#!/usr/local/bin/perl5 -w # # webcollage, Copyright (c) 1999 by Jamie Zawinski # This program decorates the screen with random images from the web. # One satisfied customer described it as "a nonstop pop culture brainbath." # # Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its # documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that # the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting # documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this # software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or # implied warranty. # To run this as a display mode with xscreensaver, add this to `programs': # # default-n: webcollage -root \n\ # default-n: webcollage -root -filter 'vidwhacker -stdin -stdout' \n\ # # To run this as a CGI program on a web site, do this (these instructions # work with Apache 1.3 or newer): # # 1: Place this program in your document directory, named "webcollage". # The name shouldn't end in .cgi or .html, since this CGI behaves like # a directory. # 2: Make it world-readable and world-executable. # 3: Create a ".htaccess" file in the same directory containing these lines: # # SetHandler cgi-script # # 4: Create these files in the same directory, world-writable, zero-length: # collage.ppm # collage.tmp # collage.jpg # collage.pending # collage.map # # Now the CGI is ready to go. my $copyright = "WebCollage, Copyright (c) 1999" . " Jamie Zawinski \n" . " http://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/\n"; my $argv0 = $0; my $progname = $argv0; $progname =~ s@.*/@@g; my $version = q{ $Revision: 1.7 $ }; $version =~ s/^[^0-9]+([0-9.]+).*$/$1/; use Socket; require Time::Local; require POSIX; use Fcntl ':flock'; # import LOCK_* constants # CGI Parameters my $data_dir = ""; # if you want the following files to go in # some directory below ".", name it here. my $image_ppm = "${data_dir}collage.ppm"; # names of the various data files. my $image_tmp = "${data_dir}collage.tmp"; my $image_jpg = "${data_dir}collage.jpg"; my $pending_file = "${data_dir}collage.pending"; my $map_file = "${data_dir}collage.map"; my $url_generation_time = 60; # total time to spend getting URLs. my $image_retrieval_time = 60; # maximum time to spend loading all images. my $max_map_entries = 100; # how many lines to save in $map_file. my $pastes_per_load = 3; # how many images to try and paste each time. my $max_age = 5 * 60; # minutes before it is considered stale. my $scale = 1.0; # client-side image expansion. my $img_width = 800; # size of the image being generated. my $img_height = 600; my @all_files = ($image_ppm, $image_tmp, $image_jpg, $pending_file, $map_file); my $script_date; # Other Parameters my $random_redirector = "http://random.yahoo.com/bin/ryl"; my $image_randomizer_a = "http://image.altavista.com/"; my $image_randomizer = $image_randomizer_a . "cgi-bin/avncgi" . "?do=3&verb=no&oshape=n&oorder=" . "&ophoto=1&oart=1&ocolor=1&obw=1" . "&stype=simage&oprem=0&query="; my $http_timeout = 30; my $ppm_to_root_window_cmd = "xv -root -rmode 5 -viewonly" . " +noresetroot %%PPM%% -quit"; my $filter_cmd = undef; my $post_filter_cmd = undef; my $background = undef; my $no_output_p = 0; my $urls_only_p = 0; my $delay = 0; my $wordlist = "/usr/dict/words"; if (!-r $wordlist) { $wordlist = "/usr/share/lib/dict/words"; # irix } my $min_width = 50; my $min_height = 50; my $min_ratio = 1/5; my $DEBUG = 0; ############################################################################## # # Retrieving URLs # ############################################################################## # returns three values: the HTTP response line; the document headers; # and the document body. # sub get_document_1 { my ( $url, $referer, $timeout ) = @_; if (!defined($timeout)) { $timeout = $http_timeout; } if ($timeout <= 0) { return undef; } if ($timeout > $http_timeout) { $timeout = $http_timeout; } if ( $DEBUG > 3 ) { print STDERR "get_document_1 $url " . ($referer ? $referer : "") . "\n"; } my($url_proto, $dummy, $serverstring, $path) = split(/\//, $url, 4); if (! ($url_proto && $url_proto =~ m/^http:$/i)) { if ($DEBUG) { print STDERR "not an HTTP URL: $url\n"; } return undef; } my($them,$port) = split(/:/, $serverstring); $port = 80 unless $port; my $size=""; my ($remote, $iaddr, $paddr, $proto, $line); $remote = $them; if ($port =~ /\D/) { $port = getservbyname($port, 'tcp') } return unless $port; $iaddr = inet_aton($remote) || return; $paddr = sockaddr_in($port, $iaddr); @_ = eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { if ($DEBUG > 0) { print STDERR "timed out ($timeout) for $url\n"; } die "alarm\n" }; alarm $timeout; $proto = getprotobyname('tcp'); socket(S, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || return; connect(S, $paddr) || return; select(S); $| = 1; select(STDOUT); print S ("GET /$path HTTP/1.0\n" . "Host: $them\n" . "User-Agent: $progname/$version\n" . ($referer ? "Referer: $referer\n" : "") . "\n"); my $http = ; my $head = ""; my $body = ""; while () { $head .