#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Jamie Zawinski . # # Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its # documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that # the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting # documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this # software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or # implied warranty. # # This program attempts to locate a random image from the specified directory, # and load it on to the root window, using some other program that can decode # image files. (It attempts to find such a program.) # # The various xscreensaver hacks that manipulate images ("slidescreen", # "jigsaw", etc.) get the image to manipulate by running the # "xscreensaver-getimage" program. # # "xscreensaver-getimage" will invoke this program, depending on the # value of the "chooseRandomImages" and "imageDirectory" settings in # the ~/.xscreensaver file (or /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/XScreenSaver). # # Created: 12-Apr-01. require 5; use diagnostics; use strict; use POSIX; use Fcntl; use POSIX ':fcntl_h'; # S_ISLNK was here in Perl 5.6 import Fcntl ':mode' unless defined &S_ISLNK; # but it is here in Perl 5.8 use bytes; # Larry can take Unicode and shove it up his ass sideways. # Perl 5.8.0 causes us to start getting incomprehensible # errors about UTF-8 all over the place without this. my $progname = $0; $progname =~ s@.*/@@g; my $version = q{ $Revision: 1.18 $ }; $version =~ s/^[^0-9]+([0-9.]+).*$/$1/; my $verbose = 0; # This matches files that we are allowed to use as images (case-insensitive.) # Anything not matching this is ignored. This is so you can point your # imageDirectory at directory trees that have things other than images in # them, but it assumes that you gave your images sensible file extensions. # my $good_file_re = '\.(gif|p?jpe?g|png|tiff?|xbm|xpm)$'; # JPEG, GIF, and PNG files that are are smaller than this size in either # direction are rejected: this is so that you can use an image directory # that contains both big images and thumbnails, and have it only select # the big versions. # my $min_image_width = 255; my $min_image_height = 255; # These are programs that can be used to put an image file on the root # window (including virtual root windows.) The first one of these programs # that exists on $PATH will be used (with the file name as the last arg.) # # Generally this isn't used any more; when "xscreensaver-getimage" invokes # this program, it does so with the "-file" argument (meaning that we just # return the file name) and then xscreensaver-getimage loads that file # directly. However, if you invoke "xscreensaver-getimage-file" directly, # without "-file", this will be used to actually load the image. # my @programs = ( "chbg -once -xscreensaver -max_grow 4 -max_size 100", "xv -root -quit -viewonly -maxpect +noresetroot -quick24 -rmode 5" . " -rfg black -rbg black", "xli -quiet -fullscreen -onroot -center -border black", "xloadimage -quiet -fullscreen -onroot -center -border black", # this lame program wasn't built with vroot.h: # "xsri -scale -keep-aspect -center-horizontal -center-vertical", ); sub pick_displayer { my @names = (); foreach my $cmd (@programs) { $_ = $cmd; my ($name) = m/^([^ ]+)/; push @names, "\"$name\""; print STDERR "$progname: looking for $name...\n" if ($verbose > 2); foreach my $dir (split (/:/, $ENV{PATH})) { print STDERR "$progname: checking $dir/$name\n" if ($verbose > 3); return $cmd if (-x "$dir/$name"); } } $names[$#names] = "or " . $names[$#names]; printf STDERR "$progname: none of: " . join (", ", @names) . " were found on \$PATH.\n"; exit 1; } my @all_files = (); # list of "good" files we've collected my %seen_inodes; # for breaking recursive symlink loops my $skip_count = 0; # number of files skipped, for diagnostic messages my $dir_count = 1; # number of directories seen, for diagnostic messages sub find_all_files { my ($dir) = @_; print STDERR "$progname: reading dir $dir/...\n" if ($verbose > 2); local *DIR; if (! opendir (DIR, $dir)) { print STDERR "$progname: couldn't open $dir: $!\n" if ($verbose); return; } my @files = readdir (DIR); closedir (DIR); my @dirs = (); foreach my $file (@files) { next if ($file =~ m/^\./); # ignore dot files/dirs $file = "$dir/$file"; my @st = stat($file); my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size, $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = @st; if ($#st == -1) { if ($verbose) { my $ll = readlink $file; if (defined ($ll)) { print STDERR "$progname: dangling symlink: $file -> $ll\n"; } else { print STDERR "$progname: unreadable: $file\n"; } } next; } next if ($seen_inodes{"$dev:$ino"}); # break symlink loops $seen_inodes{"$dev:$ino"} = 1; if (S_ISDIR($mode)) { push @dirs, $file; $dir_count++; print STDERR "$progname: found dir $file\n" if ($verbose > 2); } elsif (S_ISREG($mode) || S_ISLNK($mode)) { if ($file =~ m/[~%\#]$/ || # backup file, or ! ($file =~ m/$good_file_re/io)) { # no image extension $skip_count++; print STDERR "$progname: skip file $file\n" if ($verbose > 2); } else { push @all_files, $file; print STDERR "$progname: found file $file\n" if ($verbose > 2); } } elsif ($verbose > 2) { print STDERR "$progname: nonreg $file\n"; } } foreach (@dirs) { find_all_files ($_); } } sub find_random_file { my ($dir) = @_; $dir =~ s@/+$@@g; print STDERR "$progname: recursively reading $dir...