#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Copyright © 2005-2014 Jamie Zawinski # # Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its # documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that # the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting # documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this # software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or # implied warranty. # # This program writes some text to stdout, based on preferences in the # .xscreensaver file. It may load a file, a URL, run a program, or just # print the date. # # In a native MacOS build of xscreensaver, this script is included in # the Contents/Resources/ directory of each screen saver .bundle that # uses it; and in that case, it looks up its resources using # /usr/bin/defaults instead. # # Created: 19-Mar-2005. require 5; #use diagnostics; # Fails on some MacOS 10.5 systems use strict; # Some Linux systems don't install LWP by default! # Only error out if we're actually loading a URL instead of local data. BEGIN { eval 'use LWP::UserAgent;' } use Socket; use POSIX qw(strftime); use Text::Wrap qw(wrap); use bytes; my $progname = $0; $progname =~ s@.*/@@g; my ($version) = ('$Revision: 1.33 $' =~ m/\s(\d[.\d]+)\s/s); my $verbose = 0; my $http_proxy = undef; my $config_file = $ENV{HOME} . "/.xscreensaver"; my $text_mode = 'date'; my $text_literal = ''; my $text_file = ''; my $text_program = ''; my $text_url = 'http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:NewPages&feed=rss'; # Default URL needs to be set and match what's in OSX/XScreenSaverView.m my $wrap_columns = undef; my $truncate_lines = undef; my $nyarlathotep_p = 0; # Maps HTML character entities to the corresponding Latin1 characters. # my %entity_table = ( "quot" => '"', "amp" => '&', "lt" => '<', "gt" => '>', "nbsp" => " ", "iexcl" => "\xA1", "cent" => "\xA2", "pound" => "\xA3", "curren" => "\xA4", "yen" => "\xA5", "brvbar" => "\xA6", "sect" => "\xA7", "uml" => "\xA8", "copy" => "\xA9", "ordf" => "\xAA", "laquo" => "\xAB", "not" => "\xAC", "shy" => "\xAD", "reg" => "\xAE", "macr" => "\xAF", "deg" => "\xB0", "plusmn" => "\xB1", "sup2" => "\xB2", "sup3" => "\xB3", "acute" => "\xB4", "micro" => "\xB5", "para" => "\xB6", "middot" => "\xB7", "cedil" => "\xB8", "sup1" => "\xB9", "ordm" => "\xBA", "raquo" => "\xBB", "frac14" => "\xBC", "frac12" => "\xBD", "frac34" => "\xBE", "iquest" => "\xBF", "Agrave" => "\xC0", "Aacute" => "\xC1", "Acirc" => "\xC2", "Atilde" => "\xC3", "Auml" => "\xC4", "Aring" => "\xC5", "AElig" => "\xC6", "Ccedil" => "\xC7", "Egrave" => "\xC8", "Eacute" => "\xC9", "Ecirc" => "\xCA", "Euml" => "\xCB", "Igrave" => "\xCC", "Iacute" => "\xCD", "Icirc" => "\xCE", "Iuml" => "\xCF", "ETH" => "\xD0", "Ntilde" => "\xD1", "Ograve" => "\xD2", "Oacute" => "\xD3", "Ocirc" => "\xD4", "Otilde" => "\xD5", "Ouml" => "\xD6", "times" => "\xD7", "Oslash" => "\xD8", "Ugrave" => "\xD9", "Uacute" => "\xDA", "Ucirc" => "\xDB", "Uuml" => "\xDC", "Yacute" => "\xDD", "THORN" => "\xDE", "szlig" => "\xDF", "agrave" => "\xE0", "aacute" => "\xE1", "acirc" => "\xE2", "atilde" => "\xE3", "auml" => "\xE4", "aring" => "\xE5", "aelig" => "\xE6", "ccedil" => "\xE7", "egrave" => "\xE8", "eacute" => "\xE9", "ecirc" => "\xEA", "euml" => "\xEB", "igrave" => "\xEC", "iacute" => "\xED", "icirc" => "\xEE", "iuml" => "\xEF", "eth" => "\xF0", "ntilde" => "\xF1", "ograve" => "\xF2", "oacute" => "\xF3", "ocirc" => "\xF4", "otilde" => "\xF5", "ouml" => "\xF6", "divide" => "\xF7", "oslash" => "\xF8", "ugrave" => "\xF9", "uacute" => "\xFA", "ucirc" => "\xFB", "uuml" => "\xFC", "yacute" => "\xFD", "thorn" => "\xFE", "yuml" => "\xFF", "apos" => "\'", # HTML 4 entities that do not have 1:1 Latin1 mappings. "bull" => "*", "hellip"=> "...", "prime" => "'", "Prime" => "\"", "frasl" => "/", "trade" => "[tm]", "larr" => "<-", "rarr" => "->", "harr" => "<->", "lArr" => "<=", "rArr" => "=>", "hArr" => "<=>", "empty" => "\xD8", "minus" => "-", "lowast"=> "*", "sim" => "~", "cong" => "=~", "asymp" => "~", "ne" => "!=", "equiv" => "==", "le" => "<=", "ge" => ">=", "lang" => "<", "rang" => ">", "loz" => "<>", "OElig" => "OE", "oelig" => "oe", "Yuml" => "Y", "circ" => "^", "tilde" => "~", "ensp" => " ", "emsp" => " ", "thinsp"=> " ", "ndash" => "-", "mdash" => "-", "lsquo" => "`", "rsquo" => "'", "sbquo" => "'", "ldquo" => "\"", "rdquo" => "\"", "bdquo" => "\"", "lsaquo"=> "<", "rsaquo"=> ">", ); # Maps certain UTF8 characters (2 or 3 bytes) to the corresponding # Latin1 characters. # my %unicode_latin1_table = ( "\xC2\xA1" => "\xA1", "\xC2\xA2" => "\xA2", "\xC2\xA3" => "\xA3", "\xC2\xA4" => "\xA4", "\xC2\xA5" => "\xA5", "\xC2\xA6" => "\xA6", "\xC2\xA7" => "\xA7", "\xC2\xA8" => "\xA8", "\xC2\xA9" => "\xA9", "\xC2\xAA" => "\xAA", "\xC2\xAB" => "\xAB", "\xC2\xAC" => "\xAC", "\xC2\xAD" => "\xAD", "\xC2\xAE" => "\xAE", "\xC2\xAF" => "\xAF", "\xC2\xB0" => "\xB0", "\xC2\xB1" => "\xB1", "\xC2\xB2" => "\xB2", "\xC2\xB3" => "\xB3", "\xC2\xB4" => "\xB4", "\xC2\xB5" => "\xB5", "\xC2\xB6" => "\xB6", "\xC2\xB7" => "\xB7", "\xC2\xB8" => "\xB8", "\xC2\xB9" => "\xB9", "\xC2\xBA" => "\xBA", "\xC2\xBB" => "\xBB", "\xC2\xBC" => "\xBC", "\xC2\xBD" => "\xBD", "\xC2\xBE" => "\xBE", "\xC2\xBF" => "\xBF", "\xC3\x80" => "\xC0", "\xC3\x81" => "\xC1", "\xC3\x82" => "\xC2", "\xC3\x83" => "\xC3", "\xC3\x84" => "\xC4", "\xC3\x85" => "\xC5", "\xC3\x86" => "\xC6", "\xC3\x87" => "\xC7", "\xC3\x88" => "\xC8", "\xC3\x89" => "\xC9", "\xC3\x8A" => "\xCA", "\xC3\x8B" => "\xCB", "\xC3\x8C" => "\xCC", "\xC3\x8D" => "\xCD", "\xC3\x8E" => "\xCE", "\xC3\x8F" => "\xCF", "\xC3\x90" => "\xD0", "\xC3\x91" => "\xD1", "\xC3\x92" => "\xD2", "\xC3\x93" => "\xD3", "\xC3\x94" => "\xD4", "\xC3\x95" => "\xD5", "\xC3\x96" => "\xD6", "\xC3\x97" => "\xD7", "\xC3\x98" => "\xD8", "\xC3\x99" => "\xD9", "\xC3\x9A" => "\xDA", "\xC3\x9B" => "\xDB", "\xC3\x9C" => "\xDC", "\xC3\x9D" => "\xDD", "\xC3\x9E" => "\xDE", "\xC3\x9F" => "\xDF", "\xC3\xA0" => "\xE0", "\xC3\xA1" => "\xE1", "\xC3\xA2" => "\xE2", "\xC3\xA3" => "\xE3", "\xC3\xA4" => "\xE4", "\xC3\xA5" => "\xE5", "\xC3\xA6" => "\xE6", "\xC3\xA7" => "\xE7", "\xC3\xA8" => "\xE8", "\xC3\xA9" => "\xE9", "\xC3\xAA" => "\xEA", "\xC3\xAB" => "\xEB", "\xC3\xAC" => "\