= $_; last if m@^[\r\n]@; } while () { $body .= $_; } close S; return ( $http, $head, $body ); }; die if ($@ && $@ ne "alarm\n"); # propagate errors if ($@) { # timed out return undef; } else { # didn't alarm 0; return @_; } } # returns two values: the document headers; and the document body. # if the given URL did a redirect, returns the redirected-to document. # sub get_document { my ( $url, $referer, $timeout ) = @_; my $start = time; do { if (defined($timeout) && $timeout <= 0) { return undef; } my ( $http, $head, $body ) = get_document_1 ($url, $referer, $timeout); if (defined ($timeout)) { my $now = time; my $elapsed = $now - $start; $timeout -= $elapsed; $start = $now; } return undef if ( ! $body ); if ( $http =~ m@HTTP/[0-9.]+ 30[23]@ ) { $_ = $head; my ( $location ) = m@^location:[ \t]*(.*)$@im; if ( $location ) { if ( $DEBUG > 3 ) { print STDERR "redirect from $url to $location\n"; } $referer = $url; $url = $location; } else { return ( $url, $body ); } } elsif ( $http =~ m@HTTP/[0-9.]+ [4-9][0-9][0-9]@ ) { # http errors -- return nothing. return undef; } else { return ( $url, $body ); } } while (1); } # given a URL and the body text at that URL, selects and returns a random # image from it. returns undef if no suitable images found. # sub pick_image_from_body { my ( $base, $body ) = @_; $_ = $base; # if there's at least one slash after the host, take off the last # pathname component if ( m@^http://[^/]+/@io ) { ( $base = $base ) =~ s@[^/]+$@@go; } # if there are no slashes after the host at all, put one on the end. if ( m@^http://[^/]+$@io ) { $base .= "/"; } if ( $DEBUG > 3 ) { print STDERR "base is $base\n"; } $_ = $body; # strip out newlines, compress whitespace s/[\r\n\t ]+/ /go; # nuke comments s///go; my @urls; my %unique_urls; foreach (split(/ *\"]/io ) { my $was_inline = ( "$1" eq "a" || "$1" eq "A" ); my $link = $3; my ( $width ) = m/width ?=[ \"]*([0-9]+)/oi; my ( $height ) = m/height ?=[ \"]*([0-9]+)/oi; $_ = $link; if ( m@^/@o ) { my $site; ( $site = $base ) =~ s@^(http://[^/]*).*@$1@gio; $_ = "$site$link"; } elsif ( ! m@^[^/:?]+:@ ) { $_ = "$base$link"; s@/\./@/@g; while (s@/\.\./@/@g) { } } # skip non-http if ( ! m@^http://@io ) { next; } # skip non-image if ( ! m@[.](gif|jpg|jpeg|pjpg|pjpeg)$@io ) { next; } # # skip GIF? # if ( m@[.](gif)@io ) { ## if ( $DEBUG > 2 ) { print STDERR "skip GIF $_\n"; } # next; # } # skip really short or really narrow images if ( $width && $width < $min_width) { if ( $DEBUG > 2 ) { if (!$height) { $height = "?"; } print STDERR "skip narrow image $_ ($width x $height)\n"; } next; } if ( $height && $height < $min_height) { if ( $DEBUG > 2 ) { if (!$width) { $width = "?"; } print STDERR "skip short image $_ ($width x $height)\n"; } next; } # skip images with ratios that make them look like banners. if ( $min_ratio && $width && $height && ($width * $min_ratio ) > $height ) { if ( $DEBUG > 2 ) { if (!$height) { $height = "?"; } print STDERR "skip bad ratio $_ ($width x $height)\n"; } next; } my $url = $_; if ( $unique_urls{$url} ) { if ( $DEBUG > 2 ) { print STDERR "skip duplicate image $_\n"; } next; } if ( $DEBUG > 2 ) { print STDERR "got $url" . ($width && $height ? " (${width}x${height})" : "") . ($was_inline ? " (inline)" : "") . "\n"; } $urls[++$#urls] = $url; $unique_urls{$url}++; # jpegs are preferable to gifs. $_ = $url; if ( ! m@[.]gif$@io ) { $urls[++$#urls] = $url; } # pointers to images are preferable to inlined images. if ( ! $was_inline ) { $urls[++$#urls] = $url; $urls[++$#urls] = $url; } } } if ( $#urls == 0 ) { if ( $DEBUG > 2 ) { print STDERR "no images on $base\n"; } return undef; } return undef if ( $#urls < 1 ); # pick a random element of the table my $i = ((rand() * 99999) % $#urls); my $url = $urls[$i]; if ( $DEBUG > 2 ) { print STDERR "picked $url\n"; } return $url; } # Using the URL-randomizer, picks a random image on a random page, and # returns two URLs: the page containing the image, and the image. # Returns undef if nothing found this time. # sub pick_from_url_randomizer { my ( $timeout ) = @_; if ( $DEBUG > 3 ) { print STDERR "\n\npicking from $random_redirector...\n\n"; } my ( $base, $body ) = get_document ($random_redirector, undef, $timeout); return if (!