\n" if ($verbose > 1); find_all_files ($dir); print STDERR "$progname: found " . ($#all_files+1) . " file" . ($#all_files == 0 ? "" : "s") . " in $dir_count dir" . ($dir_count == 1 ? "" : "s") . "; skipped $skip_count file" . ($skip_count == 1 ? "" : "s") . ".\n" if ($verbose > 1); @all_files = sort(@all_files); if ($#all_files < 0) { print STDERR "$progname: no files in $dir\n"; exit 1; } my $max_tries = 50; for (my $i = 0; $i < $max_tries; $i++) { my $n = int (rand ($#all_files + 1)); my $file = $all_files[$n]; if (large_enough_p ($file)) { return $file; } } print STDERR "$progname: no suitable images in $dir " . "(after $max_tries tries)\n"; exit 1; } sub display_file { my ($file, $displayer) = @_; if (!defined($displayer)) { print STDOUT "$file\n"; } else { my @cmd = split (/ +/, $displayer); push @cmd, $file; # do it this way to allow file names with spaces. print STDERR "$progname: executing \"" . join(" ", @cmd) . "\"\n" if ($verbose); exec (@cmd) || die; } } sub find_and_display { my ($dir, $displayer) = @_; my $file = find_random_file ($dir); display_file ($file, $displayer); } sub large_enough_p { my ($file) = @_; my ($w, $h) = image_file_size ($file); if (!defined ($h)) { print STDERR "$progname: $file: unable to determine image size\n" if ($verbose); # Assume that unknown files are of good sizes: this will happen if # they matched $good_file_re, but we don't have code to parse them. # (This will also happen if the file is junk...) return 1; } if ($w < $min_image_width || $h < $min_image_height) { print STDERR "$progname: $file: too small ($w x $h)\n" if ($verbose > 1); return 0; } print STDERR "$progname: $file: $w x $h\n" if ($verbose > 1); return 1; } # Given the raw body of a GIF document, returns the dimensions of the image. # sub gif_size { my ($body) = @_; my $type = substr($body, 0, 6); my $s; return () unless ($type =~ /GIF8[7,9]a/); $s = substr ($body, 6, 10); my ($a,$b,$c,$d) = unpack ("C"x4, $s); return (($b<<8|$a), ($d<<8|$c)); } # Given the raw body of a JPEG document, returns the dimensions of the image. # sub jpeg_size { my ($body) = @_; my $i = 0; my $L = length($body); my $c1 = substr($body, $i, 1); $i++; my $c2 = substr($body, $i, 1); $i++; return () unless (ord($c1) == 0xFF && ord($c2) == 0xD8); my $ch = "0"; while (ord($ch) != 0xDA && $i < $L) { # Find next marker, beginning with 0xFF. while (ord($ch) != 0xFF) { return () if (length($body) <= $i); $ch = substr($body, $i, 1); $i++; } # markers can be padded with any number of 0xFF. while (ord($ch) == 0xFF) { return () if (length($body) <= $i); $ch = substr($body, $i, 1); $i++; } # $ch contains the value of the marker. my $marker = ord($ch); if (($marker >= 0xC0) && ($marker <= 0xCF) && ($marker != 0xC4) && ($marker != 0xCC)) { # it's a SOFn marker $i += 3; return () if (length($body) <= $i); my $s = substr($body, $i, 4); $i += 4; my ($a,$b,$c,$d) = unpack("C"x4, $s); return (($c<<8|$d), ($a<<8|$b)); } else { # We must skip variables, since FFs in variable names aren't # valid JPEG markers. return () if (length($body) <= $i); my $s = substr($body, $i, 2); $i += 2; my ($c1, $c2) = unpack ("C"x2, $s); my $length = ($c1 << 8) | $c2; return () if ($length < 2); $i += $length-2; } } return (); } # Given the raw body of a PNG document, returns the dimensions of the image. # sub png_size { my ($body) = @_; return () unless ($body =~ m/^\211PNG\r/s); my ($bits) = ($body =~ m/^.{12}(.{12})/s); return () unless defined ($bits); return () unless ($bits =~ /^IHDR/); my ($ign, $w, $h) = unpack("a4N2", $bits); return ($w, $h); } # Given the raw body of a GIF, JPEG, or PNG document, returns the dimensions # of the image. # sub image_size { my ($body) = @_; my ($w, $h) = gif_size ($body); if ($w && $h) { return ($w, $h); } ($w, $h) = jpeg_size ($body); if ($w && $h) { return ($w, $h); } # #### TODO: need image parsers for TIFF, XPM, XBM. return png_size ($body); } # Returns the dimensions of the image file. # sub image_file_size { my ($file) = @_; my $body = ''; local *IN; if (! open (IN, "<$file")) { print STDERR "$progname: $file: $!\n" if ($verbose); return undef; } binmode (IN); # Larry can take Unicode and shove it up his ass sideways. while () { $body .= $_; last if (length($body) > 1024 * 100); # the first 100k should be enough } close IN; return image_size ($body); } sub usage { print STDERR "usage: $progname [--verbose] [--name] file-or-directory\n\n" . " Puts the given image file (or a randomly selected image from the\n" . " given directory) on the root window. If --name is specified,\n" . " just prints the selected filename to stdout instead.\n\n"; exit 1; } sub main { my $dir = undef; my $do_name = 0; while ($_ = $ARGV[0]) { shift @ARGV; if ($_ eq "--verbose") { $verbose++; } elsif (m/^-v+$/) { $verbose += length($_)-1; } elsif ($_ eq "--name") { $do_name++; } elsif (m/^-./) { usage; } elsif (!defined($dir)) { $dir = $_; } else { usage; } } usage unless (defined($dir)); my $displayer = undef; $displayer = pick_displayer() unless $do_name; if (-d $dir) { find_and_display ($dir, $displayer); } elsif (-f $dir) { display_file ($dir, $displayer); } else { print STDERR "$progname: $dir does not exist\n"; usage(); } } main; exit 0;