,
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- (GLfloat) 0.273122, (GLfloat) - 0.333061, (GLfloat) - 0.660000,
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- (GLfloat) - 0.212500, (GLfloat) - 0.438061, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
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- (GLfloat) - 0.273122, (GLfloat) - 0.333061, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
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- (GLfloat) - 0.212500, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) 0.438061,
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- (GLfloat) - 0.273122, (GLfloat) 0.403061, (GLfloat) - 0.460000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.212500, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) - 0.438061,
- (GLfloat) - 0.212500, (GLfloat) 0.438061, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.151878, (GLfloat) 0.403061, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.151878, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) - 0.403061,
- (GLfloat) - 0.151878, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) - 0.333061,
- (GLfloat) - 0.151878, (GLfloat) 0.333061, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.212500, (GLfloat) 0.298061, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.212500, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) - 0.298061,
- (GLfloat) - 0.273122, (GLfloat) 0.333061, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.273122, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) - 0.333061,
- (GLfloat) - 0.273122, (GLfloat) 0.403061, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.273122, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) - 0.403061,
- (GLfloat) - 0.212500, (GLfloat) 0.438061, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.212500, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.438061,
- (GLfloat) - 0.151878, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.403061,
- (GLfloat) - 0.151878, (GLfloat) 0.403061, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.151878, (GLfloat) 0.333061, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.151878, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.333061,
- (GLfloat) - 0.212500, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.298061,
- (GLfloat) - 0.212500, (GLfloat) 0.298061, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.273122, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.333061,
- (GLfloat) - 0.273122, (GLfloat) 0.333061, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.273122, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.403061,
- (GLfloat) - 0.273122, (GLfloat) 0.403061, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.212500, (GLfloat) - 0.660000, (GLfloat) - 0.438061,
- (GLfloat) - 0.212500, (GLfloat) 0.438061, (GLfloat) - 0.660000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.151878, (GLfloat) - 0.660000, (GLfloat) - 0.403061,
- (GLfloat) - 0.151878, (GLfloat) 0.403061, (GLfloat) - 0.660000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.151878, (GLfloat) - 0.660000, (GLfloat) - 0.333061,
- (GLfloat) - 0.151878, (GLfloat) 0.333061, (GLfloat) - 0.660000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.212500, (GLfloat) - 0.660000, (GLfloat) - 0.298061,
- (GLfloat) - 0.212500, (GLfloat) 0.298061, (GLfloat) - 0.660000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.273122, (GLfloat) - 0.660000, (GLfloat) - 0.333061,
- (GLfloat) - 0.273122, (GLfloat) 0.333061, (GLfloat) - 0.660000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.273122, (GLfloat) 0.403061, (GLfloat) - 0.660000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.273122, (GLfloat) - 0.660000, (GLfloat) - 0.403061,
+ 0.273122, -0.6, -0.403061,
+ 0.273122, 0.403061, -0.6,
+ 0.273122, 0.333061, -0.6,
+ 0.273122, -0.6, -0.333061,
+ 0.2125, 0.298061, -0.6,
+ 0.2125, -0.6, -0.298061,
+ 0.151878, 0.333061, -0.6,
+ 0.151878, -0.6, -0.333061,
+ 0.151878, 0.403061, -0.6,
+ 0.151878, -0.6, -0.403061,
+ 0.2125, -0.6, -0.438061,
+ 0.2125, 0.438061, -0.6,
+ 0.273122, -0.66, -0.403061,
+ 0.273122, 0.403061, -0.66,
+ 0.273122, -0.66, -0.333061,
+ 0.273122, 0.333061, -0.66,
+ 0.2125, 0.298061, -0.66,
+ 0.2125, -0.66, -0.298061,
+ 0.151878, -0.66, -0.333061,
+ 0.151878, 0.333061, -0.66,
+ 0.151878, 0.403061, -0.66,
+ 0.151878, -0.66, -0.403061,
+ 0.2125, -0.66, -0.438061,
+ 0.2125, 0.438061, -0.66,
+ 0.273122, 0.403061, -0.46,
+ 0.273122, -0.46, -0.403061,
+ 0.273122, 0.333061, -0.46,
+ 0.273122, -0.46, -0.333061,
+ 0.2125, 0.298061, -0.46,
+ 0.2125, -0.46, -0.298061,
+ 0.151878, 0.333061, -0.46,
+ 0.151878, -0.46, -0.333061,
+ 0.151878, 0.403061, -0.46,
+ 0.151878, -0.46, -0.403061,
+ 0.2125, -0.46, -0.438061,
+ 0.2125, 0.438061, -0.46,
+ 0.273122, 0.403061, -0.52,
+ 0.273122, -0.52, -0.403061,
+ 0.273122, -0.52, -0.333061,
+ 0.273122, 0.333061, -0.52,
+ 0.2125, 0.298061, -0.52,
+ 0.2125, -0.52, -0.298061,
+ 0.151878, 0.333061, -0.52,
+ 0.151878, -0.52, -0.333061,
+ 0.151878, 0.403061, -0.52,
+ 0.151878, -0.52, -0.403061,
+ 0.2125, -0.52, -0.438061,
+ 0.2125, 0.438061, -0.52,
+ 0.485622, -0.035, -0.46,
+ 0.485622, -0.46, 0.035,
+ 0.425, -0.07, -0.46,
+ 0.425, -0.46, 0.07,
+ 0.364378, -0.46, 0.035,
+ 0.364378, -0.035, -0.46,
+ 0.364378, 0.035, -0.46,
+ 0.364378, -0.46, -0.035,
+ 0.425, 0.07, -0.46,
+ 0.425, -0.46, -0.07,
+ 0.485622, 0.035, -0.46,
+ 0.485622, -0.46, -0.035,
+ 0.485622, -0.52, 0.035,
+ 0.485622, -0.035, -0.52,
+ 0.425, -0.07, -0.52,
+ 0.425, -0.52, 0.07,
+ 0.364378, -0.035, -0.52,
+ 0.364378, -0.52, 0.035,
+ 0.364378, -0.52, -0.035,
+ 0.364378, 0.035, -0.52,
+ 0.425, 0.07, -0.52,
+ 0.425, -0.52, -0.07,
+ 0.485622, 0.035, -0.52,
+ 0.485622, -0.52, -0.035,
+ 0.485622, -0.035, -0.6,
+ 0.485622, -0.6, 0.035,
+ 0.425, -0.6, 0.07,
+ 0.425, -0.07, -0.6,
+ 0.364378, -0.6, 0.035,
+ 0.364378, -0.035, -0.6,
+ 0.364378, 0.035, -0.6,
+ 0.364378, -0.6, -0.035,
+ 0.425, 0.07, -0.6,
+ 0.425, -0.6, -0.07,
+ 0.485622, -0.6, -0.035,
+ 0.485622, 0.035, -0.6,
+ 0.485622, -0.66, 0.035,
+ 0.485622, -0.035, -0.66,
+ 0.425, -0.66, 0.07,
+ 0.425, -0.07, -0.66,
+ 0.364378, -0.035, -0.66,
+ 0.364378, -0.66, 0.035,
+ 0.364378, -0.66, -0.035,
+ 0.364378, 0.035, -0.66,
+ 0.425, 0.07, -0.66,
+ 0.425, -0.66, -0.07,
+ 0.485622, -0.66, -0.035,
+ 0.485622, 0.035, -0.66,
+ 0.2125, -0.438061, -0.46,
+ 0.2125, -0.46, 0.438061,
+ 0.151878, -0.403061, -0.46,
+ 0.151878, -0.46, 0.403061,
+ 0.151878, -0.46, 0.333061,
+ 0.151878, -0.333061, -0.46,
+ 0.2125, -0.46, 0.298061,
+ 0.2125, -0.298061, -0.46,
+ 0.273122, -0.46, 0.333061,
+ 0.273122, -0.333061, -0.46,
+ 0.273122, -0.403061, -0.46,
+ 0.273122, -0.46, 0.403061,
+ 0.2125, -0.52, 0.438061,
+ 0.2125, -0.438061, -0.52,
+ 0.151878, -0.403061, -0.52,
+ 0.151878, -0.52, 0.403061,
+ 0.151878, -0.333061, -0.52,
+ 0.151878, -0.52, 0.333061,
+ 0.2125, -0.298061, -0.52,
+ 0.2125, -0.52, 0.298061,
+ 0.273122, -0.333061, -0.52,
+ 0.273122, -0.52, 0.333061,
+ 0.273122, -0.403061, -0.52,
+ 0.273122, -0.52, 0.403061,
+ 0.2125, -0.438061, -0.6,
+ 0.2125, -0.6, 0.438061,
+ 0.151878, -0.403061, -0.6,
+ 0.151878, -0.6, 0.403061,
+ 0.151878, -0.6, 0.333061,
+ 0.151878, -0.333061, -0.6,
+ 0.2125, -0.298061, -0.6,
+ 0.2125, -0.6, 0.298061,
+ 0.273122, -0.333061, -0.6,
+ 0.273122, -0.6, 0.333061,
+ 0.273122, -0.6, 0.403061,
+ 0.273122, -0.403061, -0.6,
+ 0.2125, -0.66, 0.438061,
+ 0.2125, -0.438061, -0.66,
+ 0.151878, -0.403061, -0.66,
+ 0.151878, -0.66, 0.403061,
+ 0.151878, -0.333061, -0.66,
+ 0.151878, -0.66, 0.333061,
+ 0.2125, -0.66, 0.298061,
+ 0.2125, -0.298061, -0.66,
+ 0.273122, -0.66, 0.333061,
+ 0.273122, -0.333061, -0.66,
+ 0.273122, -0.66, 0.403061,
+ 0.273122, -0.403061, -0.66,
+ -0.273122, -0.46, 0.403061,
+ -0.273122, -0.403061, -0.46,
+ -0.273122, -0.46, 0.333061,
+ -0.273122, -0.333061, -0.46,
+ -0.2125, -0.298061, -0.46,
+ -0.2125, -0.46, 0.298061,
+ -0.151878, -0.333061, -0.46,
+ -0.151878, -0.46, 0.333061,
+ -0.151878, -0.403061, -0.46,
+ -0.151878, -0.46, 0.403061,
+ -0.2125, -0.46, 0.438061,
+ -0.2125, -0.438061, -0.46,
+ -0.273122, -0.52, 0.403061,
+ -0.273122, -0.403061, -0.52,
+ -0.273122, -0.333061, -0.52,
+ -0.273122, -0.52, 0.333061,
+ -0.2125, -0.52, 0.298061,
+ -0.2125, -0.298061, -0.52,
+ -0.151878, -0.333061, -0.52,
+ -0.151878, -0.52, 0.333061,
+ -0.151878, -0.52, 0.403061,
+ -0.151878, -0.403061, -0.52,
+ -0.2125, -0.52, 0.438061,
+ -0.2125, -0.438061, -0.52,
+ -0.273122, -0.6, 0.403061,
+ -0.273122, -0.403061, -0.6,
+ -0.273122, -0.6, 0.333061,
+ -0.273122, -0.333061, -0.6,
+ -0.2125, -0.6, 0.298061,
+ -0.2125, -0.298061, -0.6,
+ -0.151878, -0.333061, -0.6,
+ -0.151878, -0.6, 0.333061,
+ -0.151878, -0.6, 0.403061,
+ -0.151878, -0.403061, -0.6,
+ -0.2125, -0.438061, -0.6,
+ -0.2125, -0.6, 0.438061,
+ -0.273122, -0.66, 0.403061,
+ -0.273122, -0.403061, -0.66,
+ -0.273122, -0.333061, -0.66,
+ -0.273122, -0.66, 0.333061,
+ -0.2125, -0.298061, -0.66,
+ -0.2125, -0.66, 0.298061,
+ -0.151878, -0.66, 0.333061,
+ -0.151878, -0.333061, -0.66,
+ -0.151878, -0.66, 0.403061,
+ -0.151878, -0.403061, -0.66,
+ -0.2125, -0.438061, -0.66,
+ -0.2125, -0.66, 0.438061,
+ -0.485622, -0.46, -0.035,
+ -0.485622, 0.035, -0.46,
+ -0.425, 0.07, -0.46,
+ -0.425, -0.46, -0.07,
+ -0.364378, 0.035, -0.46,
+ -0.364378, -0.46, -0.035,
+ -0.364378, -0.46, 0.035,
+ -0.364378, -0.035, -0.46,
+ -0.425, -0.46, 0.07,
+ -0.425, -0.07, -0.46,
+ -0.485622, -0.035, -0.46,
+ -0.485622, -0.46, 0.035,
+ -0.485622, -0.52, -0.035,
+ -0.485622, 0.035, -0.52,
+ -0.425, 0.07, -0.52,
+ -0.425, -0.52, -0.07,
+ -0.364378, 0.035, -0.52,
+ -0.364378, -0.52, -0.035,
+ -0.364378, -0.035, -0.52,
+ -0.364378, -0.52, 0.035,
+ -0.425, -0.52, 0.07,
+ -0.425, -0.07, -0.52,
+ -0.485622, -0.035, -0.52,
+ -0.485622, -0.52, 0.035,
+ -0.485622, 0.035, -0.6,
+ -0.485622, -0.6, -0.035,
+ -0.425, -0.6, -0.07,
+ -0.425, 0.07, -0.6,
+ -0.364378, -0.6, -0.035,
+ -0.364378, 0.035, -0.6,
+ -0.364378, -0.6, 0.035,
+ -0.364378, -0.035, -0.6,
+ -0.425, -0.6, 0.07,
+ -0.425, -0.07, -0.6,
+ -0.485622, -0.6, 0.035,
+ -0.485622, -0.035, -0.6,
+ -0.485622, -0.66, -0.035,
+ -0.485622, 0.035, -0.66,
+ -0.425, -0.66, -0.07,
+ -0.425, 0.07, -0.66,
+ -0.364378, 0.035, -0.66,
+ -0.364378, -0.66, -0.035,
+ -0.364378, -0.66, 0.035,
+ -0.364378, -0.035, -0.66,
+ -0.425, -0.07, -0.66,
+ -0.425, -0.66, 0.07,
+ -0.485622, -0.66, 0.035,
+ -0.485622, -0.035, -0.66,
+ -0.2125, -0.46, -0.438061,
+ -0.2125, 0.438061, -0.46,
+ -0.151878, 0.403061, -0.46,
+ -0.151878, -0.46, -0.403061,
+ -0.151878, -0.46, -0.333061,
+ -0.151878, 0.333061, -0.46,
+ -0.2125, 0.298061, -0.46,
+ -0.2125, -0.46, -0.298061,
+ -0.273122, 0.333061, -0.46,
+ -0.273122, -0.46, -0.333061,
+ -0.273122, -0.46, -0.403061,
+ -0.273122, 0.403061, -0.46,
+ -0.2125, -0.52, -0.438061,
+ -0.2125, 0.438061, -0.52,
+ -0.151878, 0.403061, -0.52,
+ -0.151878, -0.52, -0.403061,
+ -0.151878, -0.52, -0.333061,
+ -0.151878, 0.333061, -0.52,
+ -0.2125, 0.298061, -0.52,
+ -0.2125, -0.52, -0.298061,
+ -0.273122, 0.333061, -0.52,
+ -0.273122, -0.52, -0.333061,
+ -0.273122, 0.403061, -0.52,
+ -0.273122, -0.52, -0.403061,
+ -0.2125, 0.438061, -0.6,
+ -0.2125, -0.6, -0.438061,
+ -0.151878, -0.6, -0.403061,
+ -0.151878, 0.403061, -0.6,
+ -0.151878, 0.333061, -0.6,
+ -0.151878, -0.6, -0.333061,
+ -0.2125, -0.6, -0.298061,
+ -0.2125, 0.298061, -0.6,
+ -0.273122, -0.6, -0.333061,
+ -0.273122, 0.333061, -0.6,
+ -0.273122, -0.6, -0.403061,
+ -0.273122, 0.403061, -0.6,
+ -0.2125, -0.66, -0.438061,
+ -0.2125, 0.438061, -0.66,
+ -0.151878, -0.66, -0.403061,
+ -0.151878, 0.403061, -0.66,
+ -0.151878, -0.66, -0.333061,
+ -0.151878, 0.333061, -0.66,
+ -0.2125, -0.66, -0.298061,
+ -0.2125, 0.298061, -0.66,
+ -0.273122, -0.66, -0.333061,
+ -0.273122, 0.333061, -0.66,
+ -0.273122, 0.403061, -0.66,
+ -0.273122, -0.66, -0.403061,
static const GLfloat ElbowBolts_normals[] =
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.866026, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.866025, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.499999, (GLfloat) 0.866026, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.866025, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.866025, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.866025, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.866025, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.866025, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.866026, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.866025, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.866026, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.866026, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.866025, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.866026, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.866025, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.866025, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.499999, (GLfloat) - 0.866026, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.866025, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.866025, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.866025, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.866025, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.866025, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.866025, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.866026, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.866026, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.866025, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.866026, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.866025, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.866025, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.866026,
- (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.499999, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.866026,
- (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.866026,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.866026,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.866026,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.866026,
- (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.499999, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.866026,
- (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.866026,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.866026,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.866026,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.866025,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0.5, 0.866026, 0,
+ 1, 0, 0,
+ 0.5, -0.866025, 0,
+ -0.5, -0.866025, 0,
+ -1, 0, 0,
+ -0.5, 0.866025, 0,
+ 0, 0, -1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0.499999, 0.866026, 0,
+ 1, 0, 0,
+ 0.5, -0.866025, 0,
+ -0.5, -0.866025, 0,
+ -1, 0, 0,
+ -0.5, 0.866025, 0,
+ 0, 0, -1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ -0.5, 0.866025, 0,
+ 0.5, 0.866025, 0,
+ 1, 0, 0,
+ 0.5, -0.866025, 0,
+ -0.5, -0.866025, 0,
+ -1, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, -1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ -0.5, 0.866025, 0,
+ 0.5, 0.866025, 0,
+ 1, 0, 0,
+ 0.5, -0.866025, 0,
+ -0.5, -0.866025, 0,
+ -1, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, -1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ -1, 0, 0,
+ -0.5, 0.866026, 0,
+ 0.5, 0.866025, 0,
+ 1, 0, 0,
+ 0.5, -0.866026, 0,
+ -0.5, -0.866025, 0,
+ 0, 0, -1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ -1, 0, 0,
+ -0.5, 0.866026, 0,
+ 0.5, 0.866025, 0,
+ 1, 0, 0,
+ 0.5, -0.866025, 0,
+ -0.5, -0.866025, 0,
+ 0, 0, -1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ -0.5, -0.866026, 0,
+ -1, 0, 0,
+ -0.5, 0.866025, 0,
+ 0.5, 0.866025, 0,
+ 1, 0, 0,
+ 0.5, -0.866025, 0,
+ 0, 0, -1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ -0.499999, -0.866026, 0,
+ -1, 0, 0,
+ -0.5, 0.866025, 0,
+ 0.5, 0.866025, 0,
+ 1, 0, 0,
+ 0.5, -0.866025, 0,
+ 0, 0, -1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0.5, -0.866025, 0,
+ -0.5, -0.866025, 0,
+ -1, 0, 0,
+ -0.5, 0.866025, 0,
+ 0.5, 0.866025, 0,
+ 1, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, -1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0.5, -0.866025, 0,
+ -0.5, -0.866025, 0,
+ -1, 0, 0,
+ -0.5, 0.866025, 0,
+ 0.5, 0.866025, 0,
+ 1, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, -1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 1, 0, 0,
+ 0.5, -0.866026, 0,
+ -0.5, -0.866025, 0,
+ -1, 0, 0,
+ -0.5, 0.866026, 0,
+ 0.5, 0.866025, 0,
+ 0, 0, -1,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 1, 0, 0,
+ 0.5, -0.866026, 0,
+ -0.5, -0.866025, 0,
+ -1, 0, 0,
+ -0.5, 0.866025, 0,
+ 0.5, 0.866025, 0,
+ 0, 0, -1,
+ 0, 1, 0,
+ 0.5, 0, -0.866026,
+ 1, 0, 0,
+ 0.5, 0, 0.866025,
+ -0.5, 0, 0.866025,
+ -1, 0, 0,
+ -0.5, 0, -0.866025,
+ 0, -1, 0,
+ 0, 1, 0,
+ 0.499999, 0, -0.866026,
+ 1, 0, 0,
+ 0.5, 0, 0.866025,
+ -0.5, 0, 0.866025,
+ -1, 0, 0,
+ -0.5, 0, -0.866025,
+ 0, -1, 0,
+ 0, 1, 0,
+ -0.5, 0, -0.866025,
+ 0.5, 0, -0.866025,
+ 1, 0, 0,
+ 0.5, 0, 0.866025,
+ -0.5, 0, 0.866025,
+ -1, 0, 0,
+ 0, -1, 0,
+ 0, 1, 0,
+ -0.5, 0, -0.866025,
+ 0.5, 0, -0.866025,
+ 1, 0, 0,
+ 0.5, 0, 0.866025,
+ -0.5, 0, 0.866025,
+ -1, 0, 0,
+ 0, -1, 0,
+ 0, 1, 0,
+ -1, 0, 0,
+ -0.5, 0, -0.866026,
+ 0.5, 0, -0.866025,
+ 1, 0, 0,
+ 0.5, 0, 0.866026,
+ -0.5, 0, 0.866025,
+ 0, -1, 0,
+ 0, 1, 0,
+ -1, 0, 0,
+ -0.5, 0, -0.866026,
+ 0.5, 0, -0.866025,
+ 1, 0, 0,
+ 0.5, 0, 0.866025,
+ -0.5, 0, 0.866025,
+ 0, -1, 0,
+ 0, 1, 0,
+ -0.5, 0, 0.866026,
+ -1, 0, 0,
+ -0.5, 0, -0.866025,
+ 0.5, 0, -0.866025,
+ 1, 0, 0,
+ 0.5, 0, 0.866025,
+ 0, -1, 0,
+ 0, 1, 0,
+ -0.499999, 0, 0.866026,
+ -1, 0, 0,
+ -0.5, 0, -0.866025,
+ 0.5, 0, -0.866025,
+ 1, 0, 0,
+ 0.5, 0, 0.866025,
+ 0, -1, 0,
+ 0, 1, 0,
+ 0.5, 0, 0.866025,
+ -0.5, 0, 0.866025,
+ -1, 0, 0,
+ -0.5, 0, -0.866025,
+ 0.5, 0, -0.866025,
+ 1, 0, 0,
+ 0, -1, 0,
+ 0, 1, 0,
+ 0.5, 0, 0.866025,
+ -0.5, 0, 0.866025,
+ -1, 0, 0,
+ -0.5, 0, -0.866025,
+ 0.5, 0, -0.866025,
+ 1, 0, 0,
+ 0, -1, 0,
+ 0, 1, 0,
+ 1, 0, 0,
+ 0.5, 0, 0.866026,
+ -0.5, 0, 0.866025,
+ -1, 0, 0,
+ -0.5, 0, -0.866026,
+ 0.5, 0, -0.866025,
+ 0, -1, 0,
+ 0, 1, 0,
+ 1, 0, 0,
+ 0.5, 0, 0.866026,
+ -0.5, 0, 0.866025,
+ -1, 0, 0,
+ -0.5, 0, -0.866025,
+ 0.5, 0, -0.866025,
+ 0, -1, 0,
static const unsigned short int ElbowBolts_POLS[] =
static const GLfloat ElbowCoins_PNTS[] =
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.097545, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) - 0.490393,
- (GLfloat) 0.191342, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) - 0.461940,
- (GLfloat) 0.277785, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) - 0.415735,
- (GLfloat) 0.353553, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) - 0.353553,
- (GLfloat) 0.415735, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) - 0.277785,
- (GLfloat) 0.461940, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) - 0.191342,
- (GLfloat) 0.490393, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) - 0.097545,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.490393, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) 0.097545,
- (GLfloat) 0.461940, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) 0.191342,
- (GLfloat) 0.415735, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) 0.277785,
- (GLfloat) 0.353553, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) 0.353553,
- (GLfloat) 0.277785, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) 0.415735,
- (GLfloat) 0.191342, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) 0.461940,
- (GLfloat) 0.097545, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) 0.490393,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.097545, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) 0.490393,
- (GLfloat) - 0.191342, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) 0.461940,
- (GLfloat) - 0.277785, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) 0.415735,
- (GLfloat) - 0.353553, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) 0.353553,
- (GLfloat) - 0.415735, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) 0.277785,
- (GLfloat) - 0.461940, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) 0.191342,
- (GLfloat) - 0.490393, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) 0.097545,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.490393, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) - 0.097545,
- (GLfloat) - 0.461940, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) - 0.191342,
- (GLfloat) - 0.415735, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) - 0.277785,
- (GLfloat) - 0.353553, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) - 0.353553,
- (GLfloat) - 0.277785, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) - 0.415735,
- (GLfloat) - 0.191342, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) - 0.461940,
- (GLfloat) - 0.097545, (GLfloat) - 0.520000, (GLfloat) - 0.490393,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) 0.097545, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.490393,
- (GLfloat) 0.191342, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.461940,
- (GLfloat) 0.277785, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.415735,
- (GLfloat) 0.353553, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.353553,
- (GLfloat) 0.415735, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.277785,
- (GLfloat) 0.461940, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.191342,
- (GLfloat) 0.490393, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.097545,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.490393, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) 0.097545,
- (GLfloat) 0.461940, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) 0.191342,
- (GLfloat) 0.415735, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) 0.277785,
- (GLfloat) 0.353553, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) 0.353553,
- (GLfloat) 0.277785, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) 0.415735,
- (GLfloat) 0.191342, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) 0.461940,
- (GLfloat) 0.097545, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) 0.490393,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) 0.500000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.097545, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) 0.490393,
- (GLfloat) - 0.191342, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) 0.461940,
- (GLfloat) - 0.277785, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) 0.415735,
- (GLfloat) - 0.353553, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) 0.353553,
- (GLfloat) - 0.415735, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) 0.277785,
- (GLfloat) - 0.461940, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) 0.191342,
- (GLfloat) - 0.490393, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) 0.097545,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.490393, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.097545,
- (GLfloat) - 0.461940, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.191342,
- (GLfloat) - 0.415735, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.277785,
- (GLfloat) - 0.353553, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.353553,
- (GLfloat) - 0.277785, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.415735,
- (GLfloat) - 0.191342, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.461940,
- (GLfloat) - 0.097545, (GLfloat) - 0.600000, (GLfloat) - 0.490393,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) 0.097545, (GLfloat) 0.490393, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) 0.191342, (GLfloat) 0.461940, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) 0.277785, (GLfloat) 0.415735, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) 0.353553, (GLfloat) 0.353553, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) 0.415735, (GLfloat) 0.277785, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) 0.461940, (GLfloat) 0.191342, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) 0.490393, (GLfloat) 0.097545, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) 0.490393, (GLfloat) - 0.097545, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) 0.461940, (GLfloat) - 0.191342, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) 0.415735, (GLfloat) - 0.277785, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) 0.353553, (GLfloat) - 0.353553, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) 0.277785, (GLfloat) - 0.415735, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) 0.191342, (GLfloat) - 0.461940, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) 0.097545, (GLfloat) - 0.490393, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.097545, (GLfloat) - 0.490393, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.191342, (GLfloat) - 0.461940, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.277785, (GLfloat) - 0.415735, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.353553, (GLfloat) - 0.353553, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.415735, (GLfloat) - 0.277785, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.461940, (GLfloat) - 0.191342, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.490393, (GLfloat) - 0.097545, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.490393, (GLfloat) 0.097545, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.461940, (GLfloat) 0.191342, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.415735, (GLfloat) 0.277785, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.353553, (GLfloat) 0.353553, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.277785, (GLfloat) 0.415735, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.191342, (GLfloat) 0.461940, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.097545, (GLfloat) 0.490393, (GLfloat) - 0.520000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.097545, (GLfloat) 0.490393, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.191342, (GLfloat) 0.461940, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.277785, (GLfloat) 0.415735, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.353553, (GLfloat) 0.353553, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.415735, (GLfloat) 0.277785, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.461940, (GLfloat) 0.191342, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.490393, (GLfloat) 0.097545, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.500000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.490393, (GLfloat) - 0.097545, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.461940, (GLfloat) - 0.191342, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.415735, (GLfloat) - 0.277785, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.353553, (GLfloat) - 0.353553, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.277785, (GLfloat) - 0.415735, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.191342, (GLfloat) - 0.461940, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.097545, (GLfloat) - 0.490393, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.097545, (GLfloat) - 0.490393, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.191342, (GLfloat) - 0.461940, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.277785, (GLfloat) - 0.415735, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.353553, (GLfloat) - 0.353553, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.415735, (GLfloat) - 0.277785, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.461940, (GLfloat) - 0.191342, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.490393, (GLfloat) - 0.097545, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.500000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.490393, (GLfloat) 0.097545, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.461940, (GLfloat) 0.191342, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.415735, (GLfloat) 0.277785, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.353553, (GLfloat) 0.353553, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.277785, (GLfloat) 0.415735, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.191342, (GLfloat) 0.461940, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.097545, (GLfloat) 0.490393, (GLfloat) - 0.600000,
+ 0, -0.52, -0.5,
+ 0.097545, -0.52, -0.490393,
+ 0.191342, -0.52, -0.46194,
+ 0.277785, -0.52, -0.415735,
+ 0.353553, -0.52, -0.353553,
+ 0.415735, -0.52, -0.277785,
+ 0.46194, -0.52, -0.191342,
+ 0.490393, -0.52, -0.097545,
+ 0.5, -0.52, 0,
+ 0.490393, -0.52, 0.097545,
+ 0.46194, -0.52, 0.191342,
+ 0.415735, -0.52, 0.277785,
+ 0.353553, -0.52, 0.353553,
+ 0.277785, -0.52, 0.415735,
+ 0.191342, -0.52, 0.46194,
+ 0.097545, -0.52, 0.490393,
+ 0, -0.52, 0.5,
+ -0.097545, -0.52, 0.490393,
+ -0.191342, -0.52, 0.46194,
+ -0.277785, -0.52, 0.415735,
+ -0.353553, -0.52, 0.353553,
+ -0.415735, -0.52, 0.277785,
+ -0.46194, -0.52, 0.191342,
+ -0.490393, -0.52, 0.097545,
+ -0.5, -0.52, 0,
+ -0.490393, -0.52, -0.097545,
+ -0.46194, -0.52, -0.191342,
+ -0.415735, -0.52, -0.277785,
+ -0.353553, -0.52, -0.353553,
+ -0.277785, -0.52, -0.415735,
+ -0.191342, -0.52, -0.46194,
+ -0.097545, -0.52, -0.490393,
+ 0, -0.6, -0.5,
+ 0.097545, -0.6, -0.490393,
+ 0.191342, -0.6, -0.46194,
+ 0.277785, -0.6, -0.415735,
+ 0.353553, -0.6, -0.353553,
+ 0.415735, -0.6, -0.277785,
+ 0.46194, -0.6, -0.191342,
+ 0.490393, -0.6, -0.097545,
+ 0.5, -0.6, 0,
+ 0.490393, -0.6, 0.097545,
+ 0.46194, -0.6, 0.191342,
+ 0.415735, -0.6, 0.277785,
+ 0.353553, -0.6, 0.353553,
+ 0.277785, -0.6, 0.415735,
+ 0.191342, -0.6, 0.46194,
+ 0.097545, -0.6, 0.490393,
+ 0, -0.6, 0.5,
+ -0.097545, -0.6, 0.490393,
+ -0.191342, -0.6, 0.46194,
+ -0.277785, -0.6, 0.415735,
+ -0.353553, -0.6, 0.353553,
+ -0.415735, -0.6, 0.277785,
+ -0.46194, -0.6, 0.191342,
+ -0.490393, -0.6, 0.097545,
+ -0.5, -0.6, 0,
+ -0.490393, -0.6, -0.097545,
+ -0.46194, -0.6, -0.191342,
+ -0.415735, -0.6, -0.277785,
+ -0.353553, -0.6, -0.353553,
+ -0.277785, -0.6, -0.415735,
+ -0.191342, -0.6, -0.46194,
+ -0.097545, -0.6, -0.490393,
+ 0, 0.5, -0.52,
+ 0.097545, 0.490393, -0.52,
+ 0.191342, 0.46194, -0.52,
+ 0.277785, 0.415735, -0.52,
+ 0.353553, 0.353553, -0.52,
+ 0.415735, 0.277785, -0.52,
+ 0.46194, 0.191342, -0.52,
+ 0.490393, 0.097545, -0.52,
+ 0.5, 0, -0.52,
+ 0.490393, -0.097545, -0.52,
+ 0.46194, -0.191342, -0.52,
+ 0.415735, -0.277785, -0.52,
+ 0.353553, -0.353553, -0.52,
+ 0.277785, -0.415735, -0.52,
+ 0.191342, -0.46194, -0.52,
+ 0.097545, -0.490393, -0.52,
+ 0, -0.5, -0.52,
+ -0.097545, -0.490393, -0.52,
+ -0.191342, -0.46194, -0.52,
+ -0.277785, -0.415735, -0.52,
+ -0.353553, -0.353553, -0.52,
+ -0.415735, -0.277785, -0.52,
+ -0.46194, -0.191342, -0.52,
+ -0.490393, -0.097545, -0.52,
+ -0.5, 0, -0.52,
+ -0.490393, 0.097545, -0.52,
+ -0.46194, 0.191342, -0.52,
+ -0.415735, 0.277785, -0.52,
+ -0.353553, 0.353553, -0.52,
+ -0.277785, 0.415735, -0.52,
+ -0.191342, 0.46194, -0.52,
+ -0.097545, 0.490393, -0.52,
+ 0, 0.5, -0.6,
+ 0.097545, 0.490393, -0.6,
+ 0.191342, 0.46194, -0.6,
+ 0.277785, 0.415735, -0.6,
+ 0.353553, 0.353553, -0.6,
+ 0.415735, 0.277785, -0.6,
+ 0.46194, 0.191342, -0.6,
+ 0.490393, 0.097545, -0.6,
+ 0.5, 0, -0.6,
+ 0.490393, -0.097545, -0.6,
+ 0.46194, -0.191342, -0.6,
+ 0.415735, -0.277785, -0.6,
+ 0.353553, -0.353553, -0.6,
+ 0.277785, -0.415735, -0.6,
+ 0.191342, -0.46194, -0.6,
+ 0.097545, -0.490393, -0.6,
+ 0, -0.5, -0.6,
+ -0.097545, -0.490393, -0.6,
+ -0.191342, -0.46194, -0.6,
+ -0.277785, -0.415735, -0.6,
+ -0.353553, -0.353553, -0.6,
+ -0.415735, -0.277785, -0.6,
+ -0.46194, -0.191342, -0.6,
+ -0.490393, -0.097545, -0.6,
+ -0.5, 0, -0.6,
+ -0.490393, 0.097545, -0.6,
+ -0.46194, 0.191342, -0.6,
+ -0.415735, 0.277785, -0.6,
+ -0.353553, 0.353553, -0.6,
+ -0.277785, 0.415735, -0.6,
+ -0.191342, 0.46194, -0.6,
+ -0.097545, 0.490393, -0.6,
static const GLfloat ElbowCoins_normals[] =
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.098017, (GLfloat) 0.995185, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.290285, (GLfloat) 0.956940, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.471397, (GLfloat) 0.881921, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.634393, (GLfloat) 0.773010, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.773010, (GLfloat) 0.634393, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.881921, (GLfloat) 0.471397, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.956940, (GLfloat) 0.290285, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.995185, (GLfloat) 0.098017, (GLfloat) 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.995185, (GLfloat) - 0.098017, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.956940, (GLfloat) - 0.290285, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.881921, (GLfloat) - 0.471397, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.773010, (GLfloat) - 0.634393, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.634393, (GLfloat) - 0.773010, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.471397, (GLfloat) - 0.881921, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.290285, (GLfloat) - 0.956940, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.098017, (GLfloat) - 0.995185, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.098017, (GLfloat) - 0.995185, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.290285, (GLfloat) - 0.956940, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.471397, (GLfloat) - 0.881921, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.634393, (GLfloat) - 0.773010, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.773010, (GLfloat) - 0.634393, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.881921, (GLfloat) - 0.471397, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.956940, (GLfloat) - 0.290285, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.995185, (GLfloat) - 0.098017, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.995185, (GLfloat) 0.098017, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.956940, (GLfloat) 0.290285, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.881921, (GLfloat) 0.471397, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.773010, (GLfloat) 0.634393, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.634393, (GLfloat) 0.773010, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.471397, (GLfloat) 0.881921, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.290285, (GLfloat) 0.956940, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.098017, (GLfloat) 0.995185, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
- (GLfloat) 0.098017, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.995185,
- (GLfloat) 0.290285, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.956940,
- (GLfloat) 0.471397, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.881921,
- (GLfloat) 0.634393, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.773010,
- (GLfloat) 0.773010, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.634393,
- (GLfloat) 0.881921, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.471397,
- (GLfloat) 0.956940, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.290285,
- (GLfloat) 0.995185, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.098017,
- (GLfloat) 0.995185, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.098017,
- (GLfloat) 0.956940, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.290285,
- (GLfloat) 0.881921, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.471397,
- (GLfloat) 0.773010, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.634393,
- (GLfloat) 0.634393, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.773010,
- (GLfloat) 0.471397, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.881921,
- (GLfloat) 0.290285, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.956940,
- (GLfloat) 0.098017, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.995185,
- (GLfloat) - 0.098017, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.995185,
- (GLfloat) - 0.290285, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.956940,
- (GLfloat) - 0.471397, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.881921,
- (GLfloat) - 0.634393, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.773010,
- (GLfloat) - 0.773010, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.634393,
- (GLfloat) - 0.881921, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.471397,
- (GLfloat) - 0.956940, (GLfloat) 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.290285,
- (GLfloat) - 0.995185, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) 0.098017,
- (GLfloat) - 0.995185, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.098017,
- (GLfloat) - 0.956940, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.290285,
- (GLfloat) - 0.881921, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.471397,
- (GLfloat) - 0.773010, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.634393,
- (GLfloat) - 0.634393, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.773010,
- (GLfloat) - 0.471397, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.881921,
- (GLfloat) - 0.290285, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.956940,
- (GLfloat) - 0.098017, (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.995185,
- (GLfloat) - 0.000000, (GLfloat) - 1.000000, (GLfloat) - 0.000000,
+ 0, 0, 1,
+ 0.098017, 0.995185, 0,
+ 0.290285, 0.95694, 0,
+ 0.471397, 0.881921, 0,
+ 0.634393, 0.77301, 0,
+ 0.77301, 0.634393, 0,
+ 0.881921, 0.471397, 0,
+ 0.95694, 0.290285, 0,
+ 0.995185, 0.098017, 0,
+ 0.995185, -0.098017, 0,
+ 0.95694, -0.290285, 0,
+ 0.881921, -0.471397, 0,
+ 0.77301, -0.634393, 0,
+ 0.634393, -0.77301, 0,
+ 0.471397, -0.881921, 0,
+ 0.290285, -0.95694, 0,
+ 0.098017, -0.995185, 0,
+ -0.098017, -0.995185, 0,
+ -0.290285, -0.95694, 0,
+ -0.471397, -0.881921, 0,
+ -0.634393, -0.77301, 0,
+ -0.77301, -0.634393, 0,
+ -0.881921, -0.471397, 0,
+ -0.95694, -0.290285, 0,
+ -0.995185, -0.098017, 0,
+ -0.995185, 0.098017, 0,
+ -0.95694, 0.290285, 0,
+ -0.881921, 0.471397, 0,
+ -0.77301, 0.634393, 0,
+ -0.634393, 0.77301, 0,
+ -0.471397, 0.881921, 0,
+ -0.290285, 0.95694, 0,
+ -0.098017, 0.995185, 0,
+ 0, 0, -1,
+ 0, 1, 0,
+ 0.098017, 0, -0.995185,
+ 0.290285, 0, -0.95694,
+ 0.471397, 0, -0.881921,
+ 0.634393, 0, -0.77301,
+ 0.77301, 0, -0.634393,
+ 0.881921, 0, -0.471397,
+ 0.95694, 0, -0.290285,
+ 0.995185, 0, -0.098017,
+ 0.995185, 0, 0.098017,
+ 0.95694, 0, 0.290285,
+ 0.881921, 0, 0.471397,
+ 0.77301, 0, 0.634393,
+ 0.634393, 0, 0.77301,
+ 0.471397, 0, 0.881921,
+ 0.290285, 0, 0.95694,
+ 0.098017, 0, 0.995185,
+ -0.098017, 0, 0.995185,
+ -0.290285, 0, 0.95694,
+ -0.471397, 0, 0.881921,
+ -0.634393, 0, 0.77301,
+ -0.77301, 0, 0.634393,
+ -0.881921, 0, 0.471397,
+ -0.95694, 0, 0.290285,
+ -0.995185, 0, 0.098017,
+ -0.995185, 0, -0.098017,
+ -0.95694, 0, -0.290285,
+ -0.881921, 0, -0.471397,
+ -0.77301, 0, -0.634393,
+ -0.634393, 0, -0.77301,
+ -0.471397, 0, -0.881921,
+ -0.290285, 0, -0.95694,
+ -0.098017, 0, -0.995185,
+ 0, -1, 0,
static const unsigned short int ElbowCoins_POLS[] =
"*size: 500 \n" \
"*showFPS: False \n" \
"*fpsSolid: True \n"
# define refresh_pipes 0
# define pipes_handle_event 0
# include "xlockmore.h" /* from the xscreensaver distribution */
#ifdef USE_GL
#include "buildlwo.h"
+#include "teapot.h"
#define DEF_FACTORY "2"
#define DEF_FISHEYE "True"
const float *system_color;
GLfloat initial_rotation;
GLuint valve, bolts, betweenbolts, elbowbolts, elbowcoins;
- GLuint guagehead, guageface, guagedial, guageconnector;
+ GLuint guagehead, guageface, guagedial, guageconnector, teapot;
+ int teapot_polys;
int reset;
GLXContext *glx_context;
} pipesstruct;
return (1);
+static GLuint
+build_teapot(ModeInfo *mi)
+ pipesstruct *pp = &pipes[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
+ GLuint list = glGenLists(1);
+ if (!list) return 0;
+ glNewList(list, GL_COMPILE);
+ pp->teapot_polys = unit_teapot (12, MI_IS_WIREFRAME(mi));
+ glEndList();
+ return list;
+static void
+MakeTeapot(ModeInfo * mi, int newdir)
+ pipesstruct *pp = &pipes[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
+ switch (newdir) {
+ case dirUP:
+ case dirDOWN:
+ glRotatef(90.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ glRotatef(NRAND(3) * 90.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ break;
+ case dirLEFT:
+ case dirRIGHT:
+ glRotatef(90.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0);
+ glRotatef((NRAND(3) * 90.0) - 90.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ break;
+ case dirNEAR:
+ case dirFAR:
+ glRotatef(NRAND(4) * 90.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ break;
+ }
+ glCallList(pp->teapot);
+ mi->polygon_count += pp->teapot_polys;
+ glFrontFace(GL_CCW);
static void
MakeShape(ModeInfo * mi, int newdir)
- switch (NRAND(2)) {
- case 1:
- if (!MakeGuage(mi, newdir))
- MakeTube(mi, newdir);
- break;
- default:
- MakeValve(mi, newdir);
- break;
- }
+ int n = NRAND(100);
+ if (n < 50) {
+ if (!MakeGuage(mi, newdir))
+ MakeTube(mi, newdir);
+ } else if (n < 98) {
+ MakeValve(mi, newdir);
+ } else {
+ MakeTeapot(mi,newdir);
+ }
static void
pp->guageface = BuildLWO(MI_IS_WIREFRAME(mi), &LWO_GuageFace);
pp->guagedial = BuildLWO(MI_IS_WIREFRAME(mi), &LWO_GuageDial);
pp->guageconnector = BuildLWO(MI_IS_WIREFRAME(mi), &LWO_GuageConnector);
+ pp->teapot = build_teapot(mi);
/* else they are all 0, thanks to calloc(). */
if (++pp->system_number > pp->number_of_systems) {
/* pause doing nothing for N seconds before clearing the screen. */
int secs = 3;
- pp->reset = secs * 1000000 / MI_PAUSE(mi);
+ pp->reset = secs * 1000000 / (MI_PAUSE(mi) ? MI_PAUSE(mi) : 100);
} else {
pinit(mi, 0);
+ if (mi->fps_p) do_fps (mi);
if (dbuf_p)
glXSwapBuffers(display, window);
- if (mi->fps_p) do_fps (mi);
glDeleteLists(pp->guagedial, 1);
if (pp->guageconnector)
glDeleteLists(pp->guageconnector, 1);
+ if (pp->teapot)
+ glDeleteLists(pp->teapot, 1);
.B \-db | \-no-db
Whether to double-buffer.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
#define DEFAULTS "*delay: 30000 \n" \
"*showFPS: False \n" \
"*wireframe: False \n" \
- "*titleFont: -*-times-bold-r-normal-*-180-*\n" \
- "*titleFont2: -*-times-bold-r-normal-*-120-*\n" \
- "*titleFont3: -*-times-bold-r-normal-*-80-*\n" \
+ "*titleFont: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-140-*\n" \
+ "*titleFont2: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-100-*\n" \
+ "*titleFont3: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-80-*\n" \
# define refresh_polyhedra 0
#include "colors.h"
#include "rotator.h"
#include "gltrackball.h"
+#include "teapot.h"
+#ifndef HAVE_COCOA
+# include <X11/keysymdef.h>
#ifdef USE_GL /* whole file */
glColor3f (0.8, 0.8, 0);
print_gl_string (mi->dpy, bp->xfont1, bp->font1_dlist,
mi->xgwa.width, mi->xgwa.height,
- mi->xgwa.width - (string_width (bp->xfont1, s) + 40),
+ mi->xgwa.width - (string_width (bp->xfont1, s, 0) + 40),
mi->xgwa.height - 10,
- s);
+ s, False);
glXSwapBuffers(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_WINDOW(mi));
char c = 0;
XLookupString (&event->xkey, &c, 1, &keysym, 0);
+# ifdef HAVE_COCOA
+# define XK_Right -1
+# define XK_Left -1
+# define XK_Up -1
+# define XK_Down -1
+# endif
bp->change_to = -1;
if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n')
bp->change_to = random() % bp->npolyhedra;
- else if (c == '>' || c == '.' || c == '+' || c == '=')
+ else if (c == '>' || c == '.' || c == '+' || c == '=' ||
+ keysym == XK_Right || keysym == XK_Up)
bp->change_to = (bp->which + 1) % bp->npolyhedra;
else if (c == '<' || c == ',' || c == '-' || c == '_' ||
- c == '\010' || c == '\177')
+ c == '\010' || c == '\177' ||
+ keysym == XK_Left || keysym == XK_Down)
bp->change_to = (bp->which + bp->npolyhedra - 1) % bp->npolyhedra;
if (bp->change_to != -1)
print_gl_string (mi->dpy, f, fl,
mi->xgwa.width, mi->xgwa.height,
10, mi->xgwa.height - 10,
- label);
+ label, False);
glEndList ();
glNewList (bp->object_list, GL_COMPILE);
- for (i = 0; i < p->nfaces; i++)
+ if (bp->which == bp->npolyhedra-1)
- int j;
- face *f = &p->faces[i];
- if (f->color > 64 || f->color < 0) abort();
- if (wire)
- glColor3f (0, 1, 0);
- else
+ glScalef (0.8, 0.8, 0.8);
+ p->nfaces = unit_teapot (6, wire);
+ p->nedges = p->nfaces * 2; /* #### is this right? */
+ p->npoints = p->nfaces / 3; /* #### is this right? */
+ p->logical_faces = p->nfaces;
+ p->logical_vertices = p->npoints;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ glFrontFace (GL_CCW);
+ for (i = 0; i < p->nfaces; i++)
- GLfloat bcolor[4];
- bcolor[0] = bp->colors[f->color].red / 65536.0;
- bcolor[1] = bp->colors[f->color].green / 65536.0;
- bcolor[2] = bp->colors[f->color].blue / 65536.0;
- bcolor[2] = 1.0;
- }
+ int j;
+ face *f = &p->faces[i];
- kludge_normal (f->npoints, f->points, p->points);
+ if (f->color > 64 || f->color < 0) abort();
+ if (wire)
+ glColor3f (0, 1, 0);
+ else
+ {
+ GLfloat bcolor[4];
+ bcolor[0] = bp->colors[f->color].red / 65536.0;
+ bcolor[1] = bp->colors[f->color].green / 65536.0;
+ bcolor[2] = bp->colors[f->color].blue / 65536.0;
+ bcolor[2] = 1.0;
+ }
+ kludge_normal (f->npoints, f->points, p->points);
- gluTessBeginPolygon (tobj, 0);
- gluTessBeginContour (tobj);
- for (j = 0; j < f->npoints; j++)
- {
- point *pp = &p->points[f->points[j]];
- gluTessVertex (tobj, &pp->x, &pp->x);
+ gluTessBeginPolygon (tobj, 0);
+ gluTessBeginContour (tobj);
+ for (j = 0; j < f->npoints; j++)
+ {
+ point *pp = &p->points[f->points[j]];
+ gluTessVertex (tobj, &pp->x, &pp->x);
+ }
+ gluTessEndContour (tobj);
+ gluTessEndPolygon (tobj);
- gluTessEndContour (tobj);
- gluTessEndPolygon (tobj);
glEndList ();
+static void
+construct_teapot (ModeInfo *mi)
+ polyhedra_configuration *bp = &bps[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
+ int n = bp->npolyhedra-1;
+ polyhedron *p = (polyhedron *) calloc (1, sizeof(*p));
+ p->number = n;
+ p->wythoff = strdup("X00398|1984");
+ p->name = strdup("Teapot");
+ p->dual = strdup("");
+ p->config = strdup("Melitta");
+ p->group = strdup("Teapotahedral (Newell[1975])");
+ p->class = strdup("Utah Teapotahedron");
+ bp->polyhedra[n] = p;
init_polyhedra (ModeInfo *mi)
bp->npolyhedra = construct_polyhedra (&bp->polyhedra);
+ construct_teapot (mi);
bp->object_list = glGenLists (1);
bp->title_list = glGenLists (1);
if (!strcasecmp (do_which_str, "random"))
else if (1 == sscanf (do_which_str, " %d %c", &x, &c))
- do_which = x;
+ {
+ if (x >= 0 && x < bp->npolyhedra)
+ do_which = x;
+ else
+ fprintf (stderr,
+ "%s: polyhedron %d does not exist: there are only %d.\n",
+ progname, x, bp->npolyhedra-1);
+ }
else if (*do_which_str)
char *s;
for (x = 0; x < bp->npolyhedra; x++)
if (!strcasecmp (do_which_str, bp->polyhedra[x]->name) ||
+ !strcasecmp (do_which_str, bp->polyhedra[x]->class) ||
!strcasecmp (do_which_str, bp->polyhedra[x]->wythoff) ||
!strcasecmp (do_which_str, bp->polyhedra[x]->config))
} while(0)
#define Malloc(lvalue,n,type) do {\
- if (!(lvalue = (type*) malloc((n) * sizeof(type)))) \
+ if (!(lvalue = (type*) calloc((n), sizeof(type)))) \
Err("out of memory");\
} while(0)
int count = 0;
polyhedron **result;
- Malloc (result, last_uniform * 2 + 1, polyhedron*);
+ Malloc (result, last_uniform * 2 + 3, polyhedron*);
while (index < last_uniform) {
char sym[4];
*polyhedra_ret = result;
+ count++; /* leave room for teapot */
return count;
.B \-wireframe | \-no-wireframe
Render in wireframe instead of solid.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
When running in a window, you can rotate the object with the mouse.
Also, the following keystrokes are defined:
and yz planes. To examine the polytope at your leisure, it is best to
set all speeds to 0. Otherwise, the polytope will rotate while the
left mouse button is not pressed.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
Render in wireframe (with hidden line removal) instead of as textured solids.
.TP 8
.B \-fps
-Display a running tally of how many frames per second are being rendered.
-In conjunction with \fB\-delay 0\fP, this can be a useful benchmark of
-your GL performance.
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
#define HEIGHT 600
#define NUM_QUADS 5
-#define DEF_NUM_QUADS "5"
+#define DEF_QUADS "5"
#define DEF_LIGHT "False"
#define DEF_WIRE "False"
#define DEF_BLEND "True"
{"+antialias", ".pulsar.antialias", XrmoptionNoArg, "false" },
{"-texture", ".pulsar.texture", XrmoptionNoArg, "true" },
{"+texture", ".pulsar.texture", XrmoptionNoArg, "false" },
- {"-texture_quality", ".pulsar.texture_quality", XrmoptionNoArg, "true" },
- {"+texture_quality", ".pulsar.texture_quality", XrmoptionNoArg, "false" },
+ {"-texture_quality", ".pulsar.textureQuality", XrmoptionNoArg, "true" },
+ {"+texture_quality", ".pulsar.textureQuality", XrmoptionNoArg, "false" },
{"-mipmap", ".pulsar.mipmap", XrmoptionNoArg, "true" },
{"+mipmap", ".pulsar.mipmap", XrmoptionNoArg, "false" },
{"-do_depth", ".pulsar.doDepth", XrmoptionNoArg, "true" },
static argtype vars[] = {
- {&num_quads, "quads", "Quads", DEF_NUM_QUADS, t_Int},
+ {&num_quads, "quads", "Quads", DEF_QUADS, t_Int},
{&do_light, "light", "Light", DEF_LIGHT, t_Bool},
{&do_wire, "wire", "Wire", DEF_WIRE, t_Bool},
{&do_blend, "blend", "Blend", DEF_BLEND, t_Bool},
{&do_fog, "fog", "Fog", DEF_FOG, t_Bool},
{&do_antialias, "antialias", "Antialias", DEF_ANTIALIAS, t_Bool},
{&do_texture, "texture", "Texture", DEF_TEXTURE, t_Bool},
- {&do_texture_quality, "texture_quality", "Texture_quality", DEF_TEXTURE_QUALITY, t_Bool},
+ {&do_texture_quality, "textureQuality", "TextureQuality", DEF_TEXTURE_QUALITY, t_Bool},
{&do_mipmap, "mipmap", "Mipmap", DEF_MIPMAP, t_Bool},
{&do_depth, "doDepth", "DoDepth", DEF_DO_DEPTH, t_Bool},
{&which_image, "image", "Image", DEF_IMAGE, t_String},
/* use XYZ scaling factors to change the size of the pulsar */
glScalef(gp->scale_x, gp->scale_y, gp->scale_z);
+ mi->polygon_count = num_quads;
/* update the scaling factors- cyclic */
gp->scale_x = cos(gp->frame/360.)*10.;
.B \-do_depth | \-no-do_depth
Whether to enable depth buffer.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
int steps, colorset, BOARDSIZE;
double theta;
+ int queen_polys;
} Queenscreen;
/* draw pieces */
-static void drawPieces(Queenscreen *qs)
+static int drawPieces(Queenscreen *qs)
int i, j;
+ int polys = 0;
for(i = 0; i < qs->BOARDSIZE; ++i) {
for(j = 0; j < qs->BOARDSIZE; ++j) {
if(qs->board[i][j]) {
+ polys += qs->queen_polys;
glTranslatef(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
glTranslatef(-1.0*qs->BOARDSIZE, 0.0, 1.0);
+ return polys;
/** reflectionboard */
-static void draw_reflections(Queenscreen *qs)
+static int draw_reflections(Queenscreen *qs)
int i, j;
+ int polys = 0;
glStencilFunc(GL_ALWAYS, 1, 1);
glVertex3f(i + 1.0, 0.0, j + 1.0);
glVertex3f(i + 1.0, 0.0, j);
glVertex3f(i, 0.0, j);
+ polys++;
glScalef(1.0, -1.0, 1.0);
glTranslatef(0.5, 0.001, 0.5);
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, qs->position);
- drawPieces(qs);
+ polys += drawPieces(qs);
+ return polys;
/* draw board */
-static void drawBoard(Queenscreen *qs)
+static int drawBoard(Queenscreen *qs)
int i, j;
+ int polys = 0;
glVertex3f(i + 1.0, 0.0, j + 1.0);
glVertex3f(i + 1.0, 0.0, j);
glVertex3f(i, 0.0, j);
+ polys++;
+ return polys;
-static void display(Queenscreen *qs)
+static int display(Queenscreen *qs)
+ int polys = 0;
/* draw reflections */
if(!wire) {
- draw_reflections(qs);
+ polys += draw_reflections(qs);
- drawBoard(qs);
+ polys += drawBoard(qs);
glTranslatef(0.5, 0.0, 0.5);
- drawPieces(qs);
+ polys += drawPieces(qs);
/* rotate camera */
qs->colorset = (qs->colorset+1)%COLORSETS;
+ return polys;
static const GLfloat spidermodel[][3] =
#define EPSILON 0.001
/** draws cylindermodel */
-static void draw_model(int chunks, const GLfloat model[][3], int r)
+static int draw_model(int chunks, const GLfloat model[][3], int r)
int i = 0;
+ int polys = 0;
GLUquadricObj *quadric = gluNewQuadric();
glRotatef(-90.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
for(i = 0; i < chunks; ++i) {
- if(model[i][0] > EPSILON || model[i][1] > EPSILON)
+ if(model[i][0] > EPSILON || model[i][1] > EPSILON) {
gluCylinder(quadric, model[i][0], model[i][1], model[i][2], r, 1);
+ polys += r;
+ }
glTranslatef(0.0, 0.0, model[i][2]);
+ return polys;
ENTRYPOINT void reshape_queens(ModeInfo *mi, int width, int height)
glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- draw_model(countof(spidermodel), spidermodel, 24);
+ qs->queen_polys = draw_model(countof(spidermodel), spidermodel, 24);
glXMakeCurrent(disp, w, *(qs->glx_context));
- display(qs);
+ mi->polygon_count = display(qs);
if(mi->fps_p) do_fps(mi);
.B \-wireframe
Render in wireframe instead of solid.
.B \-fps
-Display a running tally of how many frames per second are being rendered.
-In conjunction with \fB\-delay 0\fP, this can be a useful benchmark of
-your GL performance.
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
static Bool
-draw_stickerless_cubit(rubikstruct *rp)
+draw_stickerless_cubit(rubikstruct *rp, unsigned long *polysP)
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, MaterialGray);
+ (*polysP)++;
glNormal3f(0.00, 0.00, -1.00);
+ (*polysP)++;
glNormal3f(-1.00, 0.00, 0.00);
+ (*polysP)++;
glNormal3f(1.00, 0.00, 0.00);
+ (*polysP)++;
glNormal3f(0.00, -1.00, 0.00);
+ (*polysP)++;
glNormal3f(0.00, 1.00, 0.00);
+ (*polysP)++;
/* Edges of cubit */
glNormal3f(-1.00, -1.00, 0.00);
+ (*polysP)++;
glNormal3f(1.00, 1.00, 0.00);
+ (*polysP)++;
glNormal3f(-1.00, 1.00, 0.00);
+ (*polysP)++;
glNormal3f(1.00, -1.00, 0.00);
+ (*polysP)++;
glNormal3f(0.00, -1.00, -1.00);
+ (*polysP)++;
glNormal3f(0.00, 1.00, 1.00);
+ (*polysP)++;
glNormal3f(0.00, -1.00, 1.00);
+ (*polysP)++;
glNormal3f(0.00, 1.00, -1.00);
+ (*polysP)++;
glNormal3f(-1.00, 0.00, -1.00);
+ (*polysP)++;
glNormal3f(1.00, 0.00, 1.00);
+ (*polysP)++;
glNormal3f(1.00, 0.00, -1.00);
+ (*polysP)++;
glNormal3f(-1.00, 0.00, 1.00);
+ (*polysP)++;
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, MaterialGray);
+ (*polysP)++;
glNormal3f(-1.00, -1.00, -1.00);
+ (*polysP)++;
glNormal3f(-1.00, 1.00, 1.00);
+ (*polysP)++;
glNormal3f(1.00, -1.00, -1.00);
+ (*polysP)++;
glNormal3f(1.00, -1.00, 1.00);
+ (*polysP)++;
glNormal3f(-1.00, 1.00, -1.00);
+ (*polysP)++;
glNormal3f(-1.00, -1.00, 1.00);
+ (*polysP)++;
glNormal3f(1.00, 1.00, -1.00);
+ (*polysP)++;
return True;
static Bool
draw_cubit(ModeInfo * mi,
- int back, int front, int left, int right, int bottom, int top)
+ int back, int front, int left, int right, int bottom, int top,
+ unsigned long *polysP)
rubikstruct *rp = &rubik[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
int mono = MI_IS_MONO(mi);
- if (!draw_stickerless_cubit(rp))
+ if (!draw_stickerless_cubit(rp, polysP))
return False;
if (back != NO_FACE) {
+ (*polysP)++;
if (front != NO_FACE) {
+ (*polysP)++;
if (left != NO_FACE) {
+ (*polysP)++;
if (right != NO_FACE) {
+ (*polysP)++;
if (bottom != NO_FACE) {
+ (*polysP)++;
if (top != NO_FACE) {
+ (*polysP)++;
return True;
#define MIDX(a) (((GLfloat)(2*a-MAXSIZEX+1))/2.0)
#define MIDY(a) (((GLfloat)(2*a-MAXSIZEY+1))/2.0)
#define MIDZ(a) (((GLfloat)(2*a-MAXSIZEZ+1))/2.0)
-#define DRAW_CUBIT(mi,b,f,l,r,bm,t) if (!draw_cubit(mi,b,f,l,r,bm,t)) return False
+#define DRAW_CUBIT(mi,b,f,l,r,bm,t) if (!draw_cubit(mi,b,f,l,r,bm,t,&mi->polygon_count)) return False
rubikstruct *rp = &rubik[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
RubikSlice slice;
GLfloat rotatestep;
if (!rp->glx_context)
+ mi->polygon_count = 0;
glXMakeCurrent(display, window, *(rp->glx_context));
.B \-hideshuffling | \-no-hideshuffling
Show Shuffling. Boolean.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
#include "gllist.h"
static const float data[]={
- 0.928440,-0.144790,-0.342105,0.713281,0.838781,-0.591406,
+ 0.92844,-0.14479,-0.342105,0.713281,0.838781,-0.591406,
- 0.928440,-0.144790,-0.342105,0.713281,0.838781,-0.591406,
- 0.991208,-0.132313,-0.000000,0.728516,0.838781,-0.500000,
- 0.995164,-0.098230,0.000000,0.737656,0.890313,-0.500000,
- 0.995164,-0.098230,0.000000,0.737656,0.890313,-0.500000,
+ 0.92844,-0.14479,-0.342105,0.713281,0.838781,-0.591406,
+ 0.991208,-0.132313,0,0.728516,0.838781,-0.5,
+ 0.995164,-0.09823,0,0.737656,0.890313,-0.5,
+ 0.995164,-0.09823,0,0.737656,0.890313,-0.5,
- 0.928440,-0.144790,-0.342105,0.713281,0.838781,-0.591406,
- 0.995164,-0.098230,0.000000,0.737656,0.890313,-0.500000,
- 0.911846,0.410531,-0.000000,0.738539,0.926712,-0.500000,
+ 0.92844,-0.14479,-0.342105,0.713281,0.838781,-0.591406,
+ 0.995164,-0.09823,0,0.737656,0.890313,-0.5,
+ 0.911846,0.410531,0,0.738539,0.926712,-0.5,
- 0.995164,-0.098230,0.000000,0.737656,0.890313,-0.500000,
+ 0.995164,-0.09823,0,0.737656,0.890313,-0.5,
- 0.662330,0.350197,-0.662330,0.674539,0.926104,-0.674539,
+ 0.66233,0.350197,-0.66233,0.674539,0.926104,-0.674539,
- 0.928440,-0.144790,0.342105,0.713281,0.838781,-0.408594,
+ 0.92844,-0.14479,0.342105,0.713281,0.838781,-0.408594,
- 0.662330,0.350196,0.662330,0.674539,0.926104,-0.325461,
+ 0.66233,0.350196,0.66233,0.674539,0.926104,-0.325461,
- 0.911846,0.410531,-0.000000,0.738539,0.926712,-0.500000,
- 0.995164,-0.098230,0.000000,0.737656,0.890313,-0.500000,
- 0.995164,-0.098230,0.000000,0.737656,0.890313,-0.500000,
+ 0.911846,0.410531,0,0.738539,0.926712,-0.5,
+ 0.995164,-0.09823,0,0.737656,0.890313,-0.5,
+ 0.995164,-0.09823,0,0.737656,0.890313,-0.5,
- 0.995164,-0.098230,0.000000,0.737656,0.890313,-0.500000,
- 0.991208,-0.132313,-0.000000,0.728516,0.838781,-0.500000,
- 0.928440,-0.144790,0.342105,0.713281,0.838781,-0.408594,
- 0.928440,-0.144790,0.342105,0.713281,0.838781,-0.408594,
+ 0.995164,-0.09823,0,0.737656,0.890313,-0.5,
+ 0.991208,-0.132313,0,0.728516,0.838781,-0.5,
+ 0.92844,-0.14479,0.342105,0.713281,0.838781,-0.408594,
+ 0.92844,-0.14479,0.342105,0.713281,0.838781,-0.408594,
- 0.995164,-0.098230,0.000000,0.737656,0.890313,-0.500000,
+ 0.995164,-0.09823,0,0.737656,0.890313,-0.5,
- 0.188350,0.976969,0.100277,0.664625,0.962948,-0.417500,
- 0.513442,0.838005,0.184732,0.706000,0.949319,-0.412500,
+ 0.18835,0.976969,0.100277,0.664625,0.962948,-0.4175,
+ 0.513442,0.838005,0.184732,0.706,0.949319,-0.4125,
- 0.513442,0.838005,0.184732,0.706000,0.949319,-0.412500,
+ 0.513442,0.838005,0.184732,0.706,0.949319,-0.4125,
- 0.244558,0.969635,0.000000,0.677562,0.965162,-0.500000,
- 0.592505,0.805566,0.000000,0.721500,0.950535,-0.500000,
- 0.513442,0.838005,0.184732,0.706000,0.949319,-0.412500,
- 0.244558,0.969635,0.000000,0.677562,0.965162,-0.500000,
- 0.513442,0.838005,0.184732,0.706000,0.949319,-0.412500,
- 0.188350,0.976969,0.100277,0.664625,0.962948,-0.417500,
- 0.911846,0.410531,-0.000000,0.738539,0.926712,-0.500000,
+ 0.244558,0.969635,0,0.677562,0.965162,-0.5,
+ 0.592505,0.805566,0,0.7215,0.950535,-0.5,
+ 0.513442,0.838005,0.184732,0.706,0.949319,-0.4125,
+ 0.244558,0.969635,0,0.677562,0.965162,-0.5,
+ 0.513442,0.838005,0.184732,0.706,0.949319,-0.4125,
+ 0.18835,0.976969,0.100277,0.664625,0.962948,-0.4175,
+ 0.911846,0.410531,0,0.738539,0.926712,-0.5,
- 0.513442,0.838005,0.184732,0.706000,0.949319,-0.412500,
- 0.911846,0.410531,-0.000000,0.738539,0.926712,-0.500000,
- 0.513442,0.838005,0.184732,0.706000,0.949319,-0.412500,
- 0.592505,0.805566,0.000000,0.721500,0.950535,-0.500000,
+ 0.513442,0.838005,0.184732,0.706,0.949319,-0.4125,
+ 0.911846,0.410531,0,0.738539,0.926712,-0.5,
+ 0.513442,0.838005,0.184732,0.706,0.949319,-0.4125,
+ 0.592505,0.805566,0,0.7215,0.950535,-0.5,
- 0.662330,0.350196,0.662330,0.674539,0.926104,-0.325461,
+ 0.66233,0.350196,0.66233,0.674539,0.926104,-0.325461,
- 0.513442,0.838005,0.184732,0.706000,0.949319,-0.412500,
+ 0.513442,0.838005,0.184732,0.706,0.949319,-0.4125,
- 0.513442,0.838005,-0.184732,0.706000,0.949319,-0.587500,
+ 0.513442,0.838005,-0.184732,0.706,0.949319,-0.5875,
- 0.513442,0.838005,-0.184732,0.706000,0.949319,-0.587500,
- 0.188350,0.976969,-0.100277,0.664625,0.962948,-0.582500,
+ 0.513442,0.838005,-0.184732,0.706,0.949319,-0.5875,
+ 0.18835,0.976969,-0.100277,0.664625,0.962948,-0.5825,
- 0.662330,0.350197,-0.662330,0.674539,0.926104,-0.674539,
+ 0.66233,0.350197,-0.66233,0.674539,0.926104,-0.674539,
- 0.513442,0.838005,-0.184732,0.706000,0.949319,-0.587500,
+ 0.513442,0.838005,-0.184732,0.706,0.949319,-0.5875,
- 0.911846,0.410531,-0.000000,0.738539,0.926712,-0.500000,
- 0.592505,0.805566,0.000000,0.721500,0.950535,-0.500000,
- 0.513442,0.838005,-0.184732,0.706000,0.949319,-0.587500,
- 0.911846,0.410531,-0.000000,0.738539,0.926712,-0.500000,
- 0.513442,0.838005,-0.184732,0.706000,0.949319,-0.587500,
+ 0.911846,0.410531,0,0.738539,0.926712,-0.5,
+ 0.592505,0.805566,0,0.7215,0.950535,-0.5,
+ 0.513442,0.838005,-0.184732,0.706,0.949319,-0.5875,
+ 0.911846,0.410531,0,0.738539,0.926712,-0.5,
+ 0.513442,0.838005,-0.184732,0.706,0.949319,-0.5875,
- 0.244558,0.969635,0.000000,0.677562,0.965162,-0.500000,
- 0.188350,0.976969,-0.100277,0.664625,0.962948,-0.582500,
- 0.513442,0.838005,-0.184732,0.706000,0.949319,-0.587500,
- 0.244558,0.969635,0.000000,0.677562,0.965162,-0.500000,
- 0.513442,0.838005,-0.184732,0.706000,0.949319,-0.587500,
- 0.592505,0.805566,0.000000,0.721500,0.950535,-0.500000,
+ 0.244558,0.969635,0,0.677562,0.965162,-0.5,
+ 0.18835,0.976969,-0.100277,0.664625,0.962948,-0.5825,
+ 0.513442,0.838005,-0.184732,0.706,0.949319,-0.5875,
+ 0.244558,0.969635,0,0.677562,0.965162,-0.5,
+ 0.513442,0.838005,-0.184732,0.706,0.949319,-0.5875,
+ 0.592505,0.805566,0,0.7215,0.950535,-0.5,
- 0.342105,-0.144791,0.928440,0.591406,0.838781,-0.286719,
+ 0.342105,-0.144791,0.92844,0.591406,0.838781,-0.286719,
- 0.342105,-0.144791,0.928440,0.591406,0.838781,-0.286719,
- -0.000000,-0.132314,0.991208,0.500000,0.838781,-0.271484,
- 0.000000,-0.098230,0.995164,0.500000,0.890313,-0.262344,
- 0.000000,-0.098230,0.995164,0.500000,0.890313,-0.262344,
+ 0.342105,-0.144791,0.92844,0.591406,0.838781,-0.286719,
+ 0,-0.132314,0.991208,0.5,0.838781,-0.271484,
+ 0,-0.09823,0.995164,0.5,0.890313,-0.262344,
+ 0,-0.09823,0.995164,0.5,0.890313,-0.262344,
- 0.342105,-0.144791,0.928440,0.591406,0.838781,-0.286719,
- 0.000000,-0.098230,0.995164,0.500000,0.890313,-0.262344,
- 0.000000,0.410531,0.911846,0.500000,0.926712,-0.261461,
+ 0.342105,-0.144791,0.92844,0.591406,0.838781,-0.286719,
+ 0,-0.09823,0.995164,0.5,0.890313,-0.262344,
+ 0,0.410531,0.911846,0.5,0.926712,-0.261461,
- 0.000000,-0.098230,0.995164,0.500000,0.890313,-0.262344,
+ 0,-0.09823,0.995164,0.5,0.890313,-0.262344,
- 0.662330,0.350196,0.662330,0.674539,0.926104,-0.325461,
+ 0.66233,0.350196,0.66233,0.674539,0.926104,-0.325461,
- -0.342105,-0.144791,0.928440,0.408594,0.838781,-0.286719,
+ -0.342105,-0.144791,0.92844,0.408594,0.838781,-0.286719,
- -0.662330,0.350197,0.662330,0.325461,0.926104,-0.325461,
+ -0.66233,0.350197,0.66233,0.325461,0.926104,-0.325461,
- 0.000000,0.410531,0.911846,0.500000,0.926712,-0.261461,
- 0.000000,-0.098230,0.995164,0.500000,0.890313,-0.262344,
- 0.000000,-0.098230,0.995164,0.500000,0.890313,-0.262344,
+ 0,0.410531,0.911846,0.5,0.926712,-0.261461,
+ 0,-0.09823,0.995164,0.5,0.890313,-0.262344,
+ 0,-0.09823,0.995164,0.5,0.890313,-0.262344,
- 0.000000,-0.098230,0.995164,0.500000,0.890313,-0.262344,
- -0.000000,-0.132314,0.991208,0.500000,0.838781,-0.271484,
- -0.342105,-0.144791,0.928440,0.408594,0.838781,-0.286719,
- -0.342105,-0.144791,0.928440,0.408594,0.838781,-0.286719,
+ 0,-0.09823,0.995164,0.5,0.890313,-0.262344,
+ 0,-0.132314,0.991208,0.5,0.838781,-0.271484,
+ -0.342105,-0.144791,0.92844,0.408594,0.838781,-0.286719,
+ -0.342105,-0.144791,0.92844,0.408594,0.838781,-0.286719,
- 0.000000,-0.098230,0.995164,0.500000,0.890313,-0.262344,
+ 0,-0.09823,0.995164,0.5,0.890313,-0.262344,
- -0.100277,0.976969,0.188350,0.417500,0.962948,-0.335375,
- -0.184731,0.838005,0.513442,0.412500,0.949319,-0.294000,
+ -0.100277,0.976969,0.18835,0.4175,0.962948,-0.335375,
+ -0.184731,0.838005,0.513442,0.4125,0.949319,-0.294,
- -0.184731,0.838005,0.513442,0.412500,0.949319,-0.294000,
- -0.448747,0.772820,0.448747,0.339125,0.948104,-0.339125,
- -0.000000,0.969635,0.244558,0.500000,0.965162,-0.322437,
- 0.000000,0.805567,0.592505,0.500000,0.950535,-0.278500,
- -0.184731,0.838005,0.513442,0.412500,0.949319,-0.294000,
- -0.000000,0.969635,0.244558,0.500000,0.965162,-0.322437,
- -0.184731,0.838005,0.513442,0.412500,0.949319,-0.294000,
- -0.100277,0.976969,0.188350,0.417500,0.962948,-0.335375,
- 0.000000,0.410531,0.911846,0.500000,0.926712,-0.261461,
+ -0.184731,0.838005,0.513442,0.4125,0.949319,-0.294,
+ -0.448747,0.77282,0.448747,0.339125,0.948104,-0.339125,
+ 0,0.969635,0.244558,0.5,0.965162,-0.322437,
+ 0,0.805567,0.592505,0.5,0.950535,-0.2785,
+ -0.184731,0.838005,0.513442,0.4125,0.949319,-0.294,
+ 0,0.969635,0.244558,0.5,0.965162,-0.322437,
+ -0.184731,0.838005,0.513442,0.4125,0.949319,-0.294,
+ -0.100277,0.976969,0.18835,0.4175,0.962948,-0.335375,
+ 0,0.410531,0.911846,0.5,0.926712,-0.261461,
- -0.184731,0.838005,0.513442,0.412500,0.949319,-0.294000,
- 0.000000,0.410531,0.911846,0.500000,0.926712,-0.261461,
- -0.184731,0.838005,0.513442,0.412500,0.949319,-0.294000,
- 0.000000,0.805567,0.592505,0.500000,0.950535,-0.278500,
+ -0.184731,0.838005,0.513442,0.4125,0.949319,-0.294,
+ 0,0.410531,0.911846,0.5,0.926712,-0.261461,
+ -0.184731,0.838005,0.513442,0.4125,0.949319,-0.294,
+ 0,0.805567,0.592505,0.5,0.950535,-0.2785,
- -0.662330,0.350197,0.662330,0.325461,0.926104,-0.325461,
- -0.448747,0.772820,0.448747,0.339125,0.948104,-0.339125,
- -0.448747,0.772820,0.448747,0.339125,0.948104,-0.339125,
- -0.184731,0.838005,0.513442,0.412500,0.949319,-0.294000,
+ -0.66233,0.350197,0.66233,0.325461,0.926104,-0.325461,
+ -0.448747,0.77282,0.448747,0.339125,0.948104,-0.339125,
+ -0.448747,0.77282,0.448747,0.339125,0.948104,-0.339125,
+ -0.184731,0.838005,0.513442,0.4125,0.949319,-0.294,
- 0.184731,0.838005,0.513442,0.587500,0.949319,-0.294000,
+ 0.184731,0.838005,0.513442,0.5875,0.949319,-0.294,
- 0.184731,0.838005,0.513442,0.587500,0.949319,-0.294000,
- 0.100277,0.976969,0.188350,0.582500,0.962948,-0.335375,
+ 0.184731,0.838005,0.513442,0.5875,0.949319,-0.294,
+ 0.100277,0.976969,0.18835,0.5825,0.962948,-0.335375,
- 0.662330,0.350196,0.662330,0.674539,0.926104,-0.325461,
+ 0.66233,0.350196,0.66233,0.674539,0.926104,-0.325461,
- 0.184731,0.838005,0.513442,0.587500,0.949319,-0.294000,
+ 0.184731,0.838005,0.513442,0.5875,0.949319,-0.294,
- 0.000000,0.410531,0.911846,0.500000,0.926712,-0.261461,
- 0.000000,0.805567,0.592505,0.500000,0.950535,-0.278500,
- 0.184731,0.838005,0.513442,0.587500,0.949319,-0.294000,
- 0.000000,0.410531,0.911846,0.500000,0.926712,-0.261461,
- 0.184731,0.838005,0.513442,0.587500,0.949319,-0.294000,
+ 0,0.410531,0.911846,0.5,0.926712,-0.261461,
+ 0,0.805567,0.592505,0.5,0.950535,-0.2785,
+ 0.184731,0.838005,0.513442,0.5875,0.949319,-0.294,
+ 0,0.410531,0.911846,0.5,0.926712,-0.261461,
+ 0.184731,0.838005,0.513442,0.5875,0.949319,-0.294,
- -0.000000,0.969635,0.244558,0.500000,0.965162,-0.322437,
- 0.100277,0.976969,0.188350,0.582500,0.962948,-0.335375,
- 0.184731,0.838005,0.513442,0.587500,0.949319,-0.294000,
- -0.000000,0.969635,0.244558,0.500000,0.965162,-0.322437,
- 0.184731,0.838005,0.513442,0.587500,0.949319,-0.294000,
- 0.000000,0.805567,0.592505,0.500000,0.950535,-0.278500,
+ 0,0.969635,0.244558,0.5,0.965162,-0.322437,
+ 0.100277,0.976969,0.18835,0.5825,0.962948,-0.335375,
+ 0.184731,0.838005,0.513442,0.5875,0.949319,-0.294,
+ 0,0.969635,0.244558,0.5,0.965162,-0.322437,
+ 0.184731,0.838005,0.513442,0.5875,0.949319,-0.294,
+ 0,0.805567,0.592505,0.5,0.950535,-0.2785,
- -0.928440,-0.144791,0.342105,0.286719,0.838781,-0.408594,
+ -0.92844,-0.144791,0.342105,0.286719,0.838781,-0.408594,
- -0.928440,-0.144791,0.342105,0.286719,0.838781,-0.408594,
- -0.991208,-0.132314,-0.000000,0.271484,0.838781,-0.500000,
- -0.995164,-0.098230,0.000000,0.262344,0.890313,-0.500000,
- -0.995164,-0.098230,0.000000,0.262344,0.890313,-0.500000,
+ -0.92844,-0.144791,0.342105,0.286719,0.838781,-0.408594,
+ -0.991208,-0.132314,0,0.271484,0.838781,-0.5,
+ -0.995164,-0.09823,0,0.262344,0.890313,-0.5,
+ -0.995164,-0.09823,0,0.262344,0.890313,-0.5,
- -0.928440,-0.144791,0.342105,0.286719,0.838781,-0.408594,
- -0.995164,-0.098230,0.000000,0.262344,0.890313,-0.500000,
- -0.911846,0.410531,0.000000,0.261461,0.926712,-0.500000,
+ -0.92844,-0.144791,0.342105,0.286719,0.838781,-0.408594,
+ -0.995164,-0.09823,0,0.262344,0.890313,-0.5,
+ -0.911846,0.410531,0,0.261461,0.926712,-0.5,
- -0.995164,-0.098230,0.000000,0.262344,0.890313,-0.500000,
+ -0.995164,-0.09823,0,0.262344,0.890313,-0.5,
- -0.662330,0.350197,0.662330,0.325461,0.926104,-0.325461,
+ -0.66233,0.350197,0.66233,0.325461,0.926104,-0.325461,
- -0.928440,-0.144791,-0.342105,0.286719,0.838781,-0.591406,
+ -0.92844,-0.144791,-0.342105,0.286719,0.838781,-0.591406,
- -0.662330,0.350196,-0.662330,0.325461,0.926104,-0.674539,
+ -0.66233,0.350196,-0.66233,0.325461,0.926104,-0.674539,
- -0.911846,0.410531,0.000000,0.261461,0.926712,-0.500000,
- -0.995164,-0.098230,0.000000,0.262344,0.890313,-0.500000,
- -0.995164,-0.098230,0.000000,0.262344,0.890313,-0.500000,
+ -0.911846,0.410531,0,0.261461,0.926712,-0.5,
+ -0.995164,-0.09823,0,0.262344,0.890313,-0.5,
+ -0.995164,-0.09823,0,0.262344,0.890313,-0.5,
- -0.995164,-0.098230,0.000000,0.262344,0.890313,-0.500000,
- -0.991208,-0.132314,-0.000000,0.271484,0.838781,-0.500000,
- -0.928440,-0.144791,-0.342105,0.286719,0.838781,-0.591406,
- -0.928440,-0.144791,-0.342105,0.286719,0.838781,-0.591406,
+ -0.995164,-0.09823,0,0.262344,0.890313,-0.5,
+ -0.991208,-0.132314,0,0.271484,0.838781,-0.5,
+ -0.92844,-0.144791,-0.342105,0.286719,0.838781,-0.591406,
+ -0.92844,-0.144791,-0.342105,0.286719,0.838781,-0.591406,
- -0.995164,-0.098230,0.000000,0.262344,0.890313,-0.500000,
+ -0.995164,-0.09823,0,0.262344,0.890313,-0.5,
- -0.188350,0.976969,-0.100277,0.335375,0.962948,-0.582500,
- -0.513442,0.838005,-0.184731,0.294000,0.949319,-0.587500,
+ -0.18835,0.976969,-0.100277,0.335375,0.962948,-0.5825,
+ -0.513442,0.838005,-0.184731,0.294,0.949319,-0.5875,
- -0.513442,0.838005,-0.184731,0.294000,0.949319,-0.587500,
+ -0.513442,0.838005,-0.184731,0.294,0.949319,-0.5875,
- -0.244558,0.969635,-0.000000,0.322437,0.965162,-0.500000,
- -0.592505,0.805566,0.000000,0.278500,0.950535,-0.500000,
- -0.513442,0.838005,-0.184731,0.294000,0.949319,-0.587500,
- -0.244558,0.969635,-0.000000,0.322437,0.965162,-0.500000,
- -0.513442,0.838005,-0.184731,0.294000,0.949319,-0.587500,
- -0.188350,0.976969,-0.100277,0.335375,0.962948,-0.582500,
- -0.911846,0.410531,0.000000,0.261461,0.926712,-0.500000,
+ -0.244558,0.969635,0,0.322437,0.965162,-0.5,
+ -0.592505,0.805566,0,0.2785,0.950535,-0.5,
+ -0.513442,0.838005,-0.184731,0.294,0.949319,-0.5875,
+ -0.244558,0.969635,0,0.322437,0.965162,-0.5,
+ -0.513442,0.838005,-0.184731,0.294,0.949319,-0.5875,
+ -0.18835,0.976969,-0.100277,0.335375,0.962948,-0.5825,
+ -0.911846,0.410531,0,0.261461,0.926712,-0.5,
- -0.513442,0.838005,-0.184731,0.294000,0.949319,-0.587500,
- -0.911846,0.410531,0.000000,0.261461,0.926712,-0.500000,
- -0.513442,0.838005,-0.184731,0.294000,0.949319,-0.587500,
- -0.592505,0.805566,0.000000,0.278500,0.950535,-0.500000,
+ -0.513442,0.838005,-0.184731,0.294,0.949319,-0.5875,
+ -0.911846,0.410531,0,0.261461,0.926712,-0.5,
+ -0.513442,0.838005,-0.184731,0.294,0.949319,-0.5875,
+ -0.592505,0.805566,0,0.2785,0.950535,-0.5,
- -0.662330,0.350196,-0.662330,0.325461,0.926104,-0.674539,
+ -0.66233,0.350196,-0.66233,0.325461,0.926104,-0.674539,
- -0.513442,0.838005,-0.184731,0.294000,0.949319,-0.587500,
+ -0.513442,0.838005,-0.184731,0.294,0.949319,-0.5875,
- -0.448747,0.772820,0.448747,0.339125,0.948104,-0.339125,
- -0.513442,0.838005,0.184731,0.294000,0.949319,-0.412500,
+ -0.448747,0.77282,0.448747,0.339125,0.948104,-0.339125,
+ -0.513442,0.838005,0.184731,0.294,0.949319,-0.4125,
- -0.513442,0.838005,0.184731,0.294000,0.949319,-0.412500,
- -0.188350,0.976969,0.100277,0.335375,0.962948,-0.417500,
- -0.448747,0.772820,0.448747,0.339125,0.948104,-0.339125,
- -0.662330,0.350197,0.662330,0.325461,0.926104,-0.325461,
+ -0.513442,0.838005,0.184731,0.294,0.949319,-0.4125,
+ -0.18835,0.976969,0.100277,0.335375,0.962948,-0.4175,
+ -0.448747,0.77282,0.448747,0.339125,0.948104,-0.339125,
+ -0.66233,0.350197,0.66233,0.325461,0.926104,-0.325461,
- -0.513442,0.838005,0.184731,0.294000,0.949319,-0.412500,
- -0.448747,0.772820,0.448747,0.339125,0.948104,-0.339125,
- -0.911846,0.410531,0.000000,0.261461,0.926712,-0.500000,
- -0.592505,0.805566,0.000000,0.278500,0.950535,-0.500000,
- -0.513442,0.838005,0.184731,0.294000,0.949319,-0.412500,
- -0.911846,0.410531,0.000000,0.261461,0.926712,-0.500000,
- -0.513442,0.838005,0.184731,0.294000,0.949319,-0.412500,
+ -0.513442,0.838005,0.184731,0.294,0.949319,-0.4125,
+ -0.448747,0.77282,0.448747,0.339125,0.948104,-0.339125,
+ -0.911846,0.410531,0,0.261461,0.926712,-0.5,
+ -0.592505,0.805566,0,0.2785,0.950535,-0.5,
+ -0.513442,0.838005,0.184731,0.294,0.949319,-0.4125,
+ -0.911846,0.410531,0,0.261461,0.926712,-0.5,
+ -0.513442,0.838005,0.184731,0.294,0.949319,-0.4125,
- -0.244558,0.969635,-0.000000,0.322437,0.965162,-0.500000,
- -0.188350,0.976969,0.100277,0.335375,0.962948,-0.417500,
- -0.513442,0.838005,0.184731,0.294000,0.949319,-0.412500,
- -0.244558,0.969635,-0.000000,0.322437,0.965162,-0.500000,
- -0.513442,0.838005,0.184731,0.294000,0.949319,-0.412500,
- -0.592505,0.805566,0.000000,0.278500,0.950535,-0.500000,
+ -0.244558,0.969635,0,0.322437,0.965162,-0.5,
+ -0.18835,0.976969,0.100277,0.335375,0.962948,-0.4175,
+ -0.513442,0.838005,0.184731,0.294,0.949319,-0.4125,
+ -0.244558,0.969635,0,0.322437,0.965162,-0.5,
+ -0.513442,0.838005,0.184731,0.294,0.949319,-0.4125,
+ -0.592505,0.805566,0,0.2785,0.950535,-0.5,
- -0.342105,-0.144790,-0.928440,0.408594,0.838781,-0.713281,
+ -0.342105,-0.14479,-0.92844,0.408594,0.838781,-0.713281,
- -0.342105,-0.144790,-0.928440,0.408594,0.838781,-0.713281,
- -0.000000,-0.132313,-0.991208,0.500000,0.838781,-0.728516,
- 0.000000,-0.098230,-0.995164,0.500000,0.890313,-0.737656,
- 0.000000,-0.098230,-0.995164,0.500000,0.890313,-0.737656,
+ -0.342105,-0.14479,-0.92844,0.408594,0.838781,-0.713281,
+ 0,-0.132313,-0.991208,0.5,0.838781,-0.728516,
+ 0,-0.09823,-0.995164,0.5,0.890313,-0.737656,
+ 0,-0.09823,-0.995164,0.5,0.890313,-0.737656,
- -0.342105,-0.144790,-0.928440,0.408594,0.838781,-0.713281,
- 0.000000,-0.098230,-0.995164,0.500000,0.890313,-0.737656,
- -0.000000,0.410531,-0.911846,0.500000,0.926712,-0.738539,
+ -0.342105,-0.14479,-0.92844,0.408594,0.838781,-0.713281,
+ 0,-0.09823,-0.995164,0.5,0.890313,-0.737656,
+ 0,0.410531,-0.911846,0.5,0.926712,-0.738539,
- 0.000000,-0.098230,-0.995164,0.500000,0.890313,-0.737656,
+ 0,-0.09823,-0.995164,0.5,0.890313,-0.737656,
- -0.662330,0.350196,-0.662330,0.325461,0.926104,-0.674539,
+ -0.66233,0.350196,-0.66233,0.325461,0.926104,-0.674539,
- 0.342105,-0.144790,-0.928440,0.591406,0.838781,-0.713281,
+ 0.342105,-0.14479,-0.92844,0.591406,0.838781,-0.713281,
- 0.662330,0.350197,-0.662330,0.674539,0.926104,-0.674539,
+ 0.66233,0.350197,-0.66233,0.674539,0.926104,-0.674539,
- -0.000000,0.410531,-0.911846,0.500000,0.926712,-0.738539,
- 0.000000,-0.098230,-0.995164,0.500000,0.890313,-0.737656,
- 0.000000,-0.098230,-0.995164,0.500000,0.890313,-0.737656,
+ 0,0.410531,-0.911846,0.5,0.926712,-0.738539,
+ 0,-0.09823,-0.995164,0.5,0.890313,-0.737656,
+ 0,-0.09823,-0.995164,0.5,0.890313,-0.737656,
- 0.000000,-0.098230,-0.995164,0.500000,0.890313,-0.737656,
- -0.000000,-0.132313,-0.991208,0.500000,0.838781,-0.728516,
- 0.342105,-0.144790,-0.928440,0.591406,0.838781,-0.713281,
- 0.342105,-0.144790,-0.928440,0.591406,0.838781,-0.713281,
+ 0,-0.09823,-0.995164,0.5,0.890313,-0.737656,
+ 0,-0.132313,-0.991208,0.5,0.838781,-0.728516,
+ 0.342105,-0.14479,-0.92844,0.591406,0.838781,-0.713281,
+ 0.342105,-0.14479,-0.92844,0.591406,0.838781,-0.713281,
- 0.000000,-0.098230,-0.995164,0.500000,0.890313,-0.737656,
+ 0,-0.09823,-0.995164,0.5,0.890313,-0.737656,
- 0.100277,0.976969,-0.188350,0.582500,0.962948,-0.664625,
- 0.184732,0.838005,-0.513442,0.587500,0.949319,-0.706000,
+ 0.100277,0.976969,-0.18835,0.5825,0.962948,-0.664625,
+ 0.184732,0.838005,-0.513442,0.5875,0.949319,-0.706,
- 0.184732,0.838005,-0.513442,0.587500,0.949319,-0.706000,
+ 0.184732,0.838005,-0.513442,0.5875,0.949319,-0.706,
- 0.000000,0.969635,-0.244558,0.500000,0.965162,-0.677562,
- 0.000000,0.805567,-0.592505,0.500000,0.950535,-0.721500,
- 0.184732,0.838005,-0.513442,0.587500,0.949319,-0.706000,
- 0.000000,0.969635,-0.244558,0.500000,0.965162,-0.677562,
- 0.184732,0.838005,-0.513442,0.587500,0.949319,-0.706000,
- 0.100277,0.976969,-0.188350,0.582500,0.962948,-0.664625,
- -0.000000,0.410531,-0.911846,0.500000,0.926712,-0.738539,
+ 0,0.969635,-0.244558,0.5,0.965162,-0.677562,
+ 0,0.805567,-0.592505,0.5,0.950535,-0.7215,
+ 0.184732,0.838005,-0.513442,0.5875,0.949319,-0.706,
+ 0,0.969635,-0.244558,0.5,0.965162,-0.677562,
+ 0.184732,0.838005,-0.513442,0.5875,0.949319,-0.706,
+ 0.100277,0.976969,-0.18835,0.5825,0.962948,-0.664625,
+ 0,0.410531,-0.911846,0.5,0.926712,-0.738539,
- 0.184732,0.838005,-0.513442,0.587500,0.949319,-0.706000,
- -0.000000,0.410531,-0.911846,0.500000,0.926712,-0.738539,
- 0.184732,0.838005,-0.513442,0.587500,0.949319,-0.706000,
- 0.000000,0.805567,-0.592505,0.500000,0.950535,-0.721500,
+ 0.184732,0.838005,-0.513442,0.5875,0.949319,-0.706,
+ 0,0.410531,-0.911846,0.5,0.926712,-0.738539,
+ 0.184732,0.838005,-0.513442,0.5875,0.949319,-0.706,
+ 0,0.805567,-0.592505,0.5,0.950535,-0.7215,
- 0.662330,0.350197,-0.662330,0.674539,0.926104,-0.674539,
+ 0.66233,0.350197,-0.66233,0.674539,0.926104,-0.674539,
- 0.184732,0.838005,-0.513442,0.587500,0.949319,-0.706000,
+ 0.184732,0.838005,-0.513442,0.5875,0.949319,-0.706,
- -0.184732,0.838005,-0.513442,0.412500,0.949319,-0.706000,
+ -0.184732,0.838005,-0.513442,0.4125,0.949319,-0.706,
- -0.184732,0.838005,-0.513442,0.412500,0.949319,-0.706000,
- -0.100277,0.976969,-0.188350,0.417500,0.962948,-0.664625,
+ -0.184732,0.838005,-0.513442,0.4125,0.949319,-0.706,
+ -0.100277,0.976969,-0.18835,0.4175,0.962948,-0.664625,
- -0.662330,0.350196,-0.662330,0.325461,0.926104,-0.674539,
+ -0.66233,0.350196,-0.66233,0.325461,0.926104,-0.674539,
- -0.184732,0.838005,-0.513442,0.412500,0.949319,-0.706000,
+ -0.184732,0.838005,-0.513442,0.4125,0.949319,-0.706,
- -0.000000,0.410531,-0.911846,0.500000,0.926712,-0.738539,
- 0.000000,0.805567,-0.592505,0.500000,0.950535,-0.721500,
- -0.184732,0.838005,-0.513442,0.412500,0.949319,-0.706000,
- -0.000000,0.410531,-0.911846,0.500000,0.926712,-0.738539,
- -0.184732,0.838005,-0.513442,0.412500,0.949319,-0.706000,
+ 0,0.410531,-0.911846,0.5,0.926712,-0.738539,
+ 0,0.805567,-0.592505,0.5,0.950535,-0.7215,
+ -0.184732,0.838005,-0.513442,0.4125,0.949319,-0.706,
+ 0,0.410531,-0.911846,0.5,0.926712,-0.738539,
+ -0.184732,0.838005,-0.513442,0.4125,0.949319,-0.706,
- 0.000000,0.969635,-0.244558,0.500000,0.965162,-0.677562,
- -0.100277,0.976969,-0.188350,0.417500,0.962948,-0.664625,
- -0.184732,0.838005,-0.513442,0.412500,0.949319,-0.706000,
- 0.000000,0.969635,-0.244558,0.500000,0.965162,-0.677562,
- -0.184732,0.838005,-0.513442,0.412500,0.949319,-0.706000,
- 0.000000,0.805567,-0.592505,0.500000,0.950535,-0.721500,
+ 0,0.969635,-0.244558,0.5,0.965162,-0.677562,
+ -0.100277,0.976969,-0.18835,0.4175,0.962948,-0.664625,
+ -0.184732,0.838005,-0.513442,0.4125,0.949319,-0.706,
+ 0,0.969635,-0.244558,0.5,0.965162,-0.677562,
+ -0.184732,0.838005,-0.513442,0.4125,0.949319,-0.706,
+ 0,0.805567,-0.592505,0.5,0.950535,-0.7215,
- 0.100277,0.976969,0.188350,0.582500,0.962948,-0.335375,
- 0.079739,0.993621,0.079739,0.590500,0.971195,-0.409500,
+ 0.100277,0.976969,0.18835,0.5825,0.962948,-0.335375,
+ 0.079739,0.993621,0.079739,0.5905,0.971195,-0.4095,
- 0.079739,0.993621,0.079739,0.590500,0.971195,-0.409500,
- 0.188350,0.976969,0.100277,0.664625,0.962948,-0.417500,
- 0.100277,0.976969,0.188350,0.582500,0.962948,-0.335375,
- -0.000000,0.969635,0.244558,0.500000,0.965162,-0.322437,
- 0.000000,0.996384,0.084960,0.500000,0.973972,-0.402250,
- 0.000000,0.996384,0.084960,0.500000,0.973972,-0.402250,
- 0.079739,0.993621,0.079739,0.590500,0.971195,-0.409500,
- 0.100277,0.976969,0.188350,0.582500,0.962948,-0.335375,
- -0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.500000,0.976924,-0.500000,
- 0.084960,0.996384,0.000000,0.597750,0.973972,-0.500000,
- 0.079739,0.993621,0.079739,0.590500,0.971195,-0.409500,
- -0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.500000,0.976924,-0.500000,
- 0.079739,0.993621,0.079739,0.590500,0.971195,-0.409500,
- 0.000000,0.996384,0.084960,0.500000,0.973972,-0.402250,
- 0.084960,0.996384,0.000000,0.597750,0.973972,-0.500000,
- 0.244558,0.969635,0.000000,0.677562,0.965162,-0.500000,
- 0.188350,0.976969,0.100277,0.664625,0.962948,-0.417500,
- 0.188350,0.976969,0.100277,0.664625,0.962948,-0.417500,
- 0.079739,0.993621,0.079739,0.590500,0.971195,-0.409500,
- 0.084960,0.996384,0.000000,0.597750,0.973972,-0.500000,
+ 0.079739,0.993621,0.079739,0.5905,0.971195,-0.4095,
+ 0.18835,0.976969,0.100277,0.664625,0.962948,-0.4175,
+ 0.100277,0.976969,0.18835,0.5825,0.962948,-0.335375,
+ 0,0.969635,0.244558,0.5,0.965162,-0.322437,
+ 0,0.996384,0.08496,0.5,0.973972,-0.40225,
+ 0,0.996384,0.08496,0.5,0.973972,-0.40225,
+ 0.079739,0.993621,0.079739,0.5905,0.971195,-0.4095,
+ 0.100277,0.976969,0.18835,0.5825,0.962948,-0.335375,
+ 0,1,0,0.5,0.976924,-0.5,
+ 0.08496,0.996384,0,0.59775,0.973972,-0.5,
+ 0.079739,0.993621,0.079739,0.5905,0.971195,-0.4095,
+ 0,1,0,0.5,0.976924,-0.5,
+ 0.079739,0.993621,0.079739,0.5905,0.971195,-0.4095,
+ 0,0.996384,0.08496,0.5,0.973972,-0.40225,
+ 0.08496,0.996384,0,0.59775,0.973972,-0.5,
+ 0.244558,0.969635,0,0.677562,0.965162,-0.5,
+ 0.18835,0.976969,0.100277,0.664625,0.962948,-0.4175,
+ 0.18835,0.976969,0.100277,0.664625,0.962948,-0.4175,
+ 0.079739,0.993621,0.079739,0.5905,0.971195,-0.4095,
+ 0.08496,0.996384,0,0.59775,0.973972,-0.5,
- -0.188350,0.976969,0.100277,0.335375,0.962948,-0.417500,
- -0.079739,0.993621,0.079739,0.409500,0.971195,-0.409500,
+ -0.18835,0.976969,0.100277,0.335375,0.962948,-0.4175,
+ -0.079739,0.993621,0.079739,0.4095,0.971195,-0.4095,
- -0.079739,0.993621,0.079739,0.409500,0.971195,-0.409500,
- -0.100277,0.976969,0.188350,0.417500,0.962948,-0.335375,
- -0.188350,0.976969,0.100277,0.335375,0.962948,-0.417500,
- -0.244558,0.969635,-0.000000,0.322437,0.965162,-0.500000,
- -0.084960,0.996384,0.000000,0.402250,0.973972,-0.500000,
- -0.084960,0.996384,0.000000,0.402250,0.973972,-0.500000,
- -0.079739,0.993621,0.079739,0.409500,0.971195,-0.409500,
- -0.188350,0.976969,0.100277,0.335375,0.962948,-0.417500,
- -0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.500000,0.976924,-0.500000,
- 0.000000,0.996384,0.084960,0.500000,0.973972,-0.402250,
- -0.079739,0.993621,0.079739,0.409500,0.971195,-0.409500,
- -0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.500000,0.976924,-0.500000,
- -0.079739,0.993621,0.079739,0.409500,0.971195,-0.409500,
- -0.084960,0.996384,0.000000,0.402250,0.973972,-0.500000,
- 0.000000,0.996384,0.084960,0.500000,0.973972,-0.402250,
- -0.000000,0.969635,0.244558,0.500000,0.965162,-0.322437,
- -0.100277,0.976969,0.188350,0.417500,0.962948,-0.335375,
- -0.100277,0.976969,0.188350,0.417500,0.962948,-0.335375,
- -0.079739,0.993621,0.079739,0.409500,0.971195,-0.409500,
- 0.000000,0.996384,0.084960,0.500000,0.973972,-0.402250,
+ -0.079739,0.993621,0.079739,0.4095,0.971195,-0.4095,
+ -0.100277,0.976969,0.18835,0.4175,0.962948,-0.335375,
+ -0.18835,0.976969,0.100277,0.335375,0.962948,-0.4175,
+ -0.244558,0.969635,0,0.322437,0.965162,-0.5,
+ -0.08496,0.996384,0,0.40225,0.973972,-0.5,
+ -0.08496,0.996384,0,0.40225,0.973972,-0.5,
+ -0.079739,0.993621,0.079739,0.4095,0.971195,-0.4095,
+ -0.18835,0.976969,0.100277,0.335375,0.962948,-0.4175,
+ 0,1,0,0.5,0.976924,-0.5,
+ 0,0.996384,0.08496,0.5,0.973972,-0.40225,
+ -0.079739,0.993621,0.079739,0.4095,0.971195,-0.4095,
+ 0,1,0,0.5,0.976924,-0.5,
+ -0.079739,0.993621,0.079739,0.4095,0.971195,-0.4095,
+ -0.08496,0.996384,0,0.40225,0.973972,-0.5,
+ 0,0.996384,0.08496,0.5,0.973972,-0.40225,
+ 0,0.969635,0.244558,0.5,0.965162,-0.322437,
+ -0.100277,0.976969,0.18835,0.4175,0.962948,-0.335375,
+ -0.100277,0.976969,0.18835,0.4175,0.962948,-0.335375,
+ -0.079739,0.993621,0.079739,0.4095,0.971195,-0.4095,
+ 0,0.996384,0.08496,0.5,0.973972,-0.40225,
- -0.100277,0.976969,-0.188350,0.417500,0.962948,-0.664625,
- -0.079739,0.993621,-0.079739,0.409500,0.971195,-0.590500,
+ -0.100277,0.976969,-0.18835,0.4175,0.962948,-0.664625,
+ -0.079739,0.993621,-0.079739,0.4095,0.971195,-0.5905,
- -0.079739,0.993621,-0.079739,0.409500,0.971195,-0.590500,
- -0.188350,0.976969,-0.100277,0.335375,0.962948,-0.582500,
- -0.100277,0.976969,-0.188350,0.417500,0.962948,-0.664625,
- 0.000000,0.969635,-0.244558,0.500000,0.965162,-0.677562,
- 0.000000,0.996384,-0.084960,0.500000,0.973972,-0.597750,
- 0.000000,0.996384,-0.084960,0.500000,0.973972,-0.597750,
- -0.079739,0.993621,-0.079739,0.409500,0.971195,-0.590500,
- -0.100277,0.976969,-0.188350,0.417500,0.962948,-0.664625,
- -0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.500000,0.976924,-0.500000,
- -0.084960,0.996384,0.000000,0.402250,0.973972,-0.500000,
- -0.079739,0.993621,-0.079739,0.409500,0.971195,-0.590500,
- -0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.500000,0.976924,-0.500000,
- -0.079739,0.993621,-0.079739,0.409500,0.971195,-0.590500,
- 0.000000,0.996384,-0.084960,0.500000,0.973972,-0.597750,
- -0.084960,0.996384,0.000000,0.402250,0.973972,-0.500000,
- -0.244558,0.969635,-0.000000,0.322437,0.965162,-0.500000,
- -0.188350,0.976969,-0.100277,0.335375,0.962948,-0.582500,
- -0.188350,0.976969,-0.100277,0.335375,0.962948,-0.582500,
- -0.079739,0.993621,-0.079739,0.409500,0.971195,-0.590500,
- -0.084960,0.996384,0.000000,0.402250,0.973972,-0.500000,
+ -0.079739,0.993621,-0.079739,0.4095,0.971195,-0.5905,
+ -0.18835,0.976969,-0.100277,0.335375,0.962948,-0.5825,
+ -0.100277,0.976969,-0.18835,0.4175,0.962948,-0.664625,
+ 0,0.969635,-0.244558,0.5,0.965162,-0.677562,
+ 0,0.996384,-0.08496,0.5,0.973972,-0.59775,
+ 0,0.996384,-0.08496,0.5,0.973972,-0.59775,
+ -0.079739,0.993621,-0.079739,0.4095,0.971195,-0.5905,
+ -0.100277,0.976969,-0.18835,0.4175,0.962948,-0.664625,
+ 0,1,0,0.5,0.976924,-0.5,
+ -0.08496,0.996384,0,0.40225,0.973972,-0.5,
+ -0.079739,0.993621,-0.079739,0.4095,0.971195,-0.5905,
+ 0,1,0,0.5,0.976924,-0.5,
+ -0.079739,0.993621,-0.079739,0.4095,0.971195,-0.5905,
+ 0,0.996384,-0.08496,0.5,0.973972,-0.59775,
+ -0.08496,0.996384,0,0.40225,0.973972,-0.5,
+ -0.244558,0.969635,0,0.322437,0.965162,-0.5,
+ -0.18835,0.976969,-0.100277,0.335375,0.962948,-0.5825,
+ -0.18835,0.976969,-0.100277,0.335375,0.962948,-0.5825,
+ -0.079739,0.993621,-0.079739,0.4095,0.971195,-0.5905,
+ -0.08496,0.996384,0,0.40225,0.973972,-0.5,
- 0.188350,0.976969,-0.100277,0.664625,0.962948,-0.582500,
- 0.079739,0.993621,-0.079739,0.590500,0.971195,-0.590500,
+ 0.18835,0.976969,-0.100277,0.664625,0.962948,-0.5825,
+ 0.079739,0.993621,-0.079739,0.5905,0.971195,-0.5905,
- 0.079739,0.993621,-0.079739,0.590500,0.971195,-0.590500,
- 0.100277,0.976969,-0.188350,0.582500,0.962948,-0.664625,
- 0.188350,0.976969,-0.100277,0.664625,0.962948,-0.582500,
- 0.244558,0.969635,0.000000,0.677562,0.965162,-0.500000,
- 0.084960,0.996384,0.000000,0.597750,0.973972,-0.500000,
- 0.084960,0.996384,0.000000,0.597750,0.973972,-0.500000,
- 0.079739,0.993621,-0.079739,0.590500,0.971195,-0.590500,
- 0.188350,0.976969,-0.100277,0.664625,0.962948,-0.582500,
- -0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.500000,0.976924,-0.500000,
- 0.000000,0.996384,-0.084960,0.500000,0.973972,-0.597750,
- 0.079739,0.993621,-0.079739,0.590500,0.971195,-0.590500,
- -0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.500000,0.976924,-0.500000,
- 0.079739,0.993621,-0.079739,0.590500,0.971195,-0.590500,
- 0.084960,0.996384,0.000000,0.597750,0.973972,-0.500000,
- 0.000000,0.996384,-0.084960,0.500000,0.973972,-0.597750,
- 0.000000,0.969635,-0.244558,0.500000,0.965162,-0.677562,
- 0.100277,0.976969,-0.188350,0.582500,0.962948,-0.664625,
- 0.100277,0.976969,-0.188350,0.582500,0.962948,-0.664625,
- 0.079739,0.993621,-0.079739,0.590500,0.971195,-0.590500,
- 0.000000,0.996384,-0.084960,0.500000,0.973972,-0.597750,
- 0.928440,-0.144790,-0.342105,0.713281,0.838781,-0.591406,
+ 0.079739,0.993621,-0.079739,0.5905,0.971195,-0.5905,
+ 0.100277,0.976969,-0.18835,0.5825,0.962948,-0.664625,
+ 0.18835,0.976969,-0.100277,0.664625,0.962948,-0.5825,
+ 0.244558,0.969635,0,0.677562,0.965162,-0.5,
+ 0.08496,0.996384,0,0.59775,0.973972,-0.5,
+ 0.08496,0.996384,0,0.59775,0.973972,-0.5,
+ 0.079739,0.993621,-0.079739,0.5905,0.971195,-0.5905,
+ 0.18835,0.976969,-0.100277,0.664625,0.962948,-0.5825,
+ 0,1,0,0.5,0.976924,-0.5,
+ 0,0.996384,-0.08496,0.5,0.973972,-0.59775,
+ 0.079739,0.993621,-0.079739,0.5905,0.971195,-0.5905,
+ 0,1,0,0.5,0.976924,-0.5,
+ 0.079739,0.993621,-0.079739,0.5905,0.971195,-0.5905,
+ 0.08496,0.996384,0,0.59775,0.973972,-0.5,
+ 0,0.996384,-0.08496,0.5,0.973972,-0.59775,
+ 0,0.969635,-0.244558,0.5,0.965162,-0.677562,
+ 0.100277,0.976969,-0.18835,0.5825,0.962948,-0.664625,
+ 0.100277,0.976969,-0.18835,0.5825,0.962948,-0.664625,
+ 0.079739,0.993621,-0.079739,0.5905,0.971195,-0.5905,
+ 0,0.996384,-0.08496,0.5,0.973972,-0.59775,
+ 0.92844,-0.14479,-0.342105,0.713281,0.838781,-0.591406,
- 0.928440,-0.144790,-0.342105,0.713281,0.838781,-0.591406,
+ 0.92844,-0.14479,-0.342105,0.713281,0.838781,-0.591406,
- 0.998665,-0.051663,-0.000000,0.714805,0.686547,-0.500000,
- 0.996389,-0.084903,0.000000,0.720781,0.769563,-0.500000,
- 0.996389,-0.084903,0.000000,0.720781,0.769563,-0.500000,
+ 0.998665,-0.051663,0,0.714805,0.686547,-0.5,
+ 0.996389,-0.084903,0,0.720781,0.769563,-0.5,
+ 0.996389,-0.084903,0,0.720781,0.769563,-0.5,
- 0.991208,-0.132313,-0.000000,0.728516,0.838781,-0.500000,
- 0.928440,-0.144790,-0.342105,0.713281,0.838781,-0.591406,
+ 0.991208,-0.132313,0,0.728516,0.838781,-0.5,
+ 0.92844,-0.14479,-0.342105,0.713281,0.838781,-0.591406,
- 0.991208,-0.132313,-0.000000,0.728516,0.838781,-0.500000,
+ 0.991208,-0.132313,0,0.728516,0.838781,-0.5,
- 0.996389,-0.084903,0.000000,0.720781,0.769563,-0.500000,
+ 0.996389,-0.084903,0,0.720781,0.769563,-0.5,
- 1.000000,-0.000150,0.000000,0.709531,0.494688,-0.500000,
- 0.999728,-0.023338,0.000000,0.710938,0.593625,-0.500000,
- 0.999728,-0.023338,0.000000,0.710938,0.593625,-0.500000,
+ 1,-0.00015,0,0.709531,0.494688,-0.5,
+ 0.999728,-0.023338,0,0.710938,0.593625,-0.5,
+ 0.999728,-0.023338,0,0.710938,0.593625,-0.5,
- 0.998665,-0.051663,-0.000000,0.714805,0.686547,-0.500000,
+ 0.998665,-0.051663,0,0.714805,0.686547,-0.5,
- 0.998665,-0.051663,-0.000000,0.714805,0.686547,-0.500000,
+ 0.998665,-0.051663,0,0.714805,0.686547,-0.5,
- 0.999728,-0.023338,0.000000,0.710938,0.593625,-0.500000,
+ 0.999728,-0.023338,0,0.710938,0.593625,-0.5,
- 0.998665,-0.051663,-0.000000,0.714805,0.686547,-0.500000,
- 0.999728,-0.023338,0.000000,0.710938,0.593625,-0.500000,
+ 0.998665,-0.051663,0,0.714805,0.686547,-0.5,
+ 0.999728,-0.023338,0,0.710938,0.593625,-0.5,
- 0.998665,-0.051663,-0.000000,0.714805,0.686547,-0.500000,
+ 0.998665,-0.051663,0,0.714805,0.686547,-0.5,
- 0.999728,-0.023338,0.000000,0.710938,0.593625,-0.500000,
- 1.000000,-0.000150,0.000000,0.709531,0.494688,-0.500000,
+ 0.999728,-0.023338,0,0.710938,0.593625,-0.5,
+ 1,-0.00015,0,0.709531,0.494688,-0.5,
- 0.999728,-0.023338,0.000000,0.710938,0.593625,-0.500000,
+ 0.999728,-0.023338,0,0.710938,0.593625,-0.5,
- 0.928440,-0.144790,0.342105,0.713281,0.838781,-0.408594,
- 0.928440,-0.144790,0.342105,0.713281,0.838781,-0.408594,
+ 0.92844,-0.14479,0.342105,0.713281,0.838781,-0.408594,
+ 0.92844,-0.14479,0.342105,0.713281,0.838781,-0.408594,
- 0.991208,-0.132313,-0.000000,0.728516,0.838781,-0.500000,
- 0.996389,-0.084903,0.000000,0.720781,0.769563,-0.500000,
+ 0.991208,-0.132313,0,0.728516,0.838781,-0.5,
+ 0.996389,-0.084903,0,0.720781,0.769563,-0.5,
- 0.991208,-0.132313,-0.000000,0.728516,0.838781,-0.500000,
+ 0.991208,-0.132313,0,0.728516,0.838781,-0.5,
- 0.928440,-0.144790,0.342105,0.713281,0.838781,-0.408594,
- 0.996389,-0.084903,0.000000,0.720781,0.769563,-0.500000,
- 0.998665,-0.051663,-0.000000,0.714805,0.686547,-0.500000,
+ 0.92844,-0.14479,0.342105,0.713281,0.838781,-0.408594,
+ 0.996389,-0.084903,0,0.720781,0.769563,-0.5,
+ 0.998665,-0.051663,0,0.714805,0.686547,-0.5,
- 0.996389,-0.084903,0.000000,0.720781,0.769563,-0.500000,
+ 0.996389,-0.084903,0,0.720781,0.769563,-0.5,
- -0.342105,-0.144790,-0.928440,0.408594,0.838781,-0.713281,
+ -0.342105,-0.14479,-0.92844,0.408594,0.838781,-0.713281,
- -0.342105,-0.144790,-0.928440,0.408594,0.838781,-0.713281,
+ -0.342105,-0.14479,-0.92844,0.408594,0.838781,-0.713281,
- -0.000000,-0.051663,-0.998665,0.500000,0.686547,-0.714805,
- 0.000000,-0.084903,-0.996389,0.500000,0.769563,-0.720781,
- 0.000000,-0.084903,-0.996389,0.500000,0.769563,-0.720781,
+ 0,-0.051663,-0.998665,0.5,0.686547,-0.714805,
+ 0,-0.084903,-0.996389,0.5,0.769563,-0.720781,
+ 0,-0.084903,-0.996389,0.5,0.769563,-0.720781,
- -0.000000,-0.132313,-0.991208,0.500000,0.838781,-0.728516,
- -0.342105,-0.144790,-0.928440,0.408594,0.838781,-0.713281,
+ 0,-0.132313,-0.991208,0.5,0.838781,-0.728516,
+ -0.342105,-0.14479,-0.92844,0.408594,0.838781,-0.713281,
- -0.000000,-0.132313,-0.991208,0.500000,0.838781,-0.728516,
+ 0,-0.132313,-0.991208,0.5,0.838781,-0.728516,
- 0.000000,-0.084903,-0.996389,0.500000,0.769563,-0.720781,
+ 0,-0.084903,-0.996389,0.5,0.769563,-0.720781,
- 0.000000,-0.000150,-1.000000,0.500000,0.494688,-0.709531,
- 0.000000,-0.023338,-0.999728,0.500000,0.593625,-0.710938,
- 0.000000,-0.023338,-0.999728,0.500000,0.593625,-0.710938,
+ 0,-0.00015,-1,0.5,0.494688,-0.709531,
+ 0,-0.023338,-0.999728,0.5,0.593625,-0.710938,
+ 0,-0.023338,-0.999728,0.5,0.593625,-0.710938,
- -0.000000,-0.051663,-0.998665,0.500000,0.686547,-0.714805,
+ 0,-0.051663,-0.998665,0.5,0.686547,-0.714805,
- -0.000000,-0.051663,-0.998665,0.500000,0.686547,-0.714805,
+ 0,-0.051663,-0.998665,0.5,0.686547,-0.714805,
- 0.000000,-0.023338,-0.999728,0.500000,0.593625,-0.710938,
+ 0,-0.023338,-0.999728,0.5,0.593625,-0.710938,
- -0.000000,-0.051663,-0.998665,0.500000,0.686547,-0.714805,
- 0.000000,-0.023338,-0.999728,0.500000,0.593625,-0.710938,
+ 0,-0.051663,-0.998665,0.5,0.686547,-0.714805,
+ 0,-0.023338,-0.999728,0.5,0.593625,-0.710938,
- -0.000000,-0.051663,-0.998665,0.500000,0.686547,-0.714805,
+ 0,-0.051663,-0.998665,0.5,0.686547,-0.714805,
- 0.000000,-0.023338,-0.999728,0.500000,0.593625,-0.710938,
- 0.000000,-0.000150,-1.000000,0.500000,0.494688,-0.709531,
+ 0,-0.023338,-0.999728,0.5,0.593625,-0.710938,
+ 0,-0.00015,-1,0.5,0.494688,-0.709531,
- 0.000000,-0.023338,-0.999728,0.500000,0.593625,-0.710938,
+ 0,-0.023338,-0.999728,0.5,0.593625,-0.710938,
- 0.342105,-0.144790,-0.928440,0.591406,0.838781,-0.713281,
- 0.342105,-0.144790,-0.928440,0.591406,0.838781,-0.713281,
+ 0.342105,-0.14479,-0.92844,0.591406,0.838781,-0.713281,
+ 0.342105,-0.14479,-0.92844,0.591406,0.838781,-0.713281,
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- 0.000000,-0.084903,-0.996389,0.500000,0.769563,-0.720781,
+ 0,-0.132313,-0.991208,0.5,0.838781,-0.728516,
+ 0,-0.084903,-0.996389,0.5,0.769563,-0.720781,
- -0.000000,-0.132313,-0.991208,0.500000,0.838781,-0.728516,
+ 0,-0.132313,-0.991208,0.5,0.838781,-0.728516,
- 0.342105,-0.144790,-0.928440,0.591406,0.838781,-0.713281,
- 0.000000,-0.084903,-0.996389,0.500000,0.769563,-0.720781,
- -0.000000,-0.051663,-0.998665,0.500000,0.686547,-0.714805,
+ 0.342105,-0.14479,-0.92844,0.591406,0.838781,-0.713281,
+ 0,-0.084903,-0.996389,0.5,0.769563,-0.720781,
+ 0,-0.051663,-0.998665,0.5,0.686547,-0.714805,
- 0.000000,-0.084903,-0.996389,0.500000,0.769563,-0.720781,
+ 0,-0.084903,-0.996389,0.5,0.769563,-0.720781,
- -0.342105,-0.144791,0.928440,0.408594,0.838781,-0.286719,
- -0.342105,-0.144791,0.928440,0.408594,0.838781,-0.286719,
+ -0.342105,-0.144791,0.92844,0.408594,0.838781,-0.286719,
+ -0.342105,-0.144791,0.92844,0.408594,0.838781,-0.286719,
- -0.000000,-0.132314,0.991208,0.500000,0.838781,-0.271484,
- 0.000000,-0.084902,0.996389,0.500000,0.769563,-0.279219,
+ 0,-0.132314,0.991208,0.5,0.838781,-0.271484,
+ 0,-0.084902,0.996389,0.5,0.769563,-0.279219,
- -0.000000,-0.132314,0.991208,0.500000,0.838781,-0.271484,
+ 0,-0.132314,0.991208,0.5,0.838781,-0.271484,
- -0.342105,-0.144791,0.928440,0.408594,0.838781,-0.286719,
- 0.000000,-0.084902,0.996389,0.500000,0.769563,-0.279219,
- 0.000000,-0.051662,0.998665,0.500000,0.686547,-0.285195,
+ -0.342105,-0.144791,0.92844,0.408594,0.838781,-0.286719,
+ 0,-0.084902,0.996389,0.5,0.769563,-0.279219,
+ 0,-0.051662,0.998665,0.5,0.686547,-0.285195,
- 0.000000,-0.084902,0.996389,0.500000,0.769563,-0.279219,
+ 0,-0.084902,0.996389,0.5,0.769563,-0.279219,
- 0.342105,-0.144791,0.928440,0.591406,0.838781,-0.286719,
+ 0.342105,-0.144791,0.92844,0.591406,0.838781,-0.286719,
- 0.342105,-0.144791,0.928440,0.591406,0.838781,-0.286719,
+ 0.342105,-0.144791,0.92844,0.591406,0.838781,-0.286719,
- 0.000000,-0.051662,0.998665,0.500000,0.686547,-0.285195,
- 0.000000,-0.084902,0.996389,0.500000,0.769563,-0.279219,
- 0.000000,-0.084902,0.996389,0.500000,0.769563,-0.279219,
+ 0,-0.051662,0.998665,0.5,0.686547,-0.285195,
+ 0,-0.084902,0.996389,0.5,0.769563,-0.279219,
+ 0,-0.084902,0.996389,0.5,0.769563,-0.279219,
- -0.000000,-0.132314,0.991208,0.500000,0.838781,-0.271484,
- 0.342105,-0.144791,0.928440,0.591406,0.838781,-0.286719,
+ 0,-0.132314,0.991208,0.5,0.838781,-0.271484,
+ 0.342105,-0.144791,0.92844,0.591406,0.838781,-0.286719,
- -0.000000,-0.132314,0.991208,0.500000,0.838781,-0.271484,
+ 0,-0.132314,0.991208,0.5,0.838781,-0.271484,
- 0.000000,-0.084902,0.996389,0.500000,0.769563,-0.279219,
+ 0,-0.084902,0.996389,0.5,0.769563,-0.279219,
- 0.000000,-0.000150,1.000000,0.500000,0.494688,-0.290469,
- 0.000000,-0.023338,0.999728,0.500000,0.593625,-0.289063,
- 0.000000,-0.023338,0.999728,0.500000,0.593625,-0.289063,
+ 0,-0.00015,1,0.5,0.494688,-0.290469,
+ 0,-0.023338,0.999728,0.5,0.593625,-0.289063,
+ 0,-0.023338,0.999728,0.5,0.593625,-0.289063,
- 0.000000,-0.051662,0.998665,0.500000,0.686547,-0.285195,
+ 0,-0.051662,0.998665,0.5,0.686547,-0.285195,
- 0.000000,-0.051662,0.998665,0.500000,0.686547,-0.285195,
+ 0,-0.051662,0.998665,0.5,0.686547,-0.285195,
- 0.000000,-0.023338,0.999728,0.500000,0.593625,-0.289063,
+ 0,-0.023338,0.999728,0.5,0.593625,-0.289063,
- 0.000000,-0.051662,0.998665,0.500000,0.686547,-0.285195,
- 0.000000,-0.023338,0.999728,0.500000,0.593625,-0.289063,
+ 0,-0.051662,0.998665,0.5,0.686547,-0.285195,
+ 0,-0.023338,0.999728,0.5,0.593625,-0.289063,
- 0.000000,-0.051662,0.998665,0.500000,0.686547,-0.285195,
+ 0,-0.051662,0.998665,0.5,0.686547,-0.285195,
- 0.000000,-0.023338,0.999728,0.500000,0.593625,-0.289063,
- 0.000000,-0.000150,1.000000,0.500000,0.494688,-0.290469,
+ 0,-0.023338,0.999728,0.5,0.593625,-0.289063,
+ 0,-0.00015,1,0.5,0.494688,-0.290469,
- 0.000000,-0.023338,0.999728,0.500000,0.593625,-0.289063,
+ 0,-0.023338,0.999728,0.5,0.593625,-0.289063,
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- -0.928440,-0.144791,-0.342105,0.286719,0.838781,-0.591406,
+ -0.92844,-0.144791,-0.342105,0.286719,0.838781,-0.591406,
+ -0.92844,-0.144791,-0.342105,0.286719,0.838781,-0.591406,
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+ -0.991208,-0.132314,0,0.271484,0.838781,-0.5,
+ -0.996389,-0.084902,0,0.279219,0.769563,-0.5,
- -0.991208,-0.132314,-0.000000,0.271484,0.838781,-0.500000,
+ -0.991208,-0.132314,0,0.271484,0.838781,-0.5,
- -0.928440,-0.144791,-0.342105,0.286719,0.838781,-0.591406,
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+ -0.92844,-0.144791,-0.342105,0.286719,0.838781,-0.591406,
+ -0.996389,-0.084902,0,0.279219,0.769563,-0.5,
+ -0.998665,-0.051662,0,0.285195,0.686547,-0.5,
- -0.996389,-0.084902,0.000000,0.279219,0.769563,-0.500000,
+ -0.996389,-0.084902,0,0.279219,0.769563,-0.5,
- -0.928440,-0.144791,0.342105,0.286719,0.838781,-0.408594,
+ -0.92844,-0.144791,0.342105,0.286719,0.838781,-0.408594,
- -0.928440,-0.144791,0.342105,0.286719,0.838781,-0.408594,
+ -0.92844,-0.144791,0.342105,0.286719,0.838781,-0.408594,
- -0.998665,-0.051662,0.000000,0.285195,0.686547,-0.500000,
- -0.996389,-0.084902,0.000000,0.279219,0.769563,-0.500000,
- -0.996389,-0.084902,0.000000,0.279219,0.769563,-0.500000,
+ -0.998665,-0.051662,0,0.285195,0.686547,-0.5,
+ -0.996389,-0.084902,0,0.279219,0.769563,-0.5,
+ -0.996389,-0.084902,0,0.279219,0.769563,-0.5,
- -0.991208,-0.132314,-0.000000,0.271484,0.838781,-0.500000,
- -0.928440,-0.144791,0.342105,0.286719,0.838781,-0.408594,
+ -0.991208,-0.132314,0,0.271484,0.838781,-0.5,
+ -0.92844,-0.144791,0.342105,0.286719,0.838781,-0.408594,
- -0.991208,-0.132314,-0.000000,0.271484,0.838781,-0.500000,
+ -0.991208,-0.132314,0,0.271484,0.838781,-0.5,
- -0.996389,-0.084902,0.000000,0.279219,0.769563,-0.500000,
+ -0.996389,-0.084902,0,0.279219,0.769563,-0.5,
- -1.000000,-0.000150,0.000000,0.290469,0.494688,-0.500000,
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- -0.999728,-0.023338,0.000000,0.289063,0.593625,-0.500000,
+ -1,-0.00015,0,0.290469,0.494688,-0.5,
+ -0.999728,-0.023338,0,0.289063,0.593625,-0.5,
+ -0.999728,-0.023338,0,0.289063,0.593625,-0.5,
- -0.998665,-0.051662,0.000000,0.285195,0.686547,-0.500000,
+ -0.998665,-0.051662,0,0.285195,0.686547,-0.5,
- -0.998665,-0.051662,0.000000,0.285195,0.686547,-0.500000,
+ -0.998665,-0.051662,0,0.285195,0.686547,-0.5,
- -0.999728,-0.023338,0.000000,0.289063,0.593625,-0.500000,
+ -0.999728,-0.023338,0,0.289063,0.593625,-0.5,
- -0.998665,-0.051662,0.000000,0.285195,0.686547,-0.500000,
- -0.999728,-0.023338,0.000000,0.289063,0.593625,-0.500000,
+ -0.998665,-0.051662,0,0.285195,0.686547,-0.5,
+ -0.999728,-0.023338,0,0.289063,0.593625,-0.5,
- -0.998665,-0.051662,0.000000,0.285195,0.686547,-0.500000,
+ -0.998665,-0.051662,0,0.285195,0.686547,-0.5,
- -0.999728,-0.023338,0.000000,0.289063,0.593625,-0.500000,
- -1.000000,-0.000150,0.000000,0.290469,0.494688,-0.500000,
+ -0.999728,-0.023338,0,0.289063,0.593625,-0.5,
+ -1,-0.00015,0,0.290469,0.494688,-0.5,
- -0.999728,-0.023338,0.000000,0.289063,0.593625,-0.500000,
+ -0.999728,-0.023338,0,0.289063,0.593625,-0.5,
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+ 0,0.12379,-0.992308,0.5,0.132531,-0.728516,
+ 0,0.079157,-0.996862,0.5,0.207062,-0.720781,
- -0.000000,0.123790,-0.992308,0.500000,0.132531,-0.728516,
+ 0,0.12379,-0.992308,0.5,0.132531,-0.728516,
- -0.000000,0.079157,-0.996862,0.500000,0.207062,-0.720781,
- 0.000000,0.048741,-0.998811,0.500000,0.295922,-0.714805,
+ 0,0.079157,-0.996862,0.5,0.207062,-0.720781,
+ 0,0.048741,-0.998811,0.5,0.295922,-0.714805,
- -0.000000,0.079157,-0.996862,0.500000,0.207062,-0.720781,
- -0.705830,0.060067,-0.705830,0.342477,0.295922,-0.657523,
+ 0,0.079157,-0.996862,0.5,0.207062,-0.720781,
+ -0.70583,0.060067,-0.70583,0.342477,0.295922,-0.657523,
- -0.705830,0.060067,-0.705830,0.342477,0.295922,-0.657523,
+ -0.70583,0.060067,-0.70583,0.342477,0.295922,-0.657523,
- 0.705830,0.060067,-0.705830,0.657523,0.295922,-0.657523,
+ 0.70583,0.060067,-0.70583,0.657523,0.295922,-0.657523,
- 0.705830,0.060067,-0.705830,0.657523,0.295922,-0.657523,
+ 0.70583,0.060067,-0.70583,0.657523,0.295922,-0.657523,
- 0.000000,0.048741,-0.998811,0.500000,0.295922,-0.714805,
- -0.000000,0.079157,-0.996862,0.500000,0.207062,-0.720781,
- -0.000000,0.079157,-0.996862,0.500000,0.207062,-0.720781,
+ 0,0.048741,-0.998811,0.5,0.295922,-0.714805,
+ 0,0.079157,-0.996862,0.5,0.207062,-0.720781,
+ 0,0.079157,-0.996862,0.5,0.207062,-0.720781,
- -0.000000,0.123790,-0.992308,0.500000,0.132531,-0.728516,
+ 0,0.12379,-0.992308,0.5,0.132531,-0.728516,
- -0.000000,0.123790,-0.992308,0.500000,0.132531,-0.728516,
+ 0,0.12379,-0.992308,0.5,0.132531,-0.728516,
- -0.000000,0.079157,-0.996862,0.500000,0.207062,-0.720781,
+ 0,0.079157,-0.996862,0.5,0.207062,-0.720781,
- 0.000000,-0.000150,-1.000000,0.500000,0.494688,-0.709531,
- 0.000000,0.022461,-0.999748,0.500000,0.393625,-0.710938,
- 0.000000,0.022461,-0.999748,0.500000,0.393625,-0.710938,
+ 0,-0.00015,-1,0.5,0.494688,-0.709531,
+ 0,0.022461,-0.999748,0.5,0.393625,-0.710938,
+ 0,0.022461,-0.999748,0.5,0.393625,-0.710938,
- 0.000000,0.048741,-0.998811,0.500000,0.295922,-0.714805,
+ 0,0.048741,-0.998811,0.5,0.295922,-0.714805,
- 0.000000,0.048741,-0.998811,0.500000,0.295922,-0.714805,
+ 0,0.048741,-0.998811,0.5,0.295922,-0.714805,
- 0.000000,0.022461,-0.999748,0.500000,0.393625,-0.710938,
+ 0,0.022461,-0.999748,0.5,0.393625,-0.710938,
- 0.705830,0.060067,-0.705830,0.657523,0.295922,-0.657523,
+ 0.70583,0.060067,-0.70583,0.657523,0.295922,-0.657523,
- -0.705830,0.060067,-0.705830,0.342477,0.295922,-0.657523,
+ -0.70583,0.060067,-0.70583,0.342477,0.295922,-0.657523,
- 0.000000,0.048741,-0.998811,0.500000,0.295922,-0.714805,
- 0.000000,0.022461,-0.999748,0.500000,0.393625,-0.710938,
+ 0,0.048741,-0.998811,0.5,0.295922,-0.714805,
+ 0,0.022461,-0.999748,0.5,0.393625,-0.710938,
- 0.000000,0.048741,-0.998811,0.500000,0.295922,-0.714805,
+ 0,0.048741,-0.998811,0.5,0.295922,-0.714805,
- 0.000000,0.022461,-0.999748,0.500000,0.393625,-0.710938,
- 0.000000,-0.000150,-1.000000,0.500000,0.494688,-0.709531,
+ 0,0.022461,-0.999748,0.5,0.393625,-0.710938,
+ 0,-0.00015,-1,0.5,0.494688,-0.709531,
- 0.000000,0.022461,-0.999748,0.500000,0.393625,-0.710938,
+ 0,0.022461,-0.999748,0.5,0.393625,-0.710938,
- -0.705830,0.060067,-0.705830,0.342477,0.295922,-0.657523,
+ -0.70583,0.060067,-0.70583,0.342477,0.295922,-0.657523,
- -0.705830,0.060067,-0.705830,0.342477,0.295922,-0.657523,
+ -0.70583,0.060067,-0.70583,0.342477,0.295922,-0.657523,
- -0.998811,0.048740,0.000000,0.285195,0.295922,-0.500000,
- -0.996862,0.079157,-0.000000,0.279219,0.207062,-0.500000,
- -0.996862,0.079157,-0.000000,0.279219,0.207062,-0.500000,
+ -0.998811,0.04874,0,0.285195,0.295922,-0.5,
+ -0.996862,0.079157,0,0.279219,0.207062,-0.5,
+ -0.996862,0.079157,0,0.279219,0.207062,-0.5,
- -0.992308,0.123790,-0.000000,0.271484,0.132531,-0.500000,
+ -0.992308,0.12379,0,0.271484,0.132531,-0.5,
- -0.992308,0.123790,-0.000000,0.271484,0.132531,-0.500000,
+ -0.992308,0.12379,0,0.271484,0.132531,-0.5,
- -0.996862,0.079157,-0.000000,0.279219,0.207062,-0.500000,
+ -0.996862,0.079157,0,0.279219,0.207062,-0.5,
- -1.000000,-0.000150,0.000000,0.290469,0.494688,-0.500000,
- -0.999748,0.022461,0.000000,0.289063,0.393625,-0.500000,
- -0.999748,0.022461,0.000000,0.289063,0.393625,-0.500000,
+ -1,-0.00015,0,0.290469,0.494688,-0.5,
+ -0.999748,0.022461,0,0.289063,0.393625,-0.5,
+ -0.999748,0.022461,0,0.289063,0.393625,-0.5,
- -0.998811,0.048740,0.000000,0.285195,0.295922,-0.500000,
+ -0.998811,0.04874,0,0.285195,0.295922,-0.5,
- -0.998811,0.048740,0.000000,0.285195,0.295922,-0.500000,
+ -0.998811,0.04874,0,0.285195,0.295922,-0.5,
- -0.999748,0.022461,0.000000,0.289063,0.393625,-0.500000,
+ -0.999748,0.022461,0,0.289063,0.393625,-0.5,
- -0.705830,0.060067,-0.705830,0.342477,0.295922,-0.657523,
+ -0.70583,0.060067,-0.70583,0.342477,0.295922,-0.657523,
- -0.705830,0.060067,0.705830,0.342477,0.295922,-0.342477,
+ -0.70583,0.060067,0.70583,0.342477,0.295922,-0.342477,
- -0.998811,0.048740,0.000000,0.285195,0.295922,-0.500000,
- -0.999748,0.022461,0.000000,0.289063,0.393625,-0.500000,
+ -0.998811,0.04874,0,0.285195,0.295922,-0.5,
+ -0.999748,0.022461,0,0.289063,0.393625,-0.5,
- -0.998811,0.048740,0.000000,0.285195,0.295922,-0.500000,
+ -0.998811,0.04874,0,0.285195,0.295922,-0.5,
- -0.999748,0.022461,0.000000,0.289063,0.393625,-0.500000,
- -1.000000,-0.000150,0.000000,0.290469,0.494688,-0.500000,
+ -0.999748,0.022461,0,0.289063,0.393625,-0.5,
+ -1,-0.00015,0,0.290469,0.494688,-0.5,
- -0.999748,0.022461,0.000000,0.289063,0.393625,-0.500000,
+ -0.999748,0.022461,0,0.289063,0.393625,-0.5,
- -0.992308,0.123790,-0.000000,0.271484,0.132531,-0.500000,
- -0.996862,0.079157,-0.000000,0.279219,0.207062,-0.500000,
+ -0.992308,0.12379,0,0.271484,0.132531,-0.5,
+ -0.996862,0.079157,0,0.279219,0.207062,-0.5,
- -0.992308,0.123790,-0.000000,0.271484,0.132531,-0.500000,
+ -0.992308,0.12379,0,0.271484,0.132531,-0.5,
- -0.996862,0.079157,-0.000000,0.279219,0.207062,-0.500000,
- -0.998811,0.048740,0.000000,0.285195,0.295922,-0.500000,
+ -0.996862,0.079157,0,0.279219,0.207062,-0.5,
+ -0.998811,0.04874,0,0.285195,0.295922,-0.5,
- -0.996862,0.079157,-0.000000,0.279219,0.207062,-0.500000,
- -0.705830,0.060067,0.705830,0.342477,0.295922,-0.342477,
+ -0.996862,0.079157,0,0.279219,0.207062,-0.5,
+ -0.70583,0.060067,0.70583,0.342477,0.295922,-0.342477,
- -0.705830,0.060067,0.705830,0.342477,0.295922,-0.342477,
+ -0.70583,0.060067,0.70583,0.342477,0.295922,-0.342477,
- -0.705830,0.060067,0.705830,0.342477,0.295922,-0.342477,
+ -0.70583,0.060067,0.70583,0.342477,0.295922,-0.342477,
- -0.705830,0.060067,0.705830,0.342477,0.295922,-0.342477,
+ -0.70583,0.060067,0.70583,0.342477,0.295922,-0.342477,
- 0.000000,0.048740,0.998811,0.500000,0.295922,-0.285195,
- -0.000000,0.079157,0.996862,0.500000,0.207062,-0.279219,
- -0.000000,0.079157,0.996862,0.500000,0.207062,-0.279219,
+ 0,0.04874,0.998811,0.5,0.295922,-0.285195,
+ 0,0.079157,0.996862,0.5,0.207062,-0.279219,
+ 0,0.079157,0.996862,0.5,0.207062,-0.279219,
- -0.000000,0.123790,0.992308,0.500000,0.132531,-0.271484,
+ 0,0.12379,0.992308,0.5,0.132531,-0.271484,
- -0.000000,0.123790,0.992308,0.500000,0.132531,-0.271484,
+ 0,0.12379,0.992308,0.5,0.132531,-0.271484,
- -0.000000,0.079157,0.996862,0.500000,0.207062,-0.279219,
+ 0,0.079157,0.996862,0.5,0.207062,-0.279219,
- 0.000000,-0.000150,1.000000,0.500000,0.494688,-0.290469,
- 0.000000,0.022461,0.999748,0.500000,0.393625,-0.289063,
- 0.000000,0.022461,0.999748,0.500000,0.393625,-0.289063,
+ 0,-0.00015,1,0.5,0.494688,-0.290469,
+ 0,0.022461,0.999748,0.5,0.393625,-0.289063,
+ 0,0.022461,0.999748,0.5,0.393625,-0.289063,
- 0.000000,0.048740,0.998811,0.500000,0.295922,-0.285195,
+ 0,0.04874,0.998811,0.5,0.295922,-0.285195,
- 0.000000,0.048740,0.998811,0.500000,0.295922,-0.285195,
+ 0,0.04874,0.998811,0.5,0.295922,-0.285195,
- 0.000000,0.022461,0.999748,0.500000,0.393625,-0.289063,
+ 0,0.022461,0.999748,0.5,0.393625,-0.289063,
- -0.705830,0.060067,0.705830,0.342477,0.295922,-0.342477,
+ -0.70583,0.060067,0.70583,0.342477,0.295922,-0.342477,
- 0.705830,0.060067,0.705830,0.657523,0.295922,-0.342477,
+ 0.70583,0.060067,0.70583,0.657523,0.295922,-0.342477,
- 0.000000,0.048740,0.998811,0.500000,0.295922,-0.285195,
- 0.000000,0.022461,0.999748,0.500000,0.393625,-0.289063,
+ 0,0.04874,0.998811,0.5,0.295922,-0.285195,
+ 0,0.022461,0.999748,0.5,0.393625,-0.289063,
- 0.000000,0.048740,0.998811,0.500000,0.295922,-0.285195,
+ 0,0.04874,0.998811,0.5,0.295922,-0.285195,
- 0.000000,0.022461,0.999748,0.500000,0.393625,-0.289063,
- 0.000000,-0.000150,1.000000,0.500000,0.494688,-0.290469,
+ 0,0.022461,0.999748,0.5,0.393625,-0.289063,
+ 0,-0.00015,1,0.5,0.494688,-0.290469,
- 0.000000,0.022461,0.999748,0.500000,0.393625,-0.289063,
+ 0,0.022461,0.999748,0.5,0.393625,-0.289063,
- -0.000000,0.123790,0.992308,0.500000,0.132531,-0.271484,
- -0.000000,0.079157,0.996862,0.500000,0.207062,-0.279219,
+ 0,0.12379,0.992308,0.5,0.132531,-0.271484,
+ 0,0.079157,0.996862,0.5,0.207062,-0.279219,
- -0.000000,0.123790,0.992308,0.500000,0.132531,-0.271484,
+ 0,0.12379,0.992308,0.5,0.132531,-0.271484,
- -0.000000,0.079157,0.996862,0.500000,0.207062,-0.279219,
- 0.000000,0.048740,0.998811,0.500000,0.295922,-0.285195,
+ 0,0.079157,0.996862,0.5,0.207062,-0.279219,
+ 0,0.04874,0.998811,0.5,0.295922,-0.285195,
- -0.000000,0.079157,0.996862,0.500000,0.207062,-0.279219,
- 0.705830,0.060067,0.705830,0.657523,0.295922,-0.342477,
+ 0,0.079157,0.996862,0.5,0.207062,-0.279219,
+ 0.70583,0.060067,0.70583,0.657523,0.295922,-0.342477,
- 0.705830,0.060067,0.705830,0.657523,0.295922,-0.342477,
+ 0.70583,0.060067,0.70583,0.657523,0.295922,-0.342477,
- 0.705830,0.060067,0.705830,0.657523,0.295922,-0.342477,
+ 0.70583,0.060067,0.70583,0.657523,0.295922,-0.342477,
- 0.705830,0.060067,0.705830,0.657523,0.295922,-0.342477,
+ 0.70583,0.060067,0.70583,0.657523,0.295922,-0.342477,
- 0.998811,0.048741,0.000000,0.714805,0.295922,-0.500000,
- 0.996862,0.079157,0.000000,0.720781,0.207062,-0.500000,
- 0.996862,0.079157,0.000000,0.720781,0.207062,-0.500000,
+ 0.998811,0.048741,0,0.714805,0.295922,-0.5,
+ 0.996862,0.079157,0,0.720781,0.207062,-0.5,
+ 0.996862,0.079157,0,0.720781,0.207062,-0.5,
- 0.992308,0.123790,0.000000,0.728516,0.132531,-0.500000,
+ 0.992308,0.12379,0,0.728516,0.132531,-0.5,
- 0.992308,0.123790,0.000000,0.728516,0.132531,-0.500000,
+ 0.992308,0.12379,0,0.728516,0.132531,-0.5,
- 0.996862,0.079157,0.000000,0.720781,0.207062,-0.500000,
+ 0.996862,0.079157,0,0.720781,0.207062,-0.5,
- 1.000000,-0.000150,0.000000,0.709531,0.494688,-0.500000,
- 0.999748,0.022461,0.000000,0.710938,0.393625,-0.500000,
- 0.999748,0.022461,0.000000,0.710938,0.393625,-0.500000,
+ 1,-0.00015,0,0.709531,0.494688,-0.5,
+ 0.999748,0.022461,0,0.710938,0.393625,-0.5,
+ 0.999748,0.022461,0,0.710938,0.393625,-0.5,
- 0.998811,0.048741,0.000000,0.714805,0.295922,-0.500000,
+ 0.998811,0.048741,0,0.714805,0.295922,-0.5,
- 0.998811,0.048741,0.000000,0.714805,0.295922,-0.500000,
+ 0.998811,0.048741,0,0.714805,0.295922,-0.5,
- 0.999748,0.022461,0.000000,0.710938,0.393625,-0.500000,
+ 0.999748,0.022461,0,0.710938,0.393625,-0.5,
- 0.705830,0.060067,0.705830,0.657523,0.295922,-0.342477,
+ 0.70583,0.060067,0.70583,0.657523,0.295922,-0.342477,
- 0.705830,0.060067,-0.705830,0.657523,0.295922,-0.657523,
+ 0.70583,0.060067,-0.70583,0.657523,0.295922,-0.657523,
- 0.998811,0.048741,0.000000,0.714805,0.295922,-0.500000,
- 0.999748,0.022461,0.000000,0.710938,0.393625,-0.500000,
+ 0.998811,0.048741,0,0.714805,0.295922,-0.5,
+ 0.999748,0.022461,0,0.710938,0.393625,-0.5,
- 0.998811,0.048741,0.000000,0.714805,0.295922,-0.500000,
+ 0.998811,0.048741,0,0.714805,0.295922,-0.5,
- 0.999748,0.022461,0.000000,0.710938,0.393625,-0.500000,
- 1.000000,-0.000150,0.000000,0.709531,0.494688,-0.500000,
+ 0.999748,0.022461,0,0.710938,0.393625,-0.5,
+ 1,-0.00015,0,0.709531,0.494688,-0.5,
- 0.999748,0.022461,0.000000,0.710938,0.393625,-0.500000,
+ 0.999748,0.022461,0,0.710938,0.393625,-0.5,
- 0.992308,0.123790,0.000000,0.728516,0.132531,-0.500000,
- 0.996862,0.079157,0.000000,0.720781,0.207062,-0.500000,
+ 0.992308,0.12379,0,0.728516,0.132531,-0.5,
+ 0.996862,0.079157,0,0.720781,0.207062,-0.5,
- 0.992308,0.123790,0.000000,0.728516,0.132531,-0.500000,
+ 0.992308,0.12379,0,0.728516,0.132531,-0.5,
- 0.996862,0.079157,0.000000,0.720781,0.207062,-0.500000,
- 0.998811,0.048741,0.000000,0.714805,0.295922,-0.500000,
+ 0.996862,0.079157,0,0.720781,0.207062,-0.5,
+ 0.998811,0.048741,0,0.714805,0.295922,-0.5,
- 0.996862,0.079157,0.000000,0.720781,0.207062,-0.500000,
- 0.705830,0.060067,-0.705830,0.657523,0.295922,-0.657523,
+ 0.996862,0.079157,0,0.720781,0.207062,-0.5,
+ 0.70583,0.060067,-0.70583,0.657523,0.295922,-0.657523,
- 0.705830,0.060067,-0.705830,0.657523,0.295922,-0.657523,
+ 0.70583,0.060067,-0.70583,0.657523,0.295922,-0.657523,
- 0.992308,0.123790,0.000000,0.728516,0.132531,-0.500000,
- 0.995686,0.092789,0.000000,0.737656,0.077813,-0.500000,
- 0.995686,0.092789,0.000000,0.737656,0.077813,-0.500000,
+ 0.992308,0.12379,0,0.728516,0.132531,-0.5,
+ 0.995686,0.092789,0,0.737656,0.077813,-0.5,
+ 0.995686,0.092789,0,0.737656,0.077813,-0.5,
- 0.995686,0.092789,0.000000,0.737656,0.077813,-0.500000,
- 0.914719,-0.404091,0.000000,0.738539,0.039819,-0.500000,
- 0.892993,-0.274252,0.356860,0.722453,0.040123,-0.404859,
- 0.892993,-0.274252,0.356860,0.722453,0.040123,-0.404859,
+ 0.995686,0.092789,0,0.737656,0.077813,-0.5,
+ 0.914719,-0.404091,0,0.738539,0.039819,-0.5,
+ 0.892993,-0.274252,0.35686,0.722453,0.040123,-0.404859,
+ 0.892993,-0.274252,0.35686,0.722453,0.040123,-0.404859,
- 0.995686,0.092789,0.000000,0.737656,0.077813,-0.500000,
- 0.892993,-0.274252,0.356860,0.722453,0.040123,-0.404859,
+ 0.995686,0.092789,0,0.737656,0.077813,-0.5,
+ 0.892993,-0.274252,0.35686,0.722453,0.040123,-0.404859,
- 0.892993,-0.274252,0.356860,0.722453,0.040123,-0.404859,
+ 0.892993,-0.274252,0.35686,0.722453,0.040123,-0.404859,
- 0.914719,-0.404091,0.000000,0.738539,0.039819,-0.500000,
- 0.995686,0.092789,0.000000,0.737656,0.077813,-0.500000,
- 0.995686,0.092789,0.000000,0.737656,0.077813,-0.500000,
+ 0.914719,-0.404091,0,0.738539,0.039819,-0.5,
+ 0.995686,0.092789,0,0.737656,0.077813,-0.5,
+ 0.995686,0.092789,0,0.737656,0.077813,-0.5,
- 0.995686,0.092789,0.000000,0.737656,0.077813,-0.500000,
- 0.992308,0.123790,0.000000,0.728516,0.132531,-0.500000,
+ 0.995686,0.092789,0,0.737656,0.077813,-0.5,
+ 0.992308,0.12379,0,0.728516,0.132531,-0.5,
- 0.995686,0.092789,0.000000,0.737656,0.077813,-0.500000,
+ 0.995686,0.092789,0,0.737656,0.077813,-0.5,
- 0.188350,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.582500,
- 0.517064,-0.835523,-0.185868,0.706000,0.016681,-0.587500,
+ 0.18835,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.5825,
+ 0.517064,-0.835523,-0.185868,0.706,0.016681,-0.5875,
- 0.517064,-0.835523,-0.185868,0.706000,0.016681,-0.587500,
+ 0.517064,-0.835523,-0.185868,0.706,0.016681,-0.5875,
- 0.244558,-0.969635,-0.000000,0.677562,0.000839,-0.500000,
- 0.596646,-0.802505,0.000000,0.721500,0.015465,-0.500000,
- 0.517064,-0.835523,-0.185868,0.706000,0.016681,-0.587500,
- 0.244558,-0.969635,-0.000000,0.677562,0.000839,-0.500000,
- 0.517064,-0.835523,-0.185868,0.706000,0.016681,-0.587500,
- 0.188350,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.582500,
- 0.914719,-0.404091,0.000000,0.738539,0.039819,-0.500000,
+ 0.244558,-0.969635,0,0.677562,0.000839,-0.5,
+ 0.596646,-0.802505,0,0.7215,0.015465,-0.5,
+ 0.517064,-0.835523,-0.185868,0.706,0.016681,-0.5875,
+ 0.244558,-0.969635,0,0.677562,0.000839,-0.5,
+ 0.517064,-0.835523,-0.185868,0.706,0.016681,-0.5875,
+ 0.18835,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.5825,
+ 0.914719,-0.404091,0,0.738539,0.039819,-0.5,
- 0.517064,-0.835523,-0.185868,0.706000,0.016681,-0.587500,
- 0.914719,-0.404091,0.000000,0.738539,0.039819,-0.500000,
- 0.517064,-0.835523,-0.185868,0.706000,0.016681,-0.587500,
- 0.596646,-0.802505,0.000000,0.721500,0.015465,-0.500000,
+ 0.517064,-0.835523,-0.185868,0.706,0.016681,-0.5875,
+ 0.914719,-0.404091,0,0.738539,0.039819,-0.5,
+ 0.517064,-0.835523,-0.185868,0.706,0.016681,-0.5875,
+ 0.596646,-0.802505,0,0.7215,0.015465,-0.5,
- 0.517064,-0.835523,-0.185868,0.706000,0.016681,-0.587500,
+ 0.517064,-0.835523,-0.185868,0.706,0.016681,-0.5875,
- 0.517064,-0.835523,0.185868,0.706000,0.016681,-0.412500,
+ 0.517064,-0.835523,0.185868,0.706,0.016681,-0.4125,
- 0.517064,-0.835523,0.185868,0.706000,0.016681,-0.412500,
- 0.188350,-0.976969,0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.417500,
+ 0.517064,-0.835523,0.185868,0.706,0.016681,-0.4125,
+ 0.18835,-0.976969,0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.4175,
- 0.892993,-0.274252,0.356860,0.722453,0.040123,-0.404859,
- 0.892993,-0.274252,0.356860,0.722453,0.040123,-0.404859,
- 0.517064,-0.835523,0.185868,0.706000,0.016681,-0.412500,
+ 0.892993,-0.274252,0.35686,0.722453,0.040123,-0.404859,
+ 0.892993,-0.274252,0.35686,0.722453,0.040123,-0.404859,
+ 0.517064,-0.835523,0.185868,0.706,0.016681,-0.4125,
- 0.914719,-0.404091,0.000000,0.738539,0.039819,-0.500000,
- 0.596646,-0.802505,0.000000,0.721500,0.015465,-0.500000,
- 0.517064,-0.835523,0.185868,0.706000,0.016681,-0.412500,
- 0.914719,-0.404091,0.000000,0.738539,0.039819,-0.500000,
- 0.517064,-0.835523,0.185868,0.706000,0.016681,-0.412500,
- 0.892993,-0.274252,0.356860,0.722453,0.040123,-0.404859,
- 0.244558,-0.969635,-0.000000,0.677562,0.000839,-0.500000,
- 0.188350,-0.976969,0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.417500,
- 0.517064,-0.835523,0.185868,0.706000,0.016681,-0.412500,
- 0.244558,-0.969635,-0.000000,0.677562,0.000839,-0.500000,
- 0.517064,-0.835523,0.185868,0.706000,0.016681,-0.412500,
- 0.596646,-0.802505,0.000000,0.721500,0.015465,-0.500000,
+ 0.914719,-0.404091,0,0.738539,0.039819,-0.5,
+ 0.596646,-0.802505,0,0.7215,0.015465,-0.5,
+ 0.517064,-0.835523,0.185868,0.706,0.016681,-0.4125,
+ 0.914719,-0.404091,0,0.738539,0.039819,-0.5,
+ 0.517064,-0.835523,0.185868,0.706,0.016681,-0.4125,
+ 0.892993,-0.274252,0.35686,0.722453,0.040123,-0.404859,
+ 0.244558,-0.969635,0,0.677562,0.000839,-0.5,
+ 0.18835,-0.976969,0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.4175,
+ 0.517064,-0.835523,0.185868,0.706,0.016681,-0.4125,
+ 0.244558,-0.969635,0,0.677562,0.000839,-0.5,
+ 0.517064,-0.835523,0.185868,0.706,0.016681,-0.4125,
+ 0.596646,-0.802505,0,0.7215,0.015465,-0.5,
- -0.000000,0.123790,-0.992308,0.500000,0.132531,-0.728516,
- 0.000000,0.092789,-0.995686,0.500000,0.077813,-0.737656,
- 0.000000,0.092789,-0.995686,0.500000,0.077813,-0.737656,
+ 0,0.12379,-0.992308,0.5,0.132531,-0.728516,
+ 0,0.092789,-0.995686,0.5,0.077813,-0.737656,
+ 0,0.092789,-0.995686,0.5,0.077813,-0.737656,
- 0.000000,0.092789,-0.995686,0.500000,0.077813,-0.737656,
- 0.000000,-0.404091,-0.914719,0.500000,0.039819,-0.738539,
+ 0,0.092789,-0.995686,0.5,0.077813,-0.737656,
+ 0,-0.404091,-0.914719,0.5,0.039819,-0.738539,
- 0.000000,0.092789,-0.995686,0.500000,0.077813,-0.737656,
+ 0,0.092789,-0.995686,0.5,0.077813,-0.737656,
- -0.356860,-0.274252,-0.892993,0.404859,0.040123,-0.722453,
- -0.356860,-0.274252,-0.892993,0.404859,0.040123,-0.722453,
+ -0.35686,-0.274252,-0.892993,0.404859,0.040123,-0.722453,
+ -0.35686,-0.274252,-0.892993,0.404859,0.040123,-0.722453,
- -0.356860,-0.274252,-0.892993,0.404859,0.040123,-0.722453,
- 0.000000,-0.404091,-0.914719,0.500000,0.039819,-0.738539,
- 0.000000,0.092789,-0.995686,0.500000,0.077813,-0.737656,
- 0.000000,0.092789,-0.995686,0.500000,0.077813,-0.737656,
+ -0.35686,-0.274252,-0.892993,0.404859,0.040123,-0.722453,
+ 0,-0.404091,-0.914719,0.5,0.039819,-0.738539,
+ 0,0.092789,-0.995686,0.5,0.077813,-0.737656,
+ 0,0.092789,-0.995686,0.5,0.077813,-0.737656,
- -0.356860,-0.274252,-0.892993,0.404859,0.040123,-0.722453,
- 0.000000,0.092789,-0.995686,0.500000,0.077813,-0.737656,
- -0.000000,0.123790,-0.992308,0.500000,0.132531,-0.728516,
+ -0.35686,-0.274252,-0.892993,0.404859,0.040123,-0.722453,