$base || !$body); my $img = pick_image_from_body ($base, $body); if ($img) { return ($base, $img); } else { return undef; } } sub random_word { my $word = 0; if (open (IN, "<$wordlist")) { my $size = (stat(IN))[7]; my $pos = rand $size; if (seek (IN, $pos, 0)) { $word = ; # toss partial line $word = ; # keep next line } close (IN); } return 0 if (!$word); $word =~ s/^[ \t\n\r]+//; $word =~ s/[ \t\n\r]+$//; $word =~ s/ys$/y/; $word =~ s/ally$//; $word =~ s/ly$//; $word =~ s/ies$/y/; $word =~ s/ally$/al/; $word =~ s/izes$/ize/; $word =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; return $word; } # Using the image-randomizer, picks a random image on a random page, and # returns two URLs: the page containing the image, and the image. # Returns undef if nothing found this time. # sub pick_from_image_randomizer { my ( $timeout ) = @_; my $words = random_word; $words .= "%20" . random_word; $words .= "%20" . random_word; $words .= "%20" . random_word; $words .= "%20" . random_word; my $search_url = $image_randomizer . $words; if ( $DEBUG > 3 ) { $_ = $words; s/%20/ /g; print STDERR "search words: $_\n"; } if ( $DEBUG > 3 ) { print STDERR "\n\npicking from $search_url\n"; } my $start = time; my ( $base, $body ) = get_document ($search_url, undef, $timeout); if (defined ($timeout)) { $timeout -= (time - $start); return undef if ($timeout <= 0); } return undef if (! $body); my @subpages; my $skipped = 0; $_ = $body; s/(]+)> 3 ) { print STDERR "skipping corbis URL: $_\n"; } next; } elsif ( $DEBUG > 3 ) { print STDERR "sub-page: $1\n"; } $subpages[++$#subpages] = $u; } } if ( $#subpages <= 0 ) { if (!$skipped) { print STDERR "Found nothing on $base\n"; } return undef; } # pick a random element of the table my $i = ((rand() * 99999) % $#subpages); my $subpage = $subpages[$i]; if ( $DEBUG > 3 ) { print STDERR "picked page $subpage\n"; } my ( $base2, $body2 ) = get_document ($subpage, $base, $timeout); return undef if (!$base2 || !body2); my $img = pick_image_from_body ($base2, $body2); if ($img) { return ($base2, $img); } else { return undef; } } # Picks a random image on a random page, and returns two URLs: # the page containing the image, and the image. # Returns undef if nothing found this time. # Uses the url-randomizer 1 time in 5, else the image randomizer. # sub pick_image { my ( $timeout ) = @_; if (int(rand 5) == 0) { return pick_from_url_randomizer ($timeout); } else { return pick_from_image_randomizer ($timeout); } } # Given the raw body of a GIF document, returns the dimensions of the image. # sub gif_size { my ($body) = @_; my $type = substr($body, 0, 6); my $s; return undef unless ($type =~ /GIF8[7,9]a/); $s = substr ($body, 6, 10); my ($a,$b,$c,$d) = unpack ("C"x4, $s); return (($b<<8|$a), ($d<<8|$c)); } # Given the raw body of a JPEG document, returns the dimensions of the image. # sub jpeg_size { my ($body) = @_; my $i = 0; my $L = length($body); $c1 = substr($body, $i, 1); $i++; $c2 = substr($body, $i, 1); $i++; return undef unless (ord($c1) == 0xFF && ord($c2) == 0xD8); my $ch = "0"; while (ord($ch) != 0xDA && $i < $L) { # Find next marker, beginning with 0xFF. while (ord($ch) != 0xFF) { $ch = substr($body, $i, 1); $i++; } # markers can be padded with any number of 0xFF. while (ord($ch) == 0xFF) { $ch = substr($body, $i, 1); $i++; } # $ch contains the value of the marker. my $marker = ord($ch); if (($marker >= 0xC0) && ($marker <= 0xCF) && ($marker != 0xC4) && ($marker != 0xCC)) { # it's a SOFn marker $i += 3; my $s = substr($body, $i, 4); $i += 4; my ($a,$b,$c,$d) = unpack("C"x4, $s); return (($c<<8|$d), ($a<<8|$b)); } else { # We must skip variables, since FFs in variable names aren't # valid JPEG markers. my $s = substr($body, $i, 2); $i += 2; my ($c1, $c2) = unpack ("C"x2, $s); my $length = ($c1 << 8) | $c2; return undef if ($length < 2); $i += $length-2; } } return undef; } # Given the raw body of a GIF or JPEG document, returns the dimensions of # the image. # sub image_size { my ($body) = @_; my ($w, $h) = gif_size ($body); if ($w && $h) { return ($w, $h); } return jpeg_size ($body); } # returns the full path of the named program, or undef. # sub which { my ($prog) = @_; foreach (split (/:/, $ENV{PATH})) { if (-x "$_/$prog") { return $prog; } } return undef; } ############################################################################## # # Running as a CGI # ############################################################################## my $body_tag = "\n"; my $html_document = ("" . "\n" . "\n" . " WebCollage\n" . "\n" . "\n" . $body_tag . "\n" . "