xEC", "\xC3\xAD" => "\xED", "\xC3\xAE" => "\xEE", "\xC3\xAF" => "\xEF", "\xC3\xB0" => "\xF0", "\xC3\xB1" => "\xF1", "\xC3\xB2" => "\xF2", "\xC3\xB3" => "\xF3", "\xC3\xB4" => "\xF4", "\xC3\xB5" => "\xF5", "\xC3\xB6" => "\xF6", "\xC3\xB7" => "\xF7", "\xC3\xB8" => "\xF8", "\xC3\xB9" => "\xF9", "\xC3\xBA" => "\xFA", "\xC3\xBB" => "\xFB", "\xC3\xBC" => "\xFC", "\xC3\xBD" => "\xFD", "\xC3\xBE" => "\xFE", "\xC3\xBF" => "\xFF", "\xE2\x80\x93" => '--', "\xE2\x80\x94" => '--', "\xE2\x80\x98" => '`', "\xE2\x80\x99" => '\'', "\xE2\x80\x9C" => "``", "\xE2\x80\x9D" => "''", "\xE2\x80\xB2" => "'", "\xE2\x80\xA6" => '...', "\xE2\x86\x90" => ' ← ', "\xE2\x84\xA2" => '™', "\xE2\x80\xA2" => '•', "\xC2\xA0" => ' ', #   ); # Convert any HTML entities to Latin1 characters. # sub de_entify($) { my ($text) = @_; $text =~ s/(&(\#)?([[:alpha:]\d]+);?)/ { my $c = $3; if (! defined($2)) { $c = $entity_table{$c}; # for Á } else { if ($c =~ m@^x([\dA-F]+)$@si) { # for A $c = chr(hex($1)); } elsif ($c =~ m@^\d+$@si) { # for A $c = chr($c); } else { $c = undef; } } ($c || "[$3]"); # for &unknown; => "[unknown]" } /gexi; return $text; } # Convert any Unicode characters to Latin1 if possible. # Unconvertable bytes are left alone. # sub de_unicoddle($) { my ($text) = @_; foreach my $key (sort { length($b) <=> length($a) } keys (%unicode_latin1_table)) { my $val = $unicode_latin1_table{$key}; $text =~ s/$key/$val/gs; } return $text; } # Reads the prefs we use from ~/.xscreensaver # sub get_x11_prefs() { my $got_any_p = 0; if (open (my $in, '<', $config_file)) { print STDERR "$progname: reading $config_file\n" if ($verbose > 1); local $/ = undef; # read entire file my $body = <$in>; close $in; $got_any_p = get_x11_prefs_1 ($body); } elsif ($verbose > 1) { print STDERR "$progname: $config_file: $!\n"; } if (! $got_any_p && defined ($ENV{DISPLAY})) { # We weren't able to read settings from the .xscreensaver file. # Fall back to any settings in the X resource database # (/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults/XScreenSaver) # print STDERR "$progname: reading X resources\n" if ($verbose > 1); my $body = `appres XScreenSaver xscreensaver -1`; $got_any_p = get_x11_prefs_1 ($body); } if ($verbose > 1) { print STDERR "$progname: mode: $text_mode\n"; print STDERR "$progname: literal: $text_literal\n"; print STDERR "$progname: file: $text_file\n"; print STDERR "$progname: program: $text_program\n"; print STDERR "$progname: url: $text_url\n"; } $text_mode =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $text_literal =~ s@\\n@\n@gs; $text_literal =~ s@\\\n@\n@gs; } sub get_x11_prefs_1($) { my ($body) = @_; my $got_any_p = 0; $body =~ s@\\\n@@gs; if ($body =~ m/^[.*]*textMode:[ \t]*([^\s]+)\s*$/im) { $text_mode = $1; $got_any_p = 1; } if ($body =~ m/^[.*]*textLiteral:[ \t]*(.*?)[ \t]*$/im) { $text_literal = $1; } if ($body =~ m/^[.*]*textFile:[ \t]*(.*?)[ \t]*$/im) { $text_file = $1; } if ($body =~ m/^[.*]*textProgram:[ \t]*(.*?)[ \t]*$/im) { $text_program = $1; } if ($body =~ m/^[.*]*textURL:[ \t]*(.*?)