OpenVMS port of Xscreensavser version 2.05 July 1997 ========================================== Xscreensaver distribution can be found in 3 subdirectories: [.DRIVER] The Xscreensaver and Xscreensaver-command programs. [.HACKS] Graphic demos ,can be run either through the xscreensaver program or standalone. [.UTILS] A small libraries of various utilities. This port has been tested with VAX VMS 6.1 (compiled with DEC 5 5.0 and Motif 1.2) and AXP VMS 6.2 (compiled with DEC C 5.0 and Motif 1.2-4). To rebuild, you need to rebuild [.UTILS] directory first and create the object library (look at the end of COMPILE*.COM procedure). You can now build the [.HACKS] directory and the [.DRIVER] directory. A one-step build is now available via the MAKEVMS.COM script. WARNING : before building [.HACKS], you may need to correct some of the DECwindows bitmap files. Some files are bogus !! (they have a long line of null chars at the end). These files are under SYS$COMMON:[DECW$INCLUDE.BITMAPS] directory: STIPPLE.XBM HLINES2.XBM LIGHT_GRAY.XBM ROOT_WEAVES.XBM VLINES2.XBM These files are all used by Greynetic demo. Nota: link procedure automagically select appropriate X and Motif Libraries (X11R4/Motif 1.1 - X11R5/Motif 1.2). The SETUP.COM procedure gives you a definition of all DCL foreign command symbols needed to run Xscreensaver and all the graphic hacks. You need to modify this procedure if you install these programs in another directory tree. VMS .HLP files are provied for all programms of this distribution. You can easily add new graphic demos without recompiling Xscreensaver. You just need to add them in resource file XSCREENSAVER.DAT. This file (originally present in [.DRIVER] directory ) can be installed under your SYS$LOGIN directory for a per-user customization basis. You can also install it under the system-wide user resource directory SYS$COMMON:[DECW$DEFAULT.USER] (with (W:RE) protections). The new graphics hack must be run in root-window mode to be accepted by Xscreensaver. The graphic demos are spawn into subprocess created by the system() call (in the Unix version the execvp() call is used). The VMS passord checking programs were picked up in the Xlock distribution. Enjoy, Patrick MOREAU - CENA/Athis-Mons - FRANCE ( (