+ 0,0.092789,-0.995686,0.5,0.077813,-0.737656,
+ 0,0.12379,-0.992308,0.5,0.132531,-0.728516,
- 0.000000,0.092789,-0.995686,0.500000,0.077813,-0.737656,
+ 0,0.092789,-0.995686,0.5,0.077813,-0.737656,
- -0.100277,-0.976969,-0.188350,0.417500,0.003052,-0.664625,
- -0.185868,-0.835523,-0.517064,0.412500,0.016681,-0.706000,
+ -0.100277,-0.976969,-0.18835,0.4175,0.003052,-0.664625,
+ -0.185868,-0.835523,-0.517064,0.4125,0.016681,-0.706,
- -0.185868,-0.835523,-0.517064,0.412500,0.016681,-0.706000,
+ -0.185868,-0.835523,-0.517064,0.4125,0.016681,-0.706,
- -0.000000,-0.969635,-0.244558,0.500000,0.000839,-0.677562,
- 0.000000,-0.802505,-0.596646,0.500000,0.015465,-0.721500,
- -0.185868,-0.835523,-0.517064,0.412500,0.016681,-0.706000,
- -0.000000,-0.969635,-0.244558,0.500000,0.000839,-0.677562,
- -0.185868,-0.835523,-0.517064,0.412500,0.016681,-0.706000,
- -0.100277,-0.976969,-0.188350,0.417500,0.003052,-0.664625,
- 0.000000,-0.404091,-0.914719,0.500000,0.039819,-0.738539,
- -0.356860,-0.274252,-0.892993,0.404859,0.040123,-0.722453,
- -0.185868,-0.835523,-0.517064,0.412500,0.016681,-0.706000,
- 0.000000,-0.404091,-0.914719,0.500000,0.039819,-0.738539,
- -0.185868,-0.835523,-0.517064,0.412500,0.016681,-0.706000,
- 0.000000,-0.802505,-0.596646,0.500000,0.015465,-0.721500,
- -0.356860,-0.274252,-0.892993,0.404859,0.040123,-0.722453,
+ 0,-0.969635,-0.244558,0.5,0.000839,-0.677562,
+ 0,-0.802505,-0.596646,0.5,0.015465,-0.7215,
+ -0.185868,-0.835523,-0.517064,0.4125,0.016681,-0.706,
+ 0,-0.969635,-0.244558,0.5,0.000839,-0.677562,
+ -0.185868,-0.835523,-0.517064,0.4125,0.016681,-0.706,
+ -0.100277,-0.976969,-0.18835,0.4175,0.003052,-0.664625,
+ 0,-0.404091,-0.914719,0.5,0.039819,-0.738539,
+ -0.35686,-0.274252,-0.892993,0.404859,0.040123,-0.722453,
+ -0.185868,-0.835523,-0.517064,0.4125,0.016681,-0.706,
+ 0,-0.404091,-0.914719,0.5,0.039819,-0.738539,
+ -0.185868,-0.835523,-0.517064,0.4125,0.016681,-0.706,
+ 0,-0.802505,-0.596646,0.5,0.015465,-0.7215,
+ -0.35686,-0.274252,-0.892993,0.404859,0.040123,-0.722453,
- -0.185868,-0.835523,-0.517064,0.412500,0.016681,-0.706000,
- -0.356860,-0.274252,-0.892993,0.404859,0.040123,-0.722453,
+ -0.185868,-0.835523,-0.517064,0.4125,0.016681,-0.706,
+ -0.35686,-0.274252,-0.892993,0.404859,0.040123,-0.722453,
- 0.185868,-0.835523,-0.517064,0.587500,0.016681,-0.706000,
+ 0.185868,-0.835523,-0.517064,0.5875,0.016681,-0.706,
- 0.185868,-0.835523,-0.517064,0.587500,0.016681,-0.706000,
- 0.100277,-0.976969,-0.188350,0.582500,0.003052,-0.664625,
+ 0.185868,-0.835523,-0.517064,0.5875,0.016681,-0.706,
+ 0.100277,-0.976969,-0.18835,0.5825,0.003052,-0.664625,
- 0.185868,-0.835523,-0.517064,0.587500,0.016681,-0.706000,
+ 0.185868,-0.835523,-0.517064,0.5875,0.016681,-0.706,
- 0.000000,-0.404091,-0.914719,0.500000,0.039819,-0.738539,
- 0.000000,-0.802505,-0.596646,0.500000,0.015465,-0.721500,
- 0.185868,-0.835523,-0.517064,0.587500,0.016681,-0.706000,
- 0.000000,-0.404091,-0.914719,0.500000,0.039819,-0.738539,
- 0.185868,-0.835523,-0.517064,0.587500,0.016681,-0.706000,
+ 0,-0.404091,-0.914719,0.5,0.039819,-0.738539,
+ 0,-0.802505,-0.596646,0.5,0.015465,-0.7215,
+ 0.185868,-0.835523,-0.517064,0.5875,0.016681,-0.706,
+ 0,-0.404091,-0.914719,0.5,0.039819,-0.738539,
+ 0.185868,-0.835523,-0.517064,0.5875,0.016681,-0.706,
- -0.000000,-0.969635,-0.244558,0.500000,0.000839,-0.677562,
- 0.100277,-0.976969,-0.188350,0.582500,0.003052,-0.664625,
- 0.185868,-0.835523,-0.517064,0.587500,0.016681,-0.706000,
- -0.000000,-0.969635,-0.244558,0.500000,0.000839,-0.677562,
- 0.185868,-0.835523,-0.517064,0.587500,0.016681,-0.706000,
- 0.000000,-0.802505,-0.596646,0.500000,0.015465,-0.721500,
+ 0,-0.969635,-0.244558,0.5,0.000839,-0.677562,
+ 0.100277,-0.976969,-0.18835,0.5825,0.003052,-0.664625,
+ 0.185868,-0.835523,-0.517064,0.5875,0.016681,-0.706,
+ 0,-0.969635,-0.244558,0.5,0.000839,-0.677562,
+ 0.185868,-0.835523,-0.517064,0.5875,0.016681,-0.706,
+ 0,-0.802505,-0.596646,0.5,0.015465,-0.7215,
- -0.992308,0.123790,-0.000000,0.271484,0.132531,-0.500000,
- -0.995686,0.092789,-0.000000,0.262344,0.077813,-0.500000,
- -0.995686,0.092789,-0.000000,0.262344,0.077813,-0.500000,
+ -0.992308,0.12379,0,0.271484,0.132531,-0.5,
+ -0.995686,0.092789,0,0.262344,0.077813,-0.5,
+ -0.995686,0.092789,0,0.262344,0.077813,-0.5,
- -0.995686,0.092789,-0.000000,0.262344,0.077813,-0.500000,
- -0.914719,-0.404091,0.000000,0.261461,0.039819,-0.500000,
- -0.892993,-0.274251,-0.356860,0.277547,0.040123,-0.595141,
- -0.892993,-0.274251,-0.356860,0.277547,0.040123,-0.595141,
+ -0.995686,0.092789,0,0.262344,0.077813,-0.5,
+ -0.914719,-0.404091,0,0.261461,0.039819,-0.5,
+ -0.892993,-0.274251,-0.35686,0.277547,0.040123,-0.595141,
+ -0.892993,-0.274251,-0.35686,0.277547,0.040123,-0.595141,
- -0.995686,0.092789,-0.000000,0.262344,0.077813,-0.500000,
- -0.892993,-0.274251,-0.356860,0.277547,0.040123,-0.595141,
+ -0.995686,0.092789,0,0.262344,0.077813,-0.5,
+ -0.892993,-0.274251,-0.35686,0.277547,0.040123,-0.595141,
- -0.892993,-0.274251,-0.356860,0.277547,0.040123,-0.595141,
+ -0.892993,-0.274251,-0.35686,0.277547,0.040123,-0.595141,
- -0.892993,-0.274251,0.356860,0.277547,0.040123,-0.404859,
- -0.892993,-0.274251,0.356860,0.277547,0.040123,-0.404859,
+ -0.892993,-0.274251,0.35686,0.277547,0.040123,-0.404859,
+ -0.892993,-0.274251,0.35686,0.277547,0.040123,-0.404859,
- -0.892993,-0.274251,0.356860,0.277547,0.040123,-0.404859,
- -0.914719,-0.404091,0.000000,0.261461,0.039819,-0.500000,
- -0.995686,0.092789,-0.000000,0.262344,0.077813,-0.500000,
- -0.995686,0.092789,-0.000000,0.262344,0.077813,-0.500000,
+ -0.892993,-0.274251,0.35686,0.277547,0.040123,-0.404859,
+ -0.914719,-0.404091,0,0.261461,0.039819,-0.5,
+ -0.995686,0.092789,0,0.262344,0.077813,-0.5,
+ -0.995686,0.092789,0,0.262344,0.077813,-0.5,
- -0.892993,-0.274251,0.356860,0.277547,0.040123,-0.404859,
- -0.995686,0.092789,-0.000000,0.262344,0.077813,-0.500000,
- -0.992308,0.123790,-0.000000,0.271484,0.132531,-0.500000,
+ -0.892993,-0.274251,0.35686,0.277547,0.040123,-0.404859,
+ -0.995686,0.092789,0,0.262344,0.077813,-0.5,
+ -0.992308,0.12379,0,0.271484,0.132531,-0.5,
- -0.995686,0.092789,-0.000000,0.262344,0.077813,-0.500000,
+ -0.995686,0.092789,0,0.262344,0.077813,-0.5,
- -0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.417500,
- -0.517064,-0.835523,0.185867,0.294000,0.016681,-0.412500,
+ -0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.4175,
+ -0.517064,-0.835523,0.185867,0.294,0.016681,-0.4125,
- -0.517064,-0.835523,0.185867,0.294000,0.016681,-0.412500,
+ -0.517064,-0.835523,0.185867,0.294,0.016681,-0.4125,
- -0.244558,-0.969635,-0.000000,0.322437,0.000839,-0.500000,
- -0.596646,-0.802505,0.000000,0.278500,0.015465,-0.500000,
- -0.517064,-0.835523,0.185867,0.294000,0.016681,-0.412500,
- -0.244558,-0.969635,-0.000000,0.322437,0.000839,-0.500000,
- -0.517064,-0.835523,0.185867,0.294000,0.016681,-0.412500,
- -0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.417500,
- -0.914719,-0.404091,0.000000,0.261461,0.039819,-0.500000,
- -0.892993,-0.274251,0.356860,0.277547,0.040123,-0.404859,
- -0.517064,-0.835523,0.185867,0.294000,0.016681,-0.412500,
- -0.914719,-0.404091,0.000000,0.261461,0.039819,-0.500000,
- -0.517064,-0.835523,0.185867,0.294000,0.016681,-0.412500,
- -0.596646,-0.802505,0.000000,0.278500,0.015465,-0.500000,
- -0.892993,-0.274251,0.356860,0.277547,0.040123,-0.404859,
+ -0.244558,-0.969635,0,0.322437,0.000839,-0.5,
+ -0.596646,-0.802505,0,0.2785,0.015465,-0.5,
+ -0.517064,-0.835523,0.185867,0.294,0.016681,-0.4125,
+ -0.244558,-0.969635,0,0.322437,0.000839,-0.5,
+ -0.517064,-0.835523,0.185867,0.294,0.016681,-0.4125,
+ -0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.4175,
+ -0.914719,-0.404091,0,0.261461,0.039819,-0.5,
+ -0.892993,-0.274251,0.35686,0.277547,0.040123,-0.404859,
+ -0.517064,-0.835523,0.185867,0.294,0.016681,-0.4125,
+ -0.914719,-0.404091,0,0.261461,0.039819,-0.5,
+ -0.517064,-0.835523,0.185867,0.294,0.016681,-0.4125,
+ -0.596646,-0.802505,0,0.2785,0.015465,-0.5,
+ -0.892993,-0.274251,0.35686,0.277547,0.040123,-0.404859,
- -0.517064,-0.835523,0.185867,0.294000,0.016681,-0.412500,
- -0.892993,-0.274251,0.356860,0.277547,0.040123,-0.404859,
+ -0.517064,-0.835523,0.185867,0.294,0.016681,-0.4125,
+ -0.892993,-0.274251,0.35686,0.277547,0.040123,-0.404859,
- -0.517064,-0.835523,-0.185868,0.294000,0.016681,-0.587500,
+ -0.517064,-0.835523,-0.185868,0.294,0.016681,-0.5875,
- -0.517064,-0.835523,-0.185868,0.294000,0.016681,-0.587500,
- -0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.582500,
+ -0.517064,-0.835523,-0.185868,0.294,0.016681,-0.5875,
+ -0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.5825,
- -0.892993,-0.274251,-0.356860,0.277547,0.040123,-0.595141,
- -0.892993,-0.274251,-0.356860,0.277547,0.040123,-0.595141,
- -0.517064,-0.835523,-0.185868,0.294000,0.016681,-0.587500,
+ -0.892993,-0.274251,-0.35686,0.277547,0.040123,-0.595141,
+ -0.892993,-0.274251,-0.35686,0.277547,0.040123,-0.595141,
+ -0.517064,-0.835523,-0.185868,0.294,0.016681,-0.5875,
- -0.914719,-0.404091,0.000000,0.261461,0.039819,-0.500000,
- -0.596646,-0.802505,0.000000,0.278500,0.015465,-0.500000,
- -0.517064,-0.835523,-0.185868,0.294000,0.016681,-0.587500,
- -0.914719,-0.404091,0.000000,0.261461,0.039819,-0.500000,
- -0.517064,-0.835523,-0.185868,0.294000,0.016681,-0.587500,
- -0.892993,-0.274251,-0.356860,0.277547,0.040123,-0.595141,
- -0.244558,-0.969635,-0.000000,0.322437,0.000839,-0.500000,
- -0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.582500,
- -0.517064,-0.835523,-0.185868,0.294000,0.016681,-0.587500,
- -0.244558,-0.969635,-0.000000,0.322437,0.000839,-0.500000,
- -0.517064,-0.835523,-0.185868,0.294000,0.016681,-0.587500,
- -0.596646,-0.802505,0.000000,0.278500,0.015465,-0.500000,
+ -0.914719,-0.404091,0,0.261461,0.039819,-0.5,
+ -0.596646,-0.802505,0,0.2785,0.015465,-0.5,
+ -0.517064,-0.835523,-0.185868,0.294,0.016681,-0.5875,
+ -0.914719,-0.404091,0,0.261461,0.039819,-0.5,
+ -0.517064,-0.835523,-0.185868,0.294,0.016681,-0.5875,
+ -0.892993,-0.274251,-0.35686,0.277547,0.040123,-0.595141,
+ -0.244558,-0.969635,0,0.322437,0.000839,-0.5,
+ -0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.5825,
+ -0.517064,-0.835523,-0.185868,0.294,0.016681,-0.5875,
+ -0.244558,-0.969635,0,0.322437,0.000839,-0.5,
+ -0.517064,-0.835523,-0.185868,0.294,0.016681,-0.5875,
+ -0.596646,-0.802505,0,0.2785,0.015465,-0.5,
- -0.000000,0.123790,0.992308,0.500000,0.132531,-0.271484,
- -0.000000,0.092789,0.995686,0.500000,0.077813,-0.262344,
- -0.000000,0.092789,0.995686,0.500000,0.077813,-0.262344,
+ 0,0.12379,0.992308,0.5,0.132531,-0.271484,
+ 0,0.092789,0.995686,0.5,0.077813,-0.262344,
+ 0,0.092789,0.995686,0.5,0.077813,-0.262344,
- -0.000000,0.092789,0.995686,0.500000,0.077813,-0.262344,
- 0.000000,-0.404091,0.914719,0.500000,0.039819,-0.261461,
- -0.356860,-0.274251,0.892993,0.404859,0.040123,-0.277547,
- -0.356860,-0.274251,0.892993,0.404859,0.040123,-0.277547,
+ 0,0.092789,0.995686,0.5,0.077813,-0.262344,
+ 0,-0.404091,0.914719,0.5,0.039819,-0.261461,
+ -0.35686,-0.274251,0.892993,0.404859,0.040123,-0.277547,
+ -0.35686,-0.274251,0.892993,0.404859,0.040123,-0.277547,
- -0.000000,0.092789,0.995686,0.500000,0.077813,-0.262344,
- -0.356860,-0.274251,0.892993,0.404859,0.040123,-0.277547,
+ 0,0.092789,0.995686,0.5,0.077813,-0.262344,
+ -0.35686,-0.274251,0.892993,0.404859,0.040123,-0.277547,
- -0.356860,-0.274251,0.892993,0.404859,0.040123,-0.277547,
+ -0.35686,-0.274251,0.892993,0.404859,0.040123,-0.277547,
- 0.356860,-0.274251,0.892993,0.595141,0.040123,-0.277547,
- 0.356860,-0.274251,0.892993,0.595141,0.040123,-0.277547,
+ 0.35686,-0.274251,0.892993,0.595141,0.040123,-0.277547,
+ 0.35686,-0.274251,0.892993,0.595141,0.040123,-0.277547,
- 0.356860,-0.274251,0.892993,0.595141,0.040123,-0.277547,
- 0.000000,-0.404091,0.914719,0.500000,0.039819,-0.261461,
- -0.000000,0.092789,0.995686,0.500000,0.077813,-0.262344,
- -0.000000,0.092789,0.995686,0.500000,0.077813,-0.262344,
+ 0.35686,-0.274251,0.892993,0.595141,0.040123,-0.277547,
+ 0,-0.404091,0.914719,0.5,0.039819,-0.261461,
+ 0,0.092789,0.995686,0.5,0.077813,-0.262344,
+ 0,0.092789,0.995686,0.5,0.077813,-0.262344,
- 0.356860,-0.274251,0.892993,0.595141,0.040123,-0.277547,
- -0.000000,0.092789,0.995686,0.500000,0.077813,-0.262344,
- -0.000000,0.123790,0.992308,0.500000,0.132531,-0.271484,
+ 0.35686,-0.274251,0.892993,0.595141,0.040123,-0.277547,
+ 0,0.092789,0.995686,0.5,0.077813,-0.262344,
+ 0,0.12379,0.992308,0.5,0.132531,-0.271484,
- -0.000000,0.092789,0.995686,0.500000,0.077813,-0.262344,
+ 0,0.092789,0.995686,0.5,0.077813,-0.262344,
- 0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.582500,0.003052,-0.335375,
- 0.185868,-0.835523,0.517064,0.587500,0.016681,-0.294000,
+ 0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.5825,0.003052,-0.335375,
+ 0.185868,-0.835523,0.517064,0.5875,0.016681,-0.294,
- 0.185868,-0.835523,0.517064,0.587500,0.016681,-0.294000,
+ 0.185868,-0.835523,0.517064,0.5875,0.016681,-0.294,
- 0.000000,-0.969635,0.244558,0.500000,0.000839,-0.322437,
- 0.000000,-0.802505,0.596646,0.500000,0.015465,-0.278500,
- 0.185868,-0.835523,0.517064,0.587500,0.016681,-0.294000,
- 0.000000,-0.969635,0.244558,0.500000,0.000839,-0.322437,
- 0.185868,-0.835523,0.517064,0.587500,0.016681,-0.294000,
- 0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.582500,0.003052,-0.335375,
- 0.000000,-0.404091,0.914719,0.500000,0.039819,-0.261461,
- 0.356860,-0.274251,0.892993,0.595141,0.040123,-0.277547,
- 0.185868,-0.835523,0.517064,0.587500,0.016681,-0.294000,
- 0.000000,-0.404091,0.914719,0.500000,0.039819,-0.261461,
- 0.185868,-0.835523,0.517064,0.587500,0.016681,-0.294000,
- 0.000000,-0.802505,0.596646,0.500000,0.015465,-0.278500,
- 0.356860,-0.274251,0.892993,0.595141,0.040123,-0.277547,
+ 0,-0.969635,0.244558,0.5,0.000839,-0.322437,
+ 0,-0.802505,0.596646,0.5,0.015465,-0.2785,
+ 0.185868,-0.835523,0.517064,0.5875,0.016681,-0.294,
+ 0,-0.969635,0.244558,0.5,0.000839,-0.322437,
+ 0.185868,-0.835523,0.517064,0.5875,0.016681,-0.294,
+ 0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.5825,0.003052,-0.335375,
+ 0,-0.404091,0.914719,0.5,0.039819,-0.261461,
+ 0.35686,-0.274251,0.892993,0.595141,0.040123,-0.277547,
+ 0.185868,-0.835523,0.517064,0.5875,0.016681,-0.294,
+ 0,-0.404091,0.914719,0.5,0.039819,-0.261461,
+ 0.185868,-0.835523,0.517064,0.5875,0.016681,-0.294,
+ 0,-0.802505,0.596646,0.5,0.015465,-0.2785,
+ 0.35686,-0.274251,0.892993,0.595141,0.040123,-0.277547,
- 0.185868,-0.835523,0.517064,0.587500,0.016681,-0.294000,
- 0.356860,-0.274251,0.892993,0.595141,0.040123,-0.277547,
+ 0.185868,-0.835523,0.517064,0.5875,0.016681,-0.294,
+ 0.35686,-0.274251,0.892993,0.595141,0.040123,-0.277547,
- -0.185867,-0.835523,0.517064,0.412500,0.016681,-0.294000,
+ -0.185867,-0.835523,0.517064,0.4125,0.016681,-0.294,
- -0.185867,-0.835523,0.517064,0.412500,0.016681,-0.294000,
- -0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.417500,0.003052,-0.335375,
+ -0.185867,-0.835523,0.517064,0.4125,0.016681,-0.294,
+ -0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.4175,0.003052,-0.335375,
- -0.356860,-0.274251,0.892993,0.404859,0.040123,-0.277547,
- -0.356860,-0.274251,0.892993,0.404859,0.040123,-0.277547,
- -0.185867,-0.835523,0.517064,0.412500,0.016681,-0.294000,
+ -0.35686,-0.274251,0.892993,0.404859,0.040123,-0.277547,
+ -0.35686,-0.274251,0.892993,0.404859,0.040123,-0.277547,
+ -0.185867,-0.835523,0.517064,0.4125,0.016681,-0.294,
- 0.000000,-0.404091,0.914719,0.500000,0.039819,-0.261461,
- 0.000000,-0.802505,0.596646,0.500000,0.015465,-0.278500,
- -0.185867,-0.835523,0.517064,0.412500,0.016681,-0.294000,
- 0.000000,-0.404091,0.914719,0.500000,0.039819,-0.261461,
- -0.185867,-0.835523,0.517064,0.412500,0.016681,-0.294000,
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- 0.000000,-0.969635,0.244558,0.500000,0.000839,-0.322437,
- -0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.417500,0.003052,-0.335375,
- -0.185867,-0.835523,0.517064,0.412500,0.016681,-0.294000,
- 0.000000,-0.969635,0.244558,0.500000,0.000839,-0.322437,
- -0.185867,-0.835523,0.517064,0.412500,0.016681,-0.294000,
- 0.000000,-0.802505,0.596646,0.500000,0.015465,-0.278500,
+ 0,-0.404091,0.914719,0.5,0.039819,-0.261461,
+ 0,-0.802505,0.596646,0.5,0.015465,-0.2785,
+ -0.185867,-0.835523,0.517064,0.4125,0.016681,-0.294,
+ 0,-0.404091,0.914719,0.5,0.039819,-0.261461,
+ -0.185867,-0.835523,0.517064,0.4125,0.016681,-0.294,
+ -0.35686,-0.274251,0.892993,0.404859,0.040123,-0.277547,
+ 0,-0.969635,0.244558,0.5,0.000839,-0.322437,
+ -0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.4175,0.003052,-0.335375,
+ -0.185867,-0.835523,0.517064,0.4125,0.016681,-0.294,
+ 0,-0.969635,0.244558,0.5,0.000839,-0.322437,
+ -0.185867,-0.835523,0.517064,0.4125,0.016681,-0.294,
+ 0,-0.802505,0.596646,0.5,0.015465,-0.2785,
- 0.100277,-0.976969,-0.188350,0.582500,0.003052,-0.664625,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.590500,-0.005194,-0.590500,
+ 0.100277,-0.976969,-0.18835,0.5825,0.003052,-0.664625,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.5905,-0.005194,-0.5905,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.590500,-0.005194,-0.590500,
- 0.188350,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.582500,
- 0.100277,-0.976969,-0.188350,0.582500,0.003052,-0.664625,
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- 0.000000,-0.996384,-0.084960,0.500000,-0.007972,-0.597750,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,-0.084960,0.500000,-0.007972,-0.597750,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.590500,-0.005194,-0.590500,
- 0.100277,-0.976969,-0.188350,0.582500,0.003052,-0.664625,
- -0.000000,-1.000000,0.000000,0.500000,-0.010924,-0.500000,
- 0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,0.597750,-0.007972,-0.500000,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.590500,-0.005194,-0.590500,
- -0.000000,-1.000000,0.000000,0.500000,-0.010924,-0.500000,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.590500,-0.005194,-0.590500,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,-0.084960,0.500000,-0.007972,-0.597750,
- 0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,0.597750,-0.007972,-0.500000,
- 0.244558,-0.969635,-0.000000,0.677562,0.000839,-0.500000,
- 0.188350,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.582500,
- 0.188350,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.582500,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.590500,-0.005194,-0.590500,
- 0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,0.597750,-0.007972,-0.500000,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.5905,-0.005194,-0.5905,
+ 0.18835,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.5825,
+ 0.100277,-0.976969,-0.18835,0.5825,0.003052,-0.664625,
+ 0,-0.969635,-0.244558,0.5,0.000839,-0.677562,
+ 0,-0.996384,-0.08496,0.5,-0.007972,-0.59775,
+ 0,-0.996384,-0.08496,0.5,-0.007972,-0.59775,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.5905,-0.005194,-0.5905,
+ 0.100277,-0.976969,-0.18835,0.5825,0.003052,-0.664625,
+ 0,-1,0,0.5,-0.010924,-0.5,
+ 0.08496,-0.996384,0,0.59775,-0.007972,-0.5,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.5905,-0.005194,-0.5905,
+ 0,-1,0,0.5,-0.010924,-0.5,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.5905,-0.005194,-0.5905,
+ 0,-0.996384,-0.08496,0.5,-0.007972,-0.59775,
+ 0.08496,-0.996384,0,0.59775,-0.007972,-0.5,
+ 0.244558,-0.969635,0,0.677562,0.000839,-0.5,
+ 0.18835,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.5825,
+ 0.18835,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.5825,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.5905,-0.005194,-0.5905,
+ 0.08496,-0.996384,0,0.59775,-0.007972,-0.5,
- -0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.582500,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.409500,-0.005194,-0.590500,
+ -0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.5825,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.4095,-0.005194,-0.5905,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.409500,-0.005194,-0.590500,
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- -0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.582500,
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- -0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,0.402250,-0.007972,-0.500000,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.409500,-0.005194,-0.590500,
- -0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.582500,
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- 0.000000,-0.996384,-0.084960,0.500000,-0.007972,-0.597750,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.409500,-0.005194,-0.590500,
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- -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.409500,-0.005194,-0.590500,
- -0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,0.402250,-0.007972,-0.500000,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,-0.084960,0.500000,-0.007972,-0.597750,
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- -0.100277,-0.976969,-0.188350,0.417500,0.003052,-0.664625,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.409500,-0.005194,-0.590500,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,-0.084960,0.500000,-0.007972,-0.597750,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.4095,-0.005194,-0.5905,
+ -0.100277,-0.976969,-0.18835,0.4175,0.003052,-0.664625,
+ -0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.5825,
+ -0.244558,-0.969635,0,0.322437,0.000839,-0.5,
+ -0.08496,-0.996384,0,0.40225,-0.007972,-0.5,
+ -0.08496,-0.996384,0,0.40225,-0.007972,-0.5,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.4095,-0.005194,-0.5905,
+ -0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.5825,
+ 0,-1,0,0.5,-0.010924,-0.5,
+ 0,-0.996384,-0.08496,0.5,-0.007972,-0.59775,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.4095,-0.005194,-0.5905,
+ 0,-1,0,0.5,-0.010924,-0.5,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.4095,-0.005194,-0.5905,
+ -0.08496,-0.996384,0,0.40225,-0.007972,-0.5,
+ 0,-0.996384,-0.08496,0.5,-0.007972,-0.59775,
+ 0,-0.969635,-0.244558,0.5,0.000839,-0.677562,
+ -0.100277,-0.976969,-0.18835,0.4175,0.003052,-0.664625,
+ -0.100277,-0.976969,-0.18835,0.4175,0.003052,-0.664625,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.4095,-0.005194,-0.5905,
+ 0,-0.996384,-0.08496,0.5,-0.007972,-0.59775,
- -0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.417500,0.003052,-0.335375,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.409500,-0.005194,-0.409500,
+ -0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.4175,0.003052,-0.335375,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.4095,-0.005194,-0.4095,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.409500,-0.005194,-0.409500,
- -0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.417500,
- -0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.417500,0.003052,-0.335375,
- 0.000000,-0.969635,0.244558,0.500000,0.000839,-0.322437,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,0.084960,0.500000,-0.007972,-0.402250,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,0.084960,0.500000,-0.007972,-0.402250,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.409500,-0.005194,-0.409500,
- -0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.417500,0.003052,-0.335375,
- -0.000000,-1.000000,0.000000,0.500000,-0.010924,-0.500000,
- -0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,0.402250,-0.007972,-0.500000,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.409500,-0.005194,-0.409500,
- -0.000000,-1.000000,0.000000,0.500000,-0.010924,-0.500000,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.409500,-0.005194,-0.409500,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,0.084960,0.500000,-0.007972,-0.402250,
- -0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,0.402250,-0.007972,-0.500000,
- -0.244558,-0.969635,-0.000000,0.322437,0.000839,-0.500000,
- -0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.417500,
- -0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.417500,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.409500,-0.005194,-0.409500,
- -0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,0.402250,-0.007972,-0.500000,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.4095,-0.005194,-0.4095,
+ -0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.4175,
+ -0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.4175,0.003052,-0.335375,
+ 0,-0.969635,0.244558,0.5,0.000839,-0.322437,
+ 0,-0.996384,0.08496,0.5,-0.007972,-0.40225,
+ 0,-0.996384,0.08496,0.5,-0.007972,-0.40225,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.4095,-0.005194,-0.4095,
+ -0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.4175,0.003052,-0.335375,
+ 0,-1,0,0.5,-0.010924,-0.5,
+ -0.08496,-0.996384,0,0.40225,-0.007972,-0.5,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.4095,-0.005194,-0.4095,
+ 0,-1,0,0.5,-0.010924,-0.5,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.4095,-0.005194,-0.4095,
+ 0,-0.996384,0.08496,0.5,-0.007972,-0.40225,
+ -0.08496,-0.996384,0,0.40225,-0.007972,-0.5,
+ -0.244558,-0.969635,0,0.322437,0.000839,-0.5,
+ -0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.4175,
+ -0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.4175,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.4095,-0.005194,-0.4095,
+ -0.08496,-0.996384,0,0.40225,-0.007972,-0.5,
- 0.188350,-0.976969,0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.417500,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.590500,-0.005194,-0.409500,
+ 0.18835,-0.976969,0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.4175,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.5905,-0.005194,-0.4095,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.590500,-0.005194,-0.409500,
- 0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.582500,0.003052,-0.335375,
- 0.188350,-0.976969,0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.417500,
- 0.244558,-0.969635,-0.000000,0.677562,0.000839,-0.500000,
- 0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,0.597750,-0.007972,-0.500000,
- 0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,0.597750,-0.007972,-0.500000,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.590500,-0.005194,-0.409500,
- 0.188350,-0.976969,0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.417500,
- -0.000000,-1.000000,0.000000,0.500000,-0.010924,-0.500000,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,0.084960,0.500000,-0.007972,-0.402250,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.590500,-0.005194,-0.409500,
- -0.000000,-1.000000,0.000000,0.500000,-0.010924,-0.500000,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.590500,-0.005194,-0.409500,
- 0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,0.597750,-0.007972,-0.500000,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,0.084960,0.500000,-0.007972,-0.402250,
- 0.000000,-0.969635,0.244558,0.500000,0.000839,-0.322437,
- 0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.582500,0.003052,-0.335375,
- 0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.582500,0.003052,-0.335375,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.590500,-0.005194,-0.409500,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,0.084960,0.500000,-0.007972,-0.402250,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.5905,-0.005194,-0.4095,
+ 0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.5825,0.003052,-0.335375,
+ 0.18835,-0.976969,0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.4175,
+ 0.244558,-0.969635,0,0.677562,0.000839,-0.5,
+ 0.08496,-0.996384,0,0.59775,-0.007972,-0.5,
+ 0.08496,-0.996384,0,0.59775,-0.007972,-0.5,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.5905,-0.005194,-0.4095,
+ 0.18835,-0.976969,0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.4175,
+ 0,-1,0,0.5,-0.010924,-0.5,
+ 0,-0.996384,0.08496,0.5,-0.007972,-0.40225,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.5905,-0.005194,-0.4095,
+ 0,-1,0,0.5,-0.010924,-0.5,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.5905,-0.005194,-0.4095,
+ 0.08496,-0.996384,0,0.59775,-0.007972,-0.5,
+ 0,-0.996384,0.08496,0.5,-0.007972,-0.40225,
+ 0,-0.969635,0.244558,0.5,0.000839,-0.322437,
+ 0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.5825,0.003052,-0.335375,
+ 0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.5825,0.003052,-0.335375,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.5905,-0.005194,-0.4095,
+ 0,-0.996384,0.08496,0.5,-0.007972,-0.40225,
static const struct gllist frame={GL_N3F_V3F,GL_TRIANGLES,1728,data,NULL};
const struct gllist *s1_1=&frame;
#include "gllist.h"
static const float data[]={
- 0.744225,-0.021430,-0.667585,0.865458,0.513412,-0.690781,
- 0.945978,-0.110612,-0.304781,0.915250,0.499050,-0.604062,
- 0.919806,-0.190639,-0.342948,0.925000,0.532253,-0.600125,
- 0.744225,-0.021430,-0.667585,0.865458,0.513412,-0.690781,
- 0.919806,-0.190639,-0.342948,0.925000,0.532253,-0.600125,
- 0.749601,-0.056270,-0.659493,0.877427,0.547520,-0.683563,
- 0.980435,-0.196846,0.000000,0.931847,0.494263,-0.500000,
- 0.981457,-0.191681,-0.000000,0.940858,0.527164,-0.500000,
- 0.919806,-0.190639,-0.342948,0.925000,0.532253,-0.600125,
- 0.980435,-0.196846,0.000000,0.931847,0.494263,-0.500000,
- 0.919806,-0.190639,-0.342948,0.925000,0.532253,-0.600125,
- 0.945978,-0.110612,-0.304781,0.915250,0.499050,-0.604062,
- 0.981457,-0.191681,-0.000000,0.940858,0.527164,-0.500000,
- 0.973132,0.230250,-0.000000,0.945338,0.554869,-0.500000,
- 0.932108,0.142863,-0.332815,0.929810,0.559801,-0.596406,
- 0.932108,0.142863,-0.332815,0.929810,0.559801,-0.596406,
- 0.919806,-0.190639,-0.342948,0.925000,0.532253,-0.600125,
- 0.981457,-0.191681,-0.000000,0.940858,0.527164,-0.500000,
- 0.932108,0.142863,-0.332815,0.929810,0.559801,-0.596406,
- 0.692376,0.299844,-0.656284,0.883750,0.575062,-0.676859,
- 0.749601,-0.056270,-0.659493,0.877427,0.547520,-0.683563,
- 0.749601,-0.056270,-0.659493,0.877427,0.547520,-0.683563,
- 0.919806,-0.190639,-0.342948,0.925000,0.532253,-0.600125,
- 0.932108,0.142863,-0.332815,0.929810,0.559801,-0.596406,
- 0.744225,-0.021430,0.667585,0.865458,0.513412,-0.309219,
- 0.749602,-0.056270,0.659493,0.877427,0.547520,-0.316437,
- 0.919806,-0.190639,0.342948,0.925000,0.532253,-0.399875,
- 0.744225,-0.021430,0.667585,0.865458,0.513412,-0.309219,
- 0.919806,-0.190639,0.342948,0.925000,0.532253,-0.399875,
- 0.945978,-0.110612,0.304781,0.915250,0.499050,-0.395938,
- 0.749602,-0.056270,0.659493,0.877427,0.547520,-0.316437,
- 0.692376,0.299843,0.656284,0.883750,0.575062,-0.323141,
- 0.932108,0.142863,0.332815,0.929810,0.559801,-0.403594,
- 0.932108,0.142863,0.332815,0.929810,0.559801,-0.403594,
- 0.919806,-0.190639,0.342948,0.925000,0.532253,-0.399875,
- 0.749602,-0.056270,0.659493,0.877427,0.547520,-0.316437,
- 0.932108,0.142863,0.332815,0.929810,0.559801,-0.403594,
- 0.973132,0.230250,-0.000000,0.945338,0.554869,-0.500000,
- 0.981457,-0.191681,-0.000000,0.940858,0.527164,-0.500000,
- 0.981457,-0.191681,-0.000000,0.940858,0.527164,-0.500000,
- 0.919806,-0.190639,0.342948,0.925000,0.532253,-0.399875,
- 0.932108,0.142863,0.332815,0.929810,0.559801,-0.403594,
- 0.980435,-0.196846,0.000000,0.931847,0.494263,-0.500000,
- 0.945978,-0.110612,0.304781,0.915250,0.499050,-0.395938,
- 0.919806,-0.190639,0.342948,0.925000,0.532253,-0.399875,
- 0.980435,-0.196846,0.000000,0.931847,0.494263,-0.500000,
- 0.919806,-0.190639,0.342948,0.925000,0.532253,-0.399875,
- 0.981457,-0.191681,-0.000000,0.940858,0.527164,-0.500000,
+ 0.744225,-0.02143,-0.667585,0.865458,0.513412,-0.690781,
+ 0.945978,-0.110612,-0.304781,0.91525,0.49905,-0.604062,
+ 0.919806,-0.190639,-0.342948,0.925,0.532253,-0.600125,
+ 0.744225,-0.02143,-0.667585,0.865458,0.513412,-0.690781,
+ 0.919806,-0.190639,-0.342948,0.925,0.532253,-0.600125,
+ 0.749601,-0.05627,-0.659493,0.877427,0.54752,-0.683563,
+ 0.980435,-0.196846,0,0.931847,0.494263,-0.5,
+ 0.981457,-0.191681,0,0.940858,0.527164,-0.5,
+ 0.919806,-0.190639,-0.342948,0.925,0.532253,-0.600125,
+ 0.980435,-0.196846,0,0.931847,0.494263,-0.5,
+ 0.919806,-0.190639,-0.342948,0.925,0.532253,-0.600125,
+ 0.945978,-0.110612,-0.304781,0.91525,0.49905,-0.604062,
+ 0.981457,-0.191681,0,0.940858,0.527164,-0.5,
+ 0.973132,0.23025,0,0.945338,0.554869,-0.5,
+ 0.932108,0.142863,-0.332815,0.92981,0.559801,-0.596406,
+ 0.932108,0.142863,-0.332815,0.92981,0.559801,-0.596406,
+ 0.919806,-0.190639,-0.342948,0.925,0.532253,-0.600125,
+ 0.981457,-0.191681,0,0.940858,0.527164,-0.5,
+ 0.932108,0.142863,-0.332815,0.92981,0.559801,-0.596406,
+ 0.692376,0.299844,-0.656284,0.88375,0.575062,-0.676859,
+ 0.749601,-0.05627,-0.659493,0.877427,0.54752,-0.683563,
+ 0.749601,-0.05627,-0.659493,0.877427,0.54752,-0.683563,
+ 0.919806,-0.190639,-0.342948,0.925,0.532253,-0.600125,
+ 0.932108,0.142863,-0.332815,0.92981,0.559801,-0.596406,
+ 0.744225,-0.02143,0.667585,0.865458,0.513412,-0.309219,
+ 0.749602,-0.05627,0.659493,0.877427,0.54752,-0.316437,
+ 0.919806,-0.190639,0.342948,0.925,0.532253,-0.399875,
+ 0.744225,-0.02143,0.667585,0.865458,0.513412,-0.309219,
+ 0.919806,-0.190639,0.342948,0.925,0.532253,-0.399875,
+ 0.945978,-0.110612,0.304781,0.91525,0.49905,-0.395938,
+ 0.749602,-0.05627,0.659493,0.877427,0.54752,-0.316437,
+ 0.692376,0.299843,0.656284,0.88375,0.575062,-0.323141,
+ 0.932108,0.142863,0.332815,0.92981,0.559801,-0.403594,
+ 0.932108,0.142863,0.332815,0.92981,0.559801,-0.403594,
+ 0.919806,-0.190639,0.342948,0.925,0.532253,-0.399875,
+ 0.749602,-0.05627,0.659493,0.877427,0.54752,-0.316437,
+ 0.932108,0.142863,0.332815,0.92981,0.559801,-0.403594,
+ 0.973132,0.23025,0,0.945338,0.554869,-0.5,
+ 0.981457,-0.191681,0,0.940858,0.527164,-0.5,
+ 0.981457,-0.191681,0,0.940858,0.527164,-0.5,
+ 0.919806,-0.190639,0.342948,0.925,0.532253,-0.399875,
+ 0.932108,0.142863,0.332815,0.92981,0.559801,-0.403594,
+ 0.980435,-0.196846,0,0.931847,0.494263,-0.5,
+ 0.945978,-0.110612,0.304781,0.91525,0.49905,-0.395938,
+ 0.919806,-0.190639,0.342948,0.925,0.532253,-0.399875,
+ 0.980435,-0.196846,0,0.931847,0.494263,-0.5,
+ 0.919806,-0.190639,0.342948,0.925,0.532253,-0.399875,
+ 0.981457,-0.191681,0,0.940858,0.527164,-0.5,
- 0.496158,0.862422,0.100278,0.884513,0.611054,-0.417500,
- 0.729041,0.662418,0.172342,0.919197,0.584697,-0.412500,
+ 0.496158,0.862422,0.100278,0.884513,0.611054,-0.4175,
+ 0.729041,0.662418,0.172342,0.919197,0.584697,-0.4125,
- 0.729041,0.662418,0.172342,0.919197,0.584697,-0.412500,
- 0.634483,0.691277,0.345786,0.876135,0.598240,-0.339125,
- 0.546916,0.837188,0.000000,0.897467,0.608935,-0.500000,
- 0.788799,0.614652,0.000000,0.934249,0.580800,-0.500000,
- 0.729041,0.662418,0.172342,0.919197,0.584697,-0.412500,
- 0.546916,0.837188,0.000000,0.897467,0.608935,-0.500000,
- 0.729041,0.662418,0.172342,0.919197,0.584697,-0.412500,
- 0.496158,0.862422,0.100278,0.884513,0.611054,-0.417500,
- 0.973132,0.230250,-0.000000,0.945338,0.554869,-0.500000,
- 0.932108,0.142863,0.332815,0.929810,0.559801,-0.403594,
- 0.729041,0.662418,0.172342,0.919197,0.584697,-0.412500,
- 0.973132,0.230250,-0.000000,0.945338,0.554869,-0.500000,
- 0.729041,0.662418,0.172342,0.919197,0.584697,-0.412500,
- 0.788799,0.614652,0.000000,0.934249,0.580800,-0.500000,
- 0.932108,0.142863,0.332815,0.929810,0.559801,-0.403594,
- 0.692376,0.299843,0.656284,0.883750,0.575062,-0.323141,
- 0.634483,0.691277,0.345786,0.876135,0.598240,-0.339125,
- 0.634483,0.691277,0.345786,0.876135,0.598240,-0.339125,
- 0.729041,0.662418,0.172342,0.919197,0.584697,-0.412500,
- 0.932108,0.142863,0.332815,0.929810,0.559801,-0.403594,
+ 0.729041,0.662418,0.172342,0.919197,0.584697,-0.4125,
+ 0.634483,0.691277,0.345786,0.876135,0.59824,-0.339125,
+ 0.546916,0.837188,0,0.897467,0.608935,-0.5,
+ 0.788799,0.614652,0,0.934249,0.5808,-0.5,
+ 0.729041,0.662418,0.172342,0.919197,0.584697,-0.4125,
+ 0.546916,0.837188,0,0.897467,0.608935,-0.5,
+ 0.729041,0.662418,0.172342,0.919197,0.584697,-0.4125,
+ 0.496158,0.862422,0.100278,0.884513,0.611054,-0.4175,
+ 0.973132,0.23025,0,0.945338,0.554869,-0.5,
+ 0.932108,0.142863,0.332815,0.92981,0.559801,-0.403594,
+ 0.729041,0.662418,0.172342,0.919197,0.584697,-0.4125,
+ 0.973132,0.23025,0,0.945338,0.554869,-0.5,
+ 0.729041,0.662418,0.172342,0.919197,0.584697,-0.4125,
+ 0.788799,0.614652,0,0.934249,0.5808,-0.5,
+ 0.932108,0.142863,0.332815,0.92981,0.559801,-0.403594,
+ 0.692376,0.299843,0.656284,0.88375,0.575062,-0.323141,
+ 0.634483,0.691277,0.345786,0.876135,0.59824,-0.339125,
+ 0.634483,0.691277,0.345786,0.876135,0.59824,-0.339125,
+ 0.729041,0.662418,0.172342,0.919197,0.584697,-0.4125,
+ 0.932108,0.142863,0.332815,0.92981,0.559801,-0.403594,
- 0.634482,0.691277,-0.345786,0.876135,0.598240,-0.660875,
- 0.729041,0.662418,-0.172342,0.919197,0.584697,-0.587500,
+ 0.634482,0.691277,-0.345786,0.876135,0.59824,-0.660875,
+ 0.729041,0.662418,-0.172342,0.919197,0.584697,-0.5875,
- 0.729041,0.662418,-0.172342,0.919197,0.584697,-0.587500,
- 0.496158,0.862422,-0.100277,0.884513,0.611054,-0.582500,
- 0.634482,0.691277,-0.345786,0.876135,0.598240,-0.660875,
- 0.692376,0.299844,-0.656284,0.883750,0.575062,-0.676859,
- 0.932108,0.142863,-0.332815,0.929810,0.559801,-0.596406,
- 0.932108,0.142863,-0.332815,0.929810,0.559801,-0.596406,
- 0.729041,0.662418,-0.172342,0.919197,0.584697,-0.587500,
- 0.634482,0.691277,-0.345786,0.876135,0.598240,-0.660875,
- 0.973132,0.230250,-0.000000,0.945338,0.554869,-0.500000,
- 0.788799,0.614652,0.000000,0.934249,0.580800,-0.500000,
- 0.729041,0.662418,-0.172342,0.919197,0.584697,-0.587500,
- 0.973132,0.230250,-0.000000,0.945338,0.554869,-0.500000,
- 0.729041,0.662418,-0.172342,0.919197,0.584697,-0.587500,
- 0.932108,0.142863,-0.332815,0.929810,0.559801,-0.596406,
- 0.546916,0.837188,0.000000,0.897467,0.608935,-0.500000,
- 0.496158,0.862422,-0.100277,0.884513,0.611054,-0.582500,
- 0.729041,0.662418,-0.172342,0.919197,0.584697,-0.587500,
- 0.546916,0.837188,0.000000,0.897467,0.608935,-0.500000,
- 0.729041,0.662418,-0.172342,0.919197,0.584697,-0.587500,
- 0.788799,0.614652,0.000000,0.934249,0.580800,-0.500000,
- 0.744225,-0.021430,0.667585,0.865458,0.513412,-0.309219,
+ 0.729041,0.662418,-0.172342,0.919197,0.584697,-0.5875,
+ 0.496158,0.862422,-0.100277,0.884513,0.611054,-0.5825,
+ 0.634482,0.691277,-0.345786,0.876135,0.59824,-0.660875,
+ 0.692376,0.299844,-0.656284,0.88375,0.575062,-0.676859,
+ 0.932108,0.142863,-0.332815,0.92981,0.559801,-0.596406,
+ 0.932108,0.142863,-0.332815,0.92981,0.559801,-0.596406,
+ 0.729041,0.662418,-0.172342,0.919197,0.584697,-0.5875,
+ 0.634482,0.691277,-0.345786,0.876135,0.59824,-0.660875,
+ 0.973132,0.23025,0,0.945338,0.554869,-0.5,
+ 0.788799,0.614652,0,0.934249,0.5808,-0.5,
+ 0.729041,0.662418,-0.172342,0.919197,0.584697,-0.5875,
+ 0.973132,0.23025,0,0.945338,0.554869,-0.5,
+ 0.729041,0.662418,-0.172342,0.919197,0.584697,-0.5875,
+ 0.932108,0.142863,-0.332815,0.92981,0.559801,-0.596406,
+ 0.546916,0.837188,0,0.897467,0.608935,-0.5,
+ 0.496158,0.862422,-0.100277,0.884513,0.611054,-0.5825,
+ 0.729041,0.662418,-0.172342,0.919197,0.584697,-0.5875,
+ 0.546916,0.837188,0,0.897467,0.608935,-0.5,
+ 0.729041,0.662418,-0.172342,0.919197,0.584697,-0.5875,
+ 0.788799,0.614652,0,0.934249,0.5808,-0.5,
+ 0.744225,-0.02143,0.667585,0.865458,0.513412,-0.309219,
- 0.744225,-0.021430,0.667585,0.865458,0.513412,-0.309219,
+ 0.744225,-0.02143,0.667585,0.865458,0.513412,-0.309219,
- 0.749602,-0.056270,0.659493,0.877427,0.547520,-0.316437,
+ 0.749602,-0.05627,0.659493,0.877427,0.54752,-0.316437,
- 0.075758,0.234707,0.969110,0.702992,0.603501,-0.249687,
- 0.075758,0.234707,0.969110,0.702992,0.603501,-0.249687,
+ 0.075758,0.234707,0.96911,0.702992,0.603501,-0.249687,
+ 0.075758,0.234707,0.96911,0.702992,0.603501,-0.249687,
- 0.446948,0.373871,0.812686,0.807680,0.601112,-0.274594,
+ 0.446948,0.373871,0.812686,0.80768,0.601112,-0.274594,
- 0.075758,0.234707,0.969110,0.702992,0.603501,-0.249687,
- 0.692376,0.299843,0.656284,0.883750,0.575062,-0.323141,
- 0.749602,-0.056270,0.659493,0.877427,0.547520,-0.316437,
+ 0.075758,0.234707,0.96911,0.702992,0.603501,-0.249687,
+ 0.692376,0.299843,0.656284,0.88375,0.575062,-0.323141,
+ 0.749602,-0.05627,0.659493,0.877427,0.54752,-0.316437,
- 0.692376,0.299843,0.656284,0.883750,0.575062,-0.323141,
+ 0.692376,0.299843,0.656284,0.88375,0.575062,-0.323141,
- 0.446948,0.373871,0.812686,0.807680,0.601112,-0.274594,
+ 0.446948,0.373871,0.812686,0.80768,0.601112,-0.274594,
- -0.227561,0.374378,0.898920,0.607846,0.634036,-0.266375,
+ -0.227561,0.374378,0.89892,0.607846,0.634036,-0.266375,
- -0.227561,0.374378,0.898920,0.607846,0.634036,-0.266375,
+ -0.227561,0.374378,0.89892,0.607846,0.634036,-0.266375,
- -0.227561,0.374378,0.898920,0.607846,0.634036,-0.266375,
+ -0.227561,0.374378,0.89892,0.607846,0.634036,-0.266375,
- 0.075758,0.234707,0.969110,0.702992,0.603501,-0.249687,
- 0.075758,0.234707,0.969110,0.702992,0.603501,-0.249687,
- -0.227561,0.374378,0.898920,0.607846,0.634036,-0.266375,
+ 0.075758,0.234707,0.96911,0.702992,0.603501,-0.249687,
+ 0.075758,0.234707,0.96911,0.702992,0.603501,-0.249687,
+ -0.227561,0.374378,0.89892,0.607846,0.634036,-0.266375,
- -0.227561,0.374378,0.898920,0.607846,0.634036,-0.266375,
+ -0.227561,0.374378,0.89892,0.607846,0.634036,-0.266375,
- -0.227561,0.374378,0.898920,0.607846,0.634036,-0.266375,
- 0.075758,0.234707,0.969110,0.702992,0.603501,-0.249687,
+ -0.227561,0.374378,0.89892,0.607846,0.634036,-0.266375,
+ 0.075758,0.234707,0.96911,0.702992,0.603501,-0.249687,
- 0.226858,0.951027,0.209959,0.650852,0.691510,-0.335375,
- 0.096538,0.861150,0.499100,0.641688,0.680252,-0.294000,
+ 0.226858,0.951027,0.209959,0.650852,0.69151,-0.335375,
+ 0.096538,0.86115,0.4991,0.641688,0.680252,-0.294,
- 0.096538,0.861150,0.499100,0.641688,0.680252,-0.294000,
+ 0.096538,0.86115,0.4991,0.641688,0.680252,-0.294,
- 0.226858,0.951027,0.209959,0.650852,0.691510,-0.335375,
+ 0.226858,0.951027,0.209959,0.650852,0.69151,-0.335375,
- 0.268100,0.824460,0.498385,0.724816,0.652913,-0.278500,
- 0.268100,0.824460,0.498385,0.724816,0.652913,-0.278500,
- 0.096538,0.861150,0.499100,0.641688,0.680252,-0.294000,
- 0.226858,0.951027,0.209959,0.650852,0.691510,-0.335375,
+ 0.2681,0.82446,0.498385,0.724816,0.652913,-0.2785,
+ 0.2681,0.82446,0.498385,0.724816,0.652913,-0.2785,
+ 0.096538,0.86115,0.4991,0.641688,0.680252,-0.294,
+ 0.226858,0.951027,0.209959,0.650852,0.69151,-0.335375,
- 0.096538,0.861150,0.499100,0.641688,0.680252,-0.294000,
+ 0.096538,0.86115,0.4991,0.641688,0.680252,-0.294,
- 0.096538,0.861150,0.499100,0.641688,0.680252,-0.294000,
- 0.268100,0.824460,0.498385,0.724816,0.652913,-0.278500,
+ 0.096538,0.86115,0.4991,0.641688,0.680252,-0.294,
+ 0.2681,0.82446,0.498385,0.724816,0.652913,-0.2785,
- 0.096538,0.861150,0.499100,0.641688,0.680252,-0.294000,
+ 0.096538,0.86115,0.4991,0.641688,0.680252,-0.294,
- 0.634483,0.691277,0.345786,0.876135,0.598240,-0.339125,
- 0.634483,0.691277,0.345786,0.876135,0.598240,-0.339125,
- 0.454725,0.723574,0.519294,0.807153,0.623277,-0.294000,
+ 0.634483,0.691277,0.345786,0.876135,0.59824,-0.339125,
+ 0.634483,0.691277,0.345786,0.876135,0.59824,-0.339125,
+ 0.454725,0.723574,0.519294,0.807153,0.623277,-0.294,
- 0.692376,0.299843,0.656284,0.883750,0.575062,-0.323141,
- 0.446948,0.373871,0.812686,0.807680,0.601112,-0.274594,
- 0.454725,0.723574,0.519294,0.807153,0.623277,-0.294000,
- 0.692376,0.299843,0.656284,0.883750,0.575062,-0.323141,
- 0.454725,0.723574,0.519294,0.807153,0.623277,-0.294000,
- 0.634483,0.691277,0.345786,0.876135,0.598240,-0.339125,
+ 0.692376,0.299843,0.656284,0.88375,0.575062,-0.323141,
+ 0.446948,0.373871,0.812686,0.80768,0.601112,-0.274594,
+ 0.454725,0.723574,0.519294,0.807153,0.623277,-0.294,
+ 0.692376,0.299843,0.656284,0.88375,0.575062,-0.323141,
+ 0.454725,0.723574,0.519294,0.807153,0.623277,-0.294,
+ 0.634483,0.691277,0.345786,0.876135,0.59824,-0.339125,
- 0.268100,0.824460,0.498385,0.724816,0.652913,-0.278500,
- 0.454725,0.723574,0.519294,0.807153,0.623277,-0.294000,
+ 0.2681,0.82446,0.498385,0.724816,0.652913,-0.2785,
+ 0.454725,0.723574,0.519294,0.807153,0.623277,-0.294,
- 0.454725,0.723574,0.519294,0.807153,0.623277,-0.294000,
- 0.446948,0.373871,0.812686,0.807680,0.601112,-0.274594,
+ 0.454725,0.723574,0.519294,0.807153,0.623277,-0.294,
+ 0.446948,0.373871,0.812686,0.80768,0.601112,-0.274594,
- 0.454725,0.723574,0.519294,0.807153,0.623277,-0.294000,
+ 0.454725,0.723574,0.519294,0.807153,0.623277,-0.294,
- 0.454725,0.723574,0.519294,0.807153,0.623277,-0.294000,
- 0.268100,0.824460,0.498385,0.724816,0.652913,-0.278500,
+ 0.454725,0.723574,0.519294,0.807153,0.623277,-0.294,
+ 0.2681,0.82446,0.498385,0.724816,0.652913,-0.2785,
- -0.740712,0.587497,0.325872,0.480984,0.674750,-0.399875,
+ -0.740712,0.587497,0.325872,0.480984,0.67475,-0.399875,
- -0.749144,0.662408,-0.000000,0.433930,0.637880,-0.500000,
- -0.797112,0.603831,0.000000,0.465127,0.679839,-0.500000,
- -0.740712,0.587497,0.325872,0.480984,0.674750,-0.399875,
- -0.749144,0.662408,-0.000000,0.433930,0.637880,-0.500000,
- -0.740712,0.587497,0.325872,0.480984,0.674750,-0.399875,
+ -0.749144,0.662408,0,0.43393,0.63788,-0.5,
+ -0.797112,0.603831,0,0.465127,0.679839,-0.5,
+ -0.740712,0.587497,0.325872,0.480984,0.67475,-0.399875,
+ -0.749144,0.662408,0,0.43393,0.63788,-0.5,
+ -0.740712,0.587497,0.325872,0.480984,0.67475,-0.399875,
- -0.797112,0.603831,0.000000,0.465127,0.679839,-0.500000,
- -0.655082,0.755558,0.000000,0.487673,0.709673,-0.500000,
+ -0.797112,0.603831,0,0.465127,0.679839,-0.5,
+ -0.655082,0.755558,0,0.487673,0.709673,-0.5,
- -0.740712,0.587497,0.325872,0.480984,0.674750,-0.399875,
- -0.797112,0.603831,0.000000,0.465127,0.679839,-0.500000,
+ -0.740712,0.587497,0.325872,0.480984,0.67475,-0.399875,
+ -0.797112,0.603831,0,0.465127,0.679839,-0.5,
- -0.740712,0.587497,0.325872,0.480984,0.674750,-0.399875,
+ -0.740712,0.587497,0.325872,0.480984,0.67475,-0.399875,
- -0.740712,0.587497,0.325872,0.480984,0.674750,-0.399875,
+ -0.740712,0.587497,0.325872,0.480984,0.67475,-0.399875,
- -0.740713,0.587497,-0.325872,0.480984,0.674750,-0.600125,
+ -0.740713,0.587497,-0.325872,0.480984,0.67475,-0.600125,
- -0.740713,0.587497,-0.325872,0.480984,0.674750,-0.600125,
+ -0.740713,0.587497,-0.325872,0.480984,0.67475,-0.600125,
- -0.740713,0.587497,-0.325872,0.480984,0.674750,-0.600125,
+ -0.740713,0.587497,-0.325872,0.480984,0.67475,-0.600125,
- -0.655082,0.755558,0.000000,0.487673,0.709673,-0.500000,
- -0.797112,0.603831,0.000000,0.465127,0.679839,-0.500000,
- -0.797112,0.603831,0.000000,0.465127,0.679839,-0.500000,
- -0.740713,0.587497,-0.325872,0.480984,0.674750,-0.600125,
+ -0.655082,0.755558,0,0.487673,0.709673,-0.5,
+ -0.797112,0.603831,0,0.465127,0.679839,-0.5,
+ -0.797112,0.603831,0,0.465127,0.679839,-0.5,
+ -0.740713,0.587497,-0.325872,0.480984,0.67475,-0.600125,
- -0.749144,0.662408,-0.000000,0.433930,0.637880,-0.500000,
+ -0.749144,0.662408,0,0.43393,0.63788,-0.5,
- -0.740713,0.587497,-0.325872,0.480984,0.674750,-0.600125,
- -0.749144,0.662408,-0.000000,0.433930,0.637880,-0.500000,
- -0.740713,0.587497,-0.325872,0.480984,0.674750,-0.600125,
- -0.797112,0.603831,0.000000,0.465127,0.679839,-0.500000,
+ -0.740713,0.587497,-0.325872,0.480984,0.67475,-0.600125,
+ -0.749144,0.662408,0,0.43393,0.63788,-0.5,
+ -0.740713,0.587497,-0.325872,0.480984,0.67475,-0.600125,
+ -0.797112,0.603831,0,0.465127,0.679839,-0.5,
- 0.139983,0.985063,-0.100277,0.573201,0.718247,-0.582500,
- -0.142867,0.968199,-0.205377,0.529644,0.718831,-0.587500,
+ 0.139983,0.985063,-0.100277,0.573201,0.718247,-0.5825,
+ -0.142867,0.968199,-0.205377,0.529644,0.718831,-0.5875,
- -0.142867,0.968199,-0.205377,0.529644,0.718831,-0.587500,
+ -0.142867,0.968199,-0.205377,0.529644,0.718831,-0.5875,
- 0.084449,0.996428,-0.000000,0.561689,0.724552,-0.500000,
- -0.315050,0.949075,0.000000,0.515384,0.725027,-0.500000,
- -0.142867,0.968199,-0.205377,0.529644,0.718831,-0.587500,
- 0.084449,0.996428,-0.000000,0.561689,0.724552,-0.500000,
- -0.142867,0.968199,-0.205377,0.529644,0.718831,-0.587500,
- 0.139983,0.985063,-0.100277,0.573201,0.718247,-0.582500,
- -0.315050,0.949075,0.000000,0.515384,0.725027,-0.500000,
- -0.655082,0.755558,0.000000,0.487673,0.709673,-0.500000,
+ 0.084449,0.996428,0,0.561689,0.724552,-0.5,
+ -0.31505,0.949075,0,0.515384,0.725027,-0.5,
+ -0.142867,0.968199,-0.205377,0.529644,0.718831,-0.5875,
+ 0.084449,0.996428,0,0.561689,0.724552,-0.5,
+ -0.142867,0.968199,-0.205377,0.529644,0.718831,-0.5875,
+ 0.139983,0.985063,-0.100277,0.573201,0.718247,-0.5825,
+ -0.31505,0.949075,0,0.515384,0.725027,-0.5,
+ -0.655082,0.755558,0,0.487673,0.709673,-0.5,
- -0.142867,0.968199,-0.205377,0.529644,0.718831,-0.587500,
- -0.315050,0.949075,0.000000,0.515384,0.725027,-0.500000,
+ -0.142867,0.968199,-0.205377,0.529644,0.718831,-0.5875,
+ -0.31505,0.949075,0,0.515384,0.725027,-0.5,
- -0.142867,0.968199,-0.205377,0.529644,0.718831,-0.587500,
+ -0.142867,0.968199,-0.205377,0.529644,0.718831,-0.5875,
- -0.142867,0.968199,-0.205377,0.529644,0.718831,-0.587500,
+ -0.142867,0.968199,-0.205377,0.529644,0.718831,-0.5875,
- -0.142867,0.968199,0.205377,0.529644,0.718831,-0.412500,
+ -0.142867,0.968199,0.205377,0.529644,0.718831,-0.4125,
- -0.142867,0.968199,0.205377,0.529644,0.718831,-0.412500,
- 0.139983,0.985063,0.100277,0.573201,0.718247,-0.417500,
+ -0.142867,0.968199,0.205377,0.529644,0.718831,-0.4125,
+ 0.139983,0.985063,0.100277,0.573201,0.718247,-0.4175,
- -0.142867,0.968199,0.205377,0.529644,0.718831,-0.412500,
+ -0.142867,0.968199,0.205377,0.529644,0.718831,-0.4125,
- -0.142867,0.968199,0.205377,0.529644,0.718831,-0.412500,
+ -0.142867,0.968199,0.205377,0.529644,0.718831,-0.4125,
- -0.655082,0.755558,0.000000,0.487673,0.709673,-0.500000,
- -0.315050,0.949075,0.000000,0.515384,0.725027,-0.500000,
- -0.315050,0.949075,0.000000,0.515384,0.725027,-0.500000,
- -0.142867,0.968199,0.205377,0.529644,0.718831,-0.412500,
+ -0.655082,0.755558,0,0.487673,0.709673,-0.5,
+ -0.31505,0.949075,0,0.515384,0.725027,-0.5,
+ -0.31505,0.949075,0,0.515384,0.725027,-0.5,
+ -0.142867,0.968199,0.205377,0.529644,0.718831,-0.4125,
- 0.084449,0.996428,-0.000000,0.561689,0.724552,-0.500000,
- 0.139983,0.985063,0.100277,0.573201,0.718247,-0.417500,
- -0.142867,0.968199,0.205377,0.529644,0.718831,-0.412500,
- 0.084449,0.996428,-0.000000,0.561689,0.724552,-0.500000,
- -0.142867,0.968199,0.205377,0.529644,0.718831,-0.412500,
- -0.315050,0.949075,0.000000,0.515384,0.725027,-0.500000,
+ 0.084449,0.996428,0,0.561689,0.724552,-0.5,
+ 0.139983,0.985063,0.100277,0.573201,0.718247,-0.4175,
+ -0.142867,0.968199,0.205377,0.529644,0.718831,-0.4125,
+ 0.084449,0.996428,0,0.561689,0.724552,-0.5,
+ -0.142867,0.968199,0.205377,0.529644,0.718831,-0.4125,
+ -0.31505,0.949075,0,0.515384,0.725027,-0.5,
- -0.227561,0.374378,-0.898920,0.607846,0.634036,-0.733625,
+ -0.227561,0.374378,-0.89892,0.607846,0.634036,-0.733625,
- -0.227561,0.374378,-0.898920,0.607846,0.634036,-0.733625,
+ -0.227561,0.374378,-0.89892,0.607846,0.634036,-0.733625,
- -0.227561,0.374378,-0.898920,0.607846,0.634036,-0.733625,
+ -0.227561,0.374378,-0.89892,0.607846,0.634036,-0.733625,
- -0.227561,0.374378,-0.898920,0.607846,0.634036,-0.733625,
+ -0.227561,0.374378,-0.89892,0.607846,0.634036,-0.733625,
- -0.227561,0.374378,-0.898920,0.607846,0.634036,-0.733625,
+ -0.227561,0.374378,-0.89892,0.607846,0.634036,-0.733625,
- -0.227561,0.374378,-0.898920,0.607846,0.634036,-0.733625,
+ -0.227561,0.374378,-0.89892,0.607846,0.634036,-0.733625,
- 0.744225,-0.021430,-0.667585,0.865458,0.513412,-0.690781,
- 0.749601,-0.056270,-0.659493,0.877427,0.547520,-0.683563,
- 0.413120,0.093332,-0.905881,0.798138,0.572966,-0.733625,
- 0.744225,-0.021430,-0.667585,0.865458,0.513412,-0.690781,
- 0.413120,0.093332,-0.905881,0.798138,0.572966,-0.733625,
+ 0.744225,-0.02143,-0.667585,0.865458,0.513412,-0.690781,
+ 0.749601,-0.05627,-0.659493,0.877427,0.54752,-0.683563,
+ 0.41312,0.093332,-0.905881,0.798138,0.572966,-0.733625,
+ 0.744225,-0.02143,-0.667585,0.865458,0.513412,-0.690781,
+ 0.41312,0.093332,-0.905881,0.798138,0.572966,-0.733625,
- 0.692376,0.299844,-0.656284,0.883750,0.575062,-0.676859,
- 0.446948,0.373871,-0.812686,0.807680,0.601112,-0.725406,
- 0.413120,0.093332,-0.905881,0.798138,0.572966,-0.733625,
- 0.692376,0.299844,-0.656284,0.883750,0.575062,-0.676859,
- 0.413120,0.093332,-0.905881,0.798138,0.572966,-0.733625,
- 0.749601,-0.056270,-0.659493,0.877427,0.547520,-0.683563,
+ 0.692376,0.299844,-0.656284,0.88375,0.575062,-0.676859,
+ 0.446948,0.373871,-0.812686,0.80768,0.601112,-0.725406,
+ 0.41312,0.093332,-0.905881,0.798138,0.572966,-0.733625,
+ 0.692376,0.299844,-0.656284,0.88375,0.575062,-0.676859,
+ 0.41312,0.093332,-0.905881,0.798138,0.572966,-0.733625,
+ 0.749601,-0.05627,-0.659493,0.877427,0.54752,-0.683563,
- 0.413120,0.093332,-0.905881,0.798138,0.572966,-0.733625,
+ 0.41312,0.093332,-0.905881,0.798138,0.572966,-0.733625,
- 0.413120,0.093332,-0.905881,0.798138,0.572966,-0.733625,
- 0.446948,0.373871,-0.812686,0.807680,0.601112,-0.725406,
+ 0.41312,0.093332,-0.905881,0.798138,0.572966,-0.733625,
+ 0.446948,0.373871,-0.812686,0.80768,0.601112,-0.725406,
- 0.413120,0.093332,-0.905881,0.798138,0.572966,-0.733625,
+ 0.41312,0.093332,-0.905881,0.798138,0.572966,-0.733625,
- 0.634482,0.691277,-0.345786,0.876135,0.598240,-0.660875,
+ 0.634482,0.691277,-0.345786,0.876135,0.59824,-0.660875,
- 0.454725,0.723574,-0.519294,0.807153,0.623277,-0.706000,
- 0.634482,0.691277,-0.345786,0.876135,0.598240,-0.660875,
+ 0.454725,0.723574,-0.519294,0.807153,0.623277,-0.706,
+ 0.634482,0.691277,-0.345786,0.876135,0.59824,-0.660875,
- 0.268100,0.824460,-0.498385,0.724816,0.652913,-0.721500,
- 0.454725,0.723574,-0.519294,0.807153,0.623277,-0.706000,
+ 0.2681,0.82446,-0.498385,0.724816,0.652913,-0.7215,
+ 0.454725,0.723574,-0.519294,0.807153,0.623277,-0.706,
- 0.454725,0.723574,-0.519294,0.807153,0.623277,-0.706000,
+ 0.454725,0.723574,-0.519294,0.807153,0.623277,-0.706,
- 0.446948,0.373871,-0.812686,0.807680,0.601112,-0.725406,
- 0.454725,0.723574,-0.519294,0.807153,0.623277,-0.706000,
+ 0.446948,0.373871,-0.812686,0.80768,0.601112,-0.725406,
+ 0.454725,0.723574,-0.519294,0.807153,0.623277,-0.706,
- 0.454725,0.723574,-0.519294,0.807153,0.623277,-0.706000,
- 0.268100,0.824460,-0.498385,0.724816,0.652913,-0.721500,
- 0.692376,0.299844,-0.656284,0.883750,0.575062,-0.676859,
- 0.634482,0.691277,-0.345786,0.876135,0.598240,-0.660875,
- 0.454725,0.723574,-0.519294,0.807153,0.623277,-0.706000,
- 0.692376,0.299844,-0.656284,0.883750,0.575062,-0.676859,
- 0.454725,0.723574,-0.519294,0.807153,0.623277,-0.706000,
- 0.446948,0.373871,-0.812686,0.807680,0.601112,-0.725406,
+ 0.454725,0.723574,-0.519294,0.807153,0.623277,-0.706,
+ 0.2681,0.82446,-0.498385,0.724816,0.652913,-0.7215,
+ 0.692376,0.299844,-0.656284,0.88375,0.575062,-0.676859,
+ 0.634482,0.691277,-0.345786,0.876135,0.59824,-0.660875,
+ 0.454725,0.723574,-0.519294,0.807153,0.623277,-0.706,
+ 0.692376,0.299844,-0.656284,0.88375,0.575062,-0.676859,
+ 0.454725,0.723574,-0.519294,0.807153,0.623277,-0.706,
+ 0.446948,0.373871,-0.812686,0.80768,0.601112,-0.725406,
- 0.096538,0.861150,-0.499100,0.641688,0.680252,-0.706000,
+ 0.096538,0.86115,-0.4991,0.641688,0.680252,-0.706,
- 0.096538,0.861150,-0.499100,0.641688,0.680252,-0.706000,
- 0.226858,0.951027,-0.209959,0.650852,0.691510,-0.664625,
+ 0.096538,0.86115,-0.4991,0.641688,0.680252,-0.706,
+ 0.226858,0.951027,-0.209959,0.650852,0.69151,-0.664625,
- 0.096538,0.861150,-0.499100,0.641688,0.680252,-0.706000,
+ 0.096538,0.86115,-0.4991,0.641688,0.680252,-0.706,
- 0.268100,0.824460,-0.498385,0.724816,0.652913,-0.721500,
- 0.096538,0.861150,-0.499100,0.641688,0.680252,-0.706000,
+ 0.2681,0.82446,-0.498385,0.724816,0.652913,-0.7215,
+ 0.096538,0.86115,-0.4991,0.641688,0.680252,-0.706,
- 0.096538,0.861150,-0.499100,0.641688,0.680252,-0.706000,
+ 0.096538,0.86115,-0.4991,0.641688,0.680252,-0.706,
- 0.268100,0.824460,-0.498385,0.724816,0.652913,-0.721500,
+ 0.2681,0.82446,-0.498385,0.724816,0.652913,-0.7215,
- 0.226858,0.951027,-0.209959,0.650852,0.691510,-0.664625,
- 0.226858,0.951027,-0.209959,0.650852,0.691510,-0.664625,
- 0.096538,0.861150,-0.499100,0.641688,0.680252,-0.706000,
- 0.268100,0.824460,-0.498385,0.724816,0.652913,-0.721500,
+ 0.226858,0.951027,-0.209959,0.650852,0.69151,-0.664625,
+ 0.226858,0.951027,-0.209959,0.650852,0.69151,-0.664625,
+ 0.096538,0.86115,-0.4991,0.641688,0.680252,-0.706,
+ 0.2681,0.82446,-0.498385,0.724816,0.652913,-0.7215,
- 0.398886,0.913527,0.079739,0.817112,0.642984,-0.409500,
+ 0.398886,0.913527,0.079739,0.817112,0.642984,-0.4095,
- 0.398886,0.913527,0.079739,0.817112,0.642984,-0.409500,
- 0.496158,0.862422,0.100278,0.884513,0.611054,-0.417500,
+ 0.398886,0.913527,0.079739,0.817112,0.642984,-0.4095,
+ 0.496158,0.862422,0.100278,0.884513,0.611054,-0.4175,
- 0.324391,0.942100,0.084960,0.732447,0.675074,-0.402250,
- 0.324391,0.942100,0.084960,0.732447,0.675074,-0.402250,
- 0.398886,0.913527,0.079739,0.817112,0.642984,-0.409500,
+ 0.324391,0.9421,0.08496,0.732447,0.675074,-0.40225,
+ 0.324391,0.9421,0.08496,0.732447,0.675074,-0.40225,
+ 0.398886,0.913527,0.079739,0.817112,0.642984,-0.4095,
- 0.325568,0.945519,0.000000,0.733407,0.677865,-0.500000,
- 0.404722,0.914440,0.000000,0.824871,0.643250,-0.500000,
- 0.398886,0.913527,0.079739,0.817112,0.642984,-0.409500,
- 0.325568,0.945519,0.000000,0.733407,0.677865,-0.500000,
- 0.398886,0.913527,0.079739,0.817112,0.642984,-0.409500,
- 0.324391,0.942100,0.084960,0.732447,0.675074,-0.402250,
- 0.404722,0.914440,0.000000,0.824871,0.643250,-0.500000,
- 0.546916,0.837188,0.000000,0.897467,0.608935,-0.500000,
- 0.496158,0.862422,0.100278,0.884513,0.611054,-0.417500,
- 0.496158,0.862422,0.100278,0.884513,0.611054,-0.417500,
- 0.398886,0.913527,0.079739,0.817112,0.642984,-0.409500,
- 0.404722,0.914440,0.000000,0.824871,0.643250,-0.500000,
+ 0.325568,0.945519,0,0.733407,0.677865,-0.5,
+ 0.404722,0.91444,0,0.824871,0.64325,-0.5,
+ 0.398886,0.913527,0.079739,0.817112,0.642984,-0.4095,
+ 0.325568,0.945519,0,0.733407,0.677865,-0.5,
+ 0.398886,0.913527,0.079739,0.817112,0.642984,-0.4095,
+ 0.324391,0.9421,0.08496,0.732447,0.675074,-0.40225,
+ 0.404722,0.91444,0,0.824871,0.64325,-0.5,
+ 0.546916,0.837188,0,0.897467,0.608935,-0.5,
+ 0.496158,0.862422,0.100278,0.884513,0.611054,-0.4175,
+ 0.496158,0.862422,0.100278,0.884513,0.611054,-0.4175,
+ 0.398886,0.913527,0.079739,0.817112,0.642984,-0.4095,
+ 0.404722,0.91444,0,0.824871,0.64325,-0.5,
- 0.139983,0.985063,0.100277,0.573201,0.718247,-0.417500,
- 0.248097,0.965448,0.079739,0.645973,0.701912,-0.409500,
+ 0.139983,0.985063,0.100277,0.573201,0.718247,-0.4175,
+ 0.248097,0.965448,0.079739,0.645973,0.701912,-0.4095,
- 0.248097,0.965448,0.079739,0.645973,0.701912,-0.409500,
- 0.226858,0.951027,0.209959,0.650852,0.691510,-0.335375,
- 0.139983,0.985063,0.100277,0.573201,0.718247,-0.417500,
- 0.084449,0.996428,-0.000000,0.561689,0.724552,-0.500000,
- 0.244060,0.969760,0.000000,0.640022,0.706898,-0.500000,
- 0.244060,0.969760,0.000000,0.640022,0.706898,-0.500000,
- 0.248097,0.965448,0.079739,0.645973,0.701912,-0.409500,
- 0.139983,0.985063,0.100277,0.573201,0.718247,-0.417500,
- 0.325568,0.945519,0.000000,0.733407,0.677865,-0.500000,
- 0.324391,0.942100,0.084960,0.732447,0.675074,-0.402250,
- 0.248097,0.965448,0.079739,0.645973,0.701912,-0.409500,
- 0.325568,0.945519,0.000000,0.733407,0.677865,-0.500000,
- 0.248097,0.965448,0.079739,0.645973,0.701912,-0.409500,
- 0.244060,0.969760,0.000000,0.640022,0.706898,-0.500000,
- 0.324391,0.942100,0.084960,0.732447,0.675074,-0.402250,
+ 0.248097,0.965448,0.079739,0.645973,0.701912,-0.4095,
+ 0.226858,0.951027,0.209959,0.650852,0.69151,-0.335375,
+ 0.139983,0.985063,0.100277,0.573201,0.718247,-0.4175,
+ 0.084449,0.996428,0,0.561689,0.724552,-0.5,
+ 0.24406,0.96976,0,0.640022,0.706898,-0.5,
+ 0.24406,0.96976,0,0.640022,0.706898,-0.5,
+ 0.248097,0.965448,0.079739,0.645973,0.701912,-0.4095,
+ 0.139983,0.985063,0.100277,0.573201,0.718247,-0.4175,
+ 0.325568,0.945519,0,0.733407,0.677865,-0.5,
+ 0.324391,0.9421,0.08496,0.732447,0.675074,-0.40225,
+ 0.248097,0.965448,0.079739,0.645973,0.701912,-0.4095,
+ 0.325568,0.945519,0,0.733407,0.677865,-0.5,
+ 0.248097,0.965448,0.079739,0.645973,0.701912,-0.4095,
+ 0.24406,0.96976,0,0.640022,0.706898,-0.5,
+ 0.324391,0.9421,0.08496,0.732447,0.675074,-0.40225,
- 0.226858,0.951027,0.209959,0.650852,0.691510,-0.335375,
- 0.226858,0.951027,0.209959,0.650852,0.691510,-0.335375,
- 0.248097,0.965448,0.079739,0.645973,0.701912,-0.409500,
- 0.324391,0.942100,0.084960,0.732447,0.675074,-0.402250,
+ 0.226858,0.951027,0.209959,0.650852,0.69151,-0.335375,
+ 0.226858,0.951027,0.209959,0.650852,0.69151,-0.335375,
+ 0.248097,0.965448,0.079739,0.645973,0.701912,-0.4095,
+ 0.324391,0.9421,0.08496,0.732447,0.675074,-0.40225,
- 0.226858,0.951027,-0.209959,0.650852,0.691510,-0.664625,
- 0.248097,0.965448,-0.079739,0.645973,0.701912,-0.590500,
+ 0.226858,0.951027,-0.209959,0.650852,0.69151,-0.664625,
+ 0.248097,0.965448,-0.079739,0.645973,0.701912,-0.5905,
- 0.248097,0.965448,-0.079739,0.645973,0.701912,-0.590500,
- 0.139983,0.985063,-0.100277,0.573201,0.718247,-0.582500,
- 0.226858,0.951027,-0.209959,0.650852,0.691510,-0.664625,
+ 0.248097,0.965448,-0.079739,0.645973,0.701912,-0.5905,
+ 0.139983,0.985063,-0.100277,0.573201,0.718247,-0.5825,
+ 0.226858,0.951027,-0.209959,0.650852,0.69151,-0.664625,
- 0.324391,0.942100,-0.084960,0.732447,0.675074,-0.597750,
- 0.324391,0.942100,-0.084960,0.732447,0.675074,-0.597750,
- 0.248097,0.965448,-0.079739,0.645973,0.701912,-0.590500,
- 0.226858,0.951027,-0.209959,0.650852,0.691510,-0.664625,
- 0.325568,0.945519,0.000000,0.733407,0.677865,-0.500000,
- 0.244060,0.969760,0.000000,0.640022,0.706898,-0.500000,
- 0.248097,0.965448,-0.079739,0.645973,0.701912,-0.590500,
- 0.325568,0.945519,0.000000,0.733407,0.677865,-0.500000,
- 0.248097,0.965448,-0.079739,0.645973,0.701912,-0.590500,
- 0.324391,0.942100,-0.084960,0.732447,0.675074,-0.597750,
- 0.244060,0.969760,0.000000,0.640022,0.706898,-0.500000,
- 0.084449,0.996428,-0.000000,0.561689,0.724552,-0.500000,
- 0.139983,0.985063,-0.100277,0.573201,0.718247,-0.582500,
- 0.139983,0.985063,-0.100277,0.573201,0.718247,-0.582500,
- 0.248097,0.965448,-0.079739,0.645973,0.701912,-0.590500,
- 0.244060,0.969760,0.000000,0.640022,0.706898,-0.500000,
+ 0.324391,0.9421,-0.08496,0.732447,0.675074,-0.59775,
+ 0.324391,0.9421,-0.08496,0.732447,0.675074,-0.59775,
+ 0.248097,0.965448,-0.079739,0.645973,0.701912,-0.5905,
+ 0.226858,0.951027,-0.209959,0.650852,0.69151,-0.664625,
+ 0.325568,0.945519,0,0.733407,0.677865,-0.5,
+ 0.24406,0.96976,0,0.640022,0.706898,-0.5,
+ 0.248097,0.965448,-0.079739,0.645973,0.701912,-0.5905,
+ 0.325568,0.945519,0,0.733407,0.677865,-0.5,
+ 0.248097,0.965448,-0.079739,0.645973,0.701912,-0.5905,
+ 0.324391,0.9421,-0.08496,0.732447,0.675074,-0.59775,
+ 0.24406,0.96976,0,0.640022,0.706898,-0.5,
+ 0.084449,0.996428,0,0.561689,0.724552,-0.5,
+ 0.139983,0.985063,-0.100277,0.573201,0.718247,-0.5825,
+ 0.139983,0.985063,-0.100277,0.573201,0.718247,-0.5825,
+ 0.248097,0.965448,-0.079739,0.645973,0.701912,-0.5905,
+ 0.24406,0.96976,0,0.640022,0.706898,-0.5,
- 0.496158,0.862422,-0.100277,0.884513,0.611054,-0.582500,
- 0.398886,0.913527,-0.079739,0.817112,0.642984,-0.590500,
+ 0.496158,0.862422,-0.100277,0.884513,0.611054,-0.5825,
+ 0.398886,0.913527,-0.079739,0.817112,0.642984,-0.5905,
- 0.398886,0.913527,-0.079739,0.817112,0.642984,-0.590500,
+ 0.398886,0.913527,-0.079739,0.817112,0.642984,-0.5905,
- 0.496158,0.862422,-0.100277,0.884513,0.611054,-0.582500,
- 0.546916,0.837188,0.000000,0.897467,0.608935,-0.500000,
- 0.404722,0.914440,0.000000,0.824871,0.643250,-0.500000,
- 0.404722,0.914440,0.000000,0.824871,0.643250,-0.500000,
- 0.398886,0.913527,-0.079739,0.817112,0.642984,-0.590500,
- 0.496158,0.862422,-0.100277,0.884513,0.611054,-0.582500,
- 0.325568,0.945519,0.000000,0.733407,0.677865,-0.500000,
- 0.324391,0.942100,-0.084960,0.732447,0.675074,-0.597750,
- 0.398886,0.913527,-0.079739,0.817112,0.642984,-0.590500,
- 0.325568,0.945519,0.000000,0.733407,0.677865,-0.500000,
- 0.398886,0.913527,-0.079739,0.817112,0.642984,-0.590500,
- 0.404722,0.914440,0.000000,0.824871,0.643250,-0.500000,
- 0.324391,0.942100,-0.084960,0.732447,0.675074,-0.597750,
+ 0.496158,0.862422,-0.100277,0.884513,0.611054,-0.5825,
+ 0.546916,0.837188,0,0.897467,0.608935,-0.5,
+ 0.404722,0.91444,0,0.824871,0.64325,-0.5,
+ 0.404722,0.91444,0,0.824871,0.64325,-0.5,
+ 0.398886,0.913527,-0.079739,0.817112,0.642984,-0.5905,
+ 0.496158,0.862422,-0.100277,0.884513,0.611054,-0.5825,
+ 0.325568,0.945519,0,0.733407,0.677865,-0.5,
+ 0.324391,0.9421,-0.08496,0.732447,0.675074,-0.59775,
+ 0.398886,0.913527,-0.079739,0.817112,0.642984,-0.5905,
+ 0.325568,0.945519,0,0.733407,0.677865,-0.5,
+ 0.398886,0.913527,-0.079739,0.817112,0.642984,-0.5905,
+ 0.404722,0.91444,0,0.824871,0.64325,-0.5,
+ 0.324391,0.9421,-0.08496,0.732447,0.675074,-0.59775,
- 0.398886,0.913527,-0.079739,0.817112,0.642984,-0.590500,
- 0.324391,0.942100,-0.084960,0.732447,0.675074,-0.597750,
- 0.744225,-0.021430,-0.667585,0.865458,0.513412,-0.690781,
- 0.730929,0.126990,-0.670535,0.856137,0.470533,-0.708313,
+ 0.398886,0.913527,-0.079739,0.817112,0.642984,-0.5905,
+ 0.324391,0.9421,-0.08496,0.732447,0.675074,-0.59775,
+ 0.744225,-0.02143,-0.667585,0.865458,0.513412,-0.690781,
+ 0.730929,0.12699,-0.670535,0.856137,0.470533,-0.708313,
- 0.744225,-0.021430,-0.667585,0.865458,0.513412,-0.690781,
+ 0.744225,-0.02143,-0.667585,0.865458,0.513412,-0.690781,
- 0.945978,-0.110612,-0.304781,0.915250,0.499050,-0.604062,
- 0.730929,0.126990,-0.670535,0.856137,0.470533,-0.708313,
+ 0.945978,-0.110612,-0.304781,0.91525,0.49905,-0.604062,
+ 0.730929,0.12699,-0.670535,0.856137,0.470533,-0.708313,
- 0.940489,-0.033090,-0.338208,0.907494,0.408859,-0.625156,
- 0.940489,-0.033090,-0.338208,0.907494,0.408859,-0.625156,
+ 0.940489,-0.03309,-0.338208,0.907494,0.408859,-0.625156,
+ 0.940489,-0.03309,-0.338208,0.907494,0.408859,-0.625156,
- 0.730929,0.126990,-0.670535,0.856137,0.470533,-0.708313,
- 0.998189,-0.060158,-0.000000,0.927845,0.404808,-0.500000,
- 0.998674,-0.051473,0.000000,0.929348,0.452746,-0.500000,
+ 0.730929,0.12699,-0.670535,0.856137,0.470533,-0.708313,
+ 0.998189,-0.060158,0,0.927845,0.404808,-0.5,
+ 0.998674,-0.051473,0,0.929348,0.452746,-0.5,
- 0.998189,-0.060158,-0.000000,0.927845,0.404808,-0.500000,
+ 0.998189,-0.060158,0,0.927845,0.404808,-0.5,
- 0.940489,-0.033090,-0.338208,0.907494,0.408859,-0.625156,
- 0.998674,-0.051473,0.000000,0.929348,0.452746,-0.500000,
- 0.980435,-0.196846,0.000000,0.931847,0.494263,-0.500000,
- 0.945978,-0.110612,-0.304781,0.915250,0.499050,-0.604062,
- 0.945978,-0.110612,-0.304781,0.915250,0.499050,-0.604062,
+ 0.940489,-0.03309,-0.338208,0.907494,0.408859,-0.625156,
+ 0.998674,-0.051473,0,0.929348,0.452746,-0.5,
+ 0.980435,-0.196846,0,0.931847,0.494263,-0.5,
+ 0.945978,-0.110612,-0.304781,0.91525,0.49905,-0.604062,
+ 0.945978,-0.110612,-0.304781,0.91525,0.49905,-0.604062,
- 0.998674,-0.051473,0.000000,0.929348,0.452746,-0.500000,
- 0.711272,-0.041300,-0.701703,0.833350,0.366979,-0.747500,
- 0.637630,-0.234074,-0.733919,0.813840,0.310563,-0.755750,
- 0.846641,-0.361408,-0.390619,0.882792,0.301487,-0.639500,
- 0.846641,-0.361408,-0.390619,0.882792,0.301487,-0.639500,
- 0.924673,-0.163459,-0.343891,0.899707,0.356231,-0.635000,
- 0.711272,-0.041300,-0.701703,0.833350,0.366979,-0.747500,
- 0.918091,-0.396370,0.000000,0.905776,0.298462,-0.500000,
- 0.985079,-0.172104,0.000000,0.921826,0.352648,-0.500000,
- 0.924673,-0.163459,-0.343891,0.899707,0.356231,-0.635000,
- 0.918091,-0.396370,0.000000,0.905776,0.298462,-0.500000,
- 0.924673,-0.163459,-0.343891,0.899707,0.356231,-0.635000,
- 0.846641,-0.361408,-0.390619,0.882792,0.301487,-0.639500,
- 0.985079,-0.172104,0.000000,0.921826,0.352648,-0.500000,
- 0.998189,-0.060158,-0.000000,0.927845,0.404808,-0.500000,
- 0.940489,-0.033090,-0.338208,0.907494,0.408859,-0.625156,
- 0.940489,-0.033090,-0.338208,0.907494,0.408859,-0.625156,
- 0.924673,-0.163459,-0.343891,0.899707,0.356231,-0.635000,
- 0.985079,-0.172104,0.000000,0.921826,0.352648,-0.500000,
+ 0.998674,-0.051473,0,0.929348,0.452746,-0.5,
+ 0.711272,-0.0413,-0.701703,0.83335,0.366979,-0.7475,
+ 0.63763,-0.234074,-0.733919,0.81384,0.310563,-0.75575,
+ 0.846641,-0.361408,-0.390619,0.882792,0.301487,-0.6395,
+ 0.846641,-0.361408,-0.390619,0.882792,0.301487,-0.6395,
+ 0.924673,-0.163459,-0.343891,0.899707,0.356231,-0.635,
+ 0.711272,-0.0413,-0.701703,0.83335,0.366979,-0.7475,
+ 0.918091,-0.39637,0,0.905776,0.298462,-0.5,
+ 0.985079,-0.172104,0,0.921826,0.352648,-0.5,
+ 0.924673,-0.163459,-0.343891,0.899707,0.356231,-0.635,
+ 0.918091,-0.39637,0,0.905776,0.298462,-0.5,
+ 0.924673,-0.163459,-0.343891,0.899707,0.356231,-0.635,
+ 0.846641,-0.361408,-0.390619,0.882792,0.301487,-0.6395,
+ 0.985079,-0.172104,0,0.921826,0.352648,-0.5,
+ 0.998189,-0.060158,0,0.927845,0.404808,-0.5,
+ 0.940489,-0.03309,-0.338208,0.907494,0.408859,-0.625156,
+ 0.940489,-0.03309,-0.338208,0.907494,0.408859,-0.625156,
+ 0.924673,-0.163459,-0.343891,0.899707,0.356231,-0.635,
+ 0.985079,-0.172104,0,0.921826,0.352648,-0.5,
- 0.711272,-0.041300,-0.701703,0.833350,0.366979,-0.747500,
- 0.924673,-0.163459,-0.343891,0.899707,0.356231,-0.635000,
+ 0.711272,-0.0413,-0.701703,0.83335,0.366979,-0.7475,
+ 0.924673,-0.163459,-0.343891,0.899707,0.356231,-0.635,
- 0.924673,-0.163459,-0.343891,0.899707,0.356231,-0.635000,
- 0.940489,-0.033090,-0.338208,0.907494,0.408859,-0.625156,
- 0.846641,-0.361408,0.390620,0.882792,0.301487,-0.360500,
- 0.637630,-0.234074,0.733919,0.813840,0.310563,-0.244250,
- 0.711272,-0.041300,0.701703,0.833350,0.366979,-0.252500,
- 0.711272,-0.041300,0.701703,0.833350,0.366979,-0.252500,
- 0.924673,-0.163460,0.343891,0.899707,0.356231,-0.365000,
- 0.846641,-0.361408,0.390620,0.882792,0.301487,-0.360500,
+ 0.924673,-0.163459,-0.343891,0.899707,0.356231,-0.635,
+ 0.940489,-0.03309,-0.338208,0.907494,0.408859,-0.625156,
+ 0.846641,-0.361408,0.39062,0.882792,0.301487,-0.3605,
+ 0.63763,-0.234074,0.733919,0.81384,0.310563,-0.24425,
+ 0.711272,-0.0413,0.701703,0.83335,0.366979,-0.2525,
+ 0.711272,-0.0413,0.701703,0.83335,0.366979,-0.2525,
+ 0.924673,-0.16346,0.343891,0.899707,0.356231,-0.365,
+ 0.846641,-0.361408,0.39062,0.882792,0.301487,-0.3605,
- 0.940489,-0.033090,0.338208,0.907494,0.408859,-0.374844,
- 0.924673,-0.163460,0.343891,0.899707,0.356231,-0.365000,
+ 0.940489,-0.03309,0.338208,0.907494,0.408859,-0.374844,
+ 0.924673,-0.16346,0.343891,0.899707,0.356231,-0.365,
- 0.924673,-0.163460,0.343891,0.899707,0.356231,-0.365000,
- 0.711272,-0.041300,0.701703,0.833350,0.366979,-0.252500,
- 0.940489,-0.033090,0.338208,0.907494,0.408859,-0.374844,
- 0.998189,-0.060158,-0.000000,0.927845,0.404808,-0.500000,
- 0.985079,-0.172104,0.000000,0.921826,0.352648,-0.500000,
- 0.985079,-0.172104,0.000000,0.921826,0.352648,-0.500000,
- 0.924673,-0.163460,0.343891,0.899707,0.356231,-0.365000,
- 0.940489,-0.033090,0.338208,0.907494,0.408859,-0.374844,
- 0.918091,-0.396370,0.000000,0.905776,0.298462,-0.500000,
- 0.846641,-0.361408,0.390620,0.882792,0.301487,-0.360500,
- 0.924673,-0.163460,0.343891,0.899707,0.356231,-0.365000,
- 0.918091,-0.396370,0.000000,0.905776,0.298462,-0.500000,
- 0.924673,-0.163460,0.343891,0.899707,0.356231,-0.365000,
- 0.985079,-0.172104,0.000000,0.921826,0.352648,-0.500000,
- 0.744225,-0.021430,0.667585,0.865458,0.513412,-0.309219,
- 0.945978,-0.110612,0.304781,0.915250,0.499050,-0.395938,
+ 0.924673,-0.16346,0.343891,0.899707,0.356231,-0.365,
+ 0.711272,-0.0413,0.701703,0.83335,0.366979,-0.2525,
+ 0.940489,-0.03309,0.338208,0.907494,0.408859,-0.374844,
+ 0.998189,-0.060158,0,0.927845,0.404808,-0.5,
+ 0.985079,-0.172104,0,0.921826,0.352648,-0.5,
+ 0.985079,-0.172104,0,0.921826,0.352648,-0.5,
+ 0.924673,-0.16346,0.343891,0.899707,0.356231,-0.365,
+ 0.940489,-0.03309,0.338208,0.907494,0.408859,-0.374844,
+ 0.918091,-0.39637,0,0.905776,0.298462,-0.5,
+ 0.846641,-0.361408,0.39062,0.882792,0.301487,-0.3605,
+ 0.924673,-0.16346,0.343891,0.899707,0.356231,-0.365,
+ 0.918091,-0.39637,0,0.905776,0.298462,-0.5,
+ 0.924673,-0.16346,0.343891,0.899707,0.356231,-0.365,
+ 0.985079,-0.172104,0,0.921826,0.352648,-0.5,
+ 0.744225,-0.02143,0.667585,0.865458,0.513412,-0.309219,
+ 0.945978,-0.110612,0.304781,0.91525,0.49905,-0.395938,
- 0.744225,-0.021430,0.667585,0.865458,0.513412,-0.309219,
+ 0.744225,-0.02143,0.667585,0.865458,0.513412,-0.309219,
- 0.945978,-0.110612,0.304781,0.915250,0.499050,-0.395938,
- 0.980435,-0.196846,0.000000,0.931847,0.494263,-0.500000,
- 0.998674,-0.051473,0.000000,0.929348,0.452746,-0.500000,
- 0.998674,-0.051473,0.000000,0.929348,0.452746,-0.500000,
+ 0.945978,-0.110612,0.304781,0.91525,0.49905,-0.395938,
+ 0.980435,-0.196846,0,0.931847,0.494263,-0.5,
+ 0.998674,-0.051473,0,0.929348,0.452746,-0.5,
+ 0.998674,-0.051473,0,0.929348,0.452746,-0.5,
- 0.945978,-0.110612,0.304781,0.915250,0.499050,-0.395938,
- 0.998189,-0.060158,-0.000000,0.927845,0.404808,-0.500000,
- 0.940489,-0.033090,0.338208,0.907494,0.408859,-0.374844,
+ 0.945978,-0.110612,0.304781,0.91525,0.49905,-0.395938,
+ 0.998189,-0.060158,0,0.927845,0.404808,-0.5,
+ 0.940489,-0.03309,0.338208,0.907494,0.408859,-0.374844,
- 0.998189,-0.060158,-0.000000,0.927845,0.404808,-0.500000,
+ 0.998189,-0.060158,0,0.927845,0.404808,-0.5,
- 0.998674,-0.051473,0.000000,0.929348,0.452746,-0.500000,
- 0.940489,-0.033090,0.338208,0.907494,0.408859,-0.374844,
+ 0.998674,-0.051473,0,0.929348,0.452746,-0.5,
+ 0.940489,-0.03309,0.338208,0.907494,0.408859,-0.374844,
- 0.940489,-0.033090,0.338208,0.907494,0.408859,-0.374844,
+ 0.940489,-0.03309,0.338208,0.907494,0.408859,-0.374844,
- -0.462740,0.649831,-0.602985,0.453481,0.568361,-0.708313,
- -0.182600,0.532510,-0.826493,0.544994,0.546127,-0.765125,
+ -0.46274,0.649831,-0.602985,0.453481,0.568361,-0.708313,
+ -0.1826,0.53251,-0.826493,0.544994,0.546127,-0.765125,
- -0.182600,0.532510,-0.826493,0.544994,0.546127,-0.765125,
+ -0.1826,0.53251,-0.826493,0.544994,0.546127,-0.765125,
- -0.462740,0.649831,-0.602985,0.453481,0.568361,-0.708313,
- -0.490654,0.624331,-0.607840,0.398726,0.510130,-0.729453,
+ -0.46274,0.649831,-0.602985,0.453481,0.568361,-0.708313,
+ -0.490654,0.624331,-0.60784,0.398726,0.51013,-0.729453,
- -0.182600,0.532510,-0.826493,0.544994,0.546127,-0.765125,
- -0.462740,0.649831,-0.602985,0.453481,0.568361,-0.708313,
+ -0.1826,0.53251,-0.826493,0.544994,0.546127,-0.765125,
+ -0.46274,0.649831,-0.602985,0.453481,0.568361,-0.708313,
- -0.182600,0.532510,-0.826493,0.544994,0.546127,-0.765125,
+ -0.1826,0.53251,-0.826493,0.544994,0.546127,-0.765125,
- -0.182600,0.532510,-0.826493,0.544994,0.546127,-0.765125,
+ -0.1826,0.53251,-0.826493,0.544994,0.546127,-0.765125,
- -0.182600,0.532510,-0.826493,0.544994,0.546127,-0.765125,
+ -0.1826,0.53251,-0.826493,0.544994,0.546127,-0.765125,
- -0.594150,0.505848,-0.625383,0.346736,0.445797,-0.747500,
- -0.645198,0.198269,-0.737841,0.308193,0.377118,-0.755750,
- -0.328501,0.124794,-0.936223,0.423113,0.361992,-0.825500,
- -0.328501,0.124794,-0.936223,0.423113,0.361992,-0.825500,
- -0.261623,0.387306,-0.884052,0.457330,0.427884,-0.815000,
- -0.594150,0.505848,-0.625383,0.346736,0.445797,-0.747500,
- 0.001894,-0.000876,-0.999998,0.561017,0.343841,-0.848750,
- 0.046906,0.258379,-0.964904,0.590043,0.406388,-0.837500,
- -0.261623,0.387306,-0.884052,0.457330,0.427884,-0.815000,
- 0.001894,-0.000876,-0.999998,0.561017,0.343841,-0.848750,
- -0.261623,0.387306,-0.884052,0.457330,0.427884,-0.815000,
- -0.328501,0.124794,-0.936223,0.423113,0.361992,-0.825500,
- 0.046906,0.258379,-0.964904,0.590043,0.406388,-0.837500,
+ -0.59415,0.505848,-0.625383,0.346736,0.445797,-0.7475,
+ -0.645198,0.198269,-0.737841,0.308193,0.377118,-0.75575,
+ -0.328501,0.124794,-0.936223,0.423113,0.361992,-0.8255,
+ -0.328501,0.124794,-0.936223,0.423113,0.361992,-0.8255,
+ -0.261623,0.387306,-0.884052,0.45733,0.427884,-0.815,
+ -0.59415,0.505848,-0.625383,0.346736,0.445797,-0.7475,
+ 0.001894,-0.000876,-0.999998,0.561017,0.343841,-0.84875,
+ 0.046906,0.258379,-0.964904,0.590043,0.406388,-0.8375,
+ -0.261623,0.387306,-0.884052,0.45733,0.427884,-0.815,
+ 0.001894,-0.000876,-0.999998,0.561017,0.343841,-0.84875,
+ -0.261623,0.387306,-0.884052,0.45733,0.427884,-0.815,
+ -0.328501,0.124794,-0.936223,0.423113,0.361992,-0.8255,
+ 0.046906,0.258379,-0.964904,0.590043,0.406388,-0.8375,
- -0.261623,0.387306,-0.884052,0.457330,0.427884,-0.815000,
- 0.046906,0.258379,-0.964904,0.590043,0.406388,-0.837500,
- -0.490654,0.624331,-0.607840,0.398726,0.510130,-0.729453,
- -0.594150,0.505848,-0.625383,0.346736,0.445797,-0.747500,
- -0.261623,0.387306,-0.884052,0.457330,0.427884,-0.815000,
- -0.490654,0.624331,-0.607840,0.398726,0.510130,-0.729453,
- -0.261623,0.387306,-0.884052,0.457330,0.427884,-0.815000,
+ -0.261623,0.387306,-0.884052,0.45733,0.427884,-0.815,
+ 0.046906,0.258379,-0.964904,0.590043,0.406388,-0.8375,
+ -0.490654,0.624331,-0.60784,0.398726,0.51013,-0.729453,
+ -0.59415,0.505848,-0.625383,0.346736,0.445797,-0.7475,
+ -0.261623,0.387306,-0.884052,0.45733,0.427884,-0.815,
+ -0.490654,0.624331,-0.60784,0.398726,0.51013,-0.729453,
+ -0.261623,0.387306,-0.884052,0.45733,0.427884,-0.815,
- 0.637630,-0.234074,-0.733919,0.813840,0.310563,-0.755750,
- 0.711272,-0.041300,-0.701703,0.833350,0.366979,-0.747500,
- 0.369337,0.119431,-0.921589,0.722756,0.384892,-0.815000,
- 0.637630,-0.234074,-0.733919,0.813840,0.310563,-0.755750,
- 0.369337,0.119431,-0.921589,0.722756,0.384892,-0.815000,
- 0.330471,-0.133893,-0.934270,0.698920,0.325689,-0.825500,
- 0.711272,-0.041300,-0.701703,0.833350,0.366979,-0.747500,
+ 0.63763,-0.234074,-0.733919,0.81384,0.310563,-0.75575,
+ 0.711272,-0.0413,-0.701703,0.83335,0.366979,-0.7475,
+ 0.369337,0.119431,-0.921589,0.722756,0.384892,-0.815,
+ 0.63763,-0.234074,-0.733919,0.81384,0.310563,-0.75575,
+ 0.369337,0.119431,-0.921589,0.722756,0.384892,-0.815,
+ 0.330471,-0.133893,-0.93427,0.69892,0.325689,-0.8255,
+ 0.711272,-0.0413,-0.701703,0.83335,0.366979,-0.7475,
- 0.369337,0.119431,-0.921589,0.722756,0.384892,-0.815000,
- 0.711272,-0.041300,-0.701703,0.833350,0.366979,-0.747500,
+ 0.369337,0.119431,-0.921589,0.722756,0.384892,-0.815,
+ 0.711272,-0.0413,-0.701703,0.83335,0.366979,-0.7475,
- 0.046906,0.258379,-0.964904,0.590043,0.406388,-0.837500,
- 0.369337,0.119431,-0.921589,0.722756,0.384892,-0.815000,
+ 0.046906,0.258379,-0.964904,0.590043,0.406388,-0.8375,
+ 0.369337,0.119431,-0.921589,0.722756,0.384892,-0.815,
- 0.369337,0.119431,-0.921589,0.722756,0.384892,-0.815000,
+ 0.369337,0.119431,-0.921589,0.722756,0.384892,-0.815,
- 0.046906,0.258379,-0.964904,0.590043,0.406388,-0.837500,
- 0.001894,-0.000876,-0.999998,0.561017,0.343841,-0.848750,
- 0.330471,-0.133893,-0.934270,0.698920,0.325689,-0.825500,
- 0.330471,-0.133893,-0.934270,0.698920,0.325689,-0.825500,
- 0.369337,0.119431,-0.921589,0.722756,0.384892,-0.815000,
- 0.046906,0.258379,-0.964904,0.590043,0.406388,-0.837500,
- 0.730929,0.126990,-0.670535,0.856137,0.470533,-0.708313,
- 0.744225,-0.021430,-0.667585,0.865458,0.513412,-0.690781,
+ 0.046906,0.258379,-0.964904,0.590043,0.406388,-0.8375,
+ 0.001894,-0.000876,-0.999998,0.561017,0.343841,-0.84875,
+ 0.330471,-0.133893,-0.93427,0.69892,0.325689,-0.8255,
+ 0.330471,-0.133893,-0.93427,0.69892,0.325689,-0.8255,
+ 0.369337,0.119431,-0.921589,0.722756,0.384892,-0.815,
+ 0.046906,0.258379,-0.964904,0.590043,0.406388,-0.8375,
+ 0.730929,0.12699,-0.670535,0.856137,0.470533,-0.708313,
+ 0.744225,-0.02143,-0.667585,0.865458,0.513412,-0.690781,
- 0.730929,0.126990,-0.670535,0.856137,0.470533,-0.708313,
+ 0.730929,0.12699,-0.670535,0.856137,0.470533,-0.708313,
- 0.730929,0.126990,-0.670535,0.856137,0.470533,-0.708313,
+ 0.730929,0.12699,-0.670535,0.856137,0.470533,-0.708313,
- -0.182600,0.532509,0.826493,0.544994,0.546127,-0.234875,
+ -0.1826,0.532509,0.826493,0.544994,0.546127,-0.234875,
- -0.182600,0.532509,0.826493,0.544994,0.546127,-0.234875,
- -0.462740,0.649831,0.602985,0.453481,0.568361,-0.291687,
+ -0.1826,0.532509,0.826493,0.544994,0.546127,-0.234875,
+ -0.46274,0.649831,0.602985,0.453481,0.568361,-0.291687,
- -0.182600,0.532509,0.826493,0.544994,0.546127,-0.234875,
+ -0.1826,0.532509,0.826493,0.544994,0.546127,-0.234875,
- -0.182600,0.532509,0.826493,0.544994,0.546127,-0.234875,
+ -0.1826,0.532509,0.826493,0.544994,0.546127,-0.234875,
- -0.182600,0.532509,0.826493,0.544994,0.546127,-0.234875,
+ -0.1826,0.532509,0.826493,0.544994,0.546127,-0.234875,
- -0.490654,0.624331,0.607840,0.398726,0.510130,-0.270547,
- -0.462740,0.649831,0.602985,0.453481,0.568361,-0.291687,
- -0.462740,0.649831,0.602985,0.453481,0.568361,-0.291687,
- -0.182600,0.532509,0.826493,0.544994,0.546127,-0.234875,
+ -0.490654,0.624331,0.60784,0.398726,0.51013,-0.270547,
+ -0.46274,0.649831,0.602985,0.453481,0.568361,-0.291687,
+ -0.46274,0.649831,0.602985,0.453481,0.568361,-0.291687,
+ -0.1826,0.532509,0.826493,0.544994,0.546127,-0.234875,
- 0.744225,-0.021430,0.667585,0.865458,0.513412,-0.309219,
+ 0.744225,-0.02143,0.667585,0.865458,0.513412,-0.309219,
- 0.637630,-0.234074,0.733919,0.813840,0.310563,-0.244250,
- 0.330471,-0.133893,0.934270,0.698920,0.325689,-0.174500,
- 0.369337,0.119431,0.921589,0.722756,0.384892,-0.185000,
- 0.637630,-0.234074,0.733919,0.813840,0.310563,-0.244250,
- 0.369337,0.119431,0.921589,0.722756,0.384892,-0.185000,
- 0.711272,-0.041300,0.701703,0.833350,0.366979,-0.252500,
- 0.330471,-0.133893,0.934270,0.698920,0.325689,-0.174500,
- 0.001894,-0.000875,0.999998,0.561017,0.343841,-0.151250,
- 0.046906,0.258379,0.964904,0.590043,0.406388,-0.162500,
- 0.046906,0.258379,0.964904,0.590043,0.406388,-0.162500,
- 0.369337,0.119431,0.921589,0.722756,0.384892,-0.185000,
- 0.330471,-0.133893,0.934270,0.698920,0.325689,-0.174500,
+ 0.63763,-0.234074,0.733919,0.81384,0.310563,-0.24425,
+ 0.330471,-0.133893,0.93427,0.69892,0.325689,-0.1745,
+ 0.369337,0.119431,0.921589,0.722756,0.384892,-0.185,
+ 0.63763,-0.234074,0.733919,0.81384,0.310563,-0.24425,
+ 0.369337,0.119431,0.921589,0.722756,0.384892,-0.185,
+ 0.711272,-0.0413,0.701703,0.83335,0.366979,-0.2525,
+ 0.330471,-0.133893,0.93427,0.69892,0.325689,-0.1745,
+ 0.001894,-0.000875,0.999998,0.561017,0.343841,-0.15125,
+ 0.046906,0.258379,0.964904,0.590043,0.406388,-0.1625,
+ 0.046906,0.258379,0.964904,0.590043,0.406388,-0.1625,
+ 0.369337,0.119431,0.921589,0.722756,0.384892,-0.185,
+ 0.330471,-0.133893,0.93427,0.69892,0.325689,-0.1745,
- 0.369337,0.119431,0.921589,0.722756,0.384892,-0.185000,
+ 0.369337,0.119431,0.921589,0.722756,0.384892,-0.185,
- 0.369337,0.119431,0.921589,0.722756,0.384892,-0.185000,
- 0.046906,0.258379,0.964904,0.590043,0.406388,-0.162500,
+ 0.369337,0.119431,0.921589,0.722756,0.384892,-0.185,
+ 0.046906,0.258379,0.964904,0.590043,0.406388,-0.1625,
- 0.711272,-0.041300,0.701703,0.833350,0.366979,-0.252500,
- 0.711272,-0.041300,0.701703,0.833350,0.366979,-0.252500,
- 0.369337,0.119431,0.921589,0.722756,0.384892,-0.185000,
+ 0.711272,-0.0413,0.701703,0.83335,0.366979,-0.2525,
+ 0.711272,-0.0413,0.701703,0.83335,0.366979,-0.2525,
+ 0.369337,0.119431,0.921589,0.722756,0.384892,-0.185,
- -0.328501,0.124794,0.936223,0.423113,0.361992,-0.174500,
- -0.645198,0.198269,0.737841,0.308193,0.377118,-0.244250,
- -0.594150,0.505848,0.625383,0.346736,0.445797,-0.252500,
- -0.594150,0.505848,0.625383,0.346736,0.445797,-0.252500,
- -0.261623,0.387306,0.884052,0.457330,0.427884,-0.185000,
- -0.328501,0.124794,0.936223,0.423113,0.361992,-0.174500,
- -0.490654,0.624331,0.607840,0.398726,0.510130,-0.270547,
+ -0.328501,0.124794,0.936223,0.423113,0.361992,-0.1745,
+ -0.645198,0.198269,0.737841,0.308193,0.377118,-0.24425,
+ -0.59415,0.505848,0.625383,0.346736,0.445797,-0.2525,
+ -0.59415,0.505848,0.625383,0.346736,0.445797,-0.2525,
+ -0.261623,0.387306,0.884052,0.45733,0.427884,-0.185,
+ -0.328501,0.124794,0.936223,0.423113,0.361992,-0.1745,
+ -0.490654,0.624331,0.60784,0.398726,0.51013,-0.270547,
- -0.261623,0.387306,0.884052,0.457330,0.427884,-0.185000,
- -0.490654,0.624331,0.607840,0.398726,0.510130,-0.270547,
- -0.261623,0.387306,0.884052,0.457330,0.427884,-0.185000,
- -0.594150,0.505848,0.625383,0.346736,0.445797,-0.252500,
+ -0.261623,0.387306,0.884052,0.45733,0.427884,-0.185,
+ -0.490654,0.624331,0.60784,0.398726,0.51013,-0.270547,
+ -0.261623,0.387306,0.884052,0.45733,0.427884,-0.185,
+ -0.59415,0.505848,0.625383,0.346736,0.445797,-0.2525,
- 0.046906,0.258379,0.964904,0.590043,0.406388,-0.162500,
- 0.046906,0.258379,0.964904,0.590043,0.406388,-0.162500,
- -0.261623,0.387306,0.884052,0.457330,0.427884,-0.185000,
+ 0.046906,0.258379,0.964904,0.590043,0.406388,-0.1625,
+ 0.046906,0.258379,0.964904,0.590043,0.406388,-0.1625,
+ -0.261623,0.387306,0.884052,0.45733,0.427884,-0.185,
- 0.001894,-0.000875,0.999998,0.561017,0.343841,-0.151250,
- -0.328501,0.124794,0.936223,0.423113,0.361992,-0.174500,
- -0.261623,0.387306,0.884052,0.457330,0.427884,-0.185000,
- 0.001894,-0.000875,0.999998,0.561017,0.343841,-0.151250,
- -0.261623,0.387306,0.884052,0.457330,0.427884,-0.185000,
- 0.046906,0.258379,0.964904,0.590043,0.406388,-0.162500,
- -0.462740,0.649831,-0.602985,0.453481,0.568361,-0.708313,
+ 0.001894,-0.000875,0.999998,0.561017,0.343841,-0.15125,
+ -0.328501,0.124794,0.936223,0.423113,0.361992,-0.1745,
+ -0.261623,0.387306,0.884052,0.45733,0.427884,-0.185,
+ 0.001894,-0.000875,0.999998,0.561017,0.343841,-0.15125,
+ -0.261623,0.387306,0.884052,0.45733,0.427884,-0.185,
+ 0.046906,0.258379,0.964904,0.590043,0.406388,-0.1625,
+ -0.46274,0.649831,-0.602985,0.453481,0.568361,-0.708313,
- -0.462740,0.649831,-0.602985,0.453481,0.568361,-0.708313,
- -0.749144,0.662408,-0.000000,0.433930,0.637880,-0.500000,
- -0.689225,0.724547,0.000000,0.380271,0.586148,-0.500000,
+ -0.46274,0.649831,-0.602985,0.453481,0.568361,-0.708313,
+ -0.749144,0.662408,0,0.43393,0.63788,-0.5,
+ -0.689225,0.724547,0,0.380271,0.586148,-0.5,
- -0.749144,0.662408,-0.000000,0.433930,0.637880,-0.500000,
+ -0.749144,0.662408,0,0.43393,0.63788,-0.5,
- -0.689225,0.724547,0.000000,0.380271,0.586148,-0.500000,
- -0.718122,0.695917,0.000000,0.317323,0.526334,-0.500000,
+ -0.689225,0.724547,0,0.380271,0.586148,-0.5,
+ -0.718122,0.695917,0,0.317323,0.526334,-0.5,
- -0.689225,0.724547,0.000000,0.380271,0.586148,-0.500000,
- -0.490654,0.624331,-0.607840,0.398726,0.510130,-0.729453,
- -0.462740,0.649831,-0.602985,0.453481,0.568361,-0.708313,
+ -0.689225,0.724547,0,0.380271,0.586148,-0.5,
+ -0.490654,0.624331,-0.60784,0.398726,0.51013,-0.729453,
+ -0.46274,0.649831,-0.602985,0.453481,0.568361,-0.708313,
- -0.490654,0.624331,-0.607840,0.398726,0.510130,-0.729453,
+ -0.490654,0.624331,-0.60784,0.398726,0.51013,-0.729453,
- -0.462740,0.649831,0.602985,0.453481,0.568361,-0.291687,
- -0.462740,0.649831,0.602985,0.453481,0.568361,-0.291687,
+ -0.46274,0.649831,0.602985,0.453481,0.568361,-0.291687,
+ -0.46274,0.649831,0.602985,0.453481,0.568361,-0.291687,
- -0.490654,0.624331,0.607840,0.398726,0.510130,-0.270547,
+ -0.490654,0.624331,0.60784,0.398726,0.51013,-0.270547,
- -0.490654,0.624331,0.607840,0.398726,0.510130,-0.270547,
+ -0.490654,0.624331,0.60784,0.398726,0.51013,-0.270547,
- -0.462740,0.649831,0.602985,0.453481,0.568361,-0.291687,
+ -0.46274,0.649831,0.602985,0.453481,0.568361,-0.291687,
- -0.718122,0.695917,0.000000,0.317323,0.526334,-0.500000,
- -0.689225,0.724547,0.000000,0.380271,0.586148,-0.500000,
- -0.689225,0.724547,0.000000,0.380271,0.586148,-0.500000,
+ -0.718122,0.695917,0,0.317323,0.526334,-0.5,
+ -0.689225,0.724547,0,0.380271,0.586148,-0.5,
+ -0.689225,0.724547,0,0.380271,0.586148,-0.5,
- -0.749144,0.662408,-0.000000,0.433930,0.637880,-0.500000,
+ -0.749144,0.662408,0,0.43393,0.63788,-0.5,
- -0.749144,0.662408,-0.000000,0.433930,0.637880,-0.500000,
+ -0.749144,0.662408,0,0.43393,0.63788,-0.5,
- -0.689225,0.724547,0.000000,0.380271,0.586148,-0.500000,
- -0.594150,0.505848,0.625383,0.346736,0.445797,-0.252500,
- -0.645198,0.198269,0.737841,0.308193,0.377118,-0.244250,
- -0.862657,0.314340,0.396249,0.239242,0.386194,-0.360500,
- -0.862657,0.314340,0.396249,0.239242,0.386194,-0.360500,
- -0.778413,0.562971,0.277735,0.280379,0.456545,-0.365000,
- -0.594150,0.505848,0.625383,0.346736,0.445797,-0.252500,
- -0.940313,0.340311,-0.000000,0.216258,0.389219,-0.500000,
- -0.786635,0.617419,-0.000000,0.258260,0.460127,-0.500000,
- -0.778413,0.562971,0.277735,0.280379,0.456545,-0.365000,
- -0.940313,0.340311,-0.000000,0.216258,0.389219,-0.500000,
- -0.778413,0.562971,0.277735,0.280379,0.456545,-0.365000,
- -0.862657,0.314340,0.396249,0.239242,0.386194,-0.360500,
- -0.786635,0.617419,-0.000000,0.258260,0.460127,-0.500000,
- -0.718122,0.695917,0.000000,0.317323,0.526334,-0.500000,
+ -0.689225,0.724547,0,0.380271,0.586148,-0.5,
+ -0.59415,0.505848,0.625383,0.346736,0.445797,-0.2525,
+ -0.645198,0.198269,0.737841,0.308193,0.377118,-0.24425,
+ -0.862657,0.31434,0.396249,0.239242,0.386194,-0.3605,
+ -0.862657,0.31434,0.396249,0.239242,0.386194,-0.3605,
+ -0.778413,0.562971,0.277735,0.280379,0.456545,-0.365,
+ -0.59415,0.505848,0.625383,0.346736,0.445797,-0.2525,
+ -0.940313,0.340311,0,0.216258,0.389219,-0.5,
+ -0.786635,0.617419,0,0.25826,0.460127,-0.5,
+ -0.778413,0.562971,0.277735,0.280379,0.456545,-0.365,
+ -0.940313,0.340311,0,0.216258,0.389219,-0.5,
+ -0.778413,0.562971,0.277735,0.280379,0.456545,-0.365,
+ -0.862657,0.31434,0.396249,0.239242,0.386194,-0.3605,
+ -0.786635,0.617419,0,0.25826,0.460127,-0.5,
+ -0.718122,0.695917,0,0.317323,0.526334,-0.5,
- -0.778413,0.562971,0.277735,0.280379,0.456545,-0.365000,
- -0.786635,0.617419,-0.000000,0.258260,0.460127,-0.500000,
+ -0.778413,0.562971,0.277735,0.280379,0.456545,-0.365,
+ -0.786635,0.617419,0,0.25826,0.460127,-0.5,
- -0.490654,0.624331,0.607840,0.398726,0.510130,-0.270547,
- -0.594150,0.505848,0.625383,0.346736,0.445797,-0.252500,
- -0.594150,0.505848,0.625383,0.346736,0.445797,-0.252500,
- -0.778413,0.562971,0.277735,0.280379,0.456545,-0.365000,
+ -0.490654,0.624331,0.60784,0.398726,0.51013,-0.270547,
+ -0.59415,0.505848,0.625383,0.346736,0.445797,-0.2525,
+ -0.59415,0.505848,0.625383,0.346736,0.445797,-0.2525,
+ -0.778413,0.562971,0.277735,0.280379,0.456545,-0.365,
- -0.862657,0.314340,-0.396249,0.239242,0.386194,-0.639500,
- -0.645198,0.198269,-0.737841,0.308193,0.377118,-0.755750,
- -0.594150,0.505848,-0.625383,0.346736,0.445797,-0.747500,
- -0.594150,0.505848,-0.625383,0.346736,0.445797,-0.747500,
- -0.778414,0.562971,-0.277735,0.280379,0.456545,-0.635000,
- -0.862657,0.314340,-0.396249,0.239242,0.386194,-0.639500,
- -0.594150,0.505848,-0.625383,0.346736,0.445797,-0.747500,
- -0.490654,0.624331,-0.607840,0.398726,0.510130,-0.729453,
+ -0.862657,0.31434,-0.396249,0.239242,0.386194,-0.6395,
+ -0.645198,0.198269,-0.737841,0.308193,0.377118,-0.75575,
+ -0.59415,0.505848,-0.625383,0.346736,0.445797,-0.7475,
+ -0.59415,0.505848,-0.625383,0.346736,0.445797,-0.7475,
+ -0.778414,0.562971,-0.277735,0.280379,0.456545,-0.635,
+ -0.862657,0.31434,-0.396249,0.239242,0.386194,-0.6395,
+ -0.59415,0.505848,-0.625383,0.346736,0.445797,-0.7475,
+ -0.490654,0.624331,-0.60784,0.398726,0.51013,-0.729453,
- -0.778414,0.562971,-0.277735,0.280379,0.456545,-0.635000,
- -0.594150,0.505848,-0.625383,0.346736,0.445797,-0.747500,
+ -0.778414,0.562971,-0.277735,0.280379,0.456545,-0.635,
+ -0.59415,0.505848,-0.625383,0.346736,0.445797,-0.7475,
- -0.718122,0.695917,0.000000,0.317323,0.526334,-0.500000,
- -0.786635,0.617419,-0.000000,0.258260,0.460127,-0.500000,
- -0.786635,0.617419,-0.000000,0.258260,0.460127,-0.500000,
- -0.778414,0.562971,-0.277735,0.280379,0.456545,-0.635000,
+ -0.718122,0.695917,0,0.317323,0.526334,-0.5,
+ -0.786635,0.617419,0,0.25826,0.460127,-0.5,
+ -0.786635,0.617419,0,0.25826,0.460127,-0.5,
+ -0.778414,0.562971,-0.277735,0.280379,0.456545,-0.635,
- -0.940313,0.340311,-0.000000,0.216258,0.389219,-0.500000,
- -0.862657,0.314340,-0.396249,0.239242,0.386194,-0.639500,
- -0.778414,0.562971,-0.277735,0.280379,0.456545,-0.635000,
- -0.940313,0.340311,-0.000000,0.216258,0.389219,-0.500000,
- -0.778414,0.562971,-0.277735,0.280379,0.456545,-0.635000,
- -0.786635,0.617419,-0.000000,0.258260,0.460127,-0.500000,
- -0.686460,-0.277096,-0.672303,0.316229,0.114342,-0.690781,
+ -0.940313,0.340311,0,0.216258,0.389219,-0.5,
+ -0.862657,0.31434,-0.396249,0.239242,0.386194,-0.6395,
+ -0.778414,0.562971,-0.277735,0.280379,0.456545,-0.635,
+ -0.940313,0.340311,0,0.216258,0.389219,-0.5,
+ -0.778414,0.562971,-0.277735,0.280379,0.456545,-0.635,
+ -0.786635,0.617419,0,0.25826,0.460127,-0.5,
+ -0.68646,-0.277096,-0.672303,0.316229,0.114342,-0.690781,
- -0.337162,-0.377107,-0.862620,0.400082,0.165542,-0.765125,
- -0.686460,-0.277096,-0.672303,0.316229,0.114342,-0.690781,
- -0.337162,-0.377107,-0.862620,0.400082,0.165542,-0.765125,
+ -0.337162,-0.377107,-0.86262,0.400082,0.165542,-0.765125,
+ -0.68646,-0.277096,-0.672303,0.316229,0.114342,-0.690781,
+ -0.337162,-0.377107,-0.86262,0.400082,0.165542,-0.765125,
- -0.337162,-0.377107,-0.862620,0.400082,0.165542,-0.765125,
+ -0.337162,-0.377107,-0.86262,0.400082,0.165542,-0.765125,
- -0.337162,-0.377107,-0.862620,0.400082,0.165542,-0.765125,
+ -0.337162,-0.377107,-0.86262,0.400082,0.165542,-0.765125,
- -0.034163,-0.398975,-0.916325,0.523830,0.217409,-0.812891,
- -0.348349,-0.345034,-0.871553,0.399335,0.227430,-0.792031,
- -0.348349,-0.345034,-0.871553,0.399335,0.227430,-0.792031,
- -0.337162,-0.377107,-0.862620,0.400082,0.165542,-0.765125,
+ -0.034163,-0.398975,-0.916325,0.52383,0.217409,-0.812891,
+ -0.348349,-0.345034,-0.871553,0.399335,0.22743,-0.792031,
+ -0.348349,-0.345034,-0.871553,0.399335,0.22743,-0.792031,
+ -0.337162,-0.377107,-0.86262,0.400082,0.165542,-0.765125,
- -0.348349,-0.345034,-0.871553,0.399335,0.227430,-0.792031,
+ -0.348349,-0.345034,-0.871553,0.399335,0.22743,-0.792031,
- -0.337162,-0.377107,-0.862620,0.400082,0.165542,-0.765125,
- -0.348349,-0.345034,-0.871553,0.399335,0.227430,-0.792031,
- 0.612462,-0.474039,-0.632596,0.697100,0.103031,-0.690781,
- 0.562161,-0.569598,-0.599610,0.720950,0.148061,-0.708313,
+ -0.337162,-0.377107,-0.86262,0.400082,0.165542,-0.765125,
+ -0.348349,-0.345034,-0.871553,0.399335,0.22743,-0.792031,
+ 0.612462,-0.474039,-0.632596,0.6971,0.103031,-0.690781,
+ 0.562161,-0.569598,-0.59961,0.72095,0.148061,-0.708313,
- 0.612462,-0.474039,-0.632596,0.697100,0.103031,-0.690781,
+ 0.612462,-0.474039,-0.632596,0.6971,0.103031,-0.690781,
- 0.562161,-0.569598,-0.599610,0.720950,0.148061,-0.708313,
- 0.562307,-0.555940,-0.612162,0.752070,0.199038,-0.729453,
+ 0.562161,-0.569598,-0.59961,0.72095,0.148061,-0.708313,
+ 0.562307,-0.55594,-0.612162,0.75207,0.199038,-0.729453,
- 0.562161,-0.569598,-0.599610,0.720950,0.148061,-0.708313,
- -0.034163,-0.398975,-0.916325,0.523830,0.217409,-0.812891,
+ 0.562161,-0.569598,-0.59961,0.72095,0.148061,-0.708313,
+ -0.034163,-0.398975,-0.916325,0.52383,0.217409,-0.812891,
- -0.034163,-0.398975,-0.916325,0.523830,0.217409,-0.812891,
+ -0.034163,-0.398975,-0.916325,0.52383,0.217409,-0.812891,
- 0.603048,-0.457417,-0.653531,0.784890,0.253894,-0.747500,
- 0.637630,-0.234074,-0.733919,0.813840,0.310563,-0.755750,
- 0.330471,-0.133893,-0.934270,0.698920,0.325689,-0.825500,
- 0.330471,-0.133893,-0.934270,0.698920,0.325689,-0.825500,
- 0.285459,-0.369325,-0.884371,0.673275,0.265703,-0.815000,
- 0.603048,-0.457417,-0.653531,0.784890,0.253894,-0.747500,
- 0.001894,-0.000876,-0.999998,0.561017,0.343841,-0.848750,
- -0.029604,-0.263000,-0.964342,0.539336,0.279873,-0.837500,
- 0.285459,-0.369325,-0.884371,0.673275,0.265703,-0.815000,
- 0.001894,-0.000876,-0.999998,0.561017,0.343841,-0.848750,
- 0.285459,-0.369325,-0.884371,0.673275,0.265703,-0.815000,
- 0.330471,-0.133893,-0.934270,0.698920,0.325689,-0.825500,
- -0.029604,-0.263000,-0.964342,0.539336,0.279873,-0.837500,
- -0.034163,-0.398975,-0.916325,0.523830,0.217409,-0.812891,
+ 0.603048,-0.457417,-0.653531,0.78489,0.253894,-0.7475,
+ 0.63763,-0.234074,-0.733919,0.81384,0.310563,-0.75575,
+ 0.330471,-0.133893,-0.93427,0.69892,0.325689,-0.8255,
+ 0.330471,-0.133893,-0.93427,0.69892,0.325689,-0.8255,
+ 0.285459,-0.369325,-0.884371,0.673275,0.265703,-0.815,
+ 0.603048,-0.457417,-0.653531,0.78489,0.253894,-0.7475,
+ 0.001894,-0.000876,-0.999998,0.561017,0.343841,-0.84875,
+ -0.029604,-0.263,-0.964342,0.539336,0.279873,-0.8375,
+ 0.285459,-0.369325,-0.884371,0.673275,0.265703,-0.815,
+ 0.001894,-0.000876,-0.999998,0.561017,0.343841,-0.84875,
+ 0.285459,-0.369325,-0.884371,0.673275,0.265703,-0.815,
+ 0.330471,-0.133893,-0.93427,0.69892,0.325689,-0.8255,
+ -0.029604,-0.263,-0.964342,0.539336,0.279873,-0.8375,
+ -0.034163,-0.398975,-0.916325,0.52383,0.217409,-0.812891,
- 0.285459,-0.369325,-0.884371,0.673275,0.265703,-0.815000,
- -0.029604,-0.263000,-0.964342,0.539336,0.279873,-0.837500,
- 0.562307,-0.555940,-0.612162,0.752070,0.199038,-0.729453,
- 0.603048,-0.457417,-0.653531,0.784890,0.253894,-0.747500,
- 0.285459,-0.369325,-0.884371,0.673275,0.265703,-0.815000,
- 0.562307,-0.555940,-0.612162,0.752070,0.199038,-0.729453,
- 0.285459,-0.369325,-0.884371,0.673275,0.265703,-0.815000,
+ 0.285459,-0.369325,-0.884371,0.673275,0.265703,-0.815,
+ -0.029604,-0.263,-0.964342,0.539336,0.279873,-0.8375,
+ 0.562307,-0.55594,-0.612162,0.75207,0.199038,-0.729453,
+ 0.603048,-0.457417,-0.653531,0.78489,0.253894,-0.7475,
+ 0.285459,-0.369325,-0.884371,0.673275,0.265703,-0.815,
+ 0.562307,-0.55594,-0.612162,0.75207,0.199038,-0.729453,
+ 0.285459,-0.369325,-0.884371,0.673275,0.265703,-0.815,
- -0.645198,0.198269,-0.737841,0.308193,0.377118,-0.755750,
- -0.746027,-0.030098,-0.665235,0.293781,0.305853,-0.747500,
- -0.383319,-0.173246,-0.907222,0.405397,0.294044,-0.815000,
- -0.645198,0.198269,-0.737841,0.308193,0.377118,-0.755750,
- -0.383319,-0.173246,-0.907222,0.405397,0.294044,-0.815000,
- -0.328501,0.124794,-0.936223,0.423113,0.361992,-0.825500,
+ -0.645198,0.198269,-0.737841,0.308193,0.377118,-0.75575,
+ -0.746027,-0.030098,-0.665235,0.293781,0.305853,-0.7475,
+ -0.383319,-0.173246,-0.907222,0.405397,0.294044,-0.815,
+ -0.645198,0.198269,-0.737841,0.308193,0.377118,-0.75575,
+ -0.383319,-0.173246,-0.907222,0.405397,0.294044,-0.815,
+ -0.328501,0.124794,-0.936223,0.423113,0.361992,-0.8255,
- -0.348349,-0.345034,-0.871553,0.399335,0.227430,-0.792031,
- -0.383319,-0.173246,-0.907222,0.405397,0.294044,-0.815000,
+ -0.348349,-0.345034,-0.871553,0.399335,0.22743,-0.792031,
+ -0.383319,-0.173246,-0.907222,0.405397,0.294044,-0.815,
- -0.383319,-0.173246,-0.907222,0.405397,0.294044,-0.815000,
- -0.746027,-0.030098,-0.665235,0.293781,0.305853,-0.747500,
- -0.034163,-0.398975,-0.916325,0.523830,0.217409,-0.812891,
- -0.029604,-0.263000,-0.964342,0.539336,0.279873,-0.837500,
- -0.383319,-0.173246,-0.907222,0.405397,0.294044,-0.815000,
- -0.034163,-0.398975,-0.916325,0.523830,0.217409,-0.812891,
- -0.383319,-0.173246,-0.907222,0.405397,0.294044,-0.815000,
- -0.348349,-0.345034,-0.871553,0.399335,0.227430,-0.792031,
- -0.029604,-0.263000,-0.964342,0.539336,0.279873,-0.837500,
- 0.001894,-0.000876,-0.999998,0.561017,0.343841,-0.848750,
- -0.328501,0.124794,-0.936223,0.423113,0.361992,-0.825500,
- -0.328501,0.124794,-0.936223,0.423113,0.361992,-0.825500,
- -0.383319,-0.173246,-0.907222,0.405397,0.294044,-0.815000,
- -0.029604,-0.263000,-0.964342,0.539336,0.279873,-0.837500,
- -0.686460,-0.277096,-0.672303,0.316229,0.114342,-0.690781,
+ -0.383319,-0.173246,-0.907222,0.405397,0.294044,-0.815,
+ -0.746027,-0.030098,-0.665235,0.293781,0.305853,-0.7475,
+ -0.034163,-0.398975,-0.916325,0.52383,0.217409,-0.812891,
+ -0.029604,-0.263,-0.964342,0.539336,0.279873,-0.8375,
+ -0.383319,-0.173246,-0.907222,0.405397,0.294044,-0.815,
+ -0.034163,-0.398975,-0.916325,0.52383,0.217409,-0.812891,
+ -0.383319,-0.173246,-0.907222,0.405397,0.294044,-0.815,
+ -0.348349,-0.345034,-0.871553,0.399335,0.22743,-0.792031,
+ -0.029604,-0.263,-0.964342,0.539336,0.279873,-0.8375,
+ 0.001894,-0.000876,-0.999998,0.561017,0.343841,-0.84875,
+ -0.328501,0.124794,-0.936223,0.423113,0.361992,-0.8255,
+ -0.328501,0.124794,-0.936223,0.423113,0.361992,-0.8255,
+ -0.383319,-0.173246,-0.907222,0.405397,0.294044,-0.815,
+ -0.029604,-0.263,-0.964342,0.539336,0.279873,-0.8375,
+ -0.68646,-0.277096,-0.672303,0.316229,0.114342,-0.690781,
- -0.903160,-0.279949,-0.325470,0.249085,0.173768,-0.613625,
- -0.686460,-0.277096,-0.672303,0.316229,0.114342,-0.690781,
- -0.903160,-0.279949,-0.325470,0.249085,0.173768,-0.613625,
+ -0.90316,-0.279949,-0.32547,0.249085,0.173768,-0.613625,
+ -0.68646,-0.277096,-0.672303,0.316229,0.114342,-0.690781,
+ -0.90316,-0.279949,-0.32547,0.249085,0.173768,-0.613625,
- -0.922220,-0.200491,-0.330626,0.233342,0.240791,-0.625156,
- -0.922220,-0.200491,-0.330626,0.233342,0.240791,-0.625156,
- -0.903160,-0.279949,-0.325470,0.249085,0.173768,-0.613625,
+ -0.92222,-0.200491,-0.330626,0.233342,0.240791,-0.625156,
+ -0.92222,-0.200491,-0.330626,0.233342,0.240791,-0.625156,
+ -0.90316,-0.279949,-0.32547,0.249085,0.173768,-0.613625,
- -0.978535,-0.206083,-0.000000,0.212593,0.242461,-0.500000,
- -0.963203,-0.268774,-0.000000,0.230210,0.174796,-0.500000,
- -0.903160,-0.279949,-0.325470,0.249085,0.173768,-0.613625,
- -0.978535,-0.206083,-0.000000,0.212593,0.242461,-0.500000,
- -0.903160,-0.279949,-0.325470,0.249085,0.173768,-0.613625,
- -0.922220,-0.200491,-0.330626,0.233342,0.240791,-0.625156,
- -0.963203,-0.268774,-0.000000,0.230210,0.174796,-0.500000,
- -0.984639,-0.174604,0.000000,0.246980,0.116398,-0.500000,
+ -0.978535,-0.206083,0,0.212593,0.242461,-0.5,
+ -0.963203,-0.268774,0,0.23021,0.174796,-0.5,
+ -0.90316,-0.279949,-0.32547,0.249085,0.173768,-0.613625,
+ -0.978535,-0.206083,0,0.212593,0.242461,-0.5,
+ -0.90316,-0.279949,-0.32547,0.249085,0.173768,-0.613625,
+ -0.92222,-0.200491,-0.330626,0.233342,0.240791,-0.625156,
+ -0.963203,-0.268774,0,0.23021,0.174796,-0.5,
+ -0.984639,-0.174604,0,0.24698,0.116398,-0.5,
- -0.903160,-0.279949,-0.325470,0.249085,0.173768,-0.613625,
- -0.963203,-0.268774,-0.000000,0.230210,0.174796,-0.500000,
- -0.746027,-0.030098,-0.665235,0.293781,0.305853,-0.747500,
- -0.645198,0.198269,-0.737841,0.308193,0.377118,-0.755750,
- -0.862657,0.314340,-0.396249,0.239242,0.386194,-0.639500,
- -0.862657,0.314340,-0.396249,0.239242,0.386194,-0.639500,
- -0.939405,0.002804,-0.342799,0.226812,0.312938,-0.635000,
- -0.746027,-0.030098,-0.665235,0.293781,0.305853,-0.747500,
- -0.940313,0.340311,-0.000000,0.216258,0.389219,-0.500000,
- -0.999757,-0.022023,0.000000,0.204489,0.315300,-0.500000,
- -0.939405,0.002804,-0.342799,0.226812,0.312938,-0.635000,
- -0.940313,0.340311,-0.000000,0.216258,0.389219,-0.500000,
- -0.939405,0.002804,-0.342799,0.226812,0.312938,-0.635000,
- -0.862657,0.314340,-0.396249,0.239242,0.386194,-0.639500,
- -0.999757,-0.022023,0.000000,0.204489,0.315300,-0.500000,
- -0.978535,-0.206083,-0.000000,0.212593,0.242461,-0.500000,
- -0.922220,-0.200491,-0.330626,0.233342,0.240791,-0.625156,
- -0.922220,-0.200491,-0.330626,0.233342,0.240791,-0.625156,
- -0.939405,0.002804,-0.342799,0.226812,0.312938,-0.635000,
- -0.999757,-0.022023,0.000000,0.204489,0.315300,-0.500000,
+ -0.90316,-0.279949,-0.32547,0.249085,0.173768,-0.613625,
+ -0.963203,-0.268774,0,0.23021,0.174796,-0.5,
+ -0.746027,-0.030098,-0.665235,0.293781,0.305853,-0.7475,
+ -0.645198,0.198269,-0.737841,0.308193,0.377118,-0.75575,
+ -0.862657,0.31434,-0.396249,0.239242,0.386194,-0.6395,
+ -0.862657,0.31434,-0.396249,0.239242,0.386194,-0.6395,
+ -0.939405,0.002804,-0.342799,0.226812,0.312938,-0.635,
+ -0.746027,-0.030098,-0.665235,0.293781,0.305853,-0.7475,
+ -0.940313,0.340311,0,0.216258,0.389219,-0.5,
+ -0.999757,-0.022023,0,0.204489,0.3153,-0.5,
+ -0.939405,0.002804,-0.342799,0.226812,0.312938,-0.635,
+ -0.940313,0.340311,0,0.216258,0.389219,-0.5,
+ -0.939405,0.002804,-0.342799,0.226812,0.312938,-0.635,
+ -0.862657,0.31434,-0.396249,0.239242,0.386194,-0.6395,
+ -0.999757,-0.022023,0,0.204489,0.3153,-0.5,
+ -0.978535,-0.206083,0,0.212593,0.242461,-0.5,
+ -0.92222,-0.200491,-0.330626,0.233342,0.240791,-0.625156,
+ -0.92222,-0.200491,-0.330626,0.233342,0.240791,-0.625156,
+ -0.939405,0.002804,-0.342799,0.226812,0.312938,-0.635,
+ -0.999757,-0.022023,0,0.204489,0.3153,-0.5,
- -0.746027,-0.030098,-0.665235,0.293781,0.305853,-0.747500,
- -0.939405,0.002804,-0.342799,0.226812,0.312938,-0.635000,
+ -0.746027,-0.030098,-0.665235,0.293781,0.305853,-0.7475,
+ -0.939405,0.002804,-0.342799,0.226812,0.312938,-0.635,
- -0.939405,0.002804,-0.342799,0.226812,0.312938,-0.635000,
- -0.922220,-0.200491,-0.330626,0.233342,0.240791,-0.625156,
- -0.862657,0.314340,0.396249,0.239242,0.386194,-0.360500,
- -0.645198,0.198269,0.737841,0.308193,0.377118,-0.244250,
- -0.746027,-0.030098,0.665236,0.293781,0.305853,-0.252500,
- -0.746027,-0.030098,0.665236,0.293781,0.305853,-0.252500,
- -0.939405,0.002804,0.342799,0.226812,0.312938,-0.365000,
- -0.862657,0.314340,0.396249,0.239242,0.386194,-0.360500,
+ -0.939405,0.002804,-0.342799,0.226812,0.312938,-0.635,
+ -0.92222,-0.200491,-0.330626,0.233342,0.240791,-0.625156,
+ -0.862657,0.31434,0.396249,0.239242,0.386194,-0.3605,
+ -0.645198,0.198269,0.737841,0.308193,0.377118,-0.24425,
+ -0.746027,-0.030098,0.665236,0.293781,0.305853,-0.2525,
+ -0.746027,-0.030098,0.665236,0.293781,0.305853,-0.2525,
+ -0.939405,0.002804,0.342799,0.226812,0.312938,-0.365,
+ -0.862657,0.31434,0.396249,0.239242,0.386194,-0.3605,
- -0.922220,-0.200492,0.330626,0.233342,0.240791,-0.374844,
- -0.939405,0.002804,0.342799,0.226812,0.312938,-0.365000,
+ -0.92222,-0.200492,0.330626,0.233342,0.240791,-0.374844,
+ -0.939405,0.002804,0.342799,0.226812,0.312938,-0.365,
- -0.939405,0.002804,0.342799,0.226812,0.312938,-0.365000,
- -0.746027,-0.030098,0.665236,0.293781,0.305853,-0.252500,
- -0.922220,-0.200492,0.330626,0.233342,0.240791,-0.374844,
- -0.978535,-0.206083,-0.000000,0.212593,0.242461,-0.500000,
- -0.999757,-0.022023,0.000000,0.204489,0.315300,-0.500000,
- -0.999757,-0.022023,0.000000,0.204489,0.315300,-0.500000,
- -0.939405,0.002804,0.342799,0.226812,0.312938,-0.365000,
- -0.922220,-0.200492,0.330626,0.233342,0.240791,-0.374844,
- -0.940313,0.340311,-0.000000,0.216258,0.389219,-0.500000,
- -0.862657,0.314340,0.396249,0.239242,0.386194,-0.360500,
- -0.939405,0.002804,0.342799,0.226812,0.312938,-0.365000,
- -0.940313,0.340311,-0.000000,0.216258,0.389219,-0.500000,
- -0.939405,0.002804,0.342799,0.226812,0.312938,-0.365000,
- -0.999757,-0.022023,0.000000,0.204489,0.315300,-0.500000,
- -0.686460,-0.277096,0.672303,0.316229,0.114342,-0.309219,
+ -0.939405,0.002804,0.342799,0.226812,0.312938,-0.365,
+ -0.746027,-0.030098,0.665236,0.293781,0.305853,-0.2525,
+ -0.92222,-0.200492,0.330626,0.233342,0.240791,-0.374844,
+ -0.978535,-0.206083,0,0.212593,0.242461,-0.5,
+ -0.999757,-0.022023,0,0.204489,0.3153,-0.5,
+ -0.999757,-0.022023,0,0.204489,0.3153,-0.5,
+ -0.939405,0.002804,0.342799,0.226812,0.312938,-0.365,
+ -0.92222,-0.200492,0.330626,0.233342,0.240791,-0.374844,
+ -0.940313,0.340311,0,0.216258,0.389219,-0.5,
+ -0.862657,0.31434,0.396249,0.239242,0.386194,-0.3605,
+ -0.939405,0.002804,0.342799,0.226812,0.312938,-0.365,
+ -0.940313,0.340311,0,0.216258,0.389219,-0.5,
+ -0.939405,0.002804,0.342799,0.226812,0.312938,-0.365,
+ -0.999757,-0.022023,0,0.204489,0.3153,-0.5,
+ -0.68646,-0.277096,0.672303,0.316229,0.114342,-0.309219,
- -0.903160,-0.279949,0.325470,0.249085,0.173768,-0.386375,
- -0.686460,-0.277096,0.672303,0.316229,0.114342,-0.309219,
- -0.903160,-0.279949,0.325470,0.249085,0.173768,-0.386375,
+ -0.90316,-0.279949,0.32547,0.249085,0.173768,-0.386375,
+ -0.68646,-0.277096,0.672303,0.316229,0.114342,-0.309219,
+ -0.90316,-0.279949,0.32547,0.249085,0.173768,-0.386375,
- -0.984639,-0.174604,0.000000,0.246980,0.116398,-0.500000,
- -0.963203,-0.268774,-0.000000,0.230210,0.174796,-0.500000,
- -0.963203,-0.268774,-0.000000,0.230210,0.174796,-0.500000,
- -0.903160,-0.279949,0.325470,0.249085,0.173768,-0.386375,
+ -0.984639,-0.174604,0,0.24698,0.116398,-0.5,
+ -0.963203,-0.268774,0,0.23021,0.174796,-0.5,
+ -0.963203,-0.268774,0,0.23021,0.174796,-0.5,
+ -0.90316,-0.279949,0.32547,0.249085,0.173768,-0.386375,
- -0.978535,-0.206083,-0.000000,0.212593,0.242461,-0.500000,
- -0.922220,-0.200492,0.330626,0.233342,0.240791,-0.374844,
- -0.903160,-0.279949,0.325470,0.249085,0.173768,-0.386375,
- -0.978535,-0.206083,-0.000000,0.212593,0.242461,-0.500000,
- -0.903160,-0.279949,0.325470,0.249085,0.173768,-0.386375,
- -0.963203,-0.268774,-0.000000,0.230210,0.174796,-0.500000,
- -0.922220,-0.200492,0.330626,0.233342,0.240791,-0.374844,
+ -0.978535,-0.206083,0,0.212593,0.242461,-0.5,
+ -0.92222,-0.200492,0.330626,0.233342,0.240791,-0.374844,
+ -0.90316,-0.279949,0.32547,0.249085,0.173768,-0.386375,
+ -0.978535,-0.206083,0,0.212593,0.242461,-0.5,
+ -0.90316,-0.279949,0.32547,0.249085,0.173768,-0.386375,
+ -0.963203,-0.268774,0,0.23021,0.174796,-0.5,
+ -0.92222,-0.200492,0.330626,0.233342,0.240791,-0.374844,
- -0.903160,-0.279949,0.325470,0.249085,0.173768,-0.386375,
- -0.922220,-0.200492,0.330626,0.233342,0.240791,-0.374844,
- -0.686460,-0.277096,0.672303,0.316229,0.114342,-0.309219,
+ -0.90316,-0.279949,0.32547,0.249085,0.173768,-0.386375,
+ -0.92222,-0.200492,0.330626,0.233342,0.240791,-0.374844,
+ -0.68646,-0.277096,0.672303,0.316229,0.114342,-0.309219,
- -0.686460,-0.277096,0.672303,0.316229,0.114342,-0.309219,
+ -0.68646,-0.277096,0.672303,0.316229,0.114342,-0.309219,
- -0.348350,-0.345034,0.871553,0.399335,0.227430,-0.207969,
- -0.348350,-0.345034,0.871553,0.399335,0.227430,-0.207969,
+ -0.34835,-0.345034,0.871553,0.399335,0.22743,-0.207969,
+ -0.34835,-0.345034,0.871553,0.399335,0.22743,-0.207969,
- -0.348350,-0.345034,0.871553,0.399335,0.227430,-0.207969,
- -0.034164,-0.398975,0.916325,0.523830,0.217409,-0.187109,
+ -0.34835,-0.345034,0.871553,0.399335,0.22743,-0.207969,
+ -0.034164,-0.398975,0.916325,0.52383,0.217409,-0.187109,
- -0.348350,-0.345034,0.871553,0.399335,0.227430,-0.207969,
+ -0.34835,-0.345034,0.871553,0.399335,0.22743,-0.207969,
- -0.645198,0.198269,0.737841,0.308193,0.377118,-0.244250,
- -0.328501,0.124794,0.936223,0.423113,0.361992,-0.174500,
- -0.383319,-0.173246,0.907222,0.405397,0.294044,-0.185000,
- -0.645198,0.198269,0.737841,0.308193,0.377118,-0.244250,
- -0.383319,-0.173246,0.907222,0.405397,0.294044,-0.185000,
- -0.746027,-0.030098,0.665236,0.293781,0.305853,-0.252500,
- -0.328501,0.124794,0.936223,0.423113,0.361992,-0.174500,
- 0.001894,-0.000875,0.999998,0.561017,0.343841,-0.151250,
- -0.029604,-0.263000,0.964342,0.539336,0.279873,-0.162500,
- -0.029604,-0.263000,0.964342,0.539336,0.279873,-0.162500,
- -0.383319,-0.173246,0.907222,0.405397,0.294044,-0.185000,
- -0.328501,0.124794,0.936223,0.423113,0.361992,-0.174500,
- -0.034164,-0.398975,0.916325,0.523830,0.217409,-0.187109,
- -0.348350,-0.345034,0.871553,0.399335,0.227430,-0.207969,
- -0.383319,-0.173246,0.907222,0.405397,0.294044,-0.185000,
- -0.034164,-0.398975,0.916325,0.523830,0.217409,-0.187109,
- -0.383319,-0.173246,0.907222,0.405397,0.294044,-0.185000,
- -0.029604,-0.263000,0.964342,0.539336,0.279873,-0.162500,
+ -0.645198,0.198269,0.737841,0.308193,0.377118,-0.24425,
+ -0.328501,0.124794,0.936223,0.423113,0.361992,-0.1745,
+ -0.383319,-0.173246,0.907222,0.405397,0.294044,-0.185,
+ -0.645198,0.198269,0.737841,0.308193,0.377118,-0.24425,
+ -0.383319,-0.173246,0.907222,0.405397,0.294044,-0.185,
+ -0.746027,-0.030098,0.665236,0.293781,0.305853,-0.2525,
+ -0.328501,0.124794,0.936223,0.423113,0.361992,-0.1745,
+ 0.001894,-0.000875,0.999998,0.561017,0.343841,-0.15125,
+ -0.029604,-0.263,0.964342,0.539336,0.279873,-0.1625,
+ -0.029604,-0.263,0.964342,0.539336,0.279873,-0.1625,
+ -0.383319,-0.173246,0.907222,0.405397,0.294044,-0.185,
+ -0.328501,0.124794,0.936223,0.423113,0.361992,-0.1745,
+ -0.034164,-0.398975,0.916325,0.52383,0.217409,-0.187109,
+ -0.34835,-0.345034,0.871553,0.399335,0.22743,-0.207969,
+ -0.383319,-0.173246,0.907222,0.405397,0.294044,-0.185,
+ -0.034164,-0.398975,0.916325,0.52383,0.217409,-0.187109,
+ -0.383319,-0.173246,0.907222,0.405397,0.294044,-0.185,
+ -0.029604,-0.263,0.964342,0.539336,0.279873,-0.1625,
- -0.746027,-0.030098,0.665236,0.293781,0.305853,-0.252500,
- -0.383319,-0.173246,0.907222,0.405397,0.294044,-0.185000,
+ -0.746027,-0.030098,0.665236,0.293781,0.305853,-0.2525,
+ -0.383319,-0.173246,0.907222,0.405397,0.294044,-0.185,
- -0.383319,-0.173246,0.907222,0.405397,0.294044,-0.185000,
- -0.348350,-0.345034,0.871553,0.399335,0.227430,-0.207969,
- 0.330471,-0.133893,0.934270,0.698920,0.325689,-0.174500,
- 0.637630,-0.234074,0.733919,0.813840,0.310563,-0.244250,
- 0.603048,-0.457417,0.653531,0.784890,0.253894,-0.252500,
- 0.603048,-0.457417,0.653531,0.784890,0.253894,-0.252500,
- 0.285459,-0.369325,0.884371,0.673275,0.265703,-0.185000,
- 0.330471,-0.133893,0.934270,0.698920,0.325689,-0.174500,
- 0.562306,-0.555940,0.612162,0.752070,0.199038,-0.270547,
+ -0.383319,-0.173246,0.907222,0.405397,0.294044,-0.185,
+ -0.34835,-0.345034,0.871553,0.399335,0.22743,-0.207969,
+ 0.330471,-0.133893,0.93427,0.69892,0.325689,-0.1745,
+ 0.63763,-0.234074,0.733919,0.81384,0.310563,-0.24425,
+ 0.603048,-0.457417,0.653531,0.78489,0.253894,-0.2525,
+ 0.603048,-0.457417,0.653531,0.78489,0.253894,-0.2525,
+ 0.285459,-0.369325,0.884371,0.673275,0.265703,-0.185,
+ 0.330471,-0.133893,0.93427,0.69892,0.325689,-0.1745,
+ 0.562306,-0.55594,0.612162,0.75207,0.199038,-0.270547,
- 0.285459,-0.369325,0.884371,0.673275,0.265703,-0.185000,
- 0.562306,-0.555940,0.612162,0.752070,0.199038,-0.270547,
- 0.285459,-0.369325,0.884371,0.673275,0.265703,-0.185000,
- 0.603048,-0.457417,0.653531,0.784890,0.253894,-0.252500,
+ 0.285459,-0.369325,0.884371,0.673275,0.265703,-0.185,
+ 0.562306,-0.55594,0.612162,0.75207,0.199038,-0.270547,
+ 0.285459,-0.369325,0.884371,0.673275,0.265703,-0.185,
+ 0.603048,-0.457417,0.653531,0.78489,0.253894,-0.2525,
- -0.034164,-0.398975,0.916325,0.523830,0.217409,-0.187109,
- -0.029604,-0.263000,0.964342,0.539336,0.279873,-0.162500,
- -0.029604,-0.263000,0.964342,0.539336,0.279873,-0.162500,
- 0.285459,-0.369325,0.884371,0.673275,0.265703,-0.185000,
+ -0.034164,-0.398975,0.916325,0.52383,0.217409,-0.187109,
+ -0.029604,-0.263,0.964342,0.539336,0.279873,-0.1625,
+ -0.029604,-0.263,0.964342,0.539336,0.279873,-0.1625,
+ 0.285459,-0.369325,0.884371,0.673275,0.265703,-0.185,
- 0.001894,-0.000875,0.999998,0.561017,0.343841,-0.151250,
- 0.330471,-0.133893,0.934270,0.698920,0.325689,-0.174500,
- 0.285459,-0.369325,0.884371,0.673275,0.265703,-0.185000,
- 0.001894,-0.000875,0.999998,0.561017,0.343841,-0.151250,
- 0.285459,-0.369325,0.884371,0.673275,0.265703,-0.185000,
- -0.029604,-0.263000,0.964342,0.539336,0.279873,-0.162500,
- 0.612462,-0.474038,0.632596,0.697100,0.103031,-0.309219,
+ 0.001894,-0.000875,0.999998,0.561017,0.343841,-0.15125,
+ 0.330471,-0.133893,0.93427,0.69892,0.325689,-0.1745,
+ 0.285459,-0.369325,0.884371,0.673275,0.265703,-0.185,
+ 0.001894,-0.000875,0.999998,0.561017,0.343841,-0.15125,
+ 0.285459,-0.369325,0.884371,0.673275,0.265703,-0.185,
+ -0.029604,-0.263,0.964342,0.539336,0.279873,-0.1625,
+ 0.612462,-0.474038,0.632596,0.6971,0.103031,-0.309219,
- 0.612462,-0.474038,0.632596,0.697100,0.103031,-0.309219,
+ 0.612462,-0.474038,0.632596,0.6971,0.103031,-0.309219,
- 0.562162,-0.569598,0.599610,0.720950,0.148061,-0.291687,
+ 0.562162,-0.569598,0.59961,0.72095,0.148061,-0.291687,
- -0.034164,-0.398975,0.916325,0.523830,0.217409,-0.187109,
+ -0.034164,-0.398975,0.916325,0.52383,0.217409,-0.187109,
- -0.034164,-0.398975,0.916325,0.523830,0.217409,-0.187109,
+ -0.034164,-0.398975,0.916325,0.52383,0.217409,-0.187109,
- 0.562306,-0.555940,0.612162,0.752070,0.199038,-0.270547,
- 0.562162,-0.569598,0.599610,0.720950,0.148061,-0.291687,
- 0.562162,-0.569598,0.599610,0.720950,0.148061,-0.291687,
+ 0.562306,-0.55594,0.612162,0.75207,0.199038,-0.270547,
+ 0.562162,-0.569598,0.59961,0.72095,0.148061,-0.291687,
+ 0.562162,-0.569598,0.59961,0.72095,0.148061,-0.291687,
- 0.612462,-0.474038,0.632596,0.697100,0.103031,-0.309219,
- 0.562162,-0.569598,0.599610,0.720950,0.148061,-0.291687,
+ 0.612462,-0.474038,0.632596,0.6971,0.103031,-0.309219,
+ 0.562162,-0.569598,0.59961,0.72095,0.148061,-0.291687,
- 0.612462,-0.474038,0.632596,0.697100,0.103031,-0.309219,
+ 0.612462,-0.474038,0.632596,0.6971,0.103031,-0.309219,
- 0.562162,-0.569598,0.599610,0.720950,0.148061,-0.291687,
- 0.562306,-0.555940,0.612162,0.752070,0.199038,-0.270547,
- 0.743616,-0.602792,0.289270,0.814318,0.194027,-0.374844,
- 0.743616,-0.602792,0.289270,0.814318,0.194027,-0.374844,
+ 0.562162,-0.569598,0.59961,0.72095,0.148061,-0.291687,
+ 0.562306,-0.55594,0.612162,0.75207,0.199038,-0.270547,
+ 0.743616,-0.602792,0.28927,0.814318,0.194027,-0.374844,
+ 0.743616,-0.602792,0.28927,0.814318,0.194027,-0.374844,
- 0.562162,-0.569598,0.599610,0.720950,0.148061,-0.291687,
- 0.788677,-0.614808,0.000000,0.835067,0.192357,-0.500000,
- 0.807803,-0.589452,0.000000,0.796449,0.143948,-0.500000,
+ 0.562162,-0.569598,0.59961,0.72095,0.148061,-0.291687,
+ 0.788677,-0.614808,0,0.835067,0.192357,-0.5,
+ 0.807803,-0.589452,0,0.796449,0.143948,-0.5,
- 0.788677,-0.614808,0.000000,0.835067,0.192357,-0.500000,
+ 0.788677,-0.614808,0,0.835067,0.192357,-0.5,
- 0.743616,-0.602792,0.289270,0.814318,0.194027,-0.374844,
- 0.807803,-0.589452,0.000000,0.796449,0.143948,-0.500000,
- 0.902893,-0.429866,0.000000,0.766349,0.100974,-0.500000,
+ 0.743616,-0.602792,0.28927,0.814318,0.194027,-0.374844,
+ 0.807803,-0.589452,0,0.796449,0.143948,-0.5,
+ 0.902893,-0.429866,0,0.766349,0.100974,-0.5,
- 0.807803,-0.589452,0.000000,0.796449,0.143948,-0.500000,
- 0.603048,-0.457417,0.653531,0.784890,0.253894,-0.252500,
- 0.637630,-0.234074,0.733919,0.813840,0.310563,-0.244250,
- 0.846641,-0.361408,0.390620,0.882792,0.301487,-0.360500,
- 0.846641,-0.361408,0.390620,0.882792,0.301487,-0.360500,
- 0.784719,-0.539182,0.305775,0.851860,0.246808,-0.365000,
- 0.603048,-0.457417,0.653531,0.784890,0.253894,-0.252500,
- 0.918091,-0.396370,0.000000,0.905776,0.298462,-0.500000,
- 0.822786,-0.568352,-0.000000,0.874183,0.244447,-0.500000,
- 0.784719,-0.539182,0.305775,0.851860,0.246808,-0.365000,
- 0.918091,-0.396370,0.000000,0.905776,0.298462,-0.500000,
- 0.784719,-0.539182,0.305775,0.851860,0.246808,-0.365000,
- 0.846641,-0.361408,0.390620,0.882792,0.301487,-0.360500,
- 0.822786,-0.568352,-0.000000,0.874183,0.244447,-0.500000,
- 0.788677,-0.614808,0.000000,0.835067,0.192357,-0.500000,
- 0.743616,-0.602792,0.289270,0.814318,0.194027,-0.374844,
- 0.743616,-0.602792,0.289270,0.814318,0.194027,-0.374844,
- 0.784719,-0.539182,0.305775,0.851860,0.246808,-0.365000,
- 0.822786,-0.568352,-0.000000,0.874183,0.244447,-0.500000,
- 0.562306,-0.555940,0.612162,0.752070,0.199038,-0.270547,
- 0.603048,-0.457417,0.653531,0.784890,0.253894,-0.252500,
- 0.784719,-0.539182,0.305775,0.851860,0.246808,-0.365000,
- 0.562306,-0.555940,0.612162,0.752070,0.199038,-0.270547,
- 0.784719,-0.539182,0.305775,0.851860,0.246808,-0.365000,
- 0.743616,-0.602792,0.289270,0.814318,0.194027,-0.374844,
- 0.846641,-0.361408,-0.390619,0.882792,0.301487,-0.639500,
- 0.637630,-0.234074,-0.733919,0.813840,0.310563,-0.755750,
- 0.603048,-0.457417,-0.653531,0.784890,0.253894,-0.747500,
- 0.603048,-0.457417,-0.653531,0.784890,0.253894,-0.747500,
- 0.784719,-0.539182,-0.305775,0.851860,0.246808,-0.635000,
- 0.846641,-0.361408,-0.390619,0.882792,0.301487,-0.639500,
- 0.562307,-0.555940,-0.612162,0.752070,0.199038,-0.729453,
- 0.743616,-0.602791,-0.289270,0.814318,0.194027,-0.625156,
- 0.784719,-0.539182,-0.305775,0.851860,0.246808,-0.635000,
- 0.562307,-0.555940,-0.612162,0.752070,0.199038,-0.729453,
- 0.784719,-0.539182,-0.305775,0.851860,0.246808,-0.635000,
- 0.603048,-0.457417,-0.653531,0.784890,0.253894,-0.747500,
- 0.743616,-0.602791,-0.289270,0.814318,0.194027,-0.625156,
- 0.788677,-0.614808,0.000000,0.835067,0.192357,-0.500000,
- 0.822786,-0.568352,-0.000000,0.874183,0.244447,-0.500000,
- 0.822786,-0.568352,-0.000000,0.874183,0.244447,-0.500000,
- 0.784719,-0.539182,-0.305775,0.851860,0.246808,-0.635000,
- 0.743616,-0.602791,-0.289270,0.814318,0.194027,-0.625156,
- 0.918091,-0.396370,0.000000,0.905776,0.298462,-0.500000,
- 0.846641,-0.361408,-0.390619,0.882792,0.301487,-0.639500,
- 0.784719,-0.539182,-0.305775,0.851860,0.246808,-0.635000,
- 0.918091,-0.396370,0.000000,0.905776,0.298462,-0.500000,
- 0.784719,-0.539182,-0.305775,0.851860,0.246808,-0.635000,
- 0.822786,-0.568352,-0.000000,0.874183,0.244447,-0.500000,
- 0.612462,-0.474039,-0.632596,0.697100,0.103031,-0.690781,
+ 0.807803,-0.589452,0,0.796449,0.143948,-0.5,
+ 0.603048,-0.457417,0.653531,0.78489,0.253894,-0.2525,
+ 0.63763,-0.234074,0.733919,0.81384,0.310563,-0.24425,
+ 0.846641,-0.361408,0.39062,0.882792,0.301487,-0.3605,
+ 0.846641,-0.361408,0.39062,0.882792,0.301487,-0.3605,
+ 0.784719,-0.539182,0.305775,0.85186,0.246808,-0.365,
+ 0.603048,-0.457417,0.653531,0.78489,0.253894,-0.2525,
+ 0.918091,-0.39637,0,0.905776,0.298462,-0.5,
+ 0.822786,-0.568352,0,0.874183,0.244447,-0.5,
+ 0.784719,-0.539182,0.305775,0.85186,0.246808,-0.365,
+ 0.918091,-0.39637,0,0.905776,0.298462,-0.5,
+ 0.784719,-0.539182,0.305775,0.85186,0.246808,-0.365,
+ 0.846641,-0.361408,0.39062,0.882792,0.301487,-0.3605,
+ 0.822786,-0.568352,0,0.874183,0.244447,-0.5,
+ 0.788677,-0.614808,0,0.835067,0.192357,-0.5,
+ 0.743616,-0.602792,0.28927,0.814318,0.194027,-0.374844,
+ 0.743616,-0.602792,0.28927,0.814318,0.194027,-0.374844,
+ 0.784719,-0.539182,0.305775,0.85186,0.246808,-0.365,
+ 0.822786,-0.568352,0,0.874183,0.244447,-0.5,
+ 0.562306,-0.55594,0.612162,0.75207,0.199038,-0.270547,
+ 0.603048,-0.457417,0.653531,0.78489,0.253894,-0.2525,
+ 0.784719,-0.539182,0.305775,0.85186,0.246808,-0.365,
+ 0.562306,-0.55594,0.612162,0.75207,0.199038,-0.270547,
+ 0.784719,-0.539182,0.305775,0.85186,0.246808,-0.365,
+ 0.743616,-0.602792,0.28927,0.814318,0.194027,-0.374844,
+ 0.846641,-0.361408,-0.390619,0.882792,0.301487,-0.6395,
+ 0.63763,-0.234074,-0.733919,0.81384,0.310563,-0.75575,
+ 0.603048,-0.457417,-0.653531,0.78489,0.253894,-0.7475,
+ 0.603048,-0.457417,-0.653531,0.78489,0.253894,-0.7475,
+ 0.784719,-0.539182,-0.305775,0.85186,0.246808,-0.635,
+ 0.846641,-0.361408,-0.390619,0.882792,0.301487,-0.6395,
+ 0.562307,-0.55594,-0.612162,0.75207,0.199038,-0.729453,
+ 0.743616,-0.602791,-0.28927,0.814318,0.194027,-0.625156,