" . "\n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . " \n" . "
\n" . " WebCollage: \n" . "
by\n" . " Jamie Zawinski\n" . "
\n" . "\n" . "

Exterminate All Rational Thought.\n" . " \n" . "
This program creates collages out of random images\n" . " found on the Web.\n" . "

More images are being added to the\n" . " collage now: please wait for the image below to load.\n" . " This will take a minute or two, since it has to contact\n" . " other web sites to retrieve the images before it can construct\n" . " the collage. Once the image below is loaded, you can reload\n" . " this page to do it again.\n" . "

If you enjoy this, you might also enjoy\n" . " DadaDodo.\n" . " WebCollage also works as a screen saver, for those of you\n" . " using Unix: it is included with the\n" . " XScreenSaver\n" . " package.

\n" . "

\n" . " \n" . "
\n" . " %%MAP%%\n" . " \n" . "
\n" . "

\n" . "

\n"); my @time_fmt_days = ("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"); my @time_fmt_months = ("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"); # Converts a time_t to a string acceptable to HTTP. # sub format_http_time { my ($time) = @_; my @t = gmtime($time); my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday) = @t; $year += 1900; $wday = $time_fmt_days[$wday]; $mon = $time_fmt_months[$mon]; return sprintf("%s, %02d %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT", $wday, $mday, $mon, $year, $hour, $min, $sec); } # Parses exactly the time format that HTTP requires, no more, no less. # sub parse_http_time { ($_) = @_; if (!m/^[SMTWF][a-z][a-z]+, (\d\d)[- ]([JFMAJSOND][a-z][a-z]+)[- ](\d\d\d?\d?)[- ](\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)( GMT)?$/o) { return undef; } my @moy = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec); @moy{@moy} = (1..12); my $t = Time::Local::timegm($6, $5, $4, $1, $moy{$2}-1, ($3 < 100 ? $3 : $3-1900)); return ($t < 0 ? undef : $t); } # Given a modification time, returns a time_t to use as the expiration time # of both the HTML and the JPEG. # sub compute_expires_time { my ($mod_time) = (@_); my $now = time; if ($mod_time < $now) { $mod_time = $now; } return $mod_time + $max_age; } # Parse the If-Modified-Since header, and write a response if appropriate. # If this returns 1, we're done. # sub do_ifmod { # see http://vancouver-webpages.com/proxy/log-tail.pl and # http://mnot.cbd.net.au/cache_docs/ for clues about how to # do cacheing properly with CGI-generated documents. my ($mod_time) = (@_); if ($ENV{HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE}) { my $ims = $ENV{HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE}; $ims =~ s/;.*// ; # lose trailing "; length=3082" $ims = parse_http_time($ims); if ($ims && $mod_time <= $ims) { print "Status: 304 Not Modified\n\n" ; return 1; } } return 0; } # Returns N urls of images (and the pages on which they were found.) # Unless there is a significant surplus of URLs in the $pending_file, # this will spend $url_generation_time seconds generating as many URLs # as it can. The first N will be returned, and the rest will be left # in the file. # sub get_image_urls { my ($count) = @_; my @urls; my $body = ""; my $file_count = 0; local *PEND; # Open and lock the file (read/write.) # rewind after locking, in case we had to wait for the lock. # open (PEND, "+<$pending_file") || die "couldn't open $pending_file: $!"; if ($DEBUG > 2) { print STDERR "jpeg: opened $pending_file\n"; } my $flock_wait = time; flock (PEND, LOCK_EX) || die "couldn't lock $pending_file: $!"; $flock_wait = (time - $flock_wait); seek (PEND, 0, 0) || die "couldn't rewind $pending_file: $!"; if ($DEBUG > 2) { print STDERR "jpeg: locked $pending_file\n"; } # Take N URLs off the top, and leave the rest. # while () { if (--$count >= 0) { if ($DEBUG > 3) { print STDERR " < $_"; } s/[\r\n]+$//; $urls[++$#urls] = $_; } else { $body .= $_; if ($DEBUG > 3) { print STDERR " - $_"; } $file_count++; } } # rewind and overwrite the file seek (PEND, 0, 0) || die "couldn't rewind $pending_file: $!"; truncate (PEND, 0) || die "couldn't truncate $pending_file: $!"; print PEND $body; # If there are fewer than 3x as many URLs as we took left in the file, # then generate as many URLs as we can in N seconds. Take what we # need from that, and append the rest to the file. Note that we are # still holding a lock on the file. # # Count the time spent waiting for flock as time spent gathering URLs. # Because that means someone else was doing it. # $body = ""; if ($file_count < $count * 3) { my $timeout = $url_generation_time - $flock_wait; my $start = time; while (1) { last if ($timeout <= 0); if ($DEBUG > 2) { print STDERR "time remaining: $timeout\n"; } my ($base, $img) = pick_image ($timeout); if ($img) { $img =~ s/ /%20/g; $base =~ s/ /%20/g; $_ = "$img $base"; if ($count-- >= 0) { if ($DEBUG > 3) { print STDERR " << $img\n"; } $urls[++$#urls] = $_; } else { if ($DEBUG > 3) { print STDERR " >> $img\n"; } print PEND "$_\n"; # append to file $file_count++; } } my $now = time; my $elapsed = $now - $start; $timeout -= $elapsed; $start = $now; } } my $of = select(PEND); $| = 1; select($of); # flush output print PEND ""; flock (PEND, LOCK_UN) || die "couldn't unlock $pending_file: $!"; close (PEND) || die "couldn't close $pending_file: $!"; if ($DEBUG > 2) { print STDERR "jpeg: closed $pending_file; $file_count urls in file;" . " returning $#urls.\n"; } return @urls; } sub cgi_reset_all_files { foreach (@all_files) { my $file = $_; local *OUT; open (OUT, "+<$file") || die "couldn't open $file: $!"; flock (OUT, LOCK_EX) || die "couldn't lock $file: $!"; truncate (OUT, 0) || die "couldn't truncate $file: $!"; flock (OUT, LOCK_UN) || die "couldn't unlock $file: $!"; close (OUT) || die "couldn't close $file: $!"; } system "ppmmake '#000000' $img_width $img_height > $image_ppm" || die "failed to create blank $image_ppm file: $!"; system "cjpeg -progressive $image_ppm > $image_jpg" || die "failed to create blank $image_jpg file: $!"; } # Given the URL of an image and the page on which it was found, this will # load the image, and paste it at a random spot in $image_ppm and $img_jpg. # It will also update $map_file to contain the appropriate referer, and # will limit it to $max_map_entries lines. # sub cgi_paste_image { my ($img, $referer) = @_; my ( $base, $body ) = get_document ($img, $referer); return if (!$base || !$body); my ($iw, $ih) = image_size ($body); return if (!$iw || !$ih); if ($DEBUG > 2) { print STDERR "got $base ($iw x $ih)\n"; } my $cmd; if ($base =~ m/\.gif$/i) { $cmd = "giftopnm"; } else { $cmd = "djpeg"; } if ($iw > $img_width || $ih > $img_height) { while ($iw > $img_width || $ih > $img_height) { $iw = int($iw / 2); $ih = int($ih / 2); } $cmd .= " | pnmscale -xysize $iw $ih"; } my $x = int (rand() * ($img_width - $iw)); my $y = int (rand() * ($img_height - $ih)); $cmd .= " | pnmpaste - $x $y $image_ppm"; local *MAP; local *PIPE_OUT; # Open and lock the map (read/write.) # rewind after locking, in case we had to wait for the lock. # This lock doubles as our lock on the image file itself. # open (MAP, "+<$map_file") || die "couldn't open $map_file: $!"; if ($DEBUG > 2) { print STDERR "jpeg: opened $map_file\n"; } flock (MAP, LOCK_EX) || die "couldn't lock $map_file: $!"; seek (MAP, 0, 0) || die "couldn't rewind $map_file: $!"; if ($DEBUG > 2) { print STDERR "jpeg: locked $map_file\n"; } # Read in the first hundred lines of the map file. # my $map = ""; my $count = 0; while () { last if ($count++ > $max_map_entries); $map .= $_; } # Add this entry to the front of the map data. # $map = "$x $y $iw $ih $referer\n" . $map; # Ensure that the $image_ppm file exists and has a ppm in it. # my $ppm_size = $img_width * $img_height * 3 * 2; my $s = (stat($image_ppm))[7]; if ($s < $ppm_size) { if ( $DEBUG ) { print STDERR "$image_ppm is $s bytes;" . " should be at least $ppm_size\n"; print STDERR "resetting everything."; cgi_reset_all_files(); } } # Paste the bits into the image. Note that the map file is still locked. # local *TMP; open (TMP, ">$image_tmp") || die "couldn't open $image_tmp: $!"; close (TMP); if (! $DEBUG ) { $cmd = "( $cmd ) 2>/dev/null"; } $cmd .= " > $image_tmp"; if ($DEBUG > 2) { print STDERR "executing $cmd\n"; } if (open(PIPE_OUT, "| $cmd")) { print PIPE_OUT $body; close(PIPE_OUT); if ($DEBUG > 2) { system "ls -ldF $image_tmp >&2"; } my @tmp_stat = stat($image_tmp); if (@tmp_stat && $tmp_stat[7] < 200) { # unlink ($image_tmp) || die "couldn't unlink $image_tmp: $!"; open (OUT, ">$image_tmp") || die "$image_tmp unwritable: $!"; close (OUT); if ($DEBUG > 2) { print STDERR "FAILED writing $image_ppm\n"; } } else { # rename ($image_tmp, $image_ppm) || # die "couldn't rename $image_tmp to $image_ppm: $!"; local *IN; local *OUT; open (IN, "+<$image_tmp") || die "$image_tmp unreadable: $!"; open (OUT, ">$image_ppm") || die "$image_ppm unwritable: $!"; while () { print OUT $_; } truncate (IN, 0) || die "couldn't truncate $image_tmp: $!"; close (IN); close (OUT) || die "couldn't write $image_ppm: $!"; if ($DEBUG > 2) { print STDERR "wrote $image_ppm\n"; } # Now convert the PPM to a JPEG. # system "cjpeg -progressive $image_ppm > $image_tmp 2>/dev/null"; @tmp_stat = stat($image_tmp); if (@tmp_stat && $tmp_stat[7] < 200) { # unlink ($image_tmp) || die "couldn't unlink $image_tmp: $!"; open (OUT, ">$image_tmp") || die "$image_tmp unwritable: $!"; close (OUT); if ($DEBUG > 2) { print STDERR "FAILED writing $image_jpg\n"; } } else { # rename ($image_tmp, $image_ppm) || # die "couldn't rename $image_tmp to $image_ppm: $!"; open (IN, "+<$image_tmp") || die "$image_tmp unreadable: $!"; open (OUT, ">$image_jpg") || die "$image_jpg unwritable: $!"; while () { print OUT $_; } truncate (IN, 0) || die "couldn't truncate $image_tmp: $!"; close (IN); close (OUT) || die "couldn't write $image_jpg: $!"; if ($DEBUG > 2) { print STDERR "wrote $image_jpg\n"; } } } # Overwrite the map data. # seek (MAP, 0, 0) || die "couldn't rewind $map_file: $!"; truncate (MAP, 0) || die "couldn't truncate $map_file: $!"; print MAP $map; } my $of = select(MAP); $| = 1; select($of); # flush output print MAP ""; flock (MAP, LOCK_UN) || die "couldn't unlock $map_file: $!"; close (MAP) || die "couldn't close $map_file: $!"; if ($DEBUG > 2) { print STDERR "jpeg: closed $map_file\n"; } } sub cgi_generate_image { $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; my @urls = get_image_urls ($pastes_per_load); my $end_time = time + $image_retrieval_time; if ($DEBUG > 2) { print STDERR "loading $#urls images\n"; } foreach (@urls) { my ($img, $referer) = m/^([^ ]+) ([^ ]+)/; if ($img) { cgi_paste_image ($img, $referer); } last if (time > $end_time); } } sub cgi_sanity_check { my $error = undef; foreach (@all_files) { if (! -e $_) { $error = "$_ does not exist.\n"; } elsif (! -r $_) { $error = "$_ is unreadable.\n"; } elsif (! -w $_) { $error = "$_ is unwritable.\n"; } last if ($error); } return unless $error; print "Content-Type: text/html\n"; print "\n\nError$body_tag