[ \t]*$/im) { $text_url = $1; } return $got_any_p; } sub get_cocoa_prefs($) { my ($id) = @_; my $v; print STDERR "$progname: reading Cocoa prefs: \"$id\"\n" if ($verbose > 1); $v = get_cocoa_pref_1 ($id, "textMode"); $text_mode = $v if defined ($v); # The "textMode" pref is set to a number instead of a string because I # can't figure out the black magic to make Cocoa bindings work right. # if ($text_mode eq '0') { $text_mode = 'date'; } elsif ($text_mode eq '1') { $text_mode = 'literal'; } elsif ($text_mode eq '2') { $text_mode = 'file'; } elsif ($text_mode eq '3') { $text_mode = 'url'; } elsif ($text_mode eq '4') { $text_mode = 'program'; } $v = get_cocoa_pref_1 ($id, "textLiteral"); $text_literal = $v if defined ($v); $text_literal =~ s@\\n@\n@gs; $text_literal =~ s@\\\n@\n@gs; $v = get_cocoa_pref_1 ($id, "textFile"); $text_file = $v if defined ($v); $v = get_cocoa_pref_1 ($id, "textProgram"); $text_program = $v if defined ($v); $v = get_cocoa_pref_1 ($id, "textURL"); $text_url = $v if defined ($v); } sub get_cocoa_pref_1($$) { my ($id, $key) = @_; # make sure there's nothing stupid/malicious in either string. $id =~ s/[^-a-z\d. ]/_/gsi; $key =~ s/[^-a-z\d. ]/_/gsi; my $cmd = "defaults -currentHost read \"$id\" \"$key\""; print STDERR "$progname: executing $cmd\n" if ($verbose > 3); my $val = `$cmd 2>/dev/null`; $val =~ s/^\s+//s; $val =~ s/\s+$//s; print STDERR "$progname: Cocoa: $id $key = \"$val\"\n" if ($verbose > 2); $val = undef if ($val =~ m/^$/s); return $val; } # like system() but checks errors. # sub safe_system(@) { my (@cmd) = @_; print STDERR "$progname: executing " . join(' ', @cmd) . "\n" if ($verbose > 3); system @cmd; my $exit_value = $? >> 8; my $signal_num = $? & 127; my $dumped_core = $? & 128; error ("$cmd[0]: core dumped!") if ($dumped_core); error ("$cmd[0]: signal $signal_num!") if ($signal_num); error ("$cmd[0]: exited with $exit_value!") if ($exit_value); } sub which($) { my ($cmd) = @_; if ($cmd =~ m@^\./|^/@) { error ("cannot execute $cmd") unless (-x $cmd); return $cmd; } foreach my $dir (split (/:/, $ENV{PATH})) { my $cmd2 = "$dir/$cmd"; print STDERR "$progname: checking $cmd2\n" if ($verbose > 3); return $cmd2 if (-x "$cmd2"); } error ("$cmd not found on \$PATH"); } sub output() { # Do some basic sanity checking (null text, null file names, etc.) # if (($text_mode eq 'literal' && $text_literal =~ m/^\s*$/i) || ($text_mode eq 'file' && $text_file =~ m/^\s*$/i) || ($text_mode eq 'program' && $text_program =~ m/^\s*$/i) || ($text_mode eq 'url' && $text_url =~ m/^\s*$/i)) { print STDERR "$progname: falling back to 'date'\n" if ($verbose); $text_mode = 'date'; } if ($text_mode eq 'literal') { $text_literal = strftime ($text_literal, localtime); $text_literal =~ y/A-Za-z/N-ZA-Mn-za-m/ if ($nyarlathotep_p); print STDOUT $text_literal; print STDOUT "\n" unless ($text_literal =~ m/\n$/s); } elsif ($text_mode eq 'file') { $text_file =~ s@^~/@$ENV{HOME}/@s; # allow literal "~/" if (open (my $in, '<', $text_file)) { print STDERR "$progname: reading $text_file\n" if ($verbose); if (($wrap_columns && $wrap_columns > 0) || $truncate_lines) { # read it, then reformat it. local $/ = undef; # read entire file my $body = <$in>; $body = reformat_text ($body); print STDOUT $body; } else { # stream it by lines while (<$in>) { y/A-Za-z/N-ZA-Mn-za-m/ if ($nyarlathotep_p); print STDOUT $_; } } close $in; } else { error ("$text_file: $!"); } } elsif ($text_mode eq 'program') { my ($prog, $args) = ($text_program =~ m/^([^\s]+)(.