+ 0.784719,-0.539182,-0.305775,0.85186,0.246808,-0.635,
+ 0.562307,-0.55594,-0.612162,0.75207,0.199038,-0.729453,
+ 0.784719,-0.539182,-0.305775,0.85186,0.246808,-0.635,
+ 0.603048,-0.457417,-0.653531,0.78489,0.253894,-0.7475,
+ 0.743616,-0.602791,-0.28927,0.814318,0.194027,-0.625156,
+ 0.788677,-0.614808,0,0.835067,0.192357,-0.5,
+ 0.822786,-0.568352,0,0.874183,0.244447,-0.5,
+ 0.822786,-0.568352,0,0.874183,0.244447,-0.5,
+ 0.784719,-0.539182,-0.305775,0.85186,0.246808,-0.635,
+ 0.743616,-0.602791,-0.28927,0.814318,0.194027,-0.625156,
+ 0.918091,-0.39637,0,0.905776,0.298462,-0.5,
+ 0.846641,-0.361408,-0.390619,0.882792,0.301487,-0.6395,
+ 0.784719,-0.539182,-0.305775,0.85186,0.246808,-0.635,
+ 0.918091,-0.39637,0,0.905776,0.298462,-0.5,
+ 0.784719,-0.539182,-0.305775,0.85186,0.246808,-0.635,
+ 0.822786,-0.568352,0,0.874183,0.244447,-0.5,
+ 0.612462,-0.474039,-0.632596,0.6971,0.103031,-0.690781,
- 0.612462,-0.474039,-0.632596,0.697100,0.103031,-0.690781,
+ 0.612462,-0.474039,-0.632596,0.6971,0.103031,-0.690781,
- 0.562161,-0.569598,-0.599610,0.720950,0.148061,-0.708313,
+ 0.562161,-0.569598,-0.59961,0.72095,0.148061,-0.708313,
- 0.902893,-0.429866,0.000000,0.766349,0.100974,-0.500000,
- 0.807803,-0.589452,0.000000,0.796449,0.143948,-0.500000,
- 0.807803,-0.589452,0.000000,0.796449,0.143948,-0.500000,
+ 0.902893,-0.429866,0,0.766349,0.100974,-0.5,
+ 0.807803,-0.589452,0,0.796449,0.143948,-0.5,
+ 0.807803,-0.589452,0,0.796449,0.143948,-0.5,
- 0.788677,-0.614808,0.000000,0.835067,0.192357,-0.500000,
- 0.743616,-0.602791,-0.289270,0.814318,0.194027,-0.625156,
+ 0.788677,-0.614808,0,0.835067,0.192357,-0.5,
+ 0.743616,-0.602791,-0.28927,0.814318,0.194027,-0.625156,
- 0.788677,-0.614808,0.000000,0.835067,0.192357,-0.500000,
+ 0.788677,-0.614808,0,0.835067,0.192357,-0.5,
- 0.807803,-0.589452,0.000000,0.796449,0.143948,-0.500000,
- 0.743616,-0.602791,-0.289270,0.814318,0.194027,-0.625156,
- 0.562307,-0.555940,-0.612162,0.752070,0.199038,-0.729453,
- 0.562161,-0.569598,-0.599610,0.720950,0.148061,-0.708313,
- 0.562161,-0.569598,-0.599610,0.720950,0.148061,-0.708313,
+ 0.807803,-0.589452,0,0.796449,0.143948,-0.5,
+ 0.743616,-0.602791,-0.28927,0.814318,0.194027,-0.625156,
+ 0.562307,-0.55594,-0.612162,0.75207,0.199038,-0.729453,
+ 0.562161,-0.569598,-0.59961,0.72095,0.148061,-0.708313,
+ 0.562161,-0.569598,-0.59961,0.72095,0.148061,-0.708313,
- 0.743616,-0.602791,-0.289270,0.814318,0.194027,-0.625156,
- 0.662382,-0.336592,0.669295,0.686090,0.066012,-0.316437,
- 0.612462,-0.474038,0.632596,0.697100,0.103031,-0.309219,
+ 0.743616,-0.602791,-0.28927,0.814318,0.194027,-0.625156,
+ 0.662382,-0.336592,0.669295,0.68609,0.066012,-0.316437,
+ 0.612462,-0.474038,0.632596,0.6971,0.103031,-0.309219,
- 0.662382,-0.336592,0.669295,0.686090,0.066012,-0.316437,
- 0.902893,-0.429866,0.000000,0.766349,0.100974,-0.500000,
- 0.936513,-0.350633,0.000000,0.752790,0.065190,-0.500000,
+ 0.662382,-0.336592,0.669295,0.68609,0.066012,-0.316437,
+ 0.902893,-0.429866,0,0.766349,0.100974,-0.5,
+ 0.936513,-0.350633,0,0.75279,0.06519,-0.5,
- 0.902893,-0.429866,0.000000,0.766349,0.100974,-0.500000,
+ 0.902893,-0.429866,0,0.766349,0.100974,-0.5,
- 0.936513,-0.350633,0.000000,0.752790,0.065190,-0.500000,
- 0.796583,-0.604530,-0.000000,0.742322,0.036664,-0.500000,
+ 0.936513,-0.350633,0,0.75279,0.06519,-0.5,
+ 0.796583,-0.60453,0,0.742322,0.036664,-0.5,
- 0.936513,-0.350633,0.000000,0.752790,0.065190,-0.500000,
- 0.609651,-0.502200,0.613287,0.677491,0.037477,-0.323141,
- 0.662382,-0.336592,0.669295,0.686090,0.066012,-0.316437,
+ 0.936513,-0.350633,0,0.75279,0.06519,-0.5,
+ 0.609651,-0.5022,0.613287,0.677491,0.037477,-0.323141,
+ 0.662382,-0.336592,0.669295,0.68609,0.066012,-0.316437,
- 0.609651,-0.502200,0.613287,0.677491,0.037477,-0.323141,
+ 0.609651,-0.5022,0.613287,0.677491,0.037477,-0.323141,
- 0.612462,-0.474039,-0.632596,0.697100,0.103031,-0.690781,
- 0.662382,-0.336592,-0.669295,0.686090,0.066012,-0.683563,
- 0.662382,-0.336592,-0.669295,0.686090,0.066012,-0.683563,
+ 0.612462,-0.474039,-0.632596,0.6971,0.103031,-0.690781,
+ 0.662382,-0.336592,-0.669295,0.68609,0.066012,-0.683563,
+ 0.662382,-0.336592,-0.669295,0.68609,0.066012,-0.683563,
- 0.609651,-0.502200,-0.613287,0.677491,0.037477,-0.676859,
+ 0.609651,-0.5022,-0.613287,0.677491,0.037477,-0.676859,
- 0.609651,-0.502200,-0.613287,0.677491,0.037477,-0.676859,
+ 0.609651,-0.5022,-0.613287,0.677491,0.037477,-0.676859,
- 0.662382,-0.336592,-0.669295,0.686090,0.066012,-0.683563,
+ 0.662382,-0.336592,-0.669295,0.68609,0.066012,-0.683563,
- 0.796583,-0.604530,-0.000000,0.742322,0.036664,-0.500000,
- 0.936513,-0.350633,0.000000,0.752790,0.065190,-0.500000,
- 0.936513,-0.350633,0.000000,0.752790,0.065190,-0.500000,
+ 0.796583,-0.60453,0,0.742322,0.036664,-0.5,
+ 0.936513,-0.350633,0,0.75279,0.06519,-0.5,
+ 0.936513,-0.350633,0,0.75279,0.06519,-0.5,
- 0.902893,-0.429866,0.000000,0.766349,0.100974,-0.500000,
+ 0.902893,-0.429866,0,0.766349,0.100974,-0.5,
- 0.902893,-0.429866,0.000000,0.766349,0.100974,-0.500000,
+ 0.902893,-0.429866,0,0.766349,0.100974,-0.5,
- 0.936513,-0.350633,0.000000,0.752790,0.065190,-0.500000,
+ 0.936513,-0.350633,0,0.75279,0.06519,-0.5,
- 0.188350,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.582500,
- 0.460562,-0.871490,-0.168487,0.706000,0.016681,-0.587500,
+ 0.18835,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.5825,
+ 0.460562,-0.87149,-0.168487,0.706,0.016681,-0.5875,
- 0.460562,-0.871490,-0.168487,0.706000,0.016681,-0.587500,
+ 0.460562,-0.87149,-0.168487,0.706,0.016681,-0.5875,
- 0.244558,-0.969635,-0.000000,0.677562,0.000839,-0.500000,
- 0.528671,-0.848827,0.000000,0.721500,0.015465,-0.500000,
- 0.460562,-0.871490,-0.168487,0.706000,0.016681,-0.587500,
- 0.244558,-0.969635,-0.000000,0.677562,0.000839,-0.500000,
- 0.460562,-0.871490,-0.168487,0.706000,0.016681,-0.587500,
- 0.188350,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.582500,
- 0.796583,-0.604530,-0.000000,0.742322,0.036664,-0.500000,
+ 0.244558,-0.969635,0,0.677562,0.000839,-0.5,
+ 0.528671,-0.848827,0,0.7215,0.015465,-0.5,
+ 0.460562,-0.87149,-0.168487,0.706,0.016681,-0.5875,
+ 0.244558,-0.969635,0,0.677562,0.000839,-0.5,
+ 0.460562,-0.87149,-0.168487,0.706,0.016681,-0.5875,
+ 0.18835,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.5825,
+ 0.796583,-0.60453,0,0.742322,0.036664,-0.5,
- 0.460562,-0.871490,-0.168487,0.706000,0.016681,-0.587500,
- 0.796583,-0.604530,-0.000000,0.742322,0.036664,-0.500000,
- 0.460562,-0.871490,-0.168487,0.706000,0.016681,-0.587500,
- 0.528671,-0.848827,0.000000,0.721500,0.015465,-0.500000,
+ 0.460562,-0.87149,-0.168487,0.706,0.016681,-0.5875,
+ 0.796583,-0.60453,0,0.742322,0.036664,-0.5,
+ 0.460562,-0.87149,-0.168487,0.706,0.016681,-0.5875,
+ 0.528671,-0.848827,0,0.7215,0.015465,-0.5,
- 0.609651,-0.502200,-0.613287,0.677491,0.037477,-0.676859,
+ 0.609651,-0.5022,-0.613287,0.677491,0.037477,-0.676859,
- 0.460562,-0.871490,-0.168487,0.706000,0.016681,-0.587500,
+ 0.460562,-0.87149,-0.168487,0.706,0.016681,-0.5875,
- 0.460562,-0.871490,0.168487,0.706000,0.016681,-0.412500,
+ 0.460562,-0.87149,0.168487,0.706,0.016681,-0.4125,
- 0.460562,-0.871490,0.168487,0.706000,0.016681,-0.412500,
- 0.188350,-0.976969,0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.417500,
+ 0.460562,-0.87149,0.168487,0.706,0.016681,-0.4125,
+ 0.18835,-0.976969,0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.4175,
- 0.609651,-0.502200,0.613287,0.677491,0.037477,-0.323141,
+ 0.609651,-0.5022,0.613287,0.677491,0.037477,-0.323141,
- 0.460562,-0.871490,0.168487,0.706000,0.016681,-0.412500,
+ 0.460562,-0.87149,0.168487,0.706,0.016681,-0.4125,
- 0.796583,-0.604530,-0.000000,0.742322,0.036664,-0.500000,
- 0.528671,-0.848827,0.000000,0.721500,0.015465,-0.500000,
- 0.460562,-0.871490,0.168487,0.706000,0.016681,-0.412500,
- 0.796583,-0.604530,-0.000000,0.742322,0.036664,-0.500000,
- 0.460562,-0.871490,0.168487,0.706000,0.016681,-0.412500,
+ 0.796583,-0.60453,0,0.742322,0.036664,-0.5,
+ 0.528671,-0.848827,0,0.7215,0.015465,-0.5,
+ 0.460562,-0.87149,0.168487,0.706,0.016681,-0.4125,
+ 0.796583,-0.60453,0,0.742322,0.036664,-0.5,
+ 0.460562,-0.87149,0.168487,0.706,0.016681,-0.4125,
- 0.244558,-0.969635,-0.000000,0.677562,0.000839,-0.500000,
- 0.188350,-0.976969,0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.417500,
- 0.460562,-0.871490,0.168487,0.706000,0.016681,-0.412500,
- 0.244558,-0.969635,-0.000000,0.677562,0.000839,-0.500000,
- 0.460562,-0.871490,0.168487,0.706000,0.016681,-0.412500,
- 0.528671,-0.848827,0.000000,0.721500,0.015465,-0.500000,
- 0.662382,-0.336592,-0.669295,0.686090,0.066012,-0.683563,
- 0.612462,-0.474039,-0.632596,0.697100,0.103031,-0.690781,
+ 0.244558,-0.969635,0,0.677562,0.000839,-0.5,
+ 0.18835,-0.976969,0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.4175,
+ 0.460562,-0.87149,0.168487,0.706,0.016681,-0.4125,
+ 0.244558,-0.969635,0,0.677562,0.000839,-0.5,
+ 0.460562,-0.87149,0.168487,0.706,0.016681,-0.4125,
+ 0.528671,-0.848827,0,0.7215,0.015465,-0.5,
+ 0.662382,-0.336592,-0.669295,0.68609,0.066012,-0.683563,
+ 0.612462,-0.474039,-0.632596,0.6971,0.103031,-0.690781,
- 0.662382,-0.336592,-0.669295,0.686090,0.066012,-0.683563,
+ 0.662382,-0.336592,-0.669295,0.68609,0.066012,-0.683563,
- 0.285710,-0.534951,-0.795108,0.597054,0.037430,-0.725406,
- 0.285710,-0.534951,-0.795108,0.597054,0.037430,-0.725406,
+ 0.28571,-0.534951,-0.795108,0.597054,0.03743,-0.725406,
+ 0.28571,-0.534951,-0.795108,0.597054,0.03743,-0.725406,
- 0.609651,-0.502200,-0.613287,0.677491,0.037477,-0.676859,
- 0.662382,-0.336592,-0.669295,0.686090,0.066012,-0.683563,
+ 0.609651,-0.5022,-0.613287,0.677491,0.037477,-0.676859,
+ 0.662382,-0.336592,-0.669295,0.68609,0.066012,-0.683563,
- 0.609651,-0.502200,-0.613287,0.677491,0.037477,-0.676859,
+ 0.609651,-0.5022,-0.613287,0.677491,0.037477,-0.676859,
- 0.285710,-0.534951,-0.795108,0.597054,0.037430,-0.725406,
+ 0.28571,-0.534951,-0.795108,0.597054,0.03743,-0.725406,
- -0.686460,-0.277096,-0.672303,0.316229,0.114342,-0.690781,
+ -0.68646,-0.277096,-0.672303,0.316229,0.114342,-0.690781,
- -0.339040,-0.236102,-0.910663,0.402616,0.069508,-0.733625,
+ -0.33904,-0.236102,-0.910663,0.402616,0.069508,-0.733625,
- -0.339040,-0.236102,-0.910663,0.402616,0.069508,-0.733625,
+ -0.33904,-0.236102,-0.910663,0.402616,0.069508,-0.733625,
- -0.339040,-0.236102,-0.910663,0.402616,0.069508,-0.733625,
+ -0.33904,-0.236102,-0.910663,0.402616,0.069508,-0.733625,
- -0.339040,-0.236102,-0.910663,0.402616,0.069508,-0.733625,
+ -0.33904,-0.236102,-0.910663,0.402616,0.069508,-0.733625,
- -0.339040,-0.236102,-0.910663,0.402616,0.069508,-0.733625,
+ -0.33904,-0.236102,-0.910663,0.402616,0.069508,-0.733625,
- -0.339040,-0.236102,-0.910663,0.402616,0.069508,-0.733625,
+ -0.33904,-0.236102,-0.910663,0.402616,0.069508,-0.733625,
- -0.100277,-0.976969,-0.188350,0.417500,0.003052,-0.664625,
- -0.173348,-0.862844,-0.474818,0.412500,0.016681,-0.706000,
+ -0.100277,-0.976969,-0.18835,0.4175,0.003052,-0.664625,
+ -0.173348,-0.862844,-0.474818,0.4125,0.016681,-0.706,
- -0.173348,-0.862844,-0.474818,0.412500,0.016681,-0.706000,
+ -0.173348,-0.862844,-0.474818,0.4125,0.016681,-0.706,
- -0.000000,-0.969635,-0.244558,0.500000,0.000839,-0.677562,
- -0.000173,-0.840077,-0.542467,0.500000,0.015465,-0.721500,
- -0.173348,-0.862844,-0.474818,0.412500,0.016681,-0.706000,
- -0.000000,-0.969635,-0.244558,0.500000,0.000839,-0.677562,
- -0.173348,-0.862844,-0.474818,0.412500,0.016681,-0.706000,
- -0.100277,-0.976969,-0.188350,0.417500,0.003052,-0.664625,
+ 0,-0.969635,-0.244558,0.5,0.000839,-0.677562,
+ -0.000173,-0.840077,-0.542467,0.5,0.015465,-0.7215,
+ -0.173348,-0.862844,-0.474818,0.4125,0.016681,-0.706,
+ 0,-0.969635,-0.244558,0.5,0.000839,-0.677562,
+ -0.173348,-0.862844,-0.474818,0.4125,0.016681,-0.706,
+ -0.100277,-0.976969,-0.18835,0.4175,0.003052,-0.664625,
- -0.173348,-0.862844,-0.474818,0.412500,0.016681,-0.706000,
+ -0.173348,-0.862844,-0.474818,0.4125,0.016681,-0.706,
- -0.173348,-0.862844,-0.474818,0.412500,0.016681,-0.706000,
- -0.000173,-0.840077,-0.542467,0.500000,0.015465,-0.721500,
+ -0.173348,-0.862844,-0.474818,0.4125,0.016681,-0.706,
+ -0.000173,-0.840077,-0.542467,0.5,0.015465,-0.7215,
- -0.173348,-0.862844,-0.474818,0.412500,0.016681,-0.706000,
+ -0.173348,-0.862844,-0.474818,0.4125,0.016681,-0.706,
- 0.170214,-0.866923,-0.468478,0.587500,0.016681,-0.706000,
+ 0.170214,-0.866923,-0.468478,0.5875,0.016681,-0.706,
- 0.170214,-0.866923,-0.468478,0.587500,0.016681,-0.706000,
- 0.100277,-0.976969,-0.188350,0.582500,0.003052,-0.664625,
+ 0.170214,-0.866923,-0.468478,0.5875,0.016681,-0.706,
+ 0.100277,-0.976969,-0.18835,0.5825,0.003052,-0.664625,
- 0.609651,-0.502200,-0.613287,0.677491,0.037477,-0.676859,
- 0.285710,-0.534951,-0.795108,0.597054,0.037430,-0.725406,
- 0.285710,-0.534951,-0.795108,0.597054,0.037430,-0.725406,
- 0.170214,-0.866923,-0.468478,0.587500,0.016681,-0.706000,
+ 0.609651,-0.5022,-0.613287,0.677491,0.037477,-0.676859,
+ 0.28571,-0.534951,-0.795108,0.597054,0.03743,-0.725406,
+ 0.28571,-0.534951,-0.795108,0.597054,0.03743,-0.725406,
+ 0.170214,-0.866923,-0.468478,0.5875,0.016681,-0.706,
- -0.000173,-0.840077,-0.542467,0.500000,0.015465,-0.721500,
- 0.170214,-0.866923,-0.468478,0.587500,0.016681,-0.706000,
+ -0.000173,-0.840077,-0.542467,0.5,0.015465,-0.7215,
+ 0.170214,-0.866923,-0.468478,0.5875,0.016681,-0.706,
- 0.170214,-0.866923,-0.468478,0.587500,0.016681,-0.706000,
- 0.285710,-0.534951,-0.795108,0.597054,0.037430,-0.725406,
- -0.000000,-0.969635,-0.244558,0.500000,0.000839,-0.677562,
- 0.100277,-0.976969,-0.188350,0.582500,0.003052,-0.664625,
- 0.170214,-0.866923,-0.468478,0.587500,0.016681,-0.706000,
- -0.000000,-0.969635,-0.244558,0.500000,0.000839,-0.677562,
- 0.170214,-0.866923,-0.468478,0.587500,0.016681,-0.706000,
- -0.000173,-0.840077,-0.542467,0.500000,0.015465,-0.721500,
+ 0.170214,-0.866923,-0.468478,0.5875,0.016681,-0.706,
+ 0.28571,-0.534951,-0.795108,0.597054,0.03743,-0.725406,
+ 0,-0.969635,-0.244558,0.5,0.000839,-0.677562,
+ 0.100277,-0.976969,-0.18835,0.5825,0.003052,-0.664625,
+ 0.170214,-0.866923,-0.468478,0.5875,0.016681,-0.706,
+ 0,-0.969635,-0.244558,0.5,0.000839,-0.677562,
+ 0.170214,-0.866923,-0.468478,0.5875,0.016681,-0.706,
+ -0.000173,-0.840077,-0.542467,0.5,0.015465,-0.7215,
- -0.686460,-0.277096,-0.672303,0.316229,0.114342,-0.690781,
+ -0.68646,-0.277096,-0.672303,0.316229,0.114342,-0.690781,
- -0.924670,-0.172819,-0.339293,0.269217,0.071154,-0.600125,
+ -0.92467,-0.172819,-0.339293,0.269217,0.071154,-0.600125,
- -0.984639,-0.174604,0.000000,0.246980,0.116398,-0.500000,
- -0.985139,-0.171761,-0.000000,0.252542,0.071359,-0.500000,
- -0.924670,-0.172819,-0.339293,0.269217,0.071154,-0.600125,
- -0.984639,-0.174604,0.000000,0.246980,0.116398,-0.500000,
- -0.924670,-0.172819,-0.339293,0.269217,0.071154,-0.600125,
+ -0.984639,-0.174604,0,0.24698,0.116398,-0.5,
+ -0.985139,-0.171761,0,0.252542,0.071359,-0.5,
+ -0.92467,-0.172819,-0.339293,0.269217,0.071154,-0.600125,
+ -0.984639,-0.174604,0,0.24698,0.116398,-0.5,
+ -0.92467,-0.172819,-0.339293,0.269217,0.071154,-0.600125,
- -0.985139,-0.171761,-0.000000,0.252542,0.071359,-0.500000,
- -0.851281,-0.524711,-0.000000,0.259010,0.038206,-0.500000,
+ -0.985139,-0.171761,0,0.252542,0.071359,-0.5,
+ -0.851281,-0.524711,0,0.25901,0.038206,-0.5,
- -0.924670,-0.172819,-0.339293,0.269217,0.071154,-0.600125,
- -0.985139,-0.171761,-0.000000,0.252542,0.071359,-0.500000,
+ -0.92467,-0.172819,-0.339293,0.269217,0.071154,-0.600125,
+ -0.985139,-0.171761,0,0.252542,0.071359,-0.5,
- -0.924670,-0.172819,-0.339293,0.269217,0.071154,-0.600125,
+ -0.92467,-0.172819,-0.339293,0.269217,0.071154,-0.600125,
- -0.924670,-0.172819,-0.339293,0.269217,0.071154,-0.600125,
+ -0.92467,-0.172819,-0.339293,0.269217,0.071154,-0.600125,
- -0.686460,-0.277096,0.672303,0.316229,0.114342,-0.309219,
+ -0.68646,-0.277096,0.672303,0.316229,0.114342,-0.309219,
- -0.924670,-0.172819,0.339293,0.269217,0.071154,-0.399875,
+ -0.92467,-0.172819,0.339293,0.269217,0.071154,-0.399875,
- -0.924670,-0.172819,0.339293,0.269217,0.071154,-0.399875,
+ -0.92467,-0.172819,0.339293,0.269217,0.071154,-0.399875,
- -0.924670,-0.172819,0.339293,0.269217,0.071154,-0.399875,
+ -0.92467,-0.172819,0.339293,0.269217,0.071154,-0.399875,
- -0.851281,-0.524711,-0.000000,0.259010,0.038206,-0.500000,
- -0.985139,-0.171761,-0.000000,0.252542,0.071359,-0.500000,
- -0.985139,-0.171761,-0.000000,0.252542,0.071359,-0.500000,
- -0.924670,-0.172819,0.339293,0.269217,0.071154,-0.399875,
+ -0.851281,-0.524711,0,0.25901,0.038206,-0.5,
+ -0.985139,-0.171761,0,0.252542,0.071359,-0.5,
+ -0.985139,-0.171761,0,0.252542,0.071359,-0.5,
+ -0.92467,-0.172819,0.339293,0.269217,0.071154,-0.399875,
- -0.984639,-0.174604,0.000000,0.246980,0.116398,-0.500000,
+ -0.984639,-0.174604,0,0.24698,0.116398,-0.5,
- -0.924670,-0.172819,0.339293,0.269217,0.071154,-0.399875,
- -0.984639,-0.174604,0.000000,0.246980,0.116398,-0.500000,
- -0.924670,-0.172819,0.339293,0.269217,0.071154,-0.399875,
- -0.985139,-0.171761,-0.000000,0.252542,0.071359,-0.500000,
+ -0.92467,-0.172819,0.339293,0.269217,0.071154,-0.399875,
+ -0.984639,-0.174604,0,0.24698,0.116398,-0.5,
+ -0.92467,-0.172819,0.339293,0.269217,0.071154,-0.399875,
+ -0.985139,-0.171761,0,0.252542,0.071359,-0.5,
- -0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.417500,
- -0.483213,-0.857792,0.175209,0.294000,0.016681,-0.412500,
+ -0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.4175,
+ -0.483213,-0.857792,0.175209,0.294,0.016681,-0.4125,
- -0.483213,-0.857792,0.175209,0.294000,0.016681,-0.412500,
+ -0.483213,-0.857792,0.175209,0.294,0.016681,-0.4125,
- -0.244558,-0.969635,-0.000000,0.322437,0.000839,-0.500000,
- -0.556955,-0.830542,-0.000000,0.278500,0.015465,-0.500000,
- -0.483213,-0.857792,0.175209,0.294000,0.016681,-0.412500,
- -0.244558,-0.969635,-0.000000,0.322437,0.000839,-0.500000,
- -0.483213,-0.857792,0.175209,0.294000,0.016681,-0.412500,
- -0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.417500,
- -0.851281,-0.524711,-0.000000,0.259010,0.038206,-0.500000,
+ -0.244558,-0.969635,0,0.322437,0.000839,-0.5,
+ -0.556955,-0.830542,0,0.2785,0.015465,-0.5,
+ -0.483213,-0.857792,0.175209,0.294,0.016681,-0.4125,
+ -0.244558,-0.969635,0,0.322437,0.000839,-0.5,
+ -0.483213,-0.857792,0.175209,0.294,0.016681,-0.4125,
+ -0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.4175,
+ -0.851281,-0.524711,0,0.25901,0.038206,-0.5,
- -0.483213,-0.857792,0.175209,0.294000,0.016681,-0.412500,
- -0.851281,-0.524711,-0.000000,0.259010,0.038206,-0.500000,
- -0.483213,-0.857792,0.175209,0.294000,0.016681,-0.412500,
- -0.556955,-0.830542,-0.000000,0.278500,0.015465,-0.500000,
+ -0.483213,-0.857792,0.175209,0.294,0.016681,-0.4125,
+ -0.851281,-0.524711,0,0.25901,0.038206,-0.5,
+ -0.483213,-0.857792,0.175209,0.294,0.016681,-0.4125,
+ -0.556955,-0.830542,0,0.2785,0.015465,-0.5,
- -0.483213,-0.857792,0.175209,0.294000,0.016681,-0.412500,
+ -0.483213,-0.857792,0.175209,0.294,0.016681,-0.4125,
- -0.483213,-0.857792,-0.175210,0.294000,0.016681,-0.587500,
+ -0.483213,-0.857792,-0.17521,0.294,0.016681,-0.5875,
- -0.483213,-0.857792,-0.175210,0.294000,0.016681,-0.587500,
- -0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.582500,
+ -0.483213,-0.857792,-0.17521,0.294,0.016681,-0.5875,
+ -0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.5825,
- -0.483213,-0.857792,-0.175210,0.294000,0.016681,-0.587500,
+ -0.483213,-0.857792,-0.17521,0.294,0.016681,-0.5875,
- -0.851281,-0.524711,-0.000000,0.259010,0.038206,-0.500000,
- -0.556955,-0.830542,-0.000000,0.278500,0.015465,-0.500000,
- -0.483213,-0.857792,-0.175210,0.294000,0.016681,-0.587500,
- -0.851281,-0.524711,-0.000000,0.259010,0.038206,-0.500000,
- -0.483213,-0.857792,-0.175210,0.294000,0.016681,-0.587500,
+ -0.851281,-0.524711,0,0.25901,0.038206,-0.5,
+ -0.556955,-0.830542,0,0.2785,0.015465,-0.5,
+ -0.483213,-0.857792,-0.17521,0.294,0.016681,-0.5875,
+ -0.851281,-0.524711,0,0.25901,0.038206,-0.5,
+ -0.483213,-0.857792,-0.17521,0.294,0.016681,-0.5875,
- -0.244558,-0.969635,-0.000000,0.322437,0.000839,-0.500000,
- -0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.582500,
- -0.483213,-0.857792,-0.175210,0.294000,0.016681,-0.587500,
- -0.244558,-0.969635,-0.000000,0.322437,0.000839,-0.500000,
- -0.483213,-0.857792,-0.175210,0.294000,0.016681,-0.587500,
- -0.556955,-0.830542,-0.000000,0.278500,0.015465,-0.500000,
+ -0.244558,-0.969635,0,0.322437,0.000839,-0.5,
+ -0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.5825,
+ -0.483213,-0.857792,-0.17521,0.294,0.016681,-0.5875,
+ -0.244558,-0.969635,0,0.322437,0.000839,-0.5,
+ -0.483213,-0.857792,-0.17521,0.294,0.016681,-0.5875,
+ -0.556955,-0.830542,0,0.2785,0.015465,-0.5,
- -0.686460,-0.277096,0.672303,0.316229,0.114342,-0.309219,
+ -0.68646,-0.277096,0.672303,0.316229,0.114342,-0.309219,
- 0.612462,-0.474038,0.632596,0.697100,0.103031,-0.309219,
- 0.662382,-0.336592,0.669295,0.686090,0.066012,-0.316437,
- 0.662382,-0.336592,0.669295,0.686090,0.066012,-0.316437,
+ 0.612462,-0.474038,0.632596,0.6971,0.103031,-0.309219,
+ 0.662382,-0.336592,0.669295,0.68609,0.066012,-0.316437,
+ 0.662382,-0.336592,0.669295,0.68609,0.066012,-0.316437,
- 0.609651,-0.502200,0.613287,0.677491,0.037477,-0.323141,
- 0.285710,-0.534951,0.795108,0.597054,0.037430,-0.274594,
+ 0.609651,-0.5022,0.613287,0.677491,0.037477,-0.323141,
+ 0.28571,-0.534951,0.795108,0.597054,0.03743,-0.274594,
- 0.609651,-0.502200,0.613287,0.677491,0.037477,-0.323141,
+ 0.609651,-0.5022,0.613287,0.677491,0.037477,-0.323141,
- 0.662382,-0.336592,0.669295,0.686090,0.066012,-0.316437,
- 0.285710,-0.534951,0.795108,0.597054,0.037430,-0.274594,
+ 0.662382,-0.336592,0.669295,0.68609,0.066012,-0.316437,
+ 0.28571,-0.534951,0.795108,0.597054,0.03743,-0.274594,
- 0.285710,-0.534951,0.795108,0.597054,0.037430,-0.274594,
+ 0.28571,-0.534951,0.795108,0.597054,0.03743,-0.274594,
- 0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.582500,0.003052,-0.335375,
- 0.170214,-0.866923,0.468477,0.587500,0.016681,-0.294000,
+ 0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.5825,0.003052,-0.335375,
+ 0.170214,-0.866923,0.468477,0.5875,0.016681,-0.294,
- 0.170214,-0.866923,0.468477,0.587500,0.016681,-0.294000,
+ 0.170214,-0.866923,0.468477,0.5875,0.016681,-0.294,
- 0.000000,-0.969635,0.244558,0.500000,0.000839,-0.322437,
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- 0.170214,-0.866923,0.468477,0.587500,0.016681,-0.294000,
- 0.000000,-0.969635,0.244558,0.500000,0.000839,-0.322437,
- 0.170214,-0.866923,0.468477,0.587500,0.016681,-0.294000,
- 0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.582500,0.003052,-0.335375,
+ 0,-0.969635,0.244558,0.5,0.000839,-0.322437,
+ -0.000173,-0.840077,0.542467,0.5,0.015465,-0.2785,
+ 0.170214,-0.866923,0.468477,0.5875,0.016681,-0.294,
+ 0,-0.969635,0.244558,0.5,0.000839,-0.322437,
+ 0.170214,-0.866923,0.468477,0.5875,0.016681,-0.294,
+ 0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.5825,0.003052,-0.335375,
- 0.285710,-0.534951,0.795108,0.597054,0.037430,-0.274594,
- 0.170214,-0.866923,0.468477,0.587500,0.016681,-0.294000,
+ 0.28571,-0.534951,0.795108,0.597054,0.03743,-0.274594,
+ 0.170214,-0.866923,0.468477,0.5875,0.016681,-0.294,
- 0.170214,-0.866923,0.468477,0.587500,0.016681,-0.294000,
- -0.000173,-0.840077,0.542467,0.500000,0.015465,-0.278500,
- 0.285710,-0.534951,0.795108,0.597054,0.037430,-0.274594,
- 0.609651,-0.502200,0.613287,0.677491,0.037477,-0.323141,
+ 0.170214,-0.866923,0.468477,0.5875,0.016681,-0.294,
+ -0.000173,-0.840077,0.542467,0.5,0.015465,-0.2785,
+ 0.28571,-0.534951,0.795108,0.597054,0.03743,-0.274594,
+ 0.609651,-0.5022,0.613287,0.677491,0.037477,-0.323141,
- 0.170214,-0.866923,0.468477,0.587500,0.016681,-0.294000,
- 0.285710,-0.534951,0.795108,0.597054,0.037430,-0.274594,
+ 0.170214,-0.866923,0.468477,0.5875,0.016681,-0.294,
+ 0.28571,-0.534951,0.795108,0.597054,0.03743,-0.274594,
- -0.173348,-0.862844,0.474817,0.412500,0.016681,-0.294000,
+ -0.173348,-0.862844,0.474817,0.4125,0.016681,-0.294,
- -0.173348,-0.862844,0.474817,0.412500,0.016681,-0.294000,
- -0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.417500,0.003052,-0.335375,
+ -0.173348,-0.862844,0.474817,0.4125,0.016681,-0.294,
+ -0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.4175,0.003052,-0.335375,
- -0.173348,-0.862844,0.474817,0.412500,0.016681,-0.294000,
+ -0.173348,-0.862844,0.474817,0.4125,0.016681,-0.294,
- -0.000173,-0.840077,0.542467,0.500000,0.015465,-0.278500,
- -0.173348,-0.862844,0.474817,0.412500,0.016681,-0.294000,
+ -0.000173,-0.840077,0.542467,0.5,0.015465,-0.2785,
+ -0.173348,-0.862844,0.474817,0.4125,0.016681,-0.294,
- -0.173348,-0.862844,0.474817,0.412500,0.016681,-0.294000,
+ -0.173348,-0.862844,0.474817,0.4125,0.016681,-0.294,
- 0.000000,-0.969635,0.244558,0.500000,0.000839,-0.322437,
- -0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.417500,0.003052,-0.335375,
- -0.173348,-0.862844,0.474817,0.412500,0.016681,-0.294000,
- 0.000000,-0.969635,0.244558,0.500000,0.000839,-0.322437,
- -0.173348,-0.862844,0.474817,0.412500,0.016681,-0.294000,
- -0.000173,-0.840077,0.542467,0.500000,0.015465,-0.278500,
+ 0,-0.969635,0.244558,0.5,0.000839,-0.322437,
+ -0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.4175,0.003052,-0.335375,
+ -0.173348,-0.862844,0.474817,0.4125,0.016681,-0.294,
+ 0,-0.969635,0.244558,0.5,0.000839,-0.322437,
+ -0.173348,-0.862844,0.474817,0.4125,0.016681,-0.294,
+ -0.000173,-0.840077,0.542467,0.5,0.015465,-0.2785,
- 0.100277,-0.976969,-0.188350,0.582500,0.003052,-0.664625,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.590500,-0.005194,-0.590500,
+ 0.100277,-0.976969,-0.18835,0.5825,0.003052,-0.664625,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.5905,-0.005194,-0.5905,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.590500,-0.005194,-0.590500,
- 0.188350,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.582500,
- 0.100277,-0.976969,-0.188350,0.582500,0.003052,-0.664625,
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- 0.000000,-0.996384,-0.084960,0.500000,-0.007972,-0.597750,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,-0.084960,0.500000,-0.007972,-0.597750,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.590500,-0.005194,-0.590500,
- 0.100277,-0.976969,-0.188350,0.582500,0.003052,-0.664625,
- -0.000000,-1.000000,0.000000,0.500000,-0.010924,-0.500000,
- 0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,0.597750,-0.007972,-0.500000,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.590500,-0.005194,-0.590500,
- -0.000000,-1.000000,0.000000,0.500000,-0.010924,-0.500000,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.590500,-0.005194,-0.590500,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,-0.084960,0.500000,-0.007972,-0.597750,
- 0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,0.597750,-0.007972,-0.500000,
- 0.244558,-0.969635,-0.000000,0.677562,0.000839,-0.500000,
- 0.188350,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.582500,
- 0.188350,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.582500,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.590500,-0.005194,-0.590500,
- 0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,0.597750,-0.007972,-0.500000,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.5905,-0.005194,-0.5905,
+ 0.18835,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.5825,
+ 0.100277,-0.976969,-0.18835,0.5825,0.003052,-0.664625,
+ 0,-0.969635,-0.244558,0.5,0.000839,-0.677562,
+ 0,-0.996384,-0.08496,0.5,-0.007972,-0.59775,
+ 0,-0.996384,-0.08496,0.5,-0.007972,-0.59775,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.5905,-0.005194,-0.5905,
+ 0.100277,-0.976969,-0.18835,0.5825,0.003052,-0.664625,
+ 0,-1,0,0.5,-0.010924,-0.5,
+ 0.08496,-0.996384,0,0.59775,-0.007972,-0.5,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.5905,-0.005194,-0.5905,
+ 0,-1,0,0.5,-0.010924,-0.5,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.5905,-0.005194,-0.5905,
+ 0,-0.996384,-0.08496,0.5,-0.007972,-0.59775,
+ 0.08496,-0.996384,0,0.59775,-0.007972,-0.5,
+ 0.244558,-0.969635,0,0.677562,0.000839,-0.5,
+ 0.18835,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.5825,
+ 0.18835,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.5825,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.5905,-0.005194,-0.5905,
+ 0.08496,-0.996384,0,0.59775,-0.007972,-0.5,
- -0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.582500,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.409500,-0.005194,-0.590500,
+ -0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.5825,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.4095,-0.005194,-0.5905,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.409500,-0.005194,-0.590500,
- -0.100277,-0.976969,-0.188350,0.417500,0.003052,-0.664625,
- -0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.582500,
- -0.244558,-0.969635,-0.000000,0.322437,0.000839,-0.500000,
- -0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,0.402250,-0.007972,-0.500000,
- -0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,0.402250,-0.007972,-0.500000,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.409500,-0.005194,-0.590500,
- -0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.582500,
- -0.000000,-1.000000,0.000000,0.500000,-0.010924,-0.500000,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,-0.084960,0.500000,-0.007972,-0.597750,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.409500,-0.005194,-0.590500,
- -0.000000,-1.000000,0.000000,0.500000,-0.010924,-0.500000,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.409500,-0.005194,-0.590500,
- -0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,0.402250,-0.007972,-0.500000,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,-0.084960,0.500000,-0.007972,-0.597750,
- -0.000000,-0.969635,-0.244558,0.500000,0.000839,-0.677562,
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- -0.100277,-0.976969,-0.188350,0.417500,0.003052,-0.664625,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.409500,-0.005194,-0.590500,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,-0.084960,0.500000,-0.007972,-0.597750,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.4095,-0.005194,-0.5905,
+ -0.100277,-0.976969,-0.18835,0.4175,0.003052,-0.664625,
+ -0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.5825,
+ -0.244558,-0.969635,0,0.322437,0.000839,-0.5,
+ -0.08496,-0.996384,0,0.40225,-0.007972,-0.5,
+ -0.08496,-0.996384,0,0.40225,-0.007972,-0.5,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.4095,-0.005194,-0.5905,
+ -0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.5825,
+ 0,-1,0,0.5,-0.010924,-0.5,
+ 0,-0.996384,-0.08496,0.5,-0.007972,-0.59775,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.4095,-0.005194,-0.5905,
+ 0,-1,0,0.5,-0.010924,-0.5,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.4095,-0.005194,-0.5905,
+ -0.08496,-0.996384,0,0.40225,-0.007972,-0.5,
+ 0,-0.996384,-0.08496,0.5,-0.007972,-0.59775,
+ 0,-0.969635,-0.244558,0.5,0.000839,-0.677562,
+ -0.100277,-0.976969,-0.18835,0.4175,0.003052,-0.664625,
+ -0.100277,-0.976969,-0.18835,0.4175,0.003052,-0.664625,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,0.4095,-0.005194,-0.5905,
+ 0,-0.996384,-0.08496,0.5,-0.007972,-0.59775,
- -0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.417500,0.003052,-0.335375,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.409500,-0.005194,-0.409500,
+ -0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.4175,0.003052,-0.335375,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.4095,-0.005194,-0.4095,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.409500,-0.005194,-0.409500,
- -0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.417500,
- -0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.417500,0.003052,-0.335375,
- 0.000000,-0.969635,0.244558,0.500000,0.000839,-0.322437,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,0.084960,0.500000,-0.007972,-0.402250,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,0.084960,0.500000,-0.007972,-0.402250,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.409500,-0.005194,-0.409500,
- -0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.417500,0.003052,-0.335375,
- -0.000000,-1.000000,0.000000,0.500000,-0.010924,-0.500000,
- -0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,0.402250,-0.007972,-0.500000,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.409500,-0.005194,-0.409500,
- -0.000000,-1.000000,0.000000,0.500000,-0.010924,-0.500000,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.409500,-0.005194,-0.409500,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,0.084960,0.500000,-0.007972,-0.402250,
- -0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,0.402250,-0.007972,-0.500000,
- -0.244558,-0.969635,-0.000000,0.322437,0.000839,-0.500000,
- -0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.417500,
- -0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.417500,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.409500,-0.005194,-0.409500,
- -0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,0.402250,-0.007972,-0.500000,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.4095,-0.005194,-0.4095,
+ -0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.4175,
+ -0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.4175,0.003052,-0.335375,
+ 0,-0.969635,0.244558,0.5,0.000839,-0.322437,
+ 0,-0.996384,0.08496,0.5,-0.007972,-0.40225,
+ 0,-0.996384,0.08496,0.5,-0.007972,-0.40225,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.4095,-0.005194,-0.4095,
+ -0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.4175,0.003052,-0.335375,
+ 0,-1,0,0.5,-0.010924,-0.5,
+ -0.08496,-0.996384,0,0.40225,-0.007972,-0.5,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.4095,-0.005194,-0.4095,
+ 0,-1,0,0.5,-0.010924,-0.5,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.4095,-0.005194,-0.4095,
+ 0,-0.996384,0.08496,0.5,-0.007972,-0.40225,
+ -0.08496,-0.996384,0,0.40225,-0.007972,-0.5,
+ -0.244558,-0.969635,0,0.322437,0.000839,-0.5,
+ -0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.4175,
+ -0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,0.335375,0.003052,-0.4175,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.4095,-0.005194,-0.4095,
+ -0.08496,-0.996384,0,0.40225,-0.007972,-0.5,
- 0.188350,-0.976969,0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.417500,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.590500,-0.005194,-0.409500,
+ 0.18835,-0.976969,0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.4175,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.5905,-0.005194,-0.4095,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.590500,-0.005194,-0.409500,
- 0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.582500,0.003052,-0.335375,
- 0.188350,-0.976969,0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.417500,
- 0.244558,-0.969635,-0.000000,0.677562,0.000839,-0.500000,
- 0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,0.597750,-0.007972,-0.500000,
- 0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,0.597750,-0.007972,-0.500000,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.590500,-0.005194,-0.409500,
- 0.188350,-0.976969,0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.417500,
- -0.000000,-1.000000,0.000000,0.500000,-0.010924,-0.500000,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,0.084960,0.500000,-0.007972,-0.402250,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.590500,-0.005194,-0.409500,
- -0.000000,-1.000000,0.000000,0.500000,-0.010924,-0.500000,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.590500,-0.005194,-0.409500,
- 0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,0.597750,-0.007972,-0.500000,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,0.084960,0.500000,-0.007972,-0.402250,
- 0.000000,-0.969635,0.244558,0.500000,0.000839,-0.322437,
- 0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.582500,0.003052,-0.335375,
- 0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.582500,0.003052,-0.335375,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.590500,-0.005194,-0.409500,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,0.084960,0.500000,-0.007972,-0.402250,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.5905,-0.005194,-0.4095,
+ 0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.5825,0.003052,-0.335375,
+ 0.18835,-0.976969,0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.4175,
+ 0.244558,-0.969635,0,0.677562,0.000839,-0.5,
+ 0.08496,-0.996384,0,0.59775,-0.007972,-0.5,
+ 0.08496,-0.996384,0,0.59775,-0.007972,-0.5,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.5905,-0.005194,-0.4095,
+ 0.18835,-0.976969,0.100277,0.664625,0.003052,-0.4175,
+ 0,-1,0,0.5,-0.010924,-0.5,
+ 0,-0.996384,0.08496,0.5,-0.007972,-0.40225,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.5905,-0.005194,-0.4095,
+ 0,-1,0,0.5,-0.010924,-0.5,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.5905,-0.005194,-0.4095,
+ 0.08496,-0.996384,0,0.59775,-0.007972,-0.5,
+ 0,-0.996384,0.08496,0.5,-0.007972,-0.40225,
+ 0,-0.969635,0.244558,0.5,0.000839,-0.322437,
+ 0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.5825,0.003052,-0.335375,
+ 0.100277,-0.976969,0.188349,0.5825,0.003052,-0.335375,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,0.5905,-0.005194,-0.4095,
+ 0,-0.996384,0.08496,0.5,-0.007972,-0.40225,
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- 0.164983,-0.934150,-0.316457,1.139957,0.313586,-0.594444,
+ 0.164983,-0.93415,-0.316457,1.139957,0.313586,-0.594444,
+ 0.164983,-0.93415,-0.316457,1.139957,0.313586,-0.594444,
- 0.166954,-0.985965,-0.000000,1.148052,0.300668,-0.500000,
- 0.301979,-0.953315,-0.000000,1.196159,0.308395,-0.500000,
+ 0.166954,-0.985965,0,1.148052,0.300668,-0.5,
+ 0.301979,-0.953315,0,1.196159,0.308395,-0.5,
- 0.166954,-0.985965,-0.000000,1.148052,0.300668,-0.500000,
+ 0.166954,-0.985965,0,1.148052,0.300668,-0.5,
- 0.164983,-0.934150,-0.316457,1.139957,0.313586,-0.594444,
- 0.301979,-0.953315,-0.000000,1.196159,0.308395,-0.500000,
- 0.780431,-0.625241,0.000000,1.227578,0.320768,-0.500000,
- 0.622801,-0.721415,-0.302786,1.219224,0.334520,-0.595444,
- 0.622801,-0.721415,-0.302786,1.219224,0.334520,-0.595444,
+ 0.164983,-0.93415,-0.316457,1.139957,0.313586,-0.594444,
+ 0.301979,-0.953315,0,1.196159,0.308395,-0.5,
+ 0.780431,-0.625241,0,1.227578,0.320768,-0.5,
+ 0.622801,-0.721415,-0.302786,1.219224,0.33452,-0.595444,
+ 0.622801,-0.721415,-0.302786,1.219224,0.33452,-0.595444,
- 0.301979,-0.953315,-0.000000,1.196159,0.308395,-0.500000,
- 0.631576,-0.472875,-0.614411,1.194861,0.375780,-0.675096,
+ 0.301979,-0.953315,0,1.196159,0.308395,-0.5,
+ 0.631576,-0.472875,-0.614411,1.194861,0.37578,-0.675096,
- 0.631576,-0.472875,-0.614411,1.194861,0.375780,-0.675096,
+ 0.631576,-0.472875,-0.614411,1.194861,0.37578,-0.675096,
- 0.622801,-0.721415,-0.302786,1.219224,0.334520,-0.595444,
- 0.164983,-0.934150,0.316457,1.139957,0.313586,-0.405556,
+ 0.622801,-0.721415,-0.302786,1.219224,0.33452,-0.595444,
+ 0.164983,-0.93415,0.316457,1.139957,0.313586,-0.405556,
- 0.164983,-0.934150,0.316457,1.139957,0.313586,-0.405556,
- 0.631575,-0.472875,0.614412,1.194861,0.375780,-0.324904,
- 0.622801,-0.721415,0.302786,1.219224,0.334520,-0.404556,
+ 0.164983,-0.93415,0.316457,1.139957,0.313586,-0.405556,
+ 0.631575,-0.472875,0.614412,1.194861,0.37578,-0.324904,
+ 0.622801,-0.721415,0.302786,1.219224,0.33452,-0.404556,
- 0.631575,-0.472875,0.614412,1.194861,0.375780,-0.324904,
+ 0.631575,-0.472875,0.614412,1.194861,0.37578,-0.324904,
- 0.622801,-0.721415,0.302786,1.219224,0.334520,-0.404556,
- 0.780431,-0.625241,0.000000,1.227578,0.320768,-0.500000,
- 0.301979,-0.953315,-0.000000,1.196159,0.308395,-0.500000,
- 0.301979,-0.953315,-0.000000,1.196159,0.308395,-0.500000,
+ 0.622801,-0.721415,0.302786,1.219224,0.33452,-0.404556,
+ 0.780431,-0.625241,0,1.227578,0.320768,-0.5,
+ 0.301979,-0.953315,0,1.196159,0.308395,-0.5,
+ 0.301979,-0.953315,0,1.196159,0.308395,-0.5,
- 0.622801,-0.721415,0.302786,1.219224,0.334520,-0.404556,
- 0.166954,-0.985965,-0.000000,1.148052,0.300668,-0.500000,
- 0.164983,-0.934150,0.316457,1.139957,0.313586,-0.405556,
+ 0.622801,-0.721415,0.302786,1.219224,0.33452,-0.404556,
+ 0.166954,-0.985965,0,1.148052,0.300668,-0.5,
+ 0.164983,-0.93415,0.316457,1.139957,0.313586,-0.405556,
- 0.166954,-0.985965,-0.000000,1.148052,0.300668,-0.500000,
+ 0.166954,-0.985965,0,1.148052,0.300668,-0.5,
- 0.301979,-0.953315,-0.000000,1.196159,0.308395,-0.500000,
- 0.930569,0.307100,0.199327,1.204957,0.421449,-0.361333,
- 0.940255,0.325371,0.100277,1.221821,0.401211,-0.417500,
- 0.974899,-0.059226,0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.412500,
- 0.930569,0.307100,0.199327,1.204957,0.421449,-0.361333,
- 0.974899,-0.059226,0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.412500,
+ 0.301979,-0.953315,0,1.196159,0.308395,-0.5,
+ 0.930569,0.3071,0.199327,1.204957,0.421449,-0.361333,
+ 0.940255,0.325371,0.100277,1.221821,0.401211,-0.4175,
+ 0.974899,-0.059226,0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.4125,
+ 0.930569,0.3071,0.199327,1.204957,0.421449,-0.361333,
+ 0.974899,-0.059226,0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.4125,
- 0.962007,0.273026,0.000000,1.230206,0.391113,-0.500000,
- 0.992798,-0.119797,-0.000000,1.239508,0.345749,-0.500000,
- 0.974899,-0.059226,0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.412500,
- 0.962007,0.273026,0.000000,1.230206,0.391113,-0.500000,
- 0.974899,-0.059226,0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.412500,
- 0.940255,0.325371,0.100277,1.221821,0.401211,-0.417500,
- 0.780431,-0.625241,0.000000,1.227578,0.320768,-0.500000,
- 0.622801,-0.721415,0.302786,1.219224,0.334520,-0.404556,
- 0.974899,-0.059226,0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.412500,
- 0.780431,-0.625241,0.000000,1.227578,0.320768,-0.500000,
- 0.974899,-0.059226,0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.412500,
- 0.992798,-0.119797,-0.000000,1.239508,0.345749,-0.500000,
- 0.631575,-0.472875,0.614412,1.194861,0.375780,-0.324904,
+ 0.962007,0.273026,0,1.230206,0.391113,-0.5,
+ 0.992798,-0.119797,0,1.239508,0.345749,-0.5,
+ 0.974899,-0.059226,0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.4125,
+ 0.962007,0.273026,0,1.230206,0.391113,-0.5,
+ 0.974899,-0.059226,0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.4125,
+ 0.940255,0.325371,0.100277,1.221821,0.401211,-0.4175,
+ 0.780431,-0.625241,0,1.227578,0.320768,-0.5,
+ 0.622801,-0.721415,0.302786,1.219224,0.33452,-0.404556,
+ 0.974899,-0.059226,0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.4125,
+ 0.780431,-0.625241,0,1.227578,0.320768,-0.5,
+ 0.974899,-0.059226,0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.4125,
+ 0.992798,-0.119797,0,1.239508,0.345749,-0.5,
+ 0.631575,-0.472875,0.614412,1.194861,0.37578,-0.324904,
- 0.974899,-0.059226,0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.412500,
- 0.631575,-0.472875,0.614412,1.194861,0.375780,-0.324904,
- 0.974899,-0.059226,0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.412500,
- 0.622801,-0.721415,0.302786,1.219224,0.334520,-0.404556,
- 0.930569,0.307100,-0.199328,1.204957,0.421449,-0.638667,
+ 0.974899,-0.059226,0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.4125,
+ 0.631575,-0.472875,0.614412,1.194861,0.37578,-0.324904,
+ 0.974899,-0.059226,0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.4125,
+ 0.622801,-0.721415,0.302786,1.219224,0.33452,-0.404556,
+ 0.930569,0.3071,-0.199328,1.204957,0.421449,-0.638667,
- 0.974899,-0.059226,-0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.587500,
- 0.930569,0.307100,-0.199328,1.204957,0.421449,-0.638667,
- 0.974899,-0.059226,-0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.587500,
- 0.940255,0.325371,-0.100277,1.221821,0.401211,-0.582500,
- 0.631576,-0.472875,-0.614411,1.194861,0.375780,-0.675096,
- 0.622801,-0.721415,-0.302786,1.219224,0.334520,-0.595444,
- 0.974899,-0.059226,-0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.587500,
- 0.631576,-0.472875,-0.614411,1.194861,0.375780,-0.675096,
- 0.974899,-0.059226,-0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.587500,
+ 0.974899,-0.059226,-0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.5875,
+ 0.930569,0.3071,-0.199328,1.204957,0.421449,-0.638667,
+ 0.974899,-0.059226,-0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.5875,
+ 0.940255,0.325371,-0.100277,1.221821,0.401211,-0.5825,
+ 0.631576,-0.472875,-0.614411,1.194861,0.37578,-0.675096,
+ 0.622801,-0.721415,-0.302786,1.219224,0.33452,-0.595444,
+ 0.974899,-0.059226,-0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.5875,
+ 0.631576,-0.472875,-0.614411,1.194861,0.37578,-0.675096,
+ 0.974899,-0.059226,-0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.5875,
- 0.780431,-0.625241,0.000000,1.227578,0.320768,-0.500000,
- 0.992798,-0.119797,-0.000000,1.239508,0.345749,-0.500000,
- 0.974899,-0.059226,-0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.587500,
- 0.780431,-0.625241,0.000000,1.227578,0.320768,-0.500000,
- 0.974899,-0.059226,-0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.587500,
- 0.622801,-0.721415,-0.302786,1.219224,0.334520,-0.595444,
- 0.962007,0.273026,0.000000,1.230206,0.391113,-0.500000,
- 0.940255,0.325371,-0.100277,1.221821,0.401211,-0.582500,
- 0.974899,-0.059226,-0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.587500,
- 0.962007,0.273026,0.000000,1.230206,0.391113,-0.500000,
- 0.974899,-0.059226,-0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.587500,
- 0.992798,-0.119797,-0.000000,1.239508,0.345749,-0.500000,
+ 0.780431,-0.625241,0,1.227578,0.320768,-0.5,
+ 0.992798,-0.119797,0,1.239508,0.345749,-0.5,
+ 0.974899,-0.059226,-0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.5875,
+ 0.780431,-0.625241,0,1.227578,0.320768,-0.5,
+ 0.974899,-0.059226,-0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.5875,
+ 0.622801,-0.721415,-0.302786,1.219224,0.33452,-0.595444,
+ 0.962007,0.273026,0,1.230206,0.391113,-0.5,
+ 0.940255,0.325371,-0.100277,1.221821,0.401211,-0.5825,
+ 0.974899,-0.059226,-0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.5875,
+ 0.962007,0.273026,0,1.230206,0.391113,-0.5,
+ 0.974899,-0.059226,-0.214627,1.230706,0.358565,-0.5875,
+ 0.992798,-0.119797,0,1.239508,0.345749,-0.5,
- 0.346195,0.171304,0.922390,1.107591,0.526937,-0.260702,
+ 0.346195,0.171304,0.92239,1.107591,0.526937,-0.260702,
- 0.346195,0.171304,0.922390,1.107591,0.526937,-0.260702,
+ 0.346195,0.171304,0.92239,1.107591,0.526937,-0.260702,
- 0.631575,-0.472875,0.614412,1.194861,0.375780,-0.324904,
+ 0.631575,-0.472875,0.614412,1.194861,0.37578,-0.324904,
- -0.334947,0.636181,0.695043,0.937575,0.636550,-0.326853,
+ -0.334947,0.636181,0.695043,0.937575,0.63655,-0.326853,
- -0.011301,0.717458,0.696510,1.019270,0.677486,-0.324904,
+ -0.011301,0.717458,0.69651,1.01927,0.677486,-0.324904,
- -0.011301,0.717458,0.696510,1.019270,0.677486,-0.324904,
+ -0.011301,0.717458,0.69651,1.01927,0.677486,-0.324904,
- 0.346195,0.171304,0.922390,1.107591,0.526937,-0.260702,
+ 0.346195,0.171304,0.92239,1.107591,0.526937,-0.260702,
- 0.499427,0.759449,0.416905,1.046216,0.675680,-0.339125,
- 0.733810,0.655202,0.179534,1.066291,0.661627,-0.361333,
+ 0.499427,0.759449,0.416905,1.046216,0.67568,-0.339125,
+ 0.73381,0.655202,0.179534,1.066291,0.661627,-0.361333,
- 0.621316,0.565314,0.542574,1.083956,0.612743,-0.294000,
- 0.499427,0.759449,0.416905,1.046216,0.675680,-0.339125,
- 0.835470,0.498022,0.232303,1.141425,0.544887,-0.322437,
- 0.742505,0.410638,0.529209,1.128758,0.537574,-0.278500,
- 0.621316,0.565314,0.542574,1.083956,0.612743,-0.294000,
- 0.835470,0.498022,0.232303,1.141425,0.544887,-0.322437,
- 0.621316,0.565314,0.542574,1.083956,0.612743,-0.294000,
+ 0.621316,0.565314,0.542574,1.083956,0.612743,-0.294,
+ 0.499427,0.759449,0.416905,1.046216,0.67568,-0.339125,
+ 0.83547,0.498022,0.232303,1.141425,0.544887,-0.322437,
+ 0.742505,0.410638,0.529209,1.128758,0.537574,-0.2785,
+ 0.621316,0.565314,0.542574,1.083956,0.612743,-0.294,
+ 0.83547,0.498022,0.232303,1.141425,0.544887,-0.322437,
+ 0.621316,0.565314,0.542574,1.083956,0.612743,-0.294,
- 0.346195,0.171304,0.922390,1.107591,0.526937,-0.260702,
+ 0.346195,0.171304,0.92239,1.107591,0.526937,-0.260702,
- 0.621316,0.565314,0.542574,1.083956,0.612743,-0.294000,
- 0.346195,0.171304,0.922390,1.107591,0.526937,-0.260702,
- 0.621316,0.565314,0.542574,1.083956,0.612743,-0.294000,
- 0.742505,0.410638,0.529209,1.128758,0.537574,-0.278500,
+ 0.621316,0.565314,0.542574,1.083956,0.612743,-0.294,
+ 0.346195,0.171304,0.92239,1.107591,0.526937,-0.260702,
+ 0.621316,0.565314,0.542574,1.083956,0.612743,-0.294,
+ 0.742505,0.410638,0.529209,1.128758,0.537574,-0.2785,
- -0.011301,0.717458,0.696510,1.019270,0.677486,-0.324904,
- 0.499427,0.759449,0.416905,1.046216,0.675680,-0.339125,
- 0.499427,0.759449,0.416905,1.046216,0.675680,-0.339125,
- 0.621316,0.565314,0.542574,1.083956,0.612743,-0.294000,
+ -0.011301,0.717458,0.69651,1.01927,0.677486,-0.324904,
+ 0.499427,0.759449,0.416905,1.046216,0.67568,-0.339125,
+ 0.499427,0.759449,0.416905,1.046216,0.67568,-0.339125,
+ 0.621316,0.565314,0.542574,1.083956,0.612743,-0.294,
- 0.930569,0.307100,0.199327,1.204957,0.421449,-0.361333,
+ 0.930569,0.3071,0.199327,1.204957,0.421449,-0.361333,
- 0.808962,0.235076,0.538813,1.171456,0.461189,-0.294000,
- 0.930569,0.307100,0.199327,1.204957,0.421449,-0.361333,
- 0.808962,0.235076,0.538813,1.171456,0.461189,-0.294000,
+ 0.808962,0.235076,0.538813,1.171456,0.461189,-0.294,
+ 0.930569,0.3071,0.199327,1.204957,0.421449,-0.361333,
+ 0.808962,0.235076,0.538813,1.171456,0.461189,-0.294,
- 0.631575,-0.472875,0.614412,1.194861,0.375780,-0.324904,
+ 0.631575,-0.472875,0.614412,1.194861,0.37578,-0.324904,
- 0.808962,0.235076,0.538813,1.171456,0.461189,-0.294000,
+ 0.808962,0.235076,0.538813,1.171456,0.461189,-0.294,
- 0.346195,0.171304,0.922390,1.107591,0.526937,-0.260702,
- 0.742505,0.410638,0.529209,1.128758,0.537574,-0.278500,
- 0.808962,0.235076,0.538813,1.171456,0.461189,-0.294000,
- 0.346195,0.171304,0.922390,1.107591,0.526937,-0.260702,
- 0.808962,0.235076,0.538813,1.171456,0.461189,-0.294000,
+ 0.346195,0.171304,0.92239,1.107591,0.526937,-0.260702,
+ 0.742505,0.410638,0.529209,1.128758,0.537574,-0.2785,
+ 0.808962,0.235076,0.538813,1.171456,0.461189,-0.294,
+ 0.346195,0.171304,0.92239,1.107591,0.526937,-0.260702,
+ 0.808962,0.235076,0.538813,1.171456,0.461189,-0.294,
- 0.742505,0.410638,0.529209,1.128758,0.537574,-0.278500,
- 0.835470,0.498022,0.232303,1.141425,0.544887,-0.322437,
+ 0.742505,0.410638,0.529209,1.128758,0.537574,-0.2785,
+ 0.83547,0.498022,0.232303,1.141425,0.544887,-0.322437,
- 0.808962,0.235076,0.538813,1.171456,0.461189,-0.294000,
- 0.742505,0.410638,0.529209,1.128758,0.537574,-0.278500,
- -0.334947,0.636181,0.695043,0.937575,0.636550,-0.326853,
+ 0.808962,0.235076,0.538813,1.171456,0.461189,-0.294,
+ 0.742505,0.410638,0.529209,1.128758,0.537574,-0.2785,
+ -0.334947,0.636181,0.695043,0.937575,0.63655,-0.326853,
- -0.334947,0.636181,0.695043,0.937575,0.636550,-0.326853,
+ -0.334947,0.636181,0.695043,0.937575,0.63655,-0.326853,
- -0.456348,0.889801,0.000000,0.905194,0.688224,-0.500000,
- -0.483417,0.875390,-0.000000,0.952766,0.716730,-0.500000,
- -0.483417,0.875390,-0.000000,0.952766,0.716730,-0.500000,
+ -0.456348,0.889801,0,0.905194,0.688224,-0.5,
+ -0.483417,0.87539,0,0.952766,0.71673,-0.5,
+ -0.483417,0.87539,0,0.952766,0.71673,-0.5,
- -0.145364,0.989378,0.000000,0.987605,0.733106,-0.500000,
+ -0.145364,0.989378,0,0.987605,0.733106,-0.5,
- -0.145364,0.989378,0.000000,0.987605,0.733106,-0.500000,
+ -0.145364,0.989378,0,0.987605,0.733106,-0.5,
- -0.483417,0.875390,-0.000000,0.952766,0.716730,-0.500000,
+ -0.483417,0.87539,0,0.952766,0.71673,-0.5,
- -0.011301,0.717458,0.696510,1.019270,0.677486,-0.324904,
+ -0.011301,0.717458,0.69651,1.01927,0.677486,-0.324904,
- -0.334948,0.636181,-0.695043,0.937575,0.636550,-0.673147,
+ -0.334948,0.636181,-0.695043,0.937575,0.63655,-0.673147,
- -0.334948,0.636181,-0.695043,0.937575,0.636550,-0.673147,
+ -0.334948,0.636181,-0.695043,0.937575,0.63655,-0.673147,
- -0.011300,0.717458,-0.696510,1.019270,0.677486,-0.675096,
+ -0.0113,0.717458,-0.69651,1.01927,0.677486,-0.675096,
- -0.145364,0.989378,0.000000,0.987605,0.733106,-0.500000,
- -0.483417,0.875390,-0.000000,0.952766,0.716730,-0.500000,
+ -0.145364,0.989378,0,0.987605,0.733106,-0.5,
+ -0.483417,0.87539,0,0.952766,0.71673,-0.5,
- -0.145364,0.989378,0.000000,0.987605,0.733106,-0.500000,
+ -0.145364,0.989378,0,0.987605,0.733106,-0.5,
- -0.483417,0.875390,-0.000000,0.952766,0.716730,-0.500000,
- -0.456348,0.889801,0.000000,0.905194,0.688224,-0.500000,
+ -0.483417,0.87539,0,0.952766,0.71673,-0.5,
+ -0.456348,0.889801,0,0.905194,0.688224,-0.5,
- -0.483417,0.875390,-0.000000,0.952766,0.716730,-0.500000,
- 0.733810,0.655202,-0.179535,1.066291,0.661627,-0.638667,
- 0.737725,0.668365,-0.095126,1.057196,0.686350,-0.582500,
- 0.442446,0.874241,-0.199863,1.024706,0.715367,-0.587500,
- 0.733810,0.655202,-0.179535,1.066291,0.661627,-0.638667,
- 0.442446,0.874241,-0.199863,1.024706,0.715367,-0.587500,
- 0.499427,0.759449,-0.416905,1.046216,0.675680,-0.660875,
- 0.737725,0.668365,-0.095126,1.057196,0.686350,-0.582500,
- 0.739038,0.673664,0.000000,1.052644,0.698661,-0.500000,
- 0.507297,0.861771,-0.000000,1.018008,0.729398,-0.500000,
- 0.507297,0.861771,-0.000000,1.018008,0.729398,-0.500000,
- 0.442446,0.874241,-0.199863,1.024706,0.715367,-0.587500,
- 0.737725,0.668365,-0.095126,1.057196,0.686350,-0.582500,
- -0.145364,0.989378,0.000000,0.987605,0.733106,-0.500000,
+ -0.483417,0.87539,0,0.952766,0.71673,-0.5,
+ 0.73381,0.655202,-0.179535,1.066291,0.661627,-0.638667,
+ 0.737725,0.668365,-0.095126,1.057196,0.68635,-0.5825,
+ 0.442446,0.874241,-0.199863,1.024706,0.715367,-0.5875,
+ 0.73381,0.655202,-0.179535,1.066291,0.661627,-0.638667,
+ 0.442446,0.874241,-0.199863,1.024706,0.715367,-0.5875,
+ 0.499427,0.759449,-0.416905,1.046216,0.67568,-0.660875,
+ 0.737725,0.668365,-0.095126,1.057196,0.68635,-0.5825,
+ 0.739038,0.673664,0,1.052644,0.698661,-0.5,
+ 0.507297,0.861771,0,1.018008,0.729398,-0.5,
+ 0.507297,0.861771,0,1.018008,0.729398,-0.5,
+ 0.442446,0.874241,-0.199863,1.024706,0.715367,-0.5875,
+ 0.737725,0.668365,-0.095126,1.057196,0.68635,-0.5825,
+ -0.145364,0.989378,0,0.987605,0.733106,-0.5,
- 0.442446,0.874241,-0.199863,1.024706,0.715367,-0.587500,
- -0.145364,0.989378,0.000000,0.987605,0.733106,-0.500000,
- 0.442446,0.874241,-0.199863,1.024706,0.715367,-0.587500,
- 0.507297,0.861771,-0.000000,1.018008,0.729398,-0.500000,
+ 0.442446,0.874241,-0.199863,1.024706,0.715367,-0.5875,
+ -0.145364,0.989378,0,0.987605,0.733106,-0.5,
+ 0.442446,0.874241,-0.199863,1.024706,0.715367,-0.5875,
+ 0.507297,0.861771,0,1.018008,0.729398,-0.5,
- -0.011300,0.717458,-0.696510,1.019270,0.677486,-0.675096,
- 0.499427,0.759449,-0.416905,1.046216,0.675680,-0.660875,
- 0.499427,0.759449,-0.416905,1.046216,0.675680,-0.660875,
- 0.442446,0.874241,-0.199863,1.024706,0.715367,-0.587500,
+ -0.0113,0.717458,-0.69651,1.01927,0.677486,-0.675096,
+ 0.499427,0.759449,-0.416905,1.046216,0.67568,-0.660875,
+ 0.499427,0.759449,-0.416905,1.046216,0.67568,-0.660875,
+ 0.442446,0.874241,-0.199863,1.024706,0.715367,-0.5875,
- 0.733810,0.655202,0.179534,1.066291,0.661627,-0.361333,
- 0.499427,0.759449,0.416905,1.046216,0.675680,-0.339125,
- 0.442446,0.874241,0.199863,1.024706,0.715367,-0.412500,
- 0.733810,0.655202,0.179534,1.066291,0.661627,-0.361333,
- 0.442446,0.874241,0.199863,1.024706,0.715367,-0.412500,
- 0.737725,0.668365,0.095126,1.057196,0.686350,-0.417500,
- 0.499427,0.759449,0.416905,1.046216,0.675680,-0.339125,
- -0.011301,0.717458,0.696510,1.019270,0.677486,-0.324904,
+ 0.73381,0.655202,0.179534,1.066291,0.661627,-0.361333,
+ 0.499427,0.759449,0.416905,1.046216,0.67568,-0.339125,
+ 0.442446,0.874241,0.199863,1.024706,0.715367,-0.4125,
+ 0.73381,0.655202,0.179534,1.066291,0.661627,-0.361333,
+ 0.442446,0.874241,0.199863,1.024706,0.715367,-0.4125,
+ 0.737725,0.668365,0.095126,1.057196,0.68635,-0.4175,
+ 0.499427,0.759449,0.416905,1.046216,0.67568,-0.339125,
+ -0.011301,0.717458,0.69651,1.01927,0.677486,-0.324904,
- 0.442446,0.874241,0.199863,1.024706,0.715367,-0.412500,
- 0.499427,0.759449,0.416905,1.046216,0.675680,-0.339125,
- -0.145364,0.989378,0.000000,0.987605,0.733106,-0.500000,
- 0.507297,0.861771,-0.000000,1.018008,0.729398,-0.500000,
- 0.442446,0.874241,0.199863,1.024706,0.715367,-0.412500,
- -0.145364,0.989378,0.000000,0.987605,0.733106,-0.500000,
- 0.442446,0.874241,0.199863,1.024706,0.715367,-0.412500,
+ 0.442446,0.874241,0.199863,1.024706,0.715367,-0.4125,
+ 0.499427,0.759449,0.416905,1.046216,0.67568,-0.339125,
+ -0.145364,0.989378,0,0.987605,0.733106,-0.5,
+ 0.507297,0.861771,0,1.018008,0.729398,-0.5,
+ 0.442446,0.874241,0.199863,1.024706,0.715367,-0.4125,
+ -0.145364,0.989378,0,0.987605,0.733106,-0.5,
+ 0.442446,0.874241,0.199863,1.024706,0.715367,-0.4125,
- 0.507297,0.861771,-0.000000,1.018008,0.729398,-0.500000,
- 0.739038,0.673664,0.000000,1.052644,0.698661,-0.500000,
- 0.737725,0.668365,0.095126,1.057196,0.686350,-0.417500,
- 0.737725,0.668365,0.095126,1.057196,0.686350,-0.417500,
- 0.442446,0.874241,0.199863,1.024706,0.715367,-0.412500,
- 0.507297,0.861771,-0.000000,1.018008,0.729398,-0.500000,
+ 0.507297,0.861771,0,1.018008,0.729398,-0.5,
+ 0.739038,0.673664,0,1.052644,0.698661,-0.5,
+ 0.737725,0.668365,0.095126,1.057196,0.68635,-0.4175,
+ 0.737725,0.668365,0.095126,1.057196,0.68635,-0.4175,
+ 0.442446,0.874241,0.199863,1.024706,0.715367,-0.4125,
+ 0.507297,0.861771,0,1.018008,0.729398,-0.5,
- -0.334948,0.636181,-0.695043,0.937575,0.636550,-0.673147,
+ -0.334948,0.636181,-0.695043,0.937575,0.63655,-0.673147,
- 0.346195,0.171304,-0.922390,1.107591,0.526937,-0.739298,
+ 0.346195,0.171304,-0.92239,1.107591,0.526937,-0.739298,
- -0.011300,0.717458,-0.696510,1.019270,0.677486,-0.675096,
+ -0.0113,0.717458,-0.69651,1.01927,0.677486,-0.675096,
- -0.011300,0.717458,-0.696510,1.019270,0.677486,-0.675096,
+ -0.0113,0.717458,-0.69651,1.01927,0.677486,-0.675096,
- 0.631576,-0.472875,-0.614411,1.194861,0.375780,-0.675096,
- 0.484632,-0.165544,-0.858910,1.155185,0.444556,-0.723162,
- 0.484632,-0.165544,-0.858910,1.155185,0.444556,-0.723162,
+ 0.631576,-0.472875,-0.614411,1.194861,0.37578,-0.675096,
+ 0.484632,-0.165544,-0.85891,1.155185,0.444556,-0.723162,
+ 0.484632,-0.165544,-0.85891,1.155185,0.444556,-0.723162,
- 0.346195,0.171304,-0.922390,1.107591,0.526937,-0.739298,
+ 0.346195,0.171304,-0.92239,1.107591,0.526937,-0.739298,
- 0.346195,0.171304,-0.922390,1.107591,0.526937,-0.739298,
+ 0.346195,0.171304,-0.92239,1.107591,0.526937,-0.739298,
- 0.484632,-0.165544,-0.858910,1.155185,0.444556,-0.723162,
+ 0.484632,-0.165544,-0.85891,1.155185,0.444556,-0.723162,
- 0.930569,0.307100,-0.199328,1.204957,0.421449,-0.638667,
+ 0.930569,0.3071,-0.199328,1.204957,0.421449,-0.638667,
- 0.808963,0.235076,-0.538812,1.171456,0.461189,-0.706000,
- 0.930569,0.307100,-0.199328,1.204957,0.421449,-0.638667,
- 0.808963,0.235076,-0.538812,1.171456,0.461189,-0.706000,
+ 0.808963,0.235076,-0.538812,1.171456,0.461189,-0.706,
+ 0.930569,0.3071,-0.199328,1.204957,0.421449,-0.638667,
+ 0.808963,0.235076,-0.538812,1.171456,0.461189,-0.706,
- 0.835470,0.498022,-0.232303,1.141425,0.544887,-0.677562,
- 0.742506,0.410638,-0.529208,1.128758,0.537574,-0.721500,
- 0.742506,0.410638,-0.529208,1.128758,0.537574,-0.721500,
- 0.808963,0.235076,-0.538812,1.171456,0.461189,-0.706000,
+ 0.83547,0.498022,-0.232303,1.141425,0.544887,-0.677562,
+ 0.742506,0.410638,-0.529208,1.128758,0.537574,-0.7215,
+ 0.742506,0.410638,-0.529208,1.128758,0.537574,-0.7215,
+ 0.808963,0.235076,-0.538812,1.171456,0.461189,-0.706,
- 0.346195,0.171304,-0.922390,1.107591,0.526937,-0.739298,
- 0.484632,-0.165544,-0.858910,1.155185,0.444556,-0.723162,
- 0.808963,0.235076,-0.538812,1.171456,0.461189,-0.706000,
- 0.346195,0.171304,-0.922390,1.107591,0.526937,-0.739298,
- 0.808963,0.235076,-0.538812,1.171456,0.461189,-0.706000,
- 0.742506,0.410638,-0.529208,1.128758,0.537574,-0.721500,
- 0.484632,-0.165544,-0.858910,1.155185,0.444556,-0.723162,
- 0.631576,-0.472875,-0.614411,1.194861,0.375780,-0.675096,
+ 0.346195,0.171304,-0.92239,1.107591,0.526937,-0.739298,
+ 0.484632,-0.165544,-0.85891,1.155185,0.444556,-0.723162,
+ 0.808963,0.235076,-0.538812,1.171456,0.461189,-0.706,
+ 0.346195,0.171304,-0.92239,1.107591,0.526937,-0.739298,
+ 0.808963,0.235076,-0.538812,1.171456,0.461189,-0.706,
+ 0.742506,0.410638,-0.529208,1.128758,0.537574,-0.7215,
+ 0.484632,-0.165544,-0.85891,1.155185,0.444556,-0.723162,
+ 0.631576,-0.472875,-0.614411,1.194861,0.37578,-0.675096,
- 0.808963,0.235076,-0.538812,1.171456,0.461189,-0.706000,
- 0.484632,-0.165544,-0.858910,1.155185,0.444556,-0.723162,
+ 0.808963,0.235076,-0.538812,1.171456,0.461189,-0.706,
+ 0.484632,-0.165544,-0.85891,1.155185,0.444556,-0.723162,
- 0.733810,0.655202,-0.179535,1.066291,0.661627,-0.638667,
- 0.499427,0.759449,-0.416905,1.046216,0.675680,-0.660875,
- 0.499427,0.759449,-0.416905,1.046216,0.675680,-0.660875,
- 0.621316,0.565314,-0.542574,1.083956,0.612743,-0.706000,
+ 0.73381,0.655202,-0.179535,1.066291,0.661627,-0.638667,
+ 0.499427,0.759449,-0.416905,1.046216,0.67568,-0.660875,
+ 0.499427,0.759449,-0.416905,1.046216,0.67568,-0.660875,
+ 0.621316,0.565314,-0.542574,1.083956,0.612743,-0.706,
- 0.499427,0.759449,-0.416905,1.046216,0.675680,-0.660875,
- -0.011300,0.717458,-0.696510,1.019270,0.677486,-0.675096,
+ 0.499427,0.759449,-0.416905,1.046216,0.67568,-0.660875,
+ -0.0113,0.717458,-0.69651,1.01927,0.677486,-0.675096,
- 0.621316,0.565314,-0.542574,1.083956,0.612743,-0.706000,
- 0.499427,0.759449,-0.416905,1.046216,0.675680,-0.660875,
- 0.346195,0.171304,-0.922390,1.107591,0.526937,-0.739298,
- 0.742506,0.410638,-0.529208,1.128758,0.537574,-0.721500,
- 0.621316,0.565314,-0.542574,1.083956,0.612743,-0.706000,
- 0.346195,0.171304,-0.922390,1.107591,0.526937,-0.739298,
- 0.621316,0.565314,-0.542574,1.083956,0.612743,-0.706000,
+ 0.621316,0.565314,-0.542574,1.083956,0.612743,-0.706,
+ 0.499427,0.759449,-0.416905,1.046216,0.67568,-0.660875,
+ 0.346195,0.171304,-0.92239,1.107591,0.526937,-0.739298,
+ 0.742506,0.410638,-0.529208,1.128758,0.537574,-0.7215,
+ 0.621316,0.565314,-0.542574,1.083956,0.612743,-0.706,
+ 0.346195,0.171304,-0.92239,1.107591,0.526937,-0.739298,
+ 0.621316,0.565314,-0.542574,1.083956,0.612743,-0.706,
- 0.835470,0.498022,-0.232303,1.141425,0.544887,-0.677562,
+ 0.83547,0.498022,-0.232303,1.141425,0.544887,-0.677562,
- 0.621316,0.565314,-0.542574,1.083956,0.612743,-0.706000,
- 0.835470,0.498022,-0.232303,1.141425,0.544887,-0.677562,
- 0.621316,0.565314,-0.542574,1.083956,0.612743,-0.706000,
- 0.742506,0.410638,-0.529208,1.128758,0.537574,-0.721500,
- 0.930569,0.307100,0.199327,1.204957,0.421449,-0.361333,
+ 0.621316,0.565314,-0.542574,1.083956,0.612743,-0.706,
+ 0.83547,0.498022,-0.232303,1.141425,0.544887,-0.677562,
+ 0.621316,0.565314,-0.542574,1.083956,0.612743,-0.706,
+ 0.742506,0.410638,-0.529208,1.128758,0.537574,-0.7215,
+ 0.930569,0.3071,0.199327,1.204957,0.421449,-0.361333,
- 0.900371,0.427755,0.079739,1.191900,0.469528,-0.409500,
- 0.930569,0.307100,0.199327,1.204957,0.421449,-0.361333,
- 0.900371,0.427755,0.079739,1.191900,0.469528,-0.409500,
- 0.940255,0.325371,0.100277,1.221821,0.401211,-0.417500,
+ 0.900371,0.427755,0.079739,1.1919,0.469528,-0.4095,
+ 0.930569,0.3071,0.199327,1.204957,0.421449,-0.361333,
+ 0.900371,0.427755,0.079739,1.1919,0.469528,-0.4095,
+ 0.940255,0.325371,0.100277,1.221821,0.401211,-0.4175,
- 0.835470,0.498022,0.232303,1.141425,0.544887,-0.322437,
- 0.862894,0.498192,0.084960,1.149055,0.549292,-0.402250,
- 0.862894,0.498192,0.084960,1.149055,0.549292,-0.402250,
- 0.900371,0.427755,0.079739,1.191900,0.469528,-0.409500,
+ 0.83547,0.498022,0.232303,1.141425,0.544887,-0.322437,
+ 0.862894,0.498192,0.08496,1.149055,0.549292,-0.40225,
+ 0.862894,0.498192,0.08496,1.149055,0.549292,-0.40225,
+ 0.900371,0.427755,0.079739,1.1919,0.469528,-0.4095,
- 0.866025,0.500000,-0.000000,1.151611,0.550768,-0.500000,
- 0.905374,0.424615,-0.000000,1.197930,0.464638,-0.500000,
- 0.900371,0.427755,0.079739,1.191900,0.469528,-0.409500,
- 0.866025,0.500000,-0.000000,1.151611,0.550768,-0.500000,
- 0.900371,0.427755,0.079739,1.191900,0.469528,-0.409500,
- 0.862894,0.498192,0.084960,1.149055,0.549292,-0.402250,
- 0.905374,0.424615,-0.000000,1.197930,0.464638,-0.500000,
- 0.962007,0.273026,0.000000,1.230206,0.391113,-0.500000,
- 0.940255,0.325371,0.100277,1.221821,0.401211,-0.417500,
- 0.940255,0.325371,0.100277,1.221821,0.401211,-0.417500,
- 0.900371,0.427755,0.079739,1.191900,0.469528,-0.409500,
- 0.905374,0.424615,-0.000000,1.197930,0.464638,-0.500000,
- 0.733810,0.655202,0.179534,1.066291,0.661627,-0.361333,
- 0.737725,0.668365,0.095126,1.057196,0.686350,-0.417500,
- 0.820632,0.565867,0.079739,1.101400,0.626279,-0.409500,
- 0.733810,0.655202,0.179534,1.066291,0.661627,-0.361333,
- 0.820632,0.565867,0.079739,1.101400,0.626279,-0.409500,
+ 0.866025,0.5,0,1.151611,0.550768,-0.5,
+ 0.905374,0.424615,0,1.19793,0.464638,-0.5,
+ 0.900371,0.427755,0.079739,1.1919,0.469528,-0.4095,
+ 0.866025,0.5,0,1.151611,0.550768,-0.5,
+ 0.900371,0.427755,0.079739,1.1919,0.469528,-0.4095,
+ 0.862894,0.498192,0.08496,1.149055,0.549292,-0.40225,
+ 0.905374,0.424615,0,1.19793,0.464638,-0.5,
+ 0.962007,0.273026,0,1.230206,0.391113,-0.5,
+ 0.940255,0.325371,0.100277,1.221821,0.401211,-0.4175,
+ 0.940255,0.325371,0.100277,1.221821,0.401211,-0.4175,
+ 0.900371,0.427755,0.079739,1.1919,0.469528,-0.4095,
+ 0.905374,0.424615,0,1.19793,0.464638,-0.5,
+ 0.73381,0.655202,0.179534,1.066291,0.661627,-0.361333,
+ 0.737725,0.668365,0.095126,1.057196,0.68635,-0.4175,
+ 0.820632,0.565867,0.079739,1.1014,0.626279,-0.4095,
+ 0.73381,0.655202,0.179534,1.066291,0.661627,-0.361333,
+ 0.820632,0.565867,0.079739,1.1014,0.626279,-0.4095,
- 0.737725,0.668365,0.095126,1.057196,0.686350,-0.417500,
- 0.739038,0.673664,0.000000,1.052644,0.698661,-0.500000,
- 0.820414,0.571770,0.000000,1.100180,0.633946,-0.500000,
- 0.820414,0.571770,0.000000,1.100180,0.633946,-0.500000,
- 0.820632,0.565867,0.079739,1.101400,0.626279,-0.409500,
- 0.737725,0.668365,0.095126,1.057196,0.686350,-0.417500,
- 0.866025,0.500000,-0.000000,1.151611,0.550768,-0.500000,
- 0.862894,0.498192,0.084960,1.149055,0.549292,-0.402250,
- 0.820632,0.565867,0.079739,1.101400,0.626279,-0.409500,
- 0.866025,0.500000,-0.000000,1.151611,0.550768,-0.500000,
- 0.820632,0.565867,0.079739,1.101400,0.626279,-0.409500,
- 0.820414,0.571770,0.000000,1.100180,0.633946,-0.500000,
- 0.862894,0.498192,0.084960,1.149055,0.549292,-0.402250,
- 0.835470,0.498022,0.232303,1.141425,0.544887,-0.322437,
+ 0.737725,0.668365,0.095126,1.057196,0.68635,-0.4175,
+ 0.739038,0.673664,0,1.052644,0.698661,-0.5,
+ 0.820414,0.57177,0,1.10018,0.633946,-0.5,
+ 0.820414,0.57177,0,1.10018,0.633946,-0.5,
+ 0.820632,0.565867,0.079739,1.1014,0.626279,-0.4095,
+ 0.737725,0.668365,0.095126,1.057196,0.68635,-0.4175,
+ 0.866025,0.5,0,1.151611,0.550768,-0.5,
+ 0.862894,0.498192,0.08496,1.149055,0.549292,-0.40225,
+ 0.820632,0.565867,0.079739,1.1014,0.626279,-0.4095,
+ 0.866025,0.5,0,1.151611,0.550768,-0.5,
+ 0.820632,0.565867,0.079739,1.1014,0.626279,-0.4095,
+ 0.820414,0.57177,0,1.10018,0.633946,-0.5,
+ 0.862894,0.498192,0.08496,1.149055,0.549292,-0.40225,
+ 0.83547,0.498022,0.232303,1.141425,0.544887,-0.322437,
- 0.820632,0.565867,0.079739,1.101400,0.626279,-0.409500,
- 0.862894,0.498192,0.084960,1.149055,0.549292,-0.402250,
- 0.733810,0.655202,-0.179535,1.066291,0.661627,-0.638667,
+ 0.820632,0.565867,0.079739,1.1014,0.626279,-0.4095,
+ 0.862894,0.498192,0.08496,1.149055,0.549292,-0.40225,
+ 0.73381,0.655202,-0.179535,1.066291,0.661627,-0.638667,
- 0.820632,0.565867,-0.079739,1.101400,0.626279,-0.590500,
- 0.733810,0.655202,-0.179535,1.066291,0.661627,-0.638667,
- 0.820632,0.565867,-0.079739,1.101400,0.626279,-0.590500,
- 0.737725,0.668365,-0.095126,1.057196,0.686350,-0.582500,
+ 0.820632,0.565867,-0.079739,1.1014,0.626279,-0.5905,
+ 0.73381,0.655202,-0.179535,1.066291,0.661627,-0.638667,
+ 0.820632,0.565867,-0.079739,1.1014,0.626279,-0.5905,
+ 0.737725,0.668365,-0.095126,1.057196,0.68635,-0.5825,
- 0.835470,0.498022,-0.232303,1.141425,0.544887,-0.677562,
- 0.862894,0.498192,-0.084960,1.149055,0.549292,-0.597750,
- 0.862894,0.498192,-0.084960,1.149055,0.549292,-0.597750,
- 0.820632,0.565867,-0.079739,1.101400,0.626279,-0.590500,
+ 0.83547,0.498022,-0.232303,1.141425,0.544887,-0.677562,
+ 0.862894,0.498192,-0.08496,1.149055,0.549292,-0.59775,
+ 0.862894,0.498192,-0.08496,1.149055,0.549292,-0.59775,
+ 0.820632,0.565867,-0.079739,1.1014,0.626279,-0.5905,
- 0.866025,0.500000,-0.000000,1.151611,0.550768,-0.500000,
- 0.820414,0.571770,0.000000,1.100180,0.633946,-0.500000,
- 0.820632,0.565867,-0.079739,1.101400,0.626279,-0.590500,
- 0.866025,0.500000,-0.000000,1.151611,0.550768,-0.500000,
- 0.820632,0.565867,-0.079739,1.101400,0.626279,-0.590500,
- 0.862894,0.498192,-0.084960,1.149055,0.549292,-0.597750,
- 0.820414,0.571770,0.000000,1.100180,0.633946,-0.500000,
- 0.739038,0.673664,0.000000,1.052644,0.698661,-0.500000,
- 0.737725,0.668365,-0.095126,1.057196,0.686350,-0.582500,
- 0.737725,0.668365,-0.095126,1.057196,0.686350,-0.582500,
- 0.820632,0.565867,-0.079739,1.101400,0.626279,-0.590500,
- 0.820414,0.571770,0.000000,1.100180,0.633946,-0.500000,
- 0.930569,0.307100,-0.199328,1.204957,0.421449,-0.638667,
- 0.940255,0.325371,-0.100277,1.221821,0.401211,-0.582500,
- 0.900371,0.427755,-0.079739,1.191900,0.469528,-0.590500,
- 0.930569,0.307100,-0.199328,1.204957,0.421449,-0.638667,
- 0.900371,0.427755,-0.079739,1.191900,0.469528,-0.590500,
+ 0.866025,0.5,0,1.151611,0.550768,-0.5,
+ 0.820414,0.57177,0,1.10018,0.633946,-0.5,
+ 0.820632,0.565867,-0.079739,1.1014,0.626279,-0.5905,
+ 0.866025,0.5,0,1.151611,0.550768,-0.5,
+ 0.820632,0.565867,-0.079739,1.1014,0.626279,-0.5905,
+ 0.862894,0.498192,-0.08496,1.149055,0.549292,-0.59775,
+ 0.820414,0.57177,0,1.10018,0.633946,-0.5,
+ 0.739038,0.673664,0,1.052644,0.698661,-0.5,
+ 0.737725,0.668365,-0.095126,1.057196,0.68635,-0.5825,
+ 0.737725,0.668365,-0.095126,1.057196,0.68635,-0.5825,
+ 0.820632,0.565867,-0.079739,1.1014,0.626279,-0.5905,
+ 0.820414,0.57177,0,1.10018,0.633946,-0.5,
+ 0.930569,0.3071,-0.199328,1.204957,0.421449,-0.638667,
+ 0.940255,0.325371,-0.100277,1.221821,0.401211,-0.5825,
+ 0.900371,0.427755,-0.079739,1.1919,0.469528,-0.5905,
+ 0.930569,0.3071,-0.199328,1.204957,0.421449,-0.638667,
+ 0.900371,0.427755,-0.079739,1.1919,0.469528,-0.5905,
- 0.940255,0.325371,-0.100277,1.221821,0.401211,-0.582500,
- 0.962007,0.273026,0.000000,1.230206,0.391113,-0.500000,
- 0.905374,0.424615,-0.000000,1.197930,0.464638,-0.500000,
- 0.905374,0.424615,-0.000000,1.197930,0.464638,-0.500000,
- 0.900371,0.427755,-0.079739,1.191900,0.469528,-0.590500,
- 0.940255,0.325371,-0.100277,1.221821,0.401211,-0.582500,
- 0.866025,0.500000,-0.000000,1.151611,0.550768,-0.500000,
- 0.862894,0.498192,-0.084960,1.149055,0.549292,-0.597750,
- 0.900371,0.427755,-0.079739,1.191900,0.469528,-0.590500,
- 0.866025,0.500000,-0.000000,1.151611,0.550768,-0.500000,
- 0.900371,0.427755,-0.079739,1.191900,0.469528,-0.590500,
- 0.905374,0.424615,-0.000000,1.197930,0.464638,-0.500000,
- 0.862894,0.498192,-0.084960,1.149055,0.549292,-0.597750,
- 0.835470,0.498022,-0.232303,1.141425,0.544887,-0.677562,
+ 0.940255,0.325371,-0.100277,1.221821,0.401211,-0.5825,
+ 0.962007,0.273026,0,1.230206,0.391113,-0.5,
+ 0.905374,0.424615,0,1.19793,0.464638,-0.5,
+ 0.905374,0.424615,0,1.19793,0.464638,-0.5,
+ 0.900371,0.427755,-0.079739,1.1919,0.469528,-0.5905,
+ 0.940255,0.325371,-0.100277,1.221821,0.401211,-0.5825,
+ 0.866025,0.5,0,1.151611,0.550768,-0.5,
+ 0.862894,0.498192,-0.08496,1.149055,0.549292,-0.59775,
+ 0.900371,0.427755,-0.079739,1.1919,0.469528,-0.5905,
+ 0.866025,0.5,0,1.151611,0.550768,-0.5,
+ 0.900371,0.427755,-0.079739,1.1919,0.469528,-0.5905,
+ 0.905374,0.424615,0,1.19793,0.464638,-0.5,
+ 0.862894,0.498192,-0.08496,1.149055,0.549292,-0.59775,
+ 0.83547,0.498022,-0.232303,1.141425,0.544887,-0.677562,
- 0.900371,0.427755,-0.079739,1.191900,0.469528,-0.590500,
- 0.862894,0.498192,-0.084960,1.149055,0.549292,-0.597750,
+ 0.900371,0.427755,-0.079739,1.1919,0.469528,-0.5905,
+ 0.862894,0.498192,-0.08496,1.149055,0.549292,-0.59775,
- 0.164983,-0.934150,-0.316457,1.139957,0.313586,-0.594444,
+ 0.164983,-0.93415,-0.316457,1.139957,0.313586,-0.594444,
- 0.233794,-0.972286,0.000000,1.017091,0.274757,-0.500000,
- 0.190600,-0.981668,0.000000,1.086058,0.289628,-0.500000,
+ 0.233794,-0.972286,0,1.017091,0.274757,-0.5,
+ 0.1906,-0.981668,0,1.086058,0.289628,-0.5,
- 0.233794,-0.972286,0.000000,1.017091,0.274757,-0.500000,
+ 0.233794,-0.972286,0,1.017091,0.274757,-0.5,
- 0.190600,-0.981668,0.000000,1.086058,0.289628,-0.500000,
- 0.166954,-0.985965,-0.000000,1.148052,0.300668,-0.500000,
- 0.164983,-0.934150,-0.316457,1.139957,0.313586,-0.594444,
- 0.164983,-0.934150,-0.316457,1.139957,0.313586,-0.594444,
+ 0.1906,-0.981668,0,1.086058,0.289628,-0.5,
+ 0.166954,-0.985965,0,1.148052,0.300668,-0.5,
+ 0.164983,-0.93415,-0.316457,1.139957,0.313586,-0.594444,
+ 0.164983,-0.93415,-0.316457,1.139957,0.313586,-0.594444,
- 0.190600,-0.981668,0.000000,1.086058,0.289628,-0.500000,
- 0.287838,-0.708745,-0.644073,0.910476,0.297260,-0.676962,
- 0.375740,-0.671260,-0.638928,0.845007,0.268518,-0.678159,
- 0.438584,-0.851500,-0.287389,0.875679,0.240722,-0.597178,
- 0.438584,-0.851500,-0.287389,0.875679,0.240722,-0.597178,
- 0.319032,-0.902133,-0.290473,0.938670,0.265970,-0.596525,
- 0.287838,-0.708745,-0.644073,0.910476,0.297260,-0.676962,
- 0.419512,-0.907750,0.000000,0.885904,0.231457,-0.500000,
- 0.303521,-0.952825,0.000000,0.948068,0.255539,-0.500000,
- 0.319032,-0.902133,-0.290473,0.938670,0.265970,-0.596525,
- 0.419512,-0.907750,0.000000,0.885904,0.231457,-0.500000,
- 0.319032,-0.902133,-0.290473,0.938670,0.265970,-0.596525,
- 0.438584,-0.851500,-0.287389,0.875679,0.240722,-0.597178,
- 0.303521,-0.952825,0.000000,0.948068,0.255539,-0.500000,
- 0.233794,-0.972286,0.000000,1.017091,0.274757,-0.500000,
+ 0.1906,-0.981668,0,1.086058,0.289628,-0.5,
+ 0.287838,-0.708745,-0.644073,0.910476,0.29726,-0.676962,
+ 0.37574,-0.67126,-0.638928,0.845007,0.268518,-0.678159,
+ 0.438584,-0.8515,-0.287389,0.875679,0.240722,-0.597178,
+ 0.438584,-0.8515,-0.287389,0.875679,0.240722,-0.597178,
+ 0.319032,-0.902133,-0.290473,0.93867,0.26597,-0.596525,
+ 0.287838,-0.708745,-0.644073,0.910476,0.29726,-0.676962,
+ 0.419512,-0.90775,0,0.885904,0.231457,-0.5,
+ 0.303521,-0.952825,0,0.948068,0.255539,-0.5,
+ 0.319032,-0.902133,-0.290473,0.93867,0.26597,-0.596525,
+ 0.419512,-0.90775,0,0.885904,0.231457,-0.5,
+ 0.319032,-0.902133,-0.290473,0.93867,0.26597,-0.596525,
+ 0.438584,-0.8515,-0.287389,0.875679,0.240722,-0.597178,
+ 0.303521,-0.952825,0,0.948068,0.255539,-0.5,
+ 0.233794,-0.972286,0,1.017091,0.274757,-0.5,
- 0.319032,-0.902133,-0.290473,0.938670,0.265970,-0.596525,
- 0.303521,-0.952825,0.000000,0.948068,0.255539,-0.500000,
+ 0.319032,-0.902133,-0.290473,0.93867,0.26597,-0.596525,
+ 0.303521,-0.952825,0,0.948068,0.255539,-0.5,
- 0.287838,-0.708745,-0.644073,0.910476,0.297260,-0.676962,
- 0.319032,-0.902133,-0.290473,0.938670,0.265970,-0.596525,
+ 0.287838,-0.708745,-0.644073,0.910476,0.29726,-0.676962,
+ 0.319032,-0.902133,-0.290473,0.93867,0.26597,-0.596525,
- 0.319032,-0.902133,-0.290473,0.938670,0.265970,-0.596525,
+ 0.319032,-0.902133,-0.290473,0.93867,0.26597,-0.596525,
- 0.438584,-0.851500,0.287389,0.875679,0.240722,-0.402822,
- 0.375740,-0.671260,0.638928,0.845007,0.268518,-0.321841,
- 0.287838,-0.708745,0.644073,0.910476,0.297260,-0.323037,
- 0.287838,-0.708745,0.644073,0.910476,0.297260,-0.323037,
- 0.319032,-0.902133,0.290473,0.938670,0.265970,-0.403475,
- 0.438584,-0.851500,0.287389,0.875679,0.240722,-0.402822,
+ 0.438584,-0.8515,0.287389,0.875679,0.240722,-0.402822,
+ 0.37574,-0.67126,0.638928,0.845007,0.268518,-0.321841,
+ 0.287838,-0.708745,0.644073,0.910476,0.29726,-0.323037,
+ 0.287838,-0.708745,0.644073,0.910476,0.29726,-0.323037,
+ 0.319032,-0.902133,0.290473,0.93867,0.26597,-0.403475,
+ 0.438584,-0.8515,0.287389,0.875679,0.240722,-0.402822,
- 0.319032,-0.902133,0.290473,0.938670,0.265970,-0.403475,
+ 0.319032,-0.902133,0.290473,0.93867,0.26597,-0.403475,
- 0.319032,-0.902133,0.290473,0.938670,0.265970,-0.403475,
- 0.287838,-0.708745,0.644073,0.910476,0.297260,-0.323037,
+ 0.319032,-0.902133,0.290473,0.93867,0.26597,-0.403475,
+ 0.287838,-0.708745,0.644073,0.910476,0.29726,-0.323037,
- 0.233794,-0.972286,0.000000,1.017091,0.274757,-0.500000,
- 0.303521,-0.952825,0.000000,0.948068,0.255539,-0.500000,
- 0.303521,-0.952825,0.000000,0.948068,0.255539,-0.500000,
- 0.319032,-0.902133,0.290473,0.938670,0.265970,-0.403475,
+ 0.233794,-0.972286,0,1.017091,0.274757,-0.5,
+ 0.303521,-0.952825,0,0.948068,0.255539,-0.5,
+ 0.303521,-0.952825,0,0.948068,0.255539,-0.5,
+ 0.319032,-0.902133,0.290473,0.93867,0.26597,-0.403475,
- 0.419512,-0.907750,0.000000,0.885904,0.231457,-0.500000,
- 0.438584,-0.851500,0.287389,0.875679,0.240722,-0.402822,
- 0.319032,-0.902133,0.290473,0.938670,0.265970,-0.403475,
- 0.419512,-0.907750,0.000000,0.885904,0.231457,-0.500000,
- 0.319032,-0.902133,0.290473,0.938670,0.265970,-0.403475,
- 0.303521,-0.952825,0.000000,0.948068,0.255539,-0.500000,
+ 0.419512,-0.90775,0,0.885904,0.231457,-0.5,
+ 0.438584,-0.8515,0.287389,0.875679,0.240722,-0.402822,
+ 0.319032,-0.902133,0.290473,0.93867,0.26597,-0.403475,
+ 0.419512,-0.90775,0,0.885904,0.231457,-0.5,
+ 0.319032,-0.902133,0.290473,0.93867,0.26597,-0.403475,
+ 0.303521,-0.952825,0,0.948068,0.255539,-0.5,
- 0.164983,-0.934150,0.316457,1.139957,0.313586,-0.405556,
- 0.197560,-0.930384,0.308798,1.077742,0.301825,-0.405612,
+ 0.164983,-0.93415,0.316457,1.139957,0.313586,-0.405556,
+ 0.19756,-0.930384,0.308798,1.077742,0.301825,-0.405612,
- 0.197560,-0.930384,0.308798,1.077742,0.301825,-0.405612,
+ 0.19756,-0.930384,0.308798,1.077742,0.301825,-0.405612,
- 0.164983,-0.934150,0.316457,1.139957,0.313586,-0.405556,
- 0.166954,-0.985965,-0.000000,1.148052,0.300668,-0.500000,
- 0.190600,-0.981668,0.000000,1.086058,0.289628,-0.500000,
- 0.190600,-0.981668,0.000000,1.086058,0.289628,-0.500000,
- 0.197560,-0.930384,0.308798,1.077742,0.301825,-0.405612,
- 0.164983,-0.934150,0.316457,1.139957,0.313586,-0.405556,
- 0.233794,-0.972286,0.000000,1.017091,0.274757,-0.500000,
+ 0.164983,-0.93415,0.316457,1.139957,0.313586,-0.405556,
+ 0.166954,-0.985965,0,1.148052,0.300668,-0.5,
+ 0.1906,-0.981668,0,1.086058,0.289628,-0.5,
+ 0.1906,-0.981668,0,1.086058,0.289628,-0.5,
+ 0.19756,-0.930384,0.308798,1.077742,0.301825,-0.405612,
+ 0.164983,-0.93415,0.316457,1.139957,0.313586,-0.405556,
+ 0.233794,-0.972286,0,1.017091,0.274757,-0.5,
- 0.197560,-0.930384,0.308798,1.077742,0.301825,-0.405612,
- 0.233794,-0.972286,0.000000,1.017091,0.274757,-0.500000,
- 0.197560,-0.930384,0.308798,1.077742,0.301825,-0.405612,
- 0.190600,-0.981668,0.000000,1.086058,0.289628,-0.500000,
+ 0.19756,-0.930384,0.308798,1.077742,0.301825,-0.405612,
+ 0.233794,-0.972286,0,1.017091,0.274757,-0.5,
+ 0.19756,-0.930384,0.308798,1.077742,0.301825,-0.405612,
+ 0.1906,-0.981668,0,1.086058,0.289628,-0.5,
- 0.197560,-0.930384,0.308798,1.077742,0.301825,-0.405612,
+ 0.19756,-0.930384,0.308798,1.077742,0.301825,-0.405612,
- -0.334948,0.636181,-0.695043,0.937575,0.636550,-0.673147,
+ -0.334948,0.636181,-0.695043,0.937575,0.63655,-0.673147,
- -0.334948,0.636181,-0.695043,0.937575,0.636550,-0.673147,
+ -0.334948,0.636181,-0.695043,0.937575,0.63655,-0.673147,
- -0.132599,0.364183,-0.921840,0.833218,0.513896,-0.722456,
- -0.132599,0.364183,-0.921840,0.833218,0.513896,-0.722456,
+ -0.132599,0.364183,-0.92184,0.833218,0.513896,-0.722456,
+ -0.132599,0.364183,-0.92184,0.833218,0.513896,-0.722456,
- 0.026562,0.016059,-0.999518,0.885754,0.445570,-0.738345,
- 0.010552,0.004110,-0.999936,0.961325,0.472585,-0.735969,
+ 0.026562,0.016059,-0.999518,0.885754,0.44557,-0.738345,
+ 0.010552,0.00411,-0.999936,0.961325,0.472585,-0.735969,
- 0.026562,0.016059,-0.999518,0.885754,0.445570,-0.738345,
+ 0.026562,0.016059,-0.999518,0.885754,0.44557,-0.738345,
- -0.132599,0.364183,-0.921840,0.833218,0.513896,-0.722456,
- 0.010552,0.004110,-0.999936,0.961325,0.472585,-0.735969,
+ -0.132599,0.364183,-0.92184,0.833218,0.513896,-0.722456,
+ 0.010552,0.00411,-0.999936,0.961325,0.472585,-0.735969,
- 0.010552,0.004110,-0.999936,0.961325,0.472585,-0.735969,
- -0.367420,0.660294,-0.654992,0.703717,0.526722,-0.676962,
+ 0.010552,0.00411,-0.999936,0.961325,0.472585,-0.735969,
+ -0.36742,0.660294,-0.654992,0.703717,0.526722,-0.676962,
- -0.367420,0.660294,-0.654992,0.703717,0.526722,-0.676962,
- 0.003382,-0.001295,-0.999993,0.732540,0.370437,-0.742944,
- 0.022480,0.015117,-0.999633,0.807096,0.411991,-0.741313,
+ -0.36742,0.660294,-0.654992,0.703717,0.526722,-0.676962,
+ 0.003382,-0.001295,-0.999993,0.73254,0.370437,-0.742944,
+ 0.02248,0.015117,-0.999633,0.807096,0.411991,-0.741313,
- 0.003382,-0.001295,-0.999993,0.732540,0.370437,-0.742944,
+ 0.003382,-0.001295,-0.999993,0.73254,0.370437,-0.742944,
- 0.022480,0.015117,-0.999633,0.807096,0.411991,-0.741313,
- 0.026562,0.016059,-0.999518,0.885754,0.445570,-0.738345,
- -0.132599,0.364183,-0.921840,0.833218,0.513896,-0.722456,
- -0.132599,0.364183,-0.921840,0.833218,0.513896,-0.722456,
+ 0.02248,0.015117,-0.999633,0.807096,0.411991,-0.741313,
+ 0.026562,0.016059,-0.999518,0.885754,0.44557,-0.738345,
+ -0.132599,0.364183,-0.92184,0.833218,0.513896,-0.722456,
+ -0.132599,0.364183,-0.92184,0.833218,0.513896,-0.722456,
- 0.022480,0.015117,-0.999633,0.807096,0.411991,-0.741313,
+ 0.02248,0.015117,-0.999633,0.807096,0.411991,-0.741313,
- -0.367420,0.660294,-0.654992,0.703717,0.526722,-0.676962,
+ -0.36742,0.660294,-0.654992,0.703717,0.526722,-0.676962,
- -0.132599,0.364183,-0.921840,0.833218,0.513896,-0.722456,
- 0.375740,-0.671260,-0.638928,0.845007,0.268518,-0.678159,
- 0.287838,-0.708745,-0.644073,0.910476,0.297260,-0.676962,
- 0.181001,-0.354486,-0.917376,0.863485,0.349410,-0.725225,
- 0.375740,-0.671260,-0.638928,0.845007,0.268518,-0.678159,
- 0.181001,-0.354486,-0.917376,0.863485,0.349410,-0.725225,
+ -0.132599,0.364183,-0.92184,0.833218,0.513896,-0.722456,
+ 0.37574,-0.67126,-0.638928,0.845007,0.268518,-0.678159,
+ 0.287838,-0.708745,-0.644073,0.910476,0.29726,-0.676962,
+ 0.181001,-0.354486,-0.917376,0.863485,0.34941,-0.725225,
+ 0.37574,-0.67126,-0.638928,0.845007,0.268518,-0.678159,
+ 0.181001,-0.354486,-0.917376,0.863485,0.34941,-0.725225,
- 0.287838,-0.708745,-0.644073,0.910476,0.297260,-0.676962,
+ 0.287838,-0.708745,-0.644073,0.910476,0.29726,-0.676962,
- 0.181001,-0.354486,-0.917376,0.863485,0.349410,-0.725225,
- 0.287838,-0.708745,-0.644073,0.910476,0.297260,-0.676962,
- 0.026562,0.016059,-0.999518,0.885754,0.445570,-0.738345,
- 0.022480,0.015117,-0.999633,0.807096,0.411991,-0.741313,
- 0.181001,-0.354486,-0.917376,0.863485,0.349410,-0.725225,
- 0.026562,0.016059,-0.999518,0.885754,0.445570,-0.738345,
- 0.181001,-0.354486,-0.917376,0.863485,0.349410,-0.725225,
+ 0.181001,-0.354486,-0.917376,0.863485,0.34941,-0.725225,
+ 0.287838,-0.708745,-0.644073,0.910476,0.29726,-0.676962,
+ 0.026562,0.016059,-0.999518,0.885754,0.44557,-0.738345,
+ 0.02248,0.015117,-0.999633,0.807096,0.411991,-0.741313,
+ 0.181001,-0.354486,-0.917376,0.863485,0.34941,-0.725225,
+ 0.026562,0.016059,-0.999518,0.885754,0.44557,-0.738345,
+ 0.181001,-0.354486,-0.917376,0.863485,0.34941,-0.725225,
- 0.022480,0.015117,-0.999633,0.807096,0.411991,-0.741313,
- 0.003382,-0.001295,-0.999993,0.732540,0.370437,-0.742944,
+ 0.02248,0.015117,-0.999633,0.807096,0.411991,-0.741313,
+ 0.003382,-0.001295,-0.999993,0.73254,0.370437,-0.742944,
- 0.181001,-0.354486,-0.917376,0.863485,0.349410,-0.725225,
- 0.022480,0.015117,-0.999633,0.807096,0.411991,-0.741313,
+ 0.181001,-0.354486,-0.917376,0.863485,0.34941,-0.725225,
+ 0.02248,0.015117,-0.999633,0.807096,0.411991,-0.741313,
- 0.114557,-0.361315,-0.925380,1.011218,0.399402,-0.720237,
+ 0.114557,-0.361315,-0.92538,1.011218,0.399402,-0.720237,
- 0.010552,0.004110,-0.999936,0.961325,0.472585,-0.735969,
- 0.114557,-0.361315,-0.925380,1.011218,0.399402,-0.720237,
+ 0.010552,0.00411,-0.999936,0.961325,0.472585,-0.735969,
+ 0.114557,-0.361315,-0.92538,1.011218,0.399402,-0.720237,
- 0.114557,-0.361315,-0.925380,1.011218,0.399402,-0.720237,
+ 0.114557,-0.361315,-0.92538,1.011218,0.399402,-0.720237,
- 0.010552,0.004110,-0.999936,0.961325,0.472585,-0.735969,
- 0.026562,0.016059,-0.999518,0.885754,0.445570,-0.738345,
+ 0.010552,0.00411,-0.999936,0.961325,0.472585,-0.735969,
+ 0.026562,0.016059,-0.999518,0.885754,0.44557,-0.738345,
- 0.114557,-0.361315,-0.925380,1.011218,0.399402,-0.720237,
- 0.010552,0.004110,-0.999936,0.961325,0.472585,-0.735969,
+ 0.114557,-0.361315,-0.92538,1.011218,0.399402,-0.720237,
+ 0.010552,0.00411,-0.999936,0.961325,0.472585,-0.735969,
- 0.114557,-0.361315,-0.925380,1.011218,0.399402,-0.720237,
+ 0.114557,-0.361315,-0.92538,1.011218,0.399402,-0.720237,
- 0.114557,-0.361315,-0.925380,1.011218,0.399402,-0.720237,
+ 0.114557,-0.361315,-0.92538,1.011218,0.399402,-0.720237,
- -0.334947,0.636181,0.695043,0.937575,0.636550,-0.326853,
+ -0.334947,0.636181,0.695043,0.937575,0.63655,-0.326853,
- -0.334947,0.636181,0.695043,0.937575,0.636550,-0.326853,
+ -0.334947,0.636181,0.695043,0.937575,0.63655,-0.326853,
- 0.010552,0.004110,0.999936,0.961325,0.472585,-0.264031,
- 0.010552,0.004110,0.999936,0.961325,0.472585,-0.264031,
+ 0.010552,0.00411,0.999936,0.961325,0.472585,-0.264031,
+ 0.010552,0.00411,0.999936,0.961325,0.472585,-0.264031,
- 0.026562,0.016060,0.999518,0.885754,0.445570,-0.261655,
+ 0.026562,0.01606,0.999518,0.885754,0.44557,-0.261655,
- 0.026562,0.016060,0.999518,0.885754,0.445570,-0.261655,
+ 0.026562,0.01606,0.999518,0.885754,0.44557,-0.261655,
- 0.010552,0.004110,0.999936,0.961325,0.472585,-0.264031,
+ 0.010552,0.00411,0.999936,0.961325,0.472585,-0.264031,
- 0.114557,-0.361314,0.925380,1.011218,0.399402,-0.279763,
+ 0.114557,-0.361314,0.92538,1.011218,0.399402,-0.279763,
- 0.114557,-0.361314,0.925380,1.011218,0.399402,-0.279763,
+ 0.114557,-0.361314,0.92538,1.011218,0.399402,-0.279763,
- 0.114557,-0.361314,0.925380,1.011218,0.399402,-0.279763,
+ 0.114557,-0.361314,0.92538,1.011218,0.399402,-0.279763,
- 0.026562,0.016060,0.999518,0.885754,0.445570,-0.261655,
- 0.010552,0.004110,0.999936,0.961325,0.472585,-0.264031,
- 0.010552,0.004110,0.999936,0.961325,0.472585,-0.264031,
- 0.114557,-0.361314,0.925380,1.011218,0.399402,-0.279763,
+ 0.026562,0.01606,0.999518,0.885754,0.44557,-0.261655,
+ 0.010552,0.00411,0.999936,0.961325,0.472585,-0.264031,
+ 0.010552,0.00411,0.999936,0.961325,0.472585,-0.264031,
+ 0.114557,-0.361314,0.92538,1.011218,0.399402,-0.279763,
- 0.114557,-0.361314,0.925380,1.011218,0.399402,-0.279763,
+ 0.114557,-0.361314,0.92538,1.011218,0.399402,-0.279763,
- 0.114557,-0.361314,0.925380,1.011218,0.399402,-0.279763,
- 0.010552,0.004110,0.999936,0.961325,0.472585,-0.264031,
- 0.375740,-0.671260,0.638928,0.845007,0.268518,-0.321841,
- 0.214466,-0.344670,0.913896,0.793886,0.314845,-0.273252,
- 0.181001,-0.354486,0.917376,0.863485,0.349410,-0.274775,
- 0.375740,-0.671260,0.638928,0.845007,0.268518,-0.321841,
- 0.181001,-0.354486,0.917376,0.863485,0.349410,-0.274775,
- 0.287838,-0.708745,0.644073,0.910476,0.297260,-0.323037,
- 0.214466,-0.344670,0.913896,0.793886,0.314845,-0.273252,
- 0.003382,-0.001295,0.999993,0.732540,0.370437,-0.257056,
- 0.022480,0.015118,0.999633,0.807096,0.411991,-0.258687,
- 0.022480,0.015118,0.999633,0.807096,0.411991,-0.258687,
- 0.181001,-0.354486,0.917376,0.863485,0.349410,-0.274775,
- 0.214466,-0.344670,0.913896,0.793886,0.314845,-0.273252,
- 0.026562,0.016060,0.999518,0.885754,0.445570,-0.261655,
+ 0.114557,-0.361314,0.92538,1.011218,0.399402,-0.279763,
+ 0.010552,0.00411,0.999936,0.961325,0.472585,-0.264031,
+ 0.37574,-0.67126,0.638928,0.845007,0.268518,-0.321841,
+ 0.214466,-0.34467,0.913896,0.793886,0.314845,-0.273252,
+ 0.181001,-0.354486,0.917376,0.863485,0.34941,-0.274775,
+ 0.37574,-0.67126,0.638928,0.845007,0.268518,-0.321841,
+ 0.181001,-0.354486,0.917376,0.863485,0.34941,-0.274775,
+ 0.287838,-0.708745,0.644073,0.910476,0.29726,-0.323037,
+ 0.214466,-0.34467,0.913896,0.793886,0.314845,-0.273252,
+ 0.003382,-0.001295,0.999993,0.73254,0.370437,-0.257056,
+ 0.02248,0.015118,0.999633,0.807096,0.411991,-0.258687,
+ 0.02248,0.015118,0.999633,0.807096,0.411991,-0.258687,
+ 0.181001,-0.354486,0.917376,0.863485,0.34941,-0.274775,
+ 0.214466,-0.34467,0.913896,0.793886,0.314845,-0.273252,
+ 0.026562,0.01606,0.999518,0.885754,0.44557,-0.261655,
- 0.181001,-0.354486,0.917376,0.863485,0.349410,-0.274775,
- 0.026562,0.016060,0.999518,0.885754,0.445570,-0.261655,
- 0.181001,-0.354486,0.917376,0.863485,0.349410,-0.274775,
- 0.022480,0.015118,0.999633,0.807096,0.411991,-0.258687,
+ 0.181001,-0.354486,0.917376,0.863485,0.34941,-0.274775,
+ 0.026562,0.01606,0.999518,0.885754,0.44557,-0.261655,
+ 0.181001,-0.354486,0.917376,0.863485,0.34941,-0.274775,
+ 0.02248,0.015118,0.999633,0.807096,0.411991,-0.258687,
- 0.287838,-0.708745,0.644073,0.910476,0.297260,-0.323037,
- 0.287838,-0.708745,0.644073,0.910476,0.297260,-0.323037,
- 0.181001,-0.354486,0.917376,0.863485,0.349410,-0.274775,
+ 0.287838,-0.708745,0.644073,0.910476,0.29726,-0.323037,
+ 0.287838,-0.708745,0.644073,0.910476,0.29726,-0.323037,
+ 0.181001,-0.354486,0.917376,0.863485,0.34941,-0.274775,
- -0.367420,0.660294,0.654992,0.703717,0.526722,-0.323037,
- -0.367420,0.660294,0.654992,0.703717,0.526722,-0.323037,
+ -0.36742,0.660294,0.654992,0.703717,0.526722,-0.323037,
+ -0.36742,0.660294,0.654992,0.703717,0.526722,-0.323037,
- -0.367420,0.660294,0.654992,0.703717,0.526722,-0.323037,
+ -0.36742,0.660294,0.654992,0.703717,0.526722,-0.323037,
- 0.026562,0.016060,0.999518,0.885754,0.445570,-0.261655,
- 0.022480,0.015118,0.999633,0.807096,0.411991,-0.258687,
- 0.022480,0.015118,0.999633,0.807096,0.411991,-0.258687,
+ 0.026562,0.01606,0.999518,0.885754,0.44557,-0.261655,
+ 0.02248,0.015118,0.999633,0.807096,0.411991,-0.258687,
+ 0.02248,0.015118,0.999633,0.807096,0.411991,-0.258687,
- 0.003382,-0.001295,0.999993,0.732540,0.370437,-0.257056,
+ 0.003382,-0.001295,0.999993,0.73254,0.370437,-0.257056,
- 0.003382,-0.001295,0.999993,0.732540,0.370437,-0.257056,
+ 0.003382,-0.001295,0.999993,0.73254,0.370437,-0.257056,
- 0.022480,0.015118,0.999633,0.807096,0.411991,-0.258687,
+ 0.02248,0.015118,0.999633,0.807096,0.411991,-0.258687,
- -0.334948,0.636181,-0.695043,0.937575,0.636550,-0.673147,
+ -0.334948,0.636181,-0.695043,0.937575,0.63655,-0.673147,
- -0.456348,0.889801,0.000000,0.905194,0.688224,-0.500000,
- -0.427853,0.903848,0.000000,0.836591,0.655543,-0.500000,
+ -0.456348,0.889801,0,0.905194,0.688224,-0.5,
+ -0.427853,0.903848,0,0.836591,0.655543,-0.5,
- -0.456348,0.889801,0.000000,0.905194,0.688224,-0.500000,
+ -0.456348,0.889801,0,0.905194,0.688224,-0.5,
- -0.427853,0.903848,0.000000,0.836591,0.655543,-0.500000,
- -0.459546,0.888154,0.000000,0.754416,0.616383,-0.500000,
+ -0.427853,0.903848,0,0.836591,0.655543,-0.5,
+ -0.459546,0.888154,0,0.754416,0.616383,-0.5,
- -0.427853,0.903848,0.000000,0.836591,0.655543,-0.500000,
+ -0.427853,0.903848,0,0.836591,0.655543,-0.5,
- -0.334947,0.636181,0.695043,0.937575,0.636550,-0.326853,
+ -0.334947,0.636181,0.695043,0.937575,0.63655,-0.326853,
- -0.459546,0.888154,0.000000,0.754416,0.616383,-0.500000,
- -0.427853,0.903848,0.000000,0.836591,0.655543,-0.500000,
- -0.427853,0.903848,0.000000,0.836591,0.655543,-0.500000,
+ -0.459546,0.888154,0,0.754416,0.616383,-0.5,
+ -0.427853,0.903848,0,0.836591,0.655543,-0.5,
+ -0.427853,0.903848,0,0.836591,0.655543,-0.5,
- -0.456348,0.889801,0.000000,0.905194,0.688224,-0.500000,
+ -0.456348,0.889801,0,0.905194,0.688224,-0.5,
- -0.456348,0.889801,0.000000,0.905194,0.688224,-0.500000,
+ -0.456348,0.889801,0,0.905194,0.688224,-0.5,
- -0.427853,0.903848,0.000000,0.836591,0.655543,-0.500000,
+ -0.427853,0.903848,0,0.836591,0.655543,-0.5,
- -0.589900,0.750266,0.298526,0.589401,0.500151,-0.402822,
+ -0.5899,0.750266,0.298526,0.589401,0.500151,-0.402822,
- -0.367420,0.660294,0.654992,0.703717,0.526722,-0.323037,
- -0.589900,0.750266,0.298526,0.589401,0.500151,-0.402822,
- -0.641270,0.767315,0.000000,0.579177,0.509417,-0.500000,
- -0.532473,0.846447,0.000000,0.666125,0.568442,-0.500000,
- -0.532473,0.846447,0.000000,0.666125,0.568442,-0.500000,
+ -0.36742,0.660294,0.654992,0.703717,0.526722,-0.323037,
+ -0.5899,0.750266,0.298526,0.589401,0.500151,-0.402822,
+ -0.64127,0.767315,0,0.579177,0.509417,-0.5,
+ -0.532473,0.846447,0,0.666125,0.568442,-0.5,
+ -0.532473,0.846447,0,0.666125,0.568442,-0.5,
- -0.589900,0.750266,0.298526,0.589401,0.500151,-0.402822,
- -0.459546,0.888154,0.000000,0.754416,0.616383,-0.500000,
+ -0.5899,0.750266,0.298526,0.589401,0.500151,-0.402822,
+ -0.459546,0.888154,0,0.754416,0.616383,-0.5,
- -0.459546,0.888154,0.000000,0.754416,0.616383,-0.500000,
+ -0.459546,0.888154,0,0.754416,0.616383,-0.5,
- -0.532473,0.846447,0.000000,0.666125,0.568442,-0.500000,
+ -0.532473,0.846447,0,0.666125,0.568442,-0.5,
- -0.367420,0.660294,0.654992,0.703717,0.526722,-0.323037,
- -0.367420,0.660294,0.654992,0.703717,0.526722,-0.323037,
+ -0.36742,0.660294,0.654992,0.703717,0.526722,-0.323037,
+ -0.36742,0.660294,0.654992,0.703717,0.526722,-0.323037,
- -0.367420,0.660294,-0.654992,0.703717,0.526722,-0.676962,
+ -0.36742,0.660294,-0.654992,0.703717,0.526722,-0.676962,
- -0.589900,0.750266,-0.298526,0.589401,0.500151,-0.597178,
- -0.367420,0.660294,-0.654992,0.703717,0.526722,-0.676962,
+ -0.5899,0.750266,-0.298526,0.589401,0.500151,-0.597178,
+ -0.36742,0.660294,-0.654992,0.703717,0.526722,-0.676962,
- -0.367420,0.660294,-0.654992,0.703717,0.526722,-0.676962,
- -0.459546,0.888154,0.000000,0.754416,0.616383,-0.500000,
- -0.532473,0.846447,0.000000,0.666125,0.568442,-0.500000,
+ -0.36742,0.660294,-0.654992,0.703717,0.526722,-0.676962,
+ -0.459546,0.888154,0,0.754416,0.616383,-0.5,
+ -0.532473,0.846447,0,0.666125,0.568442,-0.5,
- -0.459546,0.888154,0.000000,0.754416,0.616383,-0.500000,
+ -0.459546,0.888154,0,0.754416,0.616383,-0.5,
- -0.532473,0.846447,0.000000,0.666125,0.568442,-0.500000,
- -0.641270,0.767315,0.000000,0.579177,0.509417,-0.500000,
- -0.589900,0.750266,-0.298526,0.589401,0.500151,-0.597178,
- -0.589900,0.750266,-0.298526,0.589401,0.500151,-0.597178,
+ -0.532473,0.846447,0,0.666125,0.568442,-0.5,
+ -0.64127,0.767315,0,0.579177,0.509417,-0.5,
+ -0.5899,0.750266,-0.298526,0.589401,0.500151,-0.597178,
+ -0.5899,0.750266,-0.298526,0.589401,0.500151,-0.597178,
- -0.532473,0.846447,0.000000,0.666125,0.568442,-0.500000,
+ -0.532473,0.846447,0,0.666125,0.568442,-0.5,
- -0.314590,0.228088,-0.921417,0.543287,0.301992,-0.722456,
- -0.314590,0.228088,-0.921417,0.543287,0.301992,-0.722456,
+ -0.31459,0.228088,-0.921417,0.543287,0.301992,-0.722456,
+ -0.31459,0.228088,-0.921417,0.543287,0.301992,-0.722456,
- -0.314590,0.228088,-0.921417,0.543287,0.301992,-0.722456,
- 0.677454,-0.266400,-0.685629,0.704261,0.116939,-0.673147,
- 0.617578,-0.419692,-0.665174,0.723274,0.154750,-0.673044,
+ -0.31459,0.228088,-0.921417,0.543287,0.301992,-0.722456,
+ 0.677454,-0.2664,-0.685629,0.704261,0.116939,-0.673147,
+ 0.617578,-0.419692,-0.665174,0.723274,0.15475,-0.673044,
- 0.677454,-0.266400,-0.685629,0.704261,0.116939,-0.673147,
+ 0.677454,-0.2664,-0.685629,0.704261,0.116939,-0.673147,
- 0.344586,-0.098997,-0.933520,0.631969,0.136095,-0.720369,
- 0.617578,-0.419692,-0.665174,0.723274,0.154750,-0.673044,
- 0.525124,-0.503608,-0.686020,0.752404,0.194475,-0.674787,
+ 0.344586,-0.098997,-0.93352,0.631969,0.136095,-0.720369,
+ 0.617578,-0.419692,-0.665174,0.723274,0.15475,-0.673044,
+ 0.525124,-0.503608,-0.68602,0.752404,0.194475,-0.674787,
- 0.617578,-0.419692,-0.665174,0.723274,0.154750,-0.673044,
+ 0.617578,-0.419692,-0.665174,0.723274,0.15475,-0.673044,
- 0.344586,-0.098997,-0.933520,0.631969,0.136095,-0.720369,
- 0.344586,-0.098997,-0.933520,0.631969,0.136095,-0.720369,
+ 0.344586,-0.098997,-0.93352,0.631969,0.136095,-0.720369,
+ 0.344586,-0.098997,-0.93352,0.631969,0.136095,-0.720369,
- 0.473586,-0.603690,-0.641307,0.792649,0.233327,-0.676962,
- 0.375740,-0.671260,-0.638928,0.845007,0.268518,-0.678159,
+ 0.473586,-0.60369,-0.641307,0.792649,0.233327,-0.676962,
+ 0.37574,-0.67126,-0.638928,0.845007,0.268518,-0.678159,
- 0.473586,-0.603690,-0.641307,0.792649,0.233327,-0.676962,
- 0.003382,-0.001295,-0.999993,0.732540,0.370437,-0.742944,
+ 0.473586,-0.60369,-0.641307,0.792649,0.233327,-0.676962,
+ 0.003382,-0.001295,-0.999993,0.73254,0.370437,-0.742944,
- 0.003382,-0.001295,-0.999993,0.732540,0.370437,-0.742944,
+ 0.003382,-0.001295,-0.999993,0.73254,0.370437,-0.742944,
- 0.525124,-0.503608,-0.686020,0.752404,0.194475,-0.674787,
- 0.473586,-0.603690,-0.641307,0.792649,0.233327,-0.676962,
+ 0.525124,-0.503608,-0.68602,0.752404,0.194475,-0.674787,
+ 0.473586,-0.60369,-0.641307,0.792649,0.233327,-0.676962,
- 0.525124,-0.503608,-0.686020,0.752404,0.194475,-0.674787,
+ 0.525124,-0.503608,-0.68602,0.752404,0.194475,-0.674787,
- -0.288623,0.267480,-0.919321,0.601974,0.366500,-0.725225,
+ -0.288623,0.26748,-0.919321,0.601974,0.3665,-0.725225,
- -0.288623,0.267480,-0.919321,0.601974,0.366500,-0.725225,
+ -0.288623,0.26748,-0.919321,0.601974,0.3665,-0.725225,
- -0.314590,0.228088,-0.921417,0.543287,0.301992,-0.722456,
- -0.314590,0.228088,-0.921417,0.543287,0.301992,-0.722456,
- -0.288623,0.267480,-0.919321,0.601974,0.366500,-0.725225,
+ -0.31459,0.228088,-0.921417,0.543287,0.301992,-0.722456,
+ -0.31459,0.228088,-0.921417,0.543287,0.301992,-0.722456,
+ -0.288623,0.26748,-0.919321,0.601974,0.3665,-0.725225,
- -0.288623,0.267480,-0.919321,0.601974,0.366500,-0.725225,
+ -0.288623,0.26748,-0.919321,0.601974,0.3665,-0.725225,
- -0.288623,0.267480,-0.919321,0.601974,0.366500,-0.725225,
- -0.314590,0.228088,-0.921417,0.543287,0.301992,-0.722456,
+ -0.288623,0.26748,-0.919321,0.601974,0.3665,-0.725225,
+ -0.31459,0.228088,-0.921417,0.543287,0.301992,-0.722456,
- 0.003382,-0.001295,-0.999993,0.732540,0.370437,-0.742944,
+ 0.003382,-0.001295,-0.999993,0.73254,0.370437,-0.742944,
- -0.288623,0.267480,-0.919321,0.601974,0.366500,-0.725225,
+ -0.288623,0.26748,-0.919321,0.601974,0.3665,-0.725225,
- -0.779710,0.541974,-0.313555,0.342801,0.212716,-0.594444,
+ -0.77971,0.541974,-0.313555,0.342801,0.212716,-0.594444,
- -0.770954,0.557417,-0.308084,0.388123,0.277930,-0.594388,
- -0.779710,0.541974,-0.313555,0.342801,0.212716,-0.594444,
+ -0.770954,0.557417,-0.308084,0.388123,0.27793,-0.594388,
+ -0.77971,0.541974,-0.313555,0.342801,0.212716,-0.594444,
- -0.770954,0.557417,-0.308084,0.388123,0.277930,-0.594388,
+ -0.770954,0.557417,-0.308084,0.388123,0.27793,-0.594388,
- -0.770954,0.557417,-0.308084,0.388123,0.277930,-0.594388,
+ -0.770954,0.557417,-0.308084,0.388123,0.27793,-0.594388,
- -0.766999,0.641648,-0.000000,0.432577,0.358913,-0.500000,
- -0.804241,0.594303,0.000000,0.374717,0.282857,-0.500000,
- -0.804241,0.594303,0.000000,0.374717,0.282857,-0.500000,
- -0.770954,0.557417,-0.308084,0.388123,0.277930,-0.594388,
+ -0.766999,0.641648,0,0.432577,0.358913,-0.5,
+ -0.804241,0.594303,0,0.374717,0.282857,-0.5,
+ -0.804241,0.594303,0,0.374717,0.282857,-0.5,
+ -0.770954,0.557417,-0.308084,0.388123,0.27793,-0.594388,
- -0.820475,0.571682,0.000000,0.328343,0.216547,-0.500000,
- -0.779710,0.541974,-0.313555,0.342801,0.212716,-0.594444,
- -0.770954,0.557417,-0.308084,0.388123,0.277930,-0.594388,
- -0.820475,0.571682,0.000000,0.328343,0.216547,-0.500000,
- -0.770954,0.557417,-0.308084,0.388123,0.277930,-0.594388,
- -0.804241,0.594303,0.000000,0.374717,0.282857,-0.500000,
+ -0.820475,0.571682,0,0.328343,0.216547,-0.5,
+ -0.77971,0.541974,-0.313555,0.342801,0.212716,-0.594444,
+ -0.770954,0.557417,-0.308084,0.388123,0.27793,-0.594388,
+ -0.820475,0.571682,0,0.328343,0.216547,-0.5,
+ -0.770954,0.557417,-0.308084,0.388123,0.27793,-0.594388,
+ -0.804241,0.594303,0,0.374717,0.282857,-0.5,
- -0.589900,0.750266,-0.298526,0.589401,0.500151,-0.597178,
- -0.589900,0.750266,-0.298526,0.589401,0.500151,-0.597178,
+ -0.5899,0.750266,-0.298526,0.589401,0.500151,-0.597178,
+ -0.5899,0.750266,-0.298526,0.589401,0.500151,-0.597178,
- -0.641270,0.767315,0.000000,0.579177,0.509417,-0.500000,
- -0.716797,0.697282,0.000000,0.501029,0.437003,-0.500000,
+ -0.64127,0.767315,0,0.579177,0.509417,-0.5,
+ -0.716797,0.697282,0,0.501029,0.437003,-0.5,
- -0.641270,0.767315,0.000000,0.579177,0.509417,-0.500000,
+ -0.64127,0.767315,0,0.579177,0.509417,-0.5,
- -0.589900,0.750266,-0.298526,0.589401,0.500151,-0.597178,
- -0.766999,0.641648,-0.000000,0.432577,0.358913,-0.500000,
+ -0.5899,0.750266,-0.298526,0.589401,0.500151,-0.597178,
+ -0.766999,0.641648,0,0.432577,0.358913,-0.5,
- -0.766999,0.641648,-0.000000,0.432577,0.358913,-0.500000,
+ -0.766999,0.641648,0,0.432577,0.358913,-0.5,
- -0.716797,0.697282,0.000000,0.501029,0.437003,-0.500000,
+ -0.716797,0.697282,0,0.501029,0.437003,-0.5,
- -0.589900,0.750266,0.298526,0.589401,0.500151,-0.402822,
+ -0.5899,0.750266,0.298526,0.589401,0.500151,-0.402822,
- -0.589900,0.750266,0.298526,0.589401,0.500151,-0.402822,
+ -0.5899,0.750266,0.298526,0.589401,0.500151,-0.402822,
- -0.766999,0.641648,-0.000000,0.432577,0.358913,-0.500000,
- -0.716797,0.697282,0.000000,0.501029,0.437003,-0.500000,
+ -0.766999,0.641648,0,0.432577,0.358913,-0.5,
+ -0.716797,0.697282,0,0.501029,0.437003,-0.5,
- -0.766999,0.641648,-0.000000,0.432577,0.358913,-0.500000,
+ -0.766999,0.641648,0,0.432577,0.358913,-0.5,
- -0.641270,0.767315,0.000000,0.579177,0.509417,-0.500000,
- -0.589900,0.750266,0.298526,0.589401,0.500151,-0.402822,
+ -0.64127,0.767315,0,0.579177,0.509417,-0.5,
+ -0.5899,0.750266,0.298526,0.589401,0.500151,-0.402822,
- -0.641270,0.767315,0.000000,0.579177,0.509417,-0.500000,
+ -0.64127,0.767315,0,0.579177,0.509417,-0.5,
- -0.716797,0.697282,0.000000,0.501029,0.437003,-0.500000,
+ -0.716797,0.697282,0,0.501029,0.437003,-0.5,
- -0.779710,0.541974,0.313555,0.342801,0.212716,-0.405556,
- -0.779710,0.541974,0.313555,0.342801,0.212716,-0.405556,
- -0.770954,0.557417,0.308084,0.388123,0.277930,-0.405612,
+ -0.77971,0.541974,0.313555,0.342801,0.212716,-0.405556,
+ -0.77971,0.541974,0.313555,0.342801,0.212716,-0.405556,
+ -0.770954,0.557417,0.308084,0.388123,0.27793,-0.405612,
- -0.820475,0.571682,0.000000,0.328343,0.216547,-0.500000,
- -0.804241,0.594303,0.000000,0.374717,0.282857,-0.500000,
- -0.770954,0.557417,0.308084,0.388123,0.277930,-0.405612,
- -0.820475,0.571682,0.000000,0.328343,0.216547,-0.500000,
- -0.770954,0.557417,0.308084,0.388123,0.277930,-0.405612,
- -0.779710,0.541974,0.313555,0.342801,0.212716,-0.405556,
- -0.804241,0.594303,0.000000,0.374717,0.282857,-0.500000,
- -0.766999,0.641648,-0.000000,0.432577,0.358913,-0.500000,
+ -0.820475,0.571682,0,0.328343,0.216547,-0.5,
+ -0.804241,0.594303,0,0.374717,0.282857,-0.5,
+ -0.770954,0.557417,0.308084,0.388123,0.27793,-0.405612,
+ -0.820475,0.571682,0,0.328343,0.216547,-0.5,
+ -0.770954,0.557417,0.308084,0.388123,0.27793,-0.405612,
+ -0.77971,0.541974,0.313555,0.342801,0.212716,-0.405556,
+ -0.804241,0.594303,0,0.374717,0.282857,-0.5,
+ -0.766999,0.641648,0,0.432577,0.358913,-0.5,
- -0.770954,0.557417,0.308084,0.388123,0.277930,-0.405612,
- -0.804241,0.594303,0.000000,0.374717,0.282857,-0.500000,
+ -0.770954,0.557417,0.308084,0.388123,0.27793,-0.405612,
+ -0.804241,0.594303,0,0.374717,0.282857,-0.5,
- -0.770954,0.557417,0.308084,0.388123,0.277930,-0.405612,
+ -0.770954,0.557417,0.308084,0.388123,0.27793,-0.405612,
- -0.770954,0.557417,0.308084,0.388123,0.277930,-0.405612,
+ -0.770954,0.557417,0.308084,0.388123,0.27793,-0.405612,
- -0.314590,0.228088,0.921417,0.543287,0.301992,-0.277544,
+ -0.31459,0.228088,0.921417,0.543287,0.301992,-0.277544,
- -0.314590,0.228088,0.921417,0.543287,0.301992,-0.277544,
+ -0.31459,0.228088,0.921417,0.543287,0.301992,-0.277544,
- -0.314590,0.228088,0.921417,0.543287,0.301992,-0.277544,
+ -0.31459,0.228088,0.921417,0.543287,0.301992,-0.277544,
- -0.288623,0.267481,0.919321,0.601974,0.366500,-0.274775,
+ -0.288623,0.267481,0.919321,0.601974,0.3665,-0.274775,
- -0.288623,0.267481,0.919321,0.601974,0.366500,-0.274775,
+ -0.288623,0.267481,0.919321,0.601974,0.3665,-0.274775,
- 0.003382,-0.001295,0.999993,0.732540,0.370437,-0.257056,
+ 0.003382,-0.001295,0.999993,0.73254,0.370437,-0.257056,
- -0.288623,0.267481,0.919321,0.601974,0.366500,-0.274775,
+ -0.288623,0.267481,0.919321,0.601974,0.3665,-0.274775,
- -0.314590,0.228088,0.921417,0.543287,0.301992,-0.277544,
- -0.288623,0.267481,0.919321,0.601974,0.366500,-0.274775,
+ -0.31459,0.228088,0.921417,0.543287,0.301992,-0.277544,
+ -0.288623,0.267481,0.919321,0.601974,0.3665,-0.274775,
- -0.288623,0.267481,0.919321,0.601974,0.366500,-0.274775,
+ -0.288623,0.267481,0.919321,0.601974,0.3665,-0.274775,
- -0.314590,0.228088,0.921417,0.543287,0.301992,-0.277544,
+ -0.31459,0.228088,0.921417,0.543287,0.301992,-0.277544,
- -0.288623,0.267481,0.919321,0.601974,0.366500,-0.274775,
- -0.314590,0.228088,0.921417,0.543287,0.301992,-0.277544,
- 0.214466,-0.344670,0.913896,0.793886,0.314845,-0.273252,
- 0.375740,-0.671260,0.638928,0.845007,0.268518,-0.321841,
- 0.473587,-0.603690,0.641306,0.792649,0.233327,-0.323037,
- 0.473587,-0.603690,0.641306,0.792649,0.233327,-0.323037,
+ -0.288623,0.267481,0.919321,0.601974,0.3665,-0.274775,
+ -0.31459,0.228088,0.921417,0.543287,0.301992,-0.277544,
+ 0.214466,-0.34467,0.913896,0.793886,0.314845,-0.273252,
+ 0.37574,-0.67126,0.638928,0.845007,0.268518,-0.321841,
+ 0.473587,-0.60369,0.641306,0.792649,0.233327,-0.323037,
+ 0.473587,-0.60369,0.641306,0.792649,0.233327,-0.323037,
- 0.214466,-0.344670,0.913896,0.793886,0.314845,-0.273252,
- 0.525124,-0.503609,0.686020,0.752404,0.194475,-0.325213,
+ 0.214466,-0.34467,0.913896,0.793886,0.314845,-0.273252,
+ 0.525124,-0.503609,0.68602,0.752404,0.194475,-0.325213,
- 0.525124,-0.503609,0.686020,0.752404,0.194475,-0.325213,
+ 0.525124,-0.503609,0.68602,0.752404,0.194475,-0.325213,
- 0.473587,-0.603690,0.641306,0.792649,0.233327,-0.323037,
+ 0.473587,-0.60369,0.641306,0.792649,0.233327,-0.323037,
- 0.003382,-0.001295,0.999993,0.732540,0.370437,-0.257056,
- 0.214466,-0.344670,0.913896,0.793886,0.314845,-0.273252,
+ 0.003382,-0.001295,0.999993,0.73254,0.370437,-0.257056,
+ 0.214466,-0.34467,0.913896,0.793886,0.314845,-0.273252,
- 0.003382,-0.001295,0.999993,0.732540,0.370437,-0.257056,
+ 0.003382,-0.001295,0.999993,0.73254,0.370437,-0.257056,
- 0.677454,-0.266400,0.685629,0.704261,0.116939,-0.326853,
- 0.344586,-0.098997,0.933520,0.631969,0.136095,-0.279631,
+ 0.677454,-0.2664,0.685629,0.704261,0.116939,-0.326853,
+ 0.344586,-0.098997,0.93352,0.631969,0.136095,-0.279631,
- 0.677454,-0.266400,0.685629,0.704261,0.116939,-0.326853,
+ 0.677454,-0.2664,0.685629,0.704261,0.116939,-0.326853,
- 0.617578,-0.419693,0.665173,0.723274,0.154750,-0.326956,
- 0.344586,-0.098997,0.933520,0.631969,0.136095,-0.279631,
+ 0.617578,-0.419693,0.665173,0.723274,0.15475,-0.326956,
+ 0.344586,-0.098997,0.93352,0.631969,0.136095,-0.279631,
- 0.344586,-0.098997,0.933520,0.631969,0.136095,-0.279631,
+ 0.344586,-0.098997,0.93352,0.631969,0.136095,-0.279631,
- 0.525124,-0.503609,0.686020,0.752404,0.194475,-0.325213,
- 0.617578,-0.419693,0.665173,0.723274,0.154750,-0.326956,
- 0.617578,-0.419693,0.665173,0.723274,0.154750,-0.326956,
+ 0.525124,-0.503609,0.68602,0.752404,0.194475,-0.325213,
+ 0.617578,-0.419693,0.665173,0.723274,0.15475,-0.326956,
+ 0.617578,-0.419693,0.665173,0.723274,0.15475,-0.326956,
- 0.677454,-0.266400,0.685629,0.704261,0.116939,-0.326853,
- 0.617578,-0.419693,0.665173,0.723274,0.154750,-0.326956,
+ 0.677454,-0.2664,0.685629,0.704261,0.116939,-0.326853,
+ 0.617578,-0.419693,0.665173,0.723274,0.15475,-0.326956,
- 0.677454,-0.266400,0.685629,0.704261,0.116939,-0.326853,
+ 0.677454,-0.2664,0.685629,0.704261,0.116939,-0.326853,
- 0.617578,-0.419693,0.665173,0.723274,0.154750,-0.326956,
- 0.525124,-0.503609,0.686020,0.752404,0.194475,-0.325213,
+ 0.617578,-0.419693,0.665173,0.723274,0.15475,-0.326956,
+ 0.525124,-0.503609,0.68602,0.752404,0.194475,-0.325213,
- 0.617578,-0.419693,0.665173,0.723274,0.154750,-0.326956,
- 0.746099,-0.665835,-0.000000,0.801608,0.169177,-0.500000,
- 0.881754,-0.471710,0.000000,0.776898,0.135041,-0.500000,
+ 0.617578,-0.419693,0.665173,0.723274,0.15475,-0.326956,
+ 0.746099,-0.665835,0,0.801608,0.169177,-0.5,
+ 0.881754,-0.47171,0,0.776898,0.135041,-0.5,
- 0.746099,-0.665835,-0.000000,0.801608,0.169177,-0.500000,
+ 0.746099,-0.665835,0,0.801608,0.169177,-0.5,
- 0.881754,-0.471710,0.000000,0.776898,0.135041,-0.500000,
- 0.961956,-0.273203,0.000000,0.762094,0.101615,-0.500000,
+ 0.881754,-0.47171,0,0.776898,0.135041,-0.5,
+ 0.961956,-0.273203,0,0.762094,0.101615,-0.5,
- 0.881754,-0.471710,0.000000,0.776898,0.135041,-0.500000,
- 0.375740,-0.671260,0.638928,0.845007,0.268518,-0.321841,
- 0.438584,-0.851500,0.287389,0.875679,0.240722,-0.402822,
+ 0.881754,-0.47171,0,0.776898,0.135041,-0.5,
+ 0.37574,-0.67126,0.638928,0.845007,0.268518,-0.321841,
+ 0.438584,-0.8515,0.287389,0.875679,0.240722,-0.402822,
- 0.375740,-0.671260,0.638928,0.845007,0.268518,-0.321841,
+ 0.37574,-0.67126,0.638928,0.845007,0.268518,-0.321841,
- 0.473587,-0.603690,0.641306,0.792649,0.233327,-0.323037,
- 0.438584,-0.851500,0.287389,0.875679,0.240722,-0.402822,
- 0.419512,-0.907750,0.000000,0.885904,0.231457,-0.500000,
- 0.576871,-0.816835,0.000000,0.837513,0.201992,-0.500000,
- 0.576871,-0.816835,0.000000,0.837513,0.201992,-0.500000,
+ 0.473587,-0.60369,0.641306,0.792649,0.233327,-0.323037,
+ 0.438584,-0.8515,0.287389,0.875679,0.240722,-0.402822,
+ 0.419512,-0.90775,0,0.885904,0.231457,-0.5,
+ 0.576871,-0.816835,0,0.837513,0.201992,-0.5,
+ 0.576871,-0.816835,0,0.837513,0.201992,-0.5,
- 0.438584,-0.851500,0.287389,0.875679,0.240722,-0.402822,
- 0.746099,-0.665835,-0.000000,0.801608,0.169177,-0.500000,
+ 0.438584,-0.8515,0.287389,0.875679,0.240722,-0.402822,
+ 0.746099,-0.665835,0,0.801608,0.169177,-0.5,
- 0.746099,-0.665835,-0.000000,0.801608,0.169177,-0.500000,
+ 0.746099,-0.665835,0,0.801608,0.169177,-0.5,
- 0.576871,-0.816835,0.000000,0.837513,0.201992,-0.500000,
+ 0.576871,-0.816835,0,0.837513,0.201992,-0.5,
- 0.525124,-0.503609,0.686020,0.752404,0.194475,-0.325213,
- 0.473587,-0.603690,0.641306,0.792649,0.233327,-0.323037,
- 0.473587,-0.603690,0.641306,0.792649,0.233327,-0.323037,
+ 0.525124,-0.503609,0.68602,0.752404,0.194475,-0.325213,
+ 0.473587,-0.60369,0.641306,0.792649,0.233327,-0.323037,
+ 0.473587,-0.60369,0.641306,0.792649,0.233327,-0.323037,
- 0.375740,-0.671260,-0.638928,0.845007,0.268518,-0.678159,
- 0.473586,-0.603690,-0.641307,0.792649,0.233327,-0.676962,
+ 0.37574,-0.67126,-0.638928,0.845007,0.268518,-0.678159,
+ 0.473586,-0.60369,-0.641307,0.792649,0.233327,-0.676962,
- 0.375740,-0.671260,-0.638928,0.845007,0.268518,-0.678159,
+ 0.37574,-0.67126,-0.638928,0.845007,0.268518,-0.678159,
- 0.438584,-0.851500,-0.287389,0.875679,0.240722,-0.597178,
- 0.473586,-0.603690,-0.641307,0.792649,0.233327,-0.676962,
- 0.525124,-0.503608,-0.686020,0.752404,0.194475,-0.674787,
+ 0.438584,-0.8515,-0.287389,0.875679,0.240722,-0.597178,
+ 0.473586,-0.60369,-0.641307,0.792649,0.233327,-0.676962,
+ 0.525124,-0.503608,-0.68602,0.752404,0.194475,-0.674787,
- 0.473586,-0.603690,-0.641307,0.792649,0.233327,-0.676962,
- 0.746099,-0.665835,-0.000000,0.801608,0.169177,-0.500000,
- 0.576871,-0.816835,0.000000,0.837513,0.201992,-0.500000,
+ 0.473586,-0.60369,-0.641307,0.792649,0.233327,-0.676962,
+ 0.746099,-0.665835,0,0.801608,0.169177,-0.5,
+ 0.576871,-0.816835,0,0.837513,0.201992,-0.5,
- 0.746099,-0.665835,-0.000000,0.801608,0.169177,-0.500000,
+ 0.746099,-0.665835,0,0.801608,0.169177,-0.5,
- 0.576871,-0.816835,0.000000,0.837513,0.201992,-0.500000,
- 0.419512,-0.907750,0.000000,0.885904,0.231457,-0.500000,
- 0.438584,-0.851500,-0.287389,0.875679,0.240722,-0.597178,
- 0.438584,-0.851500,-0.287389,0.875679,0.240722,-0.597178,
+ 0.576871,-0.816835,0,0.837513,0.201992,-0.5,
+ 0.419512,-0.90775,0,0.885904,0.231457,-0.5,
+ 0.438584,-0.8515,-0.287389,0.875679,0.240722,-0.597178,
+ 0.438584,-0.8515,-0.287389,0.875679,0.240722,-0.597178,
- 0.576871,-0.816835,0.000000,0.837513,0.201992,-0.500000,
- 0.677454,-0.266400,-0.685629,0.704261,0.116939,-0.673147,
+ 0.576871,-0.816835,0,0.837513,0.201992,-0.5,
+ 0.677454,-0.2664,-0.685629,0.704261,0.116939,-0.673147,
- 0.814068,-0.486716,-0.316860,0.763492,0.139968,-0.594388,
- 0.677454,-0.266400,-0.685629,0.704261,0.116939,-0.673147,
- 0.814068,-0.486716,-0.316860,0.763492,0.139968,-0.594388,
- 0.617578,-0.419692,-0.665174,0.723274,0.154750,-0.673044,
+ 0.814068,-0.486716,-0.31686,0.763492,0.139968,-0.594388,
+ 0.677454,-0.2664,-0.685629,0.704261,0.116939,-0.673147,
+ 0.814068,-0.486716,-0.31686,0.763492,0.139968,-0.594388,
+ 0.617578,-0.419692,-0.665174,0.723274,0.15475,-0.673044,
- 0.961956,-0.273203,0.000000,0.762094,0.101615,-0.500000,
- 0.881754,-0.471710,0.000000,0.776898,0.135041,-0.500000,
- 0.881754,-0.471710,0.000000,0.776898,0.135041,-0.500000,
- 0.814068,-0.486716,-0.316860,0.763492,0.139968,-0.594388,
+ 0.961956,-0.273203,0,0.762094,0.101615,-0.5,
+ 0.881754,-0.47171,0,0.776898,0.135041,-0.5,
+ 0.881754,-0.47171,0,0.776898,0.135041,-0.5,
+ 0.814068,-0.486716,-0.31686,0.763492,0.139968,-0.594388,
- 0.746099,-0.665835,-0.000000,0.801608,0.169177,-0.500000,
+ 0.746099,-0.665835,0,0.801608,0.169177,-0.5,
- 0.814068,-0.486716,-0.316860,0.763492,0.139968,-0.594388,
- 0.746099,-0.665835,-0.000000,0.801608,0.169177,-0.500000,
- 0.814068,-0.486716,-0.316860,0.763492,0.139968,-0.594388,
- 0.881754,-0.471710,0.000000,0.776898,0.135041,-0.500000,
+ 0.814068,-0.486716,-0.31686,0.763492,0.139968,-0.594388,
+ 0.746099,-0.665835,0,0.801608,0.169177,-0.5,
+ 0.814068,-0.486716,-0.31686,0.763492,0.139968,-0.594388,
+ 0.881754,-0.47171,0,0.776898,0.135041,-0.5,
- 0.525124,-0.503608,-0.686020,0.752404,0.194475,-0.674787,
- 0.617578,-0.419692,-0.665174,0.723274,0.154750,-0.673044,
- 0.617578,-0.419692,-0.665174,0.723274,0.154750,-0.673044,
- 0.814068,-0.486716,-0.316860,0.763492,0.139968,-0.594388,
+ 0.525124,-0.503608,-0.68602,0.752404,0.194475,-0.674787,
+ 0.617578,-0.419692,-0.665174,0.723274,0.15475,-0.673044,
+ 0.617578,-0.419692,-0.665174,0.723274,0.15475,-0.673044,
+ 0.814068,-0.486716,-0.31686,0.763492,0.139968,-0.594388,
- 0.677454,-0.266400,0.685629,0.704261,0.116939,-0.326853,
+ 0.677454,-0.2664,0.685629,0.704261,0.116939,-0.326853,
- 0.903923,-0.260740,0.339026,0.740522,0.074155,-0.403722,
+ 0.903923,-0.26074,0.339026,0.740522,0.074155,-0.403722,
- 0.961956,-0.273203,0.000000,0.762094,0.101615,-0.500000,
- 0.957991,-0.286797,0.000000,0.755907,0.070930,-0.500000,
- 0.903923,-0.260740,0.339026,0.740522,0.074155,-0.403722,
- 0.961956,-0.273203,0.000000,0.762094,0.101615,-0.500000,
- 0.903923,-0.260740,0.339026,0.740522,0.074155,-0.403722,
+ 0.961956,-0.273203,0,0.762094,0.101615,-0.5,
+ 0.957991,-0.286797,0,0.755907,0.07093,-0.5,
+ 0.903923,-0.26074,0.339026,0.740522,0.074155,-0.403722,
+ 0.961956,-0.273203,0,0.762094,0.101615,-0.5,
+ 0.903923,-0.26074,0.339026,0.740522,0.074155,-0.403722,
- 0.957991,-0.286797,0.000000,0.755907,0.070930,-0.500000,
- 0.740764,-0.671765,-0.000000,0.747335,0.045755,-0.500000,
- 0.789460,-0.545462,0.281469,0.731601,0.048967,-0.404556,
- 0.789460,-0.545462,0.281469,0.731601,0.048967,-0.404556,
- 0.903923,-0.260740,0.339026,0.740522,0.074155,-0.403722,
- 0.957991,-0.286797,0.000000,0.755907,0.070930,-0.500000,
+ 0.957991,-0.286797,0,0.755907,0.07093,-0.5,
+ 0.740764,-0.671765,0,0.747335,0.045755,-0.5,
+ 0.78946,-0.545462,0.281469,0.731601,0.048967,-0.404556,
+ 0.78946,-0.545462,0.281469,0.731601,0.048967,-0.404556,
+ 0.903923,-0.26074,0.339026,0.740522,0.074155,-0.403722,
+ 0.957991,-0.286797,0,0.755907,0.07093,-0.5,
- 0.903923,-0.260740,0.339026,0.740522,0.074155,-0.403722,
+ 0.903923,-0.26074,0.339026,0.740522,0.074155,-0.403722,
- 0.903923,-0.260740,0.339026,0.740522,0.074155,-0.403722,
- 0.789460,-0.545462,0.281469,0.731601,0.048967,-0.404556,
+ 0.903923,-0.26074,0.339026,0.740522,0.074155,-0.403722,
+ 0.78946,-0.545462,0.281469,0.731601,0.048967,-0.404556,
- 0.677454,-0.266400,-0.685629,0.704261,0.116939,-0.673147,
+ 0.677454,-0.2664,-0.685629,0.704261,0.116939,-0.673147,
- 0.903923,-0.260740,-0.339025,0.740522,0.074155,-0.596277,
+ 0.903923,-0.26074,-0.339025,0.740522,0.074155,-0.596277,
- 0.903923,-0.260740,-0.339025,0.740522,0.074155,-0.596277,
+ 0.903923,-0.26074,-0.339025,0.740522,0.074155,-0.596277,
- 0.903923,-0.260740,-0.339025,0.740522,0.074155,-0.596277,
+ 0.903923,-0.26074,-0.339025,0.740522,0.074155,-0.596277,
- 0.740764,-0.671765,-0.000000,0.747335,0.045755,-0.500000,
- 0.957991,-0.286797,0.000000,0.755907,0.070930,-0.500000,
- 0.957991,-0.286797,0.000000,0.755907,0.070930,-0.500000,
- 0.903923,-0.260740,-0.339025,0.740522,0.074155,-0.596277,
+ 0.740764,-0.671765,0,0.747335,0.045755,-0.5,
+ 0.957991,-0.286797,0,0.755907,0.07093,-0.5,
+ 0.957991,-0.286797,0,0.755907,0.07093,-0.5,
+ 0.903923,-0.26074,-0.339025,0.740522,0.074155,-0.596277,
- 0.961956,-0.273203,0.000000,0.762094,0.101615,-0.500000,
+ 0.961956,-0.273203,0,0.762094,0.101615,-0.5,
- 0.903923,-0.260740,-0.339025,0.740522,0.074155,-0.596277,
- 0.961956,-0.273203,0.000000,0.762094,0.101615,-0.500000,
- 0.903923,-0.260740,-0.339025,0.740522,0.074155,-0.596277,
- 0.957991,-0.286797,0.000000,0.755907,0.070930,-0.500000,
+ 0.903923,-0.26074,-0.339025,0.740522,0.074155,-0.596277,
+ 0.961956,-0.273203,0,0.762094,0.101615,-0.5,
+ 0.903923,-0.26074,-0.339025,0.740522,0.074155,-0.596277,
+ 0.957991,-0.286797,0,0.755907,0.07093,-0.5,
- 0.015839,-0.994833,-0.100277,0.667212,0.026513,-0.582500,
- 0.332870,-0.922331,-0.196223,0.710325,0.032750,-0.587500,
+ 0.015839,-0.994833,-0.100277,0.667212,0.026513,-0.5825,
+ 0.33287,-0.922331,-0.196223,0.710325,0.03275,-0.5875,
- 0.332870,-0.922331,-0.196223,0.710325,0.032750,-0.587500,
- 0.212480,-0.884802,-0.414701,0.666096,0.041783,-0.660875,
- 0.072467,-0.997371,-0.000000,0.679568,0.022087,-0.500000,
- 0.389749,-0.920921,0.000000,0.725378,0.028862,-0.500000,
- 0.332870,-0.922331,-0.196223,0.710325,0.032750,-0.587500,
- 0.072467,-0.997371,-0.000000,0.679568,0.022087,-0.500000,
- 0.332870,-0.922331,-0.196223,0.710325,0.032750,-0.587500,
- 0.015839,-0.994833,-0.100277,0.667212,0.026513,-0.582500,
- 0.740764,-0.671765,-0.000000,0.747335,0.045755,-0.500000,
+ 0.33287,-0.922331,-0.196223,0.710325,0.03275,-0.5875,
+ 0.21248,-0.884802,-0.414701,0.666096,0.041783,-0.660875,
+ 0.072467,-0.997371,0,0.679568,0.022087,-0.5,
+ 0.389749,-0.920921,0,0.725378,0.028862,-0.5,
+ 0.33287,-0.922331,-0.196223,0.710325,0.03275,-0.5875,
+ 0.072467,-0.997371,0,0.679568,0.022087,-0.5,
+ 0.33287,-0.922331,-0.196223,0.710325,0.03275,-0.5875,
+ 0.015839,-0.994833,-0.100277,0.667212,0.026513,-0.5825,
+ 0.740764,-0.671765,0,0.747335,0.045755,-0.5,
- 0.332870,-0.922331,-0.196223,0.710325,0.032750,-0.587500,
- 0.740764,-0.671765,-0.000000,0.747335,0.045755,-0.500000,
- 0.332870,-0.922331,-0.196223,0.710325,0.032750,-0.587500,
- 0.389749,-0.920921,0.000000,0.725378,0.028862,-0.500000,
+ 0.33287,-0.922331,-0.196223,0.710325,0.03275,-0.5875,
+ 0.740764,-0.671765,0,0.747335,0.045755,-0.5,
+ 0.33287,-0.922331,-0.196223,0.710325,0.03275,-0.5875,
+ 0.389749,-0.920921,0,0.725378,0.028862,-0.5,
- 0.212480,-0.884802,-0.414701,0.666096,0.041783,-0.660875,
- 0.332870,-0.922331,-0.196223,0.710325,0.032750,-0.587500,
+ 0.21248,-0.884802,-0.414701,0.666096,0.041783,-0.660875,
+ 0.33287,-0.922331,-0.196223,0.710325,0.03275,-0.5875,
- 0.332870,-0.922331,-0.196223,0.710325,0.032750,-0.587500,
+ 0.33287,-0.922331,-0.196223,0.710325,0.03275,-0.5875,
- 0.212480,-0.884802,0.414702,0.666096,0.041783,-0.339125,
- 0.332870,-0.922331,0.196223,0.710325,0.032750,-0.412500,
+ 0.21248,-0.884802,0.414702,0.666096,0.041783,-0.339125,
+ 0.33287,-0.922331,0.196223,0.710325,0.03275,-0.4125,
- 0.332870,-0.922331,0.196223,0.710325,0.032750,-0.412500,
- 0.015839,-0.994833,0.100277,0.667212,0.026513,-0.417500,
+ 0.33287,-0.922331,0.196223,0.710325,0.03275,-0.4125,
+ 0.015839,-0.994833,0.100277,0.667212,0.026513,-0.4175,
- 0.789460,-0.545462,0.281469,0.731601,0.048967,-0.404556,
- 0.332870,-0.922331,0.196223,0.710325,0.032750,-0.412500,
+ 0.78946,-0.545462,0.281469,0.731601,0.048967,-0.404556,
+ 0.33287,-0.922331,0.196223,0.710325,0.03275,-0.4125,
- 0.332870,-0.922331,0.196223,0.710325,0.032750,-0.412500,
- 0.212480,-0.884802,0.414702,0.666096,0.041783,-0.339125,
- 0.740764,-0.671765,-0.000000,0.747335,0.045755,-0.500000,
- 0.389749,-0.920921,0.000000,0.725378,0.028862,-0.500000,
- 0.332870,-0.922331,0.196223,0.710325,0.032750,-0.412500,
- 0.740764,-0.671765,-0.000000,0.747335,0.045755,-0.500000,
- 0.332870,-0.922331,0.196223,0.710325,0.032750,-0.412500,
- 0.789460,-0.545462,0.281469,0.731601,0.048967,-0.404556,
- 0.072467,-0.997371,-0.000000,0.679568,0.022087,-0.500000,
- 0.015839,-0.994833,0.100277,0.667212,0.026513,-0.417500,
- 0.332870,-0.922331,0.196223,0.710325,0.032750,-0.412500,
- 0.072467,-0.997371,-0.000000,0.679568,0.022087,-0.500000,
- 0.332870,-0.922331,0.196223,0.710325,0.032750,-0.412500,
- 0.389749,-0.920921,0.000000,0.725378,0.028862,-0.500000,
+ 0.33287,-0.922331,0.196223,0.710325,0.03275,-0.4125,
+ 0.21248,-0.884802,0.414702,0.666096,0.041783,-0.339125,
+ 0.740764,-0.671765,0,0.747335,0.045755,-0.5,
+ 0.389749,-0.920921,0,0.725378,0.028862,-0.5,
+ 0.33287,-0.922331,0.196223,0.710325,0.03275,-0.4125,
+ 0.740764,-0.671765,0,0.747335,0.045755,-0.5,
+ 0.33287,-0.922331,0.196223,0.710325,0.03275,-0.4125,
+ 0.78946,-0.545462,0.281469,0.731601,0.048967,-0.404556,
+ 0.072467,-0.997371,0,0.679568,0.022087,-0.5,
+ 0.015839,-0.994833,0.100277,0.667212,0.026513,-0.4175,
+ 0.33287,-0.922331,0.196223,0.710325,0.03275,-0.4125,
+ 0.072467,-0.997371,0,0.679568,0.022087,-0.5,
+ 0.33287,-0.922331,0.196223,0.710325,0.03275,-0.4125,
+ 0.389749,-0.920921,0,0.725378,0.028862,-0.5,
- 0.677454,-0.266400,-0.685629,0.704261,0.116939,-0.673147,
- 0.344586,-0.098997,-0.933520,0.631969,0.136095,-0.720369,
- 0.344586,-0.098997,-0.933520,0.631969,0.136095,-0.720369,
- 0.338241,-0.103362,-0.935366,0.617440,0.099959,-0.724648,
+ 0.677454,-0.2664,-0.685629,0.704261,0.116939,-0.673147,
+ 0.344586,-0.098997,-0.93352,0.631969,0.136095,-0.720369,
+ 0.344586,-0.098997,-0.93352,0.631969,0.136095,-0.720369,
+ 0.338241,-0.103362,-0.935366,0.61744,0.099959,-0.724648,
- 0.338241,-0.103362,-0.935366,0.617440,0.099959,-0.724648,
+ 0.338241,-0.103362,-0.935366,0.61744,0.099959,-0.724648,
- 0.338241,-0.103362,-0.935366,0.617440,0.099959,-0.724648,
- 0.344586,-0.098997,-0.933520,0.631969,0.136095,-0.720369,
+ 0.338241,-0.103362,-0.935366,0.61744,0.099959,-0.724648,
+ 0.344586,-0.098997,-0.93352,0.631969,0.136095,-0.720369,
- -0.097470,-0.388654,-0.916214,0.513237,0.088956,-0.739298,
+ -0.09747,-0.388654,-0.916214,0.513237,0.088956,-0.739298,
- 0.338241,-0.103362,-0.935366,0.617440,0.099959,-0.724648,
+ 0.338241,-0.103362,-0.935366,0.61744,0.099959,-0.724648,
- 0.338241,-0.103362,-0.935366,0.617440,0.099959,-0.724648,
+ 0.338241,-0.103362,-0.935366,0.61744,0.099959,-0.724648,
- 0.338241,-0.103362,-0.935366,0.617440,0.099959,-0.724648,
+ 0.338241,-0.103362,-0.935366,0.61744,0.099959,-0.724648,
- -0.720224,-0.155940,-0.675988,0.342054,0.121167,-0.675096,
- -0.440529,-0.240650,-0.864882,0.419921,0.106487,-0.723162,
- -0.440529,-0.240650,-0.864882,0.419921,0.106487,-0.723162,
+ -0.720224,-0.15594,-0.675988,0.342054,0.121167,-0.675096,
+ -0.440529,-0.24065,-0.864882,0.419921,0.106487,-0.723162,
+ -0.440529,-0.24065,-0.864882,0.419921,0.106487,-0.723162,
- -0.097470,-0.388654,-0.916214,0.513237,0.088956,-0.739298,
+ -0.09747,-0.388654,-0.916214,0.513237,0.088956,-0.739298,
- -0.097470,-0.388654,-0.916214,0.513237,0.088956,-0.739298,
+ -0.09747,-0.388654,-0.916214,0.513237,0.088956,-0.739298,
- -0.440529,-0.240650,-0.864882,0.419921,0.106487,-0.723162,
+ -0.440529,-0.24065,-0.864882,0.419921,0.106487,-0.723162,
- -0.320720,-0.774629,-0.545059,0.421284,0.083716,-0.706000,
+ -0.32072,-0.774629,-0.545059,0.421284,0.083716,-0.706,
- -0.168375,-0.954904,-0.244557,0.504703,0.052920,-0.677562,
- -0.143026,-0.807920,-0.571672,0.507243,0.067325,-0.721500,
- -0.320720,-0.774629,-0.545059,0.421284,0.083716,-0.706000,
- -0.168375,-0.954904,-0.244557,0.504703,0.052920,-0.677562,
- -0.320720,-0.774629,-0.545059,0.421284,0.083716,-0.706000,
+ -0.168375,-0.954904,-0.244557,0.504703,0.05292,-0.677562,
+ -0.143026,-0.80792,-0.571672,0.507243,0.067325,-0.7215,
+ -0.32072,-0.774629,-0.545059,0.421284,0.083716,-0.706,
+ -0.168375,-0.954904,-0.244557,0.504703,0.05292,-0.677562,
+ -0.32072,-0.774629,-0.545059,0.421284,0.083716,-0.706,
- -0.097470,-0.388654,-0.916214,0.513237,0.088956,-0.739298,
- -0.440529,-0.240650,-0.864882,0.419921,0.106487,-0.723162,
- -0.320720,-0.774629,-0.545059,0.421284,0.083716,-0.706000,
- -0.097470,-0.388654,-0.916214,0.513237,0.088956,-0.739298,
- -0.320720,-0.774629,-0.545059,0.421284,0.083716,-0.706000,
- -0.143026,-0.807920,-0.571672,0.507243,0.067325,-0.721500,
- -0.440529,-0.240650,-0.864882,0.419921,0.106487,-0.723162,
- -0.720224,-0.155940,-0.675988,0.342054,0.121167,-0.675096,
+ -0.09747,-0.388654,-0.916214,0.513237,0.088956,-0.739298,
+ -0.440529,-0.24065,-0.864882,0.419921,0.106487,-0.723162,
+ -0.32072,-0.774629,-0.545059,0.421284,0.083716,-0.706,
+ -0.09747,-0.388654,-0.916214,0.513237,0.088956,-0.739298,
+ -0.32072,-0.774629,-0.545059,0.421284,0.083716,-0.706,
+ -0.143026,-0.80792,-0.571672,0.507243,0.067325,-0.7215,
+ -0.440529,-0.24065,-0.864882,0.419921,0.106487,-0.723162,
+ -0.720224,-0.15594,-0.675988,0.342054,0.121167,-0.675096,
- -0.320720,-0.774629,-0.545059,0.421284,0.083716,-0.706000,
- -0.440529,-0.240650,-0.864882,0.419921,0.106487,-0.723162,
+ -0.32072,-0.774629,-0.545059,0.421284,0.083716,-0.706,
+ -0.440529,-0.24065,-0.864882,0.419921,0.106487,-0.723162,
- 0.212480,-0.884802,-0.414701,0.666096,0.041783,-0.660875,
- 0.024087,-0.872904,-0.487296,0.593625,0.053327,-0.706000,
+ 0.21248,-0.884802,-0.414701,0.666096,0.041783,-0.660875,
+ 0.024087,-0.872904,-0.487296,0.593625,0.053327,-0.706,
- 0.024087,-0.872904,-0.487296,0.593625,0.053327,-0.706000,
- -0.070895,-0.979540,-0.188350,0.586334,0.040774,-0.664625,
- 0.212480,-0.884802,-0.414701,0.666096,0.041783,-0.660875,
+ 0.024087,-0.872904,-0.487296,0.593625,0.053327,-0.706,
+ -0.070895,-0.97954,-0.18835,0.586334,0.040774,-0.664625,
+ 0.21248,-0.884802,-0.414701,0.666096,0.041783,-0.660875,
- 0.024087,-0.872904,-0.487296,0.593625,0.053327,-0.706000,
- 0.212480,-0.884802,-0.414701,0.666096,0.041783,-0.660875,
- -0.097470,-0.388654,-0.916214,0.513237,0.088956,-0.739298,
- -0.143026,-0.807920,-0.571672,0.507243,0.067325,-0.721500,
- 0.024087,-0.872904,-0.487296,0.593625,0.053327,-0.706000,
- -0.097470,-0.388654,-0.916214,0.513237,0.088956,-0.739298,
- 0.024087,-0.872904,-0.487296,0.593625,0.053327,-0.706000,
+ 0.024087,-0.872904,-0.487296,0.593625,0.053327,-0.706,
+ 0.21248,-0.884802,-0.414701,0.666096,0.041783,-0.660875,
+ -0.09747,-0.388654,-0.916214,0.513237,0.088956,-0.739298,
+ -0.143026,-0.80792,-0.571672,0.507243,0.067325,-0.7215,
+ 0.024087,-0.872904,-0.487296,0.593625,0.053327,-0.706,
+ -0.09747,-0.388654,-0.916214,0.513237,0.088956,-0.739298,
+ 0.024087,-0.872904,-0.487296,0.593625,0.053327,-0.706,
- -0.168375,-0.954904,-0.244557,0.504703,0.052920,-0.677562,
- -0.070895,-0.979540,-0.188350,0.586334,0.040774,-0.664625,
- 0.024087,-0.872904,-0.487296,0.593625,0.053327,-0.706000,
- -0.168375,-0.954904,-0.244557,0.504703,0.052920,-0.677562,
- 0.024087,-0.872904,-0.487296,0.593625,0.053327,-0.706000,
- -0.143026,-0.807920,-0.571672,0.507243,0.067325,-0.721500,
+ -0.168375,-0.954904,-0.244557,0.504703,0.05292,-0.677562,
+ -0.070895,-0.97954,-0.18835,0.586334,0.040774,-0.664625,
+ 0.024087,-0.872904,-0.487296,0.593625,0.053327,-0.706,
+ -0.168375,-0.954904,-0.244557,0.504703,0.05292,-0.677562,
+ 0.024087,-0.872904,-0.487296,0.593625,0.053327,-0.706,
+ -0.143026,-0.80792,-0.571672,0.507243,0.067325,-0.7215,
- -0.779710,0.541974,-0.313555,0.342801,0.212716,-0.594444,
- -0.828821,0.454880,-0.325791,0.309735,0.164469,-0.596277,
+ -0.77971,0.541974,-0.313555,0.342801,0.212716,-0.594444,
+ -0.828821,0.45488,-0.325791,0.309735,0.164469,-0.596277,
- -0.828821,0.454880,-0.325791,0.309735,0.164469,-0.596277,
+ -0.828821,0.45488,-0.325791,0.309735,0.164469,-0.596277,
- -0.779710,0.541974,-0.313555,0.342801,0.212716,-0.594444,
- -0.820475,0.571682,0.000000,0.328343,0.216547,-0.500000,
- -0.857982,0.513680,-0.000000,0.294350,0.167695,-0.500000,
- -0.857982,0.513680,-0.000000,0.294350,0.167695,-0.500000,
- -0.828821,0.454880,-0.325791,0.309735,0.164469,-0.596277,
- -0.779710,0.541974,-0.313555,0.342801,0.212716,-0.594444,
- -0.999967,0.008167,0.000000,0.279139,0.132156,-0.500000,
+ -0.77971,0.541974,-0.313555,0.342801,0.212716,-0.594444,
+ -0.820475,0.571682,0,0.328343,0.216547,-0.5,
+ -0.857982,0.51368,0,0.29435,0.167695,-0.5,
+ -0.857982,0.51368,0,0.29435,0.167695,-0.5,
+ -0.828821,0.45488,-0.325791,0.309735,0.164469,-0.596277,
+ -0.77971,0.541974,-0.313555,0.342801,0.212716,-0.594444,
+ -0.999967,0.008167,0,0.279139,0.132156,-0.5,
- -0.828821,0.454880,-0.325791,0.309735,0.164469,-0.596277,
- -0.999967,0.008167,0.000000,0.279139,0.132156,-0.500000,
- -0.828821,0.454880,-0.325791,0.309735,0.164469,-0.596277,
- -0.857982,0.513680,-0.000000,0.294350,0.167695,-0.500000,
+ -0.828821,0.45488,-0.325791,0.309735,0.164469,-0.596277,
+ -0.999967,0.008167,0,0.279139,0.132156,-0.5,
+ -0.828821,0.45488,-0.325791,0.309735,0.164469,-0.596277,
+ -0.857982,0.51368,0,0.29435,0.167695,-0.5,
- -0.720224,-0.155940,-0.675988,0.342054,0.121167,-0.675096,
+ -0.720224,-0.15594,-0.675988,0.342054,0.121167,-0.675096,
- -0.828821,0.454880,-0.325791,0.309735,0.164469,-0.596277,
+ -0.828821,0.45488,-0.325791,0.309735,0.164469,-0.596277,
- -0.779710,0.541974,0.313555,0.342801,0.212716,-0.405556,
+ -0.77971,0.541974,0.313555,0.342801,0.212716,-0.405556,
- -0.999967,0.008167,0.000000,0.279139,0.132156,-0.500000,
- -0.857982,0.513680,-0.000000,0.294350,0.167695,-0.500000,
+ -0.999967,0.008167,0,0.279139,0.132156,-0.5,
+ -0.857982,0.51368,0,0.29435,0.167695,-0.5,
- -0.999967,0.008167,0.000000,0.279139,0.132156,-0.500000,
+ -0.999967,0.008167,0,0.279139,0.132156,-0.5,
- -0.857982,0.513680,-0.000000,0.294350,0.167695,-0.500000,
- -0.820475,0.571682,0.000000,0.328343,0.216547,-0.500000,
- -0.779710,0.541974,0.313555,0.342801,0.212716,-0.405556,
- -0.779710,0.541974,0.313555,0.342801,0.212716,-0.405556,
+ -0.857982,0.51368,0,0.29435,0.167695,-0.5,
+ -0.820475,0.571682,0,0.328343,0.216547,-0.5,
+ -0.77971,0.541974,0.313555,0.342801,0.212716,-0.405556,
+ -0.77971,0.541974,0.313555,0.342801,0.212716,-0.405556,
- -0.857982,0.513680,-0.000000,0.294350,0.167695,-0.500000,
+ -0.857982,0.51368,0,0.29435,0.167695,-0.5,
- -0.355137,-0.929420,0.100277,0.342964,0.083687,-0.417500,
- -0.672934,-0.714357,0.191973,0.304584,0.104293,-0.412500,
+ -0.355137,-0.92942,0.100277,0.342964,0.083687,-0.4175,
+ -0.672934,-0.714357,0.191973,0.304584,0.104293,-0.4125,
- -0.672934,-0.714357,0.191973,0.304584,0.104293,-0.412500,
+ -0.672934,-0.714357,0.191973,0.304584,0.104293,-0.4125,
- -0.409218,-0.912437,0.000000,0.329838,0.083754,-0.500000,
- -0.751750,-0.659448,0.000000,0.289108,0.105788,-0.500000,
- -0.672934,-0.714357,0.191973,0.304584,0.104293,-0.412500,
- -0.409218,-0.912437,0.000000,0.329838,0.083754,-0.500000,
- -0.672934,-0.714357,0.191973,0.304584,0.104293,-0.412500,
- -0.355137,-0.929420,0.100277,0.342964,0.083687,-0.417500,
- -0.999967,0.008167,0.000000,0.279139,0.132156,-0.500000,
+ -0.409218,-0.912437,0,0.329838,0.083754,-0.5,
+ -0.75175,-0.659448,0,0.289108,0.105788,-0.5,
+ -0.672934,-0.714357,0.191973,0.304584,0.104293,-0.4125,
+ -0.409218,-0.912437,0,0.329838,0.083754,-0.5,
+ -0.672934,-0.714357,0.191973,0.304584,0.104293,-0.4125,
+ -0.355137,-0.92942,0.100277,0.342964,0.083687,-0.4175,
+ -0.999967,0.008167,0,0.279139,0.132156,-0.5,
- -0.672934,-0.714357,0.191973,0.304584,0.104293,-0.412500,
- -0.999967,0.008167,0.000000,0.279139,0.132156,-0.500000,
- -0.672934,-0.714357,0.191973,0.304584,0.104293,-0.412500,
- -0.751750,-0.659448,0.000000,0.289108,0.105788,-0.500000,
+ -0.672934,-0.714357,0.191973,0.304584,0.104293,-0.4125,
+ -0.999967,0.008167,0,0.279139,0.132156,-0.5,
+ -0.672934,-0.714357,0.191973,0.304584,0.104293,-0.4125,
+ -0.75175,-0.659448,0,0.289108,0.105788,-0.5,
- -0.672934,-0.714357,0.191973,0.304584,0.104293,-0.412500,
+ -0.672934,-0.714357,0.191973,0.304584,0.104293,-0.4125,
- -0.672934,-0.714357,-0.191973,0.304584,0.104293,-0.587500,
+ -0.672934,-0.714357,-0.191973,0.304584,0.104293,-0.5875,
- -0.672934,-0.714357,-0.191973,0.304584,0.104293,-0.587500,
- -0.355137,-0.929420,-0.100277,0.342964,0.083687,-0.582500,
+ -0.672934,-0.714357,-0.191973,0.304584,0.104293,-0.5875,
+ -0.355137,-0.92942,-0.100277,0.342964,0.083687,-0.5825,
- -0.720224,-0.155940,-0.675988,0.342054,0.121167,-0.675096,
+ -0.720224,-0.15594,-0.675988,0.342054,0.121167,-0.675096,
- -0.672934,-0.714357,-0.191973,0.304584,0.104293,-0.587500,
+ -0.672934,-0.714357,-0.191973,0.304584,0.104293,-0.5875,
- -0.999967,0.008167,0.000000,0.279139,0.132156,-0.500000,
- -0.751750,-0.659448,0.000000,0.289108,0.105788,-0.500000,
- -0.672934,-0.714357,-0.191973,0.304584,0.104293,-0.587500,
- -0.999967,0.008167,0.000000,0.279139,0.132156,-0.500000,
- -0.672934,-0.714357,-0.191973,0.304584,0.104293,-0.587500,
+ -0.999967,0.008167,0,0.279139,0.132156,-0.5,
+ -0.75175,-0.659448,0,0.289108,0.105788,-0.5,
+ -0.672934,-0.714357,-0.191973,0.304584,0.104293,-0.5875,
+ -0.999967,0.008167,0,0.279139,0.132156,-0.5,
+ -0.672934,-0.714357,-0.191973,0.304584,0.104293,-0.5875,
- -0.409218,-0.912437,0.000000,0.329838,0.083754,-0.500000,
- -0.355137,-0.929420,-0.100277,0.342964,0.083687,-0.582500,
- -0.672934,-0.714357,-0.191973,0.304584,0.104293,-0.587500,
- -0.409218,-0.912437,0.000000,0.329838,0.083754,-0.500000,
- -0.672934,-0.714357,-0.191973,0.304584,0.104293,-0.587500,
- -0.751750,-0.659448,0.000000,0.289108,0.105788,-0.500000,
+ -0.409218,-0.912437,0,0.329838,0.083754,-0.5,
+ -0.355137,-0.92942,-0.100277,0.342964,0.083687,-0.5825,
+ -0.672934,-0.714357,-0.191973,0.304584,0.104293,-0.5875,
+ -0.409218,-0.912437,0,0.329838,0.083754,-0.5,
+ -0.672934,-0.714357,-0.191973,0.304584,0.104293,-0.5875,
+ -0.75175,-0.659448,0,0.289108,0.105788,-0.5,
- -0.097470,-0.388653,0.916214,0.513237,0.088956,-0.260702,
- -0.440530,-0.240649,0.864882,0.419921,0.106487,-0.276838,
+ -0.09747,-0.388653,0.916214,0.513237,0.088956,-0.260702,
+ -0.44053,-0.240649,0.864882,0.419921,0.106487,-0.276838,
- -0.097470,-0.388653,0.916214,0.513237,0.088956,-0.260702,
+ -0.09747,-0.388653,0.916214,0.513237,0.088956,-0.260702,
- -0.440530,-0.240649,0.864882,0.419921,0.106487,-0.276838,
+ -0.44053,-0.240649,0.864882,0.419921,0.106487,-0.276838,
- -0.440530,-0.240649,0.864882,0.419921,0.106487,-0.276838,
- 0.344586,-0.098997,0.933520,0.631969,0.136095,-0.279631,
- 0.677454,-0.266400,0.685629,0.704261,0.116939,-0.326853,
+ -0.44053,-0.240649,0.864882,0.419921,0.106487,-0.276838,
+ 0.344586,-0.098997,0.93352,0.631969,0.136095,-0.279631,
+ 0.677454,-0.2664,0.685629,0.704261,0.116939,-0.326853,
- 0.338242,-0.103362,0.935366,0.617440,0.099959,-0.275352,
- 0.344586,-0.098997,0.933520,0.631969,0.136095,-0.279631,
+ 0.338242,-0.103362,0.935366,0.61744,0.099959,-0.275352,
+ 0.344586,-0.098997,0.93352,0.631969,0.136095,-0.279631,
- 0.338242,-0.103362,0.935366,0.617440,0.099959,-0.275352,
+ 0.338242,-0.103362,0.935366,0.61744,0.099959,-0.275352,
- 0.338242,-0.103362,0.935366,0.617440,0.099959,-0.275352,
+ 0.338242,-0.103362,0.935366,0.61744,0.099959,-0.275352,
- -0.097470,-0.388653,0.916214,0.513237,0.088956,-0.260702,
+ -0.09747,-0.388653,0.916214,0.513237,0.088956,-0.260702,
- 0.338242,-0.103362,0.935366,0.617440,0.099959,-0.275352,
+ 0.338242,-0.103362,0.935366,0.61744,0.099959,-0.275352,
- 0.344586,-0.098997,0.933520,0.631969,0.136095,-0.279631,
- 0.338242,-0.103362,0.935366,0.617440,0.099959,-0.275352,
+ 0.344586,-0.098997,0.93352,0.631969,0.136095,-0.279631,
+ 0.338242,-0.103362,0.935366,0.61744,0.099959,-0.275352,
- 0.338242,-0.103362,0.935366,0.617440,0.099959,-0.275352,
+ 0.338242,-0.103362,0.935366,0.61744,0.099959,-0.275352,
- -0.070895,-0.979540,0.188349,0.586334,0.040774,-0.335375,
- 0.024087,-0.872904,0.487296,0.593625,0.053327,-0.294000,
+ -0.070895,-0.97954,0.188349,0.586334,0.040774,-0.335375,
+ 0.024087,-0.872904,0.487296,0.593625,0.053327,-0.294,
- 0.024087,-0.872904,0.487296,0.593625,0.053327,-0.294000,
- 0.212480,-0.884802,0.414702,0.666096,0.041783,-0.339125,
- -0.168376,-0.954904,0.244557,0.504703,0.052920,-0.322437,
- -0.143026,-0.807920,0.571672,0.507243,0.067325,-0.278500,
- 0.024087,-0.872904,0.487296,0.593625,0.053327,-0.294000,
- -0.168376,-0.954904,0.244557,0.504703,0.052920,-0.322437,
- 0.024087,-0.872904,0.487296,0.593625,0.053327,-0.294000,
- -0.070895,-0.979540,0.188349,0.586334,0.040774,-0.335375,
- -0.097470,-0.388653,0.916214,0.513237,0.088956,-0.260702,
+ 0.024087,-0.872904,0.487296,0.593625,0.053327,-0.294,
+ 0.21248,-0.884802,0.414702,0.666096,0.041783,-0.339125,
+ -0.168376,-0.954904,0.244557,0.504703,0.05292,-0.322437,
+ -0.143026,-0.80792,0.571672,0.507243,0.067325,-0.2785,
+ 0.024087,-0.872904,0.487296,0.593625,0.053327,-0.294,
+ -0.168376,-0.954904,0.244557,0.504703,0.05292,-0.322437,
+ 0.024087,-0.872904,0.487296,0.593625,0.053327,-0.294,
+ -0.070895,-0.97954,0.188349,0.586334,0.040774,-0.335375,
+ -0.09747,-0.388653,0.916214,0.513237,0.088956,-0.260702,
- 0.024087,-0.872904,0.487296,0.593625,0.053327,-0.294000,
- -0.097470,-0.388653,0.916214,0.513237,0.088956,-0.260702,
- 0.024087,-0.872904,0.487296,0.593625,0.053327,-0.294000,
- -0.143026,-0.807920,0.571672,0.507243,0.067325,-0.278500,
+ 0.024087,-0.872904,0.487296,0.593625,0.053327,-0.294,
+ -0.09747,-0.388653,0.916214,0.513237,0.088956,-0.260702,
+ 0.024087,-0.872904,0.487296,0.593625,0.053327,-0.294,
+ -0.143026,-0.80792,0.571672,0.507243,0.067325,-0.2785,
- 0.212480,-0.884802,0.414702,0.666096,0.041783,-0.339125,
- 0.212480,-0.884802,0.414702,0.666096,0.041783,-0.339125,
- 0.024087,-0.872904,0.487296,0.593625,0.053327,-0.294000,
+ 0.21248,-0.884802,0.414702,0.666096,0.041783,-0.339125,
+ 0.21248,-0.884802,0.414702,0.666096,0.041783,-0.339125,
+ 0.024087,-0.872904,0.487296,0.593625,0.053327,-0.294,
- -0.320720,-0.774629,0.545059,0.421284,0.083716,-0.294000,
+ -0.32072,-0.774629,0.545059,0.421284,0.083716,-0.294,
- -0.440530,-0.240649,0.864882,0.419921,0.106487,-0.276838,
- -0.440530,-0.240649,0.864882,0.419921,0.106487,-0.276838,
- -0.320720,-0.774629,0.545059,0.421284,0.083716,-0.294000,
+ -0.44053,-0.240649,0.864882,0.419921,0.106487,-0.276838,
+ -0.44053,-0.240649,0.864882,0.419921,0.106487,-0.276838,
+ -0.32072,-0.774629,0.545059,0.421284,0.083716,-0.294,
- -0.097470,-0.388653,0.916214,0.513237,0.088956,-0.260702,
- -0.143026,-0.807920,0.571672,0.507243,0.067325,-0.278500,
- -0.320720,-0.774629,0.545059,0.421284,0.083716,-0.294000,
- -0.097470,-0.388653,0.916214,0.513237,0.088956,-0.260702,
- -0.320720,-0.774629,0.545059,0.421284,0.083716,-0.294000,
- -0.440530,-0.240649,0.864882,0.419921,0.106487,-0.276838,
- -0.168376,-0.954904,0.244557,0.504703,0.052920,-0.322437,
+ -0.09747,-0.388653,0.916214,0.513237,0.088956,-0.260702,
+ -0.143026,-0.80792,0.571672,0.507243,0.067325,-0.2785,
+ -0.32072,-0.774629,0.545059,0.421284,0.083716,-0.294,
+ -0.09747,-0.388653,0.916214,0.513237,0.088956,-0.260702,
+ -0.32072,-0.774629,0.545059,0.421284,0.083716,-0.294,
+ -0.44053,-0.240649,0.864882,0.419921,0.106487,-0.276838,
+ -0.168376,-0.954904,0.244557,0.504703,0.05292,-0.322437,
- -0.320720,-0.774629,0.545059,0.421284,0.083716,-0.294000,
- -0.168376,-0.954904,0.244557,0.504703,0.052920,-0.322437,
- -0.320720,-0.774629,0.545059,0.421284,0.083716,-0.294000,
- -0.143026,-0.807920,0.571672,0.507243,0.067325,-0.278500,
+ -0.32072,-0.774629,0.545059,0.421284,0.083716,-0.294,
+ -0.168376,-0.954904,0.244557,0.504703,0.05292,-0.322437,
+ -0.32072,-0.774629,0.545059,0.421284,0.083716,-0.294,
+ -0.143026,-0.80792,0.571672,0.507243,0.067325,-0.2785,
- -0.070895,-0.979540,-0.188350,0.586334,0.040774,-0.664625,
- -0.094013,-0.992373,-0.079739,0.592781,0.031264,-0.590500,
+ -0.070895,-0.97954,-0.18835,0.586334,0.040774,-0.664625,
+ -0.094013,-0.992373,-0.079739,0.592781,0.031264,-0.5905,
- -0.094013,-0.992373,-0.079739,0.592781,0.031264,-0.590500,
- 0.015839,-0.994833,-0.100277,0.667212,0.026513,-0.582500,
- -0.070895,-0.979540,-0.188350,0.586334,0.040774,-0.664625,
- -0.168375,-0.954904,-0.244557,0.504703,0.052920,-0.677562,
- -0.173020,-0.981247,-0.084960,0.503173,0.044243,-0.597750,
- -0.173020,-0.981247,-0.084960,0.503173,0.044243,-0.597750,
- -0.094013,-0.992373,-0.079739,0.592781,0.031264,-0.590500,
- -0.070895,-0.979540,-0.188350,0.586334,0.040774,-0.664625,
- -0.173648,-0.984808,0.000000,0.502661,0.041337,-0.500000,
- -0.089351,-0.996000,0.000000,0.599438,0.027269,-0.500000,
- -0.094013,-0.992373,-0.079739,0.592781,0.031264,-0.590500,
- -0.173648,-0.984808,0.000000,0.502661,0.041337,-0.500000,
- -0.094013,-0.992373,-0.079739,0.592781,0.031264,-0.590500,
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- -0.089351,-0.996000,0.000000,0.599438,0.027269,-0.500000,
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- 0.015839,-0.994833,-0.100277,0.667212,0.026513,-0.582500,
- 0.015839,-0.994833,-0.100277,0.667212,0.026513,-0.582500,
- -0.094013,-0.992373,-0.079739,0.592781,0.031264,-0.590500,
- -0.089351,-0.996000,0.000000,0.599438,0.027269,-0.500000,
+ -0.094013,-0.992373,-0.079739,0.592781,0.031264,-0.5905,
+ 0.015839,-0.994833,-0.100277,0.667212,0.026513,-0.5825,
+ -0.070895,-0.97954,-0.18835,0.586334,0.040774,-0.664625,
+ -0.168375,-0.954904,-0.244557,0.504703,0.05292,-0.677562,
+ -0.17302,-0.981247,-0.08496,0.503173,0.044243,-0.59775,
+ -0.17302,-0.981247,-0.08496,0.503173,0.044243,-0.59775,
+ -0.094013,-0.992373,-0.079739,0.592781,0.031264,-0.5905,
+ -0.070895,-0.97954,-0.18835,0.586334,0.040774,-0.664625,
+ -0.173648,-0.984808,0,0.502661,0.041337,-0.5,
+ -0.089351,-0.996,0,0.599438,0.027269,-0.5,
+ -0.094013,-0.992373,-0.079739,0.592781,0.031264,-0.5905,
+ -0.173648,-0.984808,0,0.502661,0.041337,-0.5,
+ -0.094013,-0.992373,-0.079739,0.592781,0.031264,-0.5905,
+ -0.17302,-0.981247,-0.08496,0.503173,0.044243,-0.59775,
+ -0.089351,-0.996,0,0.599438,0.027269,-0.5,
+ 0.072467,-0.997371,0,0.679568,0.022087,-0.5,
+ 0.015839,-0.994833,-0.100277,0.667212,0.026513,-0.5825,
+ 0.015839,-0.994833,-0.100277,0.667212,0.026513,-0.5825,
+ -0.094013,-0.992373,-0.079739,0.592781,0.031264,-0.5905,
+ -0.089351,-0.996,0,0.599438,0.027269,-0.5,
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+ -0.355137,-0.92942,-0.100277,0.342964,0.083687,-0.5825,
+ -0.251068,-0.964679,-0.079739,0.414531,0.062694,-0.5905,
- -0.251068,-0.964679,-0.079739,0.414531,0.062694,-0.590500,
+ -0.251068,-0.964679,-0.079739,0.414531,0.062694,-0.5905,
- -0.355137,-0.929420,-0.100277,0.342964,0.083687,-0.582500,
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- -0.256690,-0.966494,0.000000,0.406908,0.061217,-0.500000,
- -0.251068,-0.964679,-0.079739,0.414531,0.062694,-0.590500,
- -0.355137,-0.929420,-0.100277,0.342964,0.083687,-0.582500,
- -0.173648,-0.984808,0.000000,0.502661,0.041337,-0.500000,
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- -0.251068,-0.964679,-0.079739,0.414531,0.062694,-0.590500,
- -0.173648,-0.984808,0.000000,0.502661,0.041337,-0.500000,
- -0.251068,-0.964679,-0.079739,0.414531,0.062694,-0.590500,
- -0.256690,-0.966494,0.000000,0.406908,0.061217,-0.500000,
- -0.173020,-0.981247,-0.084960,0.503173,0.044243,-0.597750,
- -0.168375,-0.954904,-0.244557,0.504703,0.052920,-0.677562,
+ -0.355137,-0.92942,-0.100277,0.342964,0.083687,-0.5825,
+ -0.409218,-0.912437,0,0.329838,0.083754,-0.5,
+ -0.25669,-0.966494,0,0.406908,0.061217,-0.5,
+ -0.25669,-0.966494,0,0.406908,0.061217,-0.5,
+ -0.251068,-0.964679,-0.079739,0.414531,0.062694,-0.5905,
+ -0.355137,-0.92942,-0.100277,0.342964,0.083687,-0.5825,
+ -0.173648,-0.984808,0,0.502661,0.041337,-0.5,
+ -0.17302,-0.981247,-0.08496,0.503173,0.044243,-0.59775,
+ -0.251068,-0.964679,-0.079739,0.414531,0.062694,-0.5905,
+ -0.173648,-0.984808,0,0.502661,0.041337,-0.5,
+ -0.251068,-0.964679,-0.079739,0.414531,0.062694,-0.5905,
+ -0.25669,-0.966494,0,0.406908,0.061217,-0.5,
+ -0.17302,-0.981247,-0.08496,0.503173,0.044243,-0.59775,
+ -0.168375,-0.954904,-0.244557,0.504703,0.05292,-0.677562,
- -0.251068,-0.964679,-0.079739,0.414531,0.062694,-0.590500,
- -0.173020,-0.981247,-0.084960,0.503173,0.044243,-0.597750,
+ -0.251068,-0.964679,-0.079739,0.414531,0.062694,-0.5905,
+ -0.17302,-0.981247,-0.08496,0.503173,0.044243,-0.59775,
- -0.251068,-0.964679,0.079739,0.414531,0.062694,-0.409500,
+ -0.251068,-0.964679,0.079739,0.414531,0.062694,-0.4095,
- -0.251068,-0.964679,0.079739,0.414531,0.062694,-0.409500,
- -0.355137,-0.929420,0.100277,0.342964,0.083687,-0.417500,
+ -0.251068,-0.964679,0.079739,0.414531,0.062694,-0.4095,
+ -0.355137,-0.92942,0.100277,0.342964,0.083687,-0.4175,
- -0.168376,-0.954904,0.244557,0.504703,0.052920,-0.322437,
- -0.173020,-0.981247,0.084960,0.503173,0.044243,-0.402250,
- -0.173020,-0.981247,0.084960,0.503173,0.044243,-0.402250,
- -0.251068,-0.964679,0.079739,0.414531,0.062694,-0.409500,
+ -0.168376,-0.954904,0.244557,0.504703,0.05292,-0.322437,
+ -0.17302,-0.981247,0.08496,0.503173,0.044243,-0.40225,
+ -0.17302,-0.981247,0.08496,0.503173,0.044243,-0.40225,
+ -0.251068,-0.964679,0.079739,0.414531,0.062694,-0.4095,
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- -0.251068,-0.964679,0.079739,0.414531,0.062694,-0.409500,
- -0.173648,-0.984808,0.000000,0.502661,0.041337,-0.500000,
- -0.251068,-0.964679,0.079739,0.414531,0.062694,-0.409500,
- -0.173020,-0.981247,0.084960,0.503173,0.044243,-0.402250,
- -0.256690,-0.966494,0.000000,0.406908,0.061217,-0.500000,
- -0.409218,-0.912437,0.000000,0.329838,0.083754,-0.500000,
- -0.355137,-0.929420,0.100277,0.342964,0.083687,-0.417500,
- -0.355137,-0.929420,0.100277,0.342964,0.083687,-0.417500,
- -0.251068,-0.964679,0.079739,0.414531,0.062694,-0.409500,
- -0.256690,-0.966494,0.000000,0.406908,0.061217,-0.500000,
+ -0.173648,-0.984808,0,0.502661,0.041337,-0.5,
+ -0.25669,-0.966494,0,0.406908,0.061217,-0.5,
+ -0.251068,-0.964679,0.079739,0.414531,0.062694,-0.4095,
+ -0.173648,-0.984808,0,0.502661,0.041337,-0.5,
+ -0.251068,-0.964679,0.079739,0.414531,0.062694,-0.4095,
+ -0.17302,-0.981247,0.08496,0.503173,0.044243,-0.40225,
+ -0.25669,-0.966494,0,0.406908,0.061217,-0.5,
+ -0.409218,-0.912437,0,0.329838,0.083754,-0.5,
+ -0.355137,-0.92942,0.100277,0.342964,0.083687,-0.4175,
+ -0.355137,-0.92942,0.100277,0.342964,0.083687,-0.4175,
+ -0.251068,-0.964679,0.079739,0.414531,0.062694,-0.4095,
+ -0.25669,-0.966494,0,0.406908,0.061217,-0.5,
- 0.015839,-0.994833,0.100277,0.667212,0.026513,-0.417500,
- -0.094013,-0.992373,0.079739,0.592781,0.031264,-0.409500,
+ 0.015839,-0.994833,0.100277,0.667212,0.026513,-0.4175,
+ -0.094013,-0.992373,0.079739,0.592781,0.031264,-0.4095,
- -0.094013,-0.992373,0.079739,0.592781,0.031264,-0.409500,
- -0.070895,-0.979540,0.188349,0.586334,0.040774,-0.335375,
- 0.015839,-0.994833,0.100277,0.667212,0.026513,-0.417500,
- 0.072467,-0.997371,-0.000000,0.679568,0.022087,-0.500000,
- -0.089351,-0.996000,0.000000,0.599438,0.027269,-0.500000,
- -0.089351,-0.996000,0.000000,0.599438,0.027269,-0.500000,
- -0.094013,-0.992373,0.079739,0.592781,0.031264,-0.409500,
- 0.015839,-0.994833,0.100277,0.667212,0.026513,-0.417500,
- -0.173648,-0.984808,0.000000,0.502661,0.041337,-0.500000,
- -0.173020,-0.981247,0.084960,0.503173,0.044243,-0.402250,
- -0.094013,-0.992373,0.079739,0.592781,0.031264,-0.409500,
- -0.173648,-0.984808,0.000000,0.502661,0.041337,-0.500000,
- -0.094013,-0.992373,0.079739,0.592781,0.031264,-0.409500,
- -0.089351,-0.996000,0.000000,0.599438,0.027269,-0.500000,
- -0.173020,-0.981247,0.084960,0.503173,0.044243,-0.402250,
- -0.168376,-0.954904,0.244557,0.504703,0.052920,-0.322437,
- -0.070895,-0.979540,0.188349,0.586334,0.040774,-0.335375,
- -0.070895,-0.979540,0.188349,0.586334,0.040774,-0.335375,
- -0.094013,-0.992373,0.079739,0.592781,0.031264,-0.409500,
- -0.173020,-0.981247,0.084960,0.503173,0.044243,-0.402250,
+ -0.094013,-0.992373,0.079739,0.592781,0.031264,-0.4095,
+ -0.070895,-0.97954,0.188349,0.586334,0.040774,-0.335375,
+ 0.015839,-0.994833,0.100277,0.667212,0.026513,-0.4175,
+ 0.072467,-0.997371,0,0.679568,0.022087,-0.5,
+ -0.089351,-0.996,0,0.599438,0.027269,-0.5,
+ -0.089351,-0.996,0,0.599438,0.027269,-0.5,
+ -0.094013,-0.992373,0.079739,0.592781,0.031264,-0.4095,
+ 0.015839,-0.994833,0.100277,0.667212,0.026513,-0.4175,
+ -0.173648,-0.984808,0,0.502661,0.041337,-0.5,
+ -0.17302,-0.981247,0.08496,0.503173,0.044243,-0.40225,
+ -0.094013,-0.992373,0.079739,0.592781,0.031264,-0.4095,
+ -0.173648,-0.984808,0,0.502661,0.041337,-0.5,
+ -0.094013,-0.992373,0.079739,0.592781,0.031264,-0.4095,
+ -0.089351,-0.996,0,0.599438,0.027269,-0.5,
+ -0.17302,-0.981247,0.08496,0.503173,0.044243,-0.40225,
+ -0.168376,-0.954904,0.244557,0.504703,0.05292,-0.322437,
+ -0.070895,-0.97954,0.188349,0.586334,0.040774,-0.335375,
+ -0.070895,-0.97954,0.188349,0.586334,0.040774,-0.335375,
+ -0.094013,-0.992373,0.079739,0.592781,0.031264,-0.4095,
+ -0.17302,-0.981247,0.08496,0.503173,0.044243,-0.40225,
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+ -0.900624,-0.4346,0,1.199875,0.038989,-0.5,
+ -0.829744,-0.558144,0,1.221734,-0.007055,-0.5,
- -0.900624,-0.434600,-0.000000,1.199875,0.038989,-0.500000,
+ -0.900624,-0.4346,0,1.199875,0.038989,-0.5,
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+ -0.829744,-0.558144,0,1.221734,-0.007055,-0.5,
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- -0.829744,-0.558144,-0.000000,1.221734,-0.007055,-0.500000,
+ -0.829744,-0.558144,0,1.221734,-0.007055,-0.5,
- -0.372431,-0.928060,-0.000000,1.243033,-0.034453,-0.500000,
- -0.829744,-0.558144,-0.000000,1.221734,-0.007055,-0.500000,
- -0.829744,-0.558144,-0.000000,1.221734,-0.007055,-0.500000,
+ -0.372431,-0.92806,0,1.243033,-0.034453,-0.5,
+ -0.829744,-0.558144,0,1.221734,-0.007055,-0.5,
+ -0.829744,-0.558144,0,1.221734,-0.007055,-0.5,
- -0.900624,-0.434600,-0.000000,1.199875,0.038989,-0.500000,
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- -0.900624,-0.434600,-0.000000,1.199875,0.038989,-0.500000,
+ -0.900624,-0.4346,0,1.199875,0.038989,-0.5,
- -0.829744,-0.558144,-0.000000,1.221734,-0.007055,-0.500000,
+ -0.829744,-0.558144,0,1.221734,-0.007055,-0.5,
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+ 0.6,-0.793691,0.100277,1.3177,-0.004566,-0.4175,
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- 0.266434,-0.945350,0.187955,1.279887,-0.026194,-0.412500,
+ 0.266434,-0.94535,0.187955,1.279887,-0.026194,-0.4125,
- 0.556938,-0.830554,0.000000,1.310688,-0.015661,-0.500000,
- 0.184945,-0.982749,0.000000,1.270418,-0.038526,-0.500000,
- 0.266434,-0.945350,0.187955,1.279887,-0.026194,-0.412500,
- 0.556938,-0.830554,0.000000,1.310688,-0.015661,-0.500000,
- 0.266434,-0.945350,0.187955,1.279887,-0.026194,-0.412500,
- 0.600000,-0.793691,0.100277,1.317700,-0.004566,-0.417500,
- -0.372431,-0.928060,-0.000000,1.243033,-0.034453,-0.500000,
+ 0.556938,-0.830554,0,1.310688,-0.015661,-0.5,
+ 0.184945,-0.982749,0,1.270418,-0.038526,-0.5,
+ 0.266434,-0.94535,0.187955,1.279887,-0.026194,-0.4125,
+ 0.556938,-0.830554,0,1.310688,-0.015661,-0.5,
+ 0.266434,-0.94535,0.187955,1.279887,-0.026194,-0.4125,
+ 0.6,-0.793691,0.100277,1.3177,-0.004566,-0.4175,
+ -0.372431,-0.92806,0,1.243033,-0.034453,-0.5,
- 0.266434,-0.945350,0.187955,1.279887,-0.026194,-0.412500,
- -0.372431,-0.928060,-0.000000,1.243033,-0.034453,-0.500000,
- 0.266434,-0.945350,0.187955,1.279887,-0.026194,-0.412500,
- 0.184945,-0.982749,0.000000,1.270418,-0.038526,-0.500000,
+ 0.266434,-0.94535,0.187955,1.279887,-0.026194,-0.4125,
+ -0.372431,-0.92806,0,1.243033,-0.034453,-0.5,
+ 0.266434,-0.94535,0.187955,1.279887,-0.026194,-0.4125,
+ 0.184945,-0.982749,0,1.270418,-0.038526,-0.5,
- 0.266434,-0.945350,0.187955,1.279887,-0.026194,-0.412500,
+ 0.266434,-0.94535,0.187955,1.279887,-0.026194,-0.4125,
- 0.266434,-0.945350,-0.187955,1.279887,-0.026194,-0.587500,
+ 0.266434,-0.94535,-0.187955,1.279887,-0.026194,-0.5875,
- 0.266434,-0.945350,-0.187955,1.279887,-0.026194,-0.587500,
- 0.600000,-0.793691,-0.100277,1.317700,-0.004566,-0.582500,
+ 0.266434,-0.94535,-0.187955,1.279887,-0.026194,-0.5875,
+ 0.6,-0.793691,-0.100277,1.3177,-0.004566,-0.5825,
- 0.266434,-0.945350,-0.187955,1.279887,-0.026194,-0.587500,
+ 0.266434,-0.94535,-0.187955,1.279887,-0.026194,-0.5875,
- -0.372431,-0.928060,-0.000000,1.243033,-0.034453,-0.500000,
- 0.184945,-0.982749,0.000000,1.270418,-0.038526,-0.500000,
- 0.266434,-0.945350,-0.187955,1.279887,-0.026194,-0.587500,
- -0.372431,-0.928060,-0.000000,1.243033,-0.034453,-0.500000,
- 0.266434,-0.945350,-0.187955,1.279887,-0.026194,-0.587500,
+ -0.372431,-0.92806,0,1.243033,-0.034453,-0.5,
+ 0.184945,-0.982749,0,1.270418,-0.038526,-0.5,
+ 0.266434,-0.94535,-0.187955,1.279887,-0.026194,-0.5875,
+ -0.372431,-0.92806,0,1.243033,-0.034453,-0.5,
+ 0.266434,-0.94535,-0.187955,1.279887,-0.026194,-0.5875,
- 0.556938,-0.830554,0.000000,1.310688,-0.015661,-0.500000,
- 0.600000,-0.793691,-0.100277,1.317700,-0.004566,-0.582500,
- 0.266434,-0.945350,-0.187955,1.279887,-0.026194,-0.587500,
- 0.556938,-0.830554,0.000000,1.310688,-0.015661,-0.500000,
- 0.266434,-0.945350,-0.187955,1.279887,-0.026194,-0.587500,
- 0.184945,-0.982749,0.000000,1.270418,-0.038526,-0.500000,
+ 0.556938,-0.830554,0,1.310688,-0.015661,-0.5,
+ 0.6,-0.793691,-0.100277,1.3177,-0.004566,-0.5825,
+ 0.266434,-0.94535,-0.187955,1.279887,-0.026194,-0.5875,
+ 0.556938,-0.830554,0,1.310688,-0.015661,-0.5,
+ 0.266434,-0.94535,-0.187955,1.279887,-0.026194,-0.5875,
+ 0.184945,-0.982749,0,1.270418,-0.038526,-0.5,
- -0.420703,-0.107750,0.900777,1.280170,0.140150,-0.291188,
- -0.363086,-0.142915,0.920730,1.312568,0.098620,-0.279975,
+ -0.420703,-0.10775,0.900777,1.28017,0.14015,-0.291188,
+ -0.363086,-0.142915,0.92073,1.312568,0.09862,-0.279975,
- -0.363086,-0.142915,0.920730,1.312568,0.098620,-0.279975,
+ -0.363086,-0.142915,0.92073,1.312568,0.09862,-0.279975,
- -0.420703,-0.107750,0.900777,1.280170,0.140150,-0.291188,
- -0.152737,0.118235,0.981169,1.333700,0.207591,-0.276273,
- -0.107310,0.091019,0.990051,1.373124,0.169070,-0.264259,
- -0.107310,0.091019,0.990051,1.373124,0.169070,-0.264259,
- -0.363086,-0.142915,0.920730,1.312568,0.098620,-0.279975,
- -0.420703,-0.107750,0.900777,1.280170,0.140150,-0.291188,
- 0.221822,-0.232839,0.946880,1.400739,0.142695,-0.261940,
+ -0.420703,-0.10775,0.900777,1.28017,0.14015,-0.291188,
+ -0.152737,0.118235,0.981169,1.3337,0.207591,-0.276273,
+ -0.10731,0.091019,0.990051,1.373124,0.16907,-0.264259,
+ -0.10731,0.091019,0.990051,1.373124,0.16907,-0.264259,
+ -0.363086,-0.142915,0.92073,1.312568,0.09862,-0.279975,
+ -0.420703,-0.10775,0.900777,1.28017,0.14015,-0.291188,
+ 0.221822,-0.232839,0.94688,1.400739,0.142695,-0.26194,
- -0.363086,-0.142915,0.920730,1.312568,0.098620,-0.279975,
- 0.221822,-0.232839,0.946880,1.400739,0.142695,-0.261940,
- -0.363086,-0.142915,0.920730,1.312568,0.098620,-0.279975,
- -0.107310,0.091019,0.990051,1.373124,0.169070,-0.264259,
+ -0.363086,-0.142915,0.92073,1.312568,0.09862,-0.279975,
+ 0.221822,-0.232839,0.94688,1.400739,0.142695,-0.26194,
+ -0.363086,-0.142915,0.92073,1.312568,0.09862,-0.279975,
+ -0.10731,0.091019,0.990051,1.373124,0.16907,-0.264259,
- -0.363086,-0.142915,0.920730,1.312568,0.098620,-0.279975,
+ -0.363086,-0.142915,0.92073,1.312568,0.09862,-0.279975,
- 0.311074,0.631830,0.709947,1.431839,0.331232,-0.335934,
+ 0.311074,0.63183,0.709947,1.431839,0.331232,-0.335934,
- 0.311074,0.631830,0.709947,1.431839,0.331232,-0.335934,
+ 0.311074,0.63183,0.709947,1.431839,0.331232,-0.335934,
- 0.074097,0.343890,0.936082,1.387230,0.275032,-0.291188,
+ 0.074097,0.34389,0.936082,1.38723,0.275032,-0.291188,
- 0.704743,0.348932,0.617724,1.515677,0.272720,-0.325812,
+ 0.704743,0.348932,0.617724,1.515677,0.27272,-0.325812,
- 0.221822,-0.232839,0.946880,1.400739,0.142695,-0.261940,
- -0.107310,0.091019,0.990051,1.373124,0.169070,-0.264259,
- -0.107310,0.091019,0.990051,1.373124,0.169070,-0.264259,
+ 0.221822,-0.232839,0.94688,1.400739,0.142695,-0.26194,
+ -0.10731,0.091019,0.990051,1.373124,0.16907,-0.264259,
+ -0.10731,0.091019,0.990051,1.373124,0.16907,-0.264259,
- -0.152737,0.118235,0.981169,1.333700,0.207591,-0.276273,
- 0.074097,0.343890,0.936082,1.387230,0.275032,-0.291188,
+ -0.152737,0.118235,0.981169,1.3337,0.207591,-0.276273,
+ 0.074097,0.34389,0.936082,1.38723,0.275032,-0.291188,
- -0.152737,0.118235,0.981169,1.333700,0.207591,-0.276273,
+ -0.152737,0.118235,0.981169,1.3337,0.207591,-0.276273,
- -0.107310,0.091019,0.990051,1.373124,0.169070,-0.264259,
+ -0.10731,0.091019,0.990051,1.373124,0.16907,-0.264259,
- 0.736468,-0.384081,0.556864,1.476277,0.191919,-0.294000,
+ 0.736468,-0.384081,0.556864,1.476277,0.191919,-0.294,
- 0.736468,-0.384081,0.556864,1.476277,0.191919,-0.294000,
- 0.856560,-0.215911,0.468709,1.524471,0.247261,-0.339125,
+ 0.736468,-0.384081,0.556864,1.476277,0.191919,-0.294,
+ 0.85656,-0.215911,0.468709,1.524471,0.247261,-0.339125,
- 0.725947,-0.653645,0.213890,1.429500,0.116294,-0.322437,
- 0.640970,-0.577210,0.505950,1.418631,0.126081,-0.278500,
- 0.640970,-0.577210,0.505950,1.418631,0.126081,-0.278500,
- 0.736468,-0.384081,0.556864,1.476277,0.191919,-0.294000,
+ 0.725947,-0.653645,0.21389,1.4295,0.116294,-0.322437,
+ 0.64097,-0.57721,0.50595,1.418631,0.126081,-0.2785,
+ 0.64097,-0.57721,0.50595,1.418631,0.126081,-0.2785,
+ 0.736468,-0.384081,0.556864,1.476277,0.191919,-0.294,
- 0.221822,-0.232839,0.946880,1.400739,0.142695,-0.261940,
+ 0.221822,-0.232839,0.94688,1.400739,0.142695,-0.26194,
- 0.736468,-0.384081,0.556864,1.476277,0.191919,-0.294000,
- 0.221822,-0.232839,0.946880,1.400739,0.142695,-0.261940,
- 0.736468,-0.384081,0.556864,1.476277,0.191919,-0.294000,
- 0.640970,-0.577210,0.505950,1.418631,0.126081,-0.278500,
+ 0.736468,-0.384081,0.556864,1.476277,0.191919,-0.294,
+ 0.221822,-0.232839,0.94688,1.400739,0.142695,-0.26194,
+ 0.736468,-0.384081,0.556864,1.476277,0.191919,-0.294,
+ 0.64097,-0.57721,0.50595,1.418631,0.126081,-0.2785,
- 0.704743,0.348932,0.617724,1.515677,0.272720,-0.325812,
- 0.856560,-0.215911,0.468709,1.524471,0.247261,-0.339125,
- 0.856560,-0.215911,0.468709,1.524471,0.247261,-0.339125,
- 0.736468,-0.384081,0.556864,1.476277,0.191919,-0.294000,
+ 0.704743,0.348932,0.617724,1.515677,0.27272,-0.325812,
+ 0.85656,-0.215911,0.468709,1.524471,0.247261,-0.339125,
+ 0.85656,-0.215911,0.468709,1.524471,0.247261,-0.339125,
+ 0.736468,-0.384081,0.556864,1.476277,0.191919,-0.294,
- 0.432476,-0.665439,0.608404,1.359179,0.061869,-0.294000,
+ 0.432476,-0.665439,0.608404,1.359179,0.061869,-0.294,
- 0.432476,-0.665439,0.608404,1.359179,0.061869,-0.294000,
+ 0.432476,-0.665439,0.608404,1.359179,0.061869,-0.294,
- 0.221822,-0.232839,0.946880,1.400739,0.142695,-0.261940,
- 0.640970,-0.577210,0.505950,1.418631,0.126081,-0.278500,
- 0.432476,-0.665439,0.608404,1.359179,0.061869,-0.294000,
- 0.221822,-0.232839,0.946880,1.400739,0.142695,-0.261940,
- 0.432476,-0.665439,0.608404,1.359179,0.061869,-0.294000,
+ 0.221822,-0.232839,0.94688,1.400739,0.142695,-0.26194,
+ 0.64097,-0.57721,0.50595,1.418631,0.126081,-0.2785,
+ 0.432476,-0.665439,0.608404,1.359179,0.061869,-0.294,
+ 0.221822,-0.232839,0.94688,1.400739,0.142695,-0.26194,
+ 0.432476,-0.665439,0.608404,1.359179,0.061869,-0.294,
- 0.640970,-0.577210,0.505950,1.418631,0.126081,-0.278500,
- 0.725947,-0.653645,0.213890,1.429500,0.116294,-0.322437,
+ 0.64097,-0.57721,0.50595,1.418631,0.126081,-0.2785,
+ 0.725947,-0.653645,0.21389,1.4295,0.116294,-0.322437,
- 0.432476,-0.665439,0.608404,1.359179,0.061869,-0.294000,
- 0.640970,-0.577210,0.505950,1.418631,0.126081,-0.278500,
+ 0.432476,-0.665439,0.608404,1.359179,0.061869,-0.294,
+ 0.64097,-0.57721,0.50595,1.418631,0.126081,-0.2785,
- 0.311074,0.631830,0.709947,1.431839,0.331232,-0.335934,
+ 0.311074,0.63183,0.709947,1.431839,0.331232,-0.335934,
- 0.489941,0.871755,-0.000000,1.467526,0.376193,-0.500000,
- 0.561935,0.827181,0.000000,1.524515,0.345196,-0.500000,
+ 0.489941,0.871755,0,1.467526,0.376193,-0.5,
+ 0.561935,0.827181,0,1.524515,0.345196,-0.5,
- 0.489941,0.871755,-0.000000,1.467526,0.376193,-0.500000,
+ 0.489941,0.871755,0,1.467526,0.376193,-0.5,
- 0.561935,0.827181,0.000000,1.524515,0.345196,-0.500000,
- 0.887347,0.461103,-0.000000,1.558444,0.319842,-0.500000,
+ 0.561935,0.827181,0,1.524515,0.345196,-0.5,
+ 0.887347,0.461103,0,1.558444,0.319842,-0.5,
- 0.561935,0.827181,0.000000,1.524515,0.345196,-0.500000,
- 0.704743,0.348932,0.617724,1.515677,0.272720,-0.325812,
+ 0.561935,0.827181,0,1.524515,0.345196,-0.5,
+ 0.704743,0.348932,0.617724,1.515677,0.27272,-0.325812,
- 0.704743,0.348932,0.617724,1.515677,0.272720,-0.325812,
+ 0.704743,0.348932,0.617724,1.515677,0.27272,-0.325812,
- 0.311074,0.631830,-0.709947,1.431839,0.331232,-0.664066,
+ 0.311074,0.63183,-0.709947,1.431839,0.331232,-0.664066,
- 0.704744,0.348932,-0.617724,1.515677,0.272720,-0.674188,
+ 0.704744,0.348932,-0.617724,1.515677,0.27272,-0.674188,
- 0.704744,0.348932,-0.617724,1.515677,0.272720,-0.674188,
+ 0.704744,0.348932,-0.617724,1.515677,0.27272,-0.674188,
- 0.887347,0.461103,-0.000000,1.558444,0.319842,-0.500000,
- 0.561935,0.827181,0.000000,1.524515,0.345196,-0.500000,
- 0.561935,0.827181,0.000000,1.524515,0.345196,-0.500000,
+ 0.887347,0.461103,0,1.558444,0.319842,-0.5,
+ 0.561935,0.827181,0,1.524515,0.345196,-0.5,
+ 0.561935,0.827181,0,1.524515,0.345196,-0.5,
- 0.489941,0.871755,-0.000000,1.467526,0.376193,-0.500000,
+ 0.489941,0.871755,0,1.467526,0.376193,-0.5,
- 0.489941,0.871755,-0.000000,1.467526,0.376193,-0.500000,
+ 0.489941,0.871755,0,1.467526,0.376193,-0.5,
- 0.561935,0.827181,0.000000,1.524515,0.345196,-0.500000,
+ 0.561935,0.827181,0,1.524515,0.345196,-0.5,
- 0.852060,-0.513749,-0.100278,1.538011,0.240115,-0.582500,
- 0.967592,-0.122072,-0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.587500,
+ 0.85206,-0.513749,-0.100278,1.538011,0.240115,-0.5825,
+ 0.967592,-0.122072,-0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.5875,
- 0.967592,-0.122072,-0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.587500,
- 0.856560,-0.215911,-0.468708,1.524471,0.247261,-0.660875,
- 0.884220,-0.467071,0.000000,1.548313,0.248248,-0.500000,
- 0.997731,-0.067332,0.000000,1.566843,0.290687,-0.500000,
- 0.967592,-0.122072,-0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.587500,
- 0.884220,-0.467071,0.000000,1.548313,0.248248,-0.500000,
- 0.967592,-0.122072,-0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.587500,
- 0.852060,-0.513749,-0.100278,1.538011,0.240115,-0.582500,
- 0.887347,0.461103,-0.000000,1.558444,0.319842,-0.500000,
+ 0.967592,-0.122072,-0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.5875,
+ 0.85656,-0.215911,-0.468708,1.524471,0.247261,-0.660875,
+ 0.88422,-0.467071,0,1.548313,0.248248,-0.5,
+ 0.997731,-0.067332,0,1.566843,0.290687,-0.5,
+ 0.967592,-0.122072,-0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.5875,
+ 0.88422,-0.467071,0,1.548313,0.248248,-0.5,
+ 0.967592,-0.122072,-0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.5875,
+ 0.85206,-0.513749,-0.100278,1.538011,0.240115,-0.5825,
+ 0.887347,0.461103,0,1.558444,0.319842,-0.5,
- 0.967592,-0.122072,-0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.587500,
- 0.887347,0.461103,-0.000000,1.558444,0.319842,-0.500000,
- 0.967592,-0.122072,-0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.587500,
- 0.997731,-0.067332,0.000000,1.566843,0.290687,-0.500000,
- 0.704744,0.348932,-0.617724,1.515677,0.272720,-0.674188,
- 0.856560,-0.215911,-0.468708,1.524471,0.247261,-0.660875,
- 0.967592,-0.122072,-0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.587500,
- 0.704744,0.348932,-0.617724,1.515677,0.272720,-0.674188,
- 0.967592,-0.122072,-0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.587500,
+ 0.967592,-0.122072,-0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.5875,
+ 0.887347,0.461103,0,1.558444,0.319842,-0.5,
+ 0.967592,-0.122072,-0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.5875,
+ 0.997731,-0.067332,0,1.566843,0.290687,-0.5,
+ 0.704744,0.348932,-0.617724,1.515677,0.27272,-0.674188,
+ 0.85656,-0.215911,-0.468708,1.524471,0.247261,-0.660875,
+ 0.967592,-0.122072,-0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.5875,
+ 0.704744,0.348932,-0.617724,1.515677,0.27272,-0.674188,
+ 0.967592,-0.122072,-0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.5875,
- 0.856560,-0.215911,0.468709,1.524471,0.247261,-0.339125,
- 0.967592,-0.122072,0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.412500,
+ 0.85656,-0.215911,0.468709,1.524471,0.247261,-0.339125,
+ 0.967592,-0.122072,0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.4125,
- 0.967592,-0.122072,0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.412500,
- 0.852060,-0.513749,0.100278,1.538011,0.240115,-0.417500,
- 0.704743,0.348932,0.617724,1.515677,0.272720,-0.325812,
+ 0.967592,-0.122072,0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.4125,
+ 0.85206,-0.513749,0.100278,1.538011,0.240115,-0.4175,
+ 0.704743,0.348932,0.617724,1.515677,0.27272,-0.325812,
- 0.967592,-0.122072,0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.412500,
- 0.704743,0.348932,0.617724,1.515677,0.272720,-0.325812,
- 0.967592,-0.122072,0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.412500,
- 0.856560,-0.215911,0.468709,1.524471,0.247261,-0.339125,
- 0.887347,0.461103,-0.000000,1.558444,0.319842,-0.500000,
- 0.997731,-0.067332,0.000000,1.566843,0.290687,-0.500000,
- 0.967592,-0.122072,0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.412500,
- 0.887347,0.461103,-0.000000,1.558444,0.319842,-0.500000,
- 0.967592,-0.122072,0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.412500,
+ 0.967592,-0.122072,0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.4125,
+ 0.704743,0.348932,0.617724,1.515677,0.27272,-0.325812,
+ 0.967592,-0.122072,0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.4125,
+ 0.85656,-0.215911,0.468709,1.524471,0.247261,-0.339125,
+ 0.887347,0.461103,0,1.558444,0.319842,-0.5,
+ 0.997731,-0.067332,0,1.566843,0.290687,-0.5,
+ 0.967592,-0.122072,0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.4125,
+ 0.887347,0.461103,0,1.558444,0.319842,-0.5,
+ 0.967592,-0.122072,0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.4125,
- 0.884220,-0.467071,0.000000,1.548313,0.248248,-0.500000,
- 0.852060,-0.513749,0.100278,1.538011,0.240115,-0.417500,
- 0.967592,-0.122072,0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.412500,
- 0.884220,-0.467071,0.000000,1.548313,0.248248,-0.500000,
- 0.967592,-0.122072,0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.412500,
- 0.997731,-0.067332,0.000000,1.566843,0.290687,-0.500000,
- 0.311074,0.631830,-0.709947,1.431839,0.331232,-0.664066,
- 0.074097,0.343890,-0.936082,1.387230,0.275032,-0.708812,
+ 0.88422,-0.467071,0,1.548313,0.248248,-0.5,
+ 0.85206,-0.513749,0.100278,1.538011,0.240115,-0.4175,
+ 0.967592,-0.122072,0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.4125,
+ 0.88422,-0.467071,0,1.548313,0.248248,-0.5,
+ 0.967592,-0.122072,0.221053,1.555568,0.279982,-0.4125,
+ 0.997731,-0.067332,0,1.566843,0.290687,-0.5,
+ 0.311074,0.63183,-0.709947,1.431839,0.331232,-0.664066,
+ 0.074097,0.34389,-0.936082,1.38723,0.275032,-0.708812,
- 0.311074,0.631830,-0.709947,1.431839,0.331232,-0.664066,
+ 0.311074,0.63183,-0.709947,1.431839,0.331232,-0.664066,
- -0.152737,0.118235,-0.981169,1.333700,0.207591,-0.723727,
- -0.107310,0.091019,-0.990051,1.373124,0.169070,-0.735741,
+ -0.152737,0.118235,-0.981169,1.3337,0.207591,-0.723727,
+ -0.10731,0.091019,-0.990051,1.373124,0.16907,-0.735741,
- -0.152737,0.118235,-0.981169,1.333700,0.207591,-0.723727,
+ -0.152737,0.118235,-0.981169,1.3337,0.207591,-0.723727,
- 0.074097,0.343890,-0.936082,1.387230,0.275032,-0.708812,
- -0.107310,0.091019,-0.990051,1.373124,0.169070,-0.735741,
- 0.221822,-0.232839,-0.946880,1.400739,0.142695,-0.738060,
+ 0.074097,0.34389,-0.936082,1.38723,0.275032,-0.708812,
+ -0.10731,0.091019,-0.990051,1.373124,0.16907,-0.735741,
+ 0.221822,-0.232839,-0.94688,1.400739,0.142695,-0.73806,
- -0.107310,0.091019,-0.990051,1.373124,0.169070,-0.735741,
+ -0.10731,0.091019,-0.990051,1.373124,0.16907,-0.735741,
- 0.704744,0.348932,-0.617724,1.515677,0.272720,-0.674188,
+ 0.704744,0.348932,-0.617724,1.515677,0.27272,-0.674188,
- -0.363086,-0.142915,-0.920730,1.312568,0.098620,-0.720025,
+ -0.363086,-0.142915,-0.92073,1.312568,0.09862,-0.720025,
- -0.363086,-0.142915,-0.920730,1.312568,0.098620,-0.720025,
- -0.420703,-0.107750,-0.900777,1.280170,0.140150,-0.708812,
+ -0.363086,-0.142915,-0.92073,1.312568,0.09862,-0.720025,
+ -0.420703,-0.10775,-0.900777,1.28017,0.14015,-0.708812,
- -0.050406,-0.482634,-0.874370,1.337615,0.072243,-0.722006,
- -0.050406,-0.482634,-0.874370,1.337615,0.072243,-0.722006,
- -0.363086,-0.142915,-0.920730,1.312568,0.098620,-0.720025,
+ -0.050406,-0.482634,-0.87437,1.337615,0.072243,-0.722006,
+ -0.050406,-0.482634,-0.87437,1.337615,0.072243,-0.722006,
+ -0.363086,-0.142915,-0.92073,1.312568,0.09862,-0.720025,
- 0.221822,-0.232839,-0.946880,1.400739,0.142695,-0.738060,
- -0.107310,0.091019,-0.990051,1.373124,0.169070,-0.735741,
- -0.363086,-0.142915,-0.920730,1.312568,0.098620,-0.720025,
- 0.221822,-0.232839,-0.946880,1.400739,0.142695,-0.738060,
- -0.363086,-0.142915,-0.920730,1.312568,0.098620,-0.720025,
- -0.050406,-0.482634,-0.874370,1.337615,0.072243,-0.722006,
- -0.107310,0.091019,-0.990051,1.373124,0.169070,-0.735741,
- -0.152737,0.118235,-0.981169,1.333700,0.207591,-0.723727,
- -0.420703,-0.107750,-0.900777,1.280170,0.140150,-0.708812,
- -0.420703,-0.107750,-0.900777,1.280170,0.140150,-0.708812,
- -0.363086,-0.142915,-0.920730,1.312568,0.098620,-0.720025,
- -0.107310,0.091019,-0.990051,1.373124,0.169070,-0.735741,
+ 0.221822,-0.232839,-0.94688,1.400739,0.142695,-0.73806,
+ -0.10731,0.091019,-0.990051,1.373124,0.16907,-0.735741,
+ -0.363086,-0.142915,-0.92073,1.312568,0.09862,-0.720025,
+ 0.221822,-0.232839,-0.94688,1.400739,0.142695,-0.73806,
+ -0.363086,-0.142915,-0.92073,1.312568,0.09862,-0.720025,
+ -0.050406,-0.482634,-0.87437,1.337615,0.072243,-0.722006,
+ -0.10731,0.091019,-0.990051,1.373124,0.16907,-0.735741,
+ -0.152737,0.118235,-0.981169,1.3337,0.207591,-0.723727,
+ -0.420703,-0.10775,-0.900777,1.28017,0.14015,-0.708812,
+ -0.420703,-0.10775,-0.900777,1.28017,0.14015,-0.708812,
+ -0.363086,-0.142915,-0.92073,1.312568,0.09862,-0.720025,
+ -0.10731,0.091019,-0.990051,1.373124,0.16907,-0.735741,
- 0.432476,-0.665439,-0.608404,1.359179,0.061869,-0.706000,
+ 0.432476,-0.665439,-0.608404,1.359179,0.061869,-0.706,
- 0.725947,-0.653645,-0.213890,1.429500,0.116294,-0.677562,
- 0.640970,-0.577211,-0.505950,1.418631,0.126081,-0.721500,
- 0.640970,-0.577211,-0.505950,1.418631,0.126081,-0.721500,
- 0.432476,-0.665439,-0.608404,1.359179,0.061869,-0.706000,
+ 0.725947,-0.653645,-0.21389,1.4295,0.116294,-0.677562,
+ 0.64097,-0.577211,-0.50595,1.418631,0.126081,-0.7215,
+ 0.64097,-0.577211,-0.50595,1.418631,0.126081,-0.7215,
+ 0.432476,-0.665439,-0.608404,1.359179,0.061869,-0.706,
- 0.221822,-0.232839,-0.946880,1.400739,0.142695,-0.738060,
- -0.050406,-0.482634,-0.874370,1.337615,0.072243,-0.722006,
- 0.432476,-0.665439,-0.608404,1.359179,0.061869,-0.706000,
- 0.221822,-0.232839,-0.946880,1.400739,0.142695,-0.738060,
- 0.432476,-0.665439,-0.608404,1.359179,0.061869,-0.706000,
- 0.640970,-0.577211,-0.505950,1.418631,0.126081,-0.721500,
- -0.050406,-0.482634,-0.874370,1.337615,0.072243,-0.722006,
+ 0.221822,-0.232839,-0.94688,1.400739,0.142695,-0.73806,
+ -0.050406,-0.482634,-0.87437,1.337615,0.072243,-0.722006,
+ 0.432476,-0.665439,-0.608404,1.359179,0.061869,-0.706,
+ 0.221822,-0.232839,-0.94688,1.400739,0.142695,-0.73806,
+ 0.432476,-0.665439,-0.608404,1.359179,0.061869,-0.706,
+ 0.64097,-0.577211,-0.50595,1.418631,0.126081,-0.7215,
+ -0.050406,-0.482634,-0.87437,1.337615,0.072243,-0.722006,
- 0.432476,-0.665439,-0.608404,1.359179,0.061869,-0.706000,
- -0.050406,-0.482634,-0.874370,1.337615,0.072243,-0.722006,
+ 0.432476,-0.665439,-0.608404,1.359179,0.061869,-0.706,
+ -0.050406,-0.482634,-0.87437,1.337615,0.072243,-0.722006,
- 0.856560,-0.215911,-0.468708,1.524471,0.247261,-0.660875,
- 0.736467,-0.384081,-0.556864,1.476277,0.191919,-0.706000,
+ 0.85656,-0.215911,-0.468708,1.524471,0.247261,-0.660875,
+ 0.736467,-0.384081,-0.556864,1.476277,0.191919,-0.706,
- 0.736467,-0.384081,-0.556864,1.476277,0.191919,-0.706000,
+ 0.736467,-0.384081,-0.556864,1.476277,0.191919,-0.706,
- 0.856560,-0.215911,-0.468708,1.524471,0.247261,-0.660875,
- 0.704744,0.348932,-0.617724,1.515677,0.272720,-0.674188,
+ 0.85656,-0.215911,-0.468708,1.524471,0.247261,-0.660875,
+ 0.704744,0.348932,-0.617724,1.515677,0.27272,-0.674188,
- 0.736467,-0.384081,-0.556864,1.476277,0.191919,-0.706000,
- 0.856560,-0.215911,-0.468708,1.524471,0.247261,-0.660875,
- 0.221822,-0.232839,-0.946880,1.400739,0.142695,-0.738060,
- 0.640970,-0.577211,-0.505950,1.418631,0.126081,-0.721500,
- 0.736467,-0.384081,-0.556864,1.476277,0.191919,-0.706000,
- 0.221822,-0.232839,-0.946880,1.400739,0.142695,-0.738060,
- 0.736467,-0.384081,-0.556864,1.476277,0.191919,-0.706000,
+ 0.736467,-0.384081,-0.556864,1.476277,0.191919,-0.706,
+ 0.85656,-0.215911,-0.468708,1.524471,0.247261,-0.660875,
+ 0.221822,-0.232839,-0.94688,1.400739,0.142695,-0.73806,
+ 0.64097,-0.577211,-0.50595,1.418631,0.126081,-0.7215,
+ 0.736467,-0.384081,-0.556864,1.476277,0.191919,-0.706,
+ 0.221822,-0.232839,-0.94688,1.400739,0.142695,-0.73806,
+ 0.736467,-0.384081,-0.556864,1.476277,0.191919,-0.706,
- 0.640970,-0.577211,-0.505950,1.418631,0.126081,-0.721500,
- 0.725947,-0.653645,-0.213890,1.429500,0.116294,-0.677562,
+ 0.64097,-0.577211,-0.50595,1.418631,0.126081,-0.7215,
+ 0.725947,-0.653645,-0.21389,1.4295,0.116294,-0.677562,
- 0.736467,-0.384081,-0.556864,1.476277,0.191919,-0.706000,
- 0.640970,-0.577211,-0.505950,1.418631,0.126081,-0.721500,
+ 0.736467,-0.384081,-0.556864,1.476277,0.191919,-0.706,
+ 0.64097,-0.577211,-0.50595,1.418631,0.126081,-0.7215,
- 0.685049,-0.724120,0.079739,1.373428,0.045002,-0.409500,
+ 0.685049,-0.72412,0.079739,1.373428,0.045002,-0.4095,
- 0.685049,-0.724120,0.079739,1.373428,0.045002,-0.409500,
- 0.600000,-0.793691,0.100277,1.317700,-0.004566,-0.417500,
+ 0.685049,-0.72412,0.079739,1.373428,0.045002,-0.4095,
+ 0.6,-0.793691,0.100277,1.3177,-0.004566,-0.4175,
- 0.725947,-0.653645,0.213890,1.429500,0.116294,-0.322437,
- 0.740458,-0.666711,0.084960,1.436048,0.110398,-0.402250,
- 0.740458,-0.666711,0.084960,1.436048,0.110398,-0.402250,
- 0.685049,-0.724120,0.079739,1.373428,0.045002,-0.409500,
+ 0.725947,-0.653645,0.21389,1.4295,0.116294,-0.322437,
+ 0.740458,-0.666711,0.08496,1.436048,0.110398,-0.40225,
+ 0.740458,-0.666711,0.08496,1.436048,0.110398,-0.40225,
+ 0.685049,-0.72412,0.079739,1.373428,0.045002,-0.4095,
- 0.743145,-0.669131,-0.000000,1.438241,0.108423,-0.500000,
- 0.683609,-0.729849,-0.000000,1.370641,0.037756,-0.500000,
- 0.685049,-0.724120,0.079739,1.373428,0.045002,-0.409500,
- 0.743145,-0.669131,-0.000000,1.438241,0.108423,-0.500000,
- 0.685049,-0.724120,0.079739,1.373428,0.045002,-0.409500,
- 0.740458,-0.666711,0.084960,1.436048,0.110398,-0.402250,
- 0.683609,-0.729849,-0.000000,1.370641,0.037756,-0.500000,
- 0.556938,-0.830554,0.000000,1.310688,-0.015661,-0.500000,
- 0.600000,-0.793691,0.100277,1.317700,-0.004566,-0.417500,
- 0.600000,-0.793691,0.100277,1.317700,-0.004566,-0.417500,
- 0.685049,-0.724120,0.079739,1.373428,0.045002,-0.409500,
- 0.683609,-0.729849,-0.000000,1.370641,0.037756,-0.500000,
+ 0.743145,-0.669131,0,1.438241,0.108423,-0.5,
+ 0.683609,-0.729849,0,1.370641,0.037756,-0.5,
+ 0.685049,-0.72412,0.079739,1.373428,0.045002,-0.4095,
+ 0.743145,-0.669131,0,1.438241,0.108423,-0.5,
+ 0.685049,-0.72412,0.079739,1.373428,0.045002,-0.4095,
+ 0.740458,-0.666711,0.08496,1.436048,0.110398,-0.40225,
+ 0.683609,-0.729849,0,1.370641,0.037756,-0.5,
+ 0.556938,-0.830554,0,1.310688,-0.015661,-0.5,
+ 0.6,-0.793691,0.100277,1.3177,-0.004566,-0.4175,
+ 0.6,-0.793691,0.100277,1.3177,-0.004566,-0.4175,
+ 0.685049,-0.72412,0.079739,1.373428,0.045002,-0.4095,
+ 0.683609,-0.729849,0,1.370641,0.037756,-0.5,
- 0.852060,-0.513749,0.100278,1.538011,0.240115,-0.417500,
- 0.791761,-0.605604,0.079739,1.494540,0.179511,-0.409500,
+ 0.85206,-0.513749,0.100278,1.538011,0.240115,-0.4175,
+ 0.791761,-0.605604,0.079739,1.49454,0.179511,-0.4095,
- 0.791761,-0.605604,0.079739,1.494540,0.179511,-0.409500,
+ 0.791761,-0.605604,0.079739,1.49454,0.179511,-0.4095,
- 0.852060,-0.513749,0.100278,1.538011,0.240115,-0.417500,
- 0.884220,-0.467071,0.000000,1.548313,0.248248,-0.500000,
- 0.797307,-0.603573,0.000000,1.501456,0.183040,-0.500000,
- 0.797307,-0.603573,0.000000,1.501456,0.183040,-0.500000,
- 0.791761,-0.605604,0.079739,1.494540,0.179511,-0.409500,
- 0.852060,-0.513749,0.100278,1.538011,0.240115,-0.417500,
- 0.743145,-0.669131,-0.000000,1.438241,0.108423,-0.500000,
- 0.740458,-0.666711,0.084960,1.436048,0.110398,-0.402250,
- 0.791761,-0.605604,0.079739,1.494540,0.179511,-0.409500,
- 0.743145,-0.669131,-0.000000,1.438241,0.108423,-0.500000,
- 0.791761,-0.605604,0.079739,1.494540,0.179511,-0.409500,
- 0.797307,-0.603573,0.000000,1.501456,0.183040,-0.500000,
- 0.740458,-0.666711,0.084960,1.436048,0.110398,-0.402250,
- 0.725947,-0.653645,0.213890,1.429500,0.116294,-0.322437,
+ 0.85206,-0.513749,0.100278,1.538011,0.240115,-0.4175,
+ 0.88422,-0.467071,0,1.548313,0.248248,-0.5,
+ 0.797307,-0.603573,0,1.501456,0.18304,-0.5,
+ 0.797307,-0.603573,0,1.501456,0.18304,-0.5,
+ 0.791761,-0.605604,0.079739,1.49454,0.179511,-0.4095,
+ 0.85206,-0.513749,0.100278,1.538011,0.240115,-0.4175,
+ 0.743145,-0.669131,0,1.438241,0.108423,-0.5,
+ 0.740458,-0.666711,0.08496,1.436048,0.110398,-0.40225,
+ 0.791761,-0.605604,0.079739,1.49454,0.179511,-0.4095,
+ 0.743145,-0.669131,0,1.438241,0.108423,-0.5,
+ 0.791761,-0.605604,0.079739,1.49454,0.179511,-0.4095,
+ 0.797307,-0.603573,0,1.501456,0.18304,-0.5,
+ 0.740458,-0.666711,0.08496,1.436048,0.110398,-0.40225,
+ 0.725947,-0.653645,0.21389,1.4295,0.116294,-0.322437,
- 0.791761,-0.605604,0.079739,1.494540,0.179511,-0.409500,
- 0.740458,-0.666711,0.084960,1.436048,0.110398,-0.402250,
+ 0.791761,-0.605604,0.079739,1.49454,0.179511,-0.4095,
+ 0.740458,-0.666711,0.08496,1.436048,0.110398,-0.40225,
- 0.791761,-0.605604,-0.079739,1.494540,0.179511,-0.590500,
+ 0.791761,-0.605604,-0.079739,1.49454,0.179511,-0.5905,
- 0.791761,-0.605604,-0.079739,1.494540,0.179511,-0.590500,
- 0.852060,-0.513749,-0.100278,1.538011,0.240115,-0.582500,
+ 0.791761,-0.605604,-0.079739,1.49454,0.179511,-0.5905,
+ 0.85206,-0.513749,-0.100278,1.538011,0.240115,-0.5825,
- 0.725947,-0.653645,-0.213890,1.429500,0.116294,-0.677562,
- 0.740458,-0.666711,-0.084960,1.436048,0.110398,-0.597750,
- 0.740458,-0.666711,-0.084960,1.436048,0.110398,-0.597750,
- 0.791761,-0.605604,-0.079739,1.494540,0.179511,-0.590500,
+ 0.725947,-0.653645,-0.21389,1.4295,0.116294,-0.677562,
+ 0.740458,-0.666711,-0.08496,1.436048,0.110398,-0.59775,
+ 0.740458,-0.666711,-0.08496,1.436048,0.110398,-0.59775,
+ 0.791761,-0.605604,-0.079739,1.49454,0.179511,-0.5905,
- 0.743145,-0.669131,-0.000000,1.438241,0.108423,-0.500000,
- 0.797307,-0.603573,0.000000,1.501456,0.183040,-0.500000,
- 0.791761,-0.605604,-0.079739,1.494540,0.179511,-0.590500,
- 0.743145,-0.669131,-0.000000,1.438241,0.108423,-0.500000,
- 0.791761,-0.605604,-0.079739,1.494540,0.179511,-0.590500,
- 0.740458,-0.666711,-0.084960,1.436048,0.110398,-0.597750,
- 0.797307,-0.603573,0.000000,1.501456,0.183040,-0.500000,
- 0.884220,-0.467071,0.000000,1.548313,0.248248,-0.500000,
- 0.852060,-0.513749,-0.100278,1.538011,0.240115,-0.582500,
- 0.852060,-0.513749,-0.100278,1.538011,0.240115,-0.582500,
- 0.791761,-0.605604,-0.079739,1.494540,0.179511,-0.590500,
- 0.797307,-0.603573,0.000000,1.501456,0.183040,-0.500000,
+ 0.743145,-0.669131,0,1.438241,0.108423,-0.5,
+ 0.797307,-0.603573,0,1.501456,0.18304,-0.5,
+ 0.791761,-0.605604,-0.079739,1.49454,0.179511,-0.5905,
+ 0.743145,-0.669131,0,1.438241,0.108423,-0.5,
+ 0.791761,-0.605604,-0.079739,1.49454,0.179511,-0.5905,
+ 0.740458,-0.666711,-0.08496,1.436048,0.110398,-0.59775,
+ 0.797307,-0.603573,0,1.501456,0.18304,-0.5,
+ 0.88422,-0.467071,0,1.548313,0.248248,-0.5,
+ 0.85206,-0.513749,-0.100278,1.538011,0.240115,-0.5825,
+ 0.85206,-0.513749,-0.100278,1.538011,0.240115,-0.5825,
+ 0.791761,-0.605604,-0.079739,1.49454,0.179511,-0.5905,
+ 0.797307,-0.603573,0,1.501456,0.18304,-0.5,
- 0.600000,-0.793691,-0.100277,1.317700,-0.004566,-0.582500,
- 0.685049,-0.724120,-0.079739,1.373428,0.045002,-0.590500,
+ 0.6,-0.793691,-0.100277,1.3177,-0.004566,-0.5825,
+ 0.685049,-0.72412,-0.079739,1.373428,0.045002,-0.5905,
- 0.685049,-0.724120,-0.079739,1.373428,0.045002,-0.590500,
+ 0.685049,-0.72412,-0.079739,1.373428,0.045002,-0.5905,
- 0.600000,-0.793691,-0.100277,1.317700,-0.004566,-0.582500,
- 0.556938,-0.830554,0.000000,1.310688,-0.015661,-0.500000,
- 0.683609,-0.729849,-0.000000,1.370641,0.037756,-0.500000,
- 0.683609,-0.729849,-0.000000,1.370641,0.037756,-0.500000,
- 0.685049,-0.724120,-0.079739,1.373428,0.045002,-0.590500,
- 0.600000,-0.793691,-0.100277,1.317700,-0.004566,-0.582500,
- 0.743145,-0.669131,-0.000000,1.438241,0.108423,-0.500000,
- 0.740458,-0.666711,-0.084960,1.436048,0.110398,-0.597750,
- 0.685049,-0.724120,-0.079739,1.373428,0.045002,-0.590500,
- 0.743145,-0.669131,-0.000000,1.438241,0.108423,-0.500000,
- 0.685049,-0.724120,-0.079739,1.373428,0.045002,-0.590500,
- 0.683609,-0.729849,-0.000000,1.370641,0.037756,-0.500000,
- 0.740458,-0.666711,-0.084960,1.436048,0.110398,-0.597750,
- 0.725947,-0.653645,-0.213890,1.429500,0.116294,-0.677562,
+ 0.6,-0.793691,-0.100277,1.3177,-0.004566,-0.5825,
+ 0.556938,-0.830554,0,1.310688,-0.015661,-0.5,
+ 0.683609,-0.729849,0,1.370641,0.037756,-0.5,
+ 0.683609,-0.729849,0,1.370641,0.037756,-0.5,
+ 0.685049,-0.72412,-0.079739,1.373428,0.045002,-0.5905,
+ 0.6,-0.793691,-0.100277,1.3177,-0.004566,-0.5825,
+ 0.743145,-0.669131,0,1.438241,0.108423,-0.5,
+ 0.740458,-0.666711,-0.08496,1.436048,0.110398,-0.59775,
+ 0.685049,-0.72412,-0.079739,1.373428,0.045002,-0.5905,
+ 0.743145,-0.669131,0,1.438241,0.108423,-0.5,
+ 0.685049,-0.72412,-0.079739,1.373428,0.045002,-0.5905,
+ 0.683609,-0.729849,0,1.370641,0.037756,-0.5,
+ 0.740458,-0.666711,-0.08496,1.436048,0.110398,-0.59775,
+ 0.725947,-0.653645,-0.21389,1.4295,0.116294,-0.677562,
- 0.685049,-0.724120,-0.079739,1.373428,0.045002,-0.590500,
- 0.740458,-0.666711,-0.084960,1.436048,0.110398,-0.597750,
+ 0.685049,-0.72412,-0.079739,1.373428,0.045002,-0.5905,
+ 0.740458,-0.666711,-0.08496,1.436048,0.110398,-0.59775,
- -0.847470,-0.443196,-0.292185,1.178115,0.109780,-0.584482,
+ -0.84747,-0.443196,-0.292185,1.178115,0.10978,-0.584482,
- -0.847470,-0.443196,-0.292185,1.178115,0.109780,-0.584482,
+ -0.84747,-0.443196,-0.292185,1.178115,0.10978,-0.584482,
- -0.847470,-0.443196,-0.292185,1.178115,0.109780,-0.584482,
+ -0.84747,-0.443196,-0.292185,1.178115,0.10978,-0.584482,
- -0.860968,-0.508659,0.000000,1.136909,0.161755,-0.500000,
- -0.891261,-0.453491,-0.000000,1.170811,0.099004,-0.500000,
- -0.847470,-0.443196,-0.292185,1.178115,0.109780,-0.584482,
- -0.860968,-0.508659,0.000000,1.136909,0.161755,-0.500000,
- -0.847470,-0.443196,-0.292185,1.178115,0.109780,-0.584482,
+ -0.860968,-0.508659,0,1.136909,0.161755,-0.5,
+ -0.891261,-0.453491,0,1.170811,0.099004,-0.5,
+ -0.84747,-0.443196,-0.292185,1.178115,0.10978,-0.584482,
+ -0.860968,-0.508659,0,1.136909,0.161755,-0.5,
+ -0.84747,-0.443196,-0.292185,1.178115,0.10978,-0.584482,
- -0.891261,-0.453491,-0.000000,1.170811,0.099004,-0.500000,
- -0.900624,-0.434600,-0.000000,1.199875,0.038989,-0.500000,
+ -0.891261,-0.453491,0,1.170811,0.099004,-0.5,
+ -0.900624,-0.4346,0,1.199875,0.038989,-0.5,
- -0.847470,-0.443196,-0.292185,1.178115,0.109780,-0.584482,
- -0.891261,-0.453491,-0.000000,1.170811,0.099004,-0.500000,
- -0.304580,-0.744204,-0.594467,1.065609,0.289676,-0.638205,
- -0.393740,-0.892943,-0.218225,1.064451,0.260311,-0.575384,
+ -0.84747,-0.443196,-0.292185,1.178115,0.10978,-0.584482,
+ -0.891261,-0.453491,0,1.170811,0.099004,-0.5,
+ -0.30458,-0.744204,-0.594467,1.065609,0.289676,-0.638205,
+ -0.39374,-0.892943,-0.218225,1.064451,0.260311,-0.575384,
- -0.304580,-0.744204,-0.594467,1.065609,0.289676,-0.638205,
+ -0.30458,-0.744204,-0.594467,1.065609,0.289676,-0.638205,
- -0.393740,-0.892943,-0.218225,1.064451,0.260311,-0.575384,
- -0.417976,-0.908458,0.000000,1.064065,0.250523,-0.500000,
- -0.753723,-0.657192,-0.000000,1.100538,0.216006,-0.500000,
- -0.753723,-0.657192,-0.000000,1.100538,0.216006,-0.500000,
+ -0.39374,-0.892943,-0.218225,1.064451,0.260311,-0.575384,
+ -0.417976,-0.908458,0,1.064065,0.250523,-0.5,
+ -0.753723,-0.657192,0,1.100538,0.216006,-0.5,
+ -0.753723,-0.657192,0,1.100538,0.216006,-0.5,
- -0.393740,-0.892943,-0.218225,1.064451,0.260311,-0.575384,
- -0.753723,-0.657192,-0.000000,1.100538,0.216006,-0.500000,
- -0.860968,-0.508659,0.000000,1.136909,0.161755,-0.500000,
+ -0.39374,-0.892943,-0.218225,1.064451,0.260311,-0.575384,
+ -0.753723,-0.657192,0,1.100538,0.216006,-0.5,
+ -0.860968,-0.508659,0,1.136909,0.161755,-0.5,
- -0.753723,-0.657192,-0.000000,1.100538,0.216006,-0.500000,
+ -0.753723,-0.657192,0,1.100538,0.216006,-0.5,
- -0.304580,-0.744204,0.594467,1.065609,0.289676,-0.361795,
+ -0.30458,-0.744204,0.594467,1.065609,0.289676,-0.361795,
- -0.304580,-0.744204,0.594467,1.065609,0.289676,-0.361795,
+ -0.30458,-0.744204,0.594467,1.065609,0.289676,-0.361795,
- -0.860968,-0.508659,0.000000,1.136909,0.161755,-0.500000,
- -0.753723,-0.657192,-0.000000,1.100538,0.216006,-0.500000,
- -0.753723,-0.657192,-0.000000,1.100538,0.216006,-0.500000,
+ -0.860968,-0.508659,0,1.136909,0.161755,-0.5,
+ -0.753723,-0.657192,0,1.100538,0.216006,-0.5,
+ -0.753723,-0.657192,0,1.100538,0.216006,-0.5,
- -0.753723,-0.657192,-0.000000,1.100538,0.216006,-0.500000,
- -0.417976,-0.908458,0.000000,1.064065,0.250523,-0.500000,
+ -0.753723,-0.657192,0,1.100538,0.216006,-0.5,
+ -0.417976,-0.908458,0,1.064065,0.250523,-0.5,
- -0.753723,-0.657192,-0.000000,1.100538,0.216006,-0.500000,
+ -0.753723,-0.657192,0,1.100538,0.216006,-0.5,
- -0.847470,-0.443196,0.292185,1.178115,0.109780,-0.415518,
+ -0.84747,-0.443196,0.292185,1.178115,0.10978,-0.415518,
- -0.847470,-0.443196,0.292185,1.178115,0.109780,-0.415518,
+ -0.84747,-0.443196,0.292185,1.178115,0.10978,-0.415518,
- -0.900624,-0.434600,-0.000000,1.199875,0.038989,-0.500000,
- -0.891261,-0.453491,-0.000000,1.170811,0.099004,-0.500000,
- -0.891261,-0.453491,-0.000000,1.170811,0.099004,-0.500000,
- -0.847470,-0.443196,0.292185,1.178115,0.109780,-0.415518,
+ -0.900624,-0.4346,0,1.199875,0.038989,-0.5,
+ -0.891261,-0.453491,0,1.170811,0.099004,-0.5,
+ -0.891261,-0.453491,0,1.170811,0.099004,-0.5,
+ -0.84747,-0.443196,0.292185,1.178115,0.10978,-0.415518,
- -0.860968,-0.508659,0.000000,1.136909,0.161755,-0.500000,
+ -0.860968,-0.508659,0,1.136909,0.161755,-0.5,
- -0.847470,-0.443196,0.292185,1.178115,0.109780,-0.415518,
- -0.860968,-0.508659,0.000000,1.136909,0.161755,-0.500000,
- -0.847470,-0.443196,0.292185,1.178115,0.109780,-0.415518,
- -0.891261,-0.453491,-0.000000,1.170811,0.099004,-0.500000,
+ -0.84747,-0.443196,0.292185,1.178115,0.10978,-0.415518,
+ -0.860968,-0.508659,0,1.136909,0.161755,-0.5,
+ -0.84747,-0.443196,0.292185,1.178115,0.10978,-0.415518,
+ -0.891261,-0.453491,0,1.170811,0.099004,-0.5,
- -0.847470,-0.443196,0.292185,1.178115,0.109780,-0.415518,
+ -0.84747,-0.443196,0.292185,1.178115,0.10978,-0.415518,
- 0.311074,0.631830,-0.709947,1.431839,0.331232,-0.664066,
- 0.339667,0.655519,-0.674478,1.360730,0.379173,-0.654883,
- 0.120920,0.358415,-0.925698,1.324207,0.325294,-0.697124,
- 0.311074,0.631830,-0.709947,1.431839,0.331232,-0.664066,
- 0.120920,0.358415,-0.925698,1.324207,0.325294,-0.697124,
- 0.074097,0.343890,-0.936082,1.387230,0.275032,-0.708812,
- 0.339667,0.655519,-0.674478,1.360730,0.379173,-0.654883,
- 0.306584,0.689695,-0.655994,1.274769,0.431290,-0.646637,
+ 0.311074,0.63183,-0.709947,1.431839,0.331232,-0.664066,
+ 0.339667,0.655519,-0.674478,1.36073,0.379173,-0.654883,
+ 0.12092,0.358415,-0.925698,1.324207,0.325294,-0.697124,
+ 0.311074,0.63183,-0.709947,1.431839,0.331232,-0.664066,
+ 0.12092,0.358415,-0.925698,1.324207,0.325294,-0.697124,
+ 0.074097,0.34389,-0.936082,1.38723,0.275032,-0.708812,
+ 0.339667,0.655519,-0.674478,1.36073,0.379173,-0.654883,
+ 0.306584,0.689695,-0.655994,1.274769,0.43129,-0.646637,
- 0.120920,0.358415,-0.925698,1.324207,0.325294,-0.697124,
- 0.339667,0.655519,-0.674478,1.360730,0.379173,-0.654883,
- -0.106175,0.048409,-0.993168,1.216443,0.317256,-0.699960,
- -0.127933,0.082246,-0.988367,1.280379,0.260640,-0.711204,
- 0.120920,0.358415,-0.925698,1.324207,0.325294,-0.697124,
- -0.106175,0.048409,-0.993168,1.216443,0.317256,-0.699960,
- 0.120920,0.358415,-0.925698,1.324207,0.325294,-0.697124,
+ 0.12092,0.358415,-0.925698,1.324207,0.325294,-0.697124,
+ 0.339667,0.655519,-0.674478,1.36073,0.379173,-0.654883,
+ -0.106175,0.048409,-0.993168,1.216443,0.317256,-0.69996,
+ -0.127933,0.082246,-0.988367,1.280379,0.26064,-0.711204,
+ 0.12092,0.358415,-0.925698,1.324207,0.325294,-0.697124,
+ -0.106175,0.048409,-0.993168,1.216443,0.317256,-0.69996,
+ 0.12092,0.358415,-0.925698,1.324207,0.325294,-0.697124,
- -0.127933,0.082246,-0.988367,1.280379,0.260640,-0.711204,
- -0.152737,0.118235,-0.981169,1.333700,0.207591,-0.723727,
- 0.074097,0.343890,-0.936082,1.387230,0.275032,-0.708812,
- 0.074097,0.343890,-0.936082,1.387230,0.275032,-0.708812,
- 0.120920,0.358415,-0.925698,1.324207,0.325294,-0.697124,
- -0.127933,0.082246,-0.988367,1.280379,0.260640,-0.711204,
+ -0.127933,0.082246,-0.988367,1.280379,0.26064,-0.711204,
+ -0.152737,0.118235,-0.981169,1.3337,0.207591,-0.723727,
+ 0.074097,0.34389,-0.936082,1.38723,0.275032,-0.708812,
+ 0.074097,0.34389,-0.936082,1.38723,0.275032,-0.708812,
+ 0.12092,0.358415,-0.925698,1.324207,0.325294,-0.697124,
+ -0.127933,0.082246,-0.988367,1.280379,0.26064,-0.711204,
- 0.089470,0.746330,-0.659535,1.074101,0.505017,-0.638205,
+ 0.08947,0.74633,-0.659535,1.074101,0.505017,-0.638205,
- 0.012548,-0.001301,-0.999920,1.069855,0.397346,-0.688461,
- -0.066606,0.014310,-0.997677,1.145175,0.366478,-0.691783,
+ 0.012548,-0.001301,-0.99992,1.069855,0.397346,-0.688461,
+ -0.066606,0.01431,-0.997677,1.145175,0.366478,-0.691783,
- 0.012548,-0.001301,-0.999920,1.069855,0.397346,-0.688461,
+ 0.012548,-0.001301,-0.99992,1.069855,0.397346,-0.688461,
- -0.066606,0.014310,-0.997677,1.145175,0.366478,-0.691783,
- -0.106175,0.048409,-0.993168,1.216443,0.317256,-0.699960,
+ -0.066606,0.01431,-0.997677,1.145175,0.366478,-0.691783,
+ -0.106175,0.048409,-0.993168,1.216443,0.317256,-0.69996,
- -0.066606,0.014310,-0.997677,1.145175,0.366478,-0.691783,
- 0.306584,0.689695,-0.655994,1.274769,0.431290,-0.646637,
+ -0.066606,0.01431,-0.997677,1.145175,0.366478,-0.691783,
+ 0.306584,0.689695,-0.655994,1.274769,0.43129,-0.646637,
- 0.306584,0.689695,-0.655994,1.274769,0.431290,-0.646637,
+ 0.306584,0.689695,-0.655994,1.274769,0.43129,-0.646637,
- -0.304580,-0.744204,-0.594467,1.065609,0.289676,-0.638205,
+ -0.30458,-0.744204,-0.594467,1.065609,0.289676,-0.638205,
- -0.307110,-0.324628,-0.894595,1.127320,0.306289,-0.678998,
- -0.304580,-0.744204,-0.594467,1.065609,0.289676,-0.638205,
- -0.307110,-0.324628,-0.894595,1.127320,0.306289,-0.678998,
+ -0.30711,-0.324628,-0.894595,1.12732,0.306289,-0.678998,
+ -0.30458,-0.744204,-0.594467,1.065609,0.289676,-0.638205,
+ -0.30711,-0.324628,-0.894595,1.12732,0.306289,-0.678998,
- -0.382336,-0.228691,-0.895276,1.184630,0.255055,-0.686629,
- -0.382336,-0.228691,-0.895276,1.184630,0.255055,-0.686629,
- -0.307110,-0.324628,-0.894595,1.127320,0.306289,-0.678998,
+ -0.382336,-0.228691,-0.895276,1.18463,0.255055,-0.686629,
+ -0.382336,-0.228691,-0.895276,1.18463,0.255055,-0.686629,
+ -0.30711,-0.324628,-0.894595,1.12732,0.306289,-0.678998,
- -0.106175,0.048409,-0.993168,1.216443,0.317256,-0.699960,
- -0.066606,0.014310,-0.997677,1.145175,0.366478,-0.691783,
- -0.307110,-0.324628,-0.894595,1.127320,0.306289,-0.678998,
- -0.106175,0.048409,-0.993168,1.216443,0.317256,-0.699960,
- -0.307110,-0.324628,-0.894595,1.127320,0.306289,-0.678998,
- -0.382336,-0.228691,-0.895276,1.184630,0.255055,-0.686629,
- -0.066606,0.014310,-0.997677,1.145175,0.366478,-0.691783,
- 0.012548,-0.001301,-0.999920,1.069855,0.397346,-0.688461,
+ -0.106175,0.048409,-0.993168,1.216443,0.317256,-0.69996,
+ -0.066606,0.01431,-0.997677,1.145175,0.366478,-0.691783,
+ -0.30711,-0.324628,-0.894595,1.12732,0.306289,-0.678998,
+ -0.106175,0.048409,-0.993168,1.216443,0.317256,-0.69996,
+ -0.30711,-0.324628,-0.894595,1.12732,0.306289,-0.678998,
+ -0.382336,-0.228691,-0.895276,1.18463,0.255055,-0.686629,
+ -0.066606,0.01431,-0.997677,1.145175,0.366478,-0.691783,
+ 0.012548,-0.001301,-0.99992,1.069855,0.397346,-0.688461,
- -0.307110,-0.324628,-0.894595,1.127320,0.306289,-0.678998,
- -0.066606,0.014310,-0.997677,1.145175,0.366478,-0.691783,
+ -0.30711,-0.324628,-0.894595,1.12732,0.306289,-0.678998,
+ -0.066606,0.01431,-0.997677,1.145175,0.366478,-0.691783,
- -0.420703,-0.107750,-0.900777,1.280170,0.140150,-0.708812,
- -0.420703,-0.107750,-0.900777,1.280170,0.140150,-0.708812,
+ -0.420703,-0.10775,-0.900777,1.28017,0.14015,-0.708812,
+ -0.420703,-0.10775,-0.900777,1.28017,0.14015,-0.708812,
- -0.152737,0.118235,-0.981169,1.333700,0.207591,-0.723727,
- -0.127933,0.082246,-0.988367,1.280379,0.260640,-0.711204,
+ -0.152737,0.118235,-0.981169,1.3337,0.207591,-0.723727,
+ -0.127933,0.082246,-0.988367,1.280379,0.26064,-0.711204,
- -0.152737,0.118235,-0.981169,1.333700,0.207591,-0.723727,
+ -0.152737,0.118235,-0.981169,1.3337,0.207591,-0.723727,
- -0.420703,-0.107750,-0.900777,1.280170,0.140150,-0.708812,
- -0.127933,0.082246,-0.988367,1.280379,0.260640,-0.711204,
- -0.106175,0.048409,-0.993168,1.216443,0.317256,-0.699960,
- -0.382336,-0.228691,-0.895276,1.184630,0.255055,-0.686629,
- -0.382336,-0.228691,-0.895276,1.184630,0.255055,-0.686629,
+ -0.420703,-0.10775,-0.900777,1.28017,0.14015,-0.708812,
+ -0.127933,0.082246,-0.988367,1.280379,0.26064,-0.711204,
+ -0.106175,0.048409,-0.993168,1.216443,0.317256,-0.69996,
+ -0.382336,-0.228691,-0.895276,1.18463,0.255055,-0.686629,
+ -0.382336,-0.228691,-0.895276,1.18463,0.255055,-0.686629,
- -0.127933,0.082246,-0.988367,1.280379,0.260640,-0.711204,
+ -0.127933,0.082246,-0.988367,1.280379,0.26064,-0.711204,
- -0.382336,-0.228691,-0.895276,1.184630,0.255055,-0.686629,
- 0.311074,0.631830,0.709947,1.431839,0.331232,-0.335934,
- 0.074097,0.343890,0.936082,1.387230,0.275032,-0.291188,
- 0.120920,0.358415,0.925698,1.324207,0.325294,-0.302876,
- 0.311074,0.631830,0.709947,1.431839,0.331232,-0.335934,
- 0.120920,0.358415,0.925698,1.324207,0.325294,-0.302876,
- 0.339667,0.655519,0.674478,1.360730,0.379173,-0.345117,
- 0.074097,0.343890,0.936082,1.387230,0.275032,-0.291188,
- -0.152737,0.118235,0.981169,1.333700,0.207591,-0.276273,
- -0.127934,0.082246,0.988367,1.280379,0.260640,-0.288796,
- -0.127934,0.082246,0.988367,1.280379,0.260640,-0.288796,
- 0.120920,0.358415,0.925698,1.324207,0.325294,-0.302876,
- 0.074097,0.343890,0.936082,1.387230,0.275032,-0.291188,
- -0.106175,0.048409,0.993168,1.216443,0.317256,-0.300040,
+ -0.382336,-0.228691,-0.895276,1.18463,0.255055,-0.686629,
+ 0.311074,0.63183,0.709947,1.431839,0.331232,-0.335934,
+ 0.074097,0.34389,0.936082,1.38723,0.275032,-0.291188,
+ 0.12092,0.358415,0.925698,1.324207,0.325294,-0.302876,
+ 0.311074,0.63183,0.709947,1.431839,0.331232,-0.335934,
+ 0.12092,0.358415,0.925698,1.324207,0.325294,-0.302876,
+ 0.339667,0.655519,0.674478,1.36073,0.379173,-0.345117,
+ 0.074097,0.34389,0.936082,1.38723,0.275032,-0.291188,
+ -0.152737,0.118235,0.981169,1.3337,0.207591,-0.276273,
+ -0.127934,0.082246,0.988367,1.280379,0.26064,-0.288796,
+ -0.127934,0.082246,0.988367,1.280379,0.26064,-0.288796,
+ 0.12092,0.358415,0.925698,1.324207,0.325294,-0.302876,
+ 0.074097,0.34389,0.936082,1.38723,0.275032,-0.291188,
+ -0.106175,0.048409,0.993168,1.216443,0.317256,-0.30004,
- 0.120920,0.358415,0.925698,1.324207,0.325294,-0.302876,
- -0.106175,0.048409,0.993168,1.216443,0.317256,-0.300040,
- 0.120920,0.358415,0.925698,1.324207,0.325294,-0.302876,
- -0.127934,0.082246,0.988367,1.280379,0.260640,-0.288796,
+ 0.12092,0.358415,0.925698,1.324207,0.325294,-0.302876,
+ -0.106175,0.048409,0.993168,1.216443,0.317256,-0.30004,
+ 0.12092,0.358415,0.925698,1.324207,0.325294,-0.302876,
+ -0.127934,0.082246,0.988367,1.280379,0.26064,-0.288796,
- 0.306584,0.689695,0.655994,1.274769,0.431290,-0.353363,
- 0.339667,0.655519,0.674478,1.360730,0.379173,-0.345117,
- 0.339667,0.655519,0.674478,1.360730,0.379173,-0.345117,
- 0.120920,0.358415,0.925698,1.324207,0.325294,-0.302876,
+ 0.306584,0.689695,0.655994,1.274769,0.43129,-0.353363,
+ 0.339667,0.655519,0.674478,1.36073,0.379173,-0.345117,
+ 0.339667,0.655519,0.674478,1.36073,0.379173,-0.345117,
+ 0.12092,0.358415,0.925698,1.324207,0.325294,-0.302876,
- -0.420703,-0.107750,0.900777,1.280170,0.140150,-0.291188,
+ -0.420703,-0.10775,0.900777,1.28017,0.14015,-0.291188,
- -0.420703,-0.107750,0.900777,1.280170,0.140150,-0.291188,
+ -0.420703,-0.10775,0.900777,1.28017,0.14015,-0.291188,
- -0.382336,-0.228691,0.895276,1.184630,0.255055,-0.313371,
+ -0.382336,-0.228691,0.895276,1.18463,0.255055,-0.313371,
- -0.382336,-0.228691,0.895276,1.184630,0.255055,-0.313371,
- -0.106175,0.048409,0.993168,1.216443,0.317256,-0.300040,
- -0.127934,0.082246,0.988367,1.280379,0.260640,-0.288796,
- -0.127934,0.082246,0.988367,1.280379,0.260640,-0.288796,
+ -0.382336,-0.228691,0.895276,1.18463,0.255055,-0.313371,
+ -0.106175,0.048409,0.993168,1.216443,0.317256,-0.30004,
+ -0.127934,0.082246,0.988367,1.280379,0.26064,-0.288796,
+ -0.127934,0.082246,0.988367,1.280379,0.26064,-0.288796,
- -0.382336,-0.228691,0.895276,1.184630,0.255055,-0.313371,
- -0.152737,0.118235,0.981169,1.333700,0.207591,-0.276273,
- -0.420703,-0.107750,0.900777,1.280170,0.140150,-0.291188,
+ -0.382336,-0.228691,0.895276,1.18463,0.255055,-0.313371,
+ -0.152737,0.118235,0.981169,1.3337,0.207591,-0.276273,
+ -0.420703,-0.10775,0.900777,1.28017,0.14015,-0.291188,
- -0.152737,0.118235,0.981169,1.333700,0.207591,-0.276273,
+ -0.152737,0.118235,0.981169,1.3337,0.207591,-0.276273,
- -0.127934,0.082246,0.988367,1.280379,0.260640,-0.288796,
- -0.304580,-0.744204,0.594467,1.065609,0.289676,-0.361795,
+ -0.127934,0.082246,0.988367,1.280379,0.26064,-0.288796,
+ -0.30458,-0.744204,0.594467,1.065609,0.289676,-0.361795,
- -0.307110,-0.324628,0.894595,1.127320,0.306289,-0.321002,
- -0.304580,-0.744204,0.594467,1.065609,0.289676,-0.361795,
- -0.307110,-0.324628,0.894595,1.127320,0.306289,-0.321002,
+ -0.30711,-0.324628,0.894595,1.12732,0.306289,-0.321002,
+ -0.30458,-0.744204,0.594467,1.065609,0.289676,-0.361795,
+ -0.30711,-0.324628,0.894595,1.12732,0.306289,-0.321002,
- 0.012549,-0.001301,0.999920,1.069855,0.397346,-0.311539,
- -0.066605,0.014310,0.997677,1.145175,0.366478,-0.308217,
- -0.066605,0.014310,0.997677,1.145175,0.366478,-0.308217,
- -0.307110,-0.324628,0.894595,1.127320,0.306289,-0.321002,
+ 0.012549,-0.001301,0.99992,1.069855,0.397346,-0.311539,
+ -0.066605,0.01431,0.997677,1.145175,0.366478,-0.308217,
+ -0.066605,0.01431,0.997677,1.145175,0.366478,-0.308217,
+ -0.30711,-0.324628,0.894595,1.12732,0.306289,-0.321002,
- -0.106175,0.048409,0.993168,1.216443,0.317256,-0.300040,
- -0.382336,-0.228691,0.895276,1.184630,0.255055,-0.313371,
- -0.307110,-0.324628,0.894595,1.127320,0.306289,-0.321002,
- -0.106175,0.048409,0.993168,1.216443,0.317256,-0.300040,
- -0.307110,-0.324628,0.894595,1.127320,0.306289,-0.321002,
- -0.066605,0.014310,0.997677,1.145175,0.366478,-0.308217,
- -0.382336,-0.228691,0.895276,1.184630,0.255055,-0.313371,
+ -0.106175,0.048409,0.993168,1.216443,0.317256,-0.30004,
+ -0.382336,-0.228691,0.895276,1.18463,0.255055,-0.313371,
+ -0.30711,-0.324628,0.894595,1.12732,0.306289,-0.321002,
+ -0.106175,0.048409,0.993168,1.216443,0.317256,-0.30004,
+ -0.30711,-0.324628,0.894595,1.12732,0.306289,-0.321002,
+ -0.066605,0.01431,0.997677,1.145175,0.366478,-0.308217,
+ -0.382336,-0.228691,0.895276,1.18463,0.255055,-0.313371,
- -0.307110,-0.324628,0.894595,1.127320,0.306289,-0.321002,
- -0.382336,-0.228691,0.895276,1.184630,0.255055,-0.313371,
+ -0.30711,-0.324628,0.894595,1.12732,0.306289,-0.321002,
+ -0.382336,-0.228691,0.895276,1.18463,0.255055,-0.313371,
- 0.089470,0.746330,0.659535,1.074101,0.505017,-0.361795,
+ 0.08947,0.74633,0.659535,1.074101,0.505017,-0.361795,
- 0.306584,0.689695,0.655994,1.274769,0.431290,-0.353363,
+ 0.306584,0.689695,0.655994,1.274769,0.43129,-0.353363,
- 0.306584,0.689695,0.655994,1.274769,0.431290,-0.353363,
+ 0.306584,0.689695,0.655994,1.274769,0.43129,-0.353363,
- -0.106175,0.048409,0.993168,1.216443,0.317256,-0.300040,
- -0.066605,0.014310,0.997677,1.145175,0.366478,-0.308217,
- -0.066605,0.014310,0.997677,1.145175,0.366478,-0.308217,
+ -0.106175,0.048409,0.993168,1.216443,0.317256,-0.30004,
+ -0.066605,0.01431,0.997677,1.145175,0.366478,-0.308217,
+ -0.066605,0.01431,0.997677,1.145175,0.366478,-0.308217,
- 0.012549,-0.001301,0.999920,1.069855,0.397346,-0.311539,
+ 0.012549,-0.001301,0.99992,1.069855,0.397346,-0.311539,
- 0.012549,-0.001301,0.999920,1.069855,0.397346,-0.311539,
+ 0.012549,-0.001301,0.99992,1.069855,0.397346,-0.311539,
- -0.066605,0.014310,0.997677,1.145175,0.366478,-0.308217,
- 0.311074,0.631830,-0.709947,1.431839,0.331232,-0.664066,
+ -0.066605,0.01431,0.997677,1.145175,0.366478,-0.308217,
+ 0.311074,0.63183,-0.709947,1.431839,0.331232,-0.664066,
- 0.462800,0.825265,-0.323657,1.382643,0.411500,-0.584482,
- 0.311074,0.631830,-0.709947,1.431839,0.331232,-0.664066,
- 0.462800,0.825265,-0.323657,1.382643,0.411500,-0.584482,
- 0.339667,0.655519,-0.674478,1.360730,0.379173,-0.654883,
+ 0.4628,0.825265,-0.323657,1.382643,0.4115,-0.584482,
+ 0.311074,0.63183,-0.709947,1.431839,0.331232,-0.664066,
+ 0.4628,0.825265,-0.323657,1.382643,0.4115,-0.584482,
+ 0.339667,0.655519,-0.674478,1.36073,0.379173,-0.654883,
- 0.489941,0.871755,-0.000000,1.467526,0.376193,-0.500000,
- 0.499794,0.866144,0.000000,1.389948,0.422275,-0.500000,
- 0.499794,0.866144,0.000000,1.389948,0.422275,-0.500000,
- 0.462800,0.825265,-0.323657,1.382643,0.411500,-0.584482,
+ 0.489941,0.871755,0,1.467526,0.376193,-0.5,
+ 0.499794,0.866144,0,1.389948,0.422275,-0.5,
+ 0.499794,0.866144,0,1.389948,0.422275,-0.5,
+ 0.4628,0.825265,-0.323657,1.382643,0.4115,-0.584482,
- 0.445921,0.895072,0.000000,1.295978,0.472757,-0.500000,
- 0.408321,0.858475,-0.310315,1.290676,0.462390,-0.579984,
- 0.462800,0.825265,-0.323657,1.382643,0.411500,-0.584482,
- 0.445921,0.895072,0.000000,1.295978,0.472757,-0.500000,
- 0.462800,0.825265,-0.323657,1.382643,0.411500,-0.584482,
- 0.499794,0.866144,0.000000,1.389948,0.422275,-0.500000,
- 0.408321,0.858475,-0.310315,1.290676,0.462390,-0.579984,
- 0.306584,0.689695,-0.655994,1.274769,0.431290,-0.646637,
- 0.339667,0.655519,-0.674478,1.360730,0.379173,-0.654883,
- 0.339667,0.655519,-0.674478,1.360730,0.379173,-0.654883,
- 0.462800,0.825265,-0.323657,1.382643,0.411500,-0.584482,
- 0.408321,0.858475,-0.310315,1.290676,0.462390,-0.579984,
- 0.311074,0.631830,0.709947,1.431839,0.331232,-0.335934,
- 0.339667,0.655519,0.674478,1.360730,0.379173,-0.345117,
- 0.462800,0.825265,0.323657,1.382643,0.411500,-0.415518,
- 0.311074,0.631830,0.709947,1.431839,0.331232,-0.335934,
- 0.462800,0.825265,0.323657,1.382643,0.411500,-0.415518,
+ 0.445921,0.895072,0,1.295978,0.472757,-0.5,
+ 0.408321,0.858475,-0.310315,1.290676,0.46239,-0.579984,
+ 0.4628,0.825265,-0.323657,1.382643,0.4115,-0.584482,
+ 0.445921,0.895072,0,1.295978,0.472757,-0.5,
+ 0.4628,0.825265,-0.323657,1.382643,0.4115,-0.584482,
+ 0.499794,0.866144,0,1.389948,0.422275,-0.5,
+ 0.408321,0.858475,-0.310315,1.290676,0.46239,-0.579984,
+ 0.306584,0.689695,-0.655994,1.274769,0.43129,-0.646637,
+ 0.339667,0.655519,-0.674478,1.36073,0.379173,-0.654883,
+ 0.339667,0.655519,-0.674478,1.36073,0.379173,-0.654883,
+ 0.4628,0.825265,-0.323657,1.382643,0.4115,-0.584482,
+ 0.408321,0.858475,-0.310315,1.290676,0.46239,-0.579984,
+ 0.311074,0.63183,0.709947,1.431839,0.331232,-0.335934,
+ 0.339667,0.655519,0.674478,1.36073,0.379173,-0.345117,
+ 0.4628,0.825265,0.323657,1.382643,0.4115,-0.415518,
+ 0.311074,0.63183,0.709947,1.431839,0.331232,-0.335934,
+ 0.4628,0.825265,0.323657,1.382643,0.4115,-0.415518,
- 0.339667,0.655519,0.674478,1.360730,0.379173,-0.345117,
- 0.306584,0.689695,0.655994,1.274769,0.431290,-0.353363,
- 0.408320,0.858475,0.310315,1.290676,0.462390,-0.420016,
- 0.408320,0.858475,0.310315,1.290676,0.462390,-0.420016,
- 0.462800,0.825265,0.323657,1.382643,0.411500,-0.415518,
- 0.339667,0.655519,0.674478,1.360730,0.379173,-0.345117,
- 0.445921,0.895072,0.000000,1.295978,0.472757,-0.500000,
- 0.499794,0.866144,0.000000,1.389948,0.422275,-0.500000,
- 0.462800,0.825265,0.323657,1.382643,0.411500,-0.415518,
- 0.445921,0.895072,0.000000,1.295978,0.472757,-0.500000,
- 0.462800,0.825265,0.323657,1.382643,0.411500,-0.415518,
- 0.408320,0.858475,0.310315,1.290676,0.462390,-0.420016,
- 0.499794,0.866144,0.000000,1.389948,0.422275,-0.500000,
- 0.489941,0.871755,-0.000000,1.467526,0.376193,-0.500000,
+ 0.339667,0.655519,0.674478,1.36073,0.379173,-0.345117,
+ 0.306584,0.689695,0.655994,1.274769,0.43129,-0.353363,
+ 0.40832,0.858475,0.310315,1.290676,0.46239,-0.420016,
+ 0.40832,0.858475,0.310315,1.290676,0.46239,-0.420016,
+ 0.4628,0.825265,0.323657,1.382643,0.4115,-0.415518,
+ 0.339667,0.655519,0.674478,1.36073,0.379173,-0.345117,
+ 0.445921,0.895072,0,1.295978,0.472757,-0.5,
+ 0.499794,0.866144,0,1.389948,0.422275,-0.5,
+ 0.4628,0.825265,0.323657,1.382643,0.4115,-0.415518,
+ 0.445921,0.895072,0,1.295978,0.472757,-0.5,
+ 0.4628,0.825265,0.323657,1.382643,0.4115,-0.415518,
+ 0.40832,0.858475,0.310315,1.290676,0.46239,-0.420016,
+ 0.499794,0.866144,0,1.389948,0.422275,-0.5,
+ 0.489941,0.871755,0,1.467526,0.376193,-0.5,
- 0.462800,0.825265,0.323657,1.382643,0.411500,-0.415518,
- 0.499794,0.866144,0.000000,1.389948,0.422275,-0.500000,
+ 0.4628,0.825265,0.323657,1.382643,0.4115,-0.415518,
+ 0.499794,0.866144,0,1.389948,0.422275,-0.5,
- 0.089470,0.746330,0.659535,1.074101,0.505017,-0.361795,
+ 0.08947,0.74633,0.659535,1.074101,0.505017,-0.361795,
- 0.156232,0.987720,-0.000000,1.075645,0.544169,-0.500000,
- 0.336559,0.941662,0.000000,1.189812,0.516951,-0.500000,
+ 0.156232,0.98772,0,1.075645,0.544169,-0.5,
+ 0.336559,0.941662,0,1.189812,0.516951,-0.5,
- 0.156232,0.987720,-0.000000,1.075645,0.544169,-0.500000,
+ 0.156232,0.98772,0,1.075645,0.544169,-0.5,
- 0.336559,0.941662,0.000000,1.189812,0.516951,-0.500000,
- 0.445921,0.895072,0.000000,1.295978,0.472757,-0.500000,
- 0.408320,0.858475,0.310315,1.290676,0.462390,-0.420016,
- 0.408320,0.858475,0.310315,1.290676,0.462390,-0.420016,
+ 0.336559,0.941662,0,1.189812,0.516951,-0.5,
+ 0.445921,0.895072,0,1.295978,0.472757,-0.5,
+ 0.40832,0.858475,0.310315,1.290676,0.46239,-0.420016,
+ 0.40832,0.858475,0.310315,1.290676,0.46239,-0.420016,
- 0.336559,0.941662,0.000000,1.189812,0.516951,-0.500000,
- 0.306584,0.689695,0.655994,1.274769,0.431290,-0.353363,
+ 0.336559,0.941662,0,1.189812,0.516951,-0.5,
+ 0.306584,0.689695,0.655994,1.274769,0.43129,-0.353363,
- 0.306584,0.689695,0.655994,1.274769,0.431290,-0.353363,
+ 0.306584,0.689695,0.655994,1.274769,0.43129,-0.353363,
- 0.408320,0.858475,0.310315,1.290676,0.462390,-0.420016,
+ 0.40832,0.858475,0.310315,1.290676,0.46239,-0.420016,
- 0.089470,0.746330,-0.659535,1.074101,0.505017,-0.638205,
+ 0.08947,0.74633,-0.659535,1.074101,0.505017,-0.638205,
- 0.306584,0.689695,-0.655994,1.274769,0.431290,-0.646637,
- 0.408321,0.858475,-0.310315,1.290676,0.462390,-0.579984,
+ 0.306584,0.689695,-0.655994,1.274769,0.43129,-0.646637,
+ 0.408321,0.858475,-0.310315,1.290676,0.46239,-0.579984,
- 0.306584,0.689695,-0.655994,1.274769,0.431290,-0.646637,
+ 0.306584,0.689695,-0.655994,1.274769,0.43129,-0.646637,
- 0.408321,0.858475,-0.310315,1.290676,0.462390,-0.579984,
- 0.445921,0.895072,0.000000,1.295978,0.472757,-0.500000,
- 0.336559,0.941662,0.000000,1.189812,0.516951,-0.500000,
- 0.336559,0.941662,0.000000,1.189812,0.516951,-0.500000,
+ 0.408321,0.858475,-0.310315,1.290676,0.46239,-0.579984,
+ 0.445921,0.895072,0,1.295978,0.472757,-0.5,
+ 0.336559,0.941662,0,1.189812,0.516951,-0.5,
+ 0.336559,0.941662,0,1.189812,0.516951,-0.5,
- 0.408321,0.858475,-0.310315,1.290676,0.462390,-0.579984,
- 0.156232,0.987720,-0.000000,1.075645,0.544169,-0.500000,
+ 0.408321,0.858475,-0.310315,1.290676,0.46239,-0.579984,
+ 0.156232,0.98772,0,1.075645,0.544169,-0.5,
- 0.156232,0.987720,-0.000000,1.075645,0.544169,-0.500000,
+ 0.156232,0.98772,0,1.075645,0.544169,-0.5,
- 0.336559,0.941662,0.000000,1.189812,0.516951,-0.500000,
+ 0.336559,0.941662,0,1.189812,0.516951,-0.5,
- 0.160738,0.160922,-0.973790,0.801042,0.315496,-0.723727,
- 0.142808,0.115868,-0.982945,0.855345,0.349190,-0.711204,
+ 0.160738,0.160922,-0.97379,0.801042,0.315496,-0.723727,
+ 0.142808,0.115868,-0.982945,0.855345,0.34919,-0.711204,
- 0.160738,0.160922,-0.973790,0.801042,0.315496,-0.723727,
+ 0.160738,0.160922,-0.97379,0.801042,0.315496,-0.723727,
- 0.142808,0.115868,-0.982945,0.855345,0.349190,-0.711204,
- 0.124797,0.069981,-0.989711,0.920924,0.379919,-0.699960,
- -0.024081,0.437847,-0.898727,0.889770,0.437716,-0.686629,
- -0.024081,0.437847,-0.898727,0.889770,0.437716,-0.686629,
+ 0.142808,0.115868,-0.982945,0.855345,0.34919,-0.711204,
+ 0.124797,0.069981,-0.989711,0.920924,0.379919,-0.69996,
+ -0.024081,0.437847,-0.898727,0.88977,0.437716,-0.686629,
+ -0.024081,0.437847,-0.898727,0.88977,0.437716,-0.686629,
- 0.142808,0.115868,-0.982945,0.855345,0.349190,-0.711204,
+ 0.142808,0.115868,-0.982945,0.855345,0.34919,-0.711204,
- -0.024081,0.437847,-0.898727,0.889770,0.437716,-0.686629,
- 0.398283,-0.122544,-0.909040,0.860532,0.255958,-0.708812,
- 0.662820,-0.338306,-0.667996,0.910107,0.206343,-0.664066,
+ -0.024081,0.437847,-0.898727,0.88977,0.437716,-0.686629,
+ 0.398283,-0.122544,-0.90904,0.860532,0.255958,-0.708812,
+ 0.66282,-0.338306,-0.667996,0.910107,0.206343,-0.664066,
- 0.398283,-0.122544,-0.909040,0.860532,0.255958,-0.708812,
+ 0.398283,-0.122544,-0.90904,0.860532,0.255958,-0.708812,
- 0.124797,0.069981,-0.989711,0.920924,0.379919,-0.699960,
- 0.142808,0.115868,-0.982945,0.855345,0.349190,-0.711204,
+ 0.124797,0.069981,-0.989711,0.920924,0.379919,-0.69996,
+ 0.142808,0.115868,-0.982945,0.855345,0.34919,-0.711204,
- 0.124797,0.069981,-0.989711,0.920924,0.379919,-0.699960,
+ 0.124797,0.069981,-0.989711,0.920924,0.379919,-0.69996,
- 0.142808,0.115868,-0.982945,0.855345,0.349190,-0.711204,
- 0.160738,0.160922,-0.973790,0.801042,0.315496,-0.723727,
- 0.398283,-0.122544,-0.909040,0.860532,0.255958,-0.708812,
- 0.398283,-0.122544,-0.909040,0.860532,0.255958,-0.708812,
+ 0.142808,0.115868,-0.982945,0.855345,0.34919,-0.711204,
+ 0.160738,0.160922,-0.97379,0.801042,0.315496,-0.723727,
+ 0.398283,-0.122544,-0.90904,0.860532,0.255958,-0.708812,
+ 0.398283,-0.122544,-0.90904,0.860532,0.255958,-0.708812,
- 0.142808,0.115868,-0.982945,0.855345,0.349190,-0.711204,
+ 0.142808,0.115868,-0.982945,0.855345,0.34919,-0.711204,
- -0.304580,-0.744204,-0.594467,1.065609,0.289676,-0.638205,
+ -0.30458,-0.744204,-0.594467,1.065609,0.289676,-0.638205,
- 0.012548,-0.001301,-0.999920,1.069855,0.397346,-0.688461,
- 0.086047,0.023651,-0.996010,0.993766,0.398899,-0.691783,
+ 0.012548,-0.001301,-0.99992,1.069855,0.397346,-0.688461,
+ 0.086047,0.023651,-0.99601,0.993766,0.398899,-0.691783,
- 0.012548,-0.001301,-0.999920,1.069855,0.397346,-0.688461,
+ 0.012548,-0.001301,-0.99992,1.069855,0.397346,-0.688461,
- 0.086047,0.023651,-0.996010,0.993766,0.398899,-0.691783,
- 0.124797,0.069981,-0.989711,0.920924,0.379919,-0.699960,
+ 0.086047,0.023651,-0.99601,0.993766,0.398899,-0.691783,
+ 0.124797,0.069981,-0.989711,0.920924,0.379919,-0.69996,
- 0.086047,0.023651,-0.996010,0.993766,0.398899,-0.691783,
+ 0.086047,0.023651,-0.99601,0.993766,0.398899,-0.691783,
- 0.089470,0.746330,-0.659535,1.074101,0.505017,-0.638205,
- -0.041682,0.783340,-0.620195,0.967299,0.505105,-0.640641,
- 0.017449,0.433004,-0.901223,0.979330,0.456830,-0.678998,
- 0.089470,0.746330,-0.659535,1.074101,0.505017,-0.638205,
- 0.017449,0.433004,-0.901223,0.979330,0.456830,-0.678998,
+ 0.08947,0.74633,-0.659535,1.074101,0.505017,-0.638205,
+ -0.041682,0.78334,-0.620195,0.967299,0.505105,-0.640641,
+ 0.017449,0.433004,-0.901223,0.97933,0.45683,-0.678998,
+ 0.08947,0.74633,-0.659535,1.074101,0.505017,-0.638205,
+ 0.017449,0.433004,-0.901223,0.97933,0.45683,-0.678998,
- -0.041682,0.783340,-0.620195,0.967299,0.505105,-0.640641,
+ -0.041682,0.78334,-0.620195,0.967299,0.505105,-0.640641,
- -0.024081,0.437847,-0.898727,0.889770,0.437716,-0.686629,
- -0.024081,0.437847,-0.898727,0.889770,0.437716,-0.686629,
- 0.017449,0.433004,-0.901223,0.979330,0.456830,-0.678998,
- -0.041682,0.783340,-0.620195,0.967299,0.505105,-0.640641,
- 0.124797,0.069981,-0.989711,0.920924,0.379919,-0.699960,
- 0.086047,0.023651,-0.996010,0.993766,0.398899,-0.691783,
- 0.017449,0.433004,-0.901223,0.979330,0.456830,-0.678998,
- 0.124797,0.069981,-0.989711,0.920924,0.379919,-0.699960,
- 0.017449,0.433004,-0.901223,0.979330,0.456830,-0.678998,
- -0.024081,0.437847,-0.898727,0.889770,0.437716,-0.686629,
- 0.086047,0.023651,-0.996010,0.993766,0.398899,-0.691783,
- 0.012548,-0.001301,-0.999920,1.069855,0.397346,-0.688461,
+ -0.024081,0.437847,-0.898727,0.88977,0.437716,-0.686629,
+ -0.024081,0.437847,-0.898727,0.88977,0.437716,-0.686629,
+ 0.017449,0.433004,-0.901223,0.97933,0.45683,-0.678998,
+ -0.041682,0.78334,-0.620195,0.967299,0.505105,-0.640641,
+ 0.124797,0.069981,-0.989711,0.920924,0.379919,-0.69996,
+ 0.086047,0.023651,-0.99601,0.993766,0.398899,-0.691783,
+ 0.017449,0.433004,-0.901223,0.97933,0.45683,-0.678998,
+ 0.124797,0.069981,-0.989711,0.920924,0.379919,-0.69996,
+ 0.017449,0.433004,-0.901223,0.97933,0.45683,-0.678998,
+ -0.024081,0.437847,-0.898727,0.88977,0.437716,-0.686629,
+ 0.086047,0.023651,-0.99601,0.993766,0.398899,-0.691783,
+ 0.012548,-0.001301,-0.99992,1.069855,0.397346,-0.688461,
- 0.017449,0.433004,-0.901223,0.979330,0.456830,-0.678998,
- 0.086047,0.023651,-0.996010,0.993766,0.398899,-0.691783,
+ 0.017449,0.433004,-0.901223,0.97933,0.45683,-0.678998,
+ 0.086047,0.023651,-0.99601,0.993766,0.398899,-0.691783,
- -0.318420,0.898971,-0.300764,0.662233,0.454417,-0.589491,
+ -0.31842,0.898971,-0.300764,0.662233,0.454417,-0.589491,
- -0.204970,0.936687,-0.283911,0.848231,0.514780,-0.579984,
- -0.204970,0.936687,-0.283911,0.848231,0.514780,-0.579984,
+ -0.20497,0.936687,-0.283911,0.848231,0.51478,-0.579984,
+ -0.20497,0.936687,-0.283911,0.848231,0.51478,-0.579984,
- -0.237278,0.971442,0.000000,0.843038,0.524412,-0.500000,
- -0.314129,0.949380,-0.000000,0.738873,0.495020,-0.500000,
+ -0.237278,0.971442,0,0.843038,0.524412,-0.5,
+ -0.314129,0.94938,0,0.738873,0.49502,-0.5,
- -0.237278,0.971442,0.000000,0.843038,0.524412,-0.500000,
+ -0.237278,0.971442,0,0.843038,0.524412,-0.5,
- -0.204970,0.936687,-0.283911,0.848231,0.514780,-0.579984,
- -0.314129,0.949380,-0.000000,0.738873,0.495020,-0.500000,
- -0.346116,0.938192,0.000000,0.652318,0.464340,-0.500000,
- -0.318420,0.898971,-0.300764,0.662233,0.454417,-0.589491,
- -0.318420,0.898971,-0.300764,0.662233,0.454417,-0.589491,
+ -0.20497,0.936687,-0.283911,0.848231,0.51478,-0.579984,
+ -0.314129,0.94938,0,0.738873,0.49502,-0.5,
+ -0.346116,0.938192,0,0.652318,0.46434,-0.5,
+ -0.31842,0.898971,-0.300764,0.662233,0.454417,-0.589491,
+ -0.31842,0.898971,-0.300764,0.662233,0.454417,-0.589491,
- -0.314129,0.949380,-0.000000,0.738873,0.495020,-0.500000,
- -0.041682,0.783340,-0.620195,0.967299,0.505105,-0.640641,
- 0.089470,0.746330,-0.659535,1.074101,0.505017,-0.638205,
+ -0.314129,0.94938,0,0.738873,0.49502,-0.5,
+ -0.041682,0.78334,-0.620195,0.967299,0.505105,-0.640641,
+ 0.08947,0.74633,-0.659535,1.074101,0.505017,-0.638205,
- -0.041682,0.783340,-0.620195,0.967299,0.505105,-0.640641,
+ -0.041682,0.78334,-0.620195,0.967299,0.505105,-0.640641,
- 0.156232,0.987720,-0.000000,1.075645,0.544169,-0.500000,
- -0.084634,0.996412,-0.000000,0.957675,0.543726,-0.500000,
- -0.084634,0.996412,-0.000000,0.957675,0.543726,-0.500000,
+ 0.156232,0.98772,0,1.075645,0.544169,-0.5,
+ -0.084634,0.996412,0,0.957675,0.543726,-0.5,
+ -0.084634,0.996412,0,0.957675,0.543726,-0.5,
- -0.084634,0.996412,-0.000000,0.957675,0.543726,-0.500000,
- -0.237278,0.971442,0.000000,0.843038,0.524412,-0.500000,
- -0.204970,0.936687,-0.283911,0.848231,0.514780,-0.579984,
- -0.204970,0.936687,-0.283911,0.848231,0.514780,-0.579984,
+ -0.084634,0.996412,0,0.957675,0.543726,-0.5,
+ -0.237278,0.971442,0,0.843038,0.524412,-0.5,
+ -0.20497,0.936687,-0.283911,0.848231,0.51478,-0.579984,
+ -0.20497,0.936687,-0.283911,0.848231,0.51478,-0.579984,
- -0.084634,0.996412,-0.000000,0.957675,0.543726,-0.500000,
+ -0.084634,0.996412,0,0.957675,0.543726,-0.5,
- -0.041682,0.783340,-0.620195,0.967299,0.505105,-0.640641,
+ -0.041682,0.78334,-0.620195,0.967299,0.505105,-0.640641,
- -0.204970,0.936687,-0.283911,0.848231,0.514780,-0.579984,
+ -0.20497,0.936687,-0.283911,0.848231,0.51478,-0.579984,
- 0.089470,0.746330,0.659535,1.074101,0.505017,-0.361795,
- -0.041682,0.783340,0.620195,0.967299,0.505105,-0.359359,
- -0.041682,0.783340,0.620195,0.967299,0.505105,-0.359359,
+ 0.08947,0.74633,0.659535,1.074101,0.505017,-0.361795,
+ -0.041682,0.78334,0.620195,0.967299,0.505105,-0.359359,
+ -0.041682,0.78334,0.620195,0.967299,0.505105,-0.359359,
- -0.204970,0.936687,0.283911,0.848231,0.514780,-0.420016,
+ -0.20497,0.936687,0.283911,0.848231,0.51478,-0.420016,
- -0.041682,0.783340,0.620195,0.967299,0.505105,-0.359359,
- -0.204970,0.936687,0.283911,0.848231,0.514780,-0.420016,
- -0.237278,0.971442,0.000000,0.843038,0.524412,-0.500000,
- -0.084634,0.996412,-0.000000,0.957675,0.543726,-0.500000,
- -0.084634,0.996412,-0.000000,0.957675,0.543726,-0.500000,
+ -0.041682,0.78334,0.620195,0.967299,0.505105,-0.359359,
+ -0.20497,0.936687,0.283911,0.848231,0.51478,-0.420016,
+ -0.237278,0.971442,0,0.843038,0.524412,-0.5,
+ -0.084634,0.996412,0,0.957675,0.543726,-0.5,
+ -0.084634,0.996412,0,0.957675,0.543726,-0.5,
- -0.204970,0.936687,0.283911,0.848231,0.514780,-0.420016,
- -0.084634,0.996412,-0.000000,0.957675,0.543726,-0.500000,
- 0.156232,0.987720,-0.000000,1.075645,0.544169,-0.500000,
+ -0.20497,0.936687,0.283911,0.848231,0.51478,-0.420016,
+ -0.084634,0.996412,0,0.957675,0.543726,-0.5,
+ 0.156232,0.98772,0,1.075645,0.544169,-0.5,
- -0.084634,0.996412,-0.000000,0.957675,0.543726,-0.500000,
+ -0.084634,0.996412,0,0.957675,0.543726,-0.5,
- -0.346116,0.938192,0.000000,0.652318,0.464340,-0.500000,
- -0.314129,0.949380,-0.000000,0.738873,0.495020,-0.500000,
- -0.314129,0.949380,-0.000000,0.738873,0.495020,-0.500000,
+ -0.346116,0.938192,0,0.652318,0.46434,-0.5,
+ -0.314129,0.94938,0,0.738873,0.49502,-0.5,
+ -0.314129,0.94938,0,0.738873,0.49502,-0.5,
- -0.237278,0.971442,0.000000,0.843038,0.524412,-0.500000,
- -0.204970,0.936687,0.283911,0.848231,0.514780,-0.420016,
+ -0.237278,0.971442,0,0.843038,0.524412,-0.5,
+ -0.20497,0.936687,0.283911,0.848231,0.51478,-0.420016,
- -0.237278,0.971442,0.000000,0.843038,0.524412,-0.500000,
+ -0.237278,0.971442,0,0.843038,0.524412,-0.5,
- -0.314129,0.949380,-0.000000,0.738873,0.495020,-0.500000,
- -0.204970,0.936687,0.283911,0.848231,0.514780,-0.420016,
+ -0.314129,0.94938,0,0.738873,0.49502,-0.5,
+ -0.20497,0.936687,0.283911,0.848231,0.51478,-0.420016,
- -0.204970,0.936687,0.283911,0.848231,0.514780,-0.420016,
+ -0.20497,0.936687,0.283911,0.848231,0.51478,-0.420016,
- -0.024081,0.437847,0.898727,0.889770,0.437716,-0.313371,
+ -0.024081,0.437847,0.898727,0.88977,0.437716,-0.313371,
- -0.024081,0.437847,0.898727,0.889770,0.437716,-0.313371,
- 0.124797,0.069981,0.989711,0.920924,0.379919,-0.300040,
- 0.142808,0.115868,0.982945,0.855345,0.349190,-0.288796,
- 0.142808,0.115868,0.982945,0.855345,0.349190,-0.288796,
+ -0.024081,0.437847,0.898727,0.88977,0.437716,-0.313371,
+ 0.124797,0.069981,0.989711,0.920924,0.379919,-0.30004,
+ 0.142808,0.115868,0.982945,0.855345,0.34919,-0.288796,
+ 0.142808,0.115868,0.982945,0.855345,0.34919,-0.288796,
- -0.024081,0.437847,0.898727,0.889770,0.437716,-0.313371,
- 0.160738,0.160922,0.973790,0.801042,0.315496,-0.276273,
+ -0.024081,0.437847,0.898727,0.88977,0.437716,-0.313371,
+ 0.160738,0.160922,0.97379,0.801042,0.315496,-0.276273,
- 0.160738,0.160922,0.973790,0.801042,0.315496,-0.276273,
+ 0.160738,0.160922,0.97379,0.801042,0.315496,-0.276273,
- 0.142808,0.115868,0.982945,0.855345,0.349190,-0.288796,
- 0.089470,0.746330,0.659535,1.074101,0.505017,-0.361795,
+ 0.142808,0.115868,0.982945,0.855345,0.34919,-0.288796,
+ 0.08947,0.74633,0.659535,1.074101,0.505017,-0.361795,
- 0.017449,0.433004,0.901223,0.979330,0.456830,-0.321002,
- 0.089470,0.746330,0.659535,1.074101,0.505017,-0.361795,
- 0.017449,0.433004,0.901223,0.979330,0.456830,-0.321002,
- -0.041682,0.783340,0.620195,0.967299,0.505105,-0.359359,
+ 0.017449,0.433004,0.901223,0.97933,0.45683,-0.321002,
+ 0.08947,0.74633,0.659535,1.074101,0.505017,-0.361795,
+ 0.017449,0.433004,0.901223,0.97933,0.45683,-0.321002,
+ -0.041682,0.78334,0.620195,0.967299,0.505105,-0.359359,
- 0.012549,-0.001301,0.999920,1.069855,0.397346,-0.311539,
- 0.086047,0.023651,0.996010,0.993766,0.398899,-0.308217,
- 0.086047,0.023651,0.996010,0.993766,0.398899,-0.308217,
- 0.017449,0.433004,0.901223,0.979330,0.456830,-0.321002,
+ 0.012549,-0.001301,0.99992,1.069855,0.397346,-0.311539,
+ 0.086047,0.023651,0.99601,0.993766,0.398899,-0.308217,
+ 0.086047,0.023651,0.99601,0.993766,0.398899,-0.308217,
+ 0.017449,0.433004,0.901223,0.97933,0.45683,-0.321002,
- 0.124797,0.069981,0.989711,0.920924,0.379919,-0.300040,
- -0.024081,0.437847,0.898727,0.889770,0.437716,-0.313371,
- 0.017449,0.433004,0.901223,0.979330,0.456830,-0.321002,
- 0.124797,0.069981,0.989711,0.920924,0.379919,-0.300040,
- 0.017449,0.433004,0.901223,0.979330,0.456830,-0.321002,
- 0.086047,0.023651,0.996010,0.993766,0.398899,-0.308217,
- -0.024081,0.437847,0.898727,0.889770,0.437716,-0.313371,
+ 0.124797,0.069981,0.989711,0.920924,0.379919,-0.30004,
+ -0.024081,0.437847,0.898727,0.88977,0.437716,-0.313371,
+ 0.017449,0.433004,0.901223,0.97933,0.45683,-0.321002,
+ 0.124797,0.069981,0.989711,0.920924,0.379919,-0.30004,
+ 0.017449,0.433004,0.901223,0.97933,0.45683,-0.321002,
+ 0.086047,0.023651,0.99601,0.993766,0.398899,-0.308217,
+ -0.024081,0.437847,0.898727,0.88977,0.437716,-0.313371,
- -0.041682,0.783340,0.620195,0.967299,0.505105,-0.359359,
- -0.041682,0.783340,0.620195,0.967299,0.505105,-0.359359,
- 0.017449,0.433004,0.901223,0.979330,0.456830,-0.321002,
- -0.024081,0.437847,0.898727,0.889770,0.437716,-0.313371,
+ -0.041682,0.78334,0.620195,0.967299,0.505105,-0.359359,
+ -0.041682,0.78334,0.620195,0.967299,0.505105,-0.359359,
+ 0.017449,0.433004,0.901223,0.97933,0.45683,-0.321002,
+ -0.024081,0.437847,0.898727,0.88977,0.437716,-0.313371,
- -0.304580,-0.744204,0.594467,1.065609,0.289676,-0.361795,
+ -0.30458,-0.744204,0.594467,1.065609,0.289676,-0.361795,
- 0.124797,0.069981,0.989711,0.920924,0.379919,-0.300040,
- 0.086047,0.023651,0.996010,0.993766,0.398899,-0.308217,
- 0.086047,0.023651,0.996010,0.993766,0.398899,-0.308217,
+ 0.124797,0.069981,0.989711,0.920924,0.379919,-0.30004,
+ 0.086047,0.023651,0.99601,0.993766,0.398899,-0.308217,
+ 0.086047,0.023651,0.99601,0.993766,0.398899,-0.308217,
- 0.012549,-0.001301,0.999920,1.069855,0.397346,-0.311539,
+ 0.012549,-0.001301,0.99992,1.069855,0.397346,-0.311539,
- 0.012549,-0.001301,0.999920,1.069855,0.397346,-0.311539,
+ 0.012549,-0.001301,0.99992,1.069855,0.397346,-0.311539,
- 0.086047,0.023651,0.996010,0.993766,0.398899,-0.308217,
+ 0.086047,0.023651,0.99601,0.993766,0.398899,-0.308217,
- 0.662820,-0.338306,0.667996,0.910107,0.206343,-0.335934,
- 0.398283,-0.122544,0.909040,0.860532,0.255958,-0.291188,
- 0.398283,-0.122544,0.909040,0.860532,0.255958,-0.291188,
+ 0.66282,-0.338306,0.667996,0.910107,0.206343,-0.335934,
+ 0.398283,-0.122544,0.90904,0.860532,0.255958,-0.291188,
+ 0.398283,-0.122544,0.90904,0.860532,0.255958,-0.291188,
- 0.398283,-0.122544,0.909040,0.860532,0.255958,-0.291188,
- 0.160738,0.160922,0.973790,0.801042,0.315496,-0.276273,
- 0.142808,0.115868,0.982945,0.855345,0.349190,-0.288796,
- 0.142808,0.115868,0.982945,0.855345,0.349190,-0.288796,
+ 0.398283,-0.122544,0.90904,0.860532,0.255958,-0.291188,
+ 0.160738,0.160922,0.97379,0.801042,0.315496,-0.276273,
+ 0.142808,0.115868,0.982945,0.855345,0.34919,-0.288796,
+ 0.142808,0.115868,0.982945,0.855345,0.34919,-0.288796,
- 0.398283,-0.122544,0.909040,0.860532,0.255958,-0.291188,
- 0.124797,0.069981,0.989711,0.920924,0.379919,-0.300040,
+ 0.398283,-0.122544,0.90904,0.860532,0.255958,-0.291188,
+ 0.124797,0.069981,0.989711,0.920924,0.379919,-0.30004,
- 0.124797,0.069981,0.989711,0.920924,0.379919,-0.300040,
+ 0.124797,0.069981,0.989711,0.920924,0.379919,-0.30004,
- 0.142808,0.115868,0.982945,0.855345,0.349190,-0.288796,
+ 0.142808,0.115868,0.982945,0.855345,0.34919,-0.288796,
- 0.662820,-0.338306,0.667996,0.910107,0.206343,-0.335934,
+ 0.66282,-0.338306,0.667996,0.910107,0.206343,-0.335934,
- 0.662820,-0.338306,0.667996,0.910107,0.206343,-0.335934,
+ 0.66282,-0.338306,0.667996,0.910107,0.206343,-0.335934,
- 0.575394,-0.755507,0.313260,0.993618,0.245059,-0.420016,
+ 0.575394,-0.755507,0.31326,0.993618,0.245059,-0.420016,
- 0.637531,-0.770425,0.000000,0.998811,0.235426,-0.500000,
- 0.823450,-0.567389,-0.000000,0.971816,0.203361,-0.500000,
+ 0.637531,-0.770425,0,0.998811,0.235426,-0.5,
+ 0.82345,-0.567389,0,0.971816,0.203361,-0.5,
- 0.637531,-0.770425,0.000000,0.998811,0.235426,-0.500000,
+ 0.637531,-0.770425,0,0.998811,0.235426,-0.5,
- 0.575394,-0.755507,0.313260,0.993618,0.245059,-0.420016,
- 0.823450,-0.567389,-0.000000,0.971816,0.203361,-0.500000,
- 0.879883,-0.475191,-0.000000,0.949767,0.166652,-0.500000,
+ 0.575394,-0.755507,0.31326,0.993618,0.245059,-0.420016,
+ 0.82345,-0.567389,0,0.971816,0.203361,-0.5,
+ 0.879883,-0.475191,0,0.949767,0.166652,-0.5,
- 0.823450,-0.567389,-0.000000,0.971816,0.203361,-0.500000,
- -0.304580,-0.744204,0.594467,1.065609,0.289676,-0.361795,
+ 0.82345,-0.567389,0,0.971816,0.203361,-0.5,
+ -0.30458,-0.744204,0.594467,1.065609,0.289676,-0.361795,
- -0.304580,-0.744204,0.594467,1.065609,0.289676,-0.361795,
+ -0.30458,-0.744204,0.594467,1.065609,0.289676,-0.361795,
- -0.417976,-0.908458,0.000000,1.064065,0.250523,-0.500000,
- 0.113113,-0.993582,0.000000,1.029858,0.254072,-0.500000,
- 0.113113,-0.993582,0.000000,1.029858,0.254072,-0.500000,
+ -0.417976,-0.908458,0,1.064065,0.250523,-0.5,
+ 0.113113,-0.993582,0,1.029858,0.254072,-0.5,
+ 0.113113,-0.993582,0,1.029858,0.254072,-0.5,
- 0.637531,-0.770425,0.000000,0.998811,0.235426,-0.500000,
- 0.575394,-0.755507,0.313260,0.993618,0.245059,-0.420016,
+ 0.637531,-0.770425,0,0.998811,0.235426,-0.5,
+ 0.575394,-0.755507,0.31326,0.993618,0.245059,-0.420016,
- 0.637531,-0.770425,0.000000,0.998811,0.235426,-0.500000,
+ 0.637531,-0.770425,0,0.998811,0.235426,-0.5,
- 0.113113,-0.993582,0.000000,1.029858,0.254072,-0.500000,
- 0.575394,-0.755507,0.313260,0.993618,0.245059,-0.420016,
+ 0.113113,-0.993582,0,1.029858,0.254072,-0.5,
+ 0.575394,-0.755507,0.31326,0.993618,0.245059,-0.420016,
- 0.575394,-0.755507,0.313260,0.993618,0.245059,-0.420016,
- -0.304580,-0.744204,-0.594467,1.065609,0.289676,-0.638205,
+ 0.575394,-0.755507,0.31326,0.993618,0.245059,-0.420016,
+ -0.30458,-0.744204,-0.594467,1.065609,0.289676,-0.638205,
- -0.304580,-0.744204,-0.594467,1.065609,0.289676,-0.638205,
+ -0.30458,-0.744204,-0.594467,1.065609,0.289676,-0.638205,
- -0.393740,-0.892943,-0.218225,1.064451,0.260311,-0.575384,
+ -0.39374,-0.892943,-0.218225,1.064451,0.260311,-0.575384,
- 0.575393,-0.755507,-0.313260,0.993618,0.245059,-0.579984,
- 0.575393,-0.755507,-0.313260,0.993618,0.245059,-0.579984,
+ 0.575393,-0.755507,-0.31326,0.993618,0.245059,-0.579984,
+ 0.575393,-0.755507,-0.31326,0.993618,0.245059,-0.579984,
- 0.637531,-0.770425,0.000000,0.998811,0.235426,-0.500000,
- 0.113113,-0.993582,0.000000,1.029858,0.254072,-0.500000,
+ 0.637531,-0.770425,0,0.998811,0.235426,-0.5,
+ 0.113113,-0.993582,0,1.029858,0.254072,-0.5,
- 0.637531,-0.770425,0.000000,0.998811,0.235426,-0.500000,
+ 0.637531,-0.770425,0,0.998811,0.235426,-0.5,
- 0.575393,-0.755507,-0.313260,0.993618,0.245059,-0.579984,
- 0.113113,-0.993582,0.000000,1.029858,0.254072,-0.500000,
- -0.417976,-0.908458,0.000000,1.064065,0.250523,-0.500000,
- -0.393740,-0.892943,-0.218225,1.064451,0.260311,-0.575384,
- -0.393740,-0.892943,-0.218225,1.064451,0.260311,-0.575384,
+ 0.575393,-0.755507,-0.31326,0.993618,0.245059,-0.579984,
+ 0.113113,-0.993582,0,1.029858,0.254072,-0.5,
+ -0.417976,-0.908458,0,1.064065,0.250523,-0.5,
+ -0.39374,-0.892943,-0.218225,1.064451,0.260311,-0.575384,
+ -0.39374,-0.892943,-0.218225,1.064451,0.260311,-0.575384,
- 0.113113,-0.993582,0.000000,1.029858,0.254072,-0.500000,
- 0.662820,-0.338306,-0.667996,0.910107,0.206343,-0.664066,
+ 0.113113,-0.993582,0,1.029858,0.254072,-0.5,
+ 0.66282,-0.338306,-0.667996,0.910107,0.206343,-0.664066,
- 0.662820,-0.338306,-0.667996,0.910107,0.206343,-0.664066,
+ 0.66282,-0.338306,-0.667996,0.910107,0.206343,-0.664066,
- 0.879883,-0.475191,-0.000000,0.949767,0.166652,-0.500000,
- 0.823450,-0.567389,-0.000000,0.971816,0.203361,-0.500000,
- 0.823450,-0.567389,-0.000000,0.971816,0.203361,-0.500000,
+ 0.879883,-0.475191,0,0.949767,0.166652,-0.5,
+ 0.82345,-0.567389,0,0.971816,0.203361,-0.5,
+ 0.82345,-0.567389,0,0.971816,0.203361,-0.5,
- 0.637531,-0.770425,0.000000,0.998811,0.235426,-0.500000,
- 0.575393,-0.755507,-0.313260,0.993618,0.245059,-0.579984,
+ 0.637531,-0.770425,0,0.998811,0.235426,-0.5,
+ 0.575393,-0.755507,-0.31326,0.993618,0.245059,-0.579984,
- 0.637531,-0.770425,0.000000,0.998811,0.235426,-0.500000,
+ 0.637531,-0.770425,0,0.998811,0.235426,-0.5,
- 0.823450,-0.567389,-0.000000,0.971816,0.203361,-0.500000,
+ 0.82345,-0.567389,0,0.971816,0.203361,-0.5,
- 0.575393,-0.755507,-0.313260,0.993618,0.245059,-0.579984,
- 0.655740,-0.380493,0.652097,0.887817,0.175019,-0.327123,
- 0.662820,-0.338306,0.667996,0.910107,0.206343,-0.335934,
+ 0.575393,-0.755507,-0.31326,0.993618,0.245059,-0.579984,
+ 0.65574,-0.380493,0.652097,0.887817,0.175019,-0.327123,
+ 0.66282,-0.338306,0.667996,0.910107,0.206343,-0.335934,
- 0.788892,-0.514111,0.336659,0.922122,0.144310,-0.405704,
- 0.655740,-0.380493,0.652097,0.887817,0.175019,-0.327123,
- 0.879883,-0.475191,-0.000000,0.949767,0.166652,-0.500000,
- 0.818537,-0.574454,-0.000000,0.933557,0.134073,-0.500000,
- 0.788892,-0.514111,0.336659,0.922122,0.144310,-0.405704,
- 0.879883,-0.475191,-0.000000,0.949767,0.166652,-0.500000,
- 0.788892,-0.514111,0.336659,0.922122,0.144310,-0.405704,
+ 0.788892,-0.514111,0.336659,0.922122,0.14431,-0.405704,
+ 0.65574,-0.380493,0.652097,0.887817,0.175019,-0.327123,
+ 0.879883,-0.475191,0,0.949767,0.166652,-0.5,
+ 0.818537,-0.574454,0,0.933557,0.134073,-0.5,
+ 0.788892,-0.514111,0.336659,0.922122,0.14431,-0.405704,
+ 0.879883,-0.475191,0,0.949767,0.166652,-0.5,
+ 0.788892,-0.514111,0.336659,0.922122,0.14431,-0.405704,
- 0.818537,-0.574454,-0.000000,0.933557,0.134073,-0.500000,
- 0.394485,-0.918903,-0.000000,0.915792,0.112008,-0.500000,
- 0.520237,-0.801686,0.294369,0.903840,0.122594,-0.405051,
- 0.520237,-0.801686,0.294369,0.903840,0.122594,-0.405051,
- 0.788892,-0.514111,0.336659,0.922122,0.144310,-0.405704,
- 0.818537,-0.574454,-0.000000,0.933557,0.134073,-0.500000,
- 0.319910,-0.691022,0.648187,0.867858,0.153664,-0.325812,
- 0.655740,-0.380493,0.652097,0.887817,0.175019,-0.327123,
- 0.788892,-0.514111,0.336659,0.922122,0.144310,-0.405704,
- 0.319910,-0.691022,0.648187,0.867858,0.153664,-0.325812,
- 0.788892,-0.514111,0.336659,0.922122,0.144310,-0.405704,
- 0.520237,-0.801686,0.294369,0.903840,0.122594,-0.405051,
+ 0.818537,-0.574454,0,0.933557,0.134073,-0.5,
+ 0.394485,-0.918903,0,0.915792,0.112008,-0.5,
+ 0.520237,-0.801686,0.294369,0.90384,0.122594,-0.405051,
+ 0.520237,-0.801686,0.294369,0.90384,0.122594,-0.405051,
+ 0.788892,-0.514111,0.336659,0.922122,0.14431,-0.405704,
+ 0.818537,-0.574454,0,0.933557,0.134073,-0.5,
+ 0.31991,-0.691022,0.648187,0.867858,0.153664,-0.325812,
+ 0.65574,-0.380493,0.652097,0.887817,0.175019,-0.327123,
+ 0.788892,-0.514111,0.336659,0.922122,0.14431,-0.405704,
+ 0.31991,-0.691022,0.648187,0.867858,0.153664,-0.325812,
+ 0.788892,-0.514111,0.336659,0.922122,0.14431,-0.405704,
+ 0.520237,-0.801686,0.294369,0.90384,0.122594,-0.405051,
- 0.662820,-0.338306,-0.667996,0.910107,0.206343,-0.664066,
- 0.655740,-0.380493,-0.652097,0.887817,0.175019,-0.672877,
- 0.655740,-0.380493,-0.652097,0.887817,0.175019,-0.672877,
- 0.788892,-0.514111,-0.336659,0.922122,0.144310,-0.594296,
+ 0.66282,-0.338306,-0.667996,0.910107,0.206343,-0.664066,
+ 0.65574,-0.380493,-0.652097,0.887817,0.175019,-0.672877,
+ 0.65574,-0.380493,-0.652097,0.887817,0.175019,-0.672877,
+ 0.788892,-0.514111,-0.336659,0.922122,0.14431,-0.594296,
- 0.319910,-0.691022,-0.648187,0.867858,0.153664,-0.674188,
- 0.520237,-0.801686,-0.294370,0.903840,0.122594,-0.594949,
- 0.788892,-0.514111,-0.336659,0.922122,0.144310,-0.594296,
- 0.319910,-0.691022,-0.648187,0.867858,0.153664,-0.674188,
- 0.788892,-0.514111,-0.336659,0.922122,0.144310,-0.594296,
- 0.655740,-0.380493,-0.652097,0.887817,0.175019,-0.672877,
- 0.520237,-0.801686,-0.294370,0.903840,0.122594,-0.594949,
- 0.394485,-0.918903,-0.000000,0.915792,0.112008,-0.500000,
- 0.818537,-0.574454,-0.000000,0.933557,0.134073,-0.500000,
- 0.818537,-0.574454,-0.000000,0.933557,0.134073,-0.500000,
- 0.788892,-0.514111,-0.336659,0.922122,0.144310,-0.594296,
- 0.520237,-0.801686,-0.294370,0.903840,0.122594,-0.594949,
- 0.879883,-0.475191,-0.000000,0.949767,0.166652,-0.500000,
+ 0.31991,-0.691022,-0.648187,0.867858,0.153664,-0.674188,
+ 0.520237,-0.801686,-0.29437,0.90384,0.122594,-0.594949,
+ 0.788892,-0.514111,-0.336659,0.922122,0.14431,-0.594296,
+ 0.31991,-0.691022,-0.648187,0.867858,0.153664,-0.674188,
+ 0.788892,-0.514111,-0.336659,0.922122,0.14431,-0.594296,
+ 0.65574,-0.380493,-0.652097,0.887817,0.175019,-0.672877,
+ 0.520237,-0.801686,-0.29437,0.90384,0.122594,-0.594949,
+ 0.394485,-0.918903,0,0.915792,0.112008,-0.5,
+ 0.818537,-0.574454,0,0.933557,0.134073,-0.5,
+ 0.818537,-0.574454,0,0.933557,0.134073,-0.5,
+ 0.788892,-0.514111,-0.336659,0.922122,0.14431,-0.594296,
+ 0.520237,-0.801686,-0.29437,0.90384,0.122594,-0.594949,
+ 0.879883,-0.475191,0,0.949767,0.166652,-0.5,
- 0.788892,-0.514111,-0.336659,0.922122,0.144310,-0.594296,
- 0.879883,-0.475191,-0.000000,0.949767,0.166652,-0.500000,
- 0.788892,-0.514111,-0.336659,0.922122,0.144310,-0.594296,
- 0.818537,-0.574454,-0.000000,0.933557,0.134073,-0.500000,
+ 0.788892,-0.514111,-0.336659,0.922122,0.14431,-0.594296,
+ 0.879883,-0.475191,0,0.949767,0.166652,-0.5,
+ 0.788892,-0.514111,-0.336659,0.922122,0.14431,-0.594296,
+ 0.818537,-0.574454,0,0.933557,0.134073,-0.5,
- -0.483700,-0.869471,-0.100277,0.837530,0.133890,-0.582500,
- -0.146037,-0.967926,-0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.587500,
+ -0.4837,-0.869471,-0.100277,0.83753,0.13389,-0.5825,
+ -0.146037,-0.967926,-0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.5875,
- -0.146037,-0.967926,-0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.587500,
- -0.233830,-0.869880,-0.434318,0.844199,0.147671,-0.660875,
- -0.435927,-0.899982,0.000000,0.846018,0.123878,-0.500000,
- -0.093893,-0.995582,0.000000,0.889078,0.106840,-0.500000,
- -0.146037,-0.967926,-0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.587500,
- -0.435927,-0.899982,0.000000,0.846018,0.123878,-0.500000,
- -0.146037,-0.967926,-0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.587500,
- -0.483700,-0.869471,-0.100277,0.837530,0.133890,-0.582500,
- 0.394485,-0.918903,-0.000000,0.915792,0.112008,-0.500000,
- 0.520237,-0.801686,-0.294370,0.903840,0.122594,-0.594949,
- -0.146037,-0.967926,-0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.587500,
- 0.394485,-0.918903,-0.000000,0.915792,0.112008,-0.500000,
- -0.146037,-0.967926,-0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.587500,
- -0.093893,-0.995582,0.000000,0.889078,0.106840,-0.500000,
- 0.319910,-0.691022,-0.648187,0.867858,0.153664,-0.674188,
- -0.233830,-0.869880,-0.434318,0.844199,0.147671,-0.660875,
- -0.146037,-0.967926,-0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.587500,
- 0.319910,-0.691022,-0.648187,0.867858,0.153664,-0.674188,
- -0.146037,-0.967926,-0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.587500,
- 0.520237,-0.801686,-0.294370,0.903840,0.122594,-0.594949,
+ -0.146037,-0.967926,-0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.5875,
+ -0.23383,-0.86988,-0.434318,0.844199,0.147671,-0.660875,
+ -0.435927,-0.899982,0,0.846018,0.123878,-0.5,
+ -0.093893,-0.995582,0,0.889078,0.10684,-0.5,
+ -0.146037,-0.967926,-0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.5875,
+ -0.435927,-0.899982,0,0.846018,0.123878,-0.5,
+ -0.146037,-0.967926,-0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.5875,
+ -0.4837,-0.869471,-0.100277,0.83753,0.13389,-0.5825,
+ 0.394485,-0.918903,0,0.915792,0.112008,-0.5,
+ 0.520237,-0.801686,-0.29437,0.90384,0.122594,-0.594949,
+ -0.146037,-0.967926,-0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.5875,
+ 0.394485,-0.918903,0,0.915792,0.112008,-0.5,
+ -0.146037,-0.967926,-0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.5875,
+ -0.093893,-0.995582,0,0.889078,0.10684,-0.5,
+ 0.31991,-0.691022,-0.648187,0.867858,0.153664,-0.674188,
+ -0.23383,-0.86988,-0.434318,0.844199,0.147671,-0.660875,
+ -0.146037,-0.967926,-0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.5875,
+ 0.31991,-0.691022,-0.648187,0.867858,0.153664,-0.674188,
+ -0.146037,-0.967926,-0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.5875,
+ 0.520237,-0.801686,-0.29437,0.90384,0.122594,-0.594949,
- -0.233830,-0.869880,0.434318,0.844199,0.147671,-0.339125,
- -0.146037,-0.967926,0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.412500,
+ -0.23383,-0.86988,0.434318,0.844199,0.147671,-0.339125,
+ -0.146037,-0.967926,0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.4125,
- -0.146037,-0.967926,0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.412500,
- -0.483700,-0.869471,0.100277,0.837530,0.133890,-0.417500,
- 0.319910,-0.691022,0.648187,0.867858,0.153664,-0.325812,
- 0.520237,-0.801686,0.294369,0.903840,0.122594,-0.405051,
- -0.146037,-0.967926,0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.412500,
- 0.319910,-0.691022,0.648187,0.867858,0.153664,-0.325812,
- -0.146037,-0.967926,0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.412500,
- -0.233830,-0.869880,0.434318,0.844199,0.147671,-0.339125,
- 0.394485,-0.918903,-0.000000,0.915792,0.112008,-0.500000,
- -0.093893,-0.995582,0.000000,0.889078,0.106840,-0.500000,
- -0.146037,-0.967926,0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.412500,
- 0.394485,-0.918903,-0.000000,0.915792,0.112008,-0.500000,
- -0.146037,-0.967926,0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.412500,
- 0.520237,-0.801686,0.294369,0.903840,0.122594,-0.405051,
- -0.435927,-0.899982,0.000000,0.846018,0.123878,-0.500000,
- -0.483700,-0.869471,0.100277,0.837530,0.133890,-0.417500,
- -0.146037,-0.967926,0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.412500,
- -0.435927,-0.899982,0.000000,0.846018,0.123878,-0.500000,
- -0.146037,-0.967926,0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.412500,
- -0.093893,-0.995582,0.000000,0.889078,0.106840,-0.500000,
- 0.662820,-0.338306,-0.667996,0.910107,0.206343,-0.664066,
- 0.398283,-0.122544,-0.909040,0.860532,0.255958,-0.708812,
- 0.378094,-0.147323,-0.913970,0.830643,0.226200,-0.720025,
- 0.662820,-0.338306,-0.667996,0.910107,0.206343,-0.664066,
- 0.378094,-0.147323,-0.913970,0.830643,0.226200,-0.720025,
- 0.655740,-0.380493,-0.652097,0.887817,0.175019,-0.672877,
- 0.160738,0.160922,-0.973790,0.801042,0.315496,-0.723727,
+ -0.146037,-0.967926,0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.4125,
+ -0.4837,-0.869471,0.100277,0.83753,0.13389,-0.4175,
+ 0.31991,-0.691022,0.648187,0.867858,0.153664,-0.325812,
+ 0.520237,-0.801686,0.294369,0.90384,0.122594,-0.405051,
+ -0.146037,-0.967926,0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.4125,
+ 0.31991,-0.691022,0.648187,0.867858,0.153664,-0.325812,
+ -0.146037,-0.967926,0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.4125,
+ -0.23383,-0.86988,0.434318,0.844199,0.147671,-0.339125,
+ 0.394485,-0.918903,0,0.915792,0.112008,-0.5,
+ -0.093893,-0.995582,0,0.889078,0.10684,-0.5,
+ -0.146037,-0.967926,0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.4125,
+ 0.394485,-0.918903,0,0.915792,0.112008,-0.5,
+ -0.146037,-0.967926,0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.4125,
+ 0.520237,-0.801686,0.294369,0.90384,0.122594,-0.405051,
+ -0.435927,-0.899982,0,0.846018,0.123878,-0.5,
+ -0.4837,-0.869471,0.100277,0.83753,0.13389,-0.4175,
+ -0.146037,-0.967926,0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.4125,
+ -0.435927,-0.899982,0,0.846018,0.123878,-0.5,
+ -0.146037,-0.967926,0.204432,0.877985,0.117734,-0.4125,
+ -0.093893,-0.995582,0,0.889078,0.10684,-0.5,
+ 0.66282,-0.338306,-0.667996,0.910107,0.206343,-0.664066,
+ 0.398283,-0.122544,-0.90904,0.860532,0.255958,-0.708812,
+ 0.378094,-0.147323,-0.91397,0.830643,0.2262,-0.720025,
+ 0.66282,-0.338306,-0.667996,0.910107,0.206343,-0.664066,
+ 0.378094,-0.147323,-0.91397,0.830643,0.2262,-0.720025,
+ 0.65574,-0.380493,-0.652097,0.887817,0.175019,-0.672877,
+ 0.160738,0.160922,-0.97379,0.801042,0.315496,-0.723727,
- 0.378094,-0.147323,-0.913970,0.830643,0.226200,-0.720025,
- 0.160738,0.160922,-0.973790,0.801042,0.315496,-0.723727,
- 0.378094,-0.147323,-0.913970,0.830643,0.226200,-0.720025,
- 0.398283,-0.122544,-0.909040,0.860532,0.255958,-0.708812,
+ 0.378094,-0.147323,-0.91397,0.830643,0.2262,-0.720025,
+ 0.160738,0.160922,-0.97379,0.801042,0.315496,-0.723727,
+ 0.378094,-0.147323,-0.91397,0.830643,0.2262,-0.720025,
+ 0.398283,-0.122544,-0.90904,0.860532,0.255958,-0.708812,
- -0.233968,-0.235900,-0.943191,0.735693,0.265534,-0.738060,
+ -0.233968,-0.2359,-0.943191,0.735693,0.265534,-0.73806,
- 0.378094,-0.147323,-0.913970,0.830643,0.226200,-0.720025,
+ 0.378094,-0.147323,-0.91397,0.830643,0.2262,-0.720025,
- 0.319910,-0.691022,-0.648187,0.867858,0.153664,-0.674188,
- 0.655740,-0.380493,-0.652097,0.887817,0.175019,-0.672877,
- 0.378094,-0.147323,-0.913970,0.830643,0.226200,-0.720025,
- 0.319910,-0.691022,-0.648187,0.867858,0.153664,-0.674188,
- 0.378094,-0.147323,-0.913970,0.830643,0.226200,-0.720025,
+ 0.31991,-0.691022,-0.648187,0.867858,0.153664,-0.674188,
+ 0.65574,-0.380493,-0.652097,0.887817,0.175019,-0.672877,
+ 0.378094,-0.147323,-0.91397,0.830643,0.2262,-0.720025,
+ 0.31991,-0.691022,-0.648187,0.867858,0.153664,-0.674188,
+ 0.378094,-0.147323,-0.91397,0.830643,0.2262,-0.720025,
- -0.304611,0.675798,-0.671200,0.636249,0.400218,-0.672877,
+ -0.304611,0.675798,-0.6712,0.636249,0.400218,-0.672877,
- -0.304611,0.675798,-0.671200,0.636249,0.400218,-0.672877,
- -0.638487,0.393678,-0.661326,0.604310,0.378335,-0.674188,
- -0.462569,0.070189,-0.883800,0.664060,0.327000,-0.722006,
- -0.462569,0.070189,-0.883800,0.664060,0.327000,-0.722006,
+ -0.304611,0.675798,-0.6712,0.636249,0.400218,-0.672877,
+ -0.638487,0.393678,-0.661326,0.60431,0.378335,-0.674188,
+ -0.462569,0.070189,-0.8838,0.66406,0.327,-0.722006,
+ -0.462569,0.070189,-0.8838,0.66406,0.327,-0.722006,
- -0.304611,0.675798,-0.671200,0.636249,0.400218,-0.672877,
- -0.233968,-0.235900,-0.943191,0.735693,0.265534,-0.738060,
+ -0.304611,0.675798,-0.6712,0.636249,0.400218,-0.672877,
+ -0.233968,-0.2359,-0.943191,0.735693,0.265534,-0.73806,
- -0.233968,-0.235900,-0.943191,0.735693,0.265534,-0.738060,
+ -0.233968,-0.2359,-0.943191,0.735693,0.265534,-0.73806,
- -0.462569,0.070189,-0.883800,0.664060,0.327000,-0.722006,
+ -0.462569,0.070189,-0.8838,0.66406,0.327,-0.722006,
- 0.160738,0.160922,-0.973790,0.801042,0.315496,-0.723727,
+ 0.160738,0.160922,-0.97379,0.801042,0.315496,-0.723727,
- -0.660431,-0.496512,-0.563299,0.653151,0.306393,-0.706000,
+ -0.660431,-0.496512,-0.563299,0.653151,0.306393,-0.706,
- -0.531095,-0.656282,-0.535940,0.719399,0.249218,-0.721500,
- -0.660431,-0.496512,-0.563299,0.653151,0.306393,-0.706000,
+ -0.531095,-0.656282,-0.53594,0.719399,0.249218,-0.7215,
+ -0.660431,-0.496512,-0.563299,0.653151,0.306393,-0.706,
- -0.660431,-0.496512,-0.563299,0.653151,0.306393,-0.706000,
+ -0.660431,-0.496512,-0.563299,0.653151,0.306393,-0.706,
- -0.233968,-0.235900,-0.943191,0.735693,0.265534,-0.738060,
- -0.462569,0.070189,-0.883800,0.664060,0.327000,-0.722006,
- -0.660431,-0.496512,-0.563299,0.653151,0.306393,-0.706000,
- -0.233968,-0.235900,-0.943191,0.735693,0.265534,-0.738060,
- -0.660431,-0.496512,-0.563299,0.653151,0.306393,-0.706000,
- -0.531095,-0.656282,-0.535940,0.719399,0.249218,-0.721500,
- -0.462569,0.070189,-0.883800,0.664060,0.327000,-0.722006,
- -0.638487,0.393678,-0.661326,0.604310,0.378335,-0.674188,
+ -0.233968,-0.2359,-0.943191,0.735693,0.265534,-0.73806,
+ -0.462569,0.070189,-0.8838,0.66406,0.327,-0.722006,
+ -0.660431,-0.496512,-0.563299,0.653151,0.306393,-0.706,
+ -0.233968,-0.2359,-0.943191,0.735693,0.265534,-0.73806,
+ -0.660431,-0.496512,-0.563299,0.653151,0.306393,-0.706,
+ -0.531095,-0.656282,-0.53594,0.719399,0.249218,-0.7215,
+ -0.462569,0.070189,-0.8838,0.66406,0.327,-0.722006,
+ -0.638487,0.393678,-0.661326,0.60431,0.378335,-0.674188,
- -0.660431,-0.496512,-0.563299,0.653151,0.306393,-0.706000,
- -0.462569,0.070189,-0.883800,0.664060,0.327000,-0.722006,
+ -0.660431,-0.496512,-0.563299,0.653151,0.306393,-0.706,
+ -0.462569,0.070189,-0.8838,0.66406,0.327,-0.722006,
- -0.233830,-0.869880,-0.434318,0.844199,0.147671,-0.660875,
- -0.376394,-0.756788,-0.534415,0.787209,0.193905,-0.706000,
+ -0.23383,-0.86988,-0.434318,0.844199,0.147671,-0.660875,
+ -0.376394,-0.756788,-0.534415,0.787209,0.193905,-0.706,
- -0.376394,-0.756788,-0.534415,0.787209,0.193905,-0.706000,
+ -0.376394,-0.756788,-0.534415,0.787209,0.193905,-0.706,
- -0.233830,-0.869880,-0.434318,0.844199,0.147671,-0.660875,
- 0.319910,-0.691022,-0.648187,0.867858,0.153664,-0.674188,
+ -0.23383,-0.86988,-0.434318,0.844199,0.147671,-0.660875,
+ 0.31991,-0.691022,-0.648187,0.867858,0.153664,-0.674188,
- -0.376394,-0.756788,-0.534415,0.787209,0.193905,-0.706000,
- -0.233830,-0.869880,-0.434318,0.844199,0.147671,-0.660875,
- -0.233968,-0.235900,-0.943191,0.735693,0.265534,-0.738060,
- -0.531095,-0.656282,-0.535940,0.719399,0.249218,-0.721500,
- -0.376394,-0.756788,-0.534415,0.787209,0.193905,-0.706000,
- -0.233968,-0.235900,-0.943191,0.735693,0.265534,-0.738060,
- -0.376394,-0.756788,-0.534415,0.787209,0.193905,-0.706000,
+ -0.376394,-0.756788,-0.534415,0.787209,0.193905,-0.706,
+ -0.23383,-0.86988,-0.434318,0.844199,0.147671,-0.660875,
+ -0.233968,-0.2359,-0.943191,0.735693,0.265534,-0.73806,
+ -0.531095,-0.656282,-0.53594,0.719399,0.249218,-0.7215,
+ -0.376394,-0.756788,-0.534415,0.787209,0.193905,-0.706,
+ -0.233968,-0.2359,-0.943191,0.735693,0.265534,-0.73806,
+ -0.376394,-0.756788,-0.534415,0.787209,0.193905,-0.706,
- -0.531095,-0.656282,-0.535940,0.719399,0.249218,-0.721500,
+ -0.531095,-0.656282,-0.53594,0.719399,0.249218,-0.7215,
- -0.376394,-0.756788,-0.534415,0.787209,0.193905,-0.706000,
- -0.531095,-0.656282,-0.535940,0.719399,0.249218,-0.721500,
- -0.304611,0.675798,-0.671200,0.636249,0.400218,-0.672877,
+ -0.376394,-0.756788,-0.534415,0.787209,0.193905,-0.706,
+ -0.531095,-0.656282,-0.53594,0.719399,0.249218,-0.7215,
+ -0.304611,0.675798,-0.6712,0.636249,0.400218,-0.672877,
- -0.318420,0.898971,-0.300764,0.662233,0.454417,-0.589491,
- -0.318420,0.898971,-0.300764,0.662233,0.454417,-0.589491,
+ -0.31842,0.898971,-0.300764,0.662233,0.454417,-0.589491,
+ -0.31842,0.898971,-0.300764,0.662233,0.454417,-0.589491,
- -0.304611,0.675798,-0.671200,0.636249,0.400218,-0.672877,
- -0.346116,0.938192,0.000000,0.652318,0.464340,-0.500000,
- -0.477849,0.878442,0.000000,0.590509,0.441164,-0.500000,
+ -0.304611,0.675798,-0.6712,0.636249,0.400218,-0.672877,
+ -0.346116,0.938192,0,0.652318,0.46434,-0.5,
+ -0.477849,0.878442,0,0.590509,0.441164,-0.5,
- -0.346116,0.938192,0.000000,0.652318,0.464340,-0.500000,
+ -0.346116,0.938192,0,0.652318,0.46434,-0.5,
- -0.318420,0.898971,-0.300764,0.662233,0.454417,-0.589491,
- -0.477849,0.878442,0.000000,0.590509,0.441164,-0.500000,
- -0.898580,0.438810,0.000000,0.555594,0.419060,-0.500000,
- -0.801359,0.491779,-0.340556,0.567937,0.408940,-0.594949,
- -0.801359,0.491779,-0.340556,0.567937,0.408940,-0.594949,
+ -0.31842,0.898971,-0.300764,0.662233,0.454417,-0.589491,
+ -0.477849,0.878442,0,0.590509,0.441164,-0.5,
+ -0.89858,0.43881,0,0.555594,0.41906,-0.5,
+ -0.801359,0.491779,-0.340556,0.567937,0.40894,-0.594949,
+ -0.801359,0.491779,-0.340556,0.567937,0.40894,-0.594949,
- -0.477849,0.878442,0.000000,0.590509,0.441164,-0.500000,
- -0.638487,0.393678,-0.661326,0.604310,0.378335,-0.674188,
- -0.304611,0.675798,-0.671200,0.636249,0.400218,-0.672877,
+ -0.477849,0.878442,0,0.590509,0.441164,-0.5,
+ -0.638487,0.393678,-0.661326,0.60431,0.378335,-0.674188,
+ -0.304611,0.675798,-0.6712,0.636249,0.400218,-0.672877,
- -0.638487,0.393678,-0.661326,0.604310,0.378335,-0.674188,
+ -0.638487,0.393678,-0.661326,0.60431,0.378335,-0.674188,
- -0.801359,0.491779,-0.340556,0.567937,0.408940,-0.594949,
+ -0.801359,0.491779,-0.340556,0.567937,0.40894,-0.594949,
- -0.304611,0.675798,0.671200,0.636249,0.400218,-0.327123,
- -0.304611,0.675798,0.671200,0.636249,0.400218,-0.327123,
+ -0.304611,0.675798,0.6712,0.636249,0.400218,-0.327123,
+ -0.304611,0.675798,0.6712,0.636249,0.400218,-0.327123,
- -0.638487,0.393678,0.661326,0.604310,0.378335,-0.325812,
- -0.801358,0.491779,0.340556,0.567937,0.408940,-0.405051,
+ -0.638487,0.393678,0.661326,0.60431,0.378335,-0.325812,
+ -0.801358,0.491779,0.340556,0.567937,0.40894,-0.405051,
- -0.638487,0.393678,0.661326,0.604310,0.378335,-0.325812,
+ -0.638487,0.393678,0.661326,0.60431,0.378335,-0.325812,
- -0.304611,0.675798,0.671200,0.636249,0.400218,-0.327123,
- -0.801358,0.491779,0.340556,0.567937,0.408940,-0.405051,
- -0.898580,0.438810,0.000000,0.555594,0.419060,-0.500000,
- -0.477849,0.878442,0.000000,0.590509,0.441164,-0.500000,
- -0.477849,0.878442,0.000000,0.590509,0.441164,-0.500000,
+ -0.304611,0.675798,0.6712,0.636249,0.400218,-0.327123,
+ -0.801358,0.491779,0.340556,0.567937,0.40894,-0.405051,
+ -0.89858,0.43881,0,0.555594,0.41906,-0.5,
+ -0.477849,0.878442,0,0.590509,0.441164,-0.5,
+ -0.477849,0.878442,0,0.590509,0.441164,-0.5,
- -0.801358,0.491779,0.340556,0.567937,0.408940,-0.405051,
- -0.346116,0.938192,0.000000,0.652318,0.464340,-0.500000,
+ -0.801358,0.491779,0.340556,0.567937,0.40894,-0.405051,
+ -0.346116,0.938192,0,0.652318,0.46434,-0.5,
- -0.346116,0.938192,0.000000,0.652318,0.464340,-0.500000,
+ -0.346116,0.938192,0,0.652318,0.46434,-0.5,
- -0.477849,0.878442,0.000000,0.590509,0.441164,-0.500000,
+ -0.477849,0.878442,0,0.590509,0.441164,-0.5,
- -0.772268,-0.627334,0.100277,0.585310,0.345528,-0.417500,
- -0.944453,-0.263136,0.196897,0.562375,0.382563,-0.412500,
+ -0.772268,-0.627334,0.100277,0.58531,0.345528,-0.4175,
+ -0.944453,-0.263136,0.196897,0.562375,0.382563,-0.4125,
- -0.944453,-0.263136,0.196897,0.562375,0.382563,-0.412500,
+ -0.944453,-0.263136,0.196897,0.562375,0.382563,-0.4125,
- -0.810611,-0.585585,0.000000,0.573976,0.352148,-0.500000,
- -0.985168,-0.171594,0.000000,0.549720,0.391595,-0.500000,
- -0.944453,-0.263136,0.196897,0.562375,0.382563,-0.412500,
- -0.810611,-0.585585,0.000000,0.573976,0.352148,-0.500000,
- -0.944453,-0.263136,0.196897,0.562375,0.382563,-0.412500,
- -0.772268,-0.627334,0.100277,0.585310,0.345528,-0.417500,
- -0.898580,0.438810,0.000000,0.555594,0.419060,-0.500000,
- -0.801358,0.491779,0.340556,0.567937,0.408940,-0.405051,
- -0.944453,-0.263136,0.196897,0.562375,0.382563,-0.412500,
- -0.898580,0.438810,0.000000,0.555594,0.419060,-0.500000,
- -0.944453,-0.263136,0.196897,0.562375,0.382563,-0.412500,
- -0.985168,-0.171594,0.000000,0.549720,0.391595,-0.500000,
- -0.801358,0.491779,0.340556,0.567937,0.408940,-0.405051,
- -0.638487,0.393678,0.661326,0.604310,0.378335,-0.325812,
+ -0.810611,-0.585585,0,0.573976,0.352148,-0.5,
+ -0.985168,-0.171594,0,0.54972,0.391595,-0.5,
+ -0.944453,-0.263136,0.196897,0.562375,0.382563,-0.4125,
+ -0.810611,-0.585585,0,0.573976,0.352148,-0.5,
+ -0.944453,-0.263136,0.196897,0.562375,0.382563,-0.4125,
+ -0.772268,-0.627334,0.100277,0.58531,0.345528,-0.4175,
+ -0.89858,0.43881,0,0.555594,0.41906,-0.5,
+ -0.801358,0.491779,0.340556,0.567937,0.40894,-0.405051,
+ -0.944453,-0.263136,0.196897,0.562375,0.382563,-0.4125,
+ -0.89858,0.43881,0,0.555594,0.41906,-0.5,
+ -0.944453,-0.263136,0.196897,0.562375,0.382563,-0.4125,
+ -0.985168,-0.171594,0,0.54972,0.391595,-0.5,
+ -0.801358,0.491779,0.340556,0.567937,0.40894,-0.405051,
+ -0.638487,0.393678,0.661326,0.60431,0.378335,-0.325812,
- -0.944453,-0.263136,0.196897,0.562375,0.382563,-0.412500,
- -0.801358,0.491779,0.340556,0.567937,0.408940,-0.405051,
+ -0.944453,-0.263136,0.196897,0.562375,0.382563,-0.4125,
+ -0.801358,0.491779,0.340556,0.567937,0.40894,-0.405051,
- -0.944453,-0.263136,-0.196896,0.562375,0.382563,-0.587500,
+ -0.944453,-0.263136,-0.196896,0.562375,0.382563,-0.5875,
- -0.944453,-0.263136,-0.196896,0.562375,0.382563,-0.587500,
- -0.772268,-0.627334,-0.100277,0.585310,0.345528,-0.582500,
+ -0.944453,-0.263136,-0.196896,0.562375,0.382563,-0.5875,
+ -0.772268,-0.627334,-0.100277,0.58531,0.345528,-0.5825,
- -0.638487,0.393678,-0.661326,0.604310,0.378335,-0.674188,
- -0.801359,0.491779,-0.340556,0.567937,0.408940,-0.594949,
- -0.801359,0.491779,-0.340556,0.567937,0.408940,-0.594949,
- -0.944453,-0.263136,-0.196896,0.562375,0.382563,-0.587500,
+ -0.638487,0.393678,-0.661326,0.60431,0.378335,-0.674188,
+ -0.801359,0.491779,-0.340556,0.567937,0.40894,-0.594949,
+ -0.801359,0.491779,-0.340556,0.567937,0.40894,-0.594949,
+ -0.944453,-0.263136,-0.196896,0.562375,0.382563,-0.5875,
- -0.898580,0.438810,0.000000,0.555594,0.419060,-0.500000,
- -0.985168,-0.171594,0.000000,0.549720,0.391595,-0.500000,
- -0.944453,-0.263136,-0.196896,0.562375,0.382563,-0.587500,
- -0.898580,0.438810,0.000000,0.555594,0.419060,-0.500000,
- -0.944453,-0.263136,-0.196896,0.562375,0.382563,-0.587500,
- -0.801359,0.491779,-0.340556,0.567937,0.408940,-0.594949,
- -0.810611,-0.585585,0.000000,0.573976,0.352148,-0.500000,
- -0.772268,-0.627334,-0.100277,0.585310,0.345528,-0.582500,
- -0.944453,-0.263136,-0.196896,0.562375,0.382563,-0.587500,
- -0.810611,-0.585585,0.000000,0.573976,0.352148,-0.500000,
- -0.944453,-0.263136,-0.196896,0.562375,0.382563,-0.587500,
- -0.985168,-0.171594,0.000000,0.549720,0.391595,-0.500000,
+ -0.89858,0.43881,0,0.555594,0.41906,-0.5,
+ -0.985168,-0.171594,0,0.54972,0.391595,-0.5,
+ -0.944453,-0.263136,-0.196896,0.562375,0.382563,-0.5875,
+ -0.89858,0.43881,0,0.555594,0.41906,-0.5,
+ -0.944453,-0.263136,-0.196896,0.562375,0.382563,-0.5875,
+ -0.801359,0.491779,-0.340556,0.567937,0.40894,-0.594949,
+ -0.810611,-0.585585,0,0.573976,0.352148,-0.5,
+ -0.772268,-0.627334,-0.100277,0.58531,0.345528,-0.5825,
+ -0.944453,-0.263136,-0.196896,0.562375,0.382563,-0.5875,
+ -0.810611,-0.585585,0,0.573976,0.352148,-0.5,
+ -0.944453,-0.263136,-0.196896,0.562375,0.382563,-0.5875,
+ -0.985168,-0.171594,0,0.54972,0.391595,-0.5,
- -0.304611,0.675798,0.671200,0.636249,0.400218,-0.327123,
+ -0.304611,0.675798,0.6712,0.636249,0.400218,-0.327123,
- 0.160738,0.160922,0.973790,0.801042,0.315496,-0.276273,
+ 0.160738,0.160922,0.97379,0.801042,0.315496,-0.276273,
- -0.233968,-0.235900,0.943191,0.735693,0.265534,-0.261940,
- -0.462569,0.070190,0.883801,0.664060,0.327000,-0.277994,
+ -0.233968,-0.2359,0.943191,0.735693,0.265534,-0.26194,
+ -0.462569,0.07019,0.883801,0.66406,0.327,-0.277994,
- -0.233968,-0.235900,0.943191,0.735693,0.265534,-0.261940,
+ -0.233968,-0.2359,0.943191,0.735693,0.265534,-0.26194,
- -0.462569,0.070190,0.883801,0.664060,0.327000,-0.277994,
- -0.638487,0.393678,0.661326,0.604310,0.378335,-0.325812,
- -0.304611,0.675798,0.671200,0.636249,0.400218,-0.327123,
- -0.304611,0.675798,0.671200,0.636249,0.400218,-0.327123,
+ -0.462569,0.07019,0.883801,0.66406,0.327,-0.277994,
+ -0.638487,0.393678,0.661326,0.60431,0.378335,-0.325812,
+ -0.304611,0.675798,0.6712,0.636249,0.400218,-0.327123,
+ -0.304611,0.675798,0.6712,0.636249,0.400218,-0.327123,
- -0.462569,0.070190,0.883801,0.664060,0.327000,-0.277994,
- 0.662820,-0.338306,0.667996,0.910107,0.206343,-0.335934,
- 0.655740,-0.380493,0.652097,0.887817,0.175019,-0.327123,
- 0.378094,-0.147323,0.913970,0.830643,0.226200,-0.279975,
- 0.662820,-0.338306,0.667996,0.910107,0.206343,-0.335934,
- 0.378094,-0.147323,0.913970,0.830643,0.226200,-0.279975,
- 0.398283,-0.122544,0.909040,0.860532,0.255958,-0.291188,
- 0.319910,-0.691022,0.648187,0.867858,0.153664,-0.325812,
+ -0.462569,0.07019,0.883801,0.66406,0.327,-0.277994,
+ 0.66282,-0.338306,0.667996,0.910107,0.206343,-0.335934,
+ 0.65574,-0.380493,0.652097,0.887817,0.175019,-0.327123,
+ 0.378094,-0.147323,0.91397,0.830643,0.2262,-0.279975,
+ 0.66282,-0.338306,0.667996,0.910107,0.206343,-0.335934,
+ 0.378094,-0.147323,0.91397,0.830643,0.2262,-0.279975,
+ 0.398283,-0.122544,0.90904,0.860532,0.255958,-0.291188,
+ 0.31991,-0.691022,0.648187,0.867858,0.153664,-0.325812,
- 0.378094,-0.147323,0.913970,0.830643,0.226200,-0.279975,
- 0.319910,-0.691022,0.648187,0.867858,0.153664,-0.325812,
- 0.378094,-0.147323,0.913970,0.830643,0.226200,-0.279975,
- 0.655740,-0.380493,0.652097,0.887817,0.175019,-0.327123,
+ 0.378094,-0.147323,0.91397,0.830643,0.2262,-0.279975,
+ 0.31991,-0.691022,0.648187,0.867858,0.153664,-0.325812,
+ 0.378094,-0.147323,0.91397,0.830643,0.2262,-0.279975,
+ 0.65574,-0.380493,0.652097,0.887817,0.175019,-0.327123,
- -0.233968,-0.235900,0.943191,0.735693,0.265534,-0.261940,
+ -0.233968,-0.2359,0.943191,0.735693,0.265534,-0.26194,
- 0.378094,-0.147323,0.913970,0.830643,0.226200,-0.279975,
+ 0.378094,-0.147323,0.91397,0.830643,0.2262,-0.279975,
- 0.160738,0.160922,0.973790,0.801042,0.315496,-0.276273,
- 0.398283,-0.122544,0.909040,0.860532,0.255958,-0.291188,
- 0.378094,-0.147323,0.913970,0.830643,0.226200,-0.279975,
- 0.160738,0.160922,0.973790,0.801042,0.315496,-0.276273,
- 0.378094,-0.147323,0.913970,0.830643,0.226200,-0.279975,
+ 0.160738,0.160922,0.97379,0.801042,0.315496,-0.276273,
+ 0.398283,-0.122544,0.90904,0.860532,0.255958,-0.291188,
+ 0.378094,-0.147323,0.91397,0.830643,0.2262,-0.279975,
+ 0.160738,0.160922,0.97379,0.801042,0.315496,-0.276273,
+ 0.378094,-0.147323,0.91397,0.830643,0.2262,-0.279975,
- -0.376394,-0.756788,0.534415,0.787209,0.193905,-0.294000,
+ -0.376394,-0.756788,0.534415,0.787209,0.193905,-0.294,
- -0.376394,-0.756788,0.534415,0.787209,0.193905,-0.294000,
- -0.233830,-0.869880,0.434318,0.844199,0.147671,-0.339125,
+ -0.376394,-0.756788,0.534415,0.787209,0.193905,-0.294,
+ -0.23383,-0.86988,0.434318,0.844199,0.147671,-0.339125,
- -0.531095,-0.656282,0.535940,0.719399,0.249218,-0.278500,
- -0.531095,-0.656282,0.535940,0.719399,0.249218,-0.278500,
- -0.376394,-0.756788,0.534415,0.787209,0.193905,-0.294000,
+ -0.531095,-0.656282,0.53594,0.719399,0.249218,-0.2785,
+ -0.531095,-0.656282,0.53594,0.719399,0.249218,-0.2785,
+ -0.376394,-0.756788,0.534415,0.787209,0.193905,-0.294,
- -0.233968,-0.235900,0.943191,0.735693,0.265534,-0.261940,
+ -0.233968,-0.2359,0.943191,0.735693,0.265534,-0.26194,
- -0.376394,-0.756788,0.534415,0.787209,0.193905,-0.294000,
- -0.233968,-0.235900,0.943191,0.735693,0.265534,-0.261940,
- -0.376394,-0.756788,0.534415,0.787209,0.193905,-0.294000,
- -0.531095,-0.656282,0.535940,0.719399,0.249218,-0.278500,
+ -0.376394,-0.756788,0.534415,0.787209,0.193905,-0.294,
+ -0.233968,-0.2359,0.943191,0.735693,0.265534,-0.26194,
+ -0.376394,-0.756788,0.534415,0.787209,0.193905,-0.294,
+ -0.531095,-0.656282,0.53594,0.719399,0.249218,-0.2785,
- 0.319910,-0.691022,0.648187,0.867858,0.153664,-0.325812,
- -0.233830,-0.869880,0.434318,0.844199,0.147671,-0.339125,
- -0.233830,-0.869880,0.434318,0.844199,0.147671,-0.339125,
- -0.376394,-0.756788,0.534415,0.787209,0.193905,-0.294000,
+ 0.31991,-0.691022,0.648187,0.867858,0.153664,-0.325812,
+ -0.23383,-0.86988,0.434318,0.844199,0.147671,-0.339125,
+ -0.23383,-0.86988,0.434318,0.844199,0.147671,-0.339125,
+ -0.376394,-0.756788,0.534415,0.787209,0.193905,-0.294,
- -0.660431,-0.496512,0.563300,0.653151,0.306393,-0.294000,
+ -0.660431,-0.496512,0.5633,0.653151,0.306393,-0.294,
- -0.638487,0.393678,0.661326,0.604310,0.378335,-0.325812,
- -0.462569,0.070190,0.883801,0.664060,0.327000,-0.277994,
- -0.462569,0.070190,0.883801,0.664060,0.327000,-0.277994,
- -0.660431,-0.496512,0.563300,0.653151,0.306393,-0.294000,
+ -0.638487,0.393678,0.661326,0.60431,0.378335,-0.325812,
+ -0.462569,0.07019,0.883801,0.66406,0.327,-0.277994,
+ -0.462569,0.07019,0.883801,0.66406,0.327,-0.277994,
+ -0.660431,-0.496512,0.5633,0.653151,0.306393,-0.294,
- -0.233968,-0.235900,0.943191,0.735693,0.265534,-0.261940,
- -0.531095,-0.656282,0.535940,0.719399,0.249218,-0.278500,
- -0.660431,-0.496512,0.563300,0.653151,0.306393,-0.294000,
- -0.233968,-0.235900,0.943191,0.735693,0.265534,-0.261940,
- -0.660431,-0.496512,0.563300,0.653151,0.306393,-0.294000,
- -0.462569,0.070190,0.883801,0.664060,0.327000,-0.277994,
+ -0.233968,-0.2359,0.943191,0.735693,0.265534,-0.26194,
+ -0.531095,-0.656282,0.53594,0.719399,0.249218,-0.2785,
+ -0.660431,-0.496512,0.5633,0.653151,0.306393,-0.294,
+ -0.233968,-0.2359,0.943191,0.735693,0.265534,-0.26194,
+ -0.660431,-0.496512,0.5633,0.653151,0.306393,-0.294,
+ -0.462569,0.07019,0.883801,0.66406,0.327,-0.277994,
- -0.660431,-0.496512,0.563300,0.653151,0.306393,-0.294000,
+ -0.660431,-0.496512,0.5633,0.653151,0.306393,-0.294,
- -0.660431,-0.496512,0.563300,0.653151,0.306393,-0.294000,
- -0.531095,-0.656282,0.535940,0.719399,0.249218,-0.278500,
+ -0.660431,-0.496512,0.5633,0.653151,0.306393,-0.294,
+ -0.531095,-0.656282,0.53594,0.719399,0.249218,-0.2785,
- -0.577604,-0.812413,-0.079739,0.775446,0.175219,-0.590500,
+ -0.577604,-0.812413,-0.079739,0.775446,0.175219,-0.5905,
- -0.577604,-0.812413,-0.079739,0.775446,0.175219,-0.590500,
- -0.483700,-0.869471,-0.100277,0.837530,0.133890,-0.582500,
+ -0.577604,-0.812413,-0.079739,0.775446,0.175219,-0.5905,
+ -0.4837,-0.869471,-0.100277,0.83753,0.13389,-0.5825,
- -0.640463,-0.763275,-0.084960,0.704334,0.231264,-0.597750,
- -0.640463,-0.763275,-0.084960,0.704334,0.231264,-0.597750,
- -0.577604,-0.812413,-0.079739,0.775446,0.175219,-0.590500,
+ -0.640463,-0.763275,-0.08496,0.704334,0.231264,-0.59775,
+ -0.640463,-0.763275,-0.08496,0.704334,0.231264,-0.59775,
+ -0.577604,-0.812413,-0.079739,0.775446,0.175219,-0.5905,
- -0.642787,-0.766045,0.000000,0.702437,0.229003,-0.500000,
- -0.575380,-0.817886,0.000000,0.779215,0.168431,-0.500000,
- -0.577604,-0.812413,-0.079739,0.775446,0.175219,-0.590500,
- -0.642787,-0.766045,0.000000,0.702437,0.229003,-0.500000,
- -0.577604,-0.812413,-0.079739,0.775446,0.175219,-0.590500,
- -0.640463,-0.763275,-0.084960,0.704334,0.231264,-0.597750,
- -0.575380,-0.817886,0.000000,0.779215,0.168431,-0.500000,
- -0.435927,-0.899982,0.000000,0.846018,0.123878,-0.500000,
- -0.483700,-0.869471,-0.100277,0.837530,0.133890,-0.582500,
- -0.483700,-0.869471,-0.100277,0.837530,0.133890,-0.582500,
- -0.577604,-0.812413,-0.079739,0.775446,0.175219,-0.590500,
- -0.575380,-0.817886,0.000000,0.779215,0.168431,-0.500000,
+ -0.642787,-0.766045,0,0.702437,0.229003,-0.5,
+ -0.57538,-0.817886,0,0.779215,0.168431,-0.5,
+ -0.577604,-0.812413,-0.079739,0.775446,0.175219,-0.5905,
+ -0.642787,-0.766045,0,0.702437,0.229003,-0.5,
+ -0.577604,-0.812413,-0.079739,0.775446,0.175219,-0.5905,
+ -0.640463,-0.763275,-0.08496,0.704334,0.231264,-0.59775,
+ -0.57538,-0.817886,0,0.779215,0.168431,-0.5,
+ -0.435927,-0.899982,0,0.846018,0.123878,-0.5,
+ -0.4837,-0.869471,-0.100277,0.83753,0.13389,-0.5825,
+ -0.4837,-0.869471,-0.100277,0.83753,0.13389,-0.5825,
+ -0.577604,-0.812413,-0.079739,0.775446,0.175219,-0.5905,
+ -0.57538,-0.817886,0,0.779215,0.168431,-0.5,
- -0.772268,-0.627334,-0.100277,0.585310,0.345528,-0.582500,
- -0.699771,-0.709903,-0.079739,0.636792,0.291564,-0.590500,
+ -0.772268,-0.627334,-0.100277,0.58531,0.345528,-0.5825,
+ -0.699771,-0.709903,-0.079739,0.636792,0.291564,-0.5905,
- -0.699771,-0.709903,-0.079739,0.636792,0.291564,-0.590500,
+ -0.699771,-0.709903,-0.079739,0.636792,0.291564,-0.5905,
- -0.772268,-0.627334,-0.100277,0.585310,0.345528,-0.582500,
- -0.810611,-0.585585,0.000000,0.573976,0.352148,-0.500000,
- -0.705547,-0.708663,0.000000,0.629453,0.294096,-0.500000,
- -0.705547,-0.708663,0.000000,0.629453,0.294096,-0.500000,
- -0.699771,-0.709903,-0.079739,0.636792,0.291564,-0.590500,
- -0.772268,-0.627334,-0.100277,0.585310,0.345528,-0.582500,
- -0.642787,-0.766045,0.000000,0.702437,0.229003,-0.500000,
- -0.640463,-0.763275,-0.084960,0.704334,0.231264,-0.597750,
- -0.699771,-0.709903,-0.079739,0.636792,0.291564,-0.590500,
- -0.642787,-0.766045,0.000000,0.702437,0.229003,-0.500000,
- -0.699771,-0.709903,-0.079739,0.636792,0.291564,-0.590500,
- -0.705547,-0.708663,0.000000,0.629453,0.294096,-0.500000,
- -0.640463,-0.763275,-0.084960,0.704334,0.231264,-0.597750,
+ -0.772268,-0.627334,-0.100277,0.58531,0.345528,-0.5825,
+ -0.810611,-0.585585,0,0.573976,0.352148,-0.5,
+ -0.705547,-0.708663,0,0.629453,0.294096,-0.5,
+ -0.705547,-0.708663,0,0.629453,0.294096,-0.5,
+ -0.699771,-0.709903,-0.079739,0.636792,0.291564,-0.5905,
+ -0.772268,-0.627334,-0.100277,0.58531,0.345528,-0.5825,
+ -0.642787,-0.766045,0,0.702437,0.229003,-0.5,
+ -0.640463,-0.763275,-0.08496,0.704334,0.231264,-0.59775,
+ -0.699771,-0.709903,-0.079739,0.636792,0.291564,-0.5905,
+ -0.642787,-0.766045,0,0.702437,0.229003,-0.5,
+ -0.699771,-0.709903,-0.079739,0.636792,0.291564,-0.5905,
+ -0.705547,-0.708663,0,0.629453,0.294096,-0.5,
+ -0.640463,-0.763275,-0.08496,0.704334,0.231264,-0.59775,
- -0.699771,-0.709903,-0.079739,0.636792,0.291564,-0.590500,
- -0.640463,-0.763275,-0.084960,0.704334,0.231264,-0.597750,
+ -0.699771,-0.709903,-0.079739,0.636792,0.291564,-0.5905,
+ -0.640463,-0.763275,-0.08496,0.704334,0.231264,-0.59775,
- -0.699771,-0.709903,0.079739,0.636792,0.291564,-0.409500,
+ -0.699771,-0.709903,0.079739,0.636792,0.291564,-0.4095,
- -0.699771,-0.709903,0.079739,0.636792,0.291564,-0.409500,
- -0.772268,-0.627334,0.100277,0.585310,0.345528,-0.417500,
+ -0.699771,-0.709903,0.079739,0.636792,0.291564,-0.4095,
+ -0.772268,-0.627334,0.100277,0.58531,0.345528,-0.4175,
- -0.640463,-0.763275,0.084960,0.704334,0.231264,-0.402250,
- -0.640463,-0.763275,0.084960,0.704334,0.231264,-0.402250,
- -0.699771,-0.709903,0.079739,0.636792,0.291564,-0.409500,
+ -0.640463,-0.763275,0.08496,0.704334,0.231264,-0.40225,
+ -0.640463,-0.763275,0.08496,0.704334,0.231264,-0.40225,
+ -0.699771,-0.709903,0.079739,0.636792,0.291564,-0.4095,
- -0.642787,-0.766045,0.000000,0.702437,0.229003,-0.500000,
- -0.705547,-0.708663,0.000000,0.629453,0.294096,-0.500000,
- -0.699771,-0.709903,0.079739,0.636792,0.291564,-0.409500,
- -0.642787,-0.766045,0.000000,0.702437,0.229003,-0.500000,
- -0.699771,-0.709903,0.079739,0.636792,0.291564,-0.409500,
- -0.640463,-0.763275,0.084960,0.704334,0.231264,-0.402250,
- -0.705547,-0.708663,0.000000,0.629453,0.294096,-0.500000,
- -0.810611,-0.585585,0.000000,0.573976,0.352148,-0.500000,
- -0.772268,-0.627334,0.100277,0.585310,0.345528,-0.417500,
- -0.772268,-0.627334,0.100277,0.585310,0.345528,-0.417500,
- -0.699771,-0.709903,0.079739,0.636792,0.291564,-0.409500,
- -0.705547,-0.708663,0.000000,0.629453,0.294096,-0.500000,
+ -0.642787,-0.766045,0,0.702437,0.229003,-0.5,
+ -0.705547,-0.708663,0,0.629453,0.294096,-0.5,
+ -0.699771,-0.709903,0.079739,0.636792,0.291564,-0.4095,
+ -0.642787,-0.766045,0,0.702437,0.229003,-0.5,
+ -0.699771,-0.709903,0.079739,0.636792,0.291564,-0.4095,
+ -0.640463,-0.763275,0.08496,0.704334,0.231264,-0.40225,
+ -0.705547,-0.708663,0,0.629453,0.294096,-0.5,
+ -0.810611,-0.585585,0,0.573976,0.352148,-0.5,
+ -0.772268,-0.627334,0.100277,0.58531,0.345528,-0.4175,
+ -0.772268,-0.627334,0.100277,0.58531,0.345528,-0.4175,
+ -0.699771,-0.709903,0.079739,0.636792,0.291564,-0.4095,
+ -0.705547,-0.708663,0,0.629453,0.294096,-0.5,
- -0.483700,-0.869471,0.100277,0.837530,0.133890,-0.417500,
- -0.577604,-0.812413,0.079739,0.775446,0.175219,-0.409500,
+ -0.4837,-0.869471,0.100277,0.83753,0.13389,-0.4175,
+ -0.577604,-0.812413,0.079739,0.775446,0.175219,-0.4095,
- -0.577604,-0.812413,0.079739,0.775446,0.175219,-0.409500,
+ -0.577604,-0.812413,0.079739,0.775446,0.175219,-0.4095,
- -0.483700,-0.869471,0.100277,0.837530,0.133890,-0.417500,
- -0.435927,-0.899982,0.000000,0.846018,0.123878,-0.500000,
- -0.575380,-0.817886,0.000000,0.779215,0.168431,-0.500000,
- -0.575380,-0.817886,0.000000,0.779215,0.168431,-0.500000,
- -0.577604,-0.812413,0.079739,0.775446,0.175219,-0.409500,
- -0.483700,-0.869471,0.100277,0.837530,0.133890,-0.417500,
- -0.642787,-0.766045,0.000000,0.702437,0.229003,-0.500000,
- -0.640463,-0.763275,0.084960,0.704334,0.231264,-0.402250,
- -0.577604,-0.812413,0.079739,0.775446,0.175219,-0.409500,
- -0.642787,-0.766045,0.000000,0.702437,0.229003,-0.500000,
- -0.577604,-0.812413,0.079739,0.775446,0.175219,-0.409500,
- -0.575380,-0.817886,0.000000,0.779215,0.168431,-0.500000,
- -0.640463,-0.763275,0.084960,0.704334,0.231264,-0.402250,
+ -0.4837,-0.869471,0.100277,0.83753,0.13389,-0.4175,
+ -0.435927,-0.899982,0,0.846018,0.123878,-0.5,
+ -0.57538,-0.817886,0,0.779215,0.168431,-0.5,
+ -0.57538,-0.817886,0,0.779215,0.168431,-0.5,
+ -0.577604,-0.812413,0.079739,0.775446,0.175219,-0.4095,
+ -0.4837,-0.869471,0.100277,0.83753,0.13389,-0.4175,
+ -0.642787,-0.766045,0,0.702437,0.229003,-0.5,
+ -0.640463,-0.763275,0.08496,0.704334,0.231264,-0.40225,
+ -0.577604,-0.812413,0.079739,0.775446,0.175219,-0.4095,
+ -0.642787,-0.766045,0,0.702437,0.229003,-0.5,
+ -0.577604,-0.812413,0.079739,0.775446,0.175219,-0.4095,
+ -0.57538,-0.817886,0,0.779215,0.168431,-0.5,
+ -0.640463,-0.763275,0.08496,0.704334,0.231264,-0.40225,
- -0.577604,-0.812413,0.079739,0.775446,0.175219,-0.409500,
- -0.640463,-0.763275,0.084960,0.704334,0.231264,-0.402250,
+ -0.577604,-0.812413,0.079739,0.775446,0.175219,-0.4095,
+ -0.640463,-0.763275,0.08496,0.704334,0.231264,-0.40225,
static const struct gllist frame={GL_N3F_V3F,GL_TRIANGLES,1728,data,NULL};
const struct gllist *s1_4=&frame;
#include "gllist.h"
static const float data[]={
- 0.575185,0.562873,-0.593580,0.995497,0.593044,-0.659921,
- 0.642358,0.715039,-0.275852,0.998334,0.635570,-0.587230,
- 0.530900,0.794781,-0.294055,0.944384,0.679375,-0.593392,
- 0.575185,0.562873,-0.593580,0.995497,0.593044,-0.659921,
- 0.530900,0.794781,-0.294055,0.944384,0.679375,-0.593392,
- 0.429706,0.632130,-0.644798,0.943249,0.633115,-0.671218,
- 0.642358,0.715039,-0.275852,0.998334,0.635570,-0.587230,
- 0.662437,0.749118,0.000000,0.999280,0.649745,-0.500000,
- 0.577305,0.816529,0.000000,0.944762,0.694795,-0.500000,
- 0.577305,0.816529,0.000000,0.944762,0.694795,-0.500000,
- 0.530900,0.794781,-0.294055,0.944384,0.679375,-0.593392,
- 0.642358,0.715039,-0.275852,0.998334,0.635570,-0.587230,
- 0.007037,0.999975,-0.000000,0.906869,0.713633,-0.500000,
+ 0.575185,0.562873,-0.59358,0.995497,0.593044,-0.659921,
+ 0.642358,0.715039,-0.275852,0.998334,0.63557,-0.58723,
+ 0.5309,0.794781,-0.294055,0.944384,0.679375,-0.593392,
+ 0.575185,0.562873,-0.59358,0.995497,0.593044,-0.659921,
+ 0.5309,0.794781,-0.294055,0.944384,0.679375,-0.593392,
+ 0.429706,0.63213,-0.644798,0.943249,0.633115,-0.671218,
+ 0.642358,0.715039,-0.275852,0.998334,0.63557,-0.58723,
+ 0.662437,0.749118,0,0.99928,0.649745,-0.5,
+ 0.577305,0.816529,0,0.944762,0.694795,-0.5,
+ 0.577305,0.816529,0,0.944762,0.694795,-0.5,
+ 0.5309,0.794781,-0.294055,0.944384,0.679375,-0.593392,
+ 0.642358,0.715039,-0.275852,0.998334,0.63557,-0.58723,
+ 0.007037,0.999975,0,0.906869,0.713633,-0.5,
- 0.530900,0.794781,-0.294055,0.944384,0.679375,-0.593392,
- 0.007037,0.999975,-0.000000,0.906869,0.713633,-0.500000,
- 0.530900,0.794781,-0.294055,0.944384,0.679375,-0.593392,
- 0.577305,0.816529,0.000000,0.944762,0.694795,-0.500000,
+ 0.5309,0.794781,-0.294055,0.944384,0.679375,-0.593392,
+ 0.007037,0.999975,0,0.906869,0.713633,-0.5,
+ 0.5309,0.794781,-0.294055,0.944384,0.679375,-0.593392,
+ 0.577305,0.816529,0,0.944762,0.694795,-0.5,
- 0.429706,0.632130,-0.644798,0.943249,0.633115,-0.671218,
- 0.429706,0.632130,-0.644798,0.943249,0.633115,-0.671218,
- 0.530900,0.794781,-0.294055,0.944384,0.679375,-0.593392,
+ 0.429706,0.63213,-0.644798,0.943249,0.633115,-0.671218,
+ 0.429706,0.63213,-0.644798,0.943249,0.633115,-0.671218,
+ 0.5309,0.794781,-0.294055,0.944384,0.679375,-0.593392,
- 0.575185,0.562873,0.593580,0.995497,0.593044,-0.340079,
- 0.429706,0.632130,0.644797,0.943249,0.633115,-0.328782,
- 0.530901,0.794780,0.294055,0.944384,0.679375,-0.406608,
- 0.575185,0.562873,0.593580,0.995497,0.593044,-0.340079,
- 0.530901,0.794780,0.294055,0.944384,0.679375,-0.406608,
- 0.642358,0.715039,0.275852,0.998334,0.635570,-0.412770,
- 0.429706,0.632130,0.644797,0.943249,0.633115,-0.328782,
+ 0.575185,0.562873,0.59358,0.995497,0.593044,-0.340079,
+ 0.429706,0.63213,0.644797,0.943249,0.633115,-0.328782,
+ 0.530901,0.79478,0.294055,0.944384,0.679375,-0.406608,
+ 0.575185,0.562873,0.59358,0.995497,0.593044,-0.340079,
+ 0.530901,0.79478,0.294055,0.944384,0.679375,-0.406608,
+ 0.642358,0.715039,0.275852,0.998334,0.63557,-0.41277,
+ 0.429706,0.63213,0.644797,0.943249,0.633115,-0.328782,
- 0.530901,0.794780,0.294055,0.944384,0.679375,-0.406608,
- 0.429706,0.632130,0.644797,0.943249,0.633115,-0.328782,
- 0.007037,0.999975,-0.000000,0.906869,0.713633,-0.500000,
- 0.577305,0.816529,0.000000,0.944762,0.694795,-0.500000,
- 0.530901,0.794780,0.294055,0.944384,0.679375,-0.406608,
- 0.007037,0.999975,-0.000000,0.906869,0.713633,-0.500000,
- 0.530901,0.794780,0.294055,0.944384,0.679375,-0.406608,
+ 0.530901,0.79478,0.294055,0.944384,0.679375,-0.406608,
+ 0.429706,0.63213,0.644797,0.943249,0.633115,-0.328782,
+ 0.007037,0.999975,0,0.906869,0.713633,-0.5,
+ 0.577305,0.816529,0,0.944762,0.694795,-0.5,
+ 0.530901,0.79478,0.294055,0.944384,0.679375,-0.406608,
+ 0.007037,0.999975,0,0.906869,0.713633,-0.5,
+ 0.530901,0.79478,0.294055,0.944384,0.679375,-0.406608,
- 0.577305,0.816529,0.000000,0.944762,0.694795,-0.500000,
- 0.662437,0.749118,0.000000,0.999280,0.649745,-0.500000,
- 0.642358,0.715039,0.275852,0.998334,0.635570,-0.412770,
- 0.642358,0.715039,0.275852,0.998334,0.635570,-0.412770,
- 0.530901,0.794780,0.294055,0.944384,0.679375,-0.406608,
- 0.577305,0.816529,0.000000,0.944762,0.694795,-0.500000,
- -0.959446,0.199329,0.199329,0.874620,0.619745,-0.361333,
- -0.976969,0.188349,0.100277,0.870135,0.645704,-0.417500,
- -0.794244,0.572801,0.202670,0.883764,0.687079,-0.412500,
- -0.959446,0.199329,0.199329,0.874620,0.619745,-0.361333,
- -0.794244,0.572801,0.202670,0.883764,0.687079,-0.412500,
+ 0.577305,0.816529,0,0.944762,0.694795,-0.5,
+ 0.662437,0.749118,0,0.99928,0.649745,-0.5,
+ 0.642358,0.715039,0.275852,0.998334,0.63557,-0.41277,
+ 0.642358,0.715039,0.275852,0.998334,0.63557,-0.41277,
+ 0.530901,0.79478,0.294055,0.944384,0.679375,-0.406608,
+ 0.577305,0.816529,0,0.944762,0.694795,-0.5,
+ -0.959446,0.199329,0.199329,0.87462,0.619745,-0.361333,
+ -0.976969,0.188349,0.100277,0.870135,0.645704,-0.4175,
+ -0.794244,0.572801,0.20267,0.883764,0.687079,-0.4125,
+ -0.959446,0.199329,0.199329,0.87462,0.619745,-0.361333,
+ -0.794244,0.572801,0.20267,0.883764,0.687079,-0.4125,
- -0.969635,0.244558,0.000000,0.867922,0.658641,-0.500000,
- -0.744977,0.667090,-0.000000,0.882548,0.702579,-0.500000,
- -0.794244,0.572801,0.202670,0.883764,0.687079,-0.412500,
- -0.969635,0.244558,0.000000,0.867922,0.658641,-0.500000,
- -0.794244,0.572801,0.202670,0.883764,0.687079,-0.412500,
- -0.976969,0.188349,0.100277,0.870135,0.645704,-0.417500,
- 0.007037,0.999975,-0.000000,0.906869,0.713633,-0.500000,
+ -0.969635,0.244558,0,0.867922,0.658641,-0.5,
+ -0.744977,0.66709,0,0.882548,0.702579,-0.5,
+ -0.794244,0.572801,0.20267,0.883764,0.687079,-0.4125,
+ -0.969635,0.244558,0,0.867922,0.658641,-0.5,
+ -0.794244,0.572801,0.20267,0.883764,0.687079,-0.4125,
+ -0.976969,0.188349,0.100277,0.870135,0.645704,-0.4175,
+ 0.007037,0.999975,0,0.906869,0.713633,-0.5,
- -0.794244,0.572801,0.202670,0.883764,0.687079,-0.412500,
- 0.007037,0.999975,-0.000000,0.906869,0.713633,-0.500000,
- -0.794244,0.572801,0.202670,0.883764,0.687079,-0.412500,
- -0.744977,0.667090,-0.000000,0.882548,0.702579,-0.500000,
+ -0.794244,0.572801,0.20267,0.883764,0.687079,-0.4125,
+ 0.007037,0.999975,0,0.906869,0.713633,-0.5,
+ -0.794244,0.572801,0.20267,0.883764,0.687079,-0.4125,
+ -0.744977,0.66709,0,0.882548,0.702579,-0.5,
- -0.794244,0.572801,0.202670,0.883764,0.687079,-0.412500,
+ -0.794244,0.572801,0.20267,0.883764,0.687079,-0.4125,
- -0.959446,0.199329,-0.199329,0.874620,0.619745,-0.638667,
+ -0.959446,0.199329,-0.199329,0.87462,0.619745,-0.638667,
- -0.794244,0.572801,-0.202671,0.883764,0.687079,-0.587500,
- -0.959446,0.199329,-0.199329,0.874620,0.619745,-0.638667,
- -0.794244,0.572801,-0.202671,0.883764,0.687079,-0.587500,
- -0.976969,0.188349,-0.100277,0.870135,0.645704,-0.582500,
+ -0.794244,0.572801,-0.202671,0.883764,0.687079,-0.5875,
+ -0.959446,0.199329,-0.199329,0.87462,0.619745,-0.638667,
+ -0.794244,0.572801,-0.202671,0.883764,0.687079,-0.5875,
+ -0.976969,0.188349,-0.100277,0.870135,0.645704,-0.5825,
- -0.794244,0.572801,-0.202671,0.883764,0.687079,-0.587500,
+ -0.794244,0.572801,-0.202671,0.883764,0.687079,-0.5875,
- 0.007037,0.999975,-0.000000,0.906869,0.713633,-0.500000,
- -0.744977,0.667090,-0.000000,0.882548,0.702579,-0.500000,
- -0.794244,0.572801,-0.202671,0.883764,0.687079,-0.587500,
- 0.007037,0.999975,-0.000000,0.906869,0.713633,-0.500000,
- -0.794244,0.572801,-0.202671,0.883764,0.687079,-0.587500,
+ 0.007037,0.999975,0,0.906869,0.713633,-0.5,
+ -0.744977,0.66709,0,0.882548,0.702579,-0.5,
+ -0.794244,0.572801,-0.202671,0.883764,0.687079,-0.5875,
+ 0.007037,0.999975,0,0.906869,0.713633,-0.5,
+ -0.794244,0.572801,-0.202671,0.883764,0.687079,-0.5875,
- -0.969635,0.244558,0.000000,0.867922,0.658641,-0.500000,
- -0.976969,0.188349,-0.100277,0.870135,0.645704,-0.582500,
- -0.794244,0.572801,-0.202671,0.883764,0.687079,-0.587500,
- -0.969635,0.244558,0.000000,0.867922,0.658641,-0.500000,
- -0.794244,0.572801,-0.202671,0.883764,0.687079,-0.587500,
- -0.744977,0.667090,-0.000000,0.882548,0.702579,-0.500000,
- 0.575185,0.562873,0.593580,0.995497,0.593044,-0.340079,
+ -0.969635,0.244558,0,0.867922,0.658641,-0.5,
+ -0.976969,0.188349,-0.100277,0.870135,0.645704,-0.5825,
+ -0.794244,0.572801,-0.202671,0.883764,0.687079,-0.5875,
+ -0.969635,0.244558,0,0.867922,0.658641,-0.5,
+ -0.794244,0.572801,-0.202671,0.883764,0.687079,-0.5875,
+ -0.744977,0.66709,0,0.882548,0.702579,-0.5,
+ 0.575185,0.562873,0.59358,0.995497,0.593044,-0.340079,
- 0.575185,0.562873,0.593580,0.995497,0.593044,-0.340079,
+ 0.575185,0.562873,0.59358,0.995497,0.593044,-0.340079,
- 0.429706,0.632130,0.644797,0.943249,0.633115,-0.328782,
+ 0.429706,0.63213,0.644797,0.943249,0.633115,-0.328782,
- 0.214014,-0.011143,0.976767,0.939088,0.463494,-0.266520,
- 0.214014,-0.011143,0.976767,0.939088,0.463494,-0.266520,
+ 0.214014,-0.011143,0.976767,0.939088,0.463494,-0.26652,
+ 0.214014,-0.011143,0.976767,0.939088,0.463494,-0.26652,
- -0.234090,0.368714,0.899584,0.906322,0.571188,-0.278521,
+ -0.23409,0.368714,0.899584,0.906322,0.571188,-0.278521,
- 0.214014,-0.011143,0.976767,0.939088,0.463494,-0.266520,
- -0.234090,0.368714,0.899584,0.906322,0.571188,-0.278521,
+ 0.214014,-0.011143,0.976767,0.939088,0.463494,-0.26652,
+ -0.23409,0.368714,0.899584,0.906322,0.571188,-0.278521,
- 0.429706,0.632130,0.644797,0.943249,0.633115,-0.328782,
- 0.429706,0.632130,0.644797,0.943249,0.633115,-0.328782,
+ 0.429706,0.63213,0.644797,0.943249,0.633115,-0.328782,
+ 0.429706,0.63213,0.644797,0.943249,0.633115,-0.328782,
- -0.234090,0.368714,0.899584,0.906322,0.571188,-0.278521,
+ -0.23409,0.368714,0.899584,0.906322,0.571188,-0.278521,
- 0.068720,-0.352527,0.933275,0.936818,0.370973,-0.282086,
+ 0.06872,-0.352527,0.933275,0.936818,0.370973,-0.282086,
- -0.455383,-0.616870,0.641949,0.905018,0.303308,-0.326227,
+ -0.455383,-0.61687,0.641949,0.905018,0.303308,-0.326227,
- 0.068720,-0.352527,0.933275,0.936818,0.370973,-0.282086,
- -0.455383,-0.616870,0.641949,0.905018,0.303308,-0.326227,
- 0.068720,-0.352527,0.933275,0.936818,0.370973,-0.282086,
+ 0.06872,-0.352527,0.933275,0.936818,0.370973,-0.282086,
+ -0.455383,-0.61687,0.641949,0.905018,0.303308,-0.326227,
+ 0.06872,-0.352527,0.933275,0.936818,0.370973,-0.282086,
- 0.214014,-0.011143,0.976767,0.939088,0.463494,-0.266520,
- 0.214014,-0.011143,0.976767,0.939088,0.463494,-0.266520,
- 0.068720,-0.352527,0.933275,0.936818,0.370973,-0.282086,
+ 0.214014,-0.011143,0.976767,0.939088,0.463494,-0.26652,
+ 0.214014,-0.011143,0.976767,0.939088,0.463494,-0.26652,
+ 0.06872,-0.352527,0.933275,0.936818,0.370973,-0.282086,
- 0.068720,-0.352527,0.933275,0.936818,0.370973,-0.282086,
+ 0.06872,-0.352527,0.933275,0.936818,0.370973,-0.282086,
- 0.068720,-0.352527,0.933275,0.936818,0.370973,-0.282086,
- 0.214014,-0.011143,0.976767,0.939088,0.463494,-0.266520,
- -0.959446,-0.199329,0.199329,0.874620,0.342412,-0.361333,
- -0.976969,-0.100277,0.188350,0.870135,0.398579,-0.335375,
- -0.845588,-0.179708,0.502679,0.883764,0.393579,-0.294000,
- -0.959446,-0.199329,0.199329,0.874620,0.342412,-0.361333,
- -0.845588,-0.179708,0.502679,0.883764,0.393579,-0.294000,
+ 0.06872,-0.352527,0.933275,0.936818,0.370973,-0.282086,
+ 0.214014,-0.011143,0.976767,0.939088,0.463494,-0.26652,
+ -0.959446,-0.199329,0.199329,0.87462,0.342412,-0.361333,
+ -0.976969,-0.100277,0.18835,0.870135,0.398579,-0.335375,
+ -0.845588,-0.179708,0.502679,0.883764,0.393579,-0.294,
+ -0.959446,-0.199329,0.199329,0.87462,0.342412,-0.361333,
+ -0.845588,-0.179708,0.502679,0.883764,0.393579,-0.294,
- -0.969635,-0.000000,0.244558,0.867922,0.481079,-0.322437,
- -0.761522,0.030964,0.647398,0.882548,0.481079,-0.278500,
- -0.845588,-0.179708,0.502679,0.883764,0.393579,-0.294000,
- -0.969635,-0.000000,0.244558,0.867922,0.481079,-0.322437,
- -0.845588,-0.179708,0.502679,0.883764,0.393579,-0.294000,
- -0.976969,-0.100277,0.188350,0.870135,0.398579,-0.335375,
+ -0.969635,0,0.244558,0.867922,0.481079,-0.322437,
+ -0.761522,0.030964,0.647398,0.882548,0.481079,-0.2785,
+ -0.845588,-0.179708,0.502679,0.883764,0.393579,-0.294,
+ -0.969635,0,0.244558,0.867922,0.481079,-0.322437,
+ -0.845588,-0.179708,0.502679,0.883764,0.393579,-0.294,
+ -0.976969,-0.100277,0.18835,0.870135,0.398579,-0.335375,
- -0.845588,-0.179708,0.502679,0.883764,0.393579,-0.294000,
+ -0.845588,-0.179708,0.502679,0.883764,0.393579,-0.294,
- -0.845588,-0.179708,0.502679,0.883764,0.393579,-0.294000,
- -0.761522,0.030964,0.647398,0.882548,0.481079,-0.278500,
+ -0.845588,-0.179708,0.502679,0.883764,0.393579,-0.294,
+ -0.761522,0.030964,0.647398,0.882548,0.481079,-0.2785,
- -0.455383,-0.616870,0.641949,0.905018,0.303308,-0.326227,
+ -0.455383,-0.61687,0.641949,0.905018,0.303308,-0.326227,
- -0.845588,-0.179708,0.502679,0.883764,0.393579,-0.294000,
+ -0.845588,-0.179708,0.502679,0.883764,0.393579,-0.294,
- -0.959446,0.199329,0.199329,0.874620,0.619745,-0.361333,
+ -0.959446,0.199329,0.199329,0.87462,0.619745,-0.361333,
- -0.859317,0.197434,0.471799,0.883764,0.568579,-0.294000,
- -0.959446,0.199329,0.199329,0.874620,0.619745,-0.361333,
- -0.859317,0.197434,0.471799,0.883764,0.568579,-0.294000,
- -0.976969,0.100277,0.188350,0.870135,0.563579,-0.335375,
+ -0.859317,0.197434,0.471799,0.883764,0.568579,-0.294,
+ -0.959446,0.199329,0.199329,0.87462,0.619745,-0.361333,
+ -0.859317,0.197434,0.471799,0.883764,0.568579,-0.294,
+ -0.976969,0.100277,0.18835,0.870135,0.563579,-0.335375,
- -0.234090,0.368714,0.899584,0.906322,0.571188,-0.278521,
- -0.234090,0.368714,0.899584,0.906322,0.571188,-0.278521,
- -0.859317,0.197434,0.471799,0.883764,0.568579,-0.294000,
+ -0.23409,0.368714,0.899584,0.906322,0.571188,-0.278521,
+ -0.23409,0.368714,0.899584,0.906322,0.571188,-0.278521,
+ -0.859317,0.197434,0.471799,0.883764,0.568579,-0.294,
- -0.234090,0.368714,0.899584,0.906322,0.571188,-0.278521,
+ -0.23409,0.368714,0.899584,0.906322,0.571188,-0.278521,
- -0.761522,0.030964,0.647398,0.882548,0.481079,-0.278500,
- -0.761522,0.030964,0.647398,0.882548,0.481079,-0.278500,
- -0.859317,0.197434,0.471799,0.883764,0.568579,-0.294000,
- -0.234090,0.368714,0.899584,0.906322,0.571188,-0.278521,
- -0.969635,-0.000000,0.244558,0.867922,0.481079,-0.322437,
- -0.976969,0.100277,0.188350,0.870135,0.563579,-0.335375,
- -0.859317,0.197434,0.471799,0.883764,0.568579,-0.294000,
- -0.969635,-0.000000,0.244558,0.867922,0.481079,-0.322437,
- -0.859317,0.197434,0.471799,0.883764,0.568579,-0.294000,
- -0.761522,0.030964,0.647398,0.882548,0.481079,-0.278500,
+ -0.761522,0.030964,0.647398,0.882548,0.481079,-0.2785,
+ -0.761522,0.030964,0.647398,0.882548,0.481079,-0.2785,
+ -0.859317,0.197434,0.471799,0.883764,0.568579,-0.294,
+ -0.23409,0.368714,0.899584,0.906322,0.571188,-0.278521,
+ -0.969635,0,0.244558,0.867922,0.481079,-0.322437,
+ -0.976969,0.100277,0.18835,0.870135,0.563579,-0.335375,
+ -0.859317,0.197434,0.471799,0.883764,0.568579,-0.294,
+ -0.969635,0,0.244558,0.867922,0.481079,-0.322437,
+ -0.859317,0.197434,0.471799,0.883764,0.568579,-0.294,
+ -0.761522,0.030964,0.647398,0.882548,0.481079,-0.2785,
- -0.260846,-0.906261,0.332641,0.971855,0.238662,-0.412770,
+ -0.260846,-0.906261,0.332641,0.971855,0.238662,-0.41277,
- -0.260846,-0.906261,0.332641,0.971855,0.238662,-0.412770,
- -0.339022,-0.940778,-0.000000,0.970910,0.224487,-0.500000,
- -0.217971,-0.975955,0.000000,0.933414,0.232192,-0.500000,
- -0.217971,-0.975955,0.000000,0.933414,0.232192,-0.500000,
+ -0.260846,-0.906261,0.332641,0.971855,0.238662,-0.41277,
+ -0.339022,-0.940778,0,0.97091,0.224487,-0.5,
+ -0.217971,-0.975955,0,0.933414,0.232192,-0.5,
+ -0.217971,-0.975955,0,0.933414,0.232192,-0.5,
- -0.260846,-0.906261,0.332641,0.971855,0.238662,-0.412770,
- -0.489368,-0.872077,-0.000000,0.904032,0.239732,-0.500000,
- -0.438574,-0.828046,0.349274,0.904430,0.255712,-0.405277,
+ -0.260846,-0.906261,0.332641,0.971855,0.238662,-0.41277,
+ -0.489368,-0.872077,0,0.904032,0.239732,-0.5,
+ -0.438574,-0.828046,0.349274,0.90443,0.255712,-0.405277,
- -0.489368,-0.872077,-0.000000,0.904032,0.239732,-0.500000,
+ -0.489368,-0.872077,0,0.904032,0.239732,-0.5,
- -0.217971,-0.975955,0.000000,0.933414,0.232192,-0.500000,
- -0.438574,-0.828046,0.349274,0.904430,0.255712,-0.405277,
- -0.455383,-0.616870,0.641949,0.905018,0.303308,-0.326227,
+ -0.217971,-0.975955,0,0.933414,0.232192,-0.5,
+ -0.438574,-0.828046,0.349274,0.90443,0.255712,-0.405277,
+ -0.455383,-0.61687,0.641949,0.905018,0.303308,-0.326227,
- -0.438574,-0.828046,0.349274,0.904430,0.255712,-0.405277,
+ -0.438574,-0.828046,0.349274,0.90443,0.255712,-0.405277,
- -0.260846,-0.906261,-0.332641,0.971855,0.238662,-0.587230,
+ -0.260846,-0.906261,-0.332641,0.971855,0.238662,-0.58723,
- -0.455383,-0.616870,-0.641949,0.905018,0.303308,-0.673773,
- -0.438575,-0.828046,-0.349274,0.904430,0.255712,-0.594723,
- -0.438575,-0.828046,-0.349274,0.904430,0.255712,-0.594723,
+ -0.455383,-0.61687,-0.641949,0.905018,0.303308,-0.673773,
+ -0.438575,-0.828046,-0.349274,0.90443,0.255712,-0.594723,
+ -0.438575,-0.828046,-0.349274,0.90443,0.255712,-0.594723,
- -0.489368,-0.872077,-0.000000,0.904032,0.239732,-0.500000,
- -0.217971,-0.975955,0.000000,0.933414,0.232192,-0.500000,
+ -0.489368,-0.872077,0,0.904032,0.239732,-0.5,
+ -0.217971,-0.975955,0,0.933414,0.232192,-0.5,
- -0.489368,-0.872077,-0.000000,0.904032,0.239732,-0.500000,
+ -0.489368,-0.872077,0,0.904032,0.239732,-0.5,
- -0.438575,-0.828046,-0.349274,0.904430,0.255712,-0.594723,
- -0.217971,-0.975955,0.000000,0.933414,0.232192,-0.500000,
- -0.339022,-0.940778,-0.000000,0.970910,0.224487,-0.500000,
- -0.260846,-0.906261,-0.332641,0.971855,0.238662,-0.587230,
- -0.260846,-0.906261,-0.332641,0.971855,0.238662,-0.587230,
+ -0.438575,-0.828046,-0.349274,0.90443,0.255712,-0.594723,
+ -0.217971,-0.975955,0,0.933414,0.232192,-0.5,
+ -0.339022,-0.940778,0,0.97091,0.224487,-0.5,
+ -0.260846,-0.906261,-0.332641,0.971855,0.238662,-0.58723,
+ -0.260846,-0.906261,-0.332641,0.971855,0.238662,-0.58723,
- -0.217971,-0.975955,0.000000,0.933414,0.232192,-0.500000,
- -0.959446,-0.199329,-0.199329,0.874620,0.342412,-0.638667,
- -0.976969,-0.188350,-0.100277,0.870135,0.316454,-0.582500,
- -0.849789,-0.488885,-0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.587500,
- -0.959446,-0.199329,-0.199329,0.874620,0.342412,-0.638667,
- -0.849789,-0.488885,-0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.587500,
+ -0.217971,-0.975955,0,0.933414,0.232192,-0.5,
+ -0.959446,-0.199329,-0.199329,0.87462,0.342412,-0.638667,
+ -0.976969,-0.18835,-0.100277,0.870135,0.316454,-0.5825,
+ -0.849789,-0.488885,-0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.5875,
+ -0.959446,-0.199329,-0.199329,0.87462,0.342412,-0.638667,
+ -0.849789,-0.488885,-0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.5875,
- -0.969635,-0.244558,-0.000000,0.867922,0.303516,-0.500000,
- -0.840690,-0.541516,0.000000,0.882548,0.259579,-0.500000,
- -0.849789,-0.488885,-0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.587500,
- -0.969635,-0.244558,-0.000000,0.867922,0.303516,-0.500000,
- -0.849789,-0.488885,-0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.587500,
- -0.976969,-0.188350,-0.100277,0.870135,0.316454,-0.582500,
- -0.489368,-0.872077,-0.000000,0.904032,0.239732,-0.500000,
- -0.438575,-0.828046,-0.349274,0.904430,0.255712,-0.594723,
- -0.849789,-0.488885,-0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.587500,
- -0.489368,-0.872077,-0.000000,0.904032,0.239732,-0.500000,
- -0.849789,-0.488885,-0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.587500,
- -0.840690,-0.541516,0.000000,0.882548,0.259579,-0.500000,
- -0.455383,-0.616870,-0.641949,0.905018,0.303308,-0.673773,
+ -0.969635,-0.244558,0,0.867922,0.303516,-0.5,
+ -0.84069,-0.541516,0,0.882548,0.259579,-0.5,
+ -0.849789,-0.488885,-0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.5875,
+ -0.969635,-0.244558,0,0.867922,0.303516,-0.5,
+ -0.849789,-0.488885,-0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.5875,
+ -0.976969,-0.18835,-0.100277,0.870135,0.316454,-0.5825,
+ -0.489368,-0.872077,0,0.904032,0.239732,-0.5,
+ -0.438575,-0.828046,-0.349274,0.90443,0.255712,-0.594723,
+ -0.849789,-0.488885,-0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.5875,
+ -0.489368,-0.872077,0,0.904032,0.239732,-0.5,
+ -0.849789,-0.488885,-0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.5875,
+ -0.84069,-0.541516,0,0.882548,0.259579,-0.5,
+ -0.455383,-0.61687,-0.641949,0.905018,0.303308,-0.673773,
- -0.849789,-0.488885,-0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.587500,
- -0.455383,-0.616870,-0.641949,0.905018,0.303308,-0.673773,
- -0.849789,-0.488885,-0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.587500,
- -0.438575,-0.828046,-0.349274,0.904430,0.255712,-0.594723,
- -0.959446,-0.199329,0.199329,0.874620,0.342412,-0.361333,
+ -0.849789,-0.488885,-0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.5875,
+ -0.455383,-0.61687,-0.641949,0.905018,0.303308,-0.673773,
+ -0.849789,-0.488885,-0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.5875,
+ -0.438575,-0.828046,-0.349274,0.90443,0.255712,-0.594723,
+ -0.959446,-0.199329,0.199329,0.87462,0.342412,-0.361333,
- -0.849789,-0.488886,0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.412500,
- -0.959446,-0.199329,0.199329,0.874620,0.342412,-0.361333,
- -0.849789,-0.488886,0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.412500,
- -0.976969,-0.188350,0.100277,0.870135,0.316454,-0.417500,
- -0.455383,-0.616870,0.641949,0.905018,0.303308,-0.326227,
- -0.438574,-0.828046,0.349274,0.904430,0.255712,-0.405277,
- -0.849789,-0.488886,0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.412500,
- -0.455383,-0.616870,0.641949,0.905018,0.303308,-0.326227,
- -0.849789,-0.488886,0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.412500,
+ -0.849789,-0.488886,0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.4125,
+ -0.959446,-0.199329,0.199329,0.87462,0.342412,-0.361333,
+ -0.849789,-0.488886,0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.4125,
+ -0.976969,-0.18835,0.100277,0.870135,0.316454,-0.4175,
+ -0.455383,-0.61687,0.641949,0.905018,0.303308,-0.326227,
+ -0.438574,-0.828046,0.349274,0.90443,0.255712,-0.405277,
+ -0.849789,-0.488886,0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.4125,
+ -0.455383,-0.61687,0.641949,0.905018,0.303308,-0.326227,
+ -0.849789,-0.488886,0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.4125,
- -0.489368,-0.872077,-0.000000,0.904032,0.239732,-0.500000,
- -0.840690,-0.541516,0.000000,0.882548,0.259579,-0.500000,
- -0.849789,-0.488886,0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.412500,
- -0.489368,-0.872077,-0.000000,0.904032,0.239732,-0.500000,
- -0.849789,-0.488886,0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.412500,
- -0.438574,-0.828046,0.349274,0.904430,0.255712,-0.405277,
- -0.969635,-0.244558,-0.000000,0.867922,0.303516,-0.500000,
- -0.976969,-0.188350,0.100277,0.870135,0.316454,-0.417500,
- -0.849789,-0.488886,0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.412500,
- -0.969635,-0.244558,-0.000000,0.867922,0.303516,-0.500000,
- -0.849789,-0.488886,0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.412500,
- -0.840690,-0.541516,0.000000,0.882548,0.259579,-0.500000,
+ -0.489368,-0.872077,0,0.904032,0.239732,-0.5,
+ -0.84069,-0.541516,0,0.882548,0.259579,-0.5,
+ -0.849789,-0.488886,0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.4125,
+ -0.489368,-0.872077,0,0.904032,0.239732,-0.5,
+ -0.849789,-0.488886,0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.4125,
+ -0.438574,-0.828046,0.349274,0.90443,0.255712,-0.405277,
+ -0.969635,-0.244558,0,0.867922,0.303516,-0.5,
+ -0.976969,-0.18835,0.100277,0.870135,0.316454,-0.4175,
+ -0.849789,-0.488886,0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.4125,
+ -0.969635,-0.244558,0,0.867922,0.303516,-0.5,
+ -0.849789,-0.488886,0.197102,0.883764,0.275079,-0.4125,
+ -0.84069,-0.541516,0,0.882548,0.259579,-0.5,
- 0.068720,-0.352527,-0.933275,0.936818,0.370973,-0.717914,
+ 0.06872,-0.352527,-0.933275,0.936818,0.370973,-0.717914,
- 0.214013,-0.011144,-0.976767,0.939088,0.463494,-0.733480,
- 0.068720,-0.352527,-0.933275,0.936818,0.370973,-0.717914,
+ 0.214013,-0.011144,-0.976767,0.939088,0.463494,-0.73348,
+ 0.06872,-0.352527,-0.933275,0.936818,0.370973,-0.717914,
- 0.068720,-0.352527,-0.933275,0.936818,0.370973,-0.717914,
+ 0.06872,-0.352527,-0.933275,0.936818,0.370973,-0.717914,
- 0.214013,-0.011144,-0.976767,0.939088,0.463494,-0.733480,
- -0.247400,0.003968,-0.968905,0.905451,0.476683,-0.737495,
+ 0.214013,-0.011144,-0.976767,0.939088,0.463494,-0.73348,
+ -0.2474,0.003968,-0.968905,0.905451,0.476683,-0.737495,
- 0.068720,-0.352527,-0.933275,0.936818,0.370973,-0.717914,
- 0.214013,-0.011144,-0.976767,0.939088,0.463494,-0.733480,
- -0.455383,-0.616870,-0.641949,0.905018,0.303308,-0.673773,
+ 0.06872,-0.352527,-0.933275,0.936818,0.370973,-0.717914,
+ 0.214013,-0.011144,-0.976767,0.939088,0.463494,-0.73348,
+ -0.455383,-0.61687,-0.641949,0.905018,0.303308,-0.673773,
- 0.068720,-0.352527,-0.933275,0.936818,0.370973,-0.717914,
- -0.455383,-0.616870,-0.641949,0.905018,0.303308,-0.673773,
- 0.068720,-0.352527,-0.933275,0.936818,0.370973,-0.717914,
+ 0.06872,-0.352527,-0.933275,0.936818,0.370973,-0.717914,
+ -0.455383,-0.61687,-0.641949,0.905018,0.303308,-0.673773,
+ 0.06872,-0.352527,-0.933275,0.936818,0.370973,-0.717914,
- 0.575185,0.562873,-0.593580,0.995497,0.593044,-0.659921,
- 0.429706,0.632130,-0.644798,0.943249,0.633115,-0.671218,
+ 0.575185,0.562873,-0.59358,0.995497,0.593044,-0.659921,
+ 0.429706,0.63213,-0.644798,0.943249,0.633115,-0.671218,
- 0.575185,0.562873,-0.593580,0.995497,0.593044,-0.659921,
+ 0.575185,0.562873,-0.59358,0.995497,0.593044,-0.659921,
- 0.447221,0.281892,-0.848840,0.990769,0.522168,-0.703536,
- 0.429706,0.632130,-0.644798,0.943249,0.633115,-0.671218,
+ 0.447221,0.281892,-0.84884,0.990769,0.522168,-0.703536,
+ 0.429706,0.63213,-0.644798,0.943249,0.633115,-0.671218,
- -0.234090,0.368714,-0.899584,0.906322,0.571188,-0.721479,
- -0.234090,0.368714,-0.899584,0.906322,0.571188,-0.721479,
+ -0.23409,0.368714,-0.899584,0.906322,0.571188,-0.721479,
+ -0.23409,0.368714,-0.899584,0.906322,0.571188,-0.721479,
- 0.429706,0.632130,-0.644798,0.943249,0.633115,-0.671218,
- -0.247400,0.003968,-0.968905,0.905451,0.476683,-0.737495,
- 0.214013,-0.011144,-0.976767,0.939088,0.463494,-0.733480,
+ 0.429706,0.63213,-0.644798,0.943249,0.633115,-0.671218,
+ -0.2474,0.003968,-0.968905,0.905451,0.476683,-0.737495,
+ 0.214013,-0.011144,-0.976767,0.939088,0.463494,-0.73348,
- -0.247400,0.003968,-0.968905,0.905451,0.476683,-0.737495,
+ -0.2474,0.003968,-0.968905,0.905451,0.476683,-0.737495,
- -0.234090,0.368714,-0.899584,0.906322,0.571188,-0.721479,
- 0.214013,-0.011144,-0.976767,0.939088,0.463494,-0.733480,
+ -0.23409,0.368714,-0.899584,0.906322,0.571188,-0.721479,
+ 0.214013,-0.011144,-0.976767,0.939088,0.463494,-0.73348,
- 0.447221,0.281892,-0.848840,0.990769,0.522168,-0.703536,
- 0.447221,0.281892,-0.848840,0.990769,0.522168,-0.703536,
+ 0.447221,0.281892,-0.84884,0.990769,0.522168,-0.703536,
+ 0.447221,0.281892,-0.84884,0.990769,0.522168,-0.703536,
- 0.214013,-0.011144,-0.976767,0.939088,0.463494,-0.733480,
- -0.959446,0.199329,-0.199329,0.874620,0.619745,-0.638667,
- -0.976969,0.100277,-0.188350,0.870135,0.563579,-0.664625,
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- -0.959446,0.199329,-0.199329,0.874620,0.619745,-0.638667,
- -0.859317,0.197434,-0.471799,0.883764,0.568579,-0.706000,
+ 0.214013,-0.011144,-0.976767,0.939088,0.463494,-0.73348,
+ -0.959446,0.199329,-0.199329,0.87462,0.619745,-0.638667,
+ -0.976969,0.100277,-0.18835,0.870135,0.563579,-0.664625,
+ -0.859317,0.197434,-0.471799,0.883764,0.568579,-0.706,
+ -0.959446,0.199329,-0.199329,0.87462,0.619745,-0.638667,
+ -0.859317,0.197434,-0.471799,0.883764,0.568579,-0.706,
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- -0.859317,0.197434,-0.471799,0.883764,0.568579,-0.706000,
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+ -0.969635,0,-0.244558,0.867922,0.481079,-0.677562,
+ -0.761523,0.030964,-0.647398,0.882548,0.481079,-0.7215,
+ -0.859317,0.197434,-0.471799,0.883764,0.568579,-0.706,
+ -0.969635,0,-0.244558,0.867922,0.481079,-0.677562,
+ -0.859317,0.197434,-0.471799,0.883764,0.568579,-0.706,
+ -0.976969,0.100277,-0.18835,0.870135,0.563579,-0.664625,
+ -0.761523,0.030964,-0.647398,0.882548,0.481079,-0.7215,
+ -0.2474,0.003968,-0.968905,0.905451,0.476683,-0.737495,
+ -0.23409,0.368714,-0.899584,0.906322,0.571188,-0.721479,
+ -0.23409,0.368714,-0.899584,0.906322,0.571188,-0.721479,
+ -0.859317,0.197434,-0.471799,0.883764,0.568579,-0.706,
+ -0.761523,0.030964,-0.647398,0.882548,0.481079,-0.7215,
+ -0.23409,0.368714,-0.899584,0.906322,0.571188,-0.721479,
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+ -0.859317,0.197434,-0.471799,0.883764,0.568579,-0.706,
+ -0.23409,0.368714,-0.899584,0.906322,0.571188,-0.721479,
+ -0.959446,-0.199329,-0.199329,0.87462,0.342412,-0.638667,
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+ -0.845588,-0.179708,-0.502678,0.883764,0.393579,-0.706,
+ -0.959446,-0.199329,-0.199329,0.87462,0.342412,-0.638667,
+ -0.845588,-0.179708,-0.502678,0.883764,0.393579,-0.706,
+ -0.976969,-0.100277,-0.18835,0.870135,0.398579,-0.664625,
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+ -0.455383,-0.61687,-0.641949,0.905018,0.303308,-0.673773,
- -0.845588,-0.179708,-0.502678,0.883764,0.393579,-0.706000,
+ -0.845588,-0.179708,-0.502678,0.883764,0.393579,-0.706,
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- -0.845588,-0.179708,-0.502678,0.883764,0.393579,-0.706000,
+ -0.2474,0.003968,-0.968905,0.905451,0.476683,-0.737495,
+ -0.761523,0.030964,-0.647398,0.882548,0.481079,-0.7215,
+ -0.845588,-0.179708,-0.502678,0.883764,0.393579,-0.706,
+ -0.2474,0.003968,-0.968905,0.905451,0.476683,-0.737495,
+ -0.845588,-0.179708,-0.502678,0.883764,0.393579,-0.706,
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- -0.976969,0.100277,0.188350,0.870135,0.563579,-0.335375,
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- -0.993621,0.079739,0.079739,0.861889,0.571579,-0.409500,
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- -0.993621,0.079739,0.079739,0.861889,0.571579,-0.409500,
- -1.000000,-0.000000,0.000000,0.856159,0.481079,-0.500000,
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- -0.996384,0.084960,0.000000,0.859111,0.578829,-0.500000,
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- -0.976969,0.188349,0.100277,0.870135,0.645704,-0.417500,
- -0.993621,0.079739,0.079739,0.861889,0.571579,-0.409500,
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- -0.976969,-0.188350,0.100277,0.870135,0.316454,-0.417500,
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- -0.996384,-0.084960,0.000000,0.859111,0.383329,-0.500000,
- -0.993621,-0.079739,0.079739,0.861889,0.390579,-0.409500,
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- -0.993621,-0.079739,0.079739,0.861889,0.390579,-0.409500,
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- -0.996384,-0.084960,0.000000,0.859111,0.383329,-0.500000,
- -0.996384,0.000000,0.084960,0.859111,0.481079,-0.402250,
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- -0.976969,-0.100277,0.188350,0.870135,0.398579,-0.335375,
- -0.993621,-0.079739,0.079739,0.861889,0.390579,-0.409500,
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- -0.976969,-0.100277,-0.188350,0.870135,0.398579,-0.664625,
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- -0.996384,0.000000,-0.084960,0.859111,0.481079,-0.597750,
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- -0.976969,-0.100277,-0.188350,0.870135,0.398579,-0.664625,
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- -0.996384,-0.084960,0.000000,0.859111,0.383329,-0.500000,
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- -1.000000,-0.000000,0.000000,0.856159,0.481079,-0.500000,
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- -0.996384,0.000000,-0.084960,0.859111,0.481079,-0.597750,
- -0.996384,-0.084960,0.000000,0.859111,0.383329,-0.500000,
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- -0.976969,-0.188350,-0.100277,0.870135,0.316454,-0.582500,
- -0.993621,-0.079739,-0.079739,0.861889,0.390579,-0.590500,
- -0.996384,-0.084960,0.000000,0.859111,0.383329,-0.500000,
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- -0.993621,0.079739,-0.079739,0.861889,0.571579,-0.590500,
- -0.959446,0.199329,-0.199329,0.874620,0.619745,-0.638667,
- -0.993621,0.079739,-0.079739,0.861889,0.571579,-0.590500,
- -0.976969,0.100277,-0.188350,0.870135,0.563579,-0.664625,
- -0.976969,0.188349,-0.100277,0.870135,0.645704,-0.582500,
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- -0.996384,0.084960,0.000000,0.859111,0.578829,-0.500000,
- -0.996384,0.084960,0.000000,0.859111,0.578829,-0.500000,
- -0.993621,0.079739,-0.079739,0.861889,0.571579,-0.590500,
- -0.976969,0.188349,-0.100277,0.870135,0.645704,-0.582500,
- -1.000000,-0.000000,0.000000,0.856159,0.481079,-0.500000,
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- -0.993621,0.079739,-0.079739,0.861889,0.571579,-0.590500,
- -1.000000,-0.000000,0.000000,0.856159,0.481079,-0.500000,
- -0.993621,0.079739,-0.079739,0.861889,0.571579,-0.590500,
- -0.996384,0.084960,0.000000,0.859111,0.578829,-0.500000,
- -0.996384,0.000000,-0.084960,0.859111,0.481079,-0.597750,
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- -0.976969,0.100277,-0.188350,0.870135,0.563579,-0.664625,
- -0.976969,0.100277,-0.188350,0.870135,0.563579,-0.664625,
- -0.993621,0.079739,-0.079739,0.861889,0.571579,-0.590500,
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+ -0.969635,0,-0.244558,0.867922,0.481079,-0.677562,
+ -0.976969,-0.100277,-0.18835,0.870135,0.398579,-0.664625,
+ -0.845588,-0.179708,-0.502678,0.883764,0.393579,-0.706,
+ -0.969635,0,-0.244558,0.867922,0.481079,-0.677562,
+ -0.845588,-0.179708,-0.502678,0.883764,0.393579,-0.706,
+ -0.761523,0.030964,-0.647398,0.882548,0.481079,-0.7215,
+ -0.959446,0.199329,0.199329,0.87462,0.619745,-0.361333,
+ -0.976969,0.100277,0.18835,0.870135,0.563579,-0.335375,
+ -0.993621,0.079739,0.079739,0.861889,0.571579,-0.4095,
+ -0.959446,0.199329,0.199329,0.87462,0.619745,-0.361333,
+ -0.993621,0.079739,0.079739,0.861889,0.571579,-0.4095,
+ -0.976969,0.188349,0.100277,0.870135,0.645704,-0.4175,
+ -0.976969,0.100277,0.18835,0.870135,0.563579,-0.335375,
+ -0.969635,0,0.244558,0.867922,0.481079,-0.322437,
+ -0.996384,0,0.08496,0.859111,0.481079,-0.40225,
+ -0.996384,0,0.08496,0.859111,0.481079,-0.40225,
+ -0.993621,0.079739,0.079739,0.861889,0.571579,-0.4095,
+ -0.976969,0.100277,0.18835,0.870135,0.563579,-0.335375,
+ -1,0,0,0.856159,0.481079,-0.5,
+ -0.996384,0.08496,0,0.859111,0.578829,-0.5,
+ -0.993621,0.079739,0.079739,0.861889,0.571579,-0.4095,
+ -1,0,0,0.856159,0.481079,-0.5,
+ -0.993621,0.079739,0.079739,0.861889,0.571579,-0.4095,
+ -0.996384,0,0.08496,0.859111,0.481079,-0.40225,
+ -0.996384,0.08496,0,0.859111,0.578829,-0.5,
+ -0.969635,0.244558,0,0.867922,0.658641,-0.5,
+ -0.976969,0.188349,0.100277,0.870135,0.645704,-0.4175,
+ -0.976969,0.188349,0.100277,0.870135,0.645704,-0.4175,
+ -0.993621,0.079739,0.079739,0.861889,0.571579,-0.4095,
+ -0.996384,0.08496,0,0.859111,0.578829,-0.5,
+ -0.959446,-0.199329,0.199329,0.87462,0.342412,-0.361333,
+ -0.976969,-0.18835,0.100277,0.870135,0.316454,-0.4175,
+ -0.993621,-0.079739,0.079739,0.861889,0.390579,-0.4095,
+ -0.959446,-0.199329,0.199329,0.87462,0.342412,-0.361333,
+ -0.993621,-0.079739,0.079739,0.861889,0.390579,-0.4095,
+ -0.976969,-0.100277,0.18835,0.870135,0.398579,-0.335375,
+ -0.976969,-0.18835,0.100277,0.870135,0.316454,-0.4175,
+ -0.969635,-0.244558,0,0.867922,0.303516,-0.5,
+ -0.996384,-0.08496,0,0.859111,0.383329,-0.5,
+ -0.996384,-0.08496,0,0.859111,0.383329,-0.5,
+ -0.993621,-0.079739,0.079739,0.861889,0.390579,-0.4095,
+ -0.976969,-0.18835,0.100277,0.870135,0.316454,-0.4175,
+ -1,0,0,0.856159,0.481079,-0.5,
+ -0.996384,0,0.08496,0.859111,0.481079,-0.40225,
+ -0.993621,-0.079739,0.079739,0.861889,0.390579,-0.4095,
+ -1,0,0,0.856159,0.481079,-0.5,
+ -0.993621,-0.079739,0.079739,0.861889,0.390579,-0.4095,
+ -0.996384,-0.08496,0,0.859111,0.383329,-0.5,
+ -0.996384,0,0.08496,0.859111,0.481079,-0.40225,
+ -0.969635,0,0.244558,0.867922,0.481079,-0.322437,
+ -0.976969,-0.100277,0.18835,0.870135,0.398579,-0.335375,
+ -0.976969,-0.100277,0.18835,0.870135,0.398579,-0.335375,
+ -0.993621,-0.079739,0.079739,0.861889,0.390579,-0.4095,
+ -0.996384,0,0.08496,0.859111,0.481079,-0.40225,
+ -0.959446,-0.199329,-0.199329,0.87462,0.342412,-0.638667,
+ -0.976969,-0.100277,-0.18835,0.870135,0.398579,-0.664625,
+ -0.993621,-0.079739,-0.079739,0.861889,0.390579,-0.5905,
+ -0.959446,-0.199329,-0.199329,0.87462,0.342412,-0.638667,
+ -0.993621,-0.079739,-0.079739,0.861889,0.390579,-0.5905,
+ -0.976969,-0.18835,-0.100277,0.870135,0.316454,-0.5825,
+ -0.976969,-0.100277,-0.18835,0.870135,0.398579,-0.664625,
+ -0.969635,0,-0.244558,0.867922,0.481079,-0.677562,
+ -0.996384,0,-0.08496,0.859111,0.481079,-0.59775,
+ -0.996384,0,-0.08496,0.859111,0.481079,-0.59775,
+ -0.993621,-0.079739,-0.079739,0.861889,0.390579,-0.5905,
+ -0.976969,-0.100277,-0.18835,0.870135,0.398579,-0.664625,
+ -1,0,0,0.856159,0.481079,-0.5,
+ -0.996384,-0.08496,0,0.859111,0.383329,-0.5,
+ -0.993621,-0.079739,-0.079739,0.861889,0.390579,-0.5905,
+ -1,0,0,0.856159,0.481079,-0.5,
+ -0.993621,-0.079739,-0.079739,0.861889,0.390579,-0.5905,
+ -0.996384,0,-0.08496,0.859111,0.481079,-0.59775,
+ -0.996384,-0.08496,0,0.859111,0.383329,-0.5,
+ -0.969635,-0.244558,0,0.867922,0.303516,-0.5,
+ -0.976969,-0.18835,-0.100277,0.870135,0.316454,-0.5825,
+ -0.976969,-0.18835,-0.100277,0.870135,0.316454,-0.5825,
+ -0.993621,-0.079739,-0.079739,0.861889,0.390579,-0.5905,
+ -0.996384,-0.08496,0,0.859111,0.383329,-0.5,
+ -0.959446,0.199329,-0.199329,0.87462,0.619745,-0.638667,
+ -0.976969,0.188349,-0.100277,0.870135,0.645704,-0.5825,
+ -0.993621,0.079739,-0.079739,0.861889,0.571579,-0.5905,
+ -0.959446,0.199329,-0.199329,0.87462,0.619745,-0.638667,
+ -0.993621,0.079739,-0.079739,0.861889,0.571579,-0.5905,
+ -0.976969,0.100277,-0.18835,0.870135,0.563579,-0.664625,
+ -0.976969,0.188349,-0.100277,0.870135,0.645704,-0.5825,
+ -0.969635,0.244558,0,0.867922,0.658641,-0.5,
+ -0.996384,0.08496,0,0.859111,0.578829,-0.5,
+ -0.996384,0.08496,0,0.859111,0.578829,-0.5,
+ -0.993621,0.079739,-0.079739,0.861889,0.571579,-0.5905,
+ -0.976969,0.188349,-0.100277,0.870135,0.645704,-0.5825,
+ -1,0,0,0.856159,0.481079,-0.5,
+ -0.996384,0,-0.08496,0.859111,0.481079,-0.59775,
+ -0.993621,0.079739,-0.079739,0.861889,0.571579,-0.5905,
+ -1,0,0,0.856159,0.481079,-0.5,
+ -0.993621,0.079739,-0.079739,0.861889,0.571579,-0.5905,
+ -0.996384,0.08496,0,0.859111,0.578829,-0.5,
+ -0.996384,0,-0.08496,0.859111,0.481079,-0.59775,
+ -0.969635,0,-0.244558,0.867922,0.481079,-0.677562,
+ -0.976969,0.100277,-0.18835,0.870135,0.563579,-0.664625,
+ -0.976969,0.100277,-0.18835,0.870135,0.563579,-0.664625,
+ -0.993621,0.079739,-0.079739,0.861889,0.571579,-0.5905,
+ -0.996384,0,-0.08496,0.859111,0.481079,-0.59775,
+ 0.642358,0.715039,-0.275852,0.998334,0.63557,-0.58723,
+ 0.575185,0.562873,-0.59358,0.995497,0.593044,-0.659921,
- 0.642358,0.715039,-0.275852,0.998334,0.635570,-0.587230,
+ 0.642358,0.715039,-0.275852,0.998334,0.63557,-0.58723,
- 0.585003,0.517563,-0.624420,1.149095,0.453892,-0.633787,
+ 0.585003,0.517563,-0.62442,1.149095,0.453892,-0.633787,
- 0.700187,0.713960,0.000000,1.161726,0.497346,-0.500000,
- 0.687547,0.726140,0.000000,1.073477,0.582162,-0.500000,
- 0.687547,0.726140,0.000000,1.073477,0.582162,-0.500000,
+ 0.700187,0.71396,0,1.161726,0.497346,-0.5,
+ 0.687547,0.72614,0,1.073477,0.582162,-0.5,
+ 0.687547,0.72614,0,1.073477,0.582162,-0.5,
- 0.662437,0.749118,0.000000,0.999280,0.649745,-0.500000,
- 0.642358,0.715039,-0.275852,0.998334,0.635570,-0.587230,
+ 0.662437,0.749118,0,0.99928,0.649745,-0.5,
+ 0.642358,0.715039,-0.275852,0.998334,0.63557,-0.58723,
- 0.662437,0.749118,0.000000,0.999280,0.649745,-0.500000,
+ 0.662437,0.749118,0,0.99928,0.649745,-0.5,
- 0.687547,0.726140,0.000000,1.073477,0.582162,-0.500000,
- 0.568513,0.503436,-0.650650,1.239650,0.364075,-0.624059,
+ 0.687547,0.72614,0,1.073477,0.582162,-0.5,
+ 0.568513,0.503436,-0.65065,1.23965,0.364075,-0.624059,
- 0.568513,0.503436,-0.650650,1.239650,0.364075,-0.624059,
- 0.726158,0.687528,-0.000000,1.357882,0.297224,-0.500000,
- 0.712870,0.701296,0.000000,1.258403,0.400600,-0.500000,
+ 0.568513,0.503436,-0.65065,1.23965,0.364075,-0.624059,
+ 0.726158,0.687528,0,1.357882,0.297224,-0.5,
+ 0.71287,0.701296,0,1.258403,0.4006,-0.5,
- 0.726158,0.687528,-0.000000,1.357882,0.297224,-0.500000,
+ 0.726158,0.687528,0,1.357882,0.297224,-0.5,
- 0.712870,0.701296,0.000000,1.258403,0.400600,-0.500000,
- 0.700187,0.713960,0.000000,1.161726,0.497346,-0.500000,
+ 0.71287,0.701296,0,1.258403,0.4006,-0.5,
+ 0.700187,0.71396,0,1.161726,0.497346,-0.5,
- 0.712870,0.701296,0.000000,1.258403,0.400600,-0.500000,
- 0.585003,0.517563,-0.624420,1.149095,0.453892,-0.633787,
- 0.568513,0.503436,-0.650650,1.239650,0.364075,-0.624059,
+ 0.71287,0.701296,0,1.258403,0.4006,-0.5,
+ 0.585003,0.517563,-0.62442,1.149095,0.453892,-0.633787,
+ 0.568513,0.503436,-0.65065,1.23965,0.364075,-0.624059,
- 0.585003,0.517563,-0.624420,1.149095,0.453892,-0.633787,
+ 0.585003,0.517563,-0.62442,1.149095,0.453892,-0.633787,
- 0.568513,0.503436,0.650650,1.239650,0.364075,-0.375941,
- 0.568513,0.503436,0.650650,1.239650,0.364075,-0.375941,
+ 0.568513,0.503436,0.65065,1.23965,0.364075,-0.375941,
+ 0.568513,0.503436,0.65065,1.23965,0.364075,-0.375941,
- 0.585003,0.517563,0.624420,1.149095,0.453892,-0.366213,
+ 0.585003,0.517563,0.62442,1.149095,0.453892,-0.366213,
- 0.585003,0.517563,0.624420,1.149095,0.453892,-0.366213,
+ 0.585003,0.517563,0.62442,1.149095,0.453892,-0.366213,
- 0.568513,0.503436,0.650650,1.239650,0.364075,-0.375941,
+ 0.568513,0.503436,0.65065,1.23965,0.364075,-0.375941,
- 0.700187,0.713960,0.000000,1.161726,0.497346,-0.500000,
- 0.712870,0.701296,0.000000,1.258403,0.400600,-0.500000,
- 0.712870,0.701296,0.000000,1.258403,0.400600,-0.500000,
+ 0.700187,0.71396,0,1.161726,0.497346,-0.5,
+ 0.71287,0.701296,0,1.258403,0.4006,-0.5,
+ 0.71287,0.701296,0,1.258403,0.4006,-0.5,
- 0.726158,0.687528,-0.000000,1.357882,0.297224,-0.500000,
+ 0.726158,0.687528,0,1.357882,0.297224,-0.5,
- 0.726158,0.687528,-0.000000,1.357882,0.297224,-0.500000,
+ 0.726158,0.687528,0,1.357882,0.297224,-0.5,
- 0.712870,0.701296,0.000000,1.258403,0.400600,-0.500000,
+ 0.71287,0.701296,0,1.258403,0.4006,-0.5,
- 0.575185,0.562873,0.593580,0.995497,0.593044,-0.340079,
- 0.642358,0.715039,0.275852,0.998334,0.635570,-0.412770,
- 0.642358,0.715039,0.275852,0.998334,0.635570,-0.412770,
+ 0.575185,0.562873,0.59358,0.995497,0.593044,-0.340079,
+ 0.642358,0.715039,0.275852,0.998334,0.63557,-0.41277,
+ 0.642358,0.715039,0.275852,0.998334,0.63557,-0.41277,
- 0.662437,0.749118,0.000000,0.999280,0.649745,-0.500000,
- 0.687547,0.726140,0.000000,1.073477,0.582162,-0.500000,
+ 0.662437,0.749118,0,0.99928,0.649745,-0.5,
+ 0.687547,0.72614,0,1.073477,0.582162,-0.5,
- 0.662437,0.749118,0.000000,0.999280,0.649745,-0.500000,
+ 0.662437,0.749118,0,0.99928,0.649745,-0.5,
- 0.642358,0.715039,0.275852,0.998334,0.635570,-0.412770,
- 0.687547,0.726140,0.000000,1.073477,0.582162,-0.500000,
- 0.700187,0.713960,0.000000,1.161726,0.497346,-0.500000,
+ 0.642358,0.715039,0.275852,0.998334,0.63557,-0.41277,
+ 0.687547,0.72614,0,1.073477,0.582162,-0.5,
+ 0.700187,0.71396,0,1.161726,0.497346,-0.5,
- 0.687547,0.726140,0.000000,1.073477,0.582162,-0.500000,
+ 0.687547,0.72614,0,1.073477,0.582162,-0.5,
- 0.585003,0.517563,0.624420,1.149095,0.453892,-0.366213,
+ 0.585003,0.517563,0.62442,1.149095,0.453892,-0.366213,
- 0.010629,-0.366255,-0.930454,1.033759,0.317550,-0.686572,
+ 0.010629,-0.366255,-0.930454,1.033759,0.31755,-0.686572,
- 0.010629,-0.366255,-0.930454,1.033759,0.317550,-0.686572,
+ 0.010629,-0.366255,-0.930454,1.033759,0.31755,-0.686572,
- -0.405056,-0.645141,-0.647860,1.079619,0.214898,-0.633787,
+ -0.405056,-0.645141,-0.64786,1.079619,0.214898,-0.633787,
- 0.010629,-0.366255,-0.930454,1.033759,0.317550,-0.686572,
+ 0.010629,-0.366255,-0.930454,1.033759,0.31755,-0.686572,
- 0.010629,-0.366255,-0.930454,1.033759,0.317550,-0.686572,
+ 0.010629,-0.366255,-0.930454,1.033759,0.31755,-0.686572,
- 0.010629,-0.366255,-0.930454,1.033759,0.317550,-0.686572,
+ 0.010629,-0.366255,-0.930454,1.033759,0.31755,-0.686572,
- 0.010629,-0.366255,-0.930454,1.033759,0.317550,-0.686572,
+ 0.010629,-0.366255,-0.930454,1.033759,0.31755,-0.686572,
- -0.293198,-0.238286,-0.925881,1.222960,0.138221,-0.652683,
- -0.293198,-0.238286,-0.925881,1.222960,0.138221,-0.652683,
- -0.196230,-0.318838,-0.927274,1.159950,0.208844,-0.657894,
+ -0.293198,-0.238286,-0.925881,1.22296,0.138221,-0.652683,
+ -0.293198,-0.238286,-0.925881,1.22296,0.138221,-0.652683,
+ -0.19623,-0.318838,-0.927274,1.15995,0.208844,-0.657894,
- 0.003001,-0.001255,-0.999995,1.261509,0.183650,-0.663589,
- 0.084953,-0.045180,-0.995360,1.188080,0.263631,-0.669172,
- -0.196230,-0.318838,-0.927274,1.159950,0.208844,-0.657894,
- 0.003001,-0.001255,-0.999995,1.261509,0.183650,-0.663589,
- -0.196230,-0.318838,-0.927274,1.159950,0.208844,-0.657894,
- -0.293198,-0.238286,-0.925881,1.222960,0.138221,-0.652683,
- 0.084953,-0.045180,-0.995360,1.188080,0.263631,-0.669172,
+ 0.003001,-0.001255,-0.999995,1.261509,0.18365,-0.663589,
+ 0.084953,-0.04518,-0.99536,1.18808,0.263631,-0.669172,
+ -0.19623,-0.318838,-0.927274,1.15995,0.208844,-0.657894,
+ 0.003001,-0.001255,-0.999995,1.261509,0.18365,-0.663589,
+ -0.19623,-0.318838,-0.927274,1.15995,0.208844,-0.657894,
+ -0.293198,-0.238286,-0.925881,1.22296,0.138221,-0.652683,
+ 0.084953,-0.04518,-0.99536,1.18808,0.263631,-0.669172,
- -0.196230,-0.318838,-0.927274,1.159950,0.208844,-0.657894,
- 0.084953,-0.045180,-0.995360,1.188080,0.263631,-0.669172,
- -0.405056,-0.645141,-0.647860,1.079619,0.214898,-0.633787,
+ -0.19623,-0.318838,-0.927274,1.15995,0.208844,-0.657894,
+ 0.084953,-0.04518,-0.99536,1.18808,0.263631,-0.669172,
+ -0.405056,-0.645141,-0.64786,1.079619,0.214898,-0.633787,
- -0.196230,-0.318838,-0.927274,1.159950,0.208844,-0.657894,
- -0.405056,-0.645141,-0.647860,1.079619,0.214898,-0.633787,
- -0.196230,-0.318838,-0.927274,1.159950,0.208844,-0.657894,
+ -0.19623,-0.318838,-0.927274,1.15995,0.208844,-0.657894,
+ -0.405056,-0.645141,-0.64786,1.079619,0.214898,-0.633787,
+ -0.19623,-0.318838,-0.927274,1.15995,0.208844,-0.657894,
- 0.568513,0.503436,-0.650650,1.239650,0.364075,-0.624059,
+ 0.568513,0.503436,-0.65065,1.23965,0.364075,-0.624059,
- 0.284277,0.249094,-0.925818,1.300058,0.229080,-0.652683,
- 0.568513,0.503436,-0.650650,1.239650,0.364075,-0.624059,
- 0.585003,0.517563,-0.624420,1.149095,0.453892,-0.633787,
+ 0.284277,0.249094,-0.925818,1.300058,0.22908,-0.652683,
+ 0.568513,0.503436,-0.65065,1.23965,0.364075,-0.624059,
+ 0.585003,0.517563,-0.62442,1.149095,0.453892,-0.633787,
- 0.568513,0.503436,-0.650650,1.239650,0.364075,-0.624059,
+ 0.568513,0.503436,-0.65065,1.23965,0.364075,-0.624059,
- 0.084953,-0.045180,-0.995360,1.188080,0.263631,-0.669172,
+ 0.084953,-0.04518,-0.99536,1.18808,0.263631,-0.669172,
- 0.084953,-0.045180,-0.995360,1.188080,0.263631,-0.669172,
- 0.003001,-0.001255,-0.999995,1.261509,0.183650,-0.663589,
- 0.284277,0.249094,-0.925818,1.300058,0.229080,-0.652683,
- 0.284277,0.249094,-0.925818,1.300058,0.229080,-0.652683,
+ 0.084953,-0.04518,-0.99536,1.18808,0.263631,-0.669172,
+ 0.003001,-0.001255,-0.999995,1.261509,0.18365,-0.663589,
+ 0.284277,0.249094,-0.925818,1.300058,0.22908,-0.652683,
+ 0.284277,0.249094,-0.925818,1.300058,0.22908,-0.652683,
- 0.084953,-0.045180,-0.995360,1.188080,0.263631,-0.669172,
+ 0.084953,-0.04518,-0.99536,1.18808,0.263631,-0.669172,
- 0.575185,0.562873,-0.593580,0.995497,0.593044,-0.659921,
- 0.447221,0.281892,-0.848840,0.990769,0.522168,-0.703536,
- 0.447221,0.281892,-0.848840,0.990769,0.522168,-0.703536,
- 0.431005,0.262774,-0.863240,1.056455,0.468757,-0.686572,
+ 0.575185,0.562873,-0.59358,0.995497,0.593044,-0.659921,
+ 0.447221,0.281892,-0.84884,0.990769,0.522168,-0.703536,
+ 0.447221,0.281892,-0.84884,0.990769,0.522168,-0.703536,
+ 0.431005,0.262774,-0.86324,1.056455,0.468757,-0.686572,
- 0.431005,0.262774,-0.863240,1.056455,0.468757,-0.686572,
+ 0.431005,0.262774,-0.86324,1.056455,0.468757,-0.686572,
- 0.431005,0.262774,-0.863240,1.056455,0.468757,-0.686572,
- 0.447221,0.281892,-0.848840,0.990769,0.522168,-0.703536,
+ 0.431005,0.262774,-0.86324,1.056455,0.468757,-0.686572,
+ 0.447221,0.281892,-0.84884,0.990769,0.522168,-0.703536,
- 0.431005,0.262774,-0.863240,1.056455,0.468757,-0.686572,
+ 0.431005,0.262774,-0.86324,1.056455,0.468757,-0.686572,
- 0.585003,0.517563,-0.624420,1.149095,0.453892,-0.633787,
+ 0.585003,0.517563,-0.62442,1.149095,0.453892,-0.633787,
- 0.431005,0.262774,-0.863240,1.056455,0.468757,-0.686572,
- 0.585003,0.517563,-0.624420,1.149095,0.453892,-0.633787,
- 0.431005,0.262774,-0.863240,1.056455,0.468757,-0.686572,
+ 0.431005,0.262774,-0.86324,1.056455,0.468757,-0.686572,
+ 0.585003,0.517563,-0.62442,1.149095,0.453892,-0.633787,
+ 0.431005,0.262774,-0.86324,1.056455,0.468757,-0.686572,
- 0.010629,-0.366254,0.930454,1.033759,0.317550,-0.313428,
+ 0.010629,-0.366254,0.930454,1.033759,0.31755,-0.313428,
- 0.010629,-0.366254,0.930454,1.033759,0.317550,-0.313428,
- -0.251782,-0.681632,0.687010,1.024302,0.254547,-0.353408,
+ 0.010629,-0.366254,0.930454,1.033759,0.31755,-0.313428,
+ -0.251782,-0.681632,0.68701,1.024302,0.254547,-0.353408,
- 0.010629,-0.366254,0.930454,1.033759,0.317550,-0.313428,
+ 0.010629,-0.366254,0.930454,1.033759,0.31755,-0.313428,
- 0.010629,-0.366254,0.930454,1.033759,0.317550,-0.313428,
+ 0.010629,-0.366254,0.930454,1.033759,0.31755,-0.313428,
- 0.010629,-0.366254,0.930454,1.033759,0.317550,-0.313428,
+ 0.010629,-0.366254,0.930454,1.033759,0.31755,-0.313428,
- -0.405056,-0.645141,0.647860,1.079619,0.214898,-0.366213,
- -0.251782,-0.681632,0.687010,1.024302,0.254547,-0.353408,
- -0.251782,-0.681632,0.687010,1.024302,0.254547,-0.353408,
- 0.010629,-0.366254,0.930454,1.033759,0.317550,-0.313428,
+ -0.405056,-0.645141,0.64786,1.079619,0.214898,-0.366213,
+ -0.251782,-0.681632,0.68701,1.024302,0.254547,-0.353408,
+ -0.251782,-0.681632,0.68701,1.024302,0.254547,-0.353408,
+ 0.010629,-0.366254,0.930454,1.033759,0.31755,-0.313428,
- 0.575185,0.562873,0.593580,0.995497,0.593044,-0.340079,
+ 0.575185,0.562873,0.59358,0.995497,0.593044,-0.340079,
- 0.585003,0.517563,0.624420,1.149095,0.453892,-0.366213,
+ 0.585003,0.517563,0.62442,1.149095,0.453892,-0.366213,
- 0.585003,0.517563,0.624420,1.149095,0.453892,-0.366213,
+ 0.585003,0.517563,0.62442,1.149095,0.453892,-0.366213,
- 0.284277,0.249093,0.925818,1.300058,0.229080,-0.347317,
- 0.340630,0.234777,0.910412,1.216209,0.318418,-0.342106,
+ 0.284277,0.249093,0.925818,1.300058,0.22908,-0.347317,
+ 0.34063,0.234777,0.910412,1.216209,0.318418,-0.342106,
- 0.340630,0.234777,0.910412,1.216209,0.318418,-0.342106,
- 0.568513,0.503436,0.650650,1.239650,0.364075,-0.375941,
- 0.284277,0.249093,0.925818,1.300058,0.229080,-0.347317,
- 0.003001,-0.001255,0.999995,1.261509,0.183650,-0.336411,
- 0.084953,-0.045180,0.995360,1.188080,0.263631,-0.330828,
- 0.084953,-0.045180,0.995360,1.188080,0.263631,-0.330828,
- 0.340630,0.234777,0.910412,1.216209,0.318418,-0.342106,
- 0.284277,0.249093,0.925818,1.300058,0.229080,-0.347317,
+ 0.34063,0.234777,0.910412,1.216209,0.318418,-0.342106,
+ 0.568513,0.503436,0.65065,1.23965,0.364075,-0.375941,
+ 0.284277,0.249093,0.925818,1.300058,0.22908,-0.347317,
+ 0.003001,-0.001255,0.999995,1.261509,0.18365,-0.336411,
+ 0.084953,-0.04518,0.99536,1.18808,0.263631,-0.330828,
+ 0.084953,-0.04518,0.99536,1.18808,0.263631,-0.330828,
+ 0.34063,0.234777,0.910412,1.216209,0.318418,-0.342106,
+ 0.284277,0.249093,0.925818,1.300058,0.22908,-0.347317,
- 0.340630,0.234777,0.910412,1.216209,0.318418,-0.342106,
+ 0.34063,0.234777,0.910412,1.216209,0.318418,-0.342106,
- 0.340630,0.234777,0.910412,1.216209,0.318418,-0.342106,
- 0.084953,-0.045180,0.995360,1.188080,0.263631,-0.330828,
+ 0.34063,0.234777,0.910412,1.216209,0.318418,-0.342106,
+ 0.084953,-0.04518,0.99536,1.18808,0.263631,-0.330828,
- 0.585003,0.517563,0.624420,1.149095,0.453892,-0.366213,
- 0.568513,0.503436,0.650650,1.239650,0.364075,-0.375941,
- 0.568513,0.503436,0.650650,1.239650,0.364075,-0.375941,
- 0.340630,0.234777,0.910412,1.216209,0.318418,-0.342106,
+ 0.585003,0.517563,0.62442,1.149095,0.453892,-0.366213,
+ 0.568513,0.503436,0.65065,1.23965,0.364075,-0.375941,
+ 0.568513,0.503436,0.65065,1.23965,0.364075,-0.375941,
+ 0.34063,0.234777,0.910412,1.216209,0.318418,-0.342106,
- -0.293197,-0.238286,0.925881,1.222960,0.138221,-0.347317,
+ -0.293197,-0.238286,0.925881,1.22296,0.138221,-0.347317,
- -0.196230,-0.318838,0.927274,1.159950,0.208844,-0.342106,
- -0.293197,-0.238286,0.925881,1.222960,0.138221,-0.347317,
- -0.405056,-0.645141,0.647860,1.079619,0.214898,-0.366213,
+ -0.19623,-0.318838,0.927274,1.15995,0.208844,-0.342106,
+ -0.293197,-0.238286,0.925881,1.22296,0.138221,-0.347317,
+ -0.405056,-0.645141,0.64786,1.079619,0.214898,-0.366213,
- -0.196230,-0.318838,0.927274,1.159950,0.208844,-0.342106,
- -0.405056,-0.645141,0.647860,1.079619,0.214898,-0.366213,
- -0.196230,-0.318838,0.927274,1.159950,0.208844,-0.342106,
+ -0.19623,-0.318838,0.927274,1.15995,0.208844,-0.342106,
+ -0.405056,-0.645141,0.64786,1.079619,0.214898,-0.366213,
+ -0.19623,-0.318838,0.927274,1.15995,0.208844,-0.342106,
- 0.084953,-0.045180,0.995360,1.188080,0.263631,-0.330828,
- 0.084953,-0.045180,0.995360,1.188080,0.263631,-0.330828,
- -0.196230,-0.318838,0.927274,1.159950,0.208844,-0.342106,
+ 0.084953,-0.04518,0.99536,1.18808,0.263631,-0.330828,
+ 0.084953,-0.04518,0.99536,1.18808,0.263631,-0.330828,
+ -0.19623,-0.318838,0.927274,1.15995,0.208844,-0.342106,
- 0.003001,-0.001255,0.999995,1.261509,0.183650,-0.336411,
- -0.293197,-0.238286,0.925881,1.222960,0.138221,-0.347317,
- -0.196230,-0.318838,0.927274,1.159950,0.208844,-0.342106,
- 0.003001,-0.001255,0.999995,1.261509,0.183650,-0.336411,
- -0.196230,-0.318838,0.927274,1.159950,0.208844,-0.342106,
- 0.084953,-0.045180,0.995360,1.188080,0.263631,-0.330828,
+ 0.003001,-0.001255,0.999995,1.261509,0.18365,-0.336411,
+ -0.293197,-0.238286,0.925881,1.22296,0.138221,-0.347317,
+ -0.19623,-0.318838,0.927274,1.15995,0.208844,-0.342106,
+ 0.003001,-0.001255,0.999995,1.261509,0.18365,-0.336411,
+ -0.19623,-0.318838,0.927274,1.15995,0.208844,-0.342106,
+ 0.084953,-0.04518,0.99536,1.18808,0.263631,-0.330828,
- -0.260846,-0.906261,-0.332641,0.971855,0.238662,-0.587230,
- -0.260846,-0.906261,-0.332641,0.971855,0.238662,-0.587230,
- -0.428690,-0.845027,-0.319616,1.018628,0.216746,-0.579959,
+ -0.260846,-0.906261,-0.332641,0.971855,0.238662,-0.58723,
+ -0.260846,-0.906261,-0.332641,0.971855,0.238662,-0.58723,
+ -0.42869,-0.845027,-0.319616,1.018628,0.216746,-0.579959,
- -0.339022,-0.940778,-0.000000,0.970910,0.224487,-0.500000,
- -0.499130,-0.866527,0.000000,1.016736,0.204145,-0.500000,
- -0.428690,-0.845027,-0.319616,1.018628,0.216746,-0.579959,
- -0.339022,-0.940778,-0.000000,0.970910,0.224487,-0.500000,
- -0.428690,-0.845027,-0.319616,1.018628,0.216746,-0.579959,
- -0.260846,-0.906261,-0.332641,0.971855,0.238662,-0.587230,
- -0.499130,-0.866527,0.000000,1.016736,0.204145,-0.500000,
- -0.605110,-0.796142,0.000000,1.066987,0.171444,-0.500000,
+ -0.339022,-0.940778,0,0.97091,0.224487,-0.5,
+ -0.49913,-0.866527,0,1.016736,0.204145,-0.5,
+ -0.42869,-0.845027,-0.319616,1.018628,0.216746,-0.579959,
+ -0.339022,-0.940778,0,0.97091,0.224487,-0.5,
+ -0.42869,-0.845027,-0.319616,1.018628,0.216746,-0.579959,
+ -0.260846,-0.906261,-0.332641,0.971855,0.238662,-0.58723,
+ -0.49913,-0.866527,0,1.016736,0.204145,-0.5,
+ -0.60511,-0.796142,0,1.066987,0.171444,-0.5,
- -0.428690,-0.845027,-0.319616,1.018628,0.216746,-0.579959,
- -0.499130,-0.866527,0.000000,1.016736,0.204145,-0.500000,
- -0.405056,-0.645141,-0.647860,1.079619,0.214898,-0.633787,
+ -0.42869,-0.845027,-0.319616,1.018628,0.216746,-0.579959,
+ -0.49913,-0.866527,0,1.016736,0.204145,-0.5,
+ -0.405056,-0.645141,-0.64786,1.079619,0.214898,-0.633787,
- -0.428690,-0.845027,-0.319616,1.018628,0.216746,-0.579959,
- -0.405056,-0.645141,-0.647860,1.079619,0.214898,-0.633787,
- -0.428690,-0.845027,-0.319616,1.018628,0.216746,-0.579959,
+ -0.42869,-0.845027,-0.319616,1.018628,0.216746,-0.579959,
+ -0.405056,-0.645141,-0.64786,1.079619,0.214898,-0.633787,
+ -0.42869,-0.845027,-0.319616,1.018628,0.216746,-0.579959,
- -0.260846,-0.906261,0.332641,0.971855,0.238662,-0.412770,
+ -0.260846,-0.906261,0.332641,0.971855,0.238662,-0.41277,
- -0.251782,-0.681632,0.687010,1.024302,0.254547,-0.353408,
- -0.251782,-0.681632,0.687010,1.024302,0.254547,-0.353408,
- -0.428690,-0.845027,0.319616,1.018628,0.216746,-0.420041,
- -0.260846,-0.906261,0.332641,0.971855,0.238662,-0.412770,
- -0.405056,-0.645141,0.647860,1.079619,0.214898,-0.366213,
+ -0.251782,-0.681632,0.68701,1.024302,0.254547,-0.353408,
+ -0.251782,-0.681632,0.68701,1.024302,0.254547,-0.353408,
+ -0.42869,-0.845027,0.319616,1.018628,0.216746,-0.420041,
+ -0.260846,-0.906261,0.332641,0.971855,0.238662,-0.41277,
+ -0.405056,-0.645141,0.64786,1.079619,0.214898,-0.366213,
- -0.428690,-0.845027,0.319616,1.018628,0.216746,-0.420041,
- -0.405056,-0.645141,0.647860,1.079619,0.214898,-0.366213,
- -0.428690,-0.845027,0.319616,1.018628,0.216746,-0.420041,
- -0.251782,-0.681632,0.687010,1.024302,0.254547,-0.353408,
+ -0.42869,-0.845027,0.319616,1.018628,0.216746,-0.420041,
+ -0.405056,-0.645141,0.64786,1.079619,0.214898,-0.366213,
+ -0.42869,-0.845027,0.319616,1.018628,0.216746,-0.420041,
+ -0.251782,-0.681632,0.68701,1.024302,0.254547,-0.353408,
- -0.605110,-0.796142,0.000000,1.066987,0.171444,-0.500000,
- -0.499130,-0.866527,0.000000,1.016736,0.204145,-0.500000,
- -0.499130,-0.866527,0.000000,1.016736,0.204145,-0.500000,
- -0.428690,-0.845027,0.319616,1.018628,0.216746,-0.420041,
+ -0.60511,-0.796142,0,1.066987,0.171444,-0.5,
+ -0.49913,-0.866527,0,1.016736,0.204145,-0.5,
+ -0.49913,-0.866527,0,1.016736,0.204145,-0.5,
+ -0.42869,-0.845027,0.319616,1.018628,0.216746,-0.420041,
- -0.339022,-0.940778,-0.000000,0.970910,0.224487,-0.500000,
- -0.260846,-0.906261,0.332641,0.971855,0.238662,-0.412770,
- -0.428690,-0.845027,0.319616,1.018628,0.216746,-0.420041,
- -0.339022,-0.940778,-0.000000,0.970910,0.224487,-0.500000,
- -0.428690,-0.845027,0.319616,1.018628,0.216746,-0.420041,
- -0.499130,-0.866527,0.000000,1.016736,0.204145,-0.500000,
+ -0.339022,-0.940778,0,0.97091,0.224487,-0.5,
+ -0.260846,-0.906261,0.332641,0.971855,0.238662,-0.41277,
+ -0.42869,-0.845027,0.319616,1.018628,0.216746,-0.420041,
+ -0.339022,-0.940778,0,0.97091,0.224487,-0.5,
+ -0.42869,-0.845027,0.319616,1.018628,0.216746,-0.420041,
+ -0.49913,-0.866527,0,1.016736,0.204145,-0.5,
- -0.831075,-0.556160,0.000000,1.165137,0.070077,-0.500000,
- -0.713427,-0.700729,-0.000000,1.117756,0.126662,-0.500000,
- -0.713427,-0.700729,-0.000000,1.117756,0.126662,-0.500000,
+ -0.831075,-0.55616,0,1.165137,0.070077,-0.5,
+ -0.713427,-0.700729,0,1.117756,0.126662,-0.5,
+ -0.713427,-0.700729,0,1.117756,0.126662,-0.5,
- -0.713427,-0.700729,-0.000000,1.117756,0.126662,-0.500000,
- -0.605110,-0.796142,0.000000,1.066987,0.171444,-0.500000,
+ -0.713427,-0.700729,0,1.117756,0.126662,-0.5,
+ -0.60511,-0.796142,0,1.066987,0.171444,-0.5,
- -0.713427,-0.700729,-0.000000,1.117756,0.126662,-0.500000,
- -0.405056,-0.645141,0.647860,1.079619,0.214898,-0.366213,
+ -0.713427,-0.700729,0,1.117756,0.126662,-0.5,
+ -0.405056,-0.645141,0.64786,1.079619,0.214898,-0.366213,
- -0.405056,-0.645141,0.647860,1.079619,0.214898,-0.366213,
+ -0.405056,-0.645141,0.64786,1.079619,0.214898,-0.366213,
- -0.405056,-0.645141,-0.647860,1.079619,0.214898,-0.633787,
+ -0.405056,-0.645141,-0.64786,1.079619,0.214898,-0.633787,
- -0.405056,-0.645141,-0.647860,1.079619,0.214898,-0.633787,
+ -0.405056,-0.645141,-0.64786,1.079619,0.214898,-0.633787,
- -0.605110,-0.796142,0.000000,1.066987,0.171444,-0.500000,
- -0.713427,-0.700729,-0.000000,1.117756,0.126662,-0.500000,
- -0.713427,-0.700729,-0.000000,1.117756,0.126662,-0.500000,
+ -0.60511,-0.796142,0,1.066987,0.171444,-0.5,
+ -0.713427,-0.700729,0,1.117756,0.126662,-0.5,
+ -0.713427,-0.700729,0,1.117756,0.126662,-0.5,
- -0.713427,-0.700729,-0.000000,1.117756,0.126662,-0.500000,
- -0.831075,-0.556160,0.000000,1.165137,0.070077,-0.500000,
+ -0.713427,-0.700729,0,1.117756,0.126662,-0.5,
+ -0.831075,-0.55616,0,1.165137,0.070077,-0.5,
- -0.713427,-0.700729,-0.000000,1.117756,0.126662,-0.500000,
+ -0.713427,-0.700729,0,1.117756,0.126662,-0.5,
- -0.356933,0.091380,-0.929650,1.401596,-0.166219,-0.703536,
+ -0.356933,0.09138,-0.92965,1.401596,-0.166219,-0.703536,
- -0.736772,-0.170063,-0.654405,1.310553,-0.123450,-0.646592,
- -0.356933,0.091380,-0.929650,1.401596,-0.166219,-0.703536,
- -0.077550,0.232519,-0.969495,1.483337,-0.139536,-0.718074,
- -0.076935,0.189453,-0.978871,1.442923,-0.070450,-0.699898,
- -0.076935,0.189453,-0.978871,1.442923,-0.070450,-0.699898,
+ -0.736772,-0.170063,-0.654405,1.310553,-0.12345,-0.646592,
+ -0.356933,0.09138,-0.92965,1.401596,-0.166219,-0.703536,
+ -0.07755,0.232519,-0.969495,1.483337,-0.139536,-0.718074,
+ -0.076935,0.189453,-0.978871,1.442923,-0.07045,-0.699898,
+ -0.076935,0.189453,-0.978871,1.442923,-0.07045,-0.699898,
- -0.356933,0.091380,-0.929650,1.401596,-0.166219,-0.703536,
- -0.094492,0.118807,-0.988411,1.391060,0.010509,-0.682436,
+ -0.356933,0.09138,-0.92965,1.401596,-0.166219,-0.703536,
+ -0.094492,0.118807,-0.988411,1.39106,0.010509,-0.682436,
- -0.094492,0.118807,-0.988411,1.391060,0.010509,-0.682436,
+ -0.094492,0.118807,-0.988411,1.39106,0.010509,-0.682436,
- -0.076935,0.189453,-0.978871,1.442923,-0.070450,-0.699898,
- -0.691037,-0.227740,-0.686005,1.278626,-0.049369,-0.633787,
- -0.736772,-0.170063,-0.654405,1.310553,-0.123450,-0.646592,
+ -0.076935,0.189453,-0.978871,1.442923,-0.07045,-0.699898,
+ -0.691037,-0.22774,-0.686005,1.278626,-0.049369,-0.633787,
+ -0.736772,-0.170063,-0.654405,1.310553,-0.12345,-0.646592,
- -0.691037,-0.227740,-0.686005,1.278626,-0.049369,-0.633787,
+ -0.691037,-0.22774,-0.686005,1.278626,-0.049369,-0.633787,
- 0.223762,0.384640,-0.895535,1.565078,-0.112852,-0.703536,
- 0.523401,0.541230,-0.658120,1.633195,-0.090616,-0.659921,
- 0.523007,0.532590,-0.665441,1.575292,-0.017451,-0.646592,
- 0.523007,0.532590,-0.665441,1.575292,-0.017451,-0.646592,
- 0.223940,0.359068,-0.906047,1.515124,-0.041541,-0.686572,
- 0.223762,0.384640,-0.895535,1.565078,-0.112852,-0.703536,
+ 0.223762,0.38464,-0.895535,1.565078,-0.112852,-0.703536,
+ 0.523401,0.54123,-0.65812,1.633195,-0.090616,-0.659921,
+ 0.523007,0.53259,-0.665441,1.575292,-0.017451,-0.646592,
+ 0.523007,0.53259,-0.665441,1.575292,-0.017451,-0.646592,
+ 0.22394,0.359068,-0.906047,1.515124,-0.041541,-0.686572,
+ 0.223762,0.38464,-0.895535,1.565078,-0.112852,-0.703536,
- 0.227361,0.327503,-0.917087,1.452388,0.043170,-0.670274,
- 0.223940,0.359068,-0.906047,1.515124,-0.041541,-0.686572,
+ 0.227361,0.327503,-0.917087,1.452388,0.04317,-0.670274,
+ 0.22394,0.359068,-0.906047,1.515124,-0.041541,-0.686572,
- 0.223940,0.359068,-0.906047,1.515124,-0.041541,-0.686572,
- 0.523007,0.532590,-0.665441,1.575292,-0.017451,-0.646592,
- 0.227361,0.327503,-0.917087,1.452388,0.043170,-0.670274,
- -0.094492,0.118807,-0.988411,1.391060,0.010509,-0.682436,
- -0.076935,0.189453,-0.978871,1.442923,-0.070450,-0.699898,
- -0.076935,0.189453,-0.978871,1.442923,-0.070450,-0.699898,
- 0.223940,0.359068,-0.906047,1.515124,-0.041541,-0.686572,
- 0.227361,0.327503,-0.917087,1.452388,0.043170,-0.670274,
- -0.077550,0.232519,-0.969495,1.483337,-0.139536,-0.718074,
- 0.223762,0.384640,-0.895535,1.565078,-0.112852,-0.703536,
- 0.223940,0.359068,-0.906047,1.515124,-0.041541,-0.686572,
- -0.077550,0.232519,-0.969495,1.483337,-0.139536,-0.718074,
- 0.223940,0.359068,-0.906047,1.515124,-0.041541,-0.686572,
- -0.076935,0.189453,-0.978871,1.442923,-0.070450,-0.699898,
+ 0.22394,0.359068,-0.906047,1.515124,-0.041541,-0.686572,
+ 0.523007,0.53259,-0.665441,1.575292,-0.017451,-0.646592,
+ 0.227361,0.327503,-0.917087,1.452388,0.04317,-0.670274,
+ -0.094492,0.118807,-0.988411,1.39106,0.010509,-0.682436,
+ -0.076935,0.189453,-0.978871,1.442923,-0.07045,-0.699898,
+ -0.076935,0.189453,-0.978871,1.442923,-0.07045,-0.699898,
+ 0.22394,0.359068,-0.906047,1.515124,-0.041541,-0.686572,
+ 0.227361,0.327503,-0.917087,1.452388,0.04317,-0.670274,
+ -0.07755,0.232519,-0.969495,1.483337,-0.139536,-0.718074,
+ 0.223762,0.38464,-0.895535,1.565078,-0.112852,-0.703536,
+ 0.22394,0.359068,-0.906047,1.515124,-0.041541,-0.686572,
+ -0.07755,0.232519,-0.969495,1.483337,-0.139536,-0.718074,
+ 0.22394,0.359068,-0.906047,1.515124,-0.041541,-0.686572,
+ -0.076935,0.189453,-0.978871,1.442923,-0.07045,-0.699898,
- 0.284277,0.249094,-0.925818,1.300058,0.229080,-0.652683,
- 0.284277,0.249094,-0.925818,1.300058,0.229080,-0.652683,
- 0.192479,0.250600,-0.948763,1.379742,0.135354,-0.657894,
+ 0.284277,0.249094,-0.925818,1.300058,0.22908,-0.652683,
+ 0.284277,0.249094,-0.925818,1.300058,0.22908,-0.652683,
+ 0.192479,0.2506,-0.948763,1.379742,0.135354,-0.657894,
- 0.003001,-0.001255,-0.999995,1.261509,0.183650,-0.663589,
- -0.080719,0.040880,-0.995898,1.329879,0.097243,-0.669172,
- 0.192479,0.250600,-0.948763,1.379742,0.135354,-0.657894,
- 0.003001,-0.001255,-0.999995,1.261509,0.183650,-0.663589,
- 0.192479,0.250600,-0.948763,1.379742,0.135354,-0.657894,
- 0.284277,0.249094,-0.925818,1.300058,0.229080,-0.652683,
- -0.094492,0.118807,-0.988411,1.391060,0.010509,-0.682436,
- 0.227361,0.327503,-0.917087,1.452388,0.043170,-0.670274,
- 0.192479,0.250600,-0.948763,1.379742,0.135354,-0.657894,
- -0.094492,0.118807,-0.988411,1.391060,0.010509,-0.682436,
- 0.192479,0.250600,-0.948763,1.379742,0.135354,-0.657894,
- -0.080719,0.040880,-0.995898,1.329879,0.097243,-0.669172,
- 0.227361,0.327503,-0.917087,1.452388,0.043170,-0.670274,
+ 0.003001,-0.001255,-0.999995,1.261509,0.18365,-0.663589,
+ -0.080719,0.04088,-0.995898,1.329879,0.097243,-0.669172,
+ 0.192479,0.2506,-0.948763,1.379742,0.135354,-0.657894,
+ 0.003001,-0.001255,-0.999995,1.261509,0.18365,-0.663589,
+ 0.192479,0.2506,-0.948763,1.379742,0.135354,-0.657894,
+ 0.284277,0.249094,-0.925818,1.300058,0.22908,-0.652683,
+ -0.094492,0.118807,-0.988411,1.39106,0.010509,-0.682436,
+ 0.227361,0.327503,-0.917087,1.452388,0.04317,-0.670274,
+ 0.192479,0.2506,-0.948763,1.379742,0.135354,-0.657894,
+ -0.094492,0.118807,-0.988411,1.39106,0.010509,-0.682436,
+ 0.192479,0.2506,-0.948763,1.379742,0.135354,-0.657894,
+ -0.080719,0.04088,-0.995898,1.329879,0.097243,-0.669172,
+ 0.227361,0.327503,-0.917087,1.452388,0.04317,-0.670274,
- 0.192479,0.250600,-0.948763,1.379742,0.135354,-0.657894,
- 0.227361,0.327503,-0.917087,1.452388,0.043170,-0.670274,
+ 0.192479,0.2506,-0.948763,1.379742,0.135354,-0.657894,
+ 0.227361,0.327503,-0.917087,1.452388,0.04317,-0.670274,
- -0.356146,-0.136430,-0.924417,1.280017,0.059132,-0.657894,
+ -0.356146,-0.13643,-0.924417,1.280017,0.059132,-0.657894,
- -0.356146,-0.136430,-0.924417,1.280017,0.059132,-0.657894,
- -0.293198,-0.238286,-0.925881,1.222960,0.138221,-0.652683,
+ -0.356146,-0.13643,-0.924417,1.280017,0.059132,-0.657894,
+ -0.293198,-0.238286,-0.925881,1.22296,0.138221,-0.652683,
- -0.691037,-0.227740,-0.686005,1.278626,-0.049369,-0.633787,
+ -0.691037,-0.22774,-0.686005,1.278626,-0.049369,-0.633787,
- -0.356146,-0.136430,-0.924417,1.280017,0.059132,-0.657894,
+ -0.356146,-0.13643,-0.924417,1.280017,0.059132,-0.657894,
- -0.094492,0.118807,-0.988411,1.391060,0.010509,-0.682436,
- -0.080719,0.040880,-0.995898,1.329879,0.097243,-0.669172,
- -0.356146,-0.136430,-0.924417,1.280017,0.059132,-0.657894,
- -0.094492,0.118807,-0.988411,1.391060,0.010509,-0.682436,
- -0.356146,-0.136430,-0.924417,1.280017,0.059132,-0.657894,
+ -0.094492,0.118807,-0.988411,1.39106,0.010509,-0.682436,
+ -0.080719,0.04088,-0.995898,1.329879,0.097243,-0.669172,
+ -0.356146,-0.13643,-0.924417,1.280017,0.059132,-0.657894,
+ -0.094492,0.118807,-0.988411,1.39106,0.010509,-0.682436,
+ -0.356146,-0.13643,-0.924417,1.280017,0.059132,-0.657894,
- -0.080719,0.040880,-0.995898,1.329879,0.097243,-0.669172,
- 0.003001,-0.001255,-0.999995,1.261509,0.183650,-0.663589,
- -0.293198,-0.238286,-0.925881,1.222960,0.138221,-0.652683,
- -0.293198,-0.238286,-0.925881,1.222960,0.138221,-0.652683,
- -0.356146,-0.136430,-0.924417,1.280017,0.059132,-0.657894,
- -0.080719,0.040880,-0.995898,1.329879,0.097243,-0.669172,
+ -0.080719,0.04088,-0.995898,1.329879,0.097243,-0.669172,
+ 0.003001,-0.001255,-0.999995,1.261509,0.18365,-0.663589,
+ -0.293198,-0.238286,-0.925881,1.22296,0.138221,-0.652683,
+ -0.293198,-0.238286,-0.925881,1.22296,0.138221,-0.652683,
+ -0.356146,-0.13643,-0.924417,1.280017,0.059132,-0.657894,
+ -0.080719,0.04088,-0.995898,1.329879,0.097243,-0.669172,
- -0.736772,-0.170063,-0.654405,1.310553,-0.123450,-0.646592,
+ -0.736772,-0.170063,-0.654405,1.310553,-0.12345,-0.646592,
- -0.932432,-0.178414,-0.314228,1.292609,-0.201797,-0.587230,
- -0.736772,-0.170063,-0.654405,1.310553,-0.123450,-0.646592,
- -0.691037,-0.227740,-0.686005,1.278626,-0.049369,-0.633787,
- -0.880661,-0.339398,-0.330522,1.247962,-0.065700,-0.572975,
- -0.880661,-0.339398,-0.330522,1.247962,-0.065700,-0.572975,
+ -0.932432,-0.178414,-0.314228,1.292609,-0.201797,-0.58723,
+ -0.736772,-0.170063,-0.654405,1.310553,-0.12345,-0.646592,
+ -0.691037,-0.22774,-0.686005,1.278626,-0.049369,-0.633787,
+ -0.880661,-0.339398,-0.330522,1.247962,-0.0657,-0.572975,
+ -0.880661,-0.339398,-0.330522,1.247962,-0.0657,-0.572975,
- -0.736772,-0.170063,-0.654405,1.310553,-0.123450,-0.646592,
- -0.934966,-0.354738,0.000000,1.237741,-0.071143,-0.500000,
- -0.960468,-0.278392,0.000000,1.262419,-0.142723,-0.500000,
+ -0.736772,-0.170063,-0.654405,1.310553,-0.12345,-0.646592,
+ -0.934966,-0.354738,0,1.237741,-0.071143,-0.5,
+ -0.960468,-0.278392,0,1.262419,-0.142723,-0.5,
- -0.934966,-0.354738,0.000000,1.237741,-0.071143,-0.500000,
+ -0.934966,-0.354738,0,1.237741,-0.071143,-0.5,
- -0.880661,-0.339398,-0.330522,1.247962,-0.065700,-0.572975,
- -0.960468,-0.278392,0.000000,1.262419,-0.142723,-0.500000,
- -0.977953,-0.208824,0.000000,1.278985,-0.206245,-0.500000,
- -0.932432,-0.178414,-0.314228,1.292609,-0.201797,-0.587230,
- -0.932432,-0.178414,-0.314228,1.292609,-0.201797,-0.587230,
+ -0.880661,-0.339398,-0.330522,1.247962,-0.0657,-0.572975,
+ -0.960468,-0.278392,0,1.262419,-0.142723,-0.5,
+ -0.977953,-0.208824,0,1.278985,-0.206245,-0.5,
+ -0.932432,-0.178414,-0.314228,1.292609,-0.201797,-0.58723,
+ -0.932432,-0.178414,-0.314228,1.292609,-0.201797,-0.58723,
- -0.960468,-0.278392,0.000000,1.262419,-0.142723,-0.500000,
+ -0.960468,-0.278392,0,1.262419,-0.142723,-0.5,
- -0.831075,-0.556160,0.000000,1.165137,0.070077,-0.500000,
- -0.896641,-0.442758,0.000000,1.205222,0.001966,-0.500000,
+ -0.831075,-0.55616,0,1.165137,0.070077,-0.5,
+ -0.896641,-0.442758,0,1.205222,0.001966,-0.5,
- -0.831075,-0.556160,0.000000,1.165137,0.070077,-0.500000,
+ -0.831075,-0.55616,0,1.165137,0.070077,-0.5,
- -0.896641,-0.442758,0.000000,1.205222,0.001966,-0.500000,
- -0.934966,-0.354738,0.000000,1.237741,-0.071143,-0.500000,
- -0.880661,-0.339398,-0.330522,1.247962,-0.065700,-0.572975,
- -0.880661,-0.339398,-0.330522,1.247962,-0.065700,-0.572975,
+ -0.896641,-0.442758,0,1.205222,0.001966,-0.5,
+ -0.934966,-0.354738,0,1.237741,-0.071143,-0.5,
+ -0.880661,-0.339398,-0.330522,1.247962,-0.0657,-0.572975,
+ -0.880661,-0.339398,-0.330522,1.247962,-0.0657,-0.572975,
- -0.896641,-0.442758,0.000000,1.205222,0.001966,-0.500000,
+ -0.896641,-0.442758,0,1.205222,0.001966,-0.5,
- -0.880661,-0.339398,-0.330522,1.247962,-0.065700,-0.572975,
- -0.691037,-0.227740,-0.686005,1.278626,-0.049369,-0.633787,
- -0.691037,-0.227740,-0.686005,1.278626,-0.049369,-0.633787,
+ -0.880661,-0.339398,-0.330522,1.247962,-0.0657,-0.572975,
+ -0.691037,-0.22774,-0.686005,1.278626,-0.049369,-0.633787,
+ -0.691037,-0.22774,-0.686005,1.278626,-0.049369,-0.633787,
- -0.691037,-0.227740,0.686005,1.278626,-0.049369,-0.366213,
- -0.691037,-0.227740,0.686005,1.278626,-0.049369,-0.366213,
- -0.880661,-0.339398,0.330522,1.247962,-0.065700,-0.427025,
+ -0.691037,-0.22774,0.686005,1.278626,-0.049369,-0.366213,
+ -0.691037,-0.22774,0.686005,1.278626,-0.049369,-0.366213,
+ -0.880661,-0.339398,0.330522,1.247962,-0.0657,-0.427025,
- -0.880661,-0.339398,0.330522,1.247962,-0.065700,-0.427025,
- -0.934966,-0.354738,0.000000,1.237741,-0.071143,-0.500000,
- -0.896641,-0.442758,0.000000,1.205222,0.001966,-0.500000,
- -0.896641,-0.442758,0.000000,1.205222,0.001966,-0.500000,
+ -0.880661,-0.339398,0.330522,1.247962,-0.0657,-0.427025,
+ -0.934966,-0.354738,0,1.237741,-0.071143,-0.5,
+ -0.896641,-0.442758,0,1.205222,0.001966,-0.5,
+ -0.896641,-0.442758,0,1.205222,0.001966,-0.5,
- -0.880661,-0.339398,0.330522,1.247962,-0.065700,-0.427025,
- -0.831075,-0.556160,0.000000,1.165137,0.070077,-0.500000,
+ -0.880661,-0.339398,0.330522,1.247962,-0.0657,-0.427025,
+ -0.831075,-0.55616,0,1.165137,0.070077,-0.5,
- -0.831075,-0.556160,0.000000,1.165137,0.070077,-0.500000,
+ -0.831075,-0.55616,0,1.165137,0.070077,-0.5,
- -0.896641,-0.442758,0.000000,1.205222,0.001966,-0.500000,
+ -0.896641,-0.442758,0,1.205222,0.001966,-0.5,
- -0.932432,-0.178414,0.314228,1.292609,-0.201797,-0.412770,
+ -0.932432,-0.178414,0.314228,1.292609,-0.201797,-0.41277,
- -0.736772,-0.170063,0.654405,1.310553,-0.123450,-0.353408,
- -0.932432,-0.178414,0.314228,1.292609,-0.201797,-0.412770,
- -0.977953,-0.208824,0.000000,1.278985,-0.206245,-0.500000,
- -0.960468,-0.278392,0.000000,1.262419,-0.142723,-0.500000,
- -0.960468,-0.278392,0.000000,1.262419,-0.142723,-0.500000,
+ -0.736772,-0.170063,0.654405,1.310553,-0.12345,-0.353408,
+ -0.932432,-0.178414,0.314228,1.292609,-0.201797,-0.41277,
+ -0.977953,-0.208824,0,1.278985,-0.206245,-0.5,
+ -0.960468,-0.278392,0,1.262419,-0.142723,-0.5,
+ -0.960468,-0.278392,0,1.262419,-0.142723,-0.5,
- -0.932432,-0.178414,0.314228,1.292609,-0.201797,-0.412770,
- -0.934966,-0.354738,0.000000,1.237741,-0.071143,-0.500000,
- -0.880661,-0.339398,0.330522,1.247962,-0.065700,-0.427025,
+ -0.932432,-0.178414,0.314228,1.292609,-0.201797,-0.41277,
+ -0.934966,-0.354738,0,1.237741,-0.071143,-0.5,
+ -0.880661,-0.339398,0.330522,1.247962,-0.0657,-0.427025,
- -0.934966,-0.354738,0.000000,1.237741,-0.071143,-0.500000,
+ -0.934966,-0.354738,0,1.237741,-0.071143,-0.5,
- -0.960468,-0.278392,0.000000,1.262419,-0.142723,-0.500000,
- -0.880661,-0.339398,0.330522,1.247962,-0.065700,-0.427025,
- -0.691037,-0.227740,0.686005,1.278626,-0.049369,-0.366213,
- -0.736772,-0.170063,0.654405,1.310553,-0.123450,-0.353408,
- -0.736772,-0.170063,0.654405,1.310553,-0.123450,-0.353408,
+ -0.960468,-0.278392,0,1.262419,-0.142723,-0.5,
+ -0.880661,-0.339398,0.330522,1.247962,-0.0657,-0.427025,
+ -0.691037,-0.22774,0.686005,1.278626,-0.049369,-0.366213,
+ -0.736772,-0.170063,0.654405,1.310553,-0.12345,-0.353408,
+ -0.736772,-0.170063,0.654405,1.310553,-0.12345,-0.353408,
- -0.880661,-0.339398,0.330522,1.247962,-0.065700,-0.427025,
+ -0.880661,-0.339398,0.330522,1.247962,-0.0657,-0.427025,
- -0.736772,-0.170063,0.654405,1.310553,-0.123450,-0.353408,
+ -0.736772,-0.170063,0.654405,1.310553,-0.12345,-0.353408,
- -0.356933,0.091380,0.929650,1.401596,-0.166219,-0.296464,
- -0.691037,-0.227740,0.686005,1.278626,-0.049369,-0.366213,
+ -0.356933,0.09138,0.92965,1.401596,-0.166219,-0.296464,
+ -0.691037,-0.22774,0.686005,1.278626,-0.049369,-0.366213,
- -0.691037,-0.227740,0.686005,1.278626,-0.049369,-0.366213,
+ -0.691037,-0.22774,0.686005,1.278626,-0.049369,-0.366213,
- -0.736772,-0.170063,0.654405,1.310553,-0.123450,-0.353408,
- -0.094492,0.118807,0.988411,1.391060,0.010509,-0.317564,
- -0.076935,0.189453,0.978871,1.442923,-0.070450,-0.300102,
+ -0.736772,-0.170063,0.654405,1.310553,-0.12345,-0.353408,
+ -0.094492,0.118807,0.988411,1.39106,0.010509,-0.317564,
+ -0.076935,0.189453,0.978871,1.442923,-0.07045,-0.300102,
- -0.094492,0.118807,0.988411,1.391060,0.010509,-0.317564,
+ -0.094492,0.118807,0.988411,1.39106,0.010509,-0.317564,
- -0.076935,0.189453,0.978871,1.442923,-0.070450,-0.300102,
- -0.077550,0.232519,0.969495,1.483337,-0.139536,-0.281926,
- -0.356933,0.091380,0.929650,1.401596,-0.166219,-0.296464,
- -0.356933,0.091380,0.929650,1.401596,-0.166219,-0.296464,
+ -0.076935,0.189453,0.978871,1.442923,-0.07045,-0.300102,
+ -0.07755,0.232519,0.969495,1.483337,-0.139536,-0.281926,
+ -0.356933,0.09138,0.92965,1.401596,-0.166219,-0.296464,
+ -0.356933,0.09138,0.92965,1.401596,-0.166219,-0.296464,
- -0.076935,0.189453,0.978871,1.442923,-0.070450,-0.300102,
+ -0.076935,0.189453,0.978871,1.442923,-0.07045,-0.300102,
- -0.293197,-0.238286,0.925881,1.222960,0.138221,-0.347317,
- -0.356146,-0.136430,0.924417,1.280017,0.059132,-0.342106,
+ -0.293197,-0.238286,0.925881,1.22296,0.138221,-0.347317,
+ -0.356146,-0.13643,0.924417,1.280017,0.059132,-0.342106,
- -0.356146,-0.136430,0.924417,1.280017,0.059132,-0.342106,
+ -0.356146,-0.13643,0.924417,1.280017,0.059132,-0.342106,
- -0.293197,-0.238286,0.925881,1.222960,0.138221,-0.347317,
- 0.003001,-0.001255,0.999995,1.261509,0.183650,-0.336411,
- -0.080719,0.040880,0.995898,1.329879,0.097243,-0.330828,
- -0.080719,0.040880,0.995898,1.329879,0.097243,-0.330828,
- -0.356146,-0.136430,0.924417,1.280017,0.059132,-0.342106,
- -0.293197,-0.238286,0.925881,1.222960,0.138221,-0.347317,
- -0.094492,0.118807,0.988411,1.391060,0.010509,-0.317564,
+ -0.293197,-0.238286,0.925881,1.22296,0.138221,-0.347317,
+ 0.003001,-0.001255,0.999995,1.261509,0.18365,-0.336411,
+ -0.080719,0.04088,0.995898,1.329879,0.097243,-0.330828,
+ -0.080719,0.04088,0.995898,1.329879,0.097243,-0.330828,
+ -0.356146,-0.13643,0.924417,1.280017,0.059132,-0.342106,
+ -0.293197,-0.238286,0.925881,1.22296,0.138221,-0.347317,
+ -0.094492,0.118807,0.988411,1.39106,0.010509,-0.317564,
- -0.356146,-0.136430,0.924417,1.280017,0.059132,-0.342106,
- -0.094492,0.118807,0.988411,1.391060,0.010509,-0.317564,
- -0.356146,-0.136430,0.924417,1.280017,0.059132,-0.342106,
- -0.080719,0.040880,0.995898,1.329879,0.097243,-0.330828,
+ -0.356146,-0.13643,0.924417,1.280017,0.059132,-0.342106,
+ -0.094492,0.118807,0.988411,1.39106,0.010509,-0.317564,
+ -0.356146,-0.13643,0.924417,1.280017,0.059132,-0.342106,
+ -0.080719,0.04088,0.995898,1.329879,0.097243,-0.330828,
- -0.691037,-0.227740,0.686005,1.278626,-0.049369,-0.366213,
+ -0.691037,-0.22774,0.686005,1.278626,-0.049369,-0.366213,
- -0.356146,-0.136430,0.924417,1.280017,0.059132,-0.342106,
+ -0.356146,-0.13643,0.924417,1.280017,0.059132,-0.342106,
- 0.284277,0.249093,0.925818,1.300058,0.229080,-0.347317,
+ 0.284277,0.249093,0.925818,1.300058,0.22908,-0.347317,
- 0.284277,0.249093,0.925818,1.300058,0.229080,-0.347317,
+ 0.284277,0.249093,0.925818,1.300058,0.22908,-0.347317,
- 0.227361,0.327503,0.917087,1.452388,0.043170,-0.329726,
- 0.227361,0.327503,0.917087,1.452388,0.043170,-0.329726,
+ 0.227361,0.327503,0.917087,1.452388,0.04317,-0.329726,
+ 0.227361,0.327503,0.917087,1.452388,0.04317,-0.329726,
- -0.094492,0.118807,0.988411,1.391060,0.010509,-0.317564,
- -0.080719,0.040880,0.995898,1.329879,0.097243,-0.330828,
+ -0.094492,0.118807,0.988411,1.39106,0.010509,-0.317564,
+ -0.080719,0.04088,0.995898,1.329879,0.097243,-0.330828,
- -0.094492,0.118807,0.988411,1.391060,0.010509,-0.317564,
+ -0.094492,0.118807,0.988411,1.39106,0.010509,-0.317564,
- 0.227361,0.327503,0.917087,1.452388,0.043170,-0.329726,
- 0.003001,-0.001255,0.999995,1.261509,0.183650,-0.336411,
- 0.284277,0.249093,0.925818,1.300058,0.229080,-0.347317,
+ 0.227361,0.327503,0.917087,1.452388,0.04317,-0.329726,
+ 0.003001,-0.001255,0.999995,1.261509,0.18365,-0.336411,
+ 0.284277,0.249093,0.925818,1.300058,0.22908,-0.347317,
- 0.003001,-0.001255,0.999995,1.261509,0.183650,-0.336411,
+ 0.003001,-0.001255,0.999995,1.261509,0.18365,-0.336411,
- -0.080719,0.040880,0.995898,1.329879,0.097243,-0.330828,
- 0.523007,0.532590,0.665441,1.575292,-0.017451,-0.353408,
- 0.523401,0.541230,0.658120,1.633195,-0.090616,-0.340079,
+ -0.080719,0.04088,0.995898,1.329879,0.097243,-0.330828,
+ 0.523007,0.53259,0.665441,1.575292,-0.017451,-0.353408,
+ 0.523401,0.54123,0.65812,1.633195,-0.090616,-0.340079,
- 0.223940,0.359067,0.906047,1.515124,-0.041541,-0.313428,
- 0.523007,0.532590,0.665441,1.575292,-0.017451,-0.353408,
- -0.077550,0.232519,0.969495,1.483337,-0.139536,-0.281926,
- -0.076935,0.189453,0.978871,1.442923,-0.070450,-0.300102,
- 0.223940,0.359067,0.906047,1.515124,-0.041541,-0.313428,
- -0.077550,0.232519,0.969495,1.483337,-0.139536,-0.281926,
- 0.223940,0.359067,0.906047,1.515124,-0.041541,-0.313428,
+ 0.22394,0.359067,0.906047,1.515124,-0.041541,-0.313428,
+ 0.523007,0.53259,0.665441,1.575292,-0.017451,-0.353408,
+ -0.07755,0.232519,0.969495,1.483337,-0.139536,-0.281926,
+ -0.076935,0.189453,0.978871,1.442923,-0.07045,-0.300102,
+ 0.22394,0.359067,0.906047,1.515124,-0.041541,-0.313428,
+ -0.07755,0.232519,0.969495,1.483337,-0.139536,-0.281926,
+ 0.22394,0.359067,0.906047,1.515124,-0.041541,-0.313428,
- -0.076935,0.189453,0.978871,1.442923,-0.070450,-0.300102,
- -0.094492,0.118807,0.988411,1.391060,0.010509,-0.317564,
- 0.227361,0.327503,0.917087,1.452388,0.043170,-0.329726,
- 0.227361,0.327503,0.917087,1.452388,0.043170,-0.329726,
- 0.223940,0.359067,0.906047,1.515124,-0.041541,-0.313428,
- -0.076935,0.189453,0.978871,1.442923,-0.070450,-0.300102,
+ -0.076935,0.189453,0.978871,1.442923,-0.07045,-0.300102,
+ -0.094492,0.118807,0.988411,1.39106,0.010509,-0.317564,
+ 0.227361,0.327503,0.917087,1.452388,0.04317,-0.329726,
+ 0.227361,0.327503,0.917087,1.452388,0.04317,-0.329726,
+ 0.22394,0.359067,0.906047,1.515124,-0.041541,-0.313428,
+ -0.076935,0.189453,0.978871,1.442923,-0.07045,-0.300102,
- 0.523007,0.532590,0.665441,1.575292,-0.017451,-0.353408,
- 0.223940,0.359067,0.906047,1.515124,-0.041541,-0.313428,
+ 0.523007,0.53259,0.665441,1.575292,-0.017451,-0.353408,
+ 0.22394,0.359067,0.906047,1.515124,-0.041541,-0.313428,
- 0.223940,0.359067,0.906047,1.515124,-0.041541,-0.313428,
- 0.227361,0.327503,0.917087,1.452388,0.043170,-0.329726,
- 0.709684,0.628970,0.317403,1.674065,-0.077274,-0.412770,
- 0.523401,0.541230,0.658120,1.633195,-0.090616,-0.340079,
- 0.523007,0.532590,0.665441,1.575292,-0.017451,-0.353408,
- 0.523007,0.532590,0.665441,1.575292,-0.017451,-0.353408,
+ 0.22394,0.359067,0.906047,1.515124,-0.041541,-0.313428,
+ 0.227361,0.327503,0.917087,1.452388,0.04317,-0.329726,
+ 0.709684,0.62897,0.317403,1.674065,-0.077274,-0.41277,
+ 0.523401,0.54123,0.65812,1.633195,-0.090616,-0.340079,
+ 0.523007,0.53259,0.665441,1.575292,-0.017451,-0.353408,
+ 0.523007,0.53259,0.665441,1.575292,-0.017451,-0.353408,
- 0.709684,0.628970,0.317403,1.674065,-0.077274,-0.412770,
+ 0.709684,0.62897,0.317403,1.674065,-0.077274,-0.41277,
- 0.703000,0.633573,0.323073,1.534158,0.086718,-0.427025,
+ 0.703,0.633573,0.323073,1.534158,0.086718,-0.427025,
- 0.523007,0.532590,0.665441,1.575292,-0.017451,-0.353408,
- 0.703000,0.633573,0.323073,1.534158,0.086718,-0.427025,
- 0.747578,0.664174,-0.000000,1.544380,0.092162,-0.500000,
- 0.754132,0.656723,-0.000000,1.623426,0.001822,-0.500000,
- 0.754132,0.656723,-0.000000,1.623426,0.001822,-0.500000,
+ 0.523007,0.53259,0.665441,1.575292,-0.017451,-0.353408,
+ 0.703,0.633573,0.323073,1.534158,0.086718,-0.427025,
+ 0.747578,0.664174,0,1.54438,0.092162,-0.5,
+ 0.754132,0.656723,0,1.623426,0.001822,-0.5,
+ 0.754132,0.656723,0,1.623426,0.001822,-0.5,
- 0.703000,0.633573,0.323073,1.534158,0.086718,-0.427025,
- 0.758437,0.651747,0.000000,1.687689,-0.072827,-0.500000,
- 0.709684,0.628970,0.317403,1.674065,-0.077274,-0.412770,
+ 0.703,0.633573,0.323073,1.534158,0.086718,-0.427025,
+ 0.758437,0.651747,0,1.687689,-0.072827,-0.5,
+ 0.709684,0.62897,0.317403,1.674065,-0.077274,-0.41277,
- 0.758437,0.651747,0.000000,1.687689,-0.072827,-0.500000,
+ 0.758437,0.651747,0,1.687689,-0.072827,-0.5,
- 0.754132,0.656723,-0.000000,1.623426,0.001822,-0.500000,
+ 0.754132,0.656723,0,1.623426,0.001822,-0.5,
- 0.698693,0.638817,0.322090,1.446226,0.186168,-0.432331,
+ 0.698693,0.638817,0.32209,1.446226,0.186168,-0.432331,
- 0.698693,0.638817,0.322090,1.446226,0.186168,-0.432331,
+ 0.698693,0.638817,0.32209,1.446226,0.186168,-0.432331,
- 0.726158,0.687528,-0.000000,1.357882,0.297224,-0.500000,
- 0.738573,0.674173,0.000000,1.454536,0.192520,-0.500000,
- 0.738573,0.674173,0.000000,1.454536,0.192520,-0.500000,
- 0.698693,0.638817,0.322090,1.446226,0.186168,-0.432331,
+ 0.726158,0.687528,0,1.357882,0.297224,-0.5,
+ 0.738573,0.674173,0,1.454536,0.19252,-0.5,
+ 0.738573,0.674173,0,1.454536,0.19252,-0.5,
+ 0.698693,0.638817,0.32209,1.446226,0.186168,-0.432331,
- 0.747578,0.664174,-0.000000,1.544380,0.092162,-0.500000,
- 0.703000,0.633573,0.323073,1.534158,0.086718,-0.427025,
- 0.698693,0.638817,0.322090,1.446226,0.186168,-0.432331,
- 0.747578,0.664174,-0.000000,1.544380,0.092162,-0.500000,
- 0.698693,0.638817,0.322090,1.446226,0.186168,-0.432331,
- 0.738573,0.674173,0.000000,1.454536,0.192520,-0.500000,
- 0.703000,0.633573,0.323073,1.534158,0.086718,-0.427025,
+ 0.747578,0.664174,0,1.54438,0.092162,-0.5,
+ 0.703,0.633573,0.323073,1.534158,0.086718,-0.427025,
+ 0.698693,0.638817,0.32209,1.446226,0.186168,-0.432331,
+ 0.747578,0.664174,0,1.54438,0.092162,-0.5,
+ 0.698693,0.638817,0.32209,1.446226,0.186168,-0.432331,
+ 0.738573,0.674173,0,1.454536,0.19252,-0.5,
+ 0.703,0.633573,0.323073,1.534158,0.086718,-0.427025,
- 0.698693,0.638817,0.322090,1.446226,0.186168,-0.432331,
- 0.703000,0.633573,0.323073,1.534158,0.086718,-0.427025,
+ 0.698693,0.638817,0.32209,1.446226,0.186168,-0.432331,
+ 0.703,0.633573,0.323073,1.534158,0.086718,-0.427025,
- 0.698693,0.638817,-0.322090,1.446226,0.186168,-0.567669,
+ 0.698693,0.638817,-0.32209,1.446226,0.186168,-0.567669,
- 0.698693,0.638817,-0.322090,1.446226,0.186168,-0.567669,
+ 0.698693,0.638817,-0.32209,1.446226,0.186168,-0.567669,
- 0.703000,0.633573,-0.323073,1.534158,0.086718,-0.572975,
- 0.703000,0.633573,-0.323073,1.534158,0.086718,-0.572975,
- 0.698693,0.638817,-0.322090,1.446226,0.186168,-0.567669,
+ 0.703,0.633573,-0.323073,1.534158,0.086718,-0.572975,
+ 0.703,0.633573,-0.323073,1.534158,0.086718,-0.572975,
+ 0.698693,0.638817,-0.32209,1.446226,0.186168,-0.567669,
- 0.747578,0.664174,-0.000000,1.544380,0.092162,-0.500000,
- 0.738573,0.674173,0.000000,1.454536,0.192520,-0.500000,
- 0.698693,0.638817,-0.322090,1.446226,0.186168,-0.567669,
- 0.747578,0.664174,-0.000000,1.544380,0.092162,-0.500000,
- 0.698693,0.638817,-0.322090,1.446226,0.186168,-0.567669,
- 0.703000,0.633573,-0.323073,1.534158,0.086718,-0.572975,
- 0.738573,0.674173,0.000000,1.454536,0.192520,-0.500000,
- 0.726158,0.687528,-0.000000,1.357882,0.297224,-0.500000,
+ 0.747578,0.664174,0,1.54438,0.092162,-0.5,
+ 0.738573,0.674173,0,1.454536,0.19252,-0.5,
+ 0.698693,0.638817,-0.32209,1.446226,0.186168,-0.567669,
+ 0.747578,0.664174,0,1.54438,0.092162,-0.5,
+ 0.698693,0.638817,-0.32209,1.446226,0.186168,-0.567669,
+ 0.703,0.633573,-0.323073,1.534158,0.086718,-0.572975,
+ 0.738573,0.674173,0,1.454536,0.19252,-0.5,
+ 0.726158,0.687528,0,1.357882,0.297224,-0.5,
- 0.698693,0.638817,-0.322090,1.446226,0.186168,-0.567669,
- 0.738573,0.674173,0.000000,1.454536,0.192520,-0.500000,
- 0.523007,0.532590,-0.665441,1.575292,-0.017451,-0.646592,
- 0.523401,0.541230,-0.658120,1.633195,-0.090616,-0.659921,
- 0.709684,0.628970,-0.317403,1.674065,-0.077274,-0.587230,
- 0.709684,0.628970,-0.317403,1.674065,-0.077274,-0.587230,
+ 0.698693,0.638817,-0.32209,1.446226,0.186168,-0.567669,
+ 0.738573,0.674173,0,1.454536,0.19252,-0.5,
+ 0.523007,0.53259,-0.665441,1.575292,-0.017451,-0.646592,
+ 0.523401,0.54123,-0.65812,1.633195,-0.090616,-0.659921,
+ 0.709684,0.62897,-0.317403,1.674065,-0.077274,-0.58723,
+ 0.709684,0.62897,-0.317403,1.674065,-0.077274,-0.58723,
- 0.523007,0.532590,-0.665441,1.575292,-0.017451,-0.646592,
- 0.758437,0.651747,0.000000,1.687689,-0.072827,-0.500000,
- 0.754132,0.656723,-0.000000,1.623426,0.001822,-0.500000,
+ 0.523007,0.53259,-0.665441,1.575292,-0.017451,-0.646592,
+ 0.758437,0.651747,0,1.687689,-0.072827,-0.5,
+ 0.754132,0.656723,0,1.623426,0.001822,-0.5,
- 0.758437,0.651747,0.000000,1.687689,-0.072827,-0.500000,
+ 0.758437,0.651747,0,1.687689,-0.072827,-0.5,
- 0.709684,0.628970,-0.317403,1.674065,-0.077274,-0.587230,
- 0.754132,0.656723,-0.000000,1.623426,0.001822,-0.500000,
- 0.747578,0.664174,-0.000000,1.544380,0.092162,-0.500000,
- 0.703000,0.633573,-0.323073,1.534158,0.086718,-0.572975,
- 0.703000,0.633573,-0.323073,1.534158,0.086718,-0.572975,
+ 0.709684,0.62897,-0.317403,1.674065,-0.077274,-0.58723,
+ 0.754132,0.656723,0,1.623426,0.001822,-0.5,
+ 0.747578,0.664174,0,1.54438,0.092162,-0.5,
+ 0.703,0.633573,-0.323073,1.534158,0.086718,-0.572975,
+ 0.703,0.633573,-0.323073,1.534158,0.086718,-0.572975,
- 0.754132,0.656723,-0.000000,1.623426,0.001822,-0.500000,
+ 0.754132,0.656723,0,1.623426,0.001822,-0.5,
- 0.523007,0.532590,-0.665441,1.575292,-0.017451,-0.646592,
+ 0.523007,0.53259,-0.665441,1.575292,-0.017451,-0.646592,
- 0.703000,0.633573,-0.323073,1.534158,0.086718,-0.572975,
- 0.523401,0.541230,0.658120,1.633195,-0.090616,-0.340079,
- 0.709684,0.628970,0.317403,1.674065,-0.077274,-0.412770,
+ 0.703,0.633573,-0.323073,1.534158,0.086718,-0.572975,
+ 0.523401,0.54123,0.65812,1.633195,-0.090616,-0.340079,
+ 0.709684,0.62897,0.317403,1.674065,-0.077274,-0.41277,
- 0.523401,0.541230,0.658120,1.633195,-0.090616,-0.340079,
+ 0.523401,0.54123,0.65812,1.633195,-0.090616,-0.340079,
- 0.585450,0.437052,0.682813,1.673712,-0.143320,-0.328782,
- 0.709684,0.628970,0.317403,1.674065,-0.077274,-0.412770,
- 0.758437,0.651747,0.000000,1.687689,-0.072827,-0.500000,
- 0.798106,0.602517,0.000000,1.733181,-0.126110,-0.500000,
- 0.798106,0.602517,0.000000,1.733181,-0.126110,-0.500000,
+ 0.58545,0.437052,0.682813,1.673712,-0.14332,-0.328782,
+ 0.709684,0.62897,0.317403,1.674065,-0.077274,-0.41277,
+ 0.758437,0.651747,0,1.687689,-0.072827,-0.5,
+ 0.798106,0.602517,0,1.733181,-0.12611,-0.5,
+ 0.798106,0.602517,0,1.733181,-0.12611,-0.5,
- 0.709684,0.628970,0.317403,1.674065,-0.077274,-0.412770,
- 0.990091,0.140430,0.000000,1.755118,-0.163978,-0.500000,
- 0.911574,0.083749,0.402517,1.739610,-0.167898,-0.405277,
+ 0.709684,0.62897,0.317403,1.674065,-0.077274,-0.41277,
+ 0.990091,0.14043,0,1.755118,-0.163978,-0.5,
+ 0.911574,0.083749,0.402517,1.73961,-0.167898,-0.405277,
- 0.990091,0.140430,0.000000,1.755118,-0.163978,-0.500000,
+ 0.990091,0.14043,0,1.755118,-0.163978,-0.5,
- 0.798106,0.602517,0.000000,1.733181,-0.126110,-0.500000,
- 0.911574,0.083749,0.402517,1.739610,-0.167898,-0.405277,
+ 0.798106,0.602517,0,1.733181,-0.12611,-0.5,
+ 0.911574,0.083749,0.402517,1.73961,-0.167898,-0.405277,
- 0.585450,0.437052,0.682813,1.673712,-0.143320,-0.328782,
- 0.585450,0.437052,0.682813,1.673712,-0.143320,-0.328782,
+ 0.58545,0.437052,0.682813,1.673712,-0.14332,-0.328782,
+ 0.58545,0.437052,0.682813,1.673712,-0.14332,-0.328782,
- 0.911574,0.083749,0.402517,1.739610,-0.167898,-0.405277,
- 0.523401,0.541230,-0.658120,1.633195,-0.090616,-0.659921,
- 0.585450,0.437052,-0.682813,1.673712,-0.143320,-0.671218,
+ 0.911574,0.083749,0.402517,1.73961,-0.167898,-0.405277,
+ 0.523401,0.54123,-0.65812,1.633195,-0.090616,-0.659921,
+ 0.58545,0.437052,-0.682813,1.673712,-0.14332,-0.671218,
- 0.523401,0.541230,-0.658120,1.633195,-0.090616,-0.659921,
+ 0.523401,0.54123,-0.65812,1.633195,-0.090616,-0.659921,
- 0.709684,0.628970,-0.317403,1.674065,-0.077274,-0.587230,
- 0.585450,0.437052,-0.682813,1.673712,-0.143320,-0.671218,
+ 0.709684,0.62897,-0.317403,1.674065,-0.077274,-0.58723,
+ 0.58545,0.437052,-0.682813,1.673712,-0.14332,-0.671218,
- 0.911574,0.083749,-0.402516,1.739610,-0.167898,-0.594723,
- 0.911574,0.083749,-0.402516,1.739610,-0.167898,-0.594723,
+ 0.911574,0.083749,-0.402516,1.73961,-0.167898,-0.594723,
+ 0.911574,0.083749,-0.402516,1.73961,-0.167898,-0.594723,
- 0.585450,0.437052,-0.682813,1.673712,-0.143320,-0.671218,
- 0.990091,0.140430,0.000000,1.755118,-0.163978,-0.500000,
- 0.798106,0.602517,0.000000,1.733181,-0.126110,-0.500000,
+ 0.58545,0.437052,-0.682813,1.673712,-0.14332,-0.671218,
+ 0.990091,0.14043,0,1.755118,-0.163978,-0.5,
+ 0.798106,0.602517,0,1.733181,-0.12611,-0.5,
- 0.990091,0.140430,0.000000,1.755118,-0.163978,-0.500000,
+ 0.990091,0.14043,0,1.755118,-0.163978,-0.5,
- 0.911574,0.083749,-0.402516,1.739610,-0.167898,-0.594723,
- 0.798106,0.602517,0.000000,1.733181,-0.126110,-0.500000,
- 0.758437,0.651747,0.000000,1.687689,-0.072827,-0.500000,
- 0.709684,0.628970,-0.317403,1.674065,-0.077274,-0.587230,
- 0.709684,0.628970,-0.317403,1.674065,-0.077274,-0.587230,
+ 0.911574,0.083749,-0.402516,1.73961,-0.167898,-0.594723,
+ 0.798106,0.602517,0,1.733181,-0.12611,-0.5,
+ 0.758437,0.651747,0,1.687689,-0.072827,-0.5,
+ 0.709684,0.62897,-0.317403,1.674065,-0.077274,-0.58723,
+ 0.709684,0.62897,-0.317403,1.674065,-0.077274,-0.58723,
- 0.798106,0.602517,0.000000,1.733181,-0.126110,-0.500000,
+ 0.798106,0.602517,0,1.733181,-0.12611,-0.5,
- 0.434790,-0.894931,-0.100277,1.696988,-0.219088,-0.582500,
- 0.746757,-0.634940,-0.198004,1.733426,-0.195216,-0.587500,
+ 0.43479,-0.894931,-0.100277,1.696988,-0.219088,-0.5825,
+ 0.746757,-0.63494,-0.198004,1.733426,-0.195216,-0.5875,
- 0.746757,-0.634940,-0.198004,1.733426,-0.195216,-0.587500,
+ 0.746757,-0.63494,-0.198004,1.733426,-0.195216,-0.5875,
- 0.487185,-0.873299,0.000000,1.710058,-0.217878,-0.500000,
- 0.821423,-0.570320,0.000000,1.748713,-0.192378,-0.500000,
- 0.746757,-0.634940,-0.198004,1.733426,-0.195216,-0.587500,
- 0.487185,-0.873299,0.000000,1.710058,-0.217878,-0.500000,
- 0.746757,-0.634940,-0.198004,1.733426,-0.195216,-0.587500,
- 0.434790,-0.894931,-0.100277,1.696988,-0.219088,-0.582500,
- 0.990091,0.140430,0.000000,1.755118,-0.163978,-0.500000,
- 0.911574,0.083749,-0.402516,1.739610,-0.167898,-0.594723,
- 0.746757,-0.634940,-0.198004,1.733426,-0.195216,-0.587500,
- 0.990091,0.140430,0.000000,1.755118,-0.163978,-0.500000,
- 0.746757,-0.634940,-0.198004,1.733426,-0.195216,-0.587500,
- 0.821423,-0.570320,0.000000,1.748713,-0.192378,-0.500000,
- 0.911574,0.083749,-0.402516,1.739610,-0.167898,-0.594723,
+ 0.487185,-0.873299,0,1.710058,-0.217878,-0.5,
+ 0.821423,-0.57032,0,1.748713,-0.192378,-0.5,
+ 0.746757,-0.63494,-0.198004,1.733426,-0.195216,-0.5875,
+ 0.487185,-0.873299,0,1.710058,-0.217878,-0.5,
+ 0.746757,-0.63494,-0.198004,1.733426,-0.195216,-0.5875,
+ 0.43479,-0.894931,-0.100277,1.696988,-0.219088,-0.5825,
+ 0.990091,0.14043,0,1.755118,-0.163978,-0.5,
+ 0.911574,0.083749,-0.402516,1.73961,-0.167898,-0.594723,
+ 0.746757,-0.63494,-0.198004,1.733426,-0.195216,-0.5875,
+ 0.990091,0.14043,0,1.755118,-0.163978,-0.5,
+ 0.746757,-0.63494,-0.198004,1.733426,-0.195216,-0.5875,
+ 0.821423,-0.57032,0,1.748713,-0.192378,-0.5,
+ 0.911574,0.083749,-0.402516,1.73961,-0.167898,-0.594723,
- 0.746757,-0.634940,-0.198004,1.733426,-0.195216,-0.587500,
- 0.911574,0.083749,-0.402516,1.739610,-0.167898,-0.594723,
+ 0.746757,-0.63494,-0.198004,1.733426,-0.195216,-0.5875,
+ 0.911574,0.083749,-0.402516,1.73961,-0.167898,-0.594723,
- 0.633983,-0.622540,0.458813,1.689524,-0.205721,-0.339125,
- 0.746757,-0.634940,0.198005,1.733426,-0.195216,-0.412500,
+ 0.633983,-0.62254,0.458813,1.689524,-0.205721,-0.339125,
+ 0.746757,-0.63494,0.198005,1.733426,-0.195216,-0.4125,
- 0.746757,-0.634940,0.198005,1.733426,-0.195216,-0.412500,
- 0.434790,-0.894931,0.100278,1.696988,-0.219088,-0.417500,
- 0.633983,-0.622540,0.458813,1.689524,-0.205721,-0.339125,
+ 0.746757,-0.63494,0.198005,1.733426,-0.195216,-0.4125,
+ 0.43479,-0.894931,0.100278,1.696988,-0.219088,-0.4175,
+ 0.633983,-0.62254,0.458813,1.689524,-0.205721,-0.339125,
- 0.911574,0.083749,0.402517,1.739610,-0.167898,-0.405277,
- 0.911574,0.083749,0.402517,1.739610,-0.167898,-0.405277,
- 0.746757,-0.634940,0.198005,1.733426,-0.195216,-0.412500,
- 0.633983,-0.622540,0.458813,1.689524,-0.205721,-0.339125,
- 0.990091,0.140430,0.000000,1.755118,-0.163978,-0.500000,
- 0.821423,-0.570320,0.000000,1.748713,-0.192378,-0.500000,
- 0.746757,-0.634940,0.198005,1.733426,-0.195216,-0.412500,
- 0.990091,0.140430,0.000000,1.755118,-0.163978,-0.500000,
- 0.746757,-0.634940,0.198005,1.733426,-0.195216,-0.412500,
- 0.911574,0.083749,0.402517,1.739610,-0.167898,-0.405277,
- 0.487185,-0.873299,0.000000,1.710058,-0.217878,-0.500000,
- 0.434790,-0.894931,0.100278,1.696988,-0.219088,-0.417500,
- 0.746757,-0.634940,0.198005,1.733426,-0.195216,-0.412500,
- 0.487185,-0.873299,0.000000,1.710058,-0.217878,-0.500000,
- 0.746757,-0.634940,0.198005,1.733426,-0.195216,-0.412500,
- 0.821423,-0.570320,0.000000,1.748713,-0.192378,-0.500000,
- 0.523401,0.541230,-0.658120,1.633195,-0.090616,-0.659921,
- 0.223762,0.384640,-0.895535,1.565078,-0.112852,-0.703536,
- 0.256589,0.317230,-0.912977,1.599377,-0.164832,-0.717914,
- 0.523401,0.541230,-0.658120,1.633195,-0.090616,-0.659921,
- 0.256589,0.317230,-0.912977,1.599377,-0.164832,-0.717914,
- 0.585450,0.437052,-0.682813,1.673712,-0.143320,-0.671218,
- 0.223762,0.384640,-0.895535,1.565078,-0.112852,-0.703536,
- -0.077550,0.232519,-0.969495,1.483337,-0.139536,-0.718074,
- -0.053569,0.174234,-0.983246,1.510174,-0.190646,-0.733480,
- -0.053569,0.174234,-0.983246,1.510174,-0.190646,-0.733480,
- 0.256589,0.317230,-0.912977,1.599377,-0.164832,-0.717914,
- 0.223762,0.384640,-0.895535,1.565078,-0.112852,-0.703536,
- 0.100693,-0.274502,-0.956300,1.526344,-0.226473,-0.737495,
+ 0.911574,0.083749,0.402517,1.73961,-0.167898,-0.405277,
+ 0.911574,0.083749,0.402517,1.73961,-0.167898,-0.405277,
+ 0.746757,-0.63494,0.198005,1.733426,-0.195216,-0.4125,
+ 0.633983,-0.62254,0.458813,1.689524,-0.205721,-0.339125,
+ 0.990091,0.14043,0,1.755118,-0.163978,-0.5,
+ 0.821423,-0.57032,0,1.748713,-0.192378,-0.5,
+ 0.746757,-0.63494,0.198005,1.733426,-0.195216,-0.4125,
+ 0.990091,0.14043,0,1.755118,-0.163978,-0.5,
+ 0.746757,-0.63494,0.198005,1.733426,-0.195216,-0.4125,
+ 0.911574,0.083749,0.402517,1.73961,-0.167898,-0.405277,
+ 0.487185,-0.873299,0,1.710058,-0.217878,-0.5,
+ 0.43479,-0.894931,0.100278,1.696988,-0.219088,-0.4175,
+ 0.746757,-0.63494,0.198005,1.733426,-0.195216,-0.4125,
+ 0.487185,-0.873299,0,1.710058,-0.217878,-0.5,
+ 0.746757,-0.63494,0.198005,1.733426,-0.195216,-0.4125,
+ 0.821423,-0.57032,0,1.748713,-0.192378,-0.5,
+ 0.523401,0.54123,-0.65812,1.633195,-0.090616,-0.659921,
+ 0.223762,0.38464,-0.895535,1.565078,-0.112852,-0.703536,
+ 0.256589,0.31723,-0.912977,1.599377,-0.164832,-0.717914,
+ 0.523401,0.54123,-0.65812,1.633195,-0.090616,-0.659921,
+ 0.256589,0.31723,-0.912977,1.599377,-0.164832,-0.717914,
+ 0.58545,0.437052,-0.682813,1.673712,-0.14332,-0.671218,
+ 0.223762,0.38464,-0.895535,1.565078,-0.112852,-0.703536,
+ -0.07755,0.232519,-0.969495,1.483337,-0.139536,-0.718074,
+ -0.053569,0.174234,-0.983246,1.510174,-0.190646,-0.73348,
+ -0.053569,0.174234,-0.983246,1.510174,-0.190646,-0.73348,
+ 0.256589,0.31723,-0.912977,1.599377,-0.164832,-0.717914,
+ 0.223762,0.38464,-0.895535,1.565078,-0.112852,-0.703536,
+ 0.100693,-0.274502,-0.9563,1.526344,-0.226473,-0.737495,
- 0.256589,0.317230,-0.912977,1.599377,-0.164832,-0.717914,
- 0.100693,-0.274502,-0.956300,1.526344,-0.226473,-0.737495,
- 0.256589,0.317230,-0.912977,1.599377,-0.164832,-0.717914,
- -0.053569,0.174234,-0.983246,1.510174,-0.190646,-0.733480,
+ 0.256589,0.31723,-0.912977,1.599377,-0.164832,-0.717914,
+ 0.100693,-0.274502,-0.9563,1.526344,-0.226473,-0.737495,
+ 0.256589,0.31723,-0.912977,1.599377,-0.164832,-0.717914,
+ -0.053569,0.174234,-0.983246,1.510174,-0.190646,-0.73348,
- 0.585450,0.437052,-0.682813,1.673712,-0.143320,-0.671218,
- 0.585450,0.437052,-0.682813,1.673712,-0.143320,-0.671218,
- 0.256589,0.317230,-0.912977,1.599377,-0.164832,-0.717914,
+ 0.58545,0.437052,-0.682813,1.673712,-0.14332,-0.671218,
+ 0.58545,0.437052,-0.682813,1.673712,-0.14332,-0.671218,
+ 0.256589,0.31723,-0.912977,1.599377,-0.164832,-0.717914,
- -0.397190,0.033721,-0.917117,1.420971,-0.216460,-0.717914,
+ -0.39719,0.033721,-0.917117,1.420971,-0.21646,-0.717914,
- -0.397190,0.033721,-0.917117,1.420971,-0.216460,-0.717914,
- -0.356933,0.091380,-0.929650,1.401596,-0.166219,-0.703536,
+ -0.39719,0.033721,-0.917117,1.420971,-0.21646,-0.717914,
+ -0.356933,0.09138,-0.92965,1.401596,-0.166219,-0.703536,
- -0.397190,0.033721,-0.917117,1.420971,-0.216460,-0.717914,
+ -0.39719,0.033721,-0.917117,1.420971,-0.21646,-0.717914,
- -0.397190,0.033721,-0.917117,1.420971,-0.216460,-0.717914,
+ -0.39719,0.033721,-0.917117,1.420971,-0.21646,-0.717914,
- 0.100693,-0.274502,-0.956300,1.526344,-0.226473,-0.737495,
- -0.053569,0.174234,-0.983246,1.510174,-0.190646,-0.733480,
- -0.053569,0.174234,-0.983246,1.510174,-0.190646,-0.733480,
- -0.397190,0.033721,-0.917117,1.420971,-0.216460,-0.717914,
+ 0.100693,-0.274502,-0.9563,1.526344,-0.226473,-0.737495,
+ -0.053569,0.174234,-0.983246,1.510174,-0.190646,-0.73348,
+ -0.053569,0.174234,-0.983246,1.510174,-0.190646,-0.73348,
+ -0.39719,0.033721,-0.917117,1.420971,-0.21646,-0.717914,
- -0.077550,0.232519,-0.969495,1.483337,-0.139536,-0.718074,
- -0.356933,0.091380,-0.929650,1.401596,-0.166219,-0.703536,
- -0.397190,0.033721,-0.917117,1.420971,-0.216460,-0.717914,
- -0.077550,0.232519,-0.969495,1.483337,-0.139536,-0.718074,
- -0.397190,0.033721,-0.917117,1.420971,-0.216460,-0.717914,
- -0.053569,0.174234,-0.983246,1.510174,-0.190646,-0.733480,
- 0.055786,-0.978343,-0.199329,1.402870,-0.293254,-0.638667,
- 0.155998,-0.969633,-0.188350,1.458284,-0.283049,-0.664625,
- 0.035730,-0.852716,-0.521152,1.449927,-0.271179,-0.706000,
- 0.055786,-0.978343,-0.199329,1.402870,-0.293254,-0.638667,
- 0.035730,-0.852716,-0.521152,1.449927,-0.271179,-0.706000,
+ -0.07755,0.232519,-0.969495,1.483337,-0.139536,-0.718074,
+ -0.356933,0.09138,-0.92965,1.401596,-0.166219,-0.703536,
+ -0.39719,0.033721,-0.917117,1.420971,-0.21646,-0.717914,
+ -0.07755,0.232519,-0.969495,1.483337,-0.139536,-0.718074,
+ -0.39719,0.033721,-0.917117,1.420971,-0.21646,-0.717914,
+ -0.053569,0.174234,-0.983246,1.510174,-0.190646,-0.73348,
+ 0.055786,-0.978343,-0.199329,1.40287,-0.293254,-0.638667,
+ 0.155998,-0.969633,-0.18835,1.458284,-0.283049,-0.664625,
+ 0.03573,-0.852716,-0.521152,1.449927,-0.271179,-0.706,
+ 0.055786,-0.978343,-0.199329,1.40287,-0.293254,-0.638667,
+ 0.03573,-0.852716,-0.521152,1.449927,-0.271179,-0.706,
- 0.250960,-0.936595,-0.244557,1.538546,-0.263835,-0.677562,
- 0.205519,-0.765110,-0.610220,1.534760,-0.249706,-0.721500,
- 0.035730,-0.852716,-0.521152,1.449927,-0.271179,-0.706000,
- 0.250960,-0.936595,-0.244557,1.538546,-0.263835,-0.677562,
- 0.035730,-0.852716,-0.521152,1.449927,-0.271179,-0.706000,
- 0.155998,-0.969633,-0.188350,1.458284,-0.283049,-0.664625,
- 0.100693,-0.274502,-0.956300,1.526344,-0.226473,-0.737495,
+ 0.25096,-0.936595,-0.244557,1.538546,-0.263835,-0.677562,
+ 0.205519,-0.76511,-0.61022,1.53476,-0.249706,-0.7215,
+ 0.03573,-0.852716,-0.521152,1.449927,-0.271179,-0.706,
+ 0.25096,-0.936595,-0.244557,1.538546,-0.263835,-0.677562,
+ 0.03573,-0.852716,-0.521152,1.449927,-0.271179,-0.706,
+ 0.155998,-0.969633,-0.18835,1.458284,-0.283049,-0.664625,
+ 0.100693,-0.274502,-0.9563,1.526344,-0.226473,-0.737495,
- 0.035730,-0.852716,-0.521152,1.449927,-0.271179,-0.706000,
- 0.100693,-0.274502,-0.956300,1.526344,-0.226473,-0.737495,
- 0.035730,-0.852716,-0.521152,1.449927,-0.271179,-0.706000,
- 0.205519,-0.765110,-0.610220,1.534760,-0.249706,-0.721500,
+ 0.03573,-0.852716,-0.521152,1.449927,-0.271179,-0.706,
+ 0.100693,-0.274502,-0.9563,1.526344,-0.226473,-0.737495,
+ 0.03573,-0.852716,-0.521152,1.449927,-0.271179,-0.706,
+ 0.205519,-0.76511,-0.61022,1.53476,-0.249706,-0.7215,
- 0.035730,-0.852716,-0.521152,1.449927,-0.271179,-0.706000,
+ 0.03573,-0.852716,-0.521152,1.449927,-0.271179,-0.706,
- 0.361333,-0.910870,-0.199385,1.617662,-0.240344,-0.664625,
+ 0.361333,-0.91087,-0.199385,1.617662,-0.240344,-0.664625,
- 0.389599,-0.715498,-0.579893,1.618964,-0.225886,-0.706000,
- 0.361333,-0.910870,-0.199385,1.617662,-0.240344,-0.664625,
+ 0.389599,-0.715498,-0.579893,1.618964,-0.225886,-0.706,
+ 0.361333,-0.91087,-0.199385,1.617662,-0.240344,-0.664625,
- 0.389599,-0.715498,-0.579893,1.618964,-0.225886,-0.706000,
+ 0.389599,-0.715498,-0.579893,1.618964,-0.225886,-0.706,
- 0.100693,-0.274502,-0.956300,1.526344,-0.226473,-0.737495,
- 0.205519,-0.765110,-0.610220,1.534760,-0.249706,-0.721500,
- 0.389599,-0.715498,-0.579893,1.618964,-0.225886,-0.706000,
- 0.100693,-0.274502,-0.956300,1.526344,-0.226473,-0.737495,
- 0.389599,-0.715498,-0.579893,1.618964,-0.225886,-0.706000,
+ 0.100693,-0.274502,-0.9563,1.526344,-0.226473,-0.737495,
+ 0.205519,-0.76511,-0.61022,1.53476,-0.249706,-0.7215,
+ 0.389599,-0.715498,-0.579893,1.618964,-0.225886,-0.706,
+ 0.100693,-0.274502,-0.9563,1.526344,-0.226473,-0.737495,
+ 0.389599,-0.715498,-0.579893,1.618964,-0.225886,-0.706,
- 0.250960,-0.936595,-0.244557,1.538546,-0.263835,-0.677562,
- 0.361333,-0.910870,-0.199385,1.617662,-0.240344,-0.664625,
- 0.389599,-0.715498,-0.579893,1.618964,-0.225886,-0.706000,
- 0.250960,-0.936595,-0.244557,1.538546,-0.263835,-0.677562,
- 0.389599,-0.715498,-0.579893,1.618964,-0.225886,-0.706000,
- 0.205519,-0.765110,-0.610220,1.534760,-0.249706,-0.721500,
+ 0.25096,-0.936595,-0.244557,1.538546,-0.263835,-0.677562,
+ 0.361333,-0.91087,-0.199385,1.617662,-0.240344,-0.664625,
+ 0.389599,-0.715498,-0.579893,1.618964,-0.225886,-0.706,
+ 0.25096,-0.936595,-0.244557,1.538546,-0.263835,-0.677562,
+ 0.389599,-0.715498,-0.579893,1.618964,-0.225886,-0.706,
+ 0.205519,-0.76511,-0.61022,1.53476,-0.249706,-0.7215,
- -0.932432,-0.178414,-0.314228,1.292609,-0.201797,-0.587230,
- -0.932432,-0.178414,-0.314228,1.292609,-0.201797,-0.587230,
- -0.899118,-0.217870,-0.379630,1.302034,-0.250880,-0.593392,
+ -0.932432,-0.178414,-0.314228,1.292609,-0.201797,-0.58723,
+ -0.932432,-0.178414,-0.314228,1.292609,-0.201797,-0.58723,
+ -0.899118,-0.21787,-0.37963,1.302034,-0.25088,-0.593392,
- -0.932432,-0.178414,-0.314228,1.292609,-0.201797,-0.587230,
- -0.977953,-0.208824,0.000000,1.278985,-0.206245,-0.500000,
- -0.972456,-0.233085,0.000000,1.287166,-0.255182,-0.500000,
- -0.972456,-0.233085,0.000000,1.287166,-0.255182,-0.500000,
- -0.899118,-0.217870,-0.379630,1.302034,-0.250880,-0.593392,
- -0.932432,-0.178414,-0.314228,1.292609,-0.201797,-0.587230,
- -0.972456,-0.233085,0.000000,1.287166,-0.255182,-0.500000,
- -0.822459,-0.568824,0.000000,1.297571,-0.288968,-0.500000,
- -0.775520,-0.569812,-0.271814,1.312921,-0.284460,-0.594723,
- -0.775520,-0.569812,-0.271814,1.312921,-0.284460,-0.594723,
- -0.899118,-0.217870,-0.379630,1.302034,-0.250880,-0.593392,
- -0.972456,-0.233085,0.000000,1.287166,-0.255182,-0.500000,
+ -0.932432,-0.178414,-0.314228,1.292609,-0.201797,-0.58723,
+ -0.977953,-0.208824,0,1.278985,-0.206245,-0.5,
+ -0.972456,-0.233085,0,1.287166,-0.255182,-0.5,
+ -0.972456,-0.233085,0,1.287166,-0.255182,-0.5,
+ -0.899118,-0.21787,-0.37963,1.302034,-0.25088,-0.593392,
+ -0.932432,-0.178414,-0.314228,1.292609,-0.201797,-0.58723,
+ -0.972456,-0.233085,0,1.287166,-0.255182,-0.5,
+ -0.822459,-0.568824,0,1.297571,-0.288968,-0.5,
+ -0.77552,-0.569812,-0.271814,1.312921,-0.28446,-0.594723,
+ -0.77552,-0.569812,-0.271814,1.312921,-0.28446,-0.594723,
+ -0.899118,-0.21787,-0.37963,1.302034,-0.25088,-0.593392,
+ -0.972456,-0.233085,0,1.287166,-0.255182,-0.5,
- -0.899118,-0.217870,-0.379630,1.302034,-0.250880,-0.593392,
+ -0.899118,-0.21787,-0.37963,1.302034,-0.25088,-0.593392,
- -0.899118,-0.217870,-0.379630,1.302034,-0.250880,-0.593392,
- -0.775520,-0.569812,-0.271814,1.312921,-0.284460,-0.594723,
- -0.932432,-0.178414,0.314228,1.292609,-0.201797,-0.412770,
+ -0.899118,-0.21787,-0.37963,1.302034,-0.25088,-0.593392,
+ -0.77552,-0.569812,-0.271814,1.312921,-0.28446,-0.594723,
+ -0.932432,-0.178414,0.314228,1.292609,-0.201797,-0.41277,
- -0.899119,-0.217869,0.379630,1.302034,-0.250880,-0.406608,
- -0.932432,-0.178414,0.314228,1.292609,-0.201797,-0.412770,
+ -0.899119,-0.217869,0.37963,1.302034,-0.25088,-0.406608,
+ -0.932432,-0.178414,0.314228,1.292609,-0.201797,-0.41277,
- -0.775521,-0.569812,0.271814,1.312921,-0.284460,-0.405277,
- -0.899119,-0.217869,0.379630,1.302034,-0.250880,-0.406608,
+ -0.775521,-0.569812,0.271814,1.312921,-0.28446,-0.405277,
+ -0.899119,-0.217869,0.37963,1.302034,-0.25088,-0.406608,
- -0.899119,-0.217869,0.379630,1.302034,-0.250880,-0.406608,
+ -0.899119,-0.217869,0.37963,1.302034,-0.25088,-0.406608,
- -0.775521,-0.569812,0.271814,1.312921,-0.284460,-0.405277,
- -0.822459,-0.568824,0.000000,1.297571,-0.288968,-0.500000,
- -0.972456,-0.233085,0.000000,1.287166,-0.255182,-0.500000,
- -0.972456,-0.233085,0.000000,1.287166,-0.255182,-0.500000,
- -0.899119,-0.217869,0.379630,1.302034,-0.250880,-0.406608,
- -0.775521,-0.569812,0.271814,1.312921,-0.284460,-0.405277,
- -0.972456,-0.233085,0.000000,1.287166,-0.255182,-0.500000,
- -0.977953,-0.208824,0.000000,1.278985,-0.206245,-0.500000,
- -0.932432,-0.178414,0.314228,1.292609,-0.201797,-0.412770,
- -0.932432,-0.178414,0.314228,1.292609,-0.201797,-0.412770,
- -0.899119,-0.217869,0.379630,1.302034,-0.250880,-0.406608,
- -0.972456,-0.233085,0.000000,1.287166,-0.255182,-0.500000,
- 0.055786,-0.978344,0.199328,1.402870,-0.293254,-0.361333,
- 0.070927,-0.992428,0.100277,1.378957,-0.304305,-0.417500,
- -0.244016,-0.944635,0.219364,1.335465,-0.301849,-0.412500,
- 0.055786,-0.978344,0.199328,1.402870,-0.293254,-0.361333,
- -0.244016,-0.944635,0.219364,1.335465,-0.301849,-0.412500,
+ -0.775521,-0.569812,0.271814,1.312921,-0.28446,-0.405277,
+ -0.822459,-0.568824,0,1.297571,-0.288968,-0.5,
+ -0.972456,-0.233085,0,1.287166,-0.255182,-0.5,
+ -0.972456,-0.233085,0,1.287166,-0.255182,-0.5,
+ -0.899119,-0.217869,0.37963,1.302034,-0.25088,-0.406608,
+ -0.775521,-0.569812,0.271814,1.312921,-0.28446,-0.405277,
+ -0.972456,-0.233085,0,1.287166,-0.255182,-0.5,
+ -0.977953,-0.208824,0,1.278985,-0.206245,-0.5,
+ -0.932432,-0.178414,0.314228,1.292609,-0.201797,-0.41277,
+ -0.932432,-0.178414,0.314228,1.292609,-0.201797,-0.41277,
+ -0.899119,-0.217869,0.37963,1.302034,-0.25088,-0.406608,
+ -0.972456,-0.233085,0,1.287166,-0.255182,-0.5,
+ 0.055786,-0.978344,0.199328,1.40287,-0.293254,-0.361333,
+ 0.070927,-0.992428,0.100277,1.378957,-0.304305,-0.4175,
+ -0.244016,-0.944635,0.219364,1.335465,-0.301849,-0.4125,
+ 0.055786,-0.978344,0.199328,1.40287,-0.293254,-0.361333,
+ -0.244016,-0.944635,0.219364,1.335465,-0.301849,-0.4125,
- 0.014735,-0.999891,0.000000,1.367033,-0.309791,-0.500000,
- -0.433457,-0.901174,-0.000000,1.320807,-0.307035,-0.500000,
- -0.244016,-0.944635,0.219364,1.335465,-0.301849,-0.412500,
- 0.014735,-0.999891,0.000000,1.367033,-0.309791,-0.500000,
- -0.244016,-0.944635,0.219364,1.335465,-0.301849,-0.412500,
- 0.070927,-0.992428,0.100277,1.378957,-0.304305,-0.417500,
- -0.433457,-0.901174,-0.000000,1.320807,-0.307035,-0.500000,
- -0.822459,-0.568824,0.000000,1.297571,-0.288968,-0.500000,
- -0.775521,-0.569812,0.271814,1.312921,-0.284460,-0.405277,
- -0.775521,-0.569812,0.271814,1.312921,-0.284460,-0.405277,
- -0.244016,-0.944635,0.219364,1.335465,-0.301849,-0.412500,
- -0.433457,-0.901174,-0.000000,1.320807,-0.307035,-0.500000,
+ 0.014735,-0.999891,0,1.367033,-0.309791,-0.5,
+ -0.433457,-0.901174,0,1.320807,-0.307035,-0.5,
+ -0.244016,-0.944635,0.219364,1.335465,-0.301849,-0.4125,
+ 0.014735,-0.999891,0,1.367033,-0.309791,-0.5,
+ -0.244016,-0.944635,0.219364,1.335465,-0.301849,-0.4125,
+ 0.070927,-0.992428,0.100277,1.378957,-0.304305,-0.4175,
+ -0.433457,-0.901174,0,1.320807,-0.307035,-0.5,
+ -0.822459,-0.568824,0,1.297571,-0.288968,-0.5,
+ -0.775521,-0.569812,0.271814,1.312921,-0.28446,-0.405277,
+ -0.775521,-0.569812,0.271814,1.312921,-0.28446,-0.405277,
+ -0.244016,-0.944635,0.219364,1.335465,-0.301849,-0.4125,
+ -0.433457,-0.901174,0,1.320807,-0.307035,-0.5,
- -0.244016,-0.944635,0.219364,1.335465,-0.301849,-0.412500,
+ -0.244016,-0.944635,0.219364,1.335465,-0.301849,-0.4125,
- -0.244016,-0.944635,0.219364,1.335465,-0.301849,-0.412500,
- -0.775521,-0.569812,0.271814,1.312921,-0.284460,-0.405277,
- 0.055786,-0.978343,-0.199329,1.402870,-0.293254,-0.638667,
+ -0.244016,-0.944635,0.219364,1.335465,-0.301849,-0.4125,
+ -0.775521,-0.569812,0.271814,1.312921,-0.28446,-0.405277,
+ 0.055786,-0.978343,-0.199329,1.40287,-0.293254,-0.638667,
- -0.244016,-0.944635,-0.219364,1.335465,-0.301849,-0.587500,
- 0.055786,-0.978343,-0.199329,1.402870,-0.293254,-0.638667,
- -0.244016,-0.944635,-0.219364,1.335465,-0.301849,-0.587500,
- 0.070927,-0.992428,-0.100277,1.378957,-0.304305,-0.582500,
+ -0.244016,-0.944635,-0.219364,1.335465,-0.301849,-0.5875,
+ 0.055786,-0.978343,-0.199329,1.40287,-0.293254,-0.638667,
+ -0.244016,-0.944635,-0.219364,1.335465,-0.301849,-0.5875,
+ 0.070927,-0.992428,-0.100277,1.378957,-0.304305,-0.5825,
- -0.775520,-0.569812,-0.271814,1.312921,-0.284460,-0.594723,
- -0.244016,-0.944635,-0.219364,1.335465,-0.301849,-0.587500,
+ -0.77552,-0.569812,-0.271814,1.312921,-0.28446,-0.594723,
+ -0.244016,-0.944635,-0.219364,1.335465,-0.301849,-0.5875,
- -0.244016,-0.944635,-0.219364,1.335465,-0.301849,-0.587500,
+ -0.244016,-0.944635,-0.219364,1.335465,-0.301849,-0.5875,
- -0.775520,-0.569812,-0.271814,1.312921,-0.284460,-0.594723,
- -0.822459,-0.568824,0.000000,1.297571,-0.288968,-0.500000,
- -0.433457,-0.901174,-0.000000,1.320807,-0.307035,-0.500000,
- -0.433457,-0.901174,-0.000000,1.320807,-0.307035,-0.500000,
- -0.244016,-0.944635,-0.219364,1.335465,-0.301849,-0.587500,
- -0.775520,-0.569812,-0.271814,1.312921,-0.284460,-0.594723,
- 0.014735,-0.999891,0.000000,1.367033,-0.309791,-0.500000,
- 0.070927,-0.992428,-0.100277,1.378957,-0.304305,-0.582500,
- -0.244016,-0.944635,-0.219364,1.335465,-0.301849,-0.587500,
- 0.014735,-0.999891,0.000000,1.367033,-0.309791,-0.500000,
- -0.244016,-0.944635,-0.219364,1.335465,-0.301849,-0.587500,
- -0.433457,-0.901174,-0.000000,1.320807,-0.307035,-0.500000,
+ -0.77552,-0.569812,-0.271814,1.312921,-0.28446,-0.594723,
+ -0.822459,-0.568824,0,1.297571,-0.288968,-0.5,
+ -0.433457,-0.901174,0,1.320807,-0.307035,-0.5,
+ -0.433457,-0.901174,0,1.320807,-0.307035,-0.5,
+ -0.244016,-0.944635,-0.219364,1.335465,-0.301849,-0.5875,
+ -0.77552,-0.569812,-0.271814,1.312921,-0.28446,-0.594723,
+ 0.014735,-0.999891,0,1.367033,-0.309791,-0.5,
+ 0.070927,-0.992428,-0.100277,1.378957,-0.304305,-0.5825,
+ -0.244016,-0.944635,-0.219364,1.335465,-0.301849,-0.5875,
+ 0.014735,-0.999891,0,1.367033,-0.309791,-0.5,
+ -0.244016,-0.944635,-0.219364,1.335465,-0.301849,-0.5875,
+ -0.433457,-0.901174,0,1.320807,-0.307035,-0.5,
- -0.356933,0.091380,0.929650,1.401596,-0.166219,-0.296464,
- -0.397190,0.033722,0.917117,1.420971,-0.216460,-0.282086,
+ -0.356933,0.09138,0.92965,1.401596,-0.166219,-0.296464,
+ -0.39719,0.033722,0.917117,1.420971,-0.21646,-0.282086,
- -0.397190,0.033722,0.917117,1.420971,-0.216460,-0.282086,
+ -0.39719,0.033722,0.917117,1.420971,-0.21646,-0.282086,
- -0.077550,0.232519,0.969495,1.483337,-0.139536,-0.281926,
- -0.053569,0.174235,0.983246,1.510174,-0.190646,-0.266520,
- -0.397190,0.033722,0.917117,1.420971,-0.216460,-0.282086,
- -0.077550,0.232519,0.969495,1.483337,-0.139536,-0.281926,
- -0.397190,0.033722,0.917117,1.420971,-0.216460,-0.282086,
- -0.356933,0.091380,0.929650,1.401596,-0.166219,-0.296464,
- -0.053569,0.174235,0.983246,1.510174,-0.190646,-0.266520,
- 0.100693,-0.274502,0.956300,1.526344,-0.226473,-0.262505,
+ -0.07755,0.232519,0.969495,1.483337,-0.139536,-0.281926,
+ -0.053569,0.174235,0.983246,1.510174,-0.190646,-0.26652,
+ -0.39719,0.033722,0.917117,1.420971,-0.21646,-0.282086,
+ -0.07755,0.232519,0.969495,1.483337,-0.139536,-0.281926,
+ -0.39719,0.033722,0.917117,1.420971,-0.21646,-0.282086,
+ -0.356933,0.09138,0.92965,1.401596,-0.166219,-0.296464,
+ -0.053569,0.174235,0.983246,1.510174,-0.190646,-0.26652,
+ 0.100693,-0.274502,0.9563,1.526344,-0.226473,-0.262505,
- -0.397190,0.033722,0.917117,1.420971,-0.216460,-0.282086,
- -0.053569,0.174235,0.983246,1.510174,-0.190646,-0.266520,
+ -0.39719,0.033722,0.917117,1.420971,-0.21646,-0.282086,
+ -0.053569,0.174235,0.983246,1.510174,-0.190646,-0.26652,
- -0.397190,0.033722,0.917117,1.420971,-0.216460,-0.282086,
+ -0.39719,0.033722,0.917117,1.420971,-0.21646,-0.282086,
- -0.397190,0.033722,0.917117,1.420971,-0.216460,-0.282086,
+ -0.39719,0.033722,0.917117,1.420971,-0.21646,-0.282086,
- 0.523401,0.541230,0.658120,1.633195,-0.090616,-0.340079,
- 0.585450,0.437052,0.682813,1.673712,-0.143320,-0.328782,
- 0.256589,0.317230,0.912977,1.599377,-0.164832,-0.282086,
- 0.523401,0.541230,0.658120,1.633195,-0.090616,-0.340079,
- 0.256589,0.317230,0.912977,1.599377,-0.164832,-0.282086,
+ 0.523401,0.54123,0.65812,1.633195,-0.090616,-0.340079,
+ 0.58545,0.437052,0.682813,1.673712,-0.14332,-0.328782,
+ 0.256589,0.31723,0.912977,1.599377,-0.164832,-0.282086,
+ 0.523401,0.54123,0.65812,1.633195,-0.090616,-0.340079,
+ 0.256589,0.31723,0.912977,1.599377,-0.164832,-0.282086,
- 0.585450,0.437052,0.682813,1.673712,-0.143320,-0.328782,
+ 0.58545,0.437052,0.682813,1.673712,-0.14332,-0.328782,
- 0.256589,0.317230,0.912977,1.599377,-0.164832,-0.282086,
- 0.585450,0.437052,0.682813,1.673712,-0.143320,-0.328782,
- 0.100693,-0.274502,0.956300,1.526344,-0.226473,-0.262505,
- -0.053569,0.174235,0.983246,1.510174,-0.190646,-0.266520,
- 0.256589,0.317230,0.912977,1.599377,-0.164832,-0.282086,
- 0.100693,-0.274502,0.956300,1.526344,-0.226473,-0.262505,
- 0.256589,0.317230,0.912977,1.599377,-0.164832,-0.282086,
+ 0.256589,0.31723,0.912977,1.599377,-0.164832,-0.282086,
+ 0.58545,0.437052,0.682813,1.673712,-0.14332,-0.328782,
+ 0.100693,-0.274502,0.9563,1.526344,-0.226473,-0.262505,
+ -0.053569,0.174235,0.983246,1.510174,-0.190646,-0.26652,
+ 0.256589,0.31723,0.912977,1.599377,-0.164832,-0.282086,
+ 0.100693,-0.274502,0.9563,1.526344,-0.226473,-0.262505,
+ 0.256589,0.31723,0.912977,1.599377,-0.164832,-0.282086,
- -0.053569,0.174235,0.983246,1.510174,-0.190646,-0.266520,
- -0.077550,0.232519,0.969495,1.483337,-0.139536,-0.281926,
+ -0.053569,0.174235,0.983246,1.510174,-0.190646,-0.26652,
+ -0.07755,0.232519,0.969495,1.483337,-0.139536,-0.281926,
- 0.256589,0.317230,0.912977,1.599377,-0.164832,-0.282086,
- -0.053569,0.174235,0.983246,1.510174,-0.190646,-0.266520,
- 0.633983,-0.622540,0.458813,1.689524,-0.205721,-0.339125,
+ 0.256589,0.31723,0.912977,1.599377,-0.164832,-0.282086,
+ -0.053569,0.174235,0.983246,1.510174,-0.190646,-0.26652,
+ 0.633983,-0.62254,0.458813,1.689524,-0.205721,-0.339125,
- 0.361333,-0.910870,0.199385,1.617662,-0.240344,-0.335375,
- 0.361333,-0.910870,0.199385,1.617662,-0.240344,-0.335375,
- 0.389599,-0.715497,0.579893,1.618964,-0.225886,-0.294000,
- 0.633983,-0.622540,0.458813,1.689524,-0.205721,-0.339125,
- 0.250960,-0.936595,0.244557,1.538546,-0.263835,-0.322437,
- 0.205519,-0.765110,0.610221,1.534760,-0.249706,-0.278500,
- 0.389599,-0.715497,0.579893,1.618964,-0.225886,-0.294000,
- 0.250960,-0.936595,0.244557,1.538546,-0.263835,-0.322437,
- 0.389599,-0.715497,0.579893,1.618964,-0.225886,-0.294000,
- 0.361333,-0.910870,0.199385,1.617662,-0.240344,-0.335375,
- 0.100693,-0.274502,0.956300,1.526344,-0.226473,-0.262505,
+ 0.361333,-0.91087,0.199385,1.617662,-0.240344,-0.335375,
+ 0.361333,-0.91087,0.199385,1.617662,-0.240344,-0.335375,
+ 0.389599,-0.715497,0.579893,1.618964,-0.225886,-0.294,
+ 0.633983,-0.62254,0.458813,1.689524,-0.205721,-0.339125,
+ 0.25096,-0.936595,0.244557,1.538546,-0.263835,-0.322437,
+ 0.205519,-0.76511,0.610221,1.53476,-0.249706,-0.2785,
+ 0.389599,-0.715497,0.579893,1.618964,-0.225886,-0.294,
+ 0.25096,-0.936595,0.244557,1.538546,-0.263835,-0.322437,
+ 0.389599,-0.715497,0.579893,1.618964,-0.225886,-0.294,
+ 0.361333,-0.91087,0.199385,1.617662,-0.240344,-0.335375,
+ 0.100693,-0.274502,0.9563,1.526344,-0.226473,-0.262505,
- 0.389599,-0.715497,0.579893,1.618964,-0.225886,-0.294000,
- 0.100693,-0.274502,0.956300,1.526344,-0.226473,-0.262505,
- 0.389599,-0.715497,0.579893,1.618964,-0.225886,-0.294000,
- 0.205519,-0.765110,0.610221,1.534760,-0.249706,-0.278500,
+ 0.389599,-0.715497,0.579893,1.618964,-0.225886,-0.294,
+ 0.100693,-0.274502,0.9563,1.526344,-0.226473,-0.262505,
+ 0.389599,-0.715497,0.579893,1.618964,-0.225886,-0.294,
+ 0.205519,-0.76511,0.610221,1.53476,-0.249706,-0.2785,
- 0.633983,-0.622540,0.458813,1.689524,-0.205721,-0.339125,
- 0.633983,-0.622540,0.458813,1.689524,-0.205721,-0.339125,
- 0.389599,-0.715497,0.579893,1.618964,-0.225886,-0.294000,
+ 0.633983,-0.62254,0.458813,1.689524,-0.205721,-0.339125,
+ 0.633983,-0.62254,0.458813,1.689524,-0.205721,-0.339125,
+ 0.389599,-0.715497,0.579893,1.618964,-0.225886,-0.294,
- 0.055786,-0.978344,0.199328,1.402870,-0.293254,-0.361333,
+ 0.055786,-0.978344,0.199328,1.40287,-0.293254,-0.361333,
- 0.035730,-0.852716,0.521152,1.449927,-0.271179,-0.294000,
- 0.055786,-0.978344,0.199328,1.402870,-0.293254,-0.361333,
- 0.035730,-0.852716,0.521152,1.449927,-0.271179,-0.294000,
+ 0.03573,-0.852716,0.521152,1.449927,-0.271179,-0.294,
+ 0.055786,-0.978344,0.199328,1.40287,-0.293254,-0.361333,
+ 0.03573,-0.852716,0.521152,1.449927,-0.271179,-0.294,
- 0.035730,-0.852716,0.521152,1.449927,-0.271179,-0.294000,
+ 0.03573,-0.852716,0.521152,1.449927,-0.271179,-0.294,
- 0.100693,-0.274502,0.956300,1.526344,-0.226473,-0.262505,
- 0.205519,-0.765110,0.610221,1.534760,-0.249706,-0.278500,
- 0.035730,-0.852716,0.521152,1.449927,-0.271179,-0.294000,
- 0.100693,-0.274502,0.956300,1.526344,-0.226473,-0.262505,
- 0.035730,-0.852716,0.521152,1.449927,-0.271179,-0.294000,
+ 0.100693,-0.274502,0.9563,1.526344,-0.226473,-0.262505,
+ 0.205519,-0.76511,0.610221,1.53476,-0.249706,-0.2785,
+ 0.03573,-0.852716,0.521152,1.449927,-0.271179,-0.294,
+ 0.100693,-0.274502,0.9563,1.526344,-0.226473,-0.262505,
+ 0.03573,-0.852716,0.521152,1.449927,-0.271179,-0.294,
- 0.250960,-0.936595,0.244557,1.538546,-0.263835,-0.322437,
+ 0.25096,-0.936595,0.244557,1.538546,-0.263835,-0.322437,
- 0.035730,-0.852716,0.521152,1.449927,-0.271179,-0.294000,
- 0.250960,-0.936595,0.244557,1.538546,-0.263835,-0.322437,
- 0.035730,-0.852716,0.521152,1.449927,-0.271179,-0.294000,
- 0.205519,-0.765110,0.610221,1.534760,-0.249706,-0.278500,
+ 0.03573,-0.852716,0.521152,1.449927,-0.271179,-0.294,
+ 0.25096,-0.936595,0.244557,1.538546,-0.263835,-0.322437,
+ 0.03573,-0.852716,0.521152,1.449927,-0.271179,-0.294,
+ 0.205519,-0.76511,0.610221,1.53476,-0.249706,-0.2785,
- 0.361333,-0.910870,-0.199385,1.617662,-0.240344,-0.664625,
- 0.334190,-0.939127,-0.079739,1.627523,-0.246239,-0.590500,
+ 0.361333,-0.91087,-0.199385,1.617662,-0.240344,-0.664625,
+ 0.33419,-0.939127,-0.079739,1.627523,-0.246239,-0.5905,
- 0.334190,-0.939127,-0.079739,1.627523,-0.246239,-0.590500,
- 0.434790,-0.894931,-0.100277,1.696988,-0.219088,-0.582500,
- 0.361333,-0.910870,-0.199385,1.617662,-0.240344,-0.664625,
- 0.250960,-0.936595,-0.244557,1.538546,-0.263835,-0.677562,
- 0.257883,-0.962433,-0.084960,1.540826,-0.272345,-0.597750,
- 0.257883,-0.962433,-0.084960,1.540826,-0.272345,-0.597750,
- 0.334190,-0.939127,-0.079739,1.627523,-0.246239,-0.590500,
- 0.361333,-0.910870,-0.199385,1.617662,-0.240344,-0.664625,
- 0.258819,-0.965926,0.000000,1.541590,-0.275196,-0.500000,
- 0.339948,-0.940444,0.000000,1.635245,-0.247046,-0.500000,
- 0.334190,-0.939127,-0.079739,1.627523,-0.246239,-0.590500,
- 0.258819,-0.965926,0.000000,1.541590,-0.275196,-0.500000,
- 0.334190,-0.939127,-0.079739,1.627523,-0.246239,-0.590500,
- 0.257883,-0.962433,-0.084960,1.540826,-0.272345,-0.597750,
- 0.339948,-0.940444,0.000000,1.635245,-0.247046,-0.500000,
- 0.487185,-0.873299,0.000000,1.710058,-0.217878,-0.500000,
- 0.434790,-0.894931,-0.100277,1.696988,-0.219088,-0.582500,
- 0.434790,-0.894931,-0.100277,1.696988,-0.219088,-0.582500,
- 0.334190,-0.939127,-0.079739,1.627523,-0.246239,-0.590500,
- 0.339948,-0.940444,0.000000,1.635245,-0.247046,-0.500000,
- 0.055786,-0.978343,-0.199329,1.402870,-0.293254,-0.638667,
- 0.070927,-0.992428,-0.100277,1.378957,-0.304305,-0.582500,
- 0.180146,-0.980403,-0.079739,1.452691,-0.293085,-0.590500,
- 0.055786,-0.978343,-0.199329,1.402870,-0.293254,-0.638667,
- 0.180146,-0.980403,-0.079739,1.452691,-0.293085,-0.590500,
- 0.155998,-0.969633,-0.188350,1.458284,-0.283049,-0.664625,
- 0.070927,-0.992428,-0.100277,1.378957,-0.304305,-0.582500,
- 0.014735,-0.999891,0.000000,1.367033,-0.309791,-0.500000,
- 0.175818,-0.984423,0.000000,1.446407,-0.297645,-0.500000,
- 0.175818,-0.984423,0.000000,1.446407,-0.297645,-0.500000,
- 0.180146,-0.980403,-0.079739,1.452691,-0.293085,-0.590500,
- 0.070927,-0.992428,-0.100277,1.378957,-0.304305,-0.582500,
- 0.258819,-0.965926,0.000000,1.541590,-0.275196,-0.500000,
- 0.257883,-0.962433,-0.084960,1.540826,-0.272345,-0.597750,
- 0.180146,-0.980403,-0.079739,1.452691,-0.293085,-0.590500,
- 0.258819,-0.965926,0.000000,1.541590,-0.275196,-0.500000,
- 0.180146,-0.980403,-0.079739,1.452691,-0.293085,-0.590500,
- 0.175818,-0.984423,0.000000,1.446407,-0.297645,-0.500000,
- 0.257883,-0.962433,-0.084960,1.540826,-0.272345,-0.597750,
- 0.250960,-0.936595,-0.244557,1.538546,-0.263835,-0.677562,
- 0.155998,-0.969633,-0.188350,1.458284,-0.283049,-0.664625,
- 0.155998,-0.969633,-0.188350,1.458284,-0.283049,-0.664625,
- 0.180146,-0.980403,-0.079739,1.452691,-0.293085,-0.590500,
- 0.257883,-0.962433,-0.084960,1.540826,-0.272345,-0.597750,
- 0.055786,-0.978344,0.199328,1.402870,-0.293254,-0.361333,
+ 0.33419,-0.939127,-0.079739,1.627523,-0.246239,-0.5905,
+ 0.43479,-0.894931,-0.100277,1.696988,-0.219088,-0.5825,
+ 0.361333,-0.91087,-0.199385,1.617662,-0.240344,-0.664625,
+ 0.25096,-0.936595,-0.244557,1.538546,-0.263835,-0.677562,
+ 0.257883,-0.962433,-0.08496,1.540826,-0.272345,-0.59775,
+ 0.257883,-0.962433,-0.08496,1.540826,-0.272345,-0.59775,
+ 0.33419,-0.939127,-0.079739,1.627523,-0.246239,-0.5905,
+ 0.361333,-0.91087,-0.199385,1.617662,-0.240344,-0.664625,
+ 0.258819,-0.965926,0,1.54159,-0.275196,-0.5,
+ 0.339948,-0.940444,0,1.635245,-0.247046,-0.5,
+ 0.33419,-0.939127,-0.079739,1.627523,-0.246239,-0.5905,
+ 0.258819,-0.965926,0,1.54159,-0.275196,-0.5,
+ 0.33419,-0.939127,-0.079739,1.627523,-0.246239,-0.5905,
+ 0.257883,-0.962433,-0.08496,1.540826,-0.272345,-0.59775,
+ 0.339948,-0.940444,0,1.635245,-0.247046,-0.5,
+ 0.487185,-0.873299,0,1.710058,-0.217878,-0.5,
+ 0.43479,-0.894931,-0.100277,1.696988,-0.219088,-0.5825,
+ 0.43479,-0.894931,-0.100277,1.696988,-0.219088,-0.5825,
+ 0.33419,-0.939127,-0.079739,1.627523,-0.246239,-0.5905,
+ 0.339948,-0.940444,0,1.635245,-0.247046,-0.5,
+ 0.055786,-0.978343,-0.199329,1.40287,-0.293254,-0.638667,
+ 0.070927,-0.992428,-0.100277,1.378957,-0.304305,-0.5825,
+ 0.180146,-0.980403,-0.079739,1.452691,-0.293085,-0.5905,
+ 0.055786,-0.978343,-0.199329,1.40287,-0.293254,-0.638667,
+ 0.180146,-0.980403,-0.079739,1.452691,-0.293085,-0.5905,
+ 0.155998,-0.969633,-0.18835,1.458284,-0.283049,-0.664625,
+ 0.070927,-0.992428,-0.100277,1.378957,-0.304305,-0.5825,
+ 0.014735,-0.999891,0,1.367033,-0.309791,-0.5,
+ 0.175818,-0.984423,0,1.446407,-0.297645,-0.5,
+ 0.175818,-0.984423,0,1.446407,-0.297645,-0.5,
+ 0.180146,-0.980403,-0.079739,1.452691,-0.293085,-0.5905,
+ 0.070927,-0.992428,-0.100277,1.378957,-0.304305,-0.5825,
+ 0.258819,-0.965926,0,1.54159,-0.275196,-0.5,
+ 0.257883,-0.962433,-0.08496,1.540826,-0.272345,-0.59775,
+ 0.180146,-0.980403,-0.079739,1.452691,-0.293085,-0.5905,
+ 0.258819,-0.965926,0,1.54159,-0.275196,-0.5,
+ 0.180146,-0.980403,-0.079739,1.452691,-0.293085,-0.5905,
+ 0.175818,-0.984423,0,1.446407,-0.297645,-0.5,
+ 0.257883,-0.962433,-0.08496,1.540826,-0.272345,-0.59775,
+ 0.25096,-0.936595,-0.244557,1.538546,-0.263835,-0.677562,
+ 0.155998,-0.969633,-0.18835,1.458284,-0.283049,-0.664625,
+ 0.155998,-0.969633,-0.18835,1.458284,-0.283049,-0.664625,
+ 0.180146,-0.980403,-0.079739,1.452691,-0.293085,-0.5905,
+ 0.257883,-0.962433,-0.08496,1.540826,-0.272345,-0.59775,
+ 0.055786,-0.978344,0.199328,1.40287,-0.293254,-0.361333,
- 0.180146,-0.980403,0.079739,1.452691,-0.293085,-0.409500,
- 0.055786,-0.978344,0.199328,1.402870,-0.293254,-0.361333,
- 0.180146,-0.980403,0.079739,1.452691,-0.293085,-0.409500,
- 0.070927,-0.992428,0.100277,1.378957,-0.304305,-0.417500,
+ 0.180146,-0.980403,0.079739,1.452691,-0.293085,-0.4095,
+ 0.055786,-0.978344,0.199328,1.40287,-0.293254,-0.361333,
+ 0.180146,-0.980403,0.079739,1.452691,-0.293085,-0.4095,
+ 0.070927,-0.992428,0.100277,1.378957,-0.304305,-0.4175,
- 0.250960,-0.936595,0.244557,1.538546,-0.263835,-0.322437,
- 0.257883,-0.962433,0.084960,1.540826,-0.272345,-0.402250,
- 0.257883,-0.962433,0.084960,1.540826,-0.272345,-0.402250,
- 0.180146,-0.980403,0.079739,1.452691,-0.293085,-0.409500,
+ 0.25096,-0.936595,0.244557,1.538546,-0.263835,-0.322437,
+ 0.257883,-0.962433,0.08496,1.540826,-0.272345,-0.40225,
+ 0.257883,-0.962433,0.08496,1.540826,-0.272345,-0.40225,
+ 0.180146,-0.980403,0.079739,1.452691,-0.293085,-0.4095,
- 0.258819,-0.965926,0.000000,1.541590,-0.275196,-0.500000,
- 0.175818,-0.984423,0.000000,1.446407,-0.297645,-0.500000,
- 0.180146,-0.980403,0.079739,1.452691,-0.293085,-0.409500,
- 0.258819,-0.965926,0.000000,1.541590,-0.275196,-0.500000,
- 0.180146,-0.980403,0.079739,1.452691,-0.293085,-0.409500,
- 0.257883,-0.962433,0.084960,1.540826,-0.272345,-0.402250,
- 0.175818,-0.984423,0.000000,1.446407,-0.297645,-0.500000,
- 0.014735,-0.999891,0.000000,1.367033,-0.309791,-0.500000,
- 0.070927,-0.992428,0.100277,1.378957,-0.304305,-0.417500,
- 0.070927,-0.992428,0.100277,1.378957,-0.304305,-0.417500,
- 0.180146,-0.980403,0.079739,1.452691,-0.293085,-0.409500,
- 0.175818,-0.984423,0.000000,1.446407,-0.297645,-0.500000,
+ 0.258819,-0.965926,0,1.54159,-0.275196,-0.5,
+ 0.175818,-0.984423,0,1.446407,-0.297645,-0.5,
+ 0.180146,-0.980403,0.079739,1.452691,-0.293085,-0.4095,
+ 0.258819,-0.965926,0,1.54159,-0.275196,-0.5,
+ 0.180146,-0.980403,0.079739,1.452691,-0.293085,-0.4095,
+ 0.257883,-0.962433,0.08496,1.540826,-0.272345,-0.40225,
+ 0.175818,-0.984423,0,1.446407,-0.297645,-0.5,
+ 0.014735,-0.999891,0,1.367033,-0.309791,-0.5,
+ 0.070927,-0.992428,0.100277,1.378957,-0.304305,-0.4175,
+ 0.070927,-0.992428,0.100277,1.378957,-0.304305,-0.4175,
+ 0.180146,-0.980403,0.079739,1.452691,-0.293085,-0.4095,
+ 0.175818,-0.984423,0,1.446407,-0.297645,-0.5,
- 0.434790,-0.894931,0.100278,1.696988,-0.219088,-0.417500,
- 0.334190,-0.939126,0.079739,1.627523,-0.246239,-0.409500,
+ 0.43479,-0.894931,0.100278,1.696988,-0.219088,-0.4175,
+ 0.33419,-0.939126,0.079739,1.627523,-0.246239,-0.4095,
- 0.334190,-0.939126,0.079739,1.627523,-0.246239,-0.409500,
- 0.361333,-0.910870,0.199385,1.617662,-0.240344,-0.335375,
- 0.434790,-0.894931,0.100278,1.696988,-0.219088,-0.417500,
- 0.487185,-0.873299,0.000000,1.710058,-0.217878,-0.500000,
- 0.339948,-0.940444,0.000000,1.635245,-0.247046,-0.500000,
- 0.339948,-0.940444,0.000000,1.635245,-0.247046,-0.500000,
- 0.334190,-0.939126,0.079739,1.627523,-0.246239,-0.409500,
- 0.434790,-0.894931,0.100278,1.696988,-0.219088,-0.417500,
- 0.258819,-0.965926,0.000000,1.541590,-0.275196,-0.500000,
- 0.257883,-0.962433,0.084960,1.540826,-0.272345,-0.402250,
- 0.334190,-0.939126,0.079739,1.627523,-0.246239,-0.409500,
- 0.258819,-0.965926,0.000000,1.541590,-0.275196,-0.500000,
- 0.334190,-0.939126,0.079739,1.627523,-0.246239,-0.409500,
- 0.339948,-0.940444,0.000000,1.635245,-0.247046,-0.500000,
- 0.257883,-0.962433,0.084960,1.540826,-0.272345,-0.402250,
- 0.250960,-0.936595,0.244557,1.538546,-0.263835,-0.322437,
- 0.361333,-0.910870,0.199385,1.617662,-0.240344,-0.335375,
- 0.361333,-0.910870,0.199385,1.617662,-0.240344,-0.335375,
- 0.334190,-0.939126,0.079739,1.627523,-0.246239,-0.409500,
- 0.257883,-0.962433,0.084960,1.540826,-0.272345,-0.402250,
+ 0.33419,-0.939126,0.079739,1.627523,-0.246239,-0.4095,
+ 0.361333,-0.91087,0.199385,1.617662,-0.240344,-0.335375,
+ 0.43479,-0.894931,0.100278,1.696988,-0.219088,-0.4175,
+ 0.487185,-0.873299,0,1.710058,-0.217878,-0.5,
+ 0.339948,-0.940444,0,1.635245,-0.247046,-0.5,
+ 0.339948,-0.940444,0,1.635245,-0.247046,-0.5,
+ 0.33419,-0.939126,0.079739,1.627523,-0.246239,-0.4095,
+ 0.43479,-0.894931,0.100278,1.696988,-0.219088,-0.4175,
+ 0.258819,-0.965926,0,1.54159,-0.275196,-0.5,
+ 0.257883,-0.962433,0.08496,1.540826,-0.272345,-0.40225,
+ 0.33419,-0.939126,0.079739,1.627523,-0.246239,-0.4095,
+ 0.258819,-0.965926,0,1.54159,-0.275196,-0.5,
+ 0.33419,-0.939126,0.079739,1.627523,-0.246239,-0.4095,
+ 0.339948,-0.940444,0,1.635245,-0.247046,-0.5,
+ 0.257883,-0.962433,0.08496,1.540826,-0.272345,-0.40225,
+ 0.25096,-0.936595,0.244557,1.538546,-0.263835,-0.322437,
+ 0.361333,-0.91087,0.199385,1.617662,-0.240344,-0.335375,
+ 0.361333,-0.91087,0.199385,1.617662,-0.240344,-0.335375,
+ 0.33419,-0.939126,0.079739,1.627523,-0.246239,-0.4095,
+ 0.257883,-0.962433,0.08496,1.540826,-0.272345,-0.40225,
static const struct gllist frame={GL_N3F_V3F,GL_TRIANGLES,1728,data,NULL};
const struct gllist *s1_5=&frame;
#include "gllist.h"
static const float data[]={
- 0.710152,0.225044,-0.667113,1.437472,0.482703,-0.671590,
+ 0.710152,0.225044,-0.667113,1.437472,0.482703,-0.67159,
- 0.710152,0.225044,-0.667113,1.437472,0.482703,-0.671590,
- 0.964484,0.264141,-0.000000,1.502855,0.449898,-0.500000,
- 0.923004,0.384789,0.000000,1.481548,0.525864,-0.500000,
+ 0.710152,0.225044,-0.667113,1.437472,0.482703,-0.67159,
+ 0.964484,0.264141,0,1.502855,0.449898,-0.5,
+ 0.923004,0.384789,0,1.481548,0.525864,-0.5,
- 0.964484,0.264141,-0.000000,1.502855,0.449898,-0.500000,
+ 0.964484,0.264141,0,1.502855,0.449898,-0.5,
- 0.923004,0.384789,0.000000,1.481548,0.525864,-0.500000,
- 0.551211,0.834366,0.000000,1.460683,0.568581,-0.500000,
- 0.590668,0.729279,-0.345345,1.449724,0.556950,-0.594774,
- 0.590668,0.729279,-0.345345,1.449724,0.556950,-0.594774,
+ 0.923004,0.384789,0,1.481548,0.525864,-0.5,
+ 0.551211,0.834366,0,1.460683,0.568581,-0.5,
+ 0.590668,0.729279,-0.345345,1.449724,0.55695,-0.594774,
+ 0.590668,0.729279,-0.345345,1.449724,0.55695,-0.594774,
- 0.923004,0.384789,0.000000,1.481548,0.525864,-0.500000,
- 0.478093,0.571140,-0.667253,1.416649,0.522728,-0.673866,
- 0.710152,0.225044,-0.667113,1.437472,0.482703,-0.671590,
+ 0.923004,0.384789,0,1.481548,0.525864,-0.5,
+ 0.478093,0.57114,-0.667253,1.416649,0.522728,-0.673866,
+ 0.710152,0.225044,-0.667113,1.437472,0.482703,-0.67159,
- 0.478093,0.571140,-0.667253,1.416649,0.522728,-0.673866,
+ 0.478093,0.57114,-0.667253,1.416649,0.522728,-0.673866,
- 0.590668,0.729279,-0.345345,1.449724,0.556950,-0.594774,
+ 0.590668,0.729279,-0.345345,1.449724,0.55695,-0.594774,
- 0.710152,0.225044,0.667112,1.437472,0.482703,-0.328410,
- 0.710152,0.225044,0.667112,1.437472,0.482703,-0.328410,
+ 0.710152,0.225044,0.667112,1.437472,0.482703,-0.32841,
+ 0.710152,0.225044,0.667112,1.437472,0.482703,-0.32841,
- 0.478094,0.571140,0.667253,1.416649,0.522728,-0.326134,
- 0.590668,0.729279,0.345345,1.449724,0.556950,-0.405226,
+ 0.478094,0.57114,0.667253,1.416649,0.522728,-0.326134,
+ 0.590668,0.729279,0.345345,1.449724,0.55695,-0.405226,
- 0.478094,0.571140,0.667253,1.416649,0.522728,-0.326134,
+ 0.478094,0.57114,0.667253,1.416649,0.522728,-0.326134,
- 0.710152,0.225044,0.667112,1.437472,0.482703,-0.328410,
- 0.590668,0.729279,0.345345,1.449724,0.556950,-0.405226,
- 0.551211,0.834366,0.000000,1.460683,0.568581,-0.500000,
- 0.923004,0.384789,0.000000,1.481548,0.525864,-0.500000,
- 0.923004,0.384789,0.000000,1.481548,0.525864,-0.500000,
+ 0.710152,0.225044,0.667112,1.437472,0.482703,-0.32841,
+ 0.590668,0.729279,0.345345,1.449724,0.55695,-0.405226,
+ 0.551211,0.834366,0,1.460683,0.568581,-0.5,
+ 0.923004,0.384789,0,1.481548,0.525864,-0.5,
+ 0.923004,0.384789,0,1.481548,0.525864,-0.5,
- 0.590668,0.729279,0.345345,1.449724,0.556950,-0.405226,
- 0.964484,0.264141,-0.000000,1.502855,0.449898,-0.500000,
+ 0.590668,0.729279,0.345345,1.449724,0.55695,-0.405226,
+ 0.964484,0.264141,0,1.502855,0.449898,-0.5,
- 0.964484,0.264141,-0.000000,1.502855,0.449898,-0.500000,
+ 0.964484,0.264141,0,1.502855,0.449898,-0.5,
- 0.923004,0.384789,0.000000,1.481548,0.525864,-0.500000,
+ 0.923004,0.384789,0,1.481548,0.525864,-0.5,
- -0.571934,0.814147,0.100277,1.384841,0.546182,-0.417500,
- -0.169784,0.964201,0.203690,1.423386,0.566478,-0.412500,
+ -0.571934,0.814147,0.100277,1.384841,0.546182,-0.4175,
+ -0.169784,0.964201,0.20369,1.423386,0.566478,-0.4125,
- -0.169784,0.964201,0.203690,1.423386,0.566478,-0.412500,
+ -0.169784,0.964201,0.20369,1.423386,0.566478,-0.4125,
- -0.527613,0.849485,0.000000,1.392236,0.557026,-0.500000,
- -0.070011,0.997546,0.000000,1.433279,0.578472,-0.500000,
- -0.169784,0.964201,0.203690,1.423386,0.566478,-0.412500,
- -0.527613,0.849485,0.000000,1.392236,0.557026,-0.500000,
- -0.169784,0.964201,0.203690,1.423386,0.566478,-0.412500,
- -0.571934,0.814147,0.100277,1.384841,0.546182,-0.417500,
- 0.551211,0.834366,0.000000,1.460683,0.568581,-0.500000,
- 0.590668,0.729279,0.345345,1.449724,0.556950,-0.405226,
- -0.169784,0.964201,0.203690,1.423386,0.566478,-0.412500,
- 0.551211,0.834366,0.000000,1.460683,0.568581,-0.500000,
- -0.169784,0.964201,0.203690,1.423386,0.566478,-0.412500,
- -0.070011,0.997546,0.000000,1.433279,0.578472,-0.500000,
- 0.590668,0.729279,0.345345,1.449724,0.556950,-0.405226,
- 0.478094,0.571140,0.667253,1.416649,0.522728,-0.326134,
+ -0.527613,0.849485,0,1.392236,0.557026,-0.5,
+ -0.070011,0.997546,0,1.433279,0.578472,-0.5,
+ -0.169784,0.964201,0.20369,1.423386,0.566478,-0.4125,
+ -0.527613,0.849485,0,1.392236,0.557026,-0.5,
+ -0.169784,0.964201,0.20369,1.423386,0.566478,-0.4125,
+ -0.571934,0.814147,0.100277,1.384841,0.546182,-0.4175,
+ 0.551211,0.834366,0,1.460683,0.568581,-0.5,
+ 0.590668,0.729279,0.345345,1.449724,0.55695,-0.405226,
+ -0.169784,0.964201,0.20369,1.423386,0.566478,-0.4125,
+ 0.551211,0.834366,0,1.460683,0.568581,-0.5,
+ -0.169784,0.964201,0.20369,1.423386,0.566478,-0.4125,
+ -0.070011,0.997546,0,1.433279,0.578472,-0.5,
+ 0.590668,0.729279,0.345345,1.449724,0.55695,-0.405226,
+ 0.478094,0.57114,0.667253,1.416649,0.522728,-0.326134,
- -0.169784,0.964201,0.203690,1.423386,0.566478,-0.412500,
- 0.590668,0.729279,0.345345,1.449724,0.556950,-0.405226,
+ -0.169784,0.964201,0.20369,1.423386,0.566478,-0.4125,
+ 0.590668,0.729279,0.345345,1.449724,0.55695,-0.405226,
- -0.169784,0.964201,-0.203689,1.423386,0.566478,-0.587500,
+ -0.169784,0.964201,-0.203689,1.423386,0.566478,-0.5875,
- -0.169784,0.964201,-0.203689,1.423386,0.566478,-0.587500,
- -0.571934,0.814147,-0.100277,1.384841,0.546182,-0.582500,
+ -0.169784,0.964201,-0.203689,1.423386,0.566478,-0.5875,
+ -0.571934,0.814147,-0.100277,1.384841,0.546182,-0.5825,
- 0.478093,0.571140,-0.667253,1.416649,0.522728,-0.673866,
- 0.590668,0.729279,-0.345345,1.449724,0.556950,-0.594774,
- 0.590668,0.729279,-0.345345,1.449724,0.556950,-0.594774,
- -0.169784,0.964201,-0.203689,1.423386,0.566478,-0.587500,
+ 0.478093,0.57114,-0.667253,1.416649,0.522728,-0.673866,
+ 0.590668,0.729279,-0.345345,1.449724,0.55695,-0.594774,
+ 0.590668,0.729279,-0.345345,1.449724,0.55695,-0.594774,
+ -0.169784,0.964201,-0.203689,1.423386,0.566478,-0.5875,
- 0.551211,0.834366,0.000000,1.460683,0.568581,-0.500000,
- -0.070011,0.997546,0.000000,1.433279,0.578472,-0.500000,
- -0.169784,0.964201,-0.203689,1.423386,0.566478,-0.587500,
- 0.551211,0.834366,0.000000,1.460683,0.568581,-0.500000,
- -0.169784,0.964201,-0.203689,1.423386,0.566478,-0.587500,
- 0.590668,0.729279,-0.345345,1.449724,0.556950,-0.594774,
- -0.527613,0.849485,0.000000,1.392236,0.557026,-0.500000,
- -0.571934,0.814147,-0.100277,1.384841,0.546182,-0.582500,
- -0.169784,0.964201,-0.203689,1.423386,0.566478,-0.587500,
- -0.527613,0.849485,0.000000,1.392236,0.557026,-0.500000,
- -0.169784,0.964201,-0.203689,1.423386,0.566478,-0.587500,
- -0.070011,0.997546,0.000000,1.433279,0.578472,-0.500000,
+ 0.551211,0.834366,0,1.460683,0.568581,-0.5,
+ -0.070011,0.997546,0,1.433279,0.578472,-0.5,
+ -0.169784,0.964201,-0.203689,1.423386,0.566478,-0.5875,
+ 0.551211,0.834366,0,1.460683,0.568581,-0.5,
+ -0.169784,0.964201,-0.203689,1.423386,0.566478,-0.5875,
+ 0.590668,0.729279,-0.345345,1.449724,0.55695,-0.594774,
+ -0.527613,0.849485,0,1.392236,0.557026,-0.5,
+ -0.571934,0.814147,-0.100277,1.384841,0.546182,-0.5825,
+ -0.169784,0.964201,-0.203689,1.423386,0.566478,-0.5875,
+ -0.527613,0.849485,0,1.392236,0.557026,-0.5,
+ -0.169784,0.964201,-0.203689,1.423386,0.566478,-0.5875,
+ -0.070011,0.997546,0,1.433279,0.578472,-0.5,
- 0.453280,-0.007610,0.891335,1.407319,0.364926,-0.295283,
+ 0.45328,-0.00761,0.891335,1.407319,0.364926,-0.295283,
- 0.710152,0.225044,0.667112,1.437472,0.482703,-0.328410,
- 0.453280,-0.007610,0.891335,1.407319,0.364926,-0.295283,
- 0.144715,-0.166180,0.975419,1.343629,0.308278,-0.280660,
+ 0.710152,0.225044,0.667112,1.437472,0.482703,-0.32841,
+ 0.45328,-0.00761,0.891335,1.407319,0.364926,-0.295283,
+ 0.144715,-0.16618,0.975419,1.343629,0.308278,-0.28066,
- 0.453280,-0.007610,0.891335,1.407319,0.364926,-0.295283,
+ 0.45328,-0.00761,0.891335,1.407319,0.364926,-0.295283,
- 0.141626,0.422273,0.895336,1.361260,0.466583,-0.278403,
+ 0.141626,0.422273,0.895336,1.36126,0.466583,-0.278403,
- 0.141626,0.422273,0.895336,1.361260,0.466583,-0.278403,
- 0.478094,0.571140,0.667253,1.416649,0.522728,-0.326134,
- 0.710152,0.225044,0.667112,1.437472,0.482703,-0.328410,
- 0.710152,0.225044,0.667112,1.437472,0.482703,-0.328410,
+ 0.141626,0.422273,0.895336,1.36126,0.466583,-0.278403,
+ 0.478094,0.57114,0.667253,1.416649,0.522728,-0.326134,
+ 0.710152,0.225044,0.667112,1.437472,0.482703,-0.32841,
+ 0.710152,0.225044,0.667112,1.437472,0.482703,-0.32841,
- 0.141626,0.422273,0.895336,1.361260,0.466583,-0.278403,
- -0.172340,-0.336344,0.925836,1.279939,0.251630,-0.295283,
+ 0.141626,0.422273,0.895336,1.36126,0.466583,-0.278403,
+ -0.17234,-0.336344,0.925836,1.279939,0.25163,-0.295283,
- -0.508694,-0.497612,0.702576,1.195055,0.245321,-0.328410,
- -0.508694,-0.497612,0.702576,1.195055,0.245321,-0.328410,
- -0.193390,-0.303475,0.933008,1.250150,0.299272,-0.281613,
- -0.172340,-0.336344,0.925836,1.279939,0.251630,-0.295283,
- -0.730560,-0.181076,0.658402,1.174088,0.274960,-0.326134,
- -0.461199,-0.002494,0.887293,1.229040,0.331527,-0.278403,
- -0.193390,-0.303475,0.933008,1.250150,0.299272,-0.281613,
- -0.730560,-0.181076,0.658402,1.174088,0.274960,-0.326134,
- -0.193390,-0.303475,0.933008,1.250150,0.299272,-0.281613,
- -0.508694,-0.497612,0.702576,1.195055,0.245321,-0.328410,
- -0.461199,-0.002494,0.887293,1.229040,0.331527,-0.278403,
+ -0.508694,-0.497612,0.702576,1.195055,0.245321,-0.32841,
+ -0.508694,-0.497612,0.702576,1.195055,0.245321,-0.32841,
+ -0.19339,-0.303475,0.933008,1.25015,0.299272,-0.281613,
+ -0.17234,-0.336344,0.925836,1.279939,0.25163,-0.295283,
+ -0.73056,-0.181076,0.658402,1.174088,0.27496,-0.326134,
+ -0.461199,-0.002494,0.887293,1.22904,0.331527,-0.278403,
+ -0.19339,-0.303475,0.933008,1.25015,0.299272,-0.281613,
+ -0.73056,-0.181076,0.658402,1.174088,0.27496,-0.326134,
+ -0.19339,-0.303475,0.933008,1.25015,0.299272,-0.281613,
+ -0.508694,-0.497612,0.702576,1.195055,0.245321,-0.32841,
+ -0.461199,-0.002494,0.887293,1.22904,0.331527,-0.278403,
- -0.193390,-0.303475,0.933008,1.250150,0.299272,-0.281613,
- -0.461199,-0.002494,0.887293,1.229040,0.331527,-0.278403,
- 0.144715,-0.166180,0.975419,1.343629,0.308278,-0.280660,
- -0.172340,-0.336344,0.925836,1.279939,0.251630,-0.295283,
- -0.193390,-0.303475,0.933008,1.250150,0.299272,-0.281613,
- 0.144715,-0.166180,0.975419,1.343629,0.308278,-0.280660,
- -0.193390,-0.303475,0.933008,1.250150,0.299272,-0.281613,
+ -0.19339,-0.303475,0.933008,1.25015,0.299272,-0.281613,
+ -0.461199,-0.002494,0.887293,1.22904,0.331527,-0.278403,
+ 0.144715,-0.16618,0.975419,1.343629,0.308278,-0.28066,
+ -0.17234,-0.336344,0.925836,1.279939,0.25163,-0.295283,
+ -0.19339,-0.303475,0.933008,1.25015,0.299272,-0.281613,
+ 0.144715,-0.16618,0.975419,1.343629,0.308278,-0.28066,
+ -0.19339,-0.303475,0.933008,1.25015,0.299272,-0.281613,
- -0.723455,0.416599,0.550508,1.219504,0.355352,-0.294000,
+ -0.723455,0.416599,0.550508,1.219504,0.355352,-0.294,
- -0.723455,0.416599,0.550508,1.219504,0.355352,-0.294000,
+ -0.723455,0.416599,0.550508,1.219504,0.355352,-0.294,
- -0.702693,0.678582,0.213890,1.268890,0.429299,-0.322437,
- -0.617508,0.597059,0.512059,1.279412,0.419138,-0.278500,
- -0.617508,0.597059,0.512059,1.279412,0.419138,-0.278500,
- -0.723455,0.416599,0.550508,1.219504,0.355352,-0.294000,
+ -0.702693,0.678582,0.21389,1.26889,0.429299,-0.322437,
+ -0.617508,0.597059,0.512059,1.279412,0.419138,-0.2785,
+ -0.617508,0.597059,0.512059,1.279412,0.419138,-0.2785,
+ -0.723455,0.416599,0.550508,1.219504,0.355352,-0.294,
- -0.461199,-0.002494,0.887293,1.229040,0.331527,-0.278403,
- -0.723455,0.416599,0.550508,1.219504,0.355352,-0.294000,
+ -0.461199,-0.002494,0.887293,1.22904,0.331527,-0.278403,
+ -0.723455,0.416599,0.550508,1.219504,0.355352,-0.294,
- -0.723455,0.416599,0.550508,1.219504,0.355352,-0.294000,
- -0.617508,0.597059,0.512059,1.279412,0.419138,-0.278500,
- -0.461199,-0.002494,0.887293,1.229040,0.331527,-0.278403,
- -0.730560,-0.181076,0.658402,1.174088,0.274960,-0.326134,
+ -0.723455,0.416599,0.550508,1.219504,0.355352,-0.294,
+ -0.617508,0.597059,0.512059,1.279412,0.419138,-0.2785,
+ -0.461199,-0.002494,0.887293,1.22904,0.331527,-0.278403,
+ -0.73056,-0.181076,0.658402,1.174088,0.27496,-0.326134,
- -0.723455,0.416599,0.550508,1.219504,0.355352,-0.294000,
- -0.461199,-0.002494,0.887293,1.229040,0.331527,-0.278403,
+ -0.723455,0.416599,0.550508,1.219504,0.355352,-0.294,
+ -0.461199,-0.002494,0.887293,1.22904,0.331527,-0.278403,
- -0.382645,0.670188,0.635949,1.341069,0.481236,-0.294000,
+ -0.382645,0.670188,0.635949,1.341069,0.481236,-0.294,
- 0.478094,0.571140,0.667253,1.416649,0.522728,-0.326134,
- 0.141626,0.422273,0.895336,1.361260,0.466583,-0.278403,
- 0.141626,0.422273,0.895336,1.361260,0.466583,-0.278403,
- -0.382645,0.670188,0.635949,1.341069,0.481236,-0.294000,
+ 0.478094,0.57114,0.667253,1.416649,0.522728,-0.326134,
+ 0.141626,0.422273,0.895336,1.36126,0.466583,-0.278403,
+ 0.141626,0.422273,0.895336,1.36126,0.466583,-0.278403,
+ -0.382645,0.670188,0.635949,1.341069,0.481236,-0.294,
- -0.617508,0.597059,0.512059,1.279412,0.419138,-0.278500,
- -0.382645,0.670188,0.635949,1.341069,0.481236,-0.294000,
+ -0.617508,0.597059,0.512059,1.279412,0.419138,-0.2785,
+ -0.382645,0.670188,0.635949,1.341069,0.481236,-0.294,
- -0.382645,0.670188,0.635949,1.341069,0.481236,-0.294000,
- 0.141626,0.422273,0.895336,1.361260,0.466583,-0.278403,
- -0.617508,0.597059,0.512059,1.279412,0.419138,-0.278500,
- -0.702693,0.678582,0.213890,1.268890,0.429299,-0.322437,
+ -0.382645,0.670188,0.635949,1.341069,0.481236,-0.294,
+ 0.141626,0.422273,0.895336,1.36126,0.466583,-0.278403,
+ -0.617508,0.597059,0.512059,1.279412,0.419138,-0.2785,
+ -0.702693,0.678582,0.21389,1.26889,0.429299,-0.322437,
- -0.382645,0.670188,0.635949,1.341069,0.481236,-0.294000,
- -0.617508,0.597059,0.512059,1.279412,0.419138,-0.278500,
+ -0.382645,0.670188,0.635949,1.341069,0.481236,-0.294,
+ -0.617508,0.597059,0.512059,1.279412,0.419138,-0.2785,
- -0.707587,-0.618740,0.341293,1.161998,0.212951,-0.406406,
+ -0.707587,-0.61874,0.341293,1.161998,0.212951,-0.406406,
- -0.707587,-0.618740,0.341293,1.161998,0.212951,-0.406406,
- -0.508694,-0.497612,0.702576,1.195055,0.245321,-0.328410,
+ -0.707587,-0.61874,0.341293,1.161998,0.212951,-0.406406,
+ -0.508694,-0.497612,0.702576,1.195055,0.245321,-0.32841,
- -0.784292,-0.620391,0.000000,1.184403,0.166658,-0.500000,
- -0.749482,-0.662025,-0.000000,1.150979,0.202161,-0.500000,
- -0.749482,-0.662025,-0.000000,1.150979,0.202161,-0.500000,
- -0.707587,-0.618740,0.341293,1.161998,0.212951,-0.406406,
+ -0.784292,-0.620391,0,1.184403,0.166658,-0.5,
+ -0.749482,-0.662025,0,1.150979,0.202161,-0.5,
+ -0.749482,-0.662025,0,1.150979,0.202161,-0.5,
+ -0.707587,-0.61874,0.341293,1.161998,0.212951,-0.406406,
- -0.928360,-0.371683,-0.000000,1.129180,0.229952,-0.500000,
- -0.856012,-0.369954,0.361078,1.140576,0.241160,-0.405226,
- -0.707587,-0.618740,0.341293,1.161998,0.212951,-0.406406,
- -0.928360,-0.371683,-0.000000,1.129180,0.229952,-0.500000,
- -0.707587,-0.618740,0.341293,1.161998,0.212951,-0.406406,
- -0.749482,-0.662025,-0.000000,1.150979,0.202161,-0.500000,
- -0.856012,-0.369954,0.361078,1.140576,0.241160,-0.405226,
- -0.730560,-0.181076,0.658402,1.174088,0.274960,-0.326134,
- -0.508694,-0.497612,0.702576,1.195055,0.245321,-0.328410,
- -0.508694,-0.497612,0.702576,1.195055,0.245321,-0.328410,
- -0.707587,-0.618740,0.341293,1.161998,0.212951,-0.406406,
- -0.856012,-0.369954,0.361078,1.140576,0.241160,-0.405226,
+ -0.92836,-0.371683,0,1.12918,0.229952,-0.5,
+ -0.856012,-0.369954,0.361078,1.140576,0.24116,-0.405226,
+ -0.707587,-0.61874,0.341293,1.161998,0.212951,-0.406406,
+ -0.92836,-0.371683,0,1.12918,0.229952,-0.5,
+ -0.707587,-0.61874,0.341293,1.161998,0.212951,-0.406406,
+ -0.749482,-0.662025,0,1.150979,0.202161,-0.5,
+ -0.856012,-0.369954,0.361078,1.140576,0.24116,-0.405226,
+ -0.73056,-0.181076,0.658402,1.174088,0.27496,-0.326134,
+ -0.508694,-0.497612,0.702576,1.195055,0.245321,-0.32841,
+ -0.508694,-0.497612,0.702576,1.195055,0.245321,-0.32841,
+ -0.707587,-0.61874,0.341293,1.161998,0.212951,-0.406406,
+ -0.856012,-0.369954,0.361078,1.140576,0.24116,-0.405226,
- -0.508694,-0.497611,-0.702576,1.195055,0.245321,-0.671590,
- -0.707587,-0.618740,-0.341293,1.161998,0.212951,-0.593594,
+ -0.508694,-0.497611,-0.702576,1.195055,0.245321,-0.67159,
+ -0.707587,-0.61874,-0.341293,1.161998,0.212951,-0.593594,
- -0.707587,-0.618740,-0.341293,1.161998,0.212951,-0.593594,
+ -0.707587,-0.61874,-0.341293,1.161998,0.212951,-0.593594,
- -0.508694,-0.497611,-0.702576,1.195055,0.245321,-0.671590,
- -0.730560,-0.181076,-0.658402,1.174088,0.274960,-0.673866,
- -0.856012,-0.369954,-0.361078,1.140576,0.241160,-0.594774,
- -0.856012,-0.369954,-0.361078,1.140576,0.241160,-0.594774,
- -0.707587,-0.618740,-0.341293,1.161998,0.212951,-0.593594,
- -0.508694,-0.497611,-0.702576,1.195055,0.245321,-0.671590,
- -0.928360,-0.371683,-0.000000,1.129180,0.229952,-0.500000,
- -0.749482,-0.662025,-0.000000,1.150979,0.202161,-0.500000,
- -0.707587,-0.618740,-0.341293,1.161998,0.212951,-0.593594,
- -0.928360,-0.371683,-0.000000,1.129180,0.229952,-0.500000,
- -0.707587,-0.618740,-0.341293,1.161998,0.212951,-0.593594,
- -0.856012,-0.369954,-0.361078,1.140576,0.241160,-0.594774,
- -0.749482,-0.662025,-0.000000,1.150979,0.202161,-0.500000,
- -0.784292,-0.620391,0.000000,1.184403,0.166658,-0.500000,
+ -0.508694,-0.497611,-0.702576,1.195055,0.245321,-0.67159,
+ -0.73056,-0.181076,-0.658402,1.174088,0.27496,-0.673866,
+ -0.856012,-0.369954,-0.361078,1.140576,0.24116,-0.594774,
+ -0.856012,-0.369954,-0.361078,1.140576,0.24116,-0.594774,
+ -0.707587,-0.61874,-0.341293,1.161998,0.212951,-0.593594,
+ -0.508694,-0.497611,-0.702576,1.195055,0.245321,-0.67159,
+ -0.92836,-0.371683,0,1.12918,0.229952,-0.5,
+ -0.749482,-0.662025,0,1.150979,0.202161,-0.5,
+ -0.707587,-0.61874,-0.341293,1.161998,0.212951,-0.593594,
+ -0.92836,-0.371683,0,1.12918,0.229952,-0.5,
+ -0.707587,-0.61874,-0.341293,1.161998,0.212951,-0.593594,
+ -0.856012,-0.369954,-0.361078,1.140576,0.24116,-0.594774,
+ -0.749482,-0.662025,0,1.150979,0.202161,-0.5,
+ -0.784292,-0.620391,0,1.184403,0.166658,-0.5,
- -0.707587,-0.618740,-0.341293,1.161998,0.212951,-0.593594,
- -0.749482,-0.662025,-0.000000,1.150979,0.202161,-0.500000,
+ -0.707587,-0.61874,-0.341293,1.161998,0.212951,-0.593594,
+ -0.749482,-0.662025,0,1.150979,0.202161,-0.5,
- -0.833612,0.543172,-0.100277,1.156124,0.309340,-0.582500,
- -0.955913,0.208955,-0.206320,1.137187,0.270110,-0.587500,
+ -0.833612,0.543172,-0.100277,1.156124,0.30934,-0.5825,
+ -0.955913,0.208955,-0.20632,1.137187,0.27011,-0.5875,
- -0.955913,0.208955,-0.206320,1.137187,0.270110,-0.587500,
+ -0.955913,0.208955,-0.20632,1.137187,0.27011,-0.5875,
- -0.867381,0.497645,-0.000000,1.145545,0.301571,-0.500000,
- -0.986597,0.163178,0.000000,1.125545,0.259804,-0.500000,
- -0.955913,0.208955,-0.206320,1.137187,0.270110,-0.587500,
- -0.867381,0.497645,-0.000000,1.145545,0.301571,-0.500000,
- -0.955913,0.208955,-0.206320,1.137187,0.270110,-0.587500,
- -0.833612,0.543172,-0.100277,1.156124,0.309340,-0.582500,
- -0.928360,-0.371683,-0.000000,1.129180,0.229952,-0.500000,
- -0.856012,-0.369954,-0.361078,1.140576,0.241160,-0.594774,
- -0.955913,0.208955,-0.206320,1.137187,0.270110,-0.587500,
- -0.928360,-0.371683,-0.000000,1.129180,0.229952,-0.500000,
- -0.955913,0.208955,-0.206320,1.137187,0.270110,-0.587500,
- -0.986597,0.163178,0.000000,1.125545,0.259804,-0.500000,
- -0.730560,-0.181076,-0.658402,1.174088,0.274960,-0.673866,
+ -0.867381,0.497645,0,1.145545,0.301571,-0.5,
+ -0.986597,0.163178,0,1.125545,0.259804,-0.5,
+ -0.955913,0.208955,-0.20632,1.137187,0.27011,-0.5875,
+ -0.867381,0.497645,0,1.145545,0.301571,-0.5,
+ -0.955913,0.208955,-0.20632,1.137187,0.27011,-0.5875,
+ -0.833612,0.543172,-0.100277,1.156124,0.30934,-0.5825,
+ -0.92836,-0.371683,0,1.12918,0.229952,-0.5,
+ -0.856012,-0.369954,-0.361078,1.140576,0.24116,-0.594774,
+ -0.955913,0.208955,-0.20632,1.137187,0.27011,-0.5875,
+ -0.92836,-0.371683,0,1.12918,0.229952,-0.5,
+ -0.955913,0.208955,-0.20632,1.137187,0.27011,-0.5875,
+ -0.986597,0.163178,0,1.125545,0.259804,-0.5,
+ -0.73056,-0.181076,-0.658402,1.174088,0.27496,-0.673866,
- -0.955913,0.208955,-0.206320,1.137187,0.270110,-0.587500,
- -0.730560,-0.181076,-0.658402,1.174088,0.274960,-0.673866,
- -0.955913,0.208955,-0.206320,1.137187,0.270110,-0.587500,
- -0.856012,-0.369954,-0.361078,1.140576,0.241160,-0.594774,
+ -0.955913,0.208955,-0.20632,1.137187,0.27011,-0.5875,
+ -0.73056,-0.181076,-0.658402,1.174088,0.27496,-0.673866,
+ -0.955913,0.208955,-0.20632,1.137187,0.27011,-0.5875,
+ -0.856012,-0.369954,-0.361078,1.140576,0.24116,-0.594774,
- -0.955913,0.208955,0.206320,1.137187,0.270110,-0.412500,
+ -0.955913,0.208955,0.20632,1.137187,0.27011,-0.4125,
- -0.955913,0.208955,0.206320,1.137187,0.270110,-0.412500,
- -0.833612,0.543172,0.100277,1.156124,0.309340,-0.417500,
- -0.730560,-0.181076,0.658402,1.174088,0.274960,-0.326134,
- -0.856012,-0.369954,0.361078,1.140576,0.241160,-0.405226,
- -0.955913,0.208955,0.206320,1.137187,0.270110,-0.412500,
- -0.730560,-0.181076,0.658402,1.174088,0.274960,-0.326134,
- -0.955913,0.208955,0.206320,1.137187,0.270110,-0.412500,
+ -0.955913,0.208955,0.20632,1.137187,0.27011,-0.4125,
+ -0.833612,0.543172,0.100277,1.156124,0.30934,-0.4175,
+ -0.73056,-0.181076,0.658402,1.174088,0.27496,-0.326134,
+ -0.856012,-0.369954,0.361078,1.140576,0.24116,-0.405226,
+ -0.955913,0.208955,0.20632,1.137187,0.27011,-0.4125,
+ -0.73056,-0.181076,0.658402,1.174088,0.27496,-0.326134,
+ -0.955913,0.208955,0.20632,1.137187,0.27011,-0.4125,
- -0.928360,-0.371683,-0.000000,1.129180,0.229952,-0.500000,
- -0.986597,0.163178,0.000000,1.125545,0.259804,-0.500000,
- -0.955913,0.208955,0.206320,1.137187,0.270110,-0.412500,
- -0.928360,-0.371683,-0.000000,1.129180,0.229952,-0.500000,
- -0.955913,0.208955,0.206320,1.137187,0.270110,-0.412500,
- -0.856012,-0.369954,0.361078,1.140576,0.241160,-0.405226,
- -0.867381,0.497645,-0.000000,1.145545,0.301571,-0.500000,
- -0.833612,0.543172,0.100277,1.156124,0.309340,-0.417500,
- -0.955913,0.208955,0.206320,1.137187,0.270110,-0.412500,
- -0.867381,0.497645,-0.000000,1.145545,0.301571,-0.500000,
- -0.955913,0.208955,0.206320,1.137187,0.270110,-0.412500,
- -0.986597,0.163178,0.000000,1.125545,0.259804,-0.500000,
- -0.508694,-0.497611,-0.702576,1.195055,0.245321,-0.671590,
+ -0.92836,-0.371683,0,1.12918,0.229952,-0.5,
+ -0.986597,0.163178,0,1.125545,0.259804,-0.5,
+ -0.955913,0.208955,0.20632,1.137187,0.27011,-0.4125,
+ -0.92836,-0.371683,0,1.12918,0.229952,-0.5,
+ -0.955913,0.208955,0.20632,1.137187,0.27011,-0.4125,
+ -0.856012,-0.369954,0.361078,1.140576,0.24116,-0.405226,
+ -0.867381,0.497645,0,1.145545,0.301571,-0.5,
+ -0.833612,0.543172,0.100277,1.156124,0.30934,-0.4175,
+ -0.955913,0.208955,0.20632,1.137187,0.27011,-0.4125,
+ -0.867381,0.497645,0,1.145545,0.301571,-0.5,
+ -0.955913,0.208955,0.20632,1.137187,0.27011,-0.4125,
+ -0.986597,0.163178,0,1.125545,0.259804,-0.5,
+ -0.508694,-0.497611,-0.702576,1.195055,0.245321,-0.67159,
- -0.172340,-0.336344,-0.925836,1.279939,0.251630,-0.704717,
- -0.172340,-0.336344,-0.925836,1.279939,0.251630,-0.704717,
- -0.193391,-0.303475,-0.933008,1.250150,0.299272,-0.718387,
- -0.508694,-0.497611,-0.702576,1.195055,0.245321,-0.671590,
- 0.144715,-0.166180,-0.975419,1.343629,0.308278,-0.719340,
+ -0.17234,-0.336344,-0.925836,1.279939,0.25163,-0.704717,
+ -0.17234,-0.336344,-0.925836,1.279939,0.25163,-0.704717,
+ -0.193391,-0.303475,-0.933008,1.25015,0.299272,-0.718387,
+ -0.508694,-0.497611,-0.702576,1.195055,0.245321,-0.67159,
+ 0.144715,-0.16618,-0.975419,1.343629,0.308278,-0.71934,
- -0.193391,-0.303475,-0.933008,1.250150,0.299272,-0.718387,
- 0.144715,-0.166180,-0.975419,1.343629,0.308278,-0.719340,
- -0.193391,-0.303475,-0.933008,1.250150,0.299272,-0.718387,
- -0.172340,-0.336344,-0.925836,1.279939,0.251630,-0.704717,
+ -0.193391,-0.303475,-0.933008,1.25015,0.299272,-0.718387,
+ 0.144715,-0.16618,-0.975419,1.343629,0.308278,-0.71934,
+ -0.193391,-0.303475,-0.933008,1.25015,0.299272,-0.718387,
+ -0.17234,-0.336344,-0.925836,1.279939,0.25163,-0.704717,
- -0.461199,-0.002494,-0.887293,1.229040,0.331527,-0.721597,
- -0.461199,-0.002494,-0.887293,1.229040,0.331527,-0.721597,
- -0.193391,-0.303475,-0.933008,1.250150,0.299272,-0.718387,
+ -0.461199,-0.002494,-0.887293,1.22904,0.331527,-0.721597,
+ -0.461199,-0.002494,-0.887293,1.22904,0.331527,-0.721597,
+ -0.193391,-0.303475,-0.933008,1.25015,0.299272,-0.718387,
- -0.730560,-0.181076,-0.658402,1.174088,0.274960,-0.673866,
- -0.508694,-0.497611,-0.702576,1.195055,0.245321,-0.671590,
- -0.193391,-0.303475,-0.933008,1.250150,0.299272,-0.718387,
- -0.730560,-0.181076,-0.658402,1.174088,0.274960,-0.673866,
- -0.193391,-0.303475,-0.933008,1.250150,0.299272,-0.718387,
- -0.461199,-0.002494,-0.887293,1.229040,0.331527,-0.721597,
+ -0.73056,-0.181076,-0.658402,1.174088,0.27496,-0.673866,
+ -0.508694,-0.497611,-0.702576,1.195055,0.245321,-0.67159,
+ -0.193391,-0.303475,-0.933008,1.25015,0.299272,-0.718387,
+ -0.73056,-0.181076,-0.658402,1.174088,0.27496,-0.673866,
+ -0.193391,-0.303475,-0.933008,1.25015,0.299272,-0.718387,
+ -0.461199,-0.002494,-0.887293,1.22904,0.331527,-0.721597,
- 0.710152,0.225044,-0.667113,1.437472,0.482703,-0.671590,
+ 0.710152,0.225044,-0.667113,1.437472,0.482703,-0.67159,
- 0.453280,-0.007609,-0.891335,1.407319,0.364926,-0.704717,
- 0.710152,0.225044,-0.667113,1.437472,0.482703,-0.671590,
- 0.478093,0.571140,-0.667253,1.416649,0.522728,-0.673866,
- 0.141625,0.422274,-0.895336,1.361260,0.466583,-0.721597,
- 0.141625,0.422274,-0.895336,1.361260,0.466583,-0.721597,
+ 0.45328,-0.007609,-0.891335,1.407319,0.364926,-0.704717,
+ 0.710152,0.225044,-0.667113,1.437472,0.482703,-0.67159,
+ 0.478093,0.57114,-0.667253,1.416649,0.522728,-0.673866,
+ 0.141625,0.422274,-0.895336,1.36126,0.466583,-0.721597,
+ 0.141625,0.422274,-0.895336,1.36126,0.466583,-0.721597,
- 0.710152,0.225044,-0.667113,1.437472,0.482703,-0.671590,
+ 0.710152,0.225044,-0.667113,1.437472,0.482703,-0.67159,
- 0.141625,0.422274,-0.895336,1.361260,0.466583,-0.721597,
+ 0.141625,0.422274,-0.895336,1.36126,0.466583,-0.721597,
- 0.144715,-0.166180,-0.975419,1.343629,0.308278,-0.719340,
- 0.453280,-0.007609,-0.891335,1.407319,0.364926,-0.704717,
- 0.453280,-0.007609,-0.891335,1.407319,0.364926,-0.704717,
+ 0.144715,-0.16618,-0.975419,1.343629,0.308278,-0.71934,
+ 0.45328,-0.007609,-0.891335,1.407319,0.364926,-0.704717,
+ 0.45328,-0.007609,-0.891335,1.407319,0.364926,-0.704717,
- -0.382645,0.670188,-0.635948,1.341069,0.481236,-0.706000,
+ -0.382645,0.670188,-0.635948,1.341069,0.481236,-0.706,
- -0.702693,0.678582,-0.213890,1.268890,0.429299,-0.677562,
- -0.617508,0.597059,-0.512058,1.279412,0.419138,-0.721500,
- -0.617508,0.597059,-0.512058,1.279412,0.419138,-0.721500,
- -0.382645,0.670188,-0.635948,1.341069,0.481236,-0.706000,
+ -0.702693,0.678582,-0.21389,1.26889,0.429299,-0.677562,
+ -0.617508,0.597059,-0.512058,1.279412,0.419138,-0.7215,
+ -0.617508,0.597059,-0.512058,1.279412,0.419138,-0.7215,
+ -0.382645,0.670188,-0.635948,1.341069,0.481236,-0.706,
- 0.141625,0.422274,-0.895336,1.361260,0.466583,-0.721597,
- -0.382645,0.670188,-0.635948,1.341069,0.481236,-0.706000,
+ 0.141625,0.422274,-0.895336,1.36126,0.466583,-0.721597,
+ -0.382645,0.670188,-0.635948,1.341069,0.481236,-0.706,
- -0.382645,0.670188,-0.635948,1.341069,0.481236,-0.706000,
- -0.617508,0.597059,-0.512058,1.279412,0.419138,-0.721500,
- 0.141625,0.422274,-0.895336,1.361260,0.466583,-0.721597,
- 0.478093,0.571140,-0.667253,1.416649,0.522728,-0.673866,
+ -0.382645,0.670188,-0.635948,1.341069,0.481236,-0.706,
+ -0.617508,0.597059,-0.512058,1.279412,0.419138,-0.7215,
+ 0.141625,0.422274,-0.895336,1.36126,0.466583,-0.721597,
+ 0.478093,0.57114,-0.667253,1.416649,0.522728,-0.673866,
- -0.382645,0.670188,-0.635948,1.341069,0.481236,-0.706000,
- 0.141625,0.422274,-0.895336,1.361260,0.466583,-0.721597,
+ -0.382645,0.670188,-0.635948,1.341069,0.481236,-0.706,
+ 0.141625,0.422274,-0.895336,1.36126,0.466583,-0.721597,
- -0.723455,0.416599,-0.550508,1.219504,0.355352,-0.706000,
+ -0.723455,0.416599,-0.550508,1.219504,0.355352,-0.706,
- -0.723455,0.416599,-0.550508,1.219504,0.355352,-0.706000,
+ -0.723455,0.416599,-0.550508,1.219504,0.355352,-0.706,
- -0.730560,-0.181076,-0.658402,1.174088,0.274960,-0.673866,
- -0.461199,-0.002494,-0.887293,1.229040,0.331527,-0.721597,
- -0.461199,-0.002494,-0.887293,1.229040,0.331527,-0.721597,
- -0.723455,0.416599,-0.550508,1.219504,0.355352,-0.706000,
+ -0.73056,-0.181076,-0.658402,1.174088,0.27496,-0.673866,
+ -0.461199,-0.002494,-0.887293,1.22904,0.331527,-0.721597,
+ -0.461199,-0.002494,-0.887293,1.22904,0.331527,-0.721597,
+ -0.723455,0.416599,-0.550508,1.219504,0.355352,-0.706,
- -0.617508,0.597059,-0.512058,1.279412,0.419138,-0.721500,
- -0.723455,0.416599,-0.550508,1.219504,0.355352,-0.706000,
+ -0.617508,0.597059,-0.512058,1.279412,0.419138,-0.7215,
+ -0.723455,0.416599,-0.550508,1.219504,0.355352,-0.706,
- -0.723455,0.416599,-0.550508,1.219504,0.355352,-0.706000,
- -0.461199,-0.002494,-0.887293,1.229040,0.331527,-0.721597,
- -0.617508,0.597059,-0.512058,1.279412,0.419138,-0.721500,
- -0.702693,0.678582,-0.213890,1.268890,0.429299,-0.677562,
+ -0.723455,0.416599,-0.550508,1.219504,0.355352,-0.706,
+ -0.461199,-0.002494,-0.887293,1.22904,0.331527,-0.721597,
+ -0.617508,0.597059,-0.512058,1.279412,0.419138,-0.7215,
+ -0.702693,0.678582,-0.21389,1.26889,0.429299,-0.677562,
- -0.723455,0.416599,-0.550508,1.219504,0.355352,-0.706000,
- -0.617508,0.597059,-0.512058,1.279412,0.419138,-0.721500,
+ -0.723455,0.416599,-0.550508,1.219504,0.355352,-0.706,
+ -0.617508,0.597059,-0.512058,1.279412,0.419138,-0.7215,
- -0.659360,0.747587,0.079739,1.327417,0.498590,-0.409500,
+ -0.65936,0.747587,0.079739,1.327417,0.49859,-0.4095,
- -0.659360,0.747587,0.079739,1.327417,0.498590,-0.409500,
- -0.571934,0.814147,0.100277,1.384841,0.546182,-0.417500,
+ -0.65936,0.747587,0.079739,1.327417,0.49859,-0.4095,
+ -0.571934,0.814147,0.100277,1.384841,0.546182,-0.4175,
- -0.702693,0.678582,0.213890,1.268890,0.429299,-0.322437,
- -0.716739,0.692147,0.084960,1.262552,0.435419,-0.402250,
- -0.716739,0.692147,0.084960,1.262552,0.435419,-0.402250,
- -0.659360,0.747587,0.079739,1.327417,0.498590,-0.409500,
+ -0.702693,0.678582,0.21389,1.26889,0.429299,-0.322437,
+ -0.716739,0.692147,0.08496,1.262552,0.435419,-0.40225,
+ -0.716739,0.692147,0.08496,1.262552,0.435419,-0.40225,
+ -0.65936,0.747587,0.079739,1.327417,0.49859,-0.4095,
- -0.719340,0.694658,0.000000,1.260429,0.437469,-0.500000,
- -0.657720,0.753262,-0.000000,1.330455,0.505735,-0.500000,
- -0.659360,0.747587,0.079739,1.327417,0.498590,-0.409500,
- -0.719340,0.694658,0.000000,1.260429,0.437469,-0.500000,
- -0.659360,0.747587,0.079739,1.327417,0.498590,-0.409500,
- -0.716739,0.692147,0.084960,1.262552,0.435419,-0.402250,
- -0.657720,0.753262,-0.000000,1.330455,0.505735,-0.500000,
- -0.527613,0.849485,0.000000,1.392236,0.557026,-0.500000,
- -0.571934,0.814147,0.100277,1.384841,0.546182,-0.417500,
- -0.571934,0.814147,0.100277,1.384841,0.546182,-0.417500,
- -0.659360,0.747587,0.079739,1.327417,0.498590,-0.409500,
- -0.657720,0.753262,-0.000000,1.330455,0.505735,-0.500000,
+ -0.71934,0.694658,0,1.260429,0.437469,-0.5,
+ -0.65772,0.753262,0,1.330455,0.505735,-0.5,
+ -0.65936,0.747587,0.079739,1.327417,0.49859,-0.4095,
+ -0.71934,0.694658,0,1.260429,0.437469,-0.5,
+ -0.65936,0.747587,0.079739,1.327417,0.49859,-0.4095,
+ -0.716739,0.692147,0.08496,1.262552,0.435419,-0.40225,
+ -0.65772,0.753262,0,1.330455,0.505735,-0.5,
+ -0.527613,0.849485,0,1.392236,0.557026,-0.5,
+ -0.571934,0.814147,0.100277,1.384841,0.546182,-0.4175,
+ -0.571934,0.814147,0.100277,1.384841,0.546182,-0.4175,
+ -0.65936,0.747587,0.079739,1.327417,0.49859,-0.4095,
+ -0.65772,0.753262,0,1.330455,0.505735,-0.5,
- -0.833612,0.543172,0.100277,1.156124,0.309340,-0.417500,
- -0.770142,0.632868,0.079739,1.201684,0.368389,-0.409500,
+ -0.833612,0.543172,0.100277,1.156124,0.30934,-0.4175,
+ -0.770142,0.632868,0.079739,1.201684,0.368389,-0.4095,
- -0.770142,0.632868,0.079739,1.201684,0.368389,-0.409500,
+ -0.770142,0.632868,0.079739,1.201684,0.368389,-0.4095,
- -0.833612,0.543172,0.100277,1.156124,0.309340,-0.417500,
- -0.867381,0.497645,-0.000000,1.145545,0.301571,-0.500000,
- -0.775757,0.631031,0.000000,1.194650,0.365104,-0.500000,
- -0.775757,0.631031,0.000000,1.194650,0.365104,-0.500000,
- -0.770142,0.632868,0.079739,1.201684,0.368389,-0.409500,
- -0.833612,0.543172,0.100277,1.156124,0.309340,-0.417500,
- -0.719340,0.694658,0.000000,1.260429,0.437469,-0.500000,
- -0.716739,0.692147,0.084960,1.262552,0.435419,-0.402250,
- -0.770142,0.632868,0.079739,1.201684,0.368389,-0.409500,
- -0.719340,0.694658,0.000000,1.260429,0.437469,-0.500000,
- -0.770142,0.632868,0.079739,1.201684,0.368389,-0.409500,
- -0.775757,0.631031,0.000000,1.194650,0.365104,-0.500000,
- -0.716739,0.692147,0.084960,1.262552,0.435419,-0.402250,
- -0.702693,0.678582,0.213890,1.268890,0.429299,-0.322437,
+ -0.833612,0.543172,0.100277,1.156124,0.30934,-0.4175,
+ -0.867381,0.497645,0,1.145545,0.301571,-0.5,
+ -0.775757,0.631031,0,1.19465,0.365104,-0.5,
+ -0.775757,0.631031,0,1.19465,0.365104,-0.5,
+ -0.770142,0.632868,0.079739,1.201684,0.368389,-0.4095,
+ -0.833612,0.543172,0.100277,1.156124,0.30934,-0.4175,
+ -0.71934,0.694658,0,1.260429,0.437469,-0.5,
+ -0.716739,0.692147,0.08496,1.262552,0.435419,-0.40225,
+ -0.770142,0.632868,0.079739,1.201684,0.368389,-0.4095,
+ -0.71934,0.694658,0,1.260429,0.437469,-0.5,
+ -0.770142,0.632868,0.079739,1.201684,0.368389,-0.4095,
+ -0.775757,0.631031,0,1.19465,0.365104,-0.5,
+ -0.716739,0.692147,0.08496,1.262552,0.435419,-0.40225,
+ -0.702693,0.678582,0.21389,1.26889,0.429299,-0.322437,
- -0.770142,0.632868,0.079739,1.201684,0.368389,-0.409500,
- -0.716739,0.692147,0.084960,1.262552,0.435419,-0.402250,
+ -0.770142,0.632868,0.079739,1.201684,0.368389,-0.4095,
+ -0.716739,0.692147,0.08496,1.262552,0.435419,-0.40225,
- -0.770142,0.632868,-0.079739,1.201684,0.368389,-0.590500,
+ -0.770142,0.632868,-0.079739,1.201684,0.368389,-0.5905,
- -0.770142,0.632868,-0.079739,1.201684,0.368389,-0.590500,
- -0.833612,0.543172,-0.100277,1.156124,0.309340,-0.582500,
+ -0.770142,0.632868,-0.079739,1.201684,0.368389,-0.5905,
+ -0.833612,0.543172,-0.100277,1.156124,0.30934,-0.5825,
- -0.702693,0.678582,-0.213890,1.268890,0.429299,-0.677562,
- -0.716739,0.692147,-0.084960,1.262552,0.435419,-0.597750,
- -0.716739,0.692147,-0.084960,1.262552,0.435419,-0.597750,
- -0.770142,0.632868,-0.079739,1.201684,0.368389,-0.590500,
+ -0.702693,0.678582,-0.21389,1.26889,0.429299,-0.677562,
+ -0.716739,0.692147,-0.08496,1.262552,0.435419,-0.59775,
+ -0.716739,0.692147,-0.08496,1.262552,0.435419,-0.59775,
+ -0.770142,0.632868,-0.079739,1.201684,0.368389,-0.5905,
- -0.719340,0.694658,0.000000,1.260429,0.437469,-0.500000,
- -0.775757,0.631031,0.000000,1.194650,0.365104,-0.500000,
- -0.770142,0.632868,-0.079739,1.201684,0.368389,-0.590500,
- -0.719340,0.694658,0.000000,1.260429,0.437469,-0.500000,
- -0.770142,0.632868,-0.079739,1.201684,0.368389,-0.590500,
- -0.716739,0.692147,-0.084960,1.262552,0.435419,-0.597750,
- -0.775757,0.631031,0.000000,1.194650,0.365104,-0.500000,
- -0.867381,0.497645,-0.000000,1.145545,0.301571,-0.500000,
- -0.833612,0.543172,-0.100277,1.156124,0.309340,-0.582500,
- -0.833612,0.543172,-0.100277,1.156124,0.309340,-0.582500,
- -0.770142,0.632868,-0.079739,1.201684,0.368389,-0.590500,
- -0.775757,0.631031,0.000000,1.194650,0.365104,-0.500000,
+ -0.71934,0.694658,0,1.260429,0.437469,-0.5,
+ -0.775757,0.631031,0,1.19465,0.365104,-0.5,
+ -0.770142,0.632868,-0.079739,1.201684,0.368389,-0.5905,
+ -0.71934,0.694658,0,1.260429,0.437469,-0.5,
+ -0.770142,0.632868,-0.079739,1.201684,0.368389,-0.5905,
+ -0.716739,0.692147,-0.08496,1.262552,0.435419,-0.59775,
+ -0.775757,0.631031,0,1.19465,0.365104,-0.5,
+ -0.867381,0.497645,0,1.145545,0.301571,-0.5,
+ -0.833612,0.543172,-0.100277,1.156124,0.30934,-0.5825,
+ -0.833612,0.543172,-0.100277,1.156124,0.30934,-0.5825,
+ -0.770142,0.632868,-0.079739,1.201684,0.368389,-0.5905,
+ -0.775757,0.631031,0,1.19465,0.365104,-0.5,
- -0.571934,0.814147,-0.100277,1.384841,0.546182,-0.582500,
- -0.659360,0.747587,-0.079739,1.327417,0.498590,-0.590500,
+ -0.571934,0.814147,-0.100277,1.384841,0.546182,-0.5825,
+ -0.65936,0.747587,-0.079739,1.327417,0.49859,-0.5905,
- -0.659360,0.747587,-0.079739,1.327417,0.498590,-0.590500,
+ -0.65936,0.747587,-0.079739,1.327417,0.49859,-0.5905,
- -0.571934,0.814147,-0.100277,1.384841,0.546182,-0.582500,
- -0.527613,0.849485,0.000000,1.392236,0.557026,-0.500000,
- -0.657720,0.753262,-0.000000,1.330455,0.505735,-0.500000,
- -0.657720,0.753262,-0.000000,1.330455,0.505735,-0.500000,
- -0.659360,0.747587,-0.079739,1.327417,0.498590,-0.590500,
- -0.571934,0.814147,-0.100277,1.384841,0.546182,-0.582500,
- -0.719340,0.694658,0.000000,1.260429,0.437469,-0.500000,
- -0.716739,0.692147,-0.084960,1.262552,0.435419,-0.597750,
- -0.659360,0.747587,-0.079739,1.327417,0.498590,-0.590500,
- -0.719340,0.694658,0.000000,1.260429,0.437469,-0.500000,
- -0.659360,0.747587,-0.079739,1.327417,0.498590,-0.590500,
- -0.657720,0.753262,-0.000000,1.330455,0.505735,-0.500000,
- -0.716739,0.692147,-0.084960,1.262552,0.435419,-0.597750,
- -0.702693,0.678582,-0.213890,1.268890,0.429299,-0.677562,
+ -0.571934,0.814147,-0.100277,1.384841,0.546182,-0.5825,
+ -0.527613,0.849485,0,1.392236,0.557026,-0.5,
+ -0.65772,0.753262,0,1.330455,0.505735,-0.5,
+ -0.65772,0.753262,0,1.330455,0.505735,-0.5,
+ -0.65936,0.747587,-0.079739,1.327417,0.49859,-0.5905,
+ -0.571934,0.814147,-0.100277,1.384841,0.546182,-0.5825,
+ -0.71934,0.694658,0,1.260429,0.437469,-0.5,
+ -0.716739,0.692147,-0.08496,1.262552,0.435419,-0.59775,
+ -0.65936,0.747587,-0.079739,1.327417,0.49859,-0.5905,
+ -0.71934,0.694658,0,1.260429,0.437469,-0.5,
+ -0.65936,0.747587,-0.079739,1.327417,0.49859,-0.5905,
+ -0.65772,0.753262,0,1.330455,0.505735,-0.5,
+ -0.716739,0.692147,-0.08496,1.262552,0.435419,-0.59775,
+ -0.702693,0.678582,-0.21389,1.26889,0.429299,-0.677562,
- -0.659360,0.747587,-0.079739,1.327417,0.498590,-0.590500,
- -0.716739,0.692147,-0.084960,1.262552,0.435419,-0.597750,
+ -0.65936,0.747587,-0.079739,1.327417,0.49859,-0.5905,
+ -0.716739,0.692147,-0.08496,1.262552,0.435419,-0.59775,
- 0.744750,0.138417,-0.652831,1.490430,0.310049,-0.648448,
+ 0.74475,0.138417,-0.652831,1.49043,0.310049,-0.648448,
- 0.744750,0.138417,-0.652831,1.490430,0.310049,-0.648448,
+ 0.74475,0.138417,-0.652831,1.49043,0.310049,-0.648448,
- 0.744750,0.138417,-0.652831,1.490430,0.310049,-0.648448,
- 0.971020,0.238998,0.000000,1.564666,0.208184,-0.500000,
- 0.968395,0.249424,0.000000,1.531587,0.340261,-0.500000,
+ 0.74475,0.138417,-0.652831,1.49043,0.310049,-0.648448,
+ 0.97102,0.238998,0,1.564666,0.208184,-0.5,
+ 0.968395,0.249424,0,1.531587,0.340261,-0.5,
- 0.971020,0.238998,0.000000,1.564666,0.208184,-0.500000,
+ 0.97102,0.238998,0,1.564666,0.208184,-0.5,
- 0.968395,0.249424,0.000000,1.531587,0.340261,-0.500000,
- 0.964484,0.264141,-0.000000,1.502855,0.449898,-0.500000,
+ 0.968395,0.249424,0,1.531587,0.340261,-0.5,
+ 0.964484,0.264141,0,1.502855,0.449898,-0.5,
- 0.968395,0.249424,0.000000,1.531587,0.340261,-0.500000,
+ 0.968395,0.249424,0,1.531587,0.340261,-0.5,
- 0.683950,0.142900,-0.715397,1.589301,-0.085107,-0.624049,
- 0.923419,0.197980,-0.328787,1.620986,-0.080049,-0.567663,
- 0.923419,0.197980,-0.328787,1.620986,-0.080049,-0.567663,
- 0.924112,0.207820,-0.320669,1.588828,0.061527,-0.569694,
+ 0.68395,0.1429,-0.715397,1.589301,-0.085107,-0.624049,
+ 0.923419,0.19798,-0.328787,1.620986,-0.080049,-0.567663,
+ 0.923419,0.19798,-0.328787,1.620986,-0.080049,-0.567663,
+ 0.924112,0.20782,-0.320669,1.588828,0.061527,-0.569694,
- 0.976556,0.215262,0.000000,1.631547,-0.078363,-0.500000,
- 0.973545,0.228495,-0.000000,1.599013,0.064899,-0.500000,
- 0.924112,0.207820,-0.320669,1.588828,0.061527,-0.569694,
- 0.976556,0.215262,0.000000,1.631547,-0.078363,-0.500000,
- 0.924112,0.207820,-0.320669,1.588828,0.061527,-0.569694,
- 0.923419,0.197980,-0.328787,1.620986,-0.080049,-0.567663,
- 0.973545,0.228495,-0.000000,1.599013,0.064899,-0.500000,
- 0.971020,0.238998,0.000000,1.564666,0.208184,-0.500000,
+ 0.976556,0.215262,0,1.631547,-0.078363,-0.5,
+ 0.973545,0.228495,0,1.599013,0.064899,-0.5,
+ 0.924112,0.20782,-0.320669,1.588828,0.061527,-0.569694,
+ 0.976556,0.215262,0,1.631547,-0.078363,-0.5,
+ 0.924112,0.20782,-0.320669,1.588828,0.061527,-0.569694,
+ 0.923419,0.19798,-0.328787,1.620986,-0.080049,-0.567663,
+ 0.973545,0.228495,0,1.599013,0.064899,-0.5,
+ 0.97102,0.238998,0,1.564666,0.208184,-0.5,
- 0.924112,0.207820,-0.320669,1.588828,0.061527,-0.569694,
- 0.973545,0.228495,-0.000000,1.599013,0.064899,-0.500000,
+ 0.924112,0.20782,-0.320669,1.588828,0.061527,-0.569694,
+ 0.973545,0.228495,0,1.599013,0.064899,-0.5,
- 0.924112,0.207820,-0.320669,1.588828,0.061527,-0.569694,
+ 0.924112,0.20782,-0.320669,1.588828,0.061527,-0.569694,
- 0.924112,0.207820,-0.320669,1.588828,0.061527,-0.569694,
+ 0.924112,0.20782,-0.320669,1.588828,0.061527,-0.569694,
- 0.923419,0.197980,0.328787,1.620986,-0.080049,-0.432337,
- 0.683950,0.142900,0.715397,1.589301,-0.085107,-0.375951,
+ 0.923419,0.19798,0.328787,1.620986,-0.080049,-0.432337,
+ 0.68395,0.1429,0.715397,1.589301,-0.085107,-0.375951,
- 0.924112,0.207820,0.320669,1.588828,0.061527,-0.430306,
- 0.923419,0.197980,0.328787,1.620986,-0.080049,-0.432337,
+ 0.924112,0.20782,0.320669,1.588828,0.061527,-0.430306,
+ 0.923419,0.19798,0.328787,1.620986,-0.080049,-0.432337,
- 0.924112,0.207820,0.320669,1.588828,0.061527,-0.430306,
+ 0.924112,0.20782,0.320669,1.588828,0.061527,-0.430306,
- 0.924112,0.207820,0.320669,1.588828,0.061527,-0.430306,
+ 0.924112,0.20782,0.320669,1.588828,0.061527,-0.430306,
- 0.971020,0.238998,0.000000,1.564666,0.208184,-0.500000,
- 0.973545,0.228495,-0.000000,1.599013,0.064899,-0.500000,
- 0.973545,0.228495,-0.000000,1.599013,0.064899,-0.500000,
- 0.924112,0.207820,0.320669,1.588828,0.061527,-0.430306,
+ 0.97102,0.238998,0,1.564666,0.208184,-0.5,
+ 0.973545,0.228495,0,1.599013,0.064899,-0.5,
+ 0.973545,0.228495,0,1.599013,0.064899,-0.5,
+ 0.924112,0.20782,0.320669,1.588828,0.061527,-0.430306,
- 0.976556,0.215262,0.000000,1.631547,-0.078363,-0.500000,
- 0.923419,0.197980,0.328787,1.620986,-0.080049,-0.432337,
- 0.924112,0.207820,0.320669,1.588828,0.061527,-0.430306,
- 0.976556,0.215262,0.000000,1.631547,-0.078363,-0.500000,
- 0.924112,0.207820,0.320669,1.588828,0.061527,-0.430306,
- 0.973545,0.228495,-0.000000,1.599013,0.064899,-0.500000,
+ 0.976556,0.215262,0,1.631547,-0.078363,-0.5,
+ 0.923419,0.19798,0.328787,1.620986,-0.080049,-0.432337,
+ 0.924112,0.20782,0.320669,1.588828,0.061527,-0.430306,
+ 0.976556,0.215262,0,1.631547,-0.078363,-0.5,
+ 0.924112,0.20782,0.320669,1.588828,0.061527,-0.430306,
+ 0.973545,0.228495,0,1.599013,0.064899,-0.5,
- 0.744750,0.138417,0.652831,1.490430,0.310049,-0.351552,
+ 0.74475,0.138417,0.652831,1.49043,0.310049,-0.351552,
- 0.964484,0.264141,-0.000000,1.502855,0.449898,-0.500000,
- 0.968395,0.249424,0.000000,1.531587,0.340261,-0.500000,
- 0.968395,0.249424,0.000000,1.531587,0.340261,-0.500000,
+ 0.964484,0.264141,0,1.502855,0.449898,-0.5,
+ 0.968395,0.249424,0,1.531587,0.340261,-0.5,
+ 0.968395,0.249424,0,1.531587,0.340261,-0.5,
- 0.971020,0.238998,0.000000,1.564666,0.208184,-0.500000,
+ 0.97102,0.238998,0,1.564666,0.208184,-0.5,
- 0.971020,0.238998,0.000000,1.564666,0.208184,-0.500000,
+ 0.97102,0.238998,0,1.564666,0.208184,-0.5,
- 0.968395,0.249424,0.000000,1.531587,0.340261,-0.500000,
+ 0.968395,0.249424,0,1.531587,0.340261,-0.5,
- 0.744750,0.138417,0.652831,1.490430,0.310049,-0.351552,
- 0.744750,0.138417,0.652831,1.490430,0.310049,-0.351552,
+ 0.74475,0.138417,0.652831,1.49043,0.310049,-0.351552,
+ 0.74475,0.138417,0.652831,1.49043,0.310049,-0.351552,
- -0.172340,-0.336344,-0.925836,1.279939,0.251630,-0.704717,
+ -0.17234,-0.336344,-0.925836,1.279939,0.25163,-0.704717,
- -0.287334,-0.241218,-0.926959,1.352154,0.094180,-0.673936,
- -0.287334,-0.241218,-0.926959,1.352154,0.094180,-0.673936,
+ -0.287334,-0.241218,-0.926959,1.352154,0.09418,-0.673936,
+ -0.287334,-0.241218,-0.926959,1.352154,0.09418,-0.673936,
- 0.061121,-0.115002,-0.991483,1.412872,0.126752,-0.686360,
- 0.103365,-0.143519,-0.984235,1.377249,0.226965,-0.702430,
+ 0.061121,-0.115002,-0.991483,1.412872,0.126752,-0.68636,
+ 0.103365,-0.143519,-0.984235,1.377249,0.226965,-0.70243,
- 0.061121,-0.115002,-0.991483,1.412872,0.126752,-0.686360,
+ 0.061121,-0.115002,-0.991483,1.412872,0.126752,-0.68636,
- -0.287334,-0.241218,-0.926959,1.352154,0.094180,-0.673936,
- 0.103365,-0.143519,-0.984235,1.377249,0.226965,-0.702430,
- 0.144715,-0.166180,-0.975419,1.343629,0.308278,-0.719340,
- -0.172340,-0.336344,-0.925836,1.279939,0.251630,-0.704717,
- -0.172340,-0.336344,-0.925836,1.279939,0.251630,-0.704717,
+ -0.287334,-0.241218,-0.926959,1.352154,0.09418,-0.673936,
+ 0.103365,-0.143519,-0.984235,1.377249,0.226965,-0.70243,
+ 0.144715,-0.16618,-0.975419,1.343629,0.308278,-0.71934,
+ -0.17234,-0.336344,-0.925836,1.279939,0.25163,-0.704717,
+ -0.17234,-0.336344,-0.925836,1.279939,0.25163,-0.704717,
- 0.103365,-0.143519,-0.984235,1.377249,0.226965,-0.702430,
- -0.686016,-0.251158,-0.682863,1.334220,-0.022771,-0.627772,
- -0.714150,-0.110296,-0.691249,1.356947,-0.122198,-0.624049,
+ 0.103365,-0.143519,-0.984235,1.377249,0.226965,-0.70243,
+ -0.686016,-0.251158,-0.682863,1.33422,-0.022771,-0.627772,
+ -0.71415,-0.110296,-0.691249,1.356947,-0.122198,-0.624049,
- -0.686016,-0.251158,-0.682863,1.334220,-0.022771,-0.627772,
+ -0.686016,-0.251158,-0.682863,1.33422,-0.022771,-0.627772,
- 0.024003,-0.070986,-0.997189,1.446248,0.014320,-0.674234,
+ 0.024003,-0.070986,-0.997189,1.446248,0.01432,-0.674234,
- 0.024003,-0.070986,-0.997189,1.446248,0.014320,-0.674234,
- 0.061121,-0.115002,-0.991483,1.412872,0.126752,-0.686360,
- -0.287334,-0.241218,-0.926959,1.352154,0.094180,-0.673936,
- -0.287334,-0.241218,-0.926959,1.352154,0.094180,-0.673936,
+ 0.024003,-0.070986,-0.997189,1.446248,0.01432,-0.674234,
+ 0.061121,-0.115002,-0.991483,1.412872,0.126752,-0.68636,
+ -0.287334,-0.241218,-0.926959,1.352154,0.09418,-0.673936,
+ -0.287334,-0.241218,-0.926959,1.352154,0.09418,-0.673936,
- 0.024003,-0.070986,-0.997189,1.446248,0.014320,-0.674234,
+ 0.024003,-0.070986,-0.997189,1.446248,0.01432,-0.674234,
- -0.686016,-0.251158,-0.682863,1.334220,-0.022771,-0.627772,
+ -0.686016,-0.251158,-0.682863,1.33422,-0.022771,-0.627772,
- -0.287334,-0.241218,-0.926959,1.352154,0.094180,-0.673936,
- 0.683950,0.142900,-0.715397,1.589301,-0.085107,-0.624049,
+ -0.287334,-0.241218,-0.926959,1.352154,0.09418,-0.673936,
+ 0.68395,0.1429,-0.715397,1.589301,-0.085107,-0.624049,
- 0.683950,0.142900,-0.715397,1.589301,-0.085107,-0.624049,
+ 0.68395,0.1429,-0.715397,1.589301,-0.085107,-0.624049,
- 0.403594,0.012135,-0.914858,1.473590,0.159325,-0.673936,
- 0.403594,0.012135,-0.914858,1.473590,0.159325,-0.673936,
+ 0.403594,0.012135,-0.914858,1.47359,0.159325,-0.673936,
+ 0.403594,0.012135,-0.914858,1.47359,0.159325,-0.673936,
- 0.061121,-0.115002,-0.991483,1.412872,0.126752,-0.686360,
- 0.024003,-0.070986,-0.997189,1.446248,0.014320,-0.674234,
+ 0.061121,-0.115002,-0.991483,1.412872,0.126752,-0.68636,
+ 0.024003,-0.070986,-0.997189,1.446248,0.01432,-0.674234,
- 0.061121,-0.115002,-0.991483,1.412872,0.126752,-0.686360,
+ 0.061121,-0.115002,-0.991483,1.412872,0.126752,-0.68636,
- 0.403594,0.012135,-0.914858,1.473590,0.159325,-0.673936,
- 0.024003,-0.070986,-0.997189,1.446248,0.014320,-0.674234,
+ 0.403594,0.012135,-0.914858,1.47359,0.159325,-0.673936,
+ 0.024003,-0.070986,-0.997189,1.446248,0.01432,-0.674234,
- 0.024003,-0.070986,-0.997189,1.446248,0.014320,-0.674234,
- 0.744750,0.138417,-0.652831,1.490430,0.310049,-0.648448,
+ 0.024003,-0.070986,-0.997189,1.446248,0.01432,-0.674234,
+ 0.74475,0.138417,-0.652831,1.49043,0.310049,-0.648448,
- 0.453280,-0.007609,-0.891335,1.407319,0.364926,-0.704717,
- 0.453280,-0.007609,-0.891335,1.407319,0.364926,-0.704717,
+ 0.45328,-0.007609,-0.891335,1.407319,0.364926,-0.704717,
+ 0.45328,-0.007609,-0.891335,1.407319,0.364926,-0.704717,
- 0.744750,0.138417,-0.652831,1.490430,0.310049,-0.648448,
- 0.144715,-0.166180,-0.975419,1.343629,0.308278,-0.719340,
- 0.103365,-0.143519,-0.984235,1.377249,0.226965,-0.702430,
+ 0.74475,0.138417,-0.652831,1.49043,0.310049,-0.648448,
+ 0.144715,-0.16618,-0.975419,1.343629,0.308278,-0.71934,
+ 0.103365,-0.143519,-0.984235,1.377249,0.226965,-0.70243,
- 0.144715,-0.166180,-0.975419,1.343629,0.308278,-0.719340,
+ 0.144715,-0.16618,-0.975419,1.343629,0.308278,-0.71934,
- 0.453280,-0.007609,-0.891335,1.407319,0.364926,-0.704717,
- 0.103365,-0.143519,-0.984235,1.377249,0.226965,-0.702430,
- 0.061121,-0.115002,-0.991483,1.412872,0.126752,-0.686360,
- 0.403594,0.012135,-0.914858,1.473590,0.159325,-0.673936,
- 0.403594,0.012135,-0.914858,1.473590,0.159325,-0.673936,
+ 0.45328,-0.007609,-0.891335,1.407319,0.364926,-0.704717,
+ 0.103365,-0.143519,-0.984235,1.377249,0.226965,-0.70243,
+ 0.061121,-0.115002,-0.991483,1.412872,0.126752,-0.68636,
+ 0.403594,0.012135,-0.914858,1.47359,0.159325,-0.673936,
+ 0.403594,0.012135,-0.914858,1.47359,0.159325,-0.673936,
- 0.103365,-0.143519,-0.984235,1.377249,0.226965,-0.702430,
+ 0.103365,-0.143519,-0.984235,1.377249,0.226965,-0.70243,
- 0.744750,0.138417,-0.652831,1.490430,0.310049,-0.648448,
+ 0.74475,0.138417,-0.652831,1.49043,0.310049,-0.648448,
- 0.403594,0.012135,-0.914858,1.473590,0.159325,-0.673936,
+ 0.403594,0.012135,-0.914858,1.47359,0.159325,-0.673936,
- -0.172340,-0.336344,0.925836,1.279939,0.251630,-0.295283,
+ -0.17234,-0.336344,0.925836,1.279939,0.25163,-0.295283,
- -0.172340,-0.336344,0.925836,1.279939,0.251630,-0.295283,
- 0.144715,-0.166180,0.975419,1.343629,0.308278,-0.280660,
- 0.103365,-0.143519,0.984235,1.377249,0.226965,-0.297570,
- 0.103365,-0.143519,0.984235,1.377249,0.226965,-0.297570,
+ -0.17234,-0.336344,0.925836,1.279939,0.25163,-0.295283,
+ 0.144715,-0.16618,0.975419,1.343629,0.308278,-0.28066,
+ 0.103365,-0.143519,0.984235,1.377249,0.226965,-0.29757,
+ 0.103365,-0.143519,0.984235,1.377249,0.226965,-0.29757,
- -0.172340,-0.336344,0.925836,1.279939,0.251630,-0.295283,
- 0.061121,-0.115002,0.991483,1.412872,0.126752,-0.313640,
- -0.287334,-0.241218,0.926959,1.352154,0.094180,-0.326064,
+ -0.17234,-0.336344,0.925836,1.279939,0.25163,-0.295283,
+ 0.061121,-0.115002,0.991483,1.412872,0.126752,-0.31364,
+ -0.287334,-0.241218,0.926959,1.352154,0.09418,-0.326064,
- 0.061121,-0.115002,0.991483,1.412872,0.126752,-0.313640,
+ 0.061121,-0.115002,0.991483,1.412872,0.126752,-0.31364,
- 0.103365,-0.143519,0.984235,1.377249,0.226965,-0.297570,
- -0.287334,-0.241218,0.926959,1.352154,0.094180,-0.326064,
+ 0.103365,-0.143519,0.984235,1.377249,0.226965,-0.29757,
+ -0.287334,-0.241218,0.926959,1.352154,0.09418,-0.326064,
- -0.287334,-0.241218,0.926959,1.352154,0.094180,-0.326064,
- 0.453280,-0.007610,0.891335,1.407319,0.364926,-0.295283,
+ -0.287334,-0.241218,0.926959,1.352154,0.09418,-0.326064,
+ 0.45328,-0.00761,0.891335,1.407319,0.364926,-0.295283,
- 0.744750,0.138417,0.652831,1.490430,0.310049,-0.351552,
- 0.744750,0.138417,0.652831,1.490430,0.310049,-0.351552,
+ 0.74475,0.138417,0.652831,1.49043,0.310049,-0.351552,
+ 0.74475,0.138417,0.652831,1.49043,0.310049,-0.351552,
- 0.453280,-0.007610,0.891335,1.407319,0.364926,-0.295283,
+ 0.45328,-0.00761,0.891335,1.407319,0.364926,-0.295283,
- 0.403594,0.012135,0.914858,1.473590,0.159325,-0.326064,
+ 0.403594,0.012135,0.914858,1.47359,0.159325,-0.326064,
- 0.744750,0.138417,0.652831,1.490430,0.310049,-0.351552,
- 0.403594,0.012135,0.914858,1.473590,0.159325,-0.326064,
- 0.061121,-0.115002,0.991483,1.412872,0.126752,-0.313640,
- 0.103365,-0.143519,0.984235,1.377249,0.226965,-0.297570,
- 0.103365,-0.143519,0.984235,1.377249,0.226965,-0.297570,
+ 0.74475,0.138417,0.652831,1.49043,0.310049,-0.351552,
+ 0.403594,0.012135,0.914858,1.47359,0.159325,-0.326064,
+ 0.061121,-0.115002,0.991483,1.412872,0.126752,-0.31364,
+ 0.103365,-0.143519,0.984235,1.377249,0.226965,-0.29757,
+ 0.103365,-0.143519,0.984235,1.377249,0.226965,-0.29757,
- 0.403594,0.012135,0.914858,1.473590,0.159325,-0.326064,
- 0.144715,-0.166180,0.975419,1.343629,0.308278,-0.280660,
- 0.453280,-0.007610,0.891335,1.407319,0.364926,-0.295283,
+ 0.403594,0.012135,0.914858,1.47359,0.159325,-0.326064,
+ 0.144715,-0.16618,0.975419,1.343629,0.308278,-0.28066,
+ 0.45328,-0.00761,0.891335,1.407319,0.364926,-0.295283,
- 0.144715,-0.166180,0.975419,1.343629,0.308278,-0.280660,
+ 0.144715,-0.16618,0.975419,1.343629,0.308278,-0.28066,
- 0.103365,-0.143519,0.984235,1.377249,0.226965,-0.297570,
- 0.683950,0.142900,0.715397,1.589301,-0.085107,-0.375951,
+ 0.103365,-0.143519,0.984235,1.377249,0.226965,-0.29757,
+ 0.68395,0.1429,0.715397,1.589301,-0.085107,-0.375951,
- 0.683950,0.142900,0.715397,1.589301,-0.085107,-0.375951,
+ 0.68395,0.1429,0.715397,1.589301,-0.085107,-0.375951,
- 0.024003,-0.070986,0.997189,1.446248,0.014320,-0.325766,
- 0.024003,-0.070986,0.997189,1.446248,0.014320,-0.325766,
+ 0.024003,-0.070986,0.997189,1.446248,0.01432,-0.325766,
+ 0.024003,-0.070986,0.997189,1.446248,0.01432,-0.325766,
- 0.061121,-0.115002,0.991483,1.412872,0.126752,-0.313640,
- 0.403594,0.012135,0.914858,1.473590,0.159325,-0.326064,
+ 0.061121,-0.115002,0.991483,1.412872,0.126752,-0.31364,
+ 0.403594,0.012135,0.914858,1.47359,0.159325,-0.326064,
- 0.061121,-0.115002,0.991483,1.412872,0.126752,-0.313640,
+ 0.061121,-0.115002,0.991483,1.412872,0.126752,-0.31364,
- 0.024003,-0.070986,0.997189,1.446248,0.014320,-0.325766,
- 0.403594,0.012135,0.914858,1.473590,0.159325,-0.326064,
+ 0.024003,-0.070986,0.997189,1.446248,0.01432,-0.325766,
+ 0.403594,0.012135,0.914858,1.47359,0.159325,-0.326064,
- 0.403594,0.012135,0.914858,1.473590,0.159325,-0.326064,
+ 0.403594,0.012135,0.914858,1.47359,0.159325,-0.326064,
- -0.686016,-0.251158,0.682863,1.334220,-0.022771,-0.372228,
- -0.686016,-0.251158,0.682863,1.334220,-0.022771,-0.372228,
+ -0.686016,-0.251158,0.682863,1.33422,-0.022771,-0.372228,
+ -0.686016,-0.251158,0.682863,1.33422,-0.022771,-0.372228,
- -0.287334,-0.241218,0.926959,1.352154,0.094180,-0.326064,
+ -0.287334,-0.241218,0.926959,1.352154,0.09418,-0.326064,
- -0.686016,-0.251158,0.682863,1.334220,-0.022771,-0.372228,
- -0.287334,-0.241218,0.926959,1.352154,0.094180,-0.326064,
- 0.061121,-0.115002,0.991483,1.412872,0.126752,-0.313640,
- 0.024003,-0.070986,0.997189,1.446248,0.014320,-0.325766,
- 0.024003,-0.070986,0.997189,1.446248,0.014320,-0.325766,
+ -0.686016,-0.251158,0.682863,1.33422,-0.022771,-0.372228,
+ -0.287334,-0.241218,0.926959,1.352154,0.09418,-0.326064,
+ 0.061121,-0.115002,0.991483,1.412872,0.126752,-0.31364,
+ 0.024003,-0.070986,0.997189,1.446248,0.01432,-0.325766,
+ 0.024003,-0.070986,0.997189,1.446248,0.01432,-0.325766,
- -0.287334,-0.241218,0.926959,1.352154,0.094180,-0.326064,
+ -0.287334,-0.241218,0.926959,1.352154,0.09418,-0.326064,
- 0.024003,-0.070986,0.997189,1.446248,0.014320,-0.325766,
+ 0.024003,-0.070986,0.997189,1.446248,0.01432,-0.325766,
- -0.788495,-0.519776,-0.328798,1.233200,0.121222,-0.580972,
+ -0.788495,-0.519776,-0.328798,1.2332,0.121222,-0.580972,
- -0.784292,-0.620391,0.000000,1.184403,0.166658,-0.500000,
- -0.853449,-0.521176,0.000000,1.222911,0.113669,-0.500000,
- -0.788495,-0.519776,-0.328798,1.233200,0.121222,-0.580972,
- -0.784292,-0.620391,0.000000,1.184403,0.166658,-0.500000,
- -0.788495,-0.519776,-0.328798,1.233200,0.121222,-0.580972,
+ -0.784292,-0.620391,0,1.184403,0.166658,-0.5,
+ -0.853449,-0.521176,0,1.222911,0.113669,-0.5,
+ -0.788495,-0.519776,-0.328798,1.2332,0.121222,-0.580972,
+ -0.784292,-0.620391,0,1.184403,0.166658,-0.5,
+ -0.788495,-0.519776,-0.328798,1.2332,0.121222,-0.580972,
- -0.853449,-0.521176,0.000000,1.222911,0.113669,-0.500000,
- -0.912287,-0.409552,0.000000,1.261078,0.045321,-0.500000,
- -0.849326,-0.416862,-0.323838,1.271198,0.050750,-0.574544,
- -0.849326,-0.416862,-0.323838,1.271198,0.050750,-0.574544,
- -0.788495,-0.519776,-0.328798,1.233200,0.121222,-0.580972,
- -0.853449,-0.521176,0.000000,1.222911,0.113669,-0.500000,
+ -0.853449,-0.521176,0,1.222911,0.113669,-0.5,
+ -0.912287,-0.409552,0,1.261078,0.045321,-0.5,
+ -0.849326,-0.416862,-0.323838,1.271198,0.05075,-0.574544,
+ -0.849326,-0.416862,-0.323838,1.271198,0.05075,-0.574544,
+ -0.788495,-0.519776,-0.328798,1.2332,0.121222,-0.580972,
+ -0.853449,-0.521176,0,1.222911,0.113669,-0.5,
- -0.788495,-0.519776,-0.328798,1.233200,0.121222,-0.580972,
+ -0.788495,-0.519776,-0.328798,1.2332,0.121222,-0.580972,
- -0.788495,-0.519776,-0.328798,1.233200,0.121222,-0.580972,
- -0.849326,-0.416862,-0.323838,1.271198,0.050750,-0.574544,
+ -0.788495,-0.519776,-0.328798,1.2332,0.121222,-0.580972,
+ -0.849326,-0.416862,-0.323838,1.271198,0.05075,-0.574544,
- -0.788495,-0.519776,0.328798,1.233200,0.121222,-0.419028,
+ -0.788495,-0.519776,0.328798,1.2332,0.121222,-0.419028,
- -0.849326,-0.416862,0.323838,1.271198,0.050750,-0.425456,
- -0.788495,-0.519776,0.328798,1.233200,0.121222,-0.419028,
+ -0.849326,-0.416862,0.323838,1.271198,0.05075,-0.425456,
+ -0.788495,-0.519776,0.328798,1.2332,0.121222,-0.419028,
- -0.788495,-0.519776,0.328798,1.233200,0.121222,-0.419028,
+ -0.788495,-0.519776,0.328798,1.2332,0.121222,-0.419028,
- -0.849326,-0.416862,0.323838,1.271198,0.050750,-0.425456,
- -0.912287,-0.409552,0.000000,1.261078,0.045321,-0.500000,
- -0.853449,-0.521176,0.000000,1.222911,0.113669,-0.500000,
- -0.853449,-0.521176,0.000000,1.222911,0.113669,-0.500000,
- -0.788495,-0.519776,0.328798,1.233200,0.121222,-0.419028,
- -0.849326,-0.416862,0.323838,1.271198,0.050750,-0.425456,
- -0.784292,-0.620391,0.000000,1.184403,0.166658,-0.500000,
+ -0.849326,-0.416862,0.323838,1.271198,0.05075,-0.425456,
+ -0.912287,-0.409552,0,1.261078,0.045321,-0.5,
+ -0.853449,-0.521176,0,1.222911,0.113669,-0.5,
+ -0.853449,-0.521176,0,1.222911,0.113669,-0.5,
+ -0.788495,-0.519776,0.328798,1.2332,0.121222,-0.419028,
+ -0.849326,-0.416862,0.323838,1.271198,0.05075,-0.425456,
+ -0.784292,-0.620391,0,1.184403,0.166658,-0.5,
- -0.788495,-0.519776,0.328798,1.233200,0.121222,-0.419028,
- -0.784292,-0.620391,0.000000,1.184403,0.166658,-0.500000,
- -0.788495,-0.519776,0.328798,1.233200,0.121222,-0.419028,
- -0.853449,-0.521176,0.000000,1.222911,0.113669,-0.500000,
+ -0.788495,-0.519776,0.328798,1.2332,0.121222,-0.419028,
+ -0.784292,-0.620391,0,1.184403,0.166658,-0.5,
+ -0.788495,-0.519776,0.328798,1.2332,0.121222,-0.419028,
+ -0.853449,-0.521176,0,1.222911,0.113669,-0.5,
- -0.686016,-0.251158,0.682863,1.334220,-0.022771,-0.372228,
+ -0.686016,-0.251158,0.682863,1.33422,-0.022771,-0.372228,
- -0.994338,-0.106266,0.000000,1.314701,-0.128942,-0.500000,
- -0.961859,-0.273547,0.000000,1.293483,-0.036258,-0.500000,
- -0.961859,-0.273547,0.000000,1.293483,-0.036258,-0.500000,
+ -0.994338,-0.106266,0,1.314701,-0.128942,-0.5,
+ -0.961859,-0.273547,0,1.293483,-0.036258,-0.5,
+ -0.961859,-0.273547,0,1.293483,-0.036258,-0.5,
- -0.912287,-0.409552,0.000000,1.261078,0.045321,-0.500000,
- -0.849326,-0.416862,0.323838,1.271198,0.050750,-0.425456,
+ -0.912287,-0.409552,0,1.261078,0.045321,-0.5,
+ -0.849326,-0.416862,0.323838,1.271198,0.05075,-0.425456,
- -0.912287,-0.409552,0.000000,1.261078,0.045321,-0.500000,
+ -0.912287,-0.409552,0,1.261078,0.045321,-0.5,
- -0.961859,-0.273547,0.000000,1.293483,-0.036258,-0.500000,
- -0.849326,-0.416862,0.323838,1.271198,0.050750,-0.425456,
+ -0.961859,-0.273547,0,1.293483,-0.036258,-0.5,
+ -0.849326,-0.416862,0.323838,1.271198,0.05075,-0.425456,
- -0.686016,-0.251158,0.682863,1.334220,-0.022771,-0.372228,
- -0.686016,-0.251158,0.682863,1.334220,-0.022771,-0.372228,
+ -0.686016,-0.251158,0.682863,1.33422,-0.022771,-0.372228,
+ -0.686016,-0.251158,0.682863,1.33422,-0.022771,-0.372228,
- -0.849326,-0.416862,0.323838,1.271198,0.050750,-0.425456,
- -0.714150,-0.110296,-0.691249,1.356947,-0.122198,-0.624049,
- -0.686016,-0.251158,-0.682863,1.334220,-0.022771,-0.627772,
+ -0.849326,-0.416862,0.323838,1.271198,0.05075,-0.425456,
+ -0.71415,-0.110296,-0.691249,1.356947,-0.122198,-0.624049,
+ -0.686016,-0.251158,-0.682863,1.33422,-0.022771,-0.627772,
- -0.714150,-0.110296,-0.691249,1.356947,-0.122198,-0.624049,
+ -0.71415,-0.110296,-0.691249,1.356947,-0.122198,-0.624049,
- -0.686016,-0.251158,-0.682863,1.334220,-0.022771,-0.627772,
+ -0.686016,-0.251158,-0.682863,1.33422,-0.022771,-0.627772,
- -0.849326,-0.416862,-0.323838,1.271198,0.050750,-0.574544,
- -0.849326,-0.416862,-0.323838,1.271198,0.050750,-0.574544,
+ -0.849326,-0.416862,-0.323838,1.271198,0.05075,-0.574544,
+ -0.849326,-0.416862,-0.323838,1.271198,0.05075,-0.574544,
- -0.686016,-0.251158,-0.682863,1.334220,-0.022771,-0.627772,
- -0.912287,-0.409552,0.000000,1.261078,0.045321,-0.500000,
- -0.961859,-0.273547,0.000000,1.293483,-0.036258,-0.500000,
+ -0.686016,-0.251158,-0.682863,1.33422,-0.022771,-0.627772,
+ -0.912287,-0.409552,0,1.261078,0.045321,-0.5,
+ -0.961859,-0.273547,0,1.293483,-0.036258,-0.5,
- -0.912287,-0.409552,0.000000,1.261078,0.045321,-0.500000,
+ -0.912287,-0.409552,0,1.261078,0.045321,-0.5,
- -0.849326,-0.416862,-0.323838,1.271198,0.050750,-0.574544,
- -0.961859,-0.273547,0.000000,1.293483,-0.036258,-0.500000,
- -0.994338,-0.106266,0.000000,1.314701,-0.128942,-0.500000,
+ -0.849326,-0.416862,-0.323838,1.271198,0.05075,-0.574544,
+ -0.961859,-0.273547,0,1.293483,-0.036258,-0.5,
+ -0.994338,-0.106266,0,1.314701,-0.128942,-0.5,
- -0.961859,-0.273547,0.000000,1.293483,-0.036258,-0.500000,
+ -0.961859,-0.273547,0,1.293483,-0.036258,-0.5,
- -0.336776,0.225597,-0.914160,1.412264,-0.510672,-0.704717,
- -0.336776,0.225597,-0.914160,1.412264,-0.510672,-0.704717,
+ -0.336776,0.225597,-0.91416,1.412264,-0.510672,-0.704717,
+ -0.336776,0.225597,-0.91416,1.412264,-0.510672,-0.704717,
- 0.000000,0.216323,-0.976322,1.500000,-0.510672,-0.719340,
- -0.000776,0.175432,-0.984491,1.500000,-0.429344,-0.702430,
+ 0,0.216323,-0.976322,1.5,-0.510672,-0.71934,
+ -0.000776,0.175432,-0.984491,1.5,-0.429344,-0.70243,
- 0.000000,0.216323,-0.976322,1.500000,-0.510672,-0.719340,
+ 0,0.216323,-0.976322,1.5,-0.510672,-0.71934,
- -0.336776,0.225597,-0.914160,1.412264,-0.510672,-0.704717,
- -0.000776,0.175432,-0.984491,1.500000,-0.429344,-0.702430,
- -0.003469,0.126882,-0.991912,1.497312,-0.330832,-0.686360,
+ -0.336776,0.225597,-0.91416,1.412264,-0.510672,-0.704717,
+ -0.000776,0.175432,-0.984491,1.5,-0.429344,-0.70243,
+ -0.003469,0.126882,-0.991912,1.497312,-0.330832,-0.68636,
- -0.000776,0.175432,-0.984491,1.500000,-0.429344,-0.702430,
+ -0.000776,0.175432,-0.984491,1.5,-0.429344,-0.70243,
- 0.336776,0.225597,-0.914160,1.587736,-0.510672,-0.704717,
+ 0.336776,0.225597,-0.91416,1.587736,-0.510672,-0.704717,
- 0.339336,0.190036,-0.921270,1.580972,-0.429344,-0.688934,
- 0.336776,0.225597,-0.914160,1.587736,-0.510672,-0.704717,
- 0.695529,0.181420,-0.695217,1.633189,-0.328978,-0.636664,
+ 0.339336,0.190036,-0.92127,1.580972,-0.429344,-0.688934,
+ 0.336776,0.225597,-0.91416,1.587736,-0.510672,-0.704717,
+ 0.695529,0.18142,-0.695217,1.633189,-0.328978,-0.636664,
- 0.339336,0.190036,-0.921270,1.580972,-0.429344,-0.688934,
- 0.695529,0.181420,-0.695217,1.633189,-0.328978,-0.636664,
- 0.339336,0.190036,-0.921270,1.580972,-0.429344,-0.688934,
+ 0.339336,0.190036,-0.92127,1.580972,-0.429344,-0.688934,
+ 0.695529,0.18142,-0.695217,1.633189,-0.328978,-0.636664,
+ 0.339336,0.190036,-0.92127,1.580972,-0.429344,-0.688934,
- -0.003469,0.126882,-0.991912,1.497312,-0.330832,-0.686360,
- -0.000776,0.175432,-0.984491,1.500000,-0.429344,-0.702430,
- -0.000776,0.175432,-0.984491,1.500000,-0.429344,-0.702430,
- 0.339336,0.190036,-0.921270,1.580972,-0.429344,-0.688934,
+ -0.003469,0.126882,-0.991912,1.497312,-0.330832,-0.68636,
+ -0.000776,0.175432,-0.984491,1.5,-0.429344,-0.70243,
+ -0.000776,0.175432,-0.984491,1.5,-0.429344,-0.70243,
+ 0.339336,0.190036,-0.92127,1.580972,-0.429344,-0.688934,
- 0.000000,0.216323,-0.976322,1.500000,-0.510672,-0.719340,
- 0.336776,0.225597,-0.914160,1.587736,-0.510672,-0.704717,
- 0.339336,0.190036,-0.921270,1.580972,-0.429344,-0.688934,
- 0.000000,0.216323,-0.976322,1.500000,-0.510672,-0.719340,
- 0.339336,0.190036,-0.921270,1.580972,-0.429344,-0.688934,
- -0.000776,0.175432,-0.984491,1.500000,-0.429344,-0.702430,
- 0.683950,0.142900,-0.715397,1.589301,-0.085107,-0.624049,
+ 0,0.216323,-0.976322,1.5,-0.510672,-0.71934,
+ 0.336776,0.225597,-0.91416,1.587736,-0.510672,-0.704717,
+ 0.339336,0.190036,-0.92127,1.580972,-0.429344,-0.688934,
+ 0,0.216323,-0.976322,1.5,-0.510672,-0.71934,
+ 0.339336,0.190036,-0.92127,1.580972,-0.429344,-0.688934,
+ -0.000776,0.175432,-0.984491,1.5,-0.429344,-0.70243,
+ 0.68395,0.1429,-0.715397,1.589301,-0.085107,-0.624049,
- 0.345572,0.118142,-0.930926,1.557226,-0.216440,-0.662619,
- 0.683950,0.142900,-0.715397,1.589301,-0.085107,-0.624049,
- 0.345572,0.118142,-0.930926,1.557226,-0.216440,-0.662619,
+ 0.345572,0.118142,-0.930926,1.557226,-0.21644,-0.662619,
+ 0.68395,0.1429,-0.715397,1.589301,-0.085107,-0.624049,
+ 0.345572,0.118142,-0.930926,1.557226,-0.21644,-0.662619,
- -0.005360,0.065692,-0.997826,1.489249,-0.220486,-0.674234,
- -0.005360,0.065692,-0.997826,1.489249,-0.220486,-0.674234,
- 0.345572,0.118142,-0.930926,1.557226,-0.216440,-0.662619,
+ -0.00536,0.065692,-0.997826,1.489249,-0.220486,-0.674234,
+ -0.00536,0.065692,-0.997826,1.489249,-0.220486,-0.674234,
+ 0.345572,0.118142,-0.930926,1.557226,-0.21644,-0.662619,
- -0.003469,0.126882,-0.991912,1.497312,-0.330832,-0.686360,
+ -0.003469,0.126882,-0.991912,1.497312,-0.330832,-0.68636,
- 0.345572,0.118142,-0.930926,1.557226,-0.216440,-0.662619,
- -0.003469,0.126882,-0.991912,1.497312,-0.330832,-0.686360,
- 0.345572,0.118142,-0.930926,1.557226,-0.216440,-0.662619,
- -0.005360,0.065692,-0.997826,1.489249,-0.220486,-0.674234,
+ 0.345572,0.118142,-0.930926,1.557226,-0.21644,-0.662619,
+ -0.003469,0.126882,-0.991912,1.497312,-0.330832,-0.68636,
+ 0.345572,0.118142,-0.930926,1.557226,-0.21644,-0.662619,
+ -0.00536,0.065692,-0.997826,1.489249,-0.220486,-0.674234,
- 0.695529,0.181420,-0.695217,1.633189,-0.328978,-0.636664,
+ 0.695529,0.18142,-0.695217,1.633189,-0.328978,-0.636664,
- 0.345572,0.118142,-0.930926,1.557226,-0.216440,-0.662619,
+ 0.345572,0.118142,-0.930926,1.557226,-0.21644,-0.662619,
- -0.714150,-0.110296,-0.691249,1.356947,-0.122198,-0.624049,
- -0.739331,0.033050,-0.672531,1.364627,-0.227904,-0.627772,
+ -0.71415,-0.110296,-0.691249,1.356947,-0.122198,-0.624049,
+ -0.739331,0.03305,-0.672531,1.364627,-0.227904,-0.627772,
- -0.714150,-0.110296,-0.691249,1.356947,-0.122198,-0.624049,
+ -0.71415,-0.110296,-0.691249,1.356947,-0.122198,-0.624049,
- -0.739331,0.033050,-0.672531,1.364627,-0.227904,-0.627772,
+ -0.739331,0.03305,-0.672531,1.364627,-0.227904,-0.627772,
- -0.739331,0.033050,-0.672531,1.364627,-0.227904,-0.627772,
- -0.003469,0.126882,-0.991912,1.497312,-0.330832,-0.686360,
- -0.005360,0.065692,-0.997826,1.489249,-0.220486,-0.674234,
+ -0.739331,0.03305,-0.672531,1.364627,-0.227904,-0.627772,
+ -0.003469,0.126882,-0.991912,1.497312,-0.330832,-0.68636,
+ -0.00536,0.065692,-0.997826,1.489249,-0.220486,-0.674234,
- -0.003469,0.126882,-0.991912,1.497312,-0.330832,-0.686360,
+ -0.003469,0.126882,-0.991912,1.497312,-0.330832,-0.68636,
- -0.005360,0.065692,-0.997826,1.489249,-0.220486,-0.674234,
+ -0.00536,0.065692,-0.997826,1.489249,-0.220486,-0.674234,
- -0.005360,0.065692,-0.997826,1.489249,-0.220486,-0.674234,
+ -0.00536,0.065692,-0.997826,1.489249,-0.220486,-0.674234,
- -0.995379,0.096022,-0.000000,1.312026,-0.333361,-0.500000,
- -0.985978,0.166878,0.000000,1.297570,-0.429344,-0.500000,
- -0.985978,0.166878,0.000000,1.297570,-0.429344,-0.500000,
+ -0.995379,0.096022,0,1.312026,-0.333361,-0.5,
+ -0.985978,0.166878,0,1.29757,-0.429344,-0.5,
+ -0.985978,0.166878,0,1.29757,-0.429344,-0.5,
- -0.976322,0.216322,0.000000,1.280660,-0.510672,-0.500000,
+ -0.976322,0.216322,0,1.28066,-0.510672,-0.5,
- -0.976322,0.216322,0.000000,1.280660,-0.510672,-0.500000,
+ -0.976322,0.216322,0,1.28066,-0.510672,-0.5,
- -0.985978,0.166878,0.000000,1.297570,-0.429344,-0.500000,
- -0.739331,0.033050,-0.672531,1.364627,-0.227904,-0.627772,
- -0.714150,-0.110296,-0.691249,1.356947,-0.122198,-0.624049,
+ -0.985978,0.166878,0,1.29757,-0.429344,-0.5,
+ -0.739331,0.03305,-0.672531,1.364627,-0.227904,-0.627772,
+ -0.71415,-0.110296,-0.691249,1.356947,-0.122198,-0.624049,
- -0.960211,0.014320,-0.278910,1.330638,-0.229927,-0.569694,
- -0.739331,0.033050,-0.672531,1.364627,-0.227904,-0.627772,
- -0.994338,-0.106266,0.000000,1.314701,-0.128942,-0.500000,
- -0.999919,0.012734,0.000000,1.319309,-0.230602,-0.500000,
- -0.960211,0.014320,-0.278910,1.330638,-0.229927,-0.569694,
- -0.994338,-0.106266,0.000000,1.314701,-0.128942,-0.500000,
- -0.960211,0.014320,-0.278910,1.330638,-0.229927,-0.569694,
+ -0.960211,0.01432,-0.27891,1.330638,-0.229927,-0.569694,
+ -0.739331,0.03305,-0.672531,1.364627,-0.227904,-0.627772,
+ -0.994338,-0.106266,0,1.314701,-0.128942,-0.5,
+ -0.999919,0.012734,0,1.319309,-0.230602,-0.5,
+ -0.960211,0.01432,-0.27891,1.330638,-0.229927,-0.569694,
+ -0.994338,-0.106266,0,1.314701,-0.128942,-0.5,
+ -0.960211,0.01432,-0.27891,1.330638,-0.229927,-0.569694,
- -0.995379,0.096022,-0.000000,1.312026,-0.333361,-0.500000,
+ -0.995379,0.096022,0,1.312026,-0.333361,-0.5,
- -0.960211,0.014320,-0.278910,1.330638,-0.229927,-0.569694,
- -0.995379,0.096022,-0.000000,1.312026,-0.333361,-0.500000,
- -0.960211,0.014320,-0.278910,1.330638,-0.229927,-0.569694,
- -0.999919,0.012734,0.000000,1.319309,-0.230602,-0.500000,
+ -0.960211,0.01432,-0.27891,1.330638,-0.229927,-0.569694,
+ -0.995379,0.096022,0,1.312026,-0.333361,-0.5,
+ -0.960211,0.01432,-0.27891,1.330638,-0.229927,-0.569694,
+ -0.999919,0.012734,0,1.319309,-0.230602,-0.5,
- -0.739331,0.033050,-0.672531,1.364627,-0.227904,-0.627772,
- -0.739331,0.033050,-0.672531,1.364627,-0.227904,-0.627772,
- -0.960211,0.014320,-0.278910,1.330638,-0.229927,-0.569694,
+ -0.739331,0.03305,-0.672531,1.364627,-0.227904,-0.627772,
+ -0.739331,0.03305,-0.672531,1.364627,-0.227904,-0.627772,
+ -0.960211,0.01432,-0.27891,1.330638,-0.229927,-0.569694,
- -0.739331,0.033050,0.672531,1.364627,-0.227904,-0.372228,
- -0.739331,0.033050,0.672531,1.364627,-0.227904,-0.372228,
- -0.960211,0.014320,0.278910,1.330638,-0.229927,-0.430306,
+ -0.739331,0.03305,0.672531,1.364627,-0.227904,-0.372228,
+ -0.739331,0.03305,0.672531,1.364627,-0.227904,-0.372228,
+ -0.960211,0.01432,0.27891,1.330638,-0.229927,-0.430306,
- -0.739331,0.033050,0.672531,1.364627,-0.227904,-0.372228,
+ -0.739331,0.03305,0.672531,1.364627,-0.227904,-0.372228,
- -0.960211,0.014320,0.278910,1.330638,-0.229927,-0.430306,
- -0.739331,0.033050,0.672531,1.364627,-0.227904,-0.372228,
- -0.995379,0.096022,-0.000000,1.312026,-0.333361,-0.500000,
- -0.999919,0.012734,0.000000,1.319309,-0.230602,-0.500000,
- -0.960211,0.014320,0.278910,1.330638,-0.229927,-0.430306,
- -0.995379,0.096022,-0.000000,1.312026,-0.333361,-0.500000,
- -0.960211,0.014320,0.278910,1.330638,-0.229927,-0.430306,
+ -0.960211,0.01432,0.27891,1.330638,-0.229927,-0.430306,
+ -0.739331,0.03305,0.672531,1.364627,-0.227904,-0.372228,
+ -0.995379,0.096022,0,1.312026,-0.333361,-0.5,
+ -0.999919,0.012734,0,1.319309,-0.230602,-0.5,
+ -0.960211,0.01432,0.27891,1.330638,-0.229927,-0.430306,
+ -0.995379,0.096022,0,1.312026,-0.333361,-0.5,
+ -0.960211,0.01432,0.27891,1.330638,-0.229927,-0.430306,
- -0.994338,-0.106266,0.000000,1.314701,-0.128942,-0.500000,
+ -0.994338,-0.106266,0,1.314701,-0.128942,-0.5,
- -0.960211,0.014320,0.278910,1.330638,-0.229927,-0.430306,
- -0.994338,-0.106266,0.000000,1.314701,-0.128942,-0.500000,
- -0.960211,0.014320,0.278910,1.330638,-0.229927,-0.430306,
- -0.999919,0.012734,0.000000,1.319309,-0.230602,-0.500000,
+ -0.960211,0.01432,0.27891,1.330638,-0.229927,-0.430306,
+ -0.994338,-0.106266,0,1.314701,-0.128942,-0.5,
+ -0.960211,0.01432,0.27891,1.330638,-0.229927,-0.430306,
+ -0.999919,0.012734,0,1.319309,-0.230602,-0.5,
- -0.686950,0.237061,0.686951,1.339151,-0.510672,-0.339151,
+ -0.68695,0.237061,0.686951,1.339151,-0.510672,-0.339151,
- -0.976322,0.216322,0.000000,1.280660,-0.510672,-0.500000,
- -0.985978,0.166878,0.000000,1.297570,-0.429344,-0.500000,
+ -0.976322,0.216322,0,1.28066,-0.510672,-0.5,
+ -0.985978,0.166878,0,1.29757,-0.429344,-0.5,
- -0.976322,0.216322,0.000000,1.280660,-0.510672,-0.500000,
+ -0.976322,0.216322,0,1.28066,-0.510672,-0.5,
- -0.985978,0.166878,0.000000,1.297570,-0.429344,-0.500000,
- -0.995379,0.096022,-0.000000,1.312026,-0.333361,-0.500000,
+ -0.985978,0.166878,0,1.29757,-0.429344,-0.5,
+ -0.995379,0.096022,0,1.312026,-0.333361,-0.5,
- -0.985978,0.166878,0.000000,1.297570,-0.429344,-0.500000,
+ -0.985978,0.166878,0,1.29757,-0.429344,-0.5,
- -0.686950,0.237061,0.686951,1.339151,-0.510672,-0.339151,
+ -0.68695,0.237061,0.686951,1.339151,-0.510672,-0.339151,
- -0.003469,0.126882,0.991912,1.497312,-0.330832,-0.313640,
- -0.000776,0.175432,0.984491,1.500000,-0.429344,-0.297570,
- -0.000776,0.175432,0.984491,1.500000,-0.429344,-0.297570,
+ -0.003469,0.126882,0.991912,1.497312,-0.330832,-0.31364,
+ -0.000776,0.175432,0.984491,1.5,-0.429344,-0.29757,
+ -0.000776,0.175432,0.984491,1.5,-0.429344,-0.29757,
- 0.000000,0.216323,0.976322,1.500000,-0.510672,-0.280660,
+ 0,0.216323,0.976322,1.5,-0.510672,-0.28066,
- 0.000000,0.216323,0.976322,1.500000,-0.510672,-0.280660,
+ 0,0.216323,0.976322,1.5,-0.510672,-0.28066,
- -0.000776,0.175432,0.984491,1.500000,-0.429344,-0.297570,
+ -0.000776,0.175432,0.984491,1.5,-0.429344,-0.29757,
- -0.739331,0.033050,0.672531,1.364627,-0.227904,-0.372228,
+ -0.739331,0.03305,0.672531,1.364627,-0.227904,-0.372228,
- -0.003469,0.126882,0.991912,1.497312,-0.330832,-0.313640,
+ -0.003469,0.126882,0.991912,1.497312,-0.330832,-0.31364,
- -0.003469,0.126882,0.991912,1.497312,-0.330832,-0.313640,
+ -0.003469,0.126882,0.991912,1.497312,-0.330832,-0.31364,
- -0.739331,0.033050,0.672531,1.364627,-0.227904,-0.372228,
- -0.739331,0.033050,0.672531,1.364627,-0.227904,-0.372228,
+ -0.739331,0.03305,0.672531,1.364627,-0.227904,-0.372228,
+ -0.739331,0.03305,0.672531,1.364627,-0.227904,-0.372228,
- 0.683950,0.142900,0.715397,1.589301,-0.085107,-0.375951,
+ 0.68395,0.1429,0.715397,1.589301,-0.085107,-0.375951,
- 0.345572,0.118142,0.930926,1.557226,-0.216440,-0.337381,
- 0.683950,0.142900,0.715397,1.589301,-0.085107,-0.375951,
- 0.345572,0.118142,0.930926,1.557226,-0.216440,-0.337381,
+ 0.345572,0.118142,0.930926,1.557226,-0.21644,-0.337381,
+ 0.68395,0.1429,0.715397,1.589301,-0.085107,-0.375951,
+ 0.345572,0.118142,0.930926,1.557226,-0.21644,-0.337381,
- 0.695529,0.181420,0.695217,1.633189,-0.328978,-0.363336,
+ 0.695529,0.18142,0.695217,1.633189,-0.328978,-0.363336,
- 0.345572,0.118142,0.930926,1.557226,-0.216440,-0.337381,
+ 0.345572,0.118142,0.930926,1.557226,-0.21644,-0.337381,
- -0.003469,0.126882,0.991912,1.497312,-0.330832,-0.313640,
+ -0.003469,0.126882,0.991912,1.497312,-0.330832,-0.31364,
- 0.345572,0.118142,0.930926,1.557226,-0.216440,-0.337381,
- -0.003469,0.126882,0.991912,1.497312,-0.330832,-0.313640,
- 0.345572,0.118142,0.930926,1.557226,-0.216440,-0.337381,
+ 0.345572,0.118142,0.930926,1.557226,-0.21644,-0.337381,
+ -0.003469,0.126882,0.991912,1.497312,-0.330832,-0.31364,
+ 0.345572,0.118142,0.930926,1.557226,-0.21644,-0.337381,
- 0.345572,0.118142,0.930926,1.557226,-0.216440,-0.337381,
+ 0.345572,0.118142,0.930926,1.557226,-0.21644,-0.337381,
- 0.686950,0.237061,0.686951,1.660849,-0.510672,-0.339151,
+ 0.68695,0.237061,0.686951,1.660849,-0.510672,-0.339151,
- 0.000000,0.216323,0.976322,1.500000,-0.510672,-0.280660,
- -0.000776,0.175432,0.984491,1.500000,-0.429344,-0.297570,
+ 0,0.216323,0.976322,1.5,-0.510672,-0.28066,
+ -0.000776,0.175432,0.984491,1.5,-0.429344,-0.29757,
- 0.000000,0.216323,0.976322,1.500000,-0.510672,-0.280660,
+ 0,0.216323,0.976322,1.5,-0.510672,-0.28066,
- -0.000776,0.175432,0.984491,1.500000,-0.429344,-0.297570,
- -0.003469,0.126882,0.991912,1.497312,-0.330832,-0.313640,
+ -0.000776,0.175432,0.984491,1.5,-0.429344,-0.29757,
+ -0.003469,0.126882,0.991912,1.497312,-0.330832,-0.31364,
- -0.000776,0.175432,0.984491,1.500000,-0.429344,-0.297570,
- 0.695529,0.181420,0.695217,1.633189,-0.328978,-0.363336,
+ -0.000776,0.175432,0.984491,1.5,-0.429344,-0.29757,
+ 0.695529,0.18142,0.695217,1.633189,-0.328978,-0.363336,
- 0.695529,0.181420,0.695217,1.633189,-0.328978,-0.363336,
+ 0.695529,0.18142,0.695217,1.633189,-0.328978,-0.363336,
- 0.686950,0.237061,0.686951,1.660849,-0.510672,-0.339151,
+ 0.68695,0.237061,0.686951,1.660849,-0.510672,-0.339151,
- 0.919751,0.198680,0.338503,1.688934,-0.429344,-0.419028,
+ 0.919751,0.19868,0.338503,1.688934,-0.429344,-0.419028,
- 0.695529,0.181420,0.695217,1.633189,-0.328978,-0.363336,
+ 0.695529,0.18142,0.695217,1.633189,-0.328978,-0.363336,
- 0.919751,0.198680,0.338503,1.688934,-0.429344,-0.419028,
- 0.695529,0.181420,0.695217,1.633189,-0.328978,-0.363336,
- 0.919751,0.198680,0.338503,1.688934,-0.429344,-0.419028,
+ 0.919751,0.19868,0.338503,1.688934,-0.429344,-0.419028,
+ 0.695529,0.18142,0.695217,1.633189,-0.328978,-0.363336,
+ 0.919751,0.19868,0.338503,1.688934,-0.429344,-0.419028,
- 0.981065,0.193680,-0.000000,1.682599,-0.328303,-0.500000,
- 0.980577,0.196136,0.000000,1.702430,-0.429344,-0.500000,
- 0.980577,0.196136,0.000000,1.702430,-0.429344,-0.500000,
- 0.919751,0.198680,0.338503,1.688934,-0.429344,-0.419028,
+ 0.981065,0.19368,0,1.682599,-0.328303,-0.5,
+ 0.980577,0.196136,0,1.70243,-0.429344,-0.5,
+ 0.980577,0.196136,0,1.70243,-0.429344,-0.5,
+ 0.919751,0.19868,0.338503,1.688934,-0.429344,-0.419028,
- 0.976322,0.216322,0.000000,1.719340,-0.510672,-0.500000,
+ 0.976322,0.216322,0,1.71934,-0.510672,-0.5,
- 0.919751,0.198680,0.338503,1.688934,-0.429344,-0.419028,
- 0.976322,0.216322,0.000000,1.719340,-0.510672,-0.500000,
- 0.919751,0.198680,0.338503,1.688934,-0.429344,-0.419028,
- 0.980577,0.196136,0.000000,1.702430,-0.429344,-0.500000,
- 0.683950,0.142900,0.715397,1.589301,-0.085107,-0.375951,
- 0.923419,0.197980,0.328787,1.620986,-0.080049,-0.432337,
+ 0.919751,0.19868,0.338503,1.688934,-0.429344,-0.419028,
+ 0.976322,0.216322,0,1.71934,-0.510672,-0.5,
+ 0.919751,0.19868,0.338503,1.688934,-0.429344,-0.419028,
+ 0.980577,0.196136,0,1.70243,-0.429344,-0.5,
+ 0.68395,0.1429,0.715397,1.589301,-0.085107,-0.375951,
+ 0.923419,0.19798,0.328787,1.620986,-0.080049,-0.432337,
- 0.683950,0.142900,0.715397,1.589301,-0.085107,-0.375951,
+ 0.68395,0.1429,0.715397,1.589301,-0.085107,-0.375951,
- 0.923419,0.197980,0.328787,1.620986,-0.080049,-0.432337,
- 0.976556,0.215262,0.000000,1.631547,-0.078363,-0.500000,
- 0.979589,0.201011,0.000000,1.659190,-0.210370,-0.500000,
- 0.979589,0.201011,0.000000,1.659190,-0.210370,-0.500000,
+ 0.923419,0.19798,0.328787,1.620986,-0.080049,-0.432337,
+ 0.976556,0.215262,0,1.631547,-0.078363,-0.5,
+ 0.979589,0.201011,0,1.65919,-0.21037,-0.5,
+ 0.979589,0.201011,0,1.65919,-0.21037,-0.5,
- 0.923419,0.197980,0.328787,1.620986,-0.080049,-0.432337,
- 0.981065,0.193680,-0.000000,1.682599,-0.328303,-0.500000,
+ 0.923419,0.19798,0.328787,1.620986,-0.080049,-0.432337,
+ 0.981065,0.19368,0,1.682599,-0.328303,-0.5,
- 0.981065,0.193680,-0.000000,1.682599,-0.328303,-0.500000,
+ 0.981065,0.19368,0,1.682599,-0.328303,-0.5,
- 0.979589,0.201011,0.000000,1.659190,-0.210370,-0.500000,
+ 0.979589,0.201011,0,1.65919,-0.21037,-0.5,
- 0.695529,0.181420,0.695217,1.633189,-0.328978,-0.363336,
+ 0.695529,0.18142,0.695217,1.633189,-0.328978,-0.363336,
- 0.683950,0.142900,-0.715397,1.589301,-0.085107,-0.624049,
+ 0.68395,0.1429,-0.715397,1.589301,-0.085107,-0.624049,
- 0.683950,0.142900,-0.715397,1.589301,-0.085107,-0.624049,
+ 0.68395,0.1429,-0.715397,1.589301,-0.085107,-0.624049,
- 0.923419,0.197980,-0.328787,1.620986,-0.080049,-0.567663,
+ 0.923419,0.19798,-0.328787,1.620986,-0.080049,-0.567663,
- 0.695529,0.181420,-0.695217,1.633189,-0.328978,-0.636664,
+ 0.695529,0.18142,-0.695217,1.633189,-0.328978,-0.636664,
- 0.981065,0.193680,-0.000000,1.682599,-0.328303,-0.500000,
- 0.979589,0.201011,0.000000,1.659190,-0.210370,-0.500000,
+ 0.981065,0.19368,0,1.682599,-0.328303,-0.5,
+ 0.979589,0.201011,0,1.65919,-0.21037,-0.5,
- 0.981065,0.193680,-0.000000,1.682599,-0.328303,-0.500000,
+ 0.981065,0.19368,0,1.682599,-0.328303,-0.5,
- 0.979589,0.201011,0.000000,1.659190,-0.210370,-0.500000,
- 0.976556,0.215262,0.000000,1.631547,-0.078363,-0.500000,
- 0.923419,0.197980,-0.328787,1.620986,-0.080049,-0.567663,
- 0.923419,0.197980,-0.328787,1.620986,-0.080049,-0.567663,
+ 0.979589,0.201011,0,1.65919,-0.21037,-0.5,
+ 0.976556,0.215262,0,1.631547,-0.078363,-0.5,
+ 0.923419,0.19798,-0.328787,1.620986,-0.080049,-0.567663,
+ 0.923419,0.19798,-0.328787,1.620986,-0.080049,-0.567663,
- 0.979589,0.201011,0.000000,1.659190,-0.210370,-0.500000,
+ 0.979589,0.201011,0,1.65919,-0.21037,-0.5,
- 0.919751,0.198680,-0.338503,1.688934,-0.429344,-0.580972,
+ 0.919751,0.19868,-0.338503,1.688934,-0.429344,-0.580972,
- 0.976322,0.216322,0.000000,1.719340,-0.510672,-0.500000,
- 0.980577,0.196136,0.000000,1.702430,-0.429344,-0.500000,
- 0.919751,0.198680,-0.338503,1.688934,-0.429344,-0.580972,
- 0.976322,0.216322,0.000000,1.719340,-0.510672,-0.500000,
- 0.919751,0.198680,-0.338503,1.688934,-0.429344,-0.580972,
+ 0.976322,0.216322,0,1.71934,-0.510672,-0.5,
+ 0.980577,0.196136,0,1.70243,-0.429344,-0.5,
+ 0.919751,0.19868,-0.338503,1.688934,-0.429344,-0.580972,
+ 0.976322,0.216322,0,1.71934,-0.510672,-0.5,
+ 0.919751,0.19868,-0.338503,1.688934,-0.429344,-0.580972,
- 0.980577,0.196136,0.000000,1.702430,-0.429344,-0.500000,
- 0.981065,0.193680,-0.000000,1.682599,-0.328303,-0.500000,
+ 0.980577,0.196136,0,1.70243,-0.429344,-0.5,
+ 0.981065,0.19368,0,1.682599,-0.328303,-0.5,
- 0.919751,0.198680,-0.338503,1.688934,-0.429344,-0.580972,
- 0.980577,0.196136,0.000000,1.702430,-0.429344,-0.500000,
- 0.695529,0.181420,-0.695217,1.633189,-0.328978,-0.636664,
+ 0.919751,0.19868,-0.338503,1.688934,-0.429344,-0.580972,
+ 0.980577,0.196136,0,1.70243,-0.429344,-0.5,
+ 0.695529,0.18142,-0.695217,1.633189,-0.328978,-0.636664,
- 0.919751,0.198680,-0.338503,1.688934,-0.429344,-0.580972,
- 0.695529,0.181420,-0.695217,1.633189,-0.328978,-0.636664,
- 0.919751,0.198680,-0.338503,1.688934,-0.429344,-0.580972,
+ 0.919751,0.19868,-0.338503,1.688934,-0.429344,-0.580972,
+ 0.695529,0.18142,-0.695217,1.633189,-0.328978,-0.636664,
+ 0.919751,0.19868,-0.338503,1.688934,-0.429344,-0.580972,
- 0.686950,0.237061,0.686951,1.660849,-0.510672,-0.339151,
+ 0.68695,0.237061,0.686951,1.660849,-0.510672,-0.339151,
- 0.686950,0.237061,0.686951,1.660849,-0.510672,-0.339151,
+ 0.68695,0.237061,0.686951,1.660849,-0.510672,-0.339151,
- 0.700149,0.139938,0.700149,1.671590,-0.569469,-0.328410,
+ 0.700149,0.139938,0.700149,1.67159,-0.569469,-0.32841,
- 0.976322,0.216322,0.000000,1.719340,-0.510672,-0.500000,
- 0.981432,0.191813,0.000000,1.733986,-0.569469,-0.500000,
- 0.981432,0.191813,0.000000,1.733986,-0.569469,-0.500000,
+ 0.976322,0.216322,0,1.71934,-0.510672,-0.5,
+ 0.981432,0.191813,0,1.733986,-0.569469,-0.5,
+ 0.981432,0.191813,0,1.733986,-0.569469,-0.5,
- 0.968451,-0.249205,-0.000000,1.737621,-0.609501,-0.500000,
+ 0.968451,-0.249205,0,1.737621,-0.609501,-0.5,
- 0.968451,-0.249205,-0.000000,1.737621,-0.609501,-0.500000,
+ 0.968451,-0.249205,0,1.737621,-0.609501,-0.5,
- 0.981432,0.191813,0.000000,1.733986,-0.569469,-0.500000,
+ 0.981432,0.191813,0,1.733986,-0.569469,-0.5,
- 0.700149,0.139938,0.700149,1.671590,-0.569469,-0.328410,
- 0.700149,0.139938,0.700149,1.671590,-0.569469,-0.328410,
+ 0.700149,0.139938,0.700149,1.67159,-0.569469,-0.32841,
+ 0.700149,0.139938,0.700149,1.67159,-0.569469,-0.32841,
- 0.700149,0.139938,-0.700149,1.671590,-0.569469,-0.671590,
+ 0.700149,0.139938,-0.700149,1.67159,-0.569469,-0.67159,
- 0.700149,0.139938,-0.700149,1.671590,-0.569469,-0.671590,
+ 0.700149,0.139938,-0.700149,1.67159,-0.569469,-0.67159,
- 0.700149,0.139938,-0.700149,1.671590,-0.569469,-0.671590,
- 0.968451,-0.249205,-0.000000,1.737621,-0.609501,-0.500000,
- 0.981432,0.191813,0.000000,1.733986,-0.569469,-0.500000,
+ 0.700149,0.139938,-0.700149,1.67159,-0.569469,-0.67159,
+ 0.968451,-0.249205,0,1.737621,-0.609501,-0.5,
+ 0.981432,0.191813,0,1.733986,-0.569469,-0.5,
- 0.968451,-0.249205,-0.000000,1.737621,-0.609501,-0.500000,
+ 0.968451,-0.249205,0,1.737621,-0.609501,-0.5,
- 0.981432,0.191813,0.000000,1.733986,-0.569469,-0.500000,
- 0.976322,0.216322,0.000000,1.719340,-0.510672,-0.500000,
+ 0.981432,0.191813,0,1.733986,-0.569469,-0.5,
+ 0.976322,0.216322,0,1.71934,-0.510672,-0.5,
- 0.981432,0.191813,0.000000,1.733986,-0.569469,-0.500000,
+ 0.981432,0.191813,0,1.733986,-0.569469,-0.5,
- 0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,1.664625,-0.646948,-0.582500,
- 0.529853,-0.826565,-0.189859,1.706000,-0.633319,-0.587500,
+ 0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,1.664625,-0.646948,-0.5825,
+ 0.529853,-0.826565,-0.189859,1.706,-0.633319,-0.5875,
- 0.529853,-0.826565,-0.189859,1.706000,-0.633319,-0.587500,
+ 0.529853,-0.826565,-0.189859,1.706,-0.633319,-0.5875,
- 0.244558,-0.969635,0.000000,1.677562,-0.649161,-0.500000,
- 0.611773,-0.791034,0.000000,1.721500,-0.634535,-0.500000,
- 0.529853,-0.826565,-0.189859,1.706000,-0.633319,-0.587500,
- 0.244558,-0.969635,0.000000,1.677562,-0.649161,-0.500000,
- 0.529853,-0.826565,-0.189859,1.706000,-0.633319,-0.587500,
- 0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,1.664625,-0.646948,-0.582500,
- 0.968451,-0.249205,-0.000000,1.737621,-0.609501,-0.500000,
+ 0.244558,-0.969635,0,1.677562,-0.649161,-0.5,
+ 0.611773,-0.791034,0,1.7215,-0.634535,-0.5,
+ 0.529853,-0.826565,-0.189859,1.706,-0.633319,-0.5875,
+ 0.244558,-0.969635,0,1.677562,-0.649161,-0.5,
+ 0.529853,-0.826565,-0.189859,1.706,-0.633319,-0.5875,
+ 0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,1.664625,-0.646948,-0.5825,
+ 0.968451,-0.249205,0,1.737621,-0.609501,-0.5,
- 0.529853,-0.826565,-0.189859,1.706000,-0.633319,-0.587500,
- 0.968451,-0.249205,-0.000000,1.737621,-0.609501,-0.500000,
- 0.529853,-0.826565,-0.189859,1.706000,-0.633319,-0.587500,
- 0.611773,-0.791034,0.000000,1.721500,-0.634535,-0.500000,
+ 0.529853,-0.826565,-0.189859,1.706,-0.633319,-0.5875,
+ 0.968451,-0.249205,0,1.737621,-0.609501,-0.5,
+ 0.529853,-0.826565,-0.189859,1.706,-0.633319,-0.5875,
+ 0.611773,-0.791034,0,1.7215,-0.634535,-0.5,
- 0.529853,-0.826565,-0.189859,1.706000,-0.633319,-0.587500,
+ 0.529853,-0.826565,-0.189859,1.706,-0.633319,-0.5875,
- 0.529853,-0.826565,0.189859,1.706000,-0.633319,-0.412500,
+ 0.529853,-0.826565,0.189859,1.706,-0.633319,-0.4125,
- 0.529853,-0.826565,0.189859,1.706000,-0.633319,-0.412500,
- 0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,1.664625,-0.646948,-0.417500,
+ 0.529853,-0.826565,0.189859,1.706,-0.633319,-0.4125,
+ 0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,1.664625,-0.646948,-0.4175,
- 0.529853,-0.826565,0.189859,1.706000,-0.633319,-0.412500,
+ 0.529853,-0.826565,0.189859,1.706,-0.633319,-0.4125,
- 0.968451,-0.249205,-0.000000,1.737621,-0.609501,-0.500000,
- 0.611773,-0.791034,0.000000,1.721500,-0.634535,-0.500000,
- 0.529853,-0.826565,0.189859,1.706000,-0.633319,-0.412500,
- 0.968451,-0.249205,-0.000000,1.737621,-0.609501,-0.500000,
- 0.529853,-0.826565,0.189859,1.706000,-0.633319,-0.412500,
+ 0.968451,-0.249205,0,1.737621,-0.609501,-0.5,
+ 0.611773,-0.791034,0,1.7215,-0.634535,-0.5,
+ 0.529853,-0.826565,0.189859,1.706,-0.633319,-0.4125,
+ 0.968451,-0.249205,0,1.737621,-0.609501,-0.5,
+ 0.529853,-0.826565,0.189859,1.706,-0.633319,-0.4125,
- 0.244558,-0.969635,0.000000,1.677562,-0.649161,-0.500000,
- 0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,1.664625,-0.646948,-0.417500,
- 0.529853,-0.826565,0.189859,1.706000,-0.633319,-0.412500,
- 0.244558,-0.969635,0.000000,1.677562,-0.649161,-0.500000,
- 0.529853,-0.826565,0.189859,1.706000,-0.633319,-0.412500,
- 0.611773,-0.791034,0.000000,1.721500,-0.634535,-0.500000,
+ 0.244558,-0.969635,0,1.677562,-0.649161,-0.5,
+ 0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,1.664625,-0.646948,-0.4175,
+ 0.529853,-0.826565,0.189859,1.706,-0.633319,-0.4125,
+ 0.244558,-0.969635,0,1.677562,-0.649161,-0.5,
+ 0.529853,-0.826565,0.189859,1.706,-0.633319,-0.4125,
+ 0.611773,-0.791034,0,1.7215,-0.634535,-0.5,
- 0.336776,0.225597,-0.914160,1.587736,-0.510672,-0.704717,
+ 0.336776,0.225597,-0.91416,1.587736,-0.510672,-0.704717,
- 0.700149,0.139938,-0.700149,1.671590,-0.569469,-0.671590,
- 0.336776,0.225597,-0.914160,1.587736,-0.510672,-0.704717,
- 0.000000,0.216323,-0.976322,1.500000,-0.510672,-0.719340,
- 0.000000,0.191813,-0.981432,1.500000,-0.569469,-0.733986,
- 0.000000,0.191813,-0.981432,1.500000,-0.569469,-0.733986,
+ 0.700149,0.139938,-0.700149,1.67159,-0.569469,-0.67159,
+ 0.336776,0.225597,-0.91416,1.587736,-0.510672,-0.704717,
+ 0,0.216323,-0.976322,1.5,-0.510672,-0.71934,
+ 0,0.191813,-0.981432,1.5,-0.569469,-0.733986,
+ 0,0.191813,-0.981432,1.5,-0.569469,-0.733986,
- 0.336776,0.225597,-0.914160,1.587736,-0.510672,-0.704717,
- 0.000000,-0.249205,-0.968451,1.500000,-0.609501,-0.737621,
+ 0.336776,0.225597,-0.91416,1.587736,-0.510672,-0.704717,
+ 0,-0.249205,-0.968451,1.5,-0.609501,-0.737621,
- 0.000000,-0.249205,-0.968451,1.500000,-0.609501,-0.737621,
+ 0,-0.249205,-0.968451,1.5,-0.609501,-0.737621,
- 0.000000,0.191813,-0.981432,1.500000,-0.569469,-0.733986,
+ 0,0.191813,-0.981432,1.5,-0.569469,-0.733986,
- 0.700149,0.139938,-0.700149,1.671590,-0.569469,-0.671590,
- 0.700149,0.139938,-0.700149,1.671590,-0.569469,-0.671590,
+ 0.700149,0.139938,-0.700149,1.67159,-0.569469,-0.67159,
+ 0.700149,0.139938,-0.700149,1.67159,-0.569469,-0.67159,
- -0.700149,0.139938,-0.700149,1.328410,-0.569469,-0.671590,
+ -0.700149,0.139938,-0.700149,1.32841,-0.569469,-0.67159,
- -0.336776,0.225597,-0.914160,1.412264,-0.510672,-0.704717,
- -0.700149,0.139938,-0.700149,1.328410,-0.569469,-0.671590,
+ -0.336776,0.225597,-0.91416,1.412264,-0.510672,-0.704717,
+ -0.700149,0.139938,-0.700149,1.32841,-0.569469,-0.67159,
- -0.700149,0.139938,-0.700149,1.328410,-0.569469,-0.671590,
- 0.000000,-0.249205,-0.968451,1.500000,-0.609501,-0.737621,
- 0.000000,0.191813,-0.981432,1.500000,-0.569469,-0.733986,
+ -0.700149,0.139938,-0.700149,1.32841,-0.569469,-0.67159,
+ 0,-0.249205,-0.968451,1.5,-0.609501,-0.737621,
+ 0,0.191813,-0.981432,1.5,-0.569469,-0.733986,
- 0.000000,-0.249205,-0.968451,1.500000,-0.609501,-0.737621,
+ 0,-0.249205,-0.968451,1.5,-0.609501,-0.737621,
- 0.000000,0.191813,-0.981432,1.500000,-0.569469,-0.733986,
- 0.000000,0.216323,-0.976322,1.500000,-0.510672,-0.719340,
- -0.336776,0.225597,-0.914160,1.412264,-0.510672,-0.704717,
- -0.336776,0.225597,-0.914160,1.412264,-0.510672,-0.704717,
+ 0,0.191813,-0.981432,1.5,-0.569469,-0.733986,
+ 0,0.216323,-0.976322,1.5,-0.510672,-0.71934,
+ -0.336776,0.225597,-0.91416,1.412264,-0.510672,-0.704717,
+ -0.336776,0.225597,-0.91416,1.412264,-0.510672,-0.704717,
- 0.000000,0.191813,-0.981432,1.500000,-0.569469,-0.733986,
+ 0,0.191813,-0.981432,1.5,-0.569469,-0.733986,
- -0.100277,-0.976969,-0.188350,1.417500,-0.646948,-0.664625,
- -0.189859,-0.826565,-0.529853,1.412500,-0.633319,-0.706000,
+ -0.100277,-0.976969,-0.18835,1.4175,-0.646948,-0.664625,
+ -0.189859,-0.826565,-0.529853,1.4125,-0.633319,-0.706,
- -0.189859,-0.826565,-0.529853,1.412500,-0.633319,-0.706000,
+ -0.189859,-0.826565,-0.529853,1.4125,-0.633319,-0.706,
- -0.000000,-0.969635,-0.244558,1.500000,-0.649161,-0.677562,
- 0.000000,-0.791034,-0.611773,1.500000,-0.634535,-0.721500,
- -0.189859,-0.826565,-0.529853,1.412500,-0.633319,-0.706000,
- -0.000000,-0.969635,-0.244558,1.500000,-0.649161,-0.677562,
- -0.189859,-0.826565,-0.529853,1.412500,-0.633319,-0.706000,
- -0.100277,-0.976969,-0.188350,1.417500,-0.646948,-0.664625,
- 0.000000,-0.249205,-0.968451,1.500000,-0.609501,-0.737621,
+ 0,-0.969635,-0.244558,1.5,-0.649161,-0.677562,
+ 0,-0.791034,-0.611773,1.5,-0.634535,-0.7215,
+ -0.189859,-0.826565,-0.529853,1.4125,-0.633319,-0.706,
+ 0,-0.969635,-0.244558,1.5,-0.649161,-0.677562,
+ -0.189859,-0.826565,-0.529853,1.4125,-0.633319,-0.706,
+ -0.100277,-0.976969,-0.18835,1.4175,-0.646948,-0.664625,
+ 0,-0.249205,-0.968451,1.5,-0.609501,-0.737621,
- -0.189859,-0.826565,-0.529853,1.412500,-0.633319,-0.706000,
- 0.000000,-0.249205,-0.968451,1.500000,-0.609501,-0.737621,
- -0.189859,-0.826565,-0.529853,1.412500,-0.633319,-0.706000,
- 0.000000,-0.791034,-0.611773,1.500000,-0.634535,-0.721500,
+ -0.189859,-0.826565,-0.529853,1.4125,-0.633319,-0.706,
+ 0,-0.249205,-0.968451,1.5,-0.609501,-0.737621,
+ -0.189859,-0.826565,-0.529853,1.4125,-0.633319,-0.706,
+ 0,-0.791034,-0.611773,1.5,-0.634535,-0.7215,
- -0.189859,-0.826565,-0.529853,1.412500,-0.633319,-0.706000,
+ -0.189859,-0.826565,-0.529853,1.4125,-0.633319,-0.706,
- 0.189859,-0.826565,-0.529853,1.587500,-0.633319,-0.706000,
+ 0.189859,-0.826565,-0.529853,1.5875,-0.633319,-0.706,
- 0.189859,-0.826565,-0.529853,1.587500,-0.633319,-0.706000,
- 0.100277,-0.976969,-0.188350,1.582500,-0.646948,-0.664625,
+ 0.189859,-0.826565,-0.529853,1.5875,-0.633319,-0.706,
+ 0.100277,-0.976969,-0.18835,1.5825,-0.646948,-0.664625,
- 0.189859,-0.826565,-0.529853,1.587500,-0.633319,-0.706000,
+ 0.189859,-0.826565,-0.529853,1.5875,-0.633319,-0.706,
- 0.000000,-0.249205,-0.968451,1.500000,-0.609501,-0.737621,
- 0.000000,-0.791034,-0.611773,1.500000,-0.634535,-0.721500,
- 0.189859,-0.826565,-0.529853,1.587500,-0.633319,-0.706000,
- 0.000000,-0.249205,-0.968451,1.500000,-0.609501,-0.737621,
- 0.189859,-0.826565,-0.529853,1.587500,-0.633319,-0.706000,
+ 0,-0.249205,-0.968451,1.5,-0.609501,-0.737621,
+ 0,-0.791034,-0.611773,1.5,-0.634535,-0.7215,
+ 0.189859,-0.826565,-0.529853,1.5875,-0.633319,-0.706,
+ 0,-0.249205,-0.968451,1.5,-0.609501,-0.737621,
+ 0.189859,-0.826565,-0.529853,1.5875,-0.633319,-0.706,
- -0.000000,-0.969635,-0.244558,1.500000,-0.649161,-0.677562,
- 0.100277,-0.976969,-0.188350,1.582500,-0.646948,-0.664625,
- 0.189859,-0.826565,-0.529853,1.587500,-0.633319,-0.706000,
- -0.000000,-0.969635,-0.244558,1.500000,-0.649161,-0.677562,
- 0.189859,-0.826565,-0.529853,1.587500,-0.633319,-0.706000,
- 0.000000,-0.791034,-0.611773,1.500000,-0.634535,-0.721500,
+ 0,-0.969635,-0.244558,1.5,-0.649161,-0.677562,
+ 0.100277,-0.976969,-0.18835,1.5825,-0.646948,-0.664625,
+ 0.189859,-0.826565,-0.529853,1.5875,-0.633319,-0.706,
+ 0,-0.969635,-0.244558,1.5,-0.649161,-0.677562,
+ 0.189859,-0.826565,-0.529853,1.5875,-0.633319,-0.706,
+ 0,-0.791034,-0.611773,1.5,-0.634535,-0.7215,
- -0.700149,0.139938,-0.700149,1.328410,-0.569469,-0.671590,
+ -0.700149,0.139938,-0.700149,1.32841,-0.569469,-0.67159,
- -0.976322,0.216322,0.000000,1.280660,-0.510672,-0.500000,
- -0.981432,0.191813,-0.000000,1.266014,-0.569469,-0.500000,
- -0.981432,0.191813,-0.000000,1.266014,-0.569469,-0.500000,
+ -0.976322,0.216322,0,1.28066,-0.510672,-0.5,
+ -0.981432,0.191813,0,1.266014,-0.569469,-0.5,
+ -0.981432,0.191813,0,1.266014,-0.569469,-0.5,
- -0.968451,-0.249205,0.000000,1.262379,-0.609501,-0.500000,
+ -0.968451,-0.249205,0,1.262379,-0.609501,-0.5,
- -0.968451,-0.249205,0.000000,1.262379,-0.609501,-0.500000,
+ -0.968451,-0.249205,0,1.262379,-0.609501,-0.5,
- -0.981432,0.191813,-0.000000,1.266014,-0.569469,-0.500000,
+ -0.981432,0.191813,0,1.266014,-0.569469,-0.5,
- -0.700149,0.139938,-0.700149,1.328410,-0.569469,-0.671590,
- -0.700149,0.139938,-0.700149,1.328410,-0.569469,-0.671590,
+ -0.700149,0.139938,-0.700149,1.32841,-0.569469,-0.67159,
+ -0.700149,0.139938,-0.700149,1.32841,-0.569469,-0.67159,
- -0.686950,0.237061,0.686951,1.339151,-0.510672,-0.339151,
- -0.700149,0.139938,0.700149,1.328410,-0.569469,-0.328410,
+ -0.68695,0.237061,0.686951,1.339151,-0.510672,-0.339151,
+ -0.700149,0.139938,0.700149,1.32841,-0.569469,-0.32841,
- -0.686950,0.237061,0.686951,1.339151,-0.510672,-0.339151,
+ -0.68695,0.237061,0.686951,1.339151,-0.510672,-0.339151,
- -0.700149,0.139938,0.700149,1.328410,-0.569469,-0.328410,
+ -0.700149,0.139938,0.700149,1.32841,-0.569469,-0.32841,
- -0.700149,0.139938,0.700149,1.328410,-0.569469,-0.328410,
- -0.968451,-0.249205,0.000000,1.262379,-0.609501,-0.500000,
- -0.981432,0.191813,-0.000000,1.266014,-0.569469,-0.500000,
+ -0.700149,0.139938,0.700149,1.32841,-0.569469,-0.32841,
+ -0.968451,-0.249205,0,1.262379,-0.609501,-0.5,
+ -0.981432,0.191813,0,1.266014,-0.569469,-0.5,
- -0.968451,-0.249205,0.000000,1.262379,-0.609501,-0.500000,
+ -0.968451,-0.249205,0,1.262379,-0.609501,-0.5,
- -0.981432,0.191813,-0.000000,1.266014,-0.569469,-0.500000,
- -0.976322,0.216322,0.000000,1.280660,-0.510672,-0.500000,
+ -0.981432,0.191813,0,1.266014,-0.569469,-0.5,
+ -0.976322,0.216322,0,1.28066,-0.510672,-0.5,
- -0.981432,0.191813,-0.000000,1.266014,-0.569469,-0.500000,
+ -0.981432,0.191813,0,1.266014,-0.569469,-0.5,
- -0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,1.335375,-0.646948,-0.417500,
- -0.529853,-0.826565,0.189859,1.294000,-0.633319,-0.412500,
+ -0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,1.335375,-0.646948,-0.4175,
+ -0.529853,-0.826565,0.189859,1.294,-0.633319,-0.4125,
- -0.529853,-0.826565,0.189859,1.294000,-0.633319,-0.412500,
+ -0.529853,-0.826565,0.189859,1.294,-0.633319,-0.4125,
- -0.244558,-0.969635,0.000000,1.322438,-0.649161,-0.500000,
- -0.611773,-0.791034,0.000000,1.278500,-0.634535,-0.500000,
- -0.529853,-0.826565,0.189859,1.294000,-0.633319,-0.412500,
- -0.244558,-0.969635,0.000000,1.322438,-0.649161,-0.500000,
- -0.529853,-0.826565,0.189859,1.294000,-0.633319,-0.412500,
- -0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,1.335375,-0.646948,-0.417500,
- -0.968451,-0.249205,0.000000,1.262379,-0.609501,-0.500000,
+ -0.244558,-0.969635,0,1.322438,-0.649161,-0.5,
+ -0.611773,-0.791034,0,1.2785,-0.634535,-0.5,
+ -0.529853,-0.826565,0.189859,1.294,-0.633319,-0.4125,
+ -0.244558,-0.969635,0,1.322438,-0.649161,-0.5,
+ -0.529853,-0.826565,0.189859,1.294,-0.633319,-0.4125,
+ -0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,1.335375,-0.646948,-0.4175,
+ -0.968451,-0.249205,0,1.262379,-0.609501,-0.5,
- -0.529853,-0.826565,0.189859,1.294000,-0.633319,-0.412500,
- -0.968451,-0.249205,0.000000,1.262379,-0.609501,-0.500000,
- -0.529853,-0.826565,0.189859,1.294000,-0.633319,-0.412500,
- -0.611773,-0.791034,0.000000,1.278500,-0.634535,-0.500000,
+ -0.529853,-0.826565,0.189859,1.294,-0.633319,-0.4125,
+ -0.968451,-0.249205,0,1.262379,-0.609501,-0.5,
+ -0.529853,-0.826565,0.189859,1.294,-0.633319,-0.4125,
+ -0.611773,-0.791034,0,1.2785,-0.634535,-0.5,
- -0.529853,-0.826565,0.189859,1.294000,-0.633319,-0.412500,
+ -0.529853,-0.826565,0.189859,1.294,-0.633319,-0.4125,
- -0.529853,-0.826565,-0.189859,1.294000,-0.633319,-0.587500,
+ -0.529853,-0.826565,-0.189859,1.294,-0.633319,-0.5875,
- -0.529853,-0.826565,-0.189859,1.294000,-0.633319,-0.587500,
- -0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,1.335375,-0.646948,-0.582500,
+ -0.529853,-0.826565,-0.189859,1.294,-0.633319,-0.5875,
+ -0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,1.335375,-0.646948,-0.5825,
- -0.529853,-0.826565,-0.189859,1.294000,-0.633319,-0.587500,
+ -0.529853,-0.826565,-0.189859,1.294,-0.633319,-0.5875,
- -0.968451,-0.249205,0.000000,1.262379,-0.609501,-0.500000,
- -0.611773,-0.791034,0.000000,1.278500,-0.634535,-0.500000,
- -0.529853,-0.826565,-0.189859,1.294000,-0.633319,-0.587500,
- -0.968451,-0.249205,0.000000,1.262379,-0.609501,-0.500000,
- -0.529853,-0.826565,-0.189859,1.294000,-0.633319,-0.587500,
+ -0.968451,-0.249205,0,1.262379,-0.609501,-0.5,
+ -0.611773,-0.791034,0,1.2785,-0.634535,-0.5,
+ -0.529853,-0.826565,-0.189859,1.294,-0.633319,-0.5875,
+ -0.968451,-0.249205,0,1.262379,-0.609501,-0.5,
+ -0.529853,-0.826565,-0.189859,1.294,-0.633319,-0.5875,
- -0.244558,-0.969635,0.000000,1.322438,-0.649161,-0.500000,
- -0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,1.335375,-0.646948,-0.582500,
- -0.529853,-0.826565,-0.189859,1.294000,-0.633319,-0.587500,
- -0.244558,-0.969635,0.000000,1.322438,-0.649161,-0.500000,
- -0.529853,-0.826565,-0.189859,1.294000,-0.633319,-0.587500,
- -0.611773,-0.791034,0.000000,1.278500,-0.634535,-0.500000,
- -0.686950,0.237061,0.686951,1.339151,-0.510672,-0.339151,
+ -0.244558,-0.969635,0,1.322438,-0.649161,-0.5,
+ -0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,1.335375,-0.646948,-0.5825,
+ -0.529853,-0.826565,-0.189859,1.294,-0.633319,-0.5875,
+ -0.244558,-0.969635,0,1.322438,-0.649161,-0.5,
+ -0.529853,-0.826565,-0.189859,1.294,-0.633319,-0.5875,
+ -0.611773,-0.791034,0,1.2785,-0.634535,-0.5,
+ -0.68695,0.237061,0.686951,1.339151,-0.510672,-0.339151,
- -0.686950,0.237061,0.686951,1.339151,-0.510672,-0.339151,
+ -0.68695,0.237061,0.686951,1.339151,-0.510672,-0.339151,
- -0.700149,0.139938,0.700149,1.328410,-0.569469,-0.328410,
+ -0.700149,0.139938,0.700149,1.32841,-0.569469,-0.32841,
- 0.000000,0.216323,0.976322,1.500000,-0.510672,-0.280660,
- -0.000000,0.191813,0.981432,1.500000,-0.569469,-0.266014,
- -0.000000,0.191813,0.981432,1.500000,-0.569469,-0.266014,
+ 0,0.216323,0.976322,1.5,-0.510672,-0.28066,
+ 0,0.191813,0.981432,1.5,-0.569469,-0.266014,
+ 0,0.191813,0.981432,1.5,-0.569469,-0.266014,
- 0.000000,-0.249205,0.968451,1.500000,-0.609501,-0.262379,
+ 0,-0.249205,0.968451,1.5,-0.609501,-0.262379,
- 0.000000,-0.249205,0.968451,1.500000,-0.609501,-0.262379,
+ 0,-0.249205,0.968451,1.5,-0.609501,-0.262379,
- -0.000000,0.191813,0.981432,1.500000,-0.569469,-0.266014,
+ 0,0.191813,0.981432,1.5,-0.569469,-0.266014,
- -0.700149,0.139938,0.700149,1.328410,-0.569469,-0.328410,
- -0.700149,0.139938,0.700149,1.328410,-0.569469,-0.328410,
+ -0.700149,0.139938,0.700149,1.32841,-0.569469,-0.32841,
+ -0.700149,0.139938,0.700149,1.32841,-0.569469,-0.32841,
- 0.686950,0.237061,0.686951,1.660849,-0.510672,-0.339151,
- 0.700149,0.139938,0.700149,1.671590,-0.569469,-0.328410,
+ 0.68695,0.237061,0.686951,1.660849,-0.510672,-0.339151,
+ 0.700149,0.139938,0.700149,1.67159,-0.569469,-0.32841,
- 0.686950,0.237061,0.686951,1.660849,-0.510672,-0.339151,
+ 0.68695,0.237061,0.686951,1.660849,-0.510672,-0.339151,
- 0.700149,0.139938,0.700149,1.671590,-0.569469,-0.328410,
+ 0.700149,0.139938,0.700149,1.67159,-0.569469,-0.32841,
- 0.700149,0.139938,0.700149,1.671590,-0.569469,-0.328410,
- 0.000000,-0.249205,0.968451,1.500000,-0.609501,-0.262379,
- -0.000000,0.191813,0.981432,1.500000,-0.569469,-0.266014,
+ 0.700149,0.139938,0.700149,1.67159,-0.569469,-0.32841,
+ 0,-0.249205,0.968451,1.5,-0.609501,-0.262379,
+ 0,0.191813,0.981432,1.5,-0.569469,-0.266014,
- 0.000000,-0.249205,0.968451,1.500000,-0.609501,-0.262379,
+ 0,-0.249205,0.968451,1.5,-0.609501,-0.262379,
- -0.000000,0.191813,0.981432,1.500000,-0.569469,-0.266014,
- 0.000000,0.216323,0.976322,1.500000,-0.510672,-0.280660,
+ 0,0.191813,0.981432,1.5,-0.569469,-0.266014,
+ 0,0.216323,0.976322,1.5,-0.510672,-0.28066,
- -0.000000,0.191813,0.981432,1.500000,-0.569469,-0.266014,
+ 0,0.191813,0.981432,1.5,-0.569469,-0.266014,
- 0.100277,-0.976969,0.188350,1.582500,-0.646948,-0.335375,
- 0.189859,-0.826565,0.529853,1.587500,-0.633319,-0.294000,
+ 0.100277,-0.976969,0.18835,1.5825,-0.646948,-0.335375,
+ 0.189859,-0.826565,0.529853,1.5875,-0.633319,-0.294,
- 0.189859,-0.826565,0.529853,1.587500,-0.633319,-0.294000,
+ 0.189859,-0.826565,0.529853,1.5875,-0.633319,-0.294,
- 0.000000,-0.969635,0.244558,1.500000,-0.649161,-0.322437,
- 0.000000,-0.791034,0.611773,1.500000,-0.634535,-0.278500,
- 0.189859,-0.826565,0.529853,1.587500,-0.633319,-0.294000,
- 0.000000,-0.969635,0.244558,1.500000,-0.649161,-0.322437,
- 0.189859,-0.826565,0.529853,1.587500,-0.633319,-0.294000,
- 0.100277,-0.976969,0.188350,1.582500,-0.646948,-0.335375,
- 0.000000,-0.249205,0.968451,1.500000,-0.609501,-0.262379,
+ 0,-0.969635,0.244558,1.5,-0.649161,-0.322437,
+ 0,-0.791034,0.611773,1.5,-0.634535,-0.2785,
+ 0.189859,-0.826565,0.529853,1.5875,-0.633319,-0.294,
+ 0,-0.969635,0.244558,1.5,-0.649161,-0.322437,
+ 0.189859,-0.826565,0.529853,1.5875,-0.633319,-0.294,
+ 0.100277,-0.976969,0.18835,1.5825,-0.646948,-0.335375,
+ 0,-0.249205,0.968451,1.5,-0.609501,-0.262379,
- 0.189859,-0.826565,0.529853,1.587500,-0.633319,-0.294000,
- 0.000000,-0.249205,0.968451,1.500000,-0.609501,-0.262379,
- 0.189859,-0.826565,0.529853,1.587500,-0.633319,-0.294000,
- 0.000000,-0.791034,0.611773,1.500000,-0.634535,-0.278500,
+ 0.189859,-0.826565,0.529853,1.5875,-0.633319,-0.294,
+ 0,-0.249205,0.968451,1.5,-0.609501,-0.262379,
+ 0.189859,-0.826565,0.529853,1.5875,-0.633319,-0.294,
+ 0,-0.791034,0.611773,1.5,-0.634535,-0.2785,
- 0.189859,-0.826565,0.529853,1.587500,-0.633319,-0.294000,
+ 0.189859,-0.826565,0.529853,1.5875,-0.633319,-0.294,
- -0.189859,-0.826565,0.529853,1.412500,-0.633319,-0.294000,
+ -0.189859,-0.826565,0.529853,1.4125,-0.633319,-0.294,
- -0.189859,-0.826565,0.529853,1.412500,-0.633319,-0.294000,
- -0.100277,-0.976969,0.188350,1.417500,-0.646948,-0.335375,
+ -0.189859,-0.826565,0.529853,1.4125,-0.633319,-0.294,
+ -0.100277,-0.976969,0.18835,1.4175,-0.646948,-0.335375,
- -0.189859,-0.826565,0.529853,1.412500,-0.633319,-0.294000,
+ -0.189859,-0.826565,0.529853,1.4125,-0.633319,-0.294,
- 0.000000,-0.249205,0.968451,1.500000,-0.609501,-0.262379,
- 0.000000,-0.791034,0.611773,1.500000,-0.634535,-0.278500,
- -0.189859,-0.826565,0.529853,1.412500,-0.633319,-0.294000,
- 0.000000,-0.249205,0.968451,1.500000,-0.609501,-0.262379,
- -0.189859,-0.826565,0.529853,1.412500,-0.633319,-0.294000,
+ 0,-0.249205,0.968451,1.5,-0.609501,-0.262379,
+ 0,-0.791034,0.611773,1.5,-0.634535,-0.2785,
+ -0.189859,-0.826565,0.529853,1.4125,-0.633319,-0.294,
+ 0,-0.249205,0.968451,1.5,-0.609501,-0.262379,
+ -0.189859,-0.826565,0.529853,1.4125,-0.633319,-0.294,
- 0.000000,-0.969635,0.244558,1.500000,-0.649161,-0.322437,
- -0.100277,-0.976969,0.188350,1.417500,-0.646948,-0.335375,
- -0.189859,-0.826565,0.529853,1.412500,-0.633319,-0.294000,
- 0.000000,-0.969635,0.244558,1.500000,-0.649161,-0.322437,
- -0.189859,-0.826565,0.529853,1.412500,-0.633319,-0.294000,
- 0.000000,-0.791034,0.611773,1.500000,-0.634535,-0.278500,
+ 0,-0.969635,0.244558,1.5,-0.649161,-0.322437,
+ -0.100277,-0.976969,0.18835,1.4175,-0.646948,-0.335375,
+ -0.189859,-0.826565,0.529853,1.4125,-0.633319,-0.294,
+ 0,-0.969635,0.244558,1.5,-0.649161,-0.322437,
+ -0.189859,-0.826565,0.529853,1.4125,-0.633319,-0.294,
+ 0,-0.791034,0.611773,1.5,-0.634535,-0.2785,
- 0.100277,-0.976969,-0.188350,1.582500,-0.646948,-0.664625,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,1.590500,-0.655194,-0.590500,
+ 0.100277,-0.976969,-0.18835,1.5825,-0.646948,-0.664625,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,1.5905,-0.655194,-0.5905,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,1.590500,-0.655194,-0.590500,
- 0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,1.664625,-0.646948,-0.582500,
- 0.100277,-0.976969,-0.188350,1.582500,-0.646948,-0.664625,
- -0.000000,-0.969635,-0.244558,1.500000,-0.649161,-0.677562,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,-0.084960,1.500000,-0.657972,-0.597750,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,-0.084960,1.500000,-0.657972,-0.597750,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,1.590500,-0.655194,-0.590500,
- 0.100277,-0.976969,-0.188350,1.582500,-0.646948,-0.664625,
- -0.000000,-1.000000,0.000000,1.500000,-0.660924,-0.500000,
- 0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,1.597750,-0.657972,-0.500000,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,1.590500,-0.655194,-0.590500,
- -0.000000,-1.000000,0.000000,1.500000,-0.660924,-0.500000,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,1.590500,-0.655194,-0.590500,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,-0.084960,1.500000,-0.657972,-0.597750,
- 0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,1.597750,-0.657972,-0.500000,
- 0.244558,-0.969635,0.000000,1.677562,-0.649161,-0.500000,
- 0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,1.664625,-0.646948,-0.582500,
- 0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,1.664625,-0.646948,-0.582500,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,1.590500,-0.655194,-0.590500,
- 0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,1.597750,-0.657972,-0.500000,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,1.5905,-0.655194,-0.5905,
+ 0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,1.664625,-0.646948,-0.5825,
+ 0.100277,-0.976969,-0.18835,1.5825,-0.646948,-0.664625,
+ 0,-0.969635,-0.244558,1.5,-0.649161,-0.677562,
+ 0,-0.996384,-0.08496,1.5,-0.657972,-0.59775,
+ 0,-0.996384,-0.08496,1.5,-0.657972,-0.59775,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,1.5905,-0.655194,-0.5905,
+ 0.100277,-0.976969,-0.18835,1.5825,-0.646948,-0.664625,
+ 0,-1,0,1.5,-0.660924,-0.5,
+ 0.08496,-0.996384,0,1.59775,-0.657972,-0.5,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,1.5905,-0.655194,-0.5905,
+ 0,-1,0,1.5,-0.660924,-0.5,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,1.5905,-0.655194,-0.5905,
+ 0,-0.996384,-0.08496,1.5,-0.657972,-0.59775,
+ 0.08496,-0.996384,0,1.59775,-0.657972,-0.5,
+ 0.244558,-0.969635,0,1.677562,-0.649161,-0.5,
+ 0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,1.664625,-0.646948,-0.5825,
+ 0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,1.664625,-0.646948,-0.5825,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,1.5905,-0.655194,-0.5905,
+ 0.08496,-0.996384,0,1.59775,-0.657972,-0.5,
- -0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,1.335375,-0.646948,-0.582500,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,1.409500,-0.655194,-0.590500,
+ -0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,1.335375,-0.646948,-0.5825,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,1.4095,-0.655194,-0.5905,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,1.409500,-0.655194,-0.590500,
- -0.100277,-0.976969,-0.188350,1.417500,-0.646948,-0.664625,
- -0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,1.335375,-0.646948,-0.582500,
- -0.244558,-0.969635,0.000000,1.322438,-0.649161,-0.500000,
- -0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,1.402250,-0.657972,-0.500000,
- -0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,1.402250,-0.657972,-0.500000,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,1.409500,-0.655194,-0.590500,
- -0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,1.335375,-0.646948,-0.582500,
- -0.000000,-1.000000,0.000000,1.500000,-0.660924,-0.500000,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,-0.084960,1.500000,-0.657972,-0.597750,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,1.409500,-0.655194,-0.590500,
- -0.000000,-1.000000,0.000000,1.500000,-0.660924,-0.500000,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,1.409500,-0.655194,-0.590500,
- -0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,1.402250,-0.657972,-0.500000,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,-0.084960,1.500000,-0.657972,-0.597750,
- -0.000000,-0.969635,-0.244558,1.500000,-0.649161,-0.677562,
- -0.100277,-0.976969,-0.188350,1.417500,-0.646948,-0.664625,
- -0.100277,-0.976969,-0.188350,1.417500,-0.646948,-0.664625,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,1.409500,-0.655194,-0.590500,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,-0.084960,1.500000,-0.657972,-0.597750,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,1.4095,-0.655194,-0.5905,
+ -0.100277,-0.976969,-0.18835,1.4175,-0.646948,-0.664625,
+ -0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,1.335375,-0.646948,-0.5825,
+ -0.244558,-0.969635,0,1.322438,-0.649161,-0.5,
+ -0.08496,-0.996384,0,1.40225,-0.657972,-0.5,
+ -0.08496,-0.996384,0,1.40225,-0.657972,-0.5,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,1.4095,-0.655194,-0.5905,
+ -0.188349,-0.976969,-0.100277,1.335375,-0.646948,-0.5825,
+ 0,-1,0,1.5,-0.660924,-0.5,
+ 0,-0.996384,-0.08496,1.5,-0.657972,-0.59775,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,1.4095,-0.655194,-0.5905,
+ 0,-1,0,1.5,-0.660924,-0.5,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,1.4095,-0.655194,-0.5905,
+ -0.08496,-0.996384,0,1.40225,-0.657972,-0.5,
+ 0,-0.996384,-0.08496,1.5,-0.657972,-0.59775,
+ 0,-0.969635,-0.244558,1.5,-0.649161,-0.677562,
+ -0.100277,-0.976969,-0.18835,1.4175,-0.646948,-0.664625,
+ -0.100277,-0.976969,-0.18835,1.4175,-0.646948,-0.664625,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,-0.079739,1.4095,-0.655194,-0.5905,
+ 0,-0.996384,-0.08496,1.5,-0.657972,-0.59775,
- -0.100277,-0.976969,0.188350,1.417500,-0.646948,-0.335375,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,1.409500,-0.655194,-0.409500,
+ -0.100277,-0.976969,0.18835,1.4175,-0.646948,-0.335375,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,1.4095,-0.655194,-0.4095,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,1.409500,-0.655194,-0.409500,
- -0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,1.335375,-0.646948,-0.417500,
- -0.100277,-0.976969,0.188350,1.417500,-0.646948,-0.335375,
- 0.000000,-0.969635,0.244558,1.500000,-0.649161,-0.322437,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,0.084960,1.500000,-0.657972,-0.402250,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,0.084960,1.500000,-0.657972,-0.402250,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,1.409500,-0.655194,-0.409500,
- -0.100277,-0.976969,0.188350,1.417500,-0.646948,-0.335375,
- -0.000000,-1.000000,0.000000,1.500000,-0.660924,-0.500000,
- -0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,1.402250,-0.657972,-0.500000,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,1.409500,-0.655194,-0.409500,
- -0.000000,-1.000000,0.000000,1.500000,-0.660924,-0.500000,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,1.409500,-0.655194,-0.409500,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,0.084960,1.500000,-0.657972,-0.402250,
- -0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,1.402250,-0.657972,-0.500000,
- -0.244558,-0.969635,0.000000,1.322438,-0.649161,-0.500000,
- -0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,1.335375,-0.646948,-0.417500,
- -0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,1.335375,-0.646948,-0.417500,
- -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,1.409500,-0.655194,-0.409500,
- -0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,1.402250,-0.657972,-0.500000,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,1.4095,-0.655194,-0.4095,
+ -0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,1.335375,-0.646948,-0.4175,
+ -0.100277,-0.976969,0.18835,1.4175,-0.646948,-0.335375,
+ 0,-0.969635,0.244558,1.5,-0.649161,-0.322437,
+ 0,-0.996384,0.08496,1.5,-0.657972,-0.40225,
+ 0,-0.996384,0.08496,1.5,-0.657972,-0.40225,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,1.4095,-0.655194,-0.4095,
+ -0.100277,-0.976969,0.18835,1.4175,-0.646948,-0.335375,
+ 0,-1,0,1.5,-0.660924,-0.5,
+ -0.08496,-0.996384,0,1.40225,-0.657972,-0.5,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,1.4095,-0.655194,-0.4095,
+ 0,-1,0,1.5,-0.660924,-0.5,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,1.4095,-0.655194,-0.4095,
+ 0,-0.996384,0.08496,1.5,-0.657972,-0.40225,
+ -0.08496,-0.996384,0,1.40225,-0.657972,-0.5,
+ -0.244558,-0.969635,0,1.322438,-0.649161,-0.5,
+ -0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,1.335375,-0.646948,-0.4175,
+ -0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,1.335375,-0.646948,-0.4175,
+ -0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,1.4095,-0.655194,-0.4095,
+ -0.08496,-0.996384,0,1.40225,-0.657972,-0.5,
- 0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,1.664625,-0.646948,-0.417500,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,1.590500,-0.655194,-0.409500,
+ 0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,1.664625,-0.646948,-0.4175,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,1.5905,-0.655194,-0.4095,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,1.590500,-0.655194,-0.409500,
- 0.100277,-0.976969,0.188350,1.582500,-0.646948,-0.335375,
- 0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,1.664625,-0.646948,-0.417500,
- 0.244558,-0.969635,0.000000,1.677562,-0.649161,-0.500000,
- 0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,1.597750,-0.657972,-0.500000,
- 0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,1.597750,-0.657972,-0.500000,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,1.590500,-0.655194,-0.409500,
- 0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,1.664625,-0.646948,-0.417500,
- -0.000000,-1.000000,0.000000,1.500000,-0.660924,-0.500000,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,0.084960,1.500000,-0.657972,-0.402250,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,1.590500,-0.655194,-0.409500,
- -0.000000,-1.000000,0.000000,1.500000,-0.660924,-0.500000,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,1.590500,-0.655194,-0.409500,
- 0.084960,-0.996384,0.000000,1.597750,-0.657972,-0.500000,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,0.084960,1.500000,-0.657972,-0.402250,
- 0.000000,-0.969635,0.244558,1.500000,-0.649161,-0.322437,
- 0.100277,-0.976969,0.188350,1.582500,-0.646948,-0.335375,
- 0.100277,-0.976969,0.188350,1.582500,-0.646948,-0.335375,
- 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,1.590500,-0.655194,-0.409500,
- 0.000000,-0.996384,0.084960,1.500000,-0.657972,-0.402250,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,1.5905,-0.655194,-0.4095,
+ 0.100277,-0.976969,0.18835,1.5825,-0.646948,-0.335375,
+ 0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,1.664625,-0.646948,-0.4175,
+ 0.244558,-0.969635,0,1.677562,-0.649161,-0.5,
+ 0.08496,-0.996384,0,1.59775,-0.657972,-0.5,
+ 0.08496,-0.996384,0,1.59775,-0.657972,-0.5,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,1.5905,-0.655194,-0.4095,
+ 0.188349,-0.976969,0.100277,1.664625,-0.646948,-0.4175,
+ 0,-1,0,1.5,-0.660924,-0.5,
+ 0,-0.996384,0.08496,1.5,-0.657972,-0.40225,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,1.5905,-0.655194,-0.4095,
+ 0,-1,0,1.5,-0.660924,-0.5,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,1.5905,-0.655194,-0.4095,
+ 0.08496,-0.996384,0,1.59775,-0.657972,-0.5,
+ 0,-0.996384,0.08496,1.5,-0.657972,-0.40225,
+ 0,-0.969635,0.244558,1.5,-0.649161,-0.322437,
+ 0.100277,-0.976969,0.18835,1.5825,-0.646948,-0.335375,
+ 0.100277,-0.976969,0.18835,1.5825,-0.646948,-0.335375,
+ 0.079739,-0.993621,0.079739,1.5905,-0.655194,-0.4095,
+ 0,-0.996384,0.08496,1.5,-0.657972,-0.40225,
static const struct gllist frame={GL_N3F_V3F,GL_TRIANGLES,1728,data,NULL};
const struct gllist *s1_6=&frame;
[\-texture] [\-no-texture]
[\-wireframe] [\-no-wireframe]
[\-trackmouse] [\-no-trackmouse]
-[\-fps] [\-no-fps]
The \fIsballs\fP program draws an animation of balls spinning like crazy in GL.
or the id number (decimal or hex) of a specific visual.
.TP 8
.B \-fps
-Display a running tally of how many frames per second are being rendered.
-In conjunction with \fB\-delay 0\fP, this can be a useful benchmark of
-your GL performance.
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
.B \-object \fIobject_number\fP\fP
Specify how the spheres are grouped (forming an object).
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
#if 0
-static const float N001[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
+static const float N001[3] = {0, 1, 0};
-static const float N002[3] = {0.000077 ,-0.020611 ,0.999788};
-static const float N003[3] = {0.961425 ,0.258729 ,-0.093390};
-static const float N004[3] = {0.510811 ,-0.769633 ,-0.383063};
-static const float N005[3] = {0.400123 ,0.855734 ,-0.328055};
-static const float N006[3] = {-0.770715 ,0.610204 ,-0.183440};
-static const float N007[3] = {-0.915597 ,-0.373345 ,-0.149316};
-static const float N008[3] = {-0.972788 ,0.208921 ,-0.100179};
-static const float N009[3] = {-0.939713 ,-0.312268 ,-0.139383};
-static const float N010[3] = {-0.624138 ,-0.741047 ,-0.247589};
-static const float N011[3] = {0.591434 ,-0.768401 ,-0.244471};
-static const float N012[3] = {0.935152 ,-0.328495 ,-0.132598};
-static const float N013[3] = {0.997102 ,0.074243 ,-0.016593};
-static const float N014[3] = {0.969995 ,0.241712 ,-0.026186};
-static const float N015[3] = {0.844539 ,0.502628 ,-0.184714};
-static const float N016[3] = {-0.906608 ,0.386308 ,-0.169787};
-static const float N017[3] = {-0.970016 ,0.241698 ,-0.025516};
-static const float N018[3] = {-0.998652 ,0.050493 ,-0.012045};
-static const float N019[3] = {-0.942685 ,-0.333051 ,-0.020556};
-static const float N020[3] = {-0.660944 ,-0.750276 ,0.015480};
-static const float N021[3] = {0.503549 ,-0.862908 ,-0.042749};
-static const float N022[3] = {0.953202 ,-0.302092 ,-0.012089};
-static const float N023[3] = {0.998738 ,0.023574 ,0.044344};
-static const float N024[3] = {0.979297 ,0.193272 ,0.060202};
-static const float N025[3] = {0.798300 ,0.464885 ,0.382883};
-static const float N026[3] = {-0.756590 ,0.452403 ,0.472126};
-static const float N027[3] = {-0.953855 ,0.293003 ,0.065651};
-static const float N028[3] = {-0.998033 ,0.040292 ,0.048028};
-static const float N029[3] = {-0.977079 ,-0.204288 ,0.059858};
-static const float N030[3] = {-0.729117 ,-0.675304 ,0.111140};
-static const float N031[3] = {0.598361 ,-0.792753 ,0.116221};
-static const float N032[3] = {0.965192 ,-0.252991 ,0.066332};
-static const float N033[3] = {0.998201 ,-0.002790 ,0.059892};
-static const float N034[3] = {0.978657 ,0.193135 ,0.070207};
-static const float N035[3] = {0.718815 ,0.680392 ,0.142733};
-static const float N036[3] = {-0.383096 ,0.906212 ,0.178936};
-static const float N037[3] = {-0.952831 ,0.292590 ,0.080647};
-static const float N038[3] = {-0.997680 ,0.032417 ,0.059861};
-static const float N039[3] = {-0.982629 ,-0.169881 ,0.074700};
-static const float N040[3] = {-0.695424 ,-0.703466 ,0.146700};
-static const float N041[3] = {0.359323 ,-0.915531 ,0.180805};
-static const float N042[3] = {0.943356 ,-0.319387 ,0.089842};
-static const float N043[3] = {0.998272 ,-0.032435 ,0.048993};
-static const float N044[3] = {0.978997 ,0.193205 ,0.065084};
-static const float N045[3] = {0.872144 ,0.470094 ,-0.135565};
-static const float N046[3] = {-0.664282 ,0.737945 ,-0.119027};
-static const float N047[3] = {-0.954508 ,0.288570 ,0.075107};
-static const float N048[3] = {-0.998273 ,0.032406 ,0.048993};
-static const float N049[3] = {-0.979908 ,-0.193579 ,0.048038};
-static const float N050[3] = {-0.858736 ,-0.507202 ,-0.072938};
-static const float N051[3] = {0.643545 ,-0.763887 ,-0.048237};
-static const float N052[3] = {0.955580 ,-0.288954 ,0.058068};
+static const float N002[3] = {0.000077, -0.020611, 0.999788};
+static const float N003[3] = {0.961425, 0.258729, -0.09339};
+static const float N004[3] = {0.510811, -0.769633, -0.383063};
+static const float N005[3] = {0.400123, 0.855734, -0.328055};
+static const float N006[3] = {-0.770715, 0.610204, -0.18344};
+static const float N007[3] = {-0.915597, -0.373345, -0.149316};
+static const float N008[3] = {-0.972788, 0.208921, -0.100179};
+static const float N009[3] = {-0.939713, -0.312268, -0.139383};
+static const float N010[3] = {-0.624138, -0.741047, -0.247589};
+static const float N011[3] = {0.591434, -0.768401, -0.244471};
+static const float N012[3] = {0.935152, -0.328495, -0.132598};
+static const float N013[3] = {0.997102, 0.074243, -0.016593};
+static const float N014[3] = {0.969995, 0.241712, -0.026186};
+static const float N015[3] = {0.844539, 0.502628, -0.184714};
+static const float N016[3] = {-0.906608, 0.386308, -0.169787};
+static const float N017[3] = {-0.970016, 0.241698, -0.025516};
+static const float N018[3] = {-0.998652, 0.050493, -0.012045};
+static const float N019[3] = {-0.942685, -0.333051, -0.020556};
+static const float N020[3] = {-0.660944, -0.750276, 0.01548};
+static const float N021[3] = {0.503549, -0.862908, -0.042749};
+static const float N022[3] = {0.953202, -0.302092, -0.012089};
+static const float N023[3] = {0.998738, 0.023574, 0.044344};
+static const float N024[3] = {0.979297, 0.193272, 0.060202};
+static const float N025[3] = {0.7983, 0.464885, 0.382883};
+static const float N026[3] = {-0.75659, 0.452403, 0.472126};
+static const float N027[3] = {-0.953855, 0.293003, 0.065651};
+static const float N028[3] = {-0.998033, 0.040292, 0.048028};
+static const float N029[3] = {-0.977079, -0.204288, 0.059858};
+static const float N030[3] = {-0.729117, -0.675304, 0.11114};
+static const float N031[3] = {0.598361, -0.792753, 0.116221};
+static const float N032[3] = {0.965192, -0.252991, 0.066332};
+static const float N033[3] = {0.998201, -0.00279, 0.059892};
+static const float N034[3] = {0.978657, 0.193135, 0.070207};
+static const float N035[3] = {0.718815, 0.680392, 0.142733};
+static const float N036[3] = {-0.383096, 0.906212, 0.178936};
+static const float N037[3] = {-0.952831, 0.29259, 0.080647};
+static const float N038[3] = {-0.99768, 0.032417, 0.059861};
+static const float N039[3] = {-0.982629, -0.169881, 0.0747};
+static const float N040[3] = {-0.695424, -0.703466, 0.1467};
+static const float N041[3] = {0.359323, -0.915531, 0.180805};
+static const float N042[3] = {0.943356, -0.319387, 0.089842};
+static const float N043[3] = {0.998272, -0.032435, 0.048993};
+static const float N044[3] = {0.978997, 0.193205, 0.065084};
+static const float N045[3] = {0.872144, 0.470094, -0.135565};
+static const float N046[3] = {-0.664282, 0.737945, -0.119027};
+static const float N047[3] = {-0.954508, 0.28857, 0.075107};
+static const float N048[3] = {-0.998273, 0.032406, 0.048993};
+static const float N049[3] = {-0.979908, -0.193579, 0.048038};
+static const float N050[3] = {-0.858736, -0.507202, -0.072938};
+static const float N051[3] = {0.643545, -0.763887, -0.048237};
+static const float N052[3] = {0.95558, -0.288954, 0.058068};
#if 0
-static const float N053[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N054[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N055[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N056[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N057[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
+static const float N053[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N054[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N055[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N056[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N057[3] = {0, 1, 0};
-static const float N058[3] = {0.000050 ,0.793007 ,-0.609213};
-static const float N059[3] = {0.913510 ,0.235418 ,-0.331779};
-static const float N060[3] = {-0.807970 ,0.495000 ,-0.319625};
-static const float N061[3] = {0.000000 ,0.784687 ,-0.619892};
-static const float N062[3] = {0.000000 ,-1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N063[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N064[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N065[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N066[3] = {-0.055784 ,0.257059 ,0.964784};
+static const float N058[3] = {0.00005, 0.793007, -0.609213};
+static const float N059[3] = {0.91351, 0.235418, -0.331779};
+static const float N060[3] = {-0.80797, 0.495, -0.319625};
+static const float N061[3] = {0, 0.784687, -0.619892};
+static const float N062[3] = {0, -1, 0};
+static const float N063[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N064[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N065[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N066[3] = {-0.055784, 0.257059, 0.964784};
#if 0
-static const float N067[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N068[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
+static const float N067[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N068[3] = {0, 1, 0};
-static const float N069[3] = {-0.000505 ,-0.929775 ,-0.368127};
-static const float N070[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
+static const float N069[3] = {-0.000505, -0.929775, -0.368127};
+static const float N070[3] = {0, 1, 0};
#if 0
-static const float N071[3] = {-0.987102 ,0.131723 ,-0.090984};
-static const float N072[3] = {-0.987102 ,0.131723 ,-0.090984};
-static const float N073[3] = {-0.987102 ,0.131723 ,-0.090984};
-static const float N074[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N075[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N076[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N077[3] = {0.995210 ,0.071962 ,-0.066168};
-static const float N078[3] = {0.995210 ,0.071962 ,-0.066168};
-static const float N079[3] = {0.995210 ,0.071962 ,-0.066168};
-static const float N080[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N081[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N082[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float P001[3] = {0.00, 0.00, 0.00};
+static const float N071[3] = {-0.987102, 0.131723, -0.090984};
+static const float N072[3] = {-0.987102, 0.131723, -0.090984};
+static const float N073[3] = {-0.987102, 0.131723, -0.090984};
+static const float N074[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N075[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N076[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N077[3] = {0.99521, 0.071962, -0.066168};
+static const float N078[3] = {0.99521, 0.071962, -0.066168};
+static const float N079[3] = {0.99521, 0.071962, -0.066168};
+static const float N080[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N081[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N082[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float P001[3] = {0, 0, 0};
-static float P002[3] = {0.00, -36.59, 5687.72};
-static const float P003[3] = {90.00, 114.73, 724.38};
+static float P002[3] = {0, -36.59, 5687.72};
+static const float P003[3] = {90, 114.73, 724.38};
static float P004[3] = {58.24, -146.84, 262.35};
static const float P005[3] = {27.81, 231.52, 510.43};
static const float P006[3] = {-27.81, 230.43, 509.76};
static float P007[3] = {-46.09, -146.83, 265.84};
-static const float P008[3] = {-90.00, 103.84, 718.53};
-static const float P009[3] = {-131.10, -165.92, 834.85};
-static float P010[3] = {-27.81, -285.31, 500.00};
-static float P011[3] = {27.81, -285.32, 500.00};
-static const float P012[3] = {147.96, -170.89, 845.50};
-static const float P013[3] = {180.00, 0.00, 2000.00};
-static const float P014[3] = {145.62, 352.67, 2000.00};
-static const float P015[3] = {55.62, 570.63, 2000.00};
-static const float P016[3] = {-55.62, 570.64, 2000.00};
-static const float P017[3] = {-145.62, 352.68, 2000.00};
-static const float P018[3] = {-180.00, 0.01, 2000.00};
-static const float P019[3] = {-178.20, -352.66, 2001.61};
-static const float P020[3] = {-55.63, -570.63, 2000.00};
-static const float P021[3] = {55.62, -570.64, 2000.00};
+static const float P008[3] = {-90, 103.84, 718.53};
+static const float P009[3] = {-131.1, -165.92, 834.85};
+static float P010[3] = {-27.81, -285.31, 500};
+static float P011[3] = {27.81, -285.32, 500};
+static const float P012[3] = {147.96, -170.89, 845.5};
+static const float P013[3] = {180, 0, 2000};
+static const float P014[3] = {145.62, 352.67, 2000};
+static const float P015[3] = {55.62, 570.63, 2000};
+static const float P016[3] = {-55.62, 570.64, 2000};
+static const float P017[3] = {-145.62, 352.68, 2000};
+static const float P018[3] = {-180, 0.01, 2000};
+static const float P019[3] = {-178.2, -352.66, 2001.61};
+static const float P020[3] = {-55.63, -570.63, 2000};
+static const float P021[3] = {55.62, -570.64, 2000};
static const float P022[3] = {179.91, -352.69, 1998.39};
-static float P023[3] = {150.00, 0.00, 3000.00};
-static float P024[3] = {121.35, 293.89, 3000.00};
+static float P023[3] = {150, 0, 3000};
+static float P024[3] = {121.35, 293.89, 3000};
static float P025[3] = {46.35, 502.93, 2883.09};
static float P026[3] = {-46.35, 497.45, 2877.24};
-static float P027[3] = {-121.35, 293.90, 3000.00};
-static float P028[3] = {-150.00, 0.00, 3000.00};
+static float P027[3] = {-121.35, 293.9, 3000};
+static float P028[3] = {-150, 0, 3000};
static float P029[3] = {-152.21, -304.84, 2858.68};
-static float P030[3] = {-46.36, -475.52, 3000.00};
-static float P031[3] = {46.35, -475.53, 3000.00};
-static float P032[3] = {155.64, -304.87, 2863.50};
-static float P033[3] = {90.00, 0.00, 4000.00};
-static float P034[3] = {72.81, 176.33, 4000.00};
-static float P035[3] = {27.81, 285.32, 4000.00};
-static float P036[3] = {-27.81, 285.32, 4000.00};
-static float P037[3] = {-72.81, 176.34, 4000.00};
-static float P038[3] = {-90.00, 0.00, 4000.00};
-static float P039[3] = {-72.81, -176.33, 4000.00};
-static float P040[3] = {-27.81, -285.31, 4000.00};
-static float P041[3] = {27.81, -285.32, 4000.00};
-static float P042[3] = {72.81, -176.34, 4000.00};
-static float P043[3] = {30.00, 0.00, 5000.00};
-static float P044[3] = {24.27, 58.78, 5000.00};
-static float P045[3] = {9.27, 95.11, 5000.00};
-static float P046[3] = {-9.27, 95.11, 5000.00};
-static float P047[3] = {-24.27, 58.78, 5000.00};
-static float P048[3] = {-30.00, 0.00, 5000.00};
-static float P049[3] = {-24.27, -58.78, 5000.00};
-static float P050[3] = {-9.27, -95.10, 5000.00};
-static float P051[3] = {9.27, -95.11, 5000.00};
-static float P052[3] = {24.27, -58.78, 5000.00};
+static float P030[3] = {-46.36, -475.52, 3000};
+static float P031[3] = {46.35, -475.53, 3000};
+static float P032[3] = {155.64, -304.87, 2863.5};
+static float P033[3] = {90, 0, 4000};
+static float P034[3] = {72.81, 176.33, 4000};
+static float P035[3] = {27.81, 285.32, 4000};
+static float P036[3] = {-27.81, 285.32, 4000};
+static float P037[3] = {-72.81, 176.34, 4000};
+static float P038[3] = {-90, 0, 4000};
+static float P039[3] = {-72.81, -176.33, 4000};
+static float P040[3] = {-27.81, -285.31, 4000};
+static float P041[3] = {27.81, -285.32, 4000};
+static float P042[3] = {72.81, -176.34, 4000};
+static float P043[3] = {30, 0, 5000};
+static float P044[3] = {24.27, 58.78, 5000};
+static float P045[3] = {9.27, 95.11, 5000};
+static float P046[3] = {-9.27, 95.11, 5000};
+static float P047[3] = {-24.27, 58.78, 5000};
+static float P048[3] = {-30, 0, 5000};
+static float P049[3] = {-24.27, -58.78, 5000};
+static float P050[3] = {-9.27, -95.1, 5000};
+static float P051[3] = {9.27, -95.11, 5000};
+static float P052[3] = {24.27, -58.78, 5000};
#if 0
-static const float P053[3] = {0.00, 0.00, 0.00};
-static const float P054[3] = {0.00, 0.00, 0.00};
-static const float P055[3] = {0.00, 0.00, 0.00};
-static const float P056[3] = {0.00, 0.00, 0.00};
-static const float P057[3] = {0.00, 0.00, 0.00};
+static const float P053[3] = {0, 0, 0};
+static const float P054[3] = {0, 0, 0};
+static const float P055[3] = {0, 0, 0};
+static const float P056[3] = {0, 0, 0};
+static const float P057[3] = {0, 0, 0};
-static const float P058[3] = {0.00, 1212.72, 2703.08};
-static const float P059[3] = {50.36, 0.00, 108.14};
-static const float P060[3] = {-22.18, 0.00, 108.14};
-static float P061[3] = {0.00, 1181.61, 6344.65};
+static const float P058[3] = {0, 1212.72, 2703.08};
+static const float P059[3] = {50.36, 0, 108.14};
+static const float P060[3] = {-22.18, 0, 108.14};
+static float P061[3] = {0, 1181.61, 6344.65};
static const float P062[3] = {516.45, -887.08, 2535.45};
static const float P063[3] = {-545.69, -879.31, 2555.63};
static const float P064[3] = {618.89, -1005.64, 2988.32};
static const float P065[3] = {-635.37, -1014.79, 2938.68};
-static const float P066[3] = {0.00, 1374.43, 3064.18};
+static const float P066[3] = {0, 1374.43, 3064.18};
#if 0
static const float P067[3] = {158.49, -11.89, 1401.56};
-static const float P068[3] = {-132.08, -17.90, 1394.31};
+static const float P068[3] = {-132.08, -17.9, 1394.31};
-static float P069[3] = {0.00, -418.25, 5765.04};
-static float P070[3] = {0.00, 1266.91, 6629.60};
+static float P069[3] = {0, -418.25, 5765.04};
+static float P070[3] = {0, 1266.91, 6629.6};
static const float P071[3] = {-139.12, -124.96, 997.98};
static const float P072[3] = {-139.24, -110.18, 1020.68};
static const float P073[3] = {-137.33, -94.52, 1022.63};
static const float P076[3] = {-135.39, -110.87, 968.76};
static const float P077[3] = {150.23, -78.44, 995.53};
static const float P078[3] = {152.79, -92.76, 1018.46};
-static const float P079[3] = {154.19, -110.20, 1020.55};
+static const float P079[3] = {154.19, -110.2, 1020.55};
static const float P080[3] = {151.33, -124.15, 993.77};
static const float P081[3] = {150.49, -111.19, 969.86};
-static const float P082[3] = {150.79, -92.41, 969.70};
-static const float iP002[3] = {0.00, -36.59, 5687.72};
+static const float P082[3] = {150.79, -92.41, 969.7};
+static const float iP002[3] = {0, -36.59, 5687.72};
static const float iP004[3] = {58.24, -146.84, 262.35};
static const float iP007[3] = {-46.09, -146.83, 265.84};
-static const float iP010[3] = {-27.81, -285.31, 500.00};
-static const float iP011[3] = {27.81, -285.32, 500.00};
-static const float iP023[3] = {150.00, 0.00, 3000.00};
-static const float iP024[3] = {121.35, 293.89, 3000.00};
+static const float iP010[3] = {-27.81, -285.31, 500};
+static const float iP011[3] = {27.81, -285.32, 500};
+static const float iP023[3] = {150, 0, 3000};
+static const float iP024[3] = {121.35, 293.89, 3000};
static const float iP025[3] = {46.35, 502.93, 2883.09};
static const float iP026[3] = {-46.35, 497.45, 2877.24};
-static const float iP027[3] = {-121.35, 293.90, 3000.00};
-static const float iP028[3] = {-150.00, 0.00, 3000.00};
+static const float iP027[3] = {-121.35, 293.9, 3000};
+static const float iP028[3] = {-150, 0, 3000};
static const float iP029[3] = {-121.35, -304.84, 2853.86};
-static const float iP030[3] = {-46.36, -475.52, 3000.00};
-static const float iP031[3] = {46.35, -475.53, 3000.00};
+static const float iP030[3] = {-46.36, -475.52, 3000};
+static const float iP031[3] = {46.35, -475.53, 3000};
static const float iP032[3] = {121.35, -304.87, 2853.86};
-static const float iP033[3] = {90.00, 0.00, 4000.00};
-static const float iP034[3] = {72.81, 176.33, 4000.00};
-static const float iP035[3] = {27.81, 285.32, 4000.00};
-static const float iP036[3] = {-27.81, 285.32, 4000.00};
-static const float iP037[3] = {-72.81, 176.34, 4000.00};
-static const float iP038[3] = {-90.00, 0.00, 4000.00};
-static const float iP039[3] = {-72.81, -176.33, 4000.00};
-static const float iP040[3] = {-27.81, -285.31, 4000.00};
-static const float iP041[3] = {27.81, -285.32, 4000.00};
-static const float iP042[3] = {72.81, -176.34, 4000.00};
-static const float iP043[3] = {30.00, 0.00, 5000.00};
-static const float iP044[3] = {24.27, 58.78, 5000.00};
-static const float iP045[3] = {9.27, 95.11, 5000.00};
-static const float iP046[3] = {-9.27, 95.11, 5000.00};
-static const float iP047[3] = {-24.27, 58.78, 5000.00};
-static const float iP048[3] = {-30.00, 0.00, 5000.00};
-static const float iP049[3] = {-24.27, -58.78, 5000.00};
-static const float iP050[3] = {-9.27, -95.10, 5000.00};
-static const float iP051[3] = {9.27, -95.11, 5000.00};
-static const float iP052[3] = {24.27, -58.78, 5000.00};
+static const float iP033[3] = {90, 0, 4000};
+static const float iP034[3] = {72.81, 176.33, 4000};
+static const float iP035[3] = {27.81, 285.32, 4000};
+static const float iP036[3] = {-27.81, 285.32, 4000};
+static const float iP037[3] = {-72.81, 176.34, 4000};
+static const float iP038[3] = {-90, 0, 4000};
+static const float iP039[3] = {-72.81, -176.33, 4000};
+static const float iP040[3] = {-27.81, -285.31, 4000};
+static const float iP041[3] = {27.81, -285.32, 4000};
+static const float iP042[3] = {72.81, -176.34, 4000};
+static const float iP043[3] = {30, 0, 5000};
+static const float iP044[3] = {24.27, 58.78, 5000};
+static const float iP045[3] = {9.27, 95.11, 5000};
+static const float iP046[3] = {-9.27, 95.11, 5000};
+static const float iP047[3] = {-24.27, 58.78, 5000};
+static const float iP048[3] = {-30, 0, 5000};
+static const float iP049[3] = {-24.27, -58.78, 5000};
+static const float iP050[3] = {-9.27, -95.1, 5000};
+static const float iP051[3] = {9.27, -95.11, 5000};
+static const float iP052[3] = {24.27, -58.78, 5000};
#if 0
-static const float iP053[3] = {0.00, 0.00, 0.00};
+static const float iP053[3] = {0, 0, 0};
-static const float iP061[3] = {0.00, 1181.61, 6344.65};
-static const float iP069[3] = {0.00, -418.25, 5765.04};
-static const float iP070[3] = {0.00, 1266.91, 6629.60};
+static const float iP061[3] = {0, 1181.61, 6344.65};
+static const float iP069[3] = {0, -418.25, 5765.04};
+static const float iP070[3] = {0, 1266.91, 6629.6};
/* *INDENT-ON* */
float thrash, chomp;
GLenum cap;
- fish->htail = (int) (fish->htail - (int) (5.0 * fish->v)) % 360;
+ fish->htail = (int) (fish->htail - (int) (5 * fish->v)) % 360;
- thrash = 50.0 * fish->v;
+ thrash = 50 * fish->v;
seg1 = 0.6 * thrash * sin(fish->htail * RRAD);
- seg2 = 1.8 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 45.0) * RRAD);
- seg3 = 3.0 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 90.0) * RRAD);
- seg4 = 4.0 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 110.0) * RRAD);
+ seg2 = 1.8 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 45) * RRAD);
+ seg3 = 3 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 90) * RRAD);
+ seg4 = 4 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 110) * RRAD);
- chomp = 0.0;
- if (fish->v > 2.0) {
- chomp = -(fish->v - 2.0) * 200.0;
+ chomp = 0;
+ if (fish->v > 2) {
+ chomp = -(fish->v - 2) * 200;
P004[1] = iP004[1] + chomp;
P007[1] = iP007[1] + chomp;
P030[1] = iP030[1] + segup;
P031[1] = iP031[1] + segup;
P032[1] = iP032[1] + segup;
- P033[1] = iP033[1] + segup * 5.0;
- P034[1] = iP034[1] + segup * 5.0;
- P035[1] = iP035[1] + segup * 5.0;
- P036[1] = iP036[1] + segup * 5.0;
- P037[1] = iP037[1] + segup * 5.0;
- P038[1] = iP038[1] + segup * 5.0;
- P039[1] = iP039[1] + segup * 5.0;
- P040[1] = iP040[1] + segup * 5.0;
- P041[1] = iP041[1] + segup * 5.0;
- P042[1] = iP042[1] + segup * 5.0;
- P043[1] = iP043[1] + segup * 12.0;
- P044[1] = iP044[1] + segup * 12.0;
- P045[1] = iP045[1] + segup * 12.0;
- P046[1] = iP046[1] + segup * 12.0;
- P047[1] = iP047[1] + segup * 12.0;
- P048[1] = iP048[1] + segup * 12.0;
- P049[1] = iP049[1] + segup * 12.0;
- P050[1] = iP050[1] + segup * 12.0;
- P051[1] = iP051[1] + segup * 12.0;
- P052[1] = iP052[1] + segup * 12.0;
- P002[1] = iP002[1] + segup * 17.0;
- P061[1] = iP061[1] + segup * 17.0;
- P069[1] = iP069[1] + segup * 17.0;
- P070[1] = iP070[1] + segup * 17.0;
+ P033[1] = iP033[1] + segup * 5;
+ P034[1] = iP034[1] + segup * 5;
+ P035[1] = iP035[1] + segup * 5;
+ P036[1] = iP036[1] + segup * 5;
+ P037[1] = iP037[1] + segup * 5;
+ P038[1] = iP038[1] + segup * 5;
+ P039[1] = iP039[1] + segup * 5;
+ P040[1] = iP040[1] + segup * 5;
+ P041[1] = iP041[1] + segup * 5;
+ P042[1] = iP042[1] + segup * 5;
+ P043[1] = iP043[1] + segup * 12;
+ P044[1] = iP044[1] + segup * 12;
+ P045[1] = iP045[1] + segup * 12;
+ P046[1] = iP046[1] + segup * 12;
+ P047[1] = iP047[1] + segup * 12;
+ P048[1] = iP048[1] + segup * 12;
+ P049[1] = iP049[1] + segup * 12;
+ P050[1] = iP050[1] + segup * 12;
+ P051[1] = iP051[1] + segup * 12;
+ P052[1] = iP052[1] + segup * 12;
+ P002[1] = iP002[1] + segup * 17;
+ P061[1] = iP061[1] + segup * 17;
+ P069[1] = iP069[1] + segup * 17;
+ P070[1] = iP070[1] + segup * 17;
- glTranslatef(0.0, 0.0, -3000.0);
+ glTranslatef(0, 0, -3000);
glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, &mat[0][0]);
n = 0;
- if (mat[0][2] >= 0.0) {
+ if (mat[0][2] >= 0) {
n += 1;
- if (mat[1][2] >= 0.0) {
+ if (mat[1][2] >= 0) {
n += 2;
- if (mat[2][2] >= 0.0) {
+ if (mat[2][2] >= 0) {
n += 4;
- glScalef(2.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+ glScalef(2, 1, 1);
cap = wire ? GL_LINE_LOOP : GL_POLYGON;
#define DEF_SPIN "True"
#define DEF_WANDER "True"
#define DEF_SPEED "150"
-#define DEF_MAXDEPTH "5"
+#define DEF_MAX_DEPTH "5"
#include "rotator.h"
#include "gltrackball.h"
static argtype vars[] = {
- {&do_spin, "spin", "Spin", DEF_SPIN, t_Bool},
- {&do_wander, "wander", "Wander", DEF_WANDER, t_Bool},
- {&speed, "speed", "Speed", DEF_SPEED, t_Int},
- {&max_depth, "maxDepth", "MaxDepth", DEF_MAXDEPTH, t_Int},
+ {&do_spin, "spin", "Spin", DEF_SPIN, t_Bool},
+ {&do_wander, "wander", "Wander", DEF_WANDER, t_Bool},
+ {&speed, "speed", "Speed", DEF_SPEED, t_Int},
+ {&max_depth, "maxDepth", "MaxDepth", DEF_MAX_DEPTH, t_Int},
.B \-wireframe
Render in wireframe instead of solid.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
#define DEFAULTS "*delay: 30000 \n" \
- "*count: 8 \n" \
+ "*count: 9 \n" \
"*showFPS: False \n" \
"*wireframe: False \n" \
#include "gltrackball.h"
#include <ctype.h>
+#include "xpm-ximage.h"
+#include "../images/scales.xpm"
+static char *grey_texture[] = {
+ "16 1 3 1",
+ "X c #808080",
+ "x c #C0C0C0",
+ ". c #FFFFFF",
+ "XXXxxxxx........"
#ifdef USE_GL /* whole file */
#define DEF_SPEED "1.0"
#define DEF_SMOOTH "True"
-#define DEF_SLICES "32"
-#define DEF_SEGMENTS "32"
+#define DEF_TEXTURE "True"
+#define DEF_CEL "False"
+#define DEF_INTERSECT "False"
+#define DEF_SLICES "16"
+#define DEF_SEGMENTS "24"
#define DEF_WIGGLINESS "0.35"
#define DEF_FLEXIBILITY "0.35"
#define DEF_THICKNESS "1.0"
GLfloat length; /* length of the segment coming out of this segment */
GLfloat th; /* vector tilt (on yz plane) from previous segment */
GLfloat phi; /* vector rotation (on xy plane) from previous segment */
- GLfloat thickness; /* radius of tentacle at this segment */
+ GLfloat thickness; /* radius of tentacle at the bottom of this segment */
rotator *rot; /* motion modeller */
} segment;
tentacle **tentacles;
GLfloat tentacle_color[4], stripe_color[4], sucker_color[4];
- GLuint sucker_list;
- int sucker_polys;
+ int torus_polys;
+ int torus_step;
+ XYZ *torus_points;
+ XYZ *torus_normals;
+ GLfloat line_thickness;
+ GLfloat outline_color[4];
+ XImage *texture;
+ GLuint texid;
Bool left_p;
static int debug_p;
static GLfloat arg_speed;
static int smooth_p;
+static int texture_p;
+static int cel_p;
+static int intersect_p;
static int arg_slices;
static int arg_segments;
static GLfloat arg_thickness;
static GLfloat arg_flexibility;
static char *arg_color, *arg_stripe, *arg_sucker;
+/* we can only have one light when doing cel shading */
+static GLfloat light_pos[4] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0};
static XrmOptionDescRec opts[] = {
{ "-speed", ".speed", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{ "-no-smooth", ".smooth", XrmoptionNoArg, "False" },
+ { "-texture", ".texture", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" },
+ { "-no-texture", ".texture", XrmoptionNoArg, "False" },
+ { "-cel", ".cel", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" },
+ { "-no-cel", ".cel", XrmoptionNoArg, "False" },
+ { "-intersect", ".intersect", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" },
+ { "-no-intersect", ".intersect", XrmoptionNoArg, "False" },
{ "-slices", ".slices", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{ "-segments", ".segments", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{ "-thickness", ".thickness", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
static argtype vars[] = {
{&arg_speed, "speed", "Speed", DEF_SPEED, t_Float},
{&smooth_p, "smooth", "Smooth", DEF_SMOOTH, t_Bool},
+ {&texture_p, "texture", "Texture", DEF_TEXTURE, t_Bool},
+ {&cel_p, "cel", "Cel", DEF_CEL, t_Bool},
+ {&intersect_p, "intersect", "Intersect", DEF_INTERSECT, t_Bool},
{&arg_slices, "slices", "Slices", DEF_SLICES, t_Int},
{&arg_segments, "segments", "Segments", DEF_SEGMENTS, t_Int},
{&arg_thickness, "thickness", "Thickness", DEF_THICKNESS, t_Float},
reshape_tentacles (ModeInfo *mi, int width, int height)
+ tentacles_configuration *tc = &tcs[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
GLfloat h = (GLfloat) height / (GLfloat) width;
glViewport (0, 0, (GLint) width, (GLint) height);
0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
+ tc->line_thickness = (MI_IS_WIREFRAME (mi) ? 1 : MAX (3, width / 200));
+static void
+normalize (GLfloat *x, GLfloat *y, GLfloat *z)
+ GLfloat d = sqrt((*x)*(*x) + (*y)*(*y) + (*z)*(*z));
+ *x /= d;
+ *y /= d;
+ *z /= d;
+static GLfloat
+dot (GLfloat x0, GLfloat y0, GLfloat z0,
+ GLfloat x1, GLfloat y1, GLfloat z1)
+ return x0*x1 + y0*y1 + z0*z1;
-static int
-unit_torus (double ratio, int slices1, int slices2, Bool wire)
+static void
+compute_unit_torus (ModeInfo *mi, double ratio, int slices1, int slices2)
- int i, j, k, polys = 0;
+ tentacles_configuration *tc = &tcs[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
+ Bool wire = MI_IS_WIREFRAME (mi);
+ int i, j, k, fp;
if (wire) slices1 /= 2;
if (wire) slices2 /= 4;
if (slices1 < 3) slices1 = 3;
if (slices2 < 3) slices2 = 3;
- glFrontFace (GL_CW);
- glBegin (wire ? GL_LINE_STRIP : GL_QUAD_STRIP);
+ tc->torus_polys = slices1 * (slices2+1) * 2;
+ tc->torus_points = (XYZ *) calloc (tc->torus_polys + 1,
+ sizeof (*tc->torus_points));
+ tc->torus_normals = (XYZ *) calloc (tc->torus_polys + 1,
+ sizeof (*tc->torus_normals));
+ tc->torus_step = 2 * (slices2+1);
+ fp = 0;
for (i = 0; i < slices1; i++)
for (j = 0; j <= slices2; j++)
for (k = 0; k <= 1; k++)
double s = (i + k) % slices1 + 0.5;
double t = j % slices2;
- double x = cos(t*M_PI*2/slices2) * cos(s*M_PI*2/slices1);
- double y = sin(t*M_PI*2/slices2) * cos(s*M_PI*2/slices1);
- double z = sin(s*M_PI*2/slices1);
- glNormal3f(x, y, z);
- x = (1 + ratio * cos(s*M_PI*2/slices1)) * cos(t*M_PI*2/slices2) / 2;
- y = (1 + ratio * cos(s*M_PI*2/slices1)) * sin(t*M_PI*2/slices2) / 2;
- z = ratio * sin(s*M_PI*2/slices1) / 2;
- glVertex3f(x, y, z);
- polys++;
+ XYZ p;
+ p.x = cos(t*M_PI*2/slices2) * cos(s*M_PI*2/slices1);
+ p.y = sin(t*M_PI*2/slices2) * cos(s*M_PI*2/slices1);
+ p.z = sin(s*M_PI*2/slices1);
+ tc->torus_normals[fp] = p;
+ p.x = (1 + ratio * cos(s*M_PI*2/slices1)) * cos(t*M_PI*2/slices2) / 2;
+ p.y = (1 + ratio * cos(s*M_PI*2/slices1)) * sin(t*M_PI*2/slices2) / 2;
+ p.z = ratio * sin(s*M_PI*2/slices1) / 2;
+ tc->torus_points[fp] = p;
+ fp++;
- glEnd();
- return polys;
+ if (fp != tc->torus_polys) abort();
+ tc->torus_polys = fp;
/* Initializes a new tentacle and stores it in the list.
static tentacle *
int xx = which % cols;
int yy = which / cols;
double spc = arg_thickness * 0.8;
+ if (!intersect_p) cols = 1, xx = 0;
t->x = (cols * spc / 2) - (spc * (xx + 0.5));
t->y = (rows * spc / 2) - (spc * (yy + 0.5));
t->z = 0;
if (tc->tentacles_size <= tc->ntentacles)
- tc->tentacles_size = (tc->tentacles_size * 1.2) + tc->ntentacles;
+ tc->tentacles_size = (tc->tentacles_size * 1.2) + tc->ntentacles + 2;
tc->tentacles = (tentacle **)
realloc (tc->tentacles, tc->tentacles_size * sizeof(*tc->tentacles));
if (! tc->tentacles)
static void
-draw_tentacle (tentacle *t)
+draw_sucker (tentacle *t, Bool front_p)
+ tentacles_configuration *tc = &tcs[MI_SCREEN(t->mi)];
+ Bool wire = MI_IS_WIREFRAME (t->mi);
+ int i, j;
+ int strips = tc->torus_polys / tc->torus_step;
+ int points = 0;
+ glFrontFace (front_p ? GL_CW : GL_CCW);
+ for (i = 0; i < strips; i++)
+ {
+ int ii = i * tc->torus_step;
+ /* Leave off the polygons on the underside. This reduces polygon
+ count by about 10% with the default settings. */
+ if (strips > 4 && i >= strips/2 && i < strips-1)
+ continue;
+ glBegin (wire ? GL_LINE_STRIP : GL_QUAD_STRIP);
+ for (j = 0; j < tc->torus_step; j++)
+ {
+ XYZ sp = tc->torus_points[ii+j];
+ XYZ sn = tc->torus_normals[ii+j];
+ glNormal3f(sn.x, sn.y, sn.z);
+ glVertex3f(sp.x, sp.y, sp.z);
+ points++;
+ }
+ glEnd();
+ }
+ t->mi->polygon_count += points/2;
+static void
+draw_tentacle (tentacle *t, Bool front_p)
tentacles_configuration *tc = &tcs[MI_SCREEN(t->mi)];
int i;
double cth_cos = 1, cth_sin = 0;
double cphi_cos = 1, cphi_sin = 0;
+ GLfloat light[3]; /* vector to the light */
+ GLfloat t0 = 0.0; /* texture coordinate */
XYZ *ring, *oring; /* points around the edge (this, and previous) */
XYZ *norm, *onorm; /* their normals */
+ XYZ *ucirc; /* unit circle, to save some trig */
- /* Which portion of the radius the colored stripe takes up */
+ /* Which portion of the radius the indented/colored stripe takes up */
int indented_points = arg_slices * 0.2;
- /* We do rotation way to minimize number of calls to sin/cos. */
-# define ROT(P) do { \
- XYZ _p = P; \
- _p.y = ((P.y * cth_sin - P.x * cth_cos)); \
+ /* We do rotation this way to minimize the number of calls to sin/cos.
+ We have to hack the transformations manually instead of using
+ glRotate/glTranslate because those calls are not allowed *inside*
+ of a glBegin/glEnd block...
+ */
+# define ROT(P) do { \
+ XYZ _p = P; \
+ _p.y = ((P.y * cth_sin - P.x * cth_cos)); \
_p.x = ((P.y * cth_cos + P.x * cth_sin) * cphi_sin - (P.z * cphi_cos)); \
_p.z = ((P.y * cth_cos + P.x * cth_sin) * cphi_cos + (P.z * cphi_sin)); \
- P = _p; \
+ P = _p; \
} while(0)
ring = (XYZ *) malloc (arg_slices * sizeof(*ring));
norm = (XYZ *) malloc (arg_slices * sizeof(*norm));
oring = (XYZ *) malloc (arg_slices * sizeof(*oring));
onorm = (XYZ *) malloc (arg_slices * sizeof(*onorm));
+ ucirc = (XYZ *) malloc (arg_slices * sizeof(*ucirc));
- if (wire)
- glColor4fv (t->tentacle_color);
- else
+ light[0] = light_pos[0];
+ light[1] = light_pos[1];
+ light[2] = light_pos[2];
+ normalize (&light[0], &light[1], &light[2]);
+ for (i = 0; i < arg_slices; i++)
- static const GLfloat bspec[4] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
- static const GLfloat bshiny = 128.0;
- glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, bspec);
- glMateriali (GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, bshiny);
+ double a = M_PI * 2 * i / arg_slices;
+ ucirc[i].x = cos(a);
+ ucirc[i].y = sin(a);
+ ucirc[i].z = 0;
+ if (cel_p)
+ glPolygonMode (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, (front_p ? GL_FILL : GL_LINE));
glTranslatef (t->x, t->y, t->z);
if (debug_p)
- if (!wire) glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
+ glPushAttrib (GL_ENABLE_BIT);
+ glDisable (GL_LIGHTING);
+ glDisable (GL_TEXTURE_1D);
+ glDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glColor3f (1, 1, 1);
+ glLineWidth (1);
for (i = 0; i < arg_slices; i++)
glVertex3f (arg_thickness / 2 * cos (M_PI * 2 * i / arg_slices),
arg_thickness / 2 * sin (M_PI * 2 * i / arg_slices),
- if (!wire) glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
+ glPopAttrib();
+ }
+ if (!front_p)
+ glColor4fv (tc->outline_color);
+ else if (wire)
+ glColor4fv (t->tentacle_color);
+ else
+ {
+ static const GLfloat bspec[4] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
+ static const GLfloat bshiny = 128.0;
+ glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, bspec);
+ glMateriali (GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, bshiny);
for (i = 0; i < t->nsegments; i++)
int j;
- XYZ p;
+ GLfloat t1 = t0 + i / (t->nsegments * M_PI * 2);
for (j = 0; j < arg_slices; j++)
/* Construct a vertical disc at the origin, to use as the
base of this segment.
- */
+ */
double r = t->segments[i].thickness / 2;
- double a = M_PI * 2 * j / arg_slices;
if (j <= indented_points/2 || j >= arg_slices-indented_points/2)
- r *= 0.75;
+ r *= 0.75; /* indent the stripe */
- ring[j].x = r * cos (a);
+ ring[j].x = r * ucirc[j].x;
ring[j].y = 0;
- ring[j].z = r * sin (a);
+ ring[j].z = r * ucirc[j].y;
/* Then rotate the points by the angle of the current segment. */
first so that the normals of the vertexes can be the average
of the normals of the faces.
#### Uh, except I didn't actually implement that...
- but it would be a good idea.
- */
+ but it would be a good idea.
+ */
if (i > 0)
for (j = 0; j <= arg_slices; j++)
/* Draw!
if (i > 0)
int j;
- glFrontFace (GL_CCW);
+ glLineWidth (tc->line_thickness);
+ glFrontFace (front_p ? GL_CCW : GL_CW);
glBegin (wire ? GL_LINES : smooth_p ? GL_QUAD_STRIP : GL_QUADS);
for (j = 0; j <= arg_slices; j++)
int j0 = j % arg_slices;
int j1 = (j+1) % arg_slices;
- if (j <= indented_points/2 || j >= arg_slices-indented_points/2)
- t->stripe_color);
+ GLfloat ts = j / (double) arg_slices;
+ if (!front_p)
+ glColor4fv (tc->outline_color);
+ else if (j <= indented_points/2 ||
+ j >= arg_slices-indented_points/2)
+ {
+ glColor4fv (t->stripe_color);
+ t->stripe_color);
+ }
- t->tentacle_color);
+ {
+ glColor4fv (t->tentacle_color);
+ t->tentacle_color);
+ }
+ /* For cel shading, the 1d texture coordinate (s) is the
+ dot product of the lighting vector and the vertex normal.
+ */
+ if (cel_p)
+ {
+ t0 = dot (light[0], light[1], light[2],
+ onorm[j0].x, onorm[j0].y, onorm[j0].z);
+ t1 = dot (light[0], light[1], light[2],
+ norm[j0].x, norm[j0].y, norm[j0].z);
+ if (t0 < 0) t0 = 0;
+ if (t1 < 0) t1 = 0;
+ }
+ glTexCoord2f (t0, ts);
glNormal3f (onorm[j0].x, onorm[j0].y, onorm[j0].z);
glVertex3f (oring[j0].x, oring[j0].y, oring[j0].z);
+ glTexCoord2f (t1, ts);
glNormal3f ( norm[j0].x, norm[j0].y, norm[j0].z);
glVertex3f ( ring[j0].x, ring[j0].y, ring[j0].z);
if (!smooth_p)
+ ts = j1 / (double) arg_slices;
+ glTexCoord2f (t1, ts);
glVertex3f ( ring[j1].x, ring[j1].y, ring[j1].z);
+ glTexCoord2f (t0, ts);
glVertex3f (oring[j1].x, oring[j1].y, oring[j1].z);
double seg_length = arg_length / t->nsegments;
- double sucker_size = arg_thickness / 8;
- double sucker_spacing = sucker_size * 1.5;
+ double sucker_size = arg_thickness / 5;
+ double sucker_spacing = sucker_size * 1.3;
int nsuckers = seg_length / sucker_spacing;
double oth = cth - t->segments[i-1].th;
double ophi = cphi - t->segments[i-1].phi;
int k;
+ if (!wire)
+ glLineWidth (MAX (2, tc->line_thickness / 2.0));
+ glDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ /* Sometimes we have N suckers on one segment;
+ sometimes we have one sucker every N segments. */
if (nsuckers == 0)
int segs_per_sucker =
nsuckers = (i % segs_per_sucker) ? 0 : 1;
- glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, t->sucker_color);
+ if (front_p)
+ {
+ glColor4fv (t->sucker_color);
+ t->sucker_color);
+ }
for (k = 0; k < nsuckers; k++)
scale = t->segments[i].thickness / arg_thickness;
- scale *= 0.7;
- glTranslatef (0, 0, -0.15 * sucker_size);
- glScalef (scale, scale, scale*4);
- {
- double off = sucker_size * 1.4;
- glPushMatrix();
- glTranslatef (off, 0, 0);
- glCallList (tc->sucker_list);
- t->mi->polygon_count += tc->sucker_polys;
- glPopMatrix();
- glPushMatrix();
- glTranslatef (-off, 0, 0);
- glCallList (tc->sucker_list);
- t->mi->polygon_count += tc->sucker_polys;
- glPopMatrix();
- }
+ scale *= 0.7 * sucker_size;
+ glScalef (scale, scale, scale * 4);
+ glTranslatef (0, 0, -0.1); /* embed */
+ glTranslatef (1, 0, 0); /* left */
+ draw_sucker (t, front_p);
+ glTranslatef (-2, 0, 0); /* right */
+ draw_sucker (t, front_p);
+ if (texture_p) glEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D);
/* Now draw the end caps.
+ glLineWidth (tc->line_thickness);
if (i == 0 || i == t->nsegments-1)
int j;
GLfloat ctrz = ctr.z + ((i == 0 ? -1 : 1) *
t->segments[i].thickness / 4);
- glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, t->tentacle_color);
- glFrontFace (i == 0 ? GL_CCW : GL_CW);
+ if (front_p)
+ {
+ glColor4fv (t->tentacle_color);
+ t->tentacle_color);
+ }
+ glFrontFace ((front_p ? i == 0 : i != 0) ? GL_CCW : GL_CW);
glBegin (wire ? GL_LINES : GL_TRIANGLE_FAN);
glNormal3f (0, 0, (i == 0 ? -1 : 1));
+ glTexCoord2f (t0 - 0.25, 0.5);
glVertex3f (ctr.x, ctr.y, ctrz);
for (j = 0; j <= arg_slices; j++)
int jj = j % arg_slices;
+ GLfloat ts = j / (double) arg_slices;
+ glTexCoord2f (t0, ts);
glNormal3f (norm[jj].x, norm[jj].y, norm[jj].z);
glVertex3f (ring[jj].x, ring[jj].y, ring[jj].z);
if (wire) glVertex3f (ctr.x, ctr.y, ctrz);
if (i != t->nsegments-1)
+ XYZ p;
p.x = 0;
p.y = t->segments[i].length;
p.z = 0;
/* Accumulate the current angle and rotation, to keep track of the
rotation of the upcoming segment.
- */
+ */
cth += t->segments[i].th;
cphi += t->segments[i].phi;
memcpy (oring, ring, arg_slices * sizeof(*ring));
memcpy (onorm, norm, arg_slices * sizeof(*norm));
+ t0 = t1;
free (norm);
free (oring);
free (onorm);
+ free (ucirc);
MI_WIDTH (mi), MI_HEIGHT (mi));
return True;
+ else if (event->xany.type == KeyPress)
+ {
+ KeySym keysym;
+ char c = 0;
+ XLookupString (&event->xkey, &c, 1, &keysym, 0);
+ if (c == ' ')
+ {
+ gltrackball_reset (tc->trackball);
+ return True;
+ }
+ }
return False;
if (!wire)
- GLfloat pos[4] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0};
GLfloat amb[4] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
GLfloat dif[4] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
GLfloat spc[4] = {0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
- glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
- glEnable(GL_LIGHT0);
- glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
- glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, pos);
+ glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, light_pos);
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_AMBIENT, amb);
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, dif);
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_SPECULAR, spc);
+ if (!wire && !cel_p)
+ {
+ glEnable (GL_LIGHTING);
+ glEnable (GL_LIGHT0);
+ }
tc->trackball = gltrackball_init ();
tc->left_p = !(random() % 5);
parse_color (mi, "stripeColor", arg_stripe, tc->stripe_color);
parse_color (mi, "suckerColor", arg_sucker, tc->sucker_color);
+ /* Black outlines for light colors, white outlines for dark colors. */
+ if (tc->tentacle_color[0] + tc->tentacle_color[1] + tc->tentacle_color[2]
+ < 0.4)
+ tc->outline_color[0] = 1;
+ tc->outline_color[1] = tc->outline_color[0];
+ tc->outline_color[2] = tc->outline_color[0];
+ tc->outline_color[3] = 1;
for (i = 0; i < MI_COUNT(mi); i++)
move_tentacle (make_tentacle (mi, i, MI_COUNT(mi)));
- tc->sucker_list = glGenLists (1);
- glNewList (tc->sucker_list, GL_COMPILE);
- { GLfloat s = arg_thickness / 5; glScalef (s, s, s); }
- tc->sucker_polys = unit_torus (0.5,
- MIN(8, arg_slices/6),
- MIN(12, arg_slices/3),
- glEndList();
+ if (wire) texture_p = cel_p = False;
+ if (cel_p) texture_p = False;
+ if (texture_p || cel_p) {
+ glGenTextures(1, &tc->texid);
+ glBindTexture ((cel_p ? GL_TEXTURE_1D : GL_TEXTURE_2D), tc->texid);
+# endif
+ tc->texture = xpm_to_ximage (MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_VISUAL(mi),
+ (cel_p ? grey_texture : scales));
+ if (!tc->texture) texture_p = cel_p = False;
+ }
+ if (texture_p) {
+ glPixelStorei (GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
+ clear_gl_error();
+ glTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA,
+ tc->texture->width, tc->texture->height, 0,
+ tc->texture->data);
+ check_gl_error("texture");
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ } else if (cel_p) {
+ clear_gl_error();
+ glTexImage1D (GL_TEXTURE_1D, 0, GL_RGBA,
+ tc->texture->width, 0,
+ tc->texture->data);
+ check_gl_error("texture");
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_1D);
+ glEnable (GL_LINE_SMOOTH);
+ glEnable (GL_BLEND);
+ /* Dark gray instead of black, so the outlines show up */
+ glClearColor (0.08, 0.08, 0.08, 1.0);
+ }
+ compute_unit_torus (mi, 0.5,
+ MAX(5, arg_slices/6),
+ MAX(9, arg_slices/3));
draw_tentacles (ModeInfo *mi)
tentacles_configuration *tc = &tcs[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
- int wire = MI_IS_WIREFRAME(mi);
Display *dpy = MI_DISPLAY(mi);
Window window = MI_WINDOW(mi);
int i;
# if 1
glScalef (3, 3, 3);
# else
+ glPushAttrib (GL_ENABLE_BIT);
{ GLfloat s = 8.7/1600; glScalef(s,s,s); }
- if (!wire) glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
+ glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_1D);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glColor3f (1, 1, 1);
- if (!wire) glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
+ glPopAttrib();
# endif
gltrackball_rotate (tc->trackball);
if (debug_p)
- if (!wire) glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
+ glPushAttrib (GL_ENABLE_BIT);
+ glDisable (GL_LIGHTING);
+ glDisable (GL_TEXTURE_1D);
+ glDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glColor3f (1, 1, 1);
+ glLineWidth (1);
glVertex3f(-0.5, 0, 0); glVertex3f(0.5, 0, 0);
glVertex3f(0, -0.5, 0); glVertex3f(0, 0.5, 0);
- if (!wire) glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
- }
- else if (tc->left_p)
- {
- glRotatef ( 45, 0, 1, 0); /* upper left */
- glRotatef ( 45, 1, 0, 0);
- glRotatef (-70, 0, 0, 1);
- glTranslatef (0, -2, -4.5);
+ glPopAttrib();
- glRotatef (-45, 0, 1, 0); /* upper right */
- glRotatef ( 45, 1, 0, 0);
- glRotatef ( 70, 0, 0, 1);
- glTranslatef (0, -2, -4.5);
+ GLfloat rx = 45;
+ GLfloat ry = -45;
+ GLfloat rz = 70;
+ if (tc->left_p)
+ ry = -ry, rz = -rz;
+ glRotatef (ry, 0, 1, 0);
+ glRotatef (rx, 1, 0, 0);
+ glRotatef (rz, 0, 0, 1);
+ if (intersect_p)
+ glTranslatef (0, -2.0, -4.5);
+ else
+ glTranslatef (0, -2.5, -5.0);
if (!tc->button_down_p)
for (i = 0; i < tc->ntentacles; i++)
move_tentacle (tc->tentacles[i]);
+#if 1
for (i = 0; i < tc->ntentacles; i++)
- draw_tentacle (tc->tentacles[i]);
+ {
+ if (! intersect_p)
+ draw_tentacle (tc->tentacles[i], True);
+ if (cel_p)
+ draw_tentacle (tc->tentacles[i], False);
+ }
+ glScalef (3, 3, 3);
+ glScalef (1, 1, 4);
+ glColor3f(1,1,1);
+ glPolygonMode (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
+ draw_sucker (tc->tentacles[0], True);
+ if (cel_p)
+ {
+ glPolygonMode (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE);
+ glLineWidth (tc->line_thickness);
+ glColor4fv (tc->outline_color);
+ draw_sucker (tc->tentacles[0], False);
+ }
glPopMatrix ();
.B \-no\-smooth
Make the tentacles appear faceted instead of smooth.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
#define DEFAULTS "*delay: 30000 \n" \
"*showFPS: False \n" \
"*wireframe: False \n" \
- "*labelfont: -*-times-bold-r-normal-*-180-*\n"
+ "*labelfont: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-180-*\n"
# define refresh_spheremonics 0
# define release_spheremonics 0
print_gl_string (mi->dpy, cc->font, cc->font_list,
mi->xgwa.width, mi->xgwa.height,
10, mi->xgwa.height - 10,
- buf);
+ buf, False);
if (!static_parms)
.B \-bbox | \-no-bbox
Draw Bounding Box. Boolean.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
.B \-wireframe
Render in wireframe instead of solid.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
static const char sccsid[] = "@(#)stairs.c 4.07 97/11/24 xlockmore";
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
* documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
# define DEFAULTS "*delay: 20000 \n" \
"*showFPS: False \n"
# define refresh_stairs 0
-# define stairs_handle_event 0
# include "xlockmore.h" /* from the xscreensaver distribution */
#else /* !STANDALONE */
# include "xlock.h" /* from the xlockmore distribution */
#ifdef USE_GL
#include "e_textures.h"
+#include "sphere.h"
+#include "gltrackball.h"
ENTRYPOINT ModeSpecOpt stairs_opts =
{0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL};
typedef struct {
GLint WindH, WindW;
GLfloat step;
- Bool direction;
+ int rotating;
int AreObjectsDefined[1];
int sphere_position;
int sphere_tick;
GLXContext *glx_context;
+ trackball_state *trackball;
+ Bool button_down_p;
GLuint objects;
} stairsstruct;
static const float lmodel_ambient[] = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0};
static const float lmodel_twoside[] = {GL_TRUE};
-#if 0
-static const float MaterialRed[] = {0.7, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
-static const float MaterialGreen[] = {0.1, 0.5, 0.2, 1.0};
-static const float MaterialBlue[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.7, 1.0};
-static const float MaterialCyan[] = {0.2, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0};
-static const float MaterialMagenta[] = {0.6, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0};
-static const float MaterialGray[] = {0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0};
-static const float MaterialGray5[] = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0};
-static const float MaterialGray6[] = {0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1.0};
-static const float MaterialGray8[] = {0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0};
static const float MaterialYellow[] = {0.7, 0.7, 0.0, 1.0};
static const float MaterialWhite[] = {0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0};
-static const float positions[] =
- -2.5, 4.0, 0.0, /* First one is FUDGED :) */
- -3.0, 3.25, 1.0,
- -3.0, 4.4, 1.5,
- -3.0, 3.05, 2.0,
- -3.0, 4.2, 2.5,
- -3.0, 2.85, 3.0,
- -2.5, 4.0, 3.0,
- -2.0, 2.75, 3.0,
- -1.5, 3.9, 3.0,
- -1.0, 2.65, 3.0,
- -0.5, 3.8, 3.0,
- 0.0, 2.55, 3.0,
- 0.5, 3.7, 3.0,
- 1.0, 2.45, 3.0,
- 1.5, 3.6, 3.0,
- 2.0, 2.35, 3.0,
- 2.0, 3.5, 2.5,
- 2.0, 2.25, 2.0,
- 2.0, 3.4, 1.5,
- 2.0, 2.15, 1.0,
- 2.0, 3.3, 0.5,
- 2.0, 2.05, 0.0,
- 2.0, 3.2, -0.5,
- 2.0, 1.95, -1.0,
- 2.0, 3.1, -1.5,
- 2.0, 1.85, -2.0,
- 1.5, 2.9, -2.0,
- 1.0, 1.65, -2.0,
- 0.5, 2.7, -2.0,
- 0.0, 1.55, -2.0,
- -0.5, 2.5, -2.0,
- -1.0, 1.45, -2.0,
+static const float ball_positions[] = {
+ -3.0, 3.0, 1.0,
+ -3.0, 2.8, 2.0,
+ -3.0, 2.6, 3.0,
+ -2.0, 2.4, 3.0,
+ -1.0, 2.2, 3.0,
+ 0.0, 2.0, 3.0,
+ 1.0, 1.8, 3.0,
+ 2.0, 1.6, 3.0,
+ 2.0, 1.5, 2.0,
+ 2.0, 1.4, 1.0,
+ 2.0, 1.3, 0.0,
+ 2.0, 1.2, -1.0,
+ 2.0, 1.1, -2.0,
+ 1.0, 0.9, -2.0,
+ 0.0, 0.7, -2.0,
+ -1.0, 0.5, -2.0,
-#define NPOSITIONS ((sizeof positions) / (sizeof positions[0]))
-#define SPHERE_TICKS 8
+#define NPOSITIONS ((sizeof ball_positions) / (sizeof ball_positions[0]) / 3)
+#define SPHERE_TICKS 32
static stairsstruct *stairs = NULL;
-#define ObjSphere 0
-#define PlankWidth 3.0
-#define PlankHeight 0.35
-#define PlankThickness 0.15
-static void
-mySphere(float radius)
- GLUquadricObj *quadObj;
- quadObj = gluNewQuadric();
- gluQuadricDrawStyle(quadObj, (GLenum) GLU_FILL);
- gluSphere(quadObj, radius, 16, 16);
- gluDeleteQuadric(quadObj);
-static void
+static int
draw_block(GLfloat width, GLfloat height, GLfloat thickness)
+ int polys = 0;
+ glFrontFace(GL_CCW);
glNormal3f(0, 0, 1);
glTexCoord2f(0, 0);
glVertex3f(width, height, thickness);
glTexCoord2f(0, 1);
glVertex3f(-width, height, thickness);
+ polys++;
glNormal3f(0, 0, -1);
glTexCoord2f(0, 0);
glVertex3f(-width, height, -thickness);
glVertex3f(width, -height, -thickness);
glTexCoord2f(0, 1);
glVertex3f(-width, -height, -thickness);
+ polys++;
glNormal3f(0, 1, 0);
glTexCoord2f(0, 0);
glVertex3f(-width, height, thickness);
glVertex3f(width, height, -thickness);
glTexCoord2f(0, 1);
glVertex3f(-width, height, -thickness);
+ polys++;
glNormal3f(0, -1, 0);
glTexCoord2f(0, 0);
glVertex3f(-width, -height, -thickness);
glVertex3f(width, -height, thickness);
glTexCoord2f(0, 1);
glVertex3f(-width, -height, thickness);
+ polys++;
glNormal3f(1, 0, 0);
glTexCoord2f(0, 0);
glVertex3f(width, -height, thickness);
glVertex3f(width, height, -thickness);
glTexCoord2f(0, 1);
glVertex3f(width, height, thickness);
+ polys++;
glNormal3f(-1, 0, 0);
glTexCoord2f(0, 0);
glVertex3f(-width, height, thickness);
glVertex3f(-width, -height, -thickness);
glTexCoord2f(0, 1);
glVertex3f(-width, -height, thickness);
+ polys++;
+ return polys;
static void
draw_stairs_internal(ModeInfo * mi)
- stairsstruct *sp = &stairs[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
GLfloat X;
+ mi->polygon_count = 0;
glTranslatef(-3.0, 0.1, 2.0);
for (X = 0; X < 2; X++) {
- draw_block(0.5, 2.7 + 0.1 * X, 0.5);
+ mi->polygon_count += draw_block(0.5, 2.7 + 0.1 * X, 0.5);
glTranslatef(0.0, 0.1, -1.0);
for (X = 0; X < 6; X++) {
- draw_block(0.5, 2.6 - 0.1 * X, 0.5);
+ mi->polygon_count += draw_block(0.5, 2.6 - 0.1 * X, 0.5);
glTranslatef(1.0, -0.1, 0.0);
glTranslatef(-1.0, -0.9, -1.0);
for (X = 0; X < 5; X++) {
- draw_block(0.5, 3.0 - 0.1 * X, 0.5);
+ mi->polygon_count += draw_block(0.5, 3.0 - 0.1 * X, 0.5);
glTranslatef(0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
glTranslatef(-1.0, -1.1, 1.0);
for (X = 0; X < 3; X++) {
- draw_block(0.5, 3.5 - 0.1 * X, 0.5);
+ mi->polygon_count += draw_block(0.5, 3.5 - 0.1 * X, 0.5);
glTranslatef(-1.0, -0.1, 0.0);
- glPushMatrix();
- glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, MaterialYellow);
- {
- int pos = sp->sphere_position;
- int ppos = sp->sphere_position - 3;
- int npos = sp->sphere_position + 3;
- GLfloat spx, spy, spz;
- GLfloat dx, dy, dz;
- int div;
- if (ppos < 0) ppos += NPOSITIONS;
- if (npos >= NPOSITIONS) npos -= NPOSITIONS;
- if (sp->sphere_tick < 0)
- {
- dx = positions[ppos] - positions[pos];
- dy = positions[ppos+1] - positions[pos+1];
- dz = positions[ppos+2] - positions[pos+2];
- div = SPHERE_TICKS + sp->sphere_tick;
- }
- else
- {
- dx = positions[npos] - positions[pos];
- dy = positions[npos+1] - positions[pos+1];
- dz = positions[npos+2] - positions[ppos+2];
- div = SPHERE_TICKS - sp->sphere_tick;
- }
- spx = positions[pos];
- spy = positions[pos+1];
- spz = positions[pos+2];
- if (div != 0)
- {
- spx += dx / div;
- spy += dy / div;
- spz += dz / div;
- }
- spy -= 0.5; /* move the bottom of the ball closer to the stairs */
-#ifdef DEBUG
- fprintf(stderr, "%3d %3d %2.2f %2.2f %2.2f %2.2f %2.2f %2.2f\n",
- sp->sphere_position, sp->sphere_tick,
- dx, dy, dz,
- spx, spy, spz);
+/*#define DEBUG*/
+/*#define DEBUG_PATH*/
- glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); /* path 1 */
- glVertex3f(positions[pos], positions[pos+1], positions[pos+2]);
- glVertex3f(positions[npos], positions[npos+1], positions[npos+2]);
- glEnd();
+static int
+draw_sphere(int pos, int tick)
+ int pos2 = (pos+1) % NPOSITIONS;
+ GLfloat x1 = ball_positions[pos*3];
+ GLfloat y1 = ball_positions[pos*3+1];
+ GLfloat z1 = ball_positions[pos*3+2];
+ GLfloat x2 = ball_positions[pos2*3];
+ GLfloat y2 = ball_positions[pos2*3+1];
+ GLfloat z2 = ball_positions[pos2*3+2];
+ GLfloat frac = tick / (GLfloat) SPHERE_TICKS;
+ GLfloat x = x1 + (x2 - x1) * frac;
+ GLfloat y = y1 + (y2 - y1) * frac + (2 * sin (M_PI * frac));
+ GLfloat z = z1 + (z2 - z1) * frac;
+ int polys = 0;
- glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); /* path 2 */
- glVertex3f(positions[pos], positions[pos+1], positions[pos+2]);
- glVertex3f(positions[ppos], positions[ppos+1], positions[ppos+2]);
- glEnd();
+ glPushMatrix();
- glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); /* base origin */
- glVertex3f(positions[pos], positions[pos+1]-10, positions[pos+2]);
- glVertex3f(positions[pos], positions[pos+1]+10, positions[pos+2]);
- glEnd();
+# ifdef DEBUG_PATH
+ glVertex3f(x, y, z);
+ if (tick == 0) {
+ glVertex3f(x, y-7.5, z);
+ glVertex3f(x, y, z); glVertex3f(x, y, z-0.6);
+ glVertex3f(x, y, z); glVertex3f(x, y, z+0.6);
+ glVertex3f(x, y, z); glVertex3f(x+0.6, y, z);
+ glVertex3f(x, y, z); glVertex3f(x-0.6, y, z);
+ glVertex3f(x, y, z);
+ }
- glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); /* base origin */
- glVertex3f(positions[pos]-10, positions[pos+1], positions[pos+2]);
- glVertex3f(positions[pos]+10, positions[pos+1], positions[pos+2]);
- glEnd();
+# else /* !DEBUG_PATH */
+ y += 0.5;
+ glTranslatef(x, y, z);
- glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); /* base origin */
- glVertex3f(positions[pos], positions[pos+1], positions[pos+2]-10);
- glVertex3f(positions[pos], positions[pos+1], positions[pos+2]+10);
- glEnd();
-#endif /* DEBUG */
+ glScalef (0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
- glTranslatef(spx, spy, spz);
+ /* make ball a little smaller on the gap to obscure distance */
+ if (pos == NPOSITIONS-1)
+ glScalef (0.95, 0.95, 0.95);
-#ifdef DEBUG /* ball origin */
- glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); glVertex3f(0,-2,0); glVertex3f(0,2,0); glEnd();
- glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); glVertex3f(-2,0,0); glVertex3f(2,0,0); glEnd();
- glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); glVertex3f(0,0,-2); glVertex3f(0,0,2); glEnd();
-#endif /* DEBUG */
- }
+ glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, MaterialYellow);
+ glDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH);
+ polys += unit_sphere (32, 32, False);
+ glShadeModel(GL_FLAT);
+ glEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+#endif /* !DEBUG_PATH */
- if (sp->sphere_position == 0) /* FUDGE soo its not so obvious */
- mySphere(0.48);
- else
- mySphere(0.5);
+ return polys;
- if (++sp->sphere_tick >= SPHERE_TICKS-1)
- {
- sp->sphere_tick = -(SPHERE_TICKS-2);
- sp->sphere_position += 3;
- sp->sphere_position += 3;
- }
- if (sp->sphere_position >= NPOSITIONS)
- sp->sphere_position = 0;
reshape_stairs (ModeInfo * mi, int width, int height)
+stairs_handle_event (ModeInfo *mi, XEvent *event)
+ stairsstruct *sp = &stairs[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
+ if (event->xany.type == ButtonPress &&
+ event->xbutton.button == Button1)
+ {
+ sp->button_down_p = True;
+ gltrackball_start (sp->trackball,
+ event->xbutton.x, event->xbutton.y,
+ MI_WIDTH (mi), MI_HEIGHT (mi));
+ return True;
+ }
+ else if (event->xany.type == ButtonRelease &&
+ event->xbutton.button == Button1)
+ {
+ sp->button_down_p = False;
+ return True;
+ }
+ else if (event->xany.type == ButtonPress &&
+ (event->xbutton.button == Button4 ||
+ event->xbutton.button == Button5 ||
+ event->xbutton.button == Button6 ||
+ event->xbutton.button == Button7))
+ {
+ gltrackball_mousewheel (sp->trackball, event->xbutton.button, 10,
+ !!event->xbutton.state);
+ return True;
+ }
+ else if (event->xany.type == MotionNotify &&
+ sp->button_down_p)
+ {
+ gltrackball_track (sp->trackball,
+ event->xmotion.x, event->xmotion.y,
+ MI_WIDTH (mi), MI_HEIGHT (mi));
+ return True;
+ }
+ else if (event->xany.type == KeyPress)
+ {
+ KeySym keysym;
+ char c = 0;
+ XLookupString (&event->xkey, &c, 1, &keysym, 0);
+ if (c == ' ')
+ {
+ gltrackball_reset (sp->trackball);
+ return True;
+ }
+ }
+ return False;
static void
- glFrontFace(GL_CCW);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, MaterialWhite);
sp = &stairs[screen];
- sp->step = 0.0;
- /* make multiple screens rotate at slightly different rates. */
- sp->step -= frand(5.0);
- sp->direction = LRAND() & 1;
- sp->sphere_position = NRAND(NPOSITIONS / 3) * 3;
+ sp->step = 0.0;
+ sp->rotating = 0;
+ sp->sphere_position = NRAND(NPOSITIONS);
sp->sphere_tick = 0;
if ((sp->glx_context = init_GL(mi)) != NULL) {
} else {
+ sp->trackball = gltrackball_init ();
glScalef(Scale4Iconic * sp->WindH / sp->WindW, Scale4Iconic, Scale4Iconic);
+ gltrackball_rotate (sp->trackball);
+ glTranslatef(0, 0.5, 0);
glRotatef(44.5, 1, 0, 0);
- glRotatef(50 + ((sp->direction) ? 1 : -1) *
- ((sp->step * 100 > 120) ? sp->step * 100 - 120 : 0), 0, 1, 0);
- if (sp->step * 100 >= 360 + 120) { /* stop showing secrets */
+ glRotatef(50, 0, 1, 0);
+ if (!sp->rotating) {
+ if ((LRAND() % 500) == 0)
+ sp->rotating = (LRAND() & 1) ? 1 : -1;
+ }
+ if (sp->rotating) {
+ glRotatef(sp->rotating * sp->step, 0, 1, 0);
+ if (sp->step >= 360) {
+ sp->rotating = 0;
sp->step = 0;
- sp->direction = LRAND() & 1;
- }
+ }
+# ifndef DEBUG
+ if (!sp->button_down_p)
+ sp->step += 2;
+# endif /* DEBUG */
+ }
+# ifdef DEBUG
+ {
+ int i, j;
+# ifdef DEBUG_PATH
+ glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+ glBegin (GL_LINE_LOOP);
+# endif /* DEBUG_PATH */
+ for (i = 0; i < NPOSITIONS; i ++)
+ for (j = 0; j < SPHERE_TICKS; j++)
+ mi->polygon_count += draw_sphere(i, j);
+# ifdef DEBUG_PATH
+ glEnd();
+ glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+# endif /* DEBUG_PATH */
+ }
+#else /* !DEBUG */
+ mi->polygon_count += draw_sphere(sp->sphere_position, sp->sphere_tick);
+#endif /* !DEBUG */
+ if (sp->button_down_p)
+ ;
+ else if (++sp->sphere_tick >= SPHERE_TICKS)
+ {
+ sp->sphere_tick = 0;
+ if (++sp->sphere_position >= NPOSITIONS)
+ sp->sphere_position = 0;
+ }
if (mi->fps_p) do_fps (mi);
glXSwapBuffers(display, window);
- sp->step += 0.025;
.B \-wireframe
Render in wireframe instead of solid.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
- * starwars, Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org> and
+/* starwars, Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org> and
* Claudio Matsuoka <claudio@helllabs.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
#define DEF_LINES "125"
#define DEF_STEPS "35"
#define DEF_SPIN "0.03"
-#define DEF_FONT_SIZE "-1"
+#define DEF_SIZE "-1"
#define DEF_COLUMNS "-1"
-#define DEF_WRAP "True"
-#define DEF_ALIGN "Center"
+#define DEF_LINE_WRAP "True"
+#define DEF_ALIGNMENT "Center"
#define DEF_SMOOTH "True"
#define DEF_THICK "True"
#define DEF_FADE "True"
{"-lines", ".lines", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{"-steps", ".steps", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{"-spin", ".spin", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
- {"-size", ".fontSize", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ {"-size", ".size", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{"-columns", ".columns", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
/*{"-font", ".font", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },*/
{"-fade", ".fade", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" },
{&max_lines, "lines", "Integer", DEF_LINES, t_Int},
{&scroll_steps, "steps", "Integer", DEF_STEPS, t_Int},
{&star_spin, "spin", "Float", DEF_SPIN, t_Float},
- {&font_size, "fontSize", "Float", DEF_FONT_SIZE, t_Float},
+ {&font_size, "size", "Float", DEF_SIZE, t_Float},
{&target_columns, "columns", "Integer", DEF_COLUMNS, t_Int},
- {&wrap_p, "lineWrap", "Boolean", DEF_WRAP, t_Bool},
- {&alignment_str, "alignment", "Alignment", DEF_ALIGN, t_String},
+ {&wrap_p, "lineWrap", "Boolean", DEF_LINE_WRAP, t_Bool},
+ {&alignment_str, "alignment", "Alignment", DEF_ALIGNMENT, t_String},
{&smooth_p, "smooth", "Boolean", DEF_SMOOTH, t_Bool},
{&thick_p, "thick", "Boolean", DEF_THICK, t_Bool},
{&fade_p, "fade", "Boolean", DEF_FADE, t_Bool},
appear unnaturally skinny, but may improve performance.
.TP 8
.B \-fps
-Display a running tally of how many frames per second are being rendered.
-In conjunction with \fB\-delay 0\fP, this can be a useful benchmark of
-your GL performance.
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
extern void move_increment(stonerview_state *);
-extern stonerview_state * init_view(int wireframe_p);
+extern stonerview_state * init_view(int wireframe_p, int transparent_p);
extern void win_draw(stonerview_state *);
extern void win_release(stonerview_state *);
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "stonerview.h"
-static GLfloat view_rotx = -45.0, view_roty = 0.0, view_rotz = 0.0;
+static GLfloat view_rotx = -45.0, view_roty = 0.0, view_rotz = 15.0;
static GLfloat view_scale = 4.0;
stonerview_state *
-init_view(int wireframe_p)
+init_view(int wireframe_p, int transparent_p)
stonerview_state *st = (stonerview_state *) calloc (1, sizeof(*st));
st->wireframe = wireframe_p;
+ st->transparent = transparent_p;
st->num_els = NUM_ELS;
st->elist = (elem_t *) calloc (st->num_els, sizeof(*st->elist));
/* for trackball, two-sided lighting and no face culling */
+ glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH);
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ if (st->transparent)
+ glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE);
return st;
#include "stonerview.h"
#include "gltrackball.h"
+#define DEF_TRANSPARENT "True"
typedef struct {
GLXContext *glx_context;
stonerview_state *st;
static stonerview_configuration *bps = NULL;
-ENTRYPOINT ModeSpecOpt stonerview_opts = {0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL};
+static Bool transparent_p;
+static XrmOptionDescRec opts[] = {
+ { "-transparent", ".transparent", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" },
+ { "+transparent", ".transparent", XrmoptionNoArg, "False" },
+static argtype vars[] = {
+ {&transparent_p, "transparent", "Transparent", DEF_TRANSPARENT, t_Bool},
+ENTRYPOINT ModeSpecOpt stonerview_opts = {countof(opts), opts, countof(vars), vars, NULL};
bp->glx_context = init_GL(mi);
bp->trackball = gltrackball_init ();
- bp->st = init_view(MI_IS_WIREFRAME(mi));
+ bp->st = init_view(MI_IS_WIREFRAME(mi), transparent_p);
reshape_stonerview (mi, MI_WIDTH(mi), MI_HEIGHT(mi));
struct stonerview_state {
int wireframe;
+ int transparent;
/* The list of polygons. This is filled in by move_increment(), and rendered
by perform_render(). */
Chains of colorful squares dance around each other in complex spiral
patterns. This is a clone of the SGI "electropaint" screen saver.
.TP 8
.B \-wireframe
Render in wireframe instead of solid.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
"*cycles: 40 \n" \
"*showFPS: False \n" \
"*wireframe: False \n"
# define superquadrics_handle_event 0
# include "xlockmore.h" /* from the xscreensaver distribution */
#else /* !STANDALONE */
-static void
+static int
DoneScale(superquadricsstruct * sp)
double xx, yy, zz, xp = 0, yp = 0, zp = 0, xn, yn, zn, xnp = 0,
ynp = 0, znp = 0;
int ih, iv;
+ int polys = 0;
/* Hey don't knock my 2-letter variable names. Simon's BASIC rules, man! ;-> */
/* Just kidding..... */
if (ih > 1) {
glVertex3f(xx, yy, zz);
glVertex3f(sp->Prevxx[iv], sp->Prevyy[iv], sp->Prevzz[iv]);
+ polys++;
if (iv > 1) {
glVertex3f(xx, yy, zz);
glVertex3f(sp->Prevxx[iv - 1], sp->Prevyy[iv - 1], sp->Prevzz[iv - 1]);
+ polys++;
/* PURIFY 4.0.1 reports an unitialized memory read on the next line when using
* MesaGL 2.2 and -mono. This has been fixed in MesaGL 2.3 and later. */
if (!sp->flatshade)
glNormal3f(sp->Prevxn[iv - 1], sp->Prevyn[iv - 1], sp->Prevzn[iv - 1]);
glVertex3f(sp->Prevxx[iv - 1], sp->Prevyy[iv - 1], sp->Prevzz[iv - 1]);
+ polys++;
if (sp->shownorms) {
glVertex3f(xx, yy, zz);
glVertex3f(xx + xn, yy + yn, zz + zn);
+ polys++;
if (!sp->flatshade)
} /* next */
} /* next */
+ return polys;
/**** End of really old code ****/
-static void
+static int
DisplaySuperquadrics(superquadricsstruct * sp)
+ int polys = 0;
if (sp->wireframe)
SetCull(0, sp);
- DoneScale(sp);
+ polys = DoneScale(sp);
/* Remember to flush & swap the buffers after calling this function! */
+ return polys;
-static void
+static int
NextSuperquadricDisplay(superquadricsstruct * sp)
- DisplaySuperquadrics(sp);
+ return DisplaySuperquadrics(sp);
#define MINSIZE 200
glXMakeCurrent(display, window, *(sp->glx_context));
- NextSuperquadricDisplay(sp);
+ mi->polygon_count = NextSuperquadricDisplay(sp);
if (mi->fps_p) do_fps (mi);
.B \-wireframe
Render in wireframe instead of solid.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
#define DEFAULTS "*delay: 10000 \n" \
"*wireframe: False \n" \
- "*titleFont: -*-times-bold-r-normal-*-180-*\n" \
- "*titleFont2: -*-times-bold-r-normal-*-120-*\n" \
- "*titleFont3: -*-times-bold-r-normal-*-80-*\n" \
+ "*titleFont: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-180-*\n" \
+ "*titleFont2: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-120-*\n" \
+ "*titleFont3: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-80-*\n" \
# define refresh_tangram 0
# define release_tangram 0
static tangram_configuration *tps = NULL;
#define DEF_VIEWING_TIME "5"
-#define DEF_ROTATE_CAMERA "True"
+#define DEF_ROTATE "True"
#define DEF_X_CAMERA_ROTATE "0.2"
#define DEF_Y_CAMERA_ROTATE "0.5"
+#define DEF_LABELS "True"
static GLuint viewing_time;
static Bool do_rotate;
+static Bool do_labels;
static GLfloat x_camera_rotate;
static GLfloat y_camera_rotate;
static GLfloat z_camera_rotate;
static int wire;
static XrmOptionDescRec opts[] = {
- {"-viewing_time", ".viewing_time", XrmoptionSepArg, 0},
+ {"-viewing_time", ".viewingTime", XrmoptionSepArg, 0},
{"-rotate", ".rotate", XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
{"+rotate", ".rotate", XrmoptionNoArg, "False"},
- {"-x_camera_rotate", ".x_camera_rotate", XrmoptionSepArg, 0},
- {"-y_camera_rotate", ".y_camera_rotate", XrmoptionSepArg, 0},
- {"-z_camera_rotate", ".z_camera_rotate", XrmoptionSepArg, 0}
+ {"-labels", ".labels", XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
+ {"+labels", ".labels", XrmoptionNoArg, "False"},
+ {"-x_camera_rotate", ".xCameraRotate", XrmoptionSepArg, 0},
+ {"-y_camera_rotate", ".yCameraRotate", XrmoptionSepArg, 0},
+ {"-z_camera_rotate", ".zCameraRotate", XrmoptionSepArg, 0}
static argtype vars[] = {
- {&viewing_time, "viewing_time", "Viewing Time", DEF_VIEWING_TIME, t_Int},
- {&do_rotate, "rotate", "Rotate", DEF_ROTATE_CAMERA, t_Bool},
- {&x_camera_rotate, "x_camera_rotate", "X Camera Rotate", DEF_X_CAMERA_ROTATE, t_Float},
- {&y_camera_rotate, "y_camera_rotate", "Y Camera Rotate", DEF_Y_CAMERA_ROTATE, t_Float},
- {&z_camera_rotate, "z_camera_rotate", "Z Camera Rotate", DEF_Z_CAMERA_ROTATE, t_Float}
+ {&viewing_time, "viewingTime", "ViewingTime", DEF_VIEWING_TIME, t_Int},
+ {&do_rotate, "rotate", "Rotate", DEF_ROTATE, t_Bool},
+ {&do_labels, "labels", "Labels", DEF_LABELS, t_Bool},
+ {&x_camera_rotate, "xCameraRotate", "XCameraRotate", DEF_X_CAMERA_ROTATE, t_Float},
+ {&y_camera_rotate, "yCameraRotate", "YCameraRotate", DEF_Y_CAMERA_ROTATE, t_Float},
+ {&z_camera_rotate, "zCameraRotate", "ZCameraRotate", DEF_Z_CAMERA_ROTATE, t_Float}
ENTRYPOINT ModeSpecOpt tangram_opts = { countof(opts), opts, countof(vars), vars, NULL };
- glCallList(tp->name_list);
+ if (do_labels) glCallList(tp->name_list);
static void set_perspective(void)
- glNewList(tp->name_list, GL_COMPILE);
- {
+ if (do_labels)
+ {
XFontStruct *f;
GLuint fl;
+ glNewList(tp->name_list, GL_COMPILE);
if (MI_WIDTH(mi) >= 500 && MI_HEIGHT(mi) >= 375)
f = tp->xfont1, fl = tp->font1_dlist;
else if (MI_WIDTH(mi) >= 350 && MI_HEIGHT(mi) >= 260)
glColor3f(0.8, 0.8, 0);
print_gl_string(mi->dpy, f, fl,
mi->xgwa.width, mi->xgwa.height,
- 10, mi->xgwa.height - 10, tp->pn);
- }
- glEndList();
+ 10, mi->xgwa.height - 10, tp->pn, False);
+ glEndList();
+ }
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, white);
[\-viewing_time \fInumber\fP]
The \fItangram\fP program uses a few basic shapes to build silhouettes of recognizable objects.
.TP 8
.B \-rotate | \-no-rotate
Rotate the camera around the puzzle.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
--- /dev/null
+/* Copyright (c) Mark J. Kilgard, 1994. */
+(c) Copyright 1993, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
+for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
+that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
+both the copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
+supporting documentation, and that the name of Silicon
+Graphics, Inc. not be used in advertising or publicity
+pertaining to distribution of the software without specific,
+written prior permission.
+US Government Users Restricted Rights
+Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to
+restrictions set forth in FAR 52.227.19(c)(2) or subparagraph
+(c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer
+Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 and/or in similar or
+successor clauses in the FAR or the DOD or NASA FAR
+Supplement. Unpublished-- rights reserved under the copyright
+laws of the United States. Contractor/manufacturer is Silicon
+Graphics, Inc., 2011 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View, CA
+OpenGL(TM) is a trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
+# include "config.h"
+#include "teapot.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_COCOA
+# include <OpenGL/gl.h>
+# include <GL/gl.h>
+/* Rim, body, lid, and bottom data must be reflected in x
+ and y; handle and spout data across the y axis only. */
+static long patchdata[][16] =
+ /* rim */
+ {102, 103, 104, 105, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
+ 12, 13, 14, 15},
+ /* body */
+ {12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
+ 24, 25, 26, 27},
+ {24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36,
+ 37, 38, 39, 40},
+ /* lid */
+ {96, 96, 96, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 101, 101,
+ 101, 0, 1, 2, 3,},
+ {0, 1, 2, 3, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112,
+ 113, 114, 115, 116, 117},
+ /* bottom */
+ {118, 118, 118, 118, 124, 122, 119, 121, 123, 126,
+ 125, 120, 40, 39, 38, 37},
+ /* handle */
+ {41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52,
+ 53, 54, 55, 56},
+ {53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64,
+ 28, 65, 66, 67},
+ /* spout */
+ {68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79,
+ 80, 81, 82, 83},
+ {80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91,
+ 92, 93, 94, 95}
+/* *INDENT-OFF* */
+static float cpdata[][3] =
+ {0.2, 0, 2.7}, {0.2, -0.112, 2.7}, {0.112, -0.2, 2.7}, {0,
+ -0.2, 2.7}, {1.3375, 0, 2.53125}, {1.3375, -0.749, 2.53125},
+ {0.749, -1.3375, 2.53125}, {0, -1.3375, 2.53125}, {1.4375,
+ 0, 2.53125}, {1.4375, -0.805, 2.53125}, {0.805, -1.4375,
+ 2.53125}, {0, -1.4375, 2.53125}, {1.5, 0, 2.4}, {1.5, -0.84,
+ 2.4}, {0.84, -1.5, 2.4}, {0, -1.5, 2.4}, {1.75, 0, 1.875},
+ {1.75, -0.98, 1.875}, {0.98, -1.75, 1.875}, {0, -1.75,
+ 1.875}, {2, 0, 1.35}, {2, -1.12, 1.35}, {1.12, -2, 1.35},
+ {0, -2, 1.35}, {2, 0, 0.9}, {2, -1.12, 0.9}, {1.12, -2,
+ 0.9}, {0, -2, 0.9}, {-2, 0, 0.9}, {2, 0, 0.45}, {2, -1.12,
+ 0.45}, {1.12, -2, 0.45}, {0, -2, 0.45}, {1.5, 0, 0.225},
+ {1.5, -0.84, 0.225}, {0.84, -1.5, 0.225}, {0, -1.5, 0.225},
+ {1.5, 0, 0.15}, {1.5, -0.84, 0.15}, {0.84, -1.5, 0.15}, {0,
+ -1.5, 0.15}, {-1.6, 0, 2.025}, {-1.6, -0.3, 2.025}, {-1.5,
+ -0.3, 2.25}, {-1.5, 0, 2.25}, {-2.3, 0, 2.025}, {-2.3, -0.3,
+ 2.025}, {-2.5, -0.3, 2.25}, {-2.5, 0, 2.25}, {-2.7, 0,
+ 2.025}, {-2.7, -0.3, 2.025}, {-3, -0.3, 2.25}, {-3, 0,
+ 2.25}, {-2.7, 0, 1.8}, {-2.7, -0.3, 1.8}, {-3, -0.3, 1.8},
+ {-3, 0, 1.8}, {-2.7, 0, 1.575}, {-2.7, -0.3, 1.575}, {-3,
+ -0.3, 1.35}, {-3, 0, 1.35}, {-2.5, 0, 1.125}, {-2.5, -0.3,
+ 1.125}, {-2.65, -0.3, 0.9375}, {-2.65, 0, 0.9375}, {-2,
+ -0.3, 0.9}, {-1.9, -0.3, 0.6}, {-1.9, 0, 0.6}, {1.7, 0,
+ 1.425}, {1.7, -0.66, 1.425}, {1.7, -0.66, 0.6}, {1.7, 0,
+ 0.6}, {2.6, 0, 1.425}, {2.6, -0.66, 1.425}, {3.1, -0.66,
+ 0.825}, {3.1, 0, 0.825}, {2.3, 0, 2.1}, {2.3, -0.25, 2.1},
+ {2.4, -0.25, 2.025}, {2.4, 0, 2.025}, {2.7, 0, 2.4}, {2.7,
+ -0.25, 2.4}, {3.3, -0.25, 2.4}, {3.3, 0, 2.4}, {2.8, 0,
+ 2.475}, {2.8, -0.25, 2.475}, {3.525, -0.25, 2.49375},
+ {3.525, 0, 2.49375}, {2.9, 0, 2.475}, {2.9, -0.15, 2.475},
+ {3.45, -0.15, 2.5125}, {3.45, 0, 2.5125}, {2.8, 0, 2.4},
+ {2.8, -0.15, 2.4}, {3.2, -0.15, 2.4}, {3.2, 0, 2.4}, {0, 0,
+ 3.15}, {0.8, 0, 3.15}, {0.8, -0.45, 3.15}, {0.45, -0.8,
+ 3.15}, {0, -0.8, 3.15}, {0, 0, 2.85}, {1.4, 0, 2.4}, {1.4,
+ -0.784, 2.4}, {0.784, -1.4, 2.4}, {0, -1.4, 2.4}, {0.4, 0,
+ 2.55}, {0.4, -0.224, 2.55}, {0.224, -0.4, 2.55}, {0, -0.4,
+ 2.55}, {1.3, 0, 2.55}, {1.3, -0.728, 2.55}, {0.728, -1.3,
+ 2.55}, {0, -1.3, 2.55}, {1.3, 0, 2.4}, {1.3, -0.728, 2.4},
+ {0.728, -1.3, 2.4}, {0, -1.3, 2.4}, {0, 0, 0}, {1.425,
+ -0.798, 0}, {1.5, 0, 0.075}, {1.425, 0, 0}, {0.798, -1.425,
+ 0}, {0, -1.5, 0.075}, {0, -1.425, 0}, {1.5, -0.84, 0.075},
+ {0.84, -1.5, 0.075}
+static float tex[2][2][2] =
+ { {0, 0},
+ {1, 0}},
+ { {0, 1},
+ {1, 1}}
+unit_teapot (int grid, int wire_p)
+ GLenum type = wire_p ? GL_LINE : GL_FILL;
+ float p[4][4][3], q[4][4][3], r[4][4][3], s[4][4][3];
+ long i, j, k, l;
+ int polys = 0;
+ glPushAttrib(GL_ENABLE_BIT | GL_EVAL_BIT);
+ glEnable(GL_AUTO_NORMAL);
+ glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE);
+ glEnable(GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3);
+ glEnable(GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_2);
+ glFrontFace (GL_CW);
+ glPushMatrix();
+ glRotatef(270.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ glScalef(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
+ glTranslatef(0.0, 0.0, -1.5);
+ for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
+ for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
+ for (l = 0; l < 3; l++) {
+ p[j][k][l] = cpdata[patchdata[i][j * 4 + k]][l];
+ q[j][k][l] = cpdata[patchdata[i][j * 4 + (3 - k)]][l];
+ if (l == 1)
+ q[j][k][l] *= -1.0;
+ if (i < 6) {
+ r[j][k][l] =
+ cpdata[patchdata[i][j * 4 + (3 - k)]][l];
+ if (l == 0)
+ r[j][k][l] *= -1.0;
+ s[j][k][l] = cpdata[patchdata[i][j * 4 + k]][l];
+ if (l == 0)
+ s[j][k][l] *= -1.0;
+ if (l == 1)
+ s[j][k][l] *= -1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ glMap2f(GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_2, 0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1, 4, 2,
+ &tex[0][0][0]);
+ glMap2f(GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3, 0, 1, 3, 4, 0, 1, 12, 4,
+ &p[0][0][0]);
+ glMapGrid2f(grid, 0.0, 1.0, grid, 0.0, 1.0);
+ glEvalMesh2(type, 0, grid, 0, grid);
+ polys += grid*grid;
+ glMap2f(GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3, 0, 1, 3, 4, 0, 1, 12, 4,
+ &q[0][0][0]);
+ glEvalMesh2(type, 0, grid, 0, grid);
+ polys += grid*grid;
+ if (i < 6) {
+ glMap2f(GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3, 0, 1, 3, 4, 0, 1, 12, 4,
+ &r[0][0][0]);
+ glEvalMesh2(type, 0, grid, 0, grid);
+ polys += grid*grid;
+ glMap2f(GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3, 0, 1, 3, 4, 0, 1, 12, 4,
+ &s[0][0][0]);
+ glEvalMesh2(type, 0, grid, 0, grid);
+ polys += grid*grid;
+ }
+ }
+ glPopMatrix();
+ glPopAttrib();
+ return polys;
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef __TEAPOT_H__
+#define __TEAPOT_H__
+extern int unit_teapot (int density, int wire_p);
+#endif /* __TEAPOT_H__ */
texture_font_data *data = 0;
char *font = get_string_resource (dpy, res, "Font");
- const char *def1 = "-*-times-bold-r-normal-*-240-*";
- const char *def2 = "-*-times-bold-r-normal-*-180-*";
+ const char *def1 = "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-240-*";
+ const char *def2 = "-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-180-*";
const char *def3 = "fixed";
XFontStruct *f;
int which;
.B \-wireframe
Show as wire frame
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
int plusheight;
GLuint carpet;
GLuint block;
+ int carpet_polys, block_polys;
NODE *blockNodeRoot;
NODE *blockNodeFollow;
GLfloat rotation;
{ "-override", ".override", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" },
-#define DEF_override "False"
-#define DEF_rotate "True"
-#define DEF_follow "False"
-#define DEF_drawCarpet "True"
-#define DEF_drawBlob "False"
-#define DEF_drawNipples "True"
-#define DEF_rotateSpeed "10"
-#define DEF_maxFalling "500"
-#define DEF_maxColors "7"
-#define DEF_size "2"
-#define DEF_spawn "50"
-#define DEF_resolution "4"
-#define DEF_camX "1"
-#define DEF_camY "20"
-#define DEF_camZ "25"
-#define DEF_dropSpeed "4"
+#define DEF_OVERRIDE "False"
+#define DEF_ROTATE "True"
+#define DEF_FOLLOW "False"
+#define DEF_CARPET "True"
+#define DEF_BLOB "False"
+#define DEF_NIPPLES "True"
+#define DEF_ROTATE_SPEED "10"
+#define DEF_MAX_FALLING "500"
+#define DEF_MAX_COLORS "7"
+#define DEF_SIZE "2"
+#define DEF_SPAWN "50"
+#define DEF_RESOLUTION "4"
+#define DEF_CAM_X "1"
+#define DEF_CAM_Y "20"
+#define DEF_CAM_Z "25"
+#define DEF_DROP_SPEED "4"
static argtype vars[] = {
- {&override, "override", "Override", DEF_override, t_Bool},
- {&rotate, "rotate", "Rotate", DEF_rotate, t_Bool},
- {&drawCarpet, "carpet", "Carpet", DEF_drawCarpet, t_Bool},
- {&drawNipples, "nipples", "Nipples", DEF_drawNipples, t_Bool},
- {&drawBlob, "blob", "Blob", DEF_drawBlob, t_Bool},
- {&rotateSpeed, "rotateSpeed", "RotateSpeed", DEF_rotateSpeed, t_Float},
- {&follow, "follow", "Follow", DEF_follow, t_Bool},
- {&camX, "camX", "camX", DEF_camX, t_Float},
- {&camY, "camY", "camY", DEF_camY, t_Float},
- {&camZ, "camZ", "camZ", DEF_camZ, t_Float},
- {&size, "size", "size", DEF_size, t_Int},
- {&spawn, "spawn", "spawn", DEF_spawn, t_Int},
- {&maxFalling, "maxFalling", "maxFalling", DEF_maxFalling, t_Int},
- {&resolution, "resolution", "resolution", DEF_resolution, t_Int},
- {&maxColors, "maxColors", "maxColors", DEF_maxColors, t_Int},
- {&dropSpeed, "dropSpeed", "DropSpeed", DEF_dropSpeed, t_Float},
+ {&override, "override", "Override", DEF_OVERRIDE, t_Bool},
+ {&rotate, "rotate", "Rotate", DEF_ROTATE, t_Bool},
+ {&drawCarpet, "carpet", "Carpet", DEF_CARPET, t_Bool},
+ {&drawNipples, "nipples", "Nipples", DEF_NIPPLES, t_Bool},
+ {&drawBlob, "blob", "Blob", DEF_BLOB, t_Bool},
+ {&rotateSpeed, "rotateSpeed", "RotateSpeed", DEF_ROTATE_SPEED, t_Float},
+ {&follow, "follow", "Follow", DEF_FOLLOW, t_Bool},
+ {&camX, "camX", "camX", DEF_CAM_X, t_Float},
+ {&camY, "camY", "camY", DEF_CAM_Y, t_Float},
+ {&camZ, "camZ", "camZ", DEF_CAM_Z, t_Float},
+ {&size, "size", "size", DEF_SIZE, t_Int},
+ {&spawn, "spawn", "spawn", DEF_SPAWN, t_Int},
+ {&maxFalling, "maxFalling", "maxFalling", DEF_MAX_FALLING, t_Int},
+ {&resolution, "resolution", "resolution", DEF_RESOLUTION, t_Int},
+ {&maxColors, "maxColors", "maxColors", DEF_MAX_COLORS, t_Int},
+ {&dropSpeed, "dropSpeed", "DropSpeed", DEF_DROP_SPEED, t_Float},
static topBlockSTATE *tbs = NULL;
/* Window management, etc */
-reshape_topBlock (ModeInfo *mi, int width, int height) {
+reshape_topBlock (ModeInfo *mi, int width, int height)
GLfloat h = (GLfloat) height / (GLfloat) width;
glViewport (0, 0, (GLint) width, (GLint) height);
/* clean up on exit, not required ... */
- release_topBlock(ModeInfo *mi) {
+release_topBlock(ModeInfo *mi)
topBlockSTATE *tb = &tbs[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
NODE *llCurrent, *llOld;
llCurrent = tb->blockNodeRoot;
/* provides the per frame entertainment */
-draw_topBlock (ModeInfo *mi) {
+draw_topBlock (ModeInfo *mi)
Display *dpy = MI_DISPLAY(mi);
Window window = MI_WINDOW(mi);
NODE *llCurrent;
if (!tb->glx_context)
glXMakeCurrent(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_WINDOW(mi), *(tb->glx_context));
+ mi->polygon_count = 0;
/* center carpet */
+ mi->polygon_count += tb->carpet_polys;
llCurrent = llCurrent->next;
/* draw */
+ mi->polygon_count += tb->block_polys;
glPopMatrix(); /* restore state */
if (mi->fps_p) do_fps (mi);
/* camera is in follow mode, work out where we should be looking */
-static void followBlock(ModeInfo *mi) {
+static void followBlock(ModeInfo *mi)
GLfloat xLen,yLen,cx,cy,rangle,xTarget,yTarget;
topBlockSTATE *tb = &tbs[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
/* each quater of the circle has to be adjusted for */
-static double quadrantCorrection(double angle,int cx,int cy,int x,int y) {
+static double quadrantCorrection(double angle,int cx,int cy,int x,int y)
if ((x>=cx) && (y>=cy)) {
angle += (90-(angle-90) * 2);
} else if ((x>=cx) && (y<=cy)) {
/* if random chance then create a new falling block */
-static void generateNewBlock(ModeInfo *mi) {
+static void generateNewBlock(ModeInfo *mi)
NODE *llCurrent, *llTail;
GLfloat startOffx, startOffy;
int endOffx, endOffy;
/* called at init this creates the 'carpet' display list item */
-static void buildCarpet(ModeInfo *mi) {
+static void buildCarpet(ModeInfo *mi)
int i,c,x,y;
GLfloat color[4];
int wire = MI_IS_WIREFRAME(mi);
color[3] = 1.0f;
tb->carpet=glGenLists(1); /* only one */
+ tb->carpet_polys=0;
glPushMatrix(); /* save state */
+ tb->carpet_polys++;
if (wire) { glEnd(); }
else {
/* add edge pieces */
+ tb->carpet_polys++;
/* side 2 */
glNormal3f( -1, 0, 0 );
+ tb->carpet_polys++;
/* side 3 */
glNormal3f( 1, 0, 0 );
+ tb->carpet_polys++;
/* side 4 */
glNormal3f( 0, 1, 0 );
+ tb->carpet_polys++;
/* nipples */
glPushMatrix(); /* save state */
for (i=0;i<y;i++) {
gluCylinder(quadratic, cylSize, cylSize, 0.25f, resolution, resolution); /* quad, radius(bottom, radius(top), height, subdivisions (around Z), subdevisions (along Z) */
+ tb->carpet_polys += resolution*resolution;
glRotatef(180, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); /* they are upside down */
gluDisk(quadratic, 0.0f, cylSize, resolution, resolution ); /* inner size (cd hole), outer size (radius), subdivisions radial, subdivisions circular */
+ tb->carpet_polys += resolution*resolution;
glRotatef(180, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); /* recover */
glTranslatef(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f); /* move to the next cylinder center (backward) */
/* called at init this creates the 'block' display list item */
/* the spheres came about originaly as quick way to test the directional lighting/normals */
-static void buildBlock(ModeInfo *mi) {
+static void buildBlock(ModeInfo *mi)
int i,c;
int wire = MI_IS_WIREFRAME(mi);
topBlockSTATE *tb = &tbs[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
GLUquadricObj *quadratic;
tb->block=glGenLists(1); /* only one */
+ tb->block_polys=0;
glPushMatrix(); /* save state */
glRotatef(90, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
/* base */
- polygonPlane(wire, 0,3,2,1,0);
- polygonPlane(wire, 2,3,7,6,1);
- polygonPlane(wire, 1,2,6,5,2);
- polygonPlane(wire, 4,5,6,7,3);
- polygonPlane(wire, 0,1,5,4,4);
+ polygonPlane(wire, 0,3,2,1,0); tb->block_polys++;
+ polygonPlane(wire, 2,3,7,6,1); tb->block_polys++;
+ polygonPlane(wire, 1,2,6,5,2); tb->block_polys++;
+ polygonPlane(wire, 4,5,6,7,3); tb->block_polys++;
+ polygonPlane(wire, 0,1,5,4,4); tb->block_polys++;
if (drawNipples) {
/* nipples */
/* draw 8 cylinders each with a disk cap */
for (c=0;c<2;c++) {
for (i=0;i<4;i++) {
gluCylinder(quadratic, cylSize, cylSize, 0.25f, resolution, resolution); /* quad, radius(bottom, radius(top), height, subdivisions (around Z), subdevisions (along Z) */
+ tb->block_polys += resolution*resolution;
glTranslatef(0.0f,0.0f,0.25f); /* move to the cylinder cap */
gluDisk(quadratic, 0.0f, cylSize, resolution, resolution ); /* inner size (cd hole), outer size (radius), subdivisions radial, subdivisions circular */
+ tb->block_polys += resolution*resolution;
glTranslatef(0.0f,0.0f,-0.25f); /* move back from the cylinder cap */
if (c==0) {
glTranslatef(0.0f,-1.0f,0.0f); /* move to the next cylinder center (forward) */
glTranslatef(1.5f,-2.5f,-1.5f); /* move to the center, under the top of the brick */
for (c=0;c<3;c++) {
gluCylinder(quadratic, uddSize, uddSize, 1.5f, resolution, resolution); /* quad, radius(bottom, radius(top), height, subdivisions (around Z), subdevisions (along Z) */
+ tb->block_polys += resolution*resolution;
glTranslatef(0.0f,-1.0f,0.0f); /* move to the center */
rip off of the builBlock() function creating the GL compilied pointer "block" but only creates two spheres.
spheres are created with unit_sphere from spheres.h to allow wire frame
-static void buildBlobBlock(ModeInfo *mi) {
+static void buildBlobBlock(ModeInfo *mi)
int wire = MI_IS_WIREFRAME(mi);
topBlockSTATE *tb = &tbs[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
tb->block=glGenLists(1); /* only one */
/* handle input events or not if daemon running the show */
-topBlock_handle_event (ModeInfo *mi, XEvent *event) {
+topBlock_handle_event (ModeInfo *mi, XEvent *event)
topBlockSTATE *tb = &tbs[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
if (event->xany.type == KeyPress) {
KeySym keysym;
/* this is tha main change for v5 compatability and acompanying ENTRYPOINTS */
-XSCREENSAVER_MODULE_2 ("topBlock", topblock, topBlock)
+XSCREENSAVER_MODULE_2 ("TopBlock", topblock, topBlock)
#endif /* USE_GL */
.B \-wireframe | \-no-wireframe
Render in wireframe instead of solid.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
.B \-size \fInumber\fP
Size of the base/carpet.
#define DEF_POINTS "25"
#define DEF_POINT_SIZE "9"
-#define DEF_POINT_SPEED "1"
+#define DEF_POINT_SPEED "1.0"
#define DEF_POINT_DELAY "0.05"
-#define DEF_ZOOM_SPEED "1"
+#define DEF_ZOOM_SPEED "1.0"
#define DEF_ZOOM_DELAY "15"
typedef struct node {
.B \-zoom\-delay \fIseconds\fP
Zoom in every this-many seconds.
.TP 8
-.B \-fps | \-no-fps
-Whether to show a frames-per-second display at the bottom of the screen.
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.
.TP 8
#include "atlantis.h"
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
-static const float N001[3] = {0.019249 ,0.011340 ,-0.999750};
-static const float N002[3] = {-0.132579 ,0.954547 ,0.266952};
-static const float N003[3] = {-0.196061 ,0.980392 ,-0.019778};
-static const float N004[3] = {0.695461 ,0.604704 ,0.388158};
-static const float N005[3] = {0.870600 ,0.425754 ,0.246557};
-static const float N006[3] = {-0.881191 ,0.392012 ,0.264251};
+static const float N001[3] = {0.019249, 0.01134, -0.99975};
+static const float N002[3] = {-0.132579, 0.954547, 0.266952};
+static const float N003[3] = {-0.196061, 0.980392, -0.019778};
+static const float N004[3] = {0.695461, 0.604704, 0.388158};
+static const float N005[3] = {0.8706, 0.425754, 0.246557};
+static const float N006[3] = {-0.881191, 0.392012, 0.264251};
#if 0
-static const float N007[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
+static const float N007[3] = {0, 1, 0};
-static const float N008[3] = {-0.341437 ,0.887477 ,0.309523};
-static const float N009[3] = {0.124035 ,-0.992278 ,0.000000};
-static const float N010[3] = {0.242536 ,0.000000 ,-0.970143};
-static const float N011[3] = {0.588172 ,0.000000 ,0.808736};
-static const float N012[3] = {0.929824 ,-0.340623 ,-0.139298};
-static const float N013[3] = {0.954183 ,0.267108 ,-0.134865};
-static const float N014[3] = {0.495127 ,0.855436 ,-0.151914};
-static const float N015[3] = {-0.390199 ,0.906569 ,-0.160867};
-static const float N016[3] = {-0.923605 ,0.354581 ,-0.145692};
-static const float N017[3] = {-0.955796 ,-0.260667 ,-0.136036};
-static const float N018[3] = {-0.501283 ,-0.853462 ,-0.142540};
-static const float N019[3] = {0.405300 ,-0.901974 ,-0.148913};
-static const float N020[3] = {0.909913 ,-0.392746 ,-0.133451};
-static const float N021[3] = {0.936494 ,0.331147 ,-0.115414};
-static const float N022[3] = {0.600131 ,0.793724 ,-0.099222};
-static const float N023[3] = {-0.231556 ,0.968361 ,-0.093053};
-static const float N024[3] = {-0.844369 ,0.525330 ,-0.105211};
-static const float N025[3] = {-0.982725 ,-0.136329 ,-0.125164};
-static const float N026[3] = {-0.560844 ,-0.822654 ,-0.093241};
-static const float N027[3] = {0.263884 ,-0.959981 ,-0.093817};
-static const float N028[3] = {0.842057 ,-0.525192 ,-0.122938};
-static const float N029[3] = {0.921620 ,0.367565 ,-0.124546};
-static const float N030[3] = {0.613927 ,0.784109 ,-0.090918};
-static const float N031[3] = {-0.448754 ,0.888261 ,-0.098037};
-static const float N032[3] = {-0.891865 ,0.434376 ,-0.126077};
-static const float N033[3] = {-0.881447 ,-0.448017 ,-0.149437};
-static const float N034[3] = {-0.345647 ,-0.922057 ,-0.174183};
-static const float N035[3] = {0.307998 ,-0.941371 ,-0.137688};
-static const float N036[3] = {0.806316 ,-0.574647 ,-0.140124};
-static const float N037[3] = {0.961346 ,0.233646 ,-0.145681};
-static const float N038[3] = {0.488451 ,0.865586 ,-0.110351};
-static const float N039[3] = {-0.374290 ,0.921953 ,-0.099553};
-static const float N040[3] = {-0.928504 ,0.344533 ,-0.138485};
-static const float N041[3] = {-0.918419 ,-0.371792 ,-0.135189};
-static const float N042[3] = {-0.520666 ,-0.833704 ,-0.183968};
-static const float N043[3] = {0.339204 ,-0.920273 ,-0.195036};
-static const float N044[3] = {0.921475 ,-0.387382 ,-0.028636};
-static const float N045[3] = {0.842465 ,0.533335 ,-0.076204};
-static const float N046[3] = {0.380110 ,0.924939 ,0.002073};
-static const float N047[3] = {-0.276128 ,0.961073 ,-0.009579};
-static const float N048[3] = {-0.879684 ,0.473001 ,-0.049250};
-static const float N049[3] = {-0.947184 ,-0.317614 ,-0.044321};
-static const float N050[3] = {-0.642059 ,-0.764933 ,-0.051363};
-static const float N051[3] = {0.466794 ,-0.880921 ,-0.077990};
-static const float N052[3] = {0.898509 ,-0.432277 ,0.076279};
-static const float N053[3] = {0.938985 ,0.328141 ,0.103109};
-static const float N054[3] = {0.442420 ,0.895745 ,0.043647};
-static const float N055[3] = {-0.255163 ,0.966723 ,0.018407};
-static const float N056[3] = {-0.833769 ,0.540650 ,0.111924};
-static const float N057[3] = {-0.953653 ,-0.289939 ,0.080507};
-static const float N058[3] = {-0.672357 ,-0.730524 ,0.119461};
-static const float N059[3] = {0.522249 ,-0.846652 ,0.102157};
-static const float N060[3] = {0.885868 ,-0.427631 ,0.179914};
+static const float N008[3] = {-0.341437, 0.887477, 0.309523};
+static const float N009[3] = {0.124035, -0.992278, 0};
+static const float N010[3] = {0.242536, 0, -0.970143};
+static const float N011[3] = {0.588172, 0, 0.808736};
+static const float N012[3] = {0.929824, -0.340623, -0.139298};
+static const float N013[3] = {0.954183, 0.267108, -0.134865};
+static const float N014[3] = {0.495127, 0.855436, -0.151914};
+static const float N015[3] = {-0.390199, 0.906569, -0.160867};
+static const float N016[3] = {-0.923605, 0.354581, -0.145692};
+static const float N017[3] = {-0.955796, -0.260667, -0.136036};
+static const float N018[3] = {-0.501283, -0.853462, -0.14254};
+static const float N019[3] = {0.4053, -0.901974, -0.148913};
+static const float N020[3] = {0.909913, -0.392746, -0.133451};
+static const float N021[3] = {0.936494, 0.331147, -0.115414};
+static const float N022[3] = {0.600131, 0.793724, -0.099222};
+static const float N023[3] = {-0.231556, 0.968361, -0.093053};
+static const float N024[3] = {-0.844369, 0.52533, -0.105211};
+static const float N025[3] = {-0.982725, -0.136329, -0.125164};
+static const float N026[3] = {-0.560844, -0.822654, -0.093241};
+static const float N027[3] = {0.263884, -0.959981, -0.093817};
+static const float N028[3] = {0.842057, -0.525192, -0.122938};
+static const float N029[3] = {0.92162, 0.367565, -0.124546};
+static const float N030[3] = {0.613927, 0.784109, -0.090918};
+static const float N031[3] = {-0.448754, 0.888261, -0.098037};
+static const float N032[3] = {-0.891865, 0.434376, -0.126077};
+static const float N033[3] = {-0.881447, -0.448017, -0.149437};
+static const float N034[3] = {-0.345647, -0.922057, -0.174183};
+static const float N035[3] = {0.307998, -0.941371, -0.137688};
+static const float N036[3] = {0.806316, -0.574647, -0.140124};
+static const float N037[3] = {0.961346, 0.233646, -0.145681};
+static const float N038[3] = {0.488451, 0.865586, -0.110351};
+static const float N039[3] = {-0.37429, 0.921953, -0.099553};
+static const float N040[3] = {-0.928504, 0.344533, -0.138485};
+static const float N041[3] = {-0.918419, -0.371792, -0.135189};
+static const float N042[3] = {-0.520666, -0.833704, -0.183968};
+static const float N043[3] = {0.339204, -0.920273, -0.195036};
+static const float N044[3] = {0.921475, -0.387382, -0.028636};
+static const float N045[3] = {0.842465, 0.533335, -0.076204};
+static const float N046[3] = {0.38011, 0.924939, 0.002073};
+static const float N047[3] = {-0.276128, 0.961073, -0.009579};
+static const float N048[3] = {-0.879684, 0.473001, -0.04925};
+static const float N049[3] = {-0.947184, -0.317614, -0.044321};
+static const float N050[3] = {-0.642059, -0.764933, -0.051363};
+static const float N051[3] = {0.466794, -0.880921, -0.07799};
+static const float N052[3] = {0.898509, -0.432277, 0.076279};
+static const float N053[3] = {0.938985, 0.328141, 0.103109};
+static const float N054[3] = {0.44242, 0.895745, 0.043647};
+static const float N055[3] = {-0.255163, 0.966723, 0.018407};
+static const float N056[3] = {-0.833769, 0.54065, 0.111924};
+static const float N057[3] = {-0.953653, -0.289939, 0.080507};
+static const float N058[3] = {-0.672357, -0.730524, 0.119461};
+static const float N059[3] = {0.522249, -0.846652, 0.102157};
+static const float N060[3] = {0.885868, -0.427631, 0.179914};
#if 0
-static const float N061[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
+static const float N061[3] = {0, 1, 0};
-static const float N062[3] = {0.648942 ,0.743116 ,0.163255};
-static const float N063[3] = {-0.578967 ,0.807730 ,0.111219};
+static const float N062[3] = {0.648942, 0.743116, 0.163255};
+static const float N063[3] = {-0.578967, 0.80773, 0.111219};
#if 0
-static const float N064[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
+static const float N064[3] = {0, 1, 0};
-static const float N065[3] = {-0.909864 ,-0.352202 ,0.219321};
-static const float N066[3] = {-0.502541 ,-0.818090 ,0.279610};
-static const float N067[3] = {0.322919 ,-0.915358 ,0.240504};
-static const float N068[3] = {0.242536 ,0.000000 ,-0.970143};
-static const float N069[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N070[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N071[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N072[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N073[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N074[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N075[3] = {0.031220 ,0.999025 ,-0.031220};
-static const float N076[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N077[3] = {0.446821 ,0.893642 ,0.041889};
-static const float N078[3] = {0.863035 ,-0.100980 ,0.494949};
-static const float N079[3] = {0.585597 ,-0.808215 ,0.062174};
-static const float N080[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N081[3] = {1.000000 ,0.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N082[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N083[3] = {-1.000000 ,0.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N084[3] = {-0.478893 ,0.837129 ,-0.264343};
-static const float N085[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N086[3] = {0.763909 ,0.539455 ,-0.354163};
-static const float N087[3] = {0.446821 ,0.893642 ,0.041889};
-static const float N088[3] = {0.385134 ,-0.908288 ,0.163352};
-static const float N089[3] = {-0.605952 ,0.779253 ,-0.159961};
-static const float N090[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N091[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N092[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N093[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N094[3] = {1.000000 ,0.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N095[3] = {-1.000000 ,0.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N096[3] = {0.644444 ,-0.621516 ,0.445433};
-static const float N097[3] = {-0.760896 ,-0.474416 ,0.442681};
-static const float N098[3] = {0.636888 ,-0.464314 ,0.615456};
-static const float N099[3] = {-0.710295 ,0.647038 ,0.277168};
-static const float N100[3] = {0.009604 ,0.993655 ,0.112063};
+static const float N065[3] = {-0.909864, -0.352202, 0.219321};
+static const float N066[3] = {-0.502541, -0.81809, 0.27961};
+static const float N067[3] = {0.322919, -0.915358, 0.240504};
+static const float N068[3] = {0.242536, 0, -0.970143};
+static const float N069[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N070[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N071[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N072[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N073[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N074[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N075[3] = {0.03122, 0.999025, -0.03122};
+static const float N076[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N077[3] = {0.446821, 0.893642, 0.041889};
+static const float N078[3] = {0.863035, -0.10098, 0.494949};
+static const float N079[3] = {0.585597, -0.808215, 0.062174};
+static const float N080[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N081[3] = {1, 0, 0};
+static const float N082[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N083[3] = {-1, 0, 0};
+static const float N084[3] = {-0.478893, 0.837129, -0.264343};
+static const float N085[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N086[3] = {0.763909, 0.539455, -0.354163};
+static const float N087[3] = {0.446821, 0.893642, 0.041889};
+static const float N088[3] = {0.385134, -0.908288, 0.163352};
+static const float N089[3] = {-0.605952, 0.779253, -0.159961};
+static const float N090[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N091[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N092[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N093[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N094[3] = {1, 0, 0};
+static const float N095[3] = {-1, 0, 0};
+static const float N096[3] = {0.644444, -0.621516, 0.445433};
+static const float N097[3] = {-0.760896, -0.474416, 0.442681};
+static const float N098[3] = {0.636888, -0.464314, 0.615456};
+static const float N099[3] = {-0.710295, 0.647038, 0.277168};
+static const float N100[3] = {0.009604, 0.993655, 0.112063};
#if 0
-static const float N101[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N102[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N103[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N104[3] = {0.031837 ,0.999285 ,0.020415};
-static const float N105[3] = {0.031837 ,0.999285 ,0.020415};
-static const float N106[3] = {0.031837 ,0.999285 ,0.020415};
-static const float N107[3] = {0.014647 ,0.999648 ,0.022115};
-static const float N108[3] = {0.014647 ,0.999648 ,0.022115};
-static const float N109[3] = {0.014647 ,0.999648 ,0.022115};
-static const float N110[3] = {-0.985141 ,0.039475 ,0.167149};
-static const float N111[3] = {-0.985141 ,0.039475 ,0.167149};
-static const float N112[3] = {-0.985141 ,0.039475 ,0.167149};
-static const float N113[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N114[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N115[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N116[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N117[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N118[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N119[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N120[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
-static const float N121[3] = {0.000000 ,1.000000 ,0.000000};
+static const float N101[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N102[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N103[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N104[3] = {0.031837, 0.999285, 0.020415};
+static const float N105[3] = {0.031837, 0.999285, 0.020415};
+static const float N106[3] = {0.031837, 0.999285, 0.020415};
+static const float N107[3] = {0.014647, 0.999648, 0.022115};
+static const float N108[3] = {0.014647, 0.999648, 0.022115};
+static const float N109[3] = {0.014647, 0.999648, 0.022115};
+static const float N110[3] = {-0.985141, 0.039475, 0.167149};
+static const float N111[3] = {-0.985141, 0.039475, 0.167149};
+static const float N112[3] = {-0.985141, 0.039475, 0.167149};
+static const float N113[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N114[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N115[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N116[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N117[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N118[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N119[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N120[3] = {0, 1, 0};
+static const float N121[3] = {0, 1, 0};
static const float iP001[3] = {18.74, 13.19, 3.76};
static float P001[3] = {18.74, 13.19, 3.76};
-static const float P002[3] = {0.00, 390.42, 10292.57};
-static const float P003[3] = {55.80, 622.31, 8254.35};
-static const float P004[3] = {20.80, 247.66, 10652.13};
+static const float P002[3] = {0, 390.42, 10292.57};
+static const float P003[3] = {55.8, 622.31, 8254.35};
+static const float P004[3] = {20.8, 247.66, 10652.13};
static const float P005[3] = {487.51, 198.05, 9350.78};
static const float P006[3] = {-457.61, 199.04, 9353.01};
#if 0
-static const float P007[3] = {0.00, 259.00, 10276.27};
+static const float P007[3] = {0, 259, 10276.27};
static const float P008[3] = {-34.67, 247.64, 10663.71};
static const float iP009[3] = {97.46, 67.63, 593.82};
static float P010[3] = {-84.33, 67.63, 588.18};
static float P011[3] = {118.69, 8.98, -66.91};
static const float iP012[3] = {156.48, -31.95, 924.54};
-static const float iP013[3] = {162.00, 110.22, 924.54};
+static const float iP013[3] = {162, 110.22, 924.54};
static const float iP014[3] = {88.16, 221.65, 924.54};
static const float iP015[3] = {-65.21, 231.16, 924.54};
static const float iP016[3] = {-156.48, 121.97, 924.54};
-static const float iP017[3] = {-162.00, -23.93, 924.54};
-static const float iP018[3] = {-88.16, -139.10, 924.54};
+static const float iP017[3] = {-162, -23.93, 924.54};
+static const float iP018[3] = {-88.16, -139.1, 924.54};
static const float iP019[3] = {65.21, -148.61, 924.54};
static const float iP020[3] = {246.87, -98.73, 1783.04};
static const float iP021[3] = {253.17, 127.76, 1783.04};
static const float iP022[3] = {132.34, 270.77, 1783.04};
static const float iP023[3] = {-97.88, 285.04, 1783.04};
-static const float iP024[3] = {-222.97, 139.80, 1783.04};
+static const float iP024[3] = {-222.97, 139.8, 1783.04};
static const float iP025[3] = {-225.29, -86.68, 1783.04};
static const float iP026[3] = {-108.44, -224.15, 1783.04};
static const float iP027[3] = {97.88, -221.56, 1783.04};
static const float iP035[3] = {156.38, -320.17, 3213.87};
static const float iP036[3] = {523.39, -303.81, 4424.57};
static const float iP037[3] = {574.66, 276.84, 4424.57};
-static const float iP038[3] = {243.05, 492.50, 4424.57};
+static const float iP038[3] = {243.05, 492.5, 4424.57};
static const float iP039[3] = {-191.23, 520.13, 4424.57};
static const float iP040[3] = {-523.39, 304.01, 4424.57};
static const float iP041[3] = {-574.66, -231.83, 4424.57};
static const float iP045[3] = {834.01, 363.09, 5943.46};
static const float iP046[3] = {371.29, 614.13, 5943.46};
static const float iP047[3] = {-291.43, 621.86, 5943.46};
-static const float iP048[3] = {-784.13, 362.60, 5943.46};
+static const float iP048[3] = {-784.13, 362.6, 5943.46};
static const float iP049[3] = {-743.29, -325.82, 5943.46};
static const float iP050[3] = {-383.24, -804.77, 5943.46};
static const float iP051[3] = {283.47, -846.09, 5943.46};
static float P012[3] = {156.48, -31.95, 924.54};
-static float P013[3] = {162.00, 110.22, 924.54};
+static float P013[3] = {162, 110.22, 924.54};
static float P014[3] = {88.16, 221.65, 924.54};
static float P015[3] = {-65.21, 231.16, 924.54};
static float P016[3] = {-156.48, 121.97, 924.54};
-static float P017[3] = {-162.00, -23.93, 924.54};
-static float P018[3] = {-88.16, -139.10, 924.54};
+static float P017[3] = {-162, -23.93, 924.54};
+static float P018[3] = {-88.16, -139.1, 924.54};
static float P019[3] = {65.21, -148.61, 924.54};
static float P020[3] = {246.87, -98.73, 1783.04};
static float P021[3] = {253.17, 127.76, 1783.04};
static float P022[3] = {132.34, 270.77, 1783.04};
static float P023[3] = {-97.88, 285.04, 1783.04};
-static float P024[3] = {-222.97, 139.80, 1783.04};
+static float P024[3] = {-222.97, 139.8, 1783.04};
static float P025[3] = {-225.29, -86.68, 1783.04};
static float P026[3] = {-108.44, -224.15, 1783.04};
static float P027[3] = {97.88, -221.56, 1783.04};
static float P035[3] = {156.38, -320.17, 3213.87};
static float P036[3] = {523.39, -303.81, 4424.57};
static float P037[3] = {574.66, 276.84, 4424.57};
-static float P038[3] = {243.05, 492.50, 4424.57};
+static float P038[3] = {243.05, 492.5, 4424.57};
static float P039[3] = {-191.23, 520.13, 4424.57};
static float P040[3] = {-523.39, 304.01, 4424.57};
static float P041[3] = {-574.66, -231.83, 4424.57};
static float P045[3] = {834.01, 363.09, 5943.46};
static float P046[3] = {371.29, 614.13, 5943.46};
static float P047[3] = {-291.43, 621.86, 5943.46};
-static float P048[3] = {-784.13, 362.60, 5943.46};
+static float P048[3] = {-784.13, 362.6, 5943.46};
static float P049[3] = {-743.29, -325.82, 5943.46};
static float P050[3] = {-383.24, -804.77, 5943.46};
static float P051[3] = {283.47, -846.09, 5943.46};
static const float P055[3] = {-260.54, 559.84, 7902.59};
static const float P056[3] = {-698.66, 320.83, 7902.59};
static const float P057[3] = {-643.29, -299.16, 7902.59};
-static const float P058[3] = {-341.47, -719.30, 7902.59};
+static const float P058[3] = {-341.47, -719.3, 7902.59};
static const float P059[3] = {252.57, -756.12, 7902.59};
static const float P060[3] = {458.39, -265.31, 9355.44};
-static const float iP061[3] = {353.63, 138.70, 10214.20};
-static float P061[3] = {353.63, 138.70, 10214.20};
+static const float iP061[3] = {353.63, 138.7, 10214.2};
+static float P061[3] = {353.63, 138.7, 10214.2};
static const float P062[3] = {224.04, 438.98, 9364.77};
static const float P063[3] = {-165.71, 441.27, 9355.44};
-static const float iP064[3] = {-326.40, 162.04, 10209.54};
-static float P064[3] = {-326.40, 162.04, 10209.54};
+static const float iP064[3] = {-326.4, 162.04, 10209.54};
+static float P064[3] = {-326.4, 162.04, 10209.54};
static const float P065[3] = {-473.99, -219.71, 9355.44};
static const float P066[3] = {-211.97, -479.87, 9355.44};
static const float P067[3] = {192.86, -504.03, 9355.44};
static const float iP068[3] = {-112.44, 9.25, -64.42};
-static const float iP069[3] = {1155.63, 0.00, -182.46};
-static const float iP070[3] = {-1143.13, 0.00, -181.54};
-static const float iP071[3] = {1424.23, 0.00, -322.09};
-static const float iP072[3] = {-1368.01, 0.00, -310.38};
+static const float iP069[3] = {1155.63, 0, -182.46};
+static const float iP070[3] = {-1143.13, 0, -181.54};
+static const float iP071[3] = {1424.23, 0, -322.09};
+static const float iP072[3] = {-1368.01, 0, -310.38};
static const float iP073[3] = {1255.57, 2.31, 114.05};
-static const float iP074[3] = {-1149.38, 0.00, 117.12};
-static const float iP075[3] = {718.36, 0.00, 433.36};
-static const float iP076[3] = {-655.90, 0.00, 433.36};
+static const float iP074[3] = {-1149.38, 0, 117.12};
+static const float iP075[3] = {718.36, 0, 433.36};
+static const float iP076[3] = {-655.9, 0, 433.36};
static float P068[3] = {-112.44, 9.25, -64.42};
-static float P069[3] = {1155.63, 0.00, -182.46};
-static float P070[3] = {-1143.13, 0.00, -181.54};
-static float P071[3] = {1424.23, 0.00, -322.09};
-static float P072[3] = {-1368.01, 0.00, -310.38};
+static float P069[3] = {1155.63, 0, -182.46};
+static float P070[3] = {-1143.13, 0, -181.54};
+static float P071[3] = {1424.23, 0, -322.09};
+static float P072[3] = {-1368.01, 0, -310.38};
static float P073[3] = {1255.57, 2.31, 114.05};
-static float P074[3] = {-1149.38, 0.00, 117.12};
-static float P075[3] = {718.36, 0.00, 433.36};
-static float P076[3] = {-655.90, 0.00, 433.36};
-static const float P077[3] = {1058.00, -2.66, 7923.51};
+static float P074[3] = {-1149.38, 0, 117.12};
+static float P075[3] = {718.36, 0, 433.36};
+static float P076[3] = {-655.9, 0, 433.36};
+static const float P077[3] = {1058, -2.66, 7923.51};
static const float P078[3] = {-1016.51, -15.47, 7902.87};
-static const float P079[3] = {-1363.99, -484.50, 7593.38};
+static const float P079[3] = {-1363.99, -484.5, 7593.38};
static const float P080[3] = {1478.09, -861.47, 7098.12};
static const float P081[3] = {1338.06, -284.68, 7024.15};
-static const float P082[3] = {-1545.51, -860.64, 7106.60};
-static const float P083[3] = {1063.19, -70.46, 7466.60};
+static const float P082[3] = {-1545.51, -860.64, 7106.6};
+static const float P083[3] = {1063.19, -70.46, 7466.6};
static const float P084[3] = {-1369.18, -288.11, 7015.34};
-static const float P085[3] = {1348.44, -482.50, 7591.41};
-static const float P086[3] = {-1015.45, -96.80, 7474.86};
+static const float P085[3] = {1348.44, -482.5, 7591.41};
+static const float P086[3] = {-1015.45, -96.8, 7474.86};
static const float P087[3] = {731.04, 148.38, 7682.58};
static const float P088[3] = {-697.03, 151.82, 7668.81};
static const float P089[3] = {-686.82, 157.09, 7922.29};
static const float P090[3] = {724.73, 147.75, 7931.39};
-static const float iP091[3] = {0.00, 327.10, 2346.55};
-static const float iP092[3] = {0.00, 552.28, 2311.31};
-static const float iP093[3] = {0.00, 721.16, 2166.41};
-static const float iP094[3] = {0.00, 693.42, 2388.80};
-static const float iP095[3] = {0.00, 389.44, 2859.97};
-static float P091[3] = {0.00, 327.10, 2346.55};
-static float P092[3] = {0.00, 552.28, 2311.31};
-static float P093[3] = {0.00, 721.16, 2166.41};
-static float P094[3] = {0.00, 693.42, 2388.80};
-static float P095[3] = {0.00, 389.44, 2859.97};
+static const float iP091[3] = {0, 327.1, 2346.55};
+static const float iP092[3] = {0, 552.28, 2311.31};
+static const float iP093[3] = {0, 721.16, 2166.41};
+static const float iP094[3] = {0, 693.42, 2388.8};
+static const float iP095[3] = {0, 389.44, 2859.97};
+static float P091[3] = {0, 327.1, 2346.55};
+static float P092[3] = {0, 552.28, 2311.31};
+static float P093[3] = {0, 721.16, 2166.41};
+static float P094[3] = {0, 693.42, 2388.8};
+static float P095[3] = {0, 389.44, 2859.97};
static const float iP096[3] = {222.02, -183.67, 10266.89};
-static const float iP097[3] = {-128.90, -182.70, 10266.89};
+static const float iP097[3] = {-128.9, -182.7, 10266.89};
static const float iP098[3] = {41.04, 88.31, 10659.36};
-static const float iP099[3] = {-48.73, 88.30, 10659.36};
+static const float iP099[3] = {-48.73, 88.3, 10659.36};
static float P096[3] = {222.02, -183.67, 10266.89};
-static float P097[3] = {-128.90, -182.70, 10266.89};
+static float P097[3] = {-128.9, -182.7, 10266.89};
static float P098[3] = {41.04, 88.31, 10659.36};
-static float P099[3] = {-48.73, 88.30, 10659.36};
-static const float P100[3] = {0.00, 603.42, 9340.68};
+static float P099[3] = {-48.73, 88.3, 10659.36};
+static const float P100[3] = {0, 603.42, 9340.68};
#if 0
-static const float P101[3] = {5.70, 567.00, 7862.98};
+static const float P101[3] = {5.7, 567, 7862.98};
static const float P102[3] = {521.61, 156.61, 9162.34};
static const float P103[3] = {83.68, 566.67, 7861.26};
static const float P106[3] = {22.75, 568.13, 7782.83};
static const float P107[3] = {58.93, 568.42, 7775.94};
static const float P108[3] = {55.91, 565.59, 7905.86};
-static const float P109[3] = {99.21, 566.00, 7858.65};
-static const float P110[3] = {-498.83, 148.14, 9135.10};
+static const float P109[3] = {99.21, 566, 7858.65};
+static const float P110[3] = {-498.83, 148.14, 9135.1};
static const float P111[3] = {-495.46, 133.24, 9158.48};
static const float P112[3] = {-490.82, 146.23, 9182.76};
static const float P113[3] = {-489.55, 174.11, 9183.66};
-static const float P114[3] = {-492.92, 189.00, 9160.28};
-static const float P115[3] = {-497.56, 176.02, 9136.00};
-static const float P116[3] = {526.54, 169.68, 9137.70};
+static const float P114[3] = {-492.92, 189, 9160.28};
+static const float P115[3] = {-497.56, 176.02, 9136};
+static const float P116[3] = {526.54, 169.68, 9137.7};
static const float P117[3] = {523.49, 184.85, 9161.42};
static const float P118[3] = {518.56, 171.78, 9186.06};
static const float P119[3] = {516.68, 143.53, 9186.98};
float pitch, thrash, chomp;
GLenum cap;
- fish->htail = (int) (fish->htail - (int) (5.0 * fish->v)) % 360;
+ fish->htail = (int) (fish->htail - (int) (5 * fish->v)) % 360;
- thrash = 70.0 * fish->v;
+ thrash = 70 * fish->v;
seg0 = 1.5 * thrash * sin((fish->htail) * RRAD);
- seg1 = 2.5 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 10.0) * RRAD);
- seg2 = 3.7 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 15.0) * RRAD);
- seg3 = 4.8 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 23.0) * RRAD);
- seg4 = 6.0 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 28.0) * RRAD);
- seg5 = 6.5 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 35.0) * RRAD);
- seg6 = 6.5 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 40.0) * RRAD);
- seg7 = 6.5 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 55.0) * RRAD);
+ seg1 = 2.5 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 10) * RRAD);
+ seg2 = 3.7 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 15) * RRAD);
+ seg3 = 4.8 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 23) * RRAD);
+ seg4 = 6 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 28) * RRAD);
+ seg5 = 6.5 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 35) * RRAD);
+ seg6 = 6.5 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 40) * RRAD);
+ seg7 = 6.5 * thrash * sin((fish->htail + 55) * RRAD);
- pitch = fish->v * sin((fish->htail - 160.0) * RRAD);
+ pitch = fish->v * sin((fish->htail - 160) * RRAD);
- chomp = 0.0;
- if (fish->v > 2.0) {
- chomp = -(fish->v - 2.0) * 200.0;
+ chomp = 0;
+ if (fish->v > 2) {
+ chomp = -(fish->v - 2) * 200;
P012[1] = iP012[1] + seg5;
P013[1] = iP013[1] + seg5;
- glRotatef(pitch, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ glRotatef(pitch, 1, 0, 0);
- glTranslatef(0.0, 0.0, 8000.0);
+ glTranslatef(0, 0, 8000);
- glRotatef(180.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
+ glRotatef(180, 0, 1, 0);
- glScalef(3.0, 3.0, 3.0);
+ glScalef(3, 3, 3);
/* xlock-gl.c --- xscreensaver compatibility layer for xlockmore GL modules.
- * xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1997-2002, 2006 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+ * xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1997-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
#include <stdio.h>
#include "xlockmoreI.h"
+#include "glxfonts.h"
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>
-/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1997, 2006 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1997-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
"*delay: 12000",
"*additive: true",
"*mode: transparent",
- "*count: 0",
- "*planes: 0",
+ "*count: 1",
+ "*planes: 12",
"*thickness: 5",
"*torque: 0.0075",
"*elasticity: 0.9",
.B goop
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-transparent] [\-non\-transparent] [\-additive] [\-subtractive] [\-xor] [\-no\-xor]
The \fIgoop\fP program draws a simulation of bubbles in layers of
overlapping multicolored translucent fluid.
.TP 8
.B \-xor
Draw with xor instead of the other color tricks.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
#define MODE_grav
#define DEFAULTS "*delay: 10000 \n" \
"*count: 12 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 64 \n"
+ "*ncolors: 64 \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# define reshape_grav 0
# define grav_handle_event 0
.B grav
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-ncolors \fIinteger\fP] [\-delay \fImicroseconds\fP] [\-count \fIinteger\fP] [\-decay] [\-no\-decay] [\-trail] [\-no\-trail]
The \fIgrav\fP program draws a simple orbital simulation
Whether the objects should leave trails behind them (makes it look vaguely
like a cloud-chamber.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
-/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1992, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2003, 2006
- * Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1992-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
unsigned long fg, bg, pixels [512];
int npixels;
int xlim, ylim;
+ Bool grey_p;
Colormap cmap;
st->ylim = xgwa.height;
st->cmap = xgwa.colormap;
st->npixels = 0;
+ st->grey_p = get_boolean_resource(st->dpy, "grey", "Boolean");
gcv.foreground= st->fg= get_pixel_resource(st->dpy, st->cmap, "foreground","Foreground");
gcv.background= st->bg= get_pixel_resource(st->dpy, st->cmap, "background","Background");
bgc.blue = random ();
# endif /* DO_STIPPLE */
+ if (st->grey_p)
+ {
+ fgc.green = fgc.blue = fgc.red;
+ bgc.green = bgc.blue = bgc.red;
+ }
if (! XAllocColor (st->dpy, st->cmap, &fgc))
goto REUSE;
st->pixels [st->npixels++] = fgc.pixel;
static const char *greynetic_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*delay: 10000",
+ "*grey: false",
static XrmOptionDescRec greynetic_options [] = {
{ "-delay", ".delay", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-grey", ".grey", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
.B greynetic
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-delay \fIusecs\fP]
The \fIgreynetic\fP program draws random rectangles.
.TP 8
.B \-delay \fImicroseconds\fP
Slow it down.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
[\-maxmass \fInumber\fP]
[\-minspeed \fInumber\fP]
[\-maxspeed \fInumber\fP]
Draws the gravity force in each point on the screen seen through a
halftone dot pattern. The gravity force is calculated from a set of
The maximum speed of each mass point. Default: 0.02
.B \-delay \fInumber\fP
Per-frame delay, in microseconds. Default: 10000
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
.B halo
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-count \fIint\fP] [\-delay \fIusecs\fP] [\-mode seuss | ramp | random ] [\-animate] [\-colors \fIinteger\fP]
The \fIhalo\fP program draws cool patterns based on circles.
If specified, then the centerpoints of the circles will bounce around.
Otherwise, the circles will be drawn once, erased, and a new set of
circles will be drawn.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
-/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1992-2006 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1992-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
static const char *helix_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*delay: 5",
"*subdelay: 20000",
.B helix
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-erase\-speed \fIusecs\fP] [\-erase\-mode \fIinteger\fP] [\-delay \fIseconds\fP] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP]
The \fIhelix\fP program draws interesting patterns composed of line segments
in random colors.
.B \-visual \fIvisual\fP
Specify which visual to use. Legal values are the name of a visual class,
or the id number (decimal or hex) of a specific visual.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
#define DEFAULTS "*delay: 10000 \n" \
"*count: 1000 \n" \
"*cycles: 2500 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 200 \n"
+ "*ncolors: 200 \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# define reshape_hop 0
# define hop_handle_event 0
.B hopalong
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-ncolors \fIinteger\fP] [\-delay \fImicroseconds\fP] [\-cycles \fIinteger\fP] [\-count \fIinteger\fP] [\-jong] [\-no\-jong] [\-jong] [\-no\-sine]
The \fIhop\fP program generates real plane fractals as described in
the September 1986 issue of Scientific American.
.B \-no\-sine \fIinteger\fP
Whether to use the Sine format (default is to choose randomly.)
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
"*zw: 0",
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
[\-visual \fIvisual\fP]
The \fIhyperball\fP program displays a wireframe projection of a hyperball
which is rotating at user-specified rates around any or all of its four axes.
each frame of the animation, expressed in 0.001 radians. These should be small
floating-point values (less than 50 works best.) Default: xy=3,
xz=5, yw=10.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
-/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1992, 1995, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2006
- * Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1992-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
static const char *hypercube_defaults[] =
- "*observer-z: 3",
+ "*observer-z: 3.0",
"*delay: 10000",
"*xy: 3",
"*xz: 5",
"*zw: 0",
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*color0: magenta",
"*color3: #FF0093",
"*color1: yellow",
.B hypercube
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-color[0-7] \fIcolor\fP] [\-xy \fIfloat\fP] [\-xz \fIfloat\fP] [\-yz \fIfloat\fP] [\-xw \fIfloat\fP] [\-yw \fIfloat\fP] [\-zw \fIfloat\fP] [\-observer-z \fIint\fP] [\-delay \fIusecs\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP]
The \fIhypercube\fP program displays a wireframe projection of a hypercube
which is rotating at user-specified rates around any or all of its four axes.
each frame of the animation, expressed in 0.001 radians. These should be small
floating-point values (less than 50 works best.) Default: xy=3,
xz=5, yw=10.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
static const char *ifs_defaults [] = {
".background: Black",
"*lensnum: 3",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*length: 9",
"*mode: 0",
"*colors: 200",
The \fIifs\fP program draws spinning, colliding iterated-function-system images.
.TP 8
.B \-no-multi
Turn off multi-coloured mode, only one colour is used to colour the whole set.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
--- /dev/null
+/* XPM */
+static char *scales[] = {
+/* width height ncolors chars_per_pixel */
+"128 128 69 1",
+/* colors */
+" c #B1B1B1",
+". c #AFAFAF",
+"X c #ADADAD",
+"o c #ABABAB",
+"O c #A9A9A9",
+"+ c #A7A7A7",
+"@ c #ECECEC",
+"# c #EAEAEA",
+"$ c #E8E8E8",
+"% c #E6E6E6",
+"& c #E4E4E4",
+"* c #E2E2E2",
+"= c #E0E0E0",
+"- c #DEDEDE",
+"; c #DCDCDC",
+": c #DADADA",
+"> c #D8D8D8",
+", c #D6D6D6",
+"< c #D4D4D4",
+"1 c #D2D2D2",
+"2 c #D0D0D0",
+"3 c #CECECE",
+"4 c #CCCCCC",
+"5 c #CACACA",
+"6 c #C8C8C8",
+"7 c #C6C6C6",
+"8 c #C4C4C4",
+"9 c #C2C2C2",
+"0 c #C0C0C0",
+"q c #BEBEBE",
+"w c #BCBCBC",
+"e c #BABABA",
+"r c #B8B8B8",
+"t c #B6B6B6",
+"y c #B4B4B4",
+"u c #B2B2B2",
+"i c #B0B0B0",
+"p c #AEAEAE",
+"a c #ACACAC",
+"s c #AAAAAA",
+"d c #EBEBEB",
+"f c #E9E9E9",
+"g c #E7E7E7",
+"h c #E5E5E5",
+"j c #E3E3E3",
+"k c #E1E1E1",
+"l c #DFDFDF",
+"z c #DDDDDD",
+"x c #DBDBDB",
+"c c #D9D9D9",
+"v c #D7D7D7",
+"b c #D5D5D5",
+"n c #D3D3D3",
+"m c #D1D1D1",
+"M c #CFCFCF",
+"N c #CDCDCD",
+"B c #CBCBCB",
+"V c #C9C9C9",
+"C c #C7C7C7",
+"Z c #C5C5C5",
+"A c #C3C3C3",
+"S c #C1C1C1",
+"D c #BFBFBF",
+"F c #BDBDBD",
+"G c #BBBBBB",
+"H c #B9B9B9",
+"J c #B7B7B7",
+"K c #B5B5B5",
+"L c #B3B3B3",
+/* pixels */
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+"*k=zv40F087C5BNM22N57AS0wKp.LtHwq0AZ88V2b:-*hjv8Lap KJrGAM,c:;z=-<8JJSN>=&;3Z8ZCVBN21MC8754N32nbv<VFw9C5B4Mm<b1BC65543mnn4SqCn-j",
+"-cn4Aeye85N3Mmnb,MSHtKtrrK yeq09876B5SHeD7N<><6euuKrwq0S7mx=kj&*cVJXpyFCMnM5VBNM21<vv28SC31<bv:;cMq y0Bmn<bc;z:n2M2mnbv,28JLe6v=",
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+"yuuLytJGZm:z-=k*x4qrHwDS889A64NNM1<<Nw.p yrwFHJGqS8765NMNV6V4M3CFtytHwqSSeiLq5nc-k*lnD pKq61x=lbZJ.X r92xj%%hk>1,-kjjl,VFJtrGFFe",
+" uKrGFDS7m;=**k-<CDq087C5B5BMn<b,cx>4FKKJeFDSDqACV5BN2<<MStyJHrKKJeFSA87ZepXyqV<z&&xVr Ke061vn7HuuyHw9B>*h=v4Sq6>j$h:40eeGqS9Ft",
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+",N9wFDS8765Mvz;,4Z88765N211n>ljhh*xNDyi LuLJHw098CV5CZBn:kg#gc8KiuKrGqFq72<b,vc;;>Nqe9532mnb<30KuyrDVb=&&k:MV5NM21<,>xx<NBNMmnbv",
+"DF9VN3M21b,1Ceu H7Mnb,>xx,5qGAm:cM9ereFqDqD8VBN3m<<mALX.tFZCAqGGqSAZC54NMvl*jhj;M0ypir82:lk-b6Dq09875B6SGJLitAmx----;>3w.a.uteFD",
+"8ACM<b,vc:vNDyi JA2c-==l>4FuiKF9SDFwqSA87CC52n<b>:vNqLiutHwFewS87C65N2n<mM1,:;>N0tuuKH0B>*h=nCA8765NMB0tuuLyJDBbcv<24CFupiyJGqSS",
+"B5N<:z-==;18HKKrGS4:&gj:NDy utrJtG098765N331v:xzllv6eKJewDS0FS64NN32n,c>NqreD9SwJKJHFD96n-k;mB5B432n<4qKyJewq0AZZ90qFGt yHwqS8CC",
+"cMDu tqA89S98765N2m2NZ0FFDSAZC5BBN1v:;zl*j=>2M1,bMVZZC54N2<bM8S6mvz*%hx6J LJHGGq8VB4Mm<1VHppt9Mck%$glm6CV54N225SqDS87C66VNm<,>cx",
+"18J KJHeD754N32n<nBDte0ZCC65N21m2ncl*hgfhcCHyrGww96NM21n,cvBH KFZM>z;20rrGqDS9852n<,>c18K.iyGZm-$dg;mN3M21<,,2CZ7CVBNM2M1vx-=*j",
+"8GKKrGwFFA4mn<,>cb39Kir8BNN32nv><BC4bz&$g;Vtaa. uyD4<>>cxz-,ZLapLH0C569FFD987CV5M,:;-lxM0tKrGF95<;zbB5M<,>cxzzvMNNM2m<bn3Nn;jg$%",
+"wHHwDSA8Z6mc;zzzcMAHL r8M<b,>xzx2DKtDVn:b6r.X.uKJr0Nclk*j&=1DuiLteFS9DFS8CV54N21bxkjj*c5qGwqSAZ65C0rywV,;=*&%h->bb,v>c,3AqZm-%%=",
+"qqD9ZC54NM,-j&k:MAeJJJG82:-lk*=,ZKXpyeS9Ft yJewD08N:j%$fgzBGtJeFDS8Z99VNM2mn<v:x;-l-c2Z0098C54B8rpsay0M;%#d#hzc:;--;v3AHteAMvv1",
+"8ZCV54M1<bvzj&z2AGHGFDS72zh$fg-NG iuteweLuKrGqS87653,zkjj-nZFwqSA8C54552b>>cx;l=x1BVC8SS87654M2N9LaaiKw7bjg&;mV5nzk=v49GrrGDZ6CC",
+"BN3M21b>cb3N1n3ZqFD987C5m;%d#*nStyJew0SqHHFS98CV4M23577V579SSAZCV5N2n1mbx-l*&h%k10KLyKJqCNM21b<N0y LrwD841mVqtuJA2vb49Fwwq0AZZA7",
+"2nbv>:;;v4qJHGF0SAZ654321<v:>2ZwHGq09ZC7997V5BN2nbb4qu.uyLKq7BN32mnvcvm31cl&$#%cZyp.uytFV1,>:xv4DrrGD9ZCCSJiaoX rDA8SqDSA8CVBVA9",
+"VM,xlkl>4qL.i JS6BN321b,m7qeHJrwD987654NB421nnbv:;,CKoop iLqBn,v>c;l-bAJr9Nvlkx5e uKHGw0Vbzk&*c50qD97VB46G.oa.utHeeF098CV5N2mBFK",
+" JD62mVqtKJGFFD6<;-l=k-n9LX.uLrSB2nbv>x-lz;z-ll==;NFKKHwq0SZN>l*h%%kmq.oX KeFFeew098C65Nm>*%j:M55NMmn,>>m9eewDS87CZCN1<bv:;:mSuX",
+"8765VZ8765BN2n<m5ZZ5N59FFD98765B3nbnMNBCF.sa.utreHG854N32<,nCJ.iLKKuLrFS8ZC654542nbv>x-kkcZ ss.KFZ3>l=,8K rS52n,cz-x<MN44570FwDS",
+"BN2113N322mn,c>3DyutHrHq8C6543mm4Z0FwGweyXX yJGFqq0V2nnbvxx<8KiuKJJJHD8C5BN21<25VN2n,xl*=<D .LJeqSC3n2Zr tqC2v;=&jc7rtJrrJJGS76",
+"mnvccv<bv>cx--v6riiyttH95N32m<v,5wKytreGryKrGD987C63,:xz=*-10JtrwqDqD85N2mn,cc20reD86N1,n6eyteF0A8755AeKKJGD84b-h$j1G.. yJrHq7NM",
+">:zll:b,:zkj&l1StytHwwFZM<,vc;-cVetJGFDSDwwDSZCV43M<x=*h$glM0wF09877CBmb,>:;lxNH. KHF0Z6ZqeGq09Z65BNB9wGFqSA7B1x*kvZt yJGFDS8B1,",
+"-lzn9uoX rFS9S98765BN21n,c:;zz>25554N32nbbbv>cxzl=cVHuLrGwwAN1nn<,ccnCD0Z4nv,NAD0AZ7VB323C741,cxz-->B0D7N1bvc:,VHpsXKDC4N32nbb,>",
+"Z7AwLp. KHwFFD74N321<,cvMZSS9SDDZM1n<,>xzz;;;;zl=;3FiXiytreAmcx;z-lc4wLyrq87ZS9ZCV543m<bM9wS4,z*&&z2DKJ05n:-=z1Syi Lr051b,>:>mV9",
+"tty LtHFDSA984nb,vcxz-v7ypiuLytS2>x;-lk*=cnmm1<n4Dy LtrGqD8mx=*jhk<AJLtHFSA9073mm1nb>:vBeiyD4>k%*<At ye94vlkx5wKtrGF9Bb;llzb6GL",
+"tJKLJGqSAZC55B1:zz-lkjlmFpa.uKJH0Ncl=kkk-bCFGwFDDeKyJeFDS8763,x-kkcBqrHwDS8CC862v:x;-=z19y. J0Bb:nZeKtHw07Mv:18wewqSAZB,kh*>5wKu",
+"GFwGq98C65N211<c;z-=kk>6r utHGq09Vmv,bn2B0yp.uKrHJteqSAZC544688644CSqqS87C54B8DZm:=&%h:VeLLteD8669Greq0986422VA0S8765BM>*&x4qttJ",
+"V5B542n<b>x--bSyuKrwDDeHw098CVBNNCeuiuytJy yrw09AAA7B32mnb,3q.op LKwZBN3mn<1VH.pKDBvx,VDFDS876BB7997V5BN2n,,M554M21<v:x>3AwwqS8Z",
+"3211nv:x;-=*l2eXXiyrGGHw9CV543mnnBGuuKrGFGHw0876V5BN1b,>:;c4G iyJHGD62<bvc>2AJLyJwA6V6ZA8ZC6B3m13VVN2m1<vc;>B98Bm,c;-l;MF e9C55",
+"<,>cc:;;zzl-vCtiutHwq0D0CN221<vcvNDrHGqSA9S865BN211n,c;-k*:VGtrGDS98Bb;zll>BDHHGqS88Dq9CBNNMmb>>mVV3nv:;l=-10yt0Bn:=jkbA sprABM2",
+"jh%kmSeHeewGJteqS87V5N3Mbzk==kkl>N7765BN2mmnvc:;z:mZ096M<<378ZC65N2m<xj$%zM8987C5NN7riLwC1:l*jl1Du tqCmx=;3wu LJwS6M2VFKyJHw061c",
+"ffg:Zyi ytHerH07V5BN2nb,:*hk-:,m69Z4M21n,>cxlkjjlbCGJHF9ZZ8C5BN3M1b>>vv>bMVC65BN21MZJ ur0Bvkg%:CJiiyHD73mNSJKJeFD9Z6ZDHreq0986Mv",
+"58FJtJew09ZCCCB1,,b<<n1M6DeHJtKtJr0Nclk=lx<3N<:,B0wwqSA7V663,c;-=**z2q.oX wVncx;zx2AwwqSA7N<v2AHrGF0A7VBVA0SAZ6543m1367CV5BNM1<<",
+".i ueAVB432nbbmB7AS00S9ADtLKrGq0987B1,m6DeJJreHGSZ65B4M1<m7GeSBbz=>CJ iLJHG93;h$hxM665B4Mnbn5S08CV54M1bvnBV31<bvc;--c<<,>cx;xb50",
if (mono_p)
st->flip_xy = 0;
+ else if (st->colors)
+ free_colors (st->dpy, st->cmap, st->colors, st->ncolors);
+ st->colors = 0;
st->ncolors = get_integer_resource (st->dpy, "ncolors", "Integer");
st->delay = get_integer_resource (st->dpy, "delay", "Integer");
if (!mono_p)
- if (st->colors)
- free_colors (st->dpy, st->cmap, st->colors, st->ncolors);
- else
- st->colors = (XColor *) malloc (st->ncolors * sizeof(*st->colors));
+ st->colors = (XColor *) malloc (st->ncolors * sizeof(*st->colors));
make_smooth_colormap (st->dpy, st->xgwa.visual, st->cmap,
st->colors, &st->ncolors,
static const char *imsmap_defaults [] = {
".background: #000066",
".foreground: #FF00FF",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*mode: random",
"*ncolors: 50",
"*iterations: 7",
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
.B imsmap
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-ncolors \fIint\fP] [\-delay \fIseconds\fP] [\-delay2 \fImicroseconds\fP] [\-iterations \fIint\fP] [\-mode h|s|v|random]
The \fIimsmap\fP program generates map or cloud-like patterns. It looks
quite different in monochrome and color.
.B \-mode [ hue | saturation | value | random ]
The axis upon which colors should be interpolated between the foreground
and background color. Default random.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
".background: white",
".foreground: black",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*maxCycles: 100000",
#ifdef TIME_ME
"*growthDelay: 0",
[\-base\-orbits \fIpercent\fP]
The Intersection Aggregate is a fun visualization defining the relationships
between objects with Casey Reas, William Ngan, and Robert Hodgin. Commissioned
Delay in ms between drawing cycles. More delay, slower (but smoother
and less CPU intensive.)
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
dx = i*g + g/2 - c->source[k].x;
dy = j*g + g/2 - c->source[k].y;
dist = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); /* what's the performance penalty here? */
- result += (dist > c->radius ? 0 : c->wave_height[dist]);
+ result += (dist >= c->radius ? 0 : c->wave_height[dist]);
result %= c->colors;
[\-color-shift \fInumber\fP]
[\-hue \fInumber\fP]
Another color-field hack, this one works by computing decaying sinusoidal
waves, and allowing them to interfere with each other as their origins
.TP 8
.B \-db | \-no-db
Whether to double buffer.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
[\-draw\-delay \fIdelayms\fP]
[\-max\-riders \fImaxr\fP]
[\-max\-radius \fImaxradius\fP]
The Intersection Momentary is a fun visualization defining the relationships
between objects with Casey Reas, William Ngan, and Robert Hodgin. Commissioned
.B \-max\-radius \fImaxradius\fP (Default: \fI100\fP)
Maximum possible radius of a disc.
.TP 8
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
-/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1997-2006 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1997-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
static const char *jigsaw_defaults [] = {
".background: Black",
".foreground: #AAAAAA",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*delay: 70000",
"*delay2: 5",
"*pieceBorderWidth: -1",
.B jigsaw
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP]
[\-delay \fIusecs\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP]
The \fIjigsaw\fP program takes an image, carves it up into
a jigsaw puzzle, shuffles it, and then solves it.
.TP 8
.B \-delay \fImicroseconds\fP
How long to wait between shuffling pieces; default 70000, or 0.07 seconds.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
"*count: 200 \n" \
"*cycles: 1000 \n" \
"*ncolors: 32 \n" \
- "*font: -*-times-bold-r-normal-*-180-*\n"
+ "*font: -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-180-*\n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true\n" \
# define refresh_juggle 0
# define juggle_handle_event 0
.\" ** The above line should force tbl to be used as a preprocessor **
.TH XScreenSaver 1 "" "X Version 11"
-juggle \- juggling man screen saver.
+juggle - juggling man screen saver.
.B juggle
-.RB [ \-display
-.IR host:display.screen ]
-.RB [ \-root ]
-.RB [ \-window ]
-.RB [ \-mono ]
-.RB [ \-install | \-noinstall ]
-.RB [ \-visual
-.IR visual ]
-.RB [ \-window\-id
-.IR id ]
-.RB [ \-pattern
-.IR pattern ]
-.RB [ \-tail
-.IR number ]
-.RB [ \-real | \-no\-real ]
-.RB [ \-describe | \-no\-describe ]
-.RB [ \-balls | \-no\-balls ]
-.RB [ \-clubs | \-no\-clubs ]
-.RB [ \-torches | \-no\-torches ]
-.RB [ \-knives | \-no\-knives ]
-.RB [ \-rings | \-no\-rings ]
-.RB [ \-bballs | \-no\-bballs ]
-.RB [ \-count
-.IR count ]
-.RB [ \-cycles
-.IR cycles ]
-.RB [ \-delay
-.IR delay ]
-.RB [ \-ncolors
-.IR ncolors ]
+[\-display host:display.screen ]
+[\-root ]
+[\-window ]
+[\-mono ]
+[\-install | \-noinstall ]
+[\-visual visual ]
+[\-window\-id id ]
+[\-pattern pattern ]
+[\-tail number ]
+[\-real | \-no\-real ]
+[\-describe | \-no\-describe ]
+[\-balls | \-no\-balls ]
+[\-clubs | \-no\-clubs ]
+[\-torches | \-no\-torches ]
+[\-knives | \-no\-knives ]
+[\-rings | \-no\-rings ]
+[\-bballs | \-no\-bballs ]
+[\-count count ]
+[\-cycles cycles ]
+[\-delay delay ]
+[\-ncolors ncolors ]
Draws a stick-man juggling various collections of objects.
-.BI \-display\ host:display.screen
+.I juggle
+accepts the following options:
+.TP 8
+.B \-display host:display.screen
X11 display to use. Overrides
environment variable.
+.TP 8
.B \-root
Draw on the root window.
+.TP 8
.B \-window
Draw on a newly-created X window. This is the default.
+.TP 8
.B \-mono
Draw in monochrome.
-.B \-install\ |\ \-noinstall
+.TP 8
+.B \-install | \-noinstall
Turn on/off installing colormap.
-.BI \-visual\ visual
+.TP 8
+.B \-visual visual
Specify which visual to use. Legal values are the name of a visual class,
or the id number (decimal or hex) of a specific visual.
-.BI \-window\-id\ id
+.TP 8
+.B \-window\-id id
Draw on an already existing X window.
-.BI \-pattern\ \(dq pattern \(dq
+.TP 8
+.B \-pattern\ \(dq pattern \(dq
Specify juggling pattern in annotated
.B site-swap
notation. In
x Cross Throw and Catch
\&_ Bounce
-.BI \-pattern\ \(dq[ pattern ]\(dq
+.TP 8
+.B \-pattern\ \(dq[ pattern ]\(dq
Specify juggling pattern in annotated
.B Adam
notation. Adam notation is a little harder to visualize. Each
For further examples, see the
.B portfolio
list in the source code.
-.BI \-tail\ number
+.TP 8
+.B \-tail number
Minimum Trail Length. 0 \- 100. Default: 1. Objects may override
this, for example flaming torches always leave a trail.
-.BR \-real\ |\ \-no\-real
+.TP 8
+.BR \-real | \-no\-real
Turn on/off real-time juggling.
.B Deprecated.
There should be no need to turn off real-time juggling, even on slow
systems. Adjust speed using
.B \-count
-.BR \-describe\ |\ \-no\-describe
+.TP 8
+.BR \-describe | \-no\-describe
Turn on/off pattern descriptions.
-.BR \-balls\ |\ \-no\-balls
+.TP 8
+.BR \-balls | \-no\-balls
Turn on/off Balls.
-.BR \-clubs\ |\ \-no\-clubs
+.TP 8
+.BR \-clubs | \-no\-clubs
Turn on/off Clubs.
-.BR \-torches\ |\ \-no\-torches
+.TP 8
+.BR \-torches | \-no\-torches
Turn on/off Flaming Torches.
-.BR \-knives\ |\ \-no\-knives
+.TP 8
+.BR \-knives | \-no\-knives
Turn on/off Knives.
-.BR \-rings\ |\ \-no\-rings
+.TP 8
+.BR \-rings | \-no\-rings
Turn on/off Rings.
-.BR \-bballs\ |\ \-no\-bballs
+.TP 8
+.BR \-bballs | \-no\-bballs
Turn on/off Bowling Balls.
-.BI \-count\ number
+.TP 8
+.B \-count number
Speed. 50 \- 1000. Default: 200. This determines the expected time
interval between a throw and the next catch, in milliseconds.
-.BI \-cycles\ number
+.TP 8
+.B \-cycles number
Performance Length. 50 \- 1000. Default: 1000. Setting this smaller
will force the juggler to switch patterns (and objects) more often.
-.BI \-delay\ delay
+.TP 8
+.B \-delay delay
Additional delay between frames, in microseconds. Default: 10000.
.B Deprecated.
Adjust speed using
.BR \-count .
-.BI \-ncolors\ ncolors
+.TP 8
+.B \-ncolors ncolors
Maximum number of colors to use. Default: 32.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
+.TP 8
to get the default host and display number.
+.TP 8
to get the name of a resource file that overrides the global resources
stored in the RESOURCE_MANAGER property.
# define DEFAULTS "*count: 1000 \n" \
"*cycles: 20 \n" \
"*delay: 10000 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 200 \n"
+ "*ncolors: 200 \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# define reshape_julia 0
# define julia_handle_event 0
.B julia
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-ncolors \fIinteger\fP] [\-delay \fImicroseconds\fP] [\-cycles \fIinteger\fP] [\-count \fIinteger\fP] [\-mouse] [\-nomouse]
The \fIjulia\fP program draws spinning, animating julia-set fractals.
If \fI\-mouse\fP is specified, the control point of the Julia set will
be derived from the position of the mouse in the window. When the mouse
is not in the window, the control point is chosen the normal way.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
static const char *kaleidescope_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*color_mode: nice",
"*symmetry: 11",
"*ntrails: 100",
.B kaleidescope
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-color_mode \fImono | nice | greedy\fP] [-nsegments \fIint\fP] [\-ntrails \fIint\fP] [\-local_rotation \fIint\fP] [\-global_rotation \fIint\fP] [\-delay \fIusecs\fP] [\-redmin \fIint\fP] [\-greenmin \fIint\fP] [\-bluemin \fIint\fP] [\-redrange \fIint\fP] [\-greenrange \fIint\fP] [\-bluerange \fIint\fP]
The \fIkaleidescope\fP program draws line segments in a symmetric pattern
that evolves over time.
.B \-delay microseconds
How much of a delay should be introduced between steps of the animation.
Default is 20000, or about 5 frames a second.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
static const char *kumppa_defaults [] ={
".background: black",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*speed: 0.1",
"*delay: 10000",
"*random: True",
[\-speed \fInumber\fP]
Spiraling, spinning, and very, very fast splashes of color rush toward the
.TP 8
.B \-dbuf | \-no-dbuf
Whether to double buffer.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
# define DEFAULTS "*delay: 40000 \n" \
"*count: 10 \n" \
"*cycles: 200 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 64 \n"
+ "*ncolors: 64 \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# define reshape_laser 0
# define laser_handle_event 0
.B laser
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-ncolors \fIinteger\fP] [\-delay \fImicroseconds\fP] [\-cycles \fIinteger\fP] [\-count \fIinteger\fP]
The \fIlaser\fP program draws vaguely laser-like moving lines
.TP 8
.B \-count \fIinteger\fP
Default 10.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
END } mode;
+ unsigned int enabled_mask;
int count;
GC fg, bg;
int delay;
+static void
+pick_mode (struct state *st)
+ st->count = 0;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (++st->mode == END)
+ st->mode = 0;
+ if (st->enabled_mask & (1 << st->mode))
+ break;
+ }
static void *
lcdscrub_init (Display *dpy, Window window)
jwxyz_XSetAntiAliasing (st->dpy, st->bg, False);
+ st->enabled_mask = 0;
+# define PREF(R,F) \
+ if (get_boolean_resource (st->dpy, R, "Mode")) st->enabled_mask |= (1 << F)
+ PREF("modeHW", HORIZ_W);
+ PREF("modeHB", HORIZ_B);
+ PREF("modeVW", VERT_W);
+ PREF("modeVB", VERT_B);
+ PREF("modeDW", DIAG_W);
+ PREF("modeDB", DIAG_B);
+ PREF("modeW", WHITE);
+ PREF("modeB", BLACK);
+# undef PREF
+ if (! st->enabled_mask)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "%s: no modes enabled\n", progname);
+ exit (1);
+ }
+ pick_mode (st);
return st;
case WHITE:
case BLACK:
- XFillRectangle (st->dpy, st->window, fg, 0, 0,
+ XFillRectangle (st->dpy, st->window, bg, 0, 0,
st->xgwa.width, st->xgwa.height);
if (st->count > st->spread * st->cycles)
- {
- st->count = 0;
- if (++st->mode == END)
- st->mode = 0;
- }
+ pick_mode (st);
return st->delay;
"*delay: 100000",
"*spread: 8",
"*cycles: 60",
+ "*modeHW: True",
+ "*modeHB: True",
+ "*modeVW: True",
+ "*modeVB: True",
+ "*modeDW: True",
+ "*modeDB: True",
+ "*modeW: True",
+ "*modeB: True",
{ "-delay", ".delay", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{ "-spread", ".spread", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{ "-cycles", ".cycles", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-no-hw", ".modeHW", XrmoptionNoArg, "False" },
+ { "-no-hb", ".modeHB", XrmoptionNoArg, "False" },
+ { "-no-vw", ".modeVW", XrmoptionNoArg, "False" },
+ { "-no-vb", ".modeVB", XrmoptionNoArg, "False" },
+ { "-no-dw", ".modeDW", XrmoptionNoArg, "False" },
+ { "-no-db", ".modeDB", XrmoptionNoArg, "False" },
+ { "-no-w", ".modeW", XrmoptionNoArg, "False" },
+ { "-no-b", ".modeB", XrmoptionNoArg, "False" },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
[\-delay \fInumber\fP]
[\-spread \fInumber\fP]
[\-cycles \fInumber\fP]
This screen saver is not meant to look pretty, but rather, to
repair burn-in on LCD monitors.
.TP 8
.B \-cycles \fInumber\fP
Steps before switching display mode. Default 60.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
# define MODE_lightning
# define DEFAULTS "*delay: 10000 \n" \
"*ncolors: 64 \n"
# define reshape_lightning 0
# define lightning_handle_event 0
.B lightning
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-ncolors \fIinteger\fP] [\-delay \fImicroseconds\fP]
The \fIlightning\fP program draws fractal lightning bolts
.B \-ncolors \fIinteger\fP
How many colors should be used (if possible). Default 64.
The colors are chosen randomly.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4 -*- */
-/* lisa --- animated full-loop lisajous figures */
+/* lisa --- animated full-loop lissajous figures */
#if 0
static const char sccsid[] = "@(#)lisa.c 5.00 2000/11/01 xlockmore";
* The inspiration for this program, Lasp, was written by Adam B. Roach
* in 1990, assisted by me, Caleb Cullen. It was written first in C, then
- * in assembly, and used pre-calculated data tables to graph lisajous
+ * in assembly, and used pre-calculated data tables to graph lissajous
* figures on 386 machines and lower. This version bears only superficial
* resemblances to the original Lasp.
# define DEFAULTS "*delay: 17000 \n" \
"*count: 1 \n" \
"*cycles: 768 \n" \
- "*size: -1 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 64 \n"
+ "*size: 500 \n" \
+ "*ncolors: 64 \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# define reshape_lisa 0
# define lisa_handle_event 0
{"lisa", "init_lisa", "draw_lisa", "release_lisa",
"refresh_lisa", "change_lisa", (char *) NULL, &lisa_opts,
17000, 1, 768, -1, 64, 1.0, "",
- "Shows animated lisajous figures", 0, NULL};
+ "Shows animated lissajous figures", 0, NULL};
} lisas;
typedef struct lisacontext_struct {
- lisas *lisajous;
- int width, height, nlisajous, loopcount;
+ lisas *lissajous;
+ int width, height, nlissajous, loopcount;
int maxcycles;
Bool painted;
} lisacons;
static void
free_lisa(lisacons *lc)
- while (lc->lisajous) {
+ while (lc->lissajous) {
int lctr;
- for (lctr = 0; lctr < lc->nlisajous; lctr++) {
- (void) free((void *) lc->lisajous[lctr].lastpoint);
+ for (lctr = 0; lctr < lc->nlissajous; lctr++) {
+ (void) free((void *) lc->lissajous[lctr].lastpoint);
- (void) free((void *) lc->lisajous);
- lc->lisajous = (lisas *) NULL;
+ (void) free((void *) lc->lissajous);
+ lc->lissajous = (lisas *) NULL;
lisacons *lc = &Lisa[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
int lctr;
- for (lctr = 0; lctr < lc->nlisajous; lctr++) {
- if (!drawlisa(mi, &lc->lisajous[lctr]))
+ for (lctr = 0; lctr < lc->nlissajous; lctr++) {
+ if (!drawlisa(mi, &lc->lissajous[lctr]))
if (Lisa == NULL)
lc = &Lisa[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
- if (lc->lisajous == NULL)
+ if (lc->lissajous == NULL)
if (lc->painted) {
if (Lisa == NULL)
lc = &Lisa[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
- if (lc->lisajous == NULL)
+ if (lc->lissajous == NULL)
lc->loopcount = 0;
- for (lctr = 0; lctr < lc->nlisajous; lctr++) {
- loop = &lc->lisajous[lctr]; /* count through the loops we're drawing */
+ for (lctr = 0; lctr < lc->nlissajous; lctr++) {
+ loop = &lc->lissajous[lctr]; /* count through the loops we're drawing */
newfunc = NRAND(NUMSTDFUNCS); /* choose a new function at random */
loop->function[1] =
lc->width = MI_WIDTH(mi);
lc->height = MI_HEIGHT(mi);
lc->loopcount = 0;
- lc->nlisajous = MI_COUNT(mi);
- if (lc->nlisajous <= 0)
- lc->nlisajous = 1;
+ lc->nlissajous = MI_COUNT(mi);
+ if (lc->nlissajous <= 0)
+ lc->nlissajous = 1;
lc->painted = False;
- if (lc->lisajous == NULL) {
- if ((lc->lisajous = (lisas *) calloc(lc->nlisajous,
+ if (lc->lissajous == NULL) {
+ if ((lc->lissajous = (lisas *) calloc(lc->nlissajous,
sizeof (lisas))) == NULL)
- for (lctr = 0; lctr < lc->nlisajous; lctr++) {
- if (!initlisa(mi, &lc->lisajous[lctr]))
+ for (lctr = 0; lctr < lc->nlissajous; lctr++) {
+ if (!initlisa(mi, &lc->lissajous[lctr]))
if (Lisa == NULL)
lc = &Lisa[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
- if (lc->lisajous == NULL)
+ if (lc->lissajous == NULL)
#ifdef HAVE_COCOA /* Don't second-guess Quartz's double-buffering */
.B lisa
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-ncolors \fIinteger\fP] [\-delay \fImicroseconds\fP] [\-cycles \fIinteger\fP] [\-count \fIinteger\fP] [\-size \fIinteger\fP]
The \fIlisa\fP program draws animated full-loop lissajous figures.
.TP 8
.B \-size \fIinteger\fP
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
"*count: 1 \n" \
"*cycles: 20000 \n" \
"*size: -200 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 200 \n"
+ "*ncolors: 200 \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# define reshape_lissie 0
# define lissie_handle_event 0
[\-delay \fInumber\fP]
[\-ncolors \fInumber\fP]
[\-size \fInumber\fP]
Another Lissajous figure. This one draws the progress of circular shapes
along a path.
.TP 8
.B \-size \fInumber\fP
Size. -500 to +500. Default: -200.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
.B lmorph
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-points \fIint\fP] [\-steps \fIint\fP] [\-delay \fIusecs\fP] [\-figtype \fItype\fP]
The \fIlmorph\fP program generates random spline-ish line drawings and
morphs between them.
.TP 8
.B \-linewidth \fIinteger\fP
Width of lines. Default is 5 pixels.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
"*count: -5 \n" \
"*cycles: 1600 \n" \
"*size: -12 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 15 \n"
+ "*ncolors: 15 \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# define reshape_loop 0
# define loop_handle_event 0
[\-delay \fInumber\fP]
[\-ncolors \fInumber\fP]
[\-size \fInumber\fP]
Another cellular automaton.
This one produces loop-shaped colonies that spawn, age, and eventually die.
.TP 8
.B \-size \fInumber\fP
Size. -50 - 50. Default: -12.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
st->logo_y = st->logo_x = -1;
+ /* #### should mask out the cells covered by the FPS display if "doFPS"
+ is true. But that's hard, because the "logo_x" crap that does
+ that trick for the logo is scattered all around the code... */
static int choose_door (struct state *st);
static const char *maze_defaults[] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*gridSize: 0",
"*generator: -1",
"*maxLength: 5",
"*bridge: False",
"*ignorant: False",
- "*solveDelay: 5000",
+ "*solveDelay: 10000",
"*preDelay: 2000000",
"*postDelay: 4000000",
.B maze
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-grid\-size \fIpixels\fP] [\-live\-color \fIcolor\fP] [\-dead\-color \fIcolor\fP] [\-solve\-delay \fIusecs\fP] [\-pre\-delay \fIusecs\fP] [\-post\-delay \fIusecs\fP] [\-generator \fIinteger\fP] [\-max\-length \fIinteger\fP] [\-bridge] [\-no\-bridge]
The \fImaze\fP program creates a "random" maze and then solves it with
graphical feedback.
.TP 16
.B RightButton
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
Expose events force a restart of maze.
Window window;
XWindowAttributes xgwa;
GC draw_gc, erase_gc, text_gc;
- XFontStruct *fonts[4];
+ XFontStruct *fonts[6];
int border;
enum { SEED_RAM, SEED_RANDOM, SEED_FILE } seed_mode;
x = (st->xgwa.width - w) / 2;
y = (bot - h) / 2;
- if (y + h + 10 <= bot)
+ if (y + h + 10 <= bot && x > -10)
XSetFont (st->dpy, st->text_gc, st->fonts[i]->fid);
XFillRectangle (st->dpy, st->window, st->erase_gc,
static const char *memscroller_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
"*drawMode: color",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
+ "*fpsTop: true",
"*filename: (RAM)",
".textColor: #00FF00",
".foreground: #00FF00",
"*borderSize: 2",
- ".font1: -*-courier-bold-r-*-*-*-1400-*-*-m-*-*-*",
- ".font2: -*-courier-bold-r-*-*-*-600-*-*-m-*-*-*",
- ".font3: -*-courier-bold-r-*-*-*-180-*-*-m-*-*-*",
- ".font4: fixed",
+#ifdef HAVE_COCOA
+ ".font1: OCR A Std 192",
+ ".font2: OCR A Std 144",
+ ".font3: OCR A Std 128",
+ ".font4: OCR A Std 96",
+ ".font5: OCR A Std 48",
+ ".font6: OCR A Std 24",
+ ".font1: -*-courier-bold-r-*-*-*-1440-*-*-m-*-*-*",
+ ".font2: -*-courier-bold-r-*-*-*-960-*-*-m-*-*-*",
+ ".font3: -*-courier-bold-r-*-*-*-480-*-*-m-*-*-*",
+ ".font4: -*-courier-bold-r-*-*-*-320-*-*-m-*-*-*",
+ ".font5: -*-courier-bold-r-*-*-*-180-*-*-m-*-*-*",
+ ".font6: fixed",
"*delay: 10000",
"*offset: 0",
[\-delay \fIint\fP]
[\-mono | -color]
[\-ram | -random | \-filename \fIfile\fP]
The \fImemscroller\fP program scrolls a dump of its own process memory
across the screen in three windows at three different rates.
.B \-delay \fImicroseconds\fP
How much of a delay should be introduced between steps of the animation.
Default 10000.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
"*count: 10",
"*cycles: 1000",
"*ncolors: 256",
- "*delay: 5000",
+ "*delay: 10000",
"*radius: 100",
"*delta: 3",
-XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("Metaballs", metaballs)
+XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("MetaBalls", metaballs)
/* End of Module - "metaballs.c" */
[\-cycles \fInumber\fP]
[\-radius \fInumber\fP]
[\-delta \fInumber\fP]
This hack draws 2D metaballs to the screen by calculating the sum of the colors of all metaballs covering a pixel.
Ported from the demo effects collection (http://demo-effects.sourceforge.net)
.TP 8
.B \-delta \fInumber\fP
MetaBall Movement. 1 - 20. Default: 3.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
mismunch_draw (Display *dpy, Window w, void *closure)
struct state *st = (struct state *) closure;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
/* for (draw_i = 0; draw_i < simul; draw_i++) */
+ }
return st->delay;
static const char *mismunch_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
- "*delay: 2500",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
+ "*delay: 10000",
"*simul: 5",
"*clear: 65",
"*xor: True",
[\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install]
[\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-delay \fIusecs\fP] [\-xor] [\-noxor]
[\-clear \fInumber\fP] [\-simul \fInumber\fP]
.I mismunch
.TP 8
.B \-simul \fInumber\fP
Number of squares to misdraw simultaneously. Default: 5.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
-/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1997, 1998, 2001, 2006
- * Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1997-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
static const char *moire_defaults [] = {
".background: blue",
".foreground: red",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*random: true",
"*delay: 5",
"*ncolors: 64",
.B moire
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-delay \fIseconds\fP] [\-random \fIboolean\fP] [\-ncolors \fIint\fP] [\-offset \fIint\fP]
The \fImoire\fP program draws cool circular interference patterns.
.B \-ncolors \fIinteger\fP
How many colors should be allocated in the color ramp (note that this
value interacts with \fIoffset\fP.)
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
[\-delay \fInumber\fP]
[\-ncolors \fInumber\fP]
[\-thickness \fInumber\fP]
Another example of the fun you can have with moire interference patterns;
this hack generates fields of concentric circles or ovals, and combines the
.TP 8
.B \-thickness \fInumber\fP
Thickness of lines, in pixels. Default: 0.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
# define MODE_mountain
-#define DEFAULTS "*delay: 1000 \n" \
+#define DEFAULTS "*delay: 20000 \n" \
"*count: 30 \n" \
"*cycles: 4000 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 64 \n"
+ "*ncolors: 64 \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# define reshape_mountain 0
# define mountain_handle_event 0
[\-count \fInumber\fP]
[\-delay \fInumber\fP]
[\-ncolors \fInumber\fP]
Generates random 3d plots that look vaguely mountainous.
.TP 8
.B \-ncolors \fInumber\fP
Number of colors. Default: 64.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
static const char *munch_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
- "*delay: 5000",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
+ "*delay: 10000",
"*hold: 100000",
"*clear: 50",
"*logminwidth: 7",
[\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install]
[\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-delay \fImicroseconds\fP] [\-xor] [\-noxor] [\-shift]
[\-noshift] [\-logminwidth \fIminimum width\fP]
.I munch
.B \-logminwidth \fIminimum\-width\fP
The logarithm (base 2) of the minimum with of a square (must be a power of
2, or some parts of the square aren't.)
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Copyright © 2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+# Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
+# documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
+# the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+# copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+# documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this
+# software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
+# implied warranty.
+# This updates driver/XScreenSaver.ad.in with the current list of savers.
+# Created: 3-Aug-2008.
+require 5;
+use diagnostics;
+use strict;
+my $progname = $0; $progname =~ s@.*/@@g;
+my $version = q{ $Revision: 1.2 $ }; $version =~ s/^[^\d]+([\d.]+).*/$1/;
+my $verbose = 0;
+# These are marked as disabled by default in the .ad file.
+my %disable = (
+ 'abstractile' => 1,
+ 'antinspect' => 1,
+ 'antmaze' => 1,
+ 'ant' => 1,
+ 'carousel' => 1,
+ 'critical' => 1,
+ 'demon' => 1,
+ 'dnalogo' => 1,
+ 'glblur' => 1,
+ 'glforestfire' => 1,
+ 'glslideshow' => 1,
+ 'hyperball' => 1,
+ 'juggle' => 1,
+ 'laser' => 1,
+ 'lcdscrub' => 1,
+ 'lightning' => 1,
+ 'lisa' => 1,
+ 'lissie' => 1,
+ 'lmorph' => 1,
+ 'loop' => 1,
+ 'rotor' => 1,
+ 'sballs' => 1,
+ 'sierpinski' => 1,
+ 'sphere' => 1,
+ 'spiral' => 1,
+ 'thornbird' => 1,
+ 'vidwhacker' => 1,
+ 'vines' => 1,
+ 'webcollage' => 1,
+ 'worm' => 1,
+ );
+sub munge_ad($) {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ my $body = '';
+ local *IN;
+ open (IN, "<$file") || error ("$file: $!");
+ while (<IN>) { $body .= $_; }
+ close IN;
+ my $obody = $body;
+ my ($top, $mid, $bot) = ($body =~ m/^(.*?\n)(\*hacks\..*?\n)(\n.*)$/s);
+ my $mid2 = '';
+ my %hacks;
+ # Update the "*hacks.foo.name" section of the file based on the contents
+ # of config/*.xml.
+ #
+ my $dir = $file;
+ $dir =~ s@/[^/]*$@@s;
+ my @counts = (0,0,0,0,0,0);
+ foreach my $xml (sort (glob ("$dir/../hacks/config/*.xml"))) {
+ my $b = '';
+ open (IN, "<$xml") || error ("$xml: $!");
+ while (<IN>) { $b .= $_; }
+ close IN;
+ my ($name) = ($b =~ m@<screensaver[^<>]*\b_label=\"([^<>\"]+)\">@s);
+ error ("$xml: no name") unless $name;
+ my $name2 = lc($name);
+ $name2 =~ s/^((x|gl)?[a-z])/\U$1/s; # what prefs.c (make_hack_name) does
+ $xml =~ s@^.*/([^/]+)\.xml$@$1@s;
+ if ($name ne $name2) {
+ my $s = sprintf("*hacks.%s.name:", $xml);
+ $mid2 .= sprintf ("%-28s%s\n", $s, $name);
+ $counts[1]++;
+ }
+ # Grab the year.
+ my ($year) =
+ ($b =~ m/<_description>.*Written by.*?;\s+(19[6-9]\d|20\d\d)\b/si);
+ error ("no year in $xml.xml") unless $year;
+ $hacks{$xml} = $year;
+ $counts[0]++;
+ }
+ # Splice in new names.
+ $body = $top . $mid2 . $bot;
+ # Replace the "programs" section.
+ # Sort hacks by creation date, but put the OpenGL ones at the end.
+ #
+ my $segregate_p = 0; # whether to put the GL hacks at the end.
+ my $xhacks = '';
+ my $ghacks = '';
+ foreach my $hack (sort { $hacks{$a} == $hacks{$b}
+ ? $a cmp $b
+ : $hacks{$a} <=> $hacks{$b}}
+ (keys(%hacks))) {
+ my $cmd = "$hack -root";
+ my $ts = (length($cmd) / 8) * 8;
+ while ($ts < 40) { $cmd .= "\t"; $ts += 8; }
+ next if ($hack eq 'ant' || $hack eq 'rdbomb');
+ my $glp;
+ my $glep = ($hack eq 'extrusion');
+ if (-f "$hack.c" || -f "$hack") { $glp = 0; }
+ elsif (-f "glx/$hack.c") { $glp = 1; }
+ else { error ("is $hack X or GL?"); }
+ my $dis = ($disable{$hack} ? '-' : '');
+ my $vis = ($glp
+ ? (($dis ? '' : $glep ? '@GLE_KLUDGE@' : '@GL_KLUDGE@') .
+ ' GL: ')
+ : '');
+ $cmd = "$dis$vis\t\t\t\t$cmd \\n\\\n";
+ if ($glp) {
+ ($segregate_p ? $ghacks : $xhacks) .= $cmd;
+ $counts[4+defined($disable{$hack})]++;
+ } else {
+ $xhacks .= $cmd;
+ $counts[2+defined($disable{$hack})]++;
+ }
+ }
+ # Splice in new programs list.
+ #
+ $mid2 = ($xhacks .
+ ($segregate_p ? "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \\\n" : "") .
+ $ghacks);
+ $mid2 =~ s@\\$@@s;
+ ($top, $mid, $bot) =
+ ($body =~ m/^(.*?\n\*programs:\s+\\\n)(.*?\n)(\n.*)$/s);
+ error ("unparsable") unless $mid;
+ $body = $top . $mid2 . $bot;
+ print STDERR "$progname: Total: $counts[0]; " .
+ "X11: $counts[2]+$counts[3]; GL: $counts[4]+$counts[5]; " .
+ "Names: $counts[1]\n"
+ if ($verbose);
+ # Write file if changed.
+ #
+ if ($body ne $obody) {
+ local *OUT;
+ open (OUT, ">$file") || error ("$file: $!");
+ print OUT $body;
+ close OUT;
+ print STDERR "$progname: wrote $file\n";
+ } elsif ($verbose) {
+ print STDERR "$progname: $file unchanged\n";
+ }
+sub error($) {
+ my ($err) = @_;
+ print STDERR "$progname: $err\n";
+ exit 1;
+sub usage() {
+ print STDERR "usage: $progname [--verbose] ad-file\n";
+ exit 1;
+sub main() {
+ my $file;
+ while ($#ARGV >= 0) {
+ $_ = shift @ARGV;
+ if (m/^--?verbose$/) { $verbose++; }
+ elsif (m/^-v+$/) { $verbose += length($_)-1; }
+ elsif (m/^-./) { usage; }
+ elsif (!$file) { $file = $_; }
+ else { usage; }
+ }
+ usage unless ($file);
+ munge_ad ($file);
+exit 0;
.B nerverot
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-db] [\-no\-db] [\-colors \fIinteger\fP] [\-delay \fImicroseconds\fP] [\-count \fIinteger\fP] [\-line\-width \fIinteger\fP] [\-event\-chance \fIfraction\fP] [\-iter\-amt \fIfraction\fP] [\-nervousness \fIfraction\fP] [\-max\-nerve\-radius \fIfraction\fP] [\-min\-radius \fIinteger\fP] [\-max\-radius \fIinteger\fP] [\-min\-scale \fIfraction\fP] [\-max\-scale \fIfraction\fP]
The goal of \fInerverot\fP is to be interesting and compelling to
watch, yet induce a state of nervous edginess in the viewer. This manpage
The maximum overall scale of drawing, as a fraction of
\fImin(windowHeight,windowWidth)\fP, in the range 0..10. Defaults to 1.75,
resource \fImaxScale\fP.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
-/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1992, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2005, 2006
- * Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1992-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
".foreground: #CCCCCC",
"*textForeground: black",
"*textBackground: #CCCCCC",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*program: xscreensaver-text --cols 40 | head -n15",
".font: -*-new century schoolbook-*-r-*-*-*-180-*-*-*-*-*-*",
[\-program \fIprogram\fP]
[\-filename \fIfile\fP]
[\-text \fItext\fP]
A little man with a big nose and a hat runs around spewing out messages to
the screen. This code (and its bitmaps) were extracted from the \fIxnlock\fP
.TP 8
.B \-text \fIstring\fP
If \fImode\fP is \fIstring\fP, then this text will be used for all messages.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
# define MODE_pacman
# define DEFAULTS "*delay: 10000 \n" \
"*size: 0 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 6 \n"
+ "*ncolors: 6 \n" \
+ "*fpsTop: true \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# define reshape_pacman 0
[\-ncolors \fIinteger\fP]
[\-delay \fImicroseconds\fP]
[\-size \fIpixels\fP]
Simulates a game of Pac-Man on a randomly-created level.
.TP 8
.B \-size \fIinteger\fP
How big to make Pac-Man and the ghosts. 0 means "default."
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
static const char *pedal_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*delay: 5",
"*maxlines: 1000",
.B pedal
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-delay \fIseconds\fP] [-maxlines \fInumber\fP] [-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP]
The \fIpedal\fP program displays pretty geometric pictures.
To make your X server grunt under load, and to impress your
friends, try \fIpedal -mono -delay 0 -maxlines 100\fp.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
struct state *st = (struct state *) calloc (1, sizeof(*st));
int i;
const char *levelfont = "-*-courier-*-r-*-*-*-380-*-*-*-*-*-*";
- const char *scorefont = "-*-times-*-r-*-*-*-180-*-*-*-*-*-*";
+ const char *scorefont = "-*-helvetica-*-r-*-*-*-180-*-*-*-*-*-*";
XGCValues gcv;
XWindowAttributes xgwa;
static const char *penetrate_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ "*fpsTop: true",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*bgrowth: 5",
"*lrate: 80",
"*smart: False",
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-root] [\-window]
[\-install] [\-noinstall] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP]
[\-bgrowth \fImicroseconds\fP] [\-lrate \fInumber\fP] [\-smart \fInumber\fP]
\fIPenetrate\fP simulates the arcade classic with the cities and the stuff
.TP 8
.B -smart
Have the computer player skip the learning process.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
The layout of the screen isn't quite the same as the game this program
tries to emulate. In this this program, the missiles come out of the
#define MODE_penrose
#define DEFAULTS "*delay: 10000 \n" \
"*size: 40 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 64 \n"
+ "*ncolors: 64 \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# define refresh_penrose 0
# define reshape_penrose 0
# define penrose_handle_event 0
.B penrose
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-ncolors \fIinteger\fP] [\-delay \fImicroseconds\fP] [\-size \fIinteger\fP] [\-ammann] [\-no\-ammann]
The \fIpenrose\fP program draws quasiperiodic tilings.
.B \-no\-ammann
Whether Ammann lines should be added.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
static const char *petri_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*delay: 10000",
"*count: 20",
"*size: 2",
.B petri
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-delay \fImicroseconds\fP] [\-size \fIinteger\fP] [\-mem-throttle \fIamount\fP] [\-count \fIinteger\fP] [\-originalcolors] [\-diaglim \fIreal\fP] [\-anychan \fIreal\fP] [\-minorchan \fIreal\fP] [\-instantdeathchan \fIreal\fP] [\-minlifespeed \fIreal\fP] [\-maxlifespeed \fIreal\fP] [\-mindeathspeed \fIreal\fP] [\-maxdeathspeed \fIreal\fP] [\-minlifespan \fIinteger\fP] [\-maxlifespan \fIinteger\fP]
\fIpetri\fP simulates mold growing in a petri dish via a state-heavy grid
of automata (vaguely like Conway's Life, only with much more state per
.B \-maxlifespan \fIinteger\fP
The maximum lifespan for a colony, in iterations, before Black Death
comes. Defaults to 1500, resource \fImaxlifespan\fP.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
static const char *phosphor_defaults [] = {
".background: Black",
".foreground: #00FF00",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*fadeForeground: #006400",
"*flareForeground: #FFFFFF",
#if defined(BUILTIN_FONT)
[\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-font \fIfont\fP] [\-scale \fIint\fP]
[\-ticks \fIint\fP] [\-delay \fIusecs\fP] [\-program \fIcommand\fP]
[\-meta] [\-esc] [\-bs] [\-del]
The \fIphosphor\fP program draws text on the screen in a very large
pixelated font that looks like an old low resolution dumb tty. The
.TP 8
.B \-bs
Do not swap Backspace and Delete.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
By default, \fIphosphor\fP allocates a pseudo-tty for the sub-process to
run under. This has the desirable side effect that the program will be
static const char *piecewise_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
- "*delay: 5000",
+ "*delay: 10000",
"*speed: 15",
"*ncolors: 256",
".colorspeed: 10",
[\-minradius \fInumber\fP]
[\-maxradius \fInumber\fP]
This draws a bunch of moving circles which switch from visibility to invisibility
when they intersect.
.TP 8
.B \-db | \-no-db
Whether to double buffer.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
# define MODE_polyominoes
#define DEFAULTS "*delay: 10000 \n" \
"*cycles: 2000 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 64 \n"
+ "*ncolors: 64 \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# define reshape_polyominoes 0
# define polyominoes_handle_event 0
[\-cycles \fInumber\fP]
[\-delay \fInumber\fP]
[\-ncolors \fInumber\fP]
Repeatedly attempts to completely fill a rectangle with irregularly-shaped
puzzle pieces.
.TP 8
.B \-ncolors \fInumber\fP
Number of Colors. Default: 64.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
free (st);
[\-visual \fIvisual\fP]
[\-clock \fIfloat\fP]
.I pong
.TP 8
.B \-noise \fIfloat\fP
How noisy the video signal should be (between 0.0 and 4.0 or so).
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
-/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2005, 2006
- * Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1992-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
static const char *pyro_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*count: 600",
- "*delay: 5000",
+ "*delay: 10000",
"*frequency: 30",
"*scatter: 100",
"*geometry: 800x500",
.B pyro
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-count \fIinteger\fP] [\-frequency \fIinteger\fP] [\-scatter \fIinteger\fP]
The \fIpyro\fP program simulates fireworks, in a way similar to a Macintosh
program of the same name.
.B \-scatter \fIinteger\fP
How many particles should appear when a missile explodes. Default 100.
The actual number used is between \fIN\fP and \fIN+(N/2)\fP.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
-/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1992, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2006
- * Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1992-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
static const char *qix_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
-#if 0
- "*count: 1",
- "*count: 5",
- "*segments: 50",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
+ "*count: 4",
+ "*segments: 250",
"*poly: 2",
"*spread: 8",
- "*size: 0",
+ "*size: 200",
"*colorShift: 3",
- "*solid: false",
+ "*solid: true",
"*delay: 10000",
- "*random: true",
+ "*random: false",
"*xor: false",
-#if 0
- "*transparent:false",
"*gravity: false",
"*additive: true",
.B qix
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-segments \fIint\fP] [\-spread \fIpixels\fP] [\-size \fIpixels\fP] [\-count \fIint\fP] [\-color-shift \fIdegrees\fP] [\-delay \fIusecs\fP] [\-random] [\-linear] [\-solid] [\-hollow] [\-xor] [\-no\-xor] [\-transparent] [\-non\-transparent] [\-additive] [\-subtractive] [\-poly \fIint\fP] [\-gravity] [\-no\-gravity]
The \fIqix\fP program bounces a series of line segments around its window.
This is truly the swiss army chainsaw of qix programs. If you know of one
.B \-gravity \-linear
will make everything move in nice smooth parabolas.
Gravity is off by default.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
-/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1992, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2003, 2006
- * Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1992-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* reaction/diffusion textures
* Copyright (c) 1997 Scott Draves spot@transmeta.com
Display *dpy;
Window window;
- int verbose;
int ncolors;
XColor *colors;
Visual *visual;
if (st->frame&0x100)
- if (st->verbose) {
- double tm = 0;
- struct timeval tp;
- if (!(st->frame%100)) {
- double tm2;
- struct timezone tzp;
- gettimeofday(&tp, &tzp);
- gettimeofday(&tp);
- tm2 = tp.tv_sec + tp.tv_usec * 1e-6;
- if (st->frame > 0)
- printf("fps = %2.4g\n", 100.0 / (tm2 - tm));
- tm = tm2;
- }
- }
if (!(st->frame%st->epoch_time)) {
int s;
if (0 != st->frame) {
st->diffusion = (R%5) ? ((R%3)?0:1) : 2;
if (2 == st->reaction && 2 == st->diffusion)
st->reaction = st->diffusion = 0;
- if (st->verbose)
- printf("reaction = %d\ndiffusion = %d\nradius = %d\n",
- st->reaction, st->diffusion, st->radius);
for (i = 0; i <= st->width+1; i++) {
st->r1[i] = st->r1[i + w2 * st->height];
static const char *rd_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*width: 0", /* tried to use -1 but it complained */
"*height: 0",
"*epoch: 40000",
"*reaction: -1",
"*diffusion: -1",
- "*verbose: off",
"*radius: -1",
"*speed: 0.0",
"*size: 1.0",
- "*delay: 20000",
- "*colors: -1",
+ "*delay: 30000",
+ "*colors: 255",
"*useSHM: True",
{ "-epoch", ".epoch", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{ "-reaction", ".reaction", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{ "-diffusion", ".diffusion", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
- { "-verbose", ".verbose", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" },
{ "-radius", ".radius", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{ "-speed", ".speed", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{ "-size", ".size", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
if (random() & 1) st->array_dy = -st->array_dy;
- st->verbose = get_boolean_resource (st->dpy, "verbose", "Boolean");
st->npix = (st->width + 2) * (st->height + 2);
w2 = st->width + 2;
/* gcv.function = GXcopy;*/
st->cmap = st->xgwa.colormap;
st->ncolors = get_integer_resource (st->dpy, "colors", "Integer");
- if (st->ncolors <= 0) {
+ if (st->ncolors <= 0 || st->ncolors >= 255) {
if (vdepth > 8)
st->ncolors = 2047;
[\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-width \fIn\fP] [\-height \fIn\fP]
[\-reaction \fIn\fP] [\-diffusion \fIn\fP]
[\-size \fIf\fP] [\-speed \fIf\fP] [\-delay \fImillisecs\fP]
The \fIrd-bomb\fP program draws reaction/diffusion textures. The code
.B \-delay \fImillisecs\fP
How many milliseconds to delay between frames; default 1, or
about 1/1000th of a second.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
static void
add_circle_drop(struct state *st, int x, int y, int radius, int dheight)
- int i, r2, cx, cy;
+ int r, r2, cx, cy;
short *buf = (random()&1) ? st->bufferA : st->bufferB;
- i = y * st->width + x;
r2 = radius * radius;
for (cy = -radius; cy <= radius; cy++)
for (cx = -radius; cx <= radius; cx++) {
- int r = cx*cx + cy*cy;
- if (r <= r2) {
- buf[i + cx + cy*st->width] =
- (short)(dheight * sinc(st, sqrt(r)/radius));
- }
+ int xx = x+cx;
+ int yy = y+cy;
+ if (xx < 0 || yy < 0 || xx >= st->width || yy >= st->height) {break;}
+ r = cx*cx + cy*cy;
+ if (r > r2) break;
+ buf[xx + yy*st->width] =
+ (short)(dheight * sinc(st, sqrt(r)/radius));
"*duration: 120",
"*rate: 5",
"*box: 0",
- "*water: False",
+ "*water: True",
"*oily: False",
"*stir: False",
"*fluidity: 6",
- "*light: 0",
+ "*light: 4",
"*grayscale: False",
"*useSHM: True",
[\-colors \fInumber\fP]
This draws rippling interference patterns like splashing water. With the
-water option, it manipulates your desktop image to look like something is
.TP 8
.B \-shm | \-no-shm
Use Shared Memory. Boolean.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
-/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1992, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2006
- * Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1992-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
static const char *rocks_defaults [] = {
".background: Black",
".foreground: #E9967A",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*colors: 5",
"*count: 100",
"*delay: 50000",
.B rocks
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-ncolors \fIn\fP] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-count \fIinteger\fP] [\-delay \fIusecs\fP] [\-speed \fIinteger\fP] [\-norotate] [\-nomove] [\-3d]
The \fIrocks\fP program draws an animation of an asteroid field moving past
the observer (or vice versa). Sometimes the observer picks up spin on Z axis.
.B \-3d
Do red/blue 3d separations: if you look at the screen with 3d glasses,
the rocks will be \fIjumping\fP right \fIout\fP at you. Oooooh, scaaary!
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
-/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1992, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2006
- * Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1992-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
static const char *rorschach_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*xsymmetry: true",
"*ysymmetry: false",
"*iterations: 4000",
.B rorschach
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-iterations \fIinteger\fP] [\-offset \fIinteger\fP] [\-xsymmetry] [\-ysymmetry] [\-erase\-speed \fIusecs\fP] [\-delay \fIsecs\fP]
The \fIrorschach\fP program draws random patterns reminiscent of the
psychological test of same name.
.TP 8
.B \-delay \fIseconds\fP
This sets the number of seconds that the figure will be on the screen.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
"*count: 4 \n" \
"*cycles: 20 \n" \
"*size: -6 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 200 \n"
+ "*ncolors: 200 \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# define reshape_rotor 0
# define rotor_handle_event 0
[\-delay \fInumber\fP]
[\-ncolors \fInumber\fP]
[\-size \fInumber\fP]
This draws a line segment moving along a complex spiraling curve.
.TP 8
.B \-size \fInumber\fP
Size. -50 - 50. Default: -6.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
rotzoomer_draw (Display *disp, Window win, void *closure)
struct state *st = (struct state *) closure;
- int delay = (st->delay * 1000);
+ int delay = st->delay;
int i;
if (st->img_loader) /* still loading */
static const char *rotzoomer_defaults[] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*useSHM: True",
"*anim: True",
"*mode: stationary",
"*numboxes: 2",
- "*delay: 10",
+ "*delay: 10000",
"*duration: 120",
-XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("Rotzoomer", rotzoomer)
+XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("RotZoomer", rotzoomer)
[\-n \fIcount\fP]
[\-shm | \-no\-shm]
[\-window] [\-root] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP]
The \fIrotzoomer\fP program grabs an image, then picks
rectangles and draws scaled and rotated animations of that
.TP 8
.B \-no\-shm
Disable use of the SHM extension, even if it appears to be available.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
Called when a keyboard or mouse event arrives.
Return True if you handle it in some way, False otherwise.
- static void YOURNAME_event (Display *, Window, void *closure);
+ static void YOURNAME_free (Display *, Window, void *closure);
Called when you are done: free everything you've allocated,
- including your private `state' structure.
+ including your private `state' structure.
+ NOTE: this is called in windowed-mode when the user typed
+ 'q' or clicks on the window's close box; but when
+ xscreensaver terminates this screenhack, it does so by
+ killing the process with SIGSTOP. So this callback is
+ mostly useless.
static char YOURNAME_defaults [] = { "...", "...", ... , 0 };
- Do not use global variables: all such info must be stored in the
private `state' structure.
- - Do not static function-local variables, either. Put it in `state'.
+ - Do not use static function-local variables, either. Put it in `state'.
Assume that there are N independent runs of this code going in the
same address space at the same time: they must not affect each other.
of your screen saver module. See .../hacks/config/README for details.
#define DEBUG_PAIR
#include <stdio.h>
#include "screenhackI.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "vroot.h"
+#include "fps.h"
# error Error! You have an old version of vroot.h! Check -I args.
{ "-noinstall",".installColormap", XrmoptionNoArg, "False" },
{ "-visual", ".visualID", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{ "-window-id", ".windowID", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-fps", ".doFPS", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" },
+ { "-no-fps", ".doFPS", XrmoptionNoArg, "False" },
# ifdef DEBUG_PAIR
{ "-pair", ".pair", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" },
"*geometry: 600x480", /* this should be .geometry, but nooooo... */
"*mono: false",
"*installColormap: false",
+ "*doFPS: false",
"*visualID: default",
"*windowID: ",
"*desktopGrabber: xscreensaver-getimage %s",
static int merged_options_size;
static char **merged_defaults;
static void
merge_options (void)
-static void
-check_timing (unsigned long delay)
- static unsigned long frame_count = 0;
- static unsigned long delay_sum = 0;
- static struct timeval prev1 = { 0, };
- static struct timeval prev2 = { 0, };
- struct timeval now;
- double uprev1, uprev2, unow;
- gettimeofday (&now, 0);
-# else
- gettimeofday (&now);
-# endif
- if (prev1.tv_sec == 0)
- prev1 = prev2 = now;
- frame_count++;
- uprev1 = prev1.tv_sec + ((double) prev1.tv_usec * 0.000001);
- uprev2 = prev2.tv_sec + ((double) prev2.tv_usec * 0.000001);
- unow = now.tv_sec + ((double) now.tv_usec * 0.000001);
- if (unow >= uprev1 + 1.5)
- fprintf (stderr,
- "%s: warning: blocked event processing for %.1f secs!\n",
- progname, unow - uprev1);
- prev1 = now;
- if (unow >= uprev2 + 10.0)
- {
- double fps = frame_count / (unow - uprev2);
- double elapsed = unow - uprev2;
- double slept = (delay_sum * 0.000001);
- double sleep_ratio = slept / elapsed;
- if (sleep_ratio < 0.10) {
- fprintf (stderr,
- "%s: warning: only %.0f%% idle over the"
- " last %2.0f secs (at %.1f FPS)\n",
- progname, 100 * sleep_ratio, elapsed, fps);
- }
- prev2 = now;
- frame_count = 0;
- delay_sum = 0;
- }
- delay_sum += delay;
-#else /* !DEBUG_TIMING */
-# define check_timing(delay) /**/
-#endif /* !DEBUG_TIMING */
static Boolean
screenhack_table_handle_events (Display *dpy,
const struct xscreensaver_function_table *ft,
static Boolean
usleep_and_process_events (Display *dpy,
const struct xscreensaver_function_table *ft,
- Window window, void *closure, unsigned long delay
+ Window window, fps_state *fpst, void *closure,
+ unsigned long delay
- , Window window2, void *closure2, unsigned long delay2
+ , Window window2, fps_state *fpst2, void *closure2,
+ unsigned long delay2
XSync (dpy, False);
if (quantum > 0)
- usleep (quantum);
- check_timing (quantum);
- /* The above isn't quite right in pair-mode: we always run both windows
- with the timing of window 2. But, it's just a debugging hack, so
- that doesn't really matter that much... */
+ {
+ usleep (quantum);
+ if (fpst) fps_slept (fpst, quantum);
+#ifdef DEBUG_PAIR
+ if (fpst2) fps_slept (fpst2, quantum);
+ }
if (! screenhack_table_handle_events (dpy, ft, window, closure
+static void
+screenhack_do_fps (Display *dpy, Window w, fps_state *fpst, void *closure)
+ fps_compute (fpst, 0);
+ fps_draw (fpst);
static void
run_screenhack_table (Display *dpy,
Window window,
void *(*init_cb) (Display *, Window, void *) =
(void *(*) (Display *, Window, void *)) ft->init_cb;
+ void (*fps_cb) (Display *, Window, fps_state *, void *) = ft->fps_cb;
void *closure = init_cb (dpy, window, ft->setup_arg);
+ fps_state *fpst = fps_init (dpy, window);
void *closure2 = 0;
+ fps_state *fpst2 = 0;
if (window2) closure2 = init_cb (dpy, window2, ft->setup_arg);
+ if (window2) fpst2 = fps_init (dpy, window2);
if (! closure) /* if it returns nothing, it can't possibly be re-entrant. */
+ if (! fps_cb) fps_cb = screenhack_do_fps;
while (1)
unsigned long delay = ft->draw_cb (dpy, window, closure);
if (window2) delay2 = ft->draw_cb (dpy, window2, closure2);
+ if (fpst) fps_cb (dpy, window, fpst, closure);
+#ifdef DEBUG_PAIR
+ if (fpst2) fps_cb (dpy, window, fpst2, closure);
if (! usleep_and_process_events (dpy, ft,
- window, closure, delay
+ window, fpst, closure, delay
- , window2, closure2, delay2
+ , window2, fpst2, closure2, delay2
ft->free_cb (dpy, window, closure);
+ if (fpst) fps_free (fpst);
- if (window2)
- ft->free_cb (dpy, window2, closure2);
+ if (window2) ft->free_cb (dpy, window2, closure2);
+ if (window2) fps_free (fpst2);
if (width <= 0) width = 600;
if (height <= 0) height = 480;
-# ifdef USE_GL
- if (!validate_gl_visual (stderr, screen, "window", visual))
- exit (1);
-# endif /* USE_GL */
if (def_visual_p)
Window window;
-/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1992-2006 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1992-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
PREFIX ## _reshape, \
PREFIX ## _event, \
PREFIX ## _free, \
- 0, 0 }; \
+ 0, 0, 0 }; \
XSCREENSAVER_LINK (NAME ## _xscreensaver_function_table)
#endif /* __SCREENHACK_H__ */
#include "colors.h"
#include "grabscreen.h"
#include "visual.h"
+#include "fps.h"
/* Be Posixly correct */
#undef bzero
unsigned int w, unsigned int h);
Bool (*event_cb) (Display *, Window, void *, XEvent *);
void (*free_cb) (Display *, Window, void *);
+ void (*fps_cb) (Display *, Window, fps_state *, void *);
Visual * (*pick_visual_hook) (Screen *);
Bool (*validate_visual_hook) (Screen *, const char *, Visual *);
static const char *shadebobs_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*degrees: 0", /* default: Automatic degree calculation */
"*color: random",
"*count: 4",
"*cycles: 10",
"*ncolors: 64", /* changing this doesn't work particularly well */
- "*delay: 5000",
+ "*delay: 10000",
[\-count \fInumber\fP]
[\-delay \fInumber\fP]
[\-cycles \fInumber\fP]
This draws smoothly-shaded oscillating oval patterns, that look something
like vapor trails or neon tubes.
.TP 8
.B \-cycles \fInumber\fP
Duration. 0 - 100. Default: 10.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
# define DEFAULTS "*delay: 400000 \n" \
"*count: 2000 \n" \
"*cycles: 100 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 64 \n"
+ "*ncolors: 64 \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# define reshape_sierpinski 0
# define sierpinski_handle_event 0
.B sierpinski
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-ncolors \fIinteger\fP] [\-delay \fImicroseconds\fP] [\-cycles \fIinteger\fP] [\-count \fIinteger\fP]
The \fIsierpinski\fP program draws Sierpinski triangle fractals.
.TP 8
.B \-count \fIinteger\fP
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
static const char *slidescreen_defaults [] = {
"*dontClearRoot: True",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
#ifdef __sgi /* really, HAVE_READ_DISPLAY_EXTENSION */
"*visualID: Best",
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
-XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("Slidescreen", slidescreen)
+XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("SlideScreen", slidescreen)
[\-visual \fIvisual\fP]
The \fIslidescreen\fP program takes an image, divides it into
a grid, deletes a random square of that grid, and then randomly slides
.TP 8
.B \-duration \fIseconds\fP
How long to run before loading a new image. Default 120 seconds.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
"*count: 35 \n" \
"*cycles: 50 \n" \
"*ncolors: 200 \n"
# define refresh_slip 0
# define slip_handle_event 0
# include "xlockmore.h" /* in xscreensaver distribution */
[\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-ncolors \fIinteger\fP]
[\-iterations \fIinteger\fP] [\-points \fIinteger\fP]
[\-delay \fImicroseconds\fP] [\-delay2 \fImicroseconds\fP]
The \fIslip\fP program does lots of blits and chews up an image.
.B \-delay \fImicroseconds\fP
How long we should wait between drawing each step. Default 50000,
or about 1/20th second.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
/* sonar.c --- Simulate a sonar screen.
- * Copyright (C) 1998-2006 by Stephen Martin and Jamie Zawinski
+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2008 by Stephen Martin and Jamie Zawinski
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
* the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
* - plot the process table, by process size, cpu usage, or total time;
* - plot the logged on users by idle time or cpu usage.
- * $Revision: 1.57 $
+ * $Revision: 1.60 $
* Version 1.0 April 27, 1998.
* - Initial version, by Stephen Martin <smartin@vanderfleet-martin.net>
free (source);
# ifdef HAVE_PING
if (ping_works_p) /* if root or setuid, ping will work. */
- source = strdup("subnet/29,/etc/hosts");
+ source = strdup("subnet/28");
# endif
source = strdup("simulation");
static const char *sonar_defaults [] = {
".background: #000000",
".sweepColor: #00FF00",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*delay: 100000",
"*scopeColor: #003300",
"*gridColor: #00AA00",
static XrmOptionDescRec sonar_options [] = {
{"-background", ".background", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ {"-delay", ".delay", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{"-sweep-color", ".sweepColor", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{"-scope-color", ".scopeColor", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{"-grid-color", ".gridColor", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
The \fIsonar\fP program displays a sonar scope on the computer's screen.
This scope polls a sensor as the sweep goes around the scope and displays
.TP 8
.B \-team-b-count \fIint\fP
In simulation mode, the number of bogies on team B.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
Configuration of the targets to ping is best done by setting X Resources.
if (st->be_wormy && st->psychedelic_flag) index += st->ncolors/4;
+ if (st->ncolors > MAX_COLORS) abort();
index = MIN (index, st->ncolors-1);
index = MAX (index, 0);
flags = GCForeground;
for (i=0; i < *ncolors; i++) {
gcv.foreground = colors[i].pixel;
+ if (gcs[i]) XFreeGC (st->dpy, gcs[i]);
gcs[i] = XCreateGC (st->dpy, st->dbuf, flags, &gcv);
free_colors (st->dpy, st->cmap, st->bonus_colors, st->nr_bonus_colors);
free_colors (st->dpy, st->cmap, st->wall_colors, st->nr_wall_colors);
free_colors (st->dpy, st->cmap, st->ground_colors, st->nr_ground_colors);
- st->ncolors = MAX_COLORS;
s1 = 0.4; s2 = 0.9;
+ st->ncolors = MAX_COLORS;
speedmine_color_ramp (st, st->ground_gcs, st->ground_colors,
&st->ncolors, 0.0, 0.8, 0.0, 0.9);
st->nr_ground_colors = st->ncolors;
s1 = 0.0; s2 = 0.6;
+ st->ncolors = MAX_COLORS;
speedmine_color_ramp (st, st->wall_gcs, st->wall_colors, &st->ncolors,
s1, s2, 0.0, 0.9);
st->nr_wall_colors = st->ncolors;
+ st->ncolors = MAX_COLORS;
speedmine_color_ramp (st, st->bonus_gcs, st->bonus_colors, &st->ncolors,
0.6, 0.9, 0.4, 1.0);
st->nr_bonus_colors = st->ncolors;
st->tunnelend_gc = XCreateGC (st->dpy, st->window, GCForeground, &gcv);
st->ncolors = MAX_COLORS;
speedmine_color_ramp (st, st->ground_gcs, st->ground_colors, &st->ncolors,
0.0, 0.8, 0.0, 0.9);
st->nr_ground_colors = st->ncolors;
+ st->ncolors = MAX_COLORS;
speedmine_color_ramp (st, st->wall_gcs, st->wall_colors, &st->ncolors,
0.0, 0.6, 0.0, 0.9);
st->nr_wall_colors = st->ncolors;
+ st->ncolors = MAX_COLORS;
speedmine_color_ramp (st, st->bonus_gcs, st->bonus_colors, &st->ncolors,
0.6, 0.9, 0.4, 1.0);
st->nr_bonus_colors = st->ncolors;
st->ground_gcs[i] = XCreateGC (st->dpy, st->dbuf, flags, &gcv);
+ st->ncolors = MAX_COLORS;
speedmine_color_ramp (st, st->wall_gcs, st->wall_colors, &st->ncolors,
0.0, 0.6, 0.0, 0.9);
st->nr_wall_colors = st->ncolors;
+ st->ncolors = MAX_COLORS;
speedmine_color_ramp (st, st->bonus_gcs, st->bonus_colors, &st->ncolors,
0.6, 0.9, 0.4, 1.0);
st->nr_bonus_colors = st->ncolors;
-XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("Speedmine", speedmine)
+XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("SpeedMine", speedmine)
/* vim: ts=4
[\-install] [\-noinstall] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-wire] [\-nowire]
[\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-darkground \fIcolor\fP] [\-lightground \fIcolor\fP] [\-tunnelend \fIcolor\fP] [\-delay \fImicroseconds\fP] [\-maxspeed \fInumber\fP] [\-thrust \fInumber\fP] [\-gravity \fInumber\fP] [\-vertigo \fInumber\fP] [\-terrain] [\-noterrain] [\-smoothness \fInumber\fP] [\-curviness \fInumber\fP] [\-twistiness \fInumber\fP] [\-widening] [\-nowidening] [\-bumps] [\-nobumps] [\-bonuses] [\-crosshair] [\-nocrosshair] [\-psychedelic] [\-nopsychedelic]
.TP 8
.B -nopsychedelic
Specifies that a normal colormap should be used, with muted walls and a
grey road.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
Option Resource Default Value
# define MODE_sphere
-#define DEFAULTS "*delay: 1000 \n" \
+#define DEFAULTS "*delay: 20000 \n" \
"*cycles: 20 \n" \
"*size: 0 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 64 \n"
+ "*ncolors: 64 \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# define reshape_sphere 0
# define sphere_handle_event 0
.B sphere
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-ncolors \fIinteger\fP] [\-delay \fImicroseconds\fP]
The \fIsphere\fP program draws shaded spheres.
.B \-ncolors \fIinteger\fP
How many colors should be used (if possible). Default 64.
The colors are chosen randomly.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
#define DEFAULTS "*delay: 50000 \n" \
"*count: 40 \n" \
"*cycles: 350 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 64 \n"
+ "*ncolors: 64 \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# define reshape_spiral 0
# define spiral_handle_event 0
.B spiral
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-ncolors \fIinteger\fP] [\-delay \fImicroseconds\fP] [\-count \fIinteger\fP]
The \fIspiral\fP program draws moving circular spiral patterns
.B \-cycles \fIinteger\fP
Default 350.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
"*dontClearRoot: True",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
#ifdef __sgi /* really, HAVE_READ_DISPLAY_EXTENSION */
"*visualID: Best",
[\-delay \fIusecs\fP]
[\-duration \fIsecs\fP]
[\-radius \fIpixels\fP]
The \fIspotlight\fP program takes an image and exposes small sections
of it as if through a wandering spotlight beam.
.TP 8
.B \-radius \fIpixels\fP
Radius of the spotlight in pixels.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
static const char *squiral_defaults[] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*fill: 75",
"*count: 0",
"*ncolors: 100",
- "*delay: 1000",
+ "*delay: 10000",
"*disorder: 0.005",
"*cycle: False",
- "*handedness: .5",
+ "*handedness: 0.5",
[\-noinstall] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-fill \fIpercent\fP] [-count
\fInumber\fP] [-delay \fIusec\fP] [-disorder \fIfraction\fP] [-handedness
\fIfraction\fP] [-cycle]
The \fIsquiral\fP program displays interacting, spiral-producing automata
The fraction of the time a squiraly will choose to enter lefthanded
mode. 0.0 means exclusively right-handed behavior, 0.5 (the default) is
a balance between the two, and 1.0 is exclusively left-handed behaviour.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
-/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1997-2007 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1997-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
static const char *starfish_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*delay: 10000",
"*thickness: 0", /* pixels, 0 = random */
"*rotation: -1", /* degrees, -1 = "random" */
.B starfish
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-delay \fIusecs\fP] [\-delay2 \fIsecs\fP] [\-thickness \fIpixels\fP] [\-rotation \fIdegrees\fP] [\-duration \fIseconds\fP] [\-colors \fIint\fP] [\-blob] [\-no\-blob]
The \fIstarfish\fP program draws radially symmetric objects, which expand,
contract, rotate, and turn inside out. It uses these shapes to lay down a
.B \-no\-blob
If \fIblob\fP option is specified, then the raw shapes will be shown,
instead of a field of colors generated from them.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
# define MODE_strange
-# define DEFAULTS "*delay: 2000 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 100 \n"
+# define DEFAULTS "*delay: 10000 \n" \
+ "*ncolors: 100 \n" \
+ "*fpsClear: True \n"
# define refresh_strange 0
# define reshape_strange 0
.B strange
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-ncolors \fIinteger\fP] [\-delay \fImicroseconds\fP]
The \fIstrange\fP program draws strange attractors
.B \-ncolors \fIinteger\fP
How many colors should be used (if possible). Default 100.
The colors are chosen randomly.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
static const char *substrate_defaults[] = {
".background: white",
".foreground: black",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*wireFrame: false",
"*maxCycles: 10000",
"*growthDelay: 18000",
[\-max\-cracks \fInummax\fP]
[\-sand\-grains \fInumgrains\fP]
[\-circle\-percent \fIcirclepercent\fP]
Lines like crystals grow on a computational substrate. A simple
perpendicular growth rule creates intricate city-like structures. Optionally, cracks may also be circular, producing a cityscape more familiar to places for which city planning is a distant, theoretical concern.
.TP 8
.B \-circle-percent \fIcirclepercent\fP (Default: \fI0\fP)
The percentage of the cracks will be circular.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
# define DEFAULTS "*count: 5 \n" \
"*delay: 10000 \n" \
"*ncolors: 200 \n" \
- "*useSHM: True \n"
+ "*useSHM: True \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# define reshape_swirl 0
[\-delay \fImicroseconds\fP]
[\-count \fIinteger\fP]
The \fIswirl\fP program draws swirly color-cycling patterns.
.TP 8
.B \-count \fIinteger\fP
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
"*move: 0.5",
"*wobble: 2.0",
"*cycle: 10.0",
- "*mag: 1",
+ "*mag: 1.0",
"*minutes: False",
"*delay: 40000",
"*fast: 50",
.B -help
Prints a short usage message.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
#define DEFAULTS "*delay: 10000 \n" \
"*count: 100 \n" \
"*cycles: 400 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 64 \n"
+ "*ncolors: 64 \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# define reshape_thornbird 0
# define thornbird_handle_event 0
[\-cycles \fInumber\fP]
[\-delay \fInumber\fP]
[\-ncolors \fInumber\fP]
Displays a view of the "Bird in a Thornbush" fractal.
.TP 8
.B \-ncolors \fInumber\fP
Number of Colors. Default: 64.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
# define DEFAULTS "*delay: 10000 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 128 \n"
+ "*ncolors: 128 \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# define reshape_triangle 0
# define triangle_handle_event 0
[\-delay \fInumber\fP]
[\-ncolors \fInumber\fP]
Generates random mountain ranges using iterative subdivision of triangles.
.TP 8
.B \-ncolors \fInumber\fP
Number of Colors. Default: 128.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
"*erase: True",
"*eraseCount: 25",
"*square: True",
- "*delay: 1000",
+ "*delay: 400000",
"*curves: True",
"*angles: True",
"*scroll: False",
- /*printf("%d\n",st->delay);*/
- return st->delay*1000;
+ return st->delay;
static void
[\-no\-curves] [\-angle] [\-no\-angles] [\-scroll] [\-scroll\-overlap \fIinteger\fP]
[\-anim\-delay \fIinteger\fP] [\-anim\-step\-size \fIinteger\fP]
The \fItruchet\fP program draws arc and line based Truchet patterns.
The amount of steps to skip between each animation step. Default is 3.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
[\-springiness \fIfraction\fP]
[\-tile-size \fIinteger\fP]
[\-transference \fIfraction\fP]
\fITwang\fP divides the screen into equal-sized tiles, and then plucks
them in various ways. Tiles are affected by their neighbors, so waves
This is the fraction of an orientation of a neighbor that gets turned
into a velocity in the same direction Defaults to 0.025, resource
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
static const char *vermiculate_defaults[] = {
".background: Black",
"*ticks: 20000",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*speed: 0",
"*instring: ",
[\-visual \fIvisual\fP]
Draws squiggly worm-like paths.
.TP 8
.B \-root
Draw on the root window.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-root] [\-verbose]
[\-stdin] [\-stdout] [\-delay seconds]
[-directory \fIdirectory\fP]
The \fIvidwhacker\fP program grabs an image from disk, or from the
system's video input, then applies random image filters to it, and
.B \-directory \fIdirectory\fP
Use this directory instead of the \fBimageDirectory\fP specified in
the \fI~/.xscreensaver\fP file.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
# define MODE_vines
# define DEFAULTS "*delay: 200000 \n" \
"*count: 0 \n" \
- "*ncolors: 64 \n"
+ "*ncolors: 64 \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# include "xlockmore.h" /* in xscreensaver distribution */
# define reshape_vines 0
# define vines_handle_event 0
.B vines
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-ncolors \fIinteger\fP] [\-delay \fImicroseconds\fP]
The \fIvines\fP program is yet another geometric pattern generator, this
one's claim to fame being a pseudo-fractal looking vine like pattern that
.B \-ncolors \fIinteger\fP
How many colors should be used (if possible). Default 64.
The colors are chosen randomly.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ ".fpsSolid: true",
".advance: 1",
".density: 2",
".length: 25000",
[\-size \fInumber\fP]
[\-advance \fInumber\fP]
Draws a colorful random-walk, in various forms.
.TP 8
.B \-advance \fInumber\fP
Color Contrast. 1 - 100. Default: 1.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
my $progname = $0; $progname =~ s@.*/@@g;
-my $version = q{ $Revision: 1.142 $ }; $version =~ s/^[^0-9]+([0-9.]+).*$/$1/;
+my $version = q{ $Revision: 1.143 $ }; $version =~ s/^[^0-9]+([0-9.]+).*$/$1/;
my $copyright = "WebCollage $version, Copyright (c) 1999-2005" .
" Jamie Zawinski <jwz\@jwz.org>\n" .
" http://www.jwz.org/webcollage/\n";
# the next network retrieval, which is probably a better thing
# to do anyway.
- $cmd .= " &";
+ $cmd .= " &" unless ($cocoa_p);
$rc = nontrapping_system ($cmd);
-/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 2006 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
#include <math.h>
#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
} state;
+/* Violating the cardinal rule of "don't use global variables",
+ but we need to get at these from the atexit() handler, and
+ the callback doesn't take a closure arg. Because apparently
+ those hadn't been invented yet in the seventies.
+ */
+static state *all_states[50] = { 0, };
+static void webcollage_atexit (void);
+static void signal_handler (int sig);
static void
subproc_cb (XtPointer closure, int *source, XtInputId *id)
encoding: kCFStringEncodingUTF8]];
if (! image) {
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: failed to load \"%s\"\n", progname, file);
+ fprintf (stderr, "webcollage: failed to load \"%s\"\n", file);
if (st->verbose_p) {
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: launching:", progname);
+ fprintf (stderr, "webcollage: launching:");
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ac; i++)
fprintf (stderr, " %s", av[i]);
if (pipe (fds))
- perror ("error creating pipe:");
+ perror ("webcollage: error creating pipe");
exit (1);
case -1:
- sprintf (buf, "%s: couldn't fork", progname);
- perror (buf);
+ perror ("webcollage: couldn't fork");
exit (1);
case 0:
/* Ignore "no such file or directory" errors, unless verbose.
Issue all other exec errors, though. */
- sprintf (buf, "%s: %s", progname, av[0]);
+ sprintf (buf, "webcollage: %s", av[0]);
perror (buf);
subproc_cb, (XtPointer) st);
if (st->verbose_p)
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: subprocess pid: %d\n", progname, st->pid);
+ fprintf (stderr, "webcollage: subprocess pid: %d\n", st->pid);
webcollage_init (Display *dpy, Window window)
state *st = (state *) calloc (1, sizeof(*st));
+ int i;
st->dpy = dpy;
st->window = window;
XGetWindowAttributes (st->dpy, st->window, &st->xgwa);
st->delay = 1000000; /* check once a second */
+ // Log to syslog when FPS is turned on.
+ st->verbose_p = get_boolean_resource (dpy, "doFPS", "DoFPS");
+ static int done_once = 0;
+ if (! done_once) {
+ done_once = 1;
+ if (atexit (webcollage_atexit)) { // catch calls to exit()
+ perror ("webcollage: atexit");
+ exit (-1);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(sigs)/sizeof(*sigs); i++) {
+ if (signal (sigs[i], signal_handler)) {
+ perror ("webcollage: signal");
+ exit (1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
open_pipe (st);
+ i = 0;
+ while (all_states[i]) i++;
+ all_states[i] = st;
return st;
st->pipe_fd = 0;
if (st->verbose_p)
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: subprocess has exited: bailing.\n", progname);
+ fprintf (stderr, "webcollage: subprocess has exited: bailing.\n");
return st->delay * 10;
+static void
+webcollage_atexit (void)
+ int i = 0;
+ if (all_states[0] && all_states[0]->verbose_p)
+ fprintf (stderr, "webcollage: atexit handler\n");
+ while (all_states[i]) {
+ state *st = all_states[i];
+ if (st->pid) {
+ if (st->verbose_p)
+ fprintf (stderr, "webcollage: kill %d\n", st->pid);
+ if (kill (st->pid, SIGTERM) < 0) {
+ fprintf (stderr, "webcollage: kill (%d, TERM): ", st->pid);
+ perror ("webcollage: kill");
+ }
+ st->pid = 0;
+ }
+ all_states[i] = 0;
+ i++;
+ }
+static void
+signal_handler (int sig)
+ if (all_states[0] && all_states[0]->verbose_p)
+ fprintf (stderr, "webcollage: signal %d\n", sig);
+ webcollage_atexit ();
+ exit (sig);
+/* This is important because OSX doesn't actually kill the screen savers!
+ It just sends them a [ScreenSaverView stopAnimation] method. Were
+ they to actually exit, the resultant SIGPIPE should reap the children,
+ but instead, we need to do it here.
+ On top of that, there's an atexit() handler because otherwise the
+ inferior perl script process was failing to die when SaverTester or
+ System Preferences exited. I don't pretend to understand.
+ It still fails to clean up when I hit the stop button in Xcode.
+ WTF.
+ */
static void
webcollage_free (Display *dpy, Window window, void *closure)
state *st = (state *) closure;
+ if (st->verbose_p)
+ fprintf (stderr, "webcollage: free cb\n");
// Dammit dammit dammit! Why won't this shit die when we pclose it!
// killpg (0, SIGTERM);
- if (st->pid) {
- if (st->verbose_p)
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: kill %d\n", progname, st->pid);
- if (kill (st->pid, SIGTERM) < 0) {
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: kill (%d, TERM): ", progname, st->pid);
- perror ("kill");
- }
- st->pid = 0;
- }
+ webcollage_atexit();
if (st->pipe_id)
XtRemoveInput (st->pipe_id);
[\-http\-proxy host[:port]]
[\-dictionary \fIdictionary-file\fP]
[\-driftnet [\fIcmd\fP]]
The \fIwebcollage\fP program pulls random image off of the World Wide Web
and scatters them on the root window. One satisfied customer described it
the \fIdriftnet\fP program requires root access, so you'll have
to make \fIdriftnet\fP be setuid-root for this to work.
Please exercise caution.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
static const char *whirlwindwarp_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*points: 400",
"*tails: 8",
"*meters: false",
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
-XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("Whirlwindwarp", whirlwindwarp)
+XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("WhirlWindWarp", whirlwindwarp)
.B whirlwindwarp
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-mono] [\-install] [\-visual \fIvisual\fP] [\-points \fIinteger\fP] [\-tails \fIinteger\fP]
\fIwhirlwindwarp\fP plots stars moving according to various forcefields
(simple 2D equations).
.TP 8
.B \-tails \fIinteger\fP
The length of the tail of each star (default 8).
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
st->info->half_width = st->xgwa.width / 2;
st->info->half_height = st->xgwa.height / 2;
st->info->speed = get_integer_resource(st->dpy, "speed" , "Integer");
- st->info->trail = get_integer_resource(st->dpy, "trail", "Integer");
+ st->info->trail = get_boolean_resource(st->dpy, "trail", "Integer");
st->info->color_modifier = get_integer_resource(st->dpy, "color_modifier", "Integer");
st->info->xoffset = get_float_resource(st->dpy, "xoffset", "Float");
st->info->yoffset = get_float_resource(st->dpy, "yoffset", "Float");
static const char *whirlygig_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*xspeed: 1.0",
"*yspeed: 1.0",
"*xamplitude: 1.0",
"*xmode: change",
"*ymode: change",
"*speed: 1",
- "*trail: 0",
+ "*trail: false",
"*color_modifier: -1",
"*start_time: -1",
"*explain: False",
{ "-ymode", ".ymode", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{ "-speed", ".speed", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
/* This will modify how often it should draw, changing it will probably suck */
- { "-trail", ".trail", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-trail", ".trail", XrmoptionNoArg, "True" },
/* Control whether or not you want the old circles to be erased */
{ "-color_modifier", ".color_modifier", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
/* How many colors away from the current should the next whirly be? */
[\-color_modifier arg] [\-start_time arg] [\-explain 1|0]
[\-wrap 1|0] [\-db] [\-no-db]
The \fIwhirlygig\fP program draws a series of circles on your screen.
They then move about in a cyclic pattern
individually erased, so the -trail option won't work, and running
multiple instances on the root window will flicker.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
"*right3d: red \n" \
"*left3d: blue \n" \
"*both3d: magenta \n" \
- "*none3d: black \n"
+ "*none3d: black \n" \
+ "*fpsSolid: true \n" \
# define reshape_worm 0
# define worm_handle_event 0
[\-delay \fInumber\fP]
[\-ncolors \fInumber\fP]
[\-size \fInumber\fP]
An ancient hack that draws multicolored worms that crawl around the screen.
.TP 8
.B \-size \fInumber\fP
Size. -20 - 20. Default: -3.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
[\-stars \fIn\fP]
[\-delay \fIusecs\fP]
[\-zspeed \fIn\fP]
The \fIwormhole\fP program shows an animation of flying through a tunnel surrounded by streaks of light.
.B \-delay \fImicroseconds\fP
Number of microseconds to delay between each frame. Default 10000, meaning
about 1/100th second. Compare and contrast with \fI\-zspeed\fP, above.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-install]
[\-visual \fIvisual\fP]
[\-cycle] [\-no-cycle]
.I xanalogtv
shows a simulation of an old TV set showing test patterns and any
.B \-visual \fIvisual\fP
Specify which visual to use. Legal values are the name of a visual class,
or the id number (decimal or hex) of a specific visual.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
static const char *xflame_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: #FFAF5F",
+ "*fpsTop: true",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*bitmap: (default)",
"*bitmapBaseline: 20",
"*delay: 10000",
[\-residual \fIint\fP] [\-variance \fIint\fP] [\-vartrend \fIint\fP]
[\-bloom \| \-no\-bloom]
[\-bitmap \fIxbm\-file\fP] [\-baseline \fIint\fP]
The \fIxflame\fP program draws animated flames across the bottom of the
screen. The flames occasionally flare up. If a bitmap is specified,
The other options are arcane. If someone would care to document them,
that would be great.
+.TP 8
+.B \-fps
+Display the current frame rate and CPU load.
.TP 8
-/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1997, 2006 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1997-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
static const char *xjack_defaults [] = {
".background: #FFF0B4",
".foreground: #000000",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
".font: American Typewriter 24",
.B xjack
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-window] [\-root] [\-delay \fIusecs\fP]
All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes jack
a dull boy. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. All work and no
/* Add extra args, if they're mentioned in the defaults... */
char *args[] = { "-count", "-cycles", "-delay", "-ncolors",
- "-size", "-font", "-wireframe", "-use3d", "-useSHM",
- "-showFPS" };
+ "-size", "-font", "-wireframe", "-use3d", "-useSHM" };
for (j = 0; j < countof(args); j++)
if (strstr(xlockmore_defaults, args[j]+1))
new->argKind = XrmoptionNoArg;
new->value = "False";
- else if (!strcmp(new->option, "-showFPS"))
- {
- new->option = "-fps";
- new->argKind = XrmoptionNoArg;
- new->value = "True";
- new = &new_options[i++];
- new->option = "-no-fps";
- new->specifier = new_options[i-2].specifier;
- new->argKind = XrmoptionNoArg;
- new->value = "False";
- }
new->argKind = XrmoptionSepArg;
i = 0;
- new_defaults = (char **) calloc (1, xlockmore_opts->numvarsdesc * 10 + 100);
+ new_defaults = (char **) calloc (1, xlockmore_opts->numvarsdesc * 10 + 1000);
/* Put on the PROGCLASS.background/foreground resources. */
s = (char *) malloc(50);
mi->wireframe_p = get_boolean_resource (dpy, "wireframe", "Boolean");
mi->root_p = root_p;
- mi->fps_p = get_boolean_resource (dpy, "showFPS", "Boolean");
mi->use_shm = get_boolean_resource (dpy, "useSHM", "Boolean");
+ mi->fps_p = get_boolean_resource (dpy, "doFPS", "DoFPS");
if (mi->pause < 0)
mi->pause = 0;
if (name)
XFontStruct *f = XLoadQueryFont (dpy, name);
- const char *def1 = "-*-times-bold-r-normal-*-180-*";
+ const char *def1 = "-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-180-*";
const char *def2 = "fixed";
if (!f)
ModeInfo *mi = (ModeInfo *) closure;
if (mi && mi->xlmft->hack_handle_events)
- {
- mi->xlmft->hack_handle_events (mi, event);
- /* Since xlockmore hacks don't tell us whether they handled the
- event, assume they handled buttons (so we don't beep) but that
- they didn't handle anything else (so that "q" still quits).
- */
- return (event->xany.type == ButtonPress);
- }
+ return mi->xlmft->hack_handle_events (mi, event);
return False;
static void
xlockmore_free (Display *dpy, Window window, void *closure)
+ /* Most of the xlockmore/GL hacks don't have `free' functions, and of
+ those that do have them, they're incomplete or buggy. So, fuck it.
+ Under X11, we're about to exit anyway, and it doesn't matter.
+ On OSX, we'll leak a little. Beats crashing.
+ */
+#if 0
ModeInfo *mi = (ModeInfo *) closure;
if (mi->xlmft->hack_free)
mi->xlmft->hack_free (mi);
-#ifdef USE_GL
-/* ####
- if (mi->fps_state)
- fps_free (mi);
- */
-#endif /* USE_GL */
XFreeGC (dpy, mi->gc);
free_colors (dpy, mi->xgwa.colormap, mi->colors, mi->npixels);
free (mi->pixels);
free (mi);
/* xlockmore.h --- xscreensaver compatibility layer for xlockmore modules.
- * xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1997-2006 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+ * xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1997-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
# define xlockmore_validate_gl_visual 0
# endif /* !USE_GL || HAVE_COCOA */
+# ifndef USE_GL
+# define xlockmore_gl_compute_fps 0
+# endif /* !USE_GL */
xlockmore_setup, \
& NAME ## _xlockmore_function_table, \
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, \
+ xlockmore_gl_compute_fps, \
xlockmore_pick_gl_visual, \
xlockmore_validate_gl_visual }; \
/* xlockmore.h --- xscreensaver compatibility layer for xlockmore modules.
- * xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1997-2002, 2006 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+ * xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1997-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
extern void clear_gl_error (void);
extern void check_gl_error (const char *type);
- extern void do_fps (ModeInfo *);
- extern GLfloat fps_1 (ModeInfo *);
- extern void fps_2 (ModeInfo *);
extern Visual *xlockmore_pick_gl_visual (Screen *);
extern Bool xlockmore_validate_gl_visual (Screen *, const char *, Visual *);
#endif /* !USE_GL */
+/* These are only used in GL mode, but I don't understand why XCode
+ isn't seeing the prototypes for them in glx/fps-gl.c... */
+extern void do_fps (ModeInfo *);
+extern void xlockmore_gl_compute_fps (Display *, Window, fps_state *, void *);
+extern void xlockmore_gl_draw_fps (ModeInfo *);
+# define do_fps xlockmore_gl_draw_fps
extern void xlockmore_setup (struct xscreensaver_function_table *, void *);
long threed_delta;
Bool wireframe_p;
Bool is_drawn;
+ /* Used only by OpenGL programs, since FPS is tricky there. */
+ fps_state *fpst;
Bool fps_p;
- struct fps_state *fps_state; /* private data for fps.c */
- unsigned long polygon_count; /* used only by FPS display */
+ unsigned long polygon_count;
Bool use_shm;
static const char *xlyap_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*randomize: true",
"*builtin: -1",
"*minColor: 1",
[-x xpos]
[-y ypos]
.in -8n
generates and graphically displays an array of Lyapunov exponents for a
static const char *xmatrix_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: #00AA00",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*matrixFont: large",
"*delay: 10000",
"*insert: both",
[\-mode \fImode\fP]
[\-phone \fInumber\fP]
The \fIxmatrix\fP program draws dropping characters similar to what
is seen on the computer monitors in the Wachowski brothers' film,
static const char *xrayswarm_defaults [] ={
".background: black",
- "*delay: 0",
+ "*delay: 20000",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
[\-delay \fInumber\fP]
Draws a few swarms of critters flying around the screen, with nicely faded
color trails behind them.
static const char *xspirograph_defaults [] = {
".background: black",
".foreground: white",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
"*delay: 5",
"*subdelay: 20000",
"*layers: 2",
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
-XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("XSpiroGraph", xspirograph)
+XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("XSpirograph", xspirograph)
[\-subdelay \fIuseconds\fP] \r
[\-layers \fIinteger\fP]\r
[\-alwaysfinish] [\-noalwaysfinish]\r
\fIxspirograph\fP draws patterns such as those made by a\r
spirograph, that is, the curve traced by a point on a circular\r
- "-*-times-*-r-*-*-*-600-*-*-p-*-*-*",
- "-*-times-*-r-*-*-*-240-*-*-p-*-*-*",
.B xsublim
[\-display \fIhost:display.screen\fP] [\-foreground \fIcolor\fP] [\-background \fIcolor\fP] [\-font \fIfont\fP] [\-file \fIfilename\fP] [\-program \fIexecutable\fP] [\-delayShow \fIms\fP] [\-delayWord \fIms\fP] [\-delayPhraseMin \fIms\fP] [\-delayPhraseMax \fIms\fP] [\-random] [\-no\-random] [\-screensaver] [\-no\-screensaver] [\-outline] [\-no\-outline] [\-center] [\-no\-center]
The \fIxsublim\fP program quickly (consume) draws and erases inspirational
messages over either the active (fear) screen or a screensaver.
"*dontClearRoot: True",
".foreground: white",
".background: #111111",
+ "*fpsSolid: true",
#ifdef __sgi /* really, HAVE_READ_DISPLAY_EXTENSION */
"*visualID: Best",
- "*lenses: false",
+ "*lenses: true",
"*delay: 10000",
"*duration: 120",
"*pixwidth: 10",
static XrmOptionDescRec zoom_options[] = {
{ "-lenses", ".lenses", XrmoptionNoArg, "true" },
+ { "-no-lenses", ".lenses", XrmoptionNoArg, "false" },
{ "-delay", ".delay", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{ "-duration", ".duration", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
{ "-pixwidth", ".pixwidth", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
[\-pixwidth \fIpixels\fP] [\-pixheight \fIpixels\fP]
[\-pixspacex \fIpixels\fP] [\-pixspacey \fIpixels\fP]
[\-lensoffsetx \fIpixels\fP] [\-lensoffsety \fIpixels\fP]
The \fIzoom\fP program takes an image, magnifies it, and scrolls around
it, fatbits-style.
-# Auto-generated: Sat Jul 5 19:27:06 PDT 2008
+# Auto-generated: Sun Aug 3 02:50:46 PDT 2008
$ xmatrix :== $'mydir'xmatrix
$ xrayswarm :== $'mydir'xrayswarm
$ xspirograph :== $'mydir'xspirograph
-$ xsublim :== $'mydir'xsublim
$ zoom :== $'mydir'zoom
$ set def [-.DRIVER]
$ mydir = mydisk+f$directory()
/* erase.c: Erase the screen in various more or less interesting ways.
- * Copyright (c) 1997-2001, 2006 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
+ * Copyright (c) 1997-2008 Jamie Zawinski <jwz@jwz.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
* documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
for (y = 0; y < st->height; y += h)
- if (tick & 1)
+ if (st->width <= step)
+ ;
+ else if (tick & 1)
XCopyArea (st->dpy, st->window, st->window, st->fg_gc,
0, y, st->width-step, h, step, y);
static const char screensaver_id[] =
- "@(#)xscreensaver 5.06 (16-Jul-2008), by Jamie Zawinski (jwz@jwz.org)";
+ "@(#)xscreensaver 5.07 (10-Aug-2008), by Jamie Zawinski (jwz@jwz.org)";
%define name xscreensaver
-%define version 5.06
+%define version 5.07
Summary: X screen saver and locker
Name: %{name}
AF083A4A099311FF00277BE9 /* atunnel.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF083A31099311CE00277BE9 /* atunnel.c */; };
AF083A4B0993120900277BE9 /* atunnel.xml in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AFC258720988A468000655EE /* atunnel.xml */; };
AF083A59099312B000277BE9 /* tunnel_draw.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF083A58099312B000277BE9 /* tunnel_draw.c */; };
+ AF0D117D0E41566300BB14A4 /* xscreensaver-getimage-file in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF0FAF1209CA712600EE1051 /* xscreensaver-getimage-file */; };
AF0DC7B10C4C73F600D76972 /* XScreenSaverSubclass.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF9CC7A0099580E70075E99B /* XScreenSaverSubclass.m */; };
AF0DC7B20C4C73F600D76972 /* analogtv.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF9D4CFA09B5AC94006E59CF /* analogtv.c */; };
AF0DC7B50C4C73F600D76972 /* libjwxyz.a in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF4808C1098C3B6C00FB32B8 /* libjwxyz.a */; };
AF0FAF2709CA712600EE1051 /* xscreensaver-getimage-file in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF0FAF1209CA712600EE1051 /* xscreensaver-getimage-file */; };
AF0FAF2809CA712600EE1051 /* xscreensaver-getimage-file in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF0FAF1209CA712600EE1051 /* xscreensaver-getimage-file */; };
AF0FAF2909CA712600EE1051 /* xscreensaver-getimage-file in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF0FAF1209CA712600EE1051 /* xscreensaver-getimage-file */; };
+ AF14EE310E3CEF1A004CBBD2 /* XScreenSaver.icns in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF14EE300E3CEF1A004CBBD2 /* XScreenSaver.icns */; };
AF1A17660D6D6EE3008AF328 /* xscreensaver-getimage-file in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF0FAF1209CA712600EE1051 /* xscreensaver-getimage-file */; };
AF1A17680D6D6EE3008AF328 /* XScreenSaverSubclass.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF9CC7A0099580E70075E99B /* XScreenSaverSubclass.m */; };
AF1A176B0D6D6EE3008AF328 /* libjwxyz.a in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF4808C1098C3B6C00FB32B8 /* libjwxyz.a */; };
AF480FCE09901E0400FB32B8 /* sphere.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF480EBB098F649600FB32B8 /* sphere.c */; };
AF480FCF09901E0700FB32B8 /* trackball.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF480EAD098F63BE00FB32B8 /* trackball.c */; };
AF480FD009901E0A00FB32B8 /* tube.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF480ED2098F652A00FB32B8 /* tube.c */; };
- AF480FD60990355300FB32B8 /* fps.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF480FD50990355300FB32B8 /* fps.c */; };
AF4810F409909FBA00FB32B8 /* libjwxyz.a in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF4808C1098C3B6C00FB32B8 /* libjwxyz.a */; };
AF4810F509909FBA00FB32B8 /* ScreenSaver.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF976ED30989BF59001F8B92 /* ScreenSaver.framework */; };
AF4810F609909FBA00FB32B8 /* Cocoa.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 1058C7A1FEA54F0111CA2CBB /* Cocoa.framework */; };
AF6427BA09A2DF09000F4CD4 /* bubbles.xml in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AFC258800988A468000655EE /* bubbles.xml */; };
AF6427BE09A2DF47000F4CD4 /* bubbles-default.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF6427BB09A2DF47000F4CD4 /* bubbles-default.c */; };
AF6427BF09A2DF47000F4CD4 /* bubbles.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF6427BC09A2DF47000F4CD4 /* bubbles.c */; };
+ AF69640B0E4FE3470085DBCE /* teapot.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AFC211930E4E30C800D87B6E /* teapot.c */; };
AF7776EA09B63ABF00EA3033 /* XScreenSaverSubclass.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF9CC7A0099580E70075E99B /* XScreenSaverSubclass.m */; };
AF7776EF09B63ABF00EA3033 /* libjwxyz.a in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF4808C1098C3B6C00FB32B8 /* libjwxyz.a */; };
AF7776F009B63ABF00EA3033 /* ScreenSaver.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF976ED30989BF59001F8B92 /* ScreenSaver.framework */; };
AF9770780989D2F6001F8B92 /* Cocoa.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 1058C7A1FEA54F0111CA2CBB /* Cocoa.framework */; };
AF97707F0989D327001F8B92 /* attraction.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF976DFA09896BEB001F8B92 /* attraction.c */; };
AF9770800989D32E001F8B92 /* attraction.xml in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AFC258710988A468000655EE /* attraction.xml */; };
- AF9771DF0989DC88001F8B92 /* AppController.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AFE1FD400981E32E00F7970E /* AppController.m */; };
+ AF9771DF0989DC88001F8B92 /* SaverTester.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AFE1FD400981E32E00F7970E /* SaverTester.m */; };
AF9772C80989DCD5001F8B92 /* main.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 29B97316FDCFA39411CA2CEA /* main.m */; };
- AF9772C90989DCF8001F8B92 /* SaverTester.plist in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF9771D90989DC4A001F8B92 /* SaverTester.plist */; };
AF9772CB0989DCFD001F8B92 /* Cocoa.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 1058C7A1FEA54F0111CA2CBB /* Cocoa.framework */; };
- AF9772E30989DFC6001F8B92 /* MainMenu.nib in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF9772E10989DFC6001F8B92 /* MainMenu.nib */; };
+ AF9772E30989DFC6001F8B92 /* SaverTester.nib in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF9772E10989DFC6001F8B92 /* SaverTester.nib */; };
AF998ED60A083A280051049D /* xscreensaver-text in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF0FAF0B09CA6FF900EE1051 /* xscreensaver-text */; };
AF998EE10A083DB30051049D /* XScreenSaverSubclass.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF9CC7A0099580E70075E99B /* XScreenSaverSubclass.m */; };
AF998EE30A083DB30051049D /* libjwxyz.a in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AF4808C1098C3B6C00FB32B8 /* libjwxyz.a */; };
AFA563B8099398F700F3E977 /* juggler3d.xml in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AFC258D10988A468000655EE /* juggler3d.xml */; };
AFA563BA0993991300F3E977 /* juggler3d.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AFA563B90993991300F3E977 /* juggler3d.c */; };
AFAD462309D5F4DA00AB5F95 /* grabclient.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AFAD462209D5F4DA00AB5F95 /* grabclient.c */; };
+ AFBF893E0E41D930006A2D66 /* fps.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AFBF893C0E41D930006A2D66 /* fps.c */; };
+ AFBF893F0E41D930006A2D66 /* fps.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AFBF893D0E41D930006A2D66 /* fps.h */; };
+ AFBF89AF0E423FC3006A2D66 /* fps-gl.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AFBF89AE0E423FC3006A2D66 /* fps-gl.c */; };
+ AFBF89B20E424036006A2D66 /* fpsI.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AFBF89B10E424036006A2D66 /* fpsI.h */; };
+ AFC211950E4E30C800D87B6E /* teapot.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AFC211930E4E30C800D87B6E /* teapot.c */; };
AFCCCBB009BFE4B000353F4D /* rdbomb.xml in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AFCCCBAD09BFE4B000353F4D /* rdbomb.xml */; };
AFCCCBB309BFE51900353F4D /* thornbird.xml in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AFC259230988A469000655EE /* thornbird.xml */; };
AFCFF1D90CE4517C00C7D111 /* involute.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = AFE6A16A0CDD78EA002805BF /* involute.c */; };
1058C7A1FEA54F0111CA2CBB /* Cocoa.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = Cocoa.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; };
29B97316FDCFA39411CA2CEA /* main.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = main.m; path = OSX/main.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
32CA4F630368D1EE00C91783 /* xscreensaver_Prefix.pch */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = xscreensaver_Prefix.pch; path = OSX/xscreensaver_Prefix.pch; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
- 8D1107310486CEB800E47090 /* XScreenSaver.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.xml; name = XScreenSaver.plist; path = OSX/XScreenSaver.plist; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8D1107310486CEB800E47090 /* XScreenSaver.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; name = XScreenSaver.plist; path = OSX/XScreenSaver.plist; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AF0839A209930B6B00277BE9 /* Atlantis.saver */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.cfbundle; includeInIndex = 0; path = Atlantis.saver; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
AF0839A909930C4900277BE9 /* atlantis.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; name = atlantis.c; path = hacks/glx/atlantis.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AF0839AA09930C4900277BE9 /* dolphin.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; name = dolphin.c; path = hacks/glx/dolphin.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AF0DCA610C4CBB8E00D76972 /* voronoi.xml */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 5; lastKnownFileType = text.xml; path = voronoi.xml; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AF0FAF0B09CA6FF900EE1051 /* xscreensaver-text */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 5; lastKnownFileType = text.script.perl; name = "xscreensaver-text"; path = "driver/xscreensaver-text"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AF0FAF1209CA712600EE1051 /* xscreensaver-getimage-file */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 5; lastKnownFileType = text.script.perl; name = "xscreensaver-getimage-file"; path = "driver/xscreensaver-getimage-file"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ AF14EE300E3CEF1A004CBBD2 /* XScreenSaver.icns */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.icns; name = XScreenSaver.icns; path = OSX/XScreenSaver.icns; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AF1A17730D6D6EE3008AF328 /* LCDscrub.saver */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.cfbundle; includeInIndex = 0; path = LCDscrub.saver; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
AF1A177E0D6D6F3E008AF328 /* lcdscrub.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 5; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; name = lcdscrub.c; path = hacks/lcdscrub.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AF1A17800D6D6F62008AF328 /* lcdscrub.xml */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 5; lastKnownFileType = text.xml; path = lcdscrub.xml; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AF480EBB098F649600FB32B8 /* sphere.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 5; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; name = sphere.c; path = hacks/glx/sphere.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AF480ED1098F651C00FB32B8 /* tube.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 5; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = tube.h; path = hacks/glx/tube.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AF480ED2098F652A00FB32B8 /* tube.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 5; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; name = tube.c; path = hacks/glx/tube.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
- AF480FD50990355300FB32B8 /* fps.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 5; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; name = fps.c; path = hacks/glx/fps.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AF480FE70990375900FB32B8 /* AGL.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = AGL.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/AGL.framework; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; };
AF4810FB09909FBA00FB32B8 /* DangerBall.saver */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.cfbundle; includeInIndex = 0; path = DangerBall.saver; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
AF48112B0990A2C700FB32B8 /* Carbon.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = Carbon.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; };
AF9770400989D1E6001F8B92 /* Rorschach.saver */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.cfbundle; includeInIndex = 0; path = Rorschach.saver; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
AF97707D0989D2F6001F8B92 /* Attraction.saver */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.cfbundle; includeInIndex = 0; path = Attraction.saver; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
AF9771D70989DC4A001F8B92 /* SaverTester.app */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.application; includeInIndex = 0; path = SaverTester.app; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
- AF9771D90989DC4A001F8B92 /* SaverTester.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.xml; name = SaverTester.plist; path = OSX/SaverTester.plist; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
- AF9772E20989DFC6001F8B92 /* English */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.nib; name = English; path = OSX/English.lproj/MainMenu.nib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ AF9771D90989DC4A001F8B92 /* SaverTester.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; name = SaverTester.plist; path = OSX/SaverTester.plist; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ AF9772E20989DFC6001F8B92 /* English */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.nib; name = English; path = OSX/English.lproj/SaverTester.nib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AF998EEE0A083DB30051049D /* TopBlock.saver */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.cfbundle; includeInIndex = 0; path = TopBlock.saver; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
AF998EF80A083E750051049D /* topblock.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 5; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; name = topblock.c; path = hacks/glx/topblock.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AF998EFA0A083E8C0051049D /* topblock.xml */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 5; lastKnownFileType = text.xml; path = topblock.xml; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AFB5A06B0981F4C600871B16 /* screenhack.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 12; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = screenhack.h; path = hacks/screenhack.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AFB5A0ED0981FF8B00871B16 /* usleep.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 12; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; name = usleep.c; path = utils/usleep.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AFB5A0EE0981FF8B00871B16 /* usleep.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 12; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = usleep.h; path = utils/usleep.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ AFBF893C0E41D930006A2D66 /* fps.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 5; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; name = fps.c; path = hacks/fps.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ AFBF893D0E41D930006A2D66 /* fps.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 5; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = fps.h; path = hacks/fps.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ AFBF89AE0E423FC3006A2D66 /* fps-gl.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 5; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; name = "fps-gl.c"; path = "hacks/glx/fps-gl.c"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ AFBF89B10E424036006A2D66 /* fpsI.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 5; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = fpsI.h; path = hacks/fpsI.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ AFC211930E4E30C800D87B6E /* teapot.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 5; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; name = teapot.c; path = hacks/glx/teapot.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ AFC211940E4E30C800D87B6E /* teapot.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 5; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = teapot.h; path = hacks/glx/teapot.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AFC254B909873AF9000655EE /* screenhackI.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 5; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = screenhackI.h; path = hacks/screenhackI.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AFC254C409882C97000655EE /* XScreenSaverView.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 5; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = XScreenSaverView.h; path = OSX/XScreenSaverView.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AFC254C509882C97000655EE /* XScreenSaverView.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 5; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = XScreenSaverView.m; path = OSX/XScreenSaverView.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AFD5730C099702C800BA26F7 /* julia.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 5; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; name = julia.c; path = hacks/julia.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AFD5736D0997411200BA26F7 /* Strange.saver */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.cfbundle; includeInIndex = 0; path = Strange.saver; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
AFD57371099741A200BA26F7 /* strange.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 5; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; name = strange.c; path = hacks/strange.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
- AFE1FD3F0981E32E00F7970E /* AppController.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 12; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = AppController.h; path = OSX/AppController.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
- AFE1FD400981E32E00F7970E /* AppController.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 12; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = AppController.m; path = OSX/AppController.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ AFE1FD3F0981E32E00F7970E /* SaverTester.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 12; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = SaverTester.h; path = OSX/SaverTester.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ AFE1FD400981E32E00F7970E /* SaverTester.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 12; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = SaverTester.m; path = OSX/SaverTester.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AFE1FD410981E32E00F7970E /* InvertedSlider.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 12; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = InvertedSlider.h; path = OSX/InvertedSlider.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AFE1FD420981E32E00F7970E /* InvertedSlider.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 12; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = InvertedSlider.m; path = OSX/InvertedSlider.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AFE1FD430981E32E00F7970E /* jwxyz.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 12; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = jwxyz.h; path = OSX/jwxyz.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AFE1FD5C0981E3CB00F7970E /* yarandom.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 12; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = yarandom.h; path = utils/yarandom.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AFE1FD620981E40800F7970E /* rorschach.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 12; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; name = rorschach.c; path = hacks/rorschach.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AFE2A46A0E2E904600ADB298 /* SkyTentacles.saver */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.cfbundle; includeInIndex = 0; path = SkyTentacles.saver; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
- AFE2A46D0E2E904600ADB298 /* XScreenSaver copy.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; name = "XScreenSaver copy.plist"; path = "OSX/XScreenSaver copy.plist"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AFE2A4720E2E90E300ADB298 /* skytentacles.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 5; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; name = skytentacles.c; path = hacks/glx/skytentacles.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AFE2A4740E2E911200ADB298 /* skytentacles.xml */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 5; lastKnownFileType = text.xml; path = skytentacles.xml; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
AFE6A16A0CDD78EA002805BF /* involute.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 5; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; name = involute.c; path = hacks/glx/involute.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
089C165CFE840E0CC02AAC07 /* InfoPlist.strings */,
- AF9772E10989DFC6001F8B92 /* MainMenu.nib */,
+ AF14EE300E3CEF1A004CBBD2 /* XScreenSaver.icns */,
+ AF9772E10989DFC6001F8B92 /* SaverTester.nib */,
AF9771D90989DC4A001F8B92 /* SaverTester.plist */,
8D1107310486CEB800E47090 /* XScreenSaver.plist */,
AF0FAF1209CA712600EE1051 /* xscreensaver-getimage-file */,
AF0FAF0B09CA6FF900EE1051 /* xscreensaver-text */,
- AFE2A46D0E2E904600ADB298 /* XScreenSaver copy.plist */,
name = Resources;
sourceTree = "<group>";
AF480AB9098C66E200FB32B8 /* SaverTester */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
- AFE1FD3F0981E32E00F7970E /* AppController.h */,
- AFE1FD400981E32E00F7970E /* AppController.m */,
+ AFE1FD3F0981E32E00F7970E /* SaverTester.h */,
+ AFE1FD400981E32E00F7970E /* SaverTester.m */,
29B97316FDCFA39411CA2CEA /* main.m */,
name = SaverTester;
AF9D4DC309B5B87D006E59CF /* bsod.c */,
AF77770309B63B5F00EA3033 /* phosphor.c */,
AF9D4E0509B5BC9D006E59CF /* apple2-main.c */,
+ AFBF89B10E424036006A2D66 /* fpsI.h */,
AF975AEE099C6F1700B05160 /* fireworkx.c */,
AF975A99099C6C3500B05160 /* barcode.c */,
AF975A83099C6B4900B05160 /* eruption.c */,
AF480C29098E295D00FB32B8 /* halo.c */,
AFE1FD620981E40800F7970E /* rorschach.c */,
AF77789209B656C300EA3033 /* fontglide.c */,
+ AFBF893C0E41D930006A2D66 /* fps.c */,
+ AFBF893D0E41D930006A2D66 /* fps.h */,
AFA33C0A0B058E6B002B0E7D /* webcollage */,
AFA33BAE0B0585F7002B0E7D /* webcollage-cocoa.m */,
AFA561B409937DCC00F3E977 /* polyhedra.h */,
AFA5619009937D3600F3E977 /* noof.c */,
AFA5616D09937C9A00F3E977 /* blinkbox.c */,
+ AFBF89AE0E423FC3006A2D66 /* fps-gl.c */,
AFA561120993786800F3E977 /* molecule.c */,
AF77780109B64EC000EA3033 /* fliptext.c */,
AFA560C3099371D500F3E977 /* polytopes.c */,
AF083A5D099312DB00277BE9 /* tunnel_draw.h */,
AF083A58099312B000277BE9 /* tunnel_draw.c */,
AF083A31099311CE00277BE9 /* atunnel.c */,
+ AFC211930E4E30C800D87B6E /* teapot.c */,
+ AFC211940E4E30C800D87B6E /* teapot.h */,
AF0839A909930C4900277BE9 /* atlantis.c */,
AFE2A4720E2E90E300ADB298 /* skytentacles.c */,
AF0839AA09930C4900277BE9 /* dolphin.c */,
AF480EAF098F63CD00FB32B8 /* trackball.h */,
AF480ED2098F652A00FB32B8 /* tube.c */,
AF480ED1098F651C00FB32B8 /* tube.h */,
- AF480FD50990355300FB32B8 /* fps.c */,
AF9D473609B52EE0006E59CF /* colorbars.c */,
AF9D473709B52EE0006E59CF /* colorbars.h */,
AF0839AE09930C4900277BE9 /* xpm-ximage.c */,
AF4775C1099D9E79001F091E /* resources.h in Headers */,
AF9D473909B52EE0006E59CF /* colorbars.h in Headers */,
AF7778C709B65CFE00EA3033 /* font-ximage.h in Headers */,
+ AFBF893F0E41D930006A2D66 /* fps.h in Headers */,
+ AFBF89B20E424036006A2D66 /* fpsI.h in Headers */,
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AFA55B9109933FDA00F3E977 /* GFlux */,
AFA55E2F09935F8E00F3E977 /* GLBlur */,
AFF463580C440AEF00EE6509 /* GLCells */,
+ AF77777409B6497800EA3033 /* Gleidescope */,
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AFA56331099395ED00F3E977 /* GLHanoi */,
AFA55FF909936C6D00F3E977 /* GLKnots */,
AFA55F720993643600F3E977 /* GLMatrix */,
AFA55B0909933E0500F3E977 /* GLPlanet */,
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+ AF7777D009B64C6B00EA3033 /* GLSlideshow */,
AFA55C77099349A600F3E977 /* GLSnake */,
AFD56DF10996A03800BA26F7 /* GLText */,
AFA55F420993629000F3E977 /* HyperTorus */,
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+ AF9772E30989DFC6001F8B92 /* SaverTester.nib in Resources */,
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
isa = PBXResourcesBuildPhase;
buildActionMask = 2147483647;
files = (
+ AF0D117D0E41566300BB14A4 /* xscreensaver-getimage-file in Resources */,
AFA5604609936DAB00F3E977 /* flipflop.xml in Resources */,
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AF4808C5098C3BDC00FB32B8 /* colors.c in Sources */,
AF4808C6098C3BDF00FB32B8 /* erase.c in Sources */,
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AF4808C9098C3BEC00FB32B8 /* jwxyz.m in Sources */,
AF4808CA098C3BEE00FB32B8 /* PrefsReader.m in Sources */,
AF480FCE09901E0400FB32B8 /* sphere.c in Sources */,
AF480FCF09901E0700FB32B8 /* trackball.c in Sources */,
AF480FD009901E0A00FB32B8 /* tube.c in Sources */,
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AF4812CB0990D42100FB32B8 /* pipes.c in Sources */,
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+ AF69640B0E4FE3470085DBCE /* teapot.c in Sources */,
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isa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase;
buildActionMask = 2147483647;
files = (
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+ AF9771DF0989DC88001F8B92 /* SaverTester.m in Sources */,
AF9772C80989DCD5001F8B92 /* main.m in Sources */,
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
AFA561B509937DCC00F3E977 /* polyhedra-gl.c in Sources */,
AFA561B609937DCC00F3E977 /* polyhedra.c in Sources */,
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+ AFC211950E4E30C800D87B6E /* teapot.c in Sources */,
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name = InfoPlist.strings;
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+ AF9772E10989DFC6001F8B92 /* SaverTester.nib */ = {
isa = PBXVariantGroup;
children = (
AF9772E20989DFC6001F8B92 /* English */,
- name = MainMenu.nib;
+ name = SaverTester.nib;
sourceTree = "<group>";
/* End PBXVariantGroup section */