"; print POSIX::getcwd() . "/" . $error . "

\n"; $_ = join(", ", @all_files); s/,([^,]*)$/, and$1/; print "Each of the files: $_\n"; print " must exist and be readable and writable by the httpd process\n"; print "(which probably means they must be globally readable and\n"; print "writable, since on most systems, CGI scripts run as the\n"; print "user nobody.)\n

\n"; exit (0); } # Write the encapsulating HTML document and associated HTTP headers. # This is fast -- it just writes out the wrapper document corresponding # to the data currently on disk. It is the loading of the sub-image # that does the real work. # sub cgi_emit_html_document { cgi_sanity_check; my $map_file_date; my $doc = $html_document; my $w2 = int ($img_width * $scale); my $h2 = int ($img_height * $scale); $doc =~ s/%%WIDTH%%/$w2/g; $doc =~ s/%%HEIGHT%%/$h2/g; local *MAP; open (MAP, "<$map_file") || die "couldn't open $map_file: $!"; if ($DEBUG > 2) { print STDERR "html: opened $map_file\n"; } flock (MAP, LOCK_SH) || die "couldn't lock $map_file: $!"; seek (MAP, 0, 0) || die "couldn't rewind $map_file: $!"; if ($DEBUG > 2) { print STDERR "html: locked $map_file\n"; } $map_file_date = (stat(MAP))[9]; my $map = "\n"; while () { my ($x, $y, $w, $h, $url) = m/^([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) (.*)$/; if ($w && $h) { $x = int($x * $scale); $y = int($y * $scale); $w = int($w * $scale); $h = int($h * $scale); # protect against URLs that contain <, >, or ". $url =~ s/([<>\"])/uc sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))/eg; my $x2 = $x + $w; my $y2 = $y + $h; $map .= "\n"; } } $map .= ""; flock (MAP, LOCK_UN) || die "couldn't unlock $map_file: $!"; close (MAP) || die "couldn't close $map_file: $!"; if ($DEBUG > 2) { print STDERR "html: closed $map_file\n"; } $doc =~ s/%%MAP%%/$map/g; my $img_name = "current"; $doc =~ s@%%IMAGE%%@images/$img_name.jpg@g; my $mod_time = $map_file_date; if ($script_date > $mod_time) { $mod_time = $script_date; } if (do_ifmod($mod_time)) { return; } my $exp = compute_expires_time($mod_time); print "Content-Type: text/html\n"; print "Content-Length: " . length($doc) . "\n"; print "Last-Modified: " . format_http_time($mod_time) . "\n"; # This is a suggestion to consider the object invalid after the given # date. This is sometimes ignored. # print "Expires: " . format_http_time($exp) . "\n"; # This may or may not cause a cacheing proxy to pass this stuff along. # It's not standardized, but was historically used for... something. print "Pragma: no-cache\n"; # This says the same thing as the Expires header, but it is a stronger # assertion that we're serious and should be listened to. # my $age = $exp - time; print "Cache-Control: max-age=$age, must-revalidate\n"; print "\n"; print $doc; } # Write the interior JPEG document and associated HTTP headers. # sub cgi_emit_jpeg_document { my $image_data = ""; my $jpg_file_date; my $do_ims = 0; # The map file is the means by which we hold write-locks on the image # file. So first obtain the lock on that file. # local *MAP; open (MAP, "+<$map_file") || die "couldn't open $map_file: $!"; if ($DEBUG > 2) { print STDERR "jpeg: opened $map_file\n"; } flock (MAP, LOCK_SH) || die "couldn't lock $map_file: $!"; if ($DEBUG > 2) { print STDERR "jpeg: locked $map_file\n"; } # Now we have exclusive access to the image file. Read it. # local *IMG; open (IMG, "<$image_jpg") || die "couldn't open $image_jpg: $!"; $jpg_file_date = (stat(IMG))[9]; if (do_ifmod($jpg_file_date)) { $do_ims = 1; if ($DEBUG > 2) { my $ims = $ENV{HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE}; $ims =~ s/;.*//; print STDERR "not-modified-since " . localtime(parse_http_time($ims)) . "\n"; print STDERR "jpg date: " . localtime($jpg_file_date) . "\n"; } } if (!$do_ims) { while () { $image_data .= $_; } } close (IMG) || die "couldn't close $image_jpg: $!"; # Now free the lock so that others can write to the file. # flock (MAP, LOCK_UN) || die "couldn't unlock $map_file: $!"; close (MAP) || die "couldn't close $map_file: $!"; if ($DEBUG > 2) { print STDERR "jpeg: closed $map_file\n"; } return if ($do_ims); # At this point, we have the image data we will be returning. # However, don't return it yet -- first go off and generate the # *next* image, then we can return *this* one. If we don't do it # in this order, people will jump the gun hitting reload, and no # image updates will happen. # my $type = "image/jpeg"; my $mod_time = $jpg_file_date; if ($script_date > $mod_time) { $mod_time = $script_date; } print "Last-Modified: " . format_http_time($mod_time) . "\n"; print "Expires: " . format_http_time(compute_expires_time($mod_time)) . "\n"; print "Content-Type: $type\n"; print "Content-Length: " . length($image_data) . "\n"; print "\n"; # Now, before returning the image data, go catatonic for a minute # while we load some URLs and make the next image. # cgi_generate_image; # Done setting up for next time -- now finish loading. # print $image_data; $image_data = undef; } # Write the source code of this script as a text/plain document. # sub cgi_emit_source_document { my $mod_time = $script_date; if (do_ifmod($mod_time)) { return; } print "Content-Type: text/plain\n"; print "Last-Modified: " . format_http_time($mod_time) . "\n"; print "\n"; open (IN, "<$argv0") || die "couldn't open $argv0: $!"; while () { print; } close (IN); } # Parse the various environment variables to decide how we were invoked, # and then do something about it. # sub cgi_main { $DEBUG=4; $ENV{PATH} .= ":/usr/local/bin"; # make sure the various programs we execute exist, right up front. foreach ("ppmmake", "cjpeg", "djpeg", "giftopnm", "pnmpaste", "pnmscale") { if (!which ($_)) { print "Content-Type: text/html\n"; print "\n\nError$body_tag


"; print "The $_ program was not found on \$PATH.
\n"; my $p = $ENV{PATH}; $p =~ s/%/%25/g; $p =~ s/\&/%26/g; $p =~ s//%3E/g; $p =~ s/:/:/g; print "\$PATH is: $p

\n"; exit (0); } } $script_date = (stat($argv0))[9]; print "Blat: Foop\n"; if ($ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} && $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} ne "GET" && $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} ne "HEAD" ) { print "Content-Type: text/html\n"; print "\n\nError$body_tag


"; $_ = $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD}; print "bad request method: $_\n"; exit (0); } elsif ( $ENV{QUERY_STRING} ) { if ( $ENV{QUERY_STRING} eq "reset" ) { cgi_reset_all_files; print "Content-Type: text/html\n"; print "\n\nCollage Reset"; print "$body_tag

Collage Reset

\n"; exit (0); } else { print "Content-Type: text/html\n"; print "\n\nError$body_tag


"; $_ = $ENV{QUERY_STRING}; print "malformed URL: $_\n"; exit (0); } } elsif ( !$ENV{PATH_INFO} || $ENV{PATH_INFO} eq "" ) { # don't allow /webcollage as a URL -- force it to be /webcollage/ print "Status: 301 Moved Permanently\n"; print "Location: http://" . ($ENV{HTTP_HOST} ? $ENV{HTTP_HOST} : $ENV{SERVER_NAME} ? $ENV{SERVER_NAME} : "???") . ($ENV{REQUEST_URI} ? $ENV{REQUEST_URI} : "") . "/\n\n"; exit (0); } elsif ( $ENV{PATH_INFO} eq "/" ) { cgi_emit_html_document; } elsif ( $ENV{PATH_INFO} =~ m@^/images/[^/]+\.jpg$@ ) { cgi_emit_jpeg_document; } elsif ( $ENV{PATH_INFO} eq "/webcollage.pl" ) { cgi_emit_source_document; } else { print "Content-Type: text/html\n"; print "\n\nError$body_tag


"; $_ = $ENV{PATH_INFO}; print "malformed URL: $_\n"; exit (0); } } ############################################################################## # # Generating a list of urls only # ############################################################################## sub url_only_output { $| = 1; do { my ($base, $img) = pick_image; if ($img) { $base =~ s/ /%20/g; $img =~ s/ /%20/g; print "$img $base\n"; } } while (1); } ############################################################################## # # Running as an xscreensaver module # ############################################################################## my $image_tmp2; my $image_tmp3; sub x_cleanup { if ($DEBUG > 0) { print STDERR "caught signal\n"; } unlink $image_ppm, $image_tmp, $image_tmp2, $image_tmp3; exit 1; } sub x_output { my $win_cmd = $ppm_to_root_window_cmd; $win_cmd =~ s/^([^ \t\r\n]+).*$/$1/; # make sure the various programs we execute exist, right up front. foreach ("ppmmake", "giftopnm", "djpeg", "pnmpaste", "pnmscale", $win_cmd) { which ($_) || die "$progname: $_ not found on \$PATH.\n"; } $SIG{HUP} = \&x_cleanup; $SIG{INT} = \&x_cleanup; $SIG{QUIT} = \&x_cleanup; $SIG{ABRT} = \&x_cleanup; $SIG{KILL} = \&x_cleanup; $SIG{TERM} = \&x_cleanup; # Need this so that if giftopnm dies, we don't die. $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; if (!$img_width || !$img_height) { $_ = "xdpyinfo"; which ($_) || die "$progname: $_ not found on \$PATH.\n"; $_ = `$_`; ($img_width, $img_height) = m/dimensions: *([0-9]+)x([0-9]+) /; } my $bgcolor = "#000000"; my $bgimage = undef; if ($background) { if ($background =~ m/^\#[0-9a-f]+$/i) { $bgcolor = $background; } elsif (-r $background) { $bgimage = $background; } elsif (! $background =~ m@^[-a-z0-9 ]+$@i) { print STDERR "not a color or readable file: $background\n"; exit 1; } else { # default to assuming it's a color $bgcolor = $background; } } # Create the sold-colored base image. # $_ = "ppmmake '$bgcolor' $img_width $img_height"; if ($DEBUG > 1) { print STDERR "creating base image: $_\n"; } system "$_ > $image_ppm"; # Paste the default background image in the middle of it. # if ($bgimage) { my ($iw, $ih); if (open(IMG, "<$bgimage")) { $_ = ; $_ = ; ($iw, $ih) = m/^([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)$/; close (IMG); } my $x = int (($img_width - $iw) / 2); my $y = int (($img_height - $ih) / 2); if ($DEBUG > 1) { print STDERR "pasting $bgimage into base image at $x, $y\n"; } system "pnmpaste $bgimage $x $y $image_ppm > $image_tmp2" . " && mv $image_tmp2 $image_ppm"; } do { my ($base, $img) = pick_image; my ($headers, $body); if ($img) { ($headers, $body) = get_document ($img, $base); } if ($body) { if ($DEBUG > 0) { print STDERR "got $img (" . length($body) . ")\n"; } my $cmd; if ($img =~ m/\.gif/i) { $cmd = "giftopnm"; } else { $cmd = "djpeg"; } if ($DEBUG == 0) { $cmd .= " 2>/dev/null"; } if (open(PIPE, "| $cmd > $image_tmp")) { print PIPE $body; close PIPE; if ($DEBUG > 1) { print STDERR "created $image_tmp ($cmd)\n"; } } if (-s $image_tmp) { if ($filter_cmd) { if ($DEBUG > 1) { print STDERR "running $filter_cmd\n"; } system "($filter_cmd) < $image_tmp > $image_tmp3" . " && mv $image_tmp3 $image_tmp"; } my ($iw, $ih); if (open(IMG, "<$image_tmp")) { $_ = ; $_ = ; ($iw, $ih) = m/^([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)$/; close (IMG); } if ($iw && $ih) { if ($DEBUG > 1) { print STDERR "image size is $iw x $ih\n"; } if ($iw > $img_width || $ih > $img_height) { while ($iw > $img_width || $ih > $img_height) { $iw = int($iw / 2); $ih = int($ih / 2); } if ($DEBUG > 1) { print STDERR "scaling to $iw x $ih\n"; } system "pnmscale -xysize $iw $ih $image_tmp" . " > $image_tmp2" . " 2>/dev/null && mv $image_tmp2 $image_tmp"; } my $x = int (rand() * ($img_width - $iw)); my $y = int (rand() * ($img_height - $ih)); if ($DEBUG > 1) { print STDERR "pasting at $x, $y in $image_ppm\n"; } system "pnmpaste $image_tmp $x $y $image_ppm" . " > $image_tmp2" . " && mv $image_tmp2 $image_ppm"; my $target = $image_ppm; if ($post_filter_cmd) { if ($DEBUG > 1) { print STDERR "running $post_filter_cmd\n"; } system "($post_filter_cmd) < $image_ppm > $image_tmp3"; $target = $image_tmp3; } if (!$no_output_p) { my $tsize = (stat($target))[7]; if ($tsize > 200) { $_ = $ppm_to_root_window_cmd; s/%%PPM%%/$target/; if ($DEBUG > 1) { print STDERR "running $_\n"; } system $_; } elsif ($DEBUG > 1) { print STDERR "$target size is $tsize\n"; } } } } unlink $image_tmp, $image_tmp2, $image_tmp3; } sleep $delay; } while (1); } sub x_main { # Unlike CGI, when running in X mode, the various tmp files should be # in the /tmp directory and should have gensymed names. # $image_ppm = ($ENV{TMPDIR} ? $ENV{TMPDIR} : "/tmp") . "/webcollage." . $$; $image_tmp = $image_ppm . "-1"; $image_tmp2 = $image_ppm . "-2"; $image_tmp3 = $image_ppm . "-3"; # In X mode, these aren't used. Set them to undef to error if we try. # $data_dir = undef; $image_jpg = undef; $pending_file = undef; $map_file = undef; $url_generation_time = undef; $image_retrieval_time = undef; $max_map_entries = undef; $pastes_per_load = undef; $max_age = undef; $script_date = undef; @all_files = undef; # In X mode, these come either from the command line, or from the X server. $img_width = undef; $img_height = undef; my $root_p = 0; while ($_ = $ARGV[0]) { shift @ARGV; if ($_ eq "-display" || $_ eq "-displ" || $_ eq "-disp" || $_ eq "-dis" || $_ eq "-dpy" || $_ eq "-d") { $ENV{DISPLAY} = shift @ARGV; } elsif ($_ eq "-root") { $root_p = 1; } elsif ($_ eq "-no-output") { $no_output_p = 1; } elsif ($_ eq "-urls-only") { $urls_only_p = 1; $no_output_p = 1; } elsif ($_ eq "-verbose") { $DEBUG++; } elsif (m/^-v+$/) { $DEBUG += length($_)-1; } elsif ($_ eq "-delay") { $delay = shift @ARGV; } elsif ($_ eq "-timeout") { $http_timeout = shift @ARGV; } elsif ($_ eq "-filter") { $filter_cmd = shift @ARGV; } elsif ($_ eq "-filter2") { $post_filter_cmd = shift @ARGV; } elsif ($_ eq "-background" || $_ eq "-bg") { $background = shift @ARGV; } elsif ($_ eq "-size") { $_ = shift @ARGV; if (m@^([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)$@) { $img_width = $1; $img_height = $2; } else { die "$progname: argument to \"-size\" must be" . " of the form \"640x400\"\n"; } } else { die "$copyright\nusage: $progname [-root]" . " [-display dpy] [-root] [-verbose] [-timeout secs]\n" . "\t\t [-delay secs] [-filter cmd] [-filter2 cmd]\n"; } } if (!$root_p && !$no_output_p) { die "$copyright" . "$progname: the -root argument is manditory (for now.)\n"; } if (!$no_output_p && !$ENV{DISPLAY}) { die "$progname: \$DISPLAY is not set.\n"; } if ($urls_only_p) { url_only_output; } else { x_output; } } ############################################################################## # # Decide if we're in X or CGI mode, and dispatch. # ############################################################################## sub main { srand(time ^ $$); if ( $progname =~ m/\.cgi$/i || $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} ) { cgi_main; } else { x_main; } } main; exit (0);