*)$/); $text_program = which ($prog) . $args; print STDERR "$progname: running $text_program\n" if ($verbose); if (($wrap_columns && $wrap_columns > 0) || $truncate_lines) { # read it, then reformat it. my $lines = 0; my $body = ""; my $cmd = "( $text_program ) 2>&1"; # $cmd .= " | sed -l"; # line buffer instead of 4k pipe buffer open (my $pipe, '-|:unix', $cmd); while (my $line = <$pipe>) { $body .= $line; $lines++; last if ($truncate_lines && $lines > $truncate_lines); } close $pipe; $body = reformat_text ($body); print STDOUT $body; } else { # stream it safe_system ("$text_program"); } } elsif ($text_mode eq 'url') { get_url_text ($text_url); } else { # $text_mode eq 'date' my $n = `uname -n`; $n =~ s/\.local\n/\n/s; print $n; my $unamep = 1; if (-f "/etc/redhat-release") { # "Fedora Core release 4 (Stentz)" safe_system ("cat", "/etc/redhat-release"); } if (-f "/etc/release") { # "Solaris 10 3/05 s10_74L2a X86" safe_system ("head", "-1", "/etc/release"); } if (-f "/usr/sbin/system_profiler") { # "Mac OS X 10.4.5 (8H14)" my $sp = # "iMac G5" `/usr/sbin/system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType SPHardwareDataType`; my ($v) = ($sp =~ m/^\s*System Version:\s*(.*)$/mi); my ($s) = ($sp =~ m/^\s*(?:CPU|Processor) Speed:\s*(.*)$/mi); my ($t) = ($sp =~ m/^\s*(?:Machine|Model) Name:\s*(.*)$/mi); print "$v\n" if ($v); print "$s $t\n" if ($s && $t); $unamep = !defined ($v); } if ($unamep) { safe_system ("uname", "-sr"); # "Linux 2.6.15-1.1831_FC4" } print "\n"; safe_system ("date", "+%c"); print "\n"; my $ut = `uptime`; $ut =~ s/^[ \d:]*(am|pm)?//i; $ut =~ s/,\s*(load)/\n$1/; print "$ut\n"; } } # Make an educated guess as to what's in this document. # We don't necessarily take the Content-Type header at face value. # Returns 'html', 'rss', or 'text'; # sub guess_content_type($$) { my ($ct, $body) = @_; $body =~ s/^(.{512}).*/$1/s; # only look in first half K of file if ($ct =~ m@^text/.*html@i) { return 'html'; } if ($ct =~ m@\b(atom|rss|xml)\b@i) { return 'rss'; } if ($body =~ m@^\s*<\?xml@is) { return 'rss'; } if ($body =~ m@^\s*]*>\s*)(.*?)(/gs; $a . $b . $c; }@gsexi; } if (! $rss_p) { # In HTML, unfold lines. # In RSS, assume \n means literal line break. s@[\r\n]@ @gsi; } s@@@gsi; # lose comments s@<(STYLE|SCRIPT)\b[^<>]*>.*?@@gsi; # lose css and js s@]*>@\n@gsi; # line break at BR, TD, DIV, etc s@]*>@\n\n@gsi; # two line breaks s@\"]+)\"?[^<>]*>?@$1@gsi; # handle s@@*@gsi; # bold, italic => asterisks s@<[^<>]*>?@@gs; # lose all other HTML tags $_ = de_entify ($_); # convert HTML entities # For Wikipedia: delete anything inside {{ }} and unwrap [[tags]], # among other things. # if ($rss_p eq 'wiki') { # Creation line is often truncated: screws up parsing with unbalanced {{. s@(: +<- +Created page) with [^\n]+@$1@s; s@/\*.*?\*/@@si; # /* ... */ # Try to omit all tables, since they're impossible to read as text. # 1 while (s/{{[^{}]*}}/ /gs); # {{ ... }} 1 while (s/{\|.*?\|}/\n\n/gs); # {| ... |} 1 while (s/\|-.*?\|/ /gs); # |- ... | (table cell) # Convert anchors to something more readable. # s/\[\[([^\[\]\|]+)\|([^\[\]]+)\]\]/$2/gs; # [[link|anchor]] s/\[\[([^:\[\]\|]+)\]\]/$1/gs; # [[anchor]] s/\[https?:[^\[\]\s]+\s+([^\[\]]+)\]/$1/gs; # [url anchor] # Convert all references to asterisks. s@\s*\s*.*?@*@gs; # ... -> "*" s@\n[ \t]*\d+\s*\^\s*http[^\s]+[ \t]*\n@\n@gs; # 1 ^ URL (a Reflist) s@\[\[File:([^\|\]]+).*?\]\]@\n$1\n@gs; # [[File: X | ... ]] s@\[\[Category:.*?\]\]@@gs; # omit categories s/<[^<>]*>//gs; # Omit all remaining tags s/\'{3,}//gs; # Omit ''' and '''' s/\'\'/\"/gs; # '' -> " s/\`\`/\"/gs; # `` -> " s/\"\"+/\"/gs; # "" -> " s/^[ \t]*[*#]+[ \t]*$//gm; # Omit lines with just * or # on them # Omit trailing headlines with no text after them (e.g. == Notes ==) 1 while (s/\n==+[ \t]*[^\n=]+[ \t]*==+\s*$/\n/s); } # elide any remaining non-Latin1 binary data... s/([^\000-\176]+(\s*[^\000-\176]+)[^a-z\d]*)/\xAB...\xBB /g; # s/([^\000-\176]+(\s*[^\000-\176]+)[^a-z\d]*)/\xAB$1\xBB /g; $_ .= "\n"; s/[ \t]+$//gm; # lose whitespace at end of line s@\n\n\n+@\n\n@gs; # compress blank lines if (!defined($wrap_columns) || $wrap_columns > 0) { $Text::Wrap::columns = ($wrap_columns || 72); $Text::Wrap::break = '[\s/|]'; # wrap on slashes for URLs $_ = wrap ("", " ", $_); # wrap the lines as a paragraph s/[ \t]+$//gm; # lose whitespace at end of line again } s/^\n+//gs; if ($truncate_lines) { s/^(([^\n]*\n){$truncate_lines}).*$/$1/s; } y/A-Za-z/N-ZA-Mn-za-m/ if ($nyarlathotep_p); return $_; } sub reformat_rss($) { my ($body) = @_; my $wiki_p = ($body =~ m@[^<>]*Wiki@si); $body =~ s/(<(ITEM|ENTRY)\b)/\001\001$1/gsi; my @items = split (/\001\001/, $body); print STDERR "$progname: converting RSS ($#items items)...\n" if ($verbose > 2); shift @items; # Let's skip forward in the stream by a random amount, so that if # two copies of ljlatest are running at the same time (e.g., on a # multi-headed machine), they get different text. (Put the items # that we take off the front back on the back.) # if ($#items > 7) { my $n = int (rand ($#items - 5)); print STDERR "$progname: rotating by $n items...\n" if ($verbose > 2); while ($n-- > 0) { push @items, (shift @items); } } my $out = ''; my $i = -1; foreach (@items) { $i++; my ($title, $body1, $body2, $body3); $title = $3 if (m@<((TITLE) [^<>\s]*)[^<>]*>\s*(.*?)\s*@xsi); $body1 = $3 if (m@<((DESCRIPTION) [^<>\s]*)[^<>]*>\s*(.*?)\s*@xsi); $body2 = $3 if (m@<((CONTENT) [^<>\s]*)[^<>]*>\s*(.*?)\s*@xsi); $body3 = $3 if (m@<((SUMMARY) [^<>\s]*)[^<>]*>\s*(.*?)\s*@xsi); # If there are both and or , # use whichever one contains more text. # if ($body3 && length($body3) >= length($body2 || '')) { $body2 = $body3; } if ($body2 && length($body2) >= length($body1 || '')) { $body1 = $body2; } if (! $body1) { if ($title) { print STDERR "$progname: no body in item $i (\"$title\")\n" if ($verbose > 2); } else { print STDERR "$progname: no body or title in item $i\n" if ($verbose > 2); next; } } $title = rss_field_to_html ($title || ''); $body1 = rss_field_to_html ($body1 || ''); $title = '' if ($body1 eq $title); # Identical in Twitter's atom feed. $out .= reformat_html ("$title

$body1", $wiki_p ? 'wiki' : 'rss'); $out .= "\n"; } if ($truncate_lines) { $out =~ s/^(([^\n]*\n){$truncate_lines}).*$/$1/s; } return $out; } sub rss_field_to_html($) { my ($body) = @_; # If is present, everything inside that is HTML, # and not double-encoded. # if ($body =~ m/^\s* 0) { print STDERR "$progname: wrapping at $wrap_columns...\n" if ($verbose > 2); $Text::Wrap::columns = $wrap_columns; $Text::Wrap::break = '[\s/]'; # wrap on slashes for URLs $body = wrap ("", "", $body); $body =~ s/[ \t]+$//gm; } if ($truncate_lines) { $body =~ s/^(([^\n]*\n){$truncate_lines}).*$/$1/s; } $body =~ y/A-Za-z/N-ZA-Mn-za-m/ if ($nyarlathotep_p); return $body; } # Figure out what the proxy server should be, either from environment # variables or by parsing the output of the (MacOS) program "scutil", # which tells us what the system-wide proxy settings are. # sub set_proxy($) { my ($ua) = @_; if (!defined($ENV{http_proxy}) && !defined($ENV{HTTP_PROXY})) { my $proxy_data = `scutil --proxy 2>/dev/null`; my ($server) = ($proxy_data =~ m/\bHTTPProxy\s*:\s*([^\s]+)/s); my ($port) = ($proxy_data =~ m/\bHTTPPort\s*:\s*([^\s]+)/s); if ($server) { # Note: this ignores the "ExceptionsList". $ENV{http_proxy} = "http://" . $server . ($port ? ":$port" : "") . "/"; print STDERR "$progname: MacOS proxy: $ENV{http_proxy}\n" if ($verbose > 2) } } $ua->env_proxy(); } sub get_url_text($) { my ($url) = @_; my $ua = eval 'LWP::UserAgent->new'; if (! $ua) { print STDOUT ("\n\tPerl is broken. Do this to repair it:\n" . "\n\tsudo cpan LWP::UserAgent\n\n"); return; } set_proxy ($ua); $ua->agent ("$progname/$version"); my $res = $ua->get ($url); my $body; my $ct; if ($res && $res->is_success) { $body = $res->decoded_content || ''; $ct = $res->header ('Content-Type') || 'text/plain'; } else { my $err = ($res ? $res->status_line : '') || ''; $err = 'unknown error' unless $err; $err = "$url: $err"; # error ($err); $body = "Error loading URL $err\n\n"; $ct = 'text/plain'; } $ct = guess_content_type ($ct, $body); if ($ct eq 'html') { print STDERR "$progname: converting HTML...\n" if ($verbose > 2); $body = reformat_html ($body, 0); } elsif ($ct eq 'rss') { $body = reformat_rss ($body); } else { print STDERR "$progname: plain text...\n" if ($verbose > 2); $body = reformat_text ($body); } print STDOUT $body; } sub error($) { my ($err) = @_; print STDERR "$progname: $err\n"; exit 1; } sub usage() { print STDERR "usage: $progname [ --options ... ]\n" . ("\n" . " Prints out some text for use by various screensavers,\n" . " according to the options in the ~/.xscreensaver file.\n" . " This may dump the contents of a file, run a program,\n" . " or load a URL.\n". "\n" . " Options:\n" . "\n" . " --date Print the host name and current time.\n" . "\n" . " --text STRING Print out the given text. It may contain %\n" . " escape sequences as per strftime(2).\n" . "\n" . " --file PATH Print the contents of the given file.\n" . " If --cols is specified, re-wrap the lines;\n" . " otherwise, print them as-is.\n" . "\n" . " --program CMD Run the given program and print its output.\n" . " If --cols is specified, re-wrap the output.\n" . "\n" . " --url HTTP-URL Download and print the contents of the HTTP\n" . " document. If it contains HTML, RSS, or Atom,\n" . " it will be converted to plain-text.\n" . "\n" . " --cols N Wrap lines at this column. Default 72.\n" . "\n" . " --lines N No more than N lines of output.\n" . "\n"); exit 1; } sub main() { my $load_p = 1; my $cocoa_id = undef; while ($#ARGV >= 0) { $_ = shift @ARGV; if ($_ eq "--verbose") { $verbose++; } elsif (m/^-v+$/) { $verbose += length($_)-1; } elsif (m/^--?date$/) { $text_mode = 'date'; $load_p = 0; } elsif (m/^--?text$/) { $text_mode = 'literal'; $text_literal = shift @ARGV || ''; $load_p = 0; } elsif (m/^--?file$/) { $text_mode = 'file'; $text_file = shift @ARGV || ''; $load_p = 0; } elsif (m/^--?program$/) { $text_mode = 'program'; $text_program = shift @ARGV || ''; $load_p = 0; } elsif (m/^--?url$/) { $text_mode = 'url'; $text_url = shift @ARGV || ''; $load_p = 0; } elsif (m/^--?col(umn)?s?$/) { $wrap_columns = 0 + shift @ARGV; } elsif (m/^--?lines?$/) { $truncate_lines = 0 + shift @ARGV; } elsif (m/^--?cocoa$/) { $cocoa_id = shift @ARGV; } elsif (m/^--?nyarlathotep$/) { $nyarlathotep_p++; } elsif (m/^-./) { usage; } else { usage; } } if ($load_p) { if (!defined ($cocoa_id)) { # see OSX/XScreenSaverView.m $cocoa_id = $ENV{XSCREENSAVER_CLASSPATH}; } if (defined ($cocoa_id)) { get_cocoa_prefs($cocoa_id); } else { get_x11_prefs(); } } output(); if (defined ($cocoa_id)) { # # On MacOS, sleep for 10 seconds between when the last output is # printed, and when this process exits. This is because MacOS # 10.5.0 and later broke ptys in a new and exciting way: basically, # once the process at the end of the pty exits, you have exactly # 1 second to read all the queued data off the pipe before it is # summarily flushed. # # Many of the screen savers were written to depend on being able # to read a small number of bytes, and continue reading until they # reached EOF. This is no longer possible. # # Note that the current MacOS behavior has all four of these # awesome properties: 1) Inconvenient; 2) Has no sane workaround; # 3) Different behavior than MacOS 10.1 through 10.4; and 4) # Different behavior than every other Unix in the world. # # See http://jwz.org/b/DHke, and for those of you inside Apple, # "Problem ID 5606018". # # One workaround would be to rewrite the savers to have an # internal buffer, and always read as much data as possible as # soon as a pipe has input available. However, that's a lot more # work, so instead, let's just not exit right away, and hope that # 10 seconds is enough. # # This will solve the problem for invocations of xscreensaver-text # that produce little output (e.g., date-mode); and won't solve it # in cases where a large amount of text is generated in a short # amount of time (e.g., url-mode.) # sleep (10); } } main(